HomeMy WebLinkAboutNursery School Zone 1987code tc permit the estabiishman~ of oreschooi 5raining -
__ wz~: youn~ child
July i6, i987
i am writing te you in suppor: of the proposed legislation changing
t~e zoning code zo pa.~-mit the establishment of preschool training -
nursery schools in a ~B'~ zone. As a working parents with a young ahilg
i am a aandidsua ~or this type of service.
Thank ?au for your prompt cruet:ion To ~his marmer,
Sincera!~,- .
are also a population who care mbout our children's educational and social
development. Therefore, we urge [~e T¢~ Board to pass the propose~
a ~ zore an~ wa would urge nhe ao~zgree ro act expeditiously in t~z~
We in Southotd Tow~ are a popuianion with many young children. We
are also a p~puiation ~o care ~mout our childr~_n~s educational and social
development. Vherefora, we urge the Towm Board to pass the p=oposed
ie~i$iation permitting preschool training programe no b~ established in
e ~ zone amc we wonld urge the committee ~e ac~ expeditiously in this
· / ,
July ]6, ]987
To ~rnom It May Concern,
We in 5outhold Town are a popula[ion with me.ny young children. We
are also a population who car~ about our children's educational ann social
development. Therefore, we urge the Town Board to pass the proposed
legislation permitting preschool training programs to be established im
a "B" zone and we would urge the committee to act expeditiously in this
Thank you.
June 27, 1987
Dear Sirs,
I am writing to you as a concerned parent of three children
and a nursery school teacher. It has been brought to my attenuion
tha~ there will be a meeting Wednesday, July 1st, of the Code
Committee. One of' the topics presented will be a petition for
new legislation concerning zoning changes for pre-schools in B zone
areas, i would like To express my support for this new legislation.
This area is in need of quality pre-schools and Day Care Centers.
There are not enough of these facilities to adequately service our
growing community. They provide a valuable service for children,
parents, and Elementary schools in preparing them for ~indergarten.
i feel that this is really necessary legislation.
i~rs. Nancy $choltz
June 12, 1987
Southold Town Board
Town Hall
Main Road
Southold, N.Y. 11971
Att: Mr. Schondebare:
Re: Town Code
Dear Mr. Schondebare:
By this letter I herDby request that the Southold Town Board amend the
Code of the Town of $outhold to permit the use of Nursery School/Child
Care Centers in "B" and "B-i" zones, and by Special Exception of the
Zoning Board of Appeals in an "A-R" zone.
The definition of Nursery School/Child Care Center will be as follows:
"A building or buildings, together with any accessory
buildings or structures, used as an organized instruct~'~]~
facility with compensation for ~ive or more enrolled children ~--
under six (6) years of age, other than the children of the
resident family, and not furnishing sleeping facilities except to
the resident fa_mily."
Please schedule this proposed addition to the Southold Town Code for
your next regular Town Board meeting.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
Patricia C. Moore