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April 21, 1981
8:40 A.M. - The Board met with Chief Carl Cataldo to discuss
· hir~ ~oliee offieer.~ from the civil service list - number
to hi~e; when to begin employment - who shall be employed.
(The next police academy starts May 18th. )
· * *
9:20 A.M. - Chief Cataldo explained the technicalities under
law relative to propn~d.~e ~f ~ ~n~-i~.ted Wel]araft bo~.t.
The Town cannot take title to this craft until October 1981,
but decided to refurbish it at an approximate cost of $180.00
for the boat and $200.00 for the engine and utilize it.
9:30 A.M. - Town Clerk Terry advised the Board that a cusbomer
of .CAT~ had disconnected for four months during the winter and
had recently requested reconnection and was advised he would be
required to pay for the reconnection, which is a legal charge
and he did not object to, as well as ~x montb~ ~erviee i~
advance. After a discussion with CATV by Supervisor Pell and
a reminder concerning the franchise Which stated a customer
could not be charged for more~than two months in advance, CATV
corrected their statement to the customer.
9:35 A.M. - Councilman Drum reported on his meeting with the
Zoning. P]s.nni:n~ and Buildin~ Committee and representatives
fr0m ~ose departments. The-decision was made that these
departments will submit their recommended changes in the Code-~
to the Planning Board secretary for distribution before the
llth of May fo~ review and on Thursday, May 21st the Committee
will meet to review all of the reco~mnended changes.
9:40 A.M. - Councilman Murphy reported that he has obtained a
booklet concerning mUlti-family homes from the Tri-State Planning
Commission. He suggested that a meeting with the Zoning and
Planning Boards be held, followed by a public informational
meeting to determine whether there is a need for a change in
the Zoning Ordinance to permit.multi-family dwellings. He
personally feels there is a definite need for them.--Councilman
Murdock questioned the affect of multi-family dwellings on
population density, ground water and solid waste.--Councilman
Murphy stated restrictions should be enacted and each case
handled on an individuaI basis, perhaps two year permits, no
absentee landlords. He will set up a meeting with representatives
from the Zoning and Planning Boards.
9:45 A.M. - The Board met with Venetia McKeighan, Manager of
the Southold Town Nutrition Site concerning cutbacks in the
program. The use of volunteers was discussed and Mrs. McKeighan
said they have advertised through service agencies but have not
had any responses for volunteers. There is a resolution before
the county legislature relative to reapportionment of federal
revenue sharing funds which could be utilized by the program,
but a similar resolution has been vetoed twice by County Executive
Cohalan. Supervisor Pell feels there will be a compromise with
regard to the pending resolution. He said he will study the
Town budget to determine where the $8059.00 which Mrs. McKeighan
is requesting to take care of needed services, and will meet with
her again at the May 5th work session of the Board.
156 APRIL 21, 1981
10:00 A.M. - The Board discuSsed the bid opening for' sale and
removal of the former ~efreshment buitdin~ at Southold Town
BeachJ Arshamomaque. Since the Board had requests to rent the ·
building they had decided to reevaluate this following the bid
opening which Took place on April 20th. TWO bids were received -
John Geier for $510.00 and Richard Wilton for $1012~00. The Board
was polled and it was decided to enter a resolution on the agenda
to accept the bid of Richard Wilton.
10:15 A.M. - Henry Moisa, Ckairman of the Board of Assessb~s met
with the Board to discuss hiring Denise Johnson a CETA worke~
as a part-time Clerk Typist.in their office following her termina-
tion from the CETA program on April 30th. M~. Moisa advi'Sed'the
Board that the Volume of work in the Assessor's Office has been
increasing steadily and they are falling back in record keeping,
reports and filing. Ms. Johnson would be of tremendous help, as
she is now familiar with the re~ord keeping in that department and
can aid the Assessors in implementing the Alarm System.
went on to explain the Alarm System to the Board, but requested
that the Board meet with a representative of the New York State
Department of Equalization and Assessment for further details.
It was agreed that Mr. Mo~sa would invite such a representative
to the May 12th ~ork session at 2:00 P.M. The Board also agreed
to place a resolution on the agenda to hire Denise Johnson as a
part-time Clerk-Typist at $4.50 per hour-for 20 hours per week.
11:05 A.M. - The Board resumed reviewing the agenda.
Supervisor Pell report that as a result of a meeting of the ~en
..Town SuDervisor's A~o~.~ion, they adopted a resolution ~o request
51location of the state sales tax from the County of Suffolk.
Supervisor Pell .apologized to the Board for that the
report of the Robin's Island Advisory Committe9 appeared in the
press prior to being delivered to the Board members (t~he report
has yet to the received by the Board members). Supervisor Pell
stated the report is at the printers. Councilman Murdock commented
that~the report should not have been available ~ the press, as it
was not in its final f~rm a~d, the Board m~bers had not h~d~an
opportunity to see it. Supervisor Pell explained that when the
press asked to see the report, he said they could review the file
in his office, but would not receive copies until the final report
has been delivered by the printer.
Discussion was held concerning the "No Parking" sign~ in front of
the S~hold P?~sbyterian Church,.and the Town Clerk was instructed
to write a letter to Austin EmerY; Department of Transportation,
NYS, requesting that he meet ,with the Board on May 5th to inspect
and discuss the ~'No Parking" signs.
Discussion was held concerning community residences proposed by
the N.Y.S. Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities..
There is a resolution pending on the 3:00 P.M. regular meeting agenda
concerning the proposed sites at Short Road, Cutcho~ue, ~
Drive, East Marion,. and Plum Island:Lane,"Orient. Councilman Murdock
suggested that Barbara Townsend of OMRD be invited to the May 12th
work session to answer questions concerning the program: i.e. how
many sites are proposed in the Town of Southold, how many people
in the Town are in need of these services (a point brought out by
Councilman Drum), what is the criteria-for each community and how
are the programs working out 'in ot'her 'communities (a point b~ought
forth by Councilman Murphy), and any other.information that might
be pertinent.
After further discussion and review of agenda items, the Board
recessed for lunch at 12:35 P.M.
Work session resumed at 1:40 P.M.
1:45 P.M. - Merle Wiggins, Roger Hecklinger of Velzy Associates,
and Gary Strang of Sacco & Ahlers made a presentation to the Town
Board concerning solid waste management.. Charles R. Velzy Assoc-
iates, Inc., Armonk, New York is a consulting engineering firm for
sanitary engineering. Velzy Associates Submitted a proposal for
APRIL 21, 1981
a comprehensive review, and st~,~?re~om~ended solutions for
the Town's solid waste disposal problems in a letter dated November
4, 1980. The proposed to accomplish the work at $13,500.00 and the
cost proposal remains the same. Mr. Hecklinger explained in detail
their proposal which consists of:
1. A review of and analysis of pr6posals submitted to date.
2. A thorough evaluation of the value of the Town's solid
waste as a resource to produce steam and/or electricity.
3~ Determine the most efficient and economical method and
equipment to accomplish #2 above.
4. An evaluation of benefits from re-cycling of any portion
of the solid waste.
5. An evaluation with recommendations of proposed equipment
for air emissions control and compliance with air quality standards.
6. A determination of quantity and quality of residual material
(ashes and non-burnables) with ~recommendations on how best to dispose
of same.
7. A review with recommendations for the Town's scavenger waste
problem to include discussion with the Village of Greenport on use
of their central sewage treatment plant.
8 Recommendation of. location of a waste processing plant
that would best take advantage of its generated energy resource.
9. Review of all proposals with appropriate Federal, State
and County officials.
Councilman Murdock asked if the firm would have access to
private funding. ~r. Hecklinger stated they definitely have people
in mind that can privately fund private waste facilities; however
the size becomes a factor since the Town's facility would bring a
relatively small profit.--The Board will consider Velzy's proposal
and wilt be receiving presentations from other firms in the future,
including Energy Development Corporation who will appear before the
Town Board on Nay 12, 1981.
The Board resumed reviewing the agenda at 2:30 P.M.
The Board again discussed ONRD community residence sites. Councilman
Drum opposed the Short Road and Plum Island Lane sites, as~ well as
Gillette Drive, which has been withdrawn as unsuitable structurally.
Councilman Murdock opposed all three sites, as did Councilman ~urphy,
Councilman Nickles opposed all three sites,, stating that there, are
presently three sites in the Town (one in Greenport Village) and
he would 'not like to see any more sites until a report is provided
from~ O~RD relative to how the three existin~ sites are functioning.
He would also like to know from ONRD how many sites are in existence
and proposed in other towns in Suffolk County. Supervisor . ell said
he would abstain from voting but would be willing to arrange for
friends, who have been house parents in a community residence~, to
meet with the Board,
The Board debated the interpretation of "civic groups" with relation
to ~Se of the Senior/Youth Center. A request was received from The
west Creek Estates Proper~y Owners Association to hold their semi-
annual meetings at the Center. The Board decided to permit this
group to use the building for the aforesaid meetings.
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on Tuesday,
April 21, 1981 at the Southotd Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New
York. Supervisor Pell opened the meeting at 3:00 P.M. with the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Supervisor William R. Pell, III
Councilman Henry W. Drum
Councilman John J. Nickles
Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr.
Councilman Francis J. Murphy
* *
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker
Absent: Justice Francis T. Doyen
APRIL 21, 1981
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Southold Town Board meetings of
April 7, 1981 and April 14, 1981 be and the same are hereby approved.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Dell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman-Drum, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board
will be held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, ~av 5, %98_1_at the Southold
Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. -
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
· Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum,'Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adop%ed. --
1. Report of. the North Fork Animal Leagu~ for the mon~h.of
March (1981).
2. Report of Justice Doyen~gfor three months from Fishers
Island - January, February, March (1981).
3. Report from Long-Island CablevisioD (March 1981).
4. The Councilmen have some reports to make and I will start
with Councilman Murdock.
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: The'only added report we have is we just talked
today to Sacco and Ahlers reference to an engineering proposal for
the~. The Board isn't ready to act on their recommenda-
tion as yet. We will have Energy Development Corporation come here
and Councilman Murphy and myself are going to a finincing seminar
.and by then maybe we'll have a little more to report to,the Town.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Councilma~Drum?
COUNCILMAN DRUM: Last week we--the committee Nickles
and myself with Frank Murphy in attendanceL-we-m~ the Zonin~
Bo~rd_ the Planning B~rd ~-~ ~b~ R~ild~ng Tn~p~n~r~.~,~ We are in
the process of reviewing our zoning--planning ordinances and the
definitions. We plan on meeting again On the 21st of May ~a~t which
time we hope we will have all, the recommended changes in to review
them.. --~ ~ '~
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Councilman Murphy has a report.
COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Yes, Bill, on ~egaI two-family housing. I have
sent away to the Tri-State Regional Planning Board for some books
on this. As soon as they come we will set up a meeting---I believe
Jerry (Goehringer) is the representative from the Board of Appeals---
and the Planning Board and the Town Board to discuss this, at which
time we'll set up a public informational meeting to give out informa-
tion and get some input from the people. What it is is to take some
of these older homes to help older people whose family has moved away,
maybe a husband'died, a wife died, to convert it into another apartment.
The towns to the west of us have done this illegally for quite some
time and now are finding it:.quite a job to convert these and to get
these houses legal and I feel that before it really gets to be a
problem here that we should address it and do it in the right way
and I think we can also help a lot of senior citizens. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR PELL: You're welcome. Councilman Nickles?
COUNCILMAN NICKLES: On the ~each Committee., we met last Tuesday
with Sea Grant relative to discussion of erosion at Town Beach
on the Sound on ~ennev's Beach~and a report was filed on that and
recommendation made. Earlier this year the Beach Committee dis-
cussed the concession or refreshment stand at Town Beach, formerly
known as Jack's Shack. That went out to bid after discussion on
the Board to either have the building removed or torn down. We
received two bids and later in the~meeting there will be a resolution
accepting one of the offers to remove the building.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. As for myself, I have three items I'd
Llike to report on. One of them was a meeting we had with our county
-~executive, Mr. Richards and Mr. Mrazek from the county legislature
reouesting the countv to share with the ten towns sameofits sales
i~ Last year they exceeded'in revenue approximately
thirteen million dollars than they had anticipated. There are
45 counties in the State-of New York, 32 of them share with the
different towns within the counties. We feel-it should be 33.
We did meet and request this. A committee was formed from the ten
towns. We have SuperviSor Vecchio, Supervisor Lefkowitz and Super-
visor Janowski from Riverhead Town representing the ten towns to
meet with three people from the' legislature to see if we could not
work out some compromise where some of this sales tax could be
returned to the-ten towns. They have a June tst deadline to get
their recommendations back to us.
The feeder bus rou~e, and the S-92 route that runs £rom--
basically~from Greenport to the southside through Riverhead--
has been started. Our feeder bus route in Southold Town has,
I'm going to use the word "finally" being accepted by the residents.
It is being used. For the longest time the number was any~vheres
from 40 to '50 people using it. Now the average number is up around
80. The east end of our Township used it and now the west end is
finally starting to use it. The S-92 line,- which is the bus that
runs up to Riverhead Hospital, to Woolco Shopping Center, the
county seat, all the way to Southampton, that has just been put
on line and it is doing well over 100 people a day using that.
That is far better than the anticipation was of that route when
it was done at such an early stage. So these bus lines are
starting to be used to a degree; there is still room for improve-
The Robins I~land Committe~ which I chaired, after six months,
last Thursday night, wound up its final work. The final work was
turned~over to be printed up and distributed to the Town Board.
It w~ll be distributed, I hope, by the end of this week. I know
you all read a lot of it in the press about it. There have been
no copies given out. The press had come in and gone through the
files to get their informationJ I'm a little bit awkward to say,
I had wished, I make no bones about it, I had wished that it had
not been in the press until after the Town Board had reviewed it,
but it didn't work out that way. It has been approximately--you
have nine people on that--we met about 26--25 or 26 nights--two
hours a night and a tot of effort put into it. Councilman Murdock
said today the report was 119 pages long. I think he's fairly
close, he missed by a hundred, there should be a two in front of
that. With the appendix it is over 200 pages long. The actual
report, Larry's right, ~he actual report is about 119, but the
appendix that goes with it, the graphs of iaxes puts it way u~.
It will be distributed, I hope, by the end of this week.
Basically that's the reports that I ha*e to make.
1. From the Corpa of.Engineers, application by Katherine
.Ruebsamen to maintain a groin extension at Cedar Beach. Comments
have to be made by May 7th.
2. From the D~Dartment af ~rans~Ortation..Traffic and
Safety. Three notices, 1. to amend Corwin Lane with a stop sign,
this street is called Doctor's Path or Peanut Alley, it's near
Sophie's, a well known establishment, Willomere Inn in Southold.
Also, 2. Akerly Pond Road, they are going to put a stop sign at
the entrance on the north, and 3. is a yield sign at Tuckers Lane
and Route 25, which I think we will be referring that to the Police
Chief to see if that is the proper sign.
3. Again from the C~rpa of E~gin~ers regarding Mat~tuck Inlet~
Marina where ~hey have a dredging permit. Responses may be made
by May llth.
4. New York State D__~partment of E~vironmental_~nservation,
Notice of Complete Application by ~srbor Lights Associatio~ for
maintenance dredging at an inlet there. Responses by May 6th.
5. Again the DEC, Complete Application by ~attituak Inlet
~ for maintenance dredging~ Response May 6th..~
6. Department of the Army, Corps of En~ineer~, application
relative to dredging the. Plum ~sland ~erry sliD. Responses on
that is May 14th.
7. Again from the DEC.,which is a variance located on the
Sound east of M¢Cabe's Beach. There wil~ be a public hearing
May 1st at 10:00~ A.M. in the Suffolk County Legislative Meeting
Room in Riverhead.
8. Suffolk County.Hous~n~ Ta~k For~e is sponsoring a program
160 APRIL 21, 1981
relating to housing needs on May 7th at 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
az the Suffolk County Legislature Conference Room and the public
is invited.
All of these notices are on file with the Town Clerk if you
wish to look at them you may do so.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. I have one more that just came in
today and I would just like to announce it because it is the
SOuthold Town ~outh Projection, inc~ which operates out of the
Peconic Lane building. They are having a.~h there on May
~3rd, from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M.; money to go to the Youth Projection.
On the 24thjat 1:30, this week, ~uffolk County Police are coming
9ut and giving a Lecture on se~f-defense to a~l people concerned
and he did put notices out so the seniors that use the building
will see it also and perhaps some of them will come.
1. _~ Township telling us of an evacuation 91an
that they have put into effect and for us to be aware Of what
they are doing. We have an evacuation plan, a very thorough one,
for the residents of Fishers Island, which you realize is part
of Southold Town and it is~ in the ten mile circle of a nuclear plant.
Councilman Drum has worked on that with Councilman-Justice Doyen
and the people on Fishers Island. That is in effect and there has
been a lot of work put. in on that.
COUNCILMAN DRLrM: In fact I might mention, Bill, We do have a
rough':draft of a plan for Southold Town wh~.ch is being considered.
SUPERVISOR PELL: 2. A report from.~ saying they are
going to take Showtime off and put.on S~otli~ht in its place
some time around May 1st.
3. Again from East Hampton Town, a resolution they have
going ~gainst the proposed Assembly Bill to makethe strioed
bass size. which is 16 inches in New York.State now, to be 24
inches. They sent it to us asking that we also:go ~n record as
supporting this. I have requested some information to cOme to
the TOwn that there is a federal program going on on:striped
bass. Every state has a different law. In Maryland you can take
the small ones, but over 15 pounds, I believe it is, you have to
throw them back. In Jersey it's against the law to catch striped
bass Commercially. Connecticut you can't sell striped bass. The
federal government, through the states, has asked for one law to
govern the species. This'has been in the'works since I have been
involved with fisheries for the last two years. The committee is
just about done making final, reports. I'm trying to.get my hands
on what some of the recommendations are so we can evaluate it. I
will put this on the agenda again and have the Board take a stand
on it but I have suggested we wait until I see if I can get the
study. I don't know when it is going to be released.
4. Reeuest for san~ from a Mrs. Martha J. Paul up in Nassau
Point.When dred~in~ is done in the area she would like people to
put the sand on her beach.
5. A. financial reoor~. P & L you can say, from.Cablevision
for 1980 and as you know the Town does get some_moneys back from
the franchise, approximately ~. The Town's share is
~15.000.00 for last year. I believe we put eleven, twelve, thir-
teen in the budge~ for income. Their business was so good we are
going to get a little bit more.
6. Reeuest from Eec requesting the Town Board to write to
our legislature in Washington, our congressmen and senators and ~-~
ask them t ~o.~ the President's c~$~ that he has been making.
They gave us three sample messages to say. The Town Board reviewed
it and we will write to them but we will not use any of the suggested
ones, we will have one of our own and basically we will ask them to
look .carefully at any reductions that would hurt the poor people,
the really truly needy people. We felt theirs was too basic.
7, A request for financial aid from a group that is going
to put on, in the Village of Greenpor~, "You're a Good ~an Charlie
~, a play this summertime. .They have received some financial
aid from some communities and they would like 8outhold Town to
help them out. That again is a request and I will put it on the
agenda again to be reviewed after I look at the budget in that area
to see if any money is available for them.
8. From Councilman Nickles and I fully understand his reason-
ing behind it and I do accept it. ~Councilman Nickles,' this year was
APRIL 21, 1981
put on the Disposal Area Committee. Since I put him on that in
January I assigned him to two other committees, special ones.
There is only 24 hours in a day and his job is a part-time job.
Councilman Nickles has resigned from the Disposal Area Committee.
In place of that he will be serving on ..... no, we laugh, it is a
lot of work. John does a superb job. He will be working on the
~ontract coming up with the North Fork Animal League and the Dog
Pound. We have a contract we have to revise and review with them
which is going to take some time and also he mentioned Councilman
Drum and himself serve on the Building Department, Zoning and
Planning Board and are going to review att of these regulations
and make recommendations to the Town Board.'"' As John says, there
are only so many hours in a day. John, I accept it. Thank you
for serving--with regrets.
SmE VISOR PELL: Appointment to'the, Zoning Board of Appe l ....
had two applications for it. We'discussed it in the working
session of the Board 2oday and I would .like to point out before
a resolution was made, the~e wil.1 be one made, to get anything
passed on Southold Town Board you need four affirmative votes.
This is a six member Board. Justice Doyen from Fishers Island.
Three votes do not pass, we need four. In case of today, I don't
think we will have the four votes to pass. The present appointment--
the gentleman who is on the Board now will serve as a holdover. This
could b~ brought up any time the Board decides to bring it up, but
it still will be a full compliment~for the work of the Zoning Board
of ApPeals.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold ~
~obert J. Douglass a member of the Southold Town Board of.Appeals
for a five year term expiring on April 19,-1986.
Vote of the Town Bokrd: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Councilman Drum. Nos: Councilman Murphy, Supervisor
This resolution was declared los~.
SUPERVISOR PELL: I want to,point out that'fthat Board still w~ll
function. It stiI1 will have five members on the Board. Mr]
Douglass will serve on that Board until he is replaced--known as
a holdover. ~
Planning Board appointment. I have one application for it.
No competition on this one. I would like to recommend the name
of G. Ritchie Latham, Jr.
On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Murphy; it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold reanooint
G. Ritchie Latham. J~, a member of the Southold Town planning.
Board for a five year term expiring on April 30, 1986.
Vote of the Town' Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Petl.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Councilman Nickles, ~seconded by Councilman Murdock,
WHEREAS, Burton Potter. Post #I85. American Legion, .Greenpor~,
New York has applied to the Town Clerk for a J~, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has examined the application and after
investigation, 'duly made findings and determinations as required
by law,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he'hereby
is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Town Board
of the Town of Southold the findings and determinations as required
by law, and it is further
RESOLVED-lthat the Town Clerk be and 'she hereby is directed to
issue a Bingo License to the Burton Potter POst #185, American
Legfon, Greenport, New York~
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
162 APRIL 21, 1981
On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold award the
~id for cleanin~ th~ uniforms of the members of the Southold Town
Police Department for the period commencing on the tst day of May~
1981 and ending on the 30th day of April, 1982, to the lowest
bidder Village Dry Cleaners, Greenport, New York, at the following
bid prices:
$ .75-Uniform Trousers
$ .20-Uniform Long Sleeve Shirts
$ .75-Uniform Jackets
$ i60-Eisenhower Jackets
$1.25-Outer Jackets
No Charge-Jacket Liners
No Charge-Uniform Sweaters
No Charge-Neckties
No Charge-Hats~
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman. Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
I'd like to point out there was three bids on
Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum,
WHEREAS, Dur Lady of Grace Church, Fishers Island, New York, has
applied to the Town Clerk for a .Bin~0~License: and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has examined the application and after
invest'igation, duly made findings and determinations as required
by law,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the
Town Board of the Town of Southold the findings and determinations
as required by law, and it is further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to issue
a Bingo License to Our Lady of Grace Church, Fishers Island, New
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum', Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 6 we are not'ready to act upon yet. We
want a little more information on that and have it reviewed by
the Town Attorney, so we are going to table that one for now~
(6. Accept the performance bond, in the amoun~ of $78,000 from
the subdivision known as "Honeysuckle Hills".)
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was
RESOL~VED that the T~wn Board of the Town of Southold grants
oermi~sion to the Matti~uck..Chamber of Commerce to close Love
Lane, Mattituck and use-the parking area opposite the North Fork
Bank,~75 ft. west of Love Lane along the no~th side of Pike
Street, from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on July 18, 1981, for the
purpose of holding their Ann~al Mattituck Sa~ D~.~; provided
they secure the necessary insurance to hold the Town of Southold
Vote of the Town Boardf Ayes: Counci~Iman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilm~ Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that .Bond No, 73 $-17307 BCA issued by The Aetna Casualty
and Surety Company in the sum of $200,000.00 on behalf of ~
J. Murphy.as Deputy Supervisor, Town of Southold, be and the same
is hereby approved as form, manner of execution and sufficiency
of Sureties therein.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that Bo~d No. 73 S-~7306 BCA issued by The Aetna Casualty
and Surety Company in the sum of $15,O00.00 on behalf of Francis
J..Murohy as Deputy S~p~r~or. of Fishers Island Ferry District
Funds be and the same is hereby approved as to form, manner of
execution and sufficiency of,sureties therein.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll.
This resolution was declared du~y adopted.
APRIL 2i, 1981 163
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 10 is to award a bid for a backhoe-
loader. We had one bid for this piece of equipment. It was
George Malvese & Co.
On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold award the
bid for furnishing and delivering to the Town of Southold one
new ~- (190 Series Three Dynahoe Backhoe/Loader),
all in accordance with the specifications, to Georg~ Malvese ~
Co;. Inc., Hicksville, New York at the following bid price:
(a) Furnish and deliver one new Backhoe-Loader - $78,400.00
(b) Less trade-in allowance for Town owned Ford
Backhoe and 1965 Hough Payloader - $ 8,500.00
(c) Net Price (a minus b) - $69,900.00
Vote of the Town Board+ Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number I1, a street sweeper. We had three bids
on this.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded'by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold award the
bid for furnishing and. delivering to the Town of Southold one
new ~treet Sweepe~ (Model TE-4 Mobil Sweeper), alt in accordance
with the specifications, to George Malvese.& Co.~ 'Inc., Hicksville,
New York, at the following bid prfce:
(a) Furnish and deliver one new Street Sweeper - $53,787.00
(b) Less trade-in allowance for Town owned
1968 Mobil Sweeper - $ 2,200.00
(c) Net Price (a minus b) - $51,587.00
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: I'd like to interrupt here in case somebody says
how does the Town Board expect to pay for this. We are going to
go out and sell $78,000.00 worth of bond notes. We have in the
budget, put away, for this year forty-two, forty-three, forty?
four thousand dollars -for this equipment. ~'~We did anticipate ~his
when we made the budget up last fall and it is some equipment we
need. But we will go out for bond notes of approximately
$78,000.00~ We just, in March, paid. off a five year bond note we
had before for street lights of $1t,000.00. We got rid of o~e
bond and now we are going to start again. It's equipment we-need.
Number 12. We are going to wait on that one. We're not
quite ready to move. We have to get some more information fr6m
the state and then review by counsel. (No. 12 - Amend the resolu-
tion establishing a minimum ann~s.] ss~lar¥ and minimum work week.
for all new emDlovee~ to be qualified for benefits..)
13. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was
RESOLVED.that the Town Board of the Town of Southold SUPPORTS
Assembly Bill no. 5269--Senate .Bill no. 3933, entitled "AN ACT
to amend the civil service law, in relation to the dates establishe~
for the Vietnam wa~", and be it further
........ RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be .and she hereby~--~uthorized and
directed to forward a copy of this resolution to New York State
Assemblyman John Behan and New York State Senator Kenneth LaValle.
...... Vote of the Town-Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pelt.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I just would like to say that this would
amend the civil service law so that it would conform with the
federal~ date, changing the'date to the end of the war from
March 29th, 1973 to May 7, t975. Some veterans of the Vietnam
war were not able to participate in various--have the benefits of
various items u~der our civil service law which did not conform
state-wide with the federal regulations. A good example would be
the case of a police officer that served during that time would
not have been eligible for the three to five points that get added
on mo their test score. Some veterans are entitled to it and some
are not. The purpose of this legislation is to correct that.
164 APRIL 21, 1981
Onmotion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED thatthe application of Sophie T. Saunders, dated April 14,
1981, for permission to mainiain a single family ~raiter on the.
north side of Main Road, Laurel, New York, be and hereby is renewed
for a six (6) month period.
Vote of the Town Board~ Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 15 we're not ready to move on yet. I need
more information on that one. In fact, t think I need a whole new
page on that thing. (No.15. Authorization for approval of ship-
ment of new editions of Current.Laws.)
~ Number 16. Southold-Peconic.Senior C~tizens request a bus
On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold gran~ permission
to The Seniors Club of So~thold-Peconic, Inc. to contract for one
bus_ at a cost of $350.00 to transport their group to Madison Squar~
Garden.on May 8, 1981 to attend the circus.
COUNCILMAN NICKLES: DO you want to explain that one, Bill?
SUPERVISOR PELL: The Town Board is reviewing the budget acti~ites
because of-major cutbacks and cutbacks in programs that will have
to be made within the Town. They have instructed~me to talk to
the senior citizen groups which I have reached two of them so far
and one more to go,to tell them to-reevaluate.the use of their
funds very carefulSy. The Town Board is considering whether they
are going to still allow the amount of money they. appropriated in
the budget or if they are going to have to reappropriate some of
it for somewhere else. We are under great strain with the Nutrition
Program in Greenport being cut. We had the Site Manager in today.
She went to a meeting today and we don't know the °~tcOme of it ~et.
Her funds are being cut, her personnel was cut. The Town of Islip
and the Town of Southotd did ~ake money to fund th~e Progr~ums in
the two townships to keep them going. Now, I'had~ meeting with
them on Friday of last week,.with M~s. Adelaide Silkworth, to go
over'the budget with her and some of these things that have to be
cut and there was legislation introduced imto the county legisla-
ture today to restore some Of'the funds. We do not know the ouz-
come of that. It has to be signed by the county executive if it's
going to come through. Right now we are just looking at everythSng
very carefully and before more trips will be--this trip was in the
work~ I knew about it two weeks ago, the people told me about it
and the tickets were bought and so we felt we had to go along with
this-one, but the rest of them-will be scrutinized very closely.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Counciim~ Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
17. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
.~: ~-si~ ,. the Cu~eho~e Fire District for the exclusive use of
the district parking fiel'd opposite the Cutchogue FirehOuse on
July 17, 18, 19, 1981 for use in connection with a parade and
drill on July 18, 1981, and on August 21, 22, and 23, 1981 for use
in connect.ion with their .annual barbecue on August 22, 1981, provided
they secure the necessary insurance~to hold the Town of Southold
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pett.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 18 is to amend a resolution that was made
on January 13, 1981 and I will read it.
18. On motion of Superviso~ Pell, seconde~ by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that Resolution No. 2 adopted by the Southold Town Board
on January'13, 1981 be and hereby is amended to read as follows:
"AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of
SOuthold hereby transfers $11.000.00 from General Fund Whole Town
contingent Account A1990.4 to'Programs for the Aging A6772.2
(equipment), to pay for the 15 Passenger Plymouth Voyager Maxi~
APRIL 21., 1981
Ma~oq. The Town wiI~i~be reimbu~se~%:b~.~he~Suf~folk County Office
for the Aging for thi~ expendit~e"~]'~
Vote Of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: I'll explain that to you. The Town bought a
van that will be refunded by the county in full, the $11,000.00.
We have an auditor here, he has been here for six weeks-and will
be here for another six to eight weeks. He is a state auditor
auditing the Town books. First time in six years we have had it
done and this is one of the items that he picked up. Before we
transferred it from the same place but we didn't put it into a
specific line item. That's why we had to put that A6772.2 there
to make it .right.
This auditor who is here will be here for three to four
months and he~s doing a very' thorough job and he keeps bringing
up differen~points and every once in a while you say, "What? Where
did you pick that one up?" and he will say, "law number so and so
and so and so," and he breaks the law out and I read it. It's an
education in itself, believe me. You say,"This went on for so many
years before, why stop now?" and he says, "Because I'm here now."
It's a lot of fun.
Number 19. We had much discussion on this today and Council-
man Drum, I believe--go ahead Hank.
19. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
(~) RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby declares
themselves OPP~ to the establishment of a Community Residence
Site by the New York State ~ff~ce of M~ntal Retardation and Develop-
mental Disabilities at ~hort R0~;~Cutchogue, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum. Abstain: Supervisor
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: I will abstain on all three because my daughter
is employed directly with this outfit.
On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Town. Board of the Town of Southold hereby .d~clares
themselves_Q~ to the establishment of-~a~Community Residence
~ite_by the New York State Dffice of Ment~l~ Ret~datiorgand Develop-
mental Disabilities at 1750 Gillette-Drive_ East Marion~ New ~¥ork.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: ~uncilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum. Abstain: Supervisor
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilma~ Murphy, seconded by'Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southotd hereby declares
themselves DPPOSED to the establishment of a Community Residence
Site. by the New York State Dffice of Mental Retardation and Develop-
mental Disabilities at Plum Island Lane,.. Orient., New York.
Vote of the Town Board: 'Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum. Abstain: Supervisor
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
COUNCILMAN DRUM: I would ask that these be furnished--these
resolutions--passed on to the Office of Mental Retardation and
also Legislator Behan and Senator LaValle.
SUPERVISOR PELL:- It will' be done.
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Bill,- I think also at this time we should also
say that we did discuss our concerns about the total scope of the
program and are now going to write a letter to the Office of Mental
Retardation inviting them to come out and talk to us in greater
length about what their program is going to encompass for the Town
of Southold. I think the entire Town Board wants to know a little
bit more specifically what the total intent is rather than one
building at a time on a piece-meal basis.
166 APRIL 21, 1981
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. We have five more resolutions today
which we discussed and we would like to bring them forth at this
time. They are not on your agendas but we did discuss them and
we'll take them one at a time. Number 20 we have.
On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and-she ~
hereby is authorized and directed to adver~ise~fov sealed-bid~
for furnishing and placing base course asphalt concrete on ~w
~u£folk Avenue in conformance to the specifications of the Suffolk
County Department of Public Works for Item 45SP - Base Course
Asphalt Concrete Type lA. Bid opening at ll:00 A.M., May l~, 1981, I-~
Southold Town Hall, Southold, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman ~J
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
21. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy; it was
RESOLVED that the Southo!d Town Board declares itself Ie~d agency
in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the
matter of the application of Nicholas Fontana for a wetland permit
on certain property located at north side of Cox Neck Road on
Mattituck Creek, Mattituck, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
22. On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hire Antone F..
~,Surozenski, .Mar. t,in Flatley, Carlisle E. Cochran, Jr, and Theodore O.
Beebe, Jr,, as Probat{~n.a~y Police Officer~ at a salary of ~$7;500.00
per annum, effective o~ t~ei~ satis£a~toril.__y completing the civil
service qualifying tests.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Coundilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pelt.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
23. On motion o£ Councilman Nickles, seconded by Cou~iiman Mu~h~y)it. wasI ~i
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold'accept~ the ~
._bid of Richard C. Wilto~ for the purchase o£ theii~ former wood frame
?efra~hment' building' owned ~y the Town of'~Southold and located on
the north side of 'C.R. ~48, at-Arshamomaque,-~ New York, formerly
known as "JaCk's Shack", for a bid price of $!012.00.
Vote 'o£ the Town Board: ~ Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman. Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This ~-resolution was declared duly adopted.
COUNCIL~N DRUM: That will be revenue to the .Town.
SUPERVISOR PELL: They are paying us and he is%going to remove it.
24. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOL~TED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hire ~
Johnsoa as a part-tim~ (20 hours per week) ~lerk-T¥oist in the
Assessor's Offiae, effective May 1, 1981 at a salary of $4.50
per hour.
.... Vote 'of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
'Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Supervisor Petl, seconded by Councilman Drum, it' was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold grants
permissio~ to Town H~n~ Magdeline Goodrich to attend the
.Long Island Archives annf~nn~ at Stony Brook, New York on
April 25, 1981 and the cosm for 1981 dues, registration fee,
luncheon and mileage shall be a legal charge against the Town
of Southold up to but not exceeding the amount of $50.00.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, SuPervisor Pell.
ThiSresotution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: At this time I would like to ask the Town Board
if there is anything they would like to bring up that I over-
APRIL 21, 1981 ~:~ ~:~%~ ~ ~ 167
COUNCIL~N MURDOCK: I wouldn't say overlooked, but during the
course of our work session we discussed the appointment of Mr.
Douglass. We had asked Councilman Murphy his opinion and he said
he was a tongtime friend of the other applicant and that was his
reason for voting "no". We started to ask you, you said you
were going to tell us your reasons for voting against Mr. Douglass
and we got distracted and never got back to it and rather than
six or seven times, I ask you now to explain to us. It's my
opinion, and I believe it is our opinion of the Board as a whole
that we have gone for experience. When we have replaced CETA
people .we have taken them on because of experience and we have
a Board of Appeals that experience is very important asset and
you're going against experience.
COUNCILMAN DRUM: He has been chairman of the Board of Appeals. ~
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: If you would, I'd ask you to explain your
reason for voting against ~r. Douglass.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Voting against ~. Douglass and voting for Mr.
Annabel? No problem. Never quite in my own mind, I always have
back of it that episode i~ Orient and the DEC, in the back of my
mind for one thing. I do feel that change every once in a while
when you have five people on a board, I think new life, new blood,
new foresight might be inviting. You have continuity because you
have four members who are on there. You have another person who
has come up willing to serve the Town. At election time we are
all evaluated at the job we do, the performance. People chose at
time to time to make different changes. I feel just because a
person is into a position it shouldn't be pursued to be as long
as he wants to stay into that position. I feel that at times it
is time to make a change and I felt with the continuity of the
four and the experience of the four ne~-blood, new life might ~e
a shot in the arm. We were not changing on the other Board. We
only had one applicant out of two openings and I just felt this,
Larry. Anybody else? Hank, .you got anything else? John'?
COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I would just add one other thing on the
retarded hostels, and that is the Supervisor as a result of the
discussion with the Board today is going to notify OMRD
a hold on all future applications until such time as the Board
has had a chance to speak with them on the 12th.
SUPERVISOR PELL: One more thing. Bob Douglass has been a li~e-
long friend of mine. Lifelong, ever since I was this high, watched
me grow up..
COUNCILMAN DRUM: You said has been?
COUNCILYktN NICKLES: I didn't hold that against Bob, 'I voted for
COUNCILS~N MURPHY: I'd like to say one thing. I would like to
offer our congratulations to our Supervisor and his wife who were
married 25 years and of all days to pick to get married, the 15th
of April when we have to pay our income tax.
COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Probably looking for a last minute deduction.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. For information sake I will be out
of Town for the next two or three days. My wife and I are going
away. We are going to Gurney's Inn tomorrow and come back on
Saturday. We're going to get away from it all.
JOSEPH OATES: Speaking for my group I want to thank you gentlemen
for your resolution, first of all. Now, second of all, I would
like you to tell me something that I Qan go back and tell to my
people. Where do we stand?
SUPERVISOR PELL: Where do we stand, Joseph? We stand, this Town
is on record as opposing the Short Road site as the other sites.
We have written a letter--I will write a letter to OMRD asking
them to come out on the 12th to.talk.to us and it is our intention
as a Board to ask them to hold everything in abeyance until after
168] APRIL 21, 1981
we talk on the 12th in here. You'd be welcome to come to that
meeting on the 12th. It'~ an open meeting as all meetings are.
We want to find out more about it and go into depth, what their
long range plans is or are in Southold Town and dig into it deeper.
That's our intent.
MR. OATES: Thank you.
............ H~A~EP~4CAHN.: .... ~a~_pres±de__n~ of Orient-By-The-Sea Property Owners
Associgtion. I'll be merQifui~[~'brief, we're very pleased with
the Town Board's resolution bBt we're still--it's just on hold and
this is one or'the things that worries me. Let me give you an
example of this. There's a house in our. neighborhood that is
owned and lived in by a fellow named Aloysius Butler. He died
about two years ago. Since then the house has been vacant and
on the market. The executor of his estate, Margaret Sealock who
is a sister of the deceased had a couple who--they were going to
go zo contract today on that house. The couple, I have seen them
and I can see the house from my house. They have been going around
.the house and going in it and they were sold on this house and the
story is that they went to luhch yesterday in Greenport and they
bought a paper.and read a~out was happening on Plum Island Lane.
They called up their lawyer and they called the whole thing off.
Now this is a house that adjoins the PIum Island property that the
state wants to take over. This same sort Of thing, it's finished
now. If they had known today what we.know now and are certain of
it, they would probably have bought the house. But they're not
going to buy a house that is going to be used for'the purpose that
the state wants to use it for. This is just one instance. I didn't
have time to talk to. any of yOU before this meeting but I hope you
read what the supreme court handed down in their decision yesterday.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Yes, Larry brought that in today. It was very
MR._KAHN: And also I understood from you Joe Oate~ that the input
of the Town Board is very very important-ainstrumental in ~wCkat the
state decides about locating houses and what we're, doing here 2~day
and what you have done here today is put off until the 12th .of May
a decision on this.
COUNCILMAN DRUM: Sir,'-'.we a~e opposed.
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: We just flat out opposed it.
SUPERVISOR PELL: On specifics on Plum Island Lane. This Town Board
is on record and the Town Clerk, which she does all the time, sends
copies of resolutions to the appropriate agencies. Along with this
one Councilman Drum has. requested to go to Assemblyman Behan and
State Senator LaVille. But on Plum Island'Lane, this Town Board
right now is officially opposed. That is not in hold. That decision
has been made today. Officially opposed to that site.
MR. KAHN: Again I want to thank you very much.
SUPERVISOR PEIJ,: Thank you and I again-want to congratulate you
on your work that you have done and that package will be sent in
to OMRD. 'The whole package in total.' The Town Clerk will send
that in at the appropriate time. We had 40 days. We are saving
it up in case we get any more in between now and then we'll make
one package and send then when the time is for them.
Anybody else wish to address the Board? -~
MR. ROBERT BROWN: I'm also a little concerned about the exa~t
language and I understand the resolution. BUt my interpretation
of the Mental Hygiene Law ~hich I have in front of me states
without reservation as far as I can figure out and maybe Mr. Tasker
can help me,that if the local Board opposes the matter is dead.
The state cannot, so why do we have to go~ on to May 12th. I ~on't
understand this.
SUPERVISOR PELL: No, let me clear that one up. We asked, on May
t2th, we picked that date, to have the Office of Mental Retardation
APRIL 21, 1981
as Councilman NickI~?~aid, C~'5~'knd ~i us what their over-
all plan is in Southotd Town. Are they going to be satisfied with
what they have now or do they want five, ten, fifteen, twenty.
What people are going to go into these homes. Are they going to
be our own local residents, the people who are born and brought
up here. To dig into the facts to see what their lo~gterm goal
is. What we want also, somebody brought up today, one of the
councilmen, we want experience. We want to talk to somebody on
wha~ experience they have. How successful have these homes been
elsewhere. It's a new area for our Town and the Board wan~s to
evaluate the outcome of it before we get too far down the path.
This is why on-the 12th we picked that date and if anybody calls
me I will give you the exact time because this will be a working
session during the daytime in the Board room. As I said, you are
all welcome to sit in and if we fill that room up we'll come out
here. Did I clear that up for you?
MR. BROWN: I'm not sure completely. Let me ask the question
another way. You still feel the Town needs alternate proposals?
SUPERVISOR PEI,I.: I'll answer that question after the 12th.
COUNCILMAN DRUM: It is my personal feeling and I hope we in
Southold Town want to take care of our own residents that may
have an infirmity.and-I would like to see it stopped right there.
We take care of our own and let other communities.take care of
their own. I do nor know whether the existing three residences
are sufficient to take care of our own people, if you understand
what I mean. That is my personal feeling. Beyond that I do not
personally feel we should go any further.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Many questions like this were raised during the
daytime when we discussed this so this is why we want to dig out
the answers before we go any further. We have too many unanswered
questions and when you have unanswered questions you go to the
source and try to dig up the information so when we move we will
move correctly.
COUNCIL~IN DRUM: These sites are not acceptable.
MR. BRO~N: From my standpoint I spend the:~day in Riverhead l~oking
at sites, so if it's not necessary I'll stop. That's why I'm .asking
the question. It's a very time consuming job. There are hundreds
of sites off the tax-rolls, sites abandoned and I had to check the
lot number and so forth on the town maps and come back' with §ome-
thing specific but that's going to take a lot of time.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Next week why not give me a call and I'll t*~ll
you the exact time on the 12th if it can be arranged that day and
have you come and we welcome you to set in or anyone else. The
questions we don't think of you might.
MRS. ETHEL BENTZ, Orient: I appreciated Councilman Drum's
remark in the Suffolk Times last week. It is humiliating to have
to sign petitions, go around to people opposing anything. Something
like this should not be done by. the residents. Also, our President
got a letter, a copy of a l~tter, that was supposed to be sent to the
Suffolk Times this week and it is defending--6'~f actions. We '
s~and behind Hiller a hundred percent because he speaks for all
of us. But the thing is they don't understand how something like
this could be a complete Surprise .to us that's number one and
then we have to put reasons why we don't want it. We went through
everything and we tried so hard and at the same time now this
woman comes from Jersey, has set up two houses there, has a retarded
Child, it's very understandable how she feels they way she does
We have a retarded child in the neighborhood almost across from
where this house is and she is no problem at'all. We understand
these people, we live with them. We know Henry Moisa and his
son Tommy. These are all things we know so we are not so terrible
that we object to having them but it is certainly something that
must be brought out a great deal better than it is.
SUPERVISOR PELL: This is why your Town Board is thinking additional
APRIL 21, 1981
MR. FRANK BEAR: Yes, I'd like to discuss the same matter that has
been discussed here.~ I'm not saying that any one of these three
locations is a good location for this type of treatment or operation.
In fact I am concerned as the Board has indicated its concern, the
distance that these locations are from central shopping areas and
so forth. I'm glad to know that there are people who say at. least
~hat they have compassion for young people with this condition and
I would hope that this compassion goes maybe even beyond the limits
of the Town of Southold. I think our concern should be that these
peoDle have an opportunity to be taken care of in the proper~manner,
with real compassion and I would hope that the Town Board will proceed
on this matter in tha~ spirit or that 'attitude and without being
too provincial shall we say, without'saying I don't want anybody
that happens to live on the other side of the line in Laurel or
something of that kind.~ I would-hope that we show in this matter
real compassion for some people who are not dangerous and who need
help. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Mr. Bear. Anybody else wish to address
the Town Board? (no response)
On motion of Councilman D~um, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was
RESOLVED that there being no further business to come before this
Town Board meeting adjournment be called at 4:15 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Town Clerk