HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-63.-1-16 RECErVED OCT 1 2 1999 Southold Tov,,n Cler~ COUNTY 'OF' SUFFOLK ,..~,,' October 6, 1999 Ms. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Road - P.O. Box 1179 Sot:thold, ,_N~r 11971 Application on the Town Board's Owm Mot/on for various rezonings on lands situated tln'oughout the Rte. 48 corridor in the Tox~m of Southold 'SD-99-6). Dem- Ms. Neville: Pttrsuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffblk Cotmty Adnfinistrative Code, the Suffolk Cmmty Plamting Cormnission on October 6, 1999 reviewed the above captioned and after due study and det[berat/ou Resolved to approve said application. Very, truly yom's, Stephen M. Jones Director ~f Planning ~ (~6) 765-3~36 RECEIVED October 8, 1999 PIANNING BOARD OFFICE TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 1999 Re: CR 48 Changes of Zone Dear Mrs. Neville, The recommendations proposed by the Cramer Consulting Group m the above-noted Study, bare been reviewed and discussed by the Planning Board. Collectively we offer the following observations. The underlying premise of this Study is to preserve the bypass capability of the CR 48 divided highway. Doing so .511 prevent the commercial retail sprawl that characterizes every Long Island town to our west. More specifically, the overall purpose is to avoid repeating the mistakes made elsewhere on western Long Island, where unchecked commercial retail development not only resulted in serious traffic congestion problems, but played a role in the demise of the economic vitality of downtown districts located on State Rome 25. lhis community's Vision, as stated in many documents and public meetings some going back to the mid-1980s (prior to the adoption of the 1989 Zoning Map), is to preserve the smalMown qualities that distinguish Southold. In order to achieve this goal, it is critically important to consolidate future retail business growth around the existing business centers within each hamlet_ Furthermore, reducing the potential for retail and other traffic-generating uses to be introduced (or expanded) will have other long-term benefits to the community, First, it will ensure a bypass road for through traffic, thereby relieving some congestion on SR 25. Second, it will boost the economic development potential of the existing and potential business properties bordering SR 25, where most of the Town's traditional hamlets are centered. Third, it will preserve a scenic corridor that is a source of pleasure to residents and tourists. Therefbre, we support the overall study recommendations as proposed. In recommending their adoption, we recognize there may be reservations about specific. October 8, 1999 proposed rezonings and that alternate rezoniag proposals may be under consideration. We urge emreme caution in modifying th~ consultant's recommendations lest the integrity of the whole be undermined in the interest of satisfying a few. Si ely, ennett Orlowski, Jr, Chairman 2 NOTICE OF CONTIUNATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON all Local Laws to Change the Zoning District Designation of the parcels and par~ of the parcels listed below and identified by Suffolk County Tax Map Number and record owner PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE TOWN BO_A~RD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HAS KEPT OPEN'ALL THE PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE ABOVE REFERENCED LOCAL LAWS. ALL THE PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE CONTIUNED ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1999 STARTING AT 9:00 A.M. THROUGH 12:00 NOON AT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOD, NEW YORK THESE PUBLIC HEARINGS: COMMENCED ON October 4 - 6~, 1999 RESPECTIVELY at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. A list of the Suffolk County Tax Map numbers of the parcels; the current owners as listed .on the assessment records; the current zoning and the proposed zoning as well as the gro~)p name is set forth below GROUP CURRENT PROPOSED SC.TAX MAP OWNER ZONING ZONING Grnpt lA I-ID RS0 40-3-1 Kg 43 Z 0/t8 '475 295 ~ N( US Pos~ Se~v~se Receipt for Certified Mail Grnpt lA HD RS0 45-2-1 Jd No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for Intemation~J Mail (See reverse) Grnpt lB LB RS0 45-2-10 5 Gmpt lB HD RS0 45-2-10.5 i~r* Nicholas Batu35os 5 Cliff Court F'~ RockySPoim NY lt77§ ~ D~ Fee R~ ~Ji~ Fee ~ ~lum ~iF Sho~ng ~ M A, 33 W A, 33 W Grnpt 2A Crmpt 2A Grnpt 2A Grnpt 2A Grnpt 2A Grnpt 2A Grnpt 2B Grnpt 3A Gmpt 3B Grnpt 3B R40 R40 R40 R40 R40 R40 LB RS0 R80 R80 R80 RS0 RS0 R80 R80 RS0 R80 40-3-6.1 40-3-6.2 40-3 -7 40-3-8 40-3-9.3 40-3-9.4 40-4-1 P/O 35-1-25 35-1-27.2 35-1-27.3 Richard & .Anita Wilton P.O. Box 89 Cn-eenport NY 11944 Linda Wilton 200 Front Street Greenport, NY 11944 Steven & Lenore Atkins 119 Primrose .Avenue MassapequaPark NY 11762 Antone Malinauskas P.O. Box 2106 Greenport NY 11944 Agnes Durra 45 Queen Street P.O. Box 409 Crreenport NY 11944 Susan Malianauskas c/o Charles Malinauskas & W-ie 64820 Rt 48 Greenport NY 11944 Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakdale NY 11769 Peconic Landing At Southold PO Box 430 Southold, NY 11971 Frank Justin McIntosh & Mark Anderson 235 E. 57th Street New York NY 10022 Frank Justin Mclntosh 235 E. 57th Street New York NY 10022 Matt lA Ma~ lA Matt 1A Matt lA Matt lA Matt lA Matt lA Matt lB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LIO RS0 R80 R80 R80 RS0 RS0 R80 RS0 113-12-11 113-12-12 113-12-13 113-14-10 121-6-1 P/O 121-5-4.1 P/O 113-12-14 P/O 121-5-4.1 Ste~aGentfle 52Harbor Road RiverheadNY 11901 Dominic Principi 1087 Fort Salonga Road Northport NY 11768 RichardPfincipi &Another P.O. Box 495 AmagaasettNYl1930 Randall Feinberg P.O. Box 186 Mattituck NY 11952 Philip & Susan Cardinale 785 Peconic Bay Blvd. Riverhead NY 11901 Michael Adamowicz & Others 195 Marine Street Farmingdale NY 11735 Michael C~raRis&W'ffe 204 CalifomiaAvenue Pt Jefferson NY 11777 IVfichael Adamowicz & Others 195Marine S~e~ FarmingdfleNY 11735 Matt lB LIO RS0 P/O 122-2-23.1 Emanual Tsontos 26 1 U Willets Road West Roslyn NY 11576 Matt lB Matt lB LIO LIO R80 RS0 ' P/O 122-2-24 P/O 122-2-25 Charlotte Dickerson 460 Paddock Way Matfimck NY 11952 S C Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakdale NY 11769 Matt lB Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B LIO LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI R80 RO RO RO RO P/O 122-2-8 1 141-3-43 141-3-44 141-3-45. I 141-3-45.2 141-3-41 141-3-2'1 141-3-19 141-3-26 141-3 -27 Frances Acer 10020 Sound Avenue MattituckNY 11952 .Mice Furm 11850 Sound Avenue P.O. Box 422 Mattituck NY 11952 Clarence Booker & Others 755 Rogers Avenue Brooklyn NY 11226 Mattie Simmons Box 926 11700 Sound Avenue MaffituckNY 11952 North Fork Housing Alliance 110 South Street Cn-eenport NY 11944 George Penny Inc. Main Road P O. Box 2067 G-reenport NY 11944 Harry Charkow & Wife P.O Box 215 Mattituck NY 11952 NY St~eHostd #1077 Albany NY 12200 Joseph&Ian~ Domanski PO Box 1654 MattituckNY 11952 Margaret Ashton Box 457 795 Love Lane Ma~ituckNY 11952 Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2C Matt 2C Matt 2C Matt 2D Matt 2D Matt 2D Matt 2D L1 LI LI I.,I LI LI LI LI RO RO RO RO LB LB LB R40 R40 R40 R40 141-3-28 141-3-25.1 141-3-29.2 P/O 141-3-38.1 141-3 -22 141-3-32.1 141-3-29.1 141-3-39 P/O 140-2-32 141-3-18 141-3-40 Raymond Nine 855 New Suffolk Avenue P.O. Box 1401 Mattituck NY 11952 Raymond Nine P.O. Box 1401 Mattimck NY 11952 Arnold Urist P.O. Box 1436 Mattituck NY 11952 George Penny Inc. c/o George Penny IV Main Road Greenport NY 11944 Raymond Nine PO Box 1401 Mattituck NY 11952 William Guyton P.O_ Box 71 Southold NY 11971 John J. Sidor, Jr. & Others 3980 Wickham Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 Robert Boasi 12425 Sound Avenue P.O. Box 317 Mattituck NY 11952 John Divello & Others Westphalia Road P.O. Box 1402 Mattituck NY 11952 Jeffrey Gregor 37 Squiretown Road Hampton Bays NY 11946 Andrew Fohrkolb 670 Holden Avenue Cutchogue NY 11935 Matt 2E B KO 140-1-10 b, Latt 2E B RO 140-1-11 Matt 2E B KO 140-1-12 Matt 2E B RO 140-1-4 Matt 2E B RO 140-1-9 Matt 2F B MI1 140-1-6 Matt 2F R40 MI1 140-1-6 Matt 2F R40 MII 140-1-7 Matt 2F R40 MI1 140-1-8 Matt 2G R40 RO 140-1-1 Mark McDonald P.O. Box 1258 Southold NY 11971 Steven Freethy & Deborah Gibson Freethy Maiden Lane Mattituck NY 11952 Henry Pierce & Jennie Lee Wells Road Peconic NY 11958 Raymond Smilovich 1098 Wickham Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 Herbert Swanson P O. Box 238 Mattituck NY 11952 Harold Reeve & Sons Inc. Cty Rd 48 P O. Box 1441 Mattituck NY 11952 Harold Reeve & Sons Inc. Cty Rd 48 P.O. Box 1441 Mattituck NY 11952 Rita Poneiglione Maiden Lane P.O. Box 1136 Mattituck NY 11952 Helen Reeve 245 Maiden Lane Mattituck NY 11952 Stephanie Gullatt 1695 Wickham Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 Matt 2G Matt 2G P~ lA Pec lA Pec lA Pec lB Pec lB Pec 2A Pec 2A Pec 2A Pec 2A K40 R40 B B B B B R40 R40 R40 R40 RO RO RO RO RO LB LB .RO RO RO RO 140-1-2 140-1-3 74-4-10 P/O 74-4-9 P/O 74-4-5 P/O 74-4-9 P/O 74-4-5 74-3-13 74-3-14 74-3-15 74-4-15 Leroy Heyliger & Wife Box 571, Wickham Ave. Mattituck NY 11952 William Stars & Wife P.Q Box 942 Ole Jule Lane Mattituck NY 11952 Chester Misloski & Others P.O. Box 237 Peconic NY 11958 Andreas & Stacy Paliowas Rt. 48, P.O. Box 434 Peconic NY 11958 John Krupski & Bros. Inc. Oregon Road Cutchogue NY 11935 Andreas & Stacy Paliovras Rt. 48, P.O. Box 434 Peconic NY 11958 John Kmpski & Bros. Inc. Oregon Road Cutchogue NY 11935 Dorothy V~ctoria & John Mumster c/o Pupecki P.O. Box 366 Peconic NY 11958 Sidney Wa:der P.O Box 328 Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart & Wife P.O. Box 1 Peconic NY 11958 Paul McGlyrm & W-ifc Box 206, North Rd. Peconic NY 11958 Pec 2A Pec 2B Pec 2B Pec 2B Pec 2B Pec 2C Pec 2C Pec 2D Pec 2E Sthld 1 R40 R40 R40 R40 R40 LI LI RS0 RS0 LB RO RO RO 74-4-16 74-3-16 74-3-17' 74-5-1 74-5-5 74-3-19.3 P/O 74-3-19.2 74-3-20 74-3-24.2 69-4-2.2 Louise Day & Another c/o Bob Day 88 Wyckoff Street Brooklyn NY 11201 Patrick Adipietro & Robert P.O. Box 174 PeconJc NY 11958 Olive Halrston Hayes 306 East 96th Street New York NY 10128 Bennett Blackburn & Wife Box 344, Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Robert Johnson 4300 SoundviewAvenue SoutholdNY 11971 Kenneth Dickerson Chestnut Road Southold NY 11971 Kevin Terry 465 Topsail La.ne Southold, NY 11971 Alice Platon 30 Front Street P.O. Box AB Crreenpo~NY 11944 Alvin Combs & Wife Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Gerald Gralton & Wife Middle Road Box 274 Peconic NY 11958 Sthld 1 Sffidl Sthld 2A Sthld 2A Stl:dd 2B Sthld 2B Sthld 2C Sthld 2C Sthld 2C S~d3 Sthld 3 LB LB AC AC LB LB LI LB LB RO RO RO RO RO RO AC AC AC AC AC 69-4-2.3 69-4-3 69 -2 - 1 69-2-2 69-2-3 69-2-4 69-3-I 69-3 -2 69-3 -3 59-10-4 59-10-5 Helmut Hass c/o Beverly Haas Jacobs P.O. Box 522 Cutchogue NY 11935 Ruth Enterprises Inc. P.O. Box 910 Southold NY 11971 William Zebroski Jr. P.O. Box 531 Southold NY 11971 Carol Zebroski Savage & Others Woodchuck Hollow Lane Wading River NY 11792 Stephen Doroski & Wife 38400 C.R. 48 Southold NY 11971 Bayberry Enterprises Stars Road EastMarion NY 11939 Steve Doroski 38400 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 Steve Doroski 38400 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 Steve Doroski 38400 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 Edward Koster P.O. Box 1495 Southold NY 11971 Clifford Comell P.O. Box 910 Southold NY 11971 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Stkld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 4A Sthld 4A Sthld 4A Sthld 4A LB LB LB LB LB AC AC AC AC AC LB LB LB LB LB LB AC AC RO RO RO RO 59-7-31.4 59-7-32 P/O 59-10-3.1 P/O 59-7-29.2 P/O 59-7-3O P/O 59-9-30.4 P/O 59-10-2 63-1415 63-1-16 63-1-18.2 63-1-19 Ellen Hufe Route 48 Southold NY 11971 Alice Surozenski 41095 Route 48 Southold NY 11971 Jack Weiskott & Roberta Crarris 229 5th Street G-reenport, NY 11944 Alfred & Juliet Frodella 40735 IVfiddle Road, Rte 48 Southold NY 11971 Clement Charnews Cty Rd 48 Southold NY 11971 Walter Pharr Jr. PO Box 958 Southold NY 11971 Steven Defriest 2305 Glen Road Southold NY 11971 Mark Mendleson & Others 24 W'fldberry Court Commack NY 11725 Nicholas Bamyios 5 Cliff Court RockyPoint NY 11778 C & C Associates 44655 CR 48 P.O. Box 312 Southold NY 11971 No. Fork Professional Realty Assoc, c/o Amrod-Ricci 1000 Franklin Ave, Ste 202 Garden CityNY 11530 S~d4A Sttdd 4A Sthld 4A Sthld 4A S~d4A Sthld 4B Sthld 4B S~d4C Sthld 4C S~d4C Sthld 4C LB LB LB LB LB B B B B B RO RO RO -RO RO LB LB RO RO RO RO 63-1-20 63-1-2l 63-1-22 63-1-23 63 - 1-24 59-3-29 59-3-30 59-3-31 59-4-8 59-4-9 63-1-1.6 W~mdsway of Southold Assoc. 1 Suffolk Sq., Ste 300 Cntfl Ishp NWl 1722 Carl & Caroline Graseck Leeton Dr. Southold NY 11971 Joseph Wallace 54 W'mthrop Road Shelter Island NY 11965 Lisa Cowley 44600 Middle Road Southold NY 11971 John Ross 2320 Yennecott Dr. Southold NY 11971 John & Joan Callahan 125 Lighthouse Road Southold NY 11971 Deborah Edson c/o ~ohnny's Car Hop 43715 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 David Cichanowicz 165 Wood Lane Peconic NY 11958 Timothy Cn-ay Soundview Avenue SoutholdNY 11971 JimboReflty Corp. 50800M a inRoad P.O. Box 1465 SoutholdNY 11971 Thomas&Susan McCarthy PO Box 1266 Southol~Nw 11971 Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5B Sthld 5B Sthld 5B' Sthld 6 B B B B B B B B B B B LB LB LB LB LB LB LB RO RO RO RO 55-1-11.1 55-1-11.2 55-1-11.3 55-1-11.4 55-5-2.2 55-5-2.4 55-5-6 55-5-2.3 55-5-4 55-5-5 P/O 55-2-24.2 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Pecordc NY 11958 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 W'dliam Penny III 2200 Hobart Road Southold NY 11971 Thomas & Susan McCarthy PO Box 1266 Southold, NY 11971 John Satkoski & Rita Patricia 168 Fifth Street Greenport NY 11944 Gary Rempe & Wife 3325 Youngs Avenue Southold NY 11971 Linda Bertani &Otrs Oakwood Drive Southold NY 11971 Audrey Berglund P.O. Box 1501 Southold NY 11971 Frank Field Corp. 40 Middleton Road Greenport NY 11944 Sthld 6 B RO 55-2-23 Sthld 6 B RO 55-5-10 Sthld 6 B RO 55-5-11 Sthld 6 B RO 55-5-12.2 Sthld 6 B RO 55~5-9.1 Madele'me Schlafer c/o 1670 House Route 48 Southold NY 11971 George Penny IV & Robert Boger c/o Penny Lumber P.O. Box 2067 G-reenport NY 11944 Joann Rizzo P.O. Box 696 G-reenport NY 11944 Donald Tuthill & Wife 3150 Boisseau Ave. Southold NY 11971 Patricia Mfiloski P.O. Box 292 Southold NY 11971 Copies of these Local LaWs are ava'fable in the Office of the Town Clerk to any interested persons during regular business hours. Any person desking to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear, has the fight to appear, at the time and place above so specified. Any person also has the right to submit written comments to the Southold Town Clerk either prior to the public hearing or at the public heating. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Dated: 10/7/99 ELIZABETH A_ NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~-RRL&GE OFFICEI~ RECORDS I~LkNAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOILMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOV~-N OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28. 1999: WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Somhold is considering a change in the zoning designation from (LB) Light Business District to (RO) Residential Office District of certain parcels of land lying in the Town of Southold identified by SCTM~ 1000- 063.00-01.00-15.000; SCTM# 1000-063.00-01.00-16.000; SCTM# 1000-063.00-01.00- 18.002; SCTM# 1000-063.00-01.00-19.000; SCTM# 1000-063.00-01.00-20.000; SCTM# 1000-063.00-01_00-21.000; SCTM# 1000-063.00-01.00-22.000; SCTM# 1000- 063.00-01.00-23.000; SCTM~ 1000-063.00-01.00-24.000; RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that for the above actions there is no other involved agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that for the above actions the Town Board is Lead Agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617_1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that these actions each are an Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code. ~lizabeth-7~. "~9~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~e" Southold Town Clerk September 28. 1999 UMBRELLA SEH~OIR HDI~F~.~ PA~E 0~ PETITION pURSUANT TO SECTION 265 OF TIlE NEW YORK TOWN LAW To: To~m Board, Town of Southold Southold, New York The Towm Board of the Town of Southold, on its own motion, has proposed a chtmge of zone for a certain parcel m the Town of Southold at Southold, which parcel is shox~m on the Suffolk County Tax Map as 1000-063-[-16 so that the zoning of said parcel shall change from LB ("Limited Business Dislricf') to RO (C'Residendal Office District"'). This pa_reel is-part of a proposed change of zone designated by the Town Board as "Southold 4A?' Notice of the proposed change of zone was issued by the Town Clerk on September 14, 1999. The undersigned owner(s) of property w/thin that part of the Town of Southold which would be affected by such proposed change of zone, do(es) hereby and herewith protest to the Town Board of the Town of Southoid against said change of zone. Tiffs instrument is a protest against such change of zone made pursuant to Section 265 o£the Town Law of the State of New York. Dated: September 27 ,1999 Name of Owner(s~: Nicholas Batuyios Wimess(e~): JEAN W. COCHRAN SUPERVISOR Town I-lal], 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD September 24, 1999 Dear Property Owne~:: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice regarding a potential rezoning of properly identified in the public notice. The assessment records list you as the current owner. Please note the dates and times of the public hearings. You or your representative have the right to both attend the public heanngs and/or submit written comments. Jean W. CocNran Supervisor Z 088 475 196 US Postal Se,vice Receipt for Certified Mail No Insura~'~ce Coverage provided. Do not use for Intema§onai Mail (Se~ rever~e) NOTICE OF PUBLIC ItZ&RING ON A LOCAL LAW TO ,M~,IEND THE ZONING MAP OF Ti-IE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT OF SCTM # 1000-063 0041 l 084316.000 FltOM tiaa ~mimd Busilaess (LB) to the Residemia[ Offtee (RO) Distri~. ELIZABETH A. NEVI'~ TOWN CLERK REGISTi~,LR OF VITAL STATISTICS i~L~kRRL~GE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEi~ENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER To~zn Hall, 53095 M~in Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON SEPTEMBER lq-. 1999: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby refers the proposed zoning map changes annexed hereto to the Suffolk County Planning Commission and the Southold Town Planning Board; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to to schedule the times for public hearings on Monday, October ~ Tuesdayt October 5, and Wednesday, October 6, 1999 on the proposed Local Laws for the zone map amendments. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk September 1~. 1999 ,~ ~ptAA Gmprt lA HD R§0 040-3-1 IrK) KS0 045-2-1 Kace LI LLC. 43 West 54th St. iqew York NY 10019 John Siolas & Catherine Tsoums 190 Central Drive Mattituck NY 11952 Gmprt lB .Grnprt lB Gmprt 2A Gmprt 2A G-mprt 2A Gmprt 2A Gmprt 2A Gmprt 2A G-mprt 2B Cxmprt 3A LB R80 045-2-10.5 HD RS0 045-2-10.5 R40 RS0 040-3-6.1 R40 RS0 040-3-6,2 R40 RS0 040-3-7 R40 R80 040-3-g K40 RS0 040-3-9.3 R40 R80 040-3-9.4 HD RS0 040-4-1 LB R80 P/O'035-1~25 Adrienne Solof 33 Fairbanks Blvd. Woodbury NY 11797 Adrienne Solof 33 FairbanksBlvd. WoodburyNY 11797 Richard & Anita Wikon P.O. Box 89 Greenport NY 11944 Linda Wilton 200 Front Street Greenport NY 11944 Steven & Lenore Atkins 119 Primrose .&venue Massapequa Park NY 11762 AntoneMalinauskas P.O. Box 2106 Greenpo~NY 11944 &gnes Duma 45 Queen Str~t, P.O_ Box 409 Gl-oenport NY 11944 SusanMalinauskas' do ChaflesMalinauskas&Wife 64820Rt. 48 G-reenpo~NY 11944- Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise I~ghway Oakdale NY 11769 iPo B°X:430 Southold, NY 11971 · C, rnpr~ 3B Gmprt 3B HI) RS0 035-1-,''~'~ HD R80 035-1-27.3 Matt lA LB R80 113-12-11 Matt lA Matt lA LB RS0 113-12-12 LB RS0 113-12-13 Matt IA LB R80 113-14-10 Matt lA LB RS0 121-6-1 Matt lA Matt lA Matt lB Matt lB MattlB Matt lB LB RS0 P/O 121-5-4.1 LB RS0 P/O 113-12-14 LIO R80 P/0 121-5-4.1 LIO RS0 P/O 122-2-23.1 LIO RS0 P/0122-2-24 LIO R80 PlO 122-2-25 Frank Justin M¢Intosh & ,.~ Mark Anderson, Trustees '~ 235 I~. 57th Street New YorkNY 10022 Frank Justin Mclntosh 235 E. 57th Street New York NY 10022 Stella Gentile 52 Harbor Road Riverhead NY 11901 Dominic Principi 1087 Fort Sal0nga Road Northport NY 11768 Richard Principi & Another P.O. Box 495 Amagansett NY 11930 Randall Feinberg P.O. Box 186 Mattituck NY 11952 Philip & Susan Cardinale 785 Peconic Bay Blvd. Riverhead NY 11901 Michael Adamowicz & Others 195 Marine Street Farmingdale NY 11735 Michael Carafds & Wife 204 California Avenue Pt Jefferson NY 11777 Michael Adamowicz & Others 195 Marine Street Farmingdale NY 11735 Emanual Tsontos 26 1 U W'fllets Road West Roslyn NY 11576 Charlotte I)ickerson 4060 S~ ~way O~e ~ 11769 Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B LIO LI L1 L[ LI L~ LI R80 RO RO RO RO RO P/O 122'-'2E-8.1 141-3--43 141-3 -44 14l-3-45_1 141-3-45.2 141-3-41 141-3~21 141-3-19 141-3-26 141-3-27 141-3-28 Frances Acer 10020 Sound Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 Alice Funn 11850 Sound Avenue, P.O. Box 422 Mattimck NY 11952 Clarence Booker & Others 755 Rogers Avenue Brooklyn NY 11226 Mattie Simmons Box 926, 11700 Sound Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 No~h ForkHousingAlliance 110 South S~e~ Greenpo~ NY 11944 George Penny Inc. Main Road, P.O. Box 2067 Greenport NY 11944 Harry Charkow & Wife P.O. Box 215 Mattituck NY 11952 New York State Hostel #1077 .Albany NY 12200 loseph&lanetDomanski POBox 1654 MattituokNY 11952 Margaret Ashton Box 457, 795LoveLane Ma~ituckNY 11952 Raymond Nine ' 855 New Suffolk Avenue, P.O. Box 1401 Ma'di'ul¢k NY 11952 LI Re 141-3 Matt 2B LI Re 141-3-29.2 Matt 2B Matt 2C Matt 2C Matt 2C LI Re P/O 141-3-38.1 LI LB 141-3-22 LI LB 141-3-32.1 LI LB 141-3 -29.1 Matt 2D LI R40 141-3-39 Matt 2D LI R40 P/O 140-2-32 Matt 2D LI R40 141-3-18 Matt 2D LI R40 141-3-40 Matt 2E B Re 140-1-10 ~ 2E B KO 140-1-11 Raymond Nine .,~,~ 855 New Suffolk Avenue;~-''' P,O. Box 1401 Mattituck NY 11952 Arnold Urist P,O. Box 1436 Mattituck NY 11952 George Penny Inc., c/o George Penny IV Main Road Greenport NY 11944 Raymond Nine PO Box 1401 Mattituck NY 11952 William Guyton P.O. Box 71 Southold NY 11971 John J. Sider, Jr. & Others 3980 Wickham Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 Robert Boasi 12425 Sound Avenue,' P.O. Box 317 Mattimck NY 11952 John Dive[lo & Others Westphalia Road, P_O. Box 1402 Mattituck NY 11952 Jeffi'ey Gregor 37 Squiretown Road Hampton Bays NY 11946 Andrew Fohrkolb 670 Holden Avenue Cutchogue NY 11935 Mark McDonald P.O. Box 1258 Southold NY 11971 Matt 2E Matt 2E Matt 2E Matt 2F Matt 2F Matt 2F Matt 2F Matt 2G Matt 2G M~tt 2G B B B B R40 R40 K40 R40 R40 RO RO RO MI1 KO RO R40 KO Peff IA B RO 140-1-4 140-1-9 140-1-6 140-1-6 140-1-7 140-1-8 140-1-I 140-1-2 140-1-3 074-4-10 Henry Pierce & Ienme Lee~ Wells Road Peeonic NY 11958 Raymond Smilovich 1098 Wickham Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 Herbert Swanson P.O. Box 238 Mattituck NY 11952 Harold Reeve & Sons Inc. Cty Rd 48, P.O. Box 1441 Mattituck NY 11952 Harold Reeve & Sons Inc. Cry Rd 48, P.O. Box 1441 Mattituck NY 11952 Rita Poneiglione Maiden Lane, P.O. Box 1136 Mattituck NY 11952 Helen Reeve 245 Maiden Lane Mattimck NY 11952 Stephanie Gullatt 1695 Wickham Avenue Matfituck NY 11952 Lemy Heyliger & Wife Box 571, Wicldmm Ave. Mattituck NY 11952 William Stars & Wife P.O. Box 942, Ole Jule Lane Mattimck NY 11952 Chester ~fisloski & Others P.O. B~:237 Pe~oni~ lqY 11958 Pec lA Pec lA Pec lB Pec lB Pec 2A Pec lA Pec 2A Pec 2A Pec 2A Pec 2B Pec2B · P~ 2B B B B B R40 R40 R40 RO P/O 074-4-9 RO P/O 074-4-5 LB P/O 074-4-9 LB P/O 074-4-5 RO 074-3-13 RO 074-3-14 RO 074-3 - 15 R40 RO 074-4-15 R40 R40 FIB R40 HB RO 074-4-16 R40 FIB 074-3-16 074-3-17 074-5-1 Andreas & Stacy Paliovr~ Rt. 48, P_O. Box 434 Peconic NY 11958 John Krupski & Bros. Inc. Oregon Road Cutchogue NY 11935 Andreas & Stacy Paliovras Rt. 48, P.O. Box 434 Peconic NY 11958 John Krupski & Bros. Inc. Oregon Road Cutchogue NY 11935 Dorothy Victoria & John Mumster c/o Pupecki P.O. Box 366 Peconic NY 11958 Sidney Waxler P.O. Box 328 Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart & Wife P.O. Box 1 Peconi¢ NY 11958 Paul McGlyrm & Wife Box 206, North Rd. Peconio NY 1,1958 Louise Day & Another c/o Bob Day 88 Wyckoff Street Brooklyn NY 11201 Patrick Adipietro & Robert P.O. Box 174 Peconic NY 11958 Olive Fl'.irston Hayes 306 East 96th Strvvt New YorkNY 10128 Bennett Blackburn & Wife Box 344. Peconic.Lane Peconic NY 11958 Pec 2B Pec 2C Pec 2C Pec 2D Pec 2E Sthld 1 Sthld 1 Sthld 1 Sthld 2A Sthld 2A R40 LI LI R80 R80 LB LB LB AC AC 074-5-5 ~'" HB 074-3-19.3 HB P/O 074-3-19.2 HB 074-3 -20 RO 074-3-24.2 RO 069-4-2.2 RO 069-4-2.3 RO 069-4-3 RO ' 069-2-1 RO 069-2-2 St_hid 2B LB RO 069-2-3 RO 069-2-4 LB Sthld 2B Robert Johnson 4300 Soundview Avenue Southold NY 11971 Kenneth Dickerson Chestnut Road Southold NY 11971 · Kevin Terry 265 Topsail Lane Southold, blY 11971 Alice Platon 30 From Street, P.O. Box AB C-reenport NY 11944 Alvin Combs & Wife Peconic Lane Pecorfic NY 11958 Gerald Gralton & Wife Middle Road, Box 274 Peconic NY 11958 Helmut Hass c/o BeverLy Haas Jacobs P.O. Box 522 Cutchogue NY 11935 Ruth Enterprises Inc. P.O. Box 910 Southold NY 11971 William Zebroski, Jr. P.O_ Box 531 Southold NY 11971 Carol Zebroski Savage &'Others Woodchuck Hollow Lane Wading River NY 11792 Stephen Doroski & Wife 38400 C.1L'48 Southold NY 11971 East:mo/aNY 11939 Sthld 2C LI AC 069-3-1''~ Sthld 2C LI AC 069-3-2 Sthld 2C LI AC 069-3-3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Stlfld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 LB AC 059-10-4 LB AC 059-10-5 LB AC 059-7-31 4 LB AC 059-7-32 LB AC P/O 059-10-3.1 Sthld 3 LB AC P/O 059-7-29.2 LB AC PlO 059-7-30 LB AC P/O 059-9-30.4 LB AC P/O 059-10-2 Steve Doroski 38400 CR48 Southold NY 11971 Steve Doroski 38400 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 Steve Doroski 38400 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 Edward Koster P.O. Box 1495 Southold NY 11971 Clifford Comell P.O. Box 910 Southold NY 11971 Ellen Hufe Route 48 Southold NY 11971 Alice Surozenski 41095 Route 48 Southold NY 11971 Jack Weiskott Roberta Garris 229 5th Street Greenport, NY 11944 Alfi-ed & Juliet Frodella 40735 Middle Road, Route 48 Southold NY 11971 C~ement Charnews Cry Rd 48 Southold NY 11971 Walter Pharr, Jr. PO Box 958 Southold NY 11971 Steam Deft/est 2305.Crlen Road Southold NY 11971 . . Sthid'4A LB RO 063-1-1/'~' Sthld 4A LB RO 063-1-16 Sthld 4A LB RO 063-I-18 2 Sthld 4A LB RO 063-1-19 Sthld 4A LB RO 063 - 1-20 Sthld 4A LB RO 063-1-21 Sthld 4A LB RO 063-1-22 Sthld 4A LB RO 063-1-23 Sthld 4A LB KO 063-1-24 Sthld 4B B LB 059-3-29 B LB 059-3-30 S~d4B Sthld 4C B RO 059-3-31 Mark Mendleson & Others 24 Wildberry Court Commack NY 11725 Nicholas Batuyios 5 Cliff Court RockyPoint NY 11778 C & C Associates 44655 CR 48, P.O. Box 312 Southold NY 11971 No. Fork Professional Realty Assoc. c/oAw_rod-Ricci 1000 Franklin Ave., Suite 202 Garden City NY 11530 Windsway of Southold Assoc. 1 Suffolk Sq., Suite 300 Centrallslip NY 11722-1543 Carl & Caroline Crraseck Leeton Dr. Southold NY 11971 Joseph Wallace 54 Winthrop Road Shelter Island NY 11965 Lisa Cowley 44600 Middle Road Southold NY 11971 John Ross 2320 Yennecott Dr. Southold NY 11971 John & Joan Callahan 125 Lighthouse Road Southold NY 11971 Dsborah Edson cio Johnny's Car Hop 43715 CR 48 Southold NY 11971' David Cichanowioz 165 Wood Lane Peconic NY 11958 Stfild' 4C Sthld 4C Sthld 4C Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5B Sthld 5B Sthld 5B B B B B B B B B B B B B B RO 059-4-.,f~.~, RO .059-4-9 RO 063-1-l.6 LB 055-1-11.1 LB 055-1-11.2 LB 055-1-11.3 LB 055-1-11.4 LB 055-5-2.2 LB 055-5-2.4 LB 055-5-6 RO 055-5-2.3 RO 055-5-4 RO 055-5-5 Timothy Gray ,~'~ Soundview Avenue Southold NY 11971 Jimbo Realty Corp 50800 Main Road, P.O. Box 1465 Southold NY 11971 Thomas & Susan McCarthy PO Box 1266 Southold, NY 11971 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 William Penny III 2200 Hobart Road Southold NY 11971 'Thomas & Susan McCarthy PO Box 1266 Southold, NY 11971 John Satkoski & Rita Patficia 168 Fifth Street C-veenport NY 11944 Gary Rempe & Wife 3325 Youngs Avenue Southold NY 11971 Liada Bertanl & Others ' Oakwood Drive 8outliold NY 11971. Audrey Berglund P_O. Box 1501 Southold NY 11971 Sthld 6 Sthld 6 Sthld 6 Sthld 6 Sthld 6 Sthld 6 B B B B B B RO RO RO RO RO RO P/O 055-2-24.2 055-2-23 055-5-10 055-5-I1 055-5-12.2 055-5-9.1 Frank Field Corp. 40 Middleton Road Greenport NY 11944 Madeleine Schlafer c/o 1670 House Route 48 Southold NY 11971 George Penny IV & Robert Boger, c/o Penny Lumber P.O. Box 2067 Greenport NY 11944 Joann Rizzo P.O. Box 696 G-reenport NY 11944 Donald Tuthill & Wife 3150 Boisseau Ave. Southold NY 11971 Patricia Milo ski P.O. Box 292 Southold NY 11971 040'-3-1 045-2-1 040~3.6.1 040-3-6_2 040-3-7 040-3-8 040-3-9.3 040-3-9.4 035-1-25 PlO 045-2-10.5 045-2-10.5 040-4-1 035-1-27.2 035-1-27.3 Greenport 1A "~' Mort, 10/4/99 Greenport lA Mon, 10/4/99 Greenpor[ 2A Mon, 10/4/99 Greenport 2A Mort, 10/4/99 Greenport 2A Mon, 10/4/99 Greenport 2A Mon, 10/4/99 Greenport 2A Mon, 10/4/99 Greenport 2A Mon, 10/4/99 Greenpoff. 3A Mon, 10/4/99 8:30 pm 8:30 pm 8:30 ~m 8:30 ~m 8:30 ~m 8:30 ~m 8:30 ~m 8:30 ~m 8:30 ~m Tues,'~r0/5/99 10:00 am Tues, 10/5/99 10:00 am Tues, 10/5/99 10:00 am Tues, 10/5/99 10:00 am Tues, 10/5/99 10:00 am Tues, 10/5/99 10:00 am Tues, 10/5/99 10:00 am Tues, 10/5/99 10:00 am Tues, 10/5/99 10:00 am PlO Greenpor[ lB Mort, 10/4/99 9:00 pm Tues, 10/5/99 3:30 pm PlO Greenport lB Mon, 1014199 9:00 pm Tues, 10/5/99 3:30 pm Greenport 2B Mort, 1014199 9:00 pm Tues, 1015199 3:30 pm Greenport3B Mort, 10/4/99 9:00 pm Tues, ~10/5/99 3:30 pm Greenpor[3B Mort, 10/4/99 9:00pm Tues, 10/5/99 3:30pm 113-12-14 PlO Mattituck lA 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2:30 ~m Tues, 10/5/99 2:30 ~m Tues, 10/5/99 2:30 ~m Tues, 10/5/99 2:30 ~m Wed, 10/6/99 8:00 pm Wed, 1016/99 8:00 pm Wed, 10/6/99 8:00 pm Wed, 10/6/99 8:00 pm Wed, 10/6/99 8:00 pm Wed, 10/6/99 8:00 pm Wed, 10/6/99 8:00 pm Wed, 10/6/99 8:00 pm Wed, 10/6/99 8:00pm LOCAL LAW NO. OF ~ YEAR 1999. A LOCAL LAW TO CHANGE THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF THE PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOX,VN AS Suffolk Courtly Tax Map (SCTM) # I ~0(~ - ~)bS-0 0 - 01.0 0 - 01 b. 0 C~ FROM THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION. BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Legislative Intent Consistent with our comprehensive land use plan and our established objectives and goals as reflected by the existing zoning patterns within the Town, and based upon our current County Route 48 Land use study as well as numerous land nse studies and plans des-eloped heretofore, wc hereby determine that it is nccessaH' and desirable to revise and amend the zoning designation applicable to the parcel identified herein as well as other lands; thus, we hereby identify and adopt the following overall themes of (1) Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture; (2) Preservation of Open and Recreational Space; (3) Preservation of the Rural, Cull~ral, Commercial and Historical Character of the Hamlets and Surrounding Areas; (4) Preservation of the Natural Em4ronmcnt; which derive from thc shared vision held by residents and local public officials of the Town and which are intended to foster a strong economy and which encourage and preserve the existing high quality of life, as more specifically set forth herein below: 1. Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture Farmland is a valuable and d3mamic industry in the Totem of Southold. The open farmlands are not only highly cherished for their economic value, but for the scenic xdstas they proxdde. TI~e open space and scenery created by farmland additionally coniributes to the quality of life of the residents, while promoting tourism and recreation. 2. Preservation of Open and Recreational Space The Town of Southold relies heavily npen its scenic beauty and open landscapes for recreatior~ clean air and water, as well as for its atWaction to tourists and recreation-seekers The Town has attracted many second homeowners because of its "natural reso~ces, abundance of open space, farms_ picturesque x411ages, and the ever-present xvaterfronf' (Master Plan Update, 1985). Due to this open space, rite To-am has a tremendous d~,elopment potential. Bleak pictures have been painted in a few documents, warning of strip-~'pe development, suburban spdawl and water supply issues. The preservation of open and recreational space is not only aesthetic, but also a necessity for the present and future needs of the Town. ' ..-, 3. Preservation o~' the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historical Character of the Hamlets and Surrounding Areas Thc Town of Southold is renowned for its rural, cultural, commercial and historic character. This unique character is recognized in all of the documents re~4ewed. Based on the input of Tovm residents, the Final Repo/t and Recommendations states that the two most prevalent and key issues are keeping grm~tt in the existing tmmlet centers and preserving rite enhancing the surrounding rural areas. Addit/onally. the Master Plan Update reconunands rite provision for "a community of residential hamlets that are comprised of a variet3 of housing opportunities, commercial, service and cultural activities, set m an open or rural atmosphere and supported by a diversified economic base (inchicFmg agriculture, marine commercial and seasonal recreation aedvities)" Preservation of the Natural Environment · Aecmnmodating "growth and change within rite Town without destroying its traditional economic base. the natural envfronment of which that base rests_ and rite unique character and the way of life that defines the Tm~f' is of utmost importance" (Ground Watershed Protection and Water Supply Management Strslegy). Thc Mas~er Plan Update recommends preservation of the Town:s harm-al environment from wetlands to woodlands and to "achieve a land use pa~crn that is sensitive to thc lxmited indigenous water supply and ~vill not degrade rile subsurface water qnalit3-. The outstanding needs enumerated below are the culmination of careful compadsou of the iment and objactives of the tmvn (as stated in past land use plans and sntdies) and the currontly e:'dsfing ~tioas .... along the Couuly Route 48 corridor. These needs reflect the past and p~sem v'iston of the To~t and the work that still needs to be done due to rite proximi~' of County Route 48 to the hamlet commercial centers and to avoid potentially conflicting devehipment strategies for such areas. These outstanding needs we fmd exist throughout the Town and are specifieally identtfied as follows: 1 ) to provide for viable land use developmant at levels of intensifies wqfich are sensitive to subsurface water qnalit3, and quantity 2) To maintain and stren~en hamlet centers as rile focus of commercial residential, and cultural 3) To preserve the open, agricultural and rural character of areas outside of rite l~amlet centers; 4) to provide for a varlet3 of housing opportunities for cit~zeus of different incomes and age levels; 5) to enhimce the opportunities for pedestrian-friendly shopping; 6) to continue to rite support of rite Tm~m's agricultural economy: 7) to ma~,dm~ze the Town's antttral ussets, including its coastal location and agricultural base, by balancing commercial residential and recreational uses: 8) to strengthen the Town's me-recreational and tnarme-commercial activities: 9) to encourage the preservation of parkland and public access to the wateiffont; 10) to support tourism by maintaimng and strengthening rite Tox~m's assets that foster a tourist trade, namely hamlet center businesses, historic heritage, architecture, a sense of place, of rural and open character, agriculture, and me activities; 11) to preserve prime farmhind: and encourage the diversdicatton of agriculture; 12) to preserve the historic, cultural, architeetuml and archaeological resources of the 13) to enaar~ visual qeality of hamlet centers; 14) to encomage appropriate land uses both inside and out of hamlet centers; 15) to promote halanced~eeonom} and t~x base; 16) to preserve the integrity of the Town's vegetative habitats, including freshwater wetlands and woodlands. Section 2. 'Enactment Therefore, based upon the aforementioned goals and identified needs of the Town and upon our consideration of the recommendations and comments of our Planning Board_ the Suffolk Count3, planning Commission, our planning consultant (CCG) and rite public comment taken at the public hearing and othenvise, we hereb_~ change rite zoning dislxict designation for the parcel l,moxxm as SCTM# [~(3{3-(3f~'~-00-0l.O0'0[(o. O00 _(and as more fully described heroin below) from rite d-$ ) LIM IT~') BOg[ M6q. S zoning district designatton to the ~) ~[¢IB~-'K,~T I ~1__ [~ ~'[ (~ ~' zoning distriet'designat~on. SCTM # 1000-063.00-01.00-016.000../ l>-in~ a~d ~i:~a i~~ at Southold, in the To~vn of Southold, County of Suffolk and State New York, bounded and described as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Horton'S Lane at the northerly end of a curve connecting the easterly side of Horton's Lane with the northerly side of Middle Road; running thence North $ degrees 57 minutes 10 seconds West, along the easterly side of Horton's Lane, 77,95 feet; thence North 71 degrees 48 minuTsS I0 seconds East, along land no%v or formerly o[ Oonway Bros., 388.36 feet; thence South ZZ degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds East, along land now or formerly of Long Island Caulifl°;''~er AssociaTion, 93.54 feet to the northerly side of Middle Road; thence South 67 degrees 06 minutes 4(] seconds ~Vest, along the northerly side of iviiddle Road, 367.01 feet to the easterly end of the curve above mentioned and thenCe northwesterly along the same, having a radius of 40 feet, a distance of 7~.5~ feet to the point or place o[ 5EGINNING. Section 3. The zoning map as adopted b_~ section 100-21 of the Town Code of the Tox~m'of Southold is hereb) amended to reflect the wiflffn change of zoning district designation for said parcel. Section 4. THIS LOCAL LAW SHALL TA1CE EvP~CT 13.~x.~EDIATELY UPON FILING WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE. ' 473889 SOUTHOLD NYSRPS ASSESSMENT INQUIRY %SCHOOL SOUTHOLD SCHOOL P~,~LS 330 VACANT COMM 63.-1-16 44225 CR 48 = OWNER & MAILING INFO === BATUYIOS NICHOLAS H 5 CLIFF COURT ROCKY POINT NY 11778 =MISC RS-SS 1 BANK DATE : 09/08/1999 ==DIMENSIONS ===1 ....... SALES INFORMATION .................................. ACRES 1.00 IBOOK 2 SALE DATE 00/00/00 ' IPAGE 00012 PR OWNER ....... TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 0 ............. I== TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS 4 ..... CODE AMOUNT PCT INIT TERM VLG HC OWN CODE UNITS PCT TYPE VALUE IFD028 IPK070 Iww020 ISW011 Fi=NEXT PARCEL F2=PARCEL UPDATE F3=NEXT EXEMPT/SPEC F4=PREV EXEMPT/SPEC 75.10- 03-050 F6=GO TO INVENTORY F9=GO TO XREF F10=GO TO MENU ~'~'ROLL SEC TAXABLE ~'~TOTAL RES SITE TOTAL COM SITE ACCT NO 08 I .............. ASSESSMENT DATA ........... I **CURRENT** RES PERCENT ILAND 2,300 **TAXABLE** ITOTAL 2,300 COUNTY 2,300 **PRIOR** TOWN 2,300 ILAND 2,300 SCHOOL 2,300 ITOTAL 2,300 ELIZ3~BETH A, NEV-H,I.E TOWN CLERK REGISTtL~R OF XfITAL STATISTICS i~L%r{RLkGE OFFICER RECORDS 1VLkNAGEbIENT OFFICER FREEDOI~! OF INFORI~a, TION OFFICER To~,-n Hall, 53095 Ma~n Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (5]_6) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON AUGUST 3. 1999: WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold has retained the services of a consultant to prepare a land use plan related to development along the County Route 48 Corridor; and WHEREAS the "Town of Southold County Route 48 Corridor Land Use Study", known as the Study, has been completed to address development along the County Route 48 Corridor; and WHEREAS the Study constitutes a Type I action under SEQRA that may have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is the only involved agency; and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold has not identified any significant adverse environmental impacts, but wishes to provide a format through the SEQRA review and public comment of the Study; and WHEREAS a Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (FGEIS) has been prepared and adapted by the Town Board; and WHEREAS a Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared to address the Study; and RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, acting as lead agency hereby adopts the annexed Notice of Completion for the Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement on the Town of Southold County Route 48 Corridor Land Use Study. Southold Town Clerk August 3. 1999