HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-12/16/19804:70, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD December 16, 1980 WORK SESSION 9:15 A.M. - The Board began auditing the bills. 9:30 A.M. - Mr. Charles Kuebler, Administrator of the Eastern Long Island Hospital and Dr. Z. Micah Kaplan met with the Town Board to discuss the proposal to lease a Vita-Stat Automatic Blood-Pressure Computer to be located at the Town Hall. Dr. Kaplan raised the question of whether it would be utilized enough and he was assured that close to 100,000 people come into the Town Hall over the course of a year. Dr. Kaplan said he has discussed this with the doctors at the hospital and they are not basically opposed to it. Mr. Keubler said be checked with the American Heart Association and they reocmmen- ded against it back in I978, however, recently they said that there is nothing inherently wrong with the the machine if the method of maintain- ing its accuracy is followed, and counseling is available for those who use the machine. Councilman Nickles recommedned melding the hsopital staff and services of Compu-Pressure Inc. into a viable program. Mr. Keubler thanked 'the Town Board for their support on the mental health issue. Their application is still pending and when it comes before the Suffolk County Legislature he woule appreciate the Town Board's wholehearted support, It was usggested that letters be sent to Dr. Harris of the Suffolk County Department of Helath Services, Legislator Gregory Blass and County Executive Peter Cohalan. 9:50 A.M. - The Board resumed auditing the bills. 10:00 A.M. - The Board began reviewing the agenda. 12:05 P.M. - Recess for lunch. 1:20 P.M. - The Board resumed reviewing the agenda. 1:35 P.M. - The Board met with Town Trustees Hataier, Smith, Kujawski, and Staples concerning mooring permits at the Norman E. Klipp Marine Park. Mrs. Hataier stated that Gull Pond is public waters and Klipp is public access and the Trustees are in total agreement that they should issue mooring-permits at that site, and in fact have done so. Supervisor Pell said it is now time for the Town Board to make the decision as to whether they wish to honor or rescind their March resolution empowering the Trustees to issue mooring permits at the bulkhead~ Town Attorney Tasker has received an opinion from Peter Spplrbaum, Senior Attorney for the Office of New York State Parks and Recreations stating that the mooring of boats along or near the bulkhead at Gull Pond is not inconsistent with the provisions of the 1970 agreement between the TOwn of Southold and the State of New York. Town Attorney Tasker was previously of the same opinion. It was the vote of the Town Board to abide by their March decision to allow the Town Trustees to issue permits at the bulkhead at Klipp park: Councilman Sullivan, Murdock, Nickles, Drum--yes. Supervisor Pell--No. 1:45 P.M. - The Board resumed reviewing the agenda. * * * * * A regular meeting of the Southold Town board was held on Tuesday, December 16, 1980 at the Southold Town Hall, Main aoad, Southold, New York. Supervisor Pell opened the meeting at 3:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Supervisor William R~ Pell, III Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J. Nickles DECEMBER 16, 1980· Councilman Lawrence. Murdock, Jr. Councilman George R. Sullivan , ~ , Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Deputy Supervisor Marie Bauer Johnson Absent: Justice Francis T. Doyen SUPERVISOR PELL: On behalf of the Town Board I'd like to thank you for coming out today to our regular Town Board meeting. Before we go into the agenda I have a couple of announcemenzs I would like to make. A couple of weeks ago we received a letter from Mrs. Martocchia, the wife of the man who sat in this seat for ten years, saying she would like to present to the Town the flag that was presented to her on the dan hex husband was buried. Approximately a half hour ago-- we did in~ite here.to come today to the Town Board meeting--a half hour ago her nephew came in to Town Hall and presented the Board with this flag from her to this Town and it will be flown at Town Hall here. Also, whe~ you go ou~ today I hope you will take a minute to pause as you are going ou~ the front door and look at the plaque that was placed there in the last couple of weeks. It is a stone, and upon the death!the friends and employees of the Town chipped in some money and had alnico little plaque made and it is placed in front of the Town Hall.! The gentleman did serve ten years in this chair, a long time, and we do want to remember him today as his wife presented the town with this flag. I will ask you to all rise and join in a minute of isilent prayer for this. COUNCILMAN DRUM: I would like to say, Bill, I hope perhaps at a later date we can have Mrs. Martocchia attend one of our meetings and make a little ceremony of it when she feels up to it. SUPERVISOR PELL: I agree, thank you. We have two guests with us today and I would-like to introduce them at this time and I understand they are going to stay for the length of the. meeting and there are items they will both be concerned with and we will go into a little bit and ask them to explain them when we come to them. The first one is our County Legislator Grog Blass. Gregory. SUFFOLK COUNTY LEGISLATOR GREGORY BLAS~: Supervisor, members of the Town Board, ladies and gentlemen. There are several items that ~ want to discuss with you today and I appreciate the invitation to come down here and talk to you about them. The first concerns the legislation to establish a beverage container law in the County of Suffolk known as the "Bottle Bill: which ks being sponsored by Legislator Patrick Halpin and Legislator John Sorli. That bill is now before the committee of Legislative/Personnel and Judiciary of which 1 am Chairman and as Chairman I want to invite you to please come and participate in the hearing which is taking place tomorrow evening in the Riverhead County Center at 7:30, If and when any elected officials appear at that hearing ~ give 'them first priority inasmuch as they represent the most people, to offer any statements, views, opinions, suggestions that the bill might use. If that hearing goes as expected, it should wind up about 10:30 or 11:00 o'clock at night, SO the earlier you get there the better~ We will be very glad to hear from you on that. The bill itself, when it is finished with the hearing process, I would point aut those are informal hearings, then the committee will take a vote on whether to discharge it to the legislature. I then expect a~ formal hearing to take place and be preseided over by the full legislature and that will probably be some time in the latter part of January and that is not to~ far from the time the bill will be voted on by the County. If it is ~assed, the bill will take effect in January of 1982, to give the community time to prepare for it, The bill has set up a minimum of five cents deposit on all beverage containers which contain o~ly two types of beverages and those would be carbonated soft drinks and beer or those beverages in the bee~ family, be they ale or malt liquor or whatever. The major objection.that we are having to the bottle bill and we had one informal hearing al. ready on ~he committee level and that was in Hauppauge, it was expressed by persons who are in the merchant community who deal in the sale of these beverages, were very concerned abo~t the Space necessary to store empties. They are also concerned about the health hazards whenthe empties which are not clean will be attracting all kinds of insect pests because of the sugar and residue in the container itself. 472 D CE. E Those two objections really focus on the major objections that we have against the bill. Also, the fact that it would only. be a county- wide ban on throw away containers for those types of beverages and not a statewide one. The logic behind the legislation is to promote the idea on a state level. As you may know, the legislation on the state level has been in the committee process for about five years. It's been held up that long. I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have about the bill after I finish and I have given copies of the legislation as it is currently written to all the members of the Town Board. On another note, we have the matter concerning dredging which I wanted to bring to your attention. The people in the Department of Public Works who are responsbile for the dredging once it is approved by the legislature have told me that we have a number of places in the County of Suffolk, particularly on the east end and particularly in the towns of Southold and Southampton, which are problem areas which require dredging every year in order to be properly maintained and open for navigational purposes and they have suggested that I provide them with a list of those areas that they think might merit different attention and different action than the routine annual dredging and by that they mean the possibility of jetty construction. I told them that I am not prepared to submit such a list, I would yield to the Town Board of the ~Qw~s involved and I am doing that today with the Town"of Southold~ To you gentlemen, because actually the idea of jetties is a controversial one and you know what harm they can do as well as good, but there may be some places that a jetty would not be harmful and that might benefit the dredging situation that we have and one places that comes to mind will be discussed Today by some resident~ in the amea on Cedar Beach, but ~ am leaving it ultimately up to the Town Boamd to decide and if there are any areas which might be better treated with jetty construction thatn annual dredging. ~f and when the Town Board provides thexr report and the Trustees of the Town provide their input I will be prepared to take whatever action that you sugges~ hut as far as I~m concerned, the view is among the public woFks department people, that if a jetty is constructed in certain areas ~t will actually enhance the en¥~monm~n.tal s~ation as well as e~h~ncing the p~ob!em solution, So those are the major points T had to say about dredging today. I will await a list from the Town before I do anything. Next comes the situation with the charge-back system. We have two points there~ Just to go into the hfstory of the situation a little bit. The county police department is a police department that was turned down i~ the referendum as far as the east end towns go. When it was set up in 1960 only the five western towns of Suffolk County approved of the coun~y4wlde police department and in fact, that is what they've h~d ail th~s time. It is without question~ and I have this as an observation of my own, the most expensive police department in the nation with a strong second by that of Nassau County and the effort to diminish our burden of the expense of the county police department had some success this year. County Executive Cohalan and ~ were able to put through a proposal in the county legislature which removed the general funds contributions to the Seventh Squad Detectives which are an arm of the county police department and which works with the ~ifferent town police departments on the east end for major crimes investigations. As a result of eliminating that general fund contribution, when and if the towns on the east end use the county police seventh squad, they will pay for it on an individual basis, on a pro rata basis mather than having an annual that we were faced with. Many of us thought that annual charge was too high and many of us thought that the services that we got back as a result of th~t annual charge was not adequate through paying rom more than we are getting~ So as a result of the fact that we are no longer pyaing an annual general fund charge to the county police seventh squad we're supposed to start with some type of charge back system. The charge back system would be defined as the formula by which we PaY the seventh squad services on an individual basis. If a Suffolk County Police Department--or I should say an east end town, say the Town o£ Southold, decides they want to use.the seventh squad, number one they will know they will have to pay for it as they use it, rather than knowing it is always there at their disposal. This 1 think would compel a carefuI and more select use of the seventh squad services. But if they do decide ~ use it they will need some type of formula to calculate how much it will cost them. This is what the seventh squad is supposed to do and as I understand, the county comptroller and the east end supervisors had decided to form a committee to set our some type of charge back system, I don't know where the progress ~£'th~t committee's work is now. I really have no idea the way that's going, but I do know that the charge back system will be needed because we need some type of formula to calculate how the seventh squad's services will be paid for when and if they are used. Something should be in order starting in January and the county executive's budget people are trying to work on some type of formula as well but the comptroller and supervisor's input will be most helpful. The other point about the county police situation involves the county treasurer's office and the use of the money that's collected for the police district. We are not in the police district, as I explained, the five western towns are. The £ive western towns have their own police district and are burdened quite heavily by it and when the county treasurer has these funds, the treasurer would invest them in short term notes unless the revenues had to be used right away. The money that didn't have to be used right away was invested which is a normal and routine fiscal practice among municipalities. Well; when the treasurer did this the interest that was earned on these short term investments was paid into the general fund. Several members of the legislature, whom I shan't name, have said that this practice is not proper and that the money that is taken from interest on investments should be channeled back to the district taxes and not to the general fund. If this comes about we are going to have what I would describe as a gap in the general fund that we never had before. So I think that this investment practice by the treasurer of police district taxes and what is done with the interest on those taxes out to be considered very carefully and if in deed the investment--interest income from the police district taxes is taken--not in the general fund, but back into the district fund, we are going to have a gap we've never had before and we may have to have a tax'adjustment in the town budgets. I would suggest again that communication with the treasurer's office and a:discussion of just what her plans woul~d be in light of this criticism on the legislature would be very much in order ~rom all. the towns and I'm making this suggestion to all the towns. Those are the two points I only wanted to make on the police charge back situation. The last point ~ want to discuss is the OTB revenue sharing. A proposal is pending in the legislature to channel some of the money that is earned by'Off T~ack Betting in the different betting parlors thraughout the county, To channel some of it back to the towns on a revenue sharing basis. It is the view of several of the sponsors that the towns are in need os some ~inancial assistance there's already been a call for some revenue sharing as a sales tax revenue which I generally support. I think that we ought to Consider the OTB revenue sharing idea as well because we are getting increasing amounts of revenue every year from that just as we have with the sales tax revenue, How it's going to be distributed, what method of dis- tribution is used, what amounts will be distributed to the towns, how it will be decided, all these factors are still in the air and remain unsolved. I would suggest that careful review be given to the document that I distributed to you which comes from the budget review o££ice, tt goes through a series of suggestions on OTB revenue sharing, so that instead of alt the money going from OTB to county treasury, some of the money will ge fromOTB directly to the town boards and the town treasuries, 'The interesting point is we only ha~e, as 1 understand, two OTB parlors out here on the east end~ So I don~t think that we should rely upon that as a source to calculate how much of the revenue should come out here but I would say that the matter merits very careful review'and again I~m looking to the Town Board~ for their suggestions before the decisions are made on that as far as the first district is concerned. That concludes the points I wanted to make and I~ll be glad to answer any questions you might have. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: You mentioned something at the end. of your presentation that came to, ~ think, my mind and other Board members. Inasmuch as Southold Town.does not have an OTB parlor within out Town, how much revenue could we antocipate back, when in a sense we're not directly participating, although I~m sure residents ~o~ our Town travel to Rive~head and try their luck. LEGISLATOR BLASS: I understand that Southold Town'does more than its ~hare of keeping OTB'going and 1 think that ~e-fact that you don't have the parlo~ in the Town is not a~fai'r basis. ~ don~t think that that ~as e~en been con.~i~e~ed hut. ~11 keep an eye o~t for that type of thinking and 1 woutdn~t be surprised i£ it emerges at the last minute, but I will say this, that there is--regardless of where the parlors are located, the money going to the OTB--from the OTB revenue to the county treasury is substantial and there is a resolution pending to distribute it somehow to all the ~owns and no~ only the towns that have parlors in them. I believe that there are several--a couple of the western towns have the same problem, that they don't have parlors within the townships. I'm not sure which ones but I don't think that will be a basis. COUNCILMAN DRUM: I might say that your idea, Greg, was most commendable that we do equally amongst all the towns. However, you and i being realistic probably realize that would not be so. But at least your comments are most appreciative. I appreciate your comments. LEGISLATOR BLASS: Thank. you, Hank, I think that the per capita' approach is the most popular one among the legislators. It's the most--it means we will receive the least amoun~ of money because we have the least population but when you try to sell an idea, you have to sell it countywide and that's where we have the problem, where are just one of eighteen votes on the legislature. COUNCILMAN DRUM: I think probably per capita has the best chance of success. I do feel, I notice in the alternatives, the three alternatives on the amounts to'be distributed, I would like to see it just not be that amount that exceeds the annual expectation. I believe you provided us with some figures that said, well if we exceed the million or whatever it might be, annually, that additional amount would be distributed, to me it would seem that it would be more feasible if we in the towns could plan on say, whether it be one million of the--oh, I guess this past year it would be about eight million dollars, I believe your figures furnished. But if we could have a figure that we know it would be, say a set amount of one million or whatever, it would make it easier for us to plan without budgetary processes, make it a lot easier. LEGISLATOR BLASS: That is something I will relay to them They never are really sure of what happened with OTB revenue. I have one report that as economic times are bad for one particular area the OTB revenue actually goes up and visa versa. So to actually project se~ amounts may be more difficult than is possible. Their problem with sales tax revenue sharing, which is the alternative form o£ revenue sharing that the county has discussed is that a certain portion of the sales tax has been pledged to bonded indebtedness for the Southwest Sewer District and because of that complication there has been some maneuvering going on with the bonding lawyers and others to suggest that further investigation has to be had before they go ahead with sales tax revenue sharing. I'm not saying that I adopt that argumen~ but that accounvs for the delay. That that source has a better chance of passage. COUNCILMAN DRUM: Dredging. Concerning the dredging as we have discussed it in the past and as you know discussed it with the county, John Guildi, who is in charge of the dredging, and discussed looking at the jetties, as you mentioned, as a possibility. Of course its got to be-investigated very closely. As you know, at present we have The Goldsmith Inlet study and we do have a law suit, I believe. So, whereas I perhaps support the je~y concep~ as a means of keeping our inlets open because some of our inlets: have to be dredged--we're only talking about the entrance now to the inlets, require annual dredging and it becomes an expensive proposition, but it's an annual proposition and it is the general concensus the jetties will do it. But I am recommending that we find--get the results from Goldsmith Inlet study which we're spending a hundred or so thousand dollars I believe. LEGISLATOR BLASS: That's the Greenman-Pedersen report. I under- stand that will be released-~I spoke on the phon- today with certain people in the~county government and they tell me the Greenman-Pedersen report will be released in final from within two weeks. They gave me that assurance. They tell me that the report will possibly contain two aspects: 1. whether or not the jetty by Goldsmiths Inlet is indeed the cause of the problem of erosion. The second aspect of the report will determine what mlternatives there might be to the problem being solved. However, I understand from the county a~norney's office only the first aspect'of the report will be released: The s_econd aspect ,af::~the report will be used for the p~epa, ration of the law.suit that you mentioned~. But there should be a final report on th;ed~'o.n whether the' jet'ty is the problem. COUNCILMAN DRUM: LEGISLATOR BLASS: two quick things. SUPERVISOR PELL: LEGISLATOR BLASS: SUPERVISOR PELL: Maybe that w. ill give us some answers. Hopefully it will, ! just want to mention have a public hearing scheduled at 3:30, see. ~11 be here. And the other guest we have if from our county execs office who is going to be with us throughout the day and her name of Joyce Roscoe. She is appointe'd'liason officer for the east end affairs representing the county exec. You want to say a few words? JOYCE ROSCOE: Briefly 1 would like to say hello to everyone and say that I look forwar~ to working with the~county executive and my function will be to direct problems from the towns and villages to Mr. Cohalan. So anything that you'h~ve tha~ you may wan~ to be directed to him, please con~act me. I am located in Riverhead at the County Center five days a.week. This is a~new office that we should use very seriously because it is 'a~ gre~t opportunity for us out on the east end to get more i~put into cou'nty government. Thank you very much. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Joyce. I~d like to go to the public hearing scheduled~for 3:30 today, We have to have a motion to recess as long as it takes re conduct tw~ publ'ic hearings. On motion Of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that a recess be called at 3:30 P,M'. for the necessary time that iS required to conduct the following public hearings: 3:30 P,M. - on the application of Carol Ga~gano for a wetland perm. it~ 3:35 P.M. - on the application of Norman C. Boos for a wetland permit, Vote of the Town Board: Ayes~ Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum~ Supervisor Pell. This resolu.tion was declared duly adopted. Meeting reconvened at 4;00 p.~ COUNTY LEGISLATOR BLASS: I want to wind up what I was talking about by saying that the signs for the change of County Road 27 to County Road 28 should be in place-~48. Ir'will not be 28, and that was the problem. Those wi'll be cleared as%s~on as the state offices in Hauppauge.~ we are fort. unately not'bothering ~ith the officers in Albany~ in HaupPkuge, will approve i~. ! understand that approval is routine and I expect the actual sign change, CR 48~ will be in the very near future. The other point that 1 ~anted to make was'the the Greenporz dock repair, the Long Island Railroad Dock is'moving forward very well~-(.Supervisor Pell called for orde~ in the room.)-.-The Greenport dock repair project that the county Is undertaking t~enhance the commerical fishing industry~ and that's the economy of the north fork, is moving forward very v~ell. We expect an appropriation resolution probably in the ~ery early spring by which time the lease of the pier w, ill~ be completed. And the last point ~ want to make concerns s~fe drinking water. A resolution ~a~' adoptedhy the legls!~tu~e £o'r ~e~enua sh~ring f~om the county w~iththe to,ns for s~fe 'dr~nking~w~ate'~ T was the co~ sponsor of this resolution~ It prey!desk-again we. were talking about per capita distribution of revenue sh~rin~ before~.~his is the same thing. All we get in the To~n of Southold i'f.~%50,000~00 but that's better than nothfng and tha~ ~oney can be used fo~ the delivery of safe drinking water and any means by which the Tow~ can devise to do that. I asked for an opinion from the coun.ty attorney whether incorporated villages ~ithin a Town can ~ake use of this'and the answer ~S, ~e~the~.~can~ The application must be made~ of course, to the county executive,s 'officeu Any program te~de!iver safe drinking water that can be devised by the ~town is eligible. However, the only limitation is this revenue sh~ring cannot be used to add 476 16, administrative positions. It should be used within the existing personnel and departments of the township and it can be used for whatever program can be devised by the Town. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: How long a time contraint do we have to formulate a program? Is this a one year program or do we have two years or three years? LEGISLATOR BLASS: You apply and your program is accepted, you have any mount of time from now on to apply. But one you apply you must use the money within a two year period or the money is taken back. SUPERVISOR PELL: It's a one year grant. One year can apply this year and next year too? LEGISLATOR BLASS: It could. It will go into 1981 and beyond. The money is already set aside for that. SUPERVISOR PELL: $60,000. is our maximum we can apply for. LEGISLATOR BLASS: $4,000,000. total program with the county, $60,000 maximum to the Town of Southold. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: My problem is that we may have a problem that will develop with us in the town level two years from now. The public health department is testing some areas in the town and we have--it may be two years down the road before we have an answer and I would like to apply for that money at that time. But if we can't wait the two years to apply for the money then we'll have to look for other uses. Would we have two years to apply? LEGISLATOR BLASS: If you were to submit the application now and receive--and the application were granted, you would have two years. But you don't have a program now-- COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: We don't have a need, a defined need today. The county public health department hasn't told us where the problem will be. They are testing three areas in Town and one of which I feel will be definitely the Town's responsibility. But it might take two years for them to define our problem and the scope of our problem and therefore we can't make an application because we don't have a specific problem defined for us. LEGISLATOR BLASS: I understand that the allocation of $4,000.000 with the $60,000 of which for the Town of Southold will be available beyond this year and beyond next year. You do have time to put something together. I also understand that this is the first of what may be a chain o£ resolutions for the safe drinking water revenue sharing. I think that's a good possibility. A $60,000 maximUm~and the time frame that we discussed is strictly a beginning and we probably have a good chance to see the county finally giving some attnetion To this problem, which I think is probably the main-- That concludes my discussion and thank you very much. Again, please call on me if there is anything I can do. SUPERVISOR PELL: Tomorrow night--I just want to clarify-- is an information meeting. It is not the final hearing so if we do not have a stand to make tomorrow ~ight we can make it at the final hearing. I had hoped that you would get here at 2:30 and we could bat this around and see if the Board was ready to take a stand. LEGISLATOR BLASS: I wasn't prepared to ask you. I don't think that you can take one now but I will point out only two of the east end Towns have taken a position and the others have not. When I have the word on the final hearing that should be in January I'll relay that date to you. I have to leave now, and thank you for your time. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Gregory. Back to the agenda. Approval of the minutes of the December 2nd meeting. On motion of Councilman Drum, .seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the December 2, 1980 Southold Town Board meeting be and are hereby approved as submitted. Vote of the Town Board: Councilman Sullivan~ Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Recommended date for the next Town Board meeting, December 30th at 3:00 P.M. On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board will be held at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, December 30, 1980 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Approval of the audit of bills the Board did this morning. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded'by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the following audited bills be and hereby are ordered paid: Whole Town General Fund bills in the amount of $14,615.48; Part Town General Fund bills in the amount of $2089.72; Highway Department bills in the amount of $15,378.29; Federal Revenue Sharing bills in the amount of $3,943.21; Division of Youth SDDP Program bills in the amount of $2,549.37; Delinquency Diversion and Prevention Project bills in the amount of $36.85. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. I. REPORTS - SUPERVSIOR PELL: These reports are placed on file in the Town Clerk's Office available for anybody to review them. 1. Town Clerk's report (month of November, 1980). 2. Building Inspect:otis monthly report (month of November, 1980.) 3. North Fork Animal Welfare League report (month of November, 1980). 4. Judge Tedeschi's monthly report (Month of November, 1980). 5. -Me~thly report from Cablevision on the number of calls and complaints they have (November, 1980). 6. Reports by the Councilmen. I will ask any Councilmen if they have a report that they,d~like to make? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Pardon me, Bill. I'd tike to go back to one thing with this Cablevision report. It happens to be for the month of November and as we all know, the Cablevision system was down on the 6th day of November and the Cablevision report that on the 6th day of November-- I'm sorry, that might not be the 6th day, but no date under any category do they list more than 22 calls, I' ' m sorry, one is 31. So there were 31 calls and I think we on the Town Board level, both collectively and individually had well over 31 Calls. I find it hard to believe that they only'had--and I don't have their code book here to see what code A-9 is. I find it hard to believe that with that circumstance on Election Day where everybody was so vitally involved with television and so deeply upset that they only got a maximum of 31 calls and if they only got a maximum o£ 31' calls then I would strongly think that they must have taken the phone Off the hook and left it off and I would like our office to ask them for a deeper explanation of how many calls they got' on that day and if it was such a few people, ~why was it so few in light-of our experience. SUPERVISOR PELL: I got 31 calls in here, Larry. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I think so. We all got them at home. We all got them on the street, we all got them here in the Town Hall. SUPERVSIOR PELL: I will so send a letter. Councilmen's report. Does any Councilman have a report he wishes to make? COUNCILMAN DRUM: I coveredm, earlier in the day, rather than take a great -deal o£ time now the Off Track Betting has been adequately covered and I believe also the Suffolk County Airport report to the Board could be considered further at the nex~ meeting. 478, D ,CEM ,R 16, 1980 SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Apybody else? DepuTy Supervisor Marie, you want anything To report? (nothing). I have a little bit of good news I will hit on lightly as I did with the Board today. In the last month I had three consumer affairs complaints regarding Southold Town residents being, I.would say,"taken" by out of Town contractors. I did contact the county exec's office and with hishelp Two of the three complaints have been semi-remedied. The nicest one was yesterday about 3:00 o'.clock, half past three I got a telephone call from a, I am going to say, approximately 70, 75 year old widow who called up crying on the phone. She was in the office two or three weeks ago crying that~she was "taken" by somebody who was going to come and do her driveway--fix her 'driveway all up and they come and started work the first day and then the boss come and says I can't be here tomorrow to finish the job but my men will be back to finish it. If you could possibly pay me today so I won't be be here tomorrow and my men will finish the job and he was a very. nice gentleman, and she agreed to do it and she paid him in cash. Some o£ the schemes .they use in.Town~ if you pay in cash you won't have :to PaY the salES tax, w.on"t charge you slaes tax. It's a t~o way sword, 'She did pay in cash amd the gnetleman never came back to finish the drivewya~ Through the help of our county e~ec~'w office, yesterday the gentleman came back and re£unded $600 o£ the $800 .she paid him. So there is a Santa Claus. And she called up yesterday to th.auk the office of the ~.own and our county exec for the help that we did received and I did send a letter To Mr. Rosenhlum with a copy tD the county exec praising him of his fast wo~k on this for us, So the~e is a Santa Claus, she says~ in town. ~ PUBLIC NOTICES - COUNCILMAN NICKLES: 1. We ha.ye Public.Notice No. 10496 from the Department of the Army, New York District, Corps of Engineers. An application by michael Cotavito residing at 198 D~rby Street, East WiIliston, New York to perform dredging at Corey Creek, Little Peconic Bay. Des- the mouth cription of the work - The 'appliCant proposes to dredge of an existing canal to a maximum depth of 6 feet below the plane of the mean low water, as shown on the attached drawing. Approximatelyi i 110 cubic yards of material will be removed from the site. The dredged material will be deposited on an upaldn (non-wetland) disposal site where it will be suitable retained re prevent its re-entry into the waterway. The purpose of this work is To maintain the required depth for safe navigation. A copy of the Work plans and the no, ice is at the Town Clerk's. The response date'on~this if you wish to respond is January 2, 1981~ III. COMMUNICATIONS - .SUPER¥ISOR PELL: 1. About the proposed "Bottle Billu, ~r~'Blass w~s here cad Talked on that one~ 2. Regards 5o the OTB revenue sharing for the ~owns~ He also spoke on that one. 3~ A request from our county executive to set up office in Town for help to the Italian earthquake victims. We are using Town Hall and we have people who brought merchandise or clothing in To go To Italy. We Will be in touch 'with your office to find out where to take them from here, but we have people coming in. Yesterday 1 had a group of 4-H little girls come in, 9-10 years old, and'they had been out in the neighborhood and brought in a box or two of clothes for this program. 4. A letter sent.to us, we are referring it to the Planning. Board where it belongs. (request for bond'release on Greenbrier Acres subdivision)~ 5~ The next request is for Cub Scout'Pack No~ 6 to use the Rec buildin~ on Peconic Lane on March 1st for their Blue and Gold Dinner. a request that we wil'l honor. 6. From Pan Tech Managememt. They are holding a public meeting tonight in Town Hall at 7:00 o~clOck in the proposed federal revenue sharing money that we will get through the consortium working through the county~ Again we will receive next year approximately $225,000. This is a three year program. We will get that much each year. Tonight we are holding a hearing. If people come UP we would like to say how they would like to see this spent. It wi.'ll be conducted by Pan Tech Managemen~ 7. We have the people in .the 'audience that would like to address this~ It,s a petition that w~s given to the Tow, n on Novembe.~, December some time with 44 names on requesting that the Town ask the county i79 to put a jetty in on Cedar Be~dh[ 'Cbuncilman Drum will ~dd~e~$ thi~, COUNCILMAN DRUM: We discussed this to a limited extent with Mr. Blass here this morning or earlier this afternoon. I had spoken with the county, Mr. Guildi, who is in:charge of dredging for Suffolk County and we are in the process of looking at all of our inlets~ particularly along the B~. They are continually filling, the Bay inlets, entrance ways and werre going to wait until we have completed the Goldsmith Inlet study and see what it comes up with. I think that it is essential that we wait for that study which is due to be completed in about two weeks ! believe. BOB GAZZA: I live on Cedar Beach. I do have one request, and :.I~m sure that ~11 the petitions ask the same thing, Even if the Goldsmith Inlet study shows that the jetty has caused erosion at Goldsmith Inlet that we at least perform an engineering study on Cedar Beach. The reason I am asking this is because we've had a house on the Sound since 1947 and I know we have a severe erosion problem at that house for 30 years now. The majority of the erosion is caused in the winter by the winds coming out of the north. The Cedar Beach Inlet is in the lea of the Bay and we are getting our erosion from the wings in the summer when the winds come out of the west. We have a west-east erosion problem there. Even if they continue dredging it and putting the spoils on the east what is going to happen is all the houses on the beach located on the west side, that beach is going to disappear and the bulkhead will be undermined. I spoke with the County and they said they a~so feel of course, pending an engineering study, that if they put a jetty down the west side to protect those beaches, that the county park is on the east side and then you once every four or five years send built up on the west side behind the jetty they could pump it over to the east side and avoid any erosion problems at the county park. The only other thing I have to sa~y is I would like to leave some pictures with the Town Board that show the severity of the problem. COUNCILMAN DRUM: I would like to assure you that I have looked at the Cedar Beach Inlet perhaps at least once every month since last January and am well aware. Now, Cedar Beach is not the only inlet that closes. There are other inlets that absolutely close every year unless we move some of the sand and I realize the latoral drift is from the west to the east primarily in the Bay. That's generally the way it does, and some of it should be put back to the west from whence it:came. But here again we'll gev into it more detail with the county. SUPERVISOR PELL: If you would like to leave the pictures with the Town Clerk we'll be glad to have them in the file. FRED ADLER: I'm the preseident of the Cedar Beach Park Association and I have a letter here which I want in the record in support, generally support of the petition that Mr. Gazza has submitted to you. I don't want--I'd like the opportunity now just to take only a few minutes or so to read briefly from the letter because I believe there are certain points concerning this situation as a special situation which have not been brought out and which deserve considera- tion. So with your indulgence--"The Cedar Beach Park Association, Inc. lends its general support to this petition. Our Association represents forty-five families with water front homes at Cedar Beach who depend on a navigable and free-flowing inlet for enjoyment of boating, swimming and the flourishing ecology of the area. At present, as has been noted, the inlet ms unnavigable and shoaling threatens blockage with destructive consequences to the environment. Now, this next point is what has not been mentioned, this condition is the direct result Of a grossly mismanaged County dredging project during 1979. This dredging proceeded in contradiction to conditions specified by the Suffolk County Council of Environmental Quality in their letter of approval dated December 7. 1976 and I~ve attached a copy and since that time and even before that permit that the permit process had given away, but in their letter there was a provision #3 which directed, which was directed to county officials concerned with this application at the time. Now this provision #3 said this, that the spoils of this dredging be placed on the east .... a side of the inlet to prevent reentry to the inlet. Instead the spoils were actually deposited on the west side with immediate disastrous results as predicted in this provision #4. Even as work was in progress last year, members of our Association warned the county that the spoils were returning as fast as they were being deposited and during this time our Association received the cooperation of our then Town Supervisor Mr. Homart and Councilman NiCkl~s to seek a remedy while it was occuring. This resulted in our letter tolthen Representative Hurley suggesting some sort of minimum bulkhead to prevent the immediate return. Now, as you know, the condition has only worsened since then and nothing has been done. The question of erosion has been brought up here. We have never been aware or suffered a Question Of erosion. Nobody's land is significantly lost--of course, we have beach front owners who would like to reconstitute large beaches but it has not been regarded as erosion problem. What we have here, really, is a mismanaged mouth maintenance and it is not a vast project to take the spoils and put it where it should have been. Now mention, has been made of the fact that this type of maintenance is a yearly thing. The best of memory of the old timers in our area, there was never a decade in which this kind of mouth maintenance occurred more than twice during a Ten year p~d and wh.i~e it w~sn~t totally satisfactory, it was certainly a hell o~ a ~ot het~e~ th~n our present situation because it was mismanaged ~a~t':dredg~ng~ So we seek your cooperation and ask you t~ be~r in mind the £acts concerning the mismanaged deposit of the spoils during the last dredging~ SUPERVISOR PELL: Yes, we are W~'ll aware of the spoil area being put on the w~ong si'de, Council,an Drum is working on it, He is £ami!iar with it and he is going to pursue it with County Legislator Blass. Mr. Guildi is already slated to come out here and review all o£ our c~eeks., COUNC%LMAN DRY: Th~t~s right~ And Fen know, we did put the spoil to the east. Of co~rse in ~79, which 'again was before my watch, but that's neithe~ here no the~e, there-~as the concern of the terns which actually sop~ted fr~om putting it--part of it--but I mean this was part o£ it, But we wdll kook into it~ MR. ADLER; That again w, as another evidence of gross mismanagement. The letter o£ the Env$~onme~tal council which I referred to had another P~OVi~ion,pro~ision #2 and it ~ill be part of the record. It said ~hat it a,k~tld occ~'r, that the dredging should occur during the winter months'~not 'to disturb the terns, Instead this project took place d~r~ng the s~mmer months ~hen the. tar-ns were nesting and so th.eM had an excuse to p~ it ~here it should have gone. So I say th.~tis to-tally mis~m~na~d. '~nt the important thing here is not ~o confuse eu~ situation and the~e :is a tendency to do with what is happening on the north, shore in connection ~ith Goldsmith Inlet because it is not that kind of a situation and erosion is not the question ~nd we do think ~e h~e a particular situation which requires a Particular solution and we ask that it not be lumped together for additional confusion, SUPE~V~SO~ PELL: Mr. Adler, if you would give the Town Clerk the letter you ha/va there it w,i~l be made part o! the record, MR, JiO~N GOR)IEL¥: f ha,ye yhe minutes from 19-- zwo years ago, t77 Your minutes, your hearing, your plans here 'where all this fill was to be deposited and work was to be completed and it never was done for two years and }~d like to make this part o£ the record. You voted on it. ~e~re still waiting for it. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: t~d like to point out that during 1979 I don't think it was the tern p~ob~em that cuased the dredging to go askew there, I think pa~t of the problem'was contributed by one of the private property o~ners, This is why then Supervisor Homan and myself who were on the ~ater'ways Committee at the time visited the site and because of, I forget the gentleman's name, he lives right on the west side of the inlet, and when the county contractor was there working the gentleman who owned the property, as 1 understand it, stopped him from finishing the job. It then took a lot of foot work on the Town Board's behalf to gez the county to gez a contractor back down to at least finish that project. As far as what you folks are saying about the spoil going on the easz side or west side, I can go back to 1976 when the initial plans were drawn for that creek and the spoil was to be somewhat evenly distributed on both shores. But earlier this fall I don't see any mention in the letter from the petitions, a gentleman from you Association called me and ECE ER 16, 19 0 i81 asked what assistance the Town Board could provide in this matter and they asked in a sense that if it cost $100 the property owners there were Willing to pay $50 or at least 50% of the cost of putting in this jetty, as it is to go in on, as I understand it, what you ame requesting is on private property. I gather from reading this letter that that is not the case any more and you have no intention of paying any share of the burden of putting this jetty in. MR. ADLER: Nothing. SUPERVISOR PELL: As I would like to move on, this is under communication at this time. The Town Board has received it. We have discussed it with Mr. Guildi, we are looking into it and we will be moving on it and keep you informed. I have the three names of the gentlemen who visited me and leave your names and we will be in touch on the progress as it is made. Thank you. 8. A request for s street light to be turned over to the Street Light Committee. 9. Letter to the Town Board. It belongs to the Planning Board for review and the Planning Board will review it and reply to it. (Letter from Ernest Wilsberg concerning the inspection fee of "Long Pond Estates". 10. From what we call H2M informing the Town that on our Warning Sign Project the Town was supposed to come up with $8,600, it only has to come up with $3,900. ~educting those costs to the Town from the overall project which we were to come up with 25%, now it's down. IV. HEARINGS & DECISIONS SUPERVISOR PELL: Is the Board ready to act on Paradise Point Corp., the hearing was held on December 2nd? 1. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, WHEREAS, Paradise Point Corp applied to the Southold Town Board for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated October 27, 1980, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Turstees and Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect to said application on the 2nd day of December., 1980 at which time all interested persons were given am opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Paradise Point Corp., Southold New York be granted permission under the provisions, of the Wetland OrdiDance of the:Town of Southold for the construction of a timber bulkhead and backfill behing the bulkhead at a man-made basin off Briar Lane, Paradise Point, Bayview, Southold, New. York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: louncilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor, Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 2 is a hearing held traffic regulations on Fishers Island. Are we ready to act on that? 2. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, WHEREAS, a proposed Local Law No. 6 - 1980 was introduced at a meeting of this Board held on the 18th day of November-, 1980, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held thereon by the Board on the 2nd day of December, 1980, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard thereon, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Local Law No. 6- 1980 be enacted as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 6 - 1980 A Local Law to amend Chapter 92 of the Code of the Town of Southold in relation to traffic regulations. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of v~uthold as follows: Chapter 92 of the Code of the Town of Southotd is hereby amended as follows: 1. By amending Section 92-41 (Parking Prohibited at all times) by adding thereto the following: Name of Stree~ Side Location Crescent Avenue South At Fishers Island from the southeasterly corner of the intersection o£ Crescent Avenue with Fox Avenue easterly for a distance of 250 feet. 2. This Local Law shall take ef£ect immediately. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 3, East-West Fire District in Greenport; 3. Moved by Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Nickles, WHEREAS, the Town of Mouthold desires to enter into an agreement with the Village of Greenport for fire protection and emergency service to be furnished by said Village to the Fire Protection District established in said Town and known as "East-West Greenport Fire Protection District, Town of Southold, New York", and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on said proposed agreement on the 2nd day of December, 1980 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard thereon, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Supervisor Williram R. Pell, III be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute an agreement between the Town Board of the Town of Southold and the Villageof Greenport whereby the Town does engage the Village to furnish £ire protection and emergency service in case o£ accidents, calamities or other emergencies to said District and the Village agrees to furnish such protection in manner following, to wit: t. The Fire Department of the Vilalge shall at all times during the period of this agreement be subject to call for attendance upon any fire occurring in such district, and all calls to furnish emergency service and when notified by alarm or telephone from any person wi.thin the District of a fire within the District, such Department shall respond and attend upon the fire without delay with a minimum of three pieces of apparatus and suitable men, ladders, pumping and hose apparatus o£ the Village and upon a silent alarm ro some other alarm rather than a general alarm, with such men and apparatus as shall be deemed suitable by the Chief of the Fire Department of the Village or his subordinates in authority. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the furnishing of the apparatus of the Village Fire Department and the response by the firemen shall be subject to the order o£ the Chief of the Fire Department of the Village of his subordinates in authority, who, in their discretion in the event of any emergency, as for example, another fire at the same time, in the said District or i~ the Village, may designate such men and apparatus to any particular fire as they may deem necessary. Furthermore, the said Chief, or his subordinates in authority, shall have absolute discretion as to the sending in o~ ~dditiona~ alarms and callin in responses to a fire the department of other districts. 2. In consideration of furnishing aid and the use of its apparatus as aforesaid, the Village shall receive the £ollowing sums for the years so indicated: 1981 $36,000.00 1982 42,000.00 1983 48,000.00 1984 54,000.00 1985 60,000.00 Such sums shall be payable by the Town each .year during the term of this contract, and shall be payable on or before the 1st day of February of each year. 3. All moneys to be paid under this agreement shall be a charge upon the said District, to be assessed and l~vied upon the taxable property in said Distr~ct and collected with the Town taxes: to be listed separately on tax bills and not combined with charges for Hydrant Rental. 4. Members of the Fire Department of the Village, while engaged in the performance o£ their duties in answering, attending, upon or returning from any call provided for by this contract shall have the same rights, privileges and immunities as if perform- ing the same duty in said V~llage. 5. This agreement shall continue for a period of five (5) years commencing January 1, 1981 and ending December 31, 1985. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was decla.r, ed duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 4 is ~?~ision the~Town Board is not ready to act upon. We will wait on that one. (Proposed Local Law to provide for the regulation and use of Recreational Areas in the Town of Southold.) Two hearings were held, number 5 and 6. (Number 5 public hearing on wetland application of Carol Galgano. Number 5 public hearing on wetland application of Norman C. Boos.) Number 7 is the hearing that will be held tonight on HUD funds at 7:00 o'clock in Town Hall. I have ~o apologize is you have the agenda there it says December 12th. ~t is actually December 16th, today in. all three cases~ Number 8 is an area~.that the~Town Board would wish to consider to be available to the conception of a cluster zone subdivision. Are we ready to act upon this gentlem~n? 8. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Supervisor Pel!, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town o£ Southold has inspected the property of Cove Beach Associates located on thee Main Road, East Marion, New York, containing 69 acres more or less, and approves said property as being developed in the cluster concept. Complete legal description as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, wi'th the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northerly line of the Main Road at the southwesterly corner of land of Boken from said point of beginning: running along s~id northerly line of the Main Road, North 84*05'307' West 86.62 feet to land of Russel; thence along land of Russel four courses: ~l) North 10'31~00TM West 211.37 feet; (2) South 73*23' West 2~_55 feet; (3) North 12'24~00" West 402.42 feet; (4) South 85'23'20" West 52.24 feet to land of Latham; thence along land of Lathan, nine courses: (1) North 12' 02'10" West 106.94 feet; (2) North 14.31~50" West 92,49 feet; (3) North 13,10~20'' West 84.75 feet; (4) North 13~22~10u West 340~95 feet; (5) North 12'34'30" West 89,21 feet; (6) North 14'21~40~ West 125~51 feet; (7) North 13.26'10" West 243,77 feet; (8) North. 18'39'50" West 365.92 feet; (9) South 76'30'10" West 132,47 feet; thence along said land of Latham and land of Terry North 11'20'50" West 290.10 feet; thence along said land of Terry, seven courses: (1) North 11,47~30 West 113,47 feet; (2) North 10'41'20- West 110.05 feet; (3) North 12'48' 30" West 101.00 feet; (4) North 10'13'40~ West 88~65 feet; (5) North 13'30'10" West 100.90 feet; (6) North 15'57~ West 101.34 feet; (7) North 20*35'40" West 68.56 feet; thence along other!and of Otto Uhl Jr. et al two courses: (1) North 74'13'30" East 97,62 feet; (2) North 11'30'10" West 833.61 feet; North 32'12'10" West 67,42 feet; thence North 15'39'20" East 475.06 feet to the average high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence along said highwater, mark as measured by the following tie lines: South 54'27~56" EaSt 188.98 feet; South 16'15'48" East 76.77fleet; South 25.13~16,, East~,338..62 feet; South 23'12'10" East 137~56 feet; South 28'01~08" East 59.38 feet; South 40*06'55" East 123.67 feet; South 50543'44" East 96.95 feet; South 54*20'48" East ~06.19 feet; South 57'45'597! East 160.50 feet; South 67'37~15'' East 95.40 feet; South 62~37~33'' East 160.90 feet; South 58'00'51" East 344.33 feet; South 60*03'24" East 257.56 feet; South 59*34'20" East 146.13 feet; South 62*47'53" East 83..59 feet; South 66'18'01" East 311.73 feet; South 70.26~06" East 201.05 feet to land now or formerly of Robert W. J, and Davis Gillispie; thence along said land.of Gillispie South 19'15'50" West 183,10 feet to Dam Pond; thence along said Dam Pond as measured by the following tie lines; North 77'48'51" West 73%94 feet; North 62*46'36" West 48.78 feet; North 75'08'29" West 58.54 feet; North. 76'42~22" West-37.38 feet; North 50'55'31" West 46.02 feet; North 72'51~'-33" West 63.84 feet; North 53'13'32" West 28/08 feet; South 21'06'36" East 180.87 feet; South 5'50'46' East 110.06 feet; South 77'58~19" East 85.79 feet; South 25'31'57" East 81.33 feet; Southll*24~49TM East 73.11 feet; South 64.02~04', West 49:25 feet; South 19'48~17" East 58.55 feet; South 40*55'59" West 53.12 feet; North.84*14'23, West 46.53 feet; North 65*06'20" West 146.19 feet; South 75*56722" West 64.68 feet; South 17'47'28" West 73,36 feet; South'10*27~39" East 58.90 feet; South 42*57'37" East 32.68 feet; South 80,19~49,, East 82.98 feet; South 63*03'40" East 68.05 feet; North 68*30'22" East 61~71 feet; North 27.39'50'~ East 92.74 feet; North 66'22'31" East 24.33 feet; South 05'12'10" West 31.57 feet; South 23*57'43" West 49.53 feet; South 7*03747" East 106.82 feet; South 68.54'18~ West 48.86 feet; South 89'53'12" West 61.30 feet; North 87'43~54" West 79.63 feet; South 29*39'45" West 20.47 feet to la~d now or formerly of Joseph Frederich Gazza; thence along said land of Gazza the following two DECEMBER 16, 1980 coursesand distances: (1) North 74'17'30" West 103.77 feet; (2) 13'26'30" West 9.00 feet; thence along land of Gazza and then land of Hoseph Boken the roi'lowing three courses and distances:' (1) North 76'14'20" West 450.01 feet; (2) North 77'25'10" West 520.88 feet; (3) South 12'38'50" East 608.15 feet to land now or formerly of Joseph Boken; thence along said land of Joseph Boken the following courses and distances: South 19'20'50" East 144.10 feet; North 68~ 21' West 312.90 feet; South 14'19'20" East 71.14 feet; South 14.58' 30" East 111.96 feet; South 12'24'20" East 598.78 feet; South 13' 54'20" East 387.32 feet; North 75*53' East 23.10 feet; South 12.39' East 242.90 feet to the point or place Of beginning. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. RESOLUTIONS 1. On motion of Councilman Dru, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was RESOLVED that the application of Maddie Miles, dated November 7, 1980 for the renewal of her trailer permit on private road off north side of Main Road, Mattituck, New York, be and hereby is granted for a six (6) month period. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman NIckles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 2. Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, WHEREAS, the Southold Town-Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning have prepared official reports and recommendations on the proposed B-1 zoning'of two parcels on the Main Road (Route 25), Mattituck, New York by'the Town Board of the Town of Southold, and more particularly bounded, and described as follows: PARCEL I - Beginning at a point on the easterly line o£ Sigsbee Road at the northwesterly corner-fo atnd of Morchel, and running thence along the extension northerly of said easterly line of Sigsbee Road, N.20'39'10" W.-43.27 feet to the southerly line of existing Main Road; thence along said southerly line of Main Road, three courses: (1) N.53'28'00" E.-78.25'feet; thence (2) N. 70'18'10"- E.-155.34 feet; thence (3) N. 53'28'00"E.-56.55 feet to the extension northerly of the westerly line of Marlene Lane; thence along siad extension, S.20'39'10" E.-82.40 feet to atnd of Mattituck Bowling Lanes; thence along said land and along land of Mattituck Building Corp. and along land of Morchel W.70'18'10" W.-285.02 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.422 acre. PARCEL II - Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Marlene. Land at the northwesterly corner of land o£ Matt Agency, and running thence along the extension northerly of said easterly line of Marlene Lane, N.20'39'10" W.-8136 feet to the southerly line of existing Main Road; thence along said southerly line, three courses: (1) N.53'28"00" E-17.26 feet; thence (2) N.39'05'30" E.223.94 feet; thence (3) N.49'17' 30" E.-372.60 feet to land o£ McCarthy; thence along the several lands of McCarthy, Wilsberg, Schoenhaar, and Matt Agency, S.39'05'30" W.- 648.44 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.676 acre. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board o£ the Town of Southold at 3:30 P.M., Tuesday, December 30, 1980 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold,, New York on the aforementioned petition, at which time any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed petition should appear at the time and place above so specified, and be it further RESOLVED that theTown Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to cause notice of said hearing to be published in the official newspaper pursuant to the requirements of law. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Before I offer that resolution I'll also explain to the audience that this pertains to some property that used to be State Road 25 and when the road was straightened it has been deeded over and we are attempting to put that property in the same zoning classification as all the surrounding property. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman zMnrdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell, III be and he herbey is authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the I)ECEMBER 16, 1980 Village of Greenport on behalf of Cth~ Town o£ Southold for a police radio contract, and it is agreed as follows: 1. That the Village of Greenport at its own cost and expense will cause a telephone and necessary equipment to be installed and maintained at the Southold Town police station at Peconic, New York, whereby all telephone communications~directed to the Greenport Village police will be transmitted over said telephone and be received at the Southold Town police headquarters. 2. That the Town of Southold agrees that its personnel at the Southold Town police station will answer all telephone communications received on said telephone equipment on behalf of the Village of Greenport, will make the proper record of such telephone communications and will where rquired either by telephone or radio transmission dispatch the necessary information to the Greenport Village police relative to such telephone transmissions. 3. The Town of Southold will receive and dispatch radio transmissions to and from the Greenport Village police vehicles and that the Town of Southold will keep a proper record of all such radio transmissions. 4. That for the performance of such services by the Town of Southold for the Village of Greenport, the Village of Greenport hereby agrees to pay the Town of Southold the annual sum of $10,000.00 to be paid on or about the 15th day:~of March of each year during the term of this agreement, to-wit: Calendar years 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984. 5. This agreement shall commence on the 1st day o£ January, 1981 and shall terminate on the 31st day.of December, 1984. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman ~urdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Dru, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor William R.- Pell, III be and he hereby is authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Town of Shelter Island on behalf of the Town of Southold for a police radio contract, and it is agreed as follows: 1. That the Town of Shelter Island at its own cost and expense will cause a telephone and necessary equipment to be maintained at the Southold Town Police Station at Peconic, New York, whereby all telephone communications ~irected to the Shelter Island Town police will be transmitted over said telephone and be received at the Southold Town policeheadquarters. 2. That the Town of Southold hereby agrees that its personnel at the Southold Town police station will answer all telephone communications received on said telephone equipment on behalf of the Town o£ Shelter Island and will make the proper record of such telephone communications and will where required either by telephone or radio trasnmission dispatch the necessary information to the Shelter Island Town police relative to such telephone transmissions. 3. That the Town of Southold hereby agrees that it will receive and dispatch radio transmissions to and from the Shelter Island Town police vehicles and that the Town of Southold will keep a proper record of all such radio transmissions. 4. That for the performance of such services by the Town of Southold for the Town of Shelter Island, the Town of Shelter Island hereby agrees to pay the Town of Southold the annual sum of $11,000.00 on or about the 15th day of June of each year during the term of this Agreement, to wit: Calendar years 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984. 5. This Agreement shall take effect on the 1st day of January 1981, and shall terminate on the 31st day of December, 1984. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sul. tivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor'Williwm R. Pell, III be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute an-agreement between Agnes Reinhart and the Town o£ Southold for the lease of a £orty foot by forty foot concrete block building, 1000 feet east of Peconic Lane, 2n Peconic, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on State Route 25 for the storage of machinery and equipment by the Southold Town Highway Department, at an annual rent of $2,400.00~ lease to commence from the Ist day of December, 1980 and to end on the 30th day of Novembe~ 1981. Vote of the TownBOard: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 86' le, 1980 SUPERVISOR PELt: Number 6 the Town Board is going to honor its motion as of March to allow the Trustees to regulate the bulkhead a~ Gull Pond. Number 7 and 8 we're not ready to move upon ye~. We have to transfer funds and I wan~ Go review them with the accounting depart- men~ before we transfer the funds. 9. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell, III be and he hereby is authorized and directed to sign a lease with Compu-Pressure of New York, Inc. for the lease of one (1) Vita~Stat Automatic Blood Pressure Computer for one year commencing February 1, 1981, at ~he sum of $250.00 per month, with an option to terminate this contrac~ after six (6) months. This contract will include complete service on Vita-Stat, including parts; complete insurance on Vita-Sta~ including "hold harmless" To the Town of Southold; Hypertension Hot Line for blood pressure information; and the following Blood Pressure Program for residents of the Town of Southold: (a) informa- tion; (b) screening plan; (c) monitoring plan; and (d)bto0d'pressure cards. This lease shall be paid for from the 1981 Whole Town Contingen~ Account, and is subject to approval of'%he Siouthold Town Attorney. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman. Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 10. on motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold award the bid for the Collection, Storage, Removal and Purchase of all Scrap Metal and Paper deposited at vhe Southold Town Landfill site during the period from January 1,.1981 to December 31, 1981 ~o North Fork Sanitation Service, the highest bidder, a~ a bid price of $3,530.00 for the Fiscal Year 1981. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes-: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This ersolution was declared duly adopted. 11. Moved by Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, WHEREAS, Knights of Columbus, Marian Council #3852, Cutchogue, New York, has applied to the Town Clerk for a Bingo License, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has examined the application and after investigation~ duly made findings and determinations as required by law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Southold the findings and determinations as required by law, and it is further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to issue a Bingo License to the Knights of Columbus, Marian Council #3852, Cutchogue, New York. Vote of the ~own Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 12. On motion of Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Supervisor Pell, it was RESOLVED that the transfer of the following funds within the Whole Town General Fund be and hereby is approved: From: A1620.1 Buildings, Personal Services $1986.33 To: A1220.1 Supervisor, Personal Services $1986.33 From: A8160.1 Refuse & Garbage, Personal Ssrvices $120.05 To: A8090.1 Environemtnal Control, Personal Services $120.05 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 13. On motion of Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman NIckles, it was RESOLVED that the transfer of the following funds within the Part Town General Fund be and hereby is approved: From: B3130.1 Bay Constable, Personal Services $661.43 To: B8020.1 Planning Board, Personal Services $661.43 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 14. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was DECEMBER 16, 1980 RESOLVED that the following street lights be and hereby are authorized for installation as recommended by the Chairman of the Street Lighting Committee Councilman Drum: Hobson Drive, Mattituck - on LILCO pole #333 Wells Road, Mattituck - on LILCO pole #5 Ackerly Pond Road, Southold,-on LILCO Pole #24 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 15.On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southodl request the Suffolk county Department of Public Works To dredge Moose '~sland Channel at West Harbor, Fishers Island, New York. Vote of the Tow,n Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles,~C0uncilman Drum, ~upe~visor Pell~ This resolution was declared duly adopted. 16. On motiQn of Councilman MurdOck, seconded~by Counci.!mam Drum, it was (a)RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Soutko!d accept the Title V Grant for the Nutrition Program in the amount of $7,300[].00 £or the year 1980; $5:500.00 in federal funds~ $t,800.00 l~.in-kind service~. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:2 6uncilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock~ Councilman Nickles, Councilman ~Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolutiom~w~s declared duly adopted~ 16. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was (b) RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Seuthold transfer the sum of $t,000,00 from W'hole Town Surplus into the Southold Town Nutrition Program account so that certain Nutrition Program bills can be paid by December 31, 1980; the $1,000.00 ~o be reimbursed from the Nutrition Program account to the Town of Southold. Vote of the Tow, n Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 17.On motion of Supervisor Poll, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was (a)gESOLVED that the 1980 South0ld Town Budget be. and hereby is amended to incorporate a new line item to be Historical Property, and trans~ fer $1,000~00 from the General Fund Whole Town Unexpended Balance ~o this new item Historical Property. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: councilman Sullivan~ Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nlckles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. This resolution ~as declared duly adopted. 17.On motion of Supervisor Pe[1, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was (b)RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Sout~hoId allocate to Custer Institute, Southold, New York, the sum of $500.00 ~rom the Histrocial Property Account. Vote of the Town Boar'd: Ayes: Councilman Sutlivan~ Councilma~ Murdock, Councilman Nickles', Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. This ersolution was declared duly adopted. 17.On motionof Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was (c)RESOLVED that'the Town Board of the Town of Sou'thold allocate to the L.I. Chapter of the N.Y.S. Archaeological Association., Southold, New York the sum of $500.00 from the ~istrocial Property Account. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Su%livan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nicktes, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pe%l. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 18~On motion of Councilman Murdock seconded by Supervisor Poll, it was RESOLVED that the transfer of t~e following £.unds .within the General Fund Whole Town Fund be and hereby is approved: From: A~990.4 Contingent $209~.14 A1320.4 ~ndependent Auditing, Contractual Expense $1235.52 A7180.4 Beach, Contractual Expense $i800:00 To: Al010.4 Town Board, contractual Expense $150.58 At220.4 Supervisor, Contractual Expense 260~98 A1420.4 Town Attorney, Contractual Expense 1442.62 At620.4 Buildings, Contractual Expense 1885,52 A3510.4 Control of Dogs~ Contr. Expense 21.17 A5~82.4 Street Lighting; Contr. Expense t368~79 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, S~pe~visor Poll. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 488 DECEMBER 16, 1980 19. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the transfer of the following funds within the General Fund Part Town Fund be and hereby is approved: From: B8020.4 Planning Board, Contractual Expense $213~27 To: B8010.4 Board of Appeals, Contractual Exp. $213.27 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman NickLes, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolutiQn was declared duly adopted. 20. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was RESOLVED that $1300.00 be and hereby is transferred:from DR9060.8 Hospitalization and Medical Insurance, Item, General Repairs to DR5110.4 Cohtractual Expense, Stem I, General Repairs. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resoluiton was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: The last one I have on the agenda is to hire again this year a college student by the name of Eileen Carey to work in the Building Department from 12/18 to January 21st at the sum of $3.50 per hour. 21. On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hire Eileen Carey, Greenport, New York as a part-time clerical helper in the Building Department from December 18, 1980 through January 21, 1981 at a salary of $3.50 per hour. Vote of the Town Boar'd: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Councilman Sullivan has something else at this time. COUNCILMAN SULLIVAN: Thanks, Bill. As many of you know or may not know our State Assmeblyman John Behan is being considered for the post with the Veterans Administration. I have a list of four people that I feel would be quite receptive to a letter from people of Southold Town if you so desire to write to them. I have copies of this list i£ someone would like to jot off a little letter recommending John for the post. John, of course, is a personal friend of mine and I think he would be certainly the right person to have in that job. Many of you all know that he is an outstanding person ad has overcome tremendous disability to become quite a leader. So anyone who would want to take the time out to drop a letter to these four people I would be appreciative of that. Thank you. COUNCILMAN DRUMi I think John is THE candidate in my opion. He is a great person. COUNCILMAN MURODCK: I was ~oing to make a little pitch, and I will, for the Cancer Society.. The Southold Chapter of the American Cancer Society is in desperaTe'need of help. I think from now on when we have a controversal issue I'll step off the agenda and make the ptich when there are a lot of people in the audience, buT, my wife has taken over presidency of that chapter and she would like some people to help out and if there is anybody who might ~e available and have some time to try to help run some functions for the American Cancer Society she'd be very interested in hearing from you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. the Board? Audience, does anyone wish to address MR. WILLIAM GARDINER: It's more or[less in the form of a question, I guess. I was very interested to read the preliminary report of Robins Island. That committee has a very tough job. It's done a good job on doing certain things and it has a tough job ahead of them. I just have two questions in my mind becuase I think the preliminary report sets the direction for the final report and I'm just wondering, because it's not mentioned in here, whether oen of the alternatives that's studied by the committee, the advisory committee, shouldn't be the proposed alternative for 27 homes, the financial impact? I was at the meeting on September 23rd when the resolution was adopted setting up this committee and one of the whereas' says that the Board wants-a fully informed DECEMBER 16, 1980 489 choice and all the alternatives for'the £uture of Robins Island. I admit it gels a little fuzzy as we ge~ doen into it it talks about preservation and so forth. But of course preservation is a relative sort of thing, even the three alternatives they have in here are relative steps in preservation. I'm jus~ wondering--I ha~e to see this committee come up with something--not do the full job and at the end of the time no~ have a full story. So I'm just throwing this out as a question to you. Did the Board, in their resolution, consider one o£ the alternatives as the s~udy on the 27 home projec~ as proposed to the Planning Board? That's my only question. SUPERVISOR PELL:Mr. Gardiner, I'd like to answer that. We~discussed this at Town Board meeting today very lightly. We had a V~ry heavy agenda. Councilman Nickles raised a question with me a week ago, perhaps. Robins Island Committee does no~ meet until Janua~8th again. In that time the Town Board will have ~wo meetings. I do anticipate putting it on the agenda on the 30th when we meet again. We should have a very light agenda so the Board can go in depth and see if they wish to amend or interpret the resolution. Councilman Drum on the day the resolution was drawn up brought this very point ou~ specifically in the wording and he at that day discussed it at great lengths. The resolution, the Board did adopt you have a copy of and now we are going To readdress it and see if they want to amend it or interpre~ it differently. We did discuss it today but we didn't go into it in depth. Anybody else wish to address the Board? If not gentlemen I think the time is in order. ' ' COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I think we're not going to adjourn, we are going to recess and go into executive session. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Supervisor Pell, it was RESOLVED tha~ a recess be called a~ this time, 5:00 P.M. for an Executive Session. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. EXECTUIVE SESSION - 5:15 P.M. There was discussion relative to admitting Deputy Supervisor Johnson ~o attend this executive session. Supervisor Pell polled the Board and the vote was as follows: No: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum. Aye: Supervisor Pell. The Board me~ with Building Inspector George Fisher concerning the personnel and operation of the Building Departmenz. Two weeks ago Mr. Fisher met with the Town Board concerning this same subjec~ and he agreed ~o re~urn to his Departmen~ and work out a program for the smooth and efficient operation of ~he Department. ~6r. Fisher advised the Board he has not had enough help over the years and suggested thta~ a committee from the Town Board be appointed to meet with him £rom tiem to time. He also £eels with the help of another good clerk he should have the Departmen~ operating smoothly by June 1st. In that period of time he feels he can keep track of the operation of his Department and reorganize it. It was agreed after considerable discussion tha~ Supervsior Pell will name a committee on January 1st to work with the Building Department. On motionof Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was RESOLVED tha~ there being no £urther business to come before this Town Board meeting adjournmen~ be called a~ 6:10 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk