HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed 2001 Renovation Plans GREGORY F. YA_KABOSKI ~ ~ JOSHUA Y. HOHTON TOWN ATTORNEY ~ Super~risor g~eg.yakab oski@town.southold.ny.us To~n Hall, 53095 Route 25 PATHICIA A. F1NNEGAN P.O. Box 1179 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY Southald, New York 11971-0959 patricia, fLnnegan~.to~vn.southold.ny.us Telephone (631) 765-1939 LOHI HU'LSE i~ION'rEFUSCO Facsimile (631) 765-1823 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY lori.montefusco@town.sou~hoId.ny.u$ OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Memorandum To: Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk From: Melanie Doroski Office of the Town Attorney Date: December 30, 2003 Re: Proposed Plans mounted on foam board Betty: Attached, for safekeeping in your files, are the following proposed plans that were being held temporarily in the Town Attorney's office: · Proposed additions and alterations of Southold Town Hall - 1st floor plan - prepared by Bartlett, Amoruso & Recce · Proposed additions and alterations of Southold Town Hail - 2nd floor and cellar plans prepared by Bartlett, Amoruso & Recce · Proposed plan of Robins Island - property of Louis Moore Bacon Thank you. Melanie lO Vote of the Togm Board: Aye: Cotm~ilman WicJ~ham, Councihnan Richter, Councilman Romaudli, Councilman Moore., $u~c¢ Evans, Supervisor Horton. This re~olutian was duly adopte& g'20 Moved by Supervisor Horton, seconded by Co~m~ilman Wickhank it was RESOLVED that ~ Town Board oft. he Town of Soathold hereby ~iv~ the followin~ cha~e to Blue-Rihbau C~mission on Prea~rvina Ru~l Southold: To preserw op~ra6ng farmland in the context of overall plan~ina in th~ Town, whi& iacl~des issues of envkoamental quality, opea space, potential population density, affordable h~using, public vain- avxl otMrs; and ap~il~eally ~o · ll~¢ommead tead&l~ steps to ac_hie~e those targa& a~l Seek a conseaisus in the Town r~.garding both the targets and the steps; and B¢ ir Fttrth~r RESOLVED that said Commission will present its recommeaaatioas ~o the Tov~ Board antl to file pablic ~hrottgh a series of hearings, by. Jun~ 30, 20O2; a.ad Be it F~ RE.SOLVE~ that-tt~ Town-kaoar4 eatlorses rccv~a~at ~o t~ia C, aa~ani~oa of (153 people to serve without pay. Vote of the Town Board: A2;y: Coaadlman Wickham, Councilman RiclrceL Councilman P, omm~dli, Cotmdkman Moore, Justice Eward~ ~;trp~isor Horton. This resolutioa ~a~s c~uly adopted. #21 Moved by Justice E;~as, secondeA by Councilman Romanelli, it ;vas RESOLVE, Ii that tke To~ Bam'd af~e Towu vt' S~uth~d h e.r ~ ~mt~s the police A~lvi~rv Committee to heln the Sunervi~or and Tawu Board manage fire Poli~e De~arnneut, and gives the ~ommitr¢~ this To analyze police data, staffing and ~uipracmt ne~ds, and budgets · To report to the Sup~visor ancl Town Board at least onc~ every four weeks on its · Tv recommend ~ tl~ To~ Board practical manao~meat opdom t2aat, while retaining th~ eff~Cgv~n ess c~th~ delrartme~t, ,,~ould (a) sig~ificant, ly reduce its cost and (b) ia:tease its accouarab'divy to th~ public and to the Supervisor add Town Board. And b~ it Further RESOLVED thai the Town Board authorizes the Tov~n Clerk to advertise for ne~ule ta F~ five ¢5~ sea.ts ~u ;~1,;~ cnnuuitt~e, all ~ scn~ without compe.usatica~ o_ntil D~-e. mh~r 2002. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Coun~iman Wickham, Councilman Richter, Conncilman Komanelli, Coun~2maa M~ote; lu gtce Eva Supe~isor Horton. This resolution was duly adol~=d. #22 Moved ~ cou~aman ~,i~, ~cond~i ~y ~sa~ Evans, W!tEREAS l.he To~ B~m'd cf the To~n ~4~ Soot-holcl -~agag-,~l the professorial s~-xae~ of Bartlett, ~aora so & ~ Architects, P C. in relation to a pro@od,d addittoa a~l altenttion to the existing Town HaJl ihciliky; and '~qtERF. AS the Town Board of the Town of Southold has der ~a3ned thay said p~ojeet will not be ptrr~u~ ~uC. her; thecefore b~ it I~E~OLYED t 1~-~ ~ Town B~affd of t~_ Towv. of Sou[hold akrthoriz_as the ~_y~n_ep~ of $20,000 00 Bartk:tt, Amoruso & Recce- Archkecrs, P.C. reprcseming ~mple~e and fu/l payment for ser;4ces rendered to the Town and; be it RE$OL¥~D that the Town Board or,he Town o£Southold here~y terminates the d~ign and contra~t administration agreement and ard6te~t services ageernent with Bartlett, Amoruso & Pax:ce- Aw, hit~{s. P.C.; lm it REfOLVED that:flae paymeat of the $2_.0,000 r ei'erenced above is hereby conditioned on and subject to Bartlett, Amorus~ & Re. cee- Arehilects, P.C. and thc Town confirtn{ng in writing that it is mntually agr~:l between tlm partk~s tha~ the c~mtraet is mrminated m~d :hat this payraeat represents satis'~ztion ~or all services r~ndered tmcler the eontra~t and that all parties obligations under thc c,o a~ac~ are rally \rote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickh~m, Counc;lhnan Richter, Cou~¢iknan Rom~nellk Co~nc~a~u Moore, Justice Evan~ Supervisor Horton. This resolation was duly Cotmcgm~m Romanelll axivis~d at ~s t~ ~at he ~1 ~t ~ ~le to ~e ~t ~ ~t's m~. I~ ~ Ap~t -B~ ~o~o & ~ ~R~ ~ T~n ~ r~ovati~ ~k B~e~ ~t~ a co~ pl~ ~ ~ ~d~on to ~ ~g T~ ~. ~ ~a~ ~t ~ pl~ repr~ the To~ ~I mploy~s ~ li~. T~ pI~ pro~s r~ng e~ions to ~¢ ~g T~x~ ~1 to~ 15,0~ be i~a~ on ~e new ~e. S~ ~w ~ ~ pro~on for R~en Dep~t o~& It was her ~i~nal p~ to ~ ~ into ~e new e~t~n m~ to ~. ~r C~ ~ ~ts to ~p ~ m To~ ~ ~d ~e a look at t~ pl~ a~ o~ ~pm on t~ ~I~ On ration by ~us~ ~ Ev~ ~ ~L~ flint t~ To~m B~d oft~ T~ ~ S~hold h~e~ ~t~ ~o ~u~e Session at 11:27 hia*o~ ~ a ~i~ ~n or ~oi~fion, ar m~ I~di~ to the a~n~en~ em~l~en~ p~mofiou, demo~, d~p~ ~ion, d~ or ~mo~l ~mnu M~rv, J~b~ E~ SupPer C~. On motion by Co~ M~re, s~d~ ~ ~c~ M~h~. ~ w~ R~OL~ t~ ~e To~ Board oF t~ To~ of Southol8 he~b~ efit~ f~m ~ ~xe~e ~i~ at ~un¢~ M~r~ Ju~ Ev~, S~r ~. ~s r~olufiou w~ ~D. Tho Town B~ r~e~ ~ Much at REeLeD th~ t~ To~ ~ o~the To~ of S~thold her~y ~t~ [n~ Ex~u~e S~n at 1:00 ~ f~ the ~ose of d~ real DMZ', ~n~et~ li~fion, and the m~i~, ~iG or empb~en{ h~to~ of a pa~cu~ ~on or colorlon, or ma~ I~ding ~ ~e appo~flnen~ employmen~ p~mofion, demafion~ d~ s~e~n~ ~fl~ or ,zmoval ora pa~ar ~mon or V~ of the To~ Boa~: Aye: Counfil~ Kick, ~ncilman ~i, Councilman Mushy, Coun~a Moo~ Ju~ E~s, Su~sor ~ r~on w~ ~ED. n~ ~ce ~so, a re~lufion ~1 be pl~ on ~e ~ada to cs~lish t~ "Ad H~ Bu~d~g ~e~i~t Cam~' for the ~u~d To~ ~imal Shelt~ ~ ~t ~fid~a ~o ~ on ~s coa~ec. (S~ R~lufioa No. On motion by Cou/K~lrnan ~4tlfphy, ~Olldl~d by J~6~ Ev~, ~ was REPLieD that the To~ Bo~d o~/he To~ o~Southold he.by ~ ~m ~is Ex~z S~sion at 3:08 Vote of ~e To~ ~d: ~yes: Co~ ~oht~: Co~ Romm~ Co~ M~hy, T~5 r~lufion w~ ~D. 3:12 p_m. ~e To~ ~ r~ew~ ~obafion N~'s ~ ~gh 352 ~ be vo~ u~ at ~e 7:30 ~m. m~ng. Th~ wo~ ~ion ended ~ 3:35 ~m.