HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Ord. Amend. (Signs) WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the '1'own Board of the Town of $outhold by MOTI'ON OF -~O(~T}~OLD ?OWN I~OARD requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps rlrt.a_de_a par~,t~le_re~of, by Art. Iv-$eco~u~ ~ng ¢~,~....~.~.,..Z.;[.?-~.e..e..,~.0.f),.. ~....~,e~ealJ,~g..ar~,,..~X, Sec. Sllb. 11 '' ~described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was du~y referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ......... .9...t.~....day of ............ ..A?~. ....................... , 19...6...3.., and due deliberation having been had thereon 1002 NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is claD, led. Dated= May 7, 1963 By (~rder of the Southold Town Bo~rd Albert W. Richmond Town clerk Town of Southold, New York. PUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 9, 1963 P r e s e n t : LESTER M. ALBERTSON, Supervisor LOUIS M. DEMAREST, Councilman CORWIN C. GRATHWOHL, Councilman RALPH W. TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace ROBERT W. TASKER, Town Attorney ALBERT W. RICHMOND, Town Clerk PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE - SIGNS (Supervisor Albertson made several remarks relative to the proposed amendments before opening the public hearing.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open the hearing by reading the legal notice and affidavit from the publisher. "LEGAL NOTICE, NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE. Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport,New York, in said town on the 9th day of April, 1963 at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. "I. By amending Article III, Section 300, Subdivision 11 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of $outhold to read as follows: "11. When authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, one (1) sign, single or double-faced, not more than four (4) feet in height and eight (8) feet in width, the lower edge of which shall be not less than two (2) feet above the ground and the upper edge of which shall not extend more than six (6) feet above the ground, provided, however, that such sign shall be set back not less than thirty- five (35) feet from all street lines except that where a set-back line has been established in the vicinity with permanent buildings 3 of more or less than thirty-five (35) feet, such sign shall not project beyond the set-back line so established, and provided further that such sign shall be set back not less than fifteen (15) feet from all property lines. "II. By amending Article IV, Section 408, Subdivision (b) of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold to read as follows: "(b) WALL SIGNS-- One (1) sign attached to or incorporated in each building wall and advertising only the business conducted in such building, provided such sign "1. Exceed two (2) square feet horizontal foot of such wall, and "2. Exceed in width one hundred horizontal measurement of such wall, and does not: in total area for each (100) percent of the "DATED: March 26, 1963, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN~RK." "STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK)ss: "F. Langton Corwin, being duly Sworn, says that he is level to the upper edge of sign, and "5. Project more than one (1) foot from such~ll. "I~I. By repealing Article X, Section 1002~ of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. "Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. "3. Exceed ten (10) feet in height, and "4. Exceed fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches from ground Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week for one week successively commencing on the twenty ninth day of March 1963. /s/ F. Langton Corwin. "Sworn to before me C. Keogh, Notary Public, SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Planning Board. this 29th day of March 1963. /s/ Cornelia State of New York." I will now read the report of the "SOUTHOLD TO~NPLANNING BOARD, Southold Town Board , 16 South Street, Greenport, 25, 1963, Gentlemen: "This is to certify that Southold, N.Y., Report to: New York, March the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at their meeting March 19, 1963: "In the matter of the proposal of the Southold Town Board to amend the Building Zone Ordinance as follows: "I. By amending Article III, Section 300, Subdivision 11 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold to read as follows: "11. ~hen authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, one (1) sign, single or double-faced, not more than four (4) feet in height and eight (8) two feet in width, the lower edge of which shall be not less than/e) feet above the ground and the upper edge of which shall not extend more than six (6) feet above the ground, provided, however, that such sign shall be set back not less than thirty-five (35~ feet 5 from all street lines except that where a set-back line has been established in the vicinity with permanent buildings of more or less than thirty-five (35) feet, such sign shall not project beyond the set-back line so established, and provided further that such sign shall be set back not less than fifteen (15) feet from all property lines. "II. By amending Article IV, Section 408, Subdivisbn (b) of the building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold to read as follows: "(b) WALL SIGNS -- One (1) sign attached to or incorporated in each building wall and advertising only the business conducted in such building, provided such sign does not: "1. Exceed two (2) square feet in ~tal area for each horizontal foot of such wall, and '~2. Exceed in width one hundred (100) horizontal measurement of such wall, and percent of the level to the upper edge of sign, "5. Project more than one "III. By repealing Article X, Section 1002, Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. "It is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board the proposed amendments to the Building Zone Ordinance as setforth heretofore. "The Planning Board is of the opinion this is the only and (1) foot from such wall. of the Building "3. Exceed twn (10) feet in height, and "4. Exceed fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches from ground solution to the sign problem which presently exists. "Respectfully submitted, /s/ John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Ton Planning Board." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor? MR. FRED YOUNG, Southold: I would like to ask the Board's indulgence since I might be out of order. I would like to make some comments so that everyone knows where I stand on the situation and what the Businessmen's views are. ~many ways I am sympathetic of the ideas and plans of the Civic Association. We with some recognize there signs. However, is some need for restrictions and controls on there are a few of their standards that infuriate. me. I have here a letter from the Southold-Peeonic Civic Assoc- iation under the title of "The Board of Directors. They want restrictions as to the type of sign and wording. That is one place I would like to make myself clear . The Civic Association has high ideals as to how the highways should appear, however when they start placing restrictions I am opposed. They are going against our constitutional rights. There is no place where I will let our freedom be eroded under any condition. I have two boys at home and they can claim their forefathers fought from the Revolutionary War up until the police action in Korea. I intend to protect their birth-right. TO me it is basic and I will not compromise.it in any way. In some of these letters they had in the paper there was mention made as to why the Town Board hadst enforced the ordinance. It was also mentioned about the other towns where the same condition had existed along the roads. If anyone had taken the time to read the sign ordinances of these other towns they will find that they are quite restrictive as far as the ordinance but have not been able to enforce it. I think instead of blaming the Town Board for non-enforcement they should look deeper into the Ordinance. The Civic Association has sent to the Town Board a sign policy. I think it was last June or July I attended the Planning Board and it came forth, and as a businessman our association could find nothing in the policy we could agree with. The word "reasonable" was used quite extensively. When we tried to define "reasonable" it broke down. After the Planning Board sent their recommendation to the Town Board these representatives from the Civic Association cut down the sign to 1 ft. by 3 ft. We can't be satisfied with Burma Shave signs as Burma Shave had a number of their signs and it served a purpose. We would only be permitted one sign. The Businessmen's Association has also come forth with recommendations. I think possibly the smartest thing to do is go back to early last spring. The Civic Association and the Board of Appeals met on a committee level. We never met with them. If we could get together on this and come before the Board our problems would be solved. Most people want to keep this area as a resort area. If we do that we will have to depend on transient trade, and we have to have signs and we can't have both. Some control may be necessary, we understand that and go along with it. We cannot We would not have wish to do that. it will be done. agree to having our signs restricted or of a 15 mile area that will not be able come up with a realistic sign ordinance you wilt solve your problems. Any ordinance written, there is a way out of it. In many cases these dodges are more objectionable than a neat sign. to be very smart about it either. We do not If we are forced in order to survive I am sure cut down to any place out to be read. If we can being for that amendment. speak about it later. MRS. On the first section I would like to TENOPYR, Cutchogue: How many members of the Businessmen'~ In repealing Article X, Section 1002 I feel and most of the business people do that this ordinance as it stands, and with the opinion of quite a number of legal people, this section as it stands will be as difficult if not impossible to enforce. The Supervisor has pointed out that many of these signs will be lost so that in another few years unless these signs are replaced they will be gone if not completely. On the wall signs, here again we hear a lot of almost rabble-rousing where all four walls may be co vered by signs. There are reasons where signs are necessary where they do not face a street. In the new beauty salon in Southold the side wall is adjacent to a gas station. Yet, as this sign stands it is illegal, yet I feel signs in this place and this type should be provided for. Signs of this type are necessary and not improper in any manner. For that reason the Businessmen's Association would like to go on record as 9 Association does he represent? I spoke for myself and the Businessmen's Mit. YOUNG: Association. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: How many members are there? MR. YOUNG: We have not signed anyone through dues. We have close to 200 people - 350 are on the mailing list. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else in favor? MIt. ERNEST RADFORD, East Marion: I would like to speak in favor of these signs. I am in favor of the proposed amendments to the ordinance. I am in favor of the proposal to drop 1002 because I do not think it can be enforced and is just something in the ordinance records which stands out as a sore thumb. It is a matter of trying to take away rights of the people who have signs. As far as the wall signs, I think that the proposal to make the amendment seems to be fair enough. However, I do think you are proposing to take away from the people who have signs. I do not know if it is necessary to reduce it, signs in general. It is all up to the Board on hearings for permits to be issued and it seems to me it isn't too difficult to deny signs. In any event it seems that people in favor of doing away with signs are wrong. Maybe these people are in the types of businesses that eliminate the necessity of having these things. They should think of the other fellow. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else in favor? MR. JOHI~ BENNETT, Laurel: Business~en's Association. remarks, can be I am Secretary of the Southold Town As I understand from your preliminary Mr. Albertson, there are three different courses which followed. One, Repeal what is on the books; Two, Enforce the present law on the books as they stand without amendment; or Three, Extend the time until our master plan is completed with the appropriate amendments and ramifications that will be used with it. The Town Board has been put into a very unenviable position. There is no way they can win. They have attempted to come up with a compromise, and it is one which will not leave a Civic Association view-point completely satisfied. The Town Board on the basis of a long study has come up with the changes that have been gone over in a general way. I do not know what could have been done. No one is going to be happy unless it is the Town Board. I certainly feel that when the setback ~ reduced from 5 ft. to 35 ft. and the sign size is reduced from 6 ft. 6 in. by 12 ft. 6 in. to 4 ft. by 8 ft. you are losing visibility and and distance so th~ affect of this sign is lost rather largely. I don't know how we are going to resolve this question eventually. I think the current law on the books is unenforcable. I think it is a fact it has been in existence for a year past its moratorium and it is unenforcable. I would like to thank the Town Board as an individual and I am asking for an understanding from the Civic Association for the problem we are dealing with. We have large groups who are working and living in the area all the time. Most of the gross sales of the businessmen in this area are from June to October 1 11 MR. ROBERT KETCPIAM~ East Marion: One facet of the sign business in Southold Town I would like to mention. The one connected with the motels and ones that deal directly with transient trade in the summer time. These people have a great deal to offer and the ideal type of sign is the Sage Travel Bureau Sign. It is larger than recommended now by the Town Board but it is very easy to read and very attractive. This is what I would like to see motels, hotels and restaurants have. The transients do not have an opportunity to read local newspapers. I think it is very irresponsible to have identification on their signs. Orient Point Inn should be allowed to have "buffet" sign which he specializes in. COMMANDER KENNETH, New Suffolk: I would like to tell the story of a new businessman coming into Town. half years ago my associate and I purchased a these peop~ to not let them Arnold Mitchell at the on his A~out two and one- restaurant with the idea the business identify the of going further into the shipyard business. We went into down in New Suffolk. Our first thought was to yard by signs on the road. The law was that we could not get signs. We want to have a medium of advertising to bring people from the City. 9~ of my gross sales are transient trade. We advertised in the New York papers, we went to the boat show, sent postcards and direct mail and about 50% of our customers were brought to the area and ended up yard because he had nice signs on the highway. right because he had signs prior to the cut-off in our competitors This was his date. Now we 12 have a restaurant on the shipyard area and now we qualify because we have a restaurant. We feel if it is good for one all. Either they all come down or all are allowed. signs being curtailed is excellent. Size and what they have on them is paramont importance to the community. This curtailment on where they should put them and what is on them should be left to the Town Board. I do not think there needs to be a law. We all need signs, all businessmen, to exist. At the last New York Boat Show I dare say we put out 5,000 postcards advertising this area. People have called from New York City saying they are coming out and call me from Mattituck asking how to find the place and then end up in the competitor~ yard. I think this is the problem of all businessmen in the area. MR. HERMAN LIEBLEIN, Southold: W e have been spending $3,000 to $5,000 advertising in the area for the past 17 years and we have a sign I am sure everyone has seen and it is non- conforming. I do not want to see that sign come down. I am in favor of the Businessmen's Association and I am a member of the Association. MR. JOSEPH PONTINO, Peconic: Signs are a necessary evil to our free enterprise. Signs should be permitted. MR. HOWARD SCHWARTING, Southold: I was appointed.to represent the Civic Association in this matter and I really got into a hassel. The speeches these businessmen made sounded good to these people who are not familiar with what has gone on here. it is good for The idea of 13 On September 19, 1962, October 3, and October 17 meetings were called by our Supervisor to discuss this matter we are here to discuss tonight. Practically begging Supervisor Albertson to come up with an answer but the result was our Supervisor had to call an adjournment and no further meetings were held that I know of. However, I am sure the Supervisor and the Board discussed this matter. Going back to the Ordinance, it costs 25¢ and can be bought in the Town Clerk's Office. In a residential and agricultural district one of the amendments they are asking you to vote on tonight is Section 300, Paragraph 11, which reads as ~llows: "Signs as provided in Section 408 of this Ordinance when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as herein- after provided." Digest that a moment. Section 408, that is what the whole trouble is. The Civic Association has been trying to keep signs out of the residential areas. In Sections 9 and 10 of Article III it defines that a farmer that is in a residential section can erect a 4 ft. by 6 ft. sign to advertise on his premises. A real estate agent can put up a 3 ft. by 4 ft. sign in a residential area. The 4 ft. by 6 ft. advertising sign is for the sale or lease of agricultural and motels we have maintained that we those businessmen from advertising. He and signs. But why have monstr~ities? acreage. AS far as marinas do not want to restrict is entitled to advertising I can point out there are two great billboards advertising Mitchell's Restaurant and they are only 400 to 500 feet apart. If you do not restrict this tonight you will have signs all over the c~ntryside. There 14 is a State Penal Law that says you or any taxpayer can go along and take down signs in the highway and I have done it in Southwood. The Businessman has been given five years to come up with a recommendation and when they have been asked for their recommenda- tions they say they will go back and talk it over. Then they want a sign 10 ft. by 8 ft., 10 ft. by 12 ft. and 10 ft. by 15 ft. and way over that. You people are the judge as to whether you want it or not. A bill was put up in Albany by the people on the New York State Thruway. They had notified all the people on the Thruway that something had to be done about the signs. ~he bill was defeated and the signs must come down. I have fought this thing with the Businessmen and I have discussed it with the Board of Appeals and Town Board and nothing has been done. Thank you Mr. Supervisor. MR. GEORGE PENNY, Mattituck: A while ago a question was asked of Mr. Young by the Civic Association as to how many members he represents. How many members are in the Civic Association? MR. SCHWARTING: There are I believe 601 paid members of the Southold-Peconic Civic Association, and we represent the people of the Southold-Peconic Area. However we are for all the people in the Town of Southold. MRS. GRACE LEWIS, Southold: How many of the 600 members are also members of the Businessmen's Association? MR. SCHWARTING: That I cannot people, businessmen and others. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: answer. We represent all Is there anyone here in opposition? 15 MR. ROBERT H. TRUBENBACH, Southold: In listening to all the comments it seems that we are losing sight of the fact whether this is good for the community or not, or is it good for a certain group. As a resident of Southold I am reminded of a trip to Atlantic City. I asked myself, "I hope Atlantic City is not as trashy as the road is." Then last Sunday I took a good look at the sign s~uation along the Island during a ride to Selden and you know how trashy that is. These business people forget that we of the Civic Association are residents also. We are the ones they should try and reach. I wonder how many of them have bought anything as a result of reading a billboard? I don't believe signs are as important as they want us to believe. I do not thin~ it is as important to them. As far as signs that were up before this started, they should be allowed to die off. I think we should keep in mind the community and not the appeasement of small groups. MR. HAYWOOD COOK, Southold: Every week I read in the local paper about people who want a variance. I think by giving variances it loses its effect. how it effects them adversely. and still be heard? down the zoning act. I want to know from the Businessmen Is it possible they can not advertis, I don't believe we should continually break Everyone appreciates our section here, it is residential and beautiful. Just going down the main highway it is spoiled. I don't think the people want that here. The reason people come out here is because we are different. 16 MRS. NELSON CHAPMAN, Orient: I belong to neither group. I'm not a new-comer but an old-comer. Many years ago I used to tell people in Jersey and Rhode Island that I visited on Long Island and the people were envious. Now when I say I am from Long Island people either look indifferent or sorry for me and you know that as well as I. Be honest, Southold has always been a gem and Orient with its very few signs has been the gemiest. Across the beach between East Marion and Orient there ~ nothing that can equal it. You can see why I love Vermont. I am torn between Orient and Vermont. Vermont has just about no billboards. At one time there was a campaign by the women in Vermont and they introduced a mailing system saying "Come to Vermont and see our billboards." We could have a sign as you come into Mattituck saying, "Come to Southold Town and see our huge, gigantic, stupendous billboards." I like all the business people. How many people here tonight are business people? I bet three-fourths of them are. Of course you want signs as they do a great deal of good. There are places where there is a sign as you come into a town telling who is who and where they are. Possibly Southold Could do that. Maybe the Chamber of Commerce. Perhaps you feel that is not the Yankee thing to do and you want a sign bigger than your neighbor. I sympathize with the people who think that they cannot get along without bilt~ boards. I do not think anyone can think that we want to restrict. No one wants to put anything contaminating and dirty on a billboard. The question is taste. Mr. Radford spoke about rights. I took a poll in Orient among my friends and most said "I wouldn't buy a thing I saw on a billboard." Maybe they are my kind of people and other kind of people feel differently. I am discouraged. Maybe most of my kind of people move out and most of your kind of people move in. I can still go back to Vermont. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Mrs. Chapman said we have too many signs. If we have one we have to allow everyone. Mr. Trubenbach said we need directional signs but if we allow directional signs we must allow other types of signs. Is there anyone else in opposition ? MR. NELSON AXIEN, Peconic: I might start by saying that I have quite a number of contacts. I come in contact with a great number of New York people. There is a unanimity of people against this proposal that is being considered. With its adoption it would throw Southold wide open to signs. I do not know what people would want signs on all four sides of a building. I do not think even the business people want this. Also, signs in the residential area. Even the outdoor advertising people are against this. So we are throwing open areas which these professional people are against. There has been such a drastic change on the part of the Town Board and others that I would like to know what facts have changed that would produce this change of heart? I am going to read some of the facts from the Townrecords. There was a recommendation one year ago, May 10, 1962 by the Planning Board. The Planning Board is supposed to see into the future. They can deal in fundamental things and project ideas. The recommendation 18 of the Planning Board is required before the Town Board can advertise a public hearing such as this evening. They made a complete switch from a year ago. "The Planning Board feels that it would be a serious mistake to repeal Section 1002, Article X, of the Building Zone Ordinance. This would allow all non-conforming signs to obtain a permit, without any regulation. In other words any non-conforming sign might be sold, rented to any person or agency or used for any purpose." The Town Board, Planning Board and Board of Appeals have met several times in joint sessions to go over this problem and they decided they would appoint a committee of five to study this problem. I read from that report: "The sign provisions of all sections of the Ordinance are satisfactory. Every section has ample provision for relief in cases where an applicant seeks a variation by means of a special exception. As an example in nearly five years only one request was made b/; a billboard firm. Marina, restaurant and motel directional signs have been granted and guides set forth in the Ordinance have where the standards been complied with. Shopping center signs have been granted, as well as directional signs for churches and temporary civic or amusement enterprises. * * * As a top priority this Committee recommends that whatever sections of the Ordinance are applicable at that time be enforced without any exceptions and that the public be notified in a manner to be decided, of the intent to enforce." On February 16, 1962 the sign committee met at a joint 19 meeting having completed its studies and submitted the recommendation that the sign provision of the Ordinance is satisfactory. At this meeting an informal vote was taken by the members of the Town Board, Planning Board and Board of Appeals and 12 were in favor of enforcing the Ordinance and three were against. MR. MARTIN SUTER, Mattituck: information? You say that vote is informal vote. was Where do you get that a Town record but it was an MR. AXIEN: Ido not say that was in the records. I say it an informal vote. The feeling of the Planning Board is a complete reversal. I can understand if a lot of time elapsed and things changed, but I cannot see how. On July 2, 1962 it was decided at one point and a letter was printed in the local news- paper office to be sent out and all of a sudden there was a hold complete change in the thinking here. Some direction and then reverse themselves completely on it. There was a people think in one 80 degrees. MR. ROBERT W. GILLISPIE, of the Board of Appeals. As has not changed its decision as far as signs. apparently has. MR. ARCHIBALD N. YOUNG, Southold: JR., East Marion: I am the Chairman far as I know the Board of Appeals The Planning Board I am a member of the I was concerned personally 12 who voted to enforce is enforcable and we would have meeting and other meetings. As far as when we voted 12 to 3 I was one of the the Ordinance. I think this Planning Board. We have attended pretty nearly every joint 2O been a good deal better off if this was enforced before this time. We only make recommendations. The Town Board is in the driver's seat. I am pretty nearly pooped as far as fighting Town Hall and that is why there was a reversal as to the vote.we took at a joint meeting. MR. ARNOLD LARSEN, Peconic: W~en the Zoning act was passed it was with a very broad base. W/aere the property would be either residential or farming it was "A". There are busines~Swhich now exist and should continue to exist and no one should confuse the understanding of the total zoning law. I did not assume that all signs in Southold should be taken down and removed after five years. The lady said there are no signs in Orient. There are no traffic lights at the end of a dead-end street either. We are business and residential and there will be more residences than business people because we have to serve a great number of residences rather than business. Signs are put up on someone elses property because they have something to sell. I came here to listen and I am confused. MR. SCHWARTING: This gentleman is in the real estate business. He is covered in the Ordinance and the other business people are also covered. I concur with the Planning Board. MR. C. L. BECKER, Southold: Couldn't there be some sort of sign made for the businesspeople that are on the North Fork area and keep all these other signs out of the area that are not doing business? Coke signs and so forth? I don't think they are against real estate and motel signs but they are againstbig 21 billboards such as Dodge cars and so signs that. forth. They can have their on their buildings. I don't think the people are against I think there should be some sort of set thing for the people on the North Fork area. Ail my business went to the people on the North Fork area and not outside. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I don't think it is constitutional to tell a person what they can put on a sign. 5~R. DAVID DRISCOLL, Southold: I don't think people read signs anyway. There are several'ho smoking" signs in this room and I see quite a few people..smoking. DR. C. ROHBOM, Southold: A long time ago the voice of the people spoke in a democratic fashion. When this ordinance was passed it was done in a democratic way and it was passed two to one. If any change is to be made it should be done by referendum. Let the voice of the people be heard. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: That would be illegal. This ordinance was not passed by vote of the people. The Town Board passed it on their own. However there were meetings with the people to see how they would feel about it. DR. ROHBOM: Your predecessor took a vote in each school district at the time it was passed. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: It was a hearing of this nature. MRS. CHAPMAN: How many people wrote to you about this issue tonight? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I have about 55 letters. MRS. CHAPMAN: How many pro and con? 22 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Most of them were in favor of the continuance of Section 1002. At the end of their letters they say "We realize people need signs but we think 1002 I have telegrams and letters. MR. EDWIN PRELLWITZ, Peconic: I think that I was one of the residents that needled zoning into existence. I was a member of the Board of Appeals in Warwick for six years prior to coming here. I W55 a chairman of a committee for the Civic Association that Planning looked into and worked on a sign report for the Town/Board. Mr. Young's comment ~ agree with. As far as the word "reasonable", that produced difficulty, but we left reasonabtness to the Town Board. The committee was not a group of idealists by any means. I had experience as a land planner. Other members were Stephen Campbell, of Camel Cigarettes, Mr. Bittner an operator of a restaurant in Cold Sprin~s. We know signs are part of the individual success of any area. Directional, service and display or big billboards. The first two should have a place in the economic development of a town but the later class do not belong in this area at all. As for, the dilemmathe Town Board is in now, perhaps this can be placed on the master planners and held in abeyance until that phase is carried out. Our zoning ordinance has grown through trial and error. to go signs signs on should be continued." It was a very good way to start. into the final stages df is the signs on the sides the back Now I think we are ready it. The only comment on the building of the buildings. Very few want of their buildings. Signs are very often 23 legitimate provided it is a legal location. to that is extending the extent from 75% to SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: many signs? MR. PRELLWITZ: The only objection 100%. You suggest 75% of the extent? How That depends on the logic of the situation. There are so many signs that are objectionable to our towns further to the west beyond Riverhead that we want to plan as well as we canto avoid it happening here. As Mrs. Chapman said an attractive community is definitely good business. They want to live here and if they come and live here they will spend here. They could also in the long run harm the prosperity of a community. MRS FRED YOUNG: On the restrictions of signs. Perhaps I was wrong when I came out so strong without know,W~oackground. If not there had/been an attempt to restrict signs I would not be here tonight. It happened to me when I made an application to the Board of Appeals. I was told what I may and may not put on my sign. This I will fi~htas long as I can. This I will not compromis on. As I said before the Businessmen believe in keeping the Town nice. There should be control but not complete control, we need freedom. I have all the Ordinances in the other townships. They all have sign ordinances. You could look at them and see how they are enforced. Some have broken down. If we fight the community it is going to suffer. It was said businessmen refused to put in a recommendation on the size of signs and other items that we feel should be included in the sign ordinance. Mention 24 was made about the Thruway. At 65 miles per hour a sign on the Thruway is distracting. You will find that the land they were taking signs from was under easement by the State of New York. That is an entirely different situation. As things are progressing in this country you can expect tax increases in this township. Business bears a strong portion of taxes. (Mr. Young was asked to tell those present what the recommendation of the Businessmen's Association to the Town Board was.) MR. YOUNG: 1. Incorporate the following points in the ordinance: No sign or billboard shall be erected at a point where it would obstruct or interfere with the clear view of a train upon an intersecting railway or of another vehicle on the same or intersecting highway or at a point where it will interfere with safety; or within 5 feet of the outside edge of the right of way of any public road; within 100 feet adjacentto a cemetery, public park, school, playground, church, railway station, or a place of historical interest. No sign or billboard shall be erected exceeding 25 feet in length or 12 feet 6 inches in height, or within a reasonable distance of any other billboard. (Many seemed to be suprised at the size, 25 ft. by 12 ft. 6 in.) MR. YOUNG: That is only 25% of the size that is allowed in Riverhead. (Those present said this is not Riverhead but Southold.) MR. YOUNG: We favor consolidated signs on principal 25 intersections where more than one business requires a sign for directional purposes such signs should be consolidated on a co- operative basis. I am not a lawyer but I have been ~bsorbing quite an amount about these ordinances. These ordinances are actually based on police powers. The safety, welfare and morals and health is the basis. If you comply with that you can make it stick. A great many here have gone beyond that and if they do there is I would like you to consider that regardless of what the ~wn Board does unless these two groups get together. trouble MR. HERBERT ROSENBERG, Southold: I have been close to this sign matter since the first day of the Ordinance. I was a member time. Everyone was granted one or two or three signs. The only restriction was that Mr. Young asked for a sign and it was granted and he was told he could put on his sign exactly what everyone else was permitted. The name of the organization was allowed and he was also allowdd other things that others were not. W~en this question came up with the combined Boards, the of every committee of the Board of Appeals for six years The reports Mr. Axien read and other people read I think that Mr. Albertson will agree that these reports were completely unbiased. I would like to correct just one or two misstatements. The Goubeaud sign is a legal sign, an exception was given by the Board because they had no place to put up a standing siqn and a second wall sign was allowed. We made no attempt to restrict. Every marina and shipyard was granted a reasonable number of signs. 26 Businessmen's Association meetings Mr. Schwarting agreed that no business representative attented the three spoke about. Nothing was done but it was signs would be erected within 300 feet of a residence, and if a residence came within 300 feet the sign would be removed within one year. That was one of the compromises that was effected at that time. Any business house that wanted one business qign off premises or two they would be allowed a sign. There was never a question of surpressing any business si~n on his property. He is allowed a sign completely across the front of his building 81 sq. ft. and a detached sign from the building on his property, any part of the property, five feet back. from the front property line. He can also put up a sign provided it does not reach higher than the peak of the building. Since the ordinance was enacted in April 1957 any businessman has been granted a sign provided he meets the standards of the Ordinance. Up to December 31, 1962 when ~ left the Board, between i10 and 119 signs have been granted for signs off their premises because there was a good reason for them. I will not argue any of these things. in the record. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: work you have put in. Those are the facts and they are of time I want to thank you for the hours/and MR. BECKER: but he does not bring up these big signs. on them? MR. These signs have been mentioned by Mr. Rosenberg What about the wording ROSENBERG: The man who rents the billboards may rent to anyone they want to. MR. BECKER: It has been said this is unenforcable. Can you give an instance and history of why this is true? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: We have been in the process of study and that is the reason why. When the date came along to enforce there was so much question on this an~the businessmen and Planning Board wanted time to study this and we have not been able to enforce because we are in a process of study. STANLEY CORWIN, ESQ., Greenport: I live in the village an of Greenport where the Ordinance is not effective. I am/attorney and I can't advertise and I don't advertise anyone but myself. You yourself have indicated that even those people who seem to be against signs in general have acknowledged that the economy nBeds signs. We are talking about what is the reason. What is a fair compromise and what signs can be allowed. It seems to me that the resolution you advertised in the paper is the compromise. You have the businessmen on one side and the civic group on the other. You have met with the Planning Board, Board of Appeals and Town Board and representatives of these groups and it is my understanding this was behind closed doors. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will take exception there , however it wasn't an open meeting and not advertised. MR. CORWIN: I think you should tell people that this not Ordinance is/enforcable insofar as conforming signs. ROBERT TASKER, Town Attorney: it concerns areas with non- I will take exception to that. The Ordinance MR. en for~ e is enforcable. CORWIN: As you have all taken oaths of office to the Ordinance why don't you do it? There have been a number of cases before the justices for a long time but none have decisions. I think you should go on what the can do and what reasonable people say you can do. right to this police action as to safety and welfare. you will think about it a little more. MR. PAUL MURPHY, As for repealing, that means against it for the record. law says you You have a I hope President, Brower's woods Civic Association: indiscriminate signs and we are MR. TRUBENBACH: From the the Board of Appeals, they are discussions we have had before in an awful tight spot. There of Appeals: The Board of Appeals is in a tight spot on signs. Restrictions arose out of the fact that we restrict information as to public interest. We found one or two cases that supported us. On the question of advertising signs in general, they, according to the way the Ordinance is written cannot be off business premises. A"special exception"is a misnomer. It should be'~pecial permit," if you meet certain conditions. I would be the first to defend the right of anyone to speak freely. We were acting within what we thought were the limits we could act. Sc~eone here has suggested that all of this be turned over to the makes exceptions for one it would have to have it for all. ROBERT W. GILLISPIE, JR., Chairman, Southold Town Board is a law that is definitly on certain books that if the Board 29 Town Board a~d I would like to secondGe motion. MR. DAVID DRISCOLL: Looking at that flag behind you I hope that the word "censorship" is not being ~t into the record if I hope the word "restrictions" can be used there is a record. instead. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I agree with you. The word "restriction" should be used hereafter and the record shall be corrected. MRS. MURIEL TAIT, Southold: I started my business four years ago and a sign was prepared and Mr. Pemberton made it. I have a number on it and apparently it conforms. I am happy with the sign and the business and it seems to me other business firms would be satisfied with a sign of that type. It says everything that I have to sell. I think the boat yards in the Town could have equally pretty signs. I feel this type of sign is an asset to the Town in general. I do not believe we should have signs 25 ft. long. I am on the North Road. I am perfectly willing to conform to the restrictions. My sign has produced enough business to support me and my employees and is an asset to the Town in general. MR. GIL~ISPIE: The sign is on a business property and she herself restricted what is on the sign. DR. DOROTHY BAUER: How many business signs off your premises, ~o you have, Mrs. Tait? MRS. TAIT: I do not have any. MR. CARL VAIL, Southold: Doesn't Haven't you a very specific business or has? it~flect the business. franchise that no one else 3O MRS. TAIT: I have a very ordinary type of business a boat yard or dress shop, I sell tableware. MR. VAIL: But don't you have a Wedgewood franchise, only one around? MRS. TAIT: There DR. CLAUS ROBOF~4: on the North Fork? MR. VAIL: Yes, Huntington. COMMANDER KENNETH: such as the is also one in Stoney Brook. Are there any other Cadillac dealers Southampton. There is also one in I am referring to directional signs. I have one general advertising sign. I was at the Town Clerk's Office and they said there was no need to put in for a sign as it would be turned down. I could have been wrong. I am not a member of the Businessmen's Association or Civic Association, I speak on my own. I agree with the business people and the civic people. We need to curtail signs in the area because we do not want to spoil the residential area. Agriculture is a source of our income but in the last ten years we are not in the same position I am 2~ miles in one direction and 3½ in another from the highway and I noticed a sign for my competition that was on a piece of property that was not theirs. I have only sold two boats to people in the area in the last year and the remainder were to outside people. Four of these people bought homes in the area. Business has to live and people have to live. I own a home in the area. I do feel business has a right to advertise what they sell and where they sell it and have some method of putting 31 it across to the public. I have spent a great deal of money advertising in the area. MRS. RUTH ROSENBERG, Southold: In this proposal in changing the Zoning Ordinance, why are signs to be permitted in the "A" zone without any limit as to nearness to houses? This is a drastic change in the ordinance. As a resident I would like to know the reason. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: This does sign in the residential area from 6 We are dealing with the use of land. not reduce the size of a ft. 6 in. to 12 ft. 6. ino We don't feel it is our prerogative to be able to have. tell business how many signs they can MRS. ROSENBERG: I thought/the ordinance as it stands there is a limit as to how far from a residence a sign can be. MR. HERBERT ROSENBERG: I think what my wife means, isn't there some way in the Ordinance whereby these business signs can not be placed too close to a residence. Theoretically you can put as manysigns on each lot in the Town. MRS. ROSENBERG: W~ny was this put in? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Because we were land rather than the sign as a base. trying to use the MRS. ROSENBERG: Does the Town Board think it to have signs in the residential area? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Only by special Board of Appeals. MRS. ROSENBERG: W~y do we need signs is advantageous exception of the in the residential area? in residential° SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: is 95%. MR. BECKER: couldn't residential? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: RADFORD: Because we have 95% of the area in the Town That is the reason why, kecause it you separate agriculture from That is something for the master plan. MR. VAIL: professional planners in laying SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Yes. MR. VAIL: Why couldn't we wait will it take? I understand the Town has sought the services of out our town. for their report~ I asked the same question. How long or altered to accomodate or make provisions for more than twenty (20) families on one (1) acre of ground or more than a proportional number of families on a fractional part of any acre of land, based on the requirements as outlined above." That is the density I would like to read Section 407: "In the no building shall hereafter be erected less dead-locked° in the meantime and see what happens? MR. SCHWARTING: "B" Business District, SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I was told between 18 and 24 months. MRS. BERYL EPSTEIN: ~ne meeting is more or Might we continue for another couple of years and permit only directional signs to be put up? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: We could not do that I am afraid. MRS. EPSTEIN: Then could we try enforcing it for one year of population section, amendment to the density of signs in the business district. Could an Ordinance be considered for the same reason - per acre or mile? The setback feature is very good. I think in listening to these people talk about this, they are afraid of an amendment of Section 11 of the residential sign section. They are afraid there is going to be some abuses. We have a very fair Board of Appeals. As the gentlemen from the shipyard stated, if he presented his case as a hardship case they would probably go along with it. MR. TRUBENBACH: The thing most are afraid of is the changes from "A" to "B". In time there will be business areas established. The people who are farmers, there is a tight squeeze. There is competition from other states. They are dividing their land up and requesting new business areas establ~ hed. The thing most are afraid of is this. In time most of the North Road and Main Road will be a business area. The only thing we are afraid of is having a private property owner in a position where signs spill over onto our areas and we will be confronted with signs in front yards. That seems to be the main thing here° I would suggest that Mr. Albertson get with the Planning Board and see if they can't move a little faster on the master plan. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else? MR. ALBERT SILKWORTH, Matt±tuck: I have been inbusiness in Southold Town for 50 years and during that time my signs have been more than 2/3 of my income. When you come to signs setting back 35 feet, a farmer will not allow you to set back 35 ft. He 34 can't plow around it. MR. ALVAH GOLDSMITH, Southold: There are several things that impressed me very much. We are all agreed no one wants to do anything rash. The thing is as I see here we are never going to get to first base unless the people are behind what we do. No laws or regulakions are going to work unless the people are behind them. Great restrainment and refinement and care and judgment should be used in location of signs in this town from n~ on. I think you can leaqe this to public opinion if we do not work too fast. Don't put on any restrictions too~st. I don't think we need the blatant signs we have in the town. Mrs. Tait's sign is in good taste. Possibly have a contest by the school children to design a sign for Southold Town that business men could use. I think in Southold Town the large sign is going out by public opinion. MR. GILLISPIE: There are over 2500 signs in the town and at least 2000 of them are non-conforming. Suppose we held hearings for these 2000 signs. It would take at least a year to hear them all and all of the business of the Board of Appeals would have to wait. If Section 1002 is repealed that in effect freezes 2000 signs. AT the blinker light I found a sign ~ did not know existed, a big sign hidden behind two billboards. The way it is going now it is still left in doubt, it seems to me you can do nothing but lead to a reaction. the State Highway to come in and take highway area. In one town they asked down the signs in the We have had occasions where we denied a sign and 35 it was erected at the same location on Town property. MRS. HELEN BERGEN; Mattituck: What percentage of the non- conforming signs were in existence and how many have been put up since without anyone asking permission? MR. HOWARD TERRY, Building Inspector, Town of Southold: The biggest amount were up before Zoning. MR. PRELWITZ: From what I have heard both the Planning Board and Board of Appeals are not in favor of repealing 1002. for MR. FRED YOUNG: I would like to go on record/the Businessmen's Association as being opposed to the first sectic~ that would provide signs in the residential area. MR. EDWIN KING, Orient: What property of Sou thold Town is classified as residential area? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: The undeveloped area as we have now which is about 95%. We have 113 acres of commercial area that presently isn't developed. We have 13,000 acres of farm land in Southold Town and this is residential. If you don't want signs erected in residential areas with no signs. MRS. PRELWITZ: Don't you think repeal Section 10027 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: against? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: at this time for the further there will be an awful lot of area it would be a mistake to Is there anyone else either for or Hearing none we will close the hearing deliberation of the Town Board. * * * 10:15 P.M. 36 THE FOLLOWING LETTERS WERE RECEIVED IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSAL: A~ Edward Conover, Secretary, Lillian Redden Mrs. Helen Madden Stephen E. Campbell Alfred E. Dart Lillian & Arthur Jacobson Willard K. Vanderbeck George Merrick Tisdate Ernest L. Sauer Harold G. Wilkins Joseph C. Heppa Clara S. Long Mr. & Mrs. John Feldis Herb. J. Adler, Jr. NelSon Axien Edith V. Webb Jerome Polatnick Selma Polatnick A. H. Dardiri Lucille Dardiri F. F. Cobet Ann Davis Arch Davis Estelle Adams (Mrs. Edward Adams) August A. Fink Robert W. Thompson Hugh J. Stern Ruth ~. Lipman Clement W. Booth Samuel Epstein W. G. Albertson, President, Armand M. Rose Philip F. Betz Ethel ~.Betz Harold E. Tuthill Almet R. Latson Ann Waltz Agnes B. Van Nostrand Hamilton Cochran Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Nelson, Jr. Grace V. N. Van Kleeck F. N. Taylor P. E. Dunham Margaret Baumgartner Lillian Brac Louise Overton day Winthrop H. Kellogg Matthew J. Lyons Lawrence T. Waitz Southwood Property Owners Assoc., Inc. Southold-Peconic Civic Association 37 William J. Bayha Mrs. JohnDo Cook Margaret Conover William J. Miller Julia Overton Bell Mrs. Dorothy Ball Jacques Weber Ann Hallock Currie-Bell Leo Roon Peg Katzenberg Kay Salmon Josephine M. Flack Arthur W. Jones Mrs. John A. Lennon Gilbert H. Schuster Vincent J. Cunningham Joanne Jo Brooks Harold G. Sabin & wife Dr. Alfred J. Marston Arend H. Sievers Mrs. John R. Alden Anthony Cassar THE FOLLOWING LETTERS ASK FOR FURTHER STUDY OF THE Mrs. Armand MD Rose Bill &lbertson Mrs. Walter Kluge Bob Rothman PROPOSAL: THE FOLLOWING LETTERS ARE IN FAVOR OF SIGNS: Fred Fredricksen Indian Neck Lane Peconic, L.I., N.Y. Mr. Lester Albertson Town Supervisor Southold, L.I., N.Y. Dear Sir: According to the posted notices there will be on Tuesday, April 9th a hearing regarding the signs in our tow~. I would like to let you know, first my opposition to any extension allowing all non-complying signs to remain until January 31, 1963 and second, to express my belief that the zoning ordinance as enacted five years ago should be enforced, and not changed. As you know, tourism and recreation as a unit is a major re- source of the area. In view of the fact that additional signs will only spoil the attractiveness of the quiet township, the purpose of allowing signs will be to diminish the biggest income-producing industry. In addition, the inherent damage to life and properties of signs so on the highways as in towns was clearly demonstrated in recent studies by New York State and the Federal Government, which show that vehicular accidents are many rims due to the signs on the highways. Until the comprehensive master plan for the ares is prepared and submitted for approval, I would urge you to enforce the zoning ordinance which prohibits the erection of any additional signs. AJM: rk 'COMe TO SHELTER ISLAND ~Or A REAL vACATION" ~. CARD Tel. SO 8-B770 Es~bIished 1918 DAVID A. RO~THMAN, Prop. ROBEP, T H. ROTHMAN, C~eM. Mgr. ROTHI IAN S D£PARTI IE:NT STORE: SnUTHOLD, L, I,, hi, Y, April 9, 196~ C~ener*l Electric Major App!iances iTeJevision -- Radios M~ytag W~shers Speed Que~n Washers Singer Sewing Machines Roy~/I Portable Typewrffers Bo+Is Luggage S~mmons Beaufy Res+ Bedding ~ngbnder Bedding Arms+rang ,Flooring Delf~ Power Tools Furnffure D~ysfrom Bkkf Sefs Lloyd Bkfsf Sefs Olympic Stero Phonos A. G. Speulding A+h. Goods ~ish[ng T~ckJe Dear Supervisor Alberteon, ! regret that because of the Passover am unable to attend t~ie hearing. However take a minute to express my sentiments. The ox~y of tear down the eigne is far from new. 81gne and bill~oarde spell commercialism over the oou~2y side to be sure but let us face it. Oommerolal- ism is a vital part of our economy and appears here to stay. It ia with us in our printed matter, our radio, cum television and on ou~ highways. To try and turn the countryside back to a pximative virgin state would be somewhat difficult to say the least. Furthmore, if you tear down the obJeotionnble signs today, will you not get ~equeete to tear down the objectionable houses or stores or business dwellings tomorrow? I believe that reasonableness shoul~ prevail. Rather than disorimate against anyone let ua regulate rather than abolish. I should like to suggest that a committee representing ~oth business and home owners be appointed to appraise each disputed case. The findings could than be presented to the individuals in question for action. ! can't conceive of a responsible business- ~an ignoring the combined opinions of such a group when suggestions or requests for improvement arise. would gladA~yvolunteer my time to help with such Divln9 & W.ter Sports equlpt, a comtttee. C~uns -- AmmunTt~on ?h~n~. yOtle Perfection Space He~ters Columbia Bicycles Bob Ro thman Old Harbor Road New ~uffolk, N.Y. A~ril 8, 19~3 ~outhold Towm ?oard Oouthold To~mship ~outhold, New York I wish to urge you strongly to defeat any relaxing of the town's ordinances concerning signs. It seen to me that we sre surrounded by examples of what can happen in a tourist area when barriers are let down on out-door advertising. Our North Fork in most places still has a beauty and charm that we ~houl~ try to maintain. It is difficult to th~nk of anyt?ling that would destroy that beauty and charm more quickly than a multiplicity of sigr~. VJC/h Post Office Box Southold, L.I., New York April 8, 1963 Mr. ~ster Albertson, Supervisor Town of Southold Greenport, L.I., New York Dear Mr. Albertson: This is in relation to the proposal of the Southeld Town Board to allow erection of signs on any lot~ vacant or improved,anywhere in the residential zone° As property owners and people w~m would like to maintain the residential diatricts of Southold in their original appeal to local townspeople and newcomers, we are strongly opposed to repealing and/or amending Section lO02. The liberalization and the freedom to erect signs should not at all be allowed in residential districts° It should also at all times be regulated in other areas. Yours very truly A. H. Dardiri Lucille Dardir~ KAY TERRY SAL~ON SOUTHOLD, LONG ISLAND, N. Y, DR. LAWRENCE T. WALTZ MAIN ROAD 5OUTHOLD, I~EW YORK April 7,1963 Supervisor ~es~er Albertson Office of the Supervisor Greenport,N.Y.~ Dear ~uper~isor Albertson: It has come to my attention that there will be a hearing on changing the zoning ordinance concerning signs. We.all love Bouthold because it is beautiful and simole. It is like a bit or'New England transported to Long Island. This lovely appearance should not be changed. Not only do we who live here enjoy this beauty but each year many tourists and bummer residents do also. For those who are worried about business and the need for more and larger signs to bring them more business; I believe that in so doing they would destroy the very thing that now brings Summer trade here. To see for yoursel~ what I am trying to state you simply have to drive East from our village towards Greenport past the fishing statior~where one can hardly see our lovely bay for all the billboards. If each business has one sign in front of its establishment it will be on an equal basis with all other such businesses in the area. Therefor, I hone that you will vote against this change or amendment. ~. 71~ Sincerely, PHILIP F. BETZ, D.D. YOUNGS AVENUE EXT. 6acJ~ to u--J on JJ~e proceea52n4.~ b~ Z/',e me'e~SO%~ ~ Oe ,,~d on more .~z~o~ ~t~ ~,~C ~ ?:z~ c~ ~]~ o~d~z i~d ~ a /~d:,.e~d~ze o~ 5~ao~ <~ ~cr~rce ~]~e ~,, ~ ~ ~ w~. Keep So~ ' I --f 11 ANTHONY T. C~,$SAR THEATRE AND AMUSEMENT SERVICE EMPLOYEES LOCAL ~la No. 54 z · r.~ ~ _4 · ~' · .n c I o AVeNU~ ~ ~ w Y 0 ~ K ~ *, N. Y. COlumbus 5-6556 TH[ODORE BURTON HOWARD CHAIKEN Vice P~esldenl Sec. TPeas. C HARL~S PRICE April 5, 1963 The Southold Town Board Office of the Supervisor Greenport, Long Island, N. Y. Gentlemen: Since 7our organization will meet on April 9th to endeavor a repeal of the law, Section 1002, which requires the removal of all mno~thorized billboards end signs which were erected before 1957, and were to be removed five years later, or on April 1st. 1962. They still remain, and your Board proposes to have them remain indefinitely. As a member of the Community and one who is very much interested not only in its progress but in maintaining the natural beauty of the countryside, I wish to let it be known that I am emphatically against any obstruction of our natural scenery and the spoiling of same by commercial signs which may, redound in commercial advantage, but fail the surroundings ecstatically, and ultimately ruin its suburban advantages from a living standpoint. Trusting that you will take into consideration my plea for the maintenance of our community so that it will be a Joy to all who visit 8nd live there, I remain AC/K Very truly yours, Southold, N. Ts AREND H. SILVERS Old North Road Southold, N. Y. ' W $TERN :ION ~ ~'~ SYMBOLS ""/' C£ASS o* SERVICE This is a fast message DL=DayLetter unless its deferred char- NL=Night Letter ..... is indi .... d by the TELEGRAM ,,o, c4_60, ,T ional proper symbol. ,~ = Letter Tetegra '~ ~' W.P. MARSHALL .......... , mf The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point o~ desti This is a fast message unless its deferred char- acter is indicated by the proper symbol. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE NL=Night Letter TELEGRAM .0, ,,_.,.LT=[ ....... ional W. P. MARSHAL~. PR~e~D~N~ ~ Letter Telegram~ The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrms is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I ..!,. ....................... V! ,D ! i.t ,! · THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE DR. WILLIAM 41-40 - 63rd STREET WOODSIDE 77, NEW YORK HAROLD E, TUTHILL ~.OLITHE]LD, L, I.~ N,Y. Southold To~,~n Board South Street Greenport, N.Y. Orient, i~ew York April 5, I963 Dear Sirs: As I will be unable to attend your public meeting on April 9, I ~ v~iting to call to your attention the rapidly increasing interest throughout the United States in preserving v~atever is left of the natural beauty spots, and in keeping the atmosphere of charming co~uniti~s. The travel sections of newspapers and magazines constantly advise readers of places where lovliness is preserved. Tourists ~1± tell you o~' their hunt for countryside unspoiled by billboards and ugliness. Those places that have eliminated billboards and have kept the beauty of the surroundings have had fantastic success in attracting hordes of tourists-- more and more every year. This is a national trend that is growing by leaps and bounds. Should our billboards be preserved, I feel that our town board would be looking backwards instead of forwards, and would be sho?tsightedly helping to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Sincerely 5 April, 1963 Mr. Lester Albertson Southold Town Supervisor Office of the Supervisor Greenport, L.I., New York Dear Let: I strongly oppose the repeal of Section 1002 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Southold relating to un- authorized bill boards and signs. These bill boards and signs are in general a disgrace to the community, tasteless and dangerous since they in many cases impede the view of roads, etc. Certain signs under proper control both from the esthetic and safety standpoint could be tolerated. How- ever, a repeal of Section 1002 would legitimize a condition which should not be permitted. The basic idea that unauthorized signs should be removed is strongly to be supported. If signs are necessary, and I see very little value for the community in them, at least there should be re- strictions on their size, content and location. I also oppose allowing buildings to have signs on all four walls. The community is presently an attractive one but I see no reason in letting it degenerate into a waste- land of commercial words and timber. Very truly your s, P. O. Box 308 Southold, L.I., iN. Y. Mrs. F]o~ :trd F. Katzenbcr~ 45 Gr:~mcrcy Pat'i~ Ne':¥ ¥orL I*, N. Y. ~ACQUE$ WEBER 6o BRADFORD ROAD SCARSOALE, NEW YORK April 4th, 1963 Mr. Lester Albertson, Supervisor South Hold, L.I., New York Dear Mr. Albertson: I would like to go on record on the subject of bill boards on which there will be a public hearing on April 9th, 1963. As a property owner in your Village I think anything you can do to REDUCE the number of bill boards will enhance the attractiveness of the Village. Bill board advertising reduces the value of property and will destroy the beauty of our Village. Just look at the slum atmosphere prevailing at Port of Egypt. JW: dj Sincerely yours, ~Jacqu~s Weber 4 ~pril 1963 l~r Lester ~lbertson Southold Town Board ~reenport N Y ~,,~r ~hlbe rt son, Provisions of the Zoning 0r~inance as state8 in Section 1002 were applauded by residents of Southold Town when the law was passe~. Unsightly signs and billboards ad~ nothing to the charm of our town, and in effect, null- ify the efforts of individuals and groups who try to n~in- t~in and improve appearance by roa(~side planting, etc. &ccording to the regulation, the signs shoul~ have been remove~ not later than J~pril 1962. No ~ction h~s been t~ken in 'this direction ~s the sign~till wi~h us. ~nd now an ~endnent is propos~8~ to permit the erection of more signs, including the u~e of four w~lls of any business building. This proposal is ~stonishing in view of the original ~ction of the Town Board in a(iopting the original ordinance. ~ '/Je all realize that changes in' zoning laws ~re necessary as time passes and as the need arises. Is this a need. o ~kre such signs essential to our welfare? ~:/ill it be expedient now and regrettable five years later? Let's have no more large signs. Let's try to work out a compromise relative to existing ones, with ~ventual elimination as the objective. I urgently request the Town Board to table repeal of Section 1002 and to oppose the amendment. ~'iany part time residents and taxpayers who have a real interest in this proposition cannot be present at the hearing on ~pril ninth. I will be away on that day and am therefore stating my views to you an~ the Town Boar~, with the knowledge that others who will be absent share my views in this important mat te r. Cordially yours CLEMENT W. BOOTH ~ou~-~o,~. ~.. ,.. ,,,. ,,. 19 Clinton Place, Baldwin, L.I.N.Y. April 4th, 1963. Southold Town Board, Office of the Supervisor, Greenport, L.I., N.Y. Dear Sirs: It has been brought to my attention that there will be a Public Hearing on April 9th, 1963 with reference to the proposed repealing of Section 1002 which required the removal of all unauthorized bill boards and signs erected before 1957. I also understand that the Board proposes an amendment which would permit the erection of a sign $ foot by 4 foot on any lot vacant or improved anywhere in the residential and agricultural zone. I am heartily opposed to the repealing of Section 1002 and any amendments thereto. I own a Cottage in Bayview and have been a summer resident of Southold for the past 30 years. Southold is one of the few places still left on the eastern end of the island with some of the old natural charm. Please leave it this way. Verx truly yours~_-- AUGU~/~'A. FINK ~,~r. l,estem ~,]oertson, BuFervfsor, Town of Soutnold m~.Je in qo]dim:~ :Iow, o~ sf~.'~oo~,fi3 cn th.:.~ North Fork ~ut th3 ~ ~o~osefl ,~,~erflments to the o ~t].dln zone april- l~,',~ should be t:-,v{~ ' to "-' " is ,-'h-~t the amendment F, roposes to [:re~nures of the fe,~,, .~?airst the wishes of the T~t't not fall iuto t'qis error ~.m ~o,zt~.ol~ %Pen 9~vi.s 41 Foster Avenue Valley Stream, Long Island April 4, 1963 Supervisor Albertson To~m of Southold 16 South Street Oreenport, Long Island Dear Sir: As a residential property owner in the Town of Southold I was more than a little dismayed upon learning of the Town Board's proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance with respect to the erection and removal of signs. I was always under the impression that the Supervisor and Board members were elected to serve in the best interests of the Town of Southold. Certainly the proposal to amend Article III and IV and repeal Article X is not in the best interest of the Town. ~ith respect to Article X I would appreciate hearing from you as to why Article X, Section 1OO2 has not been enforced. I understand that all unauthorized billboards and signs erected before 1957 were to be removed by April, 1962. Ma~y are still standing. Is it not the Town Board's responsibility to see that our zoning ordinances are upheld and enforced? I am certain that the residents of Southold do not wish to see their town take on a garish atmosphere. The proposed amendments and repeal constitute the first step in this direction. Respectfully submitted, Copies to: Justice H. A. Clark Justice R. W. Tuthill Councilman L. Demarest Councilman C. Grathwohl Town Clerk A. M. Richmond Southold-Peconic Civic Association 255 SO. FRANKLIN STREET, HEMPSTEAD, N. Y. JVanhoe 3-6984 Florists GEORGE MERRICK TISDALE 4 SUTTON PLACE NEW YORK 22, NEW YORK NEW YORK STOOK EXCHANGE ELEVEN WALL STREET NEW YORK 5, N .Y. WILLA~ D K.VAN DE~BECt~ v,c~,~ April 4, 1963 Town Supervisor Greenport, Long Island New York Dear Sir: As a taxpayer and resident of Southold, I wish to register my protest against the proposal of the Town Board that the unauthorized billboards and signs erected before 1957 be permitted to remain indefinitely. I also wish to protest the amendment which would permit the erection of a sign, two sides if desired, 8 feet by 4 feet on any lot vacant or improved anywhere in the residential and agricultural zone. I also wish to register my strenuous objection to permitting signs across all four walls of any public building in addition to the business signs now allowed. The Town of Southold is a beautiful place of which we all are proud. Some of the signs that are there are serving to mar the beauty of our town and we can well do without them. If the Town Board goes through with these proposals there will be only one result -- the deterioration of a lovely community and the exodus of the kind of people which you and the Town Board undoubtedly want to have as residen~ of the Town. It is my sincere hope that you will do everything in your power to persuade the Town Board not to adopt these proposals. Sincerely yours, SOUTHWOOD PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INc. SOLITHOLO, L. ~., N. ¥. April * ,196~ S~pe~vimer Lam%er M.Al~er%mem Maim ReaA Sea%held, N.Y. Dear Mr. Alber%sem, The Beard ef D~reetera ef this Assecia%lem weald like %e em%e~ a st~e~ pretest a6ai~t repealin~ See%lam 1002 ef the weulA remeve preme~% ~emira~le remt~e%ie~m em a~vertimt~ mica. We kepe yeu will m~ppe~ eur peaitiea. We are im fever el: 1-Eafereemea% If restrie%le~a that have beam en the beaks siaee 19~7. 2-I~previn6 t~e al~pea~anee ef Se~thsld and l%e at%rea%lye plaee %e live-wkieb a~l%ipliea%ien ef will met 3-Iaereami~ t~e m~fe%y ef eur hiShwaym-whieh %~e dimtrae%in~ effeet ef sig~aa will ~et de. · -~iein6 the qmaliSy as well as the velune ef leeal w~lsh +~e e~ea~en$~ effeet ef ~la%an% will ne% ~-Ea%ablish~ a ~epreeen%ative,nem-pell%ieal,vel~eer Bea~i %e pass e~ the lesal~%y and e~%a~llX%7 ef ,x~ati~ er p~peseA si~s,~d te reee~enA exeeptiena la easee whe~ X~previ~ .%~e appea~anee ef eur eennun2%ies and hig~hways is ~eal ~re~ss.Le%~s net ~e ~ae~ar~se Ye~rl very truly, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTHOLD TOWN BUSINESSMEN'S ASSOCIATION Fred W. Young P.O. Box 831 President Southold, N.Y. John Bennett Secretary April 3, 1963 Dear Member: We wish to call your attention to the public hearing to be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Super- visor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on April 9, 1963 at 7:30 P. M. This hearing is in reference to the Town Building zone or- dinance as it concerns signs. Many of our Business people will find these provisions adequate to their needs. Others will find them far short of their needs. As a person doing business in Southold Town, we suggest you check your local paper for the detailed proposals. We urge you to attend the public hearing and let the Town Board hear how you feel regarding the effect this ordinance will have on your business. Please bear in mind this ordinance is another regulation imposed on business. Even if you are indifferent to this par- ticular question, it is imperative that the business people are well represented to insure future consideration. Sincerely, Fred W. Young April 3rd, 1963 Dear Let~ A have hasrd about %heproposed changes in the law~, om billboards and signs. Over the years, as a man in ~he advertising business, ihave ~ed billboards and signs and know their value. ~ve even ~eed elias In this area ~o advertise · srner's chips. I am not in favor of removing all signs erected before 1957 as that might hurt local business, and we are used to these signs. H~ever, I object vigorously to letting d~n ~he present restrictions and permitting any mere billboards to be put up either cn property c~ on buildings. This is an area to which we wiwh to attract more taxpayers and we should keep the a pearance as good aspossible. If we convert it to a place with many billboards and signs, it will meke %he Tow~ look junky and less i~viti~g both to vacat~ists and possible permanent residents. ~ have heard t~at Cape CoO has Just about been ruined ~n appearance due to lack cf restrictions. ~et's be fore- sighted ar~ p~eeeet anything like that here. Sir~ As a pr:~perty o~ne:' arid taxpa?:~c iri the ~o~ of SouPloid (P~conic) 1 vigorously protest repea~.in~ Section 1902 vdiicn r~:.uir~c ~he uemoval of a~l ~giauthorize~ bi,boards, i als) oppose the ~i.~iend- ment. to permit signs on vaclmt Lots or on bus~es~ buil,iings as propose~_~.~z ....... ~. Bilib~rds are ~ly, destroy tliec.~r' ' a of our co~m:~m~ity, che~xpen its appear~ce ~ ~o no except ea~ a few dollars for those o~,ning the locations. i ~u surio~ised that you ~d the other m~mbers o.f the To~ Bo~ra ar~ so iackim~__~__ __~ civic prime as to enter- t~ April 3, 1963 Southold Town Boar~ Office of the Supervisor Greenport, L.I., N.Y. Gentlemen: I was dismayed to learn of the Board's proposal to repeal Section 1002 of the Zoning Ordinance. At a time when communities in m~ny parts of the country are belatedly tx~ing to undo the d~m~ge caused by years of ,,~eetrained billboard construction, it seems distinctl~ ill-advised for our own public officials to recomme~ the repeal ~nd alter- ~tions of regulations designed to conserve the n~tural beauty of our countryside. Most of us who favor controlling the size and disposi- tion of advertising billboax~s ere as aware of the need for business &dvertieing as we are of the need for m~intaining the natural attractiveness of our Town. We san that if some merchants are pe~it~ea to continue the use of l~rge ~ bl~t~t billhooks, the~ wo~a ~ve ~n over ~heir competi~oPe if the l~tter were forced to with the provisio~ of the Oral--ce. ~t if all old-law billboards ~a been ~lterea to oo~o~ wi~h the re~l~tione, auri~ the very~e~te period allowed for such ~11 merch~te wo~a by now be on e~l footi~. None wo~ have the co~erci~ aav~t~ge of outsize aiepla~ boards. ~ the reei~en~ of the Town, ~s well as visitors to would not be f~oea b~ ~sigh~l~ ~d view-blocking signs. Ax~yone who doubts the need for advertising billboard regulations need only travel a short ~istance west on Route 25 to see some frighte~/ng demonstrations of l~ndecape dis- figurement. I hope the members of the Town Boe~ will pay come heed to these nearby examples. I urge that rather than amendin~ or repealing zections of our Zoning 0rdin~nce, the Southold Town Boar~ should start the long-over-due enforce- ment of the regulations. Samuel Epstein Box 1042 Southold, N.Y. Sincerely Yours, ROBERT W. THOMPSON COMPANY April 3, 1963 Southold Town Board Office of the Supervisor Greenport, L.I. Gentlemen~ The writer is the owner of a home on Town t~rbor Lane, Southold. I respectfully submit a request to the Town Board to vote a a~t the ~ of Section 1002 which requires the removal of all illegal sized signs and billboards erected before 1957. I also ask that you oppose the amendment which would permit signs to be placed across all four walls of a business building other than the signs now permitted under the Ordinance. In general, the Zoning Ordinance should be strengthG ened rather than weakened by such amendments, if we are to prevent defacement~of our area. Yours very truly,i'/ April 3, 1963 Box 1132 Peconic, N.Y. De~ T. ester, I believe that our understanding is such that we can speak most frankly on subjects, concerning Sou~hold. With regard to the sign ordinance proposal, I donSt know where the consol ease fram but it is certainly not well considered, or wi~her l~e pressurel but I am convinced it is most unwise to even entertai~ such ideas as ~browing Southold wide open,as such~to t~he sign people and some limited business elements, in favor of wholesale use of signs. I have never heard such ~=~mity of opinion, and I say this very sincerely, against the sign explosion. .This is a phrase taken from t~he population explosion boys. We have too ma~y illegal signs ~aw. They are not a pretty sight. With a growing Southold this pressure for more signs will gro at a terrific rate, as in ~he past 5 years. We either put the ¢lampd down, ex,force the present ordinance, or a slight variation of it, or go down the road which the Sown boar~ has indicated. This will ~- be an ugly looking "Southold" with all the implications involved. I need not spell it out- you fully understand. I believe that this is going to kick up quite a ftxss. I belieV~ confidence in the Town Board will be greaty shaken, and it could lose an election, because of it. I think this is a good time for the Town board to deoide Southold "what direction'. I mean a fundamental appraisel of the future. Once you k~ow where you are going, you can make the proper decision on the day to day issues. T~zls is fundamental thinking, the~ ~oughest kind of thinking. I have several friends that could help the Board in this respect if they were invited privately. Cordially . , ~.~ ~. ' / ~/, . April 3,, 1965 Town Supervisor 16 South St. $outhold, Long Zsland Dear Sir; As a member of the Southold - Peconic Civic Association, Inc., and as a taxpayer, Z am strongly opposed to your reapling section 1002. Z feel this action would result in a greater number of billboards along the scenic routes, that Southold is so well known for. I am aware, as are you, that $outhold and surrounding villages, with their quiet beauty and quaint charm, attracts people. Many of these people come from an urban section of the country. They come not to read billboards, but to view one of the few towns left on Long Zsland that has not been diseased by co~nercial atmosphere. Sir if you would refer to the back cover of the "CONSERV~TIOMiST!', State of New York Conservation Dept. ~eb. March 196~ issue, you will see Southold Town beach sans billboards. ~ hope you will t~e into consideration my plea for the well being o£ Southold To~n. Indian ~eck Lane j. econic,I ong Island A)ril Z,1963. Southoid io?n~ Uoard qoutl~old, Long Island. Sirs;- I unc[erstand that ti~e ma~ter of removinf: the billboards erected before 1957 is no'.'; at hand a:ain. ?est of t::e ])sopie of 9outhold would like to see ail bi].iboarda removed excei~t those defini'[el¥ necessary for busines~ or other legi%immte rea~con~',-,lircct- ional ~2ns, of motels, hoteis~)l~ces of in't~trest m <i ~ on, .~yonc wi~h a sense of beauty ~ ~] ~dnzrat:~on Jror otlr n~turo~ily lovely countryside can not tn~ers:tgnd ~ h7 ~outhol<~ o~iows the erect.on of ~hese ugly sixThs,and ~'~y any an~! ~ of them a~e not removed. 'Yher~~ are other ~dver~:isinS. Billboar~[s a bon~ut:;.£u 1 landscape. ~". (! ~15~ l~lea~; O~' are a blot on what Let's eliminate all billboar~Is e~cept those necessary for local interests. ~AL /~9~ICE NOTIC~ OP /~ARING ~D Z~O ~A~C~ ~rs~ant ~ ~ ~5 of ~e' To~ ~w and ~ ~ of the~ Town ~f Southo]d, S~Holk ~$y,~ N~ Y~k, p~blic h~s ~H held ~y the ~uthold To~ ~d~ at ~e offi~ of ~e ~ervl~r, $ou~ St~t, ~, NeW Y~k, ~ ~d ~ on the 9th ~y of Ap- ~ of ~d ~y, ~ ~e fol~g, ~p~ to ~nd ~e BuH~: Zm~ ~l~ (~ud~ the~ S~ ~ne~) of ~ ~ of ~u~Id, Suf~ ~unty, New~ I. ~y ~dl~ A~i~le IH, ~- tion 3~,' Subdiv~on H of the' S~dl~ Zone O~nce of .~e' To~ of S~cld ~ r~d as ~1-~ lows: one (1) si~, ~ or d~ble-~ f~ed, ~t ~ ~ fo~ fe~ ~ ~l~ht ~d eigh~ (8) ~t In wld~ ~ ~w~ ~ge of w~ s~ll ~ not ~ ~ two f~t ~bov~ ~e ground and the up~.r ~e of w~ch shall not ext~ ~re t~ six (6) f~%' above ~ ~und, ~vid~, how- ever, th~% s~h si~ s~l ~ set' ~k ~t le~ ~ ~ty-five copt that .~here a ~-ba~ line h~ b~n est~bll~ed In ~ ~-: c~ty where 9~ent ~ld-, ln~ of mo~ ~r 1~ ~ ,thirty-' five (35) feeS, su~ s~ ~1 not ~oj~t beyond Zh~ H~ ~ ~bH~ed, ~d Drovid'~ ed .f~he~ ~t s~h s~ ~ ~t ~ nos ~ ~an fifth (15) f~t f~ ~1 pro~y 1~.~ . H. By ~ending ~lcle IV, ~ ~, Su,bdiv~ion (bi of t~e~ BulldOg Zone ~d~e of t~' T~n of ~uthold ~ re~ as (bi ~r.r. ~,~ ~ One (1)I si~ a~ to ~ ~cor~ ~ ~ buH~ wall ~d v~ only ~e ~bm~ con-, ed s~ s~ ~s ~t: Il. ~c~ two (2) ~u~e tn ~ ar~ for ~h hor~n~ 2. ~ ~ ~ 0~ hun-' z~ m~ent of such 3. ~d ~n (I0) feet In~ 4. ~ce~ fif~en (1.5) f~t six~ (~) tnoh~ fwm $wund level toi ~e ~ edge of si~, ~d 5. ~j~t mo~ ~n o~ (1)~ f~t ~m ~ch wa~. ~I. (By repea~ ~icle X, ~- t~n 1~, of 8he B~R~g ~ din~ce of ~e Town of ~u~old. STATE OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ~. ~P,~.~..~... ~4.c.~,--~. .......... being duly Sworn, says that. .. is P~nter ~d Publisher of the SUF110LK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenpo~, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the s~d S~fo~ Times once in each week. for .......................................................... ~ ........................ wee~ commencing on the successively day of . j~).~ ~:~ ..................... 19~$. ...... Swo~ to before me this ..~ ......... ] ~/~ day of .. ~'~ .... CORNELIA C. KEOGH hOt'AiRy PUBLIC, St.~te of New YO~ No. ~,2-2093890 Qualified ia Suffolk Count*] Term Expires March 30, NOTICE OP HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZO~/I~G ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street. Gre~nport, New York, in said town on the 9th day of April. 1963, at 7=30 o'clock in the evening of saidday, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. I. By amending Article III, Section 300, Subdivision 11 of the Building Zone ordinance of the Town of Southold to read as follows: 11. When authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, one (1) sign, single or double-faced, not more than four (4) feet in height and eight (8) feet in width, the lower edge of which shall be not less than two (2) feet above the ground and the upper edge of which shall not extend more than six (6) feet above the ground, provided, however, that such sign shall be set back not less than thirty-five (35) feet from all street lines except that where a set-back line has been established in the vicinity with permanent buildings of more or less than thirty~ five (35) feet, such sign shall not project beyond the set-back line so established, and provided further that such sign shall be set back not less than fifteen (15) feet from all property lines. Page 2 - Legal Notice II. By amending Article IV, Section 408, Subdivision (b) of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold to read as follows: (b) WALL SIGNS--One (1) sign attached to or incorporated in each building wall and advertising only the business conducted in such building, provided such sign does not~ 1. Exceed two (2) square feet in total area for each horizontal foot of such wall, and 2. Exceed in width one hundred (100) percent of the horizontal measurement of such wall, and 3. Exceed ten (10) feet in height, and 4. Exceed fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches from ground level to the upper edge of sign, and 5. Project more than one (1) foot from such wall. III. By repealing Article X, Section 1002, of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED~ March 26, 1963. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD. ~LRERT W. RIC~4OND, TOWN CLERK. PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MARCH 29, 1963 AND PORWARD 'IT~J~E (3) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO T~E TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. copies mailed to the following on March 27, 1963: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHrlLD, L. I., N.Y. PLAN NINC~ BOARD MEMBERS John '*~icEharn, Chairman ]-Icn ry Mois~ A~fred C~rebe Archibeld Youn8 '~¢Gllie m Unk¢lbech Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York March 25, 1963 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at their meeting March 19, 1963: In the matter of the proposal of the Southold Town Board to amend the Building Zone Ordinance as follows: I. By amending Article III, Section 300, Subdivision 11 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold to read as follows: 11. When authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, one (1) sign, single or double-faceda not more than four (4) feet in height and eight (8) feet in width, the lower edge of which shall be not less than two (2) feet above the ground and the upper edge of which shall not extend more than six (6) feet above the ground, provided, however, that such sign shall be set back not less than thirty' five (35) feet from all street lines except th~ where a set-back line has been established in the vicinity with permanent buildings of more or less than thirty-five (35) feet, such sign shall not project beyond the set-back line so established, and provided further that such sign shall be set back not less than fifteen (15) feet from all pro- perty lines. II. By amending Article IV, Section 408, Subdivision (b) of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold to read as follows: (b) WALL SIGNS -- One (1) sign attached to or incorporated in each building wall and advertising only the business con- ducted in such building, provided such sign does not: Page 2 - Report to: Southold Town Board 1. Exceed two (2) square feet in total area for each horizontal foot of such wall, and 2. Exceed in width one hundred (100) percent of the horizontal measurement of such wall, and 3. Exceed ten (10) feet in height, and 4. Exceed fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches from ground level to the upper edge of sign, and 5. Project more than one (1) foot from such wall. III. By repealing Article X, Section 1002, of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. It is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board the proposed amendments to the Building Zone Ordinance as setforth heretofore. The Planning Board is of the opinion this is the only solution to the sign problem which prese~__~exists. Respectfully submitted, Gohn W.tckham, Chairman $outhold Town P'~ann.i. ng Board SOUTHOLD - PECONIC CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Southold, L. I., N. Y. April 2, 1963 URGENT TO Ail Members - - FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION: The Southold Town Board has set a public hearing on Tuesday, 9th of April, 7:30 P.M., Office of the Supervisor, Greenport, to amend the Zoning Ordinance. They propose repealing Section 1002 which required the removal of all unauthorized billboards and signs erected before 1957. They were to be removed 5 years later -- April, 1962. They are still there. The Town Board proposes that these signs remain indefinitely. The Town Board also proposes an amendment which would permit the erection of a sign, two sides if desired,8 feet by 4 feet, on any lot vacant or improved anywhere in the residential and agricultural zone. No restrictions as to type of sign or wording. Another amendment would allow signs across all 4 any business building - in addition to the business allowed. walls of signs now A copy of the legal notice is on page 5, March 28 edition of the Traveler. Read it and make known your wishes by postal, letter, or phone to any Town Board member or to the Supervisor. To be effective this should be done AT ONCE. Attend the public hearing at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, April 9 at the Supervisor's Office and speak up. The Board of Directors SOUTHOLD - PECONIC CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Southold, L. I., N. Y. April 2, 1963 URGENT TO Ail HcrJoers - - FOR I~I'~.ED-~ATE ACTION: h_ $cutho=d Town Board has set a public hearing on Tuesday, 9th ofAp.~,~ 7'~30 P.M., Office of the Supervisor, Greenport, to amend the Zoning Ordinance. They prcpo. 2 repealing Section 1002 which required the removal of all unLutkorized billboards and signs erected before 1957. They were to be removed 5 years later -- April, 1962. They ~re still %here. The Town Board proposes that these signs remain indefinitely. The Town Beard also proposes an amendment which would permit the erection of a sign, two sides if desired,8 feet by 4 feet, on any lot vacant or improved anywhere in the residential and agricultur~l zone. No restrictions as to type of sign or wording. Anci~her araendment would allow signs across all 4 walls of ~ny business building - in addition to the business signs now al~o~ ..... A copy of the legal notice is on page 5, March 28 edition of the Traveler. Read it and ma.~{e known your wishes by postal, letter, or phone to any Town ~oard member or to the Supervisor. To be effective this sh,'~lc? l)e clone AT ONCE. At'Lend tke public hearing at tile Supervisor's Office and speak up. 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, April 9 at The Board of Directors SOUTHOLD - PECONIC CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Southold, L. i., N. Y. April 2, 1963 URGENT Ail Members FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION: The Southold Town Board has set a public hearing on Tuesday, 9th of April, 7:30 P.M., Office of the Supervisor, Greenport, to amend the Zoning Ordinance. ~hey propo~e repealing Section 1002 which required the removal of all unauthorized billboards and signs erected before 1957. They were to be removed 5 years later -- April, 1962. They ~re still there. The Town Board proposes that these signs re~zin indefinitely. The Town Board also proposes an amendment which would permit the erection of a sign, two sides if desired,8 feet by 4 feet, on any lot vacant or improved anywhere in the residential and agricultural zone. No restrictions as to type of sign or wcr~ing. Ano-ther amendment would allow signs across all 4 walls of any business building - in addition to the business signs now ~!lowed. A copy of the legal notice is on page 5, March 28 edition of the Traveler. Read it and make known your wishes by postal, to any Town Board member or to the Supervisor. this should be done AT ONCE. letter, or phone To be effective AEkend the public hearing at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, April 9 at the Supervisor'$ Office and speak up. The Board of Directors SOUTHOLD - PECONIC CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Southold, L* I., N. Y. April 2, 1963 All Mes~ers - - FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION: The Southold Town Board has set a public hearing on Tuesday, 9th of April, 7:30 P.M., Office of the Supervisor, Greenport, to amend the Zoning Ordinance. They propo~e repealing Section 1002 which required the removal :Df ~11 unauthorized billboards and signs erected before 1957.~ T.h_~c~ ~_~.~.~.~_~ r~0ve~._~jf~ars later -~ April, 1~362-~ They ~rc still, there. The Town Board proposes that these signs remain indefinitely ..... The Town Board also proposes an amendment which would permit ~%e erection of a sign, two sides if desired,8 feet by 4 feet, on any lot vacant or improved anywhere in the residential and agricultural zone. No restrictions as to type of sign or wording. .~no-d~.'~er amendment would allow signs across all 4 walls of business building - in addition to the business signs now ~!!owcd ~.t~ A copy of the legal notice is on page 5, March 28 edition of ~:he Traveler. Reed it and make known your wishes by postal, letter, or phone to any Town Board member or to the Supervisor. To be effective this should be done AT ONCE. Attend the public hearing at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, April 9 at the Supervisor's Office and speak up. HUGH J, STERN · 3850 HUDSON MANOR · RIVERDALE 63. N, Y. ~arch Fl, 1963 ~J~.Lester ~lbertson Southold, N.Y. Dear ~&r.~lbertson, I understand that efforts are under way to have the Southold Town ordinance revoked forbidding the display of commercial signs except under strictly limited conditions, is a long time resident and property owner of Southold I want to register my protest against such action in the strongest terms possible. ~s so many others, I was and am attracted to South- old because the past policy of the town fathers has enabled it to keep commercialism in any form out; to retain the atmosphere of a purely residential town ; to preserve its ~ew England resp.Old New York cha- racter by a prudent conservatism which is under our eyes disappearing in so many formerly beautiful m~s~ old towns. I consider it the duty of the present generation to do everything to protect the heritage which has come down to us over the centuries, because, if we don't, it will be irrevocably lost. I have under~ding for the merchants ~nd real estate people who want to profit from the increasing influx of transients and sportmen who are discovering for themselves the outstanding natural en- dowments of this part of Long Island. But what they fail to see is that once we destroy that unique beauty it is irretrievably lost, and with it much of the attraction of Eastern Long Island. In the end the ~fect might well be the opposite of what these interests try to achieve, ~nd our part of the Island might loose that special charm which makes it at present one of~the outstahding vacation and resort areas of our state. ~nd it might loose those desirable residents like myself and many of m~ friends who bring prosperity to Southold without making any undue demands on the community, and might instead attract a greatly different crowd of undis- criminating tastes and ~estion~ble value for the long range development of the area. I would appreciate it if you would bring this view- point to the attention of the meeting which, unhappily, I am unable to attend because of the pressure of business. Sincerely ~ FF%E:R K BDUTNDLD, L. I., N. Y, March 12, 1963. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Wickham; Enclosed herewith is a copy of a resolution passed by the Southold Town Board at a meeting held on the 7th day of March, 1963. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report thereon pursuant to the provisions of Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Very truly ~, Albert W. Richmond Town clerk 't -~ ~;eeti~'ig of the fown Boar~ of the Town u i ldiug -2- April 25, 1.~62. Mr. J~hn Wlckham De~r Mr. Wtckham; copy of ~he resolution passed ~ ~e ~thol~ ~n ~d at, a stl~ held YOU are inatructed to prepare an official report theweon pur- s~ to ~e ~ovl~lone of ~tic~e ~ ~ of Southold. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on April 24, 1962. WHEREAS, the Town Board believes that it is in the best interest of the Town that all signs in existanee prior to the enactment of the zoning ordinance of the Town of Southold should be allowed to continue upon the condition that the owners of such signs obtain permits therefor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold be and the same hereby is amended as follows: I. By repealing Section 1002, Article X of said ordinance. II. By amending Article VII, Section 703A of said ordinance to read as follows: Section 703A - A permit will be required prior to the erection of or addition to ali signs, including non-conforming signs in existance prior to the enactment of this ordinance, except signs permitted by Article III, Section 300, paragraphs 8, 9 and 10 of this ordinance. Metal identification tags serially numbered shall be affixed by the Building Inspector to all signs for which a permit is required. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold with written instructions requesting said board to make its official recommendations and report thereon pursuant to Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance.