HomeMy WebLinkAboutNursery School Zone 1987code tc permit the estabiishman~ of oreschooi 5raining - __ wz~: youn~ child July i6, i987 i am writing te you in suppor: of the proposed legislation changing t~e zoning code zo pa.~-mit the establishment of preschool training - nursery schools in a ~B'~ zone. As a working parents with a young ahilg i am a aandidsua ~or this type of service. Thank ?au for your prompt cruet:ion To ~his marmer, Sincera!~,- . are also a population who care mbout our children's educational and social development. Therefore, we urge [~e T¢~ Board to pass the propose~ a ~ zore an~ wa would urge nhe ao~zgree ro act expeditiously in t~z~ We in Southotd Tow~ are a popuianion with many young children. We are also a p~puiation ~o care ~mout our childr~_n~s educational and social development. Vherefora, we urge the Towm Board to pass the p=oposed ie~i$iation permitting preschool training programe no b~ established in e ~ zone amc we wonld urge the committee ~e ac~ expeditiously in this Sin~_ereiy, · / , July ]6, ]987 To ~rnom It May Concern, We in 5outhold Town are a popula[ion with me.ny young children. We are also a population who car~ about our children's educational ann social development. Therefore, we urge the Town Board to pass the proposed legislation permitting preschool training programs to be established im a "B" zone and we would urge the committee to act expeditiously in this matter. Thank you. Sincerely, JUL June 27, 1987 Dear Sirs, I am writing to you as a concerned parent of three children and a nursery school teacher. It has been brought to my attenuion tha~ there will be a meeting Wednesday, July 1st, of the Code Committee. One of' the topics presented will be a petition for new legislation concerning zoning changes for pre-schools in B zone areas, i would like To express my support for this new legislation. This area is in need of quality pre-schools and Day Care Centers. There are not enough of these facilities to adequately service our growing community. They provide a valuable service for children, parents, and Elementary schools in preparing them for ~indergarten. i feel that this is really necessary legislation. Sincerely, i~rs. Nancy $choltz June 12, 1987 Southold Town Board Town Hall Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Att: Mr. Schondebare: Re: Town Code Dear Mr. Schondebare: By this letter I herDby request that the Southold Town Board amend the Code of the Town of $outhold to permit the use of Nursery School/Child Care Centers in "B" and "B-i" zones, and by Special Exception of the Zoning Board of Appeals in an "A-R" zone. The definition of Nursery School/Child Care Center will be as follows: "A building or buildings, together with any accessory buildings or structures, used as an organized instruct~'~]~ facility with compensation for ~ive or more enrolled children ~-- under six (6) years of age, other than the children of the resident family, and not furnishing sleeping facilities except to the resident fa_mily." Please schedule this proposed addition to the Southold Town Code for your next regular Town Board meeting. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Very truly yours, Patricia C. Moore PCM/df