HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-11/18/1980429 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD November 18, 1980 WORK SESSION 9:40 P.M. - Mr. Richard Tuthill and his engineer from Long Island Cablevision Corporation appeared before the Board to explain the recent CATV outages;~ Mr. Tuthill explained that the outage.on election evening and November l?th were caused by surges when LILCO goes out and comes back on. On election evening the power supply near Soundview Restaruant shorted out, was fixed at approximately 12:30 A.M. and blew out again some time in the morning. The Town Board requested that Mr. Tuthill give a rebate to those subscribers who were without CATV on that date and Mr. Tuthill said to do that he would ha~e to go to a great expense to determine which subscribers were without power. He would give a rebate to those who wrote or telephoned and requested it. Councilman Murdock agrued that CATV should take a much stronger position and give the rebate without the subscriber having to request it az a cost to the subscriber of a letter or a telephone call. Mr. TuthilI agreed to give a 299 rebate to all subscribers in the Town of 'Southold, exclusive of the Village of Greenport. Councilman Nickles questioned Mr. Tuthil1 about a clause in the contract which says CATV will provide toll free numbers to the subscribers who wish to call for service. Mr. Tuthill said there are two numbers 734-5600 and 477-2500 available to the subscribers. Mr. Nickles pointed out that ~i£ the subscriber does not have a flat rate telephone bill, the call would result in a message unit charge to the subscriber. Mr. Tuthill agreed To look into the problem. Mr. Nickles also asked Mr. Tuthill about which local banks accept monthly payments from subscribers. Mr. Tuthill said he believes it is the North Fork Bank & Trust Co. but would confirm that after checking with his office. Highway Superintendent Dean questioned Mr. Tuthill relative to the length of time a prospective subscriber must wait for a hook-up. He recently had to wait three weeks. Mr. Tuthill said the usual length of time is two weeks. Councilman Nickles suggested that Mr. Tuthill have sufficient repair- men on call To quickly handle night outages. At the present time one man handles both north and south forks. Mr. Tuthill would not make a ~omxaitment on this point. EXECUTIVE SESSION 10:20 A.M. - Chief Carl Cataldo spoke with the Board about a grievance filed by a member o£ the police department; recent bUrglaries; personnel. ~O~K SESSION 11:15 A.M.- The Supervisor discussed with the Board items needed for the Seniro/Youth Center. D~aperies is a priority item at this time as they would add an insluating factor to the building. Wallace has the material available fromihe Town Hall job and quoted in Jan- uary o£ 1980 a price of $1720.00 The Board authorized Mr. Pell to speak with Mr. Wallace and determine if his price is still firm and if so to proceed with the job. - The senior citizens are in need of ten additiona1 tables and additional charis. The Supervisor will order the tables but wait on the chairs. The seniors have also requested six card tables which the Supervisor will order, and a first aid kit. The Board discussed Melville Kelsey's retirement coverage. EXECUTIVE SESSION 12:05 P.M. - Discussed grievance filed by a member of thepolice department. 12:30 P.M. - Recessed for lunch. 1:50 P.M. - The Board began reviewing the agenda. 480 ,980 2:40 P.M. -Lawrence Tuthill spoke with the Board, requesting permission ~o fight the e~evation standards under the Flood Plain Law, The Board told Mr. Tuthill they would offer a resolution giving him permission to attempt to have the Town of Sotuhold excepted from requirements that basements mus~ be above mhe base flood level. A regular meeting of the Southo~d Town Board was held on Tuesday, November 18, 1980 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Supervisor Pell opened ~he meeting at 3:00 P.M. with the following present: Supervisor William R. Pell, III Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J, Nickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman George R. Sullivan * * * Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Highway Superintendent Raymond C. Dean Deputy Supervisor Marie Bauer Johnson Absent: Justice Francis T. Doyen SUPERVISOR PELL: With us today are a group of Boy Scouts from Mattituck who are working on ~heir communications and citizenship badges. I would start the meeting today by asking their senior scout ~o come up there and lead us in ~he Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. (Pledge o£ Allegiance ~o the Flag.) Supervisor Pell asked the senior scout to introduce the omher fourteen scouts present and Scout Master Mr. Anderson. SUPERVISOR PELL: For the boy's information sake, what the Town Board-- the way we work it, we met ~his morning at 9:00 o'clock, we've been here since 9"00 o'clock this morning going over everything that we will go through today, discussing pros and cons and we reached our verdict, how we.kre going to go on things and you will see it as we go along. As you have an agenda there you follow along with us and we:wilI move rather fast but we did discuss each item starting 9:00 o'clock this morning and we did spend a lot o£ time on some of them. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murodck, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the November 6, 1980 meeting of the Southold Town Board be and hereby are approved. Vote o~ the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the next meeting of the Southold Town Board will be held on Tuesday, December 2, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. au the Southold Town Hall, MainRoad, Southold, New York. Vote o£ the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. I. REPORTS - SUPERVISOR PELL: 1. The first report is a Long Island Cablevision monthly report (October 1980) on problems they have. Todd- we did have the general manager of Cablevision come to the Town Board, a Mr. Richard Tuthill. Councilman Nickles wrote a letter to him complain ing about seriice. We spoke To him yesterday and made the suggestion to him, because servi6e wen~ out on election eve, that he would on a town-wide basis, not cha~ge the indi~iduao homeowners £or that. Yesterday on the telephone he was completely against that suggestion. Today when he came before the Town Board he done a complete cycle and I will ask Councilman Nickles to repor~ on the meeting we had with him today. COUNCILMAN NICKLES:This morning Mr. Tuthill, the general manager came in and met with the Town Board. As the Supervisor jus~ indicated, NOW, 198o teh Cablevision company has agreed to give a rebate town-wide, because he had ~ndicated that he might give a rebate, it turns out to be about 29D a subscriber ~£ they have the basic unit. You might say that the Town Board had a meaningful converstation with him this morning and he did do an about face and without any writing o£ letters or calling they will reflect a credit shortly on everyone's_bill. We did speak to him about the election night outage, talked to him about last night's outage, we discussed the fact that we reviewed their contract and they really are not providing some of the items in the contract such as toll free service in the event you ha~e a complaint. They had explainations why they had an outage. It's due to when the electric goes d~f on the LILCO wires because their transformers are using the electric from the LILCO wires and when it goes off for a moment like it did last night and then comes back on it is a surge' of power and many times it blows out their fuses and their trans- formers and they are not easily corrected. We pointed out to them that they seemed to ha~e only man on duty in the evening and he's covering Westhampton and areas of the south fork and also the north fork and made suggestions relgtive to that. Also in reviewing the contract we want it known where the banks are. In their contract they indicate that therewill be local banks where you can pay for your subscriber service. In other wor~s~ if you should happen to get an, notice in the mail that you have ten days before the termination, you can go down to the bank, which we believe is the North Fork Bank, we have to wait for confirmation on that, you can go down and pay directly and get instance credit so your payment does not cross in ~ the mail with the man clumbing up;the telephone pole to turn off your service. Justlbefore I walked in here to the meeting I went to my mail box and there was a letter in there about Cablevision. It says, "Dear Mr. Nickles: I was pleased to see a-copy of a letter to Cable T.V. in the Suffolk Times. I hope you will follow through. A consumer complaint with the State Commission serves some purpose but the respomsibility for the franchise rests with the Town Board. It is their duty to protect the citizens in general." Well, that's what we are trying to do this morning when we had this meeting. "Cable T.V. took Channel 2 for their private profit. Originally we had Channel 2 and Channel 12. Reception on all channels in the past month have been foggy. I question the right of Cable T.V. to bill subscribers for two months in advance. In October 1979 the New York Times published a comparison of rates for Cable T.V. in the ten towns in Suffolk County. Southold Town had the highest rate." I just received this letter and I will investigate this further and see what we can do about it, but I want you to know that our franchise agreement with them does not expire until 1985. The amusing thing about this letter is she says, "P.S. - 9:30 P.M. I finished typing the above, turned on the T.V., no picture, no sound. The Town Board is catching flack on this, which is rightly so, because when you are calling these Cable T.V. people and you're not getting adequate response from them, we're the people that have to bear the burden and we leaned on them this morning.~If we continue to get complaints from the people of Southold Town as subscribers we will continue to lean on them harder. That's all I have, Bill. SUPERVISOR PELL: That's good, very good. Thank you, John. 2. A report from the North Fork Animal League (October 1980), our animal place up behind the police hosue, in case any of you boys don't know where it is. 3. Town Justice report, Tedeschi (October 1980). 4. The meeting I went to yesterday in Albany on gasoline with our State Commissioner of Energy. People from Washington, D.C. was up. The basic outlook for gasoline in the next three months we will be okay. They will not project after the next three months. We do not know how long this war in Iran-Iraq will go on and a good part fo our gas comes from'there and they do pro3ect by early spring, summertime gasoline will be up 259 to 30e per gallon. The gasoline picture is noz, I2m going~to~sa~ at-'thisltime, looking good. We are on a sta~e basis and county trying to prepare appeal to put through the Departmen~ of Energy next 'spring saying that we are so far out east on Long Island that we do no~ have the means of mass transit as much as the people on the west end do and our county exec sent his force up to Albany yesterday with us and I'm going to say we didn't have very good luck. They take a bas period of November, December, January, February, and March. That is the base period the federal government will use. They will say you can have 80% of that base period for-your next months allocation. Well, down south that's fine, that's when all our our folks go down south but them we get summertime and we get everybody up here back home and we've got 80% of the winter months and we say this is not fair. Out county exec., our governor's office has said this is not fair, yesterday we made an appeal to the federal government again in Albany and we came home without too good results. At this time they said they do not want to change anything until after January 20th of next year when we h~ve the new administra- tion in office in Washington and it's just in limbo from now til then. We did agree to meet again in February, at the end of the month, so we would get some new insight the new administration will lean toward. It was a trip I hae to make but I'm not too pleased with the results. 5. Councilman Drum has a report on school crossing guards. COUNCILMAN DRUM: In looking at the school crossing guards you may recall that Route 25 in Laurel was chagned and as a result the Laurel School is no longer on the Main Road and it was thought perhaps that a school crossing guard would no~ be needed. However, in looking at it and discussing it with the principal of the Laurel School, there are, from time to time, children crossing on bicycles and so I feel that we would retain the school crossing guard. 6. The other day the entire Town Board met with the Insurance Committee and we did discuss the Town's insurance policies mn detail. We set a meeting up on 11/25, 2:30 in the afternoon with Mr. Jones from our county executive~s office, who was employed in Islip Town- ship when they pu~ their insurance out to public bid. Islip Township went out to public bid and over a three year period they saved the town $200,000 in premiums. Of course they are a much bigger town than we are, they have a lot more to insure. But, the entire Town Board did meet, the Town Attorney was there and we h~e set a meeting up with Mr. Jones to see h6w it would affect our Town and if we could do it. George, do you wan~ to add anything? COUNCILMAN SULLIVAN: Just a report that I submitted on that meeting. I'll make it a~ that particular time. 7. Temik report. The Town Board had a letter from Union Carbide on the disposal of the carbon filters in Temik. They suggested we contact an outfit in New York on how to dispose of the filters after they are used up and have to be recharged--replaced. The DEC has ruled that this is hazardous waste material. Hazardous waste, as you know, cannot be transported through New Yo~k City. He is going ~o try to have it reclassified. The charcoal filter system that they are going to evaluate and try to find a way to dispose of, this engineering firm, who was engaged by Union Carbide, will come out. within the next thrity days?with some kind of report on how to do. it. Right now the County Board of Helath, DEC, Union Carbide ha~e ato come up with the answer how the townships on the east end can dispose of these charcoals. Interesting thing was, a~ter we were told to call this engineering firm, we called them from my office~- I called them and spoke ~o a lady there and she said--she traced ,it back. They got a letter engaging them to do this job ten days after we sen~ a letter from out Town Hall to Union Carbide saying what do we do with this stuff? Are you going to pick it up? Ail of a sudden they wrote to this engineering firm.° We should have a report back I hope within 30 ~o 45 days on how it is going to be handled and who's going to pay the bill. 8. Town Justice Rich, monthly report (October 1980). 9. Report from the Assessors (October 1980). I'd like at this time to bring?u~p Police Office, you boys should all be interested in this one. Police Officer Michael Burke, while on routine patrol in Mattituck saw something he didn't like, investigated it, led to the arrest of three people who have committed burglaries in our township. By arresting the~e boys we are able to clear up many of the burglaries that did occur. We recaptured, or we got back several thousand dollars worth of stdlen merchandise. The last few weeks our police force has arrested nine individuals on burglary charges. Officer, burke, on this night, did a superb job. The entire Town Board would like to congratulate him and I will send him a letter from the TownBoard congratulating him on his fine police work he has done for this Town. Any Board member wish ~o comment? COUNCILMAN DRUM: Only that he did an outstanding job. NOVEMBER 18, 1980 433 SUPERVISOR PELL: We will send a letter and it will be p~aced in Officer Burke's personnel file after he reviews it. Marie, my Deputy, 'do you have any reports you want to make? I'm sorry I didn't put you on, I forgot you. DEPUTY SUPERVISOR JOHNSON: No. SUPERVISOR PELL: Alright, that takes care of the report section. Number II is public notices. Councilman Nickles will read the public notices. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Before I read this one publie notice tonight, on the North Fork Animal Welfare League report, I was just handed a--I don't know why a congratulatory note--of being an uncle of 16 new puppies at the Dog Pound. I'd like the people to know that they're being offered for adoption. Gladys Csajko who is involved in that, do you have anything to say or add about that, how they can through~Jthe process of obtaining one of these puppies? The Supervisor, last January, gave me the distinction~o~fheading up the negotiations with the North Fork Animal ~elfare League to take over our Dog Pound. Since then a kind of inside joke is they call me the Bow ~ow Councilman so I have the dubious pleasure and honor of being the uncle of these sixteen new little people up at the Dog Pound. GLADYS CSAJKO: These are the puppies, and they will be ready to go for Christmas. SUPERVISOR PELL: It is rewarding to know that our Dog Pound has been under the control of North Fork Animal League since July 1st. It is not costing the Town any more money, it is costing us less money. We contract with them. I think, Gladys; since July you have only had to put one sick dog to sleep. They go out, their crew, their volunteers, whatever, find homes for them, placement for them and it is working out very well up to date and you and Maria are doing a good job. II. PUBLIC NOTICES - COUNCILMAN NICKLES: 1. We have a notice fromthe Department of Environmental Conservation of a complete application by Nancy J. Rodilosso, 28 Chesnut Street, Garden City, New York. This property is on Bay Avenue and its purpose is to subdivide a 66,304 sq. ft. lot into 2 lots approximately 33, 152 sq. ft. Applicant requests variance from minimum lot size. As mitigation measure, applicani accepts conditions of a covenant on both lots that all buildings be moved to or constructed west of a line 190 ft. west of easterly property line. Septic systems to be placed between house and road. Project site on_east side of Bay Avenue, Mattituck, Town of Southold. The response date of this is to Daniel J. Larkin of the DEC in Stony Brook, by November 26, 1980. Copy of this notice is in the Town Clerk's Office. COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. As amny of you boys might know or not know, the Town is a large town to run. Each Councilman has a direct respomsibility on a committee they head up. This way we jump around from different Councilmen making reports, The one committee I'm chairman of is the Police Cor~hittee. Every Councilman has their own. Now, the next letter is going to be read by Councilman Murdock. He repesents the Town Board on the Mattituck Advisory Committee. It is a letter we received from them. Larry? 1. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Thank you, Bill. It is a letter to the Southold Town Board and says, "Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Mattituck Inlet Advisory Committee on October 30th, 1980 the following resolution.~ was adopted: Resolved that the Mattituck Inlet Advisory Committee, pend- ing further study and investigation, recommends to the Southold Town Board should consider upzoning the~currently zoned C-1 properzy along Mattituck Creek listed in Section 126 of the Tax Map. Thanking you for your past coutesies." It is signed by Michael F. Mattes, Secretary for the Mattituck Inlet Advisory Committee. This letter was sent as probably the best word would be a preliminary report from the Committee to ask the Town Board to reconsider zoning that properyt. Thank you. 2. Communication number 2 if Affirmative Action Plan which is being prepared. I asked the Town Board to review it so they will take time to review it. Later on we will go into discussion of it. At this time it is under the review process. 3. A letter from Cablevision to Councilman NIckles. John, do you want to ad lib a little bit? COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I don't have much to add to that, Bill, This letter is from the general manager of the Cbalevision T.V., Riverhead, and it is just in response to a letter I had written him a week Or so ago. 4. A letter to the Town Board from the Attorney General of the State of New York saying they will make information available to the Mattituck Advisory Committee, non confidential information th!ey will be free to get their hands on and work with. 5'. A letter from a Mr. Telsey. It belongs before the Zoning Board of Appeals. They are ruling on his request. Not the Town Board, it goes to the ZBA, Zoning Board~'0f~Appeals. 6. It's informing us that the County Legislature from your county government is going to hire a professional adviser on Long Island Lighting Company's new rate increase. This is being done at a county level, one level above your Town Board here. 7. Is a letter I am going to ask Counci&man Murdock who is Chairman of the Landfill Committee to report on. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: This is a letter from Holzmacher, McLendon and Murrell who we call the H2M Corporation. We asked them for advice in terms of an engineering study to cap our landfill area in Cutchogue where in 2985 we will be required by law to cap it. The first report they have given us we questioned the sum total of the items'. This letter comes back as an answer to it and is reduced, the proposal, whether it is $4,000 or $2~000, but it is down to $40,000 now. WE will have To go over this report a little more thoroughly and then decide whether to hire them. To gTve the public of an example, this is a report that they gave me this mornimg on the Five Towns Solid Waste Management Program. The cover letter with it, I hope it is facetious, at any rate it says to me that they will have a final report based on a condensation of this report by next week and they are asking for my comments on this report before then. They are very thorough. It's hard when you get a bill for $40,000 or $50,000 for an engineering survey; it makes you swallow twice, but they are very thorough and hopefully we can provide a l~ttle better future for the ecology of this country, by a little bit more application of diligent effort. Thank you, Bill. 8. A letter from Riverhe~d, ny counterpart in Riverhead and a comment on a bill that is being introduced by Legislator Gregory Blass, who represents ug~ on inspections of houses that will be used for the Social Services Department. He makes comment on that. Now we are going to move to number IV which is the portion of what we call Hearings and Decisions. Now we are going to hold five public hearings so anybody can comment on applications that concern the wetlands. We will have to recess this meeting for the necessary time it ~akes to hold these five public hearings and I will offer that. On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman NIckles, it was RESOLVED that a recess be called at 3:30 P.M. for the purpose of holding the following public hearings on wetland applications: 3:30 P.M. - Henry Pierce 3:35 P.M. - Joseph and Janet Gold 3:40 P.M. - Rita F. Gledich 3:45 P.M. - Ali Agarabi 3:50 P.M. - Zahra Benz Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declare d duly amopted. Meeting reconvened at 3:55 P.M. SUPERVISOR PELL: The next part of the agenda is resolutions. Th~s is more or less the way the Town will operate. As we go through them you will see some of them--how they will affect the Town. NOVEMBER 18, 1980 V. RESOLUTIONS 1.On motion of Councilman N~ckles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that'the Town Board of the Town of Southold recommends to the Suffolk County Department of Fire Safety the appointment of Anthony Blados as Southold Town's representative on the Fire Adv~sor~_~Boa~d) Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 2.On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the Town of Southold, in the administration of Community Development and Housing Programs, will carry out its responsibilities under Section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968 in accordance with the following plan-. To the greatest extent feasible the Town of Southold will make a good faith effort to El) provide opportunities for training and employment, in connection with the planning and carrying out of any Section 3 covered project, to lower income persons residing within the Town: (2) award contracts for work to be performed, in connection with any Section 3 covered project, to business concerns which are located in or owned in substantial part by persons residing with£n the Town; and be it further RESOLVED that records of contracts, pre-construction conferences, and employment will be kept in the office of the Town Supervisor for publis inspection during the hours of 9-4:30 P.M. on weekdays; and be it further RESOLVED that the Affirmative Action Officer for the Town of Southold shall be Supervisor William R. Pell, III. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Item number 3, we are not ready to move on it, we are going to put a hold at this time on that item. (Approval of the Affirmative Action Guidelines for Departments and Contracting Agencies receiving Community Development Bl~ck Grant Funds.) 4.On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman NIckles, it was RESOLVED that the:Town Board of the Town of Southold approves Step II salary increase in the amount of $500.00 for Radio Operator John Raynor, effective October 1, 1980. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock , Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 5 and 6 we are not--we hope to act upon it today, we are going to discuss certain parts of the Town Budget for the year 1981. There are a couple of items in there that I put in that the Councilman feel should be perhaps in the wrong place o£ should be reevaluated, At the end of the days meeting we will recess it, go back into the Board room and discuss these items and then reconvene the meeting and adopt the Budget. The items we are talking about concern the placement of the money where the police cars for next year will come from and a couple of other similar items like that. We are very concerned with the amount of money that Mr. Dean has put in for the gas for his road department next year. We want to evaluate, see if we have enough or we think we can work out of contingency if we run low in the gas item. So we will come back to that before the day is up. Moving on to number 7. Number 7 comes from Fishers Island. We have another member on our Board who called this morning. Because Of the weather he was due to fly over from Fishers Island, Judge Doyen, and he is not with us today but we have a resolution on the ferry piling where the New London--on the New London side where the Fishers Island Ferry boat ties up. Somebody wish to offer that? 7.On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Supervisor Pell, WHEREAS, a dolphin consisting of nine pilings has been damaged beyond repair by marine organisms (worms) at New London, Connecticut, and WHEREAS, said dolphin is considered to be essential for the safe mooring of the M/V Munnatawket, and WHEREAS, Whaling City Dredge & Dock Corporation of Groton, Connecticut is available to make expeditious and timely repairs, therefore, be. it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby declare 4 36 OVE BER 18, 980 that emergency replacement is required for safety purposes, and be it further RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District are hereby authorized to contract with Whaling City Dredge & Dock Corporation for necessary replacement without advertising for bids for such work. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, CQuncilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 8 and number 9 are transfer of funds to pay the bills on the Town Hall Annex which is that half of the Town which w~s new and we have never paid off the entire amount of bills because we had a little bit of problems with the contractors but we are going to transfer the funds to have them in the proper account and we can take care of our obligations. 8.On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that theTown Board of the Town of ~otuhold hereby authorizes the transfer of encumbered Federal Revenue Sharing Fund monies in the amount of $4,653.29 into Town of Southold Highway Improvement and New Town Hall Annex Account which was encumbered to cover remaining amount due on costs of New Town Hal~ Annex Account. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 9.On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southcld hereby authorizes the transfer from unexpired balance, General Fund Whole Town the amount of $917.48 vo Town of Southold Highway Improvement and New Town Hall Annex Account ~o complete balance due Minnesova Construction Corp. on New Town Hall Annex Account. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum , Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted.~ SUPERVISOR PELL: I'd like to explain to~the people here, and especially the young ones, the Town, everythin~ it does when it spends money has to do it by resolution and we are a little bit thrifty when it comes to paying the bills until we are sure every- thing i~ right. Now this particular case, the contractor who built the east end of the Town Hall we held payment up and this past week the Sheriff came down here and paid us a visit with a pmece of paper and I'll ask the Town Attorney to bring us up to date. Bob? TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: A judgement was--Minnesota Construction Corp- oration was the general contractor on this ~dditi~fi ynd/~s Supervisor Pell indicated, everything was completed and we were just about to make the final payment and we were served with an attachment by the Sheriff. It seems that a judgement was obtained by a loan company mn Nassau County against this contractor and we were served with legal papers and then the Sheriff came dow~ to attach the funds that belong to the contractor. So instead of paying the money over to the contractor we will be paying it to the Sheriff who in turn will deliver it to the judgement creditor, a lumber company. SUPERVISOR PELL These are your funds and the Town Board is sitting hard on top of them. 10.On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED tha~ the Town Board of the Town of Southold approves the action of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District in a~arding the bid for the drydocking of the M/V Olinda to the lowest responsible bidder Thames Shipyard & Repair Co. at bid price of $5,600.00 plus $540.00 for zincx, plus $2,560.00 for sandblasting and prime coating areas below ~lush deck hatches in number 3 compartment and ~he stern compartment, and sandblasting and tar sev freight deck, and be it further RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District are granted permission ~o accomplish the following work during the drydocking of the M/V Olinda; Removal of both shafts and gauging for accuracy - $850.00 each; Inspection and renewal of strut bearings - $285.00 each; Renewal of Stuffing box packing - $95.00 each; Crop and renew hull plating as may be found necwssary or required by the U.S. Coast Guard - $18~00 per hour, plus $.30 per pound. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: In case you boys don't know what we're talking about, Fishers Island is an island off of Orient Point. It is under Southold Town. It is part of your Township. They have a ferry boat that takes the people from the Island to New London, ConnectiCUt and they run the ferry boat themselves and any cost to that ferry boat is billed to the residents of Fishers Island, but we as Town officers control the funds for that district so all that we read just now concerns Fishers Island and the ferry boat that is going into dry- dock for repair. · l$4Q:n motion of Councilman Drum~ seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was RESOLVED that a-public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 2nd day df December, 1980 at 8:10 o'clock P.M. of said day, for the purpose of considering a contract with the Villageof Greenport, Suffolk County, New York, for fire protection to be furnished by said Village to the Fire Protection District established in said Town and known as "East-West Greenport Fire Protection District, Town of Southold, New York" upon the follow- ing general terms, to wit: (a) The Fire Department of said Village shall be subject to call for attendance upon any fire occurring in said District with a minimum of three pieces of apparatus and suitable men and equipment when notified by alarm or by telephone call from any person within said District. (b) When notified by silent alarm or alarm other than a general alarm, said Department shall respond with such men and apparatus as shall be deemed suitable by the Chief of said Department. (c) The emergency rescue and first-aid squad of the Village Fire Department shall render services within said District in cases of accidents, calamities or other emergencies. (d) Theocontract shall be for a term of five years commencing on January 1, 1981. r- (e) For such service the Village of Greenport shall receive the £ollowing sums annually_,$~,~$~?;l~5_ $3-6 000' -' 1982 - $42,000; 983 - $48,000. z9 4- 0,000.' (~) Such other indicential terms as may be necessary or proper in connection with such contract. Ail persons interested in this matter should appear at the time and place above stated. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: What we just did was se~ a time and a date for a hearing, just like the five we jsut held here, so people will know when it is going to be. That will be published in the paper next week. Number 12, we are going to wait on that one, we want more information. (Accept bid for computerization of tax rolls.) Number 13, we have to wait on that one also and get more information. ( Enter into agreement with Wiedersum Associates for plans and specifications to correct Town Hall sprinkler system.) Number 14. The Town has applied for a $50,000 grant and was awarded it. Mr. Dean, Superintendent of Highways applied for federal funds in the tune of $37,500.00 and Southold Town will put up $12,500.00 bucks to go into, throughout the Town, a street sign project, putting the signs in the proper place, signs %hat need to be replaced, replace them and along these roads. This survey was done by the County. of Suffolk and he has a report from them that he applied for his grant and was awarded the grant. I need authorization to sign it. 1R.gn motion of Councilman NIckles, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southodl hereby authorizes and designates Supervisor William R. Pell %1I to sign an agreement with the New York State Department of Transportation £or a Regulatory and Warning Sign Projec~ in the Town of SioUthold as follows: Regulatory and Warning Sign Project: Total Cost = $50,000.00 Federal Sh~re +75% = $37,500.00 Town Share +25% = $12,500.00 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Poll, III be and he hereby is authorized and designated ~o sign all necessary documents in connection with the Safer Of£ System Roads Program in 438 NOVEMBER which the Town of Southold wishes To participate. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 15, we audited the bills today for tWO different projects. One.of the projects Was £or the 'youth, $10,.000 what we call Youth 'Grant, money being spent up ta the rec. building on Peconic Lane. The other one was for the equipment put in there under $15,000 allotment made by the Town Board from Federal Revenue Sharing. T will ask permission to Pay the bills. 15.On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the following audited bills be. and hereby are authorized to be paid: Bills of the Division of ~outh in the ;s4mount O~ $1266,86~ bills from the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds in the amQunz of $1931.40. ~ote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Nu, mber 16. This one is tO set a h.e~ing on Fishers Island. Mr. Doyen, when he did call today, went over th.is with me and this is to h~p alleviate a parking situation on Fishers ~sland across from shopping stores and where it si-~he feels and we feel with him that this should be changed and we are proposing today to set a public hearing on December 2nd at 8:.05 P.M. at which time all persons can come before the Town Board and state themr views, 16.On motion of Supervisor Poll, seconded by Council~n N~ckles, it was RESOLVED that the~Town Board of theTown of south~ld will hold a public heari.ng at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 2nd daf o£ December 1980 at 8:05 P,M.~ at which time and place all interested persons will be given an oppQrtunity to be heard upon the following matter: "ALocal Law to A~end Chapter 92 of the Code of the Town of Southodl in Relation t~ Traffic Regulations," which read as follows: Chapter 92 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby a~ended as follows: 1. By amending Section 92~41 (Parking Prohibited au all times) by adding thereto the following: Name of Street Side Location Crescent Avenue South At Fishers ~sland from the Southeast'e'rly c~rner of the interestion of Crescent Avenue with Fox Avenue easterly for a distance of 250 feet. Vote of the Town Board; Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell, This resolution was declared du&y adopted. 17.On motion of Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold set.8:00 P.M., Tuesday, December 2, 1980, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for hearing upon application of Paradise Point Corp for a permit under the provisions of the ~etl~nd Ordinance of the Town Of Southold for permissmon to constr~ct a timber bulkhead and backfill behing the bulkhead at a man-made basin off Briar Lane, Paradise Point, Bayview, Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: ~yes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock,, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 18.Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, WHEREAS, the Griswold-Terry-Glover Post #803, American Legion, Southold, New York has applied ze the Town Clerk for Bingo License, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has examined the application~ and after investigation, duly made findings and determinations as required by law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Southold the findings and determinations as required by law, and it is fruther RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to issue a Bingo License to the Griswold-Terry-Glover Post #803, American NOWMB , 18, 1980 Legion, Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 19.Moved by Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Nickles, WHEREAS, the Grsiwold-Terry-Glover Post #803, American Legion Auxiliary, Southold, New York has applied to the TOwn Clerk for a Bingo License, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has examined the application, and after investigation, duly made findings and determinations?.as required by law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that theSupervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Southold the findings and determinations as required by law, and it is further RESOLVED that the TOwn Clerk be and she hereby is directed To issue a Bingo License to the Griswold-Terry-Glvoer Post #803, American Legion Auxiliary, Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman NIckles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 20.On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the sale of scrap metal and paper from the Southold Town Landfill Site at Cutchogue, New York; bid opening at 3:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 10, 1980 at the Southold To~n Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Specifications and form of proposal may be obtained from the Southold Town Clerk. Bids will be accepted for one year with alternate of three years. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolut'ion was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: There are another four or five (resolutions) which you people do not have on your agenda. The Board did discuss them today and we need action on them at this tim~ To operate the Town. 21.On motion of Councilman DRum, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold set 4:00 P.M., Tuesday, November 25, 1980, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York as time and place for a hearing upon Police Officer Michael Burke's appeal of his grievance to the Town Board, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold waives all time limits set forth in the grievance procedure. Vote o~ the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman NIcktes, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 22.On motion of Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Nicktes, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell, III be and he hereby is authorized and directed to retain public officials and liability insurance to cover Southold Town Officials to the extent of $1,000,000~00 to take ef£ect immediately. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Let me say this about that, that is for a one year period, twelve months, it is for $1,000,000.00 and the cost to the Town is approximately $3800.00 23.Moved by Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, WHEREAS, the parcels of land hereinafter described were formerly a part of the roadbed of Main State Road (Route25) ~ Mattituck, and as a result of the realignment of said road, were abandoned as either a State or Town highway, and WHEREAS, all of the land abutting said parcel~ on the south are presently located in the B-1 General Business Zone on the Building Zone Map of the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest and in the promotion of the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the Town to place said parcels of land in the B-1 General Business Zone, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the Town Board, on its own 4~0 NOVF. MBER 18, 1980 motion, pursuant to Article XV o£ the Code of the Town of Southold, as follows: 1. That the Town Clerk, in a written request, instruct the Southold Town Planning Board to prepare an official report with re- spect to the Town Board's proposal to place the said parcels of land in the B-1 Business Zone, in accordance with Section 100-150B of the Code of the Town of Southold. 2. That the Town Clerk, pursuant to the provisions of Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter, refer this matter to the Suffolk County Planning Commission, together with all required documents and information, for its report thereon. 3. That the two parcels of land to be affected by the proposed rezoning are shown ~nd delineated on a certain map entitled "Map of Parcels to be Zoned "B-i" at Mattituck, Town of Southold, NewYork made for Southold Town Board:, prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl on October 24, 1980, and is on file in the Southold Town Clerk's Office. Said parcels of land are described as follows;, to wit: Parcel I Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Sigsbee Road at the northwesterly corner of land of Morchel, and running thence along the extension northerly of said easterly line of Sigsbee Road, N. 20'39'10" W.-43.27 feet to the southerly line of existing Main' Road; thence along said southerly line of Main Road, three courses: (1') N. 53'28'00"R.-78.25 feet; thence (2) N.70*18'10"E.-155.34 feet; thence (3) N.53*28'00"E.-56.56 feet to the extension northerly of the westerly line of Marlene Lane; thence along said extension, S.20'39'10"E.-82.40 f-et to land of Mattituck Bowling Lanes; thence along said land and laong land of Mattituck Building Corp. and along land of Morchel, S.70'18'10"W.-285.02 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.442 acre. Parcel II Beginning aria point on the easterly line of Marlene Lane at: the northwesterly corner of land of Matt Agency, and running thence along the extension of said easterly line of Marlene Lane,N.20* 39'10"W.-81.36 feet to the southerly line of existing Main Road;thence along said southerly line, three courses: (1)N.53*28'OO"E.-17.26 feet; thence (2) N.39'05'30" E.-223.94 feet; thence (3) N.49*lT'30"E.-372.60 feet to land of McCarthy; thence along the several lands of McCar~thy, Wilsberg, Schoenhaar, and Matt Agency, S.39'05'30"W.-648.44 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.676 acre. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman NIckles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 24.On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold retain the services of Lawrence Tuthill to attempt to get the Town of Southold excepted from requirements that basements must be above the base flood lev:el; the cost not to exceed $2,000.00. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: I would like to ask the Councilmen, do they want to rule on these hearings we had today or do you want to wait until the 12th? You had that one revision on one of them from a three foot gangway to 4 ft. I'd like to go with the 4ft. With the 3 ft. it is very narrow. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: If you are talking about the one that is at Haywaters Cove, Gold, that is 100 ft. of catwalk. 100 ft. by 3 ft. is a hell of a narrow walkway if you are carrying boat equipment and are fortunate enough to catch some fish on the return. On Gold I would recommend that we adopt that subject to the Trustees' recommendation other than number 2 which is the three ft. 25.Moved by Councilman NIckles, seconded by Supervisor Pell, WHEREAS, Joseph and Janet Gold applied to the Southold Town Board for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated August 21, 1980, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Trustees and the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommen~tions, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect to said application on the 18th day of November, 1980, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Joseph and Janet Gold be granted permission under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the construction of a dock, catwalk, ramp and float at the north side of Haywaters Road, at Haywaters Cove, Cutchogue, New York, provided (1) the catwalk start at road surface rather than two feet high, and (2) the dock be kept in line with present dock. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman NIckles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 26.Moved by Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Drum, WHEREAS, Henry Pierce applied to the Southold Town Board for a permit under,;the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated September 3, 1980, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Trustees and the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their:findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respecz to said application on the 18th day of November, 1980, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Henry Pierce be granted permission under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the construction of a walkway, ramp and floats at the east side of Wells Road, on Rochmond Creek, Peconic, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 27.Moved by Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, WHEREAS, Rita F. Gledich applied to the Southold Town Board for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated September 19, t980, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Trustees and the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect to said application on the 18th day of November, 1980, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Rita Gledich be granted permission under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the construction of a catwalk, ramp and floats at the east side of Oak Street, on East Creek, Cutchogue, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nick~es, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 28.Moved by Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Murdock, WHEREAS, Ali Agarabi applied to the Southold Town Board ~r a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated September 25, 1980, and WHEREAS, sais application was referred to the Southold Town Trustees and Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect to said application on the 18th day of November, 1980, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Ali Agarabi be granted permission under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the construction of a dock, catwalk, ramp and float at the south side of Westview Drive, on Mattituck Creek, Mattituck, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nick~es, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 29.Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, WHEREAS, Zahra Benz applied to the Southold Town Board for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated September 25, 1980, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold To~n Trustees and Southold Town Conservation Advisory?Council for their findings and reco-mendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect to said application ont he 18th day of N~vember, 1980, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Zahra Benz be granted permission under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the construction of a dock, catwalk, ramp and float at the south side of Westview Drive~ on Mattituck Creek, Mattituck, New York. Vote of The Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: I'd like to ask the Town Board at this time if they have anything that they wish to bring up. George? John? COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Yes. Last week the Town Board received a letter from one of our taxpayers relative to an article in the New York Times, which I happened to see. It was published November 9th. As you all know, or may not know, on September 23rd the Town Board created an advisory committee called the Robins Island Advisory Committee. Within two months of their formation they were to report to the Town Board, to be, as I calculate November 23rd. I was somewhat disiurbed to read in the New Y~rk Times one of the members of the committee indicating that they had already come up with two preliminary proposals to present to the Town Board later this month~ ~ think that the committee is somewhat remiss in going to the press with this prior to making a presentation To the Town Board. 1 Think this fellow's letter is well taken. It says, "The Town Board set up a committee, ~ hoped that you'd be able to se~ UP ground rules that would prevent individual members from seeking publicity for their point 0~ view." Our Supervisor is the chairman and ~ wo~ld presume is somebody was the spokesman for that committee thai he would be somewhat more responsible in the sense that he would make his presentation. ~m not putting this on you, Bill, but ~ was a little taken back when they explain in this article that the Save Robins ~sland Committ was formed by the Southold Town Board. The whole sense of this article, which newspaper reporters, was they are, will w~ite them as ~hey see them, so ~ can't say that what's in this a~tic~e is ~cc~rate. ~t is not accurate and I would like To correct the impression tha~ the Southold Town Board created the Save Robins Island Committee. ~t is a private, political committee. The Advisory Committee on Robins Island is the one created by the ~own Board which was to look into all ayen~es of acquisition or al~6~native p~ese~¥ation, including the possible development of the Island and the effect o~ thaT. I would ask the Chairman that he take this up with ~he c~mmittee and poin~ out to them that,'they are ~mewhat premature in p~eSe~ting the alternatives and I ~mit in a very ~utline type ~orm~ but I think that they should at least wait until it is presented ~o the Town Board and ~ would hope that at our December 2nd, meeting or s&met'ime before that--evidentially they are ahead of schedule by two weeks~they will make that report. SUPERVISOR PELL: John, as you ~a~d, ~ ~am Chairman of that Committee. The very first meeting we had we agreed amo~ng ourselves that any press release, the entire Committee wo~ld have to agree upon and it would come from ~yTo~.ice. The gentlem~n who did speak out to the New York Times did apolegize that next morning on the phone To me and ~wo or three nights after ~hat that Committee did week, he apologized to the Committee and we restated what we did the first' night, any press release would c~me fr~m the Town Hall, my office. The gentleman did apologize ~or it, The next d~y ~ did send the letter to ~r. Gardiner apologizing to hi~m and your comments are taken. One co-ment you did make ~ don~t think was exactly true, you said Robins Island is a politica~ ~dvisory committee. It's not a poliiical, it's a committee ~hat Was formed. COUNCILMAN N~CKLES: ~ think 1 meant to say that..the Save Robisn ~sland Committee is a p~!itical en~ity in itself, not the committee formed by the Town Board, the Robins Island Advisory Committee. SUPERVISOR PELL; Right, I just wanted to clear the~po~nt. Your point is well taken and the ge~tlem~n-did ~polog~ze. And now~ as .far as the deadline £o~ the committee, we figure a different date than you do. We figure 60 days from the first time the committee got together to meet. The full committee. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: That would be in my opinion to the will O~ mhe Board, but the committee was formed on September 23rd--- SUPERVISOR PELL: It will be done in two months, the report is well under way. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I have not seen any minutes from the meetings. NOVEMBER 9.0 i 43 SUPERVISOR PELL: Does anyone else wish to address the Board? COUNCILMAN SULLIVAN: Is there any reason this letter was not on communications? SUPERVISOR PELL: Yes, it just didn't get on communications. just as shocked as you all were, believe me. Hank? (Nothing) Larry? (Not at present.) People here, anything you would like to address the Town Board Wi~h? I was is there MR. ANDERSON: I would like to~ thank you for allowing us to come, I think the boys have learned a lot. I would also like to say that I am very proud that they sat so still. SUPERVISOR PELL: The one thing that I said before we recessed this meeting, we will not adjourn, but recess, is that I understand or was told that this was your communications badge that you are working on and citizenship. Now, if you have any comment on your Town Board, how we can improve the meetings, I hope one of you will communicate ~ith us and tell us how we can improve it so you can understand it better. I thgnk you for coming and I ask for a motion to recess. On motion of Councilman NIckles, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was RESOLVED that a recess be called at this time~ 4:20 P.M., meeting to reconvene following work session to discuss 1981 Budget. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. WORK SESSION 4:45 P.M. The Board discussed the 1981 Budget.--Councilman Murdock expressed his desire to see the allocation for the Southold Town Promotion Committee increased from $2100 to $3500.---Councilman Drum did not recommend altering the Preliminary Budget.--Highway Super- intendent Dean expressed his concern relative to gasoline costs next year and does not feel there is enough money allotted inthe 1981 Budget which would necessitate taking money from other necessary areas of his buddget.--Councilman Sullivan stated he does not feel the police cars should come from the Federal Revenue Sharing part of the Budget. He also strongly urged the money allotted for police cars in the FRS budget be used for the purchase of land for youth recreation.--Councilman Nickles stated he does not recommend altering the Preliminary Budget but would be willing to amend it to include an additional $1400.00 £or the Promotional Committee (It was decided this could be found in surplus at the end of 1981.) --Supervisor Pell said he would like to see the Preliminary Budget adopted as it now stands. Thsi Southold Town Board meeting reconvened at 5:25 P.M. with the £ollowing present: Supervisor William R. Pell III, Councilman Henry W. Drum, Councilman John J. Nickles, Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr., Councilman George R. Sullivan, Town Clerk Judith T. Terry, Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker, Highway Superintendent Raymond C. Dean. Moved by Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nickles, WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town o£ So~hold, New York has met at the time and place specified in=the notice of public hearings on the preliminary budget and intended use of federal revenue sharing funds for the fiscal year beginning on January 1; 1981, and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board o£ the Town of Southold does hereby adopt such preliminary budget as the annual budget of this Town for the fiscal year beiinning on the 1st day of January, 198~, and that such budget as so ad~pted by this Board be entered in detail in the minutes of ~he proceedings of this Town Board, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold shall prepare and certi£y, in duplicate, copies of said annual budget as adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, together with the estimates, if any, adopted purusant to Section 202a, Subdivision 4 of the Town Law, and deliver two copies thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the County Legislature of the County of Suffolk. FRS PROPOSED USE BUDGET Revenue Unobligated Funds onI hand. .......... ~ .............. ~ ..... $ 1,.000.00 Unexpended Funds on hand ................................. $ 63,000.00 Anticipated Revenue - 1981 ............................. ~..$ 95,000.00 Total $ 159,000.00 Expenditures 1981 Town Cars ................................................ $ 45,000.000 ToWn Waste Management Program ............. - ............... $ 78,000.00 Street Lighting - Payment on Bond Anticipation Note ...... $ tl,000.00 Land Acquisition ......................................... $. 8,000.00 Bulkheading and Drainage ................................. $ 17,000.00 Total 159,000.00 SUMMARY OF TOWN BUDGET - 1981 Fund General General Outside Village Highway Repairs and Improvements I $ 773,600.00 Bridges II $ 2,518.44 Machinery III $ 269,150.00 Snow and Misc. IV $ 144,700.00 Federal Revenue Sharing $ 159,000.00 Debt ServiCe Fund Appropriations $1,353,206.00 $1,653,205.00 Less Less Estimated Unexpended Revenues Balance $ 333,350,00 $ 183,250.00 Amount to be Raised by Tax $ 110,000.00 $ 909,856.00 $ 20,000.00 $1,449,955. $ 53,416.75 $ 75,000.00 $ 645,183.25 $ -0- $ 2,518.44 -0- $ 27,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 217,150.00 $ ~i2,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 72,700.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 64,000.00 $ -0- (Included in Federal Revenue Sharing) DATED: October 21, 1980 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Murdock, Councilman Nickles, ~BY ORDER OF THE Southold TOWN BOARD BY: JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Councilman Drum, Supervisor Petl. This resolution was declared duly adopted. CODE A B TOWN BUDGET FOR 1981 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Villages Within or Partly Within Town VILLAGE OF GREENPORT FUND APPROPRIATIONS General $1~353,206.00 General Outside Village $1,653,205.00 LESS LESS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED REVENUES BALANCE $333,350.00 $110,000.O0 $183,250.00 $ 20,~O00.00 $1,449,955.00 CODE ~LE~S. LESS- ' ' ,' ~ ~ ~ ~..~TED:'~Y ~:~ UNEXPENDED AMOUNT TO FUND APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES BALANCE 'RAISED BY BE TAX DR HIGHWAY REPAIRS AND $ 773,600.00 $ 53,416.75 $ 75 000.00 IMPROVEMENTS ' DB BRIDGES $ 2,518.44 $ 2,518.44 DM *MACHINERY $ 269,150.00 $ 27,000.00 $ 25,000.00 DS *SNOW $ 144,700.00 $ 12,000200' $ 60,000.00 CF FEDERAL REVENUE __ SHARING $ t59,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 64,000.00 $ 645,183.25 LO- S 217,150.00 $ 72,700.00 -0- DEBT SERVICE FUND (INCLUDED IN FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Sub-Total ......... $4,355,379.44 $ 704,016.75 $356,518.44 $3,294,844.25 S SPECIAL DISTRICTS Fishers Island Ferry District $ 678,922.50 $479,500.00 Orient Mosquito $ 6,000.00 -0- Orient-East Marion Park District $ 10,350.00 -0- Southold Park Dist.$ 35,000.00 -0- Cutchogue-NewSuf£olk Park District $ 24,200.00 -0- Mattituck Park District $ 2,050.00 Fishers Island E/W Fire Protect. -0- Greenport West Water -0- $ 61,785.00 $ 74,950.00 $ 46,340.00 $ 22,627.00 40,000.00 $159,422,~50 -0- $ 6,000.00 -0- $ 10,350.00 -0- $ 35,000.00 12,527.45 $ 11,672.55 -0- $ 59,735.00 12,000.00 $ 62,950.00 830.00 $ 45,510.00 -0- $ 22,627.00 $ 2,176.00 $3,710,287.30 Bayside Terrace Road ~Improvement Distric% $ 2,176.00 -0- -0- ~..SPEC~AL t~IST $'5;B17,729.94 $1,185,566.75 $421,875.89 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT ACCOUNTS CODE ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PRE~ LAST TH'~S YEAR -.OFFICERS LIMINARY YEAR AS TENTATIVE & ADOPTED ~9~9 AMENDED- BUDGET !98~ '' ~ 1980 ' 1981' ~OWN BOARD ersonal Services Contractual Exp. JUSTICES Personal Services Contractual Exp. Equipment SUPERVISOR Personal Services A1220.1 ~qu~pme~t . A1220.2 on~rac~ua± Exp. A1220.4 I~EPENDENT AUDITING ~ 3 ACCOUNTING C~ ~raetual Exp. A1320.4 TAX COLLECTION Personal Services ~quipment ~ ontraCtua± Exp. ASSESSORS Personal Services EquiDment Contractual Exp. TOWN CLERK Personal Services ~uipment ,~ontractual Exp. Al010.1 25,678.57 35,800.00 Al010.4 5,526.20 5,000.00 000.00 A1~10.1 45,829.68 4~:600.00 Allt0.4 5,680.23 500.00 Alll0.2 A1330.1 At330.2 A1330.4 A1355~ A1355 A1355.4 Al410.1 A1410.2 A1410.4 55,525.32 56,700.00 337.91 1,200 O0 4,057.63 5,000~00 3,785.00 4,500.0'0 19,049.34 20.500.00 600.00 11,303.30 12,600.00 vs,2o6: 8 82,8oo.oo 149 1,000.00 3,956.96 6,500.00 27,719.56 30,200.00 715.50 1,000.00 2,916.04 4,000.00 36,000.00 34,500.00 4,000.00 7,000.00 464:700.00- 447,260.00 000.00 000.00 62,000.00 62,000.00 1,oo .oo ooo.oo ,ooo.oo ;ooo.oo 500. O0 22,600.00 500.00 12,600.00 88,7OO.OO 500.00 7,000.00 32,000.00 1 000.00 71000.00 4,500.00 22,600.00 500.00 ~2,600.00 88,700.00 500.00 7,000.00 32,000.00 1.000.00 4;000.00 ACCOUNTS CODE ATTORNEY Personal Services A1420,1 Contractual Exp. A1420.4 ENGINEER Contractual Exp. PUBLIC WORKS 'ADMINISTRATION Personal Services BUDGET BUDGET PRE%- ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS LIMINARY LAST AS TENTATIVE &ADOPTED YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 1'981 19,999.92 21,500.00 17,972.38 19,000.00 22,800.00 22,800.00 21,840.00 22,240.00 A1440.4 390.00 5,O00.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 A1490.1 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000,00 BUILDINGS Personal Services A1620.i 11~096.80 27,200.00 Equipment , A1620..2' '! ~ .. 21,500:00400 00 Contractual Exp.- A162Q..4' 60.,.4t3.'16 70 ~ 000.00 ' 82,000.00 CENTRAL DATA ~ROCESSING COntractuaI Exp. SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Ins. Munis}~l Assn'. Contingent Acct. A1680..4 11,824.02' 13,000.00 t3,000.00 Al910..4 58,989.55 60,700_..00 6~,000.00 A1920..~4' 400.00 ~-400.00 -~400.00 A1990..4 30,000.00 45,000:.00 13,000.00 65,000.00 400.00 45,000.001 PUBLTC:SAFETY POLICE & CONSTABLE Personal Services A3120..1 Contractual Exp. A3120.4 32,957.66 26,000.00 41'5.23 600.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL Contractual Exp. A3310.4 5,644.12 6~500.O0 6 CONTROL OF DOGS .. Personal Services A3510.1 12,694.17 14,000.00 Equipment -500.00 Contractual Ex~. A35t0..4 6,379.80 · 6,500.00 29 EXamINING BOARDS Contractual Exp. A3610.-4 CIVIL DEFENSE Contractual Exp. A3640.4 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OFFICER Personal Services ~60..~ 461.'83 800.00 400.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 TRANSPORTATION 37.000.00 37,000.00 600.00 600.00 ,000.00 6,000.00 -0- -0- 500.00 500.00 ,500.00 29,500.00 1,600.00 2,000.00 400.00 400.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS Personal Services A5010.1 STREET LIGHTING Contractual ExP. A5182.4 OFF STREET PARKING Personal Services A5650..1 Contractual Exp. A5650.4 '57,059.3~ 59,900.00 63,500.00 69,534.47 70,000.00 70,000.00 64,000.00 70,000.00 6,500.00. 7,_100.00. 1,162.20 1,500.00 8~.000.00 8,.000.00 1,500.00 1,'500100 ECONONIC A'SSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY CETA (TITLE 2) Personal Services A6220.1 Fringe Benefits A6220.8 PUBLICITY ' Contractual Exp. A6410.4 VETERANS SERVICES Contractual Exp. A65t0.4 PROGRAMS FOR THE AGING Contractual Exp. A6772.4 6,916.18 7,500.00 1,500.00 1,824.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 660.24 500.00 7,500.00 1,900~00 2,100.00 1,200.00 2,500.00 7,500.00 9,400.00 2,.t00.00 1,200.00 2,500.00 . BUDGET BUDGET ,ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS LAST-t . ~ AS TENTATIVE ~.:~ ~ YEA~:~,~'~ ;~I~/ENDED BUDGET ACCOUNTS CODE 1979 1980 1981 LI~iiNARY ~- ADOP. T]~D BUDGET 1981 CULTURE - RECREATION RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Contractual Exp. A7020.4 12,000.00 12,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 200.00 600.00 2,506.70 4,000.00 PARKS Personal Services A7110.1 ~quipment A7110.2 Contractual Exp. A7110.4 BEACH Personal Services A7180.1 28,000.00 35,000.00 Equipment A7180.2 1,000.00 1,0.00.00 Contractual Exp. A7180.4 6,934.31 12,000.00 JOINT YOUTH PROJECT Contractual Exp. A7320.4 5,907.!3 6,000.00 Exp. A7410.4 4,500.00 4,500.00 LIBRARY Contractual HISTORIAN Personal Services A7510.1 Contractual Exp. A7510.4 HISTORICAL PROPERTY Contractual EXp. A7520.4 CELEBRATIONS Contractual Exp.' A7550.4 2,499.84 2,700.00 5,252.86 5,600.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 12,790.63 ADULT RECREATION Contractual Exp. A7620.4 6,500.00 29,000.00 12,000 00 60o:oo 4,O00.O0 38,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 4,500.00 ~,900.00 ,600.00 1,200.00 500.00 7,500.00 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ENVIRON~ENTALCONTROL Personal Services A8090.1 10,391.41 11,900.00 12,500.00 Equipment ~ A8090.2 100.00 100.00 Contractual Exp. A8090.4 2,736.08 600.00 600.00 REFUSE AND GARBAGE Personal Services.,A8160.1 59,767.55 80,000.00 82,000.00 Contrac~ai E~p;;~::~A8160.4. 49,531.65 36,000.00 35,000.00 CO MuNi BEAtiFICatION Contractua~ Exp. A8510.4 475.00 800.00 -0- DRAINAGE Contractual Exp. A8540.4 FLOOD AND EROSION CONTROL Contractual Exp. A8560.4 CEMETERIES Contractual Exp. A88t0.4 SHELLFISH A8830.4 Contractual Exp. 2,093.07 500.00 500.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 3,000.00 4,500.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 12,000.00 600.00 4,000.00 38,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 4,500.00 2,900;00 5,600.00 1,2oo.o0 500.00 7,500.00 I6,400.00 lO0.OO 600.00 82,000.00 35,000.00 -0- 500.00 5,000.00 6,00 6,000.00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement AP010.8 Social Security A9030.8 Workmen's Comp. Unemployment Ins. I~8~8:~' Hospital & CSEA A9059.8 Medical Ins. A9060.8 To~al ~mployee ~enefizs. A9199.0 INTERFUND TRANSFERS Contributions to -Other Funds A9961.9 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES A9999.0 OTHER TAX ITEMS tnzerest and Penalties on Real Property Taxes Al090 UNDISTRIBUTED 63~519.62 78,700.00 30~:892.7ff 36,000.00 9,262 051~: 2,.43o:4o. 888:88 ' ' 4,250.:00 30, 95.33 38,000.00 136~fi99.51 175,450.00 78,900.00 78,900.00 40,000.00 42,000.00 17;5oo co 4','000[00 888:88 6,000.00 6.000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 206,400.00 208,400.00 11,026.00 ' 1/044,850.11 LOCAL SOURCES 1,238,756.00 1,356,946.00 1,353.206.00 9,061.37 8,500.00 8.500.00 8,500.00 ACCOUNTS CODE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Clerk Fees A1255 Public Pound Charges- Dog Control Fees A1550 Ai~port~Fees & ~enta±s A1770 ~pgram for theAging A1972 Park & Recreation Charges A20017,092.50 BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS LAST AS TENTATIVE YEAR AMENDED BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 999.25 1,440.00 54.00 813.91 1,000.00 700.00 2,200.00 -0- 200.00 2,500.00 6,000.00 8,000~00 Recreation Concessions A2012 500.00 USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and ~arnlngs A2401 Commissions A2450 LICENSES AND PERMITS Bingo License A2540 Dog Licenses Permits, Other A2590 FINES AND FORFEITURES Fines and Forfeited Bail A2610 Fines & Pen.Dog Cases A2611 40,630.37 30,000.00 98.08 25.00 40,000.00 50.00 2,410.79 2,250.00 2,250.00 14..676.03 3,000.00 3,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 500.00 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS Sale of Refuse Recycling H2651 Sale of Excess Scrap & MaterialsA2650 Sales o£ EquipmentA2665 Insurance Recoveries A2680 9,669.00 PRE- LIMINARY & ADOPTED' BUDGET 1981 700.00 2,500.00 8,500.00 45,000.00 50.00 2,5OO.OO 3,000.00 9,0010.00 500.00 202.98 11,415.50 8,000.00 8,000,00 8,000.00 2,700:00 248.85 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 9,000.00 9,400.00 200.00 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Prior Years Expenses A2701 3,733.42 CETA.- TITLE 2 A2762 8,092.44 Other Unclassified Revenues Bi Cent Refund A2770 324.64 2999 119,985.45 89,075.00 108,350.00 STATE AID 146,086.0.0 130,000.00 130,000.00 121,107.97 80,000.00 80,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM LOCAL SOURCES 2,488.88 -O- 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 3,O00.00 4,000.00 ,119.50 t,0Q0.00 1,000.00 Per Capita A3001 Mortgage Tax A3005 Loss of Railroad Tax Revenue A3007 Div. of Youth A3089 Shellfish A3350 Rec./Elderly A38Oi TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM STATE AID A3999 268,302.35 215,000.00 216,000.00 FEDERAL'AID I a5ooo 388,28,.8o 04,075.00 a24, 50.00 ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED GENERAL .FUND UNEXPENDED BALANCE 120,000.00 110,000.00 100.00 9,400.00 1,113,850.00 128,500.00 80,000.00 6,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 219,500.00~ 333,350.O0 110,000.00 ACCOUNTS GENERAL'FUND APPROPRIATIONS- TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE .... ~,.~B~E~ BUDGET ACTUAL T i YEAR OFfiCERS LAST AS TENTATIVE YEAR AMENDED BUDGET CODE 1979 1980 1981 4149 PRE- LIMINARY & SDOPTED BUDGET 1981 SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Ins. Contingent Acct. Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT BI910.4 60,667.45 61,500.00 61,500.00 61,500.00 B1990.4 10,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 60,667.45 71,500.00 91,500.00 91,500.00 POLICE Personal ServicesB3120.1 Equipment B3120.2 Contractual Exp. B3120.4 TOTAL B3120.0 SAFETY INSPECTION Personal ServicesB3620.1 Equipment B3620.2 Contractual Exp. B3620.4 TOTAL -B3620.0 BAY CONSTABLE Personal ServicesB3130.1 Equipment B3130.2 Contractual Exp..B3130.4 TOTAL B3130.0 TOTALS ............. PUBLIC SAFETY 716,281.18 775,000.00 120,981.74 103,000.00 837,262.92 878,000.00 41,681.76 55,000.00 393.00 6,000.00 3,138.35 3,000.00 45,213.11 64,000.00 17,708.39 15,000.00 3,075.00 1,800.00 6,802.12 7,000.00 27,585.51 23,800.00 910,061.54 965,800.00 806,000.00 803,000.00 4,100.00 4,100.00 120,000.00 121,500.00 930,100.00 928,600.00 50,000.00 53,000.00 6..000.00 6,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 60,000.00 63,000.00 16,650.00 2,300.00 9,600.00 28,550.00 1,018,650.00 16,650.00 9,100.00 11,650.00 37,400.00 1,029,000.00 HEALTH REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Personal ServicesB4020.1 Contractuml Exp. B4020.4 Total HOME 3,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 3,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 ZONING Personal Services BS010.1 Equipment B8010.2 Contractual Exp. B8010.4 Total B8010.0 21,829.00 25,600.00 123.30 600.00 5,019.75 6,500.00. 26,972.05 32,700'.00 PLANNING Personal Services B8020.1 25,084.99 25 Equipment B8020.2 Contractual Exp. Total TOTAL ,900.00 600.00 B8020.4 4..779.19 6,500.00 B8020.0 29,864.18 33,000.00 56,836.23 65,700.00 28,000.00 28,500.00 550.00 550.00 11,600.O0 11,600;00 40,150.00 40,650.00 28,000.00 31,900.00 500.00 500.00 11,055.00 11,555.00 39,555.00 43,955.00 79,705.00 84,605.00 UNDISTRIBUTED ES~LOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement B9010.8 Fire and Police Retirement B9015.8 Social Security B9030.8 Workmen's Comp. B9040.8 Unemployment InS. B9050.8 CSEA B9059.8 GHI Dental B9058.8 H~s~$ta~ and ~ea~cai Ins. B9060.8 To~al Employee ~ene~s B9199.0 TOTAL GENERAL FUND- TOWN OUTSIDE ~ILLAGE - APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR OT~ER U~ES 30,834.44 217,999.00 49,035.74 14,600.66 48.75 33,895.88 346,414.47 1,376,979.69 31,000.00 226,771.00 55,000.00 17,000.00 ~ 500.00. .:ooo.oo 46,000.00 381,271.00 1,487,771.00 31,_000.00 31,000.00 247,100.00 247,100.00 61~000.00 64,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 ~ 500.00 ~,500.00 ;500.00 ,5o0.o0 7,500.00 7,500.00 68,000.00 68,000.00 441,600.00 444,600.00 1,634,955.00 1,653,205.00 450 ACCOUNTS BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR LAST AS '1980 GENERALFUND ESTIMATED Police Fees B1520 Health Fees B1601 Zoning Fe~s . B2110 .Planning B~ard ~ees Interest&EarningsB2401 Refund Prior YearB2701 Permits B2590 Sale of Scrap B2650 Ins. Recoveries B2680 Cable, Police Radio Cedar Beach B2770 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM LOCAL SOURCES -Per Capita B3001 Navigational Aid TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM STATE AID B3999 Public Works Employment Antirecession B4750 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES-GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDEVILLAGES BUDGET PRE- OFFICERS LIM-INARY!:..'~ TENTATIVE ~.ADOPTED BUDGET BUDGET-- 1981 l~SI REVENUES - TOWN OUTSIDE VII,I.AGE LOCAL SOURCES 630.80 700.00 987 50 900 00 26,685190 20,000[00 8,590.00 7,000.00 54,913.19 30;000.00 602.54 500.00 435.00 500.00 427.30 22,011.00 19,000.00 700.00 700.00 800.00 800.00 25,000.00 25..000.00 000.00 9,000.00 5~:000.00 69,000.00 50.OO 5O.OO 200.00 200.00 27,000.00 27,000,00 115,783.23 78,100.00 117,750.00 122,750.00 STATE AID 69,443.00 532.00 69,975.00 FEDERAL AID 65,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 65,000.00 60_.500.00 60,500.00 365.70 186,123.93 143,600.00 178,250.00 183,250.00 ESTIMATED UNEX~ PENDED BALANCE GENERAL FUND~ TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE 2;500.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS .(ITEM I) GENERAL REPAIRS Personal ServicesDR5110.1 264,269.18 320,000 00 345,000.00 Contractual Exp. DR5110.4 . ' 168,128.96 275,000.00 300 000.00 Total DR5110.0 ' 432,398.14 595,000.00 645,000.00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retiremenz DR9010.8 Social Security Woi~kmens Comp. CSEA Hos~itat & Medical Ins. T~tal..F~.ployee ~ene~ DR9199.0 UNDISTRIBUTED 57,929.77 58,000.00 DR9030'~6,383.54 22,000.00 DR9040.8 9,218.52 12,000.O0 DR9059.8 6,000.00 DR9060.8 21,653.88 28,000.00 105,185.71 126,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES ContractualExp. DB5120.4 TOTAL APPRO- PRIATIONS AND BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES 60,000.00 23~000.00 17,000.00 6,600.00 30,O0O.00 136,600.O0 537,583.85 721,000.00 781,600.00 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS BRIDGES (ITEM 2) 2,518.44 2,518.44 2,518.44 2,518.44 339,000.00 300,000.00 639;000.00 60,000.00 23,000~00 17,000..00 6,600~00 28,000.00 134,600.00 773,600~00 2,518~44 2,518.44 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS LIMINARY LAST AS TENTATIVE & ADOPTED YEAR ~ ,,-~ ~-~ ,~A~ IENDED BUDGET BUDGET 1979 1980 1981[ 198':[' HIGHWAY FUND MACHINERY MACHINERY Personal ServicesDM5130.1 59 Equipment DM5130.2 44 Contractual Exp. DM5130.4 53 Total DM5130.0 157 APPROPRIATIONS (ITEM 3) 444.65 88,000.00 '399.96 70,000.00 ~686.90 60,000.00 ,531.51 218,-000.00 112,000.00 70,000.00 60,000.00 242,000.00 E~LOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DMg010.8 Social SeQurity DM9030.8 Workmens uomp. DM9040.8 CSEA DM9059.8 ' H~sDSta~ and Medical Ins. DM9060.8 TQtal~E~ployee ~enefits TOTAL APPRO- ROViSiONS FOR OTHER USES 12 3,944.03 DM9199.0. 21,832.31 UNDISTRIBUTED ,164.08 14,000.00 643.95 5 500.00 ;o8o.2 31500.00 1,500.00 6,500.00- 31,000.00 179,363.82 249,000.00 16,500.00 7,500.00 3,800.00 1,650.00 8,700.00 38,150.00 280,150. O0 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS (ITEM 4) MISCELLANEOUS (BRUSH AND WEEDS) Personal Services DS5140.1 13,474.56 16,000.00 Contractual Exp. DS5140.4 19,142.76 20,000.00 Total DS5140.0 32,617.32 36,000.00 SNOW REMOVAL(TOWN HIGHWAYS Personal Services Contractual Exp. Total DS5142.1 23,658.~7 52,000.00 DS5142.4 33~208:02 35,000.00 DS5142.0 56,866.39 87,000.00 18,000.00 22,000.00 40,000.00 52,000.00 35 000.00 87[000.00 Uh~ISTRIBUTED 106,000.00 70,000.00 55,000.00 231,000.00 16,500.00 7,500.00 3,800.00 1,650.00 8,700.00 38,150.00 269,150.00 18,000.00 21,000.00 39,000.00 52,000.00 33,000.00 85,000.00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Re~Zremen~;DS9010.8 ll 000.00 12,000.00 Social S~curitY?~DS9030.8 2'276.25 4,000 00 Workmens C~mp...~'-DS9040:8 4'915.75 5,500[00 CSEA " "~:"DS9059.8 ' 1,500.00 Hospital ~nd Meaical tn~. DS9060.8 1,129.40 t,700.00 Total DS9199.0 19,321.40 24,700.00 TOTAL APPRO- PRIATIONS AND BUDGETARY HIGHWAY FUNDS - LOCAL SOURCES Interes~and Earnings DR2401 Repairs in Gen. DR2770 STATE AID ' ~teaae and lua~ion DR3507 Totals TOTAL ESTIMATED ~NEXPENDED BALANCE 108,850.11 147,700.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS (ITEM I) 33,130.81 30,000.00 8,426.17 -'2,500.00 13,306.50 13,328.25 54,863.48 45,825.25 50,000.00 7,000.00 5,000.00 5,500.00 1,500.00 1,700.00 20,700.00 7,000. O0 ;ooo.oo 500.00 1., 500.00 1,700.00 20,700.00 147,700.00 144,700.00 UNEXPENDED BALANCE HIGHWAY FUNDS - TOTAL ESTIMATED ~NEX~E~NI)ED BALANCE 30,000.00 13,416.75 43,416.75 60,000.00 ESTIMATED REVENL~S BRIDGES (ITEM 2) 40,000.00 13,416.75 53,416.75 2,518.44 75,000.00 ESTI~IATED UNEXPENDED BALA] 2,518.44 2,518.44 2,518.44 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET PRE-' ~-' ~- ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS LIMINARY.--- LAST AS TENTATIVE & ADOPTED YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET 1979 1980 HIGHWAY FUNDS - LOCAL SOURCES IntereSt and gs DNL~401 ~le of Equipment DM2665 Repairs,Town Gen. DM2770 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES TOTAL ESTIMATED UNPENDED BALANCE HIGHWAY FUNDS ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE MACRINERY.(ITEM 3) 11,043.60 10,000.00 350.00 12,591.93 ~6,500.00 10~000.00 9,000..00 15,000.00 12~000.00 23,985.53 16,500.00 19,000.00. 27,000.00. 21,500.00 25,000.00 25,000.-00 - ESTIMATED REVEIfUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS (ITEM 4) Interest and Earnings DS2401 11,043.60 Reoairs Town General DS2770 40.99 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 11,084.59 5,000.00 10,000. O0 12,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE 7,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND APPROPRIATIONS POLICE EQUIPMENT. CF 9000.2 LIBRARIES Contractual Exp. CF90001.4 WASTE MANAGEMENT (Compactor) Contractual Exp. CF9003.4 LAND ACQUISITION Contractual Exp. CF9006.4 WASTE WATER STUDYCF9008.4 BULKHEADING CF9005.4 NEW SUFFOLK AVE. CF9007.4 Road Improvement HIGHWAY SAFETY CF9008.4 PROGRAM STREET LIGHT BAN CF9009.4 32,304.22 40,500.00 40,000.00 45,000.00 30,653.14 58,500.00 78,000.00 7,860.18 8,000.00 ~ 8,000.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 17,ooo.oQ. 39,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 45,.000.00 78,.000.00 8,'000.00 17,.000.00 11/000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 121,317.5~ 160,590.00 159,000.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES Interest and Earnings CF2401 Federal Revenue Sharing CF4001 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE AND ESTIMATED UNEXPERrDED BALANCE 5,985.61 2,500.00 137,004.00 128,O00.00 142,989.26 130,500.00 30,000.00 64,000.00 PRINCIPAL B .A .N. DEBT SERVICE FUND APPROPRIATIONS V9730.6 10,000~00 10,000.00 V9730.7 1,026.00 1,050.00 1597000.00 95,000.00 95,,000.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 64,000.00 t0,000~00 10,000.00 797~08 --800.00 5,392.'80 . '-'5',392'.80 6,189.88 --6,192.80 30,589.88 30,592.80 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11,026.00 11,050.00 ACCOUNTS ACTUAL THIS YEAR ~. OFFICERS LIMINARY- LAST AS TENTATIVE & ADOPTED YEAR ~_ ~ ~r~_ ~D BUDGET BUDGE~ CODE t979 "~'"~": ~i~0 ..... 1981 1981 Interfund Transfers ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED REVENUES AND' ESTIMATED' UNEXPENDED I{ALANCE ¥2831 11,026.00 ADMINISTRIATION Contractual Exp. SW8310.4 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS SW9900.0 WATER DISTRICT' APPROPRIATIONS GREENPORT WEST WATER' D'ISTR'!CT 24,500.00 24,500.00 2.92 24,134.00 22,627.00 22~627.00 24,134.00 · 22,.627.00 22,627.00 APPROPRIATIONS Contractual Exp. 34t0.4 ESTIMATED REVENUES Balance 1/1/79 REFUND-Insurance Checks Tax Levy TOTAL UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED FIRE PROTECTION DIST. UNEXPENDED BALANCE EAST-WEST FIRE PROTECTION DIiSTR1CT 36,590.00 40,340.00. 46,831.92 46,340.00 70.83 1/1/80 43.05 17.13 13.02 36,545.09 40,365.85 46.,.000.O0. 45,.510.00 36,633.05 40,421.92 46,000.00 45,510.00 43.05 831.92 830.00 BAYSIDE TERRACE ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS PRINCIPAL B.A.N. TOTAL INTEREST B .A .N. ' TAX LEVY PROPERTY OWNERS .?9730.6 P9730.7 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 428.00 576.00 576.00 2,028.00 2,176.00 2,176.00 2,028.00 2,176.00 2,176.00 ~ote o~ th~ Town Board; Ayes.; CQuncil~an Murdock~ Cotmcil~an _ Nickles~ C~uncil~n Drum~'Supe~isQr Pell. NO.: COunc.il~an SUllivan. This reso!uti~n ~as declared duly ~dopted. On, motion of Councilman. Murdock, seconded by Supervisor Pel'l, it was RESOLVED that there,,b~ing no'further business't~ come be~ore 'this Town Board meeting adjournment be called at 5:27 P,~ Vote of]~the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman SulliTan, Counci!~n Murdock, CoUncilman Nickles~ Councilman D~m~ ~B~Q~ Pell. This resolution was declared duly adop~ed. ud~.~ Town Clerk