HomeMy WebLinkAboutLL #22 1999ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax (516) 765-1823 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Telephone (516) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER )~ OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK Tov~rN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING LOCAL LAW WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON OCTOE/ER 19. 1999: LOCAL LAW NO, 22 OF THE YEAR 1999. A LOCAL LAW TO CHANGE THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF THAT PART OF THE PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS Suffolk Count)' Tax Map (SCTM) # 1000-122.00-02.00-024.000 WHICH IS CURRENTLY IN THE (EIO) LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARK/PI,ANNED OFFICE PARK ZONING DISTRICT FROM THE (LIO) LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARK/PLANNED OFFICE PARK ZONING DISTRICT DFSI(]NAT10N YO (R-g0) RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNAI iON BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Legislative Intent Consistent with our comprehensive land use plan and our established objectives and goals as reflected by the existing zoning patterns within the Town, and based upon our current County Route 48 L~nd use study as well as numerous land use studies and plans developed heretofore, we hereby determine that it is necessary and desirable to revise and amend the zoning designation applicable to the parcel identified herein as well as other lands; thus, we hereby identify and adopt the following overall themes of (1) Preservation of Farmland and Agriculture; (2) Preservation of Open and Recreational Space; (3) Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historical Character of the Hamlets aud Surrounding Areas; (4) Preservation of the Natural Environment; which derive from the shared vision held by residents and local public oHicials of the Town and which are intended to foster a alrong economy and which encourage and preserve the existing high quality of life, m more q~ffieall~ ~ forth herdn below:. I. Preservation of t~u'mbmd and ~lture Fap~l*~ is a valuable and Q~fl~qmtc ituq~ in ~le Town of Southoid. The open fa~ m*c not only highly cherished for fhcir economic value, but ~or the scenic v~stas they provide. Thc open s~ and s~cncsT c~catcd by ~mland additioFmlly contributes to ~c qualit~ of life of the residems, while promo~n~ touris3n and recreation. 2. Preservation of Open and Recrcatioual Space The Town of Southold relies heavily upon its scenic beauty and Open landscapes for recreation, clean air and water, as well as for its attra~en to tou~sts and recreation-seekers. Thc Town has attracted many secend homenwners because of its "natural resources, ab--dnnce of open space, fame, picturesque villages, and the ever-present waterfron¢' (Master Plan Update, 1985). Due to this open space, the Town has a tremendous development potential. Bleak pictm'es have been painted in a few doc,aments, wanting of sUip-type d~vclopmeat, ~ubufoan sprawl and 3. Preservation of the Rural, Cultural, Commercial and Historical Character of the Hamlets and Surrounding Areas Thc Town of Soulhold is renowned for its rural, cultural, commercial and Mstoric cltaractor. This unique character is rcengn~ed in all of thc documents reviewed. Based on thc input of Town residents, thc Final Report and Recommendations states that the two most prevalent and key issues arc keeping growth in thc cxis~ng hamlet centers and preserving thc enhancing thc surrounding rural areas Addi~ionMly, thc Master Plan Update recommends thc provision for "a community of residential hamlets that are comprised of a variety of honsin§ opportunities, commercial, service and cultural activities, sot in an open or ru~l atmosphere and supper~ed by a diversified economic base (inchiding agriculture, marine commercial and seasonal recreation activities)? 4. Preservation of the Natural Environment Accommodating "growth and change witMn thc Town without destroying its t~ditional economic hase, the natural environment of which that base rests, and thc unique character and the way of life that defines the Town" is of utmost importance" (Ground Watershed Protection and Water Supply Management Strategy) The Master Plan Update rcCOlarllcnds preseD.,atlOll of the Towll'S llatural environm¢ll! [rom x~¢tlands to woodlands and to "aclucvc a land use pattern tha! is scnsilive Io Ibc limited iadigenous water supply and will not degrade thc subsurface water qualily The outslandmg needs enumerated below are the culmination of careful comparison of the intent and objectives of the town (as stated in past land use plans and studies) and the currently existing conditions along the Courtly Route 48 comdor. These needs reflect the past and present vision of the Town and the work that still needs to be done due to the proximity of County Route 48 to the hamlet commercial centers and to avoid potentially com"licting development strategies for such areas. These outstanding needs we find exist throughout the Town and are specifically identified as follows: 1 ) lo provide for viable land use development at levels of intensities which are sensitive to subsurface water quality and quantity 2) To maintain and strengthen hamlet centem as the focus of commemial, residential, and cultural activity; 3 ) To preserve foe open, agricultural and rural character of areas outside of the hamlet centers; 4) to provide for a variety of housing Opportunities for citizens of different incomes and age levels; 5) to enhance the opportunities for pedosLrian-friendly shopping; 6) to con~m~e to fl~e support of the Town's agricultural economy; 7) to max~ml.e tho Town's m~h~l assr, i~cl,~li~ it~ ~ lomtion and ngfienltur~l base, by $) to ~ng~eniheTown'sn~rine-m:n:nflonnlnndn~ine~o~a~ivities; 9) to cncouragethept~ervationofpaddandandpobHcaccesstothewateffrom; 10) to support tourism by m~ulaining and ~ugfoening the Town's assets that foster a tourist trade, uamely haml~ cenm'l~,~neeses, historic heritage, amhitecture, a sense of place, of rural and open 11) to prese~ prime fmmlnn~: ami eacoura~ the diversification of agricu0~ue: 12) to ~ lh~ hi~loric, enltur~ srghil~ra! and m'~haeological resour~s of the Town; 13) to ensure visual quali~y of hamlet earners; 14) to onenurng~ app~o~.~iate land use~ both inqdc and out of hamlet center~ 15) to promote balanced economy and lax base; 16) to preserve thc integrity of thc TowWs vegetative habi~ts, lncludin~ freshwater wetlands and woodlands ‘­“­@@@@@@@@@@@@  €€@€   €@€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ €jÀâ1@W]VV€×m@W]VW€×n@W]VX€×o@W]VY€×q@W]VZ€×p@W]V[€×z@W]V\€×x@W]V]€×y@W]V^€×~@W]V_€×@W]WV€×@W]WW€×„@W]WX€×‡ @W]WY€×ˆ @W]WZ€×‰ @W]W[€× @W]W\€×Ž @W]W]€×!@W]W^€×‘!@ V“­•­€@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@@@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €jÀâ1`W^_W€ÙM^_X€ÙN^_Y€ÙN^_Z€ÙN^_[€ÙN^_\€ÙN^_]€ÙN^_^€ÙO^__€Ù"O_VV€Ù!O_VW€Ù#O_VX€Ù&P_VY€Ù)P_VZ€Ù(P_V[€Ù*P_V\€Ù-P_V]€Ù+P_V^€Ù,P_V_€Ù0Q_WV€Ù3Q_WW€Ù2Q_WX€Ù4Q_WY€Ù6Q_WZ€Ù7R_W[€Ù>R_W\€Ù:R_W]€Ù@S_W^€Ù?S_W_€ÙAS_XV€ÙBS_XW€ÙCS_XX€ÙFS_XY€ÙGT_XZ€ÙPU_X[€ÙIT_X\€ÙLT_X]€ÙMT_X^€ÙRU_X_€ÙOT_YV€ÙSU_YW€ÙUU_YX€ÙVU_YY€ÙWU_YZ€Ù\V_Y[€ÙZV_Y\€ÙYV_Y]€ÙbW_Y]`€ÙdW_Y]a€ÙeW_Y^€ÙcW_Y_€ÙfW_ZV€ÙgW_ZW€ÙmX_ZX€ÙnX_ZY€ÙjX_ZZ€ÙlX_Z[€ÙpX_Z\€ÙvY_Z]€ÙtY_Z^€ÙyY_Z_€Ù|Z_[V€Ù{Z_[W€Ù}Z_[X€Ù~Z_[Y€Ù€Z_[Z€ÙZ_[[€Ùƒ[_[\€Ù…[_[]€Ù†[_[^€ÙŠ[_[_€Ù‹\_\V€ÙŒ\_\W€ÙŽ\_\X€Ù\_\Y€Ù\_\Z€Ù”]_\[€Ù‘\_\\€Ù—]_\]€Ù˜]_\^€Ùš]_\_€Ù›]_]V€Ùœ]_]W€Ùž^_]X€Ù^_]Y€Ù ^_]Z€ÙŸ^_][€Ù¡^_]\€Ù¨__]]€Ù¤^_]^€Ù§__]_€Ù©__^V€Ùª__^WW_^X€Ù«__^Y€Ù­`_^Z€Ù¯`_^[€Ù°`_^\€Ù²`_^]€Ù¶a_^^€Ù´`_^_€Ù¸a__V€Ù¼a__W€Ù½a__X€Ù¾a__Y€ÙÁb__Z€ÙÂb__[€ÙÊc__\€ÙÅb__]€ÙËc__^€ÙÎc___€ÙÏcU Section 3. ' Thc zoning map as adopted by section 100-21 of the To~n Code of thc Town of Southold ts hereby amended to reflect the within change of zoning district designation for said parcel. Section 4. THIS LOCAL LAW SHALL TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY UPON FILING WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE $OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK OCTOBER 19. 1999 •­—­ @€ @ €@                             @@@@€jÀâ1`XYV€Ø¯B`XZ_WX VZ€Ø)2`X\XVVX€ÙiW`X^][€Ø±B`Y[V€Ø«A`Yo€Ù–]`ZY][€ØM7`_[WWX X]€Ù‡[`_[WWX X^€Ù‰[`_[_WX VZ€Ø03`_[_WX Z€Ø23`_]^WX VZ€Ø33`_^]€Ú$m`__]€ÙDS`__^€Ù%O`___€ØñJ`hVV\€ÙÆb€VV]€Úÿ†€WWWZWX VZ€Ú_t€WW^YWX VZ€ÚNr€W][V€ÜU¯€W_\XVVX€Ûr”€XV[W€Ú m€XV[Y€Ú'n€XV[Z€Ú(n€XV[\€Ú-o€XV[]€Ú/o€XV\Z€Ú<p€XV\\€Ú?q€XV\^€ÚCq€XV\_€ÚDq€XV]V€ÚEq€XV]X€ÚIr€XV]Y€ÚKr€XV]Z€ÚPs€XV][€ÚXt€XV]\€ÚWs€XV]]€ÚYt€XV]^€ÚZt€XV]_€Úbu€XV^V€Údu€XV^W€Úeu€XV^X€Úhu€XV^Y€Úiv€XV^Z€Újv€XV^[€Úkv€XV^\€Úlv€ B—­™­@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@€jÀâ1€XXVV€Û0ŒVW€Û2ŒVX€Û9VY€Û=ŽVZ€Û6V[€Û7V\€Û8V]€Û?ŽV^€Û:V_€Û;WV€Û>ŽWW€Û@ŽWX€ÛAŽWY€ÛIWZ€ÛEW[€ÛBŽW\€ÛDW]€ÛJW^€ÛPW_€ÛHXV€ÛNXW€ÛQXX€ÛSXY€ÛU‘XZ€ÛY‘X[€ÛZ‘X\€Û^’X]€Û\‘X^€Ûa’X_€Ûd’YV€Ûe“YW€Ûf“YX€Ûh“YY€Ûk“YZ€Ûp”Y[€Ûo”Y\€Ûq”Y]€Ûs”Y^€Ût”Y_€Ûv•ZV€Ûw•ZW€Ûx•ZX€Û{•ZY€Û|•ZZ€Ûz•Z[€Û~–Z\€Û¤šZ]€Û–Z^€Û€–Z_€Û…–[V€Û†–[W€Ûˆ—[X€Û‡—[Y€ÛŠ—[Z€ÛŒ—[[€Û˜[\€Û˜[]€Û”˜[^€Ûš™[_€Û™\V€Û˜™\W€Û™™\X€Û’˜\Y€Û“˜\Z€Û¡š\[€Û£š\\€Û§š\]€Û¨›\^€Û©›\_€Ûª›]V€Û®›]W€Û¬›]X€Û­›]Y€Û¯›]Z€Û°œ][€Û³œ]\€Û·œ]]€Û»]^€Û¼]_€Û´œ^V€Û¶œ^W€Ûº^X€Û¿^Y€ÛÀž^Z€Ûž^[€ÛÞ^\€ÛÈŸ^]€ÛÅž^^€ÛÄž^_€ÛÇž_V€ÛÉŸ_W€ÛÊŸ_X€ÛËŸ_Y€ÛÌŸ_Z€ÛП_[€ÛÒ _\€ÛÖ _]€Û× _^€ÛÙ __€ÛÞ¡”€jÀâ1€XXY\€Ûq”€jÀâ1€XXY]€Ûs”€jÀâ1€XXY^€Ût”€jÀâ1€XXY_€Ûv•€jÀâ1€XXZV€Ûw•€jÀâ1€XXZW€Ûx•€jÀâ1€XXZX€Û{•€jÀâ1€XXZY€Û|•€jÀâ1€XXZZ€Ûz•€jÀâ1€XXZ[€Û~–€jÀâ1€XXZ\€Û¤š€jÀâ1€XXZ]€Û–€jÀâ1€XXZ^€Û€–€jÀâ1€XXZ_€Û…–€jÀâ1€XX[V€Û†–€jÀâ1€XX[W€Ûˆ—ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿf˜­š­@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@€jÀâ1€XYVV€ÛÛ¡VW€Ûß¡VX€Ûá¡VY€Ûâ¢VZ€Ûã¢V[€Ûä¢V\€Ûå¢V]€Ûæ¢V^€Ûè¢V_€Ûë£WV€Ûì£WW€Ûî£WX€Ûï£WY€Ûð£WZ€Ûò¤W[€Ûó¤W\€Ûô¤W]€Ûö¤W^€Ûø¤W_€Ûù¤XV€Ûû¥XW€Ûü¥XX€Ûú¤XY€Ûý¥XZ€Ûÿ¥X[€Ü¥X\€Ü¥X]€Ü¦X^€Ü¦X_€Ü ¦YV€Ü¦YW€Ü ¦YX€Ü§YY€Ü §YZ€Ü§Y[€Ü§Y\€Ü¨Y]€Ü¨Y^€Ü¨Y_€Ü¨ZV€Ü¨ZW€Ü¨ZX€Ü©ZY€Ü©ZZ€Ü"©Z[€Ü!©Z\€Ü&ªZ]€Ü'ªZ^€Ü(ª[V€Ü*ª[W€Ü.«[X€Ü-ª[Y€Ü0«[Z€Ü2«[[€Ü3 ™­›­@@@@@€  € @@ €                  @@@@@@@@@@@€jÀâ1€XZVX€Üƒµ€XZVY€Ü„µ€XZVZ€Ü´€XZV[€Ü…µ€XZV]€Ü‡µ€XZWV€Ü‹µ€XZWX€Ü•·€XZX_€Ü®¹€XZY\€Üº»€XZZW€Ü½»€X[XWX VZ€Úau€YZ[€Ü §€[XW€Ú僀[[W€Û‹—€[[Y€ÜS¯€[m€Ü%ª€\_V€Û(‹€_^]€Û5€_^_€Úҁ€hkX][p€Ú³~€|fYW]X€Ü)ªàVV^€Ý:ÊàW Y`€ÜüÂàW Ya€ÜýÃàW Yb€ÜþÃàWV^XVVX€ÞðàWWV[€Ý-ÈàWW[V€ÜùÂàWXW€ÝÃàWXX€Ý€ÒàW]Z]WX VZ€Ý}ÒàXY_X€Üq²àXY__€Ü|´àXZVV€Ü}´àXZVW€Ü{´àXZV\€Ü‚´àXZV^€ÜˆµàXZV_€Ü‰µàXZWW€Ü¶àXZWY€Ü–·àXZWZ€Ü™·àXZW[€Üš·àXZW\€Üœ·àXZW]€Ü¸àXZW^€ÜŸ¸àXZW_€Ü ¸àXZXV€Ü¡¸àXZXW€Ü¥¸àXZXX€Ü¢¸àXZXY€Ü£¸àXZXZ€Ü¤¸àXZX[€Ü¦¹àXZX\€Üª¹àXZX]€Ü¨¹àXZX^€Ü¬¹àXZYV€Ü­¹àXZYW€Ü±ºàXZYX€Ü¯ºàXZYY€Ü°ºàXZYZ€Ü²ºàXZY[€Ü³ºàXZY]€Ü¸»àXZY^€Ü»»àXZY_€Ü¼»àXZZV€Ü¾»àXZZX€ÜÀ¼àXZZYXZZZ€ÜÁ¼àXZZ[€Ü¼àXZZ\€ÜüàXZZ]€ÜżàXZZ^€ÜļàXZZ_€ÜǼàXZ[V€ÜȼàXZ[W€ÜʽàXZ[X€ÜͽàXZ[Y€Ü̽àXZ[Z€ÜÕ¾àXZ[[€ÜϽàXZ[\€ÜѽàXZ[]€ÜÔ¾àXZ[^€ÜÒ¾àXZ[_€Ü×¾àXZ\V€ÜÜ¿àXZ\W€ÜÝ¿àXZ\X€ÜÞ¿àXZ\Y€Üà¿àXZ\Z€Üá¿àXZ\[ ­Ÿ­€@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €jÀâ2X][Y€ÞÂø][Z€ÞÄø][[€ÞÃø][\€ÞÆù][]€ÞÈù][^€ÞÎú][_€ÞËù]\V€ÞÌù]\W€ÞØû]\X€ÞÑú]\Y€ÞÍù]\Z€ÞÖú]\[€ßÿ]\\€Þàü]\]€Þßû]\^€Þâü]\_€Þçü]]V€Þæü]]W€Þìý]]X€Þòþ]]Y€Þ÷þ]]Z€Þþÿ]][€Þýÿ]]\€ßÿ]]]€ß]]^€ß]]_€ß ]^V€ß ]^W€ß ]^XX]^Y€ß]^Z€ß]^[€ß]^\€ß]^]€ß]^^€ß]^_€ß]_V€ß ]_W€ß]_X€ß]_Y€ß]_Z€ß]_[€ß!]_\€ß"]_]€ß$]_^€ß#]__€ß%^VV€ß)^VW€ß'^VX€ß*^VY€ß-^VZ€ß/^V[€ß1^V\€ß2^V]€ß0^V^€ß8^V_€ß9^WV€ß6^WW€ß;^WX€ß=^WY€ß>^WZ€ßC^W[€ßD^W\€ßF^W]€ßG^W^€ßI^W_€ßK^XV€ßL^XW€ßJ^XX€ßN ^XY€ßO ^XZ€ßi ^X[€ßP ^X\€ßQ ^X]€ßS ^X^€ßV ^X_€ßW ^YV€ßZ ^YW€ß` ^YX€ß^ ^YY€ßa ^YZ€ßc ^Y[€ße ^Y\€ßd ^Y]€ßf ^Y^€ßq ^Y_€ßh ^ZV€ßg ^ZW€ßm ^ZX€ßn ^ZY€ßt ^ZZ€ßw ^Z[€ßx ^Z\€ßz ^Z]€ßy ^Z^€ß|^Z_€ß^[V€ßƒ^[W€ß~^[X€ß‚^[Y€ß…^[Z€ß†^[[€ßˆ^[\€ß‰^[]€ß^[^€ß’^[_€ß‘^\V€ß˜^\W€ßš^\X€ßœ^\Y€ß^\Z€ßž^\[€ßŸ^\\€ß¡^\]€ß¦^\^€ß£^\_€ß§^]V€ßª^]W€ß©^]X€ß­^]Y€ß°^]Z€ß¯^][€ß³^]\€ß´^]]€ß¶^]^€ß¸^]_€ß¼^^V€ß½^^W€ß»^^X€ß¾^^Y€ßÂ^^Z€ßÃ^^[€ßÄ^^\€ßÆ^^]€ßÇ^^^€ßÈ^^_€ßËÿýÿÿÿО­ ­ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ € €@ €@€jÀâ2X^_V€ßÊ^_V`€ßÉ^_W€ßÌ^_X€ßÎ^_Y€ßÏ^_Z€à^_[€ßÓ^_\€ßÔ^_]€ßÖ^_^€ßØ^__€ß×_VV€ßÚ_VW€ßÜ_VX€ßá_VY€ßÞ_VZ€ßß_V[€ßâ_V\€ßã_V]€ßä_V^€ßè_V_€ßð_WV€ßé_WW€ßê_WX€ßì_WY€ßë_WZ€ßî_W[€ßï_W\€ßñ_W]€ßò_W^€ßô_W_€ß÷_XV€ßø_XW€ßú_XX€ßü_XY€à_XZ€ßÿ_X[€ßþ_X\€à_X]€