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'32! SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD FISHERS ISLAND August 20, 1980 WORK SESSION The Town Board and Town Attorney Tasker met at 11:45 A.M. with Mr. A. John Gada ro discuss Mr. Gada's letter of August 9, 1980 relativ~ to alleged violations of the airport lease agreement by Richard Grebe. The Board then made a visual inspection of the Fishers Island Airport. A regular meeting of the Southold T~wn Board was held at 1:00 P.M., Wednesday, August 20, 1980 ar the Fishers Island School, Fishers Island, New York. Supervisor Pell opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Supervisor William R. Pell III Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman George R. Sullivan * * * Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Deputy Supervisor Marie Bauer Johnson Absent: Justice Francis T. Doyen SUPER¥1SOR PELL: What I would like to do, and I should have done it before, we have agendas made up. I would like, perhaps, ~o pass these out. It will take a minute ~o do this, and maybe--just pass them back. They say how we are going to conduct the meeting today and what is on the schedule for it. The first item will be to inform you that the next Town Board meeting will be August 26th at 3:00 P.M. in the Town Hall. The next item ~I would like to do is introduce the guests we have with ~he Town Board today and I will ask each person I introduce to stand up and tell you, in ten words or less, their responsibilities If it is Consumer Affairs Commissioner.,. he can tell you a little bit what his responsibilities ro the Island folks as well as the mainland folks are and later on you can ask them anything you want. They all have name tags on. You can see who they are or who they represent. I hope I don;t leave anybody our. JOAN RINDE, Suffolk County Offuce for the Aging: I'm director of the Nutrition Programs in Suffolk County for the elderly. We serve 1500 hot meals a day. We ha~e-i7 nutirition sites. The last one we opened was in Shinnecock Reservation. I am here today renewing some acquaintances I have with senior citizens that I met in Greenport Nutrition site early this spring. I would like to look at several facilities on Fishers Island in the hopes that we can start a small nutrition program for the reSidents of Fishers island. Thank you. TERRY TRIFARI, Governor Carey's Office; I work with Judith Hope who is the governor's special assistant for Long Island. Unfortunately Judith couldn;t be here today. We function primarily as a liaison with Suffolk County and the governor's office and interstate agencies. I will be glad to discuss any problems. SUPERVISOR PELL: She~s the one who i will assure, before the day is up, to talk to Dr. Haase about your Landmark School so the governor will have direct input on this Landmark School you are trying to get here. JOHN GUILDI, Suffolk county Department of Public Works, Division of Waterways: (Mr. Guitdi was making an inspection of an inlet to determine whether it should be dredged.) GEORGE MEYER, Personnel Officer, Suffolk County Department of Civil Service: We are responsible for the employment procedures o~ all jurisdictions in the County of Suffolk. Ail towns, village, and school districts. EDWARD R. HINES, Chief Deputy, Suffolk County Clerk's O£fice: The Suf£olk County Clerk's Office is responsible for keeping all the records pertaining to real property, deeds, leases, etc. Also clerk to the courts~ County Supreme Court, and all the records. We have jurisdiction over the naturalization and passport offices as well as the administrative end of the Motor Vehicle Department. EVERET MCNAB, Commissioner, Suffolk county Board of Elections: I~m one of the commissions in the Board of Elections. Should you have any questions pertaining to election matters I will be glad to ass-st you after the meeting. Thank you. SHERMAN GLASS, New York State Department of Transportation: I'm here to represent our Regional Director Mr. Austin Emery. I handle aviation in the Region 10 of the district which is Nassau and Suffolk County. That's my primary duties. I came over here the first time in April 1975, met with the Corp of Engineer men. That was to get the harbor work done here and lay the new dolphins. That finally went under contract and construction started, as you know, on July 5th we had our preconstruction and the contractor moved in in 1977 and the last of that work was finished up in May df 1978. We are ~rying to do something about the airport and it will be in the Executive Budget for this coming year. It will not be done within this construction season. SCOTT HARRIS, Aide to Legislator Gregory Blass: I'm here representing Greg Blass, as Bill said. Unfortunately he couldn't be here today because he's on his honeymoon. He just got married on Saturday, Our office represents the First Legislative District out of 18 in Suffolk. Basically helps introduce legislation for everyone in the five eas:tern towns, including Fishers Island. If there is anything we can do to help, please don't hesitate to call our office. Thank you. OLIVER SCHEPER, Suffolk County Department of Health Services: Our department offers a variety of services. I think the ones. that probably touches most of the people are inspection services for restaurants and lodging facilities; the inspections of sewage, what have you. pat Baker, one of our employees is here today and handles a whole belt of services, public health Pat, would you Stand please so everyone knows you, you are one of our important people here. Also with us today is from our department is Joe Sanzone operating the Bureau of Vector Control which deals' with mosquitoes and we've~already Talked to you about that problem. I also had somebody talk to me about putting in a septic tank today-. Any of those kind of problems see me after the meeting. Our department also, by the way, offers services in mental health and drug abuse service and a variety of personal health care services. So anything touching on health in any way can talk to me after the meeting. SUPERVISOR PELL: Right nex~ to him I had a fello~ from Vector Control, Joe Sanzone. And now, Joe, I have been asked several times about your outfit over here every time I come here and s:omebody over here last time said they have some way to take care of the mosquitoes; they hope to get it developed eventually. I hope that person will contact ~ou today. Joe, stand up and say a few words, please JOSEPH SANZONE,Superintendent, Suffolk County Bureau of Vector Control: As you've heard we are in the process now of reestablishing--and we have offered the project to the Town of Southold. RON SEGERTY, Assistant Commissioner, representing Commissioner Melton, Department of Motor Vehicles, State of New York: The Department, of course, is in charge of licensing motor vehicles for the State of New AUGUST 20, 1980 York. Motor boats and licensing the drivers. SUPERVISOR PELL: Ron, one thing I was asked about your outfit when I was here last time to the Civic Association, was when New York State goes into this pollution control on automobiles and you have to have it tested by a garage, the garage has to halve $12,000 worth of equipment, or something, how are the folks on Fishers Island, if nobody wants to invest that money, going to get ~o the mainland to have it done. Something I hope somebody will contact you later on and go in depth because I've been drilled on it. MR. SEGARTY: I've heard the question several times. SUPERVISOR PELL: I hope you have the answer when they talk to you. KENNETH A. ROSENBLUM; Commissioner, ~Department of Consumer Affairs Suffolk County: Supervisor Pell, members o£ the Tow~ Board, I'd like to thank you for having me down here this lovely day and I'm sure I speak for the rest of the boat load from the Town of Southold. It was a lovely trip and thank you very much for having us out. I am the Commissioner of the Suffolk County Departmen~ of Consumer Affairs and I am also an attorney and I don't think I've said anything in ten wo~ds before. The Suffolk County Department of Consumers Affairs handles, of course, the claims about deceptive practices, £alse advertising and any area of consumer dissatisfaction. But two important areas that we also ~over, as far as Fishers Island is concerned, is we include the Depar~men~ of Weights and Measures which is responsible f~r checking all the gas pumps, the oi~ truck me,ers and scales any where in Suffolk County. We also have a licensing division~ which so far as Fishers Island is concerned, is responsible for making sure anyone who does electric work, plumbing work, home appliance repair work or buying or selling precious metals has a Suffolk County license. Any complaints ~bout those trades should also be directed to the Department of Consumer Affairs. Thank you. THOMAS J. RYAN, Director, Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency: Our responsibilities are on~, ~o maintain the tax maps in a curren~ status upon receipt of conveyance from the County Clerk, and to advise the 39 assesisng jurisdictions as well as taxpayers of assessment administration procedures as well as current laws. Thank you. FRANK RHINOW, representing Patrick Henry, Su£folk County District Attorney: We a~e in charge of prosecuting of crimes and special investiagtions throughout the County of Su£folk. This morning after a consulation with the troopers who are assigned here on this island, I understand that you are in pretty good shape £rom a~criminal point of view. You have very very few problems over here. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: I think that from the smiles on the faces, some people might have a little bit of a difference of opinion, but considering what's crime and what's juvenile. FRED THIEL, Counsel to New York State Assemblyman John Behan: Our responsibility is to act upon state legislation and I will be happy ~o answer questions on state legislation or anyone having problems with state agencies or anything like that. You have one bill that relates to Fishers Island, Fishers Island School District, the Landmark School legislation is pending in Albany. If you have any questions, I will be h~ppy to answer them after the meeting. SUPERVISOR PELL: Also today supposed';to~be_wi~ih~is Ken LaValle 6New~ork Sta~e Senator), but Ken LaValle is holding a meeting in Riverhead on Coastal Zone Mahagement and his staff is with him and it is a very important meeting and I want to spologize for KenLaValle not being here. JOSEPH CAPUTO, Suffolk County Comptroller: I am the elected County Compt~ol.l'er o~ ~f~lk C~un~y ~hich i~ a f~ur ye~ term S~ffolk .County has a current operating budget o~ $ZZ~,QOQ~0&& the year 1980 and ho bill or paycheck~ no b~ll gets paid er paych_eck. gets issued without my approval. BILL BRINKMAN; Aide zo United States Congressman ~illiam Carney: So far as I can tell I'm probably the only representative of the federal government here ~.cb leaves-me a sT~gh~ edge as to what my responsi- bilities are. Anyone who is concerend about any problems they have with the IRS, Social Security or Veteran's Administration or any other government agency, please see me after the meeting. BillY's down in Washington doing the job you elected him to do two years ago. He can't be with us and asked me to express his compliments to you and thanks for inviting his representative, myself, and all of us here today to be with you, enjoy your Island and I'll ~.alk to you later on Thank you. MAJOR J.A. KALJIAN, Troop Commander, N.Y.S. Police, Troop L: Glad to be here and if there any problems or questions we will be glad to answer them. SUPERVISOR PELL: I hope that people will feel free to call on you while you are here as much as they feel free to call my office asking how ~o get in touch with you. I'm sure you will have some questions. SUPERVISOR PELL introduced the following: Southold Town Justice Frederick Tedeschi Southold Town Trustee Henry Smith Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Chairman Frank Cich'a~nowicz Southold Town Fire Commissioner and Planning Board member Bennett Orlowski Southold Town Zoning Board of ~ppeals Chairman Charles. Grigonis, ~r~ Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals: member Serge Doyen, Jr~ Southold Town Assessor Charles Watts Southold Town Bookkeeper Betty Wells Southold Town Historian Magdaline Goodrich Southold Town Building Inspector Edward Hindermann Southold Town Board of Appeals member Gerald Goehringer SUPERVISOR PELL: In case you call Town Hall and I~m never sitting in my chair, I do get out of it a~d move around the county, the sta~e or the federal, the person who occupies my chair when I am not there is my Deputy Marie Johnson. So much for the introductions, if I left anybody out, I apologize. And for the rest of you I hope that the remarks that were made di~ not bore you. I hope they were informative. REPORTS SUPERVISOR PELL; The way your ~own government .~orks this year, we have committees. Every Councilman is assigned to a committee in charge of. I will ask each Councilman to get up and tell you the committee they are assigned ~o, their responsibilities and in case anything else they wanv to say. I will call Councilman Drum first. COUNCILMAN HENRY W. DRUML Good afternoon. Very briefly, I chair the Inland Waterways Committee which does !nclude~ o~ course your water- ways here. Your channels thai ~ight2n~ad:~d~&dE~ng~iWe have received one request that the channel, Goose Island Channel be dredged~ Mr. Guildi whi is a county engineer, we had gone out and looked a~ it and we went back to take another look at it. This wilI be one of the projects, one of the requests that we have had from you here on the Island that we will take a look at for consideration possibly the latter par~ of this year or early next year. Thank. you. COUNCILMAN JOHN J. NICKLES: Good afternoon. I'm chairman o~ Parks and Beach Committee for the Town of Southold. ~t i~ my understanding thav the beaches over here are operated by the Ferry District so it really doesn't come under the purview of our committee. I will just briefly tell you what is going on over in the Town of Southold because of various problems in the operation of beaches and beach vehicles-, THE Town is in the process now of reviewing a proposed beach code which would control the use of the beaches and the vehicles on those beaches. Of course, anybody that's involved with the operation of beaches here would like to consult with us, 1 would be more than glad to speak with you know, after the meeting or some time in the future. I'm also involved with the Highway Department. rn essence the Highway Department is the final ~eview on a filed subdivision a~ter the engineers, Town Engineers and the Planning Board reviewed and inspected new roads that are intended to be Town or private roads in the Town of Southold they come before our Committee for final revlew~ because ~hen something goes wrong with the roads, they floor, it always seems to be the Town Board's problem. We have kind of a £inal say when we make our recommendations ~o the b~lance of the Board for their approval. I'm sure later on you are going to hear a repor~ from Councilman Murdock on the dump. Most of the Town Board went with him to view the dump and ~ must say your garbage looks in better shape than us. COUNCILMAN LAWRENCE MURDOCK, JR: Good afternoon. As you have heard I'm in charge of our Disposal Area Committee. It is rather difficult to get people ~o say disposal area.instead of dump. The remarkable difference here--I had to climb a fence, of course, to get into yours, but I did climb the fence and go in and look at it. We on, I'll call it the mainland, even though we're an island, we have thousands of seagulls and you have a lot of crows. I don't follow why you~don'~ have seagulls, completely surrounded by water, and we have crows with the land, but it seems ~o work that way. Of course, my bid problem, as is the problem for all of us is what we are going to do with our disposal areas and I'm very honestly hoping that the New York Department of Environmental Control forgets Fishers Island is part of New York State. They have delineated very very expensive projects for all o£ us in terms of our disposal areas and hopefully, as I say, they will forget that Fishers Island does belong to New York State. Also, one of my jobs is negotiating the Civil Service contracts. Mr. Nickles and Mr. Drum do the PBA and George Sullivan and myself do the CSEA and it is a pleasure to be here. SUPERVISOR PELL: And I do both with them. COUNCILMAN GEORGE R. SULLIVAN: I'm Chairman of the Taxation and Finance Committee. I guess, since I'm a Certified Public Accountant this fell into my purview. I also sit on the CSEA Committee and Highway Committee as welt. I have a report here that I would like to read which is the Taxation and Finance Committee report which I would also kead at Town Board. The reason I'm reading it is ~o-- we have the County Comptroller here and he might be able to give us some input on it. Two items that were covered in the Taxation and Finance Committee. The Committee met on August 12, 1980 and in attendance was myself as Chairman, Councilman Murdock, as well as William Price of McMann Price Agency and Allan Dickerson and Bob McCarthy of the Roy Reeve Agency. Also in attendance was Mr. William Mullen who had p~epared analysis of the Town's insurance policies. The purpose of the meeting was for Mr. Mullen to review the comments prepared by the two insurance agencies and he will formally reply to'them by letter. We ~lso recommended for the review of the Town's policies for updating and review, trying ~o analyze the insurance policies of the Town to see if we can save any money. We also recommended that Mr. Stephen Guido of Hamilton Stone, Inc. give a presentation to the Town Board. Mr. Guido's firm of management consultants have done work with Suffolk County and several municipalities in the area of payroll. Namely in the area of Social Security wages which have been incorrectly reported. The firm has been able to recoup $300,000 for the County, I believe and several thousand dollars for other towns. Their fee is based solely on recovery of the taxes that have been overpaid. Mr. Guido gave a formal presentation at the Board's executive meeting and it is the Committee's recommendation thatthe firm be hired subject to the contract--his contrac~ being reviewed by the Town Attorney. Joe, could you comment on that, i£ you would? COUNTY COMPTROLLER CAPUTO: Mr. Guido and his firm, as you reflected earlier, have been able to recover £or us, both the employees of Suffolk County and Suffolk County itself a ~otal of $300,000 which is shared equally by county and the employees who work for the county. A quirk in the FICA law, Social Security whereby some of the payments that are made vo retiremenv people or people who are out on sick leave are no~ subjec~ to FICA contributions. Therefore we have made that saving and we have adjusted our records. The good thing about it is that the firm i£ the firm does not deliver for the t~wn they will not be charged anything except out of pocket expenses, or that's how the con~ract was with Suffolk County. COUNCILMAN SULLIVAN: It was through the courtesy of Joe's office that I was made aware of this. Hopefully we can recoup some money for the Town. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Next report I would like To have Mr. Dean come up here and tell us alittle b~t~about the Highway Committee that he is Superintendent of Highways. I know he has done extensive work this year on your roads over here. We have a very nice letver from somebody on Fishers Island complimenting him on some of the work he has done this year. Mr. Dean. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. A few of the things that I promised last year I would fulfill for this year is I promised I would resurface some of your roads which I think I have done. I am going to do more next year. I painted the traffic lines in the roads which I think helped a lot. I purchased a truck that will be delivered this fall. We are going to put a new tailgate scraper on your sanding ~ruck for this winter. (Mr. Dean moved to the microphone, and restated the above.) I promised I would resurface your roads which I think I've done. We couldn't do as much as I wanted because of the expensive materials. I think we Should do as much if not more aext year. We painted the traffic lines which we put out to contract To a company in Connecticut. We purchased a truck to replace the old ~ruck you have over here; it should be delivered this fall. We will upgrade the snow plow and sanding machines. I~think that will all help a lot. I think one of the biggest things we want to do in the coming year, I got several calls, which isn't really my department, but your mosquito control. With the help of the County Executive Peter Cohalan and Joe Sanzone we are going to send one of our men ~o Hauppauge and Joe will train that person to use the insecticide and Vector Control is going to give you people a brand new machine nexv year, goffing machine, so I think we'll be able to fog different roads, Town roads, at least once a week which wili help you with mosquito control. I know you had a verrific problem with this year. That's one of the things. ~f anybody has anything they want to ask me after the meeting, if they have a problem, I'll certainly be willing to help. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Ray. I think if you can recall, last year Ray Dean and I came over here once mn the wintertime.~ Vector we got asked a lot about. We have tried to handle that situation to help you out next year. You did ask Ray To fix some roads, pu~ the lines on. The Town has authorized this ~o be done and they have done it for you. I think, personally I ~hink Ray has done a large improvement of your situation this part year and I think, I know, I'm proud o£ it. I'm proud when I get a letter or a phone call from Fishers Island, folks saying--or I come over here, this is my fifth time here this yera. I come over and say gee the highways are coming better, they look better. The Sidewalks are being cleaned, it makes me feeI proud, proud of Raymond's department. PUBLIC NOTICES SUPERVISOR PELL: The Town Board received a letter on July 29th from Congressman Carney asking us how we felt about Barrier Beach proposal as pertaining to Fishers Island. I have asked his office to be here today and is here to explain it ~o you. BILL BRINKMAN, representing Congressman Carney: Ladies and gentlemen, just to briefly outline to you the proposal that is before the Congress, both houses of Congress in the next few weeks. There'S both a House Bill which is 5981, I have some copies of it here if you would like to go over it later on and a Senate companion bill. Both of which pertain to the preservation of Barrier Islands. One of which Fishers Island is and there are a number more throughout the United States in coastal zone areas. Esentially what the bill is supposed to do, the bills content and intent before I give you any kind of analysis or prognosis which I can't do until it passes, is vo limit and curtail the extent possible, further development on barrier islands. The federal government, as you know, ~o a limited extent~on, say, beach front property, ans waterfront property, I should day, provides grants, loans, flood insurance and other incentives to the repair, replacement or preserviation of those properties. Because--the cost of this repair, preservation, relocation has gotten so extremely out of hand, financially speaking, their proposing that further federal program extension to lands that are presently undeveloped should not be expended. This is, for example, if you are an individual who plans to subdiide a portion of Fishers Island on the beach, for example, if you are an individual who plans to subdivide a portion of Fishers Island on the beach, for example, assuming this bill is passed by houses and signed, for examnle no federal funds would be available to you for thzs development for £iood insurance. It would not, and I want to reiterate that, would not impact upon those presently owning developed property on any of these barrier islands. The initial impact would be specifically and principally undeveloped islands. Islands which are totally undeveloped, Which would mean that, I,as a developer, for example, wanted to buy XYZ Island off the coast of South Carolina and turn it into a subdividion with a hundred housing lots on it, I would not be able to get any federal monies for these projects or flood insurance for those homes. Now for the prognosis. I talked with Washington yesterday, getting update information about it. As I said, there are two versions, one in the House and one in the Senate. Frankly, unless hearings are held within the next four to five weeks chances are very good that neither of those bills will go anywhere this year, which means they will be sent zo bed with the 96th Congress, because the 97th Congress will begin in January. It looks like there is a 50-50 chance of this bill going anywhere. So where our office con~acted the Town Board, Super- visor and members of the Board and the reason that the Board members wanted to bring this up to you today is the fact it can impact upon Fishers Island as it can upon Shelter Island and Gardiners Island and about 200 other islands throughout the United States and by the way, most of those islands happen to be not in New York Sta~e, believe it or not, but placed such as Texas, actually the Gulf Coast of Texas, South Carolina, Georgia, and so forth. That is the prognosis, we can't be sure what's going to happen to the bill but it might have a 50-50 chance of being passed by the House, possibly by the Senate. If there are any questions now, briefly, I'd be glad to entertain them if I may. And then I would be glad to talk to anyone privately after and get you whatever information I can. I don't propose ~o be an expert on the subject. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: In your remarks you have created the impression tha~ all of Fishers Island is to be in this proposal, correct me i£ I'm w~ong. There is only one portion, and that is the said pit over there a~ Beach Pond and Island Pond. According ~o this map, which is a Class 3, which really is my question. Do you happen to know wha~ the Class 3 designation is? MR. BRINKMAN: John, I don't. John's right. OnIy a certain portion of Fishers Island is ~ncluded. I'd be glad to get that for you. Any other questions? Thank you very much. I brought copies if you would care to look at them later on and answer any other questions you might have. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: As Bill and John pointed out, it is a portion of Fishers Island. I have the exact map here if you would like to come up and look at it when we conclude ~oday, feel free to do so. It is one part of the Island. COMMUNICATIONS 1. SUPERVISOR PELL: When I was over here on the 25th the Civic Associa- tion asked me to give to the Town Board a letter that was pu~ out that night all about your Landmark School. The Town Board is familiar with the proposal and as I said that night, the Town Board can assist you in any way, we would be most interested and try to be helpful. 2. We have a letter ~hat was sent to our county exec and I was at the meeting that was held here with the county exec about your lobster pot fishermen. We met that day with them. Mr. Dean was here, myself, county exec was here, conservation and DEC was here and we left that meeting that day saying the DEC and the conservation was supposed ~o get back with information and the county exec, I'm sorry. As of today neither outfit are here. This is just a letter remind- ing the county exec he promised to get us the i~formation. 3. The next communciation we have is from a resident from Fishers Island complaining to the Town Board about many violations in their eye~ that is going on in Fishers Island. This the Town Board will probably get into in the open part of the meeting. But the letter has been received, it is on file with the Town Board and the T6wn Board will look into it. It was received on August 8th inzo my office. 4. Next letter, the Town Board received a copy of, is from another resident of Fishers Island complaining about violations at the airpor~ ~2~ AUGUST 20, 1980 As many of you know, the Town of Southold leases the airport to the Fishers Island Ferry District. They subleaseoit with the Town Board approval, approving the sublease contract to another individual. The Town Board approved the contract, I'm going to say a year ago in March, approximately, for a five year contract. A gentleman on Fishers Island pointed out several violations being in the lease right now. The Town Board today did go down to the airport~ did look around and we will discuss this later on. This is our first initiai contact with this, In order to--in my way, and I have not discussed this with the Town Board yet, maybe I should keep my mouth shut, but in my way of looking at it, it would be that the Town Board, if they deemed violations are there, would go to the Ferry District who has the direct lease with the manager of the airport. This we will evaluate in the very ~ery near future. 5. The next letter is a copy to the Town Board and myself, there- fore I would say to the Town Board, in regards to the beach property at Elizabeth Airport down here and the proposed art project. That's the communications we have this week. HEARINGS AND DECISIONS SUPERVISOR PELL: Under hearings and decisions, at this time we have none. RESOLUTIONS SUPERVISOR PELL: Resolutions, we have one that should be, must be done today, should be done today, a transfer of funds. A transfer of funds from Highway Item I DR9010.8 State Retirement of $2,249.32 to Highway Item I, Workmen's'Compensation(DRg04G.8), the:~.same amount $2,249.32. I will look for a resolution. COUNCILMAN SULLIVAN: Could you explain it.? SUPERVISOR PULL: To explain that, this is in the Highway account. ~-~ the Workmen's Compensation is a little bit short and another account in the budget is ~ little bit over. We have to take it from one ~!~ ~_~ line item where we overestimated and put it into one where we underestimated. It's all within the Highway Department's budget and tJese are why we are ~ransferring the funds from one line to another line. Any questions on that ~ransfer of funds? On motion of Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Murdock,it was RESOLVED that the To~kn Board of the Town of southold transfer the sum of $2,249.32 from Highway Item I, DRg010.8 State Retirement to Highway Item I, DR9040.8 Workmen's Compensation. Vote of the Town Board: ~yes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman NIckles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PULL: That is the end of the p~epared agenda. Now I would like to ask my Councilman if they have anything they would like ¢o bring up? Larry? Henry? John? COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I was 3ust wondering whether you wanted~;to discuss the proposed new Town Law, Unsafe Buildings? SUPERVISOR PULL: Absolutely. We h~e proposed law on unsa£e buildings. Councilman NIckles has been working on this and I'm going to ask him to tell you what it's all about, and you can tell them about the~ Fire Code ~oo if y~u want, John. i I COUNCILMAN NICKLES: As indicated by Yhe Supervisor, the Town of Southodl has proposed a new ordinance relative vo unsafe buildings in the Town. Earlier this year, if you read the local papers, the Traveler-Watchman, you may-be awa~e that a Fire Code was passed in the TOwn of Southotd which also deals with unsafe buildings in terms if there was a fire~, let's say, in a home, and it was partially damaged, 50% or so, under that Fire Code are provisions to come in amd make that building safe. In reviewing the Fire Code it had dawned on us that in terms of unsafe builidins we do have a couple of problems over on the North Fork, we don't know what your problems here, maybe you have similar type p~oblems of abandoned buildi.ngs. These abandoned buildings, of course, can be an attractive~hazard for children. So in~ the event we have an unsafe building it is possible to have, if this law does pass, which i,m sure it will after the first of September, that we can send the building inspector down to the premises and issue a notice of *~olation if they do not make the building safe. There are procedures set up in the Town Code in this proposed ordinance wherein wa can go in and make the builidng safe and/or demolish the building, whatever is needed and if the people do not pay the Town for the demolition of the building or those measures that werenecessary to make it safe we can add it right to the tax rolls. This ordinance has been dragging on a little bit because we found out towards the end of She legislative session in Albany that Senator LaValle was the co-sponsor of a bill in Albany to make this law a little bit easier and they changed the enabling legislation on the state level so we wouldn't have to go before a supreme court justice to get these matters resolved, they can now be resolved on a Town Board level. I think The Supervisor's Office, if anybody is interested, made copies of this proposed law available zo you. Back to the Fire Code. That was a thing that was. quite a hot issue for a number of years in Town~-no pun intended-- the firemen are very interested in having it passed and through 'a lot of work among, mostly on behalf of the fire chiefs of the Town o£ Southold this new Town Board and last year's Town Board, we arrived at a Code that was palatable both to the firemen and to the homeowner. Basically it is a safe housekeeping code. We are going to have inspectors appointed to each district recommended by the commissioners-of that district. So here on Fishers Island there will be an inspector appointed by your commissioners, I should, say recommended to the Town Board. The Town Board will appoint them £or a one year term. He will serve, no salary, he will only be eligible for reimbursement for gasoline use in their automobiles. They are not going to run around and harass you and come into your h~me unless there is some kind of complaint. If they should find a ~mplalnt, they will not be ~ble to serve you a summons or a violation. They'll then have to go to ~ur Building Department, Mr. Hindermann and Mr. Horton and Mr. ~isher, the He~d Building Inspector, they would then come and m~ke the inspection and issue the violation. But b~sically it is just a matter of good housekeeping in terms of your home; no~ storing gasoline in your basement, theings like that and it also is there for the protectionLof our volunteer firemen so that they know what they are going into in case there is a fi~e they aren't going to have any unfortunate surprises. If there are any questions I am sure the Town Board would be happy to answer them. SUPERIVSOR PELL: Thank you. Two good points that John brought up, the Fire Code and Unsafe Building Code. We did hold a public hearing here in your firehouse one, the proposed Fire Code. We had may be, I am going ~o say fifteen prople show up that one day that we caem over here. I was a Saturady afternoon and we held them throughout the Town and we came here and had one. George, anything you want to say? COUNCILMAN SULLIVAN; Not at this ~ime. SUPERVISOR PELL. At this time the floor is open ~o the public of Fishers Island. I will ask you please stats your name and speak loud so the tape recorder can pick it up and then the Town Clerk can have it correctly in the minutes. RON ZANGHETTI, Fishers Island: I'd jus~ like to know, is this the whole Board? ~f no~, who's missing, and why didn't the Town Attorney get up and announce his job. SUPERVISOR PELL: Ail right, I will apologize for no~ introducing our Town Attorney, Mr. Tasker. My apologies, Bob. He is the legal adivsor to the Town Board, your Town Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Trustees and whatever else we call on him for. Mr. Doyen is no~ with us today, he is over in New Londin at the doctors. He hurt his back, wenm ~o a chiropractor, or something, he was---yesterday I spoke with him, he said everything was se~ and he was gomng ~o met us at the dock at 11:30 today. Then I get over here and find out he is at the docvcr's in New London. That is why he is no~ here.---- I said, who did I forget? Our Town Clerk who does a superb job for you. She puts out 40,000 5ransactions out of her office in a year and I think, My apologies, Judy, our Town Clerk, your Town Clerk, Judy Terry. I'm going to apologize, Judy and I grew up all our lives, we're the same age, a half a block apart and all the people to leave out, a neighbor. Would anybody else like to ad.dress the Board? TOM CAHSEL, President, Fishers ~sland Civic Association: I. had a question for Councilman Murdock. You referred to some new regulations by the Department of Environmental Conservation disposal sites, could you give us some idea of what those proposals were or are they just pFeliminary at this time? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: The general thrust is there will be no more open ~'~ pit disposals allowed in the Sta~e of New York in 1985. They prefere !: the plastic liner to prevent the leachate from going into the water ! .[] ..... systems-. The money involved is 'immense. They also want the methane gas monitored and disposed of. They have two systems that they will accept. One is by lining ihe area that is-- I can't give you a ball- park £igure~ on how much it would cost but it's in the neighborhood of $200,000 just to put a liner i.n. The equipment now that they have changed 'that they want the methane gas monitored, and this is passed down from the Federal Environmental Protection Agency who is leaning on the Department - the DEC to monitor methane. Most of the Town hasn't had an official report, maybe I'll leak out one number that the rest of the Town has~n~'t heard. The Supervisor and Highway Superintendent and myself were at a meeting Monday afternoon that was done by Holzmacher, McLendon an engineering firm that we hired as part of the 5-Town Waste Management group, ~e are all trying to solve this problem by 1985 and the five towns are. the 'Town of East Hampton, the Town of Southampton, the Town of Riverhead, the Town of Shelter Island and Southold. Accord- ing to the census w-e now comprise 95,000 people and the digure that was given back us as a recommended solution was only $87,000,000 to build a facili.ty to take care of. our. solid waste disposal. That is why I' made the comment~ I~ sincer, ely hope that the State of New York forgets Fishers. Island is a part of New York State. One of the recommendations given to us~ by H2M pertains to the Town o£ Shelter Island and roughly I consider them about, six times the size of Fishers ~sland and one of the proposals was $134.00 a ton to take care of the refuse on Shelter !island in order to satisf~ these standards. These aren':t pleasant propects but somewhere they do have to be addressed. Very honestly 1 wouldn't know how to address them for Fishers Island. Becau~ it !~nvolves transportation of the solid material. I strongly suspect we. will have to go into a working arrangement with the City of New- London or whate~er county would be the clos~s-v to help out if they prevent open disposal on Fishers- Island, I am concerned and I did want zo go see the disposal area so if the discussion does start at least I know how it's handled here and hopefully just keep ~ighting for us. A stalling motion, that"s the best we can hope for. SUPERVISOR PELL: Who else w~uld like to address the Board? MARIO ZANGHETTI, Fishers Island: Can you tell me if this road that continues on around by the bakery and back up to the Ferry District building~ is-this a Town road? Approved by the Town? Goes down here by the tennis courts, out to the bakery and up to the Ferry District? H~GH~AY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: No, it's not a Town road. MR. ZANGHETTI: Never been approved by the Town. to have the Town take it over? What would it take HI~H~AY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: I would have to meet the Specs, be 50 ft. road-~[exchange between Mr. Zanghettl and Mr. Dean.) MR. ZANGHETTI: The reason I ask is, there is a school here, there's tennis courts down there, two or three businesses down there, there's a bakery down there~ and there ms a lot of tra£fic and the road is' bad. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: You're going to ha~e to get a bond to do some of the work.. We would be really interested if you get in touch with us-and we'll s-it down. ADDLE VALENTI, Fishers ~s-Zand: I;d like to ask the Major d~ the highway patrol what the laws-a~e regarding bicycles because it is terrible here. The kids are-- I assume they are supposed to ride in the same direction as vehicles are. AUGUST 20, 1980 SUPERYYSOR PELL: Major, can you hear the question? The questioH is on Fishers Island, as well as New York State, what are the laws on bicyling on the road. The children here ride their bikes all over the ~;~ad and the lady is afraid of accident and wha~ can we do to enforce the laws? MAJOR KALJIAN: Well, believe it or nQ~ ahd you will not believe it by looking at the bicycle usuage, if they want to ride at night they must have a light or reflector on the rear, they ride on the right side of the road with the flow of traffic and it is enforcable. But looking around here, more so on Long Island than upstate, there is almost no compliance. MRS. YALENTINI: Here on Fishers Island they seem to ride mostly on the left hand side of the road instead of in the flow~ of traffic and they pay no attention to whether they are supposed to stop, look and listen, just start off in front of you and i~ really Us dangerous. Some of them are very small children and it really is dangerous. SUPERIVSOR PELL: May I make a suggestion. Perhaps, and perhaps I am out of place, ou~ of line in doing this, Major, maybe if a little, I am going ~o say PR bicycle clinic with the young people on the Island was held by somebody it might help the situation along these lines. MAJOR KALJIAN: We have in other areas, but we would like the parents ~o s~ar~ to teach them and then we'll pick up on what doesn't seem to work. But if you have in mind out here a bicycle safety course, it could be arranged. If you contac~ the Suffolk Traffic Safety Board who might be able to assist them. SUPERVISOR PELL: I think our problem today is immediate and I think the lady in the red dress is looking for something that we c~n do very soon and not go through a lot of red tape. TROOPER CAMPBELL: I gave one earlier this summer to the Boy Scouts at the American Legion Hall. Mrs. Sanger was there. I gave the course and I gave them rules and regulations as far as bicycles go. Earlier this summer. MRS. VALENTINI: That was in May before the summer children arrived. SUPERVISOR PELL: The lady has a point, Don, that was in May before the summer residents arrived a~d summer children arrived. TROOPER CAMPBELL: We could run another 6ne. We would have to ~un one actually in July or August. SUPERVISOR PELL: Good point. Thank you very much mam, and thank you Don. ANN MORELL: Fishers Island: I'd know to know, even in the day time, like boat time, you have a lot o~ adults who ride in the middle of the s~ree~. Now, that's not legal, it it? MAJOR KALJIAN: MRS. MORRELL: MAJOR KALJIAN: They do. They can ride in the middle of the streets? Unless you se~ aside a bicycle lane. SUPERVISOR PELL: There are no bicycle lanes set aside. It is legal to ride in the middle of the street on the right side with traffic, with the flow of traffic. MRS. MORELL: On the right side, not in the middle of the street. (Exchange between Mrs. Morell and Trooper Kaljian.) SUPERVISOR PELL: I do want ~o say this for the Major, I met with him on Shelter Island for the first time. I con~acted his office a week or ~wo ago about problems that you people have called my office with or written to me on and he has been mos~ cooperative in trying to solve these things. I do compliment you on your effor~ and your courtesy ~o the Town Board on the problems I have con~acted you with before and I am sure you will take care of this problem. AUGUST ZO, 1980 BILL HAASE, Shperintendent, Fishers~:Island School: I am going ba~ to that one question Mario brought out and I thought it was a very good one. That is, the roadway which goes around the school building down by the bakery, the old .gas station area; I was under the assumption that this was a Town road. Now, if it is not a Town road, what can be done to make it a Town road? I didn't hear the answer. SUPERVISOR PELL: Mr. Dean is going to come up here so we all can get in on this two-way conversation we had a few minutes ago and make it public. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: It is not a Town road. In order to make it a Town Road you are going to have to bring it up to Town specifications we have within the Town. Like in a subdivZsion we have curbing such as that. It is going to cost an awful lot of money. Now, ~here~ar~'ways of doing it. I don't know who owns it, but if somebody specific owns that road, owns that property, they can get a ==put up a bond, we'll go in there and give them a figure to build the road to the specifications and all the people in the Town will pay for it. It will be a five year bond and everybody is going to be assessed on it because it becomes a Town road. If the developer wants to go in and do it himself, if the developer does own it, he can go in and do it himself, then he has, on either side of the road, if he owns the land. We have to settle who owns the thing. RON ZANGHETT!: The school or the Town must own most of it. There is school housing, teacher housing down here and public airport down there and that covers most of the area we are talking about. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: That doesn't cover the Town, that is a school district. MR. HAASE: Isn't a black macadam road possibly better than what we have out here, there is no drainage, no curbing. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: Maybe if you go down there and inspect the road, maybe there doesn't have to be that much work done. Maybe a good coat of oil and tar and stuff like that would suffice, because you do h~ve a good base down there that was built by the government. Sowe might as well use what we got, I don't say go in and spend money we ~on't have but it'may b~'~able to be done very economically. RON ZANGHETTI: Shortly after you were elected to the Board you came over here for a public civic meeting. We had a good discussion. Mr. Doyen was there and several people, quite a few, complained about the roads, that this slur was not working and they needed resurfacing. You personally took my number and several other numbers down arid you were going to come back in,the spring and get the opinion of the Island people and go over some of the complaints we had about the roads and do something about it. You never did a thing. You just came over here and put the same old slur down and took off. SUPERVISOR PELL: I came back the second time, I brought Mr. Dean with me and we met in the-- up in the fire house with a group of people. Our county executive was here. It was advertised through Mr. Doyen that ~r. Dean, the county exec and myself was going to be in here.ove~ he~e~ ~r ~npuv and talk about anything you wanted to talk about, including the roads. We did come back as I said. I brought Mr. Dean with me and we did on,that day hit on slur. It was talked about. As I said, only about fifteen people showed up. MR. ZANGHETTI: How was it advertised? SUPER~.ZS©R PELL: Your CoUncilman Doyen was-- arranged the meeting for us. ALFRED HEDGE, Fishers Island: What at Fox, that has never been done, never been fixed. SUPERV!SQ~ PELL: Mr. Hedge is asking us-about Fox Street. I believe he means it has never been resnrfaced, relined. MR. HEDGE: Never been resurfaced, nothing has ever been done, only swept once a year. You go up there and see beer cans kicking around AUGUST 20, 1980 .333 the road. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: We'll take care of that. MR. HEDGE: Another thing, why does the garbage wagon ha~e to stop in front of my house when there is plenty of parking room other places. SUPERVISOR PELL: This question is, why does the garbage truck stop in front of your house to pick up-- no,garbage pi~ked up-- MR. HEDGE: They pick up the garbage from across the road, but they go up and turn around and come back and park right in front of my front door and all the juice runs out. SUPERVISOR PELL: I have photographs of this juice runnign out in front of your house and on the ground in front of you. Somebody, don't know who , sent them to me. I have photographs of this. MR. HEDGE: And why does Grebe have to stand in the harroom door nad holler things at me when I go by and I'm walking the dog? SUPERVISOR PELL: Mr. Hedge, the Board is somewhat aware of everything you have said, I have made them aware of some o£ our conversations and~ communications we have had. I have discussed the Board the last Board meeting had, which was two weeks ago, on recommendations that I anticipate making to the Board on problems on Fishers Island. The problem that you are bringing up to light now is something that I have gave preliminary report to the Board on. I will give them my final recommendation within the next thrity days: I hope to correct many o£ the things that you and many others, and I use the word many other, Fishers Island people have' told me, called to me about, or when I have been over ha~e; Several problems along the same lines. I cannot, the Board cannot correct it today. They are aware of it and I do anticipate this Board will take the necessary action to correct a lot of them. A lot of these complaints I have got from Fishers Island are, I am going-to say, tra£fic, law enforcement. I have, before, as I said, talked to the Major from the StaIe Police about some of them. He has heen most cooperative. I have made a preliminary report to the Board last week. I will make a final recommendation To the Board ~n September of how I will recommend to. the Board to correct many c~mpla!nts as yours and other residents. MR. HEDGE: Why d~n't they widen the Town road? SUPERVISOR PELL: I have no idea, you mean on Fox Lane again? ~ have no idea, I have never considered. Raymond, have you considered Wlde~ing~_tha~ road? HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: No. SUPERVISOR PELL: This is the first time I have ever heard that suggested, widening the road. I am sure Mr. Dean will go down there before we leave today and look at the width of the road. and this Board--this Board is not aware of the width of the road. We are aware of the problems with law enforcement on Fishers Island. Since I've been in o£~ice most o£ my complaints from Island residents have been law enforcement complaints. MR. HEDGE: I called for a State Trooper to come move a car and he asked a lot of questions and said keep the car there, walk the dog and leave the car there. SUPERVISOR PELL: The comment was that Mrs. Hedge called the State Police and asked them to come up and have a car removed in front of your house or driveway, in front of your house. That was the question. These are some o£ the problems we are working on. MR. HEDGE: Grebe parks his garbage truck at night, 7:00 o'clock, up on the corner, on the sidewalk. He says he's collecting the garbage--- the truck on the corner and I said he's over in the bar drinking. SUPERVISOR PELL: The Town Board is aware and will be making recommendations to the Town Board in September to eliminate some of these problems or how to correct them. They are studying them now. I did give them a preliminary report. Thank you. ROLAND OSWALD: I was at that meeting with you and Mr. dean in May or June and I want To thank you both for taking care o£ my problem. I had a lake in my backyard. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. We do some good when we come over here. Judge you got anything to say? E. PERRY EDWARDS; former Town Justice, Fishers Island: Not that I'm retired. SUPERVISOR PELL: I'll tell you a little tale, if I can. Many years ago I was in Albany when they considered changing the Race Rock Line £or the first time, 1967,68, '69, around those years. We were up in a room and a letter was read written by your Town Justice then and it was one of the most impressive letters that I have ever heard read off at a public meeting. He done a fine job representing you on that. We lost the line, anyway we lost the case, but it was a fine work Of penmanship. I wish I had your talent. Anybody else wish To be heard? TOM CA.SHEL: There were a few comments made by some people on the Island and maybe we can talk about it after the meeting, ~ to whet~r or not there are certain senior citizen services that could be implemented on the Island but could be implemented in such a way as the people don't have a problem with Southold through that. SUPERVISOR Pell: That is why Joan (Rinde) is here. She represents Mrs. Silkworth and she would~be more than willing to chat with any- body. Everybody I have with us today have name tags on saying who they are and who they represent. I had them introduce themselves and state basically their responsibilities and you can zero in on them after we break up. There is one thing I would like to bring up now. The Town Board apprvoed a Weatherization Program in Southold Town. That does include Fishers Island. Basically the program is so you can, I am going to say, insulate your home, have somebody come in, put your storm windows up to the ~une~df about $1,000. It has to be certified through the Suffolk County Development Corporation. If anybody is interested in it Marie has more information about it. I know people on, I am going ~o say~ the mainland, have taken advantage o£ this and have applied for it. It's being done throughout the east end. So if you want more information about it, talk to Marie. Anybody else wish to say anything? If not, the motion is in order to adjourn. On motion of ~uncilman, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED thai~here being no further business to come bfore this Town Board meeting adjournment be called a~ 2:20 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nick~e~, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted.