HomeMy WebLinkAboutMattituck 2D SEQRARESOLUTION
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is considering a change in the
zoning designation fromCL~) LI(.~/~T I~,~'T~-//?/.~ Zoning
District Designation to the
(~-tqt-0 ) ~0~~ ~[~1'~ ~ ~'f'~['~ Zoning District Designation
of a certain parcel of land lying in the Town of Southold identified by
SCTM# 1000 - [q'[ -' oR'30/ ; and
WHEREAS the Town Board found that for the above action there is no other involved
agency; that for the above action the Town Board is the Lead Agency; that this action is
an Unlisted Action; all pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations 6 NYCRR 617.1 et.
seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; and
WHEREAS, GEIS which said "no further SEQRA review required" when "Changing
the Zoning Category of a parcel from any one of the industrial or commercial
zones in the Town of Southold to a single-family residential or Agricultural
Conservation zone shall not require further SEQRA review." and this proposed
action meets this criteria; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board nevertheless conducted an LEAF pursuant to SEQRA in
addition to the GEIS findings statement; be it further
RESOLVED by the Town Board that this proposed project will not have any significam
adverse environmental impacts and therefore the Town Board issues a NEGATIVE
DECLARATION pursuant to the SEQRA roles and regulations..
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of $outhold is considering a change in the
zoning designation from ('~-J-~9 /.4~[ !/41~~-'- Zoning
District Designation to the
(~.0fl)) [~)~-~/~IT%~ ~'~dID~ffL~ Zoning District Designation
of a certain parcel of land lying in the Town of Southold identified by ~t:IF4-
SCTM# 1000 ~ [~ -~-~'~' ; and
WHEREAS the Town Board found that for the above action there is no other involved
agency; that for the above action the Town Board is the Lead Agency; that this action is
an Unlisted Action; all pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations 6 NYCRR 617.1 et.
seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; and
WHEREAS, GElS which said "no further SEQRA review required" when "Changing
the Zoning Category of a parcel from any one of the industrial or commercial
zones in the Town of Southold to a single-family residential or Agricultural
Conservation zone shall not require further SEQRA review." and this proposed
action meets this criteria; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board nevertheless conducted an LEAF pursuant to SEQRA in
addition to the GEIS findings statement; be it further
RESOLVED by the Town Board that this proposed project will not have any significant
adverse environmental impacts and therefore the Town Board issues a NEGATIVE
DECLARATION pursuant to the SEQKA rules and regulations..
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is considering a change in the
zoning designation from ~/~ ') /~1~ ~ ~ ~'9~]2-'-%T~4,~-- Zoning
District Designation to the
~-laf0~) l~)~ 'D~-'7~>IT~ ~/~-~t I)~']~'~'~' Zoning District Designation
of a certain parcel of land lying in the Town of Southold identified by
SCTM# 1000 - Iq'l-5~1~ ;and
WHEREAS the Town Board found that for the above action there is no other involved
agency; that for the above action the Town Board is the Lead Agency; that this action is
an Unlisted Action; all pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations 6 NYCRR 617.1 et.
seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; and
WHEREAS, GEIS which said "no further SEQRA review required" when "Changing
the Zoning Category of a pardi from any one of the industrial or commercial
zones in the lown of Southold to a single-family rasidential or Agricultural
Conservation zone shell not require further SEQRA review.' and this proposed
action meets this criteria; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board nevertheless conducted an LEAF pursuant to SEQRA in
addition to the GEIS findings statement; be it further
RESOLVED by the Town Board that this proposed project will not have any significant
adverse environmental impacts and therefore the Town Board issues a NEGATIVE
DECLARATION pursuant to the SEQRA rules and regulations..
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is considering a change in the
zoning designation from (/,,.~ ) L[ ~T I/~ ~"7'~'L~ Zoning
District Designation to the
w -v ir'f' Zoning istri De i ation
of a certain parcel of land lying in the Town of Southold identified by
WHEREAS the Town Board found that for the above action there is no other involved
agency; that for the above action the Town Board is the Lead Agency; that this action is
an Unlisted Action; all pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations 6 NYCRR 617.1 et.
seq. and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code; and
WHEREAS, GElS which said "no further SEQRA review required" when "Changing
the Zoning Category of a parcel from any one of the industrial or commercial
zones in the Town of Southold to a single-family residential or Agricultural
Conservation zone shall not require further SEQRA review." and this proposed
action meets this criteria; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board nevertheless conducted an LEAF pursuant to SEQRA in
addition to the GEIS findings statement; be it further
RESOLVED by the Town Board that this proposed project will not have any significant
adverse environmental impacts and therefore the Town Board issues a NEGATIVE
DECLARATION pursuant to the SEQRA rules and regulations..
The LEAF (Long Environmental Assessment Form) within applies for each of the
specific parcels for the group known as L -- of the
County Route 48 Corridor Land Use Study "Recommendation Discussion".
The attached LEAF is identical for each parcel except for the following
Section A(2)- Regarding Total Acreage
Section B(1)(j)- Regarding Linear Frontage
Section C(5)- Regarding Maximum potential development of the site
These Sections currently reflect the combined totals of all the other
parcels in ~JI~IL~c~- ~ P . The individual information for each
parcel is found in SubStudy 1 and/or Substudy 2. (Substudy 1 and Substudy 2
are attached hereto and incorporated by reference.)
A GElS was conducted for the County Route 48 Corridor Land Use Study.
The GElS and the SEQRA Findings Statement are incorporated herein by
In conformance with this portion of the SEQRA regulations, cdteria and
thresholds have been established to indicate when additional SEQRA review is
required for actions carried out in conformance with the recommendations of the
(County Route 48 Corridor) Land Use Study. These criteria and thresholds state
when additional SEQRA review is required. Among the criteria and thresholds
established is the following:
"1. Changing the Zoning Category of a parcel from any one of the
industrial and commercial zones in the Town of Southold to a single family
residential or agricultural conservation zone shall not require further SEQRA
As all of the parcels in group ~[~L~]~ ~_ j) are proposed to be
changed from the ~'/-----~ ") J-J(-.~JT )~b~/~"T~J~PrL...-- Zoning
District Designation to the ('~z~),) J-0~-[~)-~/' ~,'~}~/~oning
District Designation "no further SEQRA review was required pursuant to the
GElS and the SEQRA Findings Statement.
Town of Southold
Environmental Assessment Form
Mattituck 2D
Proposed Change of Zone
Town Board's Own Motion
LI to R40
Sound Avenue, Mary's Road, Hill Street, & Lipco Road
Project Sponsor:
Town Board of the Town of Southold
Southold Town Hall
53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971
Contact Person:
Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk
Southold Town Hall
53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971
(516) 765-1801
Project Description:
The action is the proposed rezoning o£approximately 3.35 acres of land in the Town of
Southold. The existing zoning is LI and the proposed zoning is R40. The action has frontage
along Sound Avenue, Mary's Road, Hill Street, & Lipco Road, in the hamlet of Mattituck.
Specific Suffolk County Tax Map Numbers (SCTM#) can be found on the next page of this
FAF. The action is a change of zone on the Town Board's own motion based on the County
Route 48 Land Use Study, the Genetic Environmental Impact Statement and the Findings related
to that study.
Mattituck 2D - EAF I
Property Owners:
SCTM#, Owner's name and address.
140-2-32 John Divello & Others, Westphalia Road, P.O. Box 1402, MaRituck, NY, 11952
141-3-18 Jeffrey Gregor, 37 Squiretown Road. Hampton Bays, NY, 11946
141-3-39 Robert Boasi, 12425 Sound Avenue, P.O. Box 317, Mat~ituck, NY, 11952
141-340 Andrew Fohrkolb, 670 Holden Avenue. Cutchogue, NY. 11935
A. Site Description
Physical s~tting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas.
I. Present land use:
~ Urban F'~ Industrial [-~ Commercial ~ Residential (suburban)
~ Forest [~ Agriculture ~-~ Rural(non-farm) [~ Other junk/abandoned ears
2. Total acreage of project area: 3.35 acres
Meadow or Brushland (Non-Agricultural)
Forested 2.5 acres 2.5 acres
Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland., pasture, etc.)
Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL)
Water Surface Area
Unvegetated (Rock. earth or fill)
Landscaping and/or Residential 0.99 acres 0.99 acres
Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces/Urban
Other (indicate type) iunk/abandonexl cars 0.41 acres 0.41 acres
3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? Haven Loam [0-3% slopes], Riverhead and
Haven Soils [Graded - 0-8% slopes], & Cut
and Fill Land [gently sloping]
a. Soil drainage: 35.95% Well Drained (Haven Loam [0-3% slopes] & Rh, not
applicable to remainder Cut and Fill Land [gently sloping].
4. Are: there bedrock outcroppings on project site? NO
~ What is d~p~h to bedn~k? NA
5. Approximr~.~rcentage of proposed project with slopes:
[.~ 0-1 ~/, 100.00
~ 10-15% %
~ 15% or greater %
6. Is project substantially contiguous ~, or contain a building, site or district, listed on the State or the National Registers
of Historic Places? NO
However the action contains or is contiguous to the following structure as identified in the Town of
$outhold/SPLIA documents on tile in the Town: George Penny House, 141-3-39 (MK-12) and next to
~.W.Tuthfll Produeo&CoalCo, 140-2-~0(MK-3)
7. Is project substantially contiguous lo e site listed on thc Register of National Natural Landmarl~t NO
Mattituck 2D - EAF 2
8. What is thc depth of thc water table? 20' Source? SCDHS 1998 Groundwater Maps and
USGS Quadangle sheets
9. is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? YES
I 0. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? NO
11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal that is identified as threatened or endangered? NO
According to: Cramer Consulting Group and Town of Southold Planning Staff.
Identify each species:
12. Are there any unique natural land forms on the project site? (i.e. cliffs, dunes, other geological formations} NO
13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? NO
If yes, explain:
14. Docs the present site include scenic views know to be important to the community? NO
However general character of the area has been identified ns scenic.
15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: NO
a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tribnta~:
16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: NO
a. Name: b. Size (In acres)
17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? YES
a) If Yes, docs sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? Y ES
b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary m allow connection? NO
18 is the site located in an agricultural district enrtified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section
303 and 304? NO
19 Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the
ECL, and 6 NYCRR 6177 NO
20. Has the site evcx been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? NO
B. Project Description:
1. Physical dimensions and scale of project
Note: As the proposed action is for a change of zone on the Town of Southold Town Board's own motion there is no
physical alteration of any pmpe~y. Tbe~fom th~ questions are not applicable in this section. More relevant
information can be found in Section C of this EAF. Also please refer to the Genetic Environmental Impact Statement
and Findings Stet~nent for the County Route 48 Con'tdor Land Use Study prel:~tred by the Town of Southold).
~ Total contiguous acreage owned or commlled by project ~onsor. NA
b. Project acreage to be developed; initially: HA Ultimately: NA
Mattituck 2D - EAF 3
c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped: HA
d. Length of project, in miles (if appropriate): HA
e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed: NA
f. Number of off-street parking spaces; Existing: NA Proposed: NA
g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upon completion of project)? NA
h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: NA
One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium
i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure? Height: Width: Length:
j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 1144'
2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will he removed from the site? NA
3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? NA
a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? NA
b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? NA
c. Will upper subs oil be stockpiled for reclamation? NA
4. How many acres of vegetation (tre~s, shrubs, ground coveea) will be removed from site? NA
5. Will a~y mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally important vegetation be removed by this project? N A
6. If single phase project; Anticipated period of construction in months, (including demolition). NA
7. If multi-phased;
a. Total number of phases anticipated (number): NA
b. Anticipated date ofcommencemeat phase, (including demolition). Month: Year:
c. Approximate completion date of final phase Month: Year:
Is phas~ I functionally dependent on subsequeal phase~? Yes: L~No:
8. Will bi,sting occur during construction7 NO
9. Number of lobs geaerat~l; during construction: NA; Afiar project is complete: NA
10. Number ofjobs eliminated by this project NA
I I. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? NO
12. Is surfaco liquid w~ste disposal involved? NO
a. If yes, indicate ~ of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount:
b. Name of water body into which efiluem will be discharged:
13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involv~l? NO
If yes, indicate B'Pe of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount:
b. If yes, indicate method of disposal:
14. Will surl~ ~ of ~ ~i~ ~er b~dy lactose or d~:~'cas~ by proposal? NO
Er, plain:
15. Is projecl or ~ny portion of pmJect lo,'~ted in a lOO ye~r tlood plain? NO
Mattituck 2D - EAF 4
16. Will the project generate solid waste? NO
~ If yes, what is the amount per month (in tons):
b. lfyes, will an existing solid waste facility be used?
c. Il'yes, give name:
d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? NO
e. If Yes, explain:
17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? NO
a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal (tons/month)?
b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life?
18. Will proj~t use herbicides or pesticides? NO
19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? NO
20. Will proj<t produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise NO
2 I. Will project result in an increase in energy use NO
If yes, indicate type(s):
22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity (gallons/minute): NA
23. Total anticipated water usage per day (gallons/day):
24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? NO
Yes, explain:
25. Approvals R~quived.'
Type Date
City, Town, Village Board Yes X No Change of Zone
City, Town, Village Planning Board Yes No X
City, Town Zoning Board Ye~ No X
City, County Health Department Yea No X
Other Local Agencies Y~s No X
Other Regional Agencies Yes No X
State Agencies Yes No X
Federal Agencies Yes No X
C. Zoning and Planning Information
1. Do~s proposed a~,ion Involv~ a planning or zoning d~ision? YES
if Yes, hsdieate do,sion r~lulmd?
sRe plan new/revision of master plan resource management plan other
Mattituck 2D - EAF 5
2, What is thc zoning classification(s) of the site? LI
3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning'?
59982 square feet of industrial buildings. Estimate does not figure roads, drainage, parking, etc.
Computation is based on a straight arithmetic computation based on percent of lot coverage as allowed in
the code. Actual yield under a detailed site plan may be less. Estimate represents maximum potential
4. What is thc proposed zoning of the site? R40
5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitled by the proposed zoning?
6 single family units. Estimate does not figure roads, drainage, etc. Computation is based on a straight
arithmetic computation of 40,000 square feet per lot as allowed in the code. Actual yield under a detailed
site plan may be less. Estimate represents maximum potential yield.
6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? YES
7, What arc thc predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a 1/4 mile radius &proposed action?
Land uses include: agricultural, single-family residence, commercial, industrial. Zoning includes
AC, RS0, R40, LB, B, LIO Ll, HB, MIL
8. ls the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a 1/4 mile? YES
9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? NA
a. What is the minimum lot size proposed?
10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? NO
I 1. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire
protection)? NO
a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? NA
12. Will thc proposed action result in thc generation of traffic significantly above present levels? NO
a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle ~he additional traffic?
D. Informational Details
Please refer to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement and Findings Statement for the County Route
48 Corridor Land Use Study prepared by the Town of Southold).
E. Verification
1 certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge.
Name of Preparer: Cramer Consulting Group Date:
Signature: Title: Consultants to the Town Board
I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge.
Applicam/Spon~or Name: Date:
Signature: Title:
Mattituck 2D - EAF 6
Gener~i tniotm~tion (2e~d ~are(uJlv) .'-
~or most sJauadon~. Out. ~or any soec~f~c prolec: or s{ae o~er ~amoles and/ct lower ~hreshalds may be appropr~a
· The imoac~ 0¢ each pra~e¢_ on eac~ site. in each !ocsli~A will vanf. Therefore,
have b~m offer~ ~ ~uldanc~. %ney do not =ans~m(e an ¢~ve I~ o¢ impa~ and bhresholds to an~er e~Ch quest~c
· The num8er o~ ~ples per question does not indicate ~e impo~c~ of each ~u~tion.
· In identi~in8 impact, c~nsider [on~ :e~. sho~ ~e~ ~d cumladve
Inst~lo,s (Re~d
~ An~er e~ah of ~he 2g questions in PA~ 2 Answer Yes if them will be ~ny impacL
c, If ~swedng Y~s to ~ question ~hen ~ecX t~e appraodate box (column I ~r ~ to indicate ~e potential size ~f the
imoscc If imoa~ B~s~old ~qu~ls or ~c~ds ~y ex,pie pm~d~, c~k column 2 If impact will occur but
threshold is lower Ban e~ote, c~eck ~lumn 1.
d_ ldenti~ing ~at ~ impa~ will be poten;ially large (c:tumn ~ do~ not me~ Sat it is also necessarily signifl~nt.
Any I~rge im¢~ mu~ be ev~u~ted in PA~ 3 to det¢ine significance. Idend~/ing an impact in ~lumn 2 simply
As~ ~At it be I~k~ At ~her.
e. [f re,Sewer h~ doubt ~ou~ si~ of the impact ~en c:nsider t~e impact ~ potentially [~e And proceed to PA~ 3.
L If a Cetenti~fly I~e impa~ choked in column 2 c~ be mitig~t~ by chugs(s) in the proie~ to ~ ~matl to moderate
mu~ be ~l~ned in P~ 3.
I 2 3
Smsll to Potential .Can Impsct 8e
Moderate ~rge Mitigated By
IMPACT ON ~ND impsc: impact Project Change
' ~NO ~YE5
~ampies ~at would apgiy :o Column 2
' Any cons~on on sJo~ of 15% or [re~ter. (15 ~oot dso per 100
coot of ~enB~L ar whom ~e ~qe~J sio~ in ~e ~roie~ ~ea ~c~
· Cons~on on [~d where ~e deg~ ~ ~e w~mr ~ble ~ [~ ~en
· Cons~don on [~d bhem b~m~ ~ ~os~ or gene~lly wi~in
3 ~t of ~sdn~ ~ su~c~
· Cons~on ~t ~11 ~ndnue for mom ~gzn 1 year or in~lve mom
~an one ~h~e or
' 5xc~vadon for mining pumos~ ~ac would remove mom ~an i.~
tons o~ na~J mom.al ~.e.. m~ or soi~ pet year.
· Cons~on of ~o~ion of a sani~pF ~andfiil.
· Cons~on in a d~igna[~ r~oo~ay.
' Other imoac= ~ ~ ~Yes ~c
2..W_ill there 5e an effect to any unique or unusual land ~o,~n~s found on
,he site? (i e. c!iffs, dunes, leo ogica forrnadcns.
I --
· Soec.;flc fa. nd ~orms: I "-' --
1 2 3
dinah (c Fcten[ial CAn Impac: Ee
[MPAC? ON WATER MceerA~e L~rge Miti~atec Ey
Wi[i 3recosec zcz~on a~fec: any wz~er boo'/ designated ~s orotecz~d~ Imp~C: lmpAc: ~rcje~: Ch&nge
E~]mole~ ~hi( wouid zco[Y co c~lumn Z
0eve{ocabie area oi site c2ncains a procec:e~ wa[er body.
Oredgin~ mere ~han 100 cable ,/arcs of material /rom channeJ
C~nst~cz~on ~n a designated ~reshwacer ar ~dal wedanc. ~ ~ ~Yes ~No
Other imoac~:
~. Wii] prooosed ac-Jori afie~ any non-protected ~.'dsti~n~or new 5ody
o~ ,,varec? ~NO ~YE5
Ezampl~ ~at would aoply to column 2
· A 10% incre~e or decre~e in ~e su~ac~ area of any body of
or more Zhan a I0 8c~ incre~e or decre~e.
· Con~mc~on of a body of water ~ar ~c~eds lO acres oi sudac~ area. ~ ~ ~ ,.s ~$o
· O~er impac=:
WiI[ ?rooosed Action aff'e~ surface or groundwater\/'
quality or quandw? /~NO ~YES
Ezamnl~ ~ha~ woutd apply :o column Z
Proposed A~n will r~uire a discharge peril ~ ~ ~v= ~No
Proposed Ac=On r~uir~ use of a source of water :hat doe~ not
have ao0roval :o se~e prooos~ (~ro{~ a~on.
?ro=osed A~on r~i~ water sup0iy irom weils with greater ~aa a5
gailons ~er manure ~um0ing
Cons~c~oa or o0e~flon o~ing any contamination of i water ~ ~ ~Y~ ~No
su=oly ~s~em.
?ro0osed A~on will adve~ely a~em groun~ec.
Liquid effluent will b~ ~y~ off ~e site to ~a~ii~ whidn pt~endy ~ ~ ~Y~ ~ No
do not ~st or M~ inad~uate ~ga~.
Pmoos~ A~on will [ik~y ~e silk, on or o~er d~a~e in~ an ~ ~ ~Y~ ~No
~xis~ng body of wamr m ~e ~t ~at ~e will be ~ obvio~ visual
toner ~o nammi condi~ons.
?rooosed A~on will ~im ~e ~o~ge of ~e~leum or chemi~l ~ ~ ~y~ ~No
~ro~u~ greater ~an 1,i~ ~allons.
?rooosed A~on will allow ~iden0al us~ in areas wi~ou~ water
~roOosed Ac:on {ocl:~ c=mmerc!ai ancot indus~ai ~ which may ~ ~ ~Y~ ~o
Othe~ imoac~
',viii .:rooosed ac:ion alter drainage flow or ;~atte. rn~or /ur'ac.-
Examples '.hat would aooiy to column 2
~rOoosed AC-JOri would change l:locd water flows. ~ ~ f~'Yes I'-]No
,. 1 2 3
~mail !c Potential Can Impact
· ?rccosed ACtiOn may cause ~ub~andat erosion. ~ ~ ~Ye~ I~No
· ?rooosec Action ~,il allow deve~comen~ ~n a de,ignited floodway. ~-- ..'~ ~Yes ,~
· Other ,maac=:
Wiil oroposed ac'Jan affect air quallt~t ~NO ~Y~S
F.;amptes that would apply ~o cciumn 2
?roocsed Action will induce 1.~ or more ,,ehide ~ms in any ~iven ~ I~ ~Y~ ~No
Proposed A~icn will r~u~t in ~e incme~aon of mcre ~an ~ ton cf
re,use per hour.
~mission rate of ~otal contaminzn~ will ~ce~ 5 lbs. get hour or
nea~ source produdn~ mo~ ~n ~0 miilion ~TU's per hour.
Proao~ ac~on will zilow an inc-e~e in ~e amount oi land cammi~ed
~o indus~iaJ
2ro~os~ ac5on will allow an in~-~e in ~5e densiW o~ industrial
QeveJo~ment within c~i~n~ ind~ai areas.
Other impa~:
. a~da~ed
WHI ~rcaosed A~en a~e~ any ~reaten~ or
species? O ~YES
Reduction o~ one or more sp~ lir~ on ~e N~ Yo~ or F~e~l
list. usin~ ~e site, over or near ske or iound on abe
Remov~i of any go.on of a ~cal or si~nilicznt wiidliie habile
Aooiica~on of ~de or he~i~de more aq~ ~ica ~ year, a~er ~ ~ ~Yes ~No
non~ndange~ sp~l~NO
Examol~ ~at would ~O01y to column 2
PFODOS~ At,on ~uid sub~ndaily inte~em wi~ any r~ident or
migr~o~ Hsh, shellfish or wildlife
of maim ~or~ (over 100 yea~ cf abe) or o~er ~ocaliy ~mDo~ant
:0 will ~ne ?~oosed A~on ~ffe~ a~nc~imrai [and
E~ampl~ :hat would a~ly :o coiumn l
The :roccs~ ~cdon w~uid sever, s-ass or limit ~cc~s :o aincuiturai __
!and ]includes c;ccianc, hav6ielc~. ~as~re. vinev~, occhard. ~tc.~
i 2
.... ~t,=l Can ,mcac:
a]ricuiturM land.
The praaased ac:ion w~uid irreversibly ¢anver~ mare ~an I0 acres ~ ~ ~Yes
of agrfcu[turM land or, if t = ~ ~i-
=Ban 2.5 tcze~ oi agricultural land.
Tine orooos~ a~Jon would dismot or ~revent installation of ag~cuitural ~ '~ ~Yes
land management ~stems (e.g., subsudac= drain lines, outlet dkches.
scrip c:o~pingJ; or G-eate a need ~or such measure5 (e_g. csuse ~ farm
fie~d co drain pooriy due to increased'~no~
G~er im0ac=: ~ ~ ~Yas ~No
. Will 9raposed ac*don a~ec: ~es~dc ~sourc~
r f nec~s~a~, use ~e ~sual ~F Addendum in S~Jan 617.20.
AppendN 8.)
~am~{~ ~at would a001y :o column 2
Proposed land us~, ar ~rofe~ com0onen~ obvia~y diVe.nc ~rom
or in sharp con=~t :o cu=ent su~ounding I~d use pa~mms, whe~er
man~ade or
Prooosed land us~, or proj~ c=mponen
a~edc resourc~ which wifl eliminate or
en[oyme~t of ~e aer~edc qualiU~ of ~a~ r~ource. '.
Projec: c=mponen~ ~at will r~uit in ~e elimina~on or significant
12. Will Proposed AcJon impact any site or ~'uc-.~re ?/hi.~'~odc.. pr~-
historic or paieon:oiolical imgortanca.; ~j~NO ~YE$
E.~mples that would apply tn column 2
· .P~oposed Ac'Jori ocCurring wholly or ~atdally within or substantially
contiguous to any fadlit'y or site listed on the State or National Register
of historic pl~c~.
· Any impact to an archaeological site or fossii bed located within the I-'i
proiem site.
· Proposed Ac:ion will occur in an ~re~ de, ignored ~s sensitive ?ar
archaeological sites on the NY5 S~te Inventory_
· Other impac'.s' ,'~. ~ i-~y~ F~No
12 '/,/ill Proposed ^c~on ~.~e,c: ',.he quandt'y or quality of exisdng ar
~utui'e open spac~ or re~-eadonal ogportunifies~
Examples that would apply tO column I ii,lO ~YES
· The permanent foreclosure oi: a lucre r~readona[ oppo~ni~. ~ ~ ~Yes ~Nc
· A major ~ucJon
-- ~=~ ~Na
E,'~2, mples ;,nat woutd aDpiv co column i
· Prooosed Ac':ion Co locate wi~in abe CE.&~ ~ '~ ~Yes ~
· Procased Acz~on wdl resui( in i ~u~on in ~he quanc~/of the resource~ ~ ~ ~Yes ~No
· Praoosed ,&cc~on will result ~n ~ ~uc~on in the qualir/of ~e resource? ~ ~ ~Yes ~NO
· Proaosed .Ac:ion will imo~c: the use. ~uncuon ar enjoyment ai ~he ~ ~ ~Yes ~No
O ~Y~S
Exam~tes chat wouiC iooiv co column l
Alteraaon oi present pa~ems o~ movement of peopie ~d/or goods. , ,
Proposed A~ion w,il result in maior ~c problems. . ~ '~ ~Y~ ~No
Other impact: ~ ~ ~Yes ~No
':viil proaose~ ~_¢..:on iffec: :he c=mmunirV's iourc~rc~s o¢ ~eJ or
energy suooiv? ~0 '2Y~S
~=amp[~ ~hac would aooiv :o c=iumn 2
=roccse~ a. CClOn w,il recuzre :he creation or extension oi an energy .~ .~ ~Yis ~.No
1 ~ S
;~ ',vdi :sere be oajec:Jcnabie odors, no,sa, or .acraaon as a .-e~u~c M~dara~e Ls~a iMit~ga~eC S'/
s~ :he ?:occsed Ac:ica? 0 ~YES Imoac: Imcac:
· 5l~;ng wtchm ~.500 fe~s c~ ~ ~osoital. ~c~oct or o~ner ~ensitive ~ ~~ :~Y~< ~No
' Ocers will occur routi~eJ,f (more 5~an o~e h~ur car da'/~.
· Procosed Ac:ion will produc~ ooeradng noise .... ~c.__m~W ~ the loom
ambient noise leve!s ~or noise ou~ide of s~mur~.
· C~her impa~: ~ ~ ~Ye~ ~Na
18 Wif[ Proposed Ac':Jon _~e_o*: pu6/ic hez/~ and
~ampt~ ~at would aoply to column 2
Proposed A~on may czu~e z dsk of ~ios/on ~r re/ease
suoszznc~ 0.~ od, p~uc:~, dnemic~b, ~diadon, acm)
~c~den~ or u~se~ conditions, or ~era m~y be ~ c~ronic Iow level
dbchar~e or
Proposed A~jon may r~ult in ~e burial of "h~zrdous w~z~"
~o~ (i.e. taxi~ poisana~, highly reaCJ~e. ~dfoaCve.
.~<cr~=~-_ ~acflid~ far one miili~n or more 8ailons 0¢ {iquified nztura[
g~ or oCer ~{ammab/e liquid.
Pracosed scion may result in ~e ~Cavadon or o~er disturbance ~ ~ ~Yes ~NO
wia~in J.'3OO feat Of ~ site ,~ doc ~he dbpos~i of solid or hazardous
Other imp~¢~: ~_ ~ ~Y~ ~No
Will pro~os~ a~on aff~ ~e dna~r ad ~e ~communi~?
The pe~an~t ~pula~on o~ ~e ~W, ~n or village in
proj~ ~ Io~ ~ likely ~ 3~ by mo~ ~
The municipal budget for ~oi~ m~ndi~ or o~m~g s~ic~ ~ ~ ~Y~ ~No
will ina~e ~ mom ~ ~% p~ year ~ a ~uit af ~b
?ro~os~ a~on 'rill ~nfii~ wi~ a~aily adoOc~ ~l~s or ioals.
?rooosed aoon wifl ~e a ~ge ~n ~e densi~ oi I~d use. ~ ~ ~Y~ ~NO
Prooosed A~on will reCac~ or eliminate ~bdng ~acilities. s~res
or ire~ of his~oNc imOo~c~ :o ~e c=mmunie/.
.:e.~. so, aais. ~oiica md fire
Prcoosed A~on will sec ~n imoa~nc prec~enc ~ar lucre 9rolec~.
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