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September 23, 1980
8:30 A.M. - The Board met with Building Inspectors Fisher,HJ:~dermann,
and Herren to discuss the operation of the Building Department.
9:30 A.M. - Sybil Uizzi, Vice-President, Paul Fi,nk, and Frank Cardinelle,
from Pan Tech Management Corp presen, ted the options for the Small
Cities Program. Comprehensive-S650,000 maximum appropriation for
three years-probable appropriation $200~000-/~. $400,000. Single
Purpose - $400,000 maximum appropriation for one year, probable
appropriation $200,000 to $300,000. Urban County Cons~,rtiumr
probably appropriation $200,00.0 for three years. A final alternative
would be a joint application with the Village of Greenport.
11:20 A.M. - The Board began reviewing the agenda.
11~45 A.M. - Mr. David Spohn spoke with the Board relative to the
selection of the airpark consulting firm.
12 Noon - Recessed for lunch.
1:40 A.M. ~ Resumed reviewing the agenda.
2:10 A.M. - Alan L. Friedland, Constulting Engineer, made a presentation
to the Board concerning an energy audit - energy conservation study -
of the Southold Town Hall. Mr. Friedland stated that only matching
funds are available for technical assistance studies and audits, and
no funds are available for specific energy construction projects.
2:30 P.M. - The Board resumed reviewing the agenda.
3:05 P.M. - The Save Robins Island Committee presented a second
proposed resolution to the Town Board for their consideration.
Councilman Sullivan presented a prepared resolution on Robins
Island. The two resolutions were revised and a final resolution
was formulated for action at the regular meeting.
4:00 P.M. - Maryon Robertson from the Suffolk Federal Credit Union
spoke to the Board relative to the proposal that Southold Town
avail their employees of the credit union; this credit un~n, if
adopted, would be open to all employees o~ the Town of Southold
if they chose to contribute.
The Board discussed the PBA contract and retirement bene£its
for full and part-time employees.
A regular meeting o£ the Southold Town Board was held on Tuesday,
September 23, 1980 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold.
New York. Supervisor PelI opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Supervisor William R. Pell III
Councilman Henry W. Drum
Councilman John J. Nickles
Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr.
Councilman George R. Sullivan
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney Robert W. Tusker
Deputy Supervisor Marie Bauer Johnson
Absent: Justice Francis T. Doyen
Justice Doyen was present at the daY work session.
S PTEMBER 1980 373
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it'was
RESOLVED that the minutes of September 9, 1980 Southold Town Board
meeting be and hereby are approved as submitted.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Co-uncilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular meeting oS the Southold Town Board will
he held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, October 7, 1980 at the Southold Town
Hall, Main Road, Southold, New¥ork.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor ~ell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
1. Report of the Guidelines the Town Board is reviewing at
this time for the use of the new building on Peconic Lane,.the
Senior Citizens-Youth building. A meeting was held this past week
where a representative from each senior citizen group met with
Councilman Murdock. Marie Johnson went over certain guidelines.
They were presented to the Board today. The Board is going to
review them and go over them again and the use of the building
we are going to--before we come up with anything concrete we
are going to move very slowly to figure out what is going to be
the best use. One thing we did decide, agree upon, with the
committee and the Board, that there would be two sets of keys.
One set will be in Town Hall, the other set will.be at the Police
Station. When groups have assignments to use it, they will go
to the police house, pick up the set Of keys, open it up. When
they leave, they will secure it and return the keys to the police
house~or the Town Hall, whatever set they choose to work with.
The use of the building, we discussed this today. We:ha~e many
requests. We are going to see how the requests come in and how
it will work .out with the days that are committed to the senior
citizens and the youth at night. The building was designed for
that purpose and it will be used for that purpose. If the Town
Board can use it for other purposes, case in point, I am going
to say Cub Scouts to hold something there. The Board will con-
sider g~ving them permission if it does not interfere with the
scheduling a month in advance of the regular days that the youth
and the senior citizens haye requested. That are some 'of the
guidelines that we agreed upon today, there are others that we
have under consideration.
2. Justice Rich's report (.month of August, 1980). ~
3. Waste Management:~tudy and ~ouncilman Murdock will make
that. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: The Supervisor and the Highway Super-
intendent Dean and myself went to a waste management study with
the five town group in the Quogue Wildlife center again. We didn't
find any sh~r~ cuts ~r ~ny che~per way te handle the proposed use
of our solid waste. It ms a program that we are going to be
mandated to try and take almost like i~ you want to take castor
oil with orange juice or you want to take it out of a spoon., but
we are going to have to take the castor oil sooner-or later. The
DEC was there and expressed concern f~r the Town of Islip in how
much and what s~t Of an economic effect their proposals would have
on the Town of Islip, at which point we kindly suggested that their
proposals for the Town of Southeld will have roughly ten times the
financial impact that he is so concerned about with the Town of
Islip. He didn't say he would relent, but he was a little upset
that first he had said he was concerned about bankrupting the Town
of !slip and I explained to hi.m that with 300,000 people they are
in much better shape tO support the project he 'envisioned for them
than we were with 19,000 people. However, there was not a final
recommendation made by the engineering firm of H2~ and we will
jave another meeting, ! guess, sometime in the early part of
October for the final ~igures. We also were told, again, that we
will have to completely cap and make imper¥ious to water, our Town
Disposal Area sometime around 1985 and that should cost us approx-
imately three million dollars besides the cost of participating in
another solid waste program.
4. We move down to what is called a charge-back system operated
by the county. COUNCILMAN DRUM: A charge-back system that we are
referring to is basically through the police departments. As you know,
or may not know, the five eastern towns, we do not have Suffolk
County Police, we have our own police and there was a study made by
the director of the budget review office of the Suffolk County Legis-
~14! SEPTEMBER ~3, 1D80
lature looking into what charges were being made To the whole county
and what charges were bei~g~made~t0~the,-f~e~?eag~rn~towns. The
direczor of the budget review had come zo the conclusion that the tax-
payers supporting the police districts a~e paying for services benefiting
the entire county. It has been our contention that we out here were
paying for services that we did not receive. Now, this report is
just the conzrary, saying that we are receiving benefits~and we are
not paying for them. It has been the fi~e eastern town's feeling
all along the last two years zhat this has been controversial, that
we are paying for more than we are getting. We did have a meeting,
with Mr. Pell, with the five eastern supervisors on Wednesday. Mr.
Capuzo who is the comptroller for Suffolk County has reviewed this
repor~ and it is his feeling that zhis reporz does not reflect Yhe
zrue picture, I believe his words were, and that at present ~here are
certain things in this reporz that are going on today ~hat are no~
following the existing budget and he is going to pursue it further.
He also assured us that he has the whole county's interesz, but he
also is looking a~ it from our point of iiew, which is, as I say,
which is very comforting, very satisfying as far as I am concerned.
1. An application from Joseph and Janet Gold to construct a
catwalk. The project cons~tg~of construction of a fixed cazwalk
100 by 4 ft. and ramp 12 by 4 ft. and attached float assembly with
associated mooring piles in order zo provide a mooring facility for
prova~e recreazional craft. The entire configuration will extend
20 ft. more or less beyond the mean high water mark. You have un~i'l
September 28th to make any comments you may wish zo the Departmen~
of the Army, New York District, Corps of Engineers.
2. A bulkhegding project by the Cleaves Point Properzy
Association which is to conszruct 130 lin. ft. of new timber bulk-
heading and rezurns in line with adjacent existing bulkheads az or
above mean high wazer close to existing embankment. There will be
no dredging or backfilling. Also zo construct a 12 by 4 ft. catwalk,
4 by 10 ramp and 6 by 20 floaz. Project site is located on the east
side o% Gull Pond at the southwest end of Osprey Nest Lane near
Greenport, Town of South~ld, ~ffolk County. The response date on
that is October 8th.
The Town Clerk has copies e£ these notices in her office if
you wish zo 100k at them cl~se~.
1. A letter ~f commendation for Tom Cielatka, the Town Bay
Constable, for a job he did when their sailboat overturned and they
senz ou~ an SOS. He arrived and helped them in very good shape and
they thanked him very much. I'd like ~o comment on Tom, if I could,
for a minute. Yesterday we had three young boys go out of Mattituck
on a scuba diving trip. Go out and look for the creazures of the sea
perhaps. Around 6 o'clock az night three young men did noz return.
Tom was called ou~, the people in ~attituck, firemen were all called
ou~ and when I went to bed at 12 o'clock last night these three young
boys were still among the missing. Tom was out there looking for
lhem and an~th.er lobste~man ~rom ~attituck finally found these three
young boys adrift abou~ half past one in the morning. Twelve, fourzeen
and sixteen year olds ouz until 3!clock drifting in Long Island
Sound. Tom was out there leading the search for them. The Town
Board is very rpoud of him and his dedication to his job. We are
very thankful the three young boys were found. I got the phone call
during the night and said Amen.
2. Letter from the Southold Town Democratic Committee urging
the Town Board to consider the noise ordinance and a strict enforce-
ment of the litter law.
3. The Town Board received a letter a month or so ago from
East Hampton Town Councilwoman Mary Ella Richgrd asking the Town
to censide~ joining in a suiz with East Ha, mp~on Town to help stop
the increase in LILCO ligh6 rates, the new rates they have put for.
The Beard has just received this. It will consider it. The figure
thaz she has given that it will cost the ~own approximately--She
said,"For your information, our Town Board has committed (The East
Hampton Town Board) has commited $3,000" of Town funds to hire a
lawyer to fight the increa'~e.
4. A letter from the $outhold Democratic Club suggesting the
Board--urging the Board zo preserve Robins Island, to work on the
Temik situation, and te condemn the legking tanks a~ the Ma~tituck
tank farm. The Board is working on all three of these projeczs.
5. A letter from our county exec's office, we ge~ these things
every once in a while. The federal government has three million
dollars that they are going to use to find alcohol fuel technology,
if any town would like to come up with a technology plan they can
ap~'ly for funds to help develop it. The deadline for th~s is
September 30th to file for it. We get a lot of times on some of
these things.
6. Study with H2M, the 201 Study between Greenport, Shelter
Island and Southold Town. In this guidelines it says we will have
to have citizen input committee set up to work with the Town officials
an~ the Village of Greenport on a waste management treatment plant
perhaps to be set up in conjuncti6n~witk~.the sewer plant in Greenport.
7. A letter that the Town Board instructed me to send September
10'h to Dr. Harris on Temik. Some of the conditions that we are interest
ed in on behalf of our citizens. One of the things we are very concerned
in is what do we do with the cartridges when it comes off of the filter
system that they';have put on the various wells, the homes where Temik
is in your water. After we get this loaded filter and it has to be
re~laced, what do we do with this one, where do we put it? Do we
put it in our dump and let it go back down into the water or what
dowe do? We wrote to Dr. Harris and asked 'him this, along with
so~e other things about how often does the--should the well be
te~ted to see if the Temik is out, and who pays for it and we got a
reply back, they are looking into it and will get back to us. They
did receive our letter, they will get back to us with the answers
as soon as they work them out. Your Town Board is staying on top
of this.
8. Letter to the Town Board from the Southold To~vn Fire
Chiefs Council recommending the Town purchase lights and sirens
for the three fire coordinators in the township. Recommending
th~ appointment of Robert Geehreng from Greenport to the Emergency
Medical Service, and third, recommending that the Town Board consider
th~ fire departments for the use of the surplus radios that the Town
ha~ since the Town police went into a new radio system. Those items
will be acted on under the resolution part of the agenda.
9. From the Southwood Property Owners Association protesting
the removal Of Jockey Creek Bridge and requesting street lights.
Later On tonight you will see what is moving ahead with street
lig ts, appropriating funds.
10. From Goose Bay Cfvic Association reference a noise complaint.
Th.e~ w~nt ~ be on register ~ith the Board that they too favor some
.sort of a noise ordinance.
11. Reference Mattituck Library. The architect-engineering
consultant working for them has questions about their C.O. and site
plaas and he addressed it to the Town Board for reviewing.
12. Was a letter informing the Town Board that they have given
th, Town Historian a check for $45.00 towards her airfare and expenses
to attend a meeting in Rochester, New York. The Town Board did approve
th, amount she had left in he~ budget for this trip. It was not quite
en ~gh and the Southold group came'up with the additional $45.00 to
mee her expenses (SouthOld Chapter NSDAR).
13. ~rom Pan Tech ~anage.meht consultant firm telling us where
we s~and with the activities for the libraries in Southold Tow~.
Thi ~esply is in answer te the consultant for the ~attituck Library.
Whe the federal funds a~e going to be coming available so they can
do their part up there.
14. The Board met with Pan Tech consultanta today and they
were here to discuss the various options that are available to the
Board for the next go-around of small cities grant applications.
That will be acted on in the resolution part of the agenda.
15. A complaint from a resident on Fishers Island (Alfred C.
Hedge) about the garbage truck parking directly in front of that
house for extended period o£ time.
16. Problems with the Captain Kidd Water District up there.
Residents hate complained about it. They h~ve sent a letter to
Dr. Harris of the County Health Department and to the Town Board.
The County is going to respond to it and keep the Town Board in mind
informed on what's going on.
17. Letter we had from Senator Ken LaYalle. A meeting be held
in Riverhead. Info~mation meeting. The Town Board was on Fishers
Island this day. I am going to ask any Town Board member if they
want ~o comment on this. Senator LaValle sent us information on
what went on on this and the Board will review it. Part of informa-
tion we didn't have at the ti~me of the meeting and we will be in
touch with SenatDr LaValle on this.
18. Request for the Town Hall to be. used for r0gistr.ation day.
on October 10th. It was held in Town Hall last year and if you can
recall there was a little bit of a mix-up but it was noah-no £ault
of the Town Board. It was the £ault ~hat there was not enough
people around to help the people register. The Town Board has
agreed to let the Town Hall be used FridayOctober 10th.
19. Refers to Article 6 of the Realty Subdivisions and
Developments. At t~ ~ast meeting several months ago, a copy
of Article 6 was sent to you. As £~r as I know and the Board
knows, we~never received Article 6, so we will request Article
6 and then review the comments that they want. Until we receive
Article 6 we don't know what they are talking about.
20. This pertains to She bridges on New Su££olk avenue. The
Town Conservation Advisory Council wrote into the county requesting
that the Town Board be lead agency in this project because we have a
very valuable road there and we don't want to see it changed in any
way or form. The county wrote back with a copy of a letter that they
sent the Commissioner, Robert Flacke, of DEC, in which they said,
will read one line of it to you, "In this particular instance, no
permits or approvals are in fact required by the Town of ~outhold."
There are permits required, there are wetlands involved. The Trustees
will be involved. These bridges go over wetlands. They go over
water. If the cou~ comes in and puts in what the federal government
wants they will be in our wetlands. They will2have to,get a permit.
We are going to write to Commissioner Flacke and inform them there are
Town permits that are required to get. That letter will go out
is there anything else under communicatmons that I le~t out.
Association of Towns, I know, Larry.
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Association of Towns. It is a letter from
the Association of Towns to the Supervisor requesting that the Town
Highway Improvement Plan, which is called the Donovan Plan, has passed
both houses of the legislature by unamimous vote~ was vet.ed by Governor
Carey and it asks that we send a letter to our Assemblyman asking
him for a vote to-override the veto of the Donovan Plan. The Super-
visor is going to respond.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Moving right on to number I¥. It is now--I
have one minute to eight. At 8 o'clock we are due to hold a public
hearing. I will ask the Board to recess for the amount or length o£
time it takes to conduct the four public hearings that are planned.
On motion ~o£~Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that a recess be called at 8~.00 P.M. for the purpose of
holding the following public hearings.
8:00 P.M. ~ in the matterof the application of William Pollert
for a wetland permit.
8:05 P.M. - relative to the amendment of the current Town Budget
relative to the use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds.
8:10 P.M. - in the matver of the proposed use of Federal Revenue
Sharing Funds for the fiscal year beginning on January 1, 1981.
8:15 P.M. - application of John J. Miesner for a change of zone
from '~A'~ Residential and Agricultural District to "B-l" General
Business District.
Meeting will reconvene ~ollowing the public hearings.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Meeting reconvened at 8:25 P.M.
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Mr. Supervisor, before we go to resolutions,
with the application of Mr. Pollert, because it deals with the water
and the lateness of the year, I like to propose a resolution~that
the Town Board grant approval o~ wetlands application'no. 51 made
by William Pollert and grant the approval with the 5ft. width on the
On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles,
WHEREAS, William Pollert applied to the Southold ~own Board for a
permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town
of Southold, application dated August ~1, 1980, and
WHERE~S, said application was referred to the Southold Town Trustees
and the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings
and recommendations, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect to
said application on the 23rd day of September, 1980, at which time
1980 37'7
all interested persons were given an ppportunity to be heard,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that William Pollert, Lighthouse
Lane, Southold, New York be granted permission un'der the provisions
of the Wetalnd Ordinance of the Town of Southodl ~oconstruct a
catwalk, ramp and float at his property on Jockey Creek, Southold;
siad catwalk to be 5ft in width.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman NIckles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: That's what I call fast action. You only started
six months ago, right? But when it gets co our level we do it in
three minutes. The problem you have is getting to our level.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Moving co number 1 under resolutions. The appoint-
ment To fill a vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals. We have five
people apply for it and the Board reviewed the resumes and I think we
are ready to name one.
COUNCILMAN DRUM: We were very fortunate.
standing people.
I feel they were all out-
1.On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that theTown Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints
Joseph H. Sawicki,~member of the Southold Town Board of Appeals effective
September 23, 1980, ~o fill the unexpired term of Terry R. Tuthill,
which expires April 19, 1985.
Voteof the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
2.On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that Christine Stulsky be and she hereby is appointed Clerk-
Typist from the Civil Service List effective October 16, 1980, at a
salary of $6,500.00 per ~nnum.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: This is a replacement for a girl who left-a
month or so ago--~wo or three months ago now. W'e are net bri'nging
on somebody new. She is a replacement for one who left us.
The Town Board has been asked to declare the week of October
5th through llth as National 4-H week and I so offer to declare
that 4-H week.
2.Moved by Supervisor Poll, seconded by Councilman NIckles.
WHEREAS, the 4-H program of Cooperative Extension since its beginnin~ 59
years ago has contributed much to the health and welfare df the Nation and
has encouraged man.y young people to choose careers wh£6h help improve family
and community living; and
WHEREAS, during this week 4-H members, leaders, and families will observe
National 4-H Week with the theme: "4-H Expanding HOrizons"
WHEREAS, 4-H members put into practice and strive to :learn for
WHEREAS, in these changing times young people, who are the citizens Of tom~no~
must discover and acquire the virtues of responsibility, thoughtfulness,
morality and understanding ;
WHEREAS, the more than 600 ~ol~n~eer adult 4~g leaders are organizing their
4-H Clubs for the 1980~81 year, many others are organizing clubs for the
first time; and
WHEREAS, the nearly 65,000 boys and girls participating in 4~H programs
th~ough0~t S~olk County soon ~ill be taking their places in society by
establishing homes of thei.r owen and joining the ranks of community leaders.
N~W', THERE~0RE ~, William R, Poll, III, Supervisor of the Town of Southold,
in recognition of the fine achievements of 4-H members and their ~amilies
do hereby proclaim the week of October 5~11, 1980
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
~urdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poi1.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: In this job you get many nice things to do, and
last year I was asked to go to Mattituck High School and address the
4-H boys and girls there. I told them a true story. My son, who is
now 21 years old, 20 years old, was a little boy, maybe in third grade
or fourth grade as many of those children were that night, went to
pottery class and made the ugliest little thing and I use it at home
to put my pencils in. It was supposedto be a cup or something to
drink coffee out of. For the last 16 years that has been sitting on
my dresser and every night I go home and take my pens out and they go
in that. I told the kids that no matter what you make, you make that
for your mom and daddy, your parents, you're making it with your hands
and to thom and to me as my son did_that ugly little vase means a hock
of a lot and I admire the kids.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 4 is to authorize the Supervisor of your
Town to dispose of excess r~dio equipment to the volunteer firemen
in Southold Town. Each fire department has been contacted and ~.
they have given to the Town Board a list of what they would like to
have. The resolution I am asking the Town Board is to give.'_me permission
to turn over this Town property to the various volunteer f~remen as
they request it.
4. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell, III be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to distribute the excess police department
radio equipment to the local fire departments as per requests.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Mattituck is To receive two mobile radios, Orient
four radios, two walkie-talkies, East Marion two walkie-talkies~ one
base and four mobile units. Those are the requests I have.
5. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Supervisor Poll, it was
RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell, III be and he hereby is
directed. To prepare specificiations and advertise-~ for bids for a one
year contract and alternate three year contract, for computerization
of the tax rolls and other tax records of the Town of Southold for
the Town fiscal year 1981.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. ,~
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: In case you don't know what this it, this is work
with the taxes coming in to the Town at tax time and taxes being
mailed out. It speeds the whole process up. We tried it on a one
year basis. It worked out very well so now we are going into it
6. On motion of Councilman NIckles, ~Conded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Boardof the Town of Southold grants permission
to the Southold Senior Citizens Club to hire two 49 passenger coach
buses to transport them to Eastport, New York on October 16, 1980, at
a cost of $213,00 per bus (total cost $426.00), provided the funds
are available!in their budget allocation.
COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I understand that this budget is approximately
$118.00 or $117.00 so the intent of this resolution is to authorize
the expenditure up to the limitations of their budget.
FRANK POSPISIL: At a meeting we had 257 at the meeting. We asked
if they wanted to go to Eastport. 123 signed up. Two buses carry
98, so we had 25 on the waiting list. Since then two are hospitalized
so we have only 23 on the waiting list. So that's what we are up
against. The recreation budget is a little short.
SUPERVISOR PELL: The Town has authorized in~:this the balance of
your account and the difference your outfit is going to have to
come up with, as you and I discussed a week or so ago when you
brought it in.
Vote o f the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sull~ivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.~
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SEPTEMBER 23, 1980
7. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation
Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section
617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is
hereby given that the Southold Town Board, as lead agency for the
action described below, has determined thatthe project willlnot
have a significant effect on the environment.
Application of William Pollert for a wetland permit. Permission
is requested to construct a catwalk, ramp and lfoat across the wetlands
at Jockey Creek, located at north side of Pine Neck Road, Southold,
New York.
The project has been determined not to have a significant effect
on the environment for the following reasons:
An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated
that no significant adverse effects To the environment are likely to
occur should the project be implemented as planned.
Because there has been no response in the allocated time from
the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, it is
assumed that there is no objection nor comments by that agency,
Voteof the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Petl.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Councilman Murdock explained to you before the
cost of our landfill and the d~fferent things we have to do. Layry--
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: We have a proposal for engineering services
from H2M Corporation and it require~ the engineering services for
capping, lining and the drainage at the Disposal Area. The project
won't be done for approximately four years but because of EPA and
DEC regulations we must have hired the firm and be in agreement that
we will proceed as the DEC':~ants and we have to hire an engineering
consultant for that purpose.
8. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold engage the
services of Holzmacher, McLendon and Murrell, P.C. for the purpose
of engineering services in connection with the procurement of a
State permit for the Southold Town landfill at a cost not to exceed
$22,000.00, subjecz to a conference with H2M prior to the execution of
the contract.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 9 is a hold over from last month. We didn't
have time to discuss it amond the Board after three firms came in and
spoke to the Board. ~ am going zO ask Councilman Drum---
9. On motion of Councilman Dru~, seconded by Councilman Murdock, itJwas
RESOLVED that the services of PRC Speas be and hereby is retained by
the Tow,n of Southold £or the purpose of providing consulting and
other services to the Town of Southold on behalf of a feasibility
study for a Southold Town Airpark. Fee shall be contingent upon
grant for the Federal Avi&ti6n Administration for this purpose.
COUNCILMAN DRUM: Specifically we are talking about a feasibility
study. Is it feasible zo have an airpark in Southold Town. It
will be at no coSt--the study w~ll be at no cost to the Town, provided
we get federal funds.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
10.0n motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Council,man Sullivan, it was
RESOLVED that TofFy Jacobi be and she hereb~ is~appainted a School
Crossing Guard at Oaklawn Avenue and Route 25, Southold, ~or th.e.-Tow,n
of Southold az a salary of $18.00 per day effective September 24, 1980.
Vote of theTown Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 11 is authorizing ~e to sign a service'
contract with Telecom Equipment Corporation for one year at the
3'8:0SEPtEMbER 19SO
sum of $990.00 to maintain the service on the telephones in the
Southold Town Hall, and I will offer that.
11. On motion of Supervisor Poll, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell III be and he hereby is
authorized ~nd directed to enter into a contract with Telecom
Equipment Corporation for the renewal of the Full Service and
Maintenance Agreement of the telephone equipment in the Southold
Town Hall at an annual fee of $990.00 per year commencing on
October 30, 1980, sibject to review of the contract by Town Attorney
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: The Cutchogue-New Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
wrote a letter to the Town, as many of you may have seen, they
built a mall in Griffing Street and there has been several donations
made. One of a flag pole, two of a flag and three of the lighting
equipment necessary to light the flag twenty-fbur hours a day and
the Chamber of Commerce has requested the Town Board to have the
light installed on Griffing Street.
12.On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes the
installation of a street light on Grilling Street, Cutchogue (the
fixture itself to be donated to the Town), so located to shine on
the~village flagpole and flag.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pelt.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 13 is from the Long Island Council on
Pet Education, Inc. requesting all the Town Board's to declare the
week of September 21st through 27th as a week to remember the
responsibility we have to all our pets we have so I will offer
a resolution to declared this Pet Care Week.
13.Moved by Supervisor Pell. seconded by Councilman Nickles,
WHEREAS, the purpose of Responsible Pet Care Week seeks to educate
pet owners in consideration for neighbors and observance of animal
control laws; and
WHEREAS, pets began their association with man in the dawn of
civilization and have through the centuries shared his home; and
WHEREAS, the pets guide the sightless and give aid and comfort to
the deaf and other handicapped persons; and
WHEREAS, the companionship of a pet teaches children an appreciation
and respect for other life forms which share our environment; and
WHEREAS, the affection of faithful pets has enriched the lives of
so many of our citizens;
NOW, THEREFORE, I William R. Poll III, Supervisor of the Town of
Southold, do hereby proclaim September 2~ to 27, 1980
and urge all citizens to observe the objectives of this worthy
occasion and help make our community a better place for pets and
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Coumcitman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
~UpERVISOR PELL: You know, we laugh and joke but yet Southold
Town has contracted with the North Fork Animal League. Councilman
Nickles did a lot of work to get the contract in order and get it
signed up. They have been up there, what, two months? Since the
first of July. We have put only one dog to sleep since the first
of Fuly. We have found homes::for the abandoned animals. The one
that we did have to put to sleep was a sick dog, the vet recommended
it be put to sleep. These people up there are dedicated to animals.
They do a fantastic job. I have been up there many times since July
first and it is a pleasure to ge into the place, to see the care
they take of the animals and the condition that the Town building
is in. It is really a big improvement from what we had before.
14. Moved by Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Murdock,
WHEREAS, the Sacred Heart R.C. Church, Cutchegue, New york
has applied to the Town Clerk for an Amended Bingo License no. 1748, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has examined the applicat'ion, and after
investigation, duly made findings and determinations as required
by law,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to execute on behal£ of the Town Board
o£ the Town of Southold the findings and determinations as required
by law, and it is further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to issue
an Amended Bingo License No. 1748 to the Sacred Heart R.C. Church,
Cutchogue, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
15.On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was
RESOLVED that Robert Geehreng, Greenport, New York, be and he hereby
is recommended as Southold Town's representative on the Suffolk
County Emergency Medical Committee, and a letter to this effect
by transmitted by the Town Clerk to Dr. David Harris, Commissioner,
Suffolk County Department of Health Services.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 16, I am going to ask Councilman Murdock
~o read it. It is a long resolution and we had much debate on it
today and it was at a request that we introduce it tonight.
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I would prefer that Councilman Sullivan do
it, as he has worked longer in the last two weeks on it that I
have and he is more familiar with the new language.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Ail right, Councilman Murdock, even though he
was requested to do it, is going to ask Councilman Sullivan to
do it.
COUNCILMAN SULLIVAN: As you know, the Robins Island Committee has
asked the Town Board to adopt a resolution to look towards a
implementation of an advisory 6ommittee to search for funding that
may be able to be utilized for the purchase of the island. I have
worked on a separate resolution and today with the group's attorney,
B0haPike, we hammered out language that is suitable to both sides
and basically what I wanted to have in the resolution was a financial
impact statement showing what would happen upon acquisition, the
impact on the residents o£ New Suffolk and surrounding areas and also
to appoint members of an advisory committee. We still h~ve one
position to be filled and the Board will have to decide who that
person will be. It is quite a lengthy resolution and I will start
16. Moved by Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Murdock,
WHEREAS, the Southold ~Wn Board is charged with the responsibility
of overseeing the use.,of land within the Town and the implementation of
the Town Master Plan,(which designates Robins Island for residential
WHEREAS, Robins Island, a four hundred and fifty four acres island,
is within the jurisdiction of the Town, and
WHEREAS, the current owners of the Island has expressed the desire
to subdivide portions o£ the Island for residential housing, and
WHEREAS, a number of citizens within the Town have clearly expressed
their desire to see Robins Island preserved in its natural state, and
WHEREAS, Robins Island has been and continues to be a financial and
environmental asset To Southold Town, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board desires that a fully informed choice be made
between all o£ the alternatives for the future of Robins Island, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to present the people of the Town of
Southold with a fully developed, economically viable, and environmentally
compatible alternative for the future of Robins Island, to be voted
upon by a referendum, and now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby create and authorize the
Robins Island Advisory Committee, as a citizen's advisory board. The
Robins Island Advisory Committee shall be and is hereby charged with
the responsibility To fully investigate and develop all avenues for
preserving the Island, including acquisition by the Town, using any and
all available funding, both public and private, ane be it further
RESOLVED, that the Robins Island Advisory Committee shall make a
preliminary report to the Town Board within two months and a full report
within six months, and when any Town agency has to decide upon applica-
tions by the owners for development, to such agency as part it ~ts
regular hearing process, The report to the Town Board shall include
the following items of information:
1. Viable alternatives for preserving the Island in its natural
sta~e, with a recommendation as to the best method to proceed;
2.Funds available for, and pledged to, each alternative;
3.The allowed uses of the Island for Southold residents under
~ach alternative plan;
4.Local control entailed by the alternatives;
5.Maintenance and operation costs and how they would be handled;
6. Any and all additional information which the Robins Island
Advisory Committee, in its discretion, believes would be
useful to the people of Southold in making their determination;
?.Financial impact statement analysing the ~ffect of all alternatives
on school and town taxes; as well as the impact on Town
8. Impact to the residents of New Suffolk and surrounding areas
re:access for Southold Tow~ residents or others, if funding
resources would require access by the terms of their funding;
9. The Robins Island Advisory Committee shall consist df nine
members as follows:
William R. Pell III or designee
Doug Shaw
Valerie Scopaz
M.J. Paul
William Smith
Andrew Goodale
Frank Cichanowicz
Paul Stoutenburgh
and be it further (1 vacancy to be filled by the Town Board)
RESOLVED, that as part of its final report, the advisory committee
shall formulate a question, which encompasses the best method available
for financing and maintaining the Island in its natural state, and be it
RESOLVED, that if the best method requires Town action which is ~
property the subject of a town referendum, that this question be placed
the ballot within a reasonable amount of time.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 17, we cross out number 18, it will be
one item here, taken in both resolutions. Bob, do you want to
explain this. The Town Attorney will explain what it is all about.
TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: Recently there were drafted some amendments
to the Rules and Regulations of the Planning Board for the Subdivision
of Land. The Planning Board had a hearing on these proposed amend-
menms and adopted the amendments on September 22nd. Under the Town
Law andy rules or amendments of rules made by the Planning Board, after
they have been ~dopted by the Planning Board, must be approved by this
Board and that is the nature of this resolution, to approve of The
17. Moved by Supervisor Pel~, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold approve the
following amendments to the Town of Southold Land Subdivison
Regulations, constituting Chapter Al06 of the Code of the Town
of Southold, as adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at their
September 22, ~980 meeting:
1. By amending the definition of "Subdivision" contained in
Section A106-13 to read as follows:
SUBDIVISION - the division of any parcel of land into two (2)
or more lots, plots, blocks, sites or other divisions of land, with
or without streets or highways, including any extension of any existing
street, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or
building development, and including re-subdivison; provided, however,
the term "subdivison" shall not include the set-off or creation of a
single lot from a parcel of land, provided that before any such sea-
off or creation shall take place, the owner shall submit such proposal
to the Planning Board for its approval and determination or whether such
set-off or creation constitutes a subdivision. In making such deter-
mination, the Planning Board shall give consideration, among other things,
Whether the lot to be set-off is o~ such character
as te he suitable ~er the intended purpose without
danger of ~lood er Qthe~ perils.
Whether adequate provision is or will be made for
drainage, water supply, sewer disposal and other
necessary utititiesoand improvements.
Whether the lot to be set-off is of such size as To
conform with the present ro future development of
neighboring lands.
D. Whether the proposed set-off will be consistent with
the present or future street lay-out of the neighbor-
E. Whether the proposed set-off will require:zthe extension
of municipal facilities or services.
Whether the proposed set-off will be in harmony with
the future growth and development of the town.
Whether adequate means of access and off-street
parking are provided.
Whether the proposed set-off will adversely affect
the present or future uses of neighboring lands.
If the Planning Board grants approval to set-off a lot as here-
inbefore provided, it may impose such conditionsaas-it_de~ms
necessary or appropriate.
II. By amending said Chapter Al06 by adding a new Section
thereto, to be Section A106-53 to read as follows:
Section A106-53 .Approval of Board of Appeals Actions
Heretofore and between the period f?om January 1, 1971
and Setpember 5, 1979, the Board of Appeals made certain
determinations on appeals to it involving area variances and/or
the relocation of lot lines and/or the set-off of lots, all of
such determinations being set forth on a schedule caused to be
compiled by the Planning Board. Many of the Board of Appeals
determinations on said schedule may have required approval by
the Planning Board. However, due to misunderstanding, in=
advertance or oversight, the owners of the lands involved did
not thereafter apply to the Planning Board for its approval.
In the intervening time, many of the lands involved in such
Board of Appeals' determinations have been sold, and/or built
upon in reliance upon the Board of Appeals' determinations and
the subsequent issuance of building permits and/or certificates
Qf occupancy. The Planning Board has reviewed all of the
determinations set forth on the aforesaid schedule. In view of
the foregoing, the Planning Board (and the to~n board as
evidenced by its approval Qf this amendment) determines that an
extreme hardship would be caused if such owners were, at this
time, required to obtain approvals from the Planning Board.
Accordingly, it is hereby determined that any Planning Board
approvals that may have been required with respect to the Board
of Appeals~ determinations set forth on said schedule are hereby
deemed to have been granzed with the same force and effect as
if the same had been submitted to and approved by the Planning
Beard in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
It is furthe~ determined that said Schedule shall be endorsed
by the Chairman of the P~anning Board and filed in the Town
Clerk's Office simultaneously with the effective date ef this
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman N~ckles~ Councilman Drum , ~upervisor Poll.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman NIckles, seconded by ~upervisor Poll, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board declares itself lead agency
in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter
of the application of Rita F. Gledich fQr a wetland permit on certain
Property located at the east side of Oak Street, on East Creek,
Cutchogue, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 20 you do not have, it is to approve the
1980 amended Federal Revenue Sharing Budget. As the public hearing
was held tonight, 'I will offer that resolution to approve the 1980
amended Federal Revenue Sharing Budget.
On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends
the current Town Budget relative to the use of Federal Revenue Sharing
Funds by transferring and/or assigning the sum of $59,000.00 from
Unallocated Funds to the following:
$14,000.00 - Bulkheading
$15,000.00 - Town Sprinkler System
$15,000.00 - Street Lighting
$15,000.00 - Senior Citizen.Youth Center Equipment
A public hearing on this matter was held on September 23, 1980 at
which time all citizens of the Town of Southold were given an
opportunity to provide written and oral comments.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted,
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 21 you do not have, it is something we had
Pan Tech come in and discuss with the Board in great length today.
I am going to say we finally spent an hour and a half discussing.
Item 21, which you do not have on there, Councilman Nickles ....
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell III, be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to execute a contract between the Town of
Southold and the County of Suffolk for Southold Town's participation
inthe Suffolk County Community Development Consortium. The agree-
ment te commence on September 1, 1980 and to continue in effect for
years VII and VIII of the Community Development Block Grant Program.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: I'd like to explain one thing to you on this.
Some day I want five mikes up here among all of us so you all can
hear, instead of two mikes. The building on Peconic Lane was built
under the same idea of funds we are applying for now. We are apply-
ing for a three year grant through the county consortium. If we are
awarded it it will be up to approximately $200,000. per ~ear for three
years. It's a competitive basis. We applied last year for $400,000/
We were awarded $50,000 for the libraries. We will have to evaluate,
the Board will, and submit applications for di£ferent projects
throughout the Town. All this does now is give me permission To
write to our County saying we would like to become part of the
consortium again this year. This does not guarantee we will get
one red cent. It just gives us the right to apply for with them.
That ends the prepared agenda. I'd like To ask:my~councilman
if they have anything to bring up. George?-no John?-no Henry?
COUNCILMAN DRUM: Yes, I might say on the Save Robins Island Committee,
the resolution was first proposed by, not this particular committee
that we've just appointed, but by the Save Robins Island Committee,
I did not feel, as I have said in the past, that they were completely
objective in the resolution as originally proposed. I find that, and
I was very much surprised when I saw the members that they had
proposed, also. The membership has been changed considerably. I
find that I can live; and as I have ~oted with the resolution, because
of the changes that h~ve been made to it. I realize that it is an
advisory committee, however, an advisory capacity, however, I felt
it is most most important that it read, and we have all, all views
on Robins Island. I feel that it is a most important question to
be resolved. To ~oek at the whole aspect, and I want--I feel tha~
all of the people of the Town should have an opportunity. We have
discussed it at great ~engths here, many times. And primarily those
that are in favor, those here in Town Hall, those that were in favor
o£ the acquisition ef Robins Island, many O£ the ether people whe
were not in favor, in other words they are in favor of private
ownership, have come to me personally an- r recognize their views.
I feel that this will, this committee will look at all aspects of
it and ~ feel that is so essential that we look a~ all aspects. I
think ~o purchase Robins Island, 1 think the federal funds or county
£unds as we know they are available, however, we have got to look at
SEPTEMBER 23, 1980
the whole economical impact on omr community and that is my concern
as I said. I have to express a certain amount of disappointment as
I had in the past, with the original resolution that was presented
to us this afternoon. I can live with it now.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Larry, you have something, I know.
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I wrote a letter on September 1st to a man
by the name of Mr. Brainard. Mr. Frank Brainard c/o of the American
Merchant Marine Museum in Kings Point. Today we had such a long
working day that I didn't get a chance to show the letter and the
reply to the Board members and I would take the opportunity to read
it and also ask the people of the audience, in the future, for a
little help. As I say, this is addressed to Mr. Frank Brainard,
c/o American Merchant Marine Museum, Kings Point, New York. "Dear
Mr. Brainard: In a recent Newsday column entitled, "Ail Outdoors"
by Dave Knickerbocker, it was said that you were working on a
historical seaport on Long Island similar to Mystic Seaport in
Mystic, Connecticut. I am interested in finding an appropriate
use for a pier in Greenport, Long Island, New York. The pier is
a railroad pier and currently under control of the MTA. The pier
is unused and the surrounding area under their control is under-
utilized. I would like the opportunity to talk to you about the
possibilities of county, state or federal funding, the requirements
of aproject as you wo~ld envision it, and the benefits to the area
if established here. I do believe that the history o£ the area would
support the establishment and use of the facIility." I signed it as
Councilman for the Town of Southold. Unfortunately he was out of the
country and he replied to me--his letter was dated September 18th.
"Dear Mr Murdock: Thank you for your letter. I like the idea of
a seaport in Greenport. Your suggestion of a pier there might be
available and that there is unused area around it sounds most
interesting. The American Merchant Marine Museum at the U.S.
Merchant Marine Academy is most interested in finding and developing
illustrations of our nation's nautical heritage. There is much
promise in a Long Island seapoFt--"which is a word that he has
coined for this,"and your location is certainly worth explorimg.
Thank you for taking the initiative in this manner. Our museum has
begun planning a new search for the wreck of Savannah of 1819. First
steamship to cross any ocean. We are creating a maritime hall of
fame to honor our merchant ships and merchant seamen as well as sea-
women who have earned a place in our history. The assistance in the
creation of a Long Island seaport in right in line with these efforts.
I hope we can sit down together and talk more about this concept of
yours." Sing, Frank O. Brainard, Curator of the American Merchant
Marine Museum at Kings Point. Since that, almost the only discussion
I have had has been with Dave Kappel, the Planning Director of the
Village of Greenport, because the pier is in the Village of Greenport
and he has expressed an interest in it and I think both Mr. Kappel and
myself would be interested in any comment and any information or in
any help in moving forward and seeing if this is a possibility. I
believe that the concept of a seaport similar to Mystic would be a
great financial help to all of our restaurants, motels, all of the
people of the Town of Southold, as well as establishing the Town of
Southold a little more firmly in the rememberance and minds of the
people that we do have a nautical history in ~he Town of Southold.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Larry. T~ announcements I would like
to make. One of them is that Mr. Doyen, Justice from Fishers Island.
was with us all day long today. He did have to fly back before
dark tonight, but he did spend the day with us from 9 o'clock this
morning until we adjourned about 5 o'clock tonight he left.
The second one, my deputy was--.left the meeting today early
and arrived late tonight To be here, but she had a good excuse, she
became a grandmother this mroning at 8o'clock. She has a little
That's all that 1 have. Joe Twonsend, you had your hand up
before, first. Mr. Townsend.
JOSEPH TOWNSEND, JR.: I would like to inquire how the Town Board
plans to fill the vacancy on the Robins Island Advisory Committee?
There were ~ine committee members and I think you named eight and
said there was one vacancy To be filled by the Town Board.
SUPERVISOR PELL: This vacancy was arrived at tonight at abomz a
quarter after six and we have not even had time to discuss it among
ourselves, Joe.
to address it?
I have no idea, unless any councilman would like
MR. TOWNSEND: If you are looking for applicants, I am certainly
going to tender my application.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Mrs. Drape.
MRS. MARGE DRAPE, Mattituck: Mr. Pell, wou~d it be permissable for
me at this moment to ask a question of Mr. Drum and Mr. Murdock?
I think they know What I am speaking about. I don't care to go into
it at this moment, it is getting late. I have asked both those
gentlemen in August a question which ~hey promised to pursue. I
am talking for the Mattituck Senior Citizen~Club. I think it's an
important thing. They know what I mean. They promised zo keep me
posted. I will call you, don't call me. I knew it wasn't going
to be. I know you Hank, I know you well. I know you. I though
you would keep your wo'rd~
COUNCILMAN DRUM: We justdid this afternoon. We had our first meeting.
MRS. DRAPE: 1;m not finished. You Larry, I asked also. I don;t
intend to kneel down. I do think it's very important. I don't wanz
to bring it up. I do not want to discuss it with these people.
I would like them to pursue it with your permission and at some time,
some later date would they kindly give me an answer so I can give-my
people an answer. That's all I want to know.
COUNCILMAN DRUM: We can give you an answer after this meeting.
MRS. DRAPE: I know that you didn't do nothing for me.
SUPERVISOR PELL: In all fairness to all people, let me answer Mrs.
Drape. Mrs. Drape is the President of the Mattituck Senior Citizens.
The Board directed me today, Marge, the Board directed me today to
investigate from the proper Board that conrol, I'm talking about
the ABC Board the responsibility and the legality of on special
occasions to have, I am going to use the word "spirits" brought into
and taken out of the a public building in Peconic and Greenport. We
did discuss this at Board tod~y, they did. direct me ~o find out
all the legalities, and report back to the Board. We did work
on that today and I will get back to the Town Board and the Town
will get back to all people concerned.
MRS. DRAPE: Excuse me. I don't mean this for meetings.
only about twice a year.
It is
SUPERVISOR PELL: That is what I said, special occasions. I do
not mena meetings. By special occasions I mean a Christmas party
or something like that--along those lines.
MRS. M.J. PAUL, Cutchogue: It has been a long road and I want to
thank the Board for their willingness in working with us on this
resolution. It is a good resolution and each one of you have my
personal guarentee that we will look into all aspects of Robins
Island. You can go home and your work stays here. When I go
home I look at Robins Island out of my window so I want the best
for that island so the people in this town can have a say in what
will be done with Robins Island and you have our guarantee we will
do the besttjob that we possibly can. Thank you very very much.
MR. ADDIE SCHRIEBER: One question. Do I understand right that
for six months nothing will really happen before the advisory board
and the Town o~ Southold will sit down and get the results? These
six months are for working on the matter. Is thaz correct?
COUNCILMAN DRUM. Well, as it says, they shall make a preliminary
report zo the TownBoard within two months and a full report within
six. Now, if they can finish this study in zwo months, why they
can make their final report within the two months.
MR. SCHRIEBER: I understand. It means a maximum of six months. If
it is ready sooner, the sooner the better, but there is a maximum
of six months. Here is another question: The ninth person, who ~is
going to decide who that ninth person is this advisory board is going
to be?
SUPERVISOR PELL: The Town Board. The Town Board requested.
MR. SCHRIEBER: The the basis of what?
SUPERVISOR PELL: As I said before, the Town Board has not considered
any of that information yet. The recommendation for the first was
seven members to the committee. Councilman Murdock requested that
Paul Stoutenburgh be put on. The Town Board committee agreed to have
Paul Stoutenburgh put on. That made eight. So we wanted a ninth one.
The Town Board said, we request and reserve the right to appoint one
more member to make nine.
MRi SCHRIEBERL[.:When will this be decided and what form will the
ninth person be chosen?
SUPERVISOR PELL: It will be decided, I hope, by the nex Board
meeting so we can appoint him officially. You have to be appointed
hy the Board officially to sit on that board. We have to do it
at a regular scheduled Board meeting which is October 7th. The
Town Board will have to weigh the different aspects of how they
want to decide or who they want to put on there.
MR. SCHRIEBER: Is there a possibility to make some kind of proposals
for the nomination. It is only logical, isn't it?
SUPERVISOR PELL: If anybody wants to write in to the Town Board or
give us something recommending somebody, o~ course the TOwn Board
reviews it as we do all communications. But we have set no rules yet.
Anybody else wish to address the Town Board?
MR. DAVID DRISCOLL; Southold: I believe Mr. Drum is the Chairman
of the Police Committee.
SUPERVISOR PELL: No, I am. Mr. Drum is Vice-Chairman and operates
in my absence. Mr. Nickles sits on the committee also.
DR. DRISCOLL: I'm not a crank, though I do reserve the right to-
be critical and I think the Board should kknow of an incident that
happened last Friday with the Police Department. The reason I am
worrying about the clock is that this is going to take about five
minutes to tell you a story. It is not meant to be humorous although
some parts of it seem to be. We rent an apartment above our garage
to a doctor. We have a sign there, "Doctor, No Parking". That morning
I noticed a car parked there and there was some work going on in the
building across the way and I thought it was a part of that and I
didn't Pay much attention. As we went-my wife and I went to go to
lunch, the car was still there any my wife walked out to it and
found OUt there were two women in the car. It had been there a
couple of hours. One was a white behind the wheel, the other was
a black rolling in the front seat with her head back ands, her eyes
rolling around looking at the top of the car. My wife said do
you mind moving the car across the street, because as you see it is
marked for doctor and we don~t know wh.e~ he com..es and goes. The
lady behind the wheel said, well, ~'m waiting for the little man
to come down out of the tree. And my wife was taken aback and said,
just take the car and put it across the street if you want to watch
the little man in the tree. She said, well, I~ll go up there and
turn around if you stay here and watch and tell me i.f the little
man comes out,of the tree or not. O~vious]y a. dr~g case of hal]mci~ator~
situation. So they moved and parked~.across the street. On out way
to lunch, outside of the restaurant 1 decided to call the police
as I had taken the license plate~ We cal~led the police and asked
them to investigate, g~ve them the number and they said they
would call back. ! said, I will call you around 2 o~clock. 1 got
back around ten minutes to two and 1 called them and said, what did
you find out? They said, well we found out the car was registered
all right, they said they were from Center Moriches and the license
showed Center Moriches and they were waiting for their husbands who
were fishing and they had permission to. This was not the issue as
far as I was concerned, how they got to the beach. ~ later found
out it wasntt a violation of our property. So, r said, is that all
you found out. Did the officers interrogate them or anything?
The~ said that is all they know about it, thatts all he reported.
So my wife sent out shopping and about a quarte~ of three the car
pulled away very wobbley down the road toward Greenport. This is
all taking place on the North Road. In a h ~f hour they came
back. They parked where they had been told to park and sat in the
car and as time went on I thought, well, something has got to happen.
So I watched and finally they g~t out of the car with some bundles
and walked through the adjacent property, over a barrier gate and
down on the beach and up the beach toward the Town Baech. No objections
to anybody using the beach, but there was obviously something wrong
with these people.. They staggered up the beach, they could bearly
walk. Two other neighbors saw them. They were sitting on the beach
and said, what was that that went by? To try to make a long story
short, they d2ssappeared up over the breakwater toward the Town Beach.
And i called the police again because I was concerned when they were
going to go back and get in their car and go out and kill somebody.
So a police officer responded. He said, well, there are three of them
and they are on the beach. He said, I can get them out of there. I
said, I'm not worried about that, but what I'm worried about is them
getting in that car. He said, yearh, they might get hurt. I said,
I couldn't give a damn less whether they got hurt and hit the biggest
Long ~sland Lighting pole on the island. I'm worrying about somebody
else onthe road because they are obviously kooks. He said, well, I'll
go up and get them out of the way. Nothing happened. So, it was almost
dark and they come back and they--I'm not making a distinction except
for idenification between white and black--the white one was driving.
They staggered across the road and tried to get in the car and fell
down and she is then screaming at the two blacks. And using language
you could hear to Mattituck and really in a fighting mood so I called
police again. Now I have gone through three shifts o£ the police
department and I got the dispatcher who was the young lady, Lois.
I have a scanner at home as half the Town has, so I said, you better
get an officer down here in a hurry because there is a fight going
5n and something awful is going to happen. So she put that on the
air and then said, I talked to the--officer so and so talked to some
neighbors who said they had been up on the beach all day and they caused
no disturbance, which made me sound like the little guy in the tree.
I kind o£ resented it, but I will say this, the work fight brought
the policeman in a real hurry. By that time the lights were on in
the car, the engine was on and I said get across the street and get
them because she is falling down again. Finally a second car arrived
and one officer said to the black lady, are you any more sober then
she is? Apparently she said yes. So he allowed here to get in the car,
drive it, so therefore it was technically driving while intoxicated.
Can't arrest anybody while parked along side the road. She drove
into a driveway and'tried to back out and stalled in the middle of
the road. It is now 6 o'clock Friday night, traffice coming in all
directions, police cars, blinking lights and they had to take the
two blacks and put them in one car and belligerent woman who was
ready to fight, I want to fight, I want to fight. The police helped
them out with their bundles from shopping. They never searched the
car for drugs or anything else. I-;then turned to one of the officers
and I said, are they going to get booked for drunken driving? He
said, I don't know, I am just assisting the other officer. I said,
well, if they don't, it's coming up before the Town Board, I~ll tell
you that. So that was the end of that. He said what they were going
to do was take them up to the police station and £riends from Riverhead
are going to pick them up and the car will stay here over night. Which
is what happened. The car stayed there until about 2 o'clock the next
day. Menatime they are allowed to go scott free. Saturday morning I
called Lieutenant Winters just out of curiosity because it occupied
a whole half day of my time and my wife's time worrying about the
little man in the tree and the kooky police department and Winters
said this is the worst thing I have ever run across. I don]_i know
who is the worst offender,;there were four policemen on the Lob. He
said it is an atroc2ous thing and I'm sorry. He had not been on
during the day Friday. He didn't know about it but just looked over
the reports and said, it is terrible. I want to fulfill my obligations
when I told the officers it would be reported here. Winters said,
why don't you write to the Chief, he likes to know what's goin~ on
on the road. I did not tell him that Z wouldn't call the ChieJ
about anything and I wouldn't ask him for a telephone but I have
not asked £or any police assitance at any time in the last five
or six or seven years but I think had they been allowed to go on
the road and everybody remembers the case of the Muller boy in
Greenport, the finest kid in town at that time, killed by a drunken
doctor. But this cop says, yeah, they might hurt themselves. What
about the people on the road. I say that somebody ought to shake the
gosh darn police department up on a thing like that. I think it is
a disgrace and I feel they owe me an apology because I said to the
police officer, do you think I'm crazy now? He says no. I'm sorry
for the long winded thing but there was only one way to tell it.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Mr. Driscoll.
Anybody else wish to address the Board?
MR.FR~NK BEAR, Southold: I'd just like to add my word to something
that M.J. Paul said. I think the fact that we have managed to get
a resolution presented, worked out and passed here tonight shows What
can be done when we work together. Thank you.
MR. W.S. GARDINER, Cutchogue: I'd like To address this to Mr.
Tasker. What are the legal responsibilities and liabilities of
the Town to the present owners of Robins Island in their application
to the Planning Board?
TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: Well, I presume that what you are alluding to
is if a citizen files an application with an administrative board
what is the duties and responsibilities of the board. I guess would
be To proceed according To the rules and regulations and the laws
applicable to their duties.
MR. GARDINER: Does this resolution have any ef~ec~ on them?
MR. TASKER: That I don't know. Not at this point, I guess.
don't know, to be honest with you, what other than hearing that a
sketch plan or something was filed with the Planning Board. I
don't know what the status of the application is.
MR. GARDINER: I have a letter given To me here by Mrs. Paul to
the Planning Board saying that any development of the island will be
limited to a subdivision of 28 lots. However, I am also advised
by the client that there will be no application to impelment the
subdivision in the very near future. I guess that answers my question.
It answers from a practical standpoint anyway.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Anybody else wish to address the Board?
(No response.)
On motion of Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilma~ Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that there being no further business to come before this
Town Board meeting adjournment he called at 9:25 P.M.
Voteof the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles~ Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.