HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeconic 2C SEQRARESOLUTION
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold ~s considering a change in the
zoning designation from (LI) LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Zoning District Designation to the
(HB) HAMLET BUSINESS Zoning District Designation ora certain parcel of land lying
in the Town of Southold identified by
SCTM#1000-~(-{~--_~ ~--[~, 3 ;and
WHEREAS the Town Board found that for the above action there is no other involved
agency; that for the above action the Town Board is the Lead Agency; that this action is
an Unlisted Action; all pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations 6 NYCRR 617 1 et.
seq. and Chapter 44 of thc Southold Town Code; and
WHEREAS, GEIS which said "no further SEQRA review requked" when "Changing
the Zoning Category of a parcel from one industrial zone to another industrial
zone, or from one commercial zone to another commercial zone, or from an
industrial zone to a commercial zone shall not require further SEQRA review if:
a) the proposed new zoning category for the subject parcel is consistent
with the zoning of surrounding parcels, or
b) the proposed change of zone does not permit higher intensity use of
the subject parcel as compared to the existing zone in terms of lot
coverage, building height, parking requirements, traffic, impervious
area, drainage, and setbacks, or
c) the proposed change zone does not take place in a designated
historical area, a critical environmental area, areas of Iow depth to
groundwater, or contain or are adjacent to freshwater wetlands or tidal
wetlands, or
d) the proposed change of zone is consistent with the County Route 48
Corridor Land Use Study and past land use plans of the Town of
Southold" and this proposed action meets this criteria/threshold; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board nevertheless conduct6d an LEAF pursuant to SEQRA in
addition to the GEIS findings statement; be it further
RESOLVED by the Town Board that this proposed project will not have any significant
adverse environmental impacts and therefore the Town Board issues a NEGATIVE
DECLARATION pursuant to the SEQRA rules and regulations.
WHEREAS the Tom Board of the Town of Southold is considering a change in the
zoning designation from (LI) LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Zoning District Designation to the
(HB) HAMLET BUS1NESS Zoning District Designation ora certain parcel of land lying
in the Iown of Southold identified by
SCTM#1000- ~C(-- '~ I ~'~ ;and
WHEREAS the Town Board found that for the above action there is no other involved
agency; that for the above action the Town Board is the Lead Agency; that this action is
an Unlisted Action; all pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations 6 NYCRR 617.1 et.
seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; and
WHEREAS, GEIS which said "no further SEQRA review required" when "Changing
the Zoning Category of a parcel from one industrial zone to another industrial
zone, or from one commercial zone to another commercial zone, or from an
industrial zone to a commercial zone shall not require further SEQRA review if:
a) the proposed new zoning category for the subject parcel is consistent
with the zoning of surrounding parcels, or
b) the proposed change of zone does not permit higher intensity use of
the subject parcel as compared to the existing zone in terms of lot
coverage, building height, parking requirements, traffic, impervious
area, drainage, and setbacks, or
c) the proposed change zone does not take place in a designated
historical area, a critical environmental area, areas of Iow depth to
groundwater, or contain or are adjacent to freshwater wetlands or tidal
wetlands, or
d) the proposed change of zone is consistent with the County Route 48
Corridor Land Use Study and past land use plans of the Town of
Southold" and tl'ds proposed action meets this criteria/threshold; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board nevertheless conducted an LEAF pursuant to SEQRA in
addition to the GEIS findings statement; be it further
RESOLVED by the Town Board that this proposed project will not have any significant
adverse environmental impacts and therefore the Town Board issues a NEGATIVE
DECLARATION pursuant to the SEQRA roles and regulations.
The LEAF (Long Environmental Assessment Form) within applies for each of the
specific parcels for the group known as "PECONIC 2C" of the County Route 48
Corridor Land Use Study "Recommendation Discussion".
The attached LEAF is identical for each parcel except for the following
Section A(2)- Regarding Total Acreage
Section B(1)(j)- Regarding Linear Frontage
Section C(5)- Regarding Maximum potential development of the site
These Sections currently reflect the combined totals of all the other
parcels in "PECONIC 2C". The individual information for each parcel is found in
SubStudy 1 and/or Substudy 2. (Substudy 1 and Substudy 2 are attached hereto
and incorporated by reference.)
A GElS was conducted for the County Route 48 Corridor Land Use Study.
The GElS and the SEQRA Findings Statement are incorporated herein by
In conformance with this portion of the SEQRA regulations, cdteda and
thresholds have been established to indicate when additional SEQRA review is
required for actions carried out in conformance with the recommendations of the
(County Route 48 Corridor) Land Use Study. These criteda and thresholds state
when additional SEQRA review is required. Among the criteria and thresholds
established is the following:
"1. Changing the zoning category of a parcel from any one of the
industrial or commercial zones in the Town of Southold to a single family
residential or Agricultural Zone shall not require further SEQRA review
"2. Changing the Zoning Category of a parcel from a higher density
residential zone to a lower density residential zone or Agricultural Conservation
Zone shall not require fur[her SEQRA review."
3. Changing the Zoning Category of a parcel from one industrial zone to
another industrial zone, or from one commercial zone to another commercial
zone, or from an industrial zone to a commercial zone shall not require further
SEQRA review if:
a) the proposed new zoning category for the subject parcel is consistent
with the zoning of surrounding parcels, or
b) the proposed change of zone does not permit higher intensity use of
the subject parcel as compared to the existing zone in terms of lot
coverage, building height, parking requirements, traffic, impervious
area, drainage, and setbacks, or
c) the proposed change zone does not take place in a designated
historical area, a critical environmental area, areas of Iow depth to
groundwater, or contain or are adjacent to freshwater wetlands or tidal
wetlands, or
d) the proposed change of zone is consistent with the County Route 48
Corridor Land Use Study and past land use plans of the Town of
Southold" and this proposed action meets this criteria/threshold; and
Town of Southold
Environmental Assessment Form
Peconic 2C
Proposed Change of Zone
Town Board's Own Motion
LI to I-fl3
Peconic Lane
Project Sponsor:
Town Board of the Town of Southold
Southold Town Hall
53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971
Contact Person:
Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk
Southold Town Hall
53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971
(516) 765-1801
Project Description:
The action is the proposed rezoning of approximately 2.13 acres of land in the Town of
Southold. The existing zoning is LI and the proposed zoning is HB. The action has frontage
along PeconJe Lane, in the hamlet of Peconic. Specific Suffolk County Tax Map Numbers
(SCTM#) can be found on the next page of this EAF. The action is a change of zone on the
Town Board's own motion based on the County Route 48 Land Use Study, the Generic
Environmental Impact Statement and the Findings related to that study.
Peconio 2C - EAF
Property Owners:
SCTM#, Owner's name and address.
P/O 074-3-19.2 Henry & St¢lla Smith, 1380 Hobart Road, Peconic, NY, 11958
074-3-19.3 Kenneth Dickerson, Chestnut Road, Southold, NY, 11971
A. Site Description
Physical s~tting of overall project, both d~veloped and undeveloped areas.
1. Present land use:
[~ Forest [~ Agliculture [~ Raral(non-farm) [~ Other vacant
2 Total acreage of project area: 2.13 acres
Meadow or Brmhland (Non-Agricultural) 1.21 acres 1.21 acres
Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.)
Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL)
Water Surface Area
Unvegutated (Rock, earth or fill)
Landscaping and/or Residential
Roads, buildings and other paved surfaceatUrban 0.92 acres 0.92 acres
Other ~inclicate B'pe)
3.What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? Haven Loam [0-3% slopes]
a. Soil drainage: 100.00% Well Drained
4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? NO
~. What is depth to bedrock? NA
5. Approximate~percentage of proposed project with slopes:
0-10% 100.00 %
15% or ~eater %
6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site or disnxic~, listed on the State or the National Registers
of Histuric Places? NO
7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? NO
8. What is the depth of the water table? 25' Source? SCDHS 1998 Groundwater Maps and
USGS Quadangle sheets
9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? YES
10 Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? NO
S' Peconic 2C - EAF 2
l 1. Does project site conlain any species of plant or animal that is identified ~s threatened or endangered? NO
According to: Cramer Consulting Group and Town of Southold Planning Staff.
Identify each species:
12. Are there any unique natural land forms on the project site? (i.e. elifl~ dunes, other geological formations) NO
13. ls the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? NO
If yes, explain:
14. Does the present site include scenic views know to be important to the community? NO
However general character oi' the area has been identified as scenic.
15. Streams within or contiguous to project area_ NO
a_ Name of Slream and name of River to which it is tributao':
16. Lakcs` ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: NO
a. Name: b. Size (In acres)
17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? YES
a) lfYes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? YES
b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? NO
18 Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section
303 and 304? NO
19 Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 &the
ECL, and 6 NYCRR 6177 NO
20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? NO
B. Project Description:
I. Physical dimensions and scale ofproj~
Note: As the proposed action is for a change of zone on the Town of Southold Town Board's own motion there is no
physical alteration of any property. Therefore these questions are not applicable in this section_ More relevant
information m be found in Section C of this EAF. Also plea. se refer to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement
and Findings Statement for the County Route 4~ Corridor Land Use Study prepared by the Town of Southold).
a. Total contiguo~ acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor: NA
b. Project acreage to be developed; initially: NA Ultimately: NA
c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped: NA
d. Length of project, in miles (if appropriate): NA
e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed: NA
f. Number of off-street parking spaces; Existing: NA Proposed: NA
g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour {upon completion of project)? NA
Pooonic 2C - EAF 3
h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: NA
One Family Two Family Multiple Family Candorniniutn
i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure? Height: Width: Length:
j. Linear feet of fi.ontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 168'
2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will he removed from the site? NA
3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? NA
~_ If yes, for what innended puipose is the site being reclaimed? NA
b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? NA
¢. Will upper subs oil be stockpiled for reclamation? NA
4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground anvers) will be removed fi.om site? NA
5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally imperfect vegetmion be removed by this project? NA
6. If single phase projecq Anticipated period of coastruation in months, (including demolition). NA
7. If multi-phased;
a_ TomJ number of phases anticipated (number): NA
b. Anticipated date of commencement phase, (including demolition). Month: Year:
c. Approximate Completion date of final phase Month: Year:
d Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? Yes: ]INo: ]x[
8. Will blasting occur during consh'uetion? NO
9. Number oflohsgenerated;duringconstxuetion: iNA; After project is complete: NA
10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project NA
I I. Will project require relocal/on of any projects or facilities? NO
12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? NO
a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount:
b. Name of water body into which effluefit will be discharged:
13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? NO
a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, Indas~rial, etc.) and amount:
b. If yes, indicate method of disposal:
14. Wdl surface area of an existing water body mcmaso or d ceres.se by proposal NO
15. Is project or any portion el'project located ia a 100 year flood plain? NO
16. Will the project generate solid waste? NO
If yes, what is the amount per month (in tons):
b. If yes. will an existing solid waste facility be used?
c. Ifyas, give name:
Peconic 2C - EAF 4
d. Will any wastes not go into a s~wage disposal system or into a sa~it~'y landfill? NO
e. If Yes, explain:
17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? NO
a_ If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal (tons/month)?
b. If yes, what is the an~ialpa~ed site life7
18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? NO
19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? NO
20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise NO
21. Will projec~ result in an increase in energy use NO
If yes, indicate type(s):
22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capa¢ivJ (gallons/minute): NA
23. Total anticipated water usage per day (gallons/day):
24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal fianding? NO
Ye,s, explain:
25. Approvals Required.'
Type Date
City, Tow~ Village Board Yes X No Change of Zone
City, Town, Village Planning Board Yes No X
City, Town Zoning Board Yes No X
City, County Health Department Yes No X
Other Local Agencies Yes No X
Other Regional Agencies Yes No X
State Agencies Yes No X
Federal Agencies Yes No X
C. Zoning and Planning Information
1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? YES
If Yes, indicale decision requi~d?
site plan new/revision of master plan resource management plan other
2. What is the zoning classification(s) of the site? LI
Peconic 2C - EAF 5
3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning?
27835 square feet of industrial buildings. Estimate does not figure roads, drainage, parking, etc.
Computation is based on a straight arithmetic computation based on percent of lot coverage as allowed in
the code. Actual yield under a detailed site plan may be less. Estimate represents m~ximum potential
4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? HB
! 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning?
37113 square feet of commercial buildings. Estimate does not figure roads, drainage, parking, etc.
Computation is based on a straight arithmetic computation based on percent of lot coverage as allowed in
the code. Actual yield under a detailed site plan may be less. Estimate represents maximum potential
6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? YES
7. What are the predominant land ase(s) and zaning classifications within a 1/4 mile radius of proposed action?
Land uses include: agricultural, single-family residence, commercial, industrial. Zoning includes
AC, R80, R40, LB, B, LL, HB.
8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a I/4 mile? YES
~' 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? NA
a_ What is the minimum lot size proposed?
10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? NO
I 1. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services Irecreation, education, police, fire
~ protection)? NO
~ a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? NA
12_ Will tho proposed action result in the generation of txaffie significantly above present levels? NO
If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic?
: D. Informational Details
Please refer to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement and Findings Statement for ~e County Route
48 Corridor Land LIse Study prepared by the Town of Southold).
E. Verification
1 certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge,
Name of Preparer:. Crarner Consulting Group Date:
Signature: Title: Consulhant~ to the Town Board
I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge.
: Applicant/Speusor Name: Date:
Signature: Title:
Peconic 2C - EAF 6
T:~e Ezampl~ 2rov{d~ are ~a as~i~ :he re,/~ewe~ ~y ~howing rr'~es ~¢ ~mpac~ ~nd '~here,/er possible (he threshold
ma~ni[uce t~a[ wouJd ad,get ~ restonic m column I. ~he exampl~ are gene~l[y appi~czb e :hrou~hou: :,he State
for mcs~ dmsdon¢_ 3u(. for ~ny spec:ftc ;raiec: or s~ce o~er &~mpies An~cr lower chre$hold~ m~y be 8ppropria
The imp~c~ oi ez~h pro~_ on e~ch i~:e_ in e~c5 lehigh/, wi[[ van/. T~e~e~ore. ~e ~zmp/e~ Are i[(us~-Adve
h~ve b~ a~a~ ~ auidanc~ t%~ey do ,aoE c=nsUmce aa ~ [~ 0¢ im¢a~ ~nd ahre~hald~ co an~er e~Ch que~dc
The number ai ~ples per qu~doa do~ nec indicate ~e im~ce of ezd~ qu~don.
In idend~ng imp~. c:~ider long :e~. ~ho~ ce~ ~d ~amlzdve
in~lons (Read c~eiull~
~ Aa~er 4adq at ~e ~ questions ia PA~ ~ Answer Tes if the~ will be any impact ,
c: If ~edng Y~ to z qu~dcn than ~neck the aopropdAte bo~ (~luma ~ ~r ~ :o indicate ~e potential ~ize of the
· re~hoid is lower ~ e~ple, &geck ~lumn 1.
d. ldend~ing ~at ~ impa~ w/il be potentially I~ge (c:lumn ~ do~ not m~ m~t it i~ ~Jso necessarily
Aay large impA~ mu~ be ev~u~ted in ¢A~ 3 to det~ine si~nific~c~ [dendfl/ing ~a impact in ~lumn 2 ~iBply
e. If re~ewer h~ doubt ~ sJ~ af ~e impa¢ men c=n~ider :~e impact ~ potentially f~e and proceed to PA~
L ff ~ patand~ly I~ge imp~ ~h~ed in column 2 ~ be mit[gat~ ~ c~g~s) in ~e proje~ ta & ~mall to moderate
mu~ be ~l~n~ in ~ &
SmAll to Potential .C~n ImcAc. Be
Mcde~te ~ge Mitiqa~ By
iMPACT ONe ph~i~i~NB L pmj~ site¢ ImpAct [mpa~ Project Change
Will uhe ¢rooosed a~aa ~[t [n du~ge~ ~e
~amoies ~at would ap¢ly :o c=tumn 2
Any .~on on slop~ or 1~.* ~r g~acer. 05 root ~e per 100 ~ ~ ~Ye~
Con~nn on l~d where ~e de~ m ~e water ~le W I~ ~an ~ 0 OYes
C~on of paw p~ing ~a far 1,~ or mo~ vehi~. ~ ~ ~y~ ~No
3 ¢~r o¢ ~sdng ~d su~
Co~on ~at ~[I ~ndnue gar mom ~zn I year or in. lye mo~ ~ ~ ~y~
·an one ph~e or ~g~
~cavadon ~or mining po~os~ ~ac would remove mom ~an ~.0~ ~ ~ ~y~
C~ns~on or ~Oa~ion ~f a sani~ ~andfiJl_ ~ ~ ~y~
Other im~ac= ~ ~ ~.s
Will ~ece ~e an ~ffec: to a~yunique or unusual [And ~s found on
the site? (.e_. cliffs dun~. i~logi~ fo~6c~. ~cc]~O ~YE$
{Under .~,'dcJe~ rS. 2~. 2g aC :he ~v~ron~en(z[ Con~zzdcn Law. ECL]
Oeve~ooao,e ~rea cr s~e c~n[ams a :racet:ac wa~er~od,/.
Ored~in~ mare ~han ~00 c:b[c yards a~ macarial i~om channel al a
protected s~ream.
E~ension of udlib/db~ibudan Facilities ahrough a pro~e~ed water body.
Ccnszmc:Jan in a daigna[ed ~reshwacer ar tidal wedand_
Other impact:
~. WiiI proposed ac-ion a~e~ any non-grotec:ed e~L~fin~ or new 5ody
~mpl~ ~ac would a~ply to column 2 ~
· A 10% inc~e or de~-e~e in ~e suEac~ area o( any body of watar
· Consa~cdon a( a body of water ~at ~c~s ~0 acres of su~ac~ area. ~ ~ ~Y~ ~No
· O~er ~mgac~:
5. Will Prooosed AcJon z~e~ surface or ~roundwac~r
qualky or qu~dW~ ~ ~YES
~mp[~ ~hac would appiv :a column 2
· Proposed ,&~cn will r~uire ~ d~narse pe~it ~. ~ ~ ~Ya ~No
· Proposed At. On r~uir~ u~e 0¢ a sourca o~ wa=er ahat does not ~ ~ ~v~¢ ~No'
have approval :o se~e proposed (proj~)
- Proposed A~on ~ui~ water supply r~m weils wkh greater ~an 45
g~ilons per minum gFmDing
· Co~on ar oge~on ~in~ ~y can~minaaon o~ ~ water
supply ~em.
' Pmp~ed A~on will advemeiy aU~ ~mun~t~_ ~ ~ QY~ ~No
' Uquid efflu~nt'4il be ~.vey~ aU ~e site ~o ~adii~ whidn ~r~endy ~ ~ ~Y~ ~No
do not a~ or ~ ~ad~uzte
axisdng body of w~r ~ ~e ~t ~a~ ~e ~1[ be ~ ob~
con~ ~ nam~l ~ndido~.
produ¢J greacer ¢~ ~,~ gallons.
· ?ro~o~ed .&~on will allow ~idendal ~ in area~ wi~ouc wacer
' Prooas~ At,on [ao[~ c:mme~ai an~or indus~ai ~ which may ~ ~ ~y~ ~No
· Oaher ~moac~
' ?tcOos~ A~an would ~qan~e fl~d w~cer ~l~s./
Impact Imp-:c: Praiec~ Char~
- ~;cposed Ac:ion ;~ ~ncom~ad~ie with exisung cr~ina~ pacz~rns ~ ~ I~Ye~ ~Nc
' ?focused Ac:ion will zilow de,,eJoome~c in z designated ~[codw~_v. ~ ~ ~Ye~ ~
"OCher ;me~c~: ~ ~ ~Ye~ ~No
S~amole~ that would apoiy to c~lumn l
· ~- -' 'il' '' =' vehic'e any i _ , --
, ,ooosed Ac.mo wi ;haut_ ~,~ or more
re~use per hour.
he~ ~ource produCn~ mo~ ~an 10 million S~'s per hour_
- Propos~ arian will allow ~ ~e in ~e amount of [and cammiced ~ ~ ~Yes ~No
co indu~aJ use_
· ?ropos~ a~on will zJ[ow ~n inC~e in ~e d~si~¢ ~i [ndus~al ~ ~ ~Y~ ~No
deve!opment within ~xi~n~ ind~l areas_
8. ~i[ Prc~o~ed A~on a~e~ any ~rea~n~ or end~nsered
lis~ usin~ ~5e site. over or ne~ s~e or ~ound on ~e
· Remov~i of any ~on of a c~dc31 ar significant wildlife habi~ ~ ~ ~Y~ ~No
' Appii~San o¢ 2~dde or he~idde mare ~ ~ics a year, oaher ~ ~ ~Yes ~No
· an ~or ~1~[ ~umas~.
· O~er im~a~
9. '~ll Pmp~ A~an sub~dally aff~
non~ndang~ s~ ~ ~YE5
· ?raoos~ A~on r~i~ ~e ~maval of mom ~sn
of ma~re furor [over 100 yea~ cf age} ar o~er !oc~ly impo~nt
10. Ndl me P~osed A~an zffec ag~c~i~r~i land ~urc~?
' ' ' ' ~0
. E;~mpl~ :hat would ac~iv '.o c:iumn ~_
~anc :inc~ude~ c~oianc_ :~aviie~c~. 9a$~re. viney~, or~ar~.
~ricuicur~=l land.
of ~ricuhur~l I~nd or, if ~oc~ced in zn .A~ricuku[~i Oisafi~ mace
chon 2_5 ~c;~ a? a~ricul~ral I~nd_
· The prooaz~ i~jon would di~p~ or prevent instal[aden o~ a~Hcui~r~
[and m~naBemenc Wscems (e.~.. subsu~c~ drain Hnes. oudet ditches.
s:rip cza~pin~J; ar ~te ~ need for such me~sur~
field co d~in pooriy due to [ncre~ed
(If n~a~. use ~e ~suaI gAF Addendum [n~an 8~7~0.
Ap~end~ B.]
~m~l~ ~zc would apply ~ column 2
Proposed land us~, or p~je~ componeno obvio~iy diffe~nc ~rom ~ ~ ~'(~ ~No
or in sham con~ :o ~en[ su.~aundin8 I~d use p~ms, whe~er
Proposed [~nd ~. ar proj~ campan~ vizbie :o use~ o~ '~ ~ ~Tes ~No
~medc r~ourc~ whi~ wiii eiimine~e or ~i~nifi~dy ~uc~ ~e~r
enjoyment of ~e ze¢~edc ~utli~ ~f ~c r~aurce.
Proje~ comgoneno ~c wiil r~uk
screenin8 of ~c~nic v(e~
12. Will Pr~po$~ Action impact any si~ or
hi~dc ar pal~ntologi~l imgomc~ ' ~0
~mpl~ ~at would ~ply m column 2
~pas~ A~oo a~ng w~lly ar p~ally ~n ar ~aily ~ ~ ~y~ ~No
con~uo~ to ~y ~dli~ or~te I~ on
Any impa~ ~ ~ ~{o~l site or
Propas~ A~an will oczur in an ~ d~igna~
ar~a~logicai sit~. an ~e NYS Site
C~her imDa~'
iS. Nil[ Pmpos~ A~on ~ff~ ~e quand~ or .uaii~ a? ~ng or
· ~amples ~at wou[d apply ta column 2 ~0 OYES
The permanent ~oc~iosure o~ · furore ~don~l~ni~.
A major ;~u~aan o( an open spac~ imOamt ~ ~e c=mmunle/. ~ ~ ~ ._- ~Nc
E.;;~rng|e~ :.ha J: would i;Oiy co c~iumn 2
· Prooosed.Ac~on will r~uJ[
' OCher impa~:
-~ . . . ~ ~YES
· Alteration o~ pr~en~ p~s oF movement of p~ie ~or ~oods.
· Propos~ A~on wdl result in major ~c problems_ .
· Other impact:
~-ner~¥ mm=iv~ "~0
· =rccosec .~.c:;on ,,,,,ii cause i **rezter :hah 5% {ncrea3e !n ..'he
· ::oacsed .-~c:~on :.,il :ecmre ~e creauon or ~xcension oi an ~ergy
3Ias~:n¢ wig;nm 1.500 fe~t er a nc~p~cal, school sc ~her ~ensicr.'e
Coors '.viii aczur routinely fmore dnan one hour per
grocosed Action wdl produce cperat/n~ noise ~ceedin~
Proposed A~Jon 'Mil remove ~atural ba~ie~ dnat would acz ~ a
noise screen.
~ampl~ ~at would apply' :o column 2
Proposed A~an may ~e a ~k of ~lo$ion cr reJea~e~ "of hazardous
subscanc~ 0-~ oil, g~dcJd~. ~nemi~b. ~diadon, eec) in ~e event of
acddent or u~set candi~ons, or ~ere may be ~ cSronic iow level
dbcSar~e or
~ra~osed A~on may r~ult in ~e burial of "h~ous w~'
~o~ (i.e. co~ ~oisono~. highly ~ve. ~dio~ve. i~n~
S~cr~ge ~ac!l[d~ for one million or more g~ilons of iicudied na~l
~ or a~er fi~mm~bie liquid.
?rogos~ a~Jon may result in ~e ~cavadcn ar o~er dis~rbance
wim/n 2.~0 ~t of a ~i~e '~ far ~e dba~ai o~ solid or
~at w~uld a,ol~ly t~ column 2
ThA ye~c ~puladon o~ ~e ~. ~ or ~lla~e
prai~ ~ 1o~ ~ l~ely ~ g~ ~ mom ~
The munidpaI buret Jar ~i~ ~di~f~ or
will inG~e ~ mom ~ 5% p~- ye~ ~ a ~uit of
gropa~ z~n ,~11 c=nfl/~ wi~ o~da[ly adeOt~ ~l~s or goals_ ~ i~ ~Y~ ~No
?~posed A~on wiiI re~iac~ or ~flminace ~ng ~cfl~tJes. s~r~s ~ ~ ~Y~ ~No
or ~re~ of hi~c~C [mpo~c~ ~ ~e ~mmunieF. "
Deveio~ment will ~te ~ d~and iar ~ddi~onal ¢=mmuni~ se~ic~
~rcoased A~on will sec an impo~nt prec~ent ~or ~u~re ~roiec~_ i~ :~ .~Yes .~No
7rcgased A~cn wiil ~ ar ~liminace ~m0icvment ' ' '~ ~ Fes 'TNo
Ob~er imp~ ~ ~ ~y~ ~o
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