HomeMy WebLinkAboutVloutely, George K. - Denied WHEREAS a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of SoL, thold by ......... ~_...~.-.~..~.~.. ............................... requesting a change, modification and ~mendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from~J.~i~.~.~..~ District to .~J~."...~~.~'~ Di.-~trict the property described in said petition, and WHEREA~ said petition was duly referred to the P'[anning Board for its investigation, recommendation and repart, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly he~d by the Town Board on the ~..~... ............ day of ............. -.-~-.~. .......................... , 19.~.2...., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is C~_~,~. 3 "STATE OF NEW YORK) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) "George K. Vloutely, BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her~ own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and bellef~ and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L.S.) George K. Vloutely. "Sworn to before me this 9 day of March, 1962. /s/ Cornelia C. Keogh, Notary Public, State of NEw York." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Next ~ will read the legal notice of this hearing. "LEGAL NOTICE, NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE. "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New york, public hearin9s will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South street, Greenport~ New York, in said town on the 8th day of May, 1962, at 7:30 o~ciock in the evening of said day (Eastern Daylight Saving Time), on the proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. ~'1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricu:t~ural District to ~'M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: '~11 that certain tract or parcel of land situate at East Marion in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the north s~de of the Main Road, Route 25~ marking the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Lois Thorpe, and running thence North 1~°0'0- west, 311.78 feet to land now or formerly of Fulton; thence North 89°56'10" East, ]17.98 feet to land now or formerly of Metcalf~ thence South 1~°32'50'' East 330.98 feet to the northerly line of the Main Road; running thence in a general northwesterly direction along # the northerly line of the Main Road 126.95 feet to the point or place of beginning. "Dated: April 24~ 1962. By Order of the Town Board~ Town of Southold, Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I have here an affidavit from the publisher. "COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: STATE OF NEW YORK) "Waiter Bo Gagen~ being duly ~'~orn, says that he Is the Editor~ of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman once each week for one (I) week successively~ commencing on the 26th day of April 1962. /s/ Walter B. Gagen. "Sworn to before me this 27th day of April 1962. /s/ Adele Payne, Notary Public, State of New york." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will no~ read the repor~ from the Southold Town ~lanning Board: "Report to: Southold Town Board~ Greenport~ New ¥ork~ Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on April 11~ 1962: "in the matter of th~ petition of George K. Vloutely, East Marion~ New ¥ork~ for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural Elstrict to "M" Multiple Residence District on certain real property situated at East Marion and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beg~ning at a point on the north side of the Main Road, Route 25~ marking the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Lois Thorpe~ and running thence north 14°0~00" west~ 311.78 feet~ to land now or formerly of 5 Fulton; thence north 89°56~10'' east~ 117.98 feet to land now or formerly of Metcalf; thence south 14~32~50" east, 330.98 feet to the nertherly line of the Main Road; thence in a general north- westerly direction along the northerly line of the Main Roads 126.95 feet to the point or place of beginning; it is hereby "RESOLVED that the Planning Board does not recommend to the Town Board this change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on the property of George K. Vloutely. Map of property situated in East Marion~ by Victor T. Zurkowski~ dated April 27~ 1961. "The Planning Board feels this propesal would be spot zoning ina strictly residential area. Further, when zoning was first contemplated the residential character of the village of East Marion was preserved and we feel it is important that this beautiful village remains residential. "Respectfully submitted~ John Wickham, ChairmaR, Southold Town Planning Board." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone here who would like to be heard in favor of this change? STANLEY S. CORWiN, ESQ., Greenport, New York: I should like you to know that my remarks are made to the Board as attorney for the applicant. I am somewhat amazed at the action of the Planning Board and I am afraid that we can level that at the serious charge of inconsistency as they have done some spot zoning in East Marion. This was a mon-conforming use at the time the Zoning Ordinance went into effect. The proposal comes about because Mr. Vloutely ~s health. 6 He cannot go about the type of business he was in for years~ a painter~ and climbing ladders is impossible for him now. He also has had a personal tragedy. In the mean time as being a painter he was running this guest house In East Marion and he should.like to have the Board know that they never had any kind of trouble there and there have been no complaints as to the manner the business was conducted. There recently has been some requests that food be served there by the tenants~ people who are unable to travetback and forth two or three times a day. He now wants to serve meals to his own guests and not to the general public. We can't apply for a variance as we have a non-conforming use and we cannot extend it without a cha~ge of zone. We would be willing to have this application confin ed to the strict use. We are not going to open a restaurant to the public. Also this is not a motel. to That is all there is/the application, gentlemen, if it were to be restricted we would be happy to have you pin us down. That is our story and the reason the application was made and request your favorable consideration. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else who wishes to speak in favor of the proposed change? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak in opposition to this change? IRVING L., PRICE, JR., ESQ., Greenport~ New York: I a~ an attorney and I represent certain residents of the village of East 7 Marion who have retained me to appear and object to the application on their behalf and in that connection I have a petition signed by 47 taxpayers and residents in East Marion: I also have a letter si~ned by Mrs: Artemus Ward who along with Mr. Ward own property immediately adjoining Mr. Vloutely on the east and the reason the Ward's did not sign the petition and have submitted this letter is the fact Mr. Ward is in the hospital and cannot be here tonight. I wish the letter to be made part of the record. Also I would like the record to show that members of the Town Board also consider the letters personally submitted to the Planning Board, Town Board and the Supervisor. Also~ as a preliminary fact I would like to read Section 265 of the Town Law which pr®rides that in the case of a protest against a change of zone signed by the owners of twenty per centum or more, either of the area of land included in such proposed changes or of that immediately adjacent extending one hundred feet therefrom or of that directly opposite thereto~ extend- ing one hundred feet from the street frontage of such opposite lands such amendment shall not become effective except by a favorable vote of at lea~t four members ofthe town board. We submit that we have submitted the necessary protests of the required 20%: The residents of East Marion whom i represent object to the application and recor~end that the Town Board deny the application and that the sa~ is spot zoning. (Mr. Price read from various court cases relating to this type of change of zone.) I believe that the application of the applicant clearly indicates that this application is merely for the gain or benefit 8 of himself as the owner which is the basic requirement, along with the violation of the comprehensive plan which qualifies this move as spot zoning. The basic argument will be handled by certain residents of East Marion and this will tend to destroy the residential character of the neighborhood. The Board I am sure is familiar with the location of the premises. You will agree that is a beautiful residential neighborhood and any change of the non-conforming use of the premises will lead to more people and more noise and just the opposite of what the original Planning Board and Town Board had in mind in preserving the residential character of the neighborhood. I would only like to address myself to one other matter. The present owner has no intention of doing anything other than altering the premises to feed the guests dinners, not serve the public. That may be his intention but as ~r. Corwin said there is no way to restrict it. There would be no way we could restrict the owner from increasing the size of the building as long as he stays within three stories and stays within a certain percentage of the lot. ~e may sell it and if it were zoned Multiple Residence he could do it if even/he did not sell it~ For all those reasons and other reasons we reapectfully request that the application be denied. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: i have some five or six other letters that I have received. They are from J. Herbert Fisher, Professor and Mrs. John H. Billman~ James O. Orr, Alberta Edwards Parker and Charles R. Mosback and Elizabeth and Alfred Rose. Is there someone else who wishes to speak in opposition? 9 MR. ROBERT REYBiNE, Main Road, East Marion: I am .in protest against this application because I bought my place in East Marion about the same time as Mr. Vloutely and I bought it as residential. The district is residential~and has progressed so since I moved there an~ I believe the zoning ordinance was a wise one in planning for the future and I bslieve the Town Ro~r.d has made a wise recommenda- tio~ in speaking against the application. I add my name to the protest. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: The Planning Board rather than the Town B~ard made a recommendation. MR. GEORGE PAR~ER, Main R oad~ East Marion: I am a resident on Main Road, East Marion and my wifes family have been property owners and taxpayers for about 80 years and I am a newcommer but I have b~en a visitor for 50 years. I have alwa~u admired East Marion and when I came to live there I have been very pleased with the village and the way it has grown in the last years. Zoning is a very good thing and the zoning that has been done has done a great deal for the area in general. East.Marion is a lovely place. There are areas that could be deemed business or commercial or multiple residence but the area we are in is very lovely residential area and I would hate to see it disturbed. MR. ANDREW T. DZENKOWSKI, East Marion: I am President of the Aquaview ~oPerty Owners Association and we are strongly against zoning to "M"~ Since many of the people from the city have bought property in East Marion they would not like to see it changed to business. They all seem to agree that it should be kept.as a l0 residential town and changing to businsss spot zoning will tend to ruin the town. are MRS. HALSICK: Perhaps most of the people here/in opposition although they do not get up to speak. I am very much opposed to it. MRS. GEORGE E. PARKER: I oppose it. MR. tiERBERT GILBELETT: I oppose it. MRS. R~BERT REYBINE: I am opposed to it. MR. KENNETH SLOCUM: I just want to say that I think it is a mistake that all of these people are compelled to stand up and say "I oppose." I think the great majority of them here are opposed to it otherwise they would probably not have been here. I will record my vote in opposition to this rezoning. I think that the majority of the people (I think it has been expressed), most of us want to retain the nice little character of that village we all know and no restaurant~ motel or mutliple dwelling should have to come in there. It destroys our own sense of feeling that we had when we purchased our property, with all due respect to Mr. Corwin and Mr. Vloutely, I do not know what Mr. Vloutely might do next week in selling the property and if we get this into a multiple residence zone we do not know what we will have: ~'~e have the terrible example of. the Blue Dolphin that sticks out ~here on the ~iain Road and I know the majority of the people here are sick of seeing it, it is a disgrace to our little village. My due respects to Er. Vloutely, I do not think he has ever had any objection to or from anyone in the village. He has had his own 14 people that he could feed and we do not want another Blue Dolphin in East Marion. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else in opposition? MRS. C~J~RLES E. MORAN: I am in opposition. MR. REGINALD WALTERPETERSON: I am a neighbor next to the Blue Dolphin and I bought property in East Marion because it was an up and coming spot ahd all I can say if I knew it I would never have moved down there. Even my taxes have dropped because of the place next door. There are a terrible number of people there and it is noisy until 3 A.M. in the morning. M_RS. M3~RY3LNN DYZENI<OWSKI: I am in opposition. MR. FReD PRESTON: ! oppose it= MR. LESTER WALL~ACE: I oppose it. MR. CPULRLES MOSBACK: i own property directly opposite the home of Mr. Vloutely and it is very painful for me because Mr. vloutely and family have been excellent neighbors but I have the same wish to have East Marion remain the same. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else? Do not misunder- stand me, you do not have to stand up but if you wish to be recorded you should speak. MRS. ED SCHAFFER: I oppose it. MRS- EMILY PRESTON: I am in opposition. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else? Does anyone wish to be heard further on this? (There was no response:) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Hearing none we will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 8, 1962 P r es en t : LESTER M. ALBERTSON, Supervisor RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace HENRY A. CLARK, dusl:ice of the Peace LOUIS DEMAREST, Councilman COP~/I N GRATHWOHL, Count i lman ALBERT W. RICHMOND, Town Clerk ROBERT W. TASI~ER, Town Attorney GEORGE K. VLOUTELY 2 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open this hearing by reading the appli- cation for a change of zone. ~0 THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: "1. I, George K. Vloutely, residing at East Marion, Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at EaSt Marion, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BE~I. NNING at a point on the north side of the Main Road, Route 25, marking the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Lois Thorpe, and running thence north 74°0'0'' west, 311.78 feet, to land now or formerly of Fulton; thence north 89°56'10'l east, 117.98 feet to land now or formerly of Metcalf; thence south 14°32~50'' east, 330-98 feet to the northerly line of the Main Road; running thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northerly line of the Main Road, 126.95 feet to the point or place of beginning. "2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of ~he Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: bydesignating the above described premises as a "M" Multiple Residence District. "3. Such request is made for the following reasons: Thepremises have been used for multiple residence purposes since before the zoning ordinance took effect. Such use, however, has been a non-conforming one. It has been the policy of the Town to foster such uses which encourage vacationing in the area. Applicant has catered to that trade and in his own way fostered such use. Demand has now over-reached capacity and a modest extension of facilities is contemplated. Since a non-conforming use cannot be extended this application is ~ade. "Proposed amendment would not adversely effect the health, safety, welfare or morals of the inhabitants of the Town. (L.S.) George K. Vloutely. 205 ~AST WAYNE AVENUE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK) q.'~ ZO~ ~affer B. ~gem, ~e~ng dugy sworn, s~ys . . ~..F :.- ~. ,: ~am ~ A.rc~c,~ ~ o[ the B~O~,' fhQt he is the Editor, of THE LONG IS~ND ~a s~c.~ Co~[~-. we~, Yox ~ TRAVELER - MA~ITUCK WATCHMAN, a punic news- r~.fi~ea~mt~r~." '~t ~fher'~tdome~ ~''' ~tr'et~esag~]~:~ I paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk Count; end that 4sdn ~ so~ ~c. areolae,, ~e~.', the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has Been ~[ay. t~,.a~ ~:~ o'cl~ fn t~ eve- published in said Long Island Trave[er-M~ttituck Wotch- ]~k' TibO. ~o~ the ~o~at ~om man once each week for [m~n~ the ~l~g Zone ~ee, ...... ~f ~h~: ~o~. of :ioom~,." s~. successively, commencing n the ............. ~_~ ................ ,.-,.r c,,~,~,:, ,,~ '.,.' aesm..,a,[ day of ..· ..... IJau~ ~sttu~t~ ~t z~a: ~iou it ~he ............................................ -~ i ...... ~e~ ~ork. =~d more pSrzleuhtly d our,~ aU4 d~b~d as fo]lo~s' B~i~n~ ~ a po~t ~o~ the noah e of:~;M~n:R~Ho~e~, mark~ ~ tee s0uihea~'l~ 'e~er :al lane Sworn to before me this ....... ~./ doy l~3tl.3E f~P to' ~fl~' tlow or ~ ~e[~.: th~,c~ Soath' 14' ~2' 50":East ~5 te~t to .the ~o~t or ~Inee of ,LDA~D, Apffi 24, 196~. ADELE PAYN~ Sou hold Town Planning Board BDLITHDLD, L. I. N.Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham. Chairman Report to: Southold Town Board Henry Molsa Greenport, New York A ~'~r ~-d C~r~b~ Archibald Young April 13, 1962 William Unk¢lbach Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold To'~n Planning Board on April 11, 1962: Tn the matter of the petition of George Ko Vloutely, East Marion, New York for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on certain real property situated at East Marion and more particularly bounded and des ~ibed as follows: Beginning at a point on the north side of the Main Road, Route 25, marking the 'southeasterly corner of land n~ or formerly of Lois Thorpe, and running thence north 14°0'00'' west, 311.78 feet, to land now or formerly of Fulton; .thence north89°56~t0" east, 117.98 feet to land now or formerly 'of Metcalf; thence south 14°32'50'' east, 330.93 feet to the northerly line of the Main Road.-. running thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northerly line of the Main Road, 126.95 feet to the point or place of beginning; it is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board does not recommend to the Town Board this change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M' Multiple REsidence District oh theproperty of George K. Vloutely. Map of property situated in East Marion, by Victor T. Zurkowski= dated April 27, 1961. The Planning Board feels this proposal would be spot zoning in a strictly residential area° Further, when zoning was first contemplated the residential character of the village of East Marion was preserved and we feel it is important that this beautiful village remains residential Respectfully submitted, John wickham, Chairman Southold Town Pla nning Board Re: Application by George U!outely for variance of zoniug of his property in East ~rion. '~ 305 Anchor Ave. :~: ~... Oceanside, New York ~!"'?' April 11, 1962 The Zoning ~oard of Southold Town Southold, New York 7>/" ~:)~' ~ Gentlemen: ~'~ I respectfully request that the application referred to r~J above not b~ permitted~ because a varianc~ of this nature ~'.~ would ~ my opinion create m nuisance.~ devaluate our ~)'~ property across the roa~, and enlarge an ex~isti~g busi- :~:: . ness in a residential zo~o. '- Sincerely your~, ;¢~7.1 C~r!e~ R. Mosback :? ~. i~.~., ~n w~d ~ ~ re~t ~f gran~i~ su~ s~y ~r2 ~y f~ily ~en p~y owr~rs and - a ~e ~ were ati~c~ed ~ by i~m c~n c~i ~m many of t~m a~ old a~ ~r frieMs %~l~e w~ch are ~ ~y prized ar~ a~ir~ ~tion ~e~io~.~ a~ ~id greatly ~a~y of ~ch m~ ig ~ ~ a~ would ~ ~ay ~e~.~ to ~ d~cr~i~to~-, ~ere is r~ Office ~ ~_re ~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~a, ~%io~ a~ ~$~ricii~n~ ar~ ~e~ry for ca~ ~e ~rd~p or ~smp~i~ent to a few, but ~t ~ ~rily of the residents atro~ly ~rt our Very ~y ~ai~ ~oad ~as= ~ario~. The Zoning Gommissioner Sou=hall Township Seu~kall Suffolk ~ounZy ~%Ie~ York. Gent I e.~an: It has bean called to my atuentio~ ~ several neighbors ins opanins a public res=aurant~ dressinE it up neor~ si~ns~ eta. i have no desire =o restrict the livelihood of a buk believe the public i~terest should come first. Ea~ ~arion is a aha~ing village and should remain that %-ay if i~s future iS to be assured. I believe chat stric~ z~ning rules should be enforced, and for =hat reasen I oppose opening this public restauraut. Very truly y~urs, ? ~. Ja~s O. Orr. INDIANA UNIVERSITY April 6, 1962 To Zoning Board of Southoid Town ~outhcld, L.I. New York Dear Sirs: Re:- Application by George Vioutely for Vari~uce of zoning of his property st East larion, L~I. Ne~ York We have been in~or~ed the t Mr. George Vloute!y is applying fora rezoning of his proper~y for business purposes. Since we are tax payers in East ~arion and have a home close -to Er. V!outely we would like t~exprese out opposition to his request. We are not objecting to the continued use of his home for tourist as he has been doing but are violently opposed to having his properS- zoned for business. If ha is given t~s right, there is ne telling what ~?es of business or buildir~s will eventuklly be put on 5he Dr0perty~ This is strictly a residential area saddle establishment of o~ner businesses and eventual construction of store buildings would destroy the quaintness~ simplicity, ~d peacefu~ess of the If this so~t of thi~ gets started it will eventually spread the leith of the to'~. and the ~hole tom~ becomes a business district a~ cheape~ ~ne entire area for living Sincerely yo~s~ sot John ~. ~rs. Jo~ H. Riilman SDLITHDLD~ L. I.~ N. Y. March 29, 1962. 5~ o Jo~_n Chairman Planning Board Cutchogne, iq. Y. Dear ~'Lr. ~qic~ham; The original petition of George K. vloutel_v, residing at East ~4arion, -~?ew York, relative to change of zone from '~'A:' Residential and Agricn!tural District to "M'~ ~lultip!e Residence District, is in ~e files in the office cf the Planning Bo~8 at Sou~no!d, ~ew York. You are instructed to prep~e an official report ~efining the conSitions d~scr!bed in the petition and dete~ine the ~ea so effected with the reco~ndation of your V~ry truly yo~s, Albert ~T. P. ic~.ond To%~ clerk '} i ~'i~h t* fo~y protes~ the v~ia~ce · '~ req~s%~. ~ ~ yo~ zttention to ~e ~eseript~ · ~ ~ chaotic co~itio~ ~at ~o~ e~sts on ~ Jericho : ~'~ ~ly~ be~e~ H~t~on ~ Co--ok ~nere lad, serrate '+~ v~i~ce~ were g~tsd. ~ ~ opi~on~ this was very -~ detri~ent~ to ~t satire ~ea~ it meither ~ cms thi~ ~ ~ or the other, -~ fact t~t b~i~ss c~ o~y be go~ bus~es~ whe~ it '~,: [~. ~sg ~rion has not got~e bac~ of po~tion. Hence~ :~. ~ I hate to ~se the residenti~l ~e bei~ destroyS. ,, ~' ST~&TE OF ~'EW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE biATTER OF THE PETITION "OF FOR A CliANGE, ~,IODIFICATION OR ASfENDME_NT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- zMqCE 05' THE TOWN OF SOUTZIOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NE%V YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, George K. Vloately residing at ~ast Marion ! (insert name of 'petitioner) ];. Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at '- East Marion ,,~ . ........................................................... and more particularly bounded and described as £ol]ows: BEGI~ININ~' at a point on the north side of the Nain Road, Route 25, marking the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Lois Thorpe, and running thence north 1¢~0'0" west, 311.78 feet, to land now or formerly of Fulton; ~hence north 89°56'10'' east, 117.98 350.98 feet to the northerly line of the Main Road; running thence in feet to land now or formerly of Netealf; thence south 14~32'50" east, a general northwesterly direction along the northerly line of the Main Road~ 126.95 feet to ~he~point or place of beginning. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including lhe Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: by designating the above described premises as a "~" ~ultiple Residence District. 3. Such requestis madeforthefollowingreasons: The premises have been used for multiple residence purposes since before the zoning ordinance took effect. Such use, however, has been a non-conforming one. It has been the policy cf the Towm te foster uses which encourage vacation- lng in the area. App~ican~ has catered to that trade and in his o~n way fostered such use. Demtnd has now over-reached capacity and a'modest ~xtension of facilities is contemplated. Since a non-conforming use cannot be extended this application is made. Proposed. amendment wo~d not adversely effect the health, safety, wel£a~e or morals of the inhabitants of the Town. STATE OF NEW YORI<, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SLrFFOLI<, ) ................................ ?Le..?.{;~.~...+.,.....~..+..u..~..~.~:..Y.. , BEING DULY SWOR2q, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and kfiows the contents thereof; that the same is true to h~s (her) own knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief: and that as to those matters he believes it tv be true. Sworn to before me this ..... 9 ..... daf of .....~-a..~9~.~. ................ , 1~..~.~. .......... ~,~ ~...~.,..~z;- ............. ,~.~ ~ary PubliC, NOTARY pUaLlC, State Qualified