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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-141.-3-38.1 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REG1STKAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2000: WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is considering a change in the zoning designation from LI Light Industrial Zoning District Designation to the RO Residential Office Zoning District Designation of that certain part of parcel of land lying in the Town of Southold identified by SCTM # 1000-141.00-03.00-038.001; and WHEREAS, GElS which said "no further SEQRA review required" when "Changing the Zoning Category ora parcel from one industrial zone to another industrial zone, or from one commercial zone to another commercial zone, of from an industrial zone to a commercial zone shall not require further SEQRA review if: a) b) c) d) the proposed new zoning category for the subject parcel is consistent with the zoning of surrounding parcels, or the proposed change of zone does not permit higher intensity use of the subject parcel as compared to the existing zone in terms of lot coverage, building height, parking requirements, traffic, impervious area, drainage, and setbacks, or the proposed change zone does not take place in a designated historical area, a critical environmental area, areas of low depth to groundwater, or contain or are adjacent to freshwater wetlands or tidal wetlands, or the proposed change of zone is consistent with the County Road 48 Corridor Land Use Study and past land use plans of the Town of Southold and this proposed action meets this criteria/threshold"; and WHEREAS, the Town Board nevertheless conducted a LEAF pursuant to SEQRA in addition to the GElS findings statement; and RESOLVED the Town Board found that for the above action there is no other involved agency, that for the above action the Town Board is Lead Agency; that this action is an Unlisted Action; all pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. Seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; and be it RESOLVED by the Town Board that this proposed project will not have any significant adverse environmental impacts and therefore the Town Board issues a NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to the SEQRA roles and regulations. Southold Town Clerk September 12, 2000 p'LANNING BOARD MEMBER BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCttlE LATHAM. JR. RICHARD CAGGIANO Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 P.O. Box I179 Southold, New York ]_1971-0959 Fax (631) 765-3136 Telephone (631) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 24, 2000 Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 RE: CR 48 Changes of Zone Dear Mrs. Neville, RECEIVED AUG 2 g 2000 Southold Town Clerk The Planning Board has again reviewed the recommendations of the Cramer Consulting Group in the above study. Our conclusions are the same as contained in the Board's letter to you of October 8, 2000, (attached). Several changes were given careful review as to reasons and fairness for the recommended change. However, recognizing that the underlining premise of this study is to preserve the bypass capability of the CR 48 divided highway and to prevent retail sprawl, the Board has no option but to support the overall recommendations which we feel will accomplish this objective. Chairman PI~kNNING BOARD MEMBEILS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICH_ARD G WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-313(i Telephone (516) 765 1938 October 8, 1999 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: CR 48 Changes of Zone Dear Mrs. Neville, The recommendations proposed by the Cramer Consulting Group in the above-noted Study, have been reviewed and discussed by the Planning Board. Collectively we offer the following observations. The underlying premise of this Study is to preserve the bypass capability of the CR 48 divided highway. Doing so will prevent the commercial retail sprawl that characterizes every Long Island town to our west. More specifically, the overall purpose is to avoid repeating the mistakes made elsewhere on western Long Island, where unchecked commercial retail development not only resulted in serious traffic congestion problems, but played a role in the demise of the economic vitality of downtown districts located on State Route 25. This community's Vision, as stated in many documents and public meetings some going back to the mid-1980s (prior to the adoption of the 1989 Zoning Map), is to preserve the small-town qualities that distinguish Southold. In order to achieve this goal, it is critically important to consolidate future retail business growth around the existing business centers within each hamlet. Furthermore, reducing the potential for retail and other traffic-generating uses to be introduced (or expanded) will have other long-term benefits to the community. First, it will ensure a bypass road for through traffic, thereby relieving some congestion on SK 25. Second, it will boost the economic development potential of the existing and potential business properties bordering SR 25, where most of the Town's traditional hamlets are centered. Third, it will preserve a scenic corridor that is a source of pleasure to residents and tourists. Therefore, we support the overall study recommendations as proposed. In recommending their adoption, we recognize there may be reservations about specific October 8, 1999 proposed rezonings and that alternate rezoning proposals may be under consideration We urge extreme caution in modifying the consuhant's ecommendat~ons lest tile integrity of the whole be undermined ill d~e interest of satisfying a few Bennett Orlowski, J~ ~d'" Chairman 2 RECEIVED JUL 2 4 $outhold 1'own Clerk DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SUFFOLK COUNZY EXECUTIVE July 20, 2000 STEPHEN iM JONES, A lC p DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Town Clerk Town of Southold Applicant: Town of Southold Zoning Action: Changes of zone HD, LB, B and LI to AC, R-80, RO, LB and HB (42 parcels throughout the County Rte. 48 Corridor). Public Hearing Date: 8/15/00 S.C.P.D. File No.: SD-00-04 Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suftblk County Administrative Code, the above referenced application which has been submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination as there is no apparent significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. GGN:cc cc: Town Attorney Very truly yours, Stephen M. Jones Director of Planning S/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner LOCA~ON Fi LEE DENNISON BLDG. 4TH FLOOR MAILING ADDRESS I O0 V~TERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY · P' © BOX 6 I O0 Petition aECEIVED PETITION PURSUANT TO SECTION 265 OF THE NEW YORK TOWN LAW AUG 2 9 20Q0 ~,,uomom (own ~.lerk To: Town Board, Town of Southold Southold, New York The Town Board of the Town of Southold, on its own motion, has proposed a Change of zone for a certain parcel in the Town of Southold at Southold, which parcel is Shown on the Suffolk County Tax Map as ~°~0o°o-L Said parcel shall change from L. I q tqm- _~.3',,t I~c-~ ~ I)ff ~'W~ t_~ (3~-~ t'C. G This parcel is part of a proposed change of zone designated by the Town Board as Notice of the proposed change of zone was issued by the Town Clerk on t~c--¢~Sq j 5"~ 2000. The undersigned owner(s) of property within that part of the Town of Southold Which would be affected by such proposed change of zone, do(es) hereby and herewith Protest to the Town Board of the Town of Southold against said change of zone. This instrument is a protest against such change of zone made pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law of the State of New York. Dated: B/ 'c}( 0 0 Name of Owner(s): ~ Witness(es): LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR- ING ON A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY CHANGING :ITiE ZONING DIS- TRICT DESIGNATION OF THAT PART OF SCTM # 1000-141.00- 03.00-038.001 THAT IS CURRENT- LY IN THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DISTRICT DESIGNATION FROM THE LIGHT INDUS- TRIAL (LI) DISTRICT DESIG- NATION TO THE RESIDENTIAL OFFICE (RO) DISTRICT DES- IGNATION. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York. that the To~r~ Board of the Town of So utll~ ~ kahi a PUBLIC HEARING ma ~ Moresaid LOCAL LAW at ~ sOUrHOLD TOWN HALL. ~ ~ Road. Southnld. New Y~r~ ~ 5.'~ p.m.. Tuesday. August 29. ~. Th~ ~q0ose of the Local L~ i. to Clmn~ the Zoning ~ D~i~atinn of that part of ~ # 100~ ~ t~ curre~ly zoned in the ~ lnd~trial (LI) district de~ o~ the Town Board's Own Motion. from the Light Industrial (LI) District Designation to the Residential Office (RO) District Designation. The assessment records list George Penny Inc. as the Owner of the property, The Property is located on the south side of Route 48 west of Westphalia Road. The Prop- erty contains approximately 3.89 acres~ The Local Law is entitled, "A LOCAL LAW TO CHANGE THE ZONING DISTRICT DES- IGNATION OF THAT PART OF THE PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS SCTM # 1000-141.00- 03.004)38.001 THAT IS CURRENT- LY IN THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DISTRICT DESIGNATION FROM THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL {LI) DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO THE RESIDENTIAL OFFICE (RO) DISTRICT DESIGNATION. Copies of this Local Law are avail- able in the Office .of the Town Clerk to any interested persons during reg- ular business hours. Any persons desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear, and has the right to appear, at the time and place above so speci- fied. Any person also has the right to submit written comments to the Southold Town Clerk either prior to the Public Hearing or at the Public Hearing. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLDT~SOUTHOL~; NEW YORK. Dated: August 15, 2000 Elizabeth A. Neville Soathe~l To~m Clnrk 1504-1TAu17 STATE OF NEWYORK) )SS: COUNTY OF S~UFFO. I.,K.) ~.._)~ L"-L/% ~-. (].)~[l~ ~ of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of NewYork, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for [ weeks successively, commencing ,on the 1 "{ ~ da,, of i~{~, (~ LA ~- 20 (~, ' (..~) Principal Clerk Sworn to b~efore me thi{~ day of LOCAL LAW NO. OF THE YEAR 2000 A LOCAL LAW TO CHANGE THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF THAT PART OF THE PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS Suffolk County Tax Map (SCTM) # ,/,¢IZ%0 - l ~. l. _lt-0 -. t~ ~. n'~ --0 ~ ~" . ,ca I WHICH IS CURRENTY IN ZONING DISTRICT FROM ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION. BE IT ENAUr~D BY THE TOWN BOARD OF ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Legislative Intent Consistent with our comprehensive land use plan and our established objectives and goals as reflected by the existing zoning patterns within the Town, and based upon our current County Route 48 Land use study as well as numerous land use studies and plans developed heretofore, we hereby determine that it is necessary and desirable to revise and amend the zoning designation applicable to the parcel identified herein as well as other lands; thus, we hereby identify and adopt the following overall themes of (1) Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture; (2) Preservation of Open and Recreational Space; (3) Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and llistorical Character of the Hamlets and Surrounding Areas; (4) Preservation oftbe Natural Environment; which derive from the shar~l vision held by residents and local public officials of the Town and which are intended to foster a strong economy and which encourage and preserve the existing high quality of life, as more specifically set forth herein below: 1. Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture Farmland is a valuable and dynamic indusi~y in the Town of Southold. The open farmlands are not only highly cherished for their economic value, but for the scenic vistas they provide. The open space and scenew created by farmland addi~onally contribu~s to the quality of life of the residents, while promoting tourism and recreation~ 2. Preservation of Open and Recreational Space The Town of Southold relies heavily upon its scenic beauty and open landscapes for recreation, clean air and water, as. well as for its attraction to tourists and recreation-seekers. The Town has attracted many second homeowners because of its "natural mson~es, abundance of open space, farms, picturesque villages, and the ever-present waterfront" (Master Plan Update, 1985). Due to this open ~ace, the Town has a tremendous development potemial Bleak pictures have been palmed in a few docmneots, warning of sttip-typo develolm~ent, aubugoan sprawl and water ~upply issues. The preservation of ~ and recreational ~ i~ not only aesthetic, but also a necessity for the present and future needs of the Town. 3. Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historical Charactcr of the Hamlets and Surrounding Areas The Town of Southold is renowned for its rural, cultural, commercial and historic character. This unique character is recognized in all of the documents reviewed. Based on the input of Town residents, thc Final Report and Recommendations states that the two most prevalent and key issues are keeping growth in the existing hamlet centers and preserving the enhancing the surrounding rural areas. Additionally, the Master Plan Update recommends the provision for "a community of residential hamlets that are comprised of a variety of housing opportunities, commerciak service and cultural activities, set in un open or roral atmosphere and supported by a diversified economic base (including agriculture, marine commercial and seasonal recreation activities)." Preservation of the Natural Environment Accommodating "growth and change within the Town without destroying its traditional economic base, the natural envirolunent of which that base rests, and the unique character and the way of life that defines the Town" is of utmost importance" (Ground Watershed Protection and Water Supply Management Stxategy). The Master Plan Update recommends preservation of the Town's natural environment f~om wetlands to woodlands and to "achieve a land use pattern that is sensitive to the limited indigenous water supply and will not degrade the subsurface water quality. The outstanding needs enumerated below are the culmination of careful comparison of the intent and objectives of the town (as stated in past land use plans and studies) and the currently existing conditions along the County Route 48 comdor. These needs reflect the past and present vision of the Town and the work that still needs to be done due to the proximity of County Route 48 to the hamlet commercial centers and to avoid potentially conflicting development strategies for such areas. These outstanding needs we find exist throughout the Town and are specifically identified as follows: 1) to provide for viable land use development at levels of intensifies which are sensitive to subsurface water quality and quantity 2) To maintain and strengthen bamiet centers as the focus of cemmereial, residential, and cultural 3) To preserve the open, agricultural and rural character of areas outside of the hamlet centers; 4) to provide for a variety of housing opportunities for citizens of different incomes and age levels; 5) to enhance the opportunities for pedestrian-fricudly shopping; 6) to continue to the support of the Town's agricultural economy; 7) to maximize the Town's natural assets, including its coastal location and agricultural base, by balancing commercial, residential and recreational uses; 8) to strengthen the Town's marine-recreational and marine-commercial activities; 9) to encourage the preservation ofparldand and public acce~ to the waterfront; 10) to support tourism by maintaining and strengthening the Town's assets that foster a tourist trade, namely hamlet center businesses, historic heritage, architecture, a sense of place, of rural and open character, agriculture, and marine activities; 11 ) to preserve prime farmland; and encourage the diversification of agriculture; 12) to preserve the historic, cultmal, architectural and archaeological resources of the Town; 13) to ensure visual quality of hamlet centers; 14) to encot~rage appropriate land use~ beth inside and out of hamiet canters; 15) to promote balanced economy and tax base; 16) to preserve the integrity of fha Town's vegetative habitats, including freshwater wetlands and woodlands. Section 2. Enactment SCTM#/~,-I~/. a"t3 --t~_~. tr~ ' ~smore~llyde~d~herein~low. A~ofSC~g /~ -/~L ~ - ~ ~ : ~ ' D ~ I is ~enfly in fl~e (~) ~,~ ~3~a~r~t~ zoning dis~ct as d~i~t~ by the ~n~g Map of · e To~. Ba~ u~n fl~e afo~menfion~ goals ~d identifi~ n~s of ~e To~ ~d ~n our ~nsidemtion of~e re~mmen~fions ~d ~mments of our Pla~ing Boa~ ~e S~o~ Co~ Plug Commissio~ our plying ~n~mnt (CCG) ~d ~e public ~mment ~en at ~e public h~g ~d o~e~, we hereby c~ge ~e zon~g ~ desi~tion of ~at p~ of ~e ~1 iden~ by SC~ g /0,~,,~1~1.~-~. ~- as ~s ~bj~ to ~e ~) Lz'~ ~&w~ zo~ng~d~i~afion~om~e (~) /~,~ ~O.~t~ zo~ng~ctd~i~afionto~e ~ ~ ~ ~ D~t ~ zo~ng di~ d~i~tion. SCTM # 1000-141.00-03.00-038.001 ALL tt-,~, ccrt~i, plo~, piece or [~r~el of la.d, with ~ buil~s ~d.~mp~v~,~.~ ~.~.~ ~Zt{~f~ at the ~rner fo~d ~ the in~rsection of ~ ~u~zt~ly thence ~uth al de~ees 45 ~u~s 10 se~s ~st along~ ~s~rl~ of ~k~ and the southeasterly line of a 30 f~.~tL~:~-t~i ~.~ said 1~d of ~ark~, ~ foll~ing ~ee (~) ~ ~'~ ~ (1)..~:~ lB degr~s 19 ~nu~es 50 ~nds West 40.55 feet; (i) ~u~ 52 ~s 59 20 ~condn East 37.86 feet; (3) ~uth 48 aegr~s 18~nutes 30 ae~ ~t f~t, ~ las~ ~se ~ln~ al~ alon9 l~s ncw or folly of ~lt~ ~' ~ or fo~.y of ~crge L. penny, Inc.; :~eh~ ~on9 s~d_~ t~ two (21 m~,es ~M distaces: ~1) ~u~ ~ d~re~ 45 ~ 50 ~ 210.~7 :fe~t; {2) ~ 73 degrees 50 ~utes ~ ~ ~'110/00 let ~r~le~terl~, !me of 1~ n~ or fo~rly of P~ria~-~~ ~nas west 24.03 feet; (2) ~u~h 72 de.ess 17 ~s O0 seco~ ~t}78.31. f~t to the northe~terly l~e of 1~ n~ or fo~rly cf ~el~; .~ ~g'- ~id l~d ~r~ 16 de.ess 54 ~nu~s 10 se~n~ West 216.43 f~t ~ ~e easterly line of Kills ~ (~ 48}; ~en~ alo~ ~ ~ut~s~rly ~ Of ; · .'~ ~ddle ~d (~ 48) t~ foll~*~g t~ (2) ~nes ~d ~s~s= (1) on a ~e, ~ing to ~e left, ~vin9 a r~i~ of 1949.86 feet, a ~ 293.29 feet; .~nd (2) Ro~ 48 de~s 43 ~tes ~ se~ds ~t 13.05 f~t ~ ~i.nt cr place of ~I~NG. .. :' ~l~r ~e last WAll a ~s~nt of ~e L."~-:~:~, ~,~ i Section 3. The zoning map as adopted by section 100-21 of the Town Code of tl~e Town of Southold is hereby amended to reflect the within change of zoning district designation for said parcel. Section 4. THIS LOCAL LAW SHALL TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY UPON FILING WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE. JEAN W. COCHRAN SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 PO. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax 631) 765-1823 Telephone (631) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 15, 2000 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice regarding potential rezoning of the property identified in the public notice. The assessment records list you as the current owner. Please note the date and time of the public hearing. You or your representatives have the fight to both attend the public hearing and/or submit written comments. Jean W. Cochran Supervisor NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF THAT PART OF SCTM # 1000-141.00- 03.00-038.001 THAT IS CURRENTLY IN THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DISTRICT DESIGNATION FROM THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO THE RESDENTIAL OFFICE (RO) DISTRICT DESIGNATION. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Town of S outhold, Suffolk County, New York, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on the Aforesaid LOCAL LAW at the SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 29, 2000. The purpose of the Local Law is to Change the Zoning District Designation of that part of SCTM # 1000-141.00-03.00-038.001 whidh' is currently zoned in the Light Industrial (LI) district designation, on the Town Board's Own Motion, from the Light Industrial (L1) District Designation to the Residential Office (RO) District Designation. The assessment records list George Penny Inc. as the Owner of the property. The Property is located on the south side of Route 48 west of Westphalia Road. The Property contains approximately 3.89 acres. The Local Law is entitled, "A LOCAL LAW TO CHANGE THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF THAT PART OF THE PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS SCTM # 1000-141.00-03.00-038.001 THAT IS CURRENTLY IN THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DISTRICT DESIGNATION FROM THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DISTRICT DESIGNATION TO THE RESIDENTIAL OFFICE (RO) DISTRICT DESIGNATION. Copies of this Local Law are available in the Office of the Town Clerk to any interested persons during regular business hours. Any persons desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear, and has the right to appear, at the time and place above so specified. Any person also has the fight to submit written comments to the Southold Town Clerk either prior to the Public Hearing or at the Public Hearing. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Dated: August 15, 2000 Elizabeth A. Neville. Southold Town Clerk NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING on Proposed zone changes on Route 48 for Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 8:05 am has been CANCELLED. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF TIlE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Dated: August 2, 2000 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk LIST OF ROUTE 48 PROPERTIE,- CURRENTLY BEING RE-EXAMINED I-~R REZONING 7/00 New Zone SCTM Owner **New Owners Cramer OldZone Grnpt lA HD R-80 045-2-1 John Siolas & Catherine Tsounis 190 Central Drive Mattituck, NY 11952 Grnpt 1B LB R-80 045-2-10.5 Adrienne Solof 33 Fairbanks Blvd. Woodbury, NY 11797 Grnpt 1B HD R-80 045-2-10.5 Adrienne Solof 33 Fairbanks Blvd. Woodbury, NY 11797 Grnprt 3B HD R-80 035-1-27.2 Frank Justin Mclntosh & Mark Anderson, Trustees 6007 Waggoner Drive Dallas, TX 75230 Grnprt 3B HD R-80 035-1-27.3 Frank Justin Mclntosh 6007 Waggoner Drive Sallas, Tx 75230 Matt lA LB R-80 113-12-11 Stella Gentile 52 Harbor Road Riverhead, NY 11901 Maff lA LB R-80 113-12-12 Dominic Principi 1087 Fo~ Salonga Road Nodhpo~, NY 11768 Matt lA LB R-80 113-12-13 Richard Principi & Another PO Box 495 Amagansett, NY 11930 Matt lA LB R-80 113-14-10 Randall Feinberg PO Box 186 Mattituck, NY 11952 Matt la LB R-80 121-6-1 Premium Wine Holders LLC 14990 Oregon Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 Matt 2B LI RO 141-3-28 Raymond Nine 855 New Suffolk Avenue PO Box 1401 Mattituck, NY 11952 LIST OF ROUTE 48 PROPERTIE,~ CURRENTLY BEING RE-EXAMINED FOR REZONING 7/00 Cramer OIdZone New Zone SCTM . Owner **New Owners Matt 2B LI RO 141-3-25.1 Raymond Nine 855 New Suffolk Avenue PO Box 1401 Mattituck, NY 11952 Matt 2B LI RO p/o 141-3-38.1 George Penny Inc Cio George Penny IV Main Road Greenport, NY 11944 Matt 2C LI LB 141-3-22 Raymond Nine PO Box 1401 Mattituck, NY 11952 Matt 2C LI LB 141-3-32.1 William Guyton PO Box 71 Southold, NY 11971 Matt 2C LI LB 141-3-29.1 John J. Sidor, Jr. & Others 3980 Wickham Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Matt 2E B RO 140-1-12 Henry Pieme & Jennie Lee Wells Road Peconic, NY 11958 Matt 2E B RO 140-1-4 Raymond Smilovich 1098 Wickham Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Pec lA B RO 074-4-10 Chester Misloski & Others PO Box 237 Peconic, NY 11958 Pec lA B RO p/o 074-4-9 Andreas & Stacy Paliovras County Road 48 PO Box 434 Peconic, NY 11958 Pec 2C LI HB 074-3-19.3 Kenneth Dickerson Chestnut Road Southold, NY 11971 Sthld 3 LB AC 059-10-4 Edward Koster PO Box 1495 Southoid, NY 11971 LIST OF ROUTE 48 PROPERTIEo CURRENTLY BEING RE-EXAMINED F~JR REZONING 7/00 Cramer OldZone New Zone ,, SCTM Owner **New Owners Sthld 3 LB AC 059-10-5 Clifford Cornell PO Box 910 Southotd, NY 11971 Sthld 3 LB AC 059-7-31.4 Ellen Hufe Route 48 Southold, NY 11971 Sthld 3 LB AC 059-7-32 Alice Surozenski 41095 Route 48 Southold, NY 11971 Sthld 3 LB AC plo 059-10-3.1 Jack Weiskott Roberta Garris 229 5th Street Greenport, NY 11944 Sthld 3 LB AC p/o 059-7-30 Clement Charnews County Road 48 Southold, NY 11971 Sthld 3 LB AC plo 059-9-30.4 Walter Pharr, Jr. PO Box 958 Southold, NY 11971 Sthld LB AC plo 059-10-2 Anne Hubbard 9 Legge~ Road Bronxville, NY 10708 Sthld 4C B RO 059-4-8 Timothy Gray Soundview Avenue Southold, NY 11971 Sthld 4C B RO 059-4-9 Jimbo Realty Corp. 50800 Main Road PO Box 1465 Southold, NY 11971 Sthld 4C B RO 063-1-1.6 Thomas Hubbard 9 Legger[ Road Bronxviile, NY 10708 Sthld 5A B LB 055-1-11.1 Thomas Hubbard 9 Leggert Road Bronxville, NY 10708 LIST OF ROUTE 48 PROPERTI~-.~ CURRENTLY BEING RE-EXAMINED ~-OR REZONING 7~00 Cramer OldZone New Zone SCTM Owner **New Owners Sthld 5A B LB 055-1-11.2 Anne Hubbard 9 Leggert Road Bronxville, NY 10708 Sthld 5A B LB 055-1-11.3 Thomas Hubbard 9 Leggert Road Bronxville, NY 10708 Sthld 5A B LB 055-1-11.4 Anne Hubba~ 9 Legged Road Bronxville, NY 10708 Sthld 5A B LB 055-5-2.2 William Penny III 2200 Hobart Road Southold, NY 11971 Sthld 5A B LB 055-5-2.4 Thomas & Susan McCarthy PO Box 1266 Southold, NY 11971 Sthld 5A B LB 055-5-6 John Satkoski & Rita Patricia 168 Fifth Street Greenport, NY 11944 Sthld 5B B RO 055-5-4 Linda Bertani & Others Oakwood Drive Southold, NY 11971 Sthld 6 B RO p/o 055-2-24.2 Margaret Field 34 Calebs Way Greenport, NY 11944 LEG ~!_. NO~'ICE NOTICE GF PUBLIC HEAR- ING ON A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY CHANGING THE ZONING DIS- TRICT DESIGNATION OF THAT pART OF SCTM # 1000-141.00- 03.00-038.001 THAT IS CURRENT- LY IN THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DISTRICT DESIGNATION FROM THE LIGHT INDUS- TRIAL (LI) DISTRICT DES- IGNATION TO THE RESI- DENTIAL OFFICE (ROI DIS- TRICT DESIGNATION. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a pUBLIC HEARING on the Agoresaid LOCAL LAW at the SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York at 8:05 a.m., Tuesday, August 15, 2000. The purpose of the Local Law is to Change the Zoning District Designation of that part of sCTM # 1000_141.00-03.00-038.001 which is currently zoned in the Light Industrial (LI) district designation, on the Town Board's Own Motion, lrom the Light Industrial (LI) District Designation to the Resi- dential Office (ROI District Des- ignation. The assessment records list George Penny Inc. as the Owner of the property. The Property is located on the south side of Route 48 west of Westphalia Road. The Property con- tains approximately 3.89 acres. The Local Law is entitled, "A LOCAL LAW TO CHANGE THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNA- TION OF THAT PART OF TIlE PARCEL OF pROPERTY KNOWN AS SCTM # 1000-141.00- 03.00-038.001 THAT 1S CUR- RENTLY IN THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DISTRICT DESIGNATION FROM THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DIS- TRICT DESIGNATION TO THE RESIDENTIAL OFFICE (RO) DISTRICT DESIGNATION. Copies of this Local Law are avail- able in the Office of the Town Clelrk to any interested persons during reg- ular business hours. Any persons desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear, and has the right to appear, at the time and place above so spemi- fled. Any person also bas the right to submit written comments to the Southold Town Clerk either prior to the Public Hearing or at the Public Hearing. BY ORDER OF THE ToWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, NEW yORK. Dated: July 21, 2000 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk 1407-1TJy27 -- Icl/-%. STATE OF NEWYORK) )SS: C..Q. UNTY OF SU,F~/OLK) · }~t3 .~. /x)#//,~ of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of NewYork, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly publshed in said Newspaper once each week for weeks successively, CO~l~,er~cing on the ~)7'/'6 day of x )t'l~ 20 Ol9 . (.~- Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this ~;~ day of ,~),~ 20 CHRISTINA T. WEBER Noted'/Public, State of New Yo~ No. 01WE6034554 Qualified in Suff°~( m~bu~y CommissLon Ex,o[ms Dace bar 13,__ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR- ING ON A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY S~ L. KGALS, RGXt p~OG I,,-From previous ~I~ D~IGNA~ON OF~T ~, PART OF S~ ~ 1~-141.~ ~.~38.~ ~T IS ~- LY ~.~E LIG~ ~US~, (LI) DISTRI~ DESIGNATION~ ~OM ~ LIG~ ~IAL (LI)~ DIS~I~DES- ' ' IGNA~ON TO DE~L. O~ICE ~O)kDIS2 ~I~ D~IGNA~ON P~LIC NO~ IS G~N that~u~uant to of theTo~ ~w and'~qu~m~a~ of ~e ~ of tha To~ of So~01d, S~olk ~un~, New Y~k, ~at the T~ Boa~ of the T~ of Sou~old ~ hold a P~LIC HEA~ the Afo~ld LOCAL ~W at tha Main Road. South01d; N~w Y~k at D~iflOn of that ~ntly Zoned [a~ th'6 Lljht~ ' Ind~al . on ~e ~ Boa~¥~~ ~. ~om t? Light IndustHal~ (LI):, I~a~6n: ~e ~se~m~nt ~ PenW l~a thc pr~. ~ 'Wcs~halia Road.,~e ', ~e.~ ~w is LO~ ~W TO ~NGE ~E · ~ON OF ~T PART OF'~ ~ PAR~'a *'OF ' PROPER~ ,, INDUS~IAL?'[~L~ DIS~I~' DESIGNA~ON :~:. ~OM~i~ 'RES~E~AL~ O~ ~O) DIS~I~ DESIGNA~ONY~~ ; ~i~s ofthls~i :'able in th~ O~~'of : 'A~ns'desi 'on thc ~o~d ~mendme~t.~ld BY ORDB~ OF BOARD OF ~B TO~ SO~O~, SO~O~, . 'gated~ ]~ly 21, 2~ This is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice as it appeared in the July 27, 2000 edition of the Suffolk Times. Photocopied by Lynda Bohn RECEIVED gOT 5 1999 Southold Town Clerk George Krukowski Boisseau Ave. Southold, NY 11971 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, George Krukowski RECEIVED Southolrt Town ('lerJ~ Christopher P. Lappe 2600 South Harbor Road Southold, NY 11971 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck Sincerely, Christoper P. Lappe Southold Town Robert J. McCarthy 185 Washington Dr. Mastic, NY 11950 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck Robert J. McCarthy RECEIVED OCT 5 1999 Souh~oJd Town Clerk Sharon McElroy 1170 Henry's Lane Peconic, NY 11958 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Sharon McElroy ~EC~tVED OCi 5 Soulhol~ To'~n CI,srk Kenneth Meklenburg 1290 Three Waters Lane Orient, NY 11957 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion, Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Kenneth B. Meklenburg N. RECEIVED OCT 5 i999 £o~thold To~m Clerl~ George L. Penny, V. Soundview Ave. Southold, NY 11971 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, 1 am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not_ change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, George L. Penny, V Sou,'hold 'town Cled~ James H. Rich, III 555 Reydon Drive Southold, NY 11971 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, . Rich, 1II Southolc~ Town Clerk Patrick T. Ryan PO Box 1795 Southold, NY 11971 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, 1 am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Patrick T Ryan RF. CF. iVED SmJthold Town Clerk Michelle Santacroce 695 Kerwin Blvd. Greenport, NY 11944 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck Sincerely, Michelle Santacroce Sout~O~d, Tovm Clerk Eileen M. Santora 650 Vanston Road Cutchogue, NY t 1935 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Eileen M. Santora Sou~ol~ Town Clerk Donald R. Sayre PO Box 475 Southold, NY 1197i October 5, 1999 Town Board "['own of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber, For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck Sincerely, Donald R Sayre ~ECEJVED OCT $ ~999 Sou~hold Town Joshua A. Skrezec PO Box 912 Mattituck, NY 11952 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck Josh~ffa A~Skrezec .5 SoufhoI~ To',,~ Cler~ Donald J. Staron 1780 Henry's Lane Peconic, NY 11957 October 5, !999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not_ change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Donald J Staron RECEIVED OCT 5 1999 So,hold Town Cler~ Roger Strain PO Box 275 Laurel, NY 11948 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. ~lncerely, St ,n Town Clerk Louis C. Swain 325 Champlin Place Greenport, NY 11944 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck Louis C. Swain Town Cl~rk Roger M. Tabor PO Box 44 Orient, NY 11957 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Roger M. Tabor Frederick J. Visser, Jr. 5365 Peconic Bay Blvd Laurel, NY 11948 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy thshiom Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, . Frederick J. Visser, Jr. Soatho~a To~m Clerk Patrick R. Walden 980 Cedarfields Drive Greenport, NY 11944 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, 1 am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow' in a healthy fashion, Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Patrick R. Walden .~OU,~.O~ Tow~ Louis J. Walters North Road Peconic, NY 11958 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, 1 am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Louis J Walters Sou~hold Town Clerk Gerard S. Wells 775 Legion Ave. Mattituck, NY 11952 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Gerard S. Wells Sou~hold Town Clerk Dianne Whitney 1783 Middle Rd. Riverhead, NY 11901 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow' in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Dianne Whitney I ECEIV O OCT 5 1999 ~ To~ ~ Antone Adams Main Road Mattituck, NY 11952 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, 1 am an employee of Penny Lumber For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Antone Adams Rt IVED 1999 Ralph W. Beck 870 Bay Ave. Mattituck, NY 11952 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Ralph Beck RECEIVED OCT 5 1999 Sauthold Town Clerk Patrick G. Clancy PO Box 511 Peconic, NY 11958 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, 1 am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck Sin ,y, Patrick G. Clancy RECEIVED 0( T .5 1999 Sou~old Town r'led~ Joseph Elak South Harbor Road Southold, NY 11971 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck Sincerely, , . RECEIVED OCT 5 1999 Soulhold To~m Cler~ Richard P. Endres 2405 Deep Hole Drive Mattituck, NY 11952 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Richard P Endres RECEIVED 0C:T 5 19c 9 Southold Town Clerk Chris Finne Matthews Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members. 1 am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sincerely, Chris Finne -- ~ RECEIVED O[ T 5 1999 Herbert A. Fisher 245 Youngs Ave. Mattituck, NY 11952 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Manituck Herbert A. Fisher RECEIVED Ot3T 5 1999 Soul'old Town Clerk Michael Hand 375 Farmveu Road Mattituck, NY 11952 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, 1 am an employee of Penny Lumber. For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sin.~erely, Michael Hand 5 1999 .SouthoId lov~n Oerk Jon V. Jacobs PO Box 1023 Southold, NY 11971 October 5, 1999 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Town Board Members, I am an employee of Penny Lumber For Penny Lumber to survive in this competitive economy, it must be able to grow in a healthy fashion. Please do not change the zoning of Penny Lumber on County Road 48 in Mattituck. Sin~erelI, .,, RECEIVED OCT 4 1999 PETITION PURSUANT TO SECTION 265 OF THE NEW YORK TOWN LAW To: Town Board, Town of Southold Southold, New York The Town Board of the Town of Southold, on its own motion, has proposed a change of zone for a certain parcel in the Town of Southold at Mattituck, which parcel is shown on the Suffolk Comity Tax Map as 1000-p/o 141-3-38.1 so that the zoning of said parcel shall change from L! ("Light Indusuial District") to RO ("Residential Office District"). This parcel is part of a proposed change of zone designated by the Town Board as "Mattimck..~ ~- t~ Notice of the proposed change of zone was issued by the Town Clerk on September 14, 1999. The undersigned owner(s) of property within that part of the Town of Southold which would be affected by such proposed change of zone, do(es) hereby and herewith protest to the Town Board of the Town of Southold against said change of zone. This instrument is a protest against such change of zone made pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law of the State of New York. Dated: September? t~ 5-,t'i999 Name of Owner(s): Witness(es): George Penny Inc., c/o George Pe~nny J~ ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTYL~YR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28. 1999: WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is considering a change in the zoning designation from (LI) Light Industrial District to (RO) Resort Residential District of certain parcels of land lying in the Town of S outhold identified by SCTM# 1000- 141.00-03.00-19.000; SCTM# 1000-141.00-03.00-21.000; SCTM# 1000-141.00-03.00_ 25.1.000; SCTM# 1000-141.00-03.00-26.000; SCTM# 1000-141.00-03.00-28.000; SCTM# 1000-141.00-; and part of certain parcel identified as SCTM# 1000- 141.00-03.00-38.001; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that for the above actions there is no other involved agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that for the above actions the Town Board is the Lead Agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that these actions each are an Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.1 et. seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code ~ ~- Neville Southold Town Clerk September 28. 1999 I~AL NOTing NOTIC~ OIr PUBLIC H~AR- IN~ ~ A ~ ~ O~ SOUTHOLD BY CHANGING ~E ZO~IN~ DIS- TRI~ O~ S~M ~ P/O 1~- 141.~,~-038.~1 ~ROM the Light Industrial (LI) to the ResidentS[ ~F~ (RO) Dis~ct. PUBLIC ~O~CE IS HE.BY OIVEN that ~uant to ~ion 265 of ~e Town ~w ~d requi~- ments of thc ~e of the Town of Southoid. Suffolk County. New York. that the To~ Board of the Town of ~tho~ wiB LIC HEARING on the ~o~ LOCAL LAW at ~hc SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL. ~5 Main Road. ~uthoid, New York. at 11~ am. Monday. Oct~er 4. 1~; the ~blic Hearing will be continued ~e~ay.~tober 5, 1~ at 6:~ pm at the same I~tion. ~c pu~ of the ~1 ~w is to Change the ~ning Dist~ct of that pan of the pa~l of pm~y kno~ ~ ~ ~1~---~-1 (RO) District. ~e as~ment r~ lisu ~ Penny o~ of the ~y. ~e is I~t~ ~ the ~th si~ of Route ~ w~t of the intention of Route ~ and Westphalia Rd. (~ s~eet). ~e pr~y ~nt&ns a~mximate- ~ ~1 ~w is entitle. L~AL ~W TO CHANGE ~E ZONING : DISTRI~ DES- [GNATION OF THAT PART OF THE PARCEL OF PROPER~ KNO~ AS S~M 8 P/O 1~- 141.~3.~38.~1 WHICH iS CURRENL~ IN THE LIG~ INDUSTRIAL (L[) ZONING DIS- TRI~ FROM THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DESIGNA- TION TO THE RESIDENTIAL OFFICE (RO) DISTRI~ DESIG- NATION. on the propoaed amendment a~raM appear, and has tbo fight to appear, at the time and place above so spec- ified. Any person also has the right to submit written comments to the Southold Town Clerk either prior to the public hearing or at the public hearing. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Dated: 9/14/99 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK J.930-1TS23 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUF, rOLK) \~,~3j~ ~' ~ 1( ({ ~ of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regu- larly published in said Newspaper once each week for I weeks s~Rccessively, commencing -gn r the' ~ 3' d day or .. Sworn to before me this day of .~/~ Principal Clerk 19 c~ MARY DIANA FOSIER NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORI~ NO. §2-465§242, SUFFOLI~ COUNH COM~IISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 31, 2.17.91