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February 5, 1980
Supervisor Pell advised the Board that the Siting Board would
be at the Jamesport LILCO site on Thursday, February 7th at
8:00 A.M. to walk the site.
S~sOr Pell advised~3%he Board that Stifling Creek, Greenport
will be open to the taking of shellfish at sunrise February llth.
Highway Superintendent Dean stated Irving Latham has agreed to
perform the excavation work at the site of the proposed Boisseay
Avenue sump. When he receives the necessary insurance certificates
he will sign the contract.
Highway Superintendent Dean snbmitted a map of the proposed parking
field in Cutchogue Village. Councilman Murdock will work with
Mr. Dean to study the project and they will report back to the Town
Highway Superintendent Dean discussed the acquisition of property
on Bridge Lane, Cutchogue for drainage purposes; and the reconstruction
of a portion of the bulkhead at Gull Pond.
Chief Cataldo spoke to the Board concerning the NYSPIN System which
will cost $228.00 per month and $110.00 for installation. The Board
agreed to adopt a resolution at the regular meeting authorizing the
Chief to execute the necessary contracts.
Chief Cataldo submitted his December 1979 report, January 1980
report and a report of the 1979 police department statistics.
Chief Cataldo submitted a letter to the Board stating that the
Ford Motor Company cannot meet the specifications for the police
car bids. The lowest bidder and second lowest bidder are both
Ford, therefore they cannot guarantee delivery at the prices bid.
Chief Cataldo recommended that the Board accept the bid of the
third bidder Mullen Motors, Inc.
David Spohn, accompanied by John Duell, spoke to the BOard concerning
a meeting he had with the FAA at Valley Stream. He said there are
good vibrations on their being in favor of an airport master plan
for SOuthold Town. Funding for an airport project can be expected
to be available in fascal year '81. He also met with the airport
manager of Islip. Mr. Spohn said what he would like from the Town
Boar~ is a resolution to formally request an airport master plan
study for Southold Town. The cost of the study is estimated at
$50,000, with 80% funding, 15% state funding and 5% town
funding. The Board agreed to adopt such a resolution at the regular
Mr. Frank Bear addressed the Board on the matter of the proposed
Peconic/Flanders Estuarine Sanctuary. He strongly urged the Board
not to hire Denis Hurley to represent the Town as he is of the opnion
Mr. Hurley is in oppostiOn to the sanctuary.
The Board discussed the request of the CSEA to reopen their present
1979-80 contract for negotiation.
480 FEBRUARY 5, 1980
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on Tuesday,
February 5, 1980 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold,
New York. Supervisor Pell opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with
the following present:
Supervisor William R. Pell
Councilman Henry W. Drum
Councilman John J. Nickles
Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr.
Councilman'George R. Sullivan
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker
Highway Superintendent Raymond C. Dean
Deputy Supervisor Marie Bauer Johnson~
Absent: Justice Francis T. Doyen
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the January 22, 1980 meeting of the
Southold Town Board be and hereby are approved as submitted.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan~ Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board
will be held at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, February 26, 1980 at the Southold
Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was
RESOLVED that the following audited bills be and hereby are!ordered
Paid: General Fund bills in the amount of $45,115t44; General Fund
Part Town bills in the amount of $23,703.46; Highway Department bills
in the amount of $8,609.41; and Fishers Island Ferry. District bills
in the amount of $24,672.09.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Pell announced that~Thursday of this week at 8:00 A.M.
the Siting Board that just ruled we shall not have a nuclear plant
at Jamesport, all five members will be at the Jamesport site to
physically go over it to consider it for a coal generating plant.
Supervisor Pell will be there, the supervisor of Riverhead Town
will be there and anyone who wants to go is welcome.-~Troy Gustavson
of the Suffolk times stated he heard a report this afternoon that
the visit has been postponed. Supervisor Pell will check out that
report in the morning.
Supervisor Pell announced that he~has received a communication
from Commissioner Flacke of the DEC stating that Stirling Creek,
38 acres of underwater land, will be opened up for the taking of
shellfish effective February llth.
1. Highway Department annual 1979 report which is on file
in the office of the Town Clerk.
1 (a) Receipt of the Highway Department January 1980 report.
1. Report of Supervisor Pell concerning the three vans
operated by the Town. They are designated the yellow van and
two blue ones; now all three are blue. The 1974 Ford van belongs
to the Nutrition Program. It is licensed, insured and maintained
by the Town, but 100% of its cost is reimbursed through the Office
of the Aging, County of Suffolk. The 1980 Didge van which was just
purchased and received this year also belongs to the Nutrition Program
and it is fully paid for, funded, insured, maintained through the
Suffolk County Office of the Aging. These vans are to he used
exclusively for the Nutrition Program. The 1974 van will be used
for home delivery of meals, approximately 60 meals a day. The 1980
van is to be used for picking up the people who do not have a means
to get to the center, they serve approximately 115 meals per day.
The same people do not go to the Nutrition Center every day. Some
FEBRUARY 5, 1980
~wice a week, some:once a week, depending upon the program they
operate. The third, van which is a 1978 Plymouth was bought and
paid for 100% for the first year by the County. After the first
year it was turned over to the Town. I~ is being used by RSVP.
It is being operated by RSVP. The use of this van lies With the
Town Board; RSVP has two tan vans in the east end towns. They
come into So~thold Town two days per month on the present schedule.
the other days of the month the 1978 Plymouth is operated by RSVP
volunteers. There are restrictions to use it, such as the lack of
a car.
3. Report of Highway ~uperintendent Dean relative to a 50 ft.
timber bulkhead at the end of Mill Road, Mattituck between the Old
Mill Inn and Anchor Inn that is in need of repair. The Department
of Public Works recommends tha~the Town Board inspect the bulkhead
relative to replacing it.
4. Councilman Drum~reported on the meeting of the Inland
Waterways Committee comprised of Councilman Drum, Councilman Murdock,
Councilman Nickles. At their last meeting on January 23rd an inspect-
ion was made with Mrs. Anna Hataier the Chairman of the Town Trustees,
of the majority of the Peconic Bay inlets and comprised two lists
which were submitted to the Suffolk County Department of Public Works,
Division~Of Waterways. One list listed those critical and essential
dredging projects and the other list was a non-critical area. The
non-critical area will be reinspected prior to the end of the winter.
During the winter there is a great deal of shoaling and lateral drift,
therefore it is possible the non-critical areas may be critical by the
end of the winter.
5. Receipt of a list of pending tax certiorari cases being
worked on by Richard J. Cron who rePresents the Town in these matters.
There are 27 cases now pending. The last case settled cost the Town
$1200.00 for Mr. Cron's services.
6. Councilman Nickles reported on a meeting of the Dog Pound
Committee held on January 31st. Councilman Nickles, Supervisor
Fell, Mrs. Maria Te~o and Mrs. Gladys Casjko, representatives of
the North Fork Animal Welfare League, attended this meeting. This
has been an ongoing situation wherein the League has found certain
deficiencies in the operation at the Dog Pound. They have been
negotiating with the Town trying to come' to an agreement where the
Town would contract with them to run the dog services. At the
last meeting the League submitted a proposed budget and eight items
as to what the League and Town's respective responsibilities would
be. They discussed the possiblity of CETA workers as kennel aides
and the training they would receive to make the Town eligible to
receive CETA workers for the program. The League would prepare
the program and submit the application for the CETA workers. They
are talking in terms of four people working as kennel aide type
people and one person to work as administrative maintaining records.
After discussion the League is going to report back on the following:
there is some problem in their corporation in terms of carrying out
various aspects of their responsibilities in the dog regulations
and they have to amend their corporation. Another item under discussion is
estimate of repairs requried at the pound. There have been problems
with the water freezing up and other situations like that. Also,
league, if the Town can agree with them, are going to provide
an estimate and description of improvements of the pound which the
league would provide at their cost. They find that generally they
are in agreement but there are still many items that will have
more specific and others such as budget, payment to the League, the
services they will provide to the Town. It was also agreed the League
would take over control of the pound and related services completely,
including negotiations with the Village of Greenport. The Town does
handle the dog services for Greenport on a contract basis. They also
must look into the legality of having the dog wardens in their employ
and that is still to be resolved along with having kennel aides
performing some Of the dog wardens duties in the event of an emerg-
ency. Until the next meeting these are some of the things the
Committee is looking into.
7. Councilman Murdock reported on the February 1st meeting
of the Youth Grant Committee. Present were: Mrs. Jean Cochran,
Supervisor Fell, Deputy Supervisor Johnson and Councilman Murdock.
The meeting consisted of general conversations pertaining to teh
establishment of the youth group and facilitating the use of the
$10,000. grant from the State of New York. Specific attention was
given to the advisibility of CETA employees both as clerical help
and instructional help. They also had a general discussion of what
the activities of the director would be and a budget proposal was
put together to be forwarded to the State of New York Funding Agency.
The next meeting will be at 7:00 P.M., Wednesday, February 6th at
the Southald Town Hall. This will be a full group meeting. The
main purpose being to go over the by-laws of the new corporation
that will hopefully be established by the time they meet again. 8. Receipt of the Supervisor's January 1980 report.
8 (a). Receipt of the January 1980 financial report of the
Fishers Island Ferry District.
9. Receipt of the Town ClerkJs January 1980 report.
10. Supervsior Pell reported on the preparation of the payroll.
This is handled by Automatic Data Processing. The Board asked Super-
visor Pell to find out more about the suitability of this firm and
he is working on it; there have been a lot of errors lately in their
preparation of the payroll.
11. Supervisor Pell spoke about the problem with the sprinkler
system in the Town Hall. It does not meet the required specifiCations
of the fire insurance underwwiters company. It is costing the Town
approximately $5000. per year to insure the Town Hall building. If
the sprinkler system met the underwriters specifications the rate
would be reduced 70¢ per 100. Supervisor Pell contacted Hartford
Insurance Company and aksed them to send their engineers down to
inspect the Town Hall to see what and how much out of line we are
and what we have to do and what the cost would be so we could get
in under the cheaper insurance rate. The engineer has not come
down yet.---Mr. Lance Larson asked how the reduction of 70¢ per $100.
would equate to dollars.---Supervisor Pell stated that according to
Mr. Price of the McMann Agency the Town Hall with an approved
sprinkler system should enjoy a fire rate Of perhaps 10¢ per $100.
or thereabouts. Based on coverage of $660,000 on the building and
$67,500. on the contents therein would result in an average savings
of approximately $5000. annually.
12. Supervsior Pell stated that the five east end towns are
joining in a common suit to the federal government on behalf of the
consumers of the east end towns to seek federal aid in gas relief
this spring and summer. He said that Councilman Nickles had suggested
that they also make application to the state and county. During
the last two weeks John Murray, who represents the county gas alloca-
tion from the state for dispensing, was out to see Supervisor Pell.
Mr. Murray indicated that Southold was the first town to contact him
about gas set aside for this spring. He did not process anything but
it was a very encouraging meeting. He will be back as there are
certain things the Town must find out for him. It is known that
in the last two years six gasoline stations have closed in Southold
Town. Mr. Murray knows Southold is in a bind and last June and July
Southold Town did not get any extra allocations while other areas did.
He is very much aware of the problem we ~ad last year in town and
seemed very eager to help Southold this year. He will be back within
the next week or two.
13. Deputy. Supervisor Marie Bauer Johnson reported on her
attendance at the Suffolk County Supervisor's Association meeting
in Huntington on January 30th representing Supervisor Pell. The
guest speaker was Suffolk County Executive Cohalan and Mrs. Johnson
had a list of questions Supervsior Pell wanted her to ask Mr. Cohalan.
There will be a position taken by the Nassau-Suffolk Transportation
Coordinating Committee on transportation on the Island and there
will be a full meeting devoted to that in the future. She learned
that they had not yet planned their schedule for dredging and gas
allocation was discussed at a later meeting that day. One psotiive
thing came out of the meeting and that is that the County Executive
will be in Riverhead all day Wednesdays. Mr. Cohalan did make a
statement that he feels very strongly about working with town govern-
ments so perhaps there will be a little closer to home cooperation.
The matter Of full value assessment was discussed to quite some
length and the feeling of the other supervisors was that the associa-
tion should go on record as opposing full value assessment, the reason
being that how to pay for it is not very clearly defined and there
seemed to be some feeling that the state really hadn't planned the
full value assessment very well before they pushed it over on the
people. The supervisor from Islip said it had cost his town about
$50. a parcel to do their reassessment and they are still waiting to
be reimbursed by the State for the $10. per parcel. Islip seemed to~
have another~problem that was quire serious and that is the fact
the assessors did not understand the computers so the data processing
people were actually running the assessing and the data processing
people were not knowledgeable about assessment so the whole thing
seems to be quite a mess. The Brookhaven Supervisor said his town
has completed data collection on about 70,000 of their 170,000 parcels
but they were planning to cancel their contract, and wait and see what
the courts did with them. The next Supervisor's meeting is going to
FEBRUARY 5, 1980
be xn Smithtown. The super~iSor~W6~d~S%ill like to consider disolv-
xng the County~Legislature.
14. Receipt of the January 1980 report of the Building Depart-
15. Councilman Nickles reported on a meeting he attended on
February 4th concerning the Heritage Conservation and Recreation
Service, Department of the Interior, called by Dr. Lee Koppelman
of the Suffolk~County Planning Department and County Executive
Cohalan and Cecily Kihn, project officer for the New York State and
team leader for the Northeast Region. Miss Kihn represents a branch
Of the Dep~tment of the Interior which has formed a new fund under
Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, the fund is Urban
Parks and Recreation Recovery. There are two other funds, the Land
and Water Conservation Fund and Historical Preservation Fund. This
is a five year pilot program which has been funded by Congress by
125~million dollars for one year and the remaining four yea~s at
150 million dollars per year. Three percent of the funds are for
Action programs whihc is a euphemism for planning. Congress does
not want money to go into planning buy they have figured out a way
to get around that. Eighty percent of the funds are for rehabilitation
programs and ten percent of the funds for innovative programs. This
is a national program and it xs competitive. If the Town, county, or
any other entity applies xn New York State they must compete with
all the other states, towns and villages. There are 405 listed
urban and county jurisdictions who are eligible for 85% of the
funds. Evidentially that branch of the Department of the Interior
determined the list by demographics. There is also what is called
discretionary funds which amount to about 7000 more local localities,
towns and villages, and they would be able to pursue about 15% of
the available funds. Dr. Koppelman hopes that the County would win
in the competition from two to three million dollars. There is a
pass through provision from county to town to ~ewn or county to village.
If the county sought the grant and the town participates with them
and set up some programs and the county is successful then they
would pass through the towns portion. Dr. Koppelman feels the
project should be a team effort betwee~ the Count~ and towns because
the smaller ~n~ities in the county could availthemselves of the
technical ab2k~ity.~f the County P~anning D~partment in t~rms of
gr~%smanship and preparing programs. Dr. Koppelman also pointed
out tha~ of the.405 l~isted areas, whereas the Town of S~uthold would be
one of 7,~00. The next step the Town must pursue ~s designation of
contract or representative for the Town and prepare an inventory of
town recreation areas, parks, beaches, facilities and programs.
Councilman Nickles stated that the next meeting is scheduled for
February 25th at 2:00 P.M. at the H. Lee Dennison Building at
Hauppauge, At the work session this morning Councilman Nickles
made this report and Supervisor Pell named Councilman Nickles and
Councilman Drum and himself to the follow-up of the program.
Councilman Nickles stated that an important part of the program
is community-citizen participation and some of the ideas he has
jotted down in terms of making this report, and the committee
will be contacting the following people for input: softball leagues,
Little League, possible renovation of the concession building at
Town Beach, bath facilities at the beaches, park districts, school
districts, historical societies. In talking to Dr. Koppelman Council-
maN Nickles mentioned there is a senior~youth building and Dr.
Koppelman felt the senior/youth building would have a high point
value, and scoring iS done on point value.
16. Supervisor Pell reported that last year the Town applied
for $400,000. in federal RUD grant money. They listed different
programs where they would like it to apply. Yesterda~ he received
a telephone call from Washington, D.C.~ Gary Pappas, who works for
Pan Tech Industries who applied for the Town's grant. Supervisor
Pell was told Southold Town was granted only one proposal, the
libraries. He received a telephone call tonight that Southold,
Sag Harbor and Patchogue were the three areas in Suffolk that
received any consideration at all.
1. Notice from the NYS DEC of complete application for non-
m~nor project by Roger and Richard Praetorius for a tidal wetlands
permit to create a two lot subidivsion consisting of Parcel 1
(21,052 sq. ft.) and parcel 2 (21,471 sq. ft.) and construct a
one family dwelling and associated sanitary system on each. Project
site ~s on the east side of Mattituck Creek, Westview Drive, Mattituck.
Applicant requests variance from lot size requirements. Comments
may be submitted to the DEC until February 13, 1980.
2. Receipt of Wetland Application no. 44 by Diane Gazza
for permission to construct a floating dock at Cedar Beach, Southold.
3. Notice from the NYS DEC of complete application for non-
minor project by Coastal Dock Building Corporation a/c Charles
Hammer for a tidal wetlands permit to extend two existing timber
jetties at either side of lagoon entering Cutchogue Harbor to prevent
shoaling of entrance to channel. Timber jetty on west side is to be
extended 25ft; jetty on east side is to be extended 50 ft. ProjeCt
site is in Cutchogue, New York. Comments may be submitted to the ~DEC
until February 20, 1980.
4. Notice that County Executive Peter F. Cohalan will attend
the February 26th Town Board meeting at 3:00 P.M.
5. Notice from the Department of Transportation, United States
Coast Guard relative to plans for a new concrete wall to be doweled
to an existing footing at Mattituck-Greenport Route 25 bridge oven
Mill Creek. The Supervisor has been asked by the Town Board to
write to the Coast Guard to determine if the proposed construction
will involve any interruption of traffic over the Mill Creek Bridge.
A few years back when they renovated the bridge there was quite a
time arranging the traffic through there during the summertime.
6~ Receipt of notice of intention to prepare an EIS determin-
ation of significance relative to application of Audrey Wanzor for
permittion to construct a one family ~'dwelling and associated sanitary
system plus 3ft. by 16ft. catwalk over the meadow at lot 15, Map
of Corey Creek Estates, south side Corey Creek Drive, Southold.
1. Letter from the Board of Town Trustees asking if the
Bay Constable could be in attendance at one Trustee meeting a
month. This will be discussed with the Chief of Police who is
the Bay Constable's supervisor.
2. Letter from the Board of Town Trustees asking the Town
Board to consider acquiring the parcel of land now being leased
by the Town from Demarest on Narrow River Road, Orient. The Demarest
family have indicated they wish to sell it, and the Town lease expires
in August 1981. The Board will look into where there are any state
or-federal fund with which to purchase it.
3. Receipt of a questionnaire from the NYS DEC relative
to the Town's evaluation of the administration of the State
Environmental Quality Review Act. This will be referred to the
proper boards for completion.
4. Letter from Denis R. Hurley concerning the proposed
Peconic/Flanders Bay Federal Estuarine Sanctuary. Mr. Hurley
has been obtained by Riverhead Town to represent them on study
of the sanctuary acquisition. Southampton joined in hiring Mr.
Hurley, and he was asked to come to the last Town Board meeting
and discuss the possibility of hiring him by Southold. There is
a $50,000 study which the Town Board endorsed to be made to present
the facts to the Town. Mr. Hurley's fee is S65.00 per hour to be
shared equally by those towns that hire him.
5. Letter from McMann~Proce Agency listing the insurance
policies on the three town vans, and who is insured while using
6. Letter from the Suffolk County Office for the aging
verifying that two of the vans are for the exclusive use of the
Nutrition Program.
7~ Letter from County Legislator Gregory J. Blass requesting
a list of the proposed dredging projects for Southold Town.
8. Letter from County ExecUtive Cohalan relative to the
meeting Councilman Nickles attended on Urban Parks and Recreation
Program on February 4th.
9. A public notice which was reported under notices.
10. Receipt of a letter relative to placement of signs on
Route 25 directing the public to the Laurel business district.
This matter has been referred to the Building Department and
Mr. Fisher has replied to the letter.
11. Letter from the Suffolk county Department for the Aging
concerning programs for senior citizens. One project is relative
to outreach service, home health care, transportation and referals
Deputy Supervisor Johnson and Mary Tuthill have been asked to study.
this application for funds and report back to the Office for the
Aging by February 15th.
FEBRUARY 5, 1980
12. Receipt of a letter from ChriStoPher Crawford relative to
Cablevision. Tomorrow, February 6th, at 10:00 A.M. Councilman
Nickles and Supervisor Pell will be meeting with a representative
of cablevision. A resolution concerning cablevision was adopted
some time ago which stated that any time a customer in Southold
Town complains to cablevision about poor service the Town would
like a monthly report of such and wh&t has ~been done to correct
the situation. About three weeks ago the Town was notified that
this request was honored by Albany.
13. One of the First things Supervisor Pell did when he took
office was on January 4th he had an insptection made of the Senior
Citizen/Youth Center by a Town representative and prepared a list
of what remains to be done before it is accepted by the Town. The
list has been turned over to the architects, Sacco & Ahlers, and
they have turned it over to the proper contractors to see that those
items are coreected. One contractor applied for payment but the
Town Board did not hOnor his bill because there are items to be
corrected by the contractor.
14. Letter from the North Fork Environmental Council, Inc.
offering assistance to evaluate the proposed Peconic/Flanders
Estuarine Sanctuary. The Town Board will send a letter to them
thanking them for their help and asking them to supply any informa-
tion they might have or receive to present to the Town Board. They
have offered this service free of charge and the Town Board is
accepting their offer with pleasure.
15. Receipt of a Summer Survey Form from the Suffolk County
Department of Labor. This report has been turned over to Highway
Superintendent Dean.
16. Letter from Henry Souther Engineering, Inc. relative to
the proposed Fishers Island Sewer District.
17. Letter from the United States Department of Interior,
Heritage Conserviaton and Recreation Service relative to the
identification of Long Beach, Orient Sstte Park as a potential
national natural landmark. The Town Clerk wrote to this department
for additional information concerning the underwater alnds that are
within this project and whether jurisdiction of these lands would
change. They reply stating that the owner relinquishes none of the
rights and priveleges for use of the land, nor does the Department
of the Interior gain any possessory interest in the 'land if the area
is designated as a national natural landmark.
18. Receipt of a Home Rule request relative to Peconic County
from Senator Kenneth P. LaValle. This will be handled under resolutions.
19. Letters from the Little Leagues requestingffinancial-kelp
for the 1980 season. In the past the Town Board has authorized
reimbursement for expenditures up to $1400. The Little Leagues are
making up their budgets at this time and they ~w~a~ted to know what
will be available for them this year. The Town Board will ad¥ise
them it will be the same as last year - $1400.
20. Letter from the Department of State, Coastal Resources,
concerning the designation of members to the Estuarine Sanctuary
Steering Committee. Supervisor Pell received a call in late January
advising the Town of Southoldccould have one member on the Steering
Committee. He advised that the Town could no~ accept this. Each
town was to have one member sit on the board. East Hampton Township
has very little involved. Southampton Township has some involved,
Riverhead has some involved. Southold Town has a~t invoIved from
Orient Point right up to the town line including Robins Island where
there ~s $40,000 in tax revenue involved. Supervisor Pell stated her
did not buy one equal vote of East Hampton as where they have nothing
involved. East Hampton is one record as endorsing this-. The caller
was to get back to Supervisor Pell, and he did with a different format
which he still could not buy. He got a letter yesterday stating that
Southold Town at the beginning will have two members on the Board,
t-one with a vote and one without a vote. When it comes to a vote
whether ot endorse the proposal or not the second member will be a
voting member.
1. Assmeblyman Behan has requested the use of the Town Hall
meeting room on February 14th at 7:30 P.M. to explain tke GoVernor's
budget and what it means to local governments. He is doing this
throughout the east end. ~
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold support the Senate-
Assembly Bill S1002, A1288 entitled "AN ACT in relation to authorizing
the governing body of the ~Town of Southold to make certain permanent
appointments for the position of police officer", Which reads as follows:
"Section 1. In making permanent appointments for the position of
police officer for the police force of the Town of SoUthold, the
governing body of such town may require that resident eligibles of
town be certified first for appointment to such position; provided,
however, no such preference shall be given for appointment from a
promotion list. Upon exhaustion of the list of such resident eligibles,
certification shall be made from the complete eligible list."
And be it further RESOLVED that the Town ~lerk be and she hereby is
directed to complete the necessaryvforms and submit them to the New
York State Senate.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold support Senate-
Assembly Bill S4771, A6781 entitled "AN ACT to erect the County of
Peconic from the territory now comprosed of the towns of East Hampton,
Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold, in the county
of Suffolk, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to
complete the necessary forms and submit them to the New York State
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that Theodore J. Heuser be ~and he hereby is reappointed a
member of the Southold Town Board of Assessment Review effective
February 22, 1980 for a five year term to February 22, 1985.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drub it was
RESOLVED that prusuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation
Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section
617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is
hereby given t~hat the Southold Town Board, as lead agency for the
action described below, has determined that the project will not have
a significant effect on the environment.
Application of David S. Strong for a wetland permit. Permission
is requested to remove soil that was washed from existing road into
marina basin at James Creek, off Camp Mineola Road, Mattituck, New
The project has been determined not to have a significant effect
on the environment for the following reason:
An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated
that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to
occur should the project be implemented as planned.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has
indicated a permit will be required by their department.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold set 4:40 P.M.,
February 26, 1980, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York
as time and place for hearing upon applica~ion~of David S. Strong
for a permit in accordance with the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance
of the Town of Southold, for permission to remove s6il that was washed
from existing road into marina basin at James Creek, off Camp Mineola
Road, Mattituck, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor.
This resolution was declared d~ly adopted.
FEBRUARY 5, 1980
On motion of Councilman Drum, second'~ b~ Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Mattituck Chamber of Commerce be and hereby are
granted permission to close Love Lane from Main Road to Pike Street,
Mattituck, between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 6:~00 P.M., Saturday,
July 12, 1980 for the purpose of holding "Mattituck Chamber of
Commerce Sale Day" providing the proper insurance is obtained to
hold the Town of Southold harmless.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, COuncilman
Murodck, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was
RESOLVED that William B. Smith, Southold, New York, be and he hereby
is appointed Chairman of the Southold Town Licensing Review Board
effective this date February 5, 1980.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Nickles,
WHEREAS, for 70 years the Boy Scouts of America has provided a
program of character building, citizenship training; and personal
fitness for the youth of our area; and
WHEREAS, Scouting is emphasizing in Februazy "Scouts Yesterday,
Leaders Today" as shown by the fact that many of our community
leaders were formerly Scouting members and many continue to serve
young people through Scouting; and
WHEREAS, Suffolk County Community organizations use the Scouting
program for the benefit of 19,000 boys and young men and women
through 550 Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, and Explorer Posts; and
WHEREAS, the Cub Scout program is also celebrating in 1980 its
50th anniversary of service to younger boys; therefore, be it
RESQLVED, that I, William R. Pell, proclaim the week of February
3-9, 1980, as Scouting Anniversary Week and ask all of our citizens
to give their recognition to "Scouting...The Better Life."
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum,
WHEREAS, in this 70th year of the Boy Scouts of America, Cub
Scouting is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a membership
of 30 million boys sznce 1930; and
WHEREAS more than 300 organizations in the Suffolk County are
using the Cub Scout program as a part of their own youth work; and
WHEREAS, the success of the one-centered Cub Scout program has
depended on the dedicated leadership of 10 million volunteers
since 1930; and
WHEREAS, the Cub Scout program offers an effective program for
the character, Citizenship, and personal fitness training for
boys that are 8,9, and 10 years of age; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the year 1980 is designated as a time of celebration
for the almost 12 thousand boys and volunteer leaders who are now
participating in the Cub Scout program in the Suffolk County Council;
and be it further
RESOLVED that the appreciation of all of our citizens is extended
to those who make it possible for boys to take part in the educa-
tional Cub Scout Program.
Vote of the'~'~own Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board declares itself lead agency
in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter
of the applicatinon of Dia'nne Gazza for a Wetland permit on certain
property located at 2710 Cedar Beach Road, Southold, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes': Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was
RESOLVED that Supervsior William R. Pell III be and he hereby is
authroized and directed to execute an agreement between the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Town of
SoBthold for the 1980 Shellfish Transplant Project, and set aside
$1500. (_amended to $3000) for said project which provides for
50% reimbursement to the Town of Southold for funds expended.
~Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councllman~ Drum,' .Superv~.sor' ' Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
(_Supervsior Pell stated that the Town has been asked if they
would like to participate in a clam transplant PrOgram wkich is
50% reimbursed by the federal government oper'ated through the
state. The Town said yes, and met w-ith tbs Southold Town Baymen~s
Association. The Baymen feel very strongly about th~s. A few
years ago they were given $2000.00 and it was cut down a couple
of years ago to $1500.00 The Baymen feel' it should ga up to
$2000.00 a~ain and they are goingl ~Op~f uP the ~e×tra $50~. ~hemsetves~/
At this time they are asking_ the ~wn to give th~m this year what
they-~ave them last year, $1-50-0~00~
0 n motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold accept the bid
of Robert L. Bergen Oil Co., Inc., Mattituck, for supplying the
Southold Town Highway Department and Disposal Area with 10,000
gallons, more or less as may be needed, of Diesel Fuel at $.035
below their base price.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock,
Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was
RESOLVED that the prior resolution for the Shellfish Transplant Project
be and hereby amended to read $3000.00 be set aside for the project
rather than $1500.00.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Mrudock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilmmn Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold accept the bid
of Suffolk Cement Precast, Inc., Calverton, New York for supplying
the Southold Town Highway Department with drainage rings and drainage
domes at the following pri~es:
15 3' x8' Drainage Rings @$87.00 ...... $1,305.00
10 -4'6"x8' Drainage Fings @$130.50 .......... $1,305.00
15 -3'6"x8' Drainage Rings @$101.50 --$1,522.50
10 -3' x 8' Drainage Domes $114.00 ........ $1,140.00
~ote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold accept the
bid of Chemung Supply Corporation, Elmira, New York for supplying
the Southold Town Highway Department with drainage pipe and bands at
the following prices:
500 ft.-12" Corrugated Metal Pipe 16 G. -$3.63 per lin. ft.
Bands ..... $3.63 each
500 ft.-18"Corrugated Metal Pipe 16 Ga.- ...... $5.36 per lin ft.
Bands ..... $5.36 each
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murd0ck, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared~duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation
Law State Environment Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section
617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of southold, notice !is
hereby given that the Southold Town Board, as lead gaency for the
action described below, has determined that the project will not have
a significant effect on the environment.
Application of Madistone Development, Inc. for a change of zone
from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-i" General
Multiple Residence District on certain property located on the
North Road, Greenport, New York.
FEBRUARY 5, 1980 489
The project has been determined not to have a significant effect
on the environment for the following reason:
~_. Anenv-ironmeD.tal assessment has b-een submitted which indicated
that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely
to occur should the project be implem~nted as planned.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
indicates that no permit is required under Article 25 (Tidal Wetlands)
of the Environmental Conservation Law.
Vote of the Town Board: A ·
yes. Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilm~
This resolution was declared duly adot
(Supervisor Pell stated that Item 4 o~
appointment of a Board of Appeals memt
at the work session, there are ten apt
Southold Town four affirmatmve votes
not get four votes on any one of the
until the February 26th meeting when
.n Drum, Supervisor Pell.
· the agenda pertains to the
,er. The Board discussed this
~licants. To pass anything in
.re needed. The Board could
:en. Action is being delayed
:he same 10 appliCants will be
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was
RESOLVED that Rachel C. Duell, East Marion, New York be and hereby
is appointed a member of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory
Council effective this date, February 5, 1980, to fill the unexpired
term of Frank Kujawski, Jr. to June 1~ 1981.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor pell. No: Councilman Murdock.
This resolution was declared duly adot~ted.
(Supervisor Pell stated that Item 16
Farms bond release; the board is not
still remains a report from the Highw
(Supervisor Pell state~-that Southold
marked police cars and one unmarked pc
received, J.J. Hart, Bill Ballan Ford
came in cheaper than Mullen but did nc
requirements, therefore they were rule
all of the specifications, therefore
for the five marked cars and one unma~
~n the agenda, Pebble Beach
~eady to move on this, there
~y Committee.)
Town went for bids for five
~lice car~ Three bids were
and Mullen Motors. The Fords
~t meet the bid specification
~d out. Mullen Motors did meet
zhey are going to award the bid
~ked car to Multen Motors for
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconde~ by Councilman Nickle.s, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the TOwn of Southold reject the bids
of J.J. Hart, Inc., the lowest bidder for supplying the Town with
five marked and one unmarked police c~rs, and Bill Ballan Ford-Lincoln-
Mercury, Inc., the second low~st bidder, as they cannot guarantee
delivery of the vehicles as specified, and accept the bid of M~llen
Motors, inc., who can meet the specifications, at the bid. amount of
$42.909.00 for five police cars and o]~e unmarked police car with
am/fm radio with rear speaker and fact
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Council
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilm~
This resolution was declared duly ado~
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seco~
RESOLVED that Police Chief Carl Catald
and execute an application agreement
of Southold to connect to the basis cc
ory installed air conditioning.
man Sullivan, Councilman
n Drum, Supervisor Pell.
ded by Councilman Drum, .it was
o is hereby authorized to make
or the Police Department, Town
ordinating police communication
system of telephone typewriter communi~ations (also known as NYSPIN,
the New York State Police Information ~etwork). Said Agreement to be
made with the Division of Sstate PolicD will also include authorization
for the Division of State Police to order the necessary equipment
and arrange for installation thereof ~t Police Headquarters in Peconic.
Lease charges and instllation costs t~be borne by the Town of Southold
and line charges to be borne by the D~
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Council~
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilme
This resolution was declared duly ado
(Supervisor Pell stated the above sys
federal grant. The Town cos~ for one
After the first year it is $228.00 pe~
by the State, after that the Town pic~
is gives ~the Town a direct tie-in wit~
vision of State Police.
an Sullivan, Councilman
n Drum, Supervisor Pell.
em will be paid for by a
year is $150.00, plus $110.00.
month but this is paid for
s it up. What this system does
all the different organizations
such as the State .Police, the federal police and everything will be
at their fingertips when they are tied into this. The Town has
received last year and it is being installed a $22,000 equipment
grant for new equipment and communications in the police department.
iThis will all be tied in and it is hoped it will be in operation some
!!~me .early spring.
C~Uncilman Drum: Last year there was a committee formed comprised
of Town Board members and also non-public officials and a rtudy was
made of airport costs. At that particular time costs were come up
with and the Federal Aviation.Administration indicated that funds
would be available but first there must be a Tri-State Committee
who would study the need. There has been a change~ Mr. David
Spohn has spent a great deal of time, as well as Mr. John Duell,
reaearching and contacting the various Federal Avaiation Administration
officials and have provided the Town Board with that information. It
appears a~ this time that the Federal Aviation Administration would
consider sponsoring or at least providing funds for a study and he
would recommend that Southold Town send a letter to the FAA requesting
such a study. Councilman Drum thanked Mr. Spohn and Mr. Duell for
their great efforts and time given to this project over the last
several months.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold request a Master
Plan Study for a local airport in Southold Town by the Federal
Aviation Administration, and inquire as to what obligations would
be binding upon the Town of Southold in such alstudy~
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that William McGonegal be and he hereby is granted permission
to use the Town Van to transport a team of basketball players of
varsity age to compete in the Smithtown Recreation League on Monday
and Wednesday nights for the last week of June, all of July an'd the
first week of August, 1980, provided said William McGonegal supplies
all of the gasoline needed for the use of the van for these %~ips.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murd6ck, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
(Councilman Sullivan stated that the vans were discussed at length
earlier in the meeting and the Town has a request from Bill McGonegal
to utilize the van during the summer months to transport the Southold
basketball team to a summer league scheduled in S~ithtoWn. It has
been cleared with the insurance agent as far as the liability to the
Town and he assured that it is allowed to be done. The Board also
discussed the fact the van can be utilized by other groups, not just
the one, but would want Board approval for each particular request
in writing, including all particulars of who the driver would be an'd
his driver,s license.~
On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and
directed to prepare, execute and deliver to the engineering firm
of Henry Souther Engineering, Inc., required documents relative to
the participation of a Minority Business Enterprise as part of the
Town's application to ~ke~ ~PA'~' DE~on b~hatf o~ the Fishers Istand
Development Corp. for funds for the c~n'~{~6~i6~of~sewer facilities
in the Fishers Island Sewer District, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and
directed to select and appoint the Minorities Business Enterprise
Vote of the TOwn Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
(Supervsior Pell stated that he would talk to the people on Fishers
Island, Justice Doyen was not available today, to ask for the name
of a person to ~esignate as Minorities Business Enterprise Officer.
He asked the Board, because of the deadline he must meet, to give
him blanket authority, after he consults with Justice Doyen, to
designate the individual.)
5, 1980
(Councilman Nickles: Supervisor Pell indicated under communications~
the Town Board has received a proposal from Denis R. Hurley, Attorney
at Law, Riverhead, former County Legislator, indicating the towns of
Southampton add Riverhead hRve engaged his services, not to take a
position on the Pe¢onic/Flanders Estua~ine Sanctuary, but rather
to secure information. A majority of the Town Board members have
attneded all of the meetings on this project and still feel that in
order to do their job properly they require further information. What
Mr. Hurley proposed to do for the Town of Riverhead and Town of
Southampton and Town of Southold is to secure the information {k®m
Washington and State of New York and other ameas Where there are
seven existing estuarine sanctuaries. The cost of his services is
$65.00 per hour shared three ways by the towns mentioned.)
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold engage the
services of Denis R. Hurley, Attorney at Law, to represent the Town
in researching the impact of the proposed Peconic/Flanders Bay
Federal Estuarine Sactuary on the Town of Southold at a sum n6t
to exceed $500.00
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman. No. Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Mr. Lance Larsen asked if the fact Mr. ~Qrley is on the Steering
Committee of the sanctuary is a conflict of interest? .... Councilman
Nickles s~ated that Mr. Hurtey was invited by Dr. Koppelman to
be on the Steering Committee and he would not accpet the invitation
to be on the Steering Committee.
On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was
RESOLVED that Councilman Henry W. Drum be and he hereby is appointed
a voting member to the Steering Committee of the proposed Pecon~c/
Flanders Bay Federal Estuar~ne Sanctuary, add Councilman Lawrence
Murdock, Jr. be and he hereby as appointed a non-voting member of
this same Steering Committee; with the understanding Mr. Murdock
will be a voting member when a vote is taken whether to endorse, or not,
the proposed snactuary.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On.motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes payment
of HUD funds to Thermal Comfort, Inc. in the amount of $3,024.90 for
work completed at the Senior~itizen/Youth Center, Peconic, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Drum, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman DrUm, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell III be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to sign a Supplemental Contract Agreement
with Rodan Equipment Co~, Inc. with respect to the purchase of
landfill equipment.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: CoUncilman Sullivan, Councilman
vurodck, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was delcared duly adopted.
Town Attorney Tasker explained the above resolution: The Town is
presently renting equipment at the town landfill at the rate of
$1700.00 per week. The successful bidder does have in his shop
the machine that he bid on, however, tha~Lmachine presently does
not have the required bucket nor does it have the air conditioning
ubstakked in it. The successful bidder through negotiations between
the Superintendent of Highways has agreed to bring down that machine
immediately. It so happens the bucket which is onethe one the Town
is trading in can be transferred to the new one so the machine will
be in operation next Monday thereby save the rent of ~he equipment.
When the next becket comes in and the air conditioning the machine
will have to go back to the shop to have the new bucket and air
conditioning and all of the other work done on it and redelivered
back to the Town. The net bid price after the trade-in is taken
off was $90,000. Three quarters is paid by the Tow~n and 25% by a
state grant, so the Town's share is about $67,500.00~ In View of
FEBRUARY 5,-1980
the fact the bidder is delivering the machine immediately and that
it will be about two months before the bucket ge~s:~here to be installed
on it, the bidder wished to have a partial payment. There was a
meeting yesterda~ and it was aqreed to pay $30,000. within the next
30 days and the balance when the machine is finally put into condition
and rbought back again. Therefore that is basically the substance
of the supplemental agreement between Rodan and the Town.
Mr. Henry Lytle asked about Item 10 under Communications, the
location of the sign in question? .... Councilman Murdock stated
Federal Smallwares Corp. sells miniature furniture and doll furn,iture.
He is on the portion of Route 25 that was straightened. He feels
that since the road has been straightened he has suffered a ~e2t
deal of loss of business because now people do not see his place
of business. He has requested that the Town do something signwise.
This has been an ongoing problem for over a year. If you drive
through you notice there are two signs one in each direction on
the Main Road. They both say Hamlet of Laurel, one with an arrow
says Laurel Business District. This the Town got the State to do
hoping that people would go to the Laurel business district and
is about as much as the Town can do. The way the owner of Federal
Smallwares wrote to the Town, he wanted the Town to put a sign up
advertising his business %:~and~.the~Town could not.--Building Inspector
George Fisher stated that certain signs are permitted in Southold
Town to advertise a business transacted on that particular spot.
If someone comes in for an off-premises si~n the Building Insepctor
has to deny it, but the individual then has the right to go to the
Board of Appeals. In this particular case the individual should
apply for an off-premisee sign. The Board of Appeals does sometimes
grant a permit for business that are not on the main thoroughfare.
They are so granted'on private property. As Mr. FiSher understands
it tonight Federal Smallwares is asking the Town to put up a sign
on public property on the grass area at the intersection.
Mr. Gerald Goehringer, Mattituck Park District Commissioner, asked
about the dredging projects. Has anything been established relative
to the dredging of Mattituck Inlet?---Councilman Drum stated the
contract for d~edgiRg Mattituck Inlet was let and they were to have
started on the 15th of December. He did note several days ago that
they have put the stakes in as to where they are going t~ dredge.
Supervisor Pell stated that the Five East End Town~Supervisor's
will meet£on February 13th at Hampton Bays. The County Executive
will be at that meeting. Wednesday will be his first day out in
the east end of the County.
Supervisor Pell stated that he ha~eceived numerous t~lephone
calls from people who hope he watches the Jamesport Siting Board
when they.come out. They don't want coal fumes blowing in a north-
west wind over the town of Mattituck, He feels this will be jus~t
as an important issue- coal or nuclear. There are people who are
willing to do anything they can to help. He feels this somethin~
the Board will have to be very close with.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was
RESOLVED that there being no further business to come before this
Town Board meeting adjournment be called at 9:20 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resoltuion was declared duly adopted.
Town Clerk