HomeMy WebLinkAboutVictoria, William - Denied WHEREAS, o petition was heretofore fi!ed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ......... .~,~.~',T~N~....~;[~ ................................. requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps mode a part thereof by chang- ina from ..... ~.....~...~. ......... ~.~ ............................ District to .................... .~.~....~-~'~?. i.....: ~~ ............................... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to th'e Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing Jn relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ........ .~.~..._....day of ....... ,[~7~ ..................... 19~..~.~ and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~-~i~[~ PUBLIC HEARING SOUTt~OLD TOWN BOARD NOVEMBER 29, 1960 Present: H~hTRY TUTHILL, Supervisor HENRY 'A. CLAPd{, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman LOUIS DEMAREST, Councilman ROBERT W. TASKER, Town Attorney ALBERT W. RICH~4OhID, Town Clerk WILLIAM VICTORIA 2 SUPERVISOR TUTMILL: I will begin by reading the legal notice. Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said to%n on the 29th day of November 1960 , at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the followingproposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument at the northwesterly corner of the descrJ_bed premises being the northeasterly corner of a certain 12 ft. right-of-way on the southerly side of Main Bayview Road, running thence easterly along the southerly side of said Main Bayview Road S.64°07'E. 777 ft. more or less to a certain private roadway; thence southerly along said roadway as it meanders to a monument 400 ft. more or less; thence westerly 60 ft. to a monument on the southerly edge of an island; thence along the upland of said island southwesterly and then northwesterly 340 ft. more or less to a monument~ thence westerly 21 ft. to a 3 monument; thence southerly 150 ft. to high water mark of Corey's Creek; thence along the meanderings of the shore line 600 ft. more or less to a monument on the prpperty line of land now or formerly of Koke Estate; thence northerly along said property now or formerly of Koke N. 25°53'E. 1000 ft. more or less to the place of beginning. Containing approximately 12 acres. I also have an affidavit of publication: County of Suffolk) State of New York) Walter B. Gagen, being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-MATTITUCK WATCF~N, a public newspaper printed at Southold, ~ Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long IsTand Traveler-Mattituck Wakchman once each week for one (1) week successively, commencing on the 17th day of Noven~er 1960. (signed) ~alter B. gagen Sworn to before me this 24th day of November 1960. (signed) Adele Payne, Notary Public. The Planning Board's report is as follows: November 3, 1960 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taka by the Southold Town Planning Board at their meeting on November 1, 1960: In the matter of the petition for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District by william Victoria on certain real property situated at 4 Bayview Ro~d, Southold, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: The description is the same as the one in the legal notice. RESOLVED that the Planning Board is not willing to recommend this change of zone from "A" B~sidential and Agricultural District to "M" Mutliple Residence District on the property of William Victoria. Survey for William Victoria by Alden Young, July 10, 1950. The Planning Board is of the opinion that instead of enlarging his project with additional units i~ hopes of securing additional income, Mr. Victoria should endeavor to landscape and beautify the ten cottages that he presently has. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Southold Town Planning Board. On the petition Mr. Victoria gives as his'reasons under Item ~: The Ten cottages have proved popular, but have not by them- selves been able to help cover the expenses needed to maintain and further the development of the property. With tha additional ten ~its, we feel the income would then make the project p~y for itself. (signed) William Victoria, Regina Victoria. SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Before hearing from those present who %ish to speak for or against, I have several letters and telegrams I would like to read. Telegrams protesting the rezoning from the following: Willard K. Vanderbeck, Laughing Waters Mae H. Lennon, Laughing Waters Property Owners Assoc. Howard & Elizabeth Schneider Capt. Iversen, member of Laughing Waters Lillian Cowan, Property o~er 5 Frank Palombella Elizabeth A. Yaro, Property Owner, Laughing Waters Burt & Lucy Michaels, Laughing Waters Property Owners I also have the following letters of protest: Harold L. Smith Helene Greer~ (Mrs. Robert W. Greene) Martha Adams Thorne William J. Reynolds Dr. John F..KeTly & Doris Kelly -A. N. Van Nostrand~ Iris W. Van Nostrand & ~. E. Van Nostrand S~PERVISOR TUTHILL: Councilman Albertson will read the affidavit submitted by Lefferts P. Edson. CUUNCILMANALBERTSON: In the Matter of the Hearing on X Proposal to Amend Zoning Ordinance Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town X At The Office of Law and Article IX of the Building Zone The Supervisor of Ordinance of the Town of Southold, by X Southold Town, changing from "A" Residential to "M" Village of Greenport, Multiple Residence District, a 12 X Novenuber 29, 1960. acre Tract of Land on Corey Creek, Bayview, Southold, as Described in the X Public Notice Thereof LEFFERTS P. EDSON, residing at Bayview, Southold, New York, being duly sworn deposes and says: That he is the ownerof four separate parcels of land at Bayv~ieW about 35 acres, all of which are in the immediate vicinity of the subject property referrred to above; That he is familiar with the zoning status of all the land in Ba~rview; That since the general sale of approximately 400 acres of land in Bayview in 1948 and in 1957 which land had been held by the Brown and the Dayton estates for many years, there has been a continuous residential development of high 'quality, id. est, Terry Waters, 6 Bay Haven, Seawood Acres, North Parish and the Coleman Estate Development; that the older developments such as Goose Neck Estates, Goose Bay, Reydon Shores and Cedar Beach Park, have also continued to grow as strictly residential areas of high quality; That at the inception of zoning in Southold, Balrview was zoned "A" Residential, except for two existing industrial areas, one of which has since been abandoned; That there are several non-conforming use parcels, none of which are great in area, and none of which are operated in a manner offensive to the neighborhood's development as a fine residential district; That the instant application for re-zoning of 12 acres of land on Bayview Road and Corey Creek is without precident in Bayview; that if such amendment was granted it would constitute spot zoning, and therefore be illegal, since no conceivable comprehensive plan of area development in Bayview could include this proposal, since all Bayview land use has been residential and all trends of use in the area are strictly residential; That the general welfare would not be served since Bayview realty values would depreciate if such an amendment was granted; That the health of the community would well be endangered since the subject area is low and marshy in general, and on an enclosed creek. This ~ould indicate real problems of water supply and of waste disposal in the future. W~REFORE your deponent prays that the proposal to amend the zoning ordinance in this instance be refused. 7 (signed) Lefferts P. Edson Swor~ to before me this 28th day of November, 1960. (signed) John H.~Rose, Notary Public. M_RS. WILLIAM VICTORIA, Jamesport, New York: The question was raised about repairing and landscaping the cottages in order to increase our income. That is not the purpose. We now manage to rent the 10 cottages, but with 10 cottages the taxes and other costs are excessive, and the resulting income negligible. If we had ten additional units to meet the demand we would be able to make use of the extra property and bring in additional income. The families to which we have rented have been of the upper and middle class bracket and have always been quiet and orderly. They are all well-to-do families that have eventually bought property in the area and settled down, others have settled in Laughing Waters. They are not here to raise "hell", but to enjoy the facilities, fine surroundings, swimming and fishing. ~ost of our cottages have two bedrooms and sometimes a couple have asked why we don't build some with one bedroom. Now we are seeking to do that and we have the property to do it on. If the word "motel" offends, we can call it a lodging or club house or anything you want. We want more accomodations for people to come out in the area and spend their money. The more people we can accomodate the more income we bring into the area. The kind of building we plan to put up will not be detrimental to the area. (Mrs. Victoria presented licensed architect plans for the Board to examine.) 8 MRS. VICTORIA: We will have ~ e bedroom units with kitchen and living room and patio accomodations. WE now accomodate ten families on an average of two week period stays. We are not taking away anything from the area. SUPERVISOR TUTH!LL: Is there anyone else who wishes to be heard in favor of this particular proposal? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Does anyone wish to be heard in opposition to this? (The following individuals rose and asked that their names be recorded in opposition tDthe change of zone:) John P. Marchutt, Minnehaha Boulevard, Laughing Waters, Southold. Theodore Duringers,MInnehaha Boulevard, Laughing Waters, Southold. George Taggert, Minnehaha Boulevard, Laughing Waters, Southold. Robert Coningsby, Osseo Avenue, Laughing Waters, Southold. James P. Birch, Osseo Avenue, Laughing Waters, Southo~d. Andrew Hahn, Minehaha Boulevard, Laughing Waters, Henry Aldrich, Minnehaha Boulevard, Laughing Waters, Southold. John Clemens, Bay View Road, Southold. SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Anyone else? WALTER KAPP, Southold, New York: I represent Harry Kapp, my brother, and owner of Seawood Acres, Bay View Road, Southold. I would also like to present these letters. SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Th~ letters are from: Mary Myles & Albert M. Myles Frank A. Popisil, Gin Lane, Bay View Road, Southold Alfred W. Ryan & Mary Judd ~yan, Bay Haven, Southold Rosemary Bettinardi & Robert Bettinardi George Heron & Maud Heros, Bay Haven, Southold Lillian Jacobson & Arthur B. Jaclbson, Bay Haven, Southold Peter W. Riebling & Catherine K. Rie~ling Robert S. $oper, Jr. & Norma S. Soper, Bay Haven, Southold Mary Jayne Myles & Charles Myles, Bay Haven, Southold 9 SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Is there anyone else who wishes to have their name recorded? STANLEY CORWIN, Greenport: I am an attorney and I appear on behalf of a number of people in the neighborhood. I would like to associate my remarks personally in opposition in so far as I am appearing on behalf of the people in the area. When someone comes to this Board and asks that their zone be changed they should present some very valid reasons why they feel the safety, morals, and general welfare of the community would be enhanced Dy the change. It appears there is a situation where once again we are trying to change or~ parcel of property, and a rather large one, I understand 12 acres, and the proponents are asking for an additional ten motel units. At present the ten cottages occupy 50 sq. ft., and that is only one acre and if the overall area is granted there are some 11 acres that would be zoned. Making allowances for roads, some in excess of 10 acres and in excess of 30 units may be erected. I subscribe to what Mr. Edson said in his affidavit. People in the area have spent a lot of money and developed a neighborhodd of private homes and if we are going into downzoning in that area that is the end of good zoning in Southold Town. The Planning Board made a very good recommendation in this case. SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Anyone else against this change of zoning? For or against th~ petition? MRS. VICTORIA: I wonder if we are to ~e denied to protect our investment in the property and in the buildings we have there and increase the business that we had because it so happens we 10 have been eRtablished quite a long time. Our buildings are well away from the road. They cannot be seen. The location that we had planned for the additional ~its is also well away from the road and as far as anyone putting roads there, while it is our property it would not be done. SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Mr. Corwin does not have to answer that, but he may if he wishes. We are here to hear what you people have to say. MRS. VICTORIA: Is that not also part of the Town to be interested in bringing revenue into the area as long as it is not done offensively and becomes detrimental to the area. W/~at we want to do is a means of protecting our own investment in the property. SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Anyone else? WALTER KAPP: I would like to put a few facts into the record. In Bayview there are 2,000 acres. Of the 2,000 acres, there are 3 acres of land , Cedar Beach Inn and two other parcels, one of 54 acres zoned industrial and one of 21 acres zoned industrial. That is 78 acres out of 2,000~at is zoned residential, and this has been so since the zoning ordinance has been passed. The Victoria Cottages existed in April 1957 at the time of the passage of the Zoning Ordinance and at that time both the Planning Board and Town Board saw fit to permit the Victoria Cottages to exist as a non- conforming use. They did not zone them Business as they did the Cedar Beach Inn because they did not feel it fitted into the overall comprehensive plan of zoning in Southold Town. They do not feel any different at this time as far as the Planning Board is concerned. 11 Another fact, a more'compelling reason for denying this appli- cation is that the Boardof Appeals can give Mrs. Victoria a reasonable amount of relief as far as expanding her non-conforming use. They can do that and put conditions on that. They can say we do not want you to put a barge in there. They can say we want you to put in shrubbery . That .they can do and this Board cannot. If she goes to the Zoning Board of Appeals she can get a reasonable amount of relief and the residential area will be preserved. SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Is there anyone else "would like to speak eitherfor or against this petition? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: I declare this hearing closed. 12 Moved by Councilman Demarest, seconded by Justice Tuthill: %~IEREAS~William Victoria, by petition verified the 6th day of October, 1960, petitioned the ~Wn Board for a change of zone of ~rtain real property described in said petition from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District, and W~REAS, the said petition was referred to the Planning Board for its official recommendation and report; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has filed its official report with the Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Town Board, pursuant to due notice thereof, held a hearing on said petition on ~ovember 29, 1960, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the relief demanded in said petition of William Victoria be and the same is in all respects denied. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:- Supervisor Tuthill~ Councilman Albertson; Justice Tuthill, Justice Clark, Councilman D~marest. WHEREAS, the Supervisor declared the resolution adopted. Pursuant ~o.SecLton 265 o[ the Town: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~z~ne oramance of me Town of South-', STATE OF NEW YORK [ ~ h~r~s:wiH be held by the So~thold,' Town the of the Super- }York, ~ ~aid;~m on the ~h day of W'alter B. Gagen, being duly sworn, says ]Novembe~ IS6~ a~ 7:30-o'clock in,he fh~ he is the Editor, of THE LONG IS~ND l ev~n~ ~ sai~ day, on ~ [o~owi~ i propo~ to a~nd the B~l~g ~ne. T~V~LER - MA~ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- ~Z6ne M~s) ~of-the To~t of ~ou~hold,I pcper prJnCed at Southo[d, in Suffolk County; and that L--BF~ch~in~-~om "A" R~en~ the notice of which the annexed is a printed co~y, has been and.~mm:~l D~.tnc~ to "M" ~ti- published in said Long Island Trave[er-Mattituck Watch- A~ 't~ ee~uin ~ or ~I man once each week for ...... of I~ ~ua~ at' New' ~blk, in ~e To~ b~Sou~hold, Suffolk Court-[ successive y, commencing on the ............ ~..-~.-.~ ............. bounded aBd de~rlb~ ~ iOII~ws~- ; day of ..... ~~ ....... 1 · ~e~n~ at me com~ oi l~d oLWi~ A,~ . . , , :~ ahd W~rly ~e of ~o~h S~[ ..................................................... ~"~ /~~ ................. ~d ~n~ ~h~ce a~g;the w~-~ ~ly line of Fou~h S~ S. ~}'i ~' ~ W_ 151.9~ feet ~ the n~h~.{ 1~.0 f~ to the south~l~ n~ q[ land ~w or fq~Cf[ Sworn to before me this ...... ~.-~- ..... day of i~t to ~e ~u~er~ ~e ~f-~ - ~. ~7 eh~i~ from "~" ~sid~ ~ and ~eulg~al D~rie~ re' "~' ~- ~ ..... bfunded and d~s~bed ~ f~]~: ) : . ' Begi~i~ at a mon~ent a~ ~e f nor~hwes~er~ corner of.~he d~ib- ~ ; way on the s~uther~ sid~ ;' erly ~long'the s~uther]y ~e o~ ~id ~ · said roadway as i¢-1~de~ t~ ~[ ~ ':mon~e~-400 f~. mom or~e~; ' ~:(..'.~c~ w~{erly 6o it, ~ a ~nu- ~:7men~ :on: :the aouth~' ~e 6i ~n . ?is~ndl .~nce along t~e.u~la~;fof ~= ~id t~and; southw~t~ly and;,~h~ ~rth~ly 3~ f~.'more ~ q~u~ ~ ~o ' '1 WESTERN UNION [$YB059 $PE157 $$c~57 sY ~?A219 PD=P~.~,-,,DO~,E NY 29 754P EST= ~%Oi'iOV 29 ~u~ ~v T~'ffN SU?EP,;.,'ISO~ GREEfqPORTHNY~ I~['ISH TO REC-I.~T~R PRD ~St AS g PROPERTY uWNP_R VARIANCE ~=syBo57 ssu7~' '~,. ': ' 8UPERVi SORS~;FFI ~E, ,, TO~'JN... HALL ~¢F~,~*~,_~,.~,,.,~ ~ ,.,~.: ( RTE' 80u ~ H.A~'~PTON ~AD~ ON CORcY ~Rcc~ JN SOUiHO~ HERBERT J'~CURRY PROPERTY -.,- ~ c~ ~ November 28, 1960 Town Board of Trustees Office of Supervisor 16 South Street Greenportj Long islar~d, No ¥. Dear Sirs: I write this letter in opposition to the proposed amendment of the B~iiding Zone Ordinance which would change the classification of 12 acres on Corey~s Creek from A Residential to M Multiple Residence. i am the owner of resi- dential property on Oak Avenue, ~oose Bay, Scuthoid~ which is in the vicinity of the proposed re-zoning. So far as I kr~ow~ the area which would be affected by the proposed re-zoning, except for a few non-conforming uses existing prior to the enactment of the ordinance~ is used only for one-family residences and agriculture. The area is highly dasirab!e for residential use ~nd parts of it have been suitably developed for that purpose, including most of the land fronting on Bay View Avenue, Cedar Drive ~nd Oak Avenue. For reasons which are obvious, the proposed estab- l!s~ment of raultiple-dwelling use of 12 acres along Bay View A~venue and Corey's Creek could not fall ultimately to impair the residential character of the whole area and seriously depreciate the value of all residential property in the area. I respectfully suggest that the Board give serious consideration to the legality of the proposed amendment. It is my understanding that an smendment which would re-zone ~n area must be a change conforming to a general p!an~ not merely a change to enable a single property owner to make more profitable use of his property than that permitted under existing zoning. Even if such ~'spot" zoning were legal in this particular case, ! respectfully submit that it would be unwise, because it would establish a very bad precedent, if the Board peri, ts the proposed conmnercialization of water- front on Corey~s Creek, can it refuse to permit similar down- grading of waterfront on Goose Bay, Laughing Waters, Creek, Jockey Creek and other Town waters now suitably developed for residential use? I am sending copies of this letter to Mr. Tasker and Mx. Edson~ Very truly yoursj ' cc: Rcbert Tasker~ Esq. Lefferts P. Edson, Esq. Nove~oer ~3, 1960 ~ 0ceanview Road Lynbrook, Town-Board of Sou~old Town Southold, New Pork Gentlemen: On Novenber 5th of this year I took title to a piece of property which I purchase from Fred Koke. This property has a frontmge of ~41 feet on Nain Bayvle~ Road near Cedar Drive, Southold. Et was my understanding t~at the area in question was zoned ~esidenti~l t~Aa aha would remain so and that houses built would be of a high standard. It was my intention to erect a one f~mily home in the ~BS,000 range an~ to make this my permanent home in the near futur e. Now, I understand that a request to amend the zoning in that area from "A~' to ~N" or multiple dwelling has been made by someone whose only consideration is personal gain. If the board should approve this request for a change of zoning, I sh~l be forced to sell my propertyl probably, at a loss. My present home is situated in East Rockaway, Long Island; a village that saw fi~ to allow multiple dwellings to be built in what was formerly Residen- tial ~'-A~' neighborhoods. I assure you that the change was extremely detrimental and noisy, over- crowding resulted. The average ten,ut in a multiple dwelling is not interested in the appearance of the property as he is, at best, a temporary resident. In closing, I sincerely hope you will not grant this request. Sincerely, r~ CLAS~'3F'$1~RI'ICE 1 nTERN UN ©N 1 GP9 E5 PB=/Tuu, ~OUt,,O~n r Y ~9 5~5P= r' ,,~,~R, TUTH{LL~ TOCJN SUPERVISOR= S~UT.-¢~B ViGOROUS~ '. ' X¢i¢~°[A COTTAGES= PROPOSED Be O~JNER nF .,~ .} I :,,,,~' ': ,~ ~ '( ' ~A~75) ; 4~5P I  ' SUPVR ~t~.=.[ UT;~I' "LL= Tn,~,~,~,.~ : ' : . . i · EST= .,~c~SF RECORD k,~ PROTEST AS P~OPERTY " I', ':~[ i .,~¢. , , ', . -, ,, ~', ~= t.iP ..~, 1 ..{ ~ .,? :FJF ~dBERS OF LAU Gn td~ ~/JATEa ':'P~OPERTY ¢"*':'~ · - u,w~,cn S ASSuC ' Hu~,~mD ELIZABETH ~,',,c . ~um~= I DER= ' : - 52~P EST= R~9. S? FGA¢_?C3 PD=~¢HITESTONE N~ F~OV 29 502P EST=. J ', ;,' ,~ri '?'"~,~':'.~ :' .I ~,,~ER OF LAUGHING VJATERS: ' ~P , I :'' ' 5~9P EST F , ~..! .. ~.a, ~ .... , -~ , ..:'; :~, , ...... , U SY JAASO5 ?D=ST ALB.~,$ i4OV- 2~ ....EST= :PROTEST 459P-~ST~ · -~_~,~ TUTTLE= ' , SU~VRe OFFI~ ' ~ ~ SOUTh ST GR-~rqPORT~ ~Y~ ,' , = .... ES, REZOi'ItNG PETITIOn; z- ~' P,,u~ ~R~, O~JNER LAUGHING ~ATER= : ,:, SUPERVISORS OUFICF om,~T~ OFF1 ~ ~=nO,~T REZoN~N'G~: P~TI'TiOt~ REGARD~,~G LA,,D~,}' ~n~F9 CREEK=' ,Ru, ERr, O~;NERS ooRT AND LUC~ " , P~7 P EST ~ RBB011 S¢ ~T&PeSl PD=TB[T KEVJ GARnFN~ [~, NOV 2~ ~22P bMR TUTTLE=, ' "l ' ' ~ I ' I S~PERViGORS 0 . 1CE SOUTH ST . [wxO~Sl REZuNiN:~ PAniITI~N j ~. .: : November PT, 1960 9o~a B~ard $out ~hold l~,e~ York ~nt lemen: ~e understand that an application has been made to revise the zoning restrictions to permit multiple dwellings in the town of Southold. ~ property c~ers, and taxp~yers, wo want to inform you that we are -iualter~oly opposed to much a revision. This co~m~_uity~ha~ a singular appeal, particularly because of it~ ~ral character and it was beck,use of this appeal that we purchased oszr home in $outhold. Nad we known at the time that such a change would be considered by your Board, w~ would never h~ve con- templzted moving into thim co~uunity. It is to be sincerely hoped that your gooa judgment will not be swayed by any prospect of i~msdia~e gain and that you will always exercise your authority to discourao~e t_hie type of mprogress~. ~in Lane~ Bay ...... Nov° 28~ !980 5outhold Town Board $ou~hold, N. Yo . As a permanen$ resident in tee Bay View area~ we very s~renuously objec~ To a~$- proposed rezoning from residential To multiple anywhere in This area. Tc ~ho~ ~I~t. ~y Concern: .t }~AYVIEW ROAD SOUTHOLD. N. Y. SOU THOLD 5-2749 DISTINCTIVE HOME SITES; · PRIVATE BEACH BOATING ' FISHING ' SWIMMING Southoid, N. , NS~ Gsnti~men: our area as r-esi~sn~ial, and are not inter- havia~ it ch~gea to multiple ~eiiing. Bay Haven Southold, :,L I. ~ ~ i980 To~: B~ar~ of Sou~hol~ S~$h~, N~w York area as residential, and are not in laver of ~hanging ~ At The Office of In the I~atter of the Hearing on The Supervisor Proposal to Amend Zoning ~di~a~ee ~su~t to section 265 e~ $~e To~ ~ Village o~ Greenpe~t, Law ~d ~ticle-E~ of ~e .B~ld~g ZoneX Novem. ber 29, 1960 0rd~ce ef the To~ o2 S~thel~, by ch~g~g f~em ~A~'/Residg~tial ~ ~.blic ~cti~e Thereof ~S Po EDSON, residing at BaF~iew, Southcld, New Tork, being duly swo~n deposes and says: That he is the owner of rotor separate parcels !and in Bayview, about 3~ acres, all of which are in the immediate vicinity of the subject property referred above~ That he is familiar all the land in Ba~Jiew; That sinc~ the general sale of approximately $00 acres of land in Bayview in 1958 ~ud in 19~? which land had been held by the Brown aud thc Dayton estates for m~ny years, there hms been a continuous residential development of high quality~ id. est, Te~ry Naters, Bay Haven, Seaweed Acres, North Parish and the ~lemanEstate Development; that the older developments Such as Goose Neck Estates, Go.se Bay, R~ydon Shores and Geda~ Beach Park~ have also continued to g~ow as strictly residential areas of high quality; That at the inception of zoning in Southold~ Bayview was zoned ~A"residential, axcept for two existing industrial e~eas, one'of which has since been abandoned; That there a~e several non-co~foz~ning uae parcels, no~e of which are great ~ area, and'no~e in a man.er offensive $c the neighborhood~s development as f~ne residential district; That the instant application for re-zoning of acres of land on Bayview Head and Oorey Greek is without precident in Bayview; that if such amendment was granted it would aonstitute spot zonin_g, and therefore be illegal, since no conceivable ~omprehensi~e plan of area development in Ba~r~iew could include this proposal, slues all Bayvlew land use has bean residential, an~ all trands of use in the area are strlct~y residential; That the general welfare would not be served sinca Bay~iew realty values would depreciate if such an amendment was granted; That the health of the conmcan_ity could well be endanger- ed since the subject area is low and marshy in general, and on an enclosed creek. This would indicate real problems of water s~pply .and of waste disposal in the ~D~OHE yov_r deponent prays that the proposal to amend the zoning ordinance in this instance be re~used. Southo!d Town Planning Board -c;OUTHOLD, L. I., N. ¥. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERB John' ~Y/ickham, Chairman Henry Moisa !~elDor% to: S outhold Town Board Alfred Grebe Southoid, New York Archibald Young ~/illiam Unk~lb~ch Nc~rem~er 3, 1960 Qentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Scuthold Town Planning Board at their meeting on November I, 1960: In the matter of the petition for a change of zone from · "A" Residential and Agricultural 'District to "[4" Multiple Residence District by Willia~ Victoria on certai~ real prop- erty situated at .Bay View Road, Southold, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument at the northwesterly corner of the describe~ premises being the northeasterly corner of a certain 12 ft. right-of-way on the southerly side of ~ain Baa;view Road, running thence easterly along the souttlerly side of said Main BayView Road S.64°07'E 777 ft. more or less to a certain private road%~y; thence scnatherly along said roadway as it meanders to a monument 400 ft. more or less; thence w~sterly 60 ft. to a monument on the southerly, edge of an isl,/id; thence along tI~e Ul~iand of said island southxvesterly and then northwesterly 340 ft. mor~ or less to a monument; thence westerly 21 ft. to a monument; thence southerly 15.0 et. to high water mark of Corey's Creek; ~ence along the meanderings of the shore line 600 ft. more or less to a monument 'on. the property line of land now or formerly of Koke Estate; thence northerly along.said.property now or formerly of Koke N.2S°53'E. 1000 ft. more or less to the place of beginning. Containing ~pproxi~ately 12 acres; it is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board is ~ot willing to recommend this change of Zone from "A" Residential Page 2 - ~eport to Sonthold. To~n Board Agricnltural District to "~" Multiple t~e-sidence District on..ths property, of .william Victoria. Survey for ~/illiam Victoria by Alden Young, J~ly 10, 1950. The P!anning Board is cf the opinion that instead of ~nlarging his project with additional u~nits in hopes of securing additional income, ~r. ~ictor~ should sndeavor ~ l~ds~e ~d ~i~ t~ ~en co,tag,s ~t he present- has. Respectfully submitt~, ~ohn Wickham, Chair~an Southold To%n~ Planning Board /jb _. EI~K ~UTHDLD~ L. I.~ N. Y. October 11, 1960. ~. John Wic]v_ham ChaLrman planning Board Cutchogue, New York Dear ~I. Wickham; The original petition of WILLI~2~VICTORIA, of Jamesport, N.Y., relative to change of zone from "A" Residential & Agricultural District to ~M~ ~4u!tiple Residence District, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southo!d, New York. You are instructed to pre- p~re an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk STATE OF ~EW YORK PETITION TO%~N OF SOUTHOLD iN THE ~IATTER OF THE PETITION OF William Victoria FOR A C1AANGE, bIODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOL~ COUNTY, NE~V YORK. TO THE TO\YN BOARD OF ~ TOWN OF SOUTItOLD: J~_,__la~. ,fl~o~~ a J=.mes oor~ ~ 1. 'I, ..~. ~A~.; ........... A.~....~ ....... ~ ......................... residing at .......... ~....?~.~P.......~ ............ (ins~ n~e of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, lhe undersigned, am the owner of ce~ain rea] property situated at ...~s~.,...3f~e~...3.oa~...~Q.~%b_Q~d and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginni~g st a m~,-~-~,nt at -.~ "-~ ~c.. ..... ~ ~._o_:o said ~s!a~z~:s~hwes .... csr~ ....... - ~-~,{ =~.~__c_, .... ec. rthrasterl7 _q~Oft llCpe o% _la=~._- LC ~.., ..... . _. ~, .... ,' '"",~'-;' thence 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the 'rown or Soutbold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Tmvn of Southold, Stfffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: st tz. he t~se cf %he passin~c cf :-=-s~:.~ ~o'~ ..... -n~,,=o o~8ina~sce~ the ~i-.operty had 3. Such requestis made farthe following reasons: ~e ten cot~agea have prove~ popular, but have not by themselves beem able to held cover the expenses nee~e~ to maintain a~furt~er the ~evelopme~t of the DreDerty. With the aaditiomal te~u~its, we feel the imc~me woulA them mkke t~e project pay for itself. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ':'?':~.y~- -~ v~'C~--~-.~ .-~...~ ...... BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says thatthe~'ts-~ the petitioner in the within action; thot~'he~(ho~read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to ~c"~r) own knowledge, except os to the ma~ers therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that os to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this ........ ',~,,day of (~;o_.~ , 19..,~.o .... / I MAIN BAYV/EW PQ; D 11 op S. 640 07' E 7 7 7 F .'� o. C O � a -- --- '� ;� ..,., no- vre .wi .,.. .,.: .•,,, ,uu. ,•.,. ,w. ,,,, .W><. .�.,. _ , ' ----- a4i r co !� o �,I �, +"" ...- � �VLL __. _ >tW � �a >tuz +,W� yu. rlu YW.- Ju4 .•iiu aWo. ..wt K °I �0 o y G 0�5 ocrT F. JA I W L7 I � l � r SURVEY FOR n W/L L /AM VIC TOR/A SOUTHOLD y 0RE I,I SUFF. CO., N. Y July /0' /950 III Sco%: /m. = 600 ALDEN W. YOUNG III LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR III NOTE. f CONC. - MONUMENT N.Y. STATE-LICENSE NO., 12845 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. s