HomeMy WebLinkAboutErosion & Sediment Ord. 1988JAMES A. SCHONDEBARE TOWN ATTORNEY ROBERT H. BERNTSSON OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-I939 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Supervisor, Town Board James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney April 5,1988 Model Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance Either the Code Committee or the Town Board requested an ordinance to protect the devegetation of land and the bulldozing of bluffs, which causes weakness of lateral support. I enclose a copy of the Model Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance for your review, which we can add to or subtract therefrom. Appendix A Model erosion and sediment control ordinance Section 1.00 Parpose. It is the purpose of this ordinance to protect public health, safety and welfare in (name of mun~cipaiity) by regdiating site preparation and construc- tion activities, including excavation, filling, grading and stripping, so as to pre~,ent problems related to erosion, sedi- ment or draLnage. In relation to this purpose the ordinance is intended to: 1. Preserve the quality of the natural environment from such adverse effects of site preparation and construc- tion as: (a) pollution of lakes, ponds and watercourses from silt or other materials; Ca) unnecessary destruction of trees ,and other vegetation; (c) excessive exposure of soil to erosion; (d) unnecessary modification of natural topography or udique geological features; and (e) fail,re.to:restore ~ites to an attractive natural ~onditinn. 2. Prote~'pgopleand'properties f~om~uch aflverse effects of.sitepr:eparafion and ~:onstruction~as:,,(a) increased nmoff;*.~rosion and sediment; Ca) increased:threat ~o life and p.r~O.lY,e..rty from flooding or'storm waters; (c) i,ncreas- ed slo~pe ~instability and ~hazards from:landslides and dumping;, .and': (d) modific-~/tions of the gromndwater regime '~at adversely affect wells and surfface waier levels. 3. Protect the town (village) and other governmental bodies from having to undertake, at public expense, programs of repairing roads and other public fac/lifies, of providing flood protection facilities, and of compen- sating ,private. property owners for the destruction of prope[~es arising from the adverse effects of site prepar'ation and.construction; and 4. Ensure: that site preparation and_construction are con- sistent ~it'h the Comprehensive Plffn of (name of munic~ ipality). Section 2i00 Anlhodty. In accordance with Article 9 of the Town L~w (Articles 4 and 20 of the Village. Law) of the State o¢~New York, the (name of legislative body of the manicipalit~) has the authority to enact ordinances for the purposeof~romofing the health, safety or general welfare of (name 0'f municipality)~ including the protection and preservatiomof the property of its inhabitants_ By the same authority th~ (name of legislative body of municipality) may include in a~y ~ch ordinance provision for the appointment of any mum~ipal officers or employees to effectuate and ad- minister ~c.it,ordinance. Section 3~00 Enactment and title. In order that site preparation ~d construction activities may be in con- formance ~th the provisions of this ordinance, this or- dinance is hereby adopted and shall be known and may be cited as the.~rosion and Sediment Control Ordinance of (name of mu~icipality). Section 4.01) Jurisdiction. Upon the approval of this or- dinance by t}ie 'Town (Village) Board, all site preparation and constmciton activities requiring a permit under this or- dinance sha~, be in conformance with the provisions set forth herein. Section: 5.00 Eflective date. This ordinance shall take ef- fect and be ia!;foree immediately after its passage, publica- tion of notice/Of adoption, and posting as prescribed by law. 21 Section 6.00 Conflict with existing regalafions. Where this ordinance imposes greater restrictions than are imposed by the provisions of any law, ordinance, regulation or private agreement, this ordinance shall control. Where greater restrictions are imposed by any law, ordinance, regulation or private agreement than are imposed by this or- dinance, such greater restrictions shall control. Section 7.00 Sepal:ability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or other part of tiffs ordinance is for any reason invalid, the validity of the remaining por- tion of this ordinance shall not be affected. section 8.00 Definitin~s. 8.01 Agricultural operations. All activities directi3' re- lated, to the 'growing or raising of crops or livest6ck for the sale of agricultural produce, including horticultural and frui~'operatl,6gs. 8.~}2~tut}tbri~ed official The person designated by the ToWn'(¥i]]~.~/) l~qard to administer and maintain the provi- sinus ~f this,O~lin&nce. 8.03 D~, Th~ gravitational movement of water or other iiquidB, by six'face runoff or subsurface flow. 8.04 tEr0si~ T~ wearing away of the land surface by acnon of ~ wafer;grawty or other natural forces. 8.05 EXCa~ali0~; Any aetivit~ which removes or signifi- cantly disturbs rOCk, grave[, sand, soil or other natural deposits. 8.06 'Filling. Any activity which deposits natural or ar- tificial material so' as to modify the surface or subsurface conditions oftand, Iakes, ponds Or.watercourses. 8.0/' Grading. The alteration of the surface or subsurface conditions or'land, lakes, ponds or watercourses by excava- tion or t'ffling. 8,08'a~Vhfli:hing. The application of a layer of plant resi- due or .other maserial for the purpose of effectively controll- ing ero sim~. 8.09' iSedimeat. Solid material, both mineral and organic, that is i~,suspension, is being transported, has been depos- ited, or,has been removed from its site of origin by erosion. 8.10:'Site preparation. The activities of stripping, excava- tion, f'~[ling-and grading, no matter what the purpose of these a~:tivities: 8.I1 Soil.~ All unconsolidated mineral or nonliving or- ganic material of whatever origin which overlies bedrock. 8-1'2 Stripping. Any activity which removes or siginf- icantiy dish,tbs trees, brush, grass, or any other kind of vege~atinn. 8.13 Topsoil. The natural surface layer of soil, usually darker than subsurface layers, to a depth of at least six (6) inches within an undisturbed area of soils. 8.14 Watercourse. Any natural or artificial stream, river, creek, ditch, channel, canal, conduit, culvert, drainageway, gully, ravine, or wash in which water flows in a definite direction or course, either continuously or intermittently, and whiett has a definite channel, bed and banks, and any area adjacent thereto subject to inundation by reason of overflow, flood, or storm water_ 8.15 Wetlands..M-eas of aquatic or semi-aquatic vegeta- tion, or any areas which have been mapped as such by the Town (Village) Planning Board, the Town (Village) Conser- vation Council, the County Department of Planning, the County Soil and Water Conservation District, or the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation under the Freshwater Wetlands Act. CommeNt: This is a good set of definitions for any soil- related ordinance. Section 9.00 Activities requiring a permit. 9.01 None of the following activities shall be commenced until a permit has been issued under.the provisions of this ordimmce. 1_ Site preparation in the subdivision of land into two or more parcels; 2. Site preparation within wetlands; 3. Site preparation on slopes which exceed one and one- bza~f (1 1/2) feet of vertical rise to ten (10) feet of horizontal distance (or site preparation in areas of severe erosion potential, if such areas have been map- ped for the jurisdiction); 4. Site ~preparation within the hundred year floodplain of any watercourse; 5. Excavation which affects more than one hundred (100) cnbig yards of material within any parcel or any con- ffguons area; 6. S~-/~ping: wkich affects, more than twenty thousand (2~0~000) square feet of ground surface within any parcel o~ any contiguous area; 7. Grading .which affects more than twenty thousand (2'0,000) square feet of ground surface within any parcel or a~y contiguous area; and 8. Fillfilg which exceeds a total of one hundred (100) cubic yards of material within any parcel or any contiguous arem, Comraear: A municipality should review these activities careful/y to be sure they meet its needs. Activities should be added'to cover other specialized areas such as shorelines and mineral~excavations_ 9.02 The following activities are exempted from permit requirements: 1_ Activities not meeting the criteria in Section 9_01; 2. Agricultural operations; 3. Excavations for the basements and footings of single family houses and for septic tank systems, wells, and swimming pools attendant to single family homes, ex- eepting those excavations required to obtain permits under Section 9.01(1) through (4); ,~. Activities subject to permits under the Commercial Ex- cavation Ordinance of (name of municipality); 5. Household gardening and acti,aties related to the maintenance of landscape features on existing devel- oped.lots, excepting such activities as are required to ob- tain permits under Section 9.01(5) through (8); and 6. Governmental activities, but only to the extent that such activities are exempted from the provisions of this or- dinance by law. Comment: This list identifies some obvious exemptions, but it should also be carefully reviewed. Routine activities should be exempted so that administration of the ordinance will not burden either public or privat6 interests. Section 10.00 Permit application, review, issuance, and compliance procedures. 10.01 Before any site preparation requiring a permit under Section 9.00 of this ordinance is commenced, six (6) copies of a permit application shall have been filed with the Town (Village) Clerk, and this application shall have been approved and a permit shall have been granted pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance. 10,02 Upon filing an application for a permit, the appli- cant(s) shall pay to the town (village) a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25) if the permit may be required under Section 9.01(1), (5), (7) or (8) of tkis ordinance; otherwise, the appli- cant(s) shall pay a fee of five dollars (.$5)- The fee shall be deemed a reasonable sum to cover the costs of admiaislxa- [ion and shall in no part be returnable to the applicant(s). 10.03 The Town (Village) Planning Board shall have the authority to grant or deny all permits pursuant to this ur- dinance. 10~04 Copies of the permit application shall be subm/tted to the Town (Village) Engineer, the Town (V/I/age) Conser- vation Council, and the County Soil and Water Conserva- tion District, which shall submit recommendations on the application to the Town (Village) Planning Board within thirty (30) days of the date of filing_ 10...05 The Town (Village) Planning Board may, upon its discretion, conduct pubYtc hear'mgs un permit applications, which hearings shall be fixed at a reasonable time and shall be given notice by a newspaper of general circulataon in the town (village) at least ten (10) days prior to the date thereof. 10.06 The Town (Village) Planning Board shall grant or deny all permits within sixty (60) days of the date of filing of the application thereof, unless the applicant and the Town (Village) Planning Board consent to a rime extension. 10.07 Prior to granting a permit, the Town (Village) Planning Board shall determine that the request is in har- mony with the purpose and standards set forth in this or- dinance. 10.08 In granting a permit, the Town (Village) Planning Board shall fix a reasonable time limit for the termination of the permit and may attach any conditions which it deems necessary to assure compliance with the provisions of this ordinance_ 10.09 Major modifications of the terms of approved per- mits shall follow the same applicataon, review and approval procedures as those set forth in this section for the original permit. 10.10 It shall be the responsibility of the Authorized Of- ficial to inspect sites as frequently as necessary to assure compliance with the terms of approved permits and the pro- visions of this ordinance and to submit written notification of any violations of these terms or provisions to the Chair- man of the Town (Village) Planning Board. I0.1! If at any time during the effective period of a per- mit or upon its expiration the terms of the permit are violated, the Town (Village) Planning Board may revoke the permit and may require that the performance guarantee be forfeited to the town (village). If the applicant shall be unable to complete the project or any phase thereof within the specified time, he shall, thirty (30) days prior to the specified date of completion, present in writing a request for an extension of time, setting forth therein the reasons for the request_ If in the discretion of the Town (Village) Planning 22 Board such an extension is warranted, the board may grant additional time for the completion of the work. Comment: The application review procedure should follow the general procedures used by the Planning Board under their subdivision regulations. This will enable the Planning Board to handle applications under this ordinance as part of their normal operations. Section 11.~ Permit applicatin~ materi~ls. A proper~y owner(s) or his agent(s) may initiate a request for a permit or the modification of a permit by filing with the Town (Village) Clerk six (6) copies of an application. Maps and plans accompanying the application shall bc prepared by a licensed architect or engineer or by any other person approv- cd by thc Chairman of the Town (Village) Planning Board. The Chairman of the Town (Village) Planning Board may requ~-e that additional copies of the application be filed with the Town (Village) Clerk, and he may modify the re- quirements concerning materials to accompany the applica- tion by waivSng or adding such requirements as he deems ap- propriate to the nature and scope of the proposed activities. The Chairman of the'Town (V'dlage) Planning Board may require~the applicam(~) to reconstruct application'materials if they are deemed to be of insufficient scale-or quality or do not meet the stax~dards of. tkis section. Excepting for modifications authorized or required by the Chairman of the Town CVillage): Planning Board, each application shall contain the follow£ng.materJal: Il;IH Existing features map(s), at a scale no smaller than one inch equals two hundred feet (1" = 2009, indicating: 1. The boundaries of all parcels on which site preparation activities arepropnsed to be undertaken; 2. All structures and roads within a distance of five hun- tired .(500) feet of the parcel on which site preparation activities are proposed to be undertaken, the structures identi~ed by thek uses and the roads identified by their surface material and width of surface; 3. Ag'watercourses within a distance of five hundred (500) feet: of the parcels on whinh site preparation activities are~propnsed to be undertaken; 4. Exikfing{.topography at contour intervals of no greater than f~ve~(5) feet within a.distance of five hundred (500) feet of r. he, parcels on which site preparation activities axe.proposed ~o be undertaken; 5. All sewer, water, gas a~d electric lines and all other utilities within the parcele on which site preparation ac- fivifies~are proposed to be~undertaken; 6. Major ~vooded areas and tree clusters within a distance of five.hundred (500) feet of the parcels on which ske preparaxion activities are proposed to be undertaken; 7. All vegetation areas on the site proposed for site preparation activities, including areas of grass, areas of brush, end wooded areas and tree ciasters; 8. The depth to bedrock on the site proposed for site preparation activities, if determined during site evalua- tion; and 9. The depth to permanent groundwater aquifers on the site proposed for site preparation activities, ii such depth is.determined during site evaluation. 11.02 Operations map(s) at a scale no smaller than one inch equals two hundred feet (1' = 200'), which present a complete erosion and sediment control plan and which in- dicate: 23 1. All excavation, filling and grading proposed to be undertaken, identified as to the depth, volume and nature of the materials involved; 2. All stripping, identified as to the nature of vegetation affected; 3. All areas where topsoil is removed and stockpiled and where topsoil is ultimately placed, identified as to the depth of topsoil in each such area; 4. All temporary and permanent vegetation to be placed on the site, identified as to planting type, size and ex- tent; 5. All temporary and permanent drainage, erosion and sediment control facilities, including such facilities as ponds and sediment basins, identified a~ to the B~pe of facility, thc materials from which it is constructed, its dimensions, and its capacity in.gelloas; 6. The anticipated pattern of surface drainage during per'rods of peak runoff, upon ,completion of site preparation and construction activities, identified as to rate and direction of flow at all major pOintS within the drainage system; 7. The location of all roads, driveways, s/dewalks, struc- tures, util/ties and other improvements; and 8. The final contours of the site in intervals of no greater than two (2) feet. 11.03 A time schedule which is keyed to the operations mip(s), indicating: 1. When major phases of the propnsefl-projeet are to be in- itiated and completed; 2. Whan major site preparation activities are to be in- itiated and completed; 3. When the installation of temporary and permanent vegetation and drainage, erosion and sediment control facilities is to be completed; and 4. The anticipated duration (in days) of exposure of all major areas of site preparation before the installation of erosion and sediment control measures. 11.O4 An estimate of the costs of providing temporary and permanent vegetation and drainage, erosion and sedi- ment control facilities. Comment: The Permit Application materials should ade- quately describe the proposed operation and tell what measures are being.taken to minimize erosion on the site. The time schedule should be realistic and relate to the climate conditions of the area. Sect'mn 12.00 Standards. In granting a permit under this ordinance the standards and considerations taken into ac- count shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Excavation, filling, grading and stripping shah be per- mitted to be undertaken only in such locations and in such a manner as to minimize the potential of erosion and sediment, and the threat to the health, safety and welfare of neighboring property owners and the general public; 2. Site preparation and construction shall be fitted to the vegetation, topography and other natural features of the site and shall preserve as many of these features as feasible; 3. The control of erosion and sediment shall be a con- tinuous process undertaken as necessary prior to, dur- ing, and after site preparation and construction; 4. The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed by site preparation at any given time; 5. The exposure of areas by site preparation shall be kept to the shortest pra~ieal period of time prior to the cnn- structinn of structures or improvements or the restora- tion of the exposed areas to an attractive natural condi- tion; 6. Mulching or temporary vegetation suitable to the site shall be used where necessary to protect areas exposed by site preparation, and permanent vegetation wkich is well adapted to the site shall be installed as soon as prac- tical; 7. Where slopes are to be revegetated in areas exposed by site preparation, the slopes shall not be of such steepness that vegetation cannot be readily established or that problems of erosion or sediment may result; 8. Site preparation and construction shall nnt adversely al- feet the free flow of water by encroaching on, blocking, or restricting watercourses; 9. Alt fill material shall be of a composition suitable for the ultimate use or'the fill, free of rubbish and carefully restricted in its content of brush, stumps, tree debris, rocks~ frozen material, and soft or easiy compress~le material; 10. Fill ;material shall be compacted sufficiently to prevent problems of erosion, and where the material is to sup- port structures, it shall be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of standard proctor with proper moistuse con~ol; 11. All ,topsoil which is excavated from a site shall be stockpiled and used for the restoration of the site, and such stockpiles, where necessary, shall be seeded or otherwise treated to minimize the effects of erosion; 12. Prior to, during, and after site preparation and con- strncilan, an integrated drainage system shall be provid- ed which at all times minimizes erosion, sediment, hazards of slope instability, and adverse effects on neigliboriag property owners; 13. The natural drainage system shall generally be preserved in preference to modifications of this system, excepting where such modifications are necessary to reduce levels of erosion and sediment and adverse effects on neigllboring property owners; 14. All ct[rainage systems shall be designed to handle ade- quatel3"anticipated flows both within the site and from the~efifii-e upstream drainage basin; 15. SuffiCient:grades and drainage facilities shall be provid- ed to prevent the ponding of water, unless such ponding is proposed within site plans, in which event there shall be su~.ficient water flow to maintain proposed water levels and to avoid stagnation; 16. There shall be provided where necessary to minimize erosio~ and sediment such measures as benches, berms, terraces, diversions, and sediment, debris and retention basin~, 17. Drainage systems, plantings and other erosion or sedi- ment control devices shall be maintained as frequentiy as necessary to pro~'ide adequate protection against ero- sion and sediment and to insure that the free flow of water is not obstructed by the accumulation of silt, debris or other material, or by structural damage. Section 13.00 Performance guarantee. After the approval of the application and before the issuance of any permit, the applicant shall file with the Town (Vii!age) Clerk an amount of the estimated cost of the project as submitted under Sec- tion 11.04 of this ordinance and verified by the Authorized Official, one of [he following performance guarantees: 1. A certified check. 2_ A performance bond which shall be satisfactory to the Town (Village) Board and Town (Village) At- torney as to form, sufficiency, manner of execution, surety and period of execution. 3. A letter of credit from a bank approved by the Town (Village) Board and Town (Village) Attorney. The Chairman of the Town (Village) Planning Board may grant a waiver of such guarantee if he deems the proposed activities to be of minor scope and to be consistent with the provisions of this ordinance. The party or parties filing the performance guarantee pro- vide that either upon termination of the permit or the opera- tion, whichever umy come first, the project shah be in con- formity with both the approved specific requirements of the permit and the provisions of this ordinance. In the event of default of such .and violation of any other apptcable laws, such performance guarantee shall be forfeited to the town (village). The town (village) shall return to the applicant any amount that is not needed to cover the costs of restoration, administration, and any other expenses incurred by the town (village) as a result, of the appl/cant's default. Such per- formance guarantee:shall continue in full force and effect until'a certificate :of ~:ompliance shall have been issued by the Authorized Official after such consultation with any agencies or indiv'tch~als as he deems necessary to insure that all provisions of .the ordinance and of the permit have been Section 14.00 Variances. Where practical difficulties, un- necessary hardships, and results inconsistent with the general purpose of this ordinance or certain provisions thereof are encountered, variances may be granted by the Town (Village) Boaxd_ Section 15.00 Amendments. The Town (Village) Board may from time to time on its own motion, on petition, or on recommendation of the To~vn (Village) Planning Board, and in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, amend, supplement, or repeal the regulations or provisions of this ordinance. Section 16.00 Violations. 16.4)1 If there is'any damage due to a violation of this or- dinance or if uny soil, liquid or other material is caused to be deposited upon or to roll, flow or wash upon any public property, private property, or right-of-way in violation of this ordinance, the person, firm. partnership, corporation, or other party responsible shall be notified and shall cause the same to be removed from such property or way within thirty-six (36) hours of notice. In the event of an immediate danger to the public health or safety, notice shall be given by the most expeditious means and the violation shall be remedied immediately. In the event it is not so remedied, the town (village) shall cause such and the cost of such by the town (vllage) shall be paid to the town (village) by the party who failed to so remedy and shall be a debt owed to the town (sfllage)_ 16.02 Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other party who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) or to imprisonment of not more than six (6) months, or both such fine and imprisonment; and in addi- tion, any party who violates any of the provisions of this or- dinance or omits or refuses to perform any and every act 24 hereby required shall respectively forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars ($50) for each and every such violation and nonperformance. The imposition of any such penalty for the violation of tiffs ordinance shall not excuse such vioin- tion nor permit the continuance thereof_ The application of the above penalty or penalties for a violation of the provi- sions of this ordinance shall not be held to prevent the removal of conditions prohibited by this ordiannce by such. legal means as may be proper. 16.03 Every day that a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance continues after written notice shall have been served upon the owner or his agent, either personally or by registered mail addressed to such person at his last known address, shall constitute a separate violation. 25