HomeMy WebLinkAboutSidewalk Defects 1988FEARCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR TELEPHONE (5161 765-1~09 OFFICE OF TIIE SUPERVISOR ~-?~N OF SOUTIIOLD TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROA0 P.O. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Mr. William Mullen Planning Board Town of So~thold March 25,1988 RE: Liability of the Town for defects in sidewalks. Dear Mr. Mullen, Pursuant to your request of Mr. Schondebare, attached please find a legal memorandum of the liability of the Town for defects in sidewalks. There is an actual notice requirement for sidewalks before liability is imposed under the Town Law. The Town Code requires actual notice for highway defects. Because the State's Town Law already has an actual notice req- uirement for sidewalks, there is no need to add a section to the Town Code for sidewalks. I hope this answers your questions. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. cc: Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board RHB:jas Very truly yours, Robert H. Berntsson Assistant Town Attorney JAMF. S A. SCHONDEBARE ROBERT H. BERNTSSON ASS ISTANT TO'~N ATTORNEY OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516~ 765-1959 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney Robert.H. Berntsson, Assistant Town Attorney March 22, 1988 LIABILITY FOR INJURIES ON SIDEWALKS You inquired how liability is imposed on the Town from injuries resulting from defects in sidewalks. Under Town Law Section 65-a(2), liability is imposed for injuries from defects in sidewalks constructed or maintained by the Town or Town Superintendent of Highways only when actual written notice of such defect, specifying the particular place, is given to the Town Clerk or Town Superintendent of Highways and there was failure or neglect to remedy such defect within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice. Chapter 49 of the Southold Town Code supersedes subdivision 1 and 3 of section 65-a of the Town Law. Chapter 49 and Town Law Section 65-a(1) deal with defects in highways, bridges and culverts. Chapter 49 does not supersede Section 65-a(2) which deals with sidewalk defects. Therefore, 65-a(2) controls. Section 65-a(2~ states: "No civil action shall be maintained against any town or town superintendent of highways for damages or injuries to person or property sustained by reason of any defect in its sidewalks or in consequence of the existence of snow or ice upon any of its sidewalks, unless such sidewalks have been constructed or are maintained by the town or the superintendent of highways of the town pursuant to statute, nor shall any action be maintained for damages or injuries to person or property sustained by reason of such defect or in consequence of such existence of snow or ice unless written notice thereof, specifying the particular place, was actually given to the town clerk or to the town superintendent of highways, and there was a failure or neglect to cause such defect to be remedied, such snow or ice to be removed, or to make the place otherwise '~ reasonably safe within a reasonable time after the receipt of such notice." There is no liability on the Town from sidewalks which are not constructed or maintained by the Town~ There is also an actual notice requirement for liability. The Town is given a reasonable time to remedy the defect. As a related matter, Chapter 49 of the Code requires actual notice of highway defects. Town Law Section 65-a(1) allows a cause of action in the absence of actual notice where the ~efect existed for so long a time that it should have been discovered in the exercise of reasonable care. "A town may adopt a local !aw requiring written prior notice of defection and dangerous conditions on town highways as a prerequisite to the maintenance of any action against the town for d~mages resulting therefrom." Op. State Compt. 78-6~.~ See also Canzano v. Town of Gatesy 85 A.D.2d 878 (1981). FOR DISCUSSION Bill'Mullen dropped off these local laws from the Town of Hempstead and Village of Floral Park. He feels our Chapter '49, Notice~cffJ-iighw.a.y Defects, is not strong enough. He wouM_~like the Board to review the attached and consider amending our Chapter 49. FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR TELEPHONE (516) 765-I800 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF $OUTHOLD October 8, 1987 TOWN HAL1. 53095 MAIN ROAD P.O. E~0X 1179 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Mr. Frank Yakaboski Smith, Finkelstein, Lundberg, Islet & Yakaboski 456 Griffing Avenue P.O. Box 389 Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Frank: As a result of Tuesday's Town Board Meeting (October 6, 1987) there are several areas that you should be investigating or responding to. These a~re: Begin work to set up a Southold Town Garbage District to be mainland only, excluding all islands - i.e. Fishers, Robins, Plum, Gull, Little Gull, etc. Terry Water Association - your opinion is needed (correspondense enclosed) Chapter 49, Notice of Highway Defects - William Mullen suggests that this Chapter is not strong enougb and asks the Town to consider changes similar to that of Floral Park Village and Hempsread Town. Please review the attached in respect to our Legislation. (see attached) ...... 4. Meet with the Southold Plarming Board on'Letters of Credit. Thank you for your prompt attention to these matters. appreciate a copy of any correspondense in reference to the above list. CC: Town Board l~r uly yours, I would further '~ ~r FLO.R3LL PARK .: L~:al LIw No..___6 ............ ~ __ o~ ~b~ 7e~r L~ 86___. law to Amend S~ction 57-1 of the ~gde of the Village of Floral Park P~lating t~ ' Be it enacted I~ tbe ................................ .- ~ , ~ Incorporated Village of Floral ~ · valise ........... or t~ ' ......... · , follow.: A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND SECT/ON 57-1 OF THE CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF FLORAL PARK RELATING TO ~' NOTICE PRIOR T0 CIVIL ACTION Section l. Section 57-i'of the Code of the Village of Floral Park, which by its terms, amends Section 6-628 of the Village law of the State of New York {formerly Section 341'-a) as it applies to the Village o~ Floral Park, is hereby amended to read as follows: § 57-1. Amendment to Villag~ Law regarding_ liability Section 6-628 of the Village Law, as added thereto by Chapter 892 of the Laws of 1972; as it applies to the Incorporated Village of .Floral Park, New York, is hereby amended tO read as follows: ~ ' § 6-628'Liability of village in certain actions No civil action shall be brought or main- tained against the Incorporated Village of Floral Park. New York, for damages or injuries ~o person or property ,sustained in consequence of any street, highway, bridge, culve.rt, sidewalk, crosswalk, parking field, park. playground or playground equipment, swimming or.wading pool or pool equipment, skatin~ rink. traffic sign or any other pro- 'party owned, operated'or maintained by kh~ Incorporated Village of Floral Park, being de,acta?e, ou£ o~ repair, unsafe, dangerous Page or obstructed, or in consequence of the exis- tence of snow or ice upon any street, high- way. bridge, culvert, sidewalk, parking field, park, playground, traffic signal, or any other property owned, operated or. main- _rained by the Incorporated Village of Floral Park unless written notice of the existence of such condition, relating to the particular place, had, prior to the happening o~ the event causing such damage or injuries to persons or property, actually been served upon the Village Clerk, by personal delivery or by certified or registered mail addressed to the Village Clerk, and there had been a failure or neglect on the part o~ the Incorporated Village of Floral Park to cause such condition to be corrected or such snow or ice to be removed, or the p/ace otherwise made reasonably safe within a reasonable time after the receipt of such notice. Under no circumstances shall the Incorporated Village of Floral Park be liable for' injury or damages to person or property due to defec- tive conditions of the a~oresaid Village property or the existence of ice or snow thereon in the absence of prior written notice to the village of the defective condition causing the said injuries or damages. Section 2. The invalidity of any word. section, clause, para- graph, sentence, part or provision of this Local Law shall not affect the validity of any other part of this Local Law that can be given effect without such invalid part or parts. Section 3. This local the Secretary of State. law'shall become effective upon filing with '[[-xt ,,f la',, should ~ ;dw-a as nrm-,,Pd. 1¼ n,a t~se brackets for r~att~r to be ~li.mi.~ated :latl do not o[ ........................... > 5..~.e...: :*'~.. ............................................. Local [_a~, No. ' 115 _ f,f lhe year 19 82 Alkalis- for ~he amendment of chapter slx of the code of [he town of ~emps~ead, b~ the insertion therein of new sections six dash two. si~ d&sh three, and six dash four. respectively, regarding liability of the town of Hempstead. Be it eaact~t ~,, the ....~oL,~7[~ ~.q.~.~, ............ af the Section One. Ch__ap~g~i~ of the code:of the town of lJempstead, as Constituted by local law number one of nineteen hundres sixty-nine, is hereby amended by the insertion therein of new seccions six dash twp, six dash three and six_das_h f~ur, respecti ely.- ollows:' §6-2. b&ma~es or inSuries due to defective parking field, beach area, swimming or wading pool or pool equipment, playground or playground equipment, skat£ng rink, or park property; notice to tows req~aired. No civil action shall be maintained against the of H~mpstead for damages or injuries to person or property so, rained by reason of any defective-~arking field[~he~gh area. (Z,swimminK or ~adi~g pool or ~bl equipment,~playground'or play- ground equipment Pskating rink~or park property, no matter w-Fhere s~-tuat~,-"be~n~-~-defe~tiOe, out of reps[fl unsafe; dangerou~ or obstructed, unless written notice of the defective, ~nsafe, dangerous or obs~%~' c6'nRi-6-i~ o~ the defective parking field. beach area. swiping or wading pool or pool equipment, playground or playground equipment, skaging rink or park propercy was actually served u~n the town clerk ~ there was a failure or ~%!ect w~t~l.g.a reasonable time after che.g~v~g.of__j~e ? {6p~ir o'r['r~move the defect dange~ or ob~[ruction complained hi'. Under uo circt~:;tances shall the to~m of f[~mp~;tead be liabl~ ~n~ {n~urics nr dam,l;~e~ t(~ per,on oc proper~y du~ t~ de[ective c.udi~ ions ul' t. he aforu-qtkd L'uwn prnperty in the absence of prior §6-3. for ini[~i~s o~ damazes Lo p~rqon Or pr,~p~L'Ey :;LLSt':LLn,~d'b'~--~ rudson Of any defec~ In 'L~.; tr.lffLc '.;lgns, ~;[dew:[Lks, w.ttlcways, gf ~pow or ice upon anf off its"?raff[c signs :.~d~-al~. wai~- ways. footpaths or bicycle naa~:~avs unless~ said [~af~ic ~al]~s, %.'-t[kways, fot Upa~hs t r b[cy~'16 path'~a,/'; where ~i~ua[~d, have been consKrucL-ed or ace maintoP'ned .by...~he as ~he supe~inEcn'~'~ of highways), porsuant to ~;ra~u~e, ~, written notice of said defuc~ causLnK the injurkes or %~.~ad~lI~Lven Lo the town clerk or town co~i~;~ioner of highways in accordance with sect[on six dash four hereof, nor shall any action be maintained for injuries or damages ~o parson or property sustained by reason of auy defect or in consequence of the existence of snow or ice unless written notice thereof, specifying the particular place, location and condition was actually given lo thc town clerk or to the co~ission~r of highways, and there was a failure or neglect cause ~he par%icular defect to be remedied or the snow or ice to be removed, or to make the place otherwise reasonably safe within a reasonable time after the reoeip~ of due notice. §6-4. Hethod of service of due notice. Service of due notice of any defect described in this chapter shall be accomplished by personal service or service by registered or certified mail. Section 2. This local law shall become effective immediately upon filing with the secretary of state. - 2