HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-69.-3-2RECEIVED OOT 1 P 1999 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ,COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ',--,,-," SUFFOLK COUNT'F EXECUTIVE October 6, 1999 STEPHEN [vi. JONES, A.I.C.P. Ms. Elizabeth Neville, To~xm Clerk Toxx n of Southold 53095 Main Road - P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Application on the To~ Board's Oxx~ Mouon for various rezonings on lmxds sirtmted throughout the Rte. 48 conidor in the Toxxm of Southold (SD-99-6). Dear 5,,is. Neville: Put.ant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Sttffolk Count5, Administrative Code. the Suffolk County Planning Conm~ission on October 6, 1999 rex4ewed the above captioned and after due stndy and deliberation Resolved to approve said application. Very truly yours, Stephen M_ Jones DireTf P lalming /~.erald ~. Noa~r~an~ (._~f Plarmer GN:cc GEORGE I~ITCHIE LATI-IAM, JR. mcu-n~D G. wm:m ~:~ ~" Town Hall, 53095 Main ~oad P.O. Box ~179 Southold, New York 11971 ~ (516) 765-8186 Telephone (516) 765-1938 October 8, 1999 PLANNING BOA~q;D OI~FICE TOVv/XT OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth Ney/lie, Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 1999 Re: CR 48 Changes of Zone Dear Mrs. Neville, The recommendations proposed by the Cramer Consulting Group in the above-noted Study, have been reviewed and discussed by the Planning Board. Collectively we offer the fo[lowing observations. The underlying premise of this Study is to preserve the bypass capability of the cR 48 divided highway. Doing so will prevent the commercial retail sprawl that characterizes every Long Island town to our west. More specifically, the overall purpose is to avoid repeating the mistakes made elsewhere on western Long Island, where unchecked commercial retail development not only resulted in serious traffic congestion problems, but played a role in the demise of the economic vitality of downtown districts located on State Route 25. This community' s Vision, as stated in many documents and public meetings some going back to the mid-1980s (prior to the adoption of the 1989 Zoning Map), is to preserve the small-town qualities that distinguish Southold. In order to achieve this goal, it is critically important to consolidate future retail business growth around the existing business centers within each hamlet. Furthermore, reducing the potential for retail and other traffic-generating uses to be introduced (or expanded) will have other long-term benefits to the community. First, it will ensure a bypass road for through traffic, thereby relieving some congestion on SR 25. Second, it will boost the economic development potential of the existing and potential business properties bordering SR 25, where most of the Town's traditional hamlets are centered. Third, it will preserve a scenic corridor that is a source of pleasure to residents and tourists. Therefore, we support the overall study recommendations as proposed In recommending their adoption, we recognize there may be reservations about specific October 8, 1999 proposed rezonings and that alternate rezoning proposals may be under consideration. We urge extreme caution in modifying the consultant's recommendations lest the integrity of the whole be undermined in the interest of satisfying a few. Bennett Orlov,/ski, Jr. Chairman . NOTICE OF CONTIUNATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON all Local Laws to Change the Zoning District Designation of the parcels and part of the parcels listed below and identified by Suffolk County Tax Map Number and record owner PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HAS KEPT OPEN ALL THE.PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE ABOVE REFERENCED LOCAL LAWS_ ALL THE PUBLIC HEARINGS. WILL BE CONTIUNED ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1999 STARTING AT 9:00 A~M. THROUGH 12:00 NOON AT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK THESE PUBLIC HEARINGS! COM/vlENCED ON October 4 - 6m, I999 RESPECTIVELY at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Maih Road, Southold, New York. A list of the Suffolk County Tax Map numbers of the parcels; the cm-reht owners as listed on the assessment records; the current zoning and the proposed zoning as well as the'gi~, ~p name is set forth below GROUP CURRENT PROPOSED S.C.TAX MAP OWNER ZONING ZO!qlNG Gmpt lA t-ID R80 40-3-1 Grnpt lA I-ID RS0 45-2-1 Grnpt lB LB RS0 45-2-10.5 Gmpt lB HI) RS0 45-2-10.5 Ne, Jolt 191 Ad 33 W, A( 33 W Z 088 475 2&2 US Post, al Se~qce Receipt for Certified No Insurance Coverage Provided. ,?onotuseforlntema§onalM~;l(Seerever~ej] [,,Steve Doroski Soathold NY 11971 Gmpt 2A Crmpt 2A Grnpt 2A Cn-np t 2A G-rapt 2A Gmpt 2A Grnpt 2B Cn-npt 3A Grapt 3B Grnpt 3B R40 R40 R40 R40 R40 R40 LB RS0 RS0 R80 R80 RS0 R80 R80 RS0 R80 RS0 40-3-6.1 40-3-6.2 40-3-7 40-3 -8 40-3-9.3 40-3-9.4 40-4-I P/O 35-1-25 35-1-27.2 35-1-27.3 Richard & Anita Wilton P.O. Box 89 Greenport Nh' 11944 Linda Wilton 200 Front Street Crreenport, NY 11944 Steven & Lenore Atkins 119 Primrose Avenue MassapequaPark NY 11762 .~atone Malinauskas P.O. Box 2106 Greenport NY 11944 Agnes Dunn 45 Queen Street P.O. Box 409 Greenport NY 11944 Susan M~ianauskas c/o Charles Malinausk. as&W'ffe 64820Rt. 48 GreenponNY 11944 Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakdale NY 11769 Peconic Landing At Southold PO Box 430 Southold, NY 11971 Frank Justin McIntosh & Mark Anderson 235 E. 57th Street New YorkNY 10022 Frank Justin Mclntosh 235 E. 57th Street New York NY 10022 Matt lA Matt lA Matt lA Matt lA Matt l A Matt lA Matt lA Matt lB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LIO tl80 R80. R80 R80 R80 R80 R80 R80 113-12-11 113-12-12 113-12-13 113-14-10 121-6-1 P/O 121-5-4.1 P/Ol13-12-14 P/O 121-5-4.1 Stella Gemile 52 Harbor Road Riverhead NY 11901 Dominic Principi 1087 Fort Salonga Road Northport NY 11768 Richard Principi & Another P.O. Box 495 Amagansett NY 11930 Randall Feinberg P.O. Box 186 Mattituck NY 11952 Philip & Susan Cardinale 785 Peconic Bay Blvd. Riverhead NY 11901 Michael Adamowicz & Others 195MarineS~e~ FarmingdaleNY 11735 iVfichael Caraftis & Wife 204 California Avenue Pt Jefferson NY 11777 IVfichael Adamowicz & Others 195 Marine Sweet Farmingdale NY 11735 Matt lB LIO R80 P/O 122-2-23.1 Emanual Tsontos 26 1 U W'diets Road West Roslyn NY 11576 Matt lB Matt lB LIO LIO R80 RSO P/O 122-2-24 P/O 122-2-25 Charlo~e Dickerson 460 Paddock Way Ma~ituckNY 11952 S C Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakdale NY 11769 Matt lB Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2A Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B LIO LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI R80 RO RO RO RO P/O 122-2-8.1 141-3-43 141-3-44 141-3-45.1 141-3-45.2 141-3-41 141-3-21 141-3-19 141-3-26 141-3-27 Frances Acer 10020 Sound Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 Alice Funn 11850 Sound Avenue P.O. Box 422 Ma~ituckNYl1952 Clarence Booker & Others 755 Rogers Avenue Brooklyn NY 11226 Mattie Simmons Box 926 11700 Sound Avenue MattituckNY 11952 North Fork Housing Alliance 110 Somh Street Crreenport NY 11944 George Penny Inc. Main Road P O. Box 2067 G-reenpo~NY 11944 Harry Charkow & Wife P.O_ Box 215 Mattituck NY 11952 NY State Hostel #1077 Albany N~ 12200 Joseph&Janet Domanslci PO Box 1654 MattimckNY 11952 Margar~Ashton Box 457 795 Love Lane Ma~ituckNY 11952 Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2C Matt 2C Matt 2C Matt 2D Matt 2D Matt 2D Matt 2D LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI RO RO RO RO LB LB LB R40 R40 R40 R40 141-3-28 141-3-25.1 141-3-29.2 P/O 141-3-38.1 141-3-22 141-3-32. 141-3-29.1 141-3-39 PlO 140-2-32 141-3-18 141-3-40 R%~nondNine 855NewSuffolkAvenue P.O. Box 140l MattituckNY 11952 Raymond Nme P O. Box 1401 Mattimck NY H952 Arnold Urist P.O. Box 1436 Mattimck NY 11952 George Penny Inc. c/o George Penny IV Main Road Greenport NY 11944 Raymond Nine PO Box 1401 Mattimck NY 11952 William Guyton P.O. Box 71 Southold NY 11971 John J. Sidor, R.&Others 3980WickhamAvenue MattituckNy 11952 Robert Boasi 12425 Sound Avenue P.O. Box 317 Mattituck NY 11952 InhnDiveHo&Others WestphaliaRoad P.O. Box 1402 MaRituck NY 11952 leffrey Gr~or 37 Squiretown Road Hampton Bays NY 11946 Andrew Fohrkolb 670 Holden Avenue Cutchogue NY 11935 Matt 2E Matt 2E Matt 2E Ma~ 2E Matt 2E Matt 2F Matt 2F Matt 2F Matt 2F Matt 2G B B B B B B R40 R40 R40 R40 RO RO RO RO RO MI1 MIl RO 140-[-10 140-1-11 140-1-12 140-1-4 140-I-9 140-1-6 140-1-6 140-1-7 140-1-8 140-1-1 Mark McDon~d P.O. Box 1258 Somhold NY 11971 Steven Freethy & Deborah Gibson Freethy Maiden Lane Mattituck NY 11952 Henry Pierce & Jennie Lee Wells Road Pecordc NY 11958 Raymond Smilovich 1098 Wickham Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 Herbert Swanson P.O. Box 238 Mattituck NY 11952 Harold Reeve & Sons Inc. Cty Rd 48 P O. Box 1441 Mattituck NY 11952 Harold Reeve&Sonslnc. CtyRd 48 P O. Box 1441 MattituckNY 11952 Rita Poneiglione Maiden Lane P.O. Box 1136 Mattituck NY 11952 HdenReeve 245Maiden Lane Mattituck NY 11952 StephanieCmll~t 1695WickhamAvenue Mattituck NY 11952 Matt 2G Matt 2G Pec IA Pec lA Pec lA Pec lB Pec lB P~c 2A Pec 2A Pec 2A Pec 2A R40 R40 B B B B B R40 R40 R40 R40 RO RO RO RO RO LB LB RO RO RO RO 140-1-2 140-I-3 74-4-10 ?/O 74-4-9 P/O 74-4-5 P/O 74-4-9 P/O 74-4-5 74-3-13 74-3-14 74-3-15 74-4-15 Leroy Heyliger & Wife Box 571, Wickham Ave. Mattimck NY 11952 William Stars & Wife P.O. Box 942 Ole Jule Lane Mattimek NY 11952 Chester Misloslfi & Others P.O. Box 237 Peconic NY 11958 Andreas&Stacy P~iovras Rt. 48, P.O_ Box 434 PeconicNY'l1958 John Kmpsld & Bros. Inc. Oregon Road Cutchogue NY 11935 Andreas & Stacy Paliovras Rt. 48, P.O. Box 434 Peconic NY 11958 John Kmpski & Bros. Inc. Oregon Road Cutchogue NY 11935 Dorothy Victoria & John Mumster c/o Pupecki ?.O. Box 366 Peconic NY 11958 Sidney Waxler P.O. Box 328 Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart & Wife P.O. Box 1 Peconic NY 11958 Paul McGlynn & W-fie Box 206, North Rd. Peconic NY 11958 Pec 2A Pec 2B Pec 2B Pec 2B Pec 2B Pec 2C Pec 2C Pec 2D Pec 2E StMd 1 R40 R40 R40 R40 R40 LI LI R80 R80 LB RO RO 74-4-16 74-3-16 74-3-17 74-5-1 74-5-5 74-3-19.3 P/O 74-3-19.2 74-3 -2O 74-3-24.2 69-4-2.2 Louise Day & Another c/o Bob Day 88 Wyckoff Street Brooklyn NY 11201 Patrick Adipietro & Robert P.O. Box 174 Peconic NY 11958 Olive Hairston Hayes 306 East 96th Street New YorkNY 10128 Bennett Blackburn & Wife Box 344, Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Robert Johnson 4300 Soundview Avenue Southold NY 11971 Kenneth Dickerson Chestnut Road Southold NY 11971 Kevin Terry 465 Topsail Lane Southold, NY 11971 Alice Platon 30 Front Street P.O. Box AB Greenport NY 11944 Alvin Combs & Wife Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Gerald G-ralton & W'ie IVliddle Road Box 274 Peconic NY 11958 Sthld 1 S~dl Sthld 2A Sthld 2A S~d2B Sthld 2B S~d2C Sthld 2C Sffid2C Sthld 3 S~d3 LB LB AC AC LB LB LB LB RO RO RO RO RO AC AC AC AC AC 69-4-2.3 69-4-3 69-2-1 69-2-2 69-2-3 69-2-4 69-3-1 69-3 -2 69-3 -3 59-10-4 59-10-5 Helmut Hass c/o Beverly Haas Jacobs P.O. Box 522 Cutchogue NY 11935 Ruth Enterprises Inc. P.O. Box 910 Southold NY 11971 William Zebroski Jr. P_O. Box 531 Southold NY 11971 Carol Zebroski Savage & Others Woodchuck Hollow Lane Wading River NY 11792 Stephen Doroski & W'fie 38400 C.R. 48 Southold NY 11971 Bayberry Enterprises Stars Road EastMarion NY 11939 Steve Doroski 38400 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 Steve Doroski 38400 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 Steve Doroski 38400 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 Edward Koster P.O. Box 1495 Southold NY 11971 Clifford Comell P.O. Box 910 Southold NY 11971 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 S~d3 Sthld 4A Sthld 4A Sthld 4A Sthld 4A LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB AC AC AC AC AC AC AC RO RO RO RO 59-7-31.4 59-7-32 P/O 59-10-3.1 P/O 59-7-29.2 P/O 59-7-30 P~59-9-30.4 P/O 59-10-2 63-1-15 63-1-16 63-1-18.2 63-1-19 Ellen Hufe Route 48 Southold NY 11971 Alice Surozenski 41095 Route 48 Southold NY 11971 Jack Weiskott & Roberta Gan-is 229 5th Street Greenport, NY 11944 Alfred & Juliet Frodella 40735 Middle Road, Rte 48 Southold NY 11971 Clement Chamews Cty Rd 48 Southold NY 11971 Walter Pharr Jr. PO Box 958 Southold NY 11971 Steven Defriest 2305 Glen Road Southold NY 11971 Mark Mendleson & Others 24 W'fldberry Court Commack NY 11725 Nicholas Batuy/os 5 Cliff Court RockyPoint NY 11778 C & C Associates 44655 CR 48 P.O. Box 312 Southold NY 11971 No. Fork Professional Realty Assoc, c/o Amrod-Ricci 1000 Franklin Ave, Ste 202 Garden City NY 11530 Stkld 4A Sthld 4A Sthld 4A Sthld 4A Sthld 4A S~d4B S~d4B Sthld 4C Sthld 4C S~d4C Sthld 4C LB LB LB LB LB B B B B B B RO RO RO RO LB LB RO RO RO RO 63-1-20 63-1-21 63-1-22 63-1-23 63-1-24 59-3-29 59-3-30 59-3 -3 l 59-4-8 59-4-9 63-1-1.6 Windsway of Southold Assoc. · 1 Suffolk Sq., Ste 300 Cntrl Islip NY11722 Carl & Carol'me Graseck Leeton Dr. Southold NY 11971 Joseph Wallace 54 Wimhrop Road Shelter Island NY 11965 Lisa Cowley 44600 Middle Road Southold NY 11971 John Ross 2320 Yermecott Dr. Southold NY 1197 l John & Joan Callahan 125 Lighthouse Road Southold NY 11971 Deborah Edson c/o Johnny's Car Hop 43715 CR48 Southold NY 11971 David Cichanowicz 165 Wood Lane Peconic NY 11958 Timothy Gray Soundview Avenue Southold NY 11971 Jimbo Realty Corp. 50800 Main Road P.O. Box 1465 Southold NY 11971 Thomas & Susan McCarthy PO Box 1266 Southold, NY 11971 Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A StNd 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5A Sthld 5B StNd 5B StNd 5B Sthld 6 B B B B B B B B B B B LB LB LB LB LB LB LB RO RO RO RO 55-1-11.1 55-I-I1.2 55-1-11.3 55-1-11.4 55-5-2.2 55-5-2 4 55-5-6 55-5-2.3 55-5-4 55-5-5 P/O 55-2-24.2 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 William Penny ITt 2200 Hobart Road Southold NY 11971 Thomas & Susan McCarthy PO Box 1266 Southold, NY 11971 John Satkoski & Rita Patricia 168 Fifth Street Greenport NY 11944 Gary Rempe & Wife 3325 Youngs Avenue Southold NY 11971 Linda Bertani & Otrs Oakwood Drive Southold NY 11971 Audrey Berglund P.O. Box 1501 Southold NY 11971 Frank Field Corp. 40 M/ddleton Road Greenport NY 11944 Sthld 6 B RO 55-2-23 Sthld 6 B RO 55-5-10 Sthld 6 B KO 55-5-11 Sthld 6 B RO 55-5-12.2 Sthld 6 B RO 55-5-9.1 Madeleine Schlafer c/o 1670 House Route 48 Southold NY 11971 George Penny hr & Robert Boger c/o Penny Lumber P.O. Box 2067 Greenport NY 11944 Joann Rizzo P O. Box 696 Cn-eenport NY 11944 Donald Tuth/ll & Wife 3150 Boisseau Ave. Southold NY 11971 Patricia Miloski P.O. Box 292 Southold NY 11971 Copies of these Local Laws are available in the Office of the Town Clerk to any imerested persons during regular business hours. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear, has the right to appear, at the time and place above so specified. Any person also has the right to submit written comments to the Southold Town Clerk either prior to the public hearing or at the public hearing. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Dated: 10/7/99 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK P. ECE~VE~) ,,OCT 4 1999 '~a~4 Dc~og~ 4, 1999 Jean Cockran, Supervisor Southold Town Board Members Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE_: Suffolk Cotm~~ Tax Map: 069-3-2 Dear Superxdsor and Town Board Members, I, Steve J. Doroski, have been a resident of Southold Town for 83 years. When I bought the property in question on No~ Road Extension and Ackerly Pond Lane there was no zoinng in Southold Tox~m. As time went on and zoning laxvs were initiated this same property was zoned Light h~dnstfial. I operated a Produce business and paid Light Industrial taxes ~4th no exemptions for over 50 years on this two aud a half acres of land. Today the Southold Towa~ Board wants to take my life long investment and tttrn it into Alp'icultmal Conservation, which x~;fll require a minhnmn of 5 acres in lot size. I will be forced to ptLrchase Development rights from another propem_r in Southold Toxvn in order to sell that parcel of land, otherwise I will be non-conforming to the code. Will you reduce taxes on the properties you change the zone on or x~41l they remain the same or more? I further want to add that this properl¢_~ is not on Rte 48 and has no ,~4sta and can not be seen fi:om Rte 48~ it is across from the Suffolk Couuty Smnp and Suffolk County Water Authority abutts to the east; the Long Island Railroad abutts to the south and I ox~ the parcel to the west. Do you tlfink this xvill have any impact on Rte 48's ~4sta? I trust as elected officials that you will not be tm&dy influenced by those who are unfamiliar with our to~m and respectftdly request that you not change any zoning on any of my properties. Sincerely, Steve J. Doroski October 4, 1999 Jean Cochran, Supervisor Southold Town Board Members Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 OCT 4 i999 RE: Suffolk County Map: 069-3-1, 069-3-2, 069-3-3 Dear Supervisor and Board Members, I am opposed to the zone changes to the three parcels of land located on North Road Extension and Ackerly Pond l~ane_ These three properties are owned by my father Steve Doroski and the Doroski Family. The Town Board has taken Mr Cramer's suggestion and proposed to change our Light hadustrial property to Agricultural Conservation. My father, Steve Doroski, had operated a Produce business on this property for over 50 years. These parcels are no way large enough to support any type of farming/n this area; they would not be conducive to the surrounding zoning in this area. These properties are bordered by the Suftblk County Stop, the Suffolk County Water Authority pumping station and the Long Island Railroad. These properties are not located on Rte 48 or seen from Rte 48. The largest of these parcels is 2.5 acres, does this mean we would have to buy TDR's somewhere else in Southold Town in order to use this land. There are buildings on these parcels and one parcel has a residence. Can you tell me how these properties could possibly have an impact on the Rte 48 corridor? Who would want to live in an area with these types of surroundings? I am asking that you take these points into consideration when making your decisions on these three parcels of land and leave them at their present use. Thank you. Sincerely, Barbara Szczotka October 1, 1999 Jean Cochran Supelx'isor Town Of South_old Main Road Sonthold N.Y. 11971 OCT 4 1999 To Supervisor Jean Cochran And The Members Of The Town Board. RE: Suffolk Count Tax Map: 069-2-3,069-3-I. 069-3-2.06%3-3. I have lived and worked in Southold Tottn all m3 life and cannot tmderstmtd what you are trying to do [ protest the zone clmnges on Rt 48 as well as the zone changes to my families properties, DorosM'5 Nurser3 and properties on North Road Exteution and Ackerly Pond Lane. How can you operate a Garden Center & Landscaping bmsness in an RO zone? That would mean we would have to make our greenhouse look like a residence. Our Garden Center does not even face Rt 48 and has ne entrance or exit onto Rt 48. i~' mother and father. Stexe and Frances DurosM buih np this buisness 65 yrs ago. They worked vet3 hard to build a good buisness and reputation. But to hm-e someone come and puli the rag from under us is not fair or just. We work hard for our hying as do other buisness people on 48, therefore I feel you should leave existing buisnesses alone. I would worry about the accidents on Rt 48 instead of zoinKg. A few years ago a boy riding a bicycle was killed on Rt 48 Mille trying to cross the highway. There are ma~' accidents all the thne. People don't look at the vista? theyre going to fast. The only time the3.' slow down is when there is an accident then the5' slow down to gaxxk. [ have a question, how often does an5 one on the tmvn board drive down RT 48 and say oh how beautiful, how serene, look at the quaint buisnesses. You didn't do that a few weeks ago, 3 on got on a bus and drove arotmd saying we think we shou/d change tins to this, stop this. move this person out or move them over here etc You say you are for the betterment of the town and its binsnesses I think not Do you think changing estabhshed buisnesses is good for ex-ennne? I do not want to see Home Depot on Rt 48, but let us be reahsric do you tldnk Home Depot would even consider canting to Rt 48? Southold Town is not like up west and wi/i never be because you trove alread3 made it difficult to do an)qzlung here alread3 So why listen to a proposa/from someone up west who doesnt know a tking about the East End We dan~t have their problems so w~' are you inviting n-ouble here? Why can't you leave well enough alone. Jan~es Madison once said,"The essence of govenm~ent is power and power lodged as it must be in hmnan hands, will ever be liable to abuse." You have upset the whole family over this both physically and mentally. ~ do not know aiot about Politics, Zoning laws or Government, but I do know the difference between right and wrong and what you are doing is XtTOng. October 4, 1999 ~CE~VEE~ OCT 4 19~9 Jean Cochran, Superx4sor Southold Town Board Members Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Suffolk County Tax Map: 069-3-2 Dear Supervisor and Town Board Members, I, Steve J. Doroski, ha~'e been a resident of Southold Town for 83 years. When I bought the property in question on Nolth Road Extension and Ackerly Pond Lane there was no zotmlg in Southold To~vn. As t/me went on mid zoning laws were initiated th/s stone property was zoned Light Industrial. I operated a Produce business and paid Light Industrial taxes with no exemptions for oYer 50 years on this tWO m~d a half acres of land. Today the Southold Town Board xvams to take my life long investment and turn it into Agricultural Conserx:ation, which will requi_re a minimum of 5 acres in lot s/ze. 1 x~511 be forced to purchase Development rights fi.om another property in Southold Town in order to sell that parcel ofland~ oflaem,ise I ~511 be non-confmraing to the code. Will you reduce taxes on the properties you change the zone on or will they remain the same or more? I further want to add that this property is not on Rte 48 and has no x4sta and can not be seen fi-om Rte 48~ it is across fi-om the Suffolk County Smnp and Suffolk Cotmty Water Authority abutts to the east; the Long Island Raikoad abutts to the south and I own the parcel to the west. Do you tlfil~ this will have any knpact on Rte 48's xSsta? I trust as elected officials that you will not be undtdy influenced by those who are tm_familiar xx4th our town and respectfully request that you not change m~y zoning on any of my properties. Sincerely, Steve J. Doroski October 4, 1999 Jean Cochrar~ Supervisor Southold Town Board Members Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York. 11971 OCT 4 1~ RE: Suffolk County Tax Map: 069-2-3 Dear Supervisor and Town Board Members, At this time, I am confused and not quite sure what I want to say about the zoning changes on Rte 48, until I see what the final law will be as to the land use in the LB and RO zones so I would like to reserve some of my comments for later. One of our families parcels known to most people as Doroski's Garden Center has been proposed by Mr. Cramer's report to be changed from Limited Business to Residential Office, therefore leaving me in a quandary. The Town board has not made any decisions as to what the law will be for Limited Business and Residential Office until after these particular hearings. At this point in time, I am opposed to any changes in the Rte 48 corridor, as well as the changes to the Doroski properties. I also would like to see limiting new businesses on Rte 48 and keep things rural with scenic vistas, but I feel the Town Board has taken the wrong route. Does it make sense to take 65 year old estabhshed businesses and other existing businesses along this corridor and change their zoning and land uses after all these years? My parents worked very hard all their lives to establish a business to serve our community with quality products. We, as a family, are working just as hard to maintain the quality that our parents were so proud of. Our Garden Center is not even facing Rte 48; it faces east on Ackerly Pond Lane. How can you tell me that this has an impact on traffic on Rte 48, as there are no exits or entrances from Rte 48 to our Garden Center? Our property on Rte 48 is buffered by landscaping and trees. We have planted nursery stock on the westerly half, which we feel adds to the scenery on Rte 48. In my opinion, this town board has made a very big mistake and Ma. Cramer's report has made a mockery out of Rte 48 and Southold town. I hope that you all are embarrassed by the way this was all handled. The $35,000.00 spent on Mr. Cramer's report could have been used to study the number of traffic accidents and deaths along this corridor and how they can be prevented. This money could also have been used for land preservation in our Town. In closing, I would like to say that I hope you will seriously take into consideration the reasons for all the opposition to the changes on Rte 48. don't know how you can sleep at night know/ag the anguish you have caused all of us on this highway, the disruption in our lives, unable to concentrate on our business m~d the sleepless nights because of all this. I have my doctor bills to prove it. Thank you. Sincerely, Barbara Szczotka OCT 4 19~ October 4, 1999 Jean Cochi-an, Snpervisor Southold Town Board Members Southold Toxxq~ Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Suffolk Coar~ty Tax Map: 069-2-3 Dear Supervisor and Town Board Members, In 1936 I rented this parcel of land which extended from what was known as the North Road, at that time, to Soundview Ase to the Ninth. Then in 1953 I purchased this land from my mother and father-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zaveski. My x~-ife Frances, now deceased, and I farmed this land and started a small roadside fannstand where we sold our farm prodnce, plants and roses we gew on our farm. In 1967 Suffolk County took 3 acres of my property and divided my fmrn leaving me with a serious drainage problem, ninth and south of the highway, making Rte 48 eight feet higher than my property Since my farm property was decreased in size and traffic flow was re-routed offthe North Road to Rte 48, in 1968 1 built what is now known as Doroski's Garden Center and Nursely, Inc.. At that time my Garden Center was zoned Limited Business and has operated as such all these yem's and I have paid Limited Business taxes on tkis property. IVI_¥ Garden Center faces east on Ackerly Pond land and has no entrances or exits onto Rte 48. I have buffered Rte 48 and my property with trees and landscaping so as to obscure any tmpleasantries. Also on the west side of this property_ we have planted our nursery stock, which I feel adds to the rural look of Rte 48. My family and I try' to keep our Garden Center attractive to the passerby and a pleasant place to '~Ssit. Today the Southold Town Board wants to change my property to a Residential office. I am opposed to this change as I do not see how an office building looking like a home can be made ont of a greenhouse. Will my taxes decrease with this change, or will [ continne to pay the same tax rate or more? Also at this t/me I do not kmow what the permitted usage will be with the new proposed zone land usage changes. I trust that the elected officials of Southold Town will take the initiative to consider leaving my family's and my Garden Center as well as my other properties as they are presently x~sth thek present usages. Sincerely, Steve J. Doroski Doroski's NurseD,, Inc. PETITION PURSU:&NT TO SECTION 265 OF THE NEW YORK TOWN LAW To; Tox~ Board, Town of Southold Southold, New York The Town Board of the Towa~ of Southold, on its own motion, has proposed a change of zone for a certain parcel in the Town of Southold at Southold, which parcel is showm on the Suffolk CotmBr Tax Map as 1000-069-3-2 so that the zoning of said parcel shall change from LI ("Light Industrial Districff) to A-C ("Agricultural-Conservation District [two-acre minimu.m]"). This parcel is part of a proposed change of zone designated by the Tow~ Board as "Southold 2C." Notice of the proposed change of zone was issued by the To~ Clerk on September 14, 1999. The undersigned owner(s) of property xvithin that pml of the Town of Southold which would be affected by such proposed change of zone, do(es) hereby and herewith protest to the Town Board. of the Town of Southold against said change of zone. This instrument is a protest against such change of zone made pm'suant to Section 265 of the Toum Law of the State of New York. Dated: September ~c~ . 1999 Name of Owner(s): Steve Doroski ~itness(es):/ ~ ~ ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VIT.kL STATISTICS MAi{RLkGE OFFICER t~ECORDS I~LM'4AGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28. 1999: WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is considering a change in the zoning designation from (LI) Light Industrial District to (AC) Agricultural Conservation District of certain parcels of land lying in the To~m of Southold identified by SCTM# 1000-069.00-03.00-01.000; SCTM# 1000-069.00-03.00-02.000; SCTM# 1000-069.00- 03.00-03.000 RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that for the above actions there is no other involved agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that for the above actions the Town Board is Lead Agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. 'seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; be it further RESOLVED by the To)vn Board of the Town of Southold that these actions each are an Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code. Southold Town Clerk September 28. 1999 ~OTICE or PUBLIC HI.AR- INC, ¢)N A I.O('AL LAW IO TIIF "rOW\' OF .gOI-TllOl D BY ?.111,1.~,.I ~1 I~ h, ,h, ,'~.: i,.'11 d. ,11 'q III1¢''%~.~11~1 I, .11 Rl.ls'~ ~hl.'Heann§ wfl! be continued pm in,- Copies ol ~hm L~al Law are I[~- av~]able in the Offi~ of the'Town ~:.' Clerk ~o ~n~ ~teresied persons dm- [~ [ in~ regular busine~ imps. ~]~;".. An~. pe~son desiring.to be heard BY ORI)I R ~')1 I~1~ TOWN YORK ' EI.I~ABFTH A~ ~FVIIJ,F STATE OF NEW ~ ~i) )SS: COUNTY OF SU~FOL, K) ~-~CL~ F- (~,~'l{[~g of Matt~mek, m said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she ~s Prmdpal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed m a printed copy, has been regu- larly published in said Newspaper once each week for } weeks s~,ccessively, commencing , on theb19q ~r~ day Sworn to before me th/s day of Principal Clerk 19 y~ ,.AR¥ DIANA ~OTAR¥ ~UBLE, SLATE OF 52-4655249 NO... ~ ' '_. SUFFOLKCOUN~ g~.~, ~1 aol0N EXP ~ES aUgUST ol,~ LOCAL LAW NO OF THE YEAR 1999. A LOCAL L_AW TO CHANGE THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF THE PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS Suffolk Count3_' Tax Map (SCTM) # [ ~ 00- 0 Gq- {~ 0 - 03' 00 ' 0 0 2-. 0 0 0 FROM THE (LI) LIGHT /~/DL)STl~tPrt_ ZONING DI~TRICT DESIGNATION TOTHE (~_) ~ ~ ~..I CD t.TO fOql_ -COtV £ Er~V.~Tt O ~ ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION. BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Legislative Intent Consistent with our comprehensive land use plan and our established objectives and goals as reflected by the existing zoning patterns within the Town, and based upon our current County Route 48 Land use study as well as numerous land use studies and plans developed heretofore, we hereby determine that it is necessao' and desirable to revise and amend the zoning designation applicable to the parcel identified herein as well as other lands; thus, we hereby identiO- and adopt the following overall themes of (I) Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture; (2) Preser~alion of Open and Recreational Space; (3) Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historical Character of the Hamlets and Surrounding Areas; (4) Preservation of the Natural Environment; which deri~'e from the shared n~ision held by residents and local public officials of the Town and which are intended to foster a strong economy and which encourage and preserve the existing high quality of life, as more specificalb' set forth herein below: I. Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture Farmland is a valuable and dynamic induslxy in the Town of Southold. The open farmlands axe not only highly cherished for their economic value, but for the scenic vistas they provide. Thc open space and scenery created by farmland additionally con~butes to the qualfly of life of the residents, wlfile promoting tourism and recreation. 2. Preservation of Open and Recreational Space The Town of Sonthold relies heavily upon its scenic beauty and open landscapes for rezreatior[ clean ak and water, as well as for its amaction to tourists and recreation-seekers. Th~ To~n has attracted many second homeowners because of its "natural resources, abandance of open space, farms, picturesque villages, and the ever-present watergront" (Master Plan Update, 1985). Due to this open space, rite Town has a txemendous development potential. Bleak pictures have been painted in a few documents, warning of strip-t)pe development, suburban sprawl and water su.t~ply issues. The pre~ep,'afion of open and recreaUonal space is not only aesthetic, but also a necessi .ty for the present and future needs of the Town. .- 3. Preservation of the,Rural4 Cultural, Commercial and Historical Character of the Hamlets and Surrounding Areas The Town of Southold is renowned for it~ rural cultural cormnercial and tdstoric character. This unique character is recogni?ed in all of the doctlments rexdewed. Based on the mput of Town residents, the Final Report and Recommendations statesithnt the two most prevalent and key issues are keeping gro,,~h in the existing hamlet centers and presen, ing the enhancing rite surrounding rural areas. Additionally, the Master Plan Update reconunends the provision for "a coannualty of residential hamlets Chat are comprised of a variety of housing opportunities, commercial, service and cultural activities, set in mt open or rural atmosphere and supported by a diversified economic base (including agncultuse, marine commexcial and seasonal recreation activities)." Preservation of the Natural EmSronment Accommodating '~growth and change witkin the Town without destro_ring its Iraditiomal economic base, the natural environment of which that base rests, and the unique character and the way of life that defines the Town" is of utmost inxportm~ce" (Ground Watershed Protection and Water Supply Management Strateg3,). The Master Plan Update recommends preservation of rite Tm~'n's natural envkenment from wetlands to woodlands and to '~achteve a land use paltem that is sensitive to the limited indigenous water supply a~d~aSl/not degrade the subsurface water quality. The outstanding needs enamerated below are the culmination of careful comparison of the intent and objectives of the town (as stated ia past land use plans and studies) and the currently existing!conditions along the County Route 48 corddon These needs reflect the past and present xqsion of the To,aa~ and the work that still needs to be done due to the proximity of County Route 48 to the hamlet commercial centers and to avoid potentially conflicting develupment strategies for such areas. These outstanding needs we find exist throughout the Town and are specifically idenlified as follows: 1) to provide for mable land ~tse development at level5 of intensities wtfich are sensitive to subsurface water quali _ty and quantit3: 2 ) To maintain and strengt, l, ten hamlet centers as the focus ol- commercial, residential, artd cultural actimty; 3) To preserve the open. agricultural and torsi character of areas outside of rile Ikamlet centers; 4) to provide for a variety Df housing opportunities fo[ citizens of different incomes and age levels: 5) to enhance the opportumties [or pedestrian-friendly shoppthg; 6) to continue to the supp?t of the Tox~n's agricultural economy; 7) to maximize the Tox~m's!natural assets, including its coastal location and agricultural base, 1~, balanqing commerela[, ~esidential and recreational uses; 8) to strengthen the Tmm~slmarine-recreational and me-commercial activities: 9) ~ :~' ' to encourage the preset~,a~on of p~rkland and public access to the wateff~unt: 10) to support tourism by ,~ ,n~.'~ talaing and strengthening the Town's assets that foSter a tourist tmda, namely hamlet center b~nesses, historic heritage, architecture, a sense of place, of rural and open character, agriealture.~a~kl~ manne activities 11) to preserve prime l-ar~l~n'd: and encourage the dix ersfficat~on o[ agncultm'e; 12) to preserve the histori[:,ic~tural, architeetmal and archaeological resources of the Town; 13) to enSure'visual quali,h,~al~hamlet centers; 14) to encourage approp~af~land uses both inside and out of hunflet centers; 15) to promo}e balanced ~omy and tax base: 16) to presen,e the integn~,of the Town's vegetative habitats, including freshwater wetlands and woodlands. Section 2. Enactment Therefore, based upon rite aforementioned goals and identified needs of the Town and upon our consideration of the recommendations and comments of our Planning Board. the Suffolk County Planning Commissioxt our planning consultant (CCG) and fl~e public conunenr taken at the public heming and otherwise, we ltereb) change fl~e zoning dislxict designation for the parcel known as SCTM# iO0(~-O{oq-O(~-{~:l,.00- (~)2.000 (and as more fully described herein below) from the (kl) LI6HT IIqDOgTP..I/%I-- zoning disl~ict designation to the (tiC.) I~C~R[e..LIL'~UlO. fiL- ~_Olqg~--'D.~/ATI OM zonthg.dim-ictdesignation. SCTM # 1000-069.00-03.00-002.000 ALL tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being near Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the northeasterly line of Bowery Lane, 150.0 feet southeasterly along said line from the North Road, being the southerly comer of land of Schiefer; and running along said land of Schiefer and along other land of Stephen J. Doroski, North 23 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds East 265.85 feet to a monument; thence along other land of the party of the first part, South 55 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds East, 400.83 feet to land of the Long Island Railroad; thence along said land of the Long Island Raikoad, 2 courses, as follows: (1) Southwesterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 2889.54 feet, a distance of 112.09 feet; thence (2) South 47 degrees 04 minutes 50 seconds West, 136.08 feet to a rail monument and said northeasterly line of Bowery Lane; thence along said northeasterly line of Bowery Lane, North 59 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West, 294.15 feet to the point ofbegirming. Containing 1.9968 acres, by survey. Section 3. The zoning map as adopted by section 100-21 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended to reflect the u4thm clmnge of zoning district designation for said parcel. Section 4. THIS LOCAL LAW SHALL TAKE EkPlzCT IMMEDIATELY UPON FILI2qG WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE. ~ W. COCI~I~,T SUPERViSOR Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 24, I999 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice regarding a potential rez0ning of property identified in the public notice. The assessment records list you as the cun'ent owner. Please note the dates and times of the public hearings. You or your representative, have/lie right to both attend the public hearings and/or submit written comments. Jean W. Cochran Supervisor Z 088 475 156 US PostaJ Se~ce Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use [or IntemafionaJ Mail NOTICE OF pLrBLIC ltEARISqG ON A LOC .~L LAW TO A3,~END THE ZONING M.~ OF THE TOWN OF SOUTffOLD BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT OF SCTM # 10004)69.00-03.0~-002.000 FROM the Liglxt Industrial (LI) to the AgiSeulmr al Comer~ation (AC) DistricL PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN that Pursuemt m Section 265 of the Town Law and requir emeula of the Code of the Town of $outhold. Suffolk County, New York. that the Town Board of the Ta~s~ of Southold ~ffi hokl a PUBLIC It-E.~RIN(; on the aforesaia LOCAL LAW aIthe SO[JTHOLD TOWN HALL, 53095 Maha Road, $outhold, New York, at 1:00 pm, Monday, October 4, ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~ARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS kLANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Souihold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (616) 765-1600 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON SEPTEMBER 1~-. 1999: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby refers the proposed zoning map changes annexed hereto to the Suffolk County Planning Commission and the Southold Town Planning Board; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to to schedule the times for public hearings on Monday, October q Tuesday, October 5, and Wednesday, October 6, 1999 on the proposed Local Laws for the zone map amendments.' ~lizabeth A. Nevdle Southold Town Clerk September 14. 1999 ... C.,knp. t'lA Gmprt lA HD R80 040-3~ HI) 1t.80 045-2-1 Kace LI LLC 43 West 54th St. ~.~ New York NY 10019 John Siolas & Catherine Tsounis t 90 Central Drive Mattituck NY 11952 Grnprt lB LB R80 045-2-10.5 .Crmprt lB Grnprt 2A Graprt 2A Grnprt 2A Grnprt 2A' Grnprt 2A Grnprt 2A Grnprt 2B G-mprt 3A HD R80 045-2-10.5 R40 RS0 040-3-6.1 R40. K80 040-3-6.2 R40 R80 040-3-7 R40 R80 040-3-8 R40 RS0 040-3-9.3 R40 RS0 040-3-9.4 HD R80 040-4-1 LB RS0 P/0'~35-1~25 Adrienne Solof 33 Fairbanks Blvd. Woodbury NY 11797 Adrienne Solof 33 Fairbanks.Blvd. Woodbury NY 11797 Richard & Ardta Wilton P.O. Box 89 Crreenport NY 11944 Linda Wilton 200 Front Street Greenport NY 11944 Steven & Lenore Atkins 119 Primrose Avenue MassapequaPark NY 11762 Antone Malinauskas P.O. Box 2106 Crreenport NY 11944 Agnes Dunn 45 Qu~n Stree~t, P_O. Box 409 Greenport NY 11944 SusaaMalinauskas' c/o CharlesMalinauskas&Wife 64820Rt. 48 CrreenpoRNY 11944 Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakdale NY 11769 s uttiot : PO Box 430 Southold, NY 11971 Grnprt 3B Matt lA HD R80 035- -~2~7.2 HD RS0 035-l-27.3 LB R80 113-12-1l Matt lA LB RS0 113-12-12 Matt lA LB RS0 113-12-13 Matt IA LB RS0 113-14-10 Matt lA. LB R80 121-6-1 Matt lA Matt lA Matt lB Matt lB MattlB LB RS0 P/O 121-5-4.1 Matt lB LB RS0 P/O 113-12-14 LIO RS0 P/O 121-5-4.1 LIO RS0 P/O 122-2-23.1 LIO RS0 P/O 122-2-24 LIO RS0 P/O 122-2-25 Frank Justin Mclntosh & Mark Anderson, Tmste~' ~5 E. 57th Street "~ New York. NY 10022 Frank Justin Mclntosh 235 E. 57th Street New YorkNY 10022 StellaG-entile 52Harbor Road Riverhead NY 11901 Dominic Principi 1087 Fort Salonga Road Northport NY 11768 R/chard Principi & Another P.O. Box 495 Amagansett NY ! 1.930 Randall Feinberg P.O. Box 186 Mattituek NY 11952 Philip & Susan Cardinale 785 Peconic Bay Blvd. R/verhead NY 11901 Michael Admnowicz & Others 195 Marine Street Farmingdale NY 11735 Michael Caraffis & Wife 204 California Avenue Ptleft'erson NY 11777 Michael Adamowicz & Others 195 Marine Street Farmingdale NY 11735 Emanual Tsontos 26 1 U W'fllets Road West Roslyn NY 11576 Charlotte Dickerson 460 P~lflook Way Matiituck NY 11952 Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrim Highway Oakdale NY 11769 Matt lB Maa 2A Matt 2A Matt 2A LIO LI LI R80 Matt 2A LI I-lB P/O ~ ,2-8.1 14l-3-43 14 l-3-44 141-3 -45.1, 141-3-45.2 Matt 2A LI HB 141-3-41 Matt 2B LI RO 141-3=21 Matt 2B LI KO 141-3-19 Matt 2B LI RO 141-3-26 Matt 2B LI RO 141-3-27 LI RO 141-3-28 Matt 2B Frances Acer 1/)020 S6tind Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 Alice Funn 11850 Sound Avenue, P.O. Box 422 Mattituck NY 11952 Clarence Booker & Others 755 Rogers Avenue Brooklyn NY 11226 Mattie Simmons Box 926, 11700 Sound Avenue Mattimck NY 11952 North Fork Housing Alliance 110 South Street Greenport NY 11944 George Penny Inc. Main Road, P.O. Box 2067 Greenport lxPf 11944 Harry Charkow & Wife P.O. Box 215 Mattituck NY 11952 New York State Hostel #1077 .Albany NY 12200 · Joseph & l~.net Domanski PO Box 1654 Mattituck NY 11952 Margaret Ashton Box 457, 795 Love Lane Mattituck NY 11952 Raymond Nine · 855 New Suffolk Avenue, P.O. Box 1401 Maltituck NY 11952 . M tt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2B Matt 2C Matt 2C Matt 2C LI RO LI RO 14l-3-29.2 LI RO P/O 141-3-38.1 LI LB 141-3-22 LI LB 141-3-32.1 LI LB 141-3 -29.1 Matt 2D LI R40 141-3-39 LI R40 P/O 140-2-32 Matt 2D Matt 2D LI R40 · 141-3-18 Matt 2D LI R40 141-3-40 Matt2E B RO 140-1-10 Matt 2E B KO 140-1-11 Raymond Nine 855 New Suffolk Aver P.O. BOX 1401 MattituckNY 11952 Arnold Urist P.O. Box 1436 Mattituck NY 11952 George Penny Inc., c/o George Penny IV Main Road Greenport NY 11944 RaymondNine PO Box 1401 MattituckNY 11952 William Guyton P.O. Box 71 Southold NY 11971 JohnJ. Sidor, Jr.&Others 3980WickhamAvenue Mattituck NY 11952 Robert Boasi 12425 Sound Avenue, P.O. Box 317 MattituckNy 11952 John Divello & Others Westphalia Road, P.O. Box 1402 Mattituck NY 11952 Jeffitey Gregor 37 Squiretown Road Hampton Bays NY 11946 Andrew Fohrkolb 670 Holden Avenue Cutchogue NY 11935 Mark Me, Donald P.O. Box 1258 Southold NY 11971 Steve & Deborah ~bsba Freethy Maiden Lane Mattituek NY 11952 Ma'k 2E Matt 2E Matt 2E Matt 2F Matt 2F Matt 2F Matt 2F Matt 2G Matt 2G Matt 2G B B B B R40 R40 R40 R40 RO RO RO MII RO R40 RO R40. KO Peo' lA B RO 140-1-4 140-1-9 140-1-6 140-1-6 140-1-7 140-1-8 140-1-1 140-1-2 140-1~ 074-4-10 Henry Pierce & Jennie Wells Road Peconic NY 11958 Raymond Smilovich 1098 Wickham Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 Herbert Swanson P.O. Box 238 Mattituck NY 11952 Harold Reeve & Sons Inc. Cty Rd 48, P.O. Box 1441 Mattituck NY 11952 Harold Reeve & Sons Inc. Cty Rd 48, P_O. Box 1441 Mattimck NY 11952 RitaPoneighone M~denLane, P.O. Box 1136 MattituckNYl1952 Helen Reeve 245 Maiden Lane Mattituck NY 11952 Stephanie Gullatt 1695 Wickham Avenue Mattituck NY 11952 Leroy Heyliger & Wife Box 571, Wickham Ave. Mattituck NY 11952 William Stars & Wife P.O. Box 942, Ole Jule Lane Mattituck NY 11952 Chester Misloski & Others P-O. Box 237 Peconic NY 11958 "' Pec lA Pec lA Pec lB Pec lB Pec 2A Pec 2A Pec 2A Pec 2A Pec 2A Pec 2B Pec 2B Pec 2B B B B B R40 R40 R40 R40 RO P/O ( ._~.;4-9 RO P/O 074-4-5 LB P/O 074-4-9 LB P/O 074-4-5 KO 074-3-13 RO 074-3-14 RO 074-3 - 15 R40 RO R40 liB R40 HB R40 FIB RO 074-4-15 074-4-16 074-3-16 074-3-17 074-5-1 Andre. as & Stacy Paliox"""~ Rt. 48, P.O. Box 434 Peconic NY 11958 John Krupski & Bros. Inc. Oregon Road Cutehogue NY 11935 Andreas & Stacy Paliovras Rt. 48, P.O. Box 434 Pecoific NY 11958 John Krupski & Bros. Inc. Oregon Road Cutchogue NY 11935 Dorothy Victoria.& John Mumster cio Pupecki P.O. Box 366 Peconic NY 11958 Sidney Wa:der P.O. Box 328 Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart & Wife P.O_ Box 1 Peconic NY 11958 Paul McGlyrm & Wife Box 206, North Rd. Peconio NY 1.1958 Louise Day & Another cio Bob Day 88 Wyckoff Street Brooklyn NY 11201 Patrick Adipietro & Robert P_O. BOx 174 Peconic NY 11958 Olive Hairston Hayes New York~IY 10128 Bennett Blackburn & Wife Box 344, Peconi¢.Lane Peconic NY 11958 Pe~: 2B Pec 2C Pec 2C Pec 2D Pec 2E Sthld 1 Sthld 1 Sthld 1 StMd 2A Sthld 2A Sthld 2B Sthld 2]3 R40 LI LI RS0 R80 LB LB H~ 074-,}~~, I-IB 074~3-19.3 I-~ P/O 074-3-19.2 1-13B 074-3 -20 RO O74-3 -24.2 RO 069-4-2.2 RO 069-4-2 3 LB RO 069-4-3 AC AC LB RO 069-2-1 KO 069-2-2 RO 069-2-3 RO 069-2-4 Robert Johnson ~ 4300 soundvtew Avenue Southold NY 11971 Kenneth Dickerson Chestnut Road Southold NY 11971 · Kevin Terry 465 Topsail Lane Southold, NY 11971 Alice Platon 30 Front Street, P.O. Box AB Greenport NY 11944 Alvin Combs & Wife Peconic Dine Pecordc NY 11958 Gerald Gralton & Wife Middle Road, Box 274 Peconic NY 11958 Helmut Hass c/o Beverly Haas Jacobs P.O. Box 522 Cutchogue NY 11935 Ruth Enterprises Inc. P.O. Box 910 Southold NY 11971 William Zebrosld, Jr. P.O. Box 531 Southold NY 11971 Carol Zebroski Savage & Others Woodolmek Hollow Lane Wading River NY 11792 Stephen Dowski'& Wife 38400 C.R.'48 Southold NY 11971 Ba ' terp i East~On NY i1939 Sthld 2C LI AC 069; Sthld 2C LI AC 069-3-2 Sthld 2C LI AC 069-3-3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 LB AC 059-10-4 LB AC 059-10-5 LB AC 059-7-31.4 LB AC 059-7-32 LB AC P/O 059-10-3.1 Steve Doroski 38400 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 Steve Doroski 38400 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 Steve Doroski 38400 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 Edward Koster P.O_ Box 1495 Southold NY 11971 Cliflbrd Comell P_O. Box 910 Southold NY 11971 Ellen Hufe Route 48 Southold NY 11971 Alice Surozenski 41095 Route 48 Southold NY 11971 Jack Weiskott Roberta Garris 229 5th Street Greenport, NY 11944 8thld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 Sthld 3 LB AC P/O 059-7-29.2 LB AC PlO 059-7-30 LB AC P/O 059-9-30.4 · LB AC P/O 059-10-2 Alfred & Juliet Frodella 40735 Middle Road, Route 48 Southold NY 11971 Clement Chamews Cty Rd 48 Southold NY 11971 Walter Pharr, Jr. PO Box 958 Southold NY 11971 Steven Defriest 2305 .Glen Road SoutholdNY 11971 Sthid'4A St}fid 4A Sthld 4A LB LB RO RO LB RO St}fid 4A LB RO St}fid 4A LB RO 063-1-15 063-1-16 063-1-18.2 063-1-19 063-1-20 St}fid 4A LB KO 063-1-21 St}fid 4A LB RO LB RO St}fid 4A St}fid 4A LB KO 063 - 1-22 063-1-23 063-1-24 St}fid 4B B LB 059-3-29 St}fid 4B B LB Sthld 4(2 B RO 059-3-30 059-3-31 Mark Mendleson & Others 24 Wildberry Court , Commack NY 11725" Nicholas Batuyios 5 Cliff Court RockyPoint NY 11778 C & C Associates 44655 CR 48, P.O_ Box 312 Southold NY 11971 No. Fork Professional Realty Assoc. c/oAmrod-Ricci 1'000 Franklin Ave., Suite 202 Garden City NY 11530 Windsway of Southold Assoc. 1 Suffolk Sq., Suite 300 Central Islip NY 11722-1543 Carl & Caroline Graseck Leeton Dr. Southold NY 11971 Joseph Wallace 54 Winthrop Road Shelterlsland NY 11965 Lisa Cowley 44600 Middle Road Southold NY 11971 John ROSS 2320 Yennecott Dr. Southold NY 11971 John & Joan Callahan 125 Lighthouse Road Southold NY 11971 Deborah Edson c/o Johnny's Car Hop 43715 CR48 Southold NY 11971 David Ciehanowicz 165 Wood Lane Peconic NY 11958 St6~d'4C Sthld 4C Sthld 4C Sthld 5A SthId 5A B B B B B RO RO RO LB LB Sthld 5A B LB Sthld 5A B LB Sthld 5A B LB Sthld 5A B LB 059-~;~ 059-4-9 063-1-1.6 055-1-11.1 055-1-I1 2 055-1-11.3 055-1-11.4 055-5-2.2 055-5-2.4 Sthld 5A B LB 055-5-6 Sthld 5B B KO 055-5-2.3 Sthld 5B B RO 055-5-4 Sthld. 5B B RO 055-5-5 Timothy Gray Soundview Avenue Southold NY 1197I Iimbo Realty Corp. 50800 Main Road, P.O. Box 1465 Southold NY 11971 Thomas ~ Susan McCarthy PO Box 1266 Southold, NY 11971 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic lXPx~ 11958 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dart Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 Edward Dan Peconic Lane Peconic NY 11958 William Penny III 2200 Hobart Road Southold NY 11971 Thomas & Susan McCarthy PO Box 1266 Southold, NY 11971 John Satkoski & Rita Patficia 168 Fifth Street G-veenport NY 11944 Gary Rempe & Wife 3325 Youngs Avenue Southold NY 11971 Linda Bertani & Others Oakwood Drive Southold NY 11971' A~drey Berglund P.O. Box 1501 Southold NY 11971 Sthld 6 Sthld 6 Sthld 6 Sthld 6 Sthld 6 Sthld 6 B B B B B B RO RO RO RO RO RO P/O~,.~ -2-24.2 055-2-23 055-5-10 055-5-11 055-5-12.2 055-5-9.1 Frank Field Corp. 40 Middleton Road Greenport NY 11944 Madeleine Schlafer c/o 1670 House Route 48 Southold NY 11971 George Penny IV & Robert Boger, c/o Penny Lumber P.O. Box 2067 Cn-eenport NY 11944 Joann Rizzo P.O. Box 696 Greenport NY 11944 Donald Tuthill & Wife 3150 Boisseau Ave. Southold NY 11971 Patricia Miloski P.O Box 292 Southold NY 11971 046/-3-1 045-2-1 040-3-6.1 040-3-6_2 040-3-7 040-3-8 040-3-9.3 ·040-3-9.4 035-1-25 PlO 045-2-10.5 045-2-10.5 040-4-1 035-1-27.2 035-1-27.3 113-12-14 113-12-11 113-12-12 113-12-13 113-14-10 121-5-4.1 121-6-1 121-5-4.1 122-2-23.1 122-2-24 122-2-25 122-2-8.1 141-3-41 141-3-43 141-3-44 141-3-45.1 141-3-45_2 141-3-19 141-3-21 141-3-25.1 141-3-29.2 141-3-26 141-3-27 141-3-28 141-3-38.1 141-3-29.1 141-3-32.1 141-3-22 ' 141-3-39 140-2-32 141-3-18 Greenport 1,'~'. 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ASSESSMENT DATA ........... RS-SS I **CURRENT** RES PERCENT 1 ILAND 2,400 **TAXABLE** BANK ITOTAL 10,000 COUNTY 10,000 120 **PRIOR** TOWN 10,000 [LAND 2,400 SCHOOL 10,000 [TOTAL 10,000 ==DIMENSIONS ===1 ....... SALES INFORMATION .................................. ACRES 2.50 IBOOK 2 SALE DATE 00/00/00 IPAGE 00052 PR OWNER ....... TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 0 ............. I== TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS 3 ..... CODE AMOUNT PCT INIT TERM VLG HC OWN CODE UNITS PCT TYPE VALUE [FD028 Iswoii Fi=NEXT PARCEL F2=PARCEL UPDATE F3=N~XT EXEMPT/SPEC F4=PREV EXEMPT/SPEC 75.10- 03-050 F6=GO TO INVENTORY F9=GO TO XREF F10=GO TO MENU Barbara Szczotka PO Box 375 Pc'conic, NY 11958 August 12, 1999 Supervisor Jean Cochran Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Dear Jean, SUPERVISORS OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I'm writing to you with deep concern, not just for myself and my family but for the others who will not benefit from Mr. Cramer's plan. My father, Steve Domski and his now deceased wife Frances, lived in this town all their life and have farmed and operated their businesses here for over 65 years. The Rte 48 plan has absolutely outraged my father as well as the rest of the family. He has retained an attorney m the event any further action need be taken. He states, "It will not happen to me and my family again". Many years ago his land was divided by the new Rte 48 and again this same highway is being proposed for yet another change to his land. I can't believe that the Town Board would accept such a proposal to practically destroy something a man has worked for all his hfe! As you can well see, most of his property is being considered for one change or another. He has paidtaxes for business and light industrial property all these years and then have it just negated without any financial reimbursement for all those past years. This does not seem very democratic to me, it'.s communistic. We are not developers, we axe farmers and business people. We use the land for agriculture and nursery stock,how can this ruin Rte 48? To change our Garden Center to RO, which I might add is our hvelihood, would be ludicrous. Also, the property where our potato grading building stands, has been changed to AC, please explain to me what these parcels of land have to do with Rte 48? These properties axe also utilized in conjtiction with our Garden Center. We are bordered by the Water Authority filter station and Ackerly Pond Lane and the ralkoad tracks_ You once had my vote and support wholeheartedly as well as the rest of us because you were a local downhome person_ To be honest with you, Jean, this year you have frightened me. Our family and my father, who has been a Republican for a very long time, all fear what will happen if you and the present Board are re-elected. I have nothing against you personally, only your policies. It saddens me .to see what is happening in our town over all this. Friends not being able to be seen together or speak because of'their political differences or choices! Parties split and people are becoming nasty, mud slinging and vicious. It is a shame when in this town you can not or will not speak up for what you believe because you have to fear what retribution will be in the future. Doesn't this sadden you as well? Is this what our Town is turning into? It never used to be like this when the downhome folks ran things, now others come in and tell us whaI we should feel and think. This is no~t what Southold Town is all about? ls it? Jean, as Supervisor, it is up to you to make things right with all the discontented people, they are your constituents and helped put you in office. Please just don't push us aside for those who have retired here and no longer need to make a living or those who moved here from other regaons because they didn't like what they came from. Most of us grew up here and have worked here all our byes and like our town the way it is. We want to continue to serve our community as always without fear of what might happen in the future to our business. I do hope you will seriously listen '~o your heart and do what's good for all of us and cons/der those of us who also want to keep Southold a pleasant place to live. I am available at any time to come and talk to you about all of this, just let me know. Hoping you will make wise choices. Sincerely, Barbara Doroski Szczotka ELIZABETH A. NEVIL1.E TOWN CLERK REGISTI~kR OF VITAL STATISTICS k£4,RRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FRt~EI)OM OF LNFOI~LKTION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF HELD ON AUGUST 3. 1999: FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold has retained the services of a consultant to prepare a land use plan related to development along the County Route 48 Corridor; and WHEREAS the "Town of Southold Count3, Route 48 Corridor Land Use Study", known as the Study, has been completed to address development along the County Route 48 Corridor; and WHEREAS the Study constitutes a Type I action under SEQRA that may have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is the only involved agency; and XVHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold has not identified any significant adverse environmental impacts, but wishes to provide a format through the SEQRA review and public comment of the Study; and WHEREAS a Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (FGEIS) has been prepared and adopted by the Town Board; and WHEREAS a Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared to address the Study; and RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, acting as lead agency hereby adopts the annexed Notice of Completion for the Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement on the Town of Southold County Route 48 Corridor Land Use Study. Southnld Town Clerk August 3, 1999