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DECEMBER 7, 1982
8:30 A.M. - Audit of outstandiDg vouchers.
9:00 A.M. - James McMahon, Community Development Director, reported on
CommuniTy Development Block Grant Fund Projects: 7th, 8th and 9th
Streets rehabilitation program; purchase of Glover property adjacent
To the landfill--closing should be December 20 or 21; scheduled
environmental reviews for Fishers Island basketball courts, fencing
two sumps and Mattituck parking lot.
9:15 A.M. - Board began reviewing the ~genda.
9:25 A.M. - Mr. Rudy Kammerer, former Commission of Public Works for
the County of Suffolk, met with the Town Board to report on his examina-
_tion of KennyslBeach. Mr. Kammerer advised the Board that construction
of jetties would be the ultimate solution, but is very costly and might
cause a problem of down-drift. The least costly solution would be to
haul material in each year and replenish the beach, and that would be
his recommendation to the Board.---Mr. Kammerer explained the County
road material bidding procedure and how it relates to the towns, who
may take adVantage of the county contract.
9:55 A.M. - The Board continued rew[ewing agenda and off-agenda items.
10:25 A.M. Chief H. Daniel Winters met with the Board and presented
them with copies of the Southold Town Police Department Disaster Plan
and Operations Guide, dated November 1982. (This booklet is on f±le~
in the Town Clerk's Office.)
10:30 A.M. Chief Winters discussed police personnel.
discussed civil service personnel.
Supervisor Pelt
Il:30 A.M. - Mrs. Ruth 0live, President, North Fork Environmental
Council, met with the Board to reiterate her statement of November
23rd asking that a task force for a water management program be
appointed by the Town Board, comprised of members of the community
who a~e knowledgable in this field.---The Board will wait to make
a decision on this until the present water studies have been completed.
11:35 A.M. - Mr. Stuart A. Schilke and seven other residents of Mathews
Lane, Cutchogue met with the Board to discuss the proposed purchase of
the Glover property, adjoining the landfill, on Cox Lane. Mr. Schilke
asked for clarification of the specific intent of how the 75 ft. access
on Cox Lane will be used; will the Route 48 access be transferred to
Cox Lane; what benefits does the Town expect to receive if this move
of access is contemplated? Mr. Schitke also asked if the landfill is
closed, would i~ become a green-acres park or industrial park? He was
advised there is no immediate thoughts of moving the main entrance to
the landfill, the 75 ft. access was purchased to allow ingress and
egress for Highway Department equipment. If the landfill is closed,
whether or not it would become a green-acre park is an unknown factor
at the present time. Mr. Schilke said that as a result of the landfill
being open every day of the year except three, the people on Mathews
Lane have no peace and tranquility year-round, and now are concerned
and upset that as a result of an access on Cox Lane there will be
a risk of accidents, nose, odors and traffic, increase risk of personal
injturies and possible loss of life. Mr. Schilke ~ited complaints abo~t
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