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JUNE 22, 1982
8:00 A.M. - Receiver of Taxes George Mell'as met with the Board to
discuss the contract with Pit'ney Bowes for supplying the Town with
a new postage meter machine. It was dicovered that the ffgures
quoted to the Town Board by the Pitney Bowes salesman for the 1981
costs and the 1982 costs for a new machin6 were greatly out of line.
For the Town to keep the new machine a transfer would have to be
made into that item. The Board instructed Supervisor Pell to contact
Pitney Bowes and request them to meet the contract price quoted by
the salesman, or a resolution will be placed on the July 7th agenda
to cancel the contract.
Mr. Mellas discussed the proposed move o'f his' Office into the
Town Clerk's Office. He said that presently his office is working
with 6 ledgers and under the ALRM system 16 ledgers will soon be
needed, which will decrease his working space where 'in his present
quarters which are much larger than the Town Clerk's' Office. Further,
Mr. Mellas cited the congestion which will be caused by the proposed
location when court is in session, or a Town Board meeting is being
held. Councilman Murdock asked Assessor Cha.irman Henry Moisa to
address the Board on his point of view concerning the move. Mr. ~oisa
said that Receiver's Office and the Assessor's Office work very closely
together and are more closely related than that of the Building Depart-
ment, who were to move to the Tax Receiver's Office. Councilman
Murdock expressed the opinion that he still feels the Town Hall should
be added on to. The proposed move will be discussed further later in
the day.
8:30 A.M. - The acquisition Of office equdpment from the North Fork
Bank by Receiver of Taxes Mellas was discussed by the Board and Mr.
8:35 A.M. - The Board began reviewing the agenda.
10:40 A.M. - A recess was called at this time and the Town Board
went to the Recreation Center, Peconic Lane, for the purpose of
attending the Senior Citizen Clubs sports award presentations.
1:55 P.M. - Work Session reconvened. James Mc~hon, Youth Coordinator,
spoke to the Board abou~ the Drug Abuse Prevention Council Grant.
Mr. Jim Christie submitted vouchers for payment under this grant to
the County. The vouchers were lost and paymenz must be made under
this grant before June 30th. Mr. McMahon asked that the Town~ pay
Mr. Christie to avoid losing the funds, and the County will reimburse
the Town. Mr. McMahon was asked to call the County for further
details and meet with the Board later in the afternoon.
2:10 P.M. Mr. Nicholas Schick, owner of the Orient Point Inn and
adjoining properzy, 5~yles Weintraub and George Buchanan, Architects,
and Russ Bodwell, Engineer mer with the Board to discuss an extension
of time from July 15th for the renovation or removal of the Orient
Point Inn which was the subject of an unsafe building hearing in
January. In January Mr. Schick was asked ~to return to-the Board with
a progress report,, after having erected a fence around the Inn and
adding zemporary supports to the.building. Since that time ~r..
Schick has received a complete survey of' the building, an extensive
water testing program was conducted and an'economic feasibility study
166 JUNE 22, 1982
nas 0een completed to determine if it is possible to develop and
restore the Inn. They propose To move the Inn from the present
location to a site further out toward the Point and make it Convention
center End restaurant, and the heart of a condominium development.
The architects and engineer made an extensive presentation to the
Board concerning their proposal, which will take considerable time
to accomplish, as numerous applications to various Town agencies
will be necessary.--The Board agreed to place a resolution on the
agenda granting an extension of time to January 15, 1983 to allow
~. Schick to return to the Board with a progress report on the
renovation of the Inn, provided he clears and maintains the grounds
at the site and erects a suitable sign depicting the proposed plan
for the property. (See Resolution No. 3.)
3:00 P.M. This Work Session recessed at this time, to reconvene
following the 3:00 P.M. Regular Meeting.
A Regula?~Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held at 3:00
P.M., Tuesday, June 22, 1982 az the Southold Town Hall, Main Road,
Southold, New York. Supervisor Petl-opened the meeting with the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ~'
Presenr: Supervisor William R. Petl, Iii
Councilman John J. Nickles
Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr.
Councilman Francis J. MurD. hy
Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr.
Justice Raymond'W. Edwards
* * *
- ~' ~V~'~t~i~ Judith T. Terry ....
Town Attorney Roberz W, Tasker
~'Highway Superintendent' Raymon~ C.- Dean
Moved by Councilman'Nickles, ~econded by Councilman Murd
RESOLVED that the minutes of the June 8, 1982 meeting
Town Board be andlhereby are approved.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was
RESOLI~D that the.'next Regular Meeting of the Southold Town ~oard
will be held~at_7:30 P.M., Wednesday, July 7, 1982.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Cou~ci~Ja~"~drdocK, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR PELL: These reports are placed on file with the Town
Anybody wishing to review them may do so at the Town Clerk's
Justice Tedeschi's monthly repor~ - May, t982.
Long Island Cablevision monthly report - ~y, 1982.
Councilmen"s reports, CounCilman Townsend anything to report?
COL~CILMAN TOWNSEND: Well, we had a Zoning and Planning Committee
meeting and I'll let'Larry who is the head of that discuss it in
grea~er detail. I inspected the Dog Pound and that was duly reported
in the press. I also took the opportunity to look through the Police
Department Headqnarters in Peconic. As a member of the Police.Committee
I hadn't had a chance to look through tat. It was very interesting,
very modern. I felt just like Sergeant Joe ~iday.
SUPERVISOR PELL: ~uncilman Murdock?
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: On the Code Enforcement Committee meeting, we
held tha~ meeting Wednesday, June 16th. In attendance was Victor
]Le~,sa.rd, our new Town Board liaison Administrative Assis%ant, George
~ r of the Building Department,,Gerrv Goehringer from the Zoning
~~ ~ppeals, our Town Attorne3 Robert Tasker, Councilman Joe
Townsend, Councilman John Nickies and myself. We are continuing
~th the Town Attorney to put together a bunch of changes that had
~been worked on last year and now the Zoning Board of Appeals is
JUNE 22, 1982 167
completely satisfied with the changes and reflect their views.
Very shortly we'll be having p~?'~r~ings on the changes that will
go into our Code. We also worked on them with the Building Department.
We spent considerable~'time discussing Code changes in reference to
winery operations.. There are certain types of operations dealing
with a winery that are inherent witK growing grapes and the Town feels
that it is our responsibility to allow a certain level of pressing
of grapes for making of wine, but we also want to prohibit the import-
ing of other grapes and other wines on a Town-wide basis. We feel it
should go into an industrial area. We will attemp~ to draw up a Code
that will satisfy the needs of individual grape growers and individual
farmers and still maintain the integrity of our Town zoning. We also
had a continuing discussion on two-family conversions and its merits
reia';ive to th~ Town Of Southold and a discussion on new fees and
fili!~g of building permits and that recommendation has just been given
to t]~e Town Board. You'll see the fruits of this meeting probably in
the ~ext 30 to 60 days.
SUPE]~VISOR PELL: Thank you. Anything else, Larry?
COUNt]ILMAN ML~DOCK: We had our committee ~ith Cablevision which you'll
address. Councilman Nickles. ·
COU~$ILMAN NICKLES: :I'll just add 6ne addendum to what Councilman
Murd~ck's report. .-~hat you wili~be seeing:in the next~30 to. 60 days
has Rot been the fruit Of one meeting but numerous meetings over the
course of probably two and a half to three y---~[ ~-~ t--~ ~eaches I'd
like to report that .-our Commissioner Of. Public Works and his men have
meet~.ng the sand from Goldsmith's Inlet to Kenny's Beach which has
real[.y eroded which you are all aware and it is completed, just the
othe], day. The whole thing is all graded off so it will be usable and
read~' for the beach season. We had a meeting yesterday relative to
the ~og Contract which I'll report at Executive Session.
SUP5 [VISOR PELL: Councilman Murphy?
COb~-( ILMAN MURPHY: We saw the beaches tod~y and they do look a thousand
perc~nt better and we hope the sand stays t%ere. It took an awfu~ lot
on t~e par~ of the County and Ray Dean's Department to bring about. I'd
like to report that the young seed clams are doing exceptionally well.
They've over doubled in size already and at the rate they're going they
shou d be almost little neck size by the end of their growing season at
the nd of the summer. - ~
SUPE .VISOR PELL: As Supervisor we had a meeting with Cable T.V. from
Albany this past week. Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murdock and
myse]~ was there. Later on in the meeting you~will see that we are
notlJying Time Mirror that owns Cable T.V. in our Township, from
CaliJornia, that we will be seeking outside people coming in to look
over our system an~ perhaps put in a bid in when our contract is up.
~Ve f~el at the .Town Board we are getting too many complaints from
people ~bout the service. We are also requesting Albany to call
Long Island Cablevision and hold a public hearing with them in ':
Albary to see why our system is so dilapidated and upgrade our
system.--The Supervisors of the ten towns met the other day and
we ~¢ok the stand tO Oppose changing the county ~ax system to a
four paymen5 system~ -It means that 'all the Towns would have to
open up and take on year around personnel instead of part-time
perscnnel. The schools from the west end would like to see it
go t¢a four payment plan instead of two like we have now. Nine
of u~ where there and we all are opposed to it.
COUN£IL~N ML~DOCKi ' Bi!I, 'i'd'just like to add a little something
to ycur Cablevision. The people who have agendas will see that we
have a l~tter. Part of our problem in Town--the woman is not
complaining about the amount of the subscription, but she does say
for ]er subscription money "I am promised reception over and above
Connecticut Channels 3 and 8, of New York Channels 2 (12), 4, 5, 7,
9, 1[ and 13.--My daughter' who lives in Manhattan gets somethin~
like 30 channels for about the same price I pay for seven." That
has een par~ of the complaints people in the Town had and our
fran hise with Long Island Cablevision has been in existence 16
year~ By the time the next period is over I think it wiI1 'be a
total of 20 years. The equipment, the lines that were installed
to each of our homes were installed 14 to i5 years ago and did mot
haw the capability of handling more than the 7 channels and we
here on the Town Board--those of us at the meeting--and after the
168 JUNE 22, 1982
discussion today I think the rest of the Board feels the same way,
it has been apparent that the parent company has bled off the profits
of running this franchise system and not modernizing and updating the
cable so that'when our franchise is over we wi!l really be~in"a position
that if we're going to be equal to todays market somebody is going to
have to start over. That was, ar least to my mind, the most distressing
part of our conversations With the people from the state and the effect
that those of us living here in the T~wn~have been subjected to'-'By
the time our franchise is over we will in effect then be 14 to 15_years
behind the engineering capabilities. That will be addressed. That's
the purpose of addressing the letter, to tell the people in Long Island
Cablevision that we are aware we've been abused and would like that
corrected. ~
COUNCIL~iN ~RDOCK: 1. Notice from the De~artmant of Environmental
Conservation saying that there will be a legislative hearing held ay
2:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.'M. on June 28th in the New York Sta~e Office
Building, Veterans Highway, Hauppauge on the technical and scientific
data related to the use of trisodium nitrflotriacetate ("NTA")..Anybody
who's interested in participating is invited to that meeting.
· 2. Notice from the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation about a public hearing on behalf' of Kathryn Robedee and
Gerard Galiano to subdivide 63,000 square foot parcel into two ~ots
in Cutchogue. The hearing will be held here, Southold Town Hall, on
July 8th ay 10:00 A.M. A copy of these notices are on the Town Clerk's
Bulletin Board.
3. Again the New York State Department of Environmental Conserva-
tion on a publi~ hearing on Tidal Wetlands Application of Peterson
Towing Corporation. The public hearing has been postponed indefinitely.
Also a no~e that the Joseph Cavalier Tidal Wetlands Appliaation
hearing scheduled for June 24th will be held June 24thwart ~):00
A.M. ar the Southold Town Hall.
4. Another notice from the New York State Department~o~
Environmental Conservation on behalf Of Ronald A.
a one family ..... -
dwelling on Eu~e~"Ro~d, Eu ene s
_ g Creek, Easu ,~cho u~
The response tmme ms July..7, 1982. ~ This public notice. ~~ the
Town Clerk's Bulletin Board.
SUPERVISOR PELL: We have 15 communications. They are ail on file
in my office and the Office of the Town Clerk.
1. Letter from Judge Tedeschi requesving we upgrade~his ~!erk-
typist to become a Justice Cour~ Clerk which we will call f~r ~he
lis~ and so do.
2. Letter from Attorney Robert A. Kelly from Westham~ton Beach
in regards vo LNC Transmi× Corp. in regard to taking sand from our
landfill over to Westhampvon Beach, refine it and bring it back into
Town in cement. Our Town Law says no sand shall be removed fr~m our
Township. We shall inform him that we realize his hardship---
ROBERT A. KELLY, ATTORNEY: The sand in this Town won't meet Stare
specifications for concrese. I don't mean ~o insult your Town land
or anything else ....
SUPERVISOR PELL: We didn't realize you were here. We will go on with
the agenda and afver the meeting you can address the Board.
MR. KELLY: Thank you. ~ ~, ~.. : .
SUPERVISOR PELL: ?We h~v~ thr~e ~roups here that I think wish to
address the Board also, an~ ~ have four hearings we have to hold.
Afver this meeting is ended today I am not going to adjourn it, I
am going to recess it to go into Executive Session with the Board.
~ have some problems I want~to go into in depth with them and then
I will reconvene it. One is on the Dog Pound contract and negotiations
and things like that. At the end today we will recess and then we will
talk to you in our Working Session. Continuing with the Communica-
tions .....
3. Letter with reference to CablevisiSn which was mentioned by
Councilman Murdock (from Marion F. Collins.)
4. Letter from the Supervisor of. Islip Town, Michael LoGrande,
wh6 takes a different stand than the £our east end towns. Riverhead
is not with. us on this one in regards to the one percent room tax.
JUNE 22, 1982 169
The charge of one percent room tax--the four east end towns, excluding
Riverhead, are opposed to it. Mike tried to get the Board of Super-
visors to take a stand on this and we refu~ed to. One thing interest-
ing was when the supervisors meet and we take a stand all ten of us
mus~ agree, a unanimous stand. If one supervisor dissents it's
passed by the board of what we call supervisors. We had four dissenting
vo~es therefore it was no~ considered.
5. Letter (from Linda Reid) regarding a plan of development in
Orient which is-on file with the Town Clerk.
6. A petition to the Town Board in reference to the 7-Eleven
Store proposed in~Southotd, fThe'petition is on file-and so noted.
7. Letter from the Greenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce in
reference to the Leash Law. The Board will be discussing this later
on in ExecutiVe Session.
8. Letter_~f~om'.Co~inne Donopria) regarding the ignd up at
Horton's Point Lighthouse and the Southotd Park Di~ri~t~pro~erty
right next door~ A copy. of this will be sent ~o the~Park DiStrict..
9. A petition signed by several folks in regards ~o a home
in $oulhold Town near the Village of Greenport (Ciacia home) on a
health hazard. ~t was forwarded to the County Department of Health
to have them look into and get back to th~ Town.to see if there are
any violations of County Law.
10. From: a merchant in Mattituck (Lois ~. ~arker) in reference
to sidewalks in fron~ of her store in need of repair. She is putting
the Town on notice that they should be repaired.
11. Letter from a person on Sound Avenue (Sanford Hanau~r). With
the little bit of rain we had two weeks ago, that little sprinkle, a
part of his bank was washed ~W~v.'~ The Town Board did go u~ and look
at it. It is a heck of a sight~o see.
12. A letter from Northville Industries informing us that a hearing
will be held on their application threugh Cavaliere with the D.'E.C.
on the 24th of this month.
13. A letter address to the Town Board (from Joseph Novey) in
reference to dog problems. This is being worked on.
14. Letter concerning parking area noise at the end of Sound
Road in Greenport, better known as the 67 Steps (from Ken Hollowel!).
15. Letter from the Southold-Peconic Civic AssoCiatio~ urging
the Town Board to consider and adop~ a moratorium on alt major sub-
We~ have' five hearings~ today~beginning at 3:30 P.M.
Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of'the Town of Southold approves the
proposal of 'the'Long 'Island Lighting Company 't'o k~"Dro~o's'ed 69kV
transmission line through the Town' Of' So~tho'ld provided-the follow-
ing conditions are observed:
1. The transmission line will be constructed on wooden poles
with a maximum height above the ground of 42 - 55 feet unless tree
conditions require higher poles.
2. The new poles will replace existing distribution poles so
as to either minmmize or reduce the overall number of poles on Town
or Village streets.
3. Each pole will carry the three transmission conddctors at
the top area with diszribution primary and secondary below followed
at lower elevations by telephone and cable television facilities.
4. Ail construction will be of the "armless" type using
insulators to carry the electrical transmission, distribution and
communication facilities. There will be no cross-arms utilized.
5. Tree trim and tree removal will be kept to a minimum,
consistent with' ..... electrical code clearance requirements.
6. LILCO will personally contact each of the property owners
where tree trim or removal affects trees located on their ~remises.
Arrangements will be made with these property owners to either:
A. Compensate them for the loss of trees, or;
B. Repta-e any trees removed~
These arrangements will be made so as to relieve the municipality
of any coordinating involvement.
7. LILCO will purchase privately-owned premises if necessary
at the point where overhead facilities convert to the underwater
cables to Shelter IsIand.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
170 JUNE 22, 1982
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR PELL: These poles that are to be put up will go from
the generating plant in Greenport, just east of Drossos RestauranT,
will come out there, travel west along the Stave road, over the
railroad bridge, go down a private road going down to the Bay to
transmit a line to Shelter Island. It will not be on any Town
Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes
Chief of Police H. Daniel Winters to attend the New York State
AssociaTion Of Chiefs of Police annual conference To be held July
18, 19, 20 and 21, 1982 at the Turf Inn, Albany, New York, and
the necessary expenses for registration, lodging, food and mileage
shall be a legal charge against the Town of Southold.
Vo~e of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman ~[urdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Poll.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.'
Moved bv Councilman ToWnsend, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold grants
Nicholas M. Schick, Inc. a six month extension from July 15,'1982
to January 15, 1983 to return to the Board with a progTess report
on the renovation of the Orient Point Inq, pursuant to ChapTer 90,
Unsafe Buildings, Code of the Town of Southold. As a condition
of the granting of this extension, Mr. Schick shall clear and
mainsain the grounds at the site and erect ~ suitable sign
depicting the proposed plan for the property.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman ~[urdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution wa~ declared duly ADOPTED.
4. ~'oved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it ~as
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold grants
permission to the Mattituck Chamber of Commerce to close, Love Lane
and the Love Lane-P ....
~ke Street ~ntersec~mon, 75 feet east :a~d ?~ feet
west, including the parking lot opposite the North ForkB~nk and
Trust'Company from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on July 17. 1982, ~or
the purpose o~ holding their Annual Mattituck'Sales,~Day;-pro~ided-
they secure the necessary insurance to hold the Town of
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles. Supervisor Pel!.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
5. Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, i~ was
RESOLVED that~pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution. the
Town .Board of the Town of Southold requests the enactment' Of
Senate bill No. 10216, entitled, "AN ACT to allow persons in
public employment on August sixteenth, nineteen hundred seventy-
three or their executor, administrator or personal representative
who did not file a membership application with the New York state
employees' retirement system to file a request for retroactive
membership with the state comptroller," and be it further
RESOLVED that it is hereby declared that a necessity exists for
the enactment of such legislation, and that the facts establishing
such necessity are as fellows: The Town Board of the Town of
Southold does not have the power to enact such legislation by
local law.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Poll. ~ ·
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. ~-~
6. Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nicktes, it was
RESOLVED that the application of Maddie Miles, dated June 22, I982,
.~o~ the renewal of.her trailer permit at private road off north
~i~e Mai~ ~-~ Mattituck, New ~ork be and hereby is renewed for
a~ six (6) month period.
V~e of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Poll.
'~This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
JUNE 22, 1982
Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded:iby SUpervisor Pell, ii was
RESOLVED that the Town Board~-~.~:~!~To~ Southold ·rescind
their Resolution No. 18 of June 8. 1982 which reads as follows:
"RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold
appoint Pamela L. McCaffery from the ~uffolk County
Civil Service Lis~, to the position of Clerk Typist
with the Depar~men~ of Public Works effective ~une 16,
1982 at a salary of $7,000.00 per annum, 30 hours per
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman ~urdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Mo~ved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman ~ur~hy, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold-appoint
Pamela L. McCafferv from the Suffolk County Civil Service List,
~o the position of Clerk Typist with the Department of Public
Works effective July 1, 1982 at a salary of $7,000.00 per annum,
Vote of the Town Boa~'d: ~yes: '-Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution wa~ declared duly ADOPTED. . ..... ·
Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was
RESOLVED that the application of Geraldine Davis, dated June 22,
1982 for permission to maintain a ~ ~am-~ house trailer on
south side of Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New-York, be and hereby is
.renewed for a period of six (6) months ' '
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, C3uncilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Petl.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a
public hearing at the Southold' Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New
York on the 7th day of July, 1982 at 3:00 P.M., at which time and
place all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be
heard upon the following matter: "A Local Law Providing for the
Taking of Shellfish in Town Waters", which reads as follows:
A Local.Law Providing for the
.Taking of Shellfish in Town Waters
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
Article ii of Chapter 77 of the Southold Code is hereby amended as follows:
I. Section 77-200 thereof is amended to read as follows:
This Article shall be known as the Shelkisn Law of the Town of Southold".
II. A new Section is added thereto, to be Section 77-200A, to read as follows:
~ 77-200A. Purpose
It is the purpose and intent of this article to provide for the protection,
preservation and the proper use and maintenance of toxvn waters and lands under town
waters, to minimize damage thereto and to enhance their use for the propagation of
shellfish and other beneficial marine organisms and thereby protect and promote the
public health, safety and welfare of the Town of Southold.
Iffff. The term "Shellfish" contained in Section 77-201 (Definitions) is amended
to read as follows:
SHELLFISH- Clams, scallops, oysters, blue claw crabs, m,nssels, peri-
winkles and conchs.
IV. Section 77-201 (Definitions) is amended by adding the following:
172 JUNE 22, 1982
TAXPAYER - A person who owns real proper!y as shown on the assessment
roll of the Town of Son,hold.
V. Subdivision A of Section 77-202 is amended t~ read as follows:
A. Shellfish may be taken from town waters for commercial purposes by a
permanent resident over the age of fourteen (14) years upon first obtaining a commercial
shellfish permit therefor from the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold.
VI. Subdivision C of Seclion 77-202 is amended to read as follows: '~1
C. Shellfish-may be taken from town waters for non-commercial purposes
by a permanent resident or taxpayer upon first obtaining a permanent resident or
taxpayer's permit therefor from the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold.
VII. Subuivision D of Section 77-202 is amended to read as follows:
D. Shellfish may be taken from town waters for noncommercial purposes with-
out obtaining a permit therefor by a guest when accompanied by a permanent resident
in whose dwelling such guest occupies living quarters, provided that such permanent
resident is the holder of a valid shallfish permit.
VI!!. Subdivision E of Section 77-202 is amended ~o read as follows:
· E. No person' nbi'a ~m~nent :'~'" ''
resident, a taxpayer, a ~emporary resident or
a guest accompanied by a permanent resident shall take shellfish in any manner at
any time from town waters.
LX. Section 77-202 is amended by adding a new s~kbdivision, to-be~:~s~abdi*ision G,
to read as follows:
G, Shellfish may be taken from town waters for none
a permanent resident under the age of fourteen (14) y, ears
X. Subdivision A of Section 77-203 is amended to read as'follows:
A. The fee for a commercial shellfish permit shall be five ($5, 00) dollars.
Effective on and after January 1, 1983, the fee for a commercial shetIf~h permit
shall be fifteen ($15.00) dollars. Such permit shall expire on December 31 of the
year of issuance.
X~. Section 77-203 is amended by adding a new subdivision, to be subdivision C,
and relettering the present subdivision C to subdivision D.
C. The fee for a permanent resident or taxpayer shellfish permit shall be
one ($1.00) dollar. Effective on and after January t, 1983, the fee for such Permit
shall be three ($3.00) dollars. Such permit shall expire on December 31 of the year
of issuance.
Subdivision B of Section 77-204 is amended to read as follows:
Monday after the third Sunday in September to October 9 in each year, both dates
inclusive, nor more than one-half (t [2) bushel of scallops may be taken from town
waters in any one (1) day by hand or with a scalp net.
Subject to the provisions of this section, during the period from the first
XII!. Subdivision D of Section 77-204 is amended as follows:
D. Subject to the provisions of this section, a permanent resident, a taxpayer,
a temporary resident, or a guest, when accompanied by a permanent resident, may
take from town waters not more than one-half (1/2) bushel of scallops in any one (1)
day for other than commercial purposes.
XIV; Subdivision E of Section 77-204 is amended to read as follows:
E. Subject to the provisions of this section, not more than five (5) bnshels
of scallops may be taken from town waters for com,.r~ercial purposes in any one (1) day by
JUNE 22, 1982 173
any one (1) person. Two (2) or more persons occupy.lng the same boat may take, in
the aggregate, not more than ten (10) bush~!s ~f scallops in one (1) day for commercial
XV. Subdivision D of Section 77-205 is amended to read as ~ollows:
D~ A perm_anent , ~sld~_~, a taxpayer, a ~err~porary resident~ or a guest
accompanied by a permanent resident may take not more than one hundred (100) clams
from town waters in one (I) day l'or noncommercial Durposes.
XVI. Section 77-205 is amended by adding a new subdivision thereto, to be sub-
division E, to read as follows:
E. Not more than one thousand (1, 000) little neck clams' may be taken from
town waters for commercial purposes in any one (1) day by any one (t) person. Two
(2) or more persons occupying the same boat may take, in the aggregate, not more
than two thousand (2, 000) little neck clams in one (I) day for commercial purposes.
XVII. Subdivision D of Section 77-206 is a~nended to read as follows:
D. A permanent resident, a taxpayer, a temporary resident, or a guest
accompanied by a permanent resident may take not more than one -half (1/2) bushel
of oysters from town waters in any one (1) day for other than commerciai purposes.
XWl . subdivision of S 'otion 77'-207 is amendeU' as follows
B. A permanent resident, 'a taxpayer, a temporary resident, or a guest
accompanied by a permanent resident, may not take more than one-half (!/2) bushel
o£ blue claw crabs from ..... town waters in any one (1) day for:~, noncommercial purposes.
~(. Subdiwision A of Section 77-208 is amended t~ read as follows:
A, A permanent resident, ~ taxpayeri ~ ~emp6rkr~ resident, or a guest
accompanied by a permanent resident, may not take more than one (1) bushel of
mussels from town waters in on~ (I) day for noncommercial purposes.
new Section is added thereto, to be Section 77-211 A, to read as follows:
77-211A. Dredges and scrapes
Except as permitted by Section 77-204, subdivision C of this article, the
use of a dredge, scrape, ell dredge or similar device towed by a boat operated by
mechanical power or other means is prohibited in to~n waters.
~XI. This Local Law shall take effect immediately.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilma. n
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Poll.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
COb~CILMAN MD~PHY: This Local Law w~ll he ava. iIa.b~le on Thursday
a~ the Town Clerk's Office~ Basically what it is is to ~provi'de
a license to take Clams and make it easier for the Bay Constable
~o enforce the Shellfish Ordinance of the Town.
Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was
RESOLVED that Supervisor W'illiam R. poll, iii be and he hereby-.is -
authorized and directed to execute a co~trac~ between the 'Town Of
Southotd and Lori Brooks, ~nollwood.Lane, Mattituck~. New York to
perform a complete inventory and Survey of MattitucM Creek to
determine the number, location and s~a~us of docks, mooring stakes
and other structures located therein and to identify the same on
Town maps. The contractor shall also reorganize the Trustee's
office files and records, and perform such other work relative
to such £iles and records as may be prescribed by the Trustees.
The contractor shall commence work under this agreement on June
28, 1982 and shall complete all work on or before July 30, 1982
for a contract fee of $1,000.00, final payment of which is to be
made when all work is completed.
174 JUNE 22, 1982
COb~CILMAN NICKLES: Discussion. We were going to have an amend-
ment on the contract that provides work shall be completed on or
before July 30th and Item C. rate of payment, final pa~vment on
July 30th, 1982 or upon completion. Bob, does that have to be
in the resolution or just a change in the contract?
TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: I can change the contract to read, "when
all the work is completed."
COUNCILMAN NICKLES:'' And payment won't be'made until after July
30th if the work isn"t completed. Does the resolution have tO'be
amended? ~ . ..~. .- . ~ r
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Counc~lm~ Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor-Pell.
This resolution was declared duly[~DOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a
public hearing at the Southold Town Hall, ~.~ain Road, Southold, New
York on the 7th day of July, 1982 at 3:05 P.M., at which time and
place all interested persons Will be given an opportunity to'be
heard upon the following matter: "A Local Law to amend Chapter
92 of the Code of the Town of Southotd in relation to traffic
regulations", which reads as follows:
No. 1982
A Local Law to amend ~hap~er 92 of the Code
of the Town of Southold in relation to traffic
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as
Article IV df Chapter 92..9f the Code of the Town of Sou~hold
is hereby amended as follows:
I. By amending Section 92-30 thereof (S~op Interseo~i~s) by
adding thereto the f0~lowing: . '
Direction At intersection Location
Name of Street o£ Travel with (Hamlet)
Soundview ~venue East Kenney's Road Southold
Soundview Avenue West Kenney's Road Southold
II. By amending S~ction 92-41 thereof (Prohibited Parking) by
adding ~hereto the following:
Name of Street Side
Horton Lane West
At Southold from the extension
easterly of the northerly line
of County Route 48, northerly
for a distance of 60 feet.
County Route 48 North At Southold from the extension
southerly of the westerl~ line
of Horton Lane, westerly for
a distance of 200 feet.
III. By amending Section 92-~2 thereof (Prohibited Parking during
certain hours) by adding thereto the following:
Name of Street Side Between the hours of
Budd's Pond Road Both 10:00 P.M. & 7:00 A.M.
In Southotd from
the guard rail at
the southerly terminus.
northerly for a distl ~2e
of 100 feet. t t]
IV. This Local Law shall .take effect immediately.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTEDi
Moved by S~p~visor Pell, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED th~['~a recess be called at this n i me, ~3:30 P.M'.'. for th~
p~rpose of conducting five public hearings as follows:
3:30 P.M. - In the matter of a proposed "Local'Law zo establish
a Landmark Preservation Commission and to Prescribe its duties."
This hearing is reconvened from May 18, 1982 az 3:45 P.M.
JUNE 22, 1982 175
3:45 P.M. - In the ma%rem .o.!~?D~O~sed "Local Law to amend
Chapter 100 of the Code ~ ~' ~ .... ' '
of the Town of Southold in relation to
petroleum storage facilities."
3:50 P.M. - In the matter of the wetla'nd application of
Arthur A. Spanget.
3:55 P.M. In the matter of the wetland application of
Ronald L. Zitc.
4:00 P.M. - In the matter of the Wetland application of
Enconsultants, Inc. for Anthony E. Va!lace.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Meeting reconvened at 4:30 P.M.
Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes
Country Time Cycle, Mattituck, New York, to use the following
Town roads on July t8~; 1982, beginning at 8:00 A.M., for the
purpose of holding a Super Star Running Race and Bike Race:
Elijah's Lane, Oregon Road, Grand Avenue and ~ickham Avenue.
This permission is conditioned upon Country Time Cycle providing
the necessary insurance to hold the Town of Southold harmless.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Apparently this is a mini- wherein
there will be a three and a half mile foot race and an 18 mile
bike race and the implication is that I'll be competing in that.
Incorrect. I'm already involved that day.
~ved by Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold allocate
$2,482.35 for the paymen~ of printing and advertising costs
incurred by the Southold Town Promotion Committee.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Justic6: Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold inform
Times Mirror Cable Television that the Town of Southold will be
seeking bids from other cable zelevision companies when the present
con~rac~ with Times Mirror expires in 1985.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pelt.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
14. Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
(b) RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold request the
New York State Commission on Cable Television to hold a pukIic
hearing az the Southold Town Hall as soon as possible on the
performance of Times Mirror Cable Television in the Town of
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman ~rdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Murdock, seconded by Justice Edwards,
WHEREAS, a proposed Local Law No. 3 - 1982 was introduced at a
meeting of this Board held on the 8th day of June, 1982, and
~HEREAS, a public hearing was held thereon by the Board on the
22nd day of June, 1982, a~ which time all interested persons
were given an opportunity to be heard thereon,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Local Law No. 3 - 1982 be
enacted as follows:
LOCAL LAW NO. 3 - 1982
A Local Law to amend Chapter 100 of the Code of the
Town o~ Souzhold in relation to petroleum storage
JUNE 22, 1982
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of ~h~ Town o~ Southold as
Chapter 100 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby
amended as follows:
Section 1. By amending Section 100-114 (Prohibited uses in
all Districts) by adding thereto a new Subdivision J, to read as
J. Storage of Petroleum Products. No~withstanding any other
provisions of this Chapter, storage facilities, with a total combined
capacity of more than 20,000 gallons, including all tanks, pipelines,
buildings, structures, and accessory equipment designated, used or
intended to be used for the storage of gasoline, fuel oil, kerosene,
asphalt, or other petroleum products shall not be located within one
thousand (1,000) feet of tidal waters or tidal wetlands.
Section 2. This Local Law shall take effect immediately.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
16. Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by-Supervisor Pell,
WHEREAS, Arthur A. Spangel applied to the Southold Town Board for
a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town
of Southold, application dated April 21, 1982, and
WHEREAS, said application was referred~o the Southold Town Trustees
an~ Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their f±ndings
and recommendations, and.
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect
to said application on the 22nd day of June, 1982, at which time
all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now,
therefore, be it -
RESOLVED tha~ Arthur A. Spangel be granted permission under ~he
provisions of the Wetland Ordinance' of the Town of Southold to
construct a pad, walkway and floa~ at Glenn Road, on West ~r~ek
extension o~ Goose Creek, Southold, New York, provided it is
parallel to the proper~y line; both float and boats are at~ast
15 feet from the property line, and neither boats nor ftoat~3ter-
fete wm~h navmgatmon. Thms permmt shall expmre on ~une 22,,~83;
there shall be two inspections required; and the Town C~J~aall
be notified when the project is completed.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor PeI1.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
17. Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards,
WHEREAS, Ronald L. Zito applied to the Southold Town Board ~or
a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance o~ the
Town o£ Southold, application dated April 22, 1982, and
WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Trustees
and Southold Town ConserVation Adivosyr Council for their findings
and recommendations, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect
To said application on the 22nd day of June, 1982, at which time
all intereste4 persons were given an opportunity ~o be heard, now,
therefore, befit
RESOLVED that Ronald L. Zito be granted permission under the
provisions of the ~?etland Ordinance of the Town of Southold to
construct a dock, ramp and float at Bungalow Lane, on Dee~ Hole
Creek, Mattituck, New York, provided it is parallel to the property
line; that boat float and boats are at least 15 £eet from the
property line, and neither boats nor f~oat ~nterfere with naviga-
tion. This permit shall expire on June 22, 1982; there shall be
two inspections required; and the Town Clerk shall be notified
when the project is completed.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Justice Edwards,
WHEREAS, Enconsultants, Inc. on behalf of Anthony E. Vallace
applied to the Southold Town Board ~or a permit under the provisions
of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated
March 11, 1982, and
WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southotd Town Trustees
and Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings
and recommendations, and
JUNE 22, 1982
WHEREAS, a public hearing w~S,h~.~d ~"J%he'Town Board with respect
to said application on t~he 22nd day of June, 1982, at which time
all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now,
therefore, be it
RESOLg~D that Enconsultants,'Inc. on behalf'of Anthony E. Vallace
be granted permission under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance
of the Town of Southold to construct a timber dock consisting of a
ixed elevated catwalk, hinged ramp and float secured by two pilings
t Broadwater~ Cove, off Nassau Point Road and Old Cove Road, Nassau
oint, Cutchogue, New York, provided it is parallel to ~r. Vallace's
ight-of-way so the dock does not infringe at any time on the property
o the west; all boats shall be moored on the east side of the dock
o that no boat or structure shall infringe on the neighbor's
maginary property line to the west at any time, until permission
rom the neighbor is obtained. This permit shall expire on June 8,
983; there shall be two inspections required; and the Town Clerk
hall be notified when the project is completed.
ore o£ the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
ownsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
icktes, Supervisor Pell.
his resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
oved by Councilman Murdock, seconded..by Councilman Townsend, it was
RESOL\~D that~ the application of Bauer Farms, Inc. dated July 4, 1982
or permissiOfi'tO renew'single family trailer permit on their property
located off right-of-way off south side of North Road (CR 48), Peconic,
New York, be and hereby is granted for a six (6) month period.
¥3~e of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Ed~vards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. ~ ~-
Mpved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, -it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the .Town of Southold amend
Resolution NO. 10 adopted on May 18, 1982, to correct 'the
dites for clo'sing the 'following Southold Town cr'eeks for
~lanting uncertified clams:
Ha!lock's Eay, Orient - From June 21, 1D82 through
Jaly 21, 1982.
Gull Pond, Greenport - From June 23, 1982 through.
J~ly 23, 1982.
Broadwaters Cove, Cutchogue - From June 30, 1982 through.
Jaly 30, 1982.
Corey Creek, Southold - From June 30, 1982 through
Jplv 30, 1982
AND~BE IT FL~THER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and hereby-is
a~thorized to place notice in the official newspaper notifying
tae public of the corrected dates for closing the abovementioned
V)te of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards,. Councilman
T)wnsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
N[ckles, Supervisor Pell.
T]is resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
M)ved by CounCilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was
R][SOLVED that the Town Board.of the-Town of Southold amend their
R,~solution No. 16 of June 8, 1982 setting July 6, 1982, 8:00 P.M.
f~r a public ~hearing on change of zone application of Stephen
S]~ilowi~z TO:. July 7, 1982 at 8:00 P.M.
k~te of the Town Board: Ayes: -Justice Edwards, Councilman
T(~wnsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
N:.ckles. Abstain: Supervisor Pell.
TI[is resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
~ved by Councilman Nick!es, seconded by Councilman ~urdock, it was
;SOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hire Lynn
mpbell, East Marion, New York, as a part-time clerk typist for
,e Southold Town Board of Appeals for the summer season, t8 hours
r week, at $3.65 per'hour.
,ze of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
,wnsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
ckles, Supervisor Pel!.
· s resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
J¢ seph?
PERVISOR PELL: That ends the agenda as prepared. Does any
uncilman have anything they want to bring up at this time?
(No.) Larry? (Not at this time, thank you.) John?
178 JUNE 22, 1982
COLSNCI~IAN NICKLES: Yes. One of the phone calls that I received
prior to coming in here was that the County approved the funds for
Little Creek dredging. . . ..: .,~ .... .j
SL~ERVISOR PELL: Oh, good. Frank? ~Nothing. ) Ray? (Nothing.)
Anybody wish to address the Board. One at a time, please.
ROBERT A. KELLY, Attorney: I represent a corporation that owns
the cement plant over on Cox's Lane which was just purchased by
~. Muri~ori. One of the reasons the plant has been closed is
the sand of the Town of Southold cannot be brought up To standards
for use to make concrete in accordance witK the State specifications,
State Building Code, it needs more sand.
SUPERVISOR PELL: More sand or more screening?
MR. KELLY: It needs both as a matter of fact. The fill that they
would have purchased from the Town, they would take it over and
screen it and then add sand from Southampton ~o it so ~hat we can
use it here. Now, my understanding is the only source of supply
for concrete in the Town of Southold, the nearest, is in the Town
of Riverhead. It costs quite a bit of money to transport concrete
in the transit mix stage. Whereas transporting the sand over to
Westhampton and transporting it back here again for sale as ~o be
incorporated in-concrete is much cheaper, because you're transport-
ing it in a regular truck instead of in a ready-mix truck. So,
you people are paying.approximately $5.00~ for. the. round trip of
concrete coming from Riverhead over and above the standard price
of the cost of running one of these transit mix trucks. They use
quite a bit of fuel. Our proposal was that we be permitted to take
sand here, which we purchase here, take it over, mix it with sand
from Southampton and take an equal volume back here with t:his sand
being capable of being incorporated in concrete which will meet the
standards of the New York State Building Code. Otherwise.~h~t plant
can't be operated. The Town of Southampton would probabI?~get mad
if we were transporting~their Sand"~:i~tly over-here.[ For~-ately
they have enough range in-their gr'~vel level in Southampt~a
certain proportions of Southampton sand with the sand from~?laere and
it comes out to meet the Code level, but your sand does not. We do
have a real problem and gentlemen, I realize you have a local law,
which also presents a problem. Oh, one thing I should point out
is we have no offices-in any other county, the only office ~of this
concrete plant--we do not sell sand to anybody, we haven'~.~,~eold a
pound of sand, straight sand to anybody, we sell concrete. Our
other office is in Westhamptom where we do have a screening plant
COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: My understanding now from your conversation
is that you do not take the sand from here and bring it back in
a ready-mix truck, you take the sand from here, screen it and bring
back sand?
~. KELLY: In an open truck.
COU.~CIL~iiN MURDOCK: And it will be possible for you to log this?
~. KELLY: Yes, we would keep a log for you~. Our difficulty ~s
that you won't .be getting exactly the same mix back. But Southampzon
shouldn't have an objection because it ends up with the same number
of yards over there too .... ~ - ~
COUNCILMAN NICKLES: What is the ratio of Southold's to SouthamPton?
~. KELLY: What's the ratio of sand?
~. LARRY CANAVARA: Well, fine it is not enough.
have over here it is not enough fine for concrete.
more sand to get the right ratio.
The sand that we
W'e have to add
SUPERVISOR PELL: What is the percenzage that you have to add?
If you take ten yards from here, what do you have to add to that
ten yards?
MR. CANAVARA: It is hard to figure.
got stopped.
You had already taken some from here before you
JUNE 22, 1982 ~ 179
MR. CANAVARA: Yes, but we di~ nothing with it
SUPERVISOR PELL: Any other question from any Board member? As you
know, our local law prohibits this. If the Board is going to amend
i?it is going to take time. If, I say if it decides To amend it---
m sure we will go into great lengths with this before the day is
up with our Town Attorney when we go back in~o the Work Session of
the Board and if you care to call the Town Clerk or my office tomorrow
we will pro~ably give you our decision.
R. CANAVARA: Okay, thank you.
UPERVISOR PELL: Anybody else wish to address -the Town Board?
R. ALBERT STONE, Southold: I'm here to address Item Number 6, the
stablishment of a 7-Eleven store at the eastern end of our Town.
We've been listening to very eloquent statements all afternoon
about the historical beauty of this section of Town, the entire
Town, and the desire to continue the historical edi£ices and
mtintain them. Here we have a company from Texas who want to
c3me up here and establish a 7-Eleven store. We've got one in
Cutchogue, we got one in Greenport and from the historical stand-
p)int we learn from various points that these stores seem to
a~tract the wrong kind of elements in the Town. We don't want
our Town of Southold turned into a 42nd Street where you haw a
l~rge number of cars coming and going into Town to buy beer and
d?ink it up on the beaches and throw the beer bottles all over
T)wn which they do now and it's going to get worse if we have
s)mething like this~ I believe the Town Board has the file
c)ntaining about 700 signatures that we collected the last three
o four months. Signatures of permanent residents in this Town
who are against the establishment of this particular store. They
b~lieve that the historical beautv and the colonial atmosphere of
)utho!d will be hurt a great deal if a szru~ture of this type is
-ected on the site of the Amoco gas station. We implore the Town
)ard to think these things over and give every consideration to
~feat this plan to establish this store. We want to continue it
~e way it is, that's why we moved here and I don't think there's
~ybody in this room that doesn'z agree that we want to keep the
~wn the way it is now, quiet and beautiful and historicaI. Thank
~u for your ~ime.
[PERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. Anybody else wish to address
e Board?
else wish to address the Board?
.S. ,.MARGARET KATZENBERG, Southotd: I live in Southold Village and
agree with much of what Mr. Stone has said. I~ve had a home here
r over fifty years and I would like to keep the character of
uthold Village much as it is. From personal experience I've
de two visits to the 7-Eleven in Greenport. One in which I was
ssing about 9:00 o'clock in the evening and decided to buy milk
stead of early the next morning. I went in the store and I
ven't visited any disco clubs but I thought that was what it was.
was very loud rock music, I don't know whether it was a permanen~
stallation or one of the employees had a mobile one. It was noisy.
don't think we want that. going on 24 hours a day in Southold. The
her is a severe traffic hazard. As I went in, two cars filled with
ung people were playing some kind of game in the parking area and
en I came out a third car drove in and someone didn't like what
meone else_d~d.~nd' ~% looked like violence. I think those are
zards we don't need. I hope ~ou find a way to keep it out..
PERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much Mrs. Katzenberg. Anybody Mrs. Albertson.
BARBARA ALBERTSON, Southold: Board members and Town Clerk,
a little concerned, I do live right across the street so we
~e a residential area abutting up to the business area. This
the delineation that the To~ Code makes and I want to ask a
astion. Given these general problems that come with man-made
~ndaries we do have this transitional area there and there,~re
social problems that have been raised and the traffic problems
~ historical--this location as it were, the architecture] th~ '
~ercialization against the historic character. If our Tow~
te is going to look at a black and white matter I would lik~
know what other course we have if it's gone through the P~anning
~rd and Bumldmng Inspector. We do have a number of people who
~80 JUNE 22, 1982
on general principles feel that this is out of character. I wonder
where our next step goes. How the process goes from here?
TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: t think the question is, where you go from
here? I think you have to understand that to begin with the property
you are talking about is already zoned to permit the use that is
being proposed. It's allowed under the Zoning Code. The only way
that you could proceed would be to change~.the Zoning Code and I
don't mean jusz for that one property. Probably generally through-
out the Town because we had to zone according to a comprehensive
plan. It is presumably to outlaw fast-food stores generally
throughout the Town. This couldn't be done tomorrow.
MRS. ALBERTSON: Of course that was the point I was trying to make.
I realize the Code says one thing and yet we do have-an understanding
that something isn't very comPatable here and I wondered how that
could be addressed.
TO~VN ATTORNEY TASKER: The use is allowed. The use that you are
concerned with is anly allowed under the Code.
MRS. ALBERTSON: As a retail store, but this has the distinction
of being a 24-hour store and there is ....
TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: They don't puz any time limits on any~of the
retail stores in our Zoning Code. They all can stay open for 24
hours. As a matter of fact at one period of time supermarkets did
stay open 24 hours,
MRS. ALBERTSON: One of the record books that I did a little bit
of research spoke of the transitional area between residential areas
and business areas and these are in conflict and I think they have
to be addressed.
TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: Just in general at a broad stroke my answer
would have to be that this is a legislative function to be ~considered
by the Town Board, basi6atly. They are presumably going into a
Master Plan in this Town and it would be one of the thingsf3'~b~ey
could study.
5~S. ALBERTSON: I' .won't: take any.more time.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Mrs. Albertson.
to address the Board? Mrs. Ruth Oliva.
Thank you.
Anybody else. wish
MRS. RUTH 0LIVA, Orient: "Gentlemen, we, the undersigned citizens
of Southo!d Town, respectfully submit the 3,242 signatures ~quest-
ing a moratorium on all major 'subdivisions until the Town ~ster
Plan has been updated. We appreciate the current efforts o'f the
Town Board in kddressing the complex problem ~f updating the Master
Plan to meet the Town's future needs. However, since ~981, approx-
imately 691 acres of Southold Town have been proposed for major
subdivisions. Of these, more than 620 acres have been proposed
within the last six months. In the face of the alarming acceleration
of request for major subdiv'ision development, we are convinced that
a holding action is imperative. Positive action now will enable
Southold ~o grow in a manner that will serve the best interests of
its present and future citizens. The signers of this petition
represent Southold citizens from Laurel to Orient: voters, tax-
payers and residents, including farmers, land owners, baymen,
professionals, and business persons, black and white, old and Moung.
The petition also has the support of the following civic organiza-
tions: The Southold-Peconic Civic Organization, The Sound Beach
Civic Association, The Mattituck Inlet Civi Association, The Captain
Kidd Civic Association, and Brown's Hills Estates, Inc. We believe
that the attached signatures represent a: mandate that cannot be
ignored. We will continue to petition and to enlist the support
of additional civic groups. We urge you zo act in accordance with
the wishes of the people of the To~ of Southold. Sincerely, The
Southold Moratorium Committee for an Updated Master Plan."
I'd just like to read you the breakdown of the figures which
are incomplete because we just ad~ed some more from't'he different
towns. It's rather interesting'. Laurel - 52, Mattitu'ck - 481,I
Cutchogue - 472, New Suffolk - 100, Peconic - 112, Southold - 919,
Greenport - 362, East Marion - 221, Orient - 411. So you can see,
Gentlemen, it is a Town-wide petition. Thank you. We would request
if we could jfist chat with you briefly for a few minutes when you
recess this meeting. Thank you.
JUNE 22, 1982
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Anybody else wish to address the
Board? Mrs. Ronnie Wacker.
MRS. RONNIE WACKER. Cutchogue: I just want to add that I think the
moratorium is an excellent opportunity for us all To sit back and
consider where we want to be in the next ten or fifteen years,
whether we want to end up being a bedroom community with no industry
or whether we intend to continue being an attractive tourist area,
because if we do want to continue tourism we've got to consider how
we're going to keep the open space and I know that you are now
involved in getting estimates on the cost of updating the mas~er plan.
But, some years ago, yen or twelve years ago, they commissioned a
study of farmlands and at that time it was shown that the tourists
pretty generally said that they came out here because of the open
space. And if we are not going to be concerned about the acceleration
of submissions to the Planning Board we are going to have a very
serious problem to consider.
SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you; Mr§. Wgcker. Does anyone else wish
to address the Board? (No response.) If not, I will call for a
recess at this time.
Moved by Supervisor Pe11, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that a recess of this Town Board meeting be called at
this time, 5:00 P.M., meeting to reconvene following Work Session
and Executive Session.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilma~ Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly-ADOPTED.
5:10 P.M. - Ruth Oliva, Ronnie I~acker, Dorothy Berks, Kay Aylward,
Mrs. DeMaria and Frank Bear addressed the Board concerning the
proposed moratorium on major subdivisions. Councilman Nickles
expressed his view thav such a moratorium is nov needed. Councilman
Murdock said a proposal to update the comprehensive plan has been
going on well before the moratorium was thought of. Councilman
Townsend was undecided about the need for a moratorium, and Super-
visor Pell, Councilman Murphy and Justice Edwards did not express
an opinion. Those on the Moratorium Committee strongly urged the
Board to evaluate their proposal-from all points and take action
as soon as possible to institute the moratorium. Supervisor Pell
said the matter would be tabled for consideration.
5:45 P.M. - Jim McMahon, Youth Coordinator mez with the Board again
to apprise them of his telephone-conversation with the County
Contract Manager,'~.Department of Health concerning the Southold Town
Dru~ Abuse Council Prevention Grant. If the Town will advance the
money ro Jim Christie for conference travel expenses incurred under
the Program, t.he County will reimburse the Town upon presentation
of a voucher and copy of the Town's cancelled check to Mr. Christie.
Resolution No. 23 concerning this matter was placed on the agenda.
5:50 P.M. - Victor Lessard, Executive Administrator, met with the
Board to discuss procedures and problems of the Building Department,
and Code revision suggestions. A brief discussion was held relative
to tbs proposed windmills in East Marion, and Councilman Nickles
left the room during this discussion.
6:45 P.M. - The Board discussed the request of LNC Transmix Corp.
to take sand from Southold Town to Westhampton zo be refined and
returned ~o the Town for makin~ cement. It was decided that this
would be permitted if approved.by Highway Superintendent Dean,
and LNC Transmix 'Corp. maintained a log of all sand taken and
returned. A resolution to this effect, No. 24, was placed on
the agenda.
182 JUNE 22, 1982
6:55 P.M. - The Board further discussed the pr'~posed relocation
of the Building Department Office, Receiver of Taxes Office and
Town Clerk's Office. It was decided to hold this move in abeyance
and reevaluate in the near future.
7:05 P.M. - Discussed contract negotiations between the Town and
the North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc.
7:25 P.M. - Work Session adjourned.
The Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board reconVened at
7:25 P.M. all Board members present, Town ~Attorney Tasker and Town
Clerk Terry.
Moved by Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Nicktes, it was
RESOLS~D that the Town Board of the Town of Southold advance $1112.00
to Jim Christie, in payment of conlerence t~avel and mileag~ expenses
incurred under the Drug Abuse Prevention Program Grant; said funds to
be reimbursed ~o ~he Town by the~Counny of Suffolk upon presentation
of a voucher and copy of the Town's cance%.led check to Mr. Christie.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This reso!u~i6n was declared duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Murdock, ~i~ was
RESOL~D that the Town Board~of the Town of Southotd granqi~;.~mission
Corp., condition upon the pprowl
intendent Dean, to p~rchase 500 vards of sand at a~time
ported~to their screening plant ~n Westhampton Beach an~;; ~d to
their Cox's Lane, Cutchogue plant for the manufacture ~i~ieacr~te to
be used in Southold Town. LNC Transmix Corp. to be
keep a log of all sand taken from Southold Town to Wes~h~Pton Beach
and the equal amount returned to Southold Town.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: 'Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED,
Moved by Supervisor,Pell, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that there being no further business to come before
this Town Board meeting adjournment be called at 7:'30'
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman
Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman
Nickles, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Southotd Town Clerk