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JANUARY 2, 1980
Mrs. Maria Tejo appeared before the Board to discuss the Dog
Pound. Also in attendance was Mts. Gladys Csajko. Mrs. Tejo
outlined background discussions with the late Supervisor Albert
Martocchia concerning negotiations for the North Fork Animal
Welfare League to contract with the Town to run the Dog Pound.
Supervisor Pell was appointed to the Dog Pound Committee with
Mr. Martocchia. Mrs. Tej~ Mrs. Csajko, Mr. Pell and Mr.
Martocchia visited the Pound with an engineer who assessed the
layout.. Th~prob~em that~arises at this point is that corpora-
tion papers have been drawn, but in checking with the State
Department of Agriculture and Markets, the corporation papers
do not p~ovide for enforcement of the dog laws. Mrs. Tejo
stated she contacted a State senator who said the Town Clerk
could prepare an agreement which would cove~,~he requirements
of the law. Mrs. Tejo asked Councilman Drum if he opposed the
North Fork Animal Welfare League. Councilman Drum said he did not,
but would like to know all the legal ramifications before he
commits himself to agreeing to the League running the Pound.
Supervisor Pell stated he would appoint a Dog Pound Committee
at today's meeting to work with Mrs. Tejo and Mrs. Csajko.
Chief Carl Cataldo met with the Board to disucss the individuals
he recommended for attendance at the police academy training
session f~ summer policemen. The Board had received a request
from George A. Barzac, Jr. who wished to attend. Chief Cataldo
said he would not,recommend that Mr. Barzac attend. He would
never use him as a summer policeman. He did state that Mr.
Barzac has become an excellent School Crossing Guard and Traffic
Warden, but by age or physically he would never qualify as a
police officer. The Board concurred with the Chief's decision.
Chief Carl Cataldo discussed with the Board the job performance
of Dog Warden Gail Bleil.
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board, the Organizational
Meeting, was held on Wednesday, January 2, 1980 at the Southold
fTown Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Supervisor Pell opened
the meeting at 3:00 P.M. with the following present:
Supervisor William R. Pell III
Justice Francis T, Doyen
COuncilman Henry W. Drum
Councilman John J. Nickles
Councilman Lawrence Murdock Jr.
Town Clerk ~udith T. Terry
Town Attorne~ Robert W. Tasker
Highway Superintendent Raymond~C~. Dean.
Deputy Supervisor Marie Bauer ~onnson
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the December 27, 1979 meeting of the
Southold Town Board be and hereby are approved as submitted.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On mote.on Qf .Counci.!man DruM, seconded by Justice Doyen, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board
will be held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, January 8, 1980 at the Southold
Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Pell announced that on January 8, 1980 there will be
a public hearing in the matter of the application of K. Koehler,
a/c Mr. & Mrs. Arthur David for a wetland permit at 3:00 P.M.
Supervisor Pell stated that Item I on the agenda is vacancies.
This morning he asked the Town Board to consider the four people
who ran for the office of Councilman in November. He was informed
they could not second any of them and would not consider them for
the appointment to that seat.
Supervisor Pell offered a resolution for the Town Board to ask for
resumes for the vacancy of Councilman to be submitted by January
22, 1980. Appointment to fill the vacancy to be made the first
meeting in February. Mr. Pell's resolution was not seconded.
Councilman Nickles stated that this morning Supervisor Pell did
ask the Board members to support the four candidates and Council-
men Nickles gave Supervisor Pell a letter in response to his letter
of December 28th. Councilman Nickles said that he would like to
place a name in nomination of a man he personally knows and feels
has the qualifications to serve the Town well.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that George R. Sullivan, be and hereby is appointed
Councilman, Town of southold, effective January 2, 1980 through
December 31, 1980.
Supervisor Pell asked for discussion.
Councilman Murdock stated he also gave a letter to Supervisor Pell
stating his differences of opinion with his thoughts and he also at
that time told him he felt it would be incumbent upon anyone who
asked to be considered as Councilman, that they would make their
intentions known to each respective member of the Town Board-for
their consideration. He told the Board this morning, and did not
name the gentlemen, that he had been contacted by two people in
the Town of Southold and he has considered them. Because of his
newness on the Board he would neither recommend nor second at
motion for appointment, as he feels he would need more time. But
if either of the two gentlemen who~.had approached him as the ~ew
member of the Board of before he was a new member of the Board
with their intentions, that if either of the two gentlemen were
proposed he would feel he had sufficient time to review their
qualifications. Councilman Murdock said he would vote according
to that.
Councilman Nickles read the qualifications of George R. Sullivan
which are as follows:
Certified Public Accountant; a faculty member of the Suffolk County
Community College; Director of the North Fork Bank & Trust Company;
member of the executive and trust committee of the North Fork Bank &
Trust Company; Administrative aide and regional representative to
State Assemblyman John L. Behan; member of a professional associa-
tion associated with Certified Public Accounts. Mr. Sullivan has
a Master of Business Administration, New York University, garduated
in 1970; Bachelor or Business Administration, Iona College, 1966;
elected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; attended
Fordham University Law School and served as class president. Mr.
Sullivan also has a military background, he is active in civic
organizations , he served on the ad~ hoc committee of the Southold
School Board to research the consolidation of the school district;
CYO basketball coach for four years; soccer coach for the Peconic
League; served as scholarship chairman of the Southold Parents
Teachers Association; member of the American Legion and life member
of Disabled American Veterans.
Supervisor Pell asked Justice Doyen if he is prepared to vote,
if he has had time to research the question of appointing George
Sullivan as Councilman. Justice Doyen stated he has researched
tke appointment and he is satisfied with the qualifications of
Mr. Sullivan to fill the position.
Vote of the resolution to appoint George R. Sullivan as Councilman,
Town of Southold: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles,
Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen. No: Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Pell asked how the appointment of Mr. Sullivan would
effect his being a Director for the North Fork Bank? Town Attorney
Tasker stated there is no conflict.---Mrs. Sherley Katz asked if
Mr. Sullivan is still associated with John Behan's office, and
is so, would it be a conflict? Town Attorney Tasker said he does
not feel it would be a conflict, as a matter of fact, in the history
of Southold Town there was a Supervisor who was a State Senator at
the same time. Mrs. Katz asked how many years ago? Town Attorney
Tasker said about twenty years ago but the law is still the same.---
Supervisor Pell asked that the question has been researched and
he found it to be no conflict, no more so than Supervisor Pell
being a stockholder in the same bank.
Supervisor Pell stated that Mr. Sullivan is in the audience, he
can sign his oath, it can be filed in Riverhead tomorrow and then
he can sit on the Board.
George R. Sullivan was sworn in as Councilman, Town of Southold
by Town Clerk Judith Terry.
Supervisor Pell stated that Mr. Sullivan will serve until December
31, 1980. By law he must run for the unexpired term, which will
be for one year.
Mr. Bill Penny stated he must leave and he would like to comment
on the appointment of a Councilman. He thinks it is terrible,
it is a railroad job. He has nothing against Mr. Sullivan, he
may be a well qualified man, however, there are probably other
well qualified people and if there were resumes to find out who
they may be he thinks that it would be a lot fairer, more democratic
and possibly could come with someone better qualified. He thinks
the railroad job that the Republicans pulled is rotten and he will
remember it the next time he votes.
Supervisor Pell stated that there are two vacancies, the Zoning
Board of Appeals~and Conservation Advisory Council. The Board
did discuss it today and have agreed that they will request
resumes to be submitted to the Town Clerk by January 22, 1980.
The appointment will be made at the first meeting in February.
Mr. Pell asked the Town Clerk to post the vacanices on the Town
Clerk's Bulletin Board and the responsibilities therein.
Supervisor Pell appointed his Confidential Secretary, Christina
J. Hogan.
On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the salary of Christina J. Hogan, Confidential Secretary
to Supervisor William R. Petl III ve and hereby is set at $6,500.00
per annum effective as of January 1, 1980 and the same shall be paid in
regular semi-monthly payments.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Pell appointed Marie Bauer Johnson, Deputy Supervisor,
Town of Southold.
On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the salary of Marie Bauer Johnson, Deputy Supervisor,
Town of southold be and hereby is set at $1,500.00 per annum
effective as of January 1, 1980 and th~ same shall be paid in regular
semi-monthly payments~
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell .
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the salary of Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent of ~/__% '_
Public Works be and hereby is set at$3,000.00 per annum effective
as of January 1, 1980 and the same shall be paid in regular semi-
monthly payments.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that Judith T. Terry be and she hereby is appointed
Registrar of Vital Statistics for the Town of Southold effective
January 1, 1980 through December 31, 1981, and her salarybe set
at $3,00.00 effective through January 1, 1980 through December 31, 1980
and the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
Th~S resolution was declared duly adopted.
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry appointed Elizabeth A. Neville as
Deputy Town Clerk and Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics
effective January 1, 1980 through December 31, 1981.
Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock,
WHEREAS, Section 64 of the Town Law requires the Town Board to
designate, by resolution, banks in the State in which the Super-
visor or any other officer of the Town shall deposit all moneys
coming into their hands by virtue of their offices, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board may require any bank, so designated to
deposit with such Board bonds or certificates of the United
States, of the State of New York, or any County, town , city,
village or school district of the State of New York as security
for such funds so deposited but such bond or certificate shall
be subject to the approval of the Town Board and shall be depsotied
in such place and held under such conditions as the Town Board may
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following banks are here-
by designated as depositories and the following amounts of securities
are hereby required to wit:
Bank of New York, Greenport $1,045,000.00
Chemical Bank, Southold 1,500,000.00
North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Mattituck 3,510,000.00
Uote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the Long IslandTraveler-Watchman, Inc., Southold,
New York, a newspaper regularly published in the Town of {outhold,
which has been entered as a second class mail matter, be and the
same is hereby designated, effective January 1, 1980, as the
official newspaper of the Town of Southold for the publication
of all notices, resolutions, ordinances and other matter required
to be published.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Drum~ it was
RESOLVED that the Suffolk Times, Greenport, New York, a newspaper
regularly published in the Town of Southold, which has been entered
as a second class mail matter, be and the same is hereby designated
as an additional newspaper of the Town of Southold for the publica-
tion all all notices, resolutions, ordinances and other matter
required to be published.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Coun ~ilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 64 (l-A) of the Town Law, a petty
cash fund is hereby established in the following amounts for the
following officers, to wit:
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry ................. $100.00
Justice James H. Rich, Jr .................. $200.00
Justice Frederick J. Tedeschi .............. $200.00
Chief Carl Cataldo ......................... $100.00
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly &dop~d.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 142 (la) of the Highway Law that
the Southold Town Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is
authorized to purchase equipment, tools, snow plows and other
implements and devices without prior approval of the Town Board
in amounts not to exceed $1,500.00 during the period from January
198~ to December 31, 1980.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Su)ervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by C
RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell II2
appointed Emergency Preparedness Coordinato~
to serve in such capacity wihtout compensat:
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Mu:
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Su
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Pell announced that the Deputy E
Coordinator would not be appointed at this
meeting last week with a representative of
Office and he has a film and considerable d
explain to the Board. Supervisor Pell askec
this representative take place when the new
)uncilman Murdock, it was
be and he hereby is
for the Town of Southold,
~dock, Councilman
)ervisor Pell.
~ergency Preparedness
:ime. He attended a
:he Emergency Preparedness
~ta he would like to
[ that a meeting with
Board takes office.
On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded b~
RESOLVED that Councilman Henry W. drum be a]
to represent the Town of Southold at the annual meeting of the
Association of Towns of the State of New York to be held in New
York City on February 17, 18, 19, 20, and tO cast the vote of the
aforesaid Town of Southodl pursuant to Section 6 of Article III
of the Constitution and By-Laws of said A-sOciation of Towns, and
Councilman Nickles, it was
~d he hereby is designated
2 be and he hereby is
~ote of the Town of
.ation of Towns in the
~dock, Councilman
~upervisor Pell.
be it further
RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell Iii
designated to act as alternate to cast the
Southold at the annual meeting of the Assoc~
absence of Councilman Henry W. Drum.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Mu~
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen,
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by C
)uncilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that those officers of the Town of Southold attending the
annual meeting of the Association of Towns 9f the State of New
York be and hereby are allowed $200.00 per ~fficer for the actual and
necessary expenses to travel~ meals, and lo~ging incurred while
attending said meeting.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
~ervisor Pell.
)uncilman Nickles, it was
~ppointed who is
~rformance of duty,
_ly and actually
)ffice, at a rate
~rdock, Councilman
)ervisor Pell.
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Su
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by C
RESOLVED that any Town official elected or
required to use his own automobile in the p~
be compensated for travel expenses necessar
incurred in carrying out the duties of his ~
not to exceed seventeen ($.17) cents permil~
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman M-
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Su
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded b
RESOLVED that a fascimile signature be and
to pay all checks, drafts and other instru~
money drawn upon the account of the Town of
Pell III, Supervisor, Town of Southold, on
The Bank of New Y~rk
The North Fork Bank and Trust Company
Chemical Bank
Hartford National Bank & Trust Company
Councilman Murdock, it'was
~ereby is authorized
~nts for payment of
Southold by William R.
2he following banks;
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles,
Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor ?ell.
~h~ ~olution was declared dul~ adopted.
Mev~d by Ccuncilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock,
WHEREAS, Section II cf the General Municipal Law pro~ides that
the Town Board may authorize the Supervisor, the chief fiscal
officer of the town, to invest moneys not required for immediate
expenditure, now, therefore, it is
RESOLVED that the Supervisor~is hereby authorized to dePosit 'or
invest moneys not required for immediate expenditur~ in special
time deposit accounts, or certificates of dePosit~issued by, a
bank er trust company located and authorized to do business in
this state, provided, however~ that such time dePosit accounts
or certificates of depsoit shall be payable Within such time
sd the proceeds shall be needed to meet expenditures for which
such moneys were obtained, and provided further that such time
deposit accounts or certificates of deposit b.e secured in the
manner procided by Section II of the General Municipal Law.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman ~rum,
WHEREAS, Section 123 of the Town Law provides that town officials
and employees who receive and disburse moneys of the Town shall
on or before January 20th account to the Town Board for all
moneys received and disbursed by them in the previous fiscal
year, unless the Town shall engage the services of a certified
public accountant or public accountant prior to January 20th, and
HWEREAS, the Town Board deems it necessary to engage a public
accountant to prepare the aforesaid annual account for ~11 town
officers and employees,
NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town
of Southold engage the services of Elaine F. Kaldor, C~P~k~,
P.C. to make the annual audit of the books and records of officers
and employees of the Town of Southold for the fiscal year 1979 at
a contract fee of $2~200.00. said audit to be completed within 60
days after the close of the 1979 fiscal year.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pei1.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Pell stated that at this time he !.s supposed to
appoint councilman to committees. Not knowing who he had to
work with, who would be the new member of the Board, he will
not appoint any committees at this time except the Police
Committee. He will make the appointments at the next meeting
on January 8th.
Supervisor Pell appointed the following individuals to the
Police Committee: Supervisor Pell, Chairman, Councilman Drum,
Vice Chairman, Councilman Nickles.
Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles,
WHEREAS, it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town
Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of
all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed,
and determine when the same shall be payable and that the salaries
of the members of the Town Board, an elected town Clerk and an
elected Superintendent of Highways shall no~ be fixed in an amount
in excess of the amounts respectively specified in the notice of
hearing in the preliminary budget published pursuant to Section
108 of the Town Law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the annual salaries for the
following elected and appointed town officials shall be as
Supervisor William R. Pell III
Councilman Henry W. Drum
Councilman John J. Nickles
Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr.
Town Justice James H. Rich, Jr.
Town Justice Frederick J. Tedeschi
Town Justice Francis T. Doyen
Town Clerk Judith T.Terry
Receiver of Taxes George Mellas
Superintendent of Highways Raymond C. Dean
Assessor Melville A. Kelsey, Jr.
Assessor Henry F. Moisa
Assessor Charles C. Watts
8 500.00
10 500.00
10 500.00
7 500.00
19 000.00
10 000.00
25 000.00
Town Trustee Paul Stoutenburgb
Town Trustee Anna Hataier
Town Trustee Frank Kujawski, Jr.
Town Trustee Henry P. Smith
Town Trustee Halsey A. Staples
Town Trustee - President
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Superuiso~ Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Pell announced that Superintendent of Highways Raymond
C. Dean appointed Raymond Jacobs as Deputy Superintendent of
Highways for the Town of southold.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the salaryof Raymond Jacobs, ~eputy Superintendent
of Highways for the Town of Southold be and hereby is set aa
$20,000.00 per annum effective January 1, 1980 and the same shall
be paid in regular semi-monthly payments~
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Councilman Drum, seconded by Justice Doyen,
WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town
Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of
all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or
appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now
therefore, be it
RESOLVED that Robert W. Tasker be and he hereby is appointed
Town Attorney for the Town of Southold at an annual salary of
$21,500.00, and eh shall hold such appointed office at the
pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by law,
and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates
with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, subdivision
3 of the Town Law.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Souncilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 272 of the Town Law, Henry E.
Raynor, Jr. is hereby designated Chairman of the Southold Town
Planning Board for the calendar year 1980, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Southold Town Planning Board
be paid a salary of $1,000.00 effective as of January 1, 1980, and
the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Just±ce Doyen,
~EREAS~ Section 22 B of the Town Law allows %he Town Board of
any town having more than one assessor to establish the office
of Chairman of the Town Assessors, who in addition to hfs regular
duties shall perform such services in connection wi~h assessment
and taxation of property for State, County and Town purposes as
the Board shall direct, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that Melville A. Kelsey, Jr. be and hereby is designated
to hold the office-of Chairman of the Board of Assessors until
the first day of January next succeeding such des~gnat±on, at
the pleasure of the Town Board, all in accordance with Section
22B of the Town Law, and be it further
RESOLVED that the compensation for such appointment be fixed
at $1,000.00 per year apyable in regular semi-monthly payments.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nickles,
WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town
Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of
all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed,
and determine when the same shall be payable, now, tke~efore, be it
RESOLVED that the annual salaries of the members of the Zoning Boa.rd
of Appeals and the Planning Board of the Town of $outhold be and
they hereby are fixed as follows:
Charles Grigonis, Jr.
Serge Doyen, Jr.
Robert J. Douglass
Terry R. Tuthill
Henry E. Raynor, Jr.
Frederick E. Gordon
James Wall
George Ritchie Latham, Jr.
Bennett Orlowski, Jr.
And it is further RESOLVED that the members of the Board of
Appeals and the members of the Planning Board be paid these
salaries for their respective offices in regular semi-monthly.
payments and that the appointed officers or employees shall hold
such appointed offices or positions at the pleasure.~of the Town
Board unless otherwise provided for by law, and it is further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates
with the proper parties as is required by Section 30, Subdivision 3
of the Town Law.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles,
WHEREAS, it is required by Section 25, Subdivision 1 of the Town
Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of
all officers and employees of the town, whether elected'or appointed
and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the annual salary of Magdaline Goodrich, part-time
Historian be fixed at $2,700.00 and she hold such appointed office
or position at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise
provided for by law, and be it further
RESOLVED that this salary be effective as of January 1, 1980, and
the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates
with the proper parties as required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of
the Town Law.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen. Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Murdock,
WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town
Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of
all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or
appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officers or
employees be fixed at the following amounts and eahc of the follow-
ing appointed officers or employees shall hold such appointed offices
or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise
provided for by law:
Part-Time employess:
Darline Salmon Part-Time Dog Warden
Alfred R. Grebe,Jr. Part-Time Constable,F.I.
Lawrence Horn Part-time Constable,F.I.
Edith Charkow, Clerk, Receiver of Taxes Office
Jean Rogers Clerk, Receiver of Taxes Office
Margaret Thompson,Clerk,Receiver of Taxes Office
Carolyn Adams Clerk, Receiver of Taxes Office
And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of
January 1, 1980, and the same shall be paid in regular monthly
payments, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates
with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3
of the Town Law.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
$4.75 per hour
$5,000.00 per annum
$5,000.00 per annum
$25.00 per day
$25.00 per day
$23.00 per day
Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock,
WHEREAS, it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town
law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of
all officers and employees of the Town, whether eIected or appointed,
and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officers or
employees be fixed at the following amounts, and each of the follow-
ing appointed employees shall hold such appointed offices or
positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise
provided for by law:
Part-Time Watchmen:
Donald G. Fisher
William D. Allen
Thomas J. Byrnes
Sanford H. Friemann
$4.00 per hour
$4.00 per hour
$4.00 per hour
$4.00 per hour
And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as
of January 1, 1980, and be paid in regular monthly payments, and
be it further
RESOLVED that the ToWn Clerk be instructed to file such certificates
with the proper parties as are required by SectiOn 30, Subdivision 3
of the Town Law.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Nickles,
WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town
Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of
all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed,
and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officers or
employees be fixed at the following amounts, and each of the followg
ing appointed officers or employees shall hold such appointed offices
or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise
provided for by law:
Traffic Wardens:
Stanley Krukoski
Leonard Green
George W. Hand, Jr.
Stanley V. Becker
Jack Lake
Robert Hood
George Barzac, Jr.
Edmond Mahoney
John H. Loper
George S.Young
School Crossing Guards:
Edmond Mahoney
Patricia Sypher
Theodore Doroski
Edward Klein
Nicholas Kouros
Stanley Kowalzyk
Pauline Nierodzik
Virginia C. Tabor
Arthur Sherrard
George Barzac, Jr.
John H. Loper
$3.75 per hour
$3.75 per hour
$3.75 per hour
$3.75 per hour
$3.75 per hour
$3.75 per hour
$3.75 per hour
$3.75 per hour
$3.75 per hour
$3.75 per hour
$13.00 per day (Mattituck)
$20.00 per day (Greenport)
S13.00 per day (E. Cutchogue)
$15.00 per day (Mattituck)
$13.00 per day (Laurel)
$8.00 per day (Fishers Island)
$13.00 per day (Peconic)
$13.00 per day (Orient)
$13.00 per day (New Suffolk)
$18.00 per day (Southold)
$13.00 per day (Cutchogue)
And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of
Januaru 1, 1980, and the same shall be paid in regular monthly
payments, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates
with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision
3 of the Town Law.
Vote of the Gown Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Murdock,
WHEREAS, it is required by Section I, Subdivision 1 of the Town
Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of
all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed,
and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the salaries and beenfits of the appointed officers
and employees of the Town who are represented by the Civil Service
Employees Association, Inc., Suffolk Chapter, Southold Town Unit,
shall be as specified in the contract between said Association and
the Town of Southold, and it is further
RESOLVED that such salaries shall be paid in regular semi-monthly
payments, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is instructed to
file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by
Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law.
George Fisher, Sr. Building Inspector $15,974.00 incl.longevity
Edward F. Hindermann~ Building Inspector $14,955.00
Curtis W. Horton, Building Inspector $12,274.00
Gail Bleil Dog Warden
Joan Richter, Account Clerk,Supervisor Ofc.
Betty Wells, Account Clerk, Supervisor's Ofc.
Linda F. Kowalski, Stenographer,Bd.of Appeals
Sylvia Rouse, Clerk-Typist,Bd. of Assessors
Julia E. King, Clerk, Bd. of Assessors
John Sherwood, Clerk, Bd. of Assessors
Joyce Klipp, Clerk-typist, Police Dept.
Antionette Berkoski, Clerk-typist,Police Dept.
Ethet__Grigonis, Clerk, Highway Department
Muriel Tolman, Steno, Pl. Bd.&Trustees
Elizabeth Neville, Stenographer,TownCI. Office
Barbara Andrade, Justice Court Clerk (Rich)
Jacqueline Baker, Justice Ct. Clerk (Tedeschi)
Lois Cunningham Radio Operator
Claude L. Kumjian Radio Operator
Gary Charters Radio Operator
John F. Raynor Radio Operator
Robert C. Reeves Watchman
Department of Public Works:
Edward J. Capobianco, Heavy Equip. Oper.
Thomas Quillin, Jr., Auto Equip. Oper.
John Goodwin, Laborer
Donald M. Leden, Laborer
Raymond S. White, Laborer
Henry I. Latham, Laborer
Edward A. Zuhoski III, Laborer
Joseph Jaworecki, Laborer
John Nierodzik, Laborer
$6.39 perhour
$6.68 perhour, in¢~tong.
$6.74 perhour,inc.long.
$6.25 perhour
$6.68 perhour,inc.long.
$6.68 perhour,inc.long.
$5.65 perhour
$5.65 perhour
$11,721.00 per annum
Highway Department:
Donald S. Aanestad, Auto. Mechanic I
foseph C. Blados, Maint.Mech III(Welder)
William E. Bond, Heavy Equip. Oper.
George F. Capon,Jr.,Heavy Equip. Oper.
Milton W. Fotts, Labor Foreman II
Russell R. Goldsmith, Auto Equip. Oper.
Charles E. Grattan, Laborer
Paul D. Grattan, Labor Foreman
Robert L. Hubbard, Heavy Equip. Oper.
Stanley E. Januskeqicz, Labor Foreman t
Andrew C. Kehl, Jr., Auto, Mech I
Charles T. King, Heavy Equip. Oper.
Roscoe C. King, Heavy Equip. Oper.
Jason E. Klipp, Auto. Equip. Oper.
Paul E. Mellas, Auto, Equip. Oper.
Leon D. Milden, Auto Equip. Oper.
Robert J. Neudeck, Laborer
Arthur A. Ruroede, Auto Equip. Oper.
Terry Pace, Mechanic
Carl J. Stepnowsky, Auto Mech. I
Bruce B. Stewart, Laborer
Harvey E. Strange, Jr.,Auto. Equip. ~Oper.
Peter T. Thibodeau, Laborer
Greg N. Tyler, Auto. Mech I
Arnold W. Wilson, Auto Equip. Oper.
Frank Wisnieski, Carpenter
William H. Witt, Laborer
Robert L. Wilkinson, Auto Equip. Oper.
$7.11 perhour,inc.long.
$6.84 perhour
$6.90 perhour,inc.long.
$7.54 perhour,inc.long.
$6.68 perhour,inc.long.
$6.42 perhour
$7.54 perhour,inc.long.
$6.90 perhour,inc.long.
$7.69 perhour,inc.long.
$7.18 perhour,inc.long.
$6.63 perhour
$6.63 perhour
$6.68 perhour,inc.long.
$6.42 perhour
$6.42 perhour
$6.42 perhour
$6.42 perhour
$6.63 perhour
$6.63 perhour
$6.42 perhour
$6.42 perhour,inc.long.i-~
$5.85 perhour ! i!
$7.11 perhour,inc.long.½~
$6.68 perhour,inc.long.
$7.11 perhour,inc.long.
$6.90 perhour,inc.long.
$6.42 perhour
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nickles,
WHEREAS, it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town
Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of
all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or
appointed, .and determine when the same shall be payable, now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the salaries and benefits of the appointed police
officers of the Town who are represented by the Southold Town
Police Benevolent Association, Inc. shall be as specified in
the contract between said Association and the Town of Southotd,
and it is further
RESOLVED that these salaries be paid in regular semi-monthly
payments, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates
with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision
3 of the Town Law.
P.O. Dennis R. Bannon
Sgt. Theodore O. Beebe
Sgt. Theodore J. Bokina
P.O. Michael T. Burke
P.O. John J. Charters III
P.O. John E. Clark
Sgt. Carlisle E. Cochran
P.O. Joseph A. Conway
P.O. Robert J. Conway
P.O. Salvatore M. Crimi
$21,256.46incl.co11. cr.
$24,045.00incl. longevity
$24,274.00 incl.coll, cr.&longevity
$21,466.92 incl. coll. cr.
$21,256.46 incl. coll. cr.
$24,503.00 incl. coll. cr.&longevity
$21,887.84 incl. longevity
$21~887.84 incl. longevity
Sgt. Stanley Droskoski, Jr. $24,274.00 incl. coll cr.&longevity
P.O. John A. Droskoski $21,046.00
P.O. Frederick Fiedler, Jr. $21,887.84 incl longevity
P.O. James Fitzpatrick
P.O. Joseph C. Gordon
Sgt. Barney P. Harris
P.O. Robert M. Hulse
P.O. James P. Mellas
P.O. Joseph T. Reiter
Sgt. Henry F. Santacroce
Sgt. Joseph Sawicki
P.O. John Henry Ship
P.O. Edward Sidor
P.O. Henry G. Stepnoski
P.O. Robert C. White
Lt. Harold D. Winters
$22,308.76 incl. longevity
$24,27~00 incl. longevity
$22,308.76 incl. longevity
$22,308.00 incl. longevity
$24,274.00 incl. longevity
$24,774.00 incl. longevity
$22,308.76 incl. coll. cr.&longevity
$21,887.84 incl. longevity
$21,887.84 incl. longevity
$25,992.26 incl. longevity
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman~Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolutl~on was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and
directed to employ Jean Schneider to aid the Account Clerk in
the year~end book work at a salary of $.5.08 per hour for a maximum
of four.weeks.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and
directed to call in part-time Dog Warden Darline Salmon for
additional hours, above her regular 20 hours, in an emergency.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nickles,
WHEREAS,-it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town
Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of
all officers and employees of the town, whether elected or appointed,
and determine when the same shall be apyable, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the annual salary of Carl Cataldo, Chief of Police,
be fixed at $29,190.00 and he hold such appointed office or ~
position at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise
provided for by law, and be it further
RESOLVED that this salary be effective as of January 1, 1980, and
the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates
with the proper parties as required by Section 30, Subdivision 3
of the Town Law~
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was duly adopted.
Supervisor Pell explained that Douglas Clark was a custodian in
the Town Hall working under the CETA program. He was let to by
CETA on December 21st. Former Supervisor Homan called CETA and
was told that Mr. Clark would be extended under a different
program. CETA did not in fact make this entension and there is
one custodian short at the Town Hall. Provisions were made in the
1980 budget anitcipating the hiring of Mr. Clark.
On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hire Douglas
Clark as Custodian effective January t, 1980 at an annual salary of
$8,500.00 to work such time and hours as may be determined by the
vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Pell stated that Mrs. Gladys Csajko and Mrs. Maria
Tejo came before the Board today to talk about the Dog Pound.
Supervisor Pell said that he would like to appoint a committee
to work with Mrs. Csajko and Mrs. Tejo and go into the problems
at the Dog Pound and pick up all the loose ends. Supervisor Pell
appointed Councilman John Nickles and Deputy Supervisor Marie Bauer
Johnson.---Town Attorney Tasker said the Supervsior cannot appoint
standing committees conslst±ng of the Deputy Supervisor.---Super-
visor Pell said this would be a special committee.---Town Attorney
Tasker said he does not have the authority to create a special
c~mmittee. He can do it by a stnading Committee composed of
members of the Board.
SuperVisor Pell appointed Councilman Nickles and Supervisor
Pell to work with Mrs. Tejo and Mrs. Casjko on the Dog Pound,
Councilman Nickles to be Chairman of the Committee.
Supervisor Pell appointed Councilman Drum and Councilman Sullivan
to a Committee for Policy and Wage Review, Councilman Drum to be
Councilman Drum said he would like to offer a resolution relative
to the Estuarine Sanctuary meeting which is to take place on
January 3rd at Riverhead in the afternoon and evening.
On motion, of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nick.les, it was
RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell III be and he hereby is
directed to attend the January 3, 1980 Estuarine Sanctuary meeting
at Riverhead, New York to oppose the establishment of the Peconic/
Flanders Estuarine Sanctuary until such time as additional informa-
tion is provided to the Southold Town Board.
Supervisor Pell asked what information Councilman Drum is looking
fbr? Councilman Drum said there are many questions in everyone's
minds. The Board has been briefed on it and spoke about it but the
boundaries are all inclusive. He p~rsonally has not made any
decision as to which way the Town should go because he has not been
provided with sufficient information. He does plan on attending
the hearings tomorrow afternoon and evening and at that time hopes
such information will be available. The Estuarine Sanctuary does
include all of Peconic Bay, part of Gardiners Bay and 500 feet in
land from the high water mark, and some of his concerns are what
federal restrictions would be placed on the use of the waters.
Would there still be commercial fishing and that sort of thing.
Councilman Nickles stated he shares Councilman Drum's concern, and
is in accord with the questions he has put fortk. It was so late
that Southold entered into the picture, they were not involved_.in
any of the preliminary hearings. It is not clear what regulations
will be imposed, as we all know and understand, w~en the federal
government gets ~nvolved in something it comes with strings
attached and the Board has not been told what those strings are,
what the regulations are.
Councilman Drum re-read the resolUtion.direCting the Supervisor
to attend the Peconic/Flanders Estuarine Sanctuary hearings in
Riverhead and register Southold Town's opposition until such ti ms
as additional information is provided to the Southold Town Board.
Supervisor Pell stated he would be at the night meeting.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Councilman Murdock expressed to the audience his pleasure on
hir first official day on the job. He thanked everyone for the
Councilman Nickles said he was pleased to have been appointed
to work with Mrs. Te3o and Mrs. Csajko and Supervisor Pell on
the Dog Pound. Dogs are his best friends. It will give every-
one an opportunity to work closely together and show their cooperation.
Mr. Frank Bear stated he was very sorry to hear the Board take
an opposing view on the Sanctuary before hearing what the facts
are. They way he heard this mornmng at the work session of the
Board was going to try to get more information before they took
a stand. He heard at least three members of the Board, this
morning, express themselves as being definitely opposed to it
even before they found out the facts.
Supervisor Pell said that what he hopes to do, ahd he will check
it with the Town Attorney to see if he can, is after the meeting
the Board has until January 18th to submit a written report. He
has contacted the DEC and asked for a two day extension until the
10th , so that when the Town Board meets on the 8th they can review
all of the facts and then take a stand for the Town. He would
like to hold a meeting on January 8th for all those interested.
He hopes the New Suffolk School Board will be at the meeting
tomorrow, the Cutchogue Fire Department also. Supervisor Pell
at the direction of the Board, will read the resolution from the
Town Board. The New Suffolk School Board, Cutchogue Fire Depart-
ment and Cutchogue-New Suffolk Chamber of Commerce have been
notified by the iTown Clerk of the meeting to be held on January
3rd.---Mr. Bear stated he does not like the tone of the resolution.
Mrs. Jean Tiedke stated that it was her impression that the Coastal
Zone Management Program, nationally and statewide, has been going on
for several years and there has been an enormous amount of informa~
tion available. This is very specific to this region. She would
suggest however, that monetary value not take precedence over the
preservation of something that can never be preserved again if it
is not done now.
Councilman Murdock stated that the Board is all vitally concerned.
In looking at the map, which was on the Town Board Room wall, the
whole proposition was only proposed to the Town Board as of last
Thursday and it has in a red line exactly five hundred feet inland
where the federal government controls any and all activity and the
Town has no assurances from that if they take that over we can even
use our roads in that five hundred feet to go look at the water.
They gave the Board a flat no information proposal. It is the
duty of the Board as representatives of the Town to attempt to
determine for all the people in the Town what we will be restricted to.
This is a waterfront community and the Town has been restricted by
the boundary to five hundred feet of the entire shoreline of the
Town. It is much too serious to just say they had nothing but
good intentions and we will let it go at that. By expressing their
opposition, information must be supplied to the Town Board to give
them an opportunity to represent the Town fairly.
Mrs. Tiedke stated that there has been a great deal of information
over the last two or three years about the five hundred foot area,
about the whole Coastal Zone Management Program. How the Town board
could not be informed about any of that she does not understand.
The present proposal is relatively new but it has been around
for many months.,--Supervisor Pell stated that the proposal came
to the Town Board the meeting before the December 27th meeting.
They did call DEC and the Nassau-Suffolk Regional Planning Board
and asked them to bring the information out. They sent Mr. Tariomina
out and Mr. Kunz who did explain it in some detail to the Board. Mr.
Bear and others were there. That was the first real explanation
the Board had.---Councilman Drum stated he is not opposed to it,
he also is no~ in favor.~ ~He is familiar With the Coastal Zone
Management Program but it is the new term Estuarine Sanctuary that
has him concerned.---Mrs. Tiedke said she agrees,but view the
proposal with an open mind.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Supervisor Pell, it was
RESOLVED that Frank Cichanowlcz beard he hereby is appointed
Chairman, effective January 1, 1980, of the Southold Town Conserva-
tion Advisory Council.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Mrs. Maria Tejo questioned the Board about a case before Justice
James H. Rich, Jr. which she understands Justice Rich has not made
a decision on.---.Councilman Nickles stated that Mrs. Gladys Csajko
inquired into the status of this case sometime ago and Justice
Tedeschi, who was on the Board at that time, gave an explaination.
Mrs. Csajko was directed to the District Attoreny who was also
involved in_the case.--Town Attorney Tasker stated that under
the Justice System the Town Board cannot interfere with proceedings
before the Justice Court.----Supervisor Pell advised he would look
into the matter.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that there being no further business to come before this
Town Board meeting adjournment be called at 4:05 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum, Justice Doyen, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Town Clerk