HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-01/13/1981SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD January 13, 1981 WORK SESSION 9:00 A.M.-- The Board audited the~bitls. 10:00 A.M. - Barbara Townsend and Robert Stack from the New York 'State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities met with the Board to diScus~ their policy for placement of i. individuals in community reSidence sites, the capabilities of ' the individuals who would be~in residence, and the potential community residence sites on Short!Road, Cutchogue, and Gillette Drive, East Marion. At the time the OMRDD spoke to the Board in 1978 therewere lI homes in Suffolk County, today there are 41 homes. There are two different groups of people who are housed in the homes, those with high'skills and low skills to uncommunicable. They hope to have 8 to t0 homes.in S0uthold Town over the next two to three years. The suitability of the Short Road and~Gitlette Drive sites was questioned by the'iBoard who are not satisfied with either location. Supervisor Pelt asked. Councilman Nickles and Drum to work with Ms. Townsend on the select of al'ternate sites ~n Southold Town. Mrs. Townsend we the Councilmen might have and will hold in progress toward acquiring the Short Road and Gillette Councilman Nickles objected to working on thiS project as a cilnu~n and real estate broker. Supervise ~ll cDncurred, stating the entire Board would work o~ this proj 10:45 A.M. - Mr. Richard Mohring, owner of. sub- div%sion spoke with the Board and requested that [l proposed increased bond amount for his subdivision be reduce~ from $370,000.00 as recommended by Town Engineer Tuthill a. nd the. Planning Board. Mr. Mohring asked that he be g~anted a 6'month extension;' 'dUring which time he feels he can complete almo~ all,of the roads and improvements i~n the subdivision. Supervisor Petl suggested that the Highway Committee and Highway Superintendent Dean reevaluate the proposed bond amount and a resolution pertaining to this will be placed on the January 27thagenda. 10:55 A.M. - Deputy Inspector~Warren Buckward and Lieutenant Nemschick of the 7th Squ~d met with the Board to discuss the services of the 7th Squad in Southold Town and the charge-back system. Deputy Inspector Buckward said they cannot answer why four other townships chose to put~on their own detective service rather than use the 7th Squad. He suggested the Supervisor talk to those towns to find out their reasons. He also could not answer questions concerning the chargeTback system. He stated that the 7th Squad has a service squad of two men on each tour at a satellite office at Southold Town Police Headquarters, and there are 15 men in the Squad throughout the east end. Supervisor Pell questioned the productivity o~ the 7th Squad in Southold Town; he said they spend considerable time in headquarters on paperwork rather than on the road. Deputy Inspector Buckward stated that he was not aware of that and would correct the situation. Lieutenant Nemschick described the training of a 71th Squad detective; stating their function is investigative, not a patrol nnit. 11:30 A.M. - Bob Traugott of .Energy Development Corp. addressed the Board relative to private ownership Of a municipal.solid waste incinerator in the Town of Southotd. He discussed the size of the commitment' on the Town tax base and long term guarantee that all of the Town's solid ~aste andtpossibly.sewage would come to one point for disposal.. He said ail that would be involved on the part of the Town would be a tipping fee and the private owner would hire all of the present Town'employees now working at the landfill site and bring in as few other peoole as possible. The Plant would be capable of processing municipal solid waste and ~ ~ over-size portions would also be burned and unburnables would~be JANUARY 1~',-:1981 ' ~ landfilled. The sial. of the.-~¥~ure.woUI~ be about 35 ft. in height and all operations would be within one building. Mr. Traugott does ~not recommend recycling as it would be too costly. However, the slag that is prodUced could be used for road construction. There would be a baghouse to pull out the dust which would be of a neutral substance and would be put/into the landfill. The Eases produced are far below the EPA requirements. The plant itself would only require 1 acre of ground. He stated that it is highly probable LILCO would put up a substation and purchaSe the electricty generated by the plant. If industry were in the area the stea~ would be sold to them. Energy Development Corp. is a developer. They bring all the people toge{her for the project and put toKether a partnership which would become a tax shelter. This proposed operation would provide the Town of Southold With a site for the disposal of solid and hopefully liquid waste for 20 years or.more. -. Mr. Traugott requested a letter from the Town Board stating the Town is willing to commit themselves on the-basis of a 20 year contract and mutually agreed tipping fee. (Energy Development Corp. would apply for alt necessary permits for construction and DEC). He also asked for a letter to Mr. Weismantle at LILCO stating the Town is working with Mr. Traugott on the project. He prepared suggested letters which were reviewed by Town Attorney Tasker. Mr. Traugott said, if the Town agrees to the proposal, the preliminary engineering' study, EPA impact statement, air pollution appraisal and water tests should be complete'by May 1981. The ctosinE would take place around August of 1981 and the machinery would be ready to operate by May or June of 1983: Mr. Traugott invited the ~oard to attend the opening of an incinerating municipal solid waste center at Mt LaureI,.New Jerse on Januar 21st Co ~' .' ........... V Y . un-c~lmen Murdock, N~ckles and Murphy plan attend, along with SuperinSendent of Highways'Dean. -After they . . have viewed the operation, a firm decision will be made with relation to the Town o~ Southold. 12:10 P~. - Sybil Mizz~ and:Paul Fink of Pan.,Tech Management and ~oseph Sansavrino from the County of Suffolk discussed with ~he Board the allocation.of the expected.S400.000 HUD fund~ ~v~ ther: next two years. The first allocation of $200,000, if approved, will not be received until-around August 1981. The Board detern~ined .that from this'year's'fhnds-, $100,000 would go toward the acquisition of property at the Mattituck Inlet area, $50,000 toward rehabilitation of the ?th-9th Street area in Greenport (whiCh is outsid~'.of:the incorporated village), and $50,000 for correcting the heating system at the Senior Citizen/Youth Center on Deconi~ Lane. The Board recessed for lunch at 12:40 P.M. 2:15 P.M. - The Board began reviewing the ~genda. Off Agenda Items: - Town Beach..~oncession% steps at Ho~t~n''s Point Glover Sand Pit property. Justice Doyen,who was in attendance during the work session left to return to Fishers Island at 4:00 P.M. ' A regular meeting of'the Southold Town Board was held On Tuesday: January 13, 1981 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Supervisor Pell Opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.' Present: Supervisor William R,PelI, Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J. Nickles ' Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman Francis J. Murphy Tow~ Clerk Judith T. Te.rry Town Attorney Robert W.~Tasker Deputy Supervisor Marie Bauer Johnson Absent: Justice. Francis T.'Doyen 28 JANUARY t3, t98t On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it'was RESOLVED that the Town Board-minutes of December 30, 1980 be land hereby are approved as corrected and the minutes of the Southcld Town Board meeting of January 2, 1981 be and hereby are approved as submitted. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: COuncilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolutioncwas declared duly adopted. -General Fund Part Town bills in 'the amount of $7,751.97; Highway Department bills in the amount of $5,652.52; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount of $19,352.56; and Federal Revenue Sharing bills in the amount of $12;424.52. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: COuncilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisur PeI1. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southotd Town ~oard will be held at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, January 27, 1981 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, S0uthold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, CoUncilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. I. REPORTS - SD~PERVISOR PELL: 1.~ 'Monthly report of the Building Department (December t980). 2. Town Clerk's monthly .report (December 1980). 3~ Town Clerk's Annual report (1980). 4. Building Department'sr~nnual'report.(1980) 5.-' police Department monthly report (December 1980). ~-~ 6._ Justice Tedeschi's. monthly report (December 1980). 7. Town Trustees monthly ~eport (December 1980). [_~l 8. Town Trustees annual report (1980). . - ~ 9~ Planning Board annual report(1980).- ;~10. North Fork Animal Welfare League's December (7980) report. SUPERVISOR PELL:. At this time is''there~any Councilma~ who wants to make any reports? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: We had a meeting this mo~ning, at our work session this morning, with the. Energy Development Corp. of C0nnectiC'ut. They came_over to make a preliminary Dr0Dosal to us relative.to how they think they can provide a facility for us at the Disposal Area. .The~Committee on the DispOSal Area has now-been expanded. As well'as myself it is now Frank Murphy and John Nicktes. The three of us and the Highway Superintendent Raymond Dean have been invited to Mt. iLaurel, New Jersey to see a plant in o~eration that this company feels woUld be very helpful and beneficial to the Town Of Southold. We will be doing that on January 21st. SUPERVISOR PELL: I would like to, at this time, appoint Councilman Drum to the Inland ~aterway~ Committee and when. he is working in Mattituck he will work with Councilman Murphy; in Cutchogue wit-h Councilman Murdock; in Southold Councilman Nickles; and~east of that Also, at the same time I'woUid lik~ to have Mr. Murphy work with the Planning ~oard on two-family housing. They were going to look into-that and Mr. Sullivan was on that but I wiI1 reptace him with Mr. Murphy. Also, I would like'to announce a~_th~ tim~ that two vacancies _ will exist in February. One on ~he~Board of Assessment Review. We will accept resumes for a five,,year appointment up~ until January 23rd and make the appointment on January 27th. Also .there is one term. up on.the 'Conservation Advisory Council and again we will accept' resumes up. Until' January 23rd- and make.the appointment on January 27th. JANUARY 'i'3~ 1981 II. PUBLIC OTICES - COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I From the DePartmenT of the Army, .Corps, of Engineers. It has to do with the application of William Norris, Pine Neck Road on Jockey Creek. The site is/ on the east side of Jockey Creek Bridge on the South side of the Creek and involves a 3 by 30 ft. ramp, 2.5 by lO ft. ramp and a 5 by 16 floating dock extending approximately 55 ft. offshore of the mean high water line. Response date if you wish to comment on this is February 9, 1981. 2. Also from the Corps of Engineers, Port o~ V,~v~l Main Road; Southold has an application to construct a~pie~;.~.0'by 20 pile-supported'pier to-be used for launching boats, recreational_ craft and so on. Copies of both of these notices are with the Town Clerk. Response date on the Port of Egypt application is February 9th also. III. COMMUNICATIONS - SUPERVISOR PELL: 1. From the So~tho]d School District in Southold requesting the Town Board to inform them when certiorary proceedings have come to an end and affects their budget. 2. The second one I am going to ask you all not to laugh at, but it is one of the-communications that we find amusing at Board level. Sometime ago we ask the County what to do with the T- 'k filter~ that will be getting filled this next month or two ahead. So we are planning ahead on what to do with them. After writing to the DEC and asking if they can. be placed in the landfill we had a reply that they are hazardous waste and could not be placed in the landfill, we.wrote to the CoUnty Public Health several times trying to put the pressure, perhaps, of what to do with them. We got a reply.( The reply came in this office December 29th and what they say to do with them is for the homeowner to store them in their garage or in their basement until they find a solution fo~ them, but don't le~ them land in. the landfill because the Town will be fined~. But individuals can store 'them in their homes. We are not satisfied with this and we will go back to the County Health along with Mr. Dean and we will prepare another letter for-them and I will ask them how long they expect this to go or if some better solution could not be found whileweare waiting for the correct solution. We do not-feels'that it is safe'to leave them in different peoplets basements or.garages as they suggest. Anybody can come in and clean the yard up or clean the garage up and they could end up in the landfill and be right back into the water, what we are trying to avoid. So needless to say we are not pleased with the answer we have received and will so inform the County Health Department. 3. Request for a ~ (from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hickey, 30 Oakwood Road, Southold) which will b~ turned over to the Street Light Committee. 4. A communication from Shelter Island in reference to the sales tax revenue being shared by the towns. This will be 'on Our agenda next meeting with a resolution from our Town suggesting the same idea. 5. I am going to ask Councilman Murdock to comment on this .communication, it falls in his area. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: This is a letter'from C; L. Emery & Associates of Colborne, Ontario which is addressed to the Supervisor. .It-says, "Dear Mr; Petl, Your letter went to my former address and must have been held for sometime before being redirected. Sorry for the long delay. Our project is a 50 tons per day-pilot plant located in the Industrial Park at :Colborne, Ontario. It is owned and operated by a private limited, liability company called AgPro Industries. The plant design is unique as is the process used. Both are protected by patents pending,which are held by myself and my associates. The purpose of the plant is "to provide a cost competitive method of waste disposal in an environmentally acceptable manner". The plant ~ now operating and ~s handling all of the municipal solid,waste, e commerc!ai wastes, and most of the industrial wastes from our contracted municipalities. We took over the municipal dump and have closed it do~n since it is no longer required. In operation, waste to be processed are delivered to the plant in the u~ual gar~age packer truck~which pick up the garbage in the usual way ~ut d~liver it to the inside tipping floor of the plant instead of to the garbage dump. Commercial containers of garbage are emptied at the plant in JANUARY 13, 1981 the same way. We receive industrial wastes and farm wastes in truck- load lots also. Ail garbage is debagged then sent to a mixer. Plastic sheet material is removed at this.stage. ~arious wastes are fed into the mixer then to a newly designed machine called a "Hydro- separa or.:. This machine emulsifies all organics in a water,based slurry. It delabels cans and bott~k~s, 'etc. No shredding or ~ pulverizing is necessary prio~ ~o .:the Hydroseparator. This process eliminates dust and the possibility of explosion. ~'The garbage odours are eradicated; Papers and cardboard are pulped to a smooth slurry. At the discharge end the solids are separated from the slurry. Cans are removed magnetically, etc. Cans, other metals, about half.of.the paper and cardboard, plastics, etc., are .all removed and recycled. ~'The organic slurry is then mixed with other wastes such as old hay, spoiled dog food, fish remains, holding tank and sewage sludge and the mix is composted. With the correct mix the compost should contain about 2.5% nitrogen, phosphate and potasium as well as many trace elements. Farm tests indicate it is an excellent soil conditioner and can replace the usual synthetic fertilizers. The compost is screened and stockpiled to be sold in bulk or bags. It resembles a dark eoloured granular potting soil. It can be tailored to any reasonable customer requirement. The oversize £rom the screen is returned for further breakdown and comminution. The compost process requires about 5 to 7 days. Equip- ment for the plant is made to order locally to my design. The cost of a completed "turn-key" operating plant to handle 50 tons per day of garbage and other equivalent amount of other:wastes will be about $350,000. This varies with location and local labour, etc., and does not include the land or services. Special building code require- ments can increase the cost although our plant design is acceptable here. We would require a short feasibility study to investigate the factors such as location, quantity, quality,' etc.~ of garbage. Possible locations, labour conditions, municipal regulations, etc., -prior to a recommended design and cost quotation. ~ Ail enquiries will be handled by my office. 'I trust this information is of use. Charles L. Emery" : ~ So apparently he has a plant that converts municipal ~olid waste to c~mpost and we wilt probably be in contact~with hi~ to~.~see what solutions he has g~aii'able for the Town of soUi~otd because face~ with the amount of money-that~the Town is faced with I and all the other members of the Town Board are determined that we are going to investigate every opportnniiy we~can- to handle municipal solid waste in a manner that is not going~to bankrupt the Town of Southold and we will be contacting.~Mr. Emery. SUPERVISOR PELL: 6. A letter from Commissioner James ~etton from Albany saying that Fishers Island residenzs are exe_~t from the pollution teSting o~ vehicles over on Fishers Islan~ bec~se it is a unique location an'd the amount of vehicles ihere. This waS a request ~e made'on their behalf last August. It took all this time to get the results but i~ came through in a positive way. 7. Letter from the State Comptroller reference to commercial banks and holding the time deposits of municipalities.. Something I will have to look into and report back to the Board on. IV. HEARINGS AND DECISIONS - NONE. ¥. RESOLUTIONS On motion of Councilman Drum, 'seconded by Councilman. Murdock, it was RESOLVED t:hat the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized ~o advertise 'for bids for the purchase of a new 24 ft. Privateer~2400 Trawler Cabin Workboat, or the equivalent, for the Southold Town Bay Cons~able~ Vote of the T6wn Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock Councilman Nickles Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: What we are doing here is we aretrading in the present boat we have, keeping the two outboards, transferring~them on to this boat. We feel we have"more life in the outboards, they are 1979's but we feel we want a better boat for our Bay Constable to work out of. Th~boat is a little bit older than the outboards are. JANUARY 13, 1981 8(b) On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Boar~ of the Town of Southold award the bid ~0r ome'~(1) new 1980 15 passenger Plymouth Voyager M~xi-~gon to Mnllen Motors, Inc., Southold, New York, at a bid price of $11,000.00; to be paid for from the Whole Town Contingency Fund.) Vote of the TownBoard: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: This will be fully reimbursed by the Office of the Aging to the Town. The Tbwn has'to put the money out first and then we get reimbursed. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that James Fogarty, Radio Operator, be'!and he hereby is granted his Step I pay increas~ in the amount of $500.00 effective December I, t980. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles. Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared d~ly adopted. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold ream~oint Frank ~ichanowicz to t~e Conservation Adyisoyy Counci! for a two-year term from January I1, 1981 through-January tl, 1983. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, ~ouncilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was REMOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Sout~hold reappoint' Wi~,liam P. Ruland to the'Conservation Ad~is0rv~ Co.unci']"for a two year term from January 11, 1981 through January ll, 1983. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared du~y adopted. 6. 'On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold reappoint John J. Talbot t'o the ~o,using Board of Appeals for a'three year term from January 9, 1981 through January 9, 1984. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilma~ Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly-adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number'7 we are going to wait on. Ail the paper work is not in. I thought it would be, that is why it was put on the agenda, but it did not come through in time. Number 8 (a) the Town Board was in discussion 'with the gentleman today who owns.Highland Estates and we are going to meet with him again. Myself, perhaps, and somebody else and see if we cannot work out some of the problems he is having with the size of the b0ndr Number 8(a) will be held and put on the agenda on 1/27.. On motion of Councitman-Nicktes, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the .Town of Southold ~ncrease the .bond amount for roads and improvements in the ~ubdivision known as "S.oundview Acres at Orient: from $77,000.00 to $150,000'.00 as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and Town Engineer Lawre'nce Tuthil-1.. ; Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy~ Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 8(c). On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Boar. d of'the Town of Southold increase the bond amount for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as 'Paradise B~ The Ba~'? located~at Southold, New York, from $53,000.00 to $106,000;00 as recommended by the Southoid To~n. Planning Board and Town Engineer Lawrence TUthill. ~. - Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:: Co~cilmam gulp_by, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles~ Couneilm~n_ Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duty adopted. JANUARY 13, 1981 '9. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation ' Law State Environmental Quality Review and_ 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board as lead agency for the action described below, has determined that the project' will have a sign.i...f, ican.t effect on the environment. Description Of Action: Reconstruction of three bridges at Mud, Downs, and West Creeks in the Town of Southoid: by the County of Suffolk. The project has been determined to have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: ~ Damage-to Town owned tidal wetlands from construction -activities. i it Change in the neighborhood character ~esulting from changes to traffic patterns. Vote of the Town Board:-Ayes: CounCilman Murplhy, ~Council~an MurdOck, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum~ Supervisor PelI. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 10. On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the application of Oscar Goldin, dated December 31, 1980 for the renewal of his trailer on the south side of Linnet Street, Greenport, New-York,_ be and hereby is granted for a six (6) mon-th period. Vote of the Town BOard: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. - · ll. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that Antoinette Berkoski, Clerk-Typist at the Southold Town Police Headquarters be and she hereby is grantedher Step II salary increase in the amount of $500.O0effective J I, 1981. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: unci~l~man MUndock, Councilman N~dkles, Councilman Drum;- ~'~11. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 12. 13. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Dr.~m, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the To ~ppro~es the ~ction-of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry Distric% in awarding the bid for'the operation ofthe M/V ~unnatawket .and M/V Olinda for the period January 15, 1981 through a~d including Janpary 14, 1984 to Mark B. Easter, Gager Road, RFD ~#1~ Fitchville, Ct.~ 06344 at the following bid amounts: Munnatawket operation (12 month basis) $10,700.00/month Olinda operation (5 month basis) $ 3,700~00/month Munnatawket extra trips $ lt5.00/trip Olin~a_~ra ~rips $ 75.00/trip- Vote of the Town Board: AyeS: Councilman MurPhy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by C~uncilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the. Southold Town Board, as lead agency for the action described below, has determined that the project ~will not have..a,~significant effect on the environment. Description of Action: Application of ~orman C'. Boos for a wetland permit. Permissioh is requested to dredge and bulkhead on west side of existing marina located at Broadwaters Cove off Bay Avenue/Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New York. The project has been determined not to hay9 a.significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated' that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely mo occur should the project be implemented as planned. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation~ ii is assumed that there is no objection nor comments by that'agency. Vote of the Town Board: 'Ayes: Councilman-Murphy, Councilman Murdock.. Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resDlution was declared duly adopted. Moved by Councilman Murdock,~ seconded by Councilman Drum, ~WHEREAS, Norman C. Boo~ applie~'~Q the Southold Town Board for a permit under the provisions of the Wett~nd Ordinance of the Town JANUARY 13, 198t ~f~,.¥ 33 of Southold, application dated November t7, 1980, and WHEP~AS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Trustees ~nd the Sou~hold Town Conservation Advisory Council their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect to said application on the 16th day of-December, 1980, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Norman C. BObs~ Cutchogue, New York be granted permission under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold to dredge' and bulkhead the west side of an existing marina, Broadwaters Cove Marina, at Broadwaters Cove, Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New York. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I'll further~state that after the public hearing we received a communication from Edward Hindermann, our buildiag inspector, and he felt that the plot plan as submitted by Mr. Boos was not thorough enough and left a great deal of speculation as to where the spoils were being placed and Mr. Boos and Mr. Hindermann have gotten together and Mr. Boos put a new plot plan that has been acceptable to the Southold Town building inspector and therefore I offer the resolution to approve Mr. Boos plan. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pelt. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 15. On motion of Councilman Nicktes, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that $t00.09 be and hereby is advanced from Town funds - Whole Town General Contingent Account, to the Nutrition Program to 'complete the Nutrition Program Title V Grant, Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilmah ~urphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor PelI. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, WHEREAS, the'o£fices of Town Justice Rich and Town Justice Tedeschi have been relocated to the Southold Town Hall effective December 29, 1980, and WHEREAS, Justices Rich and Tedeschi had Savin Copy Mac~ines in their individual offices prior 'to relocation, and '~ WHEREAS, funds are not available in the 1981 budget to maintain these copiers at the Southotd Town Hall, and there are copy machines presently available to them at the Town Hall, now, therefore; be it RESOLVED that the two 755 Savin COpy MachinSs, Serial Numbers 800404429 and 800404436 be returned to the Savin Corporation immediately. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 17. Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy, WHEREAS, on September 23, 1980 the Southold Town Board passed a resolution creating the Robins Island Citizens Advisory Committee, and WHEREAS, the Town Board.desires that a'fulty informed choice be made between all the alternatives for the future of Robins Island, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the New York State'Department of~ Environmen~tal Conservation in a letter dated April 21, 1980 ~ indicated'that limited development was a concept worthy of consideration as an alternative for preservation considering the fiscal restraints tha~ government and the taxpayers are under, and . WHEREAS, the Town Board's intent on September 23, 1980 was to have the Robins Isi'and Advisory Committee study all the alternatives of preservation, including limited development, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to clarify the.~obins Island .Advisory Committee Resolutiow 'of' September 23, 1980 and reaffirm its original intent, now, therefore, be it ~ RESOLVED. that the Town Board hereby d~rects-the Robins Island Advisory Committee to include in their deliberations and final report the study of limited development as proposed by the present owners as a means of preservations, and be itfurther 1 RESOLVED that when the Robins Island A~isory Committee makes ~ its final reDort to the Town Boar~ the following information JANUARY ~3, 1981 shall be included but not limited to: 1. Road ownership and maintenance. 2. Fire Protection. 3. New Suffolk School District.- positive and negative impact of a limited development. ' 4. An analysis of tax revenues that wil accrue to the Town. 5. An analysis of the cost.of services that the Town.must provide. - 6. A complete description of the present proposal.for limited development.. 7. A study of the legal aspects of a change of zone :for Ro~ins Island for the purpose of providing limited development. 8. An analysis of Fishers Island relative to assessments and taxes accruing to the 'Town vis-a-vis the cost of ServiCe~ to the Town - correlating this information to the limited development of Robins Island. 9. An analysis of the financial'impact on the private .sector during the initial stages of development and the long term. And be it further RESOLVED that the original resolution adopted on September 23, 1980 be and %he same: hereby is amended as herein .. before set forth. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, CoUncilman Murdock.. Councilman N~ckles, Cotmcilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared dUlyladopted. 18. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Section 284 of the Highway Law, the Town Board of the Town of Southold'agrees that moneys levied and Collected for the'rePair and improvements~of highways, and received from the state for the repair and improvement~ of highways sh~ll be,expended, as follows: General Re .e sUm'of $773,600.00 may ral re' 180.~2 miles of town highways, including ~ul having a span of less ~than five leer'and boardwalks or the thereof. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:· Councilman Murphy, C~UncilTman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pelt. This resolution was declared duly axiopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 19 is to hire James McMahon. COUNCILMAN DRUM: This is as a result of your Town Boardmany months ago being advised of federal-funds~being available for a youth service coordinatoA. ~Basicalty the~outh Service coordinator will direct the activities of-the town youth service prob--/ram. The duties are varied, they inctude the management of the business activities of the program, reviewing the progress of a variety of projects which are designed to control and prevent juvenile ~elinquency. State and federal grants are avaflable and we have some 38 applications, There were certain requirements~ It required graduation from an accredited:college o~ university and includinK study of behavioral science and sociology and four years of professional experience. As I say, there were 38 applications. Your Town ~Board interviewed six and we have the name of'one which I will offer and that is James C. McMahon. 19. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Supervisor Pell, it was RESOL%~ED that James C. McMahon be and he hereby is appointed by the Tox~ Boar~ of the' Town of SouZhold as the Director of the Southold Town Delinquency DiversiOn and Prevention Pr6gram for [ one year effective February 9, f !981.at a salary of $17,000.00 per annum. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman ~urdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor~Pell; This resolution was declared duly adopted. 20. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold grant Custodians John Hutter and Douglas Cla~ increase in the amount of $500.00 effective 1981. : SUPERVISOR PELL: That's the prepared agenda we 'have tonight. I'~-like~to ask the Councilmen i~ithey have anything they would like to bring up? .LarrY? JANUARY 13, 198t our agenda, If you wtli notice, on what is called the work sgssion agenda. At 11:30 we had a meeting with Pan Tech Management, the people involved are not important, but Pan Tech Management is the Town's representative in the.Suffolk County COnsortium for HUD .funding. We did effectively discuss and have an agreement from Pan Tedh that they would prepare the applications for us to use HUD funds, this year's altocktion of HUD funds, to set aside $50,000 to help alleviate the heating problem that we ha~e at the Senior Rec Center--Senior/Youth Rec Center on Peconfc Lane. We se~ aside $50,000 as the first year of:a iwo year program on rehabilitating housing.on SeVenth, Eighth and Ninth Streets'in G~eenport,-Part of Greenport Village that is Town of Southold and not the ¥illage of Greenport and very happily I'd like to say that we also committed. $I00,000 this year as part of a two year program to attempt to purchase the tank farm at Mattituck Inlet. We would like to Purchase the tank farm, raze the tanks and provide a park and: recreation area for the residents of the Town of Southold. We are hoping that we can do this project without going into bonded indebtedness for the Town. We have been looking for an avenue of funding. The HUD funds apply in that. the people who handle the application have inspected the area and agree that the tanks are in a rundown and dilapidated condition, they're an eyesore as well as a health menace. They have caused us problems, and it's perfectly within the purview to take them down and establish a recreation area. We will now start to contact the owners of the oroperty and hopefully by the end of .the year we can negotiate a sa~e and start to take that blight on our township away and I am very happy it has worked out. I appreciate the cooperation of the Board and I am sure the rest of the Mattituck Inlet Committee does also. COUNCIL~N DRUM: And of course this facility would be utilized for all the residents in Southold Town. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Yes, it's not a park district. One of the things we did consider also is that we have very limited access on a town-wide basis to Sound front or Sound beaches. In MattituCk'at the end of Breakwater it's the Nattituck Park beach. .In Peconic it's the Peconic Park DistriCt. In East Marion Causeway it's the East Marion-Orient Park District and most of the facilities we have in Town are not available on a town-wide basis but only to the residents of that specific area ~nd'we feel that this will serve a need as well as stop the. problem that has vexed us v~ry badly. COUNCILMAN DRUM: I mighb say we also met with some representatives, 'this morning, from ,the--Deputy Inspector from the~ and of course on Thursday we are going to meet with the East End Supervisors and their representatives, which is as a result of a meeting held last Thursday in the County Center in Riverhead at which time ~{r. Cohalan advised, his representative advised us, that the--and it may be rather difficult to understand, I hope t can explain it clearly-- ~t'present~the ?th Squad is under the general fund. Now, the-~eneral fund, everyone in the county pays the cost of the operating of the ?th Squad. It has been proposed by the c~ounty executive that this 7th Squad now be funded in what they would call a police district; it would be taken out of the general fund which now means that those townships utilizing the services of the 7th Squad would be charged for. The 7th Squad primarily flnffnishes services to the five eastern towns. Southold Town is one of the largest users of the 7th Squad. They indicated that in looking into the cost, which estimates that it will cost approximately $800,000 this year to operate the ?th Squad. The 7th Squad, when I use the 7th Squad, we are talking about the detective investigative work that it furnishes, particularly to us in the So~thold Town. There are some 19 employees in the 7th Squad in Suffolk County. Now, in the amount of funds, this $800,000, if we were the only township utilizing this service, Southold Town would pay the full $800,000 and if ~11 of the five townships paid and the villages, it would be prorated. It would be on the basis if you used it one day out of the year you would pay your proport, ionate share, say, four townships diwided into $800,000,-$200,000. If you used it 365 days a year you would pay the same amount. I personally _feel it is totally unsa~isfactor~ that it would, I feel the cost would be prohibitive and of course that is the reason for having this meeting on Thursday to see if it cannot be resolved and come up with some solution, a better solution,to the county executive. They use ~he figure as much as a house assessed say at $40,000, the JANUARY 13, 1981 cost would be perhaps $8.00 per hous~ho!d, whether you. talk a~ut resolve some of these problems. I .~am only a member of the committee square one, what we August, or September, whenever it was, therefore we a d we woutd like to do this and have input. This isa stand we want to take. We want to go back to square one where~we agreed. So, through the good office of our county exec whsse aids'was, there; he agreed, yes, we will have a meeting and we can go back tc square one and we wilt to say on this? JOYCE ROSCOE: Well, I understand Commissioner Dillworth will have further input knd the meetiDg wilt be'held Thursday at 10:00 A.M. at the Mill Creek Inn. SUPERVISOR PELL: The meeting is going to be held here'in~Southold Town, Thursday at t0:00 o~lock and I have invited our Town Board to go ~ith me to it, the entire Board, because Wehave'~he most at stake, we use the 7th squad'.m°re ihan alI the rest of the four. townS Combined. We arei~the :only~T0Wn whb relies' i00%' on the 7~h. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: It just occurred tome, Bill~.;!i~S .this going to be at ~he SOundview? Because the Soundview is Closedl SUPERVISOR PELL: No, '~e ~ill ~reek Inn~ Thursday, 10:00 ~.M. We are going to meet there and~try to come up with a solution. COUNCILMAN DRUM: You'r~ot picking-uP the ~tab:for the public to have free coffee, are you? SUPERVISOR PELL: This.is dutch treat unless somebody wants to be so generous and its no~ the Town Board. Anything else Hank? John? ~Frank? CO~CILMAN MURPHY: Just one thing, on street lights. I would like anyone who has any feel'ings 0n ~ any ideas where they would like a light put or a business area that should be improved to get the.reCommendation into Us.~Henry and I will go a~ound, evaluate, make a list of priorities. We do have quite a bit. of money to spend this year but also we wahl to consider not just putting lights around becaUse they do cost money on a continuing basis, the electric cost and~the ~ole~ rental cost. We want them 'where they will do some good, where .there is.a dangerous inter- . section, traffic-wise or maybe~a'p~d~s~ian problem.. If anyone has any ideas we would-~-lik~O~-.~nput~ We Would like a letter directed to'the Town Board St~eei-:L~ghting Committee:and we,ll get it, we will act on it and we will be going around evaluating different Sections of the T0wn.~?'Th~nk'you~ SUPERVISOR PELL: I see some peopte here who~ have given me some telephone Calls this week and~! am.'going to try to answer their. questions perhaps before they're as~ed~. We did meet tOday at 10:00 o'clock with Barbara Townsend~ Office of MentaI Retardation. They have selected--tentatively selecied-,two homes in Southold Township. The Town Board did.:d~isChss the criteria homes with them today and we'did ask them to hold ~ in abeyance, not do ~ny more invesiigation on them, that we at the Board level felt perhaps these were not quite the best locations for the proposed homes the~ hoPe io~iset up in our townShip and that we would be, on the Board level, working with them perhaps finding better locations. So over the next couple of weeks I will be assisting, with the help Of ~e/Board, them to perhaps look at JANUARY 13f i981 other areas in the Town. Bu~ we aske~ th~ a~d they agreed to hold everything in~beyance ~k~i~t! Board level, a chance to go around and t~at o~:~ Of t~e T~wn with the~. So I ho~e I answered some of your questions before they get asked. On the.~enior Citizens/Youth building, one element of the heating was burned out, they replaced it with a new switch yesterday. We c'hecked the heat yesterday at 12 o'clock, I was up there. The man just got done fixing it, we set it at 70 degrees, left it there all night. This morning ~Mr. Dean .'went in there at 8:00 o'clock. With the doors closed yesterday afternoon and all night and the temperature was down and there was no wind, we went in there this morning at 8:00 and the temperature was 58-59 degrees. The thermostats on both ends were set at 70'degrees. The heating system in that building is not adequate to do the job. The water pipes are froZen, they've been frozen since last week. It is a problem we have, somewhere along the line something isn't right. The Town Board, as you heard tonight, just approved in federal funds $50,000 to go in there and put ~n a supplemental heating'system. Fix the water pipes so they will be fixed and run right, put a divider in there perhaps so we can only heat one end at a time if we have to. But this cannot be done over night. I know I am getting telephone calls from the presidents of the different clubs asking what's being done about it, so I see some of you here, _take this information back to your clubs and tell them the Board has authorized the money to do this it's just going to take time now to get everything done. They cannot thaw the pipes out. We think the problem we're having with the pipes, ~i say we think, the well is put out in front of the building and when they had to lower the land, the ground to make it so it pitched away, it's not four feet. below ground now, it might only be two and a half. So we are probably going to have to end up in the springtime putting in a well out back somewhere else. We have a problem there, we admit it~ but~ we are willing at Board level to appropriate funds. We already have $11,000 to use there, the appropriated $15,000 to get it'set up with the speakers and the piano and other stuff there, now we have heating problems there~ We are willing to spend the money but it is just going to take us time to.do it. It is something~we have to correct and we admit it. COUNCILMAN NiCKLES: Bill, what~was the temperature in there when you turned the heat back'-on? SUPERVISOR PELL: I don't know, John, I didn't look at it, I went up there yesterday noontime, I~know, the gentleman was there to repair it. He had to order a switc~ I-know the switch came in so I know he was up there working. I got there just as he was coming out the door. I spoke to him outside the door and he put.it on 70 degrees. I walked inside and told the people, leave it on 70 degrees for the rest of~ the day and all night.- Don~t turn it back at night because I want to see how warm it would be this morning and Mr. Dean, as I said, checked it out at 58-59 degrees after being on. Our heat-- ing bill for no~ this past month, but a month ago, for the month of November up there to heat that place was $1100. We are going-- what we plan to-do tentatively is on the northeast corner of the building, to build a shed out there and put in supplementary hot air system. A big hot air system that will blow hot air in there and duct it overhead and come down on the far side. Tentatively this is what we talked about with Mr. Dean at Board level today. Now we have the money appropriated, we. will go in there and figure ou~ what is~the best way to do it. It is something we are asking-- a problem we have-to live with. and we are asking patience from all concerned but it can be worked out and it will.be worked out. Mt~. RACHAEL DUELL: I was just wondering who proposed those two sites originally to the OMR? SUPERVISOR PEt,L: We have no idea, they just went in. As they explained to us today, they will go into a town and go to real estate sales person and say this is what we have, do you have a home that you think ~i~s o~r needs and .that's the way they operate. Just to any reaI estate in the town. One person I know called them directly a couple of days ago about another house saying they would like to sell their house. She told us today that she had somebody call her directly. MRS. JOHN CAMPBELL: I am curious about what the criteria is. I heard talk about 15 r~sidents. I don't know about the Short Road site but the house on' Gillette Drive has only three bedrooms. JANUARY 13, 1981 SUPERVISOR PELL: It could be four to six people per house and as-she said today, these are people who wi-il have house~ parents with them constantly. They will not be left alone. Whey were out here two years ago in 1978 and discussed it wi-th the. Town Board at that time. Then they came out today and discussed it with us today. COUNCILMAN DRUM: We don't feel that the two locations they selected were adequate for entirely different criteria. We do have the home on Boisseau Avenue which we felt was most satisfamtory ann':that' ~as near town, c~lose to the various fac~liiies~that would be ~v~i!~ahte' to the people and now this has gone~t01 the Other route m°re ~ less isolated. We. do not feel that~.ihey are satisfactorY. If you wanted some specific information, after the meeting, there is some specifics here I'm sure'you are welcome to read the information that we have.-. - ~ MRS. CAMPBELL: How much authority does the Town Board have with OMR? Will they respect your wishes? .... SUPERVISOR PELL: So far they have. Everything we have worked out with them they always have:respected the wishes of the Town Board. As they said inthe press, they:do have the right to come in and do it without us, but they.never have.done it that I know of anywhere on the east end.:: COUNCILMAN DRUM: We have been cooperative and they have. SUPERVISOR p~.l,l.: Now it is up to us to find a location that we think is suitable and then suggest it ~to them and work with them on a joint venture. MR. MICHAEL MATTES: With reference to' the Mattituck Inlet situation, my neighbors aren't here this evening but i can-advise them that the Town Board is going'to take some action.~ i~Ould like to take this Opportunity to publicly thank the :Town Board for its ac%ions This has been a ver~ hot issue down in my area and my today. neighbors are constantly chewing my ear off about what the Town'. is doing. I am sure I speak on behalf of all of the reSidents down in my area and I would like again to publicly thank you fbr your actions. SUPERVISOR PELL: I wanz to tell you all that these are HUD funds. There are $230,000 available to the Town for the next three years. $30,000 we left out of it in contingency in case there is a 10% -cutback administrations cost. These funds. I want to make sure you all understand this and the press does too. These are what we are going to apply for. It will'be sometime in summer before we get the final approval. I understand it will be mid-August. August we will get final approval for them and then we have to go the next step, have'design acceptance done. Now in the case of the Senior Citziens building we have funds for design work left over in the Library Grant, $50,000 Library Grant.. We can use thai funding to have the design and engineering work done for the building on Peconic Lane. We do not have to wait that long and as we will for your money. We have all our paperwork in line so when August comes and we ge~ approval of the funds we can go ~ight to work in the Center.. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Bill, my understanding is, 'even on the center, even though we can do a'lot of preliminary work because of the funds we have on hand, my understanding is we won"t be able to have the granting funds which would actually be the construction money.~ In other words, looking at like a November completion of the change of the heating system and addition of the utility building. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anybody else wish to address the Board? On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murd0ck, it was RESOLVED that there being no further business t~ come before this Town Board meeting adjournment be called at 8:30 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman MurPhy; Counci'Iman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Town Clerk