HomeMy WebLinkAboutTree Ordinance 1994SO -IOrD TOW TREE CO iTrEE
Sotjthod Town Hall / Main Road / Southold, NY / 11971
Thomas !':Wickham, Supervisor
I., and
All ToWn Board Members
Edward i-~art, Chairman
$outho¥~ ToWn Tree Committee
Report .'!ho Town Board Agenda
Tuesday;7 March 22, 1994
The Tree Committee Wishes to meet with the Town Board at its
next work session ~ Tuesday, March 22, 1994, to discuss the
following topics:
1. Enactment ~'f TREE CODE. Our proposed code would
apply only~to trees on Town-owned land.
2. Initiatioru;~.~of MEMORIAL TREE PROGRAM:
~itial publicity/announcement
~art-up costs
~bor Day
~I Seedling Distribution
~ Celebration
3. 1994 Stree Tree PLANTING PLAN
~erican Elm re-establishment
S3A Tree Planting Program
_~sher's Island
T~rget~. areas
~. Concept ~o~Ja CO~U~IT~ ~DE~.
The Tree Comm{ttee oks
our initiatives.
forward to informing the Board of
Article Number
Title ................................... 01
Definitions ............................. 02
Findings and Intent ..................... 03
Town Tree Committee ................... 04
Procedure ............................. 05
Duties and Responsibilities .......... 06
Jurisdiction .......................... 07
Planting .............................. 08
Prohibitions .......................... 09
Applications and Permits ............. 10 - 11
Replacement of Removed Trees ............. 12
Tree Bank ............................... 13
Approved Trees .......................... 14
Stump Removal ........................... 15
Liability Insurance ..................... 16
Penalty ................................. 17
Article 1 - TITLE
This local law shall be known and may be cited as the Town of
Southold Tree Ordinance.
The Southold Town Tree Committee
The natural growing characteristics of any tree which
includes branch spread and distribution, branch height
above ground and root spread and distribution.
Insured Tree
Any individual, firm, partnership, association,
corporation, company, public utility or organization of
any kind, or agent thereof.
Shall mean any cutting, pruning, girdling, application
of herbicides, root cutting, elevating ?r other
alteration the habit of the tree which ~mpairs or
endangers the life of such tree or destroys its
natural symmetry shall include, but is not limited to,
heavy or unnecessary cutting of top branches and
cutting of major lower limbs.
Any woody plant having a diameter of 3" or more
measured at a height of 4 1/2" above the ground.
Tree Bank
Southold Town budget line item A8560.4 - Community
Environment - Tree.
It has been established that trees stabilize the soil, control
water pollution by preventing soil erosion and flooding~ absorb air
pollution, provide us with oxygen, yield advantageous mlcroclimate effects,
have an intrinsic esthetic quality, offer a natural barrier to noise and
provide a natural and valuable habitat for wildlife in our area, and that
the removal of trees deprives all segments of our society of these benefits
while disrupting the ecological systems of which they are.a par~. It is
therefore the intent of the Southold Town Board, in enacting th~s local
law, under the advisement of the Southold To~n Tree Committee to re?ulate
the destruction and removal of trees in order to preserve these various
benefits to the maximu~ extent possible for the present and future
inhabitants of the Town. To implement this intent, the Town. Board shall
enact annually, a comprehensive Tree Plan, prepared by the Tree Committee,
which may be subject to amendments and/or supplements.
This shall hereby confirm the establishment and existence for the Town
of the Tree Committee, which shall act as an advisory committee to the
Town Board with respect to the implementation of the provisions of this
Chapter. Members shall be appointed by the Town Board to serve on the
Committee for a term of 2 years. Members shall serve without compensation.
The Committee shall consist of seven (7), members.
Article 5 - PROCEDURE
The Committee shall meet at 7:30 P.M. on the second Thursday of
every month, or at such times as the Chairman shall deem necessary,
providing sufficient time is allowed for notice to the Publl¢.
It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to study,
investigate, counsel and develop and/or update a written plan for the care,
preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal or disposition of
trees in parks, streets and other public areas in the Town. Such written
plan shall be presented to the Town Board and, upon its acceptance and
approval shall constitute the official comprehensive tree plan of the Town.
The Committee, from time to time, may make recommendations to the Town
Board, which, upon approval of the Town Board, shall be considered
a~nendments and or supplements to the comprehensive tree plan. The
Committee, when requested by the Town Board, shall also consider and
investigate any special matter or question coming within its scope of work
for findings, report and recommendation to the Town Board.
All trees, shrubs and ornamental plantings, on Town owned property,
shall be subject to the provisions of the ordinance.
Article 8 - PLANTING
No person shall plant any tree on any real property owned by the
Town without first obtaining a permit from the Town Clerk. Any tree
planted pursuant to this section s~all become the property of the Town.
Any tree planted shall be planted in accordance with accepted ornamental
practices, which may include, but not specifically be limited to, the
in luslon of fertlllzatmon, mulching, staking and regular watering.
A. Spacing
The spacin9 of trees will be in accordance with the three species size
classes listed mn Article 13 of this ordinance, and no tree may be planted
closer together than the following: Small trees, 30 feet; Medium trees,
40 feet; Large trees, 50 feet; except in special planting designed or
approved by a Landscape Architect.
B. Distance from curb and sidewalk
The distance trees may be planted from curbs or curb lines and
sidewalks will be in accordance with the three species size classes listed
in Article 13 of this ordinance, and no trees may be planted closer to any
curb or sidewalk than the following: Small trees, 2 ~eet; Medium trees,
3 feet; Large trees, 4 feet.
C. Distance from street corners and fire plugs
No street tree shall be planted closer than 20 feet of any street
corner, measured from the point of nearest intersection curbs or curb
lines. No street tree shall be planted closer than 10 feet of any
D. Upon application to the Tree Committee, any person may be granted
relief from Sections A, B and C of A~-ticle 8. Such relief shall be subject
to approval by the Town Board.
No person shall in any way injure, destroy, mutilate, top, or
substantially alter the habit of any tree on Town owned ~roperty, or affix
to such tree, any signs, notices or other matter with nails, tacks, staples
or that which would otherwise cause damage, injury or destruction to the
tree. No person shall attach or maintain any rope, wire, advertising
posters or other fixture to any tree on Town property or allow any gaseous,
liquid or solid substance, which is harmful to such trees to come in
contact with them or set fire or permit any fire to burn when such fire, or
the heat therefrom, will injure any portion of such tree.
A. Whenever a personal shall deem it necessary to remove, destroy,
substantially alter, or plant one (1) or more live trees on any To.w~. owned
property, such person shall first submit an application for a permit to the
Town Clerk. The Town Clerk may not issue a permit until the application
has been approved by the Town Board after advisement by the Committee.
B. Permits under the provisions of this ordinance shall be issued by
the Town Clerk without charge.
C. The Pruning and Removal Permit shall include, but not be limited,
to the following:
1. Name and address of the applicant.
2. Purpose of the proposed tree removal or pruning.
3. Name and address of the Insured Tree Contractor who will
remove, destroy, prune or substantially alter the tree(s).
4. Evidence of in-force liability insurance as mandated by Article
15 of this Chapter.
5. Size, species and location of tree(s).
6. Proximity of tree(s) to existing or proposed structures.
7. Any additional information that the Committee or the applicant
shall deem necessary for the evaluation of the application.
The Committee shall consider the following criteria %n determining when to
recommend to the Town Board that a permit should be issued:
D. Criteria for Pruning and Removal Permit application evaluation:
1. The location and size of tree to be removed or pruned.
2. The condition of the tree with respect to disease and
hazardousness, danger of falling, proximity to existing or
proposed structures and interference with utility service
and traffic.
3. The necessity of the requested pruning or removal for the
project in question.
4. The environmental effect of the removal.
5. Good arborcultural management practices.
E. The Planting Permit application shall include,
the following:
1. Name and address of the applicant.
but not be limited to,
Location, spacing, size, quantity and species of proposed
tree(s). Any proposed tree shall'be selected from the list of
approved trees found in Article 13 of this Chapter.
A sketch or plan of the area indicating the proximity of
proposed tree(s) to:
Street corners
Fire Hydrants
Utility facilities
Storm drains
Existing or proposed structures
Driveway and parking facilities
Rights of Way.
The Co~Lm~ittee shall consider the following criteria in determining when to
recommend to the Town Board that a permit should be issued:
for Planting Permit application evaluation:
Compliance with all sections of this Chapter, which may apply,
are required for planting.
Appropriateness of the.planting plan with respect to the
surrounding area and with respect to the comprehensive tree
Any person who removes one or more trees on To~m owned property
shall, at his expense, replace the removed tree(s) with a number of
replacement trees from the list of approved trees such that the total of
the measured diameter(s) of the replacement trees is equal to that portion
of the total measured diameter of the removed tree(s), which consisted of
solid healthy wood. The diameter of the removed tree is measured at a
height of 4 1/2 feet above the ground. The minimu~ diameter of any
replacement tree shall be 2 inches measured at a distance of 6 inches above
ground. All required replacement trees must be planted within 6 months
from the date when the original tree(s) were removed. Replacement trees
shall be planted at a location designated by tSe town Board, after
advisement of the Committee, and consistent with the Comprehensive Tree
Plan. The replacement tree(s) would be in addition to any other trees
which may be required b~ any other Town mandate to be planted at or near
the siteoi the removed tree. In lieu of planting all or a por~ion of the
required replacement trees at the site of the removed tree, the Town Board,
after advisement of the Comm~ttee,.ma~ ~irect that theperson requesting or
responsible: for the removal of the orlglnal tree(s) to make a deposit to
the Tree Bahk as determinedby Article 12 of this ordinance. Removal 'of
hazard0~s or dead.trees shall be excepted from the full extent of 'the
replacement requirements of this section. In such case, one replacement
tree will satisfy t~e replacement requirement.
Article 12 - TREE BANK
A Tree Bank has been created to serve as a depository for funds to be
expended for the purpose of planting new trees on Town property. Persons
required to plant trees shall pay, to the Tree Bank, a sum of money for
each required tree not planted as mandated by Article 11 of this ordinance.
The minimum d~posit to the Tree Bank shall be $100 for up to 2 inches
of required tree. Additional inches of required tre? are assessed for
deposit at the rate of $50 per inch. Required deposits to the Tree Bank
shall.be made within 6 months of the date of removal.
With the approval of the Town Board, in lieu of depositing a sum of
money in the Tree Bank, a person required to plant replacement trees may,
at his own expense, pla~t the requ%red trees in compliance with Section 8
of this Chapter, at a site(s) within the Town designated by the Town Board
under advisement of the Committee.
Gifts of funds by persons for the purpose of planting new trees on
Town owned property will be deposited to the Tree Bank. Expenditures of
money from the Tree Bank shall be made by the Town Board upon request of
the Tree Committee.
The following varieties of trees shall be deemed appropriate for use
listPlantingfor in the Tow'ri. No species other than those included in this
may be planted on Town owned property without written permission from
the Town Board after advisement from the Committee.
Small Trees
Medium Trees
Large Trees
Bradford Pear 2
Flowering Cherry 2
Flowering Crab 2
Hawthorne 2
Japanese Dogwood 2
Magnolia 2
Redbud 2
European Hornbea~n
Green Ash'3
Honey Locust 1,3
Hop Hornbeam
Mountain Ash 2,3
Sweet Gum 2
Zelkova 1,2,3
Red Cedar 2
Colo. Blue Spruce 2
Norway Spruce 2
American Linden 1,2,3
Broad Leaf
Beech 2
Black Oaks 1,2,3
Black Walnut 2
Hickory 2,3
London Plane
Liberty Elm 1,2,3
Pin Oaks 2,3
Red Leaf Maple 1,2,3
Red Oaks 2,3
Sycamore 1,2,3
Tulip Tree 2,3
White Oak 1,2,3
1 Trees most suitable for planting under utility lines
2 Trees most suitable for park planting
3 Trees most suitable for street trees
Article 14 - STUMP REMOVAL
Stumps remaining from the removal of trees shall be removed to a
minimum depth of 4 inches below ground level within 30 days of tree
Each application for pruning or removal shall be accompanied by a
certificate of insurance in.form approved by the To.w~. Clerk and issued by
an insurance company authorized to do business in thzs State. Insuring to
the Town and guaranteeing that the applicant has provided public liability
coverage of not less than ~ive hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.) for
personal injury, and, property damage insurance in the amount of two
hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.), or one million dollars
($1,000,000.) combined limit to save the Town harmless from all claims,
actions, and proceedings brought by any person for injury to persons or
property resulting from or occasioned by any fault or default by the person
to whom the permit is issued or anyone action thereunder in his behalf, and
worker's compensation insurance.
Article 16 - PENALTY
Anyone determined to be in violation of any provisions of this Chapter
slS~all be ..... required to rectify the applicable situation in order to bring the
tuatlon lnto compliance with thls Chapter and in addition shall be liable
for a civil penalty of up to $250.