HomeMy WebLinkAboutMunicipal Elections 1987SMITH, ~Ii~I~]~LST~I~V? LUNDBERG1 ISLEI~ AI%TD YAIL~L~OSKI
June 9, 1987
Members of the Town Board
Town Hall, Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
JUN 1 0 1967
S0~o|fl Tow~ C~
I am forwarding along the proposed local law relating to advertise-
ments concerning municipal elections.
My thoughts on the subject are that the local law should not be
adopted. If it is the general consensus of the Board that such advertisements
should be permitted, the stringent requirements proposed by the Code Com-
mittee could well be incorporated into the zoning ordinance and passed on by
the Building :D~epartment. The Department is called upon day after day to
issue building permits and sign permits for much more sophisticated construc-
tions than that of a temporary political sign, and I see no reason to burden
the Board of Appeals with this type of work when there is a current backlog
of four to eight weeks in conducting hearings how. Furthermore, to jump a
bit into the political arena, the procedure being established would permit
rival factions to string out or delay public hearings before the Board of
Appeals, thereby making the whole exercise one which is futile. Additionally,
the regular work of the Board, of course, simply would not get done in the
Very truly yours,
cc: Hon. J.T. Terry
LOCAL LAW NO. , 1987
A local law regulating the posting
of advertisements concerning municipal elections
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
Section 100-110 of the Town Code is hereby amended by adding a new
subsection thereto, to be subsection C, to read. as follows:
II C ·
The Zoning Bgard of Appeals of the Town of Southold is
authorized to grn~t special exceptions for the following
advertisements: '
Temporary advertisements regarding municipal elections
are permitted subject to the following regulations:
(a) written permission of the property owner or owners
for the placement of the advertisement
In the event of'transfer or conveyance in title of
the premises, the Board of Appeals shall be notified
within sixty (60) days of such date of conveyance
or transfer together with the new owner's or owners'
name(s),, address(es), and written permission before
the placement of such advertisement. In the event
the owner's written permission is cancelled or unob-
tainable, this Special Exception permit shall immediately
become null and void.
Advertisement (sign) shall not exceed four feet by
six feet in dimension, and shall not exceed a total
area of 24 square feet.
(d) The top of such sign shall not exceed ten (10') feet
in height from ground level.
(e) The lower edge of such sugn shall be not less than
four [4') feet above ground level.
Such sign must be located no less than ten (10') feet
from any property line or right-o&way or street line,
whichever is closer.
(g) Such sign shall not be lighted or illuminated in any way.
Such sign may be double-faced.
Such sign shall advertise only a general, special or
primary election, school district, fire district or other
district election, or referendum held by. any governmental
Such sign shall not be placed on the property of any
governmental district or public utility, or within any
public or pr~ivaLe streeLs or rights-of way.
Such advertisement shall be posted lint more than
thirty (30) days prior to the data of the election and
shall be removed within ten (10) days after the dale
of the election or referendum.
(I) Only one temporary political advertisement shall be
permitted for each Int.
(m) The fee for a special exception under this Article 100-110
(C)(1) shall be fifteen ($15.) dollars.
The placement of such advertisement shall not require a
separate application or fee for a sign permit from the
[3uilding Department.
A copy of any Special Exception decision shall be
referred to the Office of the Building Department for
record keeping and enforcement."
II. This local law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State.
June 3, 1987
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P,O. BoxlI79
Southold, New York 11971
(516) 765-I$01 -
Robert W. Tasker, Esq.
Southold Town Attorney
P. O. Box 697
Greenport, New York 1.1944
Dear Bob:
As a result of a recent Code Committee meeting, and approval by the
Town Board, the following proposed Local Laws are transmitted herewith
for drafting:
1. Chapter 77, Shellfish. New Section: Crab Pots. The number
of crab pots should be limited to one [1) crab pot per individual, and
each pot and bouy is 'to be identified with the individual's Shellfish Permit
number on same.
2. Chapter 77, Shellfish. Amend Section 77-207[C). Female Blue
Claw Crabs shall not be taken from the waters of the Town of Southold.
3. Chapter 100, Zoning. New Sections relative to Political Adver-
tising, per attached recommendations from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
4. Chapter 65, Parking at Beaches. New Section. Non-Residential
Seasonal Beach Permit (beaches only...not to include use of the Disposal
Area). $50.00 for car and trailer. April 1st thPough October 31st.
5. Chapter 69, Peddling and Soliciting. Amend Section 69-105.
License Fees. Increase to one hundred dollars ($100.') per ,/ear.
Very truly yours,
Judith T. Terry
Southold Town Clerk
HENRY P. SMITH, Presiden[
- - - TOWN OF SOl. ri'HOLD
Town Hall. 53095 Main Road
P.O_ Box 728
Southold, New York [ 1971
March 30, 1987
Councilman Paul Stoutenburgh
Southold Town Hall
Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
Re: Crab traps
The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees during their
regular meeting held on March 26, 1987 regarding the above referenced
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees would like to recommend that
the number of crab pots should be limited to two (2) crab pots per
individual and that each pot and buoy is to be identified with the
individuals Shellfish Permit number on same.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact this office.
Town Board Members
Very truly yours,
Henr5 P. Smith, President
Board of Town Trustees
T wn of Appe a
c~DUTHnLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971
TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809
~Councilman James A. Schondebare
Mr. Victor Lessard, Administrator (Building Dept.)
Mrs~ Valeri.e Scopaz, Town Planning
Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Chairman, Planning Board
Jerry Goehrin§e~, Chairman
DATE: May 13, 1987
SUBJECT: Code Revision - Allowances for Political Advertising
At our Special Meeting held May ll, 19B7, the Board members
recommended that the following conditions be incorporated
under Article X, Section 100-110(£), OR Accessory Uses in
each of the Zoning Districts [Articles III, IV, V, VI, VII,
VIII, Sections 100-30(C), 100-40(C), 100:50(C), lO0-60(C),
lO0-70(C), 100-80(C)], of the Zoning Code, concerning
~olitical Advertisin_~_~.
As you may know, Special Exceptions were required under
Article III, Section lO0-30(C)[6](f) prior to 1982 for all
types of off-premises advertising, including temporary signs
of local civic, charitable and public adtivities.
(See attached)
C. TEMPORARY POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS (including signs), permitted
by Special Exception by the Board of Appeals subject to the follow-
~ requirements (in addition to any other' requirements necessary
rendered by the ZBA after reviews):
lb Written permission of the property owner(s) for placement of
2. In the event of transfer or conveyance in title of premises,
the Board of Appeals shall be notifi~.d within 60 days of such
date of conveyance or tr.ansfer together with the new owners'
names, address, and written permission before the placement of
such advertisement. In the event the owners' written permission
is canceled or unobtainable, this Special Exception permit shall
immediately become null and void.
3. Advertisement (sign) shall not exceed 4' by 6', and a total
area from edge to edge of 24 sq. ft.
4. Top of sign shall not exceed l0 feet in height from ground
5. Lower edge of sign shall be not less than four feet above
ground level.
6. Sign must be located no less than l0 feet from any property
line or right-of-way or street line, whichever is closer.
7. Sign shall not be lighted or illuminated in any way.
8. Sign m~y-De double-faced.
g. Sign shall advertise only a general, special or primary
election, school district, fire district, or other district
el6ction or referendum held by any governmental authority.
10. Sign shall not be placed on property of any governmental
district or public utility, or within any public or public
streets or rights-of-way.
ll. Advertisement shall be posted not more than 30 days prior
to date of election and shall be removed within 10 days after
the date of such election or referendum.
12. Only one temporary politcal advertisement shall be
permitted for each lot.
13. Fee for Special Exception Application: $15.00.
Proposed Code Revision
Political Advertising
May 13, 1987
Placement of said advertisement shall not require a separate
application or fee for a sign permit from the Building
A copy of the Special Exception decision shall be referred
to the Office of the Building Department for recordkeeping
and enforcement.
Sou£hold, N.Y. ~1971
'(516) 765-1938
M~MORANDUM PLy 7, 1987
TO: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Board of Appeals
FROM: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner ~
RE: Amendment to Sign Ordinance: Political Signs
Pursuant to last night's discussion at the Code Committee meeting
about political signs, I have prepared the following draft amendment to the
Zoning Code. It is suggested tha~ this amendment be added to Section i00~
110. Signs. ~s a subsection entitled "C."
C. Temporary political signs.
The following requirements shall be met.
The sign shall be used only in csnaection with
a general, special or primary election; school
district, fire district or other district elec-
tion; or referendum held by any governmental
Such sign may be constructed of any impermanent
material, provided that application therefore is
Such sign may be posted only on property not owned
by any governmental authority, governmental district
or public utility.
The owner of the land upon which the sign is to be
placed shall consent, in'writing, to the placement
of the sign and such consent shall be deemed a part
of the application.
(5) The sign shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square
feet in area.
(6) The signs shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height,
Amendment to Sign Ordinance:
Political Signs, page two.
when measured from the ground.
The sign shall be set back at leask twenty (20) feet
from any property line, and shall'not block sightlines
along amy public street or~ intersection of a private right
of.:way with a"publia.street.
The sign shall not be posted more than thirty (30) days '~
prior to the date of the election or referendum and shall
be removed not later than ten (10) days after the date of
such election or referendum.
Each sign shall be the subject of a separate application to
the Board of Appeals and the faa for each application shall
be ten dollars ($10).
Addendum ~
Technically, one cannot apply to the Appeals Board until the
Building Administrator denies a request for a permit of some sort. Al-
though Vic does not wish to get involved with issuing permits for tem-
porary political signs, and with collecting fees for same, he still may
have to go through the motions any~way. Perhaps ha could just issue, a
~emporary permit for political signs upon receipt of an approval latter
from the Board of Appeals and not bother with collecting a fee.
cc: James A. Schondebare
t~c'ouncilman James A. Schondebare
Mr. Victor Lessard, Administrator (Building Dept.)
Mrs. Valerie Scopaz, Town Planning
Mr. Bennett Orlowsk~, Chairman, Planning Board
FROM: Jerry Goehringer, Chairman
DATE: May 13, 1987
SUBJECT: Code Revision - Allowances for Political Advertising
At our Special .Meeting held May ll, 1987, the Board members
recommended that the following conditions be incorporated
under Article X, Section lO0-110(C), OR Accessory Uses in
each of the Zoning Districts [Articles III, IV, V, VI, VII,
VIII, Sections lO0-30(C), lO0-40(C), 100:50(C), lO0-60(C),
lO0-70(C), 100-80(C)], of 'the Zoning Code, concerning
Political Advertising.
As you may know, Special Exceptions.were required under
Article III, Section 100-30(C)[6](f) prior to 1982 for all
types of off-premises advertising, including temporary signs
of local civic, charitable and public adtivities.
(See attached
C. TEMPORARY POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS (including signs), permitted
by Special Exception by the Board of Appeals subject to the follow-
~ requirements (in addition to any other requirements necessary
rendered by the ZBA after reviews):
1. Written permission of the property owner(s) for placement of
2. In the event· of transfer or conveyance in title of premises,
the Board of Appeals shall be notified within 60 days of such
date of conveyance or transfer together with the new owners'
names, address, and written permission before the placement of
such advertisement. In the event the owners' written permission
is canceled or unobtainable, this Special Exception permit shall
immediately become null and void.
3. Advertisement (sign) shall not exceed 4' by 6', and a total
area from edge to edge of 24 sq. ft.
4. Top of sign shall not exceed 10 feet in height from ground
5. Lower edge of sign shall be not less than four feet above
ground level.
6. Sign must be located no less than l0 feet from any property
line or right-of-way or street line, whichever is closer.
7. Sign shall not be lighted or illuminated in any way.
8. Sign m2y-§e double-faced.
9. Sign shall advertise only a general, special or primary
election, school district, fire district, or other district
· election or referendum held by any governmental authority.
10. Sign shall not be placed on property of any governmental
district or public utility, or within any public or public
streets or rights-of-way.
ll. Advertisement shall be posted not'more than 30
to date of election and shall be removed within 10
the date of such election or referendum.
days prior
days after
12. Only one temporary politcal advertisement shall be
permitted for each lot.
13. Fee for Special Exception
(continued on next page)
Code Revision
/oh~ical Advertising
/~ay 13, 1987
14. Placement of said advertisement shall
application or fee for a sign permit
not require a separate
from the Building
A copy of the Special
to the Office of the
and enforcement.
Exception decision
Building Department
shall be referred
for recordkeeping