HomeMy WebLinkAboutValentini,Leo&Addie - Withdrawn Fishers Island; ~ December 17~ 1967 T0: Southold Town Board Southold, New Jerk Subject: Hearing on ~hange of Zone Gentlcmen: i wish to withdraw ~y appeal for a chanE~ of zone of my property on Fishers Island until some future date° Will you please adjourn the Hearing scheduled to be held on Fishers Island ~-n the firehouse at 12 noon on the 19th day of December: i intend to re-apply at some future date not as yet determ~ined. Very tE~ly yours, , ~' ~,. .~ , ~---Z Applicant December !1~ 1967 Lester A!bertson~ Smpervisor To~m of Southo!d, Southoid, !~sw York D, ez~,. iz~. Albertson: We ~e quite co~oerned abodeS, the proposed zonin~ change on property on ishsrs Island~ This !and bo~"ders o'~s on Madeiine A~nue; According to o~ deed~ ~ne property is restricted ~ residential p'~poses only. %'%%Ie we some ~anges m~ght be beneficia!~ ';~he ~Lnei~l of ~e matter is i~ortant. ~ef0rs, we ~¢~ut to go on record as berg opposed to ~ change in zoning ~ this ~ea. ;.~e are told thst ~e property involved had the sa~e deed res~ictions ~:en it was ~chased. Tha:~ yo~ for your interest in tlbis matter and for your oomt~u~ eoncern for ~tters inx~lving Fishers island. ~nile we ~e not li%%ng on ~the isle.ual" st this ti~e, we have a ~,e~m place ~a out heart for it and ~_~ hope to return there in o~ ~'old age~. Sincer ely Ralph E. Rooks P~csa~e P~. P~ocks LEGAL ~"OT~CE '~1 -- : -- ,Notic~ of He~rin~ On ,~ Prvpqs_a.l to Ameh'=t~.the ' ~ohing Orc[ n=n~ : ~ ! CO~.~T~' O~ S~O~, To~ ~aw ffn~ A~e tX of t~e held by me ~,thald T~v.m Bo~d ~ayS th=t .. ~., i~ ~rimter and Publish~'~f ~e c~een~ 'Aver~ue, F~m~ l~lan'i, ~ TI~'gS, a newsier ,pubMsh~ · ' · -- . , c~nty~ ~nd ~ the mo!i~, of whicB ~itt.~t~ ~e Buul~g Zone ~f~p~ ~[~d~e Aranue, ~id ~mi ~- vey T~n~la~on S~l[a='"Pro="~ ~ ~=' sl-~o~ Avenue' line ~ourd- 83 de~ees ~2 [ ~.~e ~t~t::~ ~ce ~rth' 0g digr~ ~g~ } ~e~t Av~ue; '~then~. ::alo~ ' 1~ de~ 3i :mi~u~s 20-seCO~S ', -. ~.2h~o~. s~d Avenue ~1~, ~m~ ea~ .~18~00' ~eef; thence [ nm-~' 03 de~e~-:25 m~m~s'~ [ s0Ueh 10: ~S~ -!9 ~t~s ~e; :,~out~ '2i :de~s 02 mi~t~ ~5~ se~n~'~ i5~.65 feet' .m s~d ' ~ Avenue ~e $~.~ 3S d~k~ C~t~inff 3.96 sc[.~.. ~b~-.'e .,:p~,~ ' ' . ~ - O~DE~ OF'- T~ SOU~O,LD ~ - . , ' , COUNTY' OF SUFFOLK I ss: ~.~' ~'~ ,-',', · : STATE OF NEW YORK '.T~w' ~m~.-~r~cIe ~ o~ ~b~ C. '¢Thitney ~ooth, Jr., being duly sworn, says :~a~e 9~ttlz~e6 o~ the To,.of that he is the Editor, of THE LONG [S~ND ;z*)',~" ........... ~;'=r,:' ' ~'~,rl:' ~"'J:'":i:'J ~'~-,'i~ ,~ T~VELER - MA~JTUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- .t'~,,~. ,r:,'. ,.',, .".,','... f".".' ~ paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk Count; and that ,-~ .'-,, ,p '! ~:,:. r,', - . the notice of which the 8:nnexed is a printed c~y, h~s been ~n.~...-~. z,,.. n~ ..... ~:,, · '¢~Jz~t=E[: published in said Long Island Trawier-Mattituck Watch- ~u', .~,..',','~ z";',. :.:.,', .... ,,~ ~=~ ~ ~. ~*i' ~a':,":~;i .~"I",,"~ 0:~?,'. ~':~'~d~.~ man once each W~ek ~or .... ~;t:'rl ~,,,',m:"';":.~ T?~ r'c ....-~ ~4¢; ~ successively, commencina on tk~ ,,~,..,,...r.:,,,,,','"..: ' '"" "~' '"':' ' "~'~,~:,,' ~~--~~.- .............. --~/,/' ........................ = ~ ~',; ;':: ',:¢.' = rr,,'"? ~.l '~'~{;:~' daf e¢ ...... ..,- , 19..~. '"' ~2" '~' r.x~ '";g"l~",, r',r ~" '~t.qi Sworn to be{*re mo thi~ ...... '"" ""' .,. I ......... tl.I. o..~ ,.,., :..=, .,..,,.: .,...,, 2~ :'ci'"d.' ;~.' 2'h.~'~ ". ' ',t~ '~o~i~sfo~ Expfres March 30~ 2i.' fL' '~,' .l~ ~:'.-, .-, 2~.,.'.~n~ PUBLISHER'S CER'"f-i FICATE of Connecticut, ~ ss. New London ;~01~_~ 0i~' $5i~It0L~-, County o£ New London, December on .......................... '~.:, ,.r, c~,,, ~ra .~.~i~ k~ ,~: tb~ ~'. D. 19&7,-- personally before tile ~,~ ~. ~ ~a ~ ~ ~,~a ,~ a No~ry Public, withi~ and for smd County and State, l~k,m c~-~., ~- 'Yo~', ' .......................................................... o~ THE DAY, a daffy even~n~ ' z t~ ,~ p~,~w ¢,~, newspaper published at New ~ndon, County of New ,,su~ o~ ~- t~.~. ~* p~r-, ~don, 8~te of Con~ee~eu~, who being duly aworn, ~n~ ¢~e ~erth-~',e~dy Imeof, St&~OS on oath, 'chat the Order of Notice in the case of i-'~'~ ~,~,~,u~.s~e~, the T~ of Southol~ I ~o~"~ ~., ~, ~,~.~,~t~,~ is hereun~ ~nexed, was published in said newspaper in ma,(,'~m~nce ~.:,a~ iffa[.~'~a,~ its isSueS of the ,~,:~,~a~ ~,~,'~%,~:~o~h] days of Dece~be~ +..:.~., ,-~ :~ r~> ,~ ~ Subscribed and swmm [o before me %n tti* ab,~ve pr;~gd~mehdm~t . h,.:,~,u ~t=~ ~e'U,e ,=e =,~ day of ....~.~}~ ............................ A. D. 19 67 ..... IqotazT Public. Notice of Hearing On ~oposal to Amen~ ~he Zoning Ordinance ~arsuant to Section 265 of t~...e T~n La~ and Article iX of t~e Building Zone Ordinance of ~he T~n of Southeld, ~uffolk County, ~e~ York, public hearings will ~ held by ~e T~n ~ar~ at ~e Fishers Isl~ Fire House, Crescen~ Avenue, Fiahers Island. Ne~-~ York. i~ said t~n at !2:00 no~n on ~e !gth ~y of .Dece~r, i967~ on ~e follow;ing pro~sai to ~e Buil~i~ Zone Ordinance (ine!~dlng ~e Building Zone of~e ~f Sou~old~ suffolk county, ~e-~ York. I. By ~ging fr~ ~A" Re~l~ent~i ~d Agricultural ~pro~rty: tslan~ T~n of $ou~old, County of Suffolk, and ~ of ~ York, and ~me ~articularly ~un~ed B~inning at a mon~ent at an angle in ~e feet ~or~ of a E~int which i~ 910~00 feet west o~ another ~n~ent ~ing ~ Unite~ States and along sai~ .Avenue lin~ south 83 ~grees 42 minutes 30 s~con~ West 179.83 feet; ~ence nor~ 06 ~r~es i6 m~utes 42 minutes. 30 seconds, Wes~ 209.46 feet to the south- easterly lime of Crescent Avenue; thence along said C~e~cent Avenue line North 14 ~zees 31 minutes 20 secon~z east !~.71 feet t~ a ~nu~t~ ~emce along east 203.45 feet~ ~hence sou~h 86 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds east 218.80 feet~ ~ence nor~ 03 25 minutes 40 secon~ east i00.00 feet; ~ence sou~h 10 ~greez i9 minute~ i0 seeon~ east 55.55 feet to ~aid ~deiine Avenue line~ ~ence along sai~ Argue line South 33 d~rees i4 ~nutem i0 s~onds we~t 273.43 feet to ~e ~Int of baginn~g. Contain~g Any pezson desiring to be heard on the above proposed ~en~nt should appear at the time and place above specifed. DA~ED: ~{OV~ER 29, i~7~ BY O~R OF ~ SOb~fHOLD T~.,-%l~ ~OARD ~e N~ Lon~ Day Southold Town Planning Board PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe REPORT TO: Southold Town Board wiJ[iam Unkelbach 16 South Street Frank Coyle Greenport~ New York November 27, 1967 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action Ks taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a re~lar meeting held on November 21, 1967. In the matter of the petition of Galileo Valentini and Addie Do Valentini of Fishers Island, New York~ relative to a change of zone from ~" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Fishers Island~ County of Suffolk~ and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at an angle in the northwesterly line of Madeline Avenue, said point being 3988°00 feet north of a point which is 910.00 feet west of another monument marking the United States and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Pros," and thence running along said Avenue line south 83degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds West 179.83 feet; thence north 06 degrees 16 minutes 40 seconds west 93°48 feet; thence south 83 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds west 209°46 feet to the southeasterly line of Crescent Avenue; thence along said Crescent Avenue line North 14 degrees 31 minutes 20 seconds east 108o71 feet to a monument; thence along said Avenue line North 03 degrees 25 minutes 40 seconds~ east 203.45 feet; thence south 86 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds east 218.00 feet; thence north 03 degrees 25 minutes 40 seconds east 100o00 feet; thence south 86 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds east 217~15 feet; thence south 10 degrees 19 minutes 10 seconds east 55.55 feet; thence south 21 degrees 02 minutes 50 se~nds east 159~65 feet to said Madeline Avenue line; thence along said Avenue line south 33 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds west 273°43 feet to the point of beginning° Containing 3°96 acres more or less: Report, To:2 S.outhe~d~ , ,' ~ Town Board ,.~ ,~ Noventoer 7 ~ 9~ ,~; ~ It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board favorably recommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone ~rom "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the above described property° The Board finds that the property in question is surrounded by business property in a business area. Respectfully submitted, ~ohn Wickham~ Chairma~ South~ld Town Planning Board cc: Town clerk OFF~ERK 5DUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. November 9, 1967 Lv,~. John ~ickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, New York Dear lvL~. Wickham; The original petition of Galileo Valentini and Addle D. Valentini of Fishers Island, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agriculural District to "B" Business District on certain property situated in Fishers Island, New York, is in the files in the office of the P~&nning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report defining the condit- ions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yo.~u~, , Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk STATE OF NEW YORK PETIT[ON TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE 31IATTER OF TIlE PETITION OF FORA CI{ANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE OI~DI- NANCE OF TIlE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned,~ the owne~o{ certain real property situated at Fishers Islma~ .......... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beg~'~'~'~'at ~ angle in the Northwesterly li~e cf Na~eline ~ve~me, said ~mint ~ein~ 3988'j0G feet North of a ~cint w~ich is 910~00 feet W~st of another monmment marking the U~t~ States and Geodetic Surve~ Tri- ~gul~tio~ Station '~os," ~d th~ce r~ alo~ said Avenue l~e South 83 ~egrees 42 ~ut~s 30 seconds ~est 179.83 feetl Thence North 06 degrees 16 ~nutes ~ ~eoonds West 93.48 feetl Thence South 83 degrees 42 ~nutes 30 seconds W~st 209.46 feet to the Southeasterly line of Crescent Avenm$; Thence mlo~$ said Crescent Avenue line No,th ~egrees 31 Einates 20 seconds East 108.7~ feet tem me~e~t; Thence along s~t~ Avenue liBe No~th degrees 25 minutms 40 seco~s East 2~3.45 feet; Thence South 86 ~egrees 3~ minutss 20 seconds Emst 218~00 feet; ~nce North 03 degrees 25 utes 4~ seconds East lO0.00 2eot; Thence South 86 degrees ~ ~utos 20 seconds E~t 217.15 feet; Thenc~ Sout~ 1G degre,$ 19 m~utms lO seconds East 55~5 feet; Thor_ce South 21 degrees 02 ~nutes 50 seconds East 159.65 feet to sai~ Ma~line Avenue l~e; Thence along said Avenue line South 33 degrees 14 m~utss l0 seconds West 273-43 feet to the ~oint ef Beg~ing~ Containing 3.96 totes mere o~ less. 2.r~el do hereby petition the Town Board of the Toxvn of Sontheld to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Buildiug Zone 2}iaps heretofore made a part thereo£, as follows: To chmuge from Residential to Business 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: Te lease,rent,er oonstruet a retail business, whioh this ~ro~erty is only good fora STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) G.a.~.i.l_' .e.o....a~...d...A.d..d.i..e..D..,..Y.a.l.~.n.t.$ni .... , BEING 'DULY SWOR-N, depose/and sa})~ that ttze they have r~+sa~ petitionerBin the within action; that-h* ~ read the foregoing Petition and kno¥~ the contents thereof; that the same is true to h~!:l~') own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on iuformation and belief, and that as to those maLters -n~--oeheve~' ~t to be true.