HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-06/30/1981252 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD June 30, 1981 A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board was held at 11:30 A.M., Tuesday, June 30, 1981 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Present: Absent: Supervisor William R. Pell, III Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman Francis J. Murphy * * * Town Clerk Judith. T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Justice Francis T. Doyen SUPERVISOR PELL: I would like to bring you all up to. date on some things so you understand it. I'm talking abou~ Blue 'Cross now, Blue Cross with employees. We have Mert Tolman,' 'John Droskoski both have left the service of t~ Town. 'They both have been employed in the Town over zen years. In fact, in their cases it was five years. Hank and I changed that to ten. They have been employed over ten years, therefore, according to the State program if they so chose and they both do. to stay with the health insurance, Blue Cross-Blue Shield-Major Medical Plan, that they may submit the money to the Town and in paragraph 2 on the paper you have before you, says,"All required payments by vestees must be made to the agency where they were formerly employed.' Now, we will be billing them and then will be paying them until they get to be 55, then they are automatically paid for in full by the Town. Just to bring you up to date on that. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: When they are 55. SUPERVISOR PELL: When they are 55, of retirement age and if they chose to retire at that time then the Town Board picks it up. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: What if they don't retire, they can continue on paying into the program? SUPERVISOR PELL: That is a good question. My wife is going_ through this right now personally in the Orient School Distr~ct. She is paying for herself. Any questfons on that one? COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Once they are retired, aren't the'y covered automatically? SUPERVISOR PELL: At 55. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: It says right here on 2, "After that date (which is retirement) they (meaning the employee) are only responsible for the employee hare payments, if any." Well, in our program there is none. "Ail required payments by vestees must be made to the agency--- After their retirement allowance begins, arrangments may be made to deduct any required payments from that allowance," But there is none. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: What is. it five years or zen years? SUPERVISOR PELL: It's ten years now, John. ~Hank and I are under five, we changed it. Before March of '78 the Town had a policy of five years. The State reads zen years, regardless of the tier. SUPERVISOR PELL: The next one I have is Mrs. Fickeissen. 'Mr. Fickeissen just died the other day. He was a retired AsseSsor ~rom the Town. He was employed from 1962 to 1974. Albert, his son, wrove to me asking if there is any way that his mother could be continued on coverage of the Town. We are doing this for Albert's widow, Mel Kelsey's widow and I"m going to do it for a third one now. They pay in. JUNE 30, 1981 .,~,~.~-' 253 TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: There isn't any question of your doing it, it is the law, we have to do it. SUPERVISOR PELL: You're right Robert, I'm just bring you all up to date so you understand if anybody says anything to you. I looked that law up too and that's on the page that you don't have. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: As I understand it a retiree gets his health paid for during his lifetime and upon his death his widow has a right, if she wishes to pay into it, to continue to pay. SUPERVISOR PELL: The cost of the dependent survivor's coverage is paid entirely by the survivor. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: You are just ta)lking about health insurance. SUPERVISOR PELL: Yes, just health insurance. Now, the only other thing I want to inform you of so you can have input. We hired Mr. Gada on Fishers Island. I sent him a letter on December 1st of last year telling him of the availability of Blue Cross. He never answered it. I sent him a secsnd one in his pay check on December 15th. He never answered it to the affirmative or to the negative. On May 19th of this year, after we passed the changes of pay and hours, S5,000.00 or 30 hours, I get an application filled out. His date was May 19th. I got it here the end of May, first of June. Now, the question is - I'm looking for a little bit of guidance - I could write back and say,. "Look pal, we asked you twice. I wrote to you once personally and once in your pay check. Sent you a little memo in your pay check in December.. In the last part of April, first part of May we changed the requirements on the Town level." But now, my problem is, this is what I had in the back of my mind, my problem is with this one where we done it with Goehr~nger. Goehringer was employed prior for the last two or three years. This guy was employed prior to that date. I don't feel I can give a negative answer to this guy now. We went ahead and approved Goehringer. I am afraid I am going to have To let this one go through. He is an employee of the Town prior to. COUNCILMAN DRUM: Even though they ignored us, it should be approved. SUPERVISOR PELL: We are meeting today to discuss the contract with the North Fork Animal League. Councilman Ni~kles and myself met with them and John, I am going ~o turn it over to you. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I don't have that much to report. We-resolved the-- as you know, they asked for a 15% increase, which would have been an increase from $28,700.00 to $33,005.00 and we resolved the matter at $30,500.00 which is approximately $1,800.00. There were two minor changes in the cont'ract which have already been worked out with the Town Attorney. One was basically a typo and one which was an item in the contract, 2 (i), page 2 on the bottom. We deleted where it talks about duties and responsibilities of full- time qualified dog control officers and one qualified part-time dog control officer. The previous c~ntract had 40 hours for the full-time officer and 16 hours for the part-time officer and we deleted the hours. As you know, Maria is the full-time officer and she's putting in far in excess of 40 hours. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: And the part-timer is putting in excess of 16 hours. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: That may well be, but par~ of the problem is when they started out with us they had the availability of CETA people and since then they don't have those so I think they want a little flexibility, and they are giving us good--doing a good job. Basically that's it. The contract has been brought up to date. We eliminated all the clauses in there that had to do with the initial take-over last year which had use of the'Town vehicle and the phasing out of that. SUPERVISOR PELL: I have one problem, and I talked to Ray about that, that's LILCO light meter. COUNCILMAN NICKLES.: That was a matter we also brought up yesterday. In reviewing the contract, whether they were paying their electric, and it turns ou~ -f hey were not. So they owe us-- HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: Wouldn't it be easier if you just ~ut 254 JUNE 30, 1981 a flat sum, say $20.00 or $25.00 a month? TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER:Welt, there's a meter there. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: There was supposed to have been a submeter. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: Was was, but it was never done. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: You could get an estimate from LILCO. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: Just deduct that from what you pay, it will cost money to have a meter put in. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: You were supposed to have put up a meter. SUPERVISOR PELL: We were supposed to under this contract, Bob, but we never put it in. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: It"s p~obably my fault, but I never thought any more about it. But it's such a minute thing, they don't use the heat, they have gas, a couple Qf lights a day. They're not open at night. Rather than having LILCOfcome in now-- just say $25.00 a month or something like that and figure it up for the year and deduct it from the thirty three. That way it's a washout. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: What does it cost to put a meter in? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: About $200.00. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: what that costs. It would have been a submeter, I don't know COUNCILMAN DRUM: Are they willing to pay $25.00 a mon'th. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: They had agreed in the contract to pay the electricity. SUPERVISOR PELL: They agreed to pay and I think we have'm~o ~rrob~em with them on this, in fact I'm sure we have no problems with it. Because they said they realize it hasn't b~en there, but you didn't bring it up so we wouldn't bring it up until we reviewed The contract. I wane the Board to understand, either we are going to Dut the meter in and adhere to the contract, to the "T" like it says, or we're going to agree and the mfnutes will show that we wilt be on a set fee. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Why don't you call the lighting company, Ray, and ask them for an estimate and they could give you an idea what it would cost ~o put in a submeter. SUPERVISOR PELL: All right, we'll find out what it costs. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Supervisor'Pell, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell, III be and he hereby is authorized and directed to enter into ~ contract between the Town of Southold and the N0r't'h Fcrk Animal Welfare League, Inc. under the terms of which the North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. will provide dog control services and dog pound and shelter services for a ~erm of one year commencing Jul~ 1, 1'981, at a contract price of $30,500.00. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilm~n Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: V~nn~e Wieczorek. They had their meeting last night and they would like him to be their Chairman. Do you want to puv that through now? COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Fire Review Board. Under the Code as it is written the Town Board has the perogative of appointing a chairman. The other night we met with them and I was here with Billy and we thought the best way to handle it is if the group got together and gave us a recommendation from themselves who they would like for chairman. They selected Mr. Wieczorek. I kind of suspected he would be the one because he attended all the Fire Code meetings ~ from the inception and the deputy meetings right through April and he contributed and has been a good person as far as I am concerned. JUNE 30, 1981 255 On motion of Councilman Nickles, s by~'Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold apDoin't Vincent Wieczorek Chairman of the Review Board under the Southold Town Fire Prevention Code, effective immediately, to run during his term as a member thereof, or one year from the date hereof, whichever occurs first. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, CounCilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Larry, Robert Traugott-- is that meeting set up D.E.C.? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I haven"t seen it in black and white. The meeting is supposed ~o be set up, that Scopin'g Session, is supposed to be on the 7th of July, SUPERVISOR PELL: Tuesday we tentatively planned to have the Town Board meeting. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I would recommend ~e call our meeting on Wednesday, the Sth~ We have another problem on the 7th, that being the retirement dinner at 12:30. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Being as we don't know what time i~ is, what I was going to suggest is that rather than change'the date, just meet and recess the meeting until the next day or until whenever we wanT. It is a night meeting. If it turns out this meeting Larry is talking about is setup in the morning, we can come in here and go into work session in the afternoon. What we can't get through recess and pick it up .... On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the next regUl'ar m'eet'ing of the Southold Town Board will be held at 7:30 P'.M., Tuesday, July 7, 1981 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilm~n Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. ~ On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Supervisor Pell, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the June 9, '1981 meet'lng of the Southold Town Board be and hereby are aDp'roved. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes.: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: We had a Police Committee meeting the other day, John, Hank and myself and we're having a problem with the Radio Operators to get relief, and what we are paying now our relfef Radio Operators is $4.00 per hour. We would like, effective July 1 to raise that from $4.00 an hour to $5.00 per hour. A 25% increase but the responsibility and the availability we feel, among the Police Committee, warrants it~ ~ COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I have only one problem with that. That will make our part-time employees more on an annual basis than our full- time employees. At the current time our full-time employees-- I believe we start them at $8,500.00 a year. If I remember right, we just gave Fogar~y and somebody else their second increment, which is $9,500.00 a year, which will be $500.00 a year less than the part- timer would make if he-.were working 40 hours a week. The other part of the coin, of course, is that we are still under negotiations with CSEA and we fully expect the-full-timers will get a raise-- SUPERVISOR PELL: At $5.00 an hour it would be to $10,400.00 a year if they worked a 40 hour week. On the other hand a part-time Radio Operator receives no benefits at ail and they are only used when they have to work. No guarantee. They only get paid for when they work. They get no vacation, no holidays or anything like that. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: -I think Larry has a good point. I don't think he is questioning the justification of it, he just wants to make sure--- 256 JUNE 30, 1981 SUPERVISOR PELL: With your seasonal ~olice we have.been paying them for the second year in a row $5.00 an hour and you pay a first year officer $7,500.00. Just trying to. bring the point out so we all could understand it. COUNCILMAN DRUM: The fact that they are part-time and don't receive any benefits. I don~t see how we could be criticized. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: The problem is that we have the problem now in trying to get help, COUNCILMAN DRUM: We have, that's the problem, Larry. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: And I'm willing to solve the problem, under- standing that we are not creating a second problem. COUNCILMAN DRUM: We know the,radio operators job does have a certain amount of responsibility, a great deal of responsibility. On motion of Supervisor Poll, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold"i~'crease the salary of parr-time Radio Operators at Southotd Town Police Head- quarters be and hereby is increased from $4.00 per hour to $5'.00 per hour effective July 1, 1981. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: The second point, something we use very few times, but we do use, a Matron up there. At present the Matron is being paid a minimum wage--I think it is about minimum--S3.50 per hour. The Police Chief and Lieutenant suggested that we raise that to $4.00 per hour with a $15.00 minimum call. When they get called out even if they only work an hour they receive the minimum. Very rarely do we have a lady in the detention up there but when we do they feel this should be changed. - COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I spoke ~o one girl, or rather her mother, yesterday and it is Ms. Bridge. SUPERVISOR PELL: If anyone has names submit them. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: I think the Chief should have a couple of names on his list down there. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: one name. I think it would be helpful if he had more than SUPERVISOR PELL: He has asked the Board to get him some names. So we all have the responsibility, we have got to get names. ~ You can contact whoever you wan~. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED thatthe Town Board of the Town'of Southold increase the salary of a Matron for the.Southold Town Police Department from $3.50 per hour to $4.00. with a m~nimum .Salary 'of '$15.00 per '~11. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum~ Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that Super.visor William R. Pell, III be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute an agreement between the S~uthold Park District and the Town of Southold ~ng the Town of S0uthol~.J zo lease all that tract or parcel of land, with the improvements thereon, situate in the VfIlage and Town Of SouthOld, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Northerly by Main Street; Easterly by land now or formerly William H Terry; Southerly by land now or formerly of Louis N. Sanford and Westerly by land of the Town of Southold; said property to be used by the Town of Southold for public par~g~ shall be included in and covered by Towns Scheduled Owners, Landlords and Tenants liability policy. Said lease shall run from July 1, 1981 through June 30, 1983 and shall be automatically extended for successive two year terms, unless ~either party elects to terminate this lease at the end of any extended term by giving written notice to the other party of its election to 'terminate JUNE 30, 1981 257 at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the then existing ter; and rent shall be $1.00, payable upon the signing of the Agreement. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, WHEREAS. on June 4, 1970, the Town of Southold acquired real property located on the north side of New York Route 25 at Cutchogue consisting of land and buildings and Shown and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 102, Block 05, Lot 22, to be used for the purpose of providing temporary Town Justice Court facilities until such time as a new Town Hall was constructed with Justice Court facilities prdvided therein, and WHEREAS, the new Town Hall has now been constructed and completed at Southold with facilities therein for a Town Justice Court to- gether with offices and other facilities required for proper operation of the Town Justice Court, and WHEREAS. the Town Justice Court together with offices and other necessary facilities has now been moved to the new Southold Town Hall at Southold, and WHEREAS, the aforesaid real property at Cutchogue is presently vacant and not required for Town purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the real property owned by the 'Town of Southotd and located o~ the north side of Route 25, Cutchogue, New York is no longer needed or required for Town purposes and is accordingly 'declare'd surplus property, and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that said surplus real property be sold pursuan~ To the applicable provisions of law, and upon such terms and conditions as the Town Board may deem just and proper, Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Petl. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: I have one more problem here, we will discuss that in Executive Session. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: We discussed having the Town Attorney and Mr. Mullen to go to a bid proposal for insurances Back last year when we were discussing insurance, I got into a little conversation with Assemblyman John Cochrane from Bay Shore who used to be an insurance broker and may still be an insurance broker'for that matter and he went through his records or somebody's records and provided me with a copy of bid specifications which happens to be for the Town of Babylon for their insurance Which is September 5th, 1980. That is the bid specifications to bid insurance for the Town of Babylon. I will be glad to give this copy To our Town Attorney so that he may work on it with Mr. Mullen SUPERVISOR PELL: We're a little town, Bob, keep it little, please. COUNCILMAN DRUM: I don'T think we can keep it little. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I don't think you can either. Very honestly I did read Through it at the time he gave it to me and it lists every vehicle by serial number, every piece of equipment, every building, every ~ype%writer, everything that is owned. Maybe we could have a catch-all phrase that would cover it but at least it will give Mr. Mullen an'd' Mr.. Tasker a. guide.l-inc. One thing, when we discussed going to ]5~-I--goL i~ a co~v~r~aLion with John about it and told him I didn't know anybody, ~ankly, that was qualified to take this responsibility because now what you bid is what you're going to buy and what you leave out is left ou~ and nobody is going To insure for four cents what we don't have specifically delineated in our bid specs. He provided'me with that as a guideline, t put it away at the time because we didn't really go to bid. SUPERVISOR PELL: Problem. We disposed of Jack's Shack. We got the stove squared away and all that, no problem there. Checked~ with LILCO, Village of Greenport, all the water bills, light bills, all those squared away before we refunded the $500.00 deposit he had with us. Out of a clear blue sky, after we get squared away two weeks ago, surfaced a b'ill with $206.00 for repair of plumbing that he has never paid. He was supposed ~o have paid it. I forgot about checking that one out with him (Mr'. Hu~fnrth). I knew the 258 JUNE 30, 1981 bill was here, we sent it to him. We ~-ad--~ and he said he was going to take care of it at that time. The bi~ll is dated September 2nd, 1980, last fall. I did refund the $500.00 te the gentleman because I felt all the bills were paid and this one appeared out of somewhere. Bill of C.P'. Tuth'ill, $206.00. I am going to put it through aex~ audit, but still I want to bring everybody up to date on it so that when they see it I have spoken about it. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Couldn't we get the money from this guy? SUPERVISOR PELL: I will write to him and request him to pay it. That's all I have before I go into Executive Session. Anybody else have anything they want to bring up before we go into Executive Session? COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Just one thing. You know thD letter I mentioned at the last meeting from the resident down at Gull Pond complaining about vehicles going over his property. .I talked to-~0u about it. You looked at it and said there was a Curb you didn't understand how. I went down there last night to look at the curb and there is no curb and I can still see the tire tracks there, past the attendant's shack. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: There is no curb there, but there is a curb from there on . COUNCILMAN NICKLES: There is a big area between the 'attendant's shack and the bathroom where the curb is out and you could drive one of your trucks through it. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: I believe we left that intentionally. Those people, Vern~ included, have an easement across that beach to the parking area. We were going to quit claim the bed of the old stream. The Town, naturally, owns the bed of the stream, so we have Town property between their property. We worked out an arrangement where the Town would lease its interest in the bed if they '~ould release their interest in the easement across our property. Every- body has agreed but Verne. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I don't know if their e~sement entitles thsm to drive vehicles which it does not under th~ new code that we passed. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: It doesn't limit it. That would restrict their legal easement. They have a legal easement ~11 across that to Manhasset. Theoretically it's the only way that they can get to the beach. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: But they can walk, who says ~hey have to ride? TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: Yes, but the easement do~s not say excluding vehicles. They have an unrestricte~ easement, and you cannot take away this legal right, that's my problem. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Therefore we can't put a guardrail up there? TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: Well, it's questionable. Perhaps that's one reason we never put one in that area. HIGHWAY SUPERINTEndENT DEAN: That may be the reason, because I know I started the curb and then did not put one in that area. SUPERVISOR PELL: There was a curb there at one time and the vehicles took the curb out, broke it up, and little by little it disappeared in that one section. There was a curb all the way down at one time, but we used to have a water hole. The water used to get hung up there. HIG~AY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: That's why it was taken down. There was a pocket there and we let it leach into the sand. That's right. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: So we will respond to this person and I will say there isa legal easement through there with he probably has as do other property owners and we can't restrict that easement. JUNE 30. 1981 259 SUPERVISOR PELL: He calied.-me~h~a~h~:night and there were cars down on the beach and Sergeant ~k~['~$~ down there and told the'~ gentlemen, two or three of them, of the Local Law we passed in January and there was no problem and the guys left and there was no problem. He has not called me again. He wrote the letter ~o you, I got one telephone call after that and the Sergeant went down and I have not seen nor heard any complaints other than that one night. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: So when you. spoke %o him you made him aware of the Local Law? SUPERVISOR PELL: Oh, yes, absolutely. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: I will put a sign way down the beach. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anything else befor~ we go into Executive Session? COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Just one other thing. Town Beach. I went down there last night and I see a sign that I've never seen down on the beach before that says, "'~an~q.r - ODen Trench". What is that? I walked down the beach and low and behold there is a culvert tha~ runs ou~ there. I've never seen lhat before. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: That is from the c0un'ty. SUPERVISOR PELL: We had a bad storm one day and it all washed right out below the shack. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT DEAN: That will all be filled in. SUPERVISOR PELL: That's all I have. On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Drum,. it was RESOLVED that the Town Board call a recess at 12:20 P.M. for Executive Session. Regular meeting to reconvene following the Executive Session. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Town Board discussed the following: 1. Show Cause Order served on Rudolph Kammerer, Commissioner of Public Works, County of Suffolk, William Pell, Supervisor pf the Town of Southold, together with the Town Board.concerning dredging operations ay Corey Creek, Southold, by 'James Bitses. 2. Resignation 'and withdra'wal of resignation by'R~di'o Opera~or Claude Kumjian. Supervisor Pell was instructe-d-~ reques~ Lieuvenant Winters to conduct an 'i'~VeSt'fg~tion into certain actions of Radio Operator Kumjian and ~o submit his findings to the Town Board by July 7, 1981 3. Activities of the Building ~epar't'ment. 4. Possible 'retirement of Chief 'Carl 'Cat~do, and Chief Cataldo's request for payment of 'si'ck, vacation and compensatory time. The Board decided there would be no sick leave pay. They would pay the Chief for approximately 12 days of vacation time and approximately 4 days of compensatory time. ~he regular meeting reconvened at 1:45 P.M. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Supervisor Pell, it was RESOLVED that there being no further business to come before this Town Board meeting a~o~r~'ment be called at 1:55 P.M. Vote or-the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. ith T~[ Terry Town Clerk