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MEETING OF MAY i1~ 19%+.
The Southo~d To~m Board met at the office of the Supervisor,
Norman E. Klipp~ at Greenport~ N. Y.~ en Tuesday~ N~y ll~ 1951+.
The meeting was called to order at 1.30 P.M. with the folllow-
ing~present: Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill~ Albertson,
Clark and Demarest; Superintendent of Highways Price; To~
Attorney Terry and Town Clerk Booth.
The~Board sat at once as a committee on Audit to
claims against the Town concluding the Audit work at 2 clock
P.M; ~
Moved:by. Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Demarest:
RESOLVED. That the minutes of the previous meeting be and
hereby are drily approved as read.
Tote of Town'Board. AyeS-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill,
Albertson~ Clark and Demarest.
Moved by Justice Clark: seconded by Justice Tuthill:
RESOLVED: That the regular monthly Audit meeting of this
Board will be held at the office of Supervisor Norman E.
Klipp at Greeaport~ N. Y., on Tuesday, June 8~ 195~, at
t:30 P.M.V~'~~
Vote:of Town Board:Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill~
Albertson, $Iark and Demarest.
Sealed bids were opened for proposals to furnish the Town
of Southold one float for use at the Southold Town Bathing
Beach. The following bids were submitted:
Brigham'$ Shipyard~ Inc., Greenport~ N.Y. --$1~159.00.
H. W. Sweet Shipyard and Machine Works~
Greenport, N'iY, -- 919.19.
Moved by Justice Albertson: Seconded by Justice Tuthill:
WMEREAS, the lowest bid was submitted by H. W. Sweet ShiP-
yard and Machine Works for a cost of $919.19
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That H. W. Sweet Shipyard and
Machine Works be awarded the contract to furnish the Town
of Southold one float according to plans and specifications~
to be completed not later than June 15~ 1957+.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill~
Albertson~ Clark and Demarest.
~tto VanTuyl appeared before the Board in behalf of A. Harry
L~ster stating Shat N~. Lister would like some financial
assistance in dr~dging a channel from Wickham's Creek to
the Bay~ situated on the west side of Fleets Neck~ Cutchogue.
The Board informed Mr. VanTuyl they would like a formal
request from Mr. Lister before considering the matter.
The Supervisor brought up a request from Albert Martocchia
stating that he would like sidewal~constructed on Seventh
Street, Greenport. No action was ~aken on the m~tter~ the
Supervisor stating that he and th~ Highway Committee would
meet in the nea~ future and formulate specifications for a
sidewalk end curb program.
Moved by Justice Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark:
RESOLVED: That Rensselaer G. Terry~ Jr., Town Attorney,
be and he hereby is authorized to attend the conference
of the New Yor$ State Workmen's Compensation Board,~which
will be held in the Auditorium of the Engineering Societies
Building, ~9 West 39th Street, New York, N.Y. on Thmrsday~
May 20, 195, at 9:30 A. M' and be it further
RESOLVED: That the necessary expenses incurred while
attending said conference is a legal charge against the
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill~
Albertson, Clark and Demarest.
Moved by JustiCe Clark; seconded by Justice Albertson:
RESOLVED: That the Police Report for the month of April
be~ancepted by the ToWn Board and placed on file.
Vote of Town-Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klippl-Justices Tuthill,
Albertson. Clark and Demarest.
Moved by Superintendent of Highways Price; seconded by Justice
RESOLVED: That inasmuch as the required dedication has been
duly received, Map of same duly filed, and the necessary
papers signed~ the Town Board ~ake over and maintain as public
and GAGEN'S ~NDING ROAD~ situatedat Southold~ TOwn of;
Southold, ounty of Suffolk, New York.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor.Klipp;
Albertson, Clark, Demarest and
Superintendent of Highways Price.
Moved by Justice Tuthill; seconded by Justice Dem~rest:
RESOLVED: That General Bills in the amou~t oD $3,791.39,
TOWn Trustee Bills in the amount of. $13.26, Li~ghting i~
District Bills in the amount of $1,~0~.86, Fishers Island
Ferry District Bills in the amount of $7,550~11, be and
the same are hereby ordered paid.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Tuthill,
Albertson, Clark and Demaresg.
MoVed by Justice Tuthill; seconded by Justice Albertson:~
RESOLVED: That Otto ~. Anrig, Chief of Police, Xown of
Southold, be and he hereby isauthorized to attend the
New York State Youth Commission second annual .training
program for. .enforcement. officers, to be held at St. Lawrence
University, Canton~ New York, on August l%th, through August
20th, I9.54~ and be it further ~ -
RESOLVED. That the necessary exPehses incurred while attend-
ing~said~conference is a legal charge against the Town.
Vote of mown Boa~d: Ayes,Supervisor Klipp$ Justices Tuthill,
Albertson, Clark end Demarest.
AdJburnmemt was at g:l% P.M.
Ralph~ P. Booth
Town ~erk