HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-09/07/1954-SFI~ETING OF SEPTEMBER 7~ i9~4, A special meeting of the Southold Town Board was held at the Fishers Island Schoolhouse Auditorium at Fisher~ Island on September 7~ 19~*o The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Klipp at l:~3~P.M, with the following members of the Town Board present: Supervisor Klipp$ Justices Tuthill~ Albertson~ Clark~ Demarest and Edwards. Supervisor Klipp read the notice of the hearing. The purpose of this hearing was to consider the acquism ition by the Town of Southold on behalf of the Fishers Island Ferry District of an airfield or landing field and appurtances~ a pier~ buildings and land fronting on Silver Eel Cove~ at Fort H. G. Wright~ Fishers Island. Supervisor Klipp read a letter from Grant Simmons in'favor of the purchase of the property in question. The following persons were in favor of the purchase of said property: William B. May~ President of the Fishers Island Estates~ Inc. Marshall Dodge~ President of Hay Harbor Prop. Owners Assoc. Henry L. Ferguson~ ~r.~ President of the Fishers Is. Farms~ Inc. M. Posey~ Secretary of Hay Harbor Club Bert Fra~er~ representing Remington Rand~ Inc. H. L. Baker~ P. I. duPont John C. Wilmerding H. L. Gerry D. W. Sinclair Mrs. J. N. Brown for John N. Brown Mrs. V. T. France E. A. Matthiessen Mark Eo Andrews Mark E. Andrews informed the delegation of the work A. John Gada had done in this matter. Mrs. A. G. Pendleton stated that Mr. Shanklih made the initial start in t~is matter. No person present was opposed to the purchase of the aforesaid property, The following resolution was offered by Justice Edwards; seconded by Justice Clark: WHER~S~ the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District have by resolution dated August 20th~ 195l+~ requested that the Town Board of the Town of Southold acquire on behalf of the Fishers Island Ferry District an airfield or landing field known as "Elizabeth Field" and appurtances at Fishers Island~ in the Town of Southold~ Suffolk ~ounty~ New York~ and a certain pier~ buildings and land fronting on Smlver Eel Cove~ Fort H. G.~Wrmght~ ~mshers island~ m the Town of Southold~ Suffolk ~ounty~ ~ew York~ and WHEREAS~ mn accordance wmth the prov~smons of ~he Town Law~ and Section ~a of Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, as amended~ the Town Board has~ upon proper notice~ met to consider the proposed acquisition of the aforesaid.property and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same~ and WHEREAS~ it is the considered opinion of the members of thee Southold Town Board that such acquition is in the public interest~ NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE.IT RESOLVED~ THAT the acquisition of such real property is in the public interest~ that the Town Board p~oceed to acquire such real property in accordance with the provisions of, Section 5a of ~hapter 699 of the Laws of 1947~ as amended~ snd the noti~ of hearing heretofore given herein~ and that Supervisor Norman E. Klipp be and he hereby is authorized and directed to ~nter into such negotiations with the United States Government for the pur- pose of such acquisition upon such terms and conditions as may be required~ and to execute any and all documents required in connection therewith for the consummation thereof~ end be it further ~RESOLVED~ that in accordance with the provisDons of Section ~b of Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947~ as amended~ the Town Board delegate and it does hereby delegate jurisdiction~ control and supervis&on of such premises to the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District~ such delegation to be at the pleasure of the Town Board and revocable at any time. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp~ Justices Tuthi!!~ Atbe~tson~ Clark~ Demarest and Ed~ards. Whereupon the Supervisor declared the Resolution duly ~dopted. Adjournment was at 2 o'clock P.M. E. Perry Edwards Deputy Town Clerk