HomeMy WebLinkAboutAHD Amendment 1988 $UDITH T. TERRY
Town Hal/, 53095 Main Road
P.O_ Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
FAX (5~.6) 765-1823
TELEPHONE (516) 765-180i
March 28, 1990
Attached are the following proposed Local Laws that were never acted uponL~e, ither
before or after a public hearing. They are for informational purposes only, so you are
Tractor Trailers reminded of their status.
Land Clearing
Affordable Housing . .
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
(516) 765-1939
TO: ~ousing Committee
FROM: Robert H. Berntsson,
DATE: July 29, 1988
SUBJ: Amendment to AHD Law
Assistant Town Attorney
Attached please find the proposed amendments , which I
have drafted to the Affordable Housing District Section of the
Zoning Chapter. Please review same and at our next meeting,
which I believe is AuGust 4, 1988 at 4:00 PM, advise me of any
changes to be made.
In this draft, I have not addressed the definition of
"Moderate Income Family", nor have I clarified as to when
certificates of eligibility will be issued or when they must be
applied for. I felt that these areas were not finally resolved in
Please feel free to discuss any comments with me.
A. Permitted uses;
1. Single family detached dwelling units.
2. Semi-detached dwelling units.
3. Multiple dwelling units.
§ 100-55.5' Bulk Area and Parking Requirements:
Bulk Area and Parking Schedule:
Minimum Requirements- Single Family- Semi-detached-
Dwellings Dwellings
Total lot area (sq.ft.) 10,000
Lot Width (feet) 80
Lot Depth (feet) 100
Front Yard (feet) 35
One Side Yard (feet) 15
Both Side Yards (feet) 25
Rear Yard (feet) 35
Livable Floor area (sq. 850
ft. per dwelling)
Off-street parking 2
spaces (per dwelling)
Land area (sq.ft.per 10,000
dwelling unit)
10,000 40,000
80 150
100 200
35 45
0 20
25 40
35 45
600 600
2 2
10,000 10,000
Maximum Permitted Dimensions
Lot coverage (percent) 20
Building Height (feet) 35
Number of stories 2 1/2
20 25
35 35
2 1/2 2 1/2
100.55.6 Application Procedure and Contents:
A. Application procedure. The procedure for planning and zoning
approval of any future proposed development in an AHD District shall
involve a simultaneous review process by the Town Board and Planning
Board as follows:
1. The applicant files, with the Town Clerk, 15 copies of a
notice of intent to create an AHD District. The Town Clerk
shall then submit copies to the Town Board and Planning Board.
2. Within fourteen (14) days of the filing of the notice of
intent in the office of the Town Clerk, a presubmission
conference shall be held between the applicant and members of
the Town Board.
3. Within six (6) months following the presubmission conference,
15 copies of the application for the establishment of an AF~D
District shall be filed with the Town Clerk, who shall submit
copies to the Town Board and Planning Board members. Failure to
'so submit~within 6 months may (shall) require another
presubmission conference.
4. At the Town Board meeting following the submission of the AHD
District application, the Town Board shall pass a resolution
either approving or disapproving the concept, ie., need for
affordable housing in that area, mode of ownership and type of
housing. If the concept is approved by resolution, the
application shall~be forwarded to the Planning Board for
simultaneous review procedures by the Town Board for change of
zone, and the Planning Board for site plan andJor subdivision of
land. Approval of the concept by the Town Board does not ensure
final change of zone approval by the Planning Board.
5. The Town Board, in acting upon the change of zone request,
and the Planning Board, in acting upon the site plan and/or
subdivision of land proposal, shall'review such, on a
prioritized basis, in the same manner as any similar
application, and all laws, rules and regulations are applicable
6. No earthwork, site work, land clearing, construction or
development activities shall take place on any property
considered for; or granted, AHD District designation,'except in
accordance with a site plan approved by the Planning Board, in
accordance with the provisions of this Article and Article XIII
of this Chapter, or final subdivision plot approval in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter A 106 of the Town
B. Application Contents. The application for the establishment of an
AHD District shall contain at least the following information:
(1) The names and addresses of the property owners, and all
other persons having an interest in the property; the name and
address of the applicant (if not the owner); the names and
addresses of any planners, engineers, architects, surveyors, and
all other persons or firms engaged or proposed to be engaged to
perform work and/or services with respect to the project '
described in the application.
(2) If the applicant is not the owner of the propertY, written
authorization~of the owner or owners authorizing the applicant
to-submit ~ths~application on behalf of t~e owner or owners.
(3) A written statement describing the nature of the proposed
project, and how it will be designated to fulfill the purposes
of this Article, (including its consistency with the Town Master
Plan); an analysis of the site's relationship to adjoining
properties and the surrounding neighborhood; the availability
and adequacy of community facilities and utilities, including
public water and p~blic sewer systems, to serve the needs of the
project and the residents therein; the safety and capacity of
the street system in the area in relation to the anticipated
traffic generated, and such other information as deemed
necessary by the Town Board and/or the Planning Board to enable
them to properly review and act upon the application.
(4) A written statement describing the nature of the proposed
method of ownership, operation and maintenance of all proposed
common utilities, including public water and sewer facilities,
and open land located within the proposed development.
(5) A sketch plan for the proposed project, drawn to a
convenient scale, and including the following information.
(a) The total area of the property in acres and square feet.
(b) A map of existing terrain conditions, including
topography with a vertical contour interval of no more than
two (2) feet, identification of~ soil types (including
wetlands), existing drainage features, major rock
outcroppings, the extent of existing wooded areas and other
significant features o~ the property.
(c) A site location indicating the location o~ the property
with respect to neighboring streets and properties,
including the names of all owners of property within five
hundred (500) feet therefrom, as shown on the last
completed town assessment roll. Such sketch shall also
show the existing zoning of the property and the location
of all zoning district boundaries in the surrounding
(d) A preliminary site development plan indicating the
approximate location, height and design of all buildings,
the arrangement of parking areas and access drives and the
general nature and location of all other proposed site
improvements, including recreational facilities,
landscaping and screening, the storm drainage system, water
and sewer connections, etc.
(e) A plan showing the number, type and location of all
proposed dwelling units and unimproved lots to be reserved
for sale or lease to moderate income families, and the
ration of the same to all proposed dwelling units and lots
in the development.
(f) A generalized time schedule for the staging and
completion of the proposed project.
6. An application fee in the amount of fifteen dollars ($15.00)
each proposed dwelling unit or five hundred dollars ($500.00),
whichever is greater.
B. Covenants~and.Restrictions..' .-
In'creating the AHD District, the Town Board shall have the
right to require the applicant and/or the owner and all persons
having an interest in the premises to.execute an agreement, in
recordable form, containing such restrictions, covenants, terms
and conditions as it deems'necessary to accomplish the intent
and purpose of this Article.
In each AHD, the sale or lease of dwelling units and
' unimproved lots .reserved for moderate income, families, who have
not had.'any, ownership interest in any residence for the past 3
years, shall be allocated on a priority basis, in the following
order: .
1. To eligible Tov~ residents in which the primary full
time employment of either spouse, if. applicable, is within
the Town of Southold. ·
2. To eligible applicants who either reside or have primary
full time employment of either spouse, if applicable,
within the Town of Southold.
3. To all other eligible applicants.
E. Maximum Sales Price and Monthly Rent~
In an'AR-D District, the maximum initial sales price of a
dwelling unit or unimproved lot reserved for.sale to
moderate income families shall be as follows:
(a) Unimproved lot' containing a minimum area.of 10,000 sq.
ft. $25,000.00~
(b) Attached or semi-detached dwelling unit - $60,000.00
(c) Single family detached ~welling unit - $75,000.00.
An applicant_for a certificate of eligibility.aggrieved by
any determination of the Director shall have the right to
appeal such determination to the Town Board.