HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-11/16/1954i~ETING OF NOVEi~ER 16~_~pm+,
&fret considerable discussion concerning highway requirements~ ~
the following resolution was offered by Justice ~Ibertson~ seconded
by Justice Clark:
RESOL~: That no more highways (other than those presently under
consideration) be accepted by the Town Board untii January !~ 19~
when new highway specifications will be completed.
Vote of Town Board: &yes-Supervisor Klipp~ Justices Tuthiii~
glbertson~ Clark and Demarest-o
Moved by Justice Tuthili~ seconded by. Justice Clark~
RESOLVED: That Bond No, SM !7786~ issued by the American Motor~
isis Insurance Company in the s~mm o£ ~[00,00~ on behalf of Joseph
H. Sawicki~ be and the same is hereby approved as to its form~
sum~ manner of execution and sufficienny of surety therein,
Vo~e of Town Board~ Ayes~ Superviso~ Klipp~ Justices Tuthi!i~
A!bertson~ Clark and Demarest.
Moved by Justice Clark~ seconded by Justice Albertson:
RESOLVED: That the Police Report for 2he month of October he
accepted by the Town Board and placed on file,
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp~ Justices Tuthi!l~
Albertson~ Clark and Demarest,
Adjournment was at 5::i5 P.M.
Ralph P. Booth
Town Clerk,
A ~peciai meeting of the Southold T~n Board w~s held at the
office of Supervisor Norman Eo Kiipp at Greenport~ on Tuesday~
November 16~ 1951+, The meeting was c~l!ed to order at 2:30 P.M.
with the following present~ Supervisor Kiipp~ Justices Tuth.il!~
Alb~rtson~ Clark and Demarest~ Superintendent of Highways Price~
Town Attorney Terry and Tovm Clerk Booth. Also Polly Edmonds~ A.
John G&d~ and Rowland Oswald~ Commissioners of the Fishers island
Ferry District, The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the
plans for the construction of buildings~ bulkheads and parking
field on the property the Fishers Island Ferry District p=r~hased
from the New York~ New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company~
situated at the foot of State Ssreet~ New London~ Conn, ~hd the
advisability of proceeding in vmew of the possible relocation of
the railroad station and the extent to which such a project could
be financed by the issue of additional Ferry Distr~ct Bonds,
Adjournment was at '4
Ralph P. Booth
To~m Clerk