HomeMy WebLinkAboutLL # 39 1999 ELIZABETH 2%. NEVILLE Town Hall, 58095 Main Road TOWN C~IERK P.O. Box 1179 [ ~r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Southold, New York 11971 RECORDS ~AGEME~ OFFICE~ ~ Telephone (516) 765-1800 F~EDOM OF INFO~IATION O~ICER ~~' OFFICE OF THE TO~ CLERK TO~ OF SOUTHOLD THIS ISI TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING LOCAL LAW WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 19, 1999: LOCAL LAW NO. 39 OF THE YEAR 1999. A iLOCAL LAW TO CHANGE THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF THE PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS Suffolk County Tax Map (SCTM) # 1000-074.00-04.00-015 000 F~.OM THE (R-40) RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO THE (RO) RESIDENTIAL OFFICE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION. BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTBOLD AS FOLLOWS: Sect: an 1. Legislative'Intent Consistent with our comprehensive land use plan and our established objectives and goals as reflected by the existing zoning patterns within the Town, and based upon our current County Route 48 Land use study as well as numerous land use studies and plans developed heretofore, we hereby determine that it is necessary and desirable to re~4se and amend the zoning designation applicable to the parcel identified herein as well as other lands; thus, we hereby identify and adopt the following ore(all themes of (1) Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture; (2) Preservation of Open and Recreational Space; 0) Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historical Character of the Hamlets and Surrounding Areas; (4) Preservation of the Natural Environment; which derive from the shared vision held byresidents and local public officials of the Town and which are intended to foyer a ~treag economy and which encourage and preserve the existing high quality of life,I as more specific, ally set forth herein below: 1. Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture I Farmland is a vallmble and dynamic industry in the Town of Southold. The open farmlands a~e not ouly bigidy chesished for limit eaouomic value, but for the scenic ~ th~ provide. TI~ opez tlm~ and ~ztz~Y ~:~al blt ftaxmimd ~titl~io~lly co~ail~t~ to ti~ ~i'~li~j of lif~ of tl~ re'dents, while prmxlofitlg touriml ~ tetltl~lion. 2. preservation of OPen and Recreafiounl Space The.Town of Southold relie~ h~avily u~on its scenic b~__uty and open tandseages for rec'reation~ cleon air and water, as well ~ for ~ atW~tion to .tourists and z~e~fion-f, ee, ke~. The Town has.atl~cted many t;econd homeowne~ bo::au.~ of its "n,ma~l resource, al~'~lnnco of open space., fam~ pi~m'esque vffiages, and the ever-present w~teffmnt" (M,~-t~ Plan Update. 1995). Duc to this open space, ~e Town l~s a ~emendous d~e. lapment potential. Bleak pi~mzes have been painted in a few documents, warning of strip-typo development, subuflmn sprawl and water supply issues. The pre~.t'vafion of open and rec~atioanl space is not only ae~aeti¢, but also a necessity for the present and future needs of the Town. 3. Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historicul Character of the and asc keeping growth in the existing hamlet centers and preserving the enhancing the surrounding rural ^dditinnnlly. the l',4nster Plan Update recommends the provision for '=a communi .ty of residential hamlets that nrc comprised of a variety of housing opportunltic& commercial. ~rvice and cultural a~ti~ties~ set in an open oc rmal atmosphere and supposed ~y a diversified c~onoml¢ base (inchiding a~ulte~c, r~t~ne c0mnrercial and seasonal recreation activities)." 4. Preservation of the Natural Enx4ronment Accommodating "growth and change withht die Town without destroying its traditional economic base, the natural environment of which that base rests, and the unique character and the way of lite that defines the Town" is of utmost importanec~ (Ground Watershed Protection and Water Supply Management Strategy). The Master Plan Update reconunends preservation o£ the Texan's nature environment from wetlands to woodlands and to ~achieve a land use pattern that is sensitive to the limited indigenous ',eater suppl)~ and v,dll not degrade the subsurface water quality. Thc outslanding needs cnulncratc, d be[or, arc the culmination of c.arcful c,omparison of thc thtcnt and objecuvcs of the toxxqa (as stated in paa land use plans and studies) and the currantiy existing conditions along the Couaty Route 48 corridor. These needs reflect the past and present vision of the Town and the work that ,still needs to be done dueto the proximity of County Route 48 lo the hamlet commercial centers and to avoid potentially conilicting development stxategies for such areas. These outstanding needs we find exist throughout the Town and are specifieally identified as follows: 1 ) to provide for viable lurid use development at lex,eLs of intensities which are sensitive to subsurface water quail .ty and quantity 2) To maintain and strengthen hamlet centers as the focus of commercial_ residentiai, and cultural activity; 3) To preserve rite open, agricultural and rural character of areas outside of rite lmm[et centers; 4) to provide for a variety of housing opportunities for citizens of differenl incomes and age levels; 5) lo enhance tho opportunities for pedestrian-friendly shopping; 6) to continue to die support of the Town's agricultural economy; 7) to maxSmize the Town's natural a~ts, including its coastal location and agricultural base, by balancing commercial, residential and recreational uses; 8) to strenglhea the Town's me-recreational and marine-q:ommercial activities; 9) to encourage the preservation ofi~'tdand and public access to the watesfrom; 10) to suppot~, tomism by maintaining and ~uc.~nhening tho Town's asse~s that foster a tourist male, -a~,,ely hamlet ~ bu~inea~ I~t0fi¢ h~ilage, architectuw., a sense of pla~, of na"al and open n) !o rn. t ! nn0un di inc aon of 12) !o lX~Sevve Gte hist0fic~ c~ll~Gl,,nrclfit~terM and archaeological resom~ of theTown; 13) to ensmevi..malq~iUtyof~cente~; 14) to encourage appropriate Inntl ~ both il~ide and out of hamlet centers; 15) to promote bulanced economy and ~ax ba~e; 163 to preserve, the integrity of the Town's vegetative habitats, including l~eshwatar wetlands and woodhinds. S~x:lion [~,. Enactment [ Therefore, based upon the al-oromentioned goals and identified needs of the To'va and upon om- cous~dcrauon of tho recommendations and commonts of om- Planning Board, the SutToll.; Count_',' Planning Commission. our planning oor~s-allant (CCG) and the public oammont lakcn at the public bearing and otherwise, we hereby cl~,ange the zoning district designalion for tl~e parcel kno,,vn as sc~ /O00-O'/¢. oor OC/_.oo ~015-.00o (and as mot= ~ull.,. hereinlbelow) from the SCTM# 000-074.00-04.00-015.000 All that ceitain I plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake which marks the Southwesterly comer of the intersection of Pecortic Lane and North Road: RUNNING THENCE Southerly along the Westerly line of Peconic Lane, 210.00 feet to a stake and land of Day; cc, nv'eyed b_~' Ricl~ ro Da,_,', [ ~ 5.[~,[5 feet re a stake and iar~d owned jointly b> Rich arid DaF' THENCE Northerly along said land owned jointly by Rich and Day and parallel to said Westerly line of Peconic Lane, 206.03 feet to a stake on the Southerly line of North Road; TI-I~NCE Easterly along said Southerly line of North Road 175.05 feet to the point of BEGINNING Scctio 3. TIre zoning map as adopted b)' section 100-21 of thc Town Code or Qtc Town of Southold is betel:, amended to r¢llcct the ,.vitlfin cl~uge oF zoning district dcsign~Qon [or ~id parc, gl. Section 4. THIS LOCAL LAW SHALL TAg. Z. EPt'ECT IMMEDIATELY' UPON FILING WITH THE SECRETA!:~Y OF STATE. f~ABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK OCTOBER 19. 1999 ' "~' ~'E'~ YORK S'FAYE DEPARTMENT OF STA~ Local Law Filing ~se ~ fora to file a Io~1 law wi~ ~e ~c~m~ of S~t~) Text f hw should be given as amended. Do not include matter ~i~ eliminated and do not ~e ltah~ or underliniug tO iadi~ new matter. ~ of .............................. ~!~ ............................................. ,~x roc~ r~w NO. ~ O~ ~ ~ ~9 ~ rOC~ [~W ~O C~a~ ~ ZO~ ~tS~ ~StO~O~ O~ ~ ~C~r OF P~OPER~~ ~O~ AS St~o~ Comity Tax ~p (SC~ g 1000-074.00-04.00-015.000 ~O~ ~ ~-40) ~S~E~.~ LOW DENS~ ZONING DIS~CT DESIGNATION TO ~ ~O) ~S~E~I~ O~CE ZO~G DIS~CT DESIGNATION. BE r ? ENAC~D BY ~ TO~ BO~ OF ~ TO~ OF SOUTHOLD AS FOLLOWS: Please see attached. ('If addlUonal space Is needed, attnch pages the same size as tlals sheet, and number each.) LOCAL LAW NO. 39 OF THE YEAR 1999. A L )CAL LAW TO CHANGE ~ ZONFNG DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF THE PARCEL OF ~ROPERTY KNOWN AS Suffolk CounB, Tax Map (SCTIV0 # 1000-074 00-04 00-015.000 FRO~ THE (R-4~) RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO THE (RO~RESIDENTIAL OFFICE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION. BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AS FOLLOWS: Section , Legislauve Intent Consistent with our compreheusive laod use plan and our established objectives and goals as reflected by the existing zoning patterns within the Town, and based upon our current County Route 48 Land'use study as well as numerous land nsc sludies and plans developed heretofore, we hereby determine that it is necessary and desirable to revise and amend the zoning designation applicable to the parcel identified herein as well as other lands; thus, we hereby identif.v and adopt the following overall themes of (1) Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture; (2) Preservation of Open and RecreaOonal Space; O) Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historical Character of the ltarnlets and Surrounding Areas; (4) Preservation of the Natural Environment; which derive from the shared ~5sion held by residents and local public .officlals of the Town and which are intended to foster n strong economy and which encourage and pre,rye the existing high quality of life, as more specifically set forth heroin below: 1. Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture Farmland is a valuable and dynamic industry in the Town of Southold. The open farmlands are not only highly cherished for their economic value, but for the scenic vis,as they provide. The open space and scenery created by farmland additionally contributes to the quality of life of the residents, while promoting tourism and rec~afion_ 2. Preservation of Open and Recreational Space The Town of Southold relies heavily upon its scenic beauty and open landscapes for recreation, clean air and water, as well as for its attraction to tourists and recreation-scekem. The Town has a~-aeted many second homeownem because of its "natural resources, abundance of open space, farms, picturesque villages, and the ever-present waterfront" CMaster Plan Update, 1985). Due to this open space, the Town has a tremendous development potential. Bleak pictures have been painted in a few documents, warning of staip-type development, suburban sprawl and water supply issues. The presorvaOon of open and recreational space is not only aesthetic, but also a necessity for the present and futura needs of the Town 3. Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial ~nd Histo~cal Character of the Hamlets land Surroundiug Area~ I The Town of Sonthold is renowned for its nmfl, cultural, commercial and historic character[ This unique chamcte~ is re-'og~iTed in all of ~h~ documents reviewed. Based on the input of Town resident, the Final R~port and Recommendations slates that the two raost prevalent and key issues ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE '/~%%~ Tov~n Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ~ P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~_ NL~RI:[LkGE OFFICER Fax (516) 765-6145 RECORDS M-t~IAGEMENT OFFICER Telephone (516) 765-1800 FREEDOi~I OF INFOI~C&TION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28. 1999: " WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is considering a change in the zoning designation from (R40) Residemial Low-Density District to (RO) Residential Office District of certain parcels of land lying in the Town of Southold identified by SCTM# 1000-074.00-03.00-13.000; SCTM# 1000-074.00-03_00-14.00; SCTM# 1000. 074.00-03.00-14.000; SCTM~ 1000-074.00-03.00-15.000; SCTM# 1000-074.00-04.00- 15.000; SCTM# 1000-074.00-04.00-16_00; RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that for the above a~tions there is no other involved agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCILR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Tow~ Code; be k further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that for the above actions the Town Board is Lead Agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that these actions each are an Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code. Ellzabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk September 28. 1999 v t - LEGAL NOTICE =. f~ ' NOI-[CE. OF PUBLh_- ~'-]NI.3 ON. A LOCAL LA~'t TO ~ rOW~ oF sau~oto gY STAT~ OF ~W YO~} (~NG~G ~ ZON~G Dig. ' O4.00-015.00g FROM the R40 COU~ OF -~ Res[~eafial.Low-Density'Distfi~ to Ihe Residenffal .,Office (RO) KWL~ ~- ~Jt ( [ tS of ~tmu~, m. smd t ~CNO~.~s ~a~ co~,. berg dffiy sworn, says ~t he/she is ~-G~N t~t Pu~uant to Secaoa. ~ ~Cip~ clerk of T~ S~FOLK T~S, a 26~ ~ the Town ~w and -t'mea~ of t~e C~e of the ~wn. o( ~ wee~y newspaper, pubhshed at Matamck, Southald, S~f6~ ~uaty, New 'Ydk mat me Towm~ard o~ the-~ ~e Tom of Sou~old, Co~ of S~folk Toa~ o~ Soutaord ~m-~o~a ~ eu~ State of New York, ~d ~at ~e Noace of ~ch ~C ~A~NG o~ the ~ , LocAL LAW'at th~ SOU~OLD ~e ~ed is a p~ted copy, ~ been regh- ~,o~:u~-~3~ u~ ~o~d. l~ly pubBshed ~ S~d Newspaper once each gou~hOld Ni~Yoa~'ar 2:~ p~ .week for 'q1 weeks s--ccess"'e '.~ay, Octob~4; 19~; ~'Public ~ ~ ~ U~ day :Horiag will ~ ~ontinuod ~ o~0 ~oa~,o~ m;~:*'c t'l1 ~cip~ Clerk 5f ~ ~n~er~- The prop~ is Io- 1 9 ~.~ ,.. ,~ ~o~,~ ,id~ ~ ~o~t~ as day of NOT~RY PUBLIC. STATE 0f N~ YOR~ ~,es.. ~' ....... "A Mn ~24655242 SU~[0LK CGUN~ '.This LOci Law ~'~tl~, C0[~[~I~$10N ~H~AUGUST31,~t ZON~O DIST~CT - ~ ~ - ]GNABON OF ~ ]r~0. flJ.00-~ 1 ((,-015.000 FROM - R-~u ~DEN]IAL'L~W- ] ~NSITY DlgT~t~ DESign- TO ~ ~SIDB~L ] .~ p~s~(cT CoCe~ o~ ~. Local La~ ~e ~a~b/e.in [heO~ o~ the ~,~on me propoqed amendmeat ~p~; ~d h~ ~e right to ~ppear. ~rl. ifgJ An> per~n abo ha~ ~e ff~gou~oid To*m Oerk cuber prior to v"'~e pubhc he~¢ or ar the pu~hc Y~(~ OF TI~ TOWN OF SO'OLD, ~OL~I ~ORK. ~ ~IZ~BETH~A. ~LE