HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-12/07/1982376 ..... SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD DECEMBER 7, 1982 WORK SESSION 8:30 A.M. - Audit of outstandiDg vouchers. 9:00 A.M. - James McMahon, Community Development Director, reported on CommuniTy Development Block Grant Fund Projects: 7th, 8th and 9th Streets rehabilitation program; purchase of Glover property adjacent To the landfill--closing should be December 20 or 21; scheduled environmental reviews for Fishers Island basketball courts, fencing two sumps and Mattituck parking lot. 9:15 A.M. - Board began reviewing the ~genda. 9:25 A.M. - Mr. Rudy Kammerer, former Commission of Public Works for the County of Suffolk, met with the Town Board to report on his examina- _tion of KennyslBeach. Mr. Kammerer advised the Board that construction of jetties would be the ultimate solution, but is very costly and might cause a problem of down-drift. The least costly solution would be to haul material in each year and replenish the beach, and that would be his recommendation to the Board.---Mr. Kammerer explained the County road material bidding procedure and how it relates to the towns, who may take adVantage of the county contract. 9:55 A.M. - The Board continued rew[ewing agenda and off-agenda items. 10:25 A.M. Chief H. Daniel Winters met with the Board and presented them with copies of the Southold Town Police Department Disaster Plan and Operations Guide, dated November 1982. (This booklet is on f±le~ in the Town Clerk's Office.) ~XECUTIVE SESSION 10:30 A.M. Chief Winters discussed police personnel. discussed civil service personnel. Supervisor Pelt Il:30 A.M. - Mrs. Ruth 0live, President, North Fork Environmental Council, met with the Board to reiterate her statement of November 23rd asking that a task force for a water management program be appointed by the Town Board, comprised of members of the community who a~e knowledgable in this field.---The Board will wait to make a decision on this until the present water studies have been completed. 11:35 A.M. - Mr. Stuart A. Schilke and seven other residents of Mathews Lane, Cutchogue met with the Board to discuss the proposed purchase of the Glover property, adjoining the landfill, on Cox Lane. Mr. Schilke asked for clarification of the specific intent of how the 75 ft. access on Cox Lane will be used; will the Route 48 access be transferred to Cox Lane; what benefits does the Town expect to receive if this move of access is contemplated? Mr. Schitke also asked if the landfill is closed, would i~ become a green-acres park or industrial park? He was advised there is no immediate thoughts of moving the main entrance to the landfill, the 75 ft. access was purchased to allow ingress and egress for Highway Department equipment. If the landfill is closed, whether or not it would become a green-acre park is an unknown factor at the present time. Mr. Schilke said that as a result of the landfill being open every day of the year except three, the people on Mathews Lane have no peace and tranquility year-round, and now are concerned and upset that as a result of an access on Cox Lane there will be a risk of accidents, nose, odors and traffic, increase risk of personal injturies and possible loss of life. Mr. Schilke ~ited complaints abo~t ¼ómÕ#/sçÈ2LJ•È2LJ•Œj?› xþ^fLfÙK0`¼Jdé¡,4È2LJ•È2LJ• ?Ïp§Ã°pIèÙK<Š:bƒF-È2LJ•È2LJ•¼Ô?ÐKqØC»•ÙKCt*BlüÚ ~¾È2LJ•È2LJ•0?SìbÀOšJœÙKv˜£ \ WH¶È2LJ•È2LJ•yÞ?W6ÊÖ_aO‰ÙKŠ¼¼u¤6eNÈ2LJ•È2LJ•Íå?Ëü[)pQN²ýÙKÏì^|À& uYÈ2LJ•È2LJ•&±?ypf¿\F–9ÙKÝ7vâÇÉÈ2LJ•È2dž•Ý¨?UŒ1~‡J ÂÙLsˆï ®|¾ òºÈ2LJ•È2LJ•ÖÂ?éwCN²‚ŒI€áÙL—ZÔ•¢òÆÈ2LJ•È2LJ•ž ?t·#Þ½.@ªkÙL¸7ö_Âg1È2LJ•È2LJ•f¯?{2‚›AF‹ ÙLºÿ©›Ô ?K¥È2LJ•È2LJ•…²?®Búµg<­@ÙLÈU/»&äÉc.È2LJ•È2LJ•F³ ?ÕŽŽ?nL—æÙM0V^{V v´´È2LJ•È2LJ•æœ?Öß¼„ûHª…ÙM7u¾{†ìªNÈ2LJ•È2LJ•«I?Rží,cMM»žÙM8…œæ×e{ ê5È2LJ•È2LJ•€?>Ž6¢êì@¡ÙM?hŠwbØá•È2LJ•È2LJ•ki ?›7µº’æH êÙMbà!Ûó+ ™;È2LJ•È2LJ•Á´?¥þ 5›¸Nª ÙMx>4DŠþ9xNÈ2LJ•È2LJ•'Z?p1EzuWD¢ËÙM~Gà#!*Œ][È2LJ•È2LJ•] ?;‘"ÜméÚM»ÙMªµläqÕ€ÎÈ2LJ•È2LJ•© 0?5¬kÕ3²E¬ÚÙL"dje¯BŸr…:–û•Ô”û•á°J00?WYÆ-5áC˜`ÙM„X~Ê…¯'MY5!²û•hÖ²û•û²J00?TäA¶Ú¾oKº/ÙL• g» ©I, †–v†–OJ00?QZ¨c’A¶ÎÙJZ@'"—¼Ùax§8‰–W‰–©J0òwÈ2LJ•È2LJ•  ?µ°—HiDE–èÙNZþèü}%½È2LJ•È2LJ•gs?s×N¬ŠRÄLšóÙNšàë­ÒVÈ2LJ•È2LJ•A;?KjL†Ì<@¦ÙN'ªþxÙ 8È2LJ•È2LJ•£Ï ?„!aµZ"ED¥FÙN\pÝØ ÉÈ2LJ•È2LJ•úm?ƒæÙìŒMŠÑÙNop0h%4K LWÈ2LJ•È2LJ•ß ?ã(á•\ä«F¹§ÙN¡½zÒù@ÍÈ2LJ•È2LJ•mÏ ?fMÖ•ÜNž†ÙN¯¤ËðdhÎÈ2LJ•È2LJ•?bd÷•Í3IE†yÙN»ˆ|ìZ3È2LJ•È2LJ•7 ?Žy"¶^@µ×ÙNÔNJiÖÃÈ2LJ•È2LJ•,8?’)ªKÞÊöCºžÙN×ã]¹{ûÃÄÈ2LJ•È2LJ•U»?JÕ°†¨N˜ýÙN䠏S(Z+é È2LJ•È2LJ•bÝ?ñ!x|büM¢‘ÙNñìŔɽ8ŸÈ2LJ•È2LJ•Æx ?õj¬ŽeeCŽÈÙO ë ©è  g(©È2LJ•È2LJ•¶ ?¨Æ[ª˜møG˜ÙOÅ   ÞdÈ2LJ•È2LJ•©ˆ?L $ˆ[N°ÿÙO;YÏþêä/È2LJ•È2LJ•“`?÷íaŒŒaB£¡ÙO5¨z“‡ –WÈ2LJ•È2LJ•rO ?à­Æ\Ú,IµƒÙO\<ž5hWÈ2LJ•È2LJ•JH?kLÄ’"ÅÿI‰XÙOc¹ÚF'̆j;È2LJ•È2LJ•eâ ?‚LJéí%J¶ÙOj”Œº  D0È2LJ•È2LJ•Ê­ ?×êíV IA¦ÙOuFÄØ×a‘KÈ2LJ•È2LJ•3?üÛ†…ÚJ°UÙO€Æh‚ N°‘È2LJ•È2LJ•é“?´ ÞP`Mš³ÙO£ÏÁùeêK Ó‘È2LJ•È2LJ•^$?9é…RǽÇO“ÀÙO§0Q"Ân”È2LJ•È2LJ•¥— ?ÙˆÓòÒyEµ¢ÙO®æ&yÿò¨ÊÈ2LJ•È2LJ•Ú@?j½@±‚iìC°kÙO´;$´k5“2È2LJ•È2LJ•BL ??3z| Ó@¸ÐÙOÕqœ£ ¢~¯HÈ2LJ•È2LJ•¥ð?ìÂß2RßN®XÙOãÆ@õRîÈ2LJ•È2LJ•eV ?r"“‹².D¢>ÙOëb¤z•ÉÈ2LJ•È2LJ•¼õ?<»ƒé¹B†•ÙO÷€R:YÈ2LJ•È2LJ•Ðê?AK½ SèÐE¬!ÙOú38n@å W9“È2LJ•È2LJ•’à ?,vë[éBž(ÙP^.é|üÀÃÈ2LJ•È2LJ•¤[?ÌðhÊÀ@µ–ÙP$´ÇŒD#/+‰È2LJ•È2LJ•y DECEMBER 7, I982 ~ 378 REGULAR MEETING A Regular Meeting of the Southotd Town Board was held on Tuesday, December 7, 1982 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Supervisor Pell opened the meeting at 7:30 P~M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Supervisor William R. Pe!l, III Councilman John J. Nicktes Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman Francis J. Murphy Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Jus%'ice R~nond ~W. ~dwards Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Rober~ W. Tasker Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the ioltowing audited bills be and hereby are. ordered paid: General Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $32,367.73; General Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $21,226.57; Highway Departmen~ bills in the amoun~ of $39,707.53; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amoun~ of $20,965.82; Consolidated Highway Aid (CHIPS) bills in the amount of $4,736.00; Home Aid Program bills in the amount of $200.38. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman NiCkles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of November 23, 1982 Regular Town Board meeting and December 3, 1982 Town Board Work Session meeting are hereby approved. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was RESOLVED that the next Regular Meeting of the Southo!d Town Board will be held at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, December 21, 1982 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR PELL: The next order of business is to recognize a group of guests who we asked to be with us tonight. I use the word "honored guests", because they brought this Township an honor that we had for four years in a row. Three years by Southold; this year the honor is brought ~o us by Mattituck. I will ask Councilman Murphy, who lives in Mattituck., to present an award to the team. Frank. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Thank you, Bill. It is quite an honor. Last year we had the Southold ~eam here and I'm glad the Mattituck team is here tonight. You boys deserve a tremendous alot of credit. You--both Southold and Mattituck have done a tremendous job. I'm glad t~ see the rivalry. Your coaches, school, your teachers, and particularly your English teacher who deserves a lot of credit, and it really is great. We're very proud of you and I'll read this proclamation. would then like the co-captains of the team, Tommy Beebe and Sammy Strickland,to come up. We'll introduce all the members of ~he team and your coaches, bring them up here on the dais, and we'd all like to give you a tremendous round of applause because we really appreciate your efforts. Now, on behalf of the entire Town Board I would like to make this proclamation. Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, WHEREAS, the MATTITUCK-CTUCHOGL~ HIG~ SCHOOL SOCCER TEAM has achieved a high standard of recognition in ~i[nn.ing the NEW YORk"STATE CLASS C ' 379 DECEMBER 7, 1982 SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIP, and WHEREAS, the award of this coveted Championship would not have been achieved without a program of character building, citizenship training, personal fitness, t-eamwork, sportsmanship, spirit and dedication, and WHEREAS, the skills and dedication of Coach Craig Osmer has guided the Soccer Team to this outstanding accomplishment, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southotd wishes to publicly recognize and congratulate the MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE SOCCER TEAM for winning the NEW YORK STATE CLASS C SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIP for 1982. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nicktes, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. CO~CILMAN MURPHY: Again, many thanks and CQng~a~zu]mtions~, and To~my and Sammy would you come up and introduce your ~eam and call t~em up here on the dais so we could all give you a nice round'of applause. MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE SOCCER TEAM CAPTAIN TOMMY BEEBE: Steve Mylett, Keith Locklear, John Dabrowski, Peter Sabat, Mark Davis, Carl Langhorne, Russ Profita, Johnny Moore, Charlie Boyar, Bruce Raffe, Jay Burkhardt, John Mitchell, Jim Mitchell, Peter Gatz, George Shirvell, kili~n Garvey~ Coach Osmer, Assistant Coach Mr. Huey, Ken Miesner, Robbie DiGmegorio. (John Hansen, Tim Janis, Bobby McCaffery--members no~ present.); COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Craig, would you like to have a few words? COACH CRAIG OSMER: I just want to thank everybody, the Board, every- body in Southold Town. I've lived in Southold Town all my live except for college, of course, we don't have a college in Southold Town yet. And I wan~ to show my appreciation on behalf of the whole Mattituck- Cutchogue Soccer Team and thank you very much. This is quite an honor, and even more of an honor being here. I appreciate it and I'd like to thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: A little thought while the boys leave,~last year John Nicktes had his team here from Southold, this year ~rank has theirs and next year I want Greenport here for me. It's quite nice to have the boys here with an award that has been brought home~, as I said before, for four years ~o Southold Town, either Southold or Mattituck-Cutchogue. Let's hope they can do it five years in a_row. Four is a record, believe me. Next order of business. We have different people at times'who are asked to come ouz and serve the Town, help the Town. Last year, a little bit more than last year, perhaps a year and a half ago, we had a problem with the Peconic Rec. Center building. We couldn't keep i~ warm. No matter what we did we seemed ro be losing ground. :We went out and had an engineering/energy firm come in and make cerzain recommenda- tions. We decided, the Town Board did, to go along with them, bBt to make sure that everything was done and done correctly and efficiently, the Town Board asked an individual, through Councilman Nickles, who,happens to know this man, if he would serve as clerk of the works, or clerk to the Board to oversee this program. The gentleman is here tonight. He has refused to take any money for the job, the hours he has spent in there and we are going to honor him tonight for all the time and all the work, and believe me good work. ~I've been up there many times and seen the man up there with a drop light looking into different cracks to make sure the work was done right. We're going vo honor this man tonight and sort of recognize him for all the hours he has put in, and Councilman Nickles who got the man to come before the Town Board and agree to do the job will read and present the proclamation to him COUNCIL~[AN NICKLES: Thank you, Bill. I'd just like to add to th'a~ that Lyle--anybody knows Lyle is a modest man and I think by refusing to---and he probably wish he'd put in a bill now so he didn't have ~o go through this--but he's a gentleman who goes ou~ and does things volantarily for his church and his friends and the Town withoUt really being asked and for love, as Bill says, and to prove it, we just got a two page report from him that really wasn't asked for, but he did it of his own volition, and I'd like to recognize his wife, his lovely wife who is here tonight, Libby, and Lyle, if you'd step up, I'd like to---why don't you both come up. DECEMBER 7, 1982 380 ..... Moved by Councilman Nickles, sec~/$~'--~y~-~Councilman Murphy, WHEREAS, LYLE H. MEREDITH has given generously of his time and talent in his service to the Town of Southold residents during 1982, and WHEREAS, LYLE H. MEREDITH is a civic minded individual who donates his time, knowledge and experience vo his community, and should be publicly recognized for his services, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED That the Town Board of the Town of Southold, on behalf of the residents, does hereby express their most sincere appreciation and gratitude to LYLE H. MEREDITH for his unselfish public spirited services on behalf of the Town, and extend their best wishes to him, and be it further RESOLVED that a copy of this proclamation be presented to MR. MEREDITH and entered into the permanent records of this Town Board meeting. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: JusTice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, ~Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nick!es,-Supervis~r Pel!. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Lyle, thank you very much on behalf of the people of Southotd Town. SUPERVISOR PELL: Lyle was up there one day and something was~going on and he called me up and said, "Better get up here, something is going on here," and I went up there and he had it all down, this isn't right, that isn't right, so I said~ "Atright boys, let's hold everying until we get one thing squared away." There were two telephone calls~ one to the boss of the outfit and as a result the work was done the way Lyle said it should be done. Thank you, Lyle. I. REPORTS SUPERVISOR PELL: These reports are all placed on file with the Town Clerk, anybody wishing to review them can do so at the Town Clerk's Office. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Supervisor's monthly report (November 1982). Town Clerk's monthly-report (November 1982). North Fork Animal Welfare League's monthly report (November 1982). Assessor's monthly report (November 1982). Building Department's monthly report (November 1982). Town Trustee's monthly repor~ (November 1982)~. Ail five of the Town Trustees are here tonight to make a report to you people on their activitmes. President Stoutenburgh, I believe, will do it. MR. PAUL STOUTENBURGH, Chairman, Southold Town Trustees: We took advantage of this big crowd to let the people know just what we're doing. One of the problems we've had as Trustees is finding out that some of the things that are going on in our creeks--we don't know what's going on. In other words, things are being done without permits. And so we asked the Board last year to give us a funding amount of money ~o hire a young person who would go through our creeks--Mattituck Creek--we took out our largest one, and give us some idea of just what was there and how it compared to the permits that we have on file and I can assure you it was a revelation. By the way, the young person we got was from Mattituck and I'll let Frank tell a little bit about that because Frank is our Chairman of the Inventory Project. But the interesting part is we found pretty near 50% of our structures in our creeks we had no record whatsoever from them. What we would like to do, as any of you who have docks, and I hope understand, there should be a permit for anything, that is done in Town waters and it goes through the Town Trustees, whether it is a mooring, bulkhead or a dock, there should be a permit for it and there should be a permit number on the dock, bulkhead or mooring and as I say, we would there are a lot of things that were not, and so i think with that slight introduction I'll turn this over to our Chairman of this committee, Frank Kujawski. Before I do, I'd like you to mee~ our other tWO members: John Bednoski, Henry Smith. Our member who is not here who I thought would be here by now was John DiVello from Mattituck. So these are ~he five Trustees. Frank, will you take over? MR. FRANK KUJAWSKI, member Southold Town Trustees: This, we hope, was the beginning of several summer's worth of work that will he coming up. There are 22 creeks within our Town. This was the first and certainly probably the largest with the most activity going on. The rest should move along falrly swiftly and this was not necessarily to 381 DECEMBER 7, 1982 identify violators or to create a lot of static. The purpose of this was to establish, for the Town, what I would call ia data base. In other w:o'ras, we would be able to look' at a creek as of 1982, Mattituck Creek we can now do that, and say there are this many structures in this ~creek and from this point on all plans, all approvals revolve around that. Up until now we've never really known what was supposed to be there and what had permission to be there and what wasn't supposed to be there. Lori Brooks was selected for this projecti because of her background in the area of environmental planning. She's at Cornell and I believe will be moving on in this field, probably not in this area, but in the New York area she's thinking of becoming involved with a firm, but she did a good job and just to give you a little run-down of how this works, what she would do was get up With the sun, head'out to the creek and begin walking. In Mattituck she started at the Breakwater on the west side and during the next f;ive weeks ~rk~d h~ ~ay around the ~reek identifying each structure with- in Town waters, whether it was a bulkhead, mooring, dock, fIoating ramp, whatever, measuring it to scale and then coming back here ,to the Town Hall, checking with the Assessors first to see who the proplerty owner was and then to the Town Clerk's Office to see if there w~s a permit on file. Our suspicion was that a lot of structures did not have permits and that proved to be true. Out of 154 s%ructures, 56 actually had permits. That's a lot of structures without permits, obviously. Of the 56 that had permits, 34 were okay, but only $ had permit numbers posted, and that was supposed to be so that when ~our Bay Constable Tom Czelatka comes through an area he can identify what is supposed to be there and whether or not it has a. pe.rmit. Of the remaining ones that had permits, other than the 34, which were 22 others, most did not agree with the permit that was on file and so at this point what we're doing is sorting out the material fromm the survey and preparing letters to be sent to the property o~ers notifying them that we have identified the structure and it betongs ~o them and if so would they please turn in.an application.~ ~!~e ~e ~at~er arbitrarily-permits have been in existence for~:~o~:~:~a:rs~w~ ~rbitr~rily picked a point ten years ago and decided that if/~/.~tr~d~U:~e ~aS Older than ten years that at this point what we would like .to do'~i~s ~n~t cause a lot of problems with someone or a lot of headaches, pOS'~i~[v ithey had bought the property from someone else, didn't realize that khe dock tha*~! came with the property didn't have a permit and so on, we.~m~. ~ranm father this structure and for a small filing fee issue them a ~ermit number so that they could place it on the structure. ~ think for every- one's protection, especially those people who own waterfront, this is going to be a good thing and I hope the next couple of years everyone who's paying those kind of taxes to support waterfront prope~ty will be sure that their neighbors and fellow residents on the creeks will have a legitimate and properly designed structures around them. That's basically it. This is a map that Lori prepared. Each of the structures are numbered along with the permit numbers and tax numbers to identify the property owners. Does anyone have any questions? MR. GERARD GOEHRINGER, Chairman, Southold Town Board of Appeals: Frank, when you say a specific thing doesn't agree with what was applied for, wouldn't you be indicating a lack of a number on a mooring? TRUSTEE KUJAWSKI: No, that is one thing that we're looking for. That's very minor. For instance, we have permits that were turned in in 1965 for a 20 ft. catwalk, a 10 ft. ramp and a 8 by 12 float and now, instead of a 20 catwalk, there's a 40 ft. catwalk, 6 ft. wide, 30 ft. ramp and floats all attached. The problems are that number one, it creates some navigational hazards when things start crowding an area like this and we'd like to let them know it is certainly nom what they had a permit for and if they do want a larger structure then really they should have turned in another permit requesting a change, QUESTION FROM TH~ AUDIENCE: With an existing structure, what is the date you said? (Name-Martin Kruse). TRUSTEE KUJAWSKI: If the structure is older than 10 years. For instance, some structures without permits were very new structures. We would hope those people--we are going to request them that they do go through the actual application process, pay for the square footage'as anyone would. I don't believe it's our intention, though, to' turn any of those structures down. We're willing to acknowledge at this point that the structure exists and that maybe it's pointless ?to pull it out of the water. Older than ten years we'd like a description it to see that it meets our description and I believe it was a $10.00-- $5.00 Or $10.00 filing fee which you would be issued a permit number. - be moving into .other creeks. . -- DECEMBER 7, 1982 SUPERVISOR PELL: Is there anything y6~ would like to ask the Trustees before we move on? Thank you. TRUSTEE CHAIRMAN STOUTENBURGH: We just happen to meet at this same time, so you'll excuse us. We have a meeting we have to finish out. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anybody in the room than would like to go to the Trustees meezing, they're meeting in a room down at the west end of the building. This is a Town Board meeting. Moving on the agenda, we are up to Councilmen's reports. We will go on with Councilmen's reports. Councilman Townsend, anything you want to report? COUNCILMAN TO~%~SEND: Yes, Bill. As you well know, Southotd Town is fortunaCe to have quite a few artists %hg-t~'live within £t~s.~-mits;- some famous and some not so famous, but they're all trying to make a living here and I've always felt that it's important that we should take a visible position in the Town and to that end I applied for a grant, using .as Southold Town's funds $500.00 that we managed to sneak in the budget for a exhibit that would change every several months and be located in the. Town Hall. At presenz it looks pretty good. We're working throagh the East End Arts and Humanities Council for this granz which was applied for, t think, just last month. I hope we will get it from the State. The total grant was around $2,000.00. That's all t have. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Councilman Murdock? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: The Town Board met with representatives of the D.E.C. last Friday in an effort to reach a solution to several problems involv- ing the 201 Study which deals with the honey wagons and the filling program'in Greenport. Later on in the evening I'm sure the Town Board is going to take several actions that not necessarily all members of the Board agree with. We are under several constraints from the D.E.C. in terms of time and those constraints we will attempt to meet. Also, the Department of Transportation was with the Chief of Police. We have a problem with the drive-in window at the Cutchogue bank and the left- turn lane going down to New Suffolk, particularly during the summer now. I guess it's an example of our growing pains. We're getting quite a bit of traffic congestion as people wait to make a left-turn. As people pull into the drive-in window there's only room for three cars and they stick out into the street. The Department of transportation is going to make some administrative decisions on no-parking zones and the Town is going to maintain the signs that the department will put up. We -ope to have everybody become aware that as they come out of New Suffolk Lane they can make a right turn on the red light, and hopefully get some traffic both through that way and try and keep that interseczion a little more open than it does do at this time. The fire department is very concerned. They feel that when the whistle blows, particularly during the summer, the firemen can't get to the firehouse and the trucks can't get out on the Main Road. It does get bloc[ed up. That will require some cooperation from Notan's Market, the bank, the Town and the fire department, which i~s being worked on. Thank you, Bill. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Councilman Nicktes, anything to report? COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I'd just like to report briefly on the progress at the intersection of Boisseau Avenue and Route 25. As Councilman Murdock mentioned, the Departmenz of Transportation was out h6re last week and that representative was Don Pagel and the Chief of Police and I met with him in our on-going cooperation.with the business people in town and the motorists and the Department of Transportation and reviewed again the situation there in terms of getting a traffic light, tt would appear now that they're examining it nov just as the intersection, but the overall area and how that intersection relates to the park distric~ beach at the end of Hobart Road and the shipyard business that's located down there and several new businesses that cropped up in the area. I wouldn't want to make any forecast, but I think now they're working toward how to resolve the problem in terms of placing a traffic--four-way traffic light there ra~her than saying, no, it's not justified. So hopefully in the near future we may be getting a positive answer from the Department of Transportation. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Councilman MurPhy? (Nothing, Bill.) Judge Edwards? 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RESOLUTIONS 1. Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southotd hereby grants permission to the Southold Senior Citizens Club, Inc. to expend the remaining $80.00 of their 1982 allocation toward the payment of the cost of a bus to transport their group to Raleigh resort on November 30, 1982; the baIance of the cost of said bus to be paid by the Southold Senior Citizens Club, Inc. Vote o£ the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duty ADOPTED. 2. Moved ~¥ Justice Edwards, seconded by $ou~6i~.~a~:~.Nick~es, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby creates the position of Clerk-Typist for the office of the Southold Town Trustees and Community Development Director at a salary of $7,000.00 per annum. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR PELL: We have a scout here. Are you here working on a badge? What badge are you working on? MR. STEVE LePRE, Bridge Lane, Cutchogue: Communications. Troop No. 297. SUPERVISOR PELL: Steve, we started this today at half past eight, the Town Board and Town Clerk. We've been here since half past eight. We're moving £~st. tonight, but all of these items was discussed in great detail during the daytime. Just because we move so fast tonight, the Town Board did discuss and argue, debate, whatever you want ~o say, pros and cons on all these issues. Town government is moving fast, but it took all day to get to this point. Steve, we're awful glad zo have you here with us. 3. Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, WHEREAS, Enconsultants, Inc. on behalf of Edwin M. Latson applied zo the Southold Town Board for a permit Under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southotd, apptica%ion dated September 8, 1982, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Trustees and the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect to said application on the 9th day of November, 1982, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity ~o be heard, now, there- fore be it RESOLVED that Enconsultants, Inc. on behalf of Edwin M. Latson be granted permission under the provisions o~ the Wetlan~ ~r~mnance of the Town of Southold to construct a 76 lineal foot timber bulkhead, plus two 15 foot returns. The bulkhead is to be in two sections: westerly 28 lineal foot section to be parallel to and 78 lineal feet from the southeast edge of the rear extension of the house; easterly 48 lineal foot section ending from this section to a point 114 feet and easterly corner of the screen porch. Backfill with 15 cubic yards of clean sand trucked in from an upland source. There is to be no dredging. This permit may be amended to install gabion structure instead of bulkheading PROVIDED-acceptable cross-sectional plans are submitted to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and said acceptance by the N¥SDEC is filed with the Southold Town Clerk prior to beginning said gabion. Location of the proper~y is t425 Island View Lane, on unnamed creek at Conkling Point, Greenport, New York. This permit shall expire on December 7, 1983; there shall be two inspections required; and the Town Clerk shall be notified when the project is completed. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Tovcasend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 4. Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the reimbursement o£ ~$13,852.61 in funds under the Fe~erat Safer 385 DECEMBER 7, 1982 Off-System Roads Program for the New Suffolk Avenue Project, and hereby authorizes Supervisor William R. Pell, III to execute an agreement between the Town of Southold and the New York Stame Depart- ment of Transporvation for this reimbursement. VoTe of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 5. Moved by Councilman Townsend, s~onded by Councilman ~{urdock, WHEREAS, American women of every class, race and ethnic background helped found the nation in countless recorded and unrecorded ways as pioneers, nurses, servants, nuns, homemakers, teachers, reformers, and industrial workers, and %~EREAS, American women have played and continue to play a critical C~0'no~ic', cultu'ral and social role in every sphere~of~our nation's life in and outside the home, and have long been uniquely active as volunteers in charitable, philanthropic and cultural institutions, all over the country, and WHEREAS, the role of American women has sometimes been overlooked and Undervalued, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York, that: the week beginning March 6, 1983, be designated as "Women's History Week" to bring before the public their scope of activities and accomplishments, and to honor the American woman. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 6. Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following transfers within the General Fund Wh0Ie Town.~iAccount: From: A!9~.4 ~-~urance, Contractual-,~-L~2[~$3iO 0 ' Into. Al!f0.1 Justices, Personal Services ...... $3,0QJ.-~ Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilma~-'T~%vnsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickies~'~:S~D~rvisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 7. Moved by Councilman Murphy., seconded by Councilman Nickles, itwas RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southotd hereby~.a3aihorizes the following transfers within the General Fund Part Town ~c~e. ount: From: B3t57.1 Division of Youth, Juvenile Aid Program, Personal Services ..... $~10,735.00 Into: B3120.1 Police, Personal Services ............ $10,000.00 B3130.4 Bay Constable, Personal Services ..... $ 735.00 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murd0ck, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 8. Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ratifies and confirms the filing~of an application with ~he New York State Executive Department, Division for Youth, for project fun~ing for Youth Recreation and the Juvenile Aide Bureau for project year January i, 1983 to December 31, 1983. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nicktes, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.. 9. Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was RESOLVED that Bond No. 73 S-688 BCA issued by The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company in the sum of $4,00~.O0 on behalf of ~aymond Doyen, Commissioner-Chairman of the Fishers Island 6arbage and Refuse District, for the term beginning January 1, 1983 and ending December' 31, 1983, be and the same is hereby approved as to form, manner of execution and sufficiency of sureties therein. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, CoUncilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 10'.~ Moved bY Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that Bond No. S-t4817 BCA issued by The Aetna Casualty and DECEMBER 7, I982 386 Sure~y ~Company in the sum of ~.~Q~.~n~.behalf of Kenneth L. Edwards, Commissioh~r-Secretary of the;F[~'~[~nd Garbage and Refuse Distric~ for the te~m beginning January 1, 1983 and ending December 31, 1983 be and the same is hereby approved as to form, manner of execution and sufficiency of sureties therein. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. ~11. Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the New York State Department of Transportation to conduct speed '~' su~eys~on the following Town roads to~ta~ish ~ch~ol speed limits: Pike Street, east Of Marys"Road to stk~e ~ute ~-~att~tuck- Marys Road, south of railroad tracks to Pike Street, Mattituck Depot Lane, north of Route 25 to School House Lane, Cutchogue North Street, from School House Lane to State Route 25, Cutchogue. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justic~ Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman MurphY, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 12. Moved by Supervisor Pelt, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board declares itself lead agency in regard to the Stase Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Enconsultants, Inc. on behalf of Strong's Marine Center for a Wetland Permit on certain property located off Camp Mineola Road, Mattituck, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pelt. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 13. Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was RESOLVED thav the Totem Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following transfers within the Fishers Island Ferry District 1982 Budget: Erom: Theatre ........ SI,500.00 Into: Payrolls -$1,000.00 Hospitalization $' 200.00 Social Security ........ $ 300.00 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nicktes, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 14 and Number 15 we are going to hold. We want to review this matter with H2M before we pay any more bill~--~r them. (Billing for engineering services on Town-Wide Street Lighting Program.) These are cost-overruns for engineering services performed by H2M. That's why we're holding it. 16. Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by JUstice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following transfers within the General Fund Whole Town 1982 budget: From: A9040.8 Workmen's Compensation ....... L~- ............ $ 2,500.00 Into: A9060.8 Hospitalization ..................... $ 2,500.00 From: A1220.1 Supervisor, Personal Services .............. $ 3,000.00 A599 Unexpended Balance ......................... $20,050.00 A1910.4 Insurance ............................. $ 2,500.00 . $25,550.00 Into: A1220.4 Supervisor, Contractual .................... $ 100.00 A1330.4 Tax Receiver, Contractual ................... $ 200.00 A1355.4 Assessors, Contractual ..................... $ 2,100.00 Ai620.4 Buildings, Contractual ..................... $ 4,450.00 A5182.4 Street Lighting, Contractual ............... $10,000.O0 A7620.4 Adult Recreation, 300.00 A8160.4 Disposal Area, Contractual ................. $ 8,400.00 $25,550.00 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 38:7 DECEMBER 7, 1982 17. Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southotd authorizes the following trasnfers within the General Fund Part Town 1982 Budget: From: Bt910.4 Insurance ...... . ................ Z ..... $3,500.00 Into: B3120.4 Police, Contractual .................. $3,500.00 From: B90tO.8 N.Y.S. Retirement .................... $1,300.00 B9015.8 N.¥.S. P & F Retirement .............. $ 400.00 B9040.8 WOrkmens Compensation ......... $1,800.00 B9050.8 Unemployment Insurance ............... $t,200.00 B9058.8 Dental GHI ........................... $1,300.00 B9059.8 Dental CSEA ............. $1,.300.00 $7,300.00 / t-$7,300.00 Int0:B9060.8 Hospitalization--- ..... Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Muf~ock, Councilman Nic~les; Superviso~ PelI. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 18. Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following ~ransers within the General Fund Part Town 1982 Budget: From: Bt990.4 Contingent ................ $10,000.00 B599 Unexpended Balance ...... $t7,500.0_q0 $27,500.00 Into: B8020.4 Planning Board, Contractual .......... $27,500.00 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 19 we-are going to wait on. We'me ;not ready to move on that. There are a couple of quests we have on that. I have to get the answers for the Board. (Execute a Participating Agency Agreement with the County for assignment of recipients of Public Assist- ance to perform work for the Town.) 20. Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy,. it was (a) RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold Section 201Wastewater Facility Plan as prepared by Hol ~r, ' McLendon and Murrell, P.C, dated July 19, 1982. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. Murdock. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. No: Councilman 20. Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilman Nickles, (b) WHEREAS, this board heretofore adopred a resolution approving the creation of the Southold Wastewater Disposal District, and ~{EREAS, application must be made to the New York State Comptroller' pursuant to the provisions of Section 209-f of the Town Law for permission to create such Wastewater District, NOW, THEREFORE, BE ~T RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized ~nd directed to make application to 'the New York State Comptroller for the approval of the creation of the Southold Waste- wate~ DisDosai District and to execute any and all other' documents requi~ed ~y the State Comptroller with respect to said application. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 21. Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was R SOLVE~ that the Town Board of the Town of S0uthotd hereby engages t~ s~vices of Assistant Bay Constable Kenneth Edwards, Fishers ~st~nd~ to remsve and store, for the winter, the channel markers in West Harbor, Fishers Island, at a cos~ of $125.00. Vote of ~he Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 22. Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to readvertise for bids for supplying and installing fencing at t~o Town drainage sumps located at (1) east of Duck Pond Ro~d', Cutchogue, and (2) north side of Mai~ Road, west of DECEMBER 7, 1982 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue, New York:;~/~'<:~u':~'''~ Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 23. Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold accep~ the bid of A~vay Petroleum Corporation for supplying the Town with gasoline for the calendar year 1983 aT the following bid prices: Regular Unleaded Gasoline - Minus $.08 off of the Agway Delivered Posted Price as posted in their Pulaski Street, Riverhead office. Regular Leaded Gasoline - Minus $.05 off the Agway Delivered Posted Price as posted in their Pulaski Street, Riverhead office. .Voze..o£j_the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, ~ c~n~il~an Murphy, Councit~a~-Mur~Oc~; CoUncilman ~icktes, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared du~y ADOPTED. 24. Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold accepz the bid of North Fork Sanitation Service for the purchase of all scrap metal and paper deposited at the Southold Town Landfill site during the period from January 1, 1983 to December 31, 1983 at the bid price of $1,038.00. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman MurPhy, Councilman Murdoek, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 25. Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Nickles, WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold is in receipt of a letter from Long Island Lighting Company to Suffolk Counvy Executive Peter F. Cohalan notifying him of the pending termination of electric service to the Captain Kidd Water Co., Inc., Mattituck, New York, and WHEREAS, the termination of the electric services to this water company would terminate water service to the residents and taxpayers of the Captain Kidd community, whose only source of water is from the Captain Kidd Water Company, Inc., now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold immediately send a telegram to the New York State Public Service Commission, with copies ~o Suffolk County Executive Peter F. Cohalan, Long Island Lighting Company, and Suffolk County Department of Health Services, expressing the Town Board's concern for this possible discontinuance of electric service ~o the Captain Kidd Waner Co., Inc., and recuesting that said electric service noz be terminated until .a resolution of the water problem in the Captain Kidd communit~ can be reached. ' Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nicktes, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. ~26. Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilman Murdock, WHEREAS, Philip Obenauer applied ~o the Southold Town Board for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the'Town of Southold, application dated October 1, 1982, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Truszees and Southotd Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board With respect to said application on the 7th day of December, 1982, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now, there- fore, be it RESOLVED that Philip Obenauer be granted permission under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold to place approximately 800 cubic yards of clean upland fill in a 160 ft. by 150 ft. area of' his property located at Case's Lane Extension, on West Creek, Cutchogue, New York, PROVIDED it is graded properly to slope and conform with existing terrain, and no fill shall extend pasz an imagmnery line parallel to the waterway between the rwo cement boundary markers. This permit shall expire on December 7, 1983; there shall be two inspections required; and the Town Clerk shall be notified when the project is completed. Vove of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution w~s deolared duly ADOPTED. ’9t©n=Ë™©+¹Uó†rçŒâ“㆗â _ÆF÷ÂúÍÇ„ï ÛLY§hÆÂû·0PÙöõ®©ÓU©´ž§„îÏ3¸ÒüaªkÚ¯­²Z—I=Œò®Q¹-æÚ˜\ðyã¥z…„^ø;áۍ3ó_ë’ÝÅäÝ\Kw‘‘‰<ùGN@ÛžŠQw“ØÞræ\±9Í*Ú ?N¹Yím ™æ¤™â’Ð’9áNp Æ®{Uÿí»Â+]0ßÝÂ%ý¸È›¶‘†qFïœWL%gte%Íî™úô—Z†¬U‹XŒÉˆ„ѱhb'?(\Øãë]Ÿ.›ii%Û ‚³ <*XÌ;㜃š‡8ÎW*IÆ:<U¬ÿiii¶zž Ž+ë[IÆÖCŽ6!wì¥O¨®7ÂþÖ¼§ü$ âãNg’)æŸ •àg?çŠÎ­DÕ£ (Ê+S®ž=`]é–/¶’f2mYRÀ|ì@.Ï¥møŽmwZ³ÑÓGþΓO¸šÞ»ß$"#Õ”—‘ÆhŠ³hWNÇâÛýÄ·Ä—Ú¶—âO)ÝÚtÈš@8A Ã}ý>.ãOGl¶ZÊêlŸ¼Jû£Q÷VÎ>½+Z©r+;Xp“»M6^-°ðö‘qiš¤¢àG&TR@FnH#¡òÊѾê±øÎÇÅ×zÔw_é6w…Øm_RÎx5É*Ü°Ô¯cÌ캝͎—iâu¹±[M³[«\Í,ÈåK'8U<m#õïS\éLu›Õc2]H¢uA–˜•8Ê€ãúTNºœ•‹&“¹¯â].W¸OÙë77õ'¹!ÆàæÚÍÙü¼ßXøs®iw¶û˦êZ}àc÷òÛ»·#åaÈÆk¦¿4¬M8«:5ÅÊE—«iQj°Ë‚†h²Å@?*°×>µ[C𕎧ªêúŒ–ÚlvÐÌ Ï 0 …Ú£ôü+IrÚEMr½C{IµÈtý&]>`¶„àÁó$Uýèe8ù”c×#iÚLj#½Ó´a|c[Ö9¢uåç;v¼2sÔĸJ+¥¡M4ÎkûVö+™-ô¹nÞh÷n*àpÆzÇóÉú×MgãK›¿Ï¡Ë Ž©m­æµâÄe ÿĪW ƒœãŽ{f¯Šs’ìg^’JÏr—aÐŽ­uˆÌk1²Ã…P§$¡Iû¡ŽxÉ®ïÇW6¿|acmáOÍpÙ3¡yª# °ù2¬½ÈïÏëԍ%/yt99Ü_+5/üK©éÒf†m!-õþÒ“éŽ!·”ŽO*OüžÕÀxŠÛK7ñ^x§L¿¼Ó¦WŽÂò[Óï{m( óÏÊÃï[TjÖ3¥w±{ÃÍ–¢ê6z4/á[ÛœFë¨‡Ë »°p äs\Â ‹ H¼rš•üŒbÔ-a‰YU7ËE#áé^e8sKC»›–:’è~K­Jm&ÖæGW·¶¸kswú Îç2¤î<Äu¯"¸ÑeÑ>Ôú£›¨¥q'îPÆÛ² Œœ»F+²0öq·™‚|íž™á]cRÕâ¸)Õoô˜@Ëy֏å¸#  ž9®k¨Ò5 6żVÿT ¯›9´I|êÁ‡góWH5>dÍa%Ëk¿>ZßÙé%Ðoì^3oçEulÇÌXÐýÇÏ9<ãÖ³¾%Ùj~‡ÃzÌ“i:´ú¥º3ˆ®VæéŽÐw;tSÇsž o RoC5»8Ǫxß\Ô5&•áûhÛ$hÌÒ† Œò3Ár{fŸ»å¥ÐÕtˆ5=8l[ˆšEK¨ð|©1‘ê0}E^{.¦vM?#…ø£ðÊïVÑ Õ~°×ü2$ØdR§P²$ã˹‰rFG\©«á‘©x’=KFÓá¼ÔnñÁ¸Ú±®\ÈýàÇ=r1‘Þž!{4¤ˆŒý۝'„|}u¦húéVQÂ÷ùÔgØc+ƒ¶'ï>x\ã­zÃ?Úk:ö›y.©i+›˜ãó½±à¶æ8$|¥H<ò*h½¤UY%{Ÿ„u(­"Ô<+¡éÖw/|³\É%ç—ª¹(T®xÆ9ÏaÍzM¥®‡ ]nð¼ó[ø‚ҝ’ÖW—⻜°o§Ö“¨”¹P¡%«<¾ÓVƒâ>¡ñáí5n|É./d…Uä@rwnãpÇ ¸?ÓGÀÚvŸ§i>)Ò5½/B6ÚŸ›Ošæé!É;d…ˆ8Îï»Æxæ·Œ}¤”šØNÑMO…¬õë}vËÝ×\¶µ“eÍ«ùêÈ*Xç–œñÏJ«¤[øVÌ–1[ZOº8mØ2¡vl‰ˆÈ#Øcž)+»- iI9Zæ<;cwø¡¬VâÕYŒZ|W&Í °íŽÜVÌßuÙ‹xVÎ(€s,Œ‚…NyÆ:Ÿ^µÏXKÚ7¡£m¦’Ôξ±»Òµ7ÔtÖÕ-˜:”’ æÕº©ì=ª×Ä õ-Ä×rjrZ™Ò%2I*#•Û¼ ‘ýà:õ•¤¦ª6žÍ£m·£hºÖ–!ñ^œ÷©>tr;…`GŒíçŽ=+‡ñÃßéZÍ­÷€†ž‘Ç’c%Ïð¹o¼GJóêIÅ4ÍacØü'á\°¹Õ5 t›TŽÌJ×])šÙÀà2 žqéÍ^·Õß^ÐnåñÔškÈ‘,–¸b»Ç½ »ÅŒžçZaŸ,}H”lîyv£/Š ’ïOðÝÕÌš]Þg‡OF –íÓ(ÄÏCWü5áï‹'¾k4É›FÝ$'»m+$~#ëZáêÏžÉhU^^_3´êZuÜú¥¬©‡3'Ù,½PI= üÁ¬Í/Áêé«$çW\)–ÓìQ¦c*8žqž¸»S«O¤¶:¶øL(|w¦iдúŸÙ|«¨÷¤ŠÈ s¾`@=úbiÞ.Ôtø¢÷O×,îõ+yAò¤ƒsF2¿8ëÈÉÍróF¹«ƒ’Ô­¦xcD´†ÏÅk« èϐÐO€Èá†>eSø×O¨_k~!³Óî5 F·¿³Ü«¨­ÊîeëÀçùÕR•Ýú2]­sSÂ^_øK÷cLt¹´2JϽTÈ„s»' ÏQÅVø¦ëZ¯‰­¬î|ëm>â7¸y-äY♆0WiÁ'Ó‚¡§9D!Q)ë¹ÉøvßYÒt›¸æ’æÖÂÞG\:iÉ)éƒÁZÔøuá}cCÐcñÒ¥ÖœŠÓ¡ ˆŽyÊçq¥a*®¦‘:`ùcgÕœ&ðÒöÆÛË7pÎÛqƒêCôÏó«–²‡›Ä `8Lð¹tC§%NÑ‚p{uë]pŒ£©›z¤oëlwÖ®º„Bv´¶Fšó8ûÙ`œ7ÝÓ©ç­C5Ÿ…õ Zß\ÅrÚÕÄ«åÄöïèznó}€àsZÁèõ•îAáÛç\¾ñ-†«5´úyU¦D•ÜÚp9;@;ö­¥ê~¿×#ž{DZ½Ž3iqµQ"p\±ÆwçÇ5n\ÉÆLj:]#3Tº–ïRa{IaI^^Tq€ò8ê1Rø‡EÔmÚ9D¶ÓÀï,6¨Šíå•!ˆêTýkžšäi=‡Q]6a[Ø=΃.¤ëÄÊÑ°ä±^ <uÇ?J“ÃÑiа»Õ-n;¹6»…Æv±SÏÊ~n£[AYù Ûæ>ïÃ’ßê6—š-í¸/¢€%O‚¡}2=+'Å:¾ÔÚö[K»t]òÙáPãŽ6ð3ÇCJΪtß2©;2偸“ZY´›Ù¤3NqZÆJŽ„{ñƒ]ƒ´ËïÝ[Ch±Æææw–K0í*:³`tõÇ"”TêhghïÐÉñcÜ\ªé@—½µ‰7¤ƒJ’äyàgÖ”n¤¾wÔ'‹U’ÐÄ#%|Ñv(ò=ûÑN21”nhè÷–vºÜv—‘i÷ÚÈÊÉÍŒMo$mÜøù϶F+BÈgVžôÌѽÁ¹³Š[3=ôúšî“¿¸õ9ÚûKC#Å^4—ÅVvšuþb²ioå åùÒ®àÇqÆXÝ;Ö½®­ èGsy¥ZÈ—Y”]¬ä|®$žãœ ×=YÝ¥m)ÅF.WܧeñÖóÄa]w†ÖÙ¢‹LŠ,:\+€Ã<מÝjÓ|FðÆ£«}™-ï-.ì¾B’¼»qª$郞jê/u9"c½“8ïxÍ|=©é’éÃÈ…,®^IØIùÖ-ãrFA5ÐøWÄGˆàûEü:}çÙ±äÜîe`Üî.TœŽqjl¤Õ…ÔZ±K[¸Ž<éòɶ×K×—´g #Œòx8®vÇRmE/nôù$[8¤ò`ŽtÄ’ç<mÈ<~œ¹a7mÍn š±ëQjóÛZjѱ}åÜ•P[ F7žTçÔqšôOÁ¤ëš&§áÿJm­tø¾ß§>èßÌ(7y ÅFòNÜ:ç¾¢æJDJp¹ËÝxJîF¹¿ðöˆòÝÛÊŒöúc:Ü’[qUÀž8¬;6-g^¼»2ê÷W«BcE8Ë+©®sŽ‡<æXY܈뎇ûAô_¶ˆwI,Š¯j «Ãy