HomeMy WebLinkAboutLL # 51 1999ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTPJ~R OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING LOCAL LAW WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A SPECIAL MEETINC HELD ON OCTOBER 19. 1999: LOCAL LAW NO. 5l OF THE YEAR 1999. A LOCAL LAW TO CHANGE THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF THE PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS Suffolk CounV/Tax Map (SCTM) :g 1000-055.00-05.00'-005-000 FROM THE (B) GENERAL BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO THE (RO) RESIDENTIAL OFFICE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION. BE IT ENACTED BY TI-IE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AS FOLLOWS: · Section 1. Legislative lntenl Consistent with our comprehensive land use plan and our established objectives and goals as reflected by the existing zoning pat~eros within the Town, and based upon our current County Route 48 Land use study as well as numerous land use studies and plans developed heretofore, we hereby determine that it is necessary and desirable to revise and amend the zoning designation applicable to the parcel identified herein as well as other lands; thus, we hereby identify and adopt the following overall themes of (1) Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture; (2) Preservation of Open and Recreational Space; (3) Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historical Character of the Hamlets and Surrounding Areas; (4) Preservation of the Natural Environment; which derive from the sha~i vision held by residents and Ioeal public officials of thc Town and which are intended to foster a strong economy and which encourage and preserve the existing high quality of life~ as more specifically s~ forth herein below: 1. Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture Farmlnnd is a valuable and dynamic Lndustty in the Town of Southold. The open The op~, ~zc~ and sce~coy cm~l by f~mnl~l ~lilio~ffiy ~ ~o ~he qml~ of life of ~he 2. Preservation of Open and Recreational Space Th~ Town of Southatd relies heavily upon its scenic I~tuty and opm landsmpes for recreation, clean akand wat~g as well as for its ~h~cfion to t6ufists and z~c~ation-s~ke~, The ' Town has atWacted many second homeovm~s becans~ of its '~*ral t~ouwes, abn~nce of open space, fanns, pictu~que villages, and the ever.-p~sent w~, te.r~ont" (Master Plan Upc~a. te, 1955). Due to this open space, thaTown has a tremendous d~t~lopment potential. Bleak pzctures have been painted ina few documents, warning of si~ip-typ~ d~vehipment, suburhan sprawl and water supply issues. Thc I~-e~rvafion of Ol~n and r~creational space is not only aesthetic, but also a ueccssity for the present and future ne~ls of the Town.. 3. Pre~-vation of ~e Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historical Character of the are kceping growth in rite existing hamlet centers and prcc~rving rite enbaueing the surrounormg mini areas. Additionally. the Master Plan Update recommends the provision for "a community of residential hamlets that are comprised of a variety of housing opportuinties, commercial, service and cultural activities, sot in an ogen or rum[ atmosphere and supporled by a diversified economic base (including agriculture, marine commercial and seasonal recreation activities)." Preservation of the Natural Environment Accommodating "growth and change within the Town without destroying its traditional economic base, the natural environment of which that base rests, and the unique character and tire way of life that defines the Town" is of utmust imporlance~ (Ground Watershed Protection and Waler Supply Management Strategy). The Master Plan Update reconuuends preservation of rite Town's natural environment [rom wetlanc~ to woodlands and to "achieve a land use pattern that is sensitive to the limited indkgeanus water supply and will not degrade the subsurface water quality. The outslanding ne-,~ds cnumcra[ed bclov, are fire culmination of careful comparison of tt~e intcnl ar~d objectives of the town (as stated in past land use plans and studies) and tile curren[Iy existing conditions along the County Route 48 corridor. These needs reflect the past and presem vision of the Town arid the work that still needs to be done due to the proximity of County Route 48 to the hamlet commercial cenfers and to avoid potentially conflicting development strategies for such areas. These outstanchng needs we find exist throughout the Town and are apeci.fically identified as follows: 1) to provide for xaable land use development at levels of intensities which are sensitive to subsurface water quality and quantity 2) To maintain and sh'vngtlien hamlet centers as the focus of commerciaL residential, and cultural activity; 3) To prese~,,e rite open~ agricultural and rural character of areas outside of file hamlet centers; 4) to provide for a variety of housing opportunities for citizens of different incomes and age levels; 5) to enhance the oppo~am.ifies for pedestrian-friendly sliopping; 6) to continue to the support of gte Town's agxicultural economy; 7) to ma:maize the Town's natural aasets, including its coastal location and agricultural base, by balanqing commemial, residential and recreational uses; 8) ~o strengthen the Town's mariue, recreational and mariue--cemm~cial activities; 9) to enenm'age fire pzeservation of paddand and public access to thc waterffout; 10) to support tourism by maintaining and stmngtheulng the Town's assets that foster a mm-ia trade, namely hamlet cem~r bu,qin~,e8, hi~tnlic hm'itage, atchite~uffi, a sense of place, of mini and open 11) to presoz'~ pfim~ fatnnland; arid eaooula~ the ~ntion of agriod~n'e; 12) to' preama~ tt~ histotir,, oalaw_~ amhitactmal and archaeologiml t'~enrces of the Town; l~) to ensusevisualqnality6fhnmlet~ntet*, 14) to encourage approptiatelanduse~ both iuside and out of hamlet centers; 15) to promotcbalancedeenaomyandlaxba~; 16) to pr~erve the integ]Sty of the Town's vegelative habilats, including freshwater wedands and woedIands. Section 2. Enactment Therefore, based upon the afurcmcntiorted goals and identifie~l needs of the Town and upon our consideration of thc recommendations and comments of our Planning Board. the Suffolk Count',' Planning Commission, our planning consttltant (CCG) and file public comment laken at the public hearing and otherwise, we hereby change Lhe zoning cbstric~, designalion for file parcel known as SCTM# ~O00-O~5-O0-05-OO-OO~-(~OO (and as more full5' described herein below) from file SCTM #1000-055.00-05.00-005.000 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Hamlet and Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point of the easterly side of Railroad Avenue, also known as Youag's Avenue, said point being 63.0 feet southerly from the point of curve at the intersection of Railroad Avenue with Middle Road; RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly of Joseph F. Carroll North 80 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds East 211.0 feet to an iron pipe and land of Satkoski; THENCE along said land of Sakoski South 8 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds East 201.0 feet to an iron pipe and land offfuthilll FHENCE ?,lo~g said laud eFTuthilt South gO de~re,:s ~,l, m[~-mxes 30 s¢c,',v,d. ~?, e.~ El! 0 fee~ ~.:~ a monument sm oi2 ti~e easterly ]me of Railroad A',.enue: ' THENCE along the easterly line of Railroad Avenue North 8 degrees I0 minutes 00 seconds West 201.0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Section 3. The zoning map as adopted by motion 100-21 of the Town Code of the Town o1' Southold is hereby amended to reflect the within change of zoning district designation for said parcel Section 4. THIS LOCAL LAW SHALL TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY UPON FILING WITH THE SECRETA.RY OF STATE. EEIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK OCTOBER 19. 1999 Local'La ' Fth, g . YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF S TA'rl~ 41 STAIESTREET. ALBANy, NY 12231 (Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of Stat~) Text o[ law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter ~x or .............................. _s..o._u._t_h..o_!~ ............................................. Town LOCAL LAW NO 51 OFTHEYEAR 1999. A LOCAL I-&W TO CHANGE ~ ZONI3qG DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF THE PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS Suffolk CounB' Tax Map (SCTM) # 1000-055.00-05.00-005.000 FROM THE (B) GENERAL BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO THE (RO) RESIDENTIAL OFFICE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION. BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AS FOLLOWS: Please see attached. (If additional space Is needed, ntlneh page~ the same size ns ~ sheet, nnd number each.) ;. ,' _,,,l~,...,'~, (13 LOCAL LAW NO. 51 OF THEYEAR 1999. A LOCAL LAW TO CHANGE THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF THE PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS Sni~olk County Tax Map (SCTM) # 1000-055.00-05.00-005.000 FROM THE (B) GENERAL BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO THE (PO) RESIDLmNTIAL. OFFICE ZONI2qG DISTRICT DESIGNATION. BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOXVN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. LegislaOve Intent Consistent with our comprehensive land use plan and our established ob jet, rives and goals as reflected by the existing zoning patterns within the Town, and based upon our current County. Rotue 48 Land use study as well as numerous land use studies and plans developed heretofore, we hereb3 determine that it is necessar3' and desirable to revise and amend the zoning designation applicable to the parcel identified herein as well as other lands; thus, we hereby idcutify and adopt the following overall themes of (1) Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture; (2) Preservation of Open and Recreational Space; (3) Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historical Character of the Hamlets and Surrounding Areas; (4) Preservation of the Natural Environment; which derive from the shared vision held by residents and local public officials of thc Town and which are intended to foster a strong economy and which encourage and preserve the existing high quality of life., as more specifically set forth herein below: 1. Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture Fanaland is a valaable and dynamic indus~ in the Town of Southold. The open fannlands are not only highly cherished for their economic value, but for the scenic vista~ they provide. The open space and scenery created by farmland additionally conlxibutes to the quality of life of the residents, while promoting tourism and recreation. 2. Preservation of Open and Recreational Space The Town of Southold relies heavily upon its scenic beauty and open landscapes for recreation, clean air and water, as well as for its attraction to tomists and recreation-seekem. The Town has am-acted man}, second homeowners because of its ~natuml resources, abundance of open spa~e, farms, picturesque villages, and the ever-presem wateffronC (Master Plan Update. 1985). Dhe to this open space, the Town has a tremendous development potential. Bleak pictures have beeit paimed in a few documents, warning of strip-type developmenL suburban sprawl and water supply issues. The preservation of open and recreational space is not only aesthetic, but also a necessity for the present and future needs of the Town. 3. Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historical Character of the Halnlets and Sut~nmnding Arens !The Town of Sonthold is renowned for its rural, cultural, commercial and historic character_ This ut~'qno cha~cter is n~ogni~ed in nil of the documents revi~l. Based:on the input of Town residents, thc Final Rcpert end Recommendations states that the _two most prevalent and k~ issues ELIZABETH A. NEVI~,LF, TOWN CLERK REGISTRAi:~ OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS RLi!~AGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOR~g-kTION OFFICER Town H~]i, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 1.1971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF TI-IE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28. 1999: FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is considering a change in the zoifing designation from (13) Business District to (RO) Residential Office District of certain parcels of land lying in the Toxvn of Southold identified by SCTM# 1000-055.00- 05.00-02.003; SCTM~ 1000-055.00-05.00-04.000; SCTM# 1000.; RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that for the above actions there is no other involved agency pursuant to SEQKA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that for the above actions the Tow'a Board is Lead Agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; be it further RESOLVED bY the Town Board of the Town of Southold that these actions each are an Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6'NYCKR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code. ER~zabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk September 28. 1999 ;.. ;NOTICE .OF PUBLIC HEAR ;i ING ON A LOCAL LAW TO [ - AMEI~ID THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY ' CHANGING THE ZONING DIS- i~ 'TRICT OF SCTM # 1000z055.00- 'i ~05.00-005.000 FROM the General '! Business (B) to the Residential !.". Office (RO) District. : · PUBLIC NOTICE IS I~EREBY : GIVEN that Pursuant .to Section · _265 of the Town Law and require- '!i; merits of the Code- of the Town of , Southold, Suffolk County, New, · i:' YOrk, that tt{e Town Board Of the Town of Southold willhold',a PUB- . LIC HEARING on /he aforesaid : :LOCAL LAW.at th9 SOUTHOLD 'TOWN HALL, 53095 Main Ruad, Southold New York, at 9:00 a.m., , '::Tuesday October 5',' 1999: the Public !' ~Hearlng wdl be continued on ',!: .Wednesday, October 6 1999 a~ Ij]i p.m. at the same location_ The pur- [[i':,pose of the Local Law is to Change :::rl-,~'Zbnlr~ Diaticl c,f 5CTM It 1000- '1"1055. '1 ). I$. 'll'l-ljll~.lil)lt orl lb.: r,.,l~ ,'r j,,, B,._.~a~. I'~', Mo.on Irom ~.h~ h O,;*ncF~! Bu?~ne? (BI to thc I' dent, al -~q .... ~RO, Di.tr, cr Beralund and El.~s~a %1, stolek asthe il. owners ot the property, lite proper- !i'.' i'tY ~s located on. thc south side of :ii,i! Route 48 east .of the intersection of iii? Route 48 and ~Young's' Ave. (cross ~.!i'.i, str6et) The property contains ,j!:.' approximatgIy .8 acres. I?,. This Local Law is entitled I?.:. LOC.~L LAW TO AMEND THE. Z(_',~i,~O M .kP OF ~I-IE; TO~ ' OF SOU' HOLD B~ CHANGING:] ~' THE ZONING DISTRICT. OF J?,i-'SCTM # 1000~055.00-05.00-005.000 '," FROM the General Business (B) to ii:.th6 Resident!al Office (RO) District }!: Designation-' ~i:!. Copies of this Local L~w. are '? available in the Office of the'Town t='!'. Clerk to any interested per~ons dur- , .i!!', ingreg'ularbnsi~s~ours- ' , !i. Any pcfson desiring to be heard i'.' on the proposed amendment should ," =appear, and has the right to appear ! at the time' and.place above so spec- i;~ ified Any person also has the right· Iii'. to submit written comments W the i;':' '.Southold Town. ClerR either pi-lorlto il; the public hearing or at the public iii hearing. ' ~,!'.i, BY ORDER.: OF THE TOWN i!i; BO^~D OF T~E TOWN OF I?:' SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD.'NEW !i!' .YORm · '/ Dated; 9114/99 . :i . i'!.. ELIZABETH. A. NEVILLE iii:.. SOUTHOLD' ToV~ CLERK ~!: 1904-1TS23 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COVNW S FO ,m ~.~-'t Od~ ~- [J~ )*~ [ ~ ~ S of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk 'of THE SUFFOLK TIMES,' a weekly newspaper, published at Mattltuck, 'in the Town of South01d, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regu- larly published in said Newspaper once each .week for '~' weeks stkccessively, commencing on the c~,_-x)r-c~ day (~' Principal Clerk Sworn to before me thls ~7 O-I'ARY PUBLIC, STA~ OF NEW YORK NO. 52-4655242, SUFFOLK COUNTY CO~I'dISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 31,