HomeMy WebLinkAboutWayne Associates - Denied WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by .................. '~..a.~...~..o..~..~t~s..e.~ .............................. requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Mops made c~ part thereof by chong~ "A" Residential and "M-i" GeneraIz lng from ......... ~J~?..~_..q.u..~..t:..~.~..~..].. ...... District to ..M.~.~r.~:~.]:.e....~..e.~.J....d.~..~..°..~ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to ~aid petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...... .6..~.h.. ...... day of ............... ~.8,y .......................... , 19...8...0.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is DENIED. Dated: June 10, 1980 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TELEPHONE: 477-0400 GREENPORT LUMBER ,MAIN ROAD, GREENPORT NEW YORK 11944 June 9, 1980 Mr. William Pell Supervisor of Southold Town Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Bill As owner and operator of the Reydon Country Club apartment house on Bayview Road, Southold for 2~ years, I experienced absolutely no difficulty in supplying water to 5 families from one 2" well. Sincerely ~ Ge~ge L. ~Penny IV f Treas. GLP:cb CC: 3ohn Nickles George Sullivan Henry Drum Larry Murdock ~ OI180UTHOLD · A ~ ' RECEIVED JUN 1 0 1980 :Town Clerk Southold w ,i~"N yo,xm PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 A public hearing was held by the Southoid Town Board at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southoid, New York at 8:30 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, on May 6, 1980 in the matter of the application of Wayne Associates for change of zone from "A" Residentiai and Agrieulturai to "M-i" Generai Multiple Residence District on property located at Bayview, Southoid, New York. Present were: Supervisor William R. Pell III Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman George R. Suliivan Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Supervisor Pell opened the hearing at 9:05 P.M. COUNCILMAN SULLIVAN read the legal notice of hearing as follows: PURSUANT to section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of Chapter 100 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk county, New York, public hearings will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 6th day of May, 1980, on the foloowing proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 8:30 o'clock P.M. By changing from "A" Residential and Agircultural District to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District the property of Wayne Associates situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner formed by the interesection of tile southerly side of Orchard Lane (private) with the easterly side of. Cedar Beach Road; running thence along the southerly side of Orchard Lane south 66 degrees 52 minutes 20 secondw east 451.63 feet to a point; running thence 60 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds east 63.02 feet to a point; running thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the'right having a radius of 156.20 feet a distance of 121.09 feet; running thence south 58 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds east 181.42 feet to a monument; running thence south 62 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds east 205 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Cedar Beach Harbor; thence southerly and southeasterly along the ordinary high water mark of Cedar Beach Harbor 426 feet more or less to the northerly line of lot no. 39 on Map of Cedar Beach Park aforementioned; running thence north 62 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds west 220 feet to a point; thence north 22 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds east 28.25 feet; running thence north 66 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds west 754.52 feet to the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive; running thence along the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive and along the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road north 23 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds east 322.11 feet to the corner first above mentioned at the point or place of BEGINNING. ( (2) PUBLIC HEARING CtIANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above so specified. DATED: April 8, 1980 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK COUNCILMAN SULLIVAN: We have in the file af£idavits of publi- cation from both the L.I. Traveler Watchman and the Suffolk Weekly Times, and we have an affidavit from the Town Clerk that it was posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. I have a letter from the Southold Town Planning Board dated March 14, 1980, which reads as follows: "The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held March 10, 1980. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board denial of the application of Wayne Associates for a change of zone from A Residential to M-1 General Multiple Residence for property located at Southold because it is not in conformity with the development map of the Town of Southold. /s/ Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board. I also have a letter from the Suffolk County Department of Planning dated April 3, 1980 which reads as follows: "Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, The Suffolk County Planning Co~nission on April 2, 1980 re- viewed the above captioned application and a£ter due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove it because of the following: 1. It is inconsistent with the predominant single family residence pattern of zoning and character of the surrounding area; 2. It constitutes the unwarranted further encroachment of multifamily zoning into single family residence district; 3. It would tend to establish a precedent for further downzonings in the locale; and 4. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates the easterly portion of the premises for Surburban single family residence development./s/ Gerald G. Newman, Chief Planner, Suffolk County Department o:[ Planning. Also, a letter from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, dated May 9, 1980 which reads as follows: "Please be advised that this letter concerning the sewage and water supply facilities was written prematurely. Prior to approval, it will be our re- quirement that an acceptable water supply study be conducted, in addition to the normal processing procedure. /s/ Royal R. Reynolds, P.E. General Engineering Services, Suffolk County Department of Health Services." SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. At this time is there anyone who wishes to be heard in favor of the application? JOtlN GILLES,Attorney for %¥ayne Associates: My name is John Gilles, I'm an attorney and I maintain an off~ce at 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, N.Y. I am the attorney for the applicants Wayne Associates and a principal of Wayne Associates. Mr. Super- visor and member of the Town Board by way of introduction ~ayne Associates is a co-partnership composed of five individuals, an attorney, an architect, an engineer, and three individuals who have been long associated wiLh the building industry. Four of those individuals have had close long standing personal ties with the North Fork and particularly the Town of Southold. They are PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-l¥AYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 all impressed with the natural beauty of our area and the charm of its' rural character. Now, it is those unique qualities that drawn some many to the Town of Southold first as a vacation retreat and ultimately in many instances as a permanent retirement home. Large summer homes converted for permanent living on large tracts of land no longer are suitable, unIess personal family circumstances change, and yet these same residents are reluctant to sever their roots with the North Fork and locate elsewhere. Now, condominium ownership which is what this is all about, as we propose it will afford a limited number of those residents an opportunity to continue their gracious lifestyle within our Town without the burden and time- consuming chore of outside maintenance and ground keeping. Now, condominiums are a comparatively new concept within the Town of Southold and we recognize that without specific definitions and descriptions, it is not difficult to conjure visions of multi-tenta- tive units marring the natural beauty of the area, polluting our water supply and encroaching into our irreplaceable tidal wetlands. We are confident that once we have concluded our presentation this evening, the Board and the community hopefully, will be assured that what we have proposed here is a viabIe concept consistent with Town planning and generates positive not negative overtones. Unfortunate- ly we don't have an additional copy of the site plan so the audience can see it, but the site plan illustrates, of course, the subject premises and they lie within the community which is commonly referred to as Bayview comprising a parcel containing some 7.8 acres oi land. It has a frontage on Cedar Beach Road of approximately 322 feet and extends easterly towards Cedar Beach Harbor approximately 975 feet. Now, located on Cedar Beach Road is the General Wayne Inn and Restaur- ant which is currently zoned M-1 General Multiple Residence and comprises an area of approximately 50,000 sq. it. Now, what we pro- pose this evening is that multiple family zoning be extended eastward to encompass the entire area. The details concerning the placement of tl~e units, the type of construction, I'll refer to later in the presentation. But, I would now like to dwell upon certain areas of concern which expressed in writing to the Department of Environmental Conservation at Stonybrook and I believe were also directed to this Board. These areas of concern seem to involve four main categories: and they are water supply, sanitary disposal system, density, and the environmental effects upon the tidal wetlands. Now, with your permission I would like to take each one separately. With respect to a water supply system, now, to determine the adequacy of water supply which would support the General Wayne Restaurant as well as the 14 condominium units we engaged the services of Kreiger Well & Pump Drilling to conduct test borings. These test borings have been conducted and they demonstrate an ample supply of ground water to meet the potential needs envisoned by our proposal. I would like to submit to the Board at this time, the written report of Kreiger Well & Pump, if you like I would be glad to read this for the benefit of the audience. This is Mr. Kreiger's report "Drilled 50 ft. of 2" well - would not pump at 50 feet, pulled well back to 46 feet and pumped for 2 hours, started as fresh water, after 1 hour the chloride rose ever the limit of 250 prm, pulled well back 18 feet to 28 feet and pumped for 2 hours at 50 gallons per minute, chlorides were under 100 prm" - I understand that the acceptable limit for chloride is 250- "and did not change, pumped approximately 6,000 gallons in 2 hours. There is ( (4) ( PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 approximately 30 feet of usable potable water at this site. It is our opinion that there is sufficient-potable water at this site for the planned 14 un,ts. The 14 units ~vith 4 people per unit, consti~ tutes approximately 56 persons. Fifty (50) gallons per minutes, or rather per day, per person is a total of 2,800 gallons, the total for all household purposes - adequate." I ~c:~t into greater detail with the gentleman who conducted this well dr.illing operation and he tells me that this is a rather unique area. He advises me that there is adequate ground water in this area. The quality of the water, however, will change depending upon exactly where you are in the community o£ Bayview. It is somewhat inferior immediately to the north of the General Wayne Restaruant but perfectly adequate and suitable for all purposes in the vicinity of the General ~ayne Restaurant. I'd like to submit that please. The next consideration is the sanitary disposal system. Now the proposed treatment dealing with the sanitary disposal system would be as £ollows: If you will look at the site plan you will notice that the groupings are three units: three units, three units, three units, two unit, and a three unit. Each of group of units four groups o£~three and one group of two will be served by a single septic system. Each septic system will consist o£ a septic tank and leaching pools. The number of leaching pools based on ground water level and a maximum number of these pools would be 15 units. Now, the ultimate judge of the adequacy of such a proposed system, particularly in terms of whether or not it would have a pollutant effect upon our water supply system, as the Suffolk County Department of Health has evidenced by the letter that Mr. Sullivan read. We took this matter up with Mr. Jewel, who evidently was not in touch with the author of that letter, we exhibited our site plan to him and our engineer reviewed very carefully our proposed method of sanitary disposal system. I received a reply ~rom Mr. Jewel as follows: "Please be advised that we are in receipt of the preliminary site plan of the above referenced site. A preliminary and cursory review indicates that the Department's standards for sewage disposal and water supply can be met. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact this office. /s/ Robert W. Jewell, P.E. Genera]. Engineering Services, Suffolk County Department of Health Services." Please place thSs in the ~ile. The third consideration is one of density. The map of Cedar Beach Park ~iled in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December of 1927 covers the subject property as well as the surrounding area. A review of this map indicates that the bulk of the lots shown thereon comprise plots of one half acre or less. Now, true this is not an approved map, but I believe it is reasonable to assume that many of these one half acre or less plots have been held in single and separate ownership and the owners would have an absolute right to construct homes. In fact, a review of the radius m:~p, prepared by our surveyor, Mr. Van Tuyl, indicates that there are improved properties within the immediate vicinity of the Get, era] ~ayne Restaurant upon plots of less than one half acre. One such dwelling lies inm~ediately to the north and three are ~mmedJ~tely to the south, a~ well as a varied number of vacant lots which appear to be held in single and separate ownership and capable of supporting single family dwellings. Now, we've proposed on the 6.8 acres, 14 units or 2.059 units per zoning acre. We do not consider this an unreasonable burden. The multiple dwelling density in the Town of Southold, as you know is 9,000 sq. ft. of land per unit, as we propose 14 units, PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 those units would require a total of 126,000 sq. ft.. We are setting aisde 275,346 sq. ft. o~ land for this purpose. Clearly, while we are seeking multiple family zoning, we are not seeking to exhaust the benefits of such zoning, but will in fact maintain the character of the immediate surrounding area. On the question of environment. The area abutting Cedar Beach ttarbor with its' natural marshlands and vistas overlooking Peconic Bay was actually the motivation behind this concept. The tidal wetlands of the North Fork, as you know have been aerially mapped and are on file in the office of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in Stonybrook. The area that we propose facing Cedar Beach Harbor would be located purusant to the guidelines issued by the State and they would be at least 75 ft. from the landward edge of the marsh. The area lying between the highwater mark and 75 ft. west of the upper edge of the marsh, I might indicate that this line here is the line of the upper marshland, under the New York State rules and regulations you must locate you improvements a minimum of 75 ft. from the edge of that marshland. This would have the net effect of placing all of those units that border on the Cedar Harbor a minimum distance of 160 ft. away ~rom the highwater mark. The natural grove of cedar trees to the south of the property to the extent that they are located upon our site would remain and provide a natural buffer. Now, Mr. Gemma, our architect, has designed the proposal keeping environmental considerations uppermost in his mind. This site plan has been review- ed by Mr. Roy Haje, a marine and environmental specialist, who I will introduce shortly, to confirm its' negative impact upon our tidal wetlands. I refer also to the letter directed to the Town Clerk from the New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation dated March 20, 1980, and I would like to quote the third paragraph, "The applicant has filed for the tidal wetlands permit and our field inspection, and reviewed to date, indicates that the project will meet our regulations minimum density and setback requirements. Therefore, the project is not anticipated to be objectionable or significant with regard to impacts to tidal wetlands" I believe Mrs. Terry has this letter. Now, this is a pretty crucial part of the presentation, gentlemen, and to demonstrate the sincerity of our purpose here, we would be willing to covenant in perpetuity the tidal wetlands which abut this area would £orever remain undisturbed and would not be the subject of any dredging, marina operation, or any other activity that would prejudice this,its preservation. Now, at this time gentlemen, I would like to refer to the s~te plan, the location of the units, the type of construction and what we propose. As is evidenced from the plan, there are a total of 14 units, so located, these will be constructed of frame construction, natural cedar shingles, 6 of the units will be 2 bedroom and 6 with i bedroom, no, 3 with 1 bedroom, and 8 with 3. The utilities will all be underground. The effect of improv- ing the area will leave unimproved and as vacant land approximately 5 acres or more. The road lay-outs will be prefereably gravel. We estimate that the cost of construction of these units will approximate a million two hundred thousand dollars, being part- time residents of the Town of Southold we would make every effort to utilize local contracting services for that purpose. The total area now of 7.8 acres generates approximately $4,000. in real estate taxes. Conversations with the assessors indicates PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243- WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 that if this project goes, the potential tax impact on the Town would be in 'the neighborhood of $30,000. ~ ~ $35,000. ~?e have heard, indirectly, that the utilization o£ the General ~Tayne Restaurant has to a certain degree been a source of some concern to the immediate community of the General ¥'ayne. We propose to continue tbe operation of t;,e General Wayn~ Restaurant. But we hope to be able to operate it in the nature of a county inn type o~ thing. ~e would hope to limit our capacity to 100 people. The i~nediate alterations or renovations would mean the removal of the large concrete area to the rear of the building. We would limit any music to the piano type of situation. We would attempt to create, to the best of our ability, a true historic "country inn type" operation. At this time gentlemen, I would like to introduce Mr. Roy Haje, a marine and environmental special- ist who give you the benefit of his review and inspection o~ the tidal wetland area. At the same time Mr. Gemma the architect, and Mr. Walgrove the engineer are here, and they would be only too happy to answer any questions that you might have concerning th~ project. Mr. Haje. MR. ROY L. tIAJE, Pres. En-Consultants, ~nc. which is located at 64 North Main Street, Southampton, N.Y. 11966. I have a Bachelors Degree in biology from Queens College from the City of New York. have a Masters of Science Degree in marine science from C.W. Post College of L.I. University and another master of science degree in marine and environmental studies from the State University of New York at Stonybrook. Prior to beginning En-Consultants, Inc. an environmental consulting service, I was employed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for 11 years. Much o~ that time was spent investigating projects in the marine area for p~.~mit purposes. I have b(~en retained by Wayne Associates to describe the marsh located on the applicants parcel and the antici- pated effect of the proposed project on it. On May 2, 1980 and I m~ght also add today, I inspected the parc~ [. I have found that a h:i~h quality marsh is located on the parcei~ from the water line la~dward and variable distance and up to approximately 80 feet. Dominant species nearer the water is the salt marsh cord grass - spartina alteniftora ~s found the entire periphery and beyond to th~ adjacent parcel. Spartina alteniflora is characteristic of inter-tidal marshes for those areas which are inundated by regular diernal tidal action. Landward of this the land rises slightly in elevation and the grass spartina patens assumes dominance. Mixed with this are some high tide bushes ila frutessence and groundso bush backrus alomofolia. These plants characteristically grow so much higher than spartina a]teniflora where they are inundated by tidal action less freq~ently. All of these species are protected under th~? provisions of the t~dal wetland act, article 25 of the environmental conservation law. Landward of the high mark area one encounters a brush and tree line. An excellent and attra- ctive stand stands out amongst other species. Beyond this tree line the ]and is essentially open grassed area dotted by a few cedar trees and brush trees. The land is basically fiat with a few gently rolling swales. Due to the high quality nature of the marsh, it should not be bulkheaded, filled, or otherwise damaged. The applicants have agreed to covenant that the marsh ~v~ll not be developed either now or in the future. ~11 constr ; ion of PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 buildings will be at least 75 feet from the landward edge of the marsh. This conforms to the development restrictions described in part 661.6 of the N.Y.S.D.E.C. Land Use Regulations of Article 25 Tidal Wetlands excerpt. Leaving the tall trees behind the marsh should screen the proposed structures from sight from the waterway. Cesspools for the structures will be well in excess of the 100 ft. mandated by the land use regulations. Locating them at this distance from the marsh should prevent them from having any deleterious effects upon either it or the waters of Cedar Cove. A potential problem encountered in the development of upland near marine waters is alteration of drainage patterns. I would recommend making the roads of bluestone or other pervious materials which will accept water. The structures themselves should be fitted with drywells to contain the roof run-off. As the land is essentially flat now, no large degree of re-grading should be required. This should minimize alteration of natural drainage patterns. Little, if any, additional over land runn-off should reach either the marsh or the waterway. Another factor which offers some potential for addition of nutrients for the waterway is the use of fertilizers for lawns and shrubs. Proper application which will be utilized on lawns and ornamentals should be used without excess which would enter the waterway. Attention to these factors, creation of restrictive covenants for the marsh area and appropriate construction setback should allow the perpetuation of the marsh and waterway in their present condition. I am familiar with the applicants proposed project. It addresses the concerns that I have stated above and it does not have a deleterious effect either upon the marsh or the waterway. Thank you. JOHN GILLES: In order for me to get safely home tonight, I'd bet[er show these renderings made by my partner, the architect. Let me just show the type of design that he contemplates. Why don't you just hold one of these up. This is the type of units that are proposed. They are one-story in :front, some of them will be two-stories for the rear. They will, of course, be furnished in a comparative luxurious fashion. The price of these units would run somewhere in the neighborhood of $140,000. to $155,000. In summation, gentlemen, what we hope to do, will actually, be hopefully, a source of pride to the Town of Southold and ultimately a source of pride to the community of Bayview. We recognize the fears and concerns of the community, I think we have attempted to relieve them this evening. We have done a lot of homework on this thing and we've delved into the problems and attempted to come up with the questions. And I hope you will give this your serious consideration. Thank you. SUPERVISOR: Thank you very much. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I would like to question the gentlemen, since the architect is here. In the middle of March the Town of Southold was required to establish a flood plain law and if there was ever a piece of property in my opinion that is subject to the flood plain law, this would be it. It pertains to protecting the sewage disposal flooding and also it deals with the foundations. ( (8) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 I was wondering whether you have applied your plans to the new requirements of the flood plain law and whether you can in fact consistently build in requirement with the flood plain law, a multiple family complex? JOHN GILLES: We have addressed ourselves to (hat problem and we recognize the existence o£ the flood plain law and the rules and regulations, as I understand them, require that the first floor elevation of the foundation be 8 feet. Our architect feels that that is absolutely no problem. The grade above water level at the point o£ the closest house to the harbor would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-5½ £eet, is that correct? PASQUALE A. GEMMA, Architect: Yes, well, the natural grade is about 6 feet. JOHN GILLES: So the location o~ the foundation in compliance with that particular flood plain law, namely, 8 £eet would present absolutely no problem. We discussed it with Mr. Haje whom you just heard testify and we feel we can meet those require~aents. SUPERVISOR PELL: Does anyone else wish to be heard in favor o£ the applicant? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR PELL: Is there anyone who wishes to be heard in opposition to the applicant? WILLIAM WEINHEIMER, N.F. Taxpayers Assoc.: My name is Bill Weinheimer from the North Fork Taxpayers Association. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the North Fork Taxpayers Association, on May 5, 1980, a resolution was adopted objecting to the applica- tion of Wayne Associates requesting a change of zone from "A" to ,~'M-i" in the Cedar Beach area. This objection is based on the premise that we are unalterably opposed to spot zoning. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: to the applicant? Anyone else wish to be heard in opposition MRS. OSCAR SCHLOSS, Paradise Point Road, Southold: I would like to say that my husband and I as Bayview and Cedar Beach residents, we want to express very firmly ~bject to the downzoning of the property behind the General Wayne I;.n because of the fragile water supply located in the Great Hog Neck. area and it is only slightly above sea level and the salt wat(~ intrusion occurs here more often than in any other Southo]d Tow~ area. S;~lt water intrusion takes place in the ex~sting fresh water s~pply when exhausted either as a result of a dry period or over usage. The Ma]coIm Pirnie Engineers Investigation of water resources report that Frank Bear referred to was done in June 1967 for the Town of Southold's sake. The Southold's stored fresh water flows laterally to the various bodies of water almost completely surrounding Southold. There£ore, it is not safe to withdraw fresh water from any portion of Southold to such ar~ extent where the groundwater level is below one or two feet abov mean sea level (. ( PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-lfAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 because the danger of contamination by salt water is greater. It is also noted that the groundwater level of 'the Great Hog Neck, parti- cularly the Cedar Beach area is one foot above sea level according to 'the above mentioned report. Wel]sdamage by salt water intrusion are abandoned. It has been brought to out attention that the General Wayne Inn ran short of fresh water during its' last year of operation as a restaurant. Only yesterday, another well, just behind the Inn, at 50 feet ran into salt water. The requested rezoning of this. property will endanger the Cedar Beach areas' fresh water supply and will risk spoiling the Cedar Beach Creek shorefront with septic disposal problems from multiple family zoning in this particular fragile area. A copy of the letter from Gerald Newman, Suffolk County Planning Department is enclosed with our comments and with Your additional reasons £or disapproval of this downzoning request. In addition, I have some petitions that have been prepared and signed by the residents o£ the area and many of our friends who either own property or live in Southold. ! would also like to ask at this time from the audience here tonight, i~ those of you who are in favor of rejecting this proposal for downzoning raise your hands please and show the Board your feelings. (Approximately two-thirds of the audience raised their hands.) SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. Do you wish to turn those petitions in? MRS. SCHLOSS: Yes. SUPERVISOR PELL: Does anyone else wish to be heard here for the record? MR. HENRY LYTLE, Southold-Peconic Civic Association: Basically, we are opposed to the change in the zoning for reasons as they now stand, especially in light of this particular one which seems to be the particularly fragile area and a very beautiful area, we would hate to see it change at all. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. Yes, the gentleman that had his hand up before.. BOB GAZZA: Yes, I'm Bob Gazza. I live on Cedar Beach Creek. I have salt water in my well. I sent a letter to the Town Board. I don't know if all of you have read it or not. I have spent a thousand dollars in the past tweIve months trying to get good enough water to drink out of my well. I moved into, I bought the house last year. When we first moved in, our water was fine, it took about two months and this was when salt water just started creeping right into the well. When the gentleman here mentioned before that as they pumped, they pumped at 46 feet after an hour they started getting salt water. That's worse than my oase, it took me two months to get salt wazer. The other thing I am con cerned about is the cesspools. The elevation is very low on this land. I don't want to see that creek get contaminated. Where I live, if I dig down 6 feet and I hit water. We have one house, I have 2~ acres on the creek, we have a 5 pool system for just my wife and myself. If you are going to put 16 condominiums in here (' (lO) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 and who knows how many people and how many pools per person and dig down 6 feet for water, you have to put the pools 2 feet below ground to start with, the pool ls 2 feet thick, you only have another 2 feet for the contamination to get down into the water. All that groundwater as it rains is going to move right on into the creek. I can't see it. Thank you very much. SUPERVISOR PELL: Yes, the fellow in back in the white shirt. JAY AKSCIN: Yes, my name is Jay Akscin. My parents own the property adjacent to, just north of Wayne Associates. They also get salt water in their well. When they are talking about ½ acres lots there, true. My parents house in on an acre and three quarters and thye hav~ one well. The neighbors, there are two other houses there. One is on a half acre and the other is on a 1½ acre and they have problems with their water, too. One guy has put a well in three times already. They are talking about the trees to the north of them, those trees don't belong to them, they belong to these people. They are talking that th~.houses are going to be 75 feet above the highwater mark or the flood plain. Well, I have lived there all my life and I know 'the storm tides. I'm not a biologist or anything like that, I don't know the name of the grass, but I know when my feet get wet. About two acres of that land floods at storm tide. JOHN WISSEMANN; I am probably the closest neighbor. My house is immediately adjacent to this property and would probably be, maybe 75 feet from one of those units. I think those units are pretty nice, but we do have lots of zoned property that they would fit on. A practical matter, about the water, I', sort of caught between temik to the north and the salt to the south. Plus, there are three immediate neighbors and my own l~nd is exactly the level as this ~operty they are talking about. Three of those immediate neighbors, perodically, do right now have trouble with the water, right now. At this particular tame it might be all right, but later on in the summer they get salt water. Sometimes, I take water over to them and this reoccurs all the time. It's not a one time thing. And as to those men testing yesterday, they must have written up that report rapidly. They were just testing it yesterday afternoon, digging that well and they were getting salt water at the time I was out there. Also, I think one reason this area is so nice, the people there have been keeping it that way. With one family dwellings and most of the land is like one acre pieces of property, not one half acre. And the people have gone to great pains to make that attractive. I can see why people would like to build condominiums there. The people have worked hard to keep that area the way it is. Just a casual walk over that property they plan to build these on, common sense shows you, tells you that it could accomodate maybe four private houses. It does get very wet and it would drastically change the population density there and the whole atmosphere of the area. Also, you worry about the sewage problem. It is a constant problem with us. We first built leaching fields and we were assured by the county insepctor that that would serve forever~ Well, it lasted about 6 years, then we went to cesspools, which lasted until three more years. The most they could dig down is 6 feet before they hit water. Since then, there have been new PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 cesspools and new leaching pools, but really the only solution is to call Daisy Morris twice a year. It is exactly the same and continious with all that land. So water and sewage is an absolute and practical problem there. SUPERVISOR PELL: wish to be heard? Thank you very much. Does anyone else PHILIP OFRIAS, Esq.: My name is Philip Ofrias. I'm here on behalf of some friends in the Cedar Beach area. They talked to me about it and asked me if I might come down here about it tonight just to hear what went on. The gentleman over there, his comments about tile water changing Within a period of several months. My wife and I we recently built a new house over by Arshamomaque and when we went to get our health permit to put in our well and the permit you needed in order to build, they were concerned, that is the health department, as to whether or not we could get good water. We put in a test well and they pumped the water for, I don!t know how long, and we came up with water that had 125 parts per million of chloride and that was satisfactory. We built the house, we moved into the house, now we are pumping 500 parts per million of chloride. Friends of ours here in Southold, they know that because we show up at their house with 5 gallon gerry cans because the water for coffee and the water my wife waters the plants with we have to import because the water that we are pumping out of our well after 6 months was no longer any good for drinking or.for cooking. What Mr. Giltes describes is a project which he and his associates intend to do the very best they can to made it a very desirable and pleasant finished project. However, I think that they are working against some elements over which they have no control and I think that is primarily the £ragile table both in so £ar as fresh water supply and so far as sewage disposal. If the Board is going to consider downzoning, and it may well be that this; town is going to have to consider some downzoning in some areas, I don't think that the application should be made or the consfderation be made or given to those areas which are now borderline as far as the fragile water systems go. Now, regardless of what they are doing over there now, as far as water tests go, I think that in a period of time, and the people that I know in Cedar Beach they are all talking about the salt water intrusion as a recurring problem not just one time, it comes and goes with the time of the year and the rainfall. But, I think that the downzoning there, it may work at that, but I think what the engineers have said that submitted these reports is we think it can work. Well, maybe it can, but more likely it can't. I think that if the application were in another area of town, an area where the land and water were more capable of supporting the project there would be ]ess concern of the people of that community. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. Does anyone else wish to be heard to speak in opposition to this application? SOPHIA ADLER, Southold. We live on an inlet very close to the General Wayne Inn and we understand and have lived with the salt water intrusion and the difficulties that accumulate. But I would just like to point out that the fragile environment of (12) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 is not only fragile for human beings but one of the most wonderful things about the area is the wildlife that flourishes there. Today I can say that we have ospreys coming back, we have mallards, swans the most unusual confluent living thing,~ besides human beings that we would like to give every opportunity to continue so valuable a enrichment for the entire North Fork. These kind of things are rare to still survive among us human beings. I cannot imagine a worst place to inject a multi-family condomJ~ium environment to intrude on such an invaluable wildlife area. I just want you to consider that. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. be heard speaking in opposition? Anyone else wish to JOHN J. LEE, Southold: My name if John J. Lee and I am a resident about 1,000 feet away from this project mentioned. Fortunate- ly for me, I haven't had any trouble with my well with this fresh water. I'm on a little over an acre of ground and I'm along tile same inlet that this lady that preceded me described, but I'm on the otI~er side. The thing I question, I question the credibility of Mr. John E. Gilles, who I understand signed a paper when he made a,~ application for a short environmental agreement form and signed it. The last question on it is there public controversary concerning the project and he said no. Is that right Mr. Gilles? JOHN GILLES: Yes, sir. JOHN J. LEE: I won't go into that any further, but I just want to being out a point that these people aren't, I'd like to stick with the credibility, but you have ruled your honor, I'll stay away from that. Now, as to the question of the people in the condominiums, I believe there was mentioned that there was going to be 14 condominiums, 3 units of 4, 2 units of 1. Now, it goes onto the question of the density of these units, it brings out, as further stated, that they figure they will accomodate 100 people in t he restaurant in addition to the people in these condom:iniums what is going to happen to our table water? That's what I'm concerned about. I'm mainly concerned about that water. I'm concerned further about the pollution of that water. As a member of the Cedar Beach Park Association, only a member not an officer, i"m not an officer, I believe I've expressed the senti- ments of all the member of the Cedar Beach Park Association. Thank you, your honor. SUPERVISOR PELL: Does anybody else wish to be heard speaking against the applicant? FRANK BEAR, Southold: I'll take only a ~econd because most of what I wanted to say has been said. I want to refer again to the Malcolm Pirnie Study which refers specifically to the fragile condition of the water supply in the Great Hog Neck where approxi- mately 2% of tile Town's entire water supply now exists. I'm speaking again on behalf of the North Fork Environmental Council and the North Fork Audubon Society. I appeal to the Board to lighten to the concerns that have been expressed here tonight as well as the opinion, s that were expressed by the Southold Town Planning Board and PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION#243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 and the Suffolk county Planning Commission. Thank You. SUPERVISOR PELL: ,Yes, Dr. Smith. DR. SMITH: I'd like to make one correction. I think the gentleman stated an average of 50 gallons perday. I think it is somewheres between 90 and 120 gallons per day the average personal usage in the Town of Southold. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Does anybody else wish to be heard in opposition to this application? TOM CONRAD, Southold: I'm a resident of Hogs Neck and also a volunteer fireman. When you have these many buildings this close together and you are talking about cedar shingle buildings. If one of those things got going down there, that is one of the longest runs we have in Southold. You would be in real big trouble if you had a fire down there. That's something else to think about. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you Tom. Does anyone else wish to be heard in opposition to this application? MRS. RAYMOND AKSCIN: My house is very very close to the General Wayne Inn almost as close as Mr. Wissemann's. I just want to reaffirm and state once more that the water table is so fragile. We have salt water intrusion. Also what the lady said about the ducks and geese and so forth. We have them now on our front lawn. We call them Charlie. They come for bread and they come for a coffee break everyday. We won't have them anymore. Everything I wanted 'to say has been stated already. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Anyone else? HENRY COX: My name is Henry Cox, my family has been living in the Cedar Beach area since before I was born. Nobody has mentioned what happens during storms. Se ~ral times I have seen Cedar Beach completely inundated with just the tops of the cedar trees showing. I don;t think that some of these people that are planning this realize that this can happen. SUPERVISOR PELL: Does anybody else wish opposition to this application? Does anybody any comments on this application? to be heard in else wish to have (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR PELL: Does any Town Board member have any questions they would like to ask? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR PELL: If Hearing adjourned at not, I will declare the hearing closed. 10:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, TO THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Sigsbee Road Mattituck, New York May 14, 1980 Re: APPLICATION OF WAYNE ASSOCIATES Gentlemen: A review of the matters presented to the Board would indicate that you should accept the opinion of the en- vironmentalists and well driller rather than the sentiments expressed by a group of emotional people. The backlash from Robbins Island should not prejudice this application. As I gather the facts, the land would be used for 14 townhouses occupied, probably, by former large homeowners- retirees from our area. The homes would be clustered in groups of three or less providing ample vacant land untouched and shore frontage unspoiled. If the land were not used for this purpose, it would be used for five or six individual homes with paved streets, etc. Soon those homeowners would be peti- tioning for variances to permit docks, bulkheading, etc. It seems that the only way to satisfy the people who objected to the Wayne proposal would be to treat the land as unbuildable and retain it as a park. The men who are willing to invest a million dollars or more in the Wayne proposal have chosen this expensive land for its environment, otherwise they could have bought farmland. They want water, wildlife and trees to provide the beautiful set- ting that luxury townhouses demand. In order to protect their investment in the property and the Inn, they will upgrade and protect the area rather than destroy it. By approving the Wayne application, the Town of Southold will realize maximum tax benefits from the property. This appeals to me as a taxpayer. Orig. Co?~s ~T.C. ~ T.B. Atty.~ Ados. File Very truly yours, PAT ROMANELLI t .......................... ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD [ IO~N OF $OUIHOLD ~,OUTHOLD, LONG 18LAND NEW YORK tts?t % com~ment" ~ a= the ,,~, to . ~ffect that duriP.~ our last you' a? o~c~ation, tbs ~P~neral Wayne irm ran out of water. This is not trua. lie never encountered a p. ob~ ,~ ~ ,,~z i is~lfi tc!e~t water s~lo9ly. ~D regard to waste, it was nscs.~sa~,:r to hays ' ' f ........... , .... lilli~ :- +~te~: +v',t - : ...... TOWN OF $OO,,-,~ MAIN ROAD LEWIS EDSON MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 LICENSED BROKER CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 (516) 765-2288 (516) 734-6687 May 23, 1980 Southold Town Board Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Wayne Assoc. Bayview Rd. Southold, N.Y. Gentlemen: This letter is to state that I am in favor of the condominium project behind the General Wayne Inn as shown on the plans presently before the Town Board. My family owns property within 1500 feet of the proposed project so there is more than just a casual interest on my part for the project. Expensive condominiums have to be a big plus for Southold and I would hope the Board receives this project favorably. Yours t..r u~l y, Lewxs L. Edson Nancy Carley, Esq, P,O. Box 219 Westhampton Beach, New York 11978 May 21, 1980 Town Board of Southold Town Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Wayne Associates Proposal Dear Sirs: I have been advised that the Southold Town Board has reserved decision on the "Wayne Associates Proposal". I have examined the Proposal and hope that the Town Board takes affirmative action on it. I had lived with my large family on the North Fork for over thirty years. Six years ago we sold our home (my parents had died and professional opportunities required my brother and sisters to live elsewhere). After the sale, to facilitate my finding appropriate quarters to relocate on the North Fork, I became a guest of my cousins, the Greenfields, on Fleets Neck. A six-month search uncovered nothing appropriate on the North Fork so I moved to the South Fork where I now live. Had a "Wayne Associates" plan been in existence six years ago, I would have taken a unit. If this Board now passes favorably on the "Wayne Associates Proposal", I would be interested in a unit and a return to the North Fork. I have always hoped to return to the North Fork and in anticipation of such a return~ I have continued my membership in the North Fork Country Club. NC/mlf .-'~cerely, Nancy carley sou'n{ou), .].971 (.be{o $/].3/IJ0) THE WAYNE ASSOCIATES PROPOSAL '/'OWN OF $OUTHOLD / Fourteen (14) individual Town Houses, each to be occupied by a family unit, and are not actually multiple dwellings. Density is 2.059 units per acre, comparable to many of the plots in the vicinity of the Wayne Inn, which are approved with homes on one half (½) acre or less. Test borings have been done by Krieger well drillers, and they have certified that there is ample water supply for the restaurant and 14 Town Houses. Sanitary disposal systems have been discussed with the Suffolk County Board of Health, and a letter is in the Town's file from Robert Jewell, indicating that the sug- gested plans meet with his approval. There are 'no adverse environmental effects and the owners will covenant that the wetlands will never be disturbed, and will not be the subject of marinas, dredging, bulk- heading and so forth. The property currently yields approximately $4,000.00 in annual taxes. The estimated annual taxes, if the Wa}~e proposal is approved, would be $35,000.00. The restaurant will be operated as a country Inn--will discourage any type of catered affairs, and will-have no loud music. Gracious family orientated dining will be.the format. This concept would 'allow retirees, who might otherwise have to leave the North Fork, to continue their style of living, without the responsibility of maintenance. Letter to be sent to THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 (before 5/13/80) THE WAYNE ASSOCIATES PROPOSAL Fourteen (14) individual Town Houses, each to be occupied by a family unit, and are not actually multiple dwellings. Density is 2.059 units per acre, comparable to many of the plots in the vicinity of the Wayne Inn, which are approved with homes on one half (~) acre or less. Test borings have been done by Krieger well drillers, and they have certified that there is ample water supply for the restaurant and 14 Town Houses. Sanitary disposal systems have been discussed with the Suffolk County Board of Health, and a letter is in the Town's file from Robert Jewell, indicating that the sug- gested plans meet with his approval. There are no adverse environmental effects and the owners will covenant that the wetlands will never be disturbed, and will not be the subject of marinas, dredging, bulk- heading and so forth. The property currently yields approximately $4,000.00 in annual taxes. The estimated annual taxes, if the Wayne proposal is approved, would be $35,000.00. The restaurant will be operated as a country Inn--will discourage any type of catered affairs, and will'have no loud music. Gracious family orientated dining will be'the format. This concept would 'allow retirees, who might otherwise have to leave the North Fork, to continue their style of living, without the responsibility of maintenance. TOWN OF $OUTHOLD THE WAYNE ASSOCIATES PROPOSAL 1. Fourteen (14) individual Town Houses, each to be occupied by a family unit, and are not actually multiple dwellings. Density is 2.059 units per acre, comparable to many of the plots in the vicinity of the Wayne Inn, which are apprbved with homes on one half (½) acre or less. Test borings have bean done by Krieger well drillers, and they have ~ertified that there is ample water supply for the restaurant and 14 Town Houses. Sanitary disposal systems have been discussed with the Suffolk County Board of Health, and a letter is in the Town's file from Robert Jewell, indicating that the sug- gested plans meet with his approval. There are no adverse environmental effects and the owners will covenant that the wetlands will never be disturbed, and will not be the subject of marinas, dredging, bulk- heading and so forth. The property currently yields approximately $4,000.00 in annual taxes. The estimated annual taxes, if the Waste proposal is approved, would be $$5,000.00. The restaurant will be operated as a country Inn--will discourage any type of catered affairs, and will-have no loud music. Gracious family orientated dining will be.the format. This concept would 'allow retirees, who might otherwise have to leave the North Fork, to continue their style of living, without the responsibility of maintenance. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ! TOW. soumo,o THE WAYNE ASSOCIATES PROPOS~ Fourteen (14) individual Town Houses, each to be occupied by a family unit, and are not actually multiple dwellings. Density is 2.059 units per acre, comparable to many of the plots in the vicinity of the Wayne Inn, which are apprbved with homes on one half (~) acre or less. Test borings have been done by Krieger well drillers, and they have certified that there is ample water supply for the restaurant and 14 Town Houses. Sanitarv. disposal systems have been discussed with the Suffolk County Board of Health, and a letter is in the Town's file from Robert Jewell, indicating that the sug- gested plans meet with his approval. There are no adverse environmental effects and the owners will covenant that the wetlands will never be disturbed, and will not be the subject of marinas, dredging, bulk- heading and so forth. The property currently yields approximately $4,000.00 in annual taxes. The estimated annual taxes, if the Wa}me proposal is approved, would be $35,000.00. The restaurant will be operated as a country Inn--will discourage any type of catered affairs, and will'have no loud music. Gracious family orientated dining will be.the format. This concept would 'allow retirees, who might otherwise have to leave the North Fork~ to continue their style of living, without the responsibility of TeL 516~765-55~ E~M of Bay View Road off Route 25 8OUTHOLD, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11971 ,.,out~.old Town Board Town Iiall ~odthold, Tf_ ]]971 Oe_~.t!em~ n: Orig. Copies ~'/T C. J T B. ~tty. Nay 1[~., [!.980 i ['0; 2 i.? .... ,: ', MAY I 6 wa, as owners of t:~,.. G~nors] '~aTn~ Inn s~nco 19!1, would water eroblems. A coml~enh was nade to the .'~f:?ect t!ab du~i.~{i our last year of oDera%~ on, %!~e General ~Jayne inn Pal out of water. not tru~. W? heron enconntered a p-,ohl~m with insufficient which woe!d ~ndioete tha~ the ground is sufficiently su~t~bls for disposal of waste. Restaurants serving tho public ara tasted for aocsvtab}~ water qua!5 ty by th~ County D~pa'ehment of NealtL annually. Aporova! was rec,~ived toooerat~ every y:~ae the G~neral i/ay'ns Inn was open. Referring to the Suffolk Cou'~ty D~part.qont of Ilea]th Sevvi. cec ]~tter to Judith Terry, Town Clerk, and tho question of 15u]Sted grounc~ water supply: Xrieger's reDo:eh determin:~d that th}¥'a i.s sufficient Sro~lnd w~h3P ~vail. able for this lrojec~. A~ to th~ concern for tho wetlands, ~,{P. Nadje reported that ~:ho ,>ro'posed construction would not d'stupb them nor otbe:ewh'e have auy adverse ~ff~et. ~rtharmore, Hr. Gillies stated tibet Wayne AssocJates was wi].]in{~ to ~live t;h) town a covenant as- sur; nf 4hat no bu!kheadin~l oTM otb}r construction would eva:, aaus3 di.:',ruption. RegardJnd; soil cond~tlona affecting waste dispel:al, a ]ether was recsivad from liP. 3cb Iswe]. of tls Sufi'o"k CounhlT Department of Heal 5h stahlnS that %he proposed _ %~OUS e S ,,alt we. her 2~itrl'~lOil seePls to b~ a oroole,m only in the creeks~ a c',ond:~tion ~'~-~,,.~ would not bs altered by used on bhe p~.opo~ed Hr. Oazza~s unfortunate water condition is not affected bT/ the General Wayne property since it ia separated by salt water. Consequent}N, cormtruction of the oroponed fourteen units wotA!d not furth3r dete-~iora%e bls existing condition. !'~ be]4ev,z that tine plan for town houses, as proposed by ],fg. yne As, s~ociates, would bo a r~aponsible use of this land. They have been meticu]ous in ~-esaare~ing and m~et]nS al! the require- r:~nts of the %rate and County D~pa~,tments of HealtN and the Stats D~p'aP',x~oi~h of ~an~ironm~ntal Conser. vation, as wall r{ivl~Z e, ar~ful atten2ion to at?e of design so as to conferm to bh~ rub.al sett~nS of the W~ feel that the com!aun!ty's objections are emotionally d~nectoc~ a~a~nrt bha concept of condomin~ims and that arguments to sn'~o~t those o!)jectioa~ are not baaed on the scientific cited in the studina and reports mad:~ by responsible an¢. state agencies. ._'rs vie.; of the ,~foPemLentioned facts, we respectfully urse board to stent the requested zoning. Sincerely, PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 A public hearing was held by the Southold Town Board at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York at 8:30 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, on May 6, 1980 in the matter of the application of Wayne Associates for change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "M-I" General Multiple Residence District on property located at Bayview, Southold, New York. Present were: Supervisor William R. Pell III Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman George R. Sullivan Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Supervisor Pell opened the hearing at 9:05 P.M. COUNCILMAN SULLIVAN read the legal notice of hearing as follows: PURSUANT to section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of Chapter 100 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk county, New York, public hearings will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 6th day of May, 1980, on the foloowing proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 8:30 o'clock P.M. By changing from "A" Residential and Agircultural District to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District the property of Wayne Associates situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner formed by the interesection of the southerly side of Orchard Lane (private) with the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road; running thence along the southerly side of Orchard Lane south 66 degrees 52 minutes 20 secondw east 451.63 fee~; to a point; running thence 60 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds east 63.02 feet to a point; running thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 156.20 feet a distance of 121.09 feet; running thence south 58 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds east 181.42 feet to a monument; running thence south 62 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds east 205 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Cedar Beach Harbor; thence southerly and southeasterly along the ordinary high water mark of Cedar Beach Harbor 426 £eet more or less to the northerly line of lot no. 39 on Map of Cedar Beach Park aforementioned; running thence north 62 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds west 220 feet to a point; thence north 22 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds east 28.25 feet; running thence north 66 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds west 754.52 feet to the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive; running thence along the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive and along the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road north 23 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds east 322.11 feet to the corner first above mentioned at the point or place of BEGINNING. (2) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above so specified. DATED: April 8, 1980 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK COUNCILMAN SULLIVAN: We have in the file affidavits of publi- cation from both the L.I. Traveler Watchman and the Suffolk Weekly Times, and we have an affidavit from the Town Clerk that it was posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. I have a letter from the Southold Town Planning Board dated March 14, 1980, which reads as follows: "The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held March 10, 1980. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board denial of the application of Wayne Associates for a change of zone from A Residential to General Multiple Residence for property located at Southold because it is not in conformity with the development map of the Town of Southold. /s/ Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board. I also have a letter from the Suffolk County Department of Planning dated April 3, 1980 which reads as follows: "Pursuant to the :requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, The Suffolk County Planning Commission on April 2, 1980 re- viewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove it because of the following: 1. It is inconsistent with the predominant single family residence pattern of zoning and character of the surrounding area; 2. It constitutes the unwarranted further encroachment of multifamily zoning into single family residence district; 3. It would tend to establish a precedent for further downzonings in the locale; and 4. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates the easterly portion o£ the premises for Surburban single family residence development./s/ Gerald G. Newman, Chief Planner, Suffolk County Department of Planning. Also, a letter from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, dated May 9, 1980 which reads as fellows: "Please be advised that this letter concerning the sewage and water supply facilities was written prematurely. Prior to approval, it will be our re- quirement that an acceptable water supply study be conducted, in addition to the normal processing procedure. /s/ Royal R. Reynolds, P.E. General Engineering Services, Suffolk County Department of Health Services." SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. At this time is there anyone who wishes to be heard in favor of the application? JOHN GILLES,Attorney for Wayne Associates: My name is John Gilles, I'm an attorney and I maintain an office at 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, N.Y. I am the attorney for the applicants Wayne Associates and a principal of Wayne Associates. Mr. Super- visor and member of the Town Board by way of introduction Wayne Associates is a co-partnership composed of five individuals, an attorney, an architect, an engineer, and three individuals who have been long associated with the building industry. Four of those individuals have had close long standing personal ties with the North Fork and particularly the Town of Southold. They are (3) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 all impressed with the natural beauty of our area and the charm of its' rural character. Now, it is those unique qualities that drawn some many to the Town of Southold first as a vacation retreat and ultimately in many instances as a permanent retirement home. Large summer homes converted for permanent living on large tracts o£ land no longer are suitable, unless personal family circumstances change, and yet these same residents are reluctant to sever their roots with the North Fork and locate elsewhere. Now, condominium ownership which is what this is all about, as we propose it will afford a limited number of those residents an opportunity to continue their gracious lifestyle within our Town without the burden and time- consuming chore of outside maintenance and ground keeping. Now, condominiums are a comparatively new concept within the Town of Southold and we recognize that without specific definitions and descriptions, it is not difficult to conjure visions of multi-tenta- tive units marring the natural beauty of the area, polluting our water supply and encroaching into our irreplaceable tidal wetlands. We are confident that once we have concluded our presentation this evening, the Board and the community hopefully, will be assured that what we have proposed here is a viable concept consistent with Town planning and generates positive not negative overtones. Unfortunate- ly we don't have an additional copy of the site plan so the audience can see it, but the site plan illustrates, of course, the subject premises and they lie within the community which is commonly referred to as Bayview comprising a parcel containing some 7.8 acres of land. It has a frontage on Cedar Beach Road of approximately 322 feet and extends easterly towards Cedar Beach Harbor approximately 975 feet. Now, located on Cedar Beach Road is the General Wayne Inn and Restaur- ant which is currently zoned M-1 General Multiple Residence and comprises an area of approximately 50,000 sq. ft. Now, what we pro- pose this evening is that multiple family zoning be extended eastward to encompass the entire area. The details concerning the placement of the units, the type of construction, I'll refer to later in the presentation. But, I would now like to dwell upon certain areas of concern which expressed in writing to the Department of Environmental Conservation at Stonybrook and I believe were also directed to this Board. These areas of concern seem to involve four main categories: and they are water supply, sanitary disposal system, density, and the environmental effects upon the tidal wetlands. Now, with your permission I would like to take each one separately. With respect to a water supply system, now, to determine the adequacy of water supply which would support the General Wayne Restaurant as well as the 14 condominium units we engaged the services of Kreiger Well & Pump Drilling to conduct test borings. These test borings have been conducted and they demonstrate an ample supply of ground water to meet the potential needs envisoned by our proposal. I would like to submit to the Board at this time, the written report of Kreiger Well & Pump, if you like I would be glad to read this for the benefit of the audience. This is Mr. Kreiger's report "Drilled 50 ft. of 2" well - would not pump at 50 feet, pulled well back to 46 feet and pumped for 2 hours, started as fresh water, after 1 hour the chloride rose over the limit of 250 prm, pulled well back 18 feet to 28 feet and pumped for 2 hours at 50 gallons per minute, chlorides were under lO0 prm" - I understand that the acceptable limit for chloride is 250- "and did not change, pumped approximately 6,000 gallons in 2 hours. There is (4) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 approximately 30 feet of usable potable water at this site. It is our opinion that there is sufficient potable water at this site for the planned 14 units. The 14 units with 4 people per unit, consti- tutes approximately 56 persons. Fifty (50) gallons per minutes, or rather per day, per person is a total of 2,800 gallons, the total for all household purposes - adequate." I went into greater detail with the gentleman who conducted this well drilling operation and he tells me that this is a rather unique area. He advises me that there is adequate ground water in this area. The quality of the water, however, will change depending upon exactly where you are in the community of Bayview. It is somewhat inferior immediately to the north of the General Wayne Restaruant but perfectly adequate and suitable for all purposes in the vicinity of the General Wayne Restaurant. I'd like to submit that please. The next consideration is the sanitary disposal system. Now the proposed treatment dealing with the sanitary disposal system would be as follows: If you will look at the site plan you will notice that the groupings are three units: three units, three units, three units, two unit, and a three unit. Each of group of units four groups of three and one group of two will be served by a single septic system. Each septic system wil] consist of a septic tank and leaching pools. The number of leaching pools based on ground water level and a maximum number of these pools would be 15 units. Now, the ultimate judge of the adequacy of such a proposed system, particularly in terms of whether or not it would have a pollutant effect upon our water supply system, as the Suffolk County Department of Health has evidenced by the letter that Mr. Sullivan read. We took this matter up with Mr. Jewel, who evidently was not in touch with the author of that letter, we exhibited our site plan to him and our engineer reviewed very carefully our proposed method of sanitary disposal system. I received a reply from Mr. Jewel as follows: "Please be advised that we are in receipt of the preliminary site plan of the above referenced site. A preliminary and cursory review indicates that the Department's standards for sewage disposal and water supply can be met. Should you haw~ any further questions, please feel free to contact this office. /s/ Robert W. Jewell, P.E. General Engineering Services, Suffolk County Department of Health Services." Please place this in the file. The third consideration is one of density. The map of Cedar Beach Park filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December of 1927 covers the subject property as well as the surrounding area. A review of this map indicates that the bulk of the lots shown thereon comprise plots of one half acre or less. Now, true this is not an approved map, but I believe it is reasonable to assume that many of these one half acre or less plots have been held in single and separate ownership and the owners would have an absolute right to construct homes. In fact, a review of the radius map, prepared by our surveyor, Mr. Van Tuyl, indicates that there are improved properties within the immediate vicinity of the General Wayne Restaurant upon plots of less than one half acre. One such dwelling lies immediately to the north and three are immediately to the south, as well as a varied number of vacant lots which appear to be held in single and separate ownership and capable of supporting single family dwellings. Now, we've proposed on the 6.8 acres, 14 units or 2.059 units per zoning acre. We do not consider this an unreasonable burden. The multiple dwelling density in the Town of Southold, as you know is 9,000 sq. ft. of land per uniU, as we propose 14 units, (5) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 those units would require a total of 126,000 sq. ft. We are setting aisde 275,346 sq. ft. of land for this purpose. Clearly, while we are seeking multiple family zoning, we are not seeking to exhaust the benefits of such zoning, but will in fact maintain the character of the immediate surrounding area. On the question of environment. The area abutting Cedar Beach Harbor with its' natural marshlands and vistas overlooking Peconic Bay was actually the motivation behind this concept. The tidal wetlands of the North Fork, as you know have been aerially mapped and are on file in the office of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in Stonybrook. The area that we propose facing Cedar Beach Harbor would be located purusant to the guidelines issued by the State and they would be at least 75 ft. from the landward edge of the marsh. The area lying between the highwater mark and 75 ft. west of the upper edge of the marsh, I might indicate that this line here is the line of the upper marshland, under the New York State rules and regulations you must locate you improvements a minimum of 75 ft. from the edge of that marshland. This would have the net effect of placing all of those units that border on the Cedar Harbor a minimum distance of 160 ft. away from the highwater mark. The natural grove of cedar trees to the south of the property to the extent that they are located upon our site would remain and provide a natural buffer. Now, Mr. Gemma, our architect, has designed the proposal keeping environmental considerations uppermost in his mind. This site plan has been review- ed by Mr. Roy Haje, a marine and environmental specialist, who I will introduce shortly, to confirm its' negative impact upon our tidal wetlands. I refer also to the letter directed to the Town Clerk from the New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation dated March 20, 1980, and I would like to quote the third paragraph, "The applicant has filed for the tidal wetlands permit and our field inspection, and reviewed to date, indicates that the project will meet our regulations minimum density and setback requirements. Therefore, the project is not anticipated to be objectionable or significant with regard to impacts to tidal wetlands" I believe Mrs. Terry has this letter. Now, this is a pretty crucial part of the presentation, gentlemen, and to demonstrate the sincerity of our purpose here, we would be willing to covenant in perpetuity the tidal wetlands which abut this area would forever remain undisturbed and would not be the subject of any dredging, marina operation, or any other activity that would prejudice this,its preservation. Now, at this time gentlemen, I would like to refer to the site plan, the location of the units, the type of construction and what we propose. As is evidenced from the plan, there are a total of 14 units, so located, these will be constructed of frame construction, natural cedar shingles, 6 of the units will be 2 bedroom and 6 with 1 bedroom, no, 3 with 1 bedroom, and 8 with 3. The utilities will all be underground. The effect of improv- ing the area will leave unimproved and as vacant land approximately 5 acres or more. The road lay-outs will be prefereably gravel. We estimate that the cost of construction of these units will approximate a million two hundred thousand dollars, being part- time residents of the Town of Southold we would make every effort to utilize local contracting services for that purpose. The total area now of 7.8 acres generates approximately $4,000. in real estate taxes. Conversations with the assessors indicates PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243- WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 that if this project goes, the potential tax impact on the Town would be in the neighborhood of $30,000. to $35,000. We have heard, indirectly, that the utilization of the General Wayne Restaurant has to a certain degree been a source of some concern to the immediate community of the General Wayne. We propose to continue the operation of the General Wayne Restaurant. But we hope to be able to operate it in the nature of a county inn type of thing. We would hope to limit our capacity to 100 people. The immediate alterations or renovations would mean the removal of the large concrete area to the rear of the building. We would limit any music to the piano type of situation. We would attempt to create, to the best of our ability, a true historic "country inn type" operation. At this time gentlemen, I would like to introduce Mr. Roy Haje, a marine and environmental special- ist who give you the benefit of his review and inspection of the tidal wetland area. At the same time Mr. Gemma the architect, and Mr. Walgrove the engineer are here, and they would be only too happy to answer any questions that you might have concerning the project. Mr. Haje. MR. ROY L[ HAJE, Pres. Eh-Consultants, Inc. which is located at 64 North Main Street, Southampton, N.Y. 11966. I have a Bachelors Degree in biology from Queens College from the City of New York. I have a Masters of Science Degree in marine science from C.W. Post College of L.I. University and another master of science degree in marine and environmental studies from the State University of New York at Stonybrook. Prior to beginning En-Consultants, Inc. an environmental consulting service, I was employed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for 11 years. Much of that time was spent investigating projects in the marine area for permit purposes. I have been retained by Wayne Associates to describe the marsh located on the applicants parcel and the antici- pated effect of the proposed project on it. On May 2, 1980 and I might also add today, I inspected the parcel. I have found that a high quality marsh is located on the parcel from the water line landward and variable distance and up to approximately 80 feet. Dominant species nearer the water is the salt marsh cord grass - spartina alteniflora is found the entire periphery and beyond to the adjacent parcel. Spartina alteniflora is characteristic of inter-tidal marshes for those areas which are inundated by regular diernal tidal action. Landward of this the land rises slightly in elevation and the grass spartina patens assumes dominance. Mixed with this are some high tide bushes ila frutessence and groundso bush backrus alomofolia. These plants characteristically grow so much higher than spartina alteniflora where they are inundated by tidal action less frequently. All of these species are protected under the provisions of the tidal wetland act, article 25 of the environmental conservation law. Landward of the high mark area one encounters a brush and tree line. An excellent and attra- ctive stand stands out amongst other species. Beyond this tree line the land is essentially open grassed area dotted by a few cedar trees and brush trees. The land is basically flat with a few gently rolling swal. es. Due to the high quality nature of the marsh, it should not be bulkheaded, filled, or otherwise damaged. The applicants have agreed to covenant that the marsh will not be developed either now or in the future. ~11 construction of (7) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 buildings will be at least 75 feet from the landward edge of the marsh. This conforms to the development restrictions described in part 661.6 of the N.¥.S.D.E.C. Land Use Regulations of Article 25 Tidal Wetlands excerpt. Leaving the tall trees behind the marsh should screen the proposed structures £rom sight from the waterway. Cesspools for the structures will be well in excess of the 100 ft. mandated by the land use regulations. Locating them at this distance from the marsh should prevent them from having any deleterious effects upon either it or the waters of Cedar Cove. A potential problem encountered in the development of upland near marine waters is alteration of drainage patterns. I would recommend making the roads of bluestone or other pervious materials which will accept water. The structures themselves should be fitted wit]] drywells to contain the roof run-off. As the land is essentially flat now, no large degree of re-grading should be required. This should minimize alteration of natural drainage patterns. Little, if any, additional over land runn-off should reach either the marsh or the waterway. Another factor which offers some potential for addition of nutrients for the waterway is the use of fertilizers for lawns and shrubs. Proper application which will be utilized on lawns and ornamentals should be used without excess which would enter the waterway. Attention to these factors, creation of restrictive covenants for the marsh area and appropriate construction setback should allow the perpetuation of the marsh and waterway in their present condition. I am familiar with the applicants proposed project. It addresses the concerns that I have stated above and it does not have a deleter~us effect either upon the marsh or the waterway. Thank you. JOHN GILLES: In order for me to get safely home tonight, I'd better show these renderings made by my partner, the architect. Let me just show the type of design that he contemplates. Why don't you just hold one of these up. This is the type of units that are proposed. They are one-story in front, some of them will be two-stories for the rear. They will, of course, be furnished in a comparative luxurious fashion. The price of these units would run somewhere in the neighborhood of $140,000. to $155,000. In summation, gentlemen, what we hope to do, will actually, be hopefully, a source of pride to the Town of Southold and ultimately a source of pride to the community of Bayview. We recognize the fears and concerns of the community, I think we have attempted to relieve them this evening. We have done a lot of homework on this thing and we've delved into the problems and attempted to come up with the questions. And I hope you will give this your serious consideration. Thank you. SUPERVISOR: Thank you very much. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I would like to question the gentlemen, since the architect is here. In the middle of March the Town of Southold was required to establish a flood plain law and if there was ever a piece of property in my opinion that is subject to the flood plain law, this would be it. It pertains to protecting the sewage disposal flooding and also it deals with the foundations. (8) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 I was wondering whether you have applied your plans to the new requirements of the flood plain law and whether you can in fact consistently build in requirement with the flood plain law, a multiple family complex? JOHN GILLES: We have addressed ourselves to that problem and we recognize the existence of the flood plain law and the rules and regulations, as I understand them, require that the first floor elevation of the foundation be 8 feet. Our architect feels that that is absolutely no problem. The grade above water level at the point of the closest house to the harbor would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-5½ feet, is that correct? PASQUALE A. GEMMA, Architect: Yes, well, the natural grade is about 6 ~eet. JOHN GILLES: So the location of the foundation in compliance with that particular flood plain law, namely, 8 feet would present absolutely no problem. We discussed it with Mr. Haje whom you just heard testify and we feel we can meet those requirements. SUPERVISOR PELL: Does anyone else wish to be heard in favor of the applicant? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR PELL: Is there anyone who wishes to be heard in opposition to the applicant? WILLIAM WEINHEIMER, N.F. Taxpayers Assoc.: My name is Bill Weinheimer from the North Fork Taxpayers Association. At a meeting of the Board of Directors o£ the North Fork Taxpayers Association, on May 5, 1980, a resolution was adopted objecting to the applica- tion of Wayne Associates requesting a change of zone from "A" to ,¥M-I" in the Cedar Beach area. This objection is based on the premise that we are unalterably opposed to spot zoning. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anyone else wish to be heard in opposition to the applicant? MRS. ()SCAR SCHLOSS, Paradise Point Road, Southold: I would like to say that my husband and I as Bayview and Cedar Beach residents, we want to express very £irmly object to the downzoning of the property behind the General Wayne Inn because of the fragile water supply located in the Great Hog Neck area and it is only slightly above sea level and the salt water intrusion occurs here more often than in any other Southold Town area. Salt water intrusion takes place in the existing fresh water supply when exhausted either as a result of a dry period or over usage. The Malcolm Pirnie Engineers Investigation of water resources report that Frank Bear referred to was done in June 1967 for the Town of Southold's sake. The Southold's stored fresh water flows laterally to the various bodies of water almost completely surrounding Southold. Therefore, it is not safe to withdraw fresh water from any portion of Southold to such an extent where the groundwater level is below one or two feet above mean sea level (9) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 because the danger of contamination by salt water is greater. It is also noted that the groundwater level of the Great Hog Neck, parti- cularly the Cedar Beach area is one foot above sea level according to the above mentioned report. Wel~damage by salt water intrusion are abandoned. It has been brought to out attention that the General Wayne Inn ran short of fresh water during its' last year of operation as a restaurant. Only yesterday, another well, just behind the Inn, at 50 feet ran into salt water. The requested rezoning of this property will endanger the Cedar Beach areas' fresh water supply and will risk spoiling the Cedar Beach Creek shorefront with septic disposal problems from multiple family zoning in this particular fragile area. A copy of the letter from Gerald Newman, Suffolk County Planning Department is enclosed with our comments and with four additional reasons £or disapproval of this downzoning request. In addition, I have some petitions that have been prepared and signed by the residents of the area and many of our friends who either own property or live in Southold. I would also like to ask at this time from the audience here tonight, if those of you who are in favor of rejecting this proposal for downzoning raise your hands please and show the Board your feelings. (Approximately two-thirds of the audience raised their hands.) SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. Do you wish to turn those petitions in? MRS. SCHLOSS: Yes. SUPERVISOR PELL: Does anyone else wish to be heard here for the record? MR. HENRY LYTLE, Southold-Peconic Civic Association: Basically, we are opposed to the change in the zoning for reasons as they now stand, especially in light of this particular one which seems to be the particularly fragile area and a very beautiful area, we would hate to see it change at all. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. Yes, the gentleman that had his hand up before.. BOB GAZZA: Yes, I'm Bob Gazza. I live on Cedar Beach Creek. I have salt water in my well. I sent a letter to the Town Board. I don't know if all of you have read it or not. I have spent a thousand dollars in the past twelve months trying to get good enough water to drink out of my well. I moved into, I bought the house last year. When we first moved in, our water was fine, it took about two months and this was when salt water just started creeping right into the well. When the gentleman here mentioned before that as they pumped, they pumped at 46 feet after an hour they started getting salt water. That's worse than my case, it took me two months to get salt water. The other thing I am con cerned about is the cesspools. The elevation is very low on this land. I don't want to see that creek get contaminated. Where I live, if I dig down 6 feet and I hit water. We have one house, I have 2½ acres on the creek, we have a 5 pool system for just my wife and myself. If you are going to put 16 condominiums in here (10) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 and who knows how many people and how many pools per person and dig down 6 feet for water, you have to put the pools 2 feet below ground to start with, the pool is 2 £eet thick, you only have another 2 feet for the contamination to get down into the water. All that groundwater as it rains is going to move right on into the creek. I can't see it. Thank you very much. SUPERVISOR PELL: Yes, the fellow in back in the white shirt. JAY AKSCIN: Yes, my name is Jay Akscin. My parents own the property adjacent to, just north of Wayne Associates. They also get salt water in their well. When they are talking about ½ acres lots there, true. My parents house in on an acre and three quarters and thye have one well. The neighbors, there are two other houses there. One is on a half acre and the other is on a 1½ acre and they have problems with their water, too. One guy has put a well in three times already. They are talking about the trees to the north of them, those trees don't belong to them, they belong to these people. They are talking that th~ houses are going to be 75 feet above the highwater mark or the flood plain. Well, I have lived there all my life and I know the storm tides. I'm not a biologist or anything like that, I don't know the name of the grass, but I know when my feet get wet. About two acres of that land floods at storm tide. JOHN WISSEMANN: I am probably the closest neighbor. My house is immediately adjacent to this property and would probably be, maybe 75 feet from one of those units. I think those units are pretty nice, but we do have lots of zoned property that they would fit on. A practical matter, about the water, I', sort of caught between temik to the north and the salt to the south. Plus, there are three immediate neighbors and my own land is exactly the level as this ~operty they are talking about. Three of those immediate neighbors, perodically, do right now have trouble with the water, right now. At this particular time it might be all right, but later on in the summer they get salt water. Sometimes, I take water over to them and this reoccurs all the time. It's not a one time thing. And as to those men testing yesterday, they must have written up that report rapidly. They were just testing it yesterday afternoon, digging that well and they were getting salt water at the time I was out there. Also, I think one reason this area is so nice, the people there have been keeping it that way. With one family dwellings and most of the land is like one acre pieces of property, not one half acre. And the people have gone to great pains to make that attractive. I can see why people would like to build condominiums there. The people have worked hard to keep that area the way it is. Just a casual walk over that property they plan to build these on, common sense shows you, tells you that it could accomodate maybe four private houses. It does get very wet and it would drastically change the population density there and the whole atmosphere of the area. Also, you worry about the sewage problem. It is a constant problem with us. We first built leaching fields and we were assured by the county insepctor that that would serve forever. Well, it lasted about 6 years, then we went to cesspools, which lasted until three more years. The most they could dig down is 6 feet before they hit water. Since then, there hgve been new (11) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 cesspools and new leaching pools, but really the only solution is to call Daisy Morris twice a year. It is exactly the same and continious with all that land. So water and sewage is an absolute and practical problem there. SUPERVISOR PELL: wish to be heard? Thank you very much. Does anyone else PHILIP OFRIAS, Esq.: My name is Philip Ofrias. I'm here on behalf of some friends in the Cedar Beach area. They talked to me about it and asked me if I might come down here about it tonight just to hear what went on. The gentleman over there, his comments about the water changing within a period of several months. My wife and I we recently built a new house over by Arshamomaque and when we went to get our health permit to put in our well and the permit you needed in order to build, they were concerned, that is the health department, as to whether or not we could get good water. We put in a test well and they pumped the water for, I don,t know how long, and we came up with water that had 125 parts per million of chloride and that was satisfactory. We built the house, we moved into the house, now we are pumping 500 parts per million of chloride. Friends of ours here in Southold, they know that because we show up at their house with 5 gallon gerry cans because the water for coffee and the water my wife waters the plants with we have to import because the water that we are pumping out of our well after 6 months was no longer any good for drinking or for cooking. What Mr. Gilles describes is a project which he and his associates intend to do the very best they can to made it a very desirable and pleasant finished project. However, I think that they are working against some elements over which they have no control and I think that is primarily the fragile table both in so far as fresh water supply and so far as sewage disposal. If the Board is going to consider downzoning, and it may well be that this town is going to have to consider some downzoning in some areas, I don't think that the application should be made or the consideration be made or given to those areas which are now borderline as far as the fragile water systems go. Now, regardless of what they are doing over there now, as far as water tests go, I think that in a period of time, and the people that I know in Cedar Beach they are all talking about the salt water intrusion as a recurring problem not just one time, it comes and goes with the time of the year and the rainfall. But, I think that the downzoning there, it may work at that, but I think what the engineers have said that submitted these reports is we think it can work. Well, maybe it can, but more likely it can't. I think that if the application were in another area of town, an area where the land and water were more capable of supporting the project there would be less concern of the people of that community. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. Does anyone else wish to be heard to speak in opposition to this application? SOPHIA ADLER, Southold. We live on an inlet very close to the General Wayne Inn and we understand and have lived with the salt water intrusion and the difficulties that accumulate. But I would just like to point out that the fragile environment of (12) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 is not only fragile for human beings but one of the most wonderful things about the area is the wildlife that flourishes there. Today I can say that we have ospreys coming back, we have mallards, swans the most unusual confluent living things besides human beings that we would like to give every opportunity to continue so valuable a enrichment for the entire North Fork. These kind of things are rare to still survive among us human beings. I cannot imagine a worst place to inject a multi-family condominium environment to intrude on such an invaluable wildlife area. I just want you to consider tha~. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. Anyone else wish to be heard speaking in opposition? JOHN J. LEE, Southold: My name if John J. Lee and I am a resident about 1,000 feet away from this project mentioned. Fortunate- ly for me, I haven't had any trouble with my well with this fresh water. I'm on a little over an acre of ground and I'm along the same inlet that this lady that preceded me described, but I'm on the other side. The thing I question, I question the credibility of Mr. John E. Gilles, who I understand signed a paper when he made an application for a short environmental agreement form and signed it. The last question on it is there public controversary concerning the project and he said no. Is that right Mr. Gilles? JOHN GILLES: Yes, sir. JOHN J. LEE: I won't go into that any further, but I just want to being out a point that these people aren't, I'd like to stick with the credibility, but you have ruled your honor, I'll stay away from that. Now, as to the question of the people in the condominiums, I believe there was mentioned that there was going to be 14 condominiums, 3 units of 4, 2 units of 1. Now, it goes onto the question of the density of these units, it brings out, as further stated, that they figure they will accomodate 100 people in t he restaurant in addition to the people in these condominiums what is going to happen to our table water? That's what I'm concerned about. I'm mainly concerned about that water. I'm concerned further about the pollution of that water. As a member of the Cedar Beach Park Association, only a member not an officer, i"m not an officer, I believe I've expressed the senti- men~s of all the member of the Cedar Beach Park Association. Thank you, your honor. SUPERVISOR PELL: Does anybody else wish to be heard speaking against the applicant? FRANK BEAR, Southold: I'll take only a second because most of what I wanted to say has been said. I want to refer again to the Malcolm Pirnie Study which refers specifically to the fragile condition of the water supply in the Great Hog Neck where approxi- mately 2% of the Town's entire water supply now exists. I'm speaking again on behalf of the North Fork Environmental Council and the North Fork Audubon Society. I appeal to the Board to listen to the concerns that have been expressed here tonight as well as the opinions that were expressed by the Southold Town Planning Board and (13) PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION#243-WAYNE ASSOCIATES May 6, 1980 and the Suffolk county Planning Commission. Thank You. SUPERVISOR PELL: Yes, Dr. Smith. DR. SMITH: I'd like to make one correction. I think the gentleman stated an average of 50 gallons perday. I think it is somewheres between 90 and 120 gallons per day the average personal usage in the Town of Southold. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Does anybody else wish to be heard in opposition to this application? TOM CONRAD, Southold: I'm a resident of Hogs Neck and also a volunteer fireman. When you have these many buildings this close together and you are talking about cedar shingle buildings. If one of those things got going down there, that is one of the longest runs we have in Southold. You would be in real big trouble if you had a fire down there. That's something else to think about. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you Tom. Does anyone else wish to be heard in opposition to this application? MRS. RAYMOND AKSCIN: My house is very very close to the General Wayne Inn almost as close as Mr. Wissemann's. I just want to reaffirm and state once more that the water table is so fragile. We have salt water intrusion. Also what the lady said about the ducks and geese and so forth. We have them now on our front lawn. We call them Charlie. They come for bread and they come for a coffee break everyday. We won't have them anymore. Everything I wanted to say has been stated already. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Anyone else? HENRY COX: My name is Henry Cox, my family has been living in the Cedar Beach area since before I was born. Nobody has mentioned what happens during storms. Se ~ral times I have seen Cedar Beach completely inundated with just the tops of the cedar trees showing. I don;t think that some of these people that are planning this realize that this can happen. SUPERVISOR PELL: Does anybody else wish to be heard in opposition to this application? Does anybody else wish to have any comments on this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR PELL: Does any Town Board member have any questions they would like to ask? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR PELL: If not, I will declare the hearing closed. Hearing adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, cOUNTY OF ~UFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES RECEIVED Tow. C~er~ ~ou~hbl~ DAVID HARRIS, M,D,, M.P.H. Mr. Pasquale A. Gemmla c/o Nr. Richard Walgrove 2 Tudor City Place New York, New York 10017 Re: Proposed Condominium, Situate S/S Orchard Lane, E/S Cedar Beach Road, Cedar Cove, (T) Southold Dear f.lr. Gamma: I am in receipt of a copy of a letter to you from this Department dated May 6, 1980. ~ Please be advised that this letter concerning the sewage and water supply facilities was written prematurely. Prior to approval, it will be our re- quirement that an acceptable water supply s~udy be conducted, in addition to the normal processing procedure. Very truly yours, Royal R, Reynolds, P.E. Public Health Engineer General Engineering Services RRR:cah cc: Mrs. Judith Terry NORTH FORK TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION, INC. PEC'ONIC'. NEW YORK 11958 May 6, 1980. To: Town Board, Town of $outhold, New York From: North Fork Taxpayers Association, Inc. Subject: P~blic Hearing on V~ayne Associates request for change of zoning. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the North Fork Taxpayers Association, Inc., on Monday, May 5, 1980, a resolution was adopted objecting to the application of Wayne Associates requesting a ch~ge in $omlng from A to M~District in the Cedar Beach areA~, ~his objection is based on the premise that we are unalterably opposed to spot zoning. For the Association~ William Weinheimer Sec re tary ~iay 6, 1980 Paradise Point Road Southold, N.Y. As Bayv~_ew/Cedar Seach residents, we want to stress that we strongly object to do%n~zoning the property behind the General ~ayne Inn because:- the fragile water supply in Great Hog Neck is only slightly above sea level and salt water intrusion occurs here more often than in o~her Southcld Town areas. Sslt water intrusion takes place when the existing fresh water supply is exhausted either as s result of a dry period or by over usage. The MalcoLm i'irnie Engineer's Investigation of Water Resources, J~r~e, 1967; for the town of Southold states: "Southold's stored fresh water flows laterally to the various bodies of water almost con~pletely surrounding Southold. Therefore, it is not safe to withdraw fresh water from any portion of Southold to such an ext~ where the ground water level is below I or 2 feet above mean sea level because the danger of contamination by s~altwater is greater". It should be noted that the ground water level of the Great Hog Neck area is one foot above sea level (~.ccordin~. to above-mentioned report). Wells ahmaged by salt water intrusion are abandoned. It has been brought to our attention that the General Wayne Inn ran short of fresh water during its last year of operation as a restaurant. Only yesterday sa~other well was dug behind the Inn and at 50 feet ran into salt water. The requeste~ rezoning of this property will ends. nger the Cedar Beach area fresh water supply ~n~ r~sk spoil~ng the Cedar Beach/shnrefront with excessive septic disposal problem~ from mu!tifa~i!y zoning in this particularlj~ fragile area. The c~py of the letter from Gerald Ne~nnan, Suffolk ~o~unty P~uning Department is enclosed ~u~ ?~ists 4 ~dditfonal reasons for disal, poval of this downzoni~g request. RECEIVED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Tow. C~erk Southold LEE £. KOPPELMAN April 3, 1980 Ms. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of'Southold Main Road Southold, Ne~ York 11971 Re: Application of 'Wayne Associates" (Case No. 243) for a change of zone from "A" Agricultural and Residential and "M-I" General Multiple-Residence to "M-i" General Multiple-Residence, Town of Southold (SD-80-3). Dear Ms. Terry: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk Coumty Planning Commission on April 2, 1980 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove it because of the following: 1. It is inconsistent with the predominant single family residence pattern of zoning and character of the surrounding area; 2. It constitutes the unwarranted further encroachment of multifamily zoning into a single family residence district; 3. It would tend to establish a precedent for further downzonings in the locale; and It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which desig- nates the easterly portion of the premises for Suburban single family resi- dence development. Very truly yours, GGN :jk Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. New~an Chief Planner 2850 Cedar Beach Road Southold, ~ew York 11971 March 17, 1980 Southold Town Board Zoning Board Planning Board Southold Trustees Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: It has come to our attention that the Town of Southold is considering a re-zoning of the property behind the General Wayne Inn to accommodate fourteen condominiums on six acres for Wayne Associates. My wife and I currently live in our home on two and a half acres fronting Dryad's Basin approximately one thousand feet east of the General Wayne Inn. Our land originally consisted of five building lots. We could erect additional housin~ units on our land but have declined to do so in an attempt to protect the local environment. ~e firmly believe that the environment in this area cannot survive even minimal densiUy one-acre zoning, no less one- half acre zoning and fourteen units per six acres could produce disastrous environmental consequences. In addition, allowing housin~ units on less than one acre in this instance would provide incentive for other landowners to attempt to do the same with their land. If some landowners are allowed to maximize profits by increased density housing on their land, the other landowners should not be denied the same privilege, it would certainly be unfair to allow housing units on less than one-half acre in this case and expect the oSher property owners in the town to be held to the one-acre zoning. The Wayne Associates re-zoning could not only endanger the environment in this area, but could set a precedent that may harm the overall environment of Southold Town. In additbn to the above, our objections to this re- zoninM are also based on the following reasons. %lc believe the re-zoning could deteriorate the quality of the groundwater rapidly, possibly to the point of causinE many wells to be unusable for h~man consumption. Our well (2) water has been deteriorating since we moved into our house and this well is right up near the road, one hundred and twenty feet from the high-water mark. Last year, we had to install water purification equipment in our house at a cost of $500.00. This equipment worked well until a few months ago, when the water began turning brown and smelled strongly of hydrogen sulfide due to intrusion from the creek. We tried a commercial charcoal filter installation at the pump, but the levels of contamination were too high for it to purify. We spent another $500.00 for another well on our property, again near the road and over one hundred feet from the water, which produced water with very high salt content. Finally, the installation of a potassium permanganate oxi- dation/reduction system at a cost of $?00.00 on the original well brought the contamination levels to acceptable standards. However, we are still drinking brown water and remember, we have these problems with one house on two and one-half acres of land. It is obvious that 9ven now our water situation is tenuous and that any disturbance or lowering of this water table would probably ruin our well permanently. Fourteen units on six acres one thousand feet to the west would use sufficient water to lower the water table, especially with lawn maintenance and a proposed swimming pool. It should also be noted that our wells were driven on our land at points that have elevations of ten feet, which are fairly high elevations for the Cedar Beach area. Cedar Beach, in general, is a low-lying area with shallow groundwater. In order to prevent waste disposal problems, a single housing unit is required to have one tank and five pools. This means the condominiums would have to have fourteen tanks and seventy pools, all discharging waste into a six-acre parcel with shallow groundwater, part of which is wetlands fronting on Cedar Beach Creek. If the housing units have to be one hundred feet from the water as well as the cesspools, and the wells have to be one hundred feet from the pools, we don't see how fourteen tanks, seventy pools, fourteen living units, roads, parking lots, a swimm~ing pool and wells could even be put onto six acres, part of which is wetlands, without subsequent perma- nent damage to the environment. Also, the run-off from the roads and parking facilities as well as lawn maintenance products could undoubtedly pollute one of the cleanest productive creeks in the Town. ~n addition, the only access channel to the bay abuts this property, and is very narrow, which would preclude ~lacln~ any docks or mooring any boats in front of the property without blocking the channel. This would certainly create (3) additional future problems. We have also reviewed the Short Environmental Assess- ment form submitted by Wayne Associates and take exception to their checking "no" on the following items: #3 Pollution could be caused in Cedar Beach Creek. #4 Groundwater quality could deteriorate. #6 Blue claw crabs in addition to clams, mussels, scallops and turtles. As we mentioned before, Cedar Beach Creek is a very productive marine system. #$ This area is one of the most beautiful in the Town with natural wetlands and Cedar trees, and should be maintained as close to its present state as possible. Right now the resident of Suffolk County who use Cedar Beach Park have a beautiful view to the west of the creek, wetlands and wooded acres, These condominiums would be placed right in the center of this view. #10 The disruption of the views and water quality could negate future recreational opportunities. #ll The project could effect navigation in the creek. Also, Bayview Road is the main access route to this area and a Business Zone would increase trucking and traffic along a residential route which is also a school bus route. #12 We feel re-zoning of this area and the General Wayne Inn area would bring obJectional noise to the area. #13 Public Health could be endangered through shell- fish contamination. #14 Condominiums and down-zoning of the property would have a ma~or negative effect on the character of this community. #15 Public controversy does exist. My wife and I used to live in Manorville and feel that one of the ,smartest things the Town of Brookhaven ever did was to change the area to two-acre zoning to protect the groundwater and environment for present and future genera- tions. We strongly hope that the Town of Sauthold will also at least maintain the one-acre zoning if not increase it to protect our groundwater and local environment and to prevent the demise of one of Long Island's most beautiful areas. Thank you for your concern. Very: tru~ yours, Robert amd Plane ~azza We, the following property owners in the Town of Southold have reviewed the pending applicationof Wayne Associates for a zoning change on approxi- mately seven (7) acres of land lying between the General Wayne Inn and Cedar Beach Creek to permit the construction of a fourteen (14) unit condo- minium complex. We, individually and collectively, actively oppose the granting of such application for a number of significant reasons. These reasons include but are not limited to the following: That Wayne Associates seeks to convert what are presently seven (7) residential lots on a filed map and turn these seven (7) lots into a complex of fourteen (14) residential units thereby doubling the maximum population density of the project site. We also object to the requested exemption for existing zoning regulation of one unit per acre according to the area specifications. By turning the Gen. Wayne surrounding property into multiple dwelling property, we feel that the location would be overpopulated and the character of the location changed from rural to metropolitan. It is because of the rural atmosphere that property owners in the Bay View - Cedar Beach neighborhood have selected this area for their residence. We have reviewed the application of Wayne Associates for a change in zone (case number 243), have read this petition, reviewed the maps and docu- ments attached to or referred to herein, and for the reasons set forth in this petition respectfully ask the Town Board to deny the application for the requested change of zone as being detrimental to the health, environment, wellbeing, and future generations of the Town of Southold, and more particularly the immediate community of the Cedar Beach and Bayview area. PRINTED NAME COMPLETE ADDRESS SIGNATURE, We, the following property owners in the Town of Southold have reviewed the pending applicationof Wayne Associates for a zoning change on approxi- mately seven (7) acres of land lying between the General Wayne Inn and Cedar Beach Creek to permit the construction of a fourteen (14) unit condo~ minium complex. We, individually and collectively, actively oppose the granting of such application for a number of significant reasons. These reasons include but are not limited to the following: That Wayne Associates seeks to convert what are presently seven (7) residential lots on a filed map and turn these seven (7) lots into a complex of fourteen (14) residential units thereby doubling the maximum population density of the project site. We also object to the requested exemption for existing zoning regulation of one unit per acre according to the area specifications. By turning the Gen. Wayne surrounding property into multiple dwelling property, we feel that the location would be overpopulated and the character of the location changed from rural to metropolitan. It is because of the rural atmosphere that property owners in the Bay View - Cedar Beach neighborhood have selected this area for their residence° PRINTED NAME We have reviewed the application of Wayne Associates for a change in zone (case number 243), have read this petition, reviewed the maps and docu- ments attached to or referred to herein, and for the reasons set forth in this petition respectfully ask the Town Board to deny the application for the requested change of zone as being detrimental to the health, environment, wellbeing, and future generations of the Town of Southold, and more particularly the immediate community of the Cedar Beach and Bayview area. COMPLETE ADDRESS (/ SIGNATURE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRIS, M.D.. M.P.H. May 6, 1980 P. Gemma & Associates Pan Am Building New York, New York 10017 ATTENTION: Mr. Pasquale A. Gemma Re: Proposed Condominium, Situate S/S Orchard Lane, E/S Cedar Beach Road, Cedar Cove, (T) Southold Dear Mr. Gemma: Please be advised that we are in receipt of the preliminary site plan for the above referenced site. A preliminary and cursory review indicates that the Department's standards for sewage disposal and water supply can be met. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact this of- fice. Yery truly yours, Robert W. Jewell, P.E. Public Health Engineer General Engineering Services RWJ:cah "PUMPS" KREIGER WELL AND PUMP CORP. WELLS - PUMPS - ~UPPJlF~. SOLD TO '~ Telephone: 727-2124 DATE DEL. TO STREET STREFT - elTM ' - ~ ~ CITY ORDERED SHrPPEE DESCRIPTION L ST EXTENSION TOTAL Received the above maTerial 16018 I~IF.4SE NOTE I$ DUE UPON COMPL[~tiON. "WATER EQUIPMENT" Myers Water Conditioning MerriB Supplies Yardley Plastics Wolverine Rain-Bird SprJnkle~ Harvard Tanks NEt DISCOUNT SALES TAX TOTAL INVOICE WN OF SOUTHOLD OSCAR M. SCHLOSS, JR. P.O. Box 42I SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 May 2, 19~0 Supervisor William R. Pell, III Tow<. Offices ~ein Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 With reference to the request by "Wayne Associates" for the change of zone on the property locater directly behind the '~;eneral Wayne Inn on ~'a3~view Road, Sea,tho!d; we request that you vot~ against th.is downzoning from Agricultur~!/Re~ ~nti~.? te ~enera] ~_u] tiple-Residence. As long time residents of the Cedar Beach area, we do not like to see this lovely and enxrironmontally attractive ares destroyed by careless- ness. We f~e~ that dowmzoning is net cousi~tent with the Town of Southold Development Plan and will only invite further requests of this kind. We hope tha~ you will do your best to preserve th~s Cedar Beach area for us and future generations. Many thsnks. Cordially, ~$~ & Mlizabeth SchIoss Paradise Point Road, Southold TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ay 5, 198o Cedar Beach Road Southold New York Supervisor William Poll & Tow~ Councilmen Town Clerk's Offi~ Main Road Southold~ New York Roi Request for change of zoning from Residential to General Multiple Residence by Wa~u~e ^ssociates Inc. Gentlemen: We live adjacent to the General Wa~e Inn property. Our home is on 1~ acres. Surrounding houses are on a minimum of 1 acre. The w,~tsr ~able in thia area is so fragile that at timea we have a salt water intrusion. We urgently request that you deny this change of zon- ing which would drastically affect the character of GUilt neighborhood. Sincerely, · J Raymond ~ Akscin Geraldine Aksoi~ COUNTY OF ,SUFFOLI ~' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES May 2, 1980 Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold~ Wew York 11971 RE: Wayne Associates Zoning change from "A" Residential-Agricultural to: "M"-I" General Multiple Residence District Dear Judith: I have reviewed the above referenced zoning change in respect to the water supply and sewage disposal facilities. 1. Due to the history of a very limited groundwater supply in the area, and the proposed increased water usage, an acceptable water supply study is reconmnended prior to any change in zoning. 2. In addition, comments from the State Department of Environmental Conservation concerning wetlands is recommended. 3. Test holes should be analyzed for the construction of individual sewage disposal facilities, in respect to groundwater and soil conditions. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very tr,.~,!y yours, Royal R. Reynolds, P.E. Public Health Engineer General Engineering Services RRR:amf MRS. RO3~RT V/. GtLBER[ PARAD;$E POi?IT ROAD SOUTHOLD, I'~EW YORK 1191~ 'row. O~?OUT"o~-o J April 29., 1980 £r. ~ii±iam Pe!l~ Supervisor ~o~n Office Southold, N.Y. !igV1 Re~ h~. Peil: Request for chan~e off zone by Wayne Associates for property located directly behln5 the General Wayne Inn, off Bayview Road at Cedar Beach Road. ks residents of the Cedar Beach Park area, we urge you to vote against this Cownzoning from Residential to General luitiple Residence. There is a very fragile water table environmental condition in this area. Therefore we are unalterably oppose5 to anything which would endanger it. The Co~ty Piannln~ Commission also disapproves of this downzoning because ~he Town of Southoid Development Plan designates the easterly portion of the pr~mises for Suburban single family residence development. Thank you for your consideration in this important matter~ Respectfully yours, _~a~I~, i~C. /ir . . ~ .~ , ,,. , / Secretary JUDITH T. TERRY April 29, 1980 Roy R..Reynolds Dept. of Health Services County of Suffolk County Center Riverhead, New York ll901 Dear Ro~: The Town of Southold aniticipates there may be some problem with water on the two (2) enclosed change of zcne applications: Maidstone Development Corp. and Wayne Associates. May we have your comments on both of these applications? JTT/bn cc:file Enc./ Very truly yours, J~~erry~ Town Clerk NOTICE OF H[~AFdNG ' ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ' ZONING 0RDIlgANCE Pursuant ~o ~S~tion 265 of the Town La~ 'and i requ~e- ¢' ;merits 'of Chapter 1~ of the pubic he,rings ~lf be .eld by · _ ..- ~ ~ay, 19~, on the fo~o~g ~ dp~s~s to amend the. Bund-; · ~:/~tfie~ Bulldog ~ne Maps) Of ~:d ~¢Town of Southold Suffoik ~1 Mulfip~ Residence p~pe~y .~neDevelopment, Inc., sltu- i:...~Own,of $ouihold. SuffoIk ~um~, Ne'~ York, hound~d :. ~ de~criked as fo ou ::? BEGINr~NG at a monument ...~he n~herly line of the 5: ~'c0mer of land; nnw k' ~erly of Parlamm, formerly ~i ~ ~met of the premises ~ ~e~ described; ~m smd ~ ~g said no~erly l~e of ~ ~ N~ Road SoU~ 53 degre~ ~ ~ ~utes 30 seconds We~ :~; tug.once along l~d now or .~ fdmerly at C~staI On a line ~::~ I~ ~m the westerly l~e of .~f ,.;~ees 56 minutes oO s~nds :~t" 3~d~a~ high w~er mark of .., once along said high w~er 3O,se~nds Ea~ s di~ of 297~75 fe~ to said l~d of P~lamis; ~en~ along said l~d of P~lamis Sou~ 24 d~es 56 m~utes 30 sounds ~::~ ~ a ~stance of ~2.47 fe~ ~ t~ the point or place .of ~c; begging smd premmes ~n- ~i ~mg 5.207 a~es ~r~g to(~ey of ~o W. V~ ~yl &"~on, ~ted O~ober 31, B:3~ o'clock P.M. By ch~g- ~g ~om "A~' Resid~t~ and -~n~ Mul~ple ~es~aence Di~d~ ~e prope~y of Wa~e ~; Associates situated at i~ old, in the To~ of ~:..,C, County.. of Su~lk, 3tare of STA~ OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper prin~d at ~outhold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, r, as been published in said Long/Island Traveler-Watch- man once each weeP. for .......... -/. ........................... weeks co . e cir on .../...]. ................................. Swam to before me ~is f ~ d~¥ os Notary ~ .? .fei'ua. ed' by. the iutets~ctiou of ~hu' southerly mide o~ O~h~d ly ~de,~,C~ He~ Road~ ~u~er~.~e of Orchid ~e .', 20 se~uds~a~ 451~ fe~ d~es 37;m~utes 40 s~nds, e~ ~ 02 f~t to a ha~g a ~us of 156.20 ~et d~ of 121.~ fe~ r~:~ 46 '~u~s 50 se~uds ~t i81.4Z ~ to a monument; r~u~g 1hence ~uth ~2 deg-, r~ ~.07~,miuutes 30 B~ach ~r: ~ence lv and ~u~ea~eriy aloui~e ~tdinaO' ~gh water ma:~ ~ ~' Cea~ Beach H~r 4~ more ~ less to ~e fio~fidyr. t~e a[~ lot No. 30 onr~ se.~.ds w~st 220 feeri~o uo~h ob de~ees 5Z.~t~ gO se~nds west ~.5~[~t {ke easterly side~ of~dar ~ ~'. alcn~ the easterly ~ide ced~ Po~t Drive a~ Beach Roa~ uo~H 2~g~ ..~ , 07 m~utes 40 secon . 322.11 fern to the ~'~ , ab,~ve menfioaed a~&h~ ~,y person m.be he~d on the dine and specked. DATED: Ap~ BY O~ OF SOUTHOLD J fumed by, the intersection of · ihe ,~southeYly sid~ of ~d L~e (priv~t~) w~ ~e ~e~- ~'s~ o~ Cedar B~h Road; running thence aldng the ~outherly ~ide of Orchard Lane south .66 degrees $2 mEuut~s ,20 se~nds Fast ~1.63 fu~ donees 37 ~utes ~ r~ ~nce aloni ~e arc of'a ea~ fiea~ng to ~e ha'ring argus of 156.20 ie~ n~g'~h~ade-~uih S8 46 m~ul~ SO s~ndd e~2 I81.42 ~et to a mou~eni~ runn~g thence ~outh 62 deF- reest07 minutes 30 se~nds highf water~ m~k o~ ~ed~' .Beach ~or ~ence ~ui~6r,'. ly and southea~erly ~u~ h~h water mark~of C~r Bea~ ~rbor 426 ~ ~r~ or less ~ ~ Ceda~ Bem:h Put! 62 debris O3 mMutus'~20 s<ouds wes~ ~0 f~t' 07 m~utes 40 se~n~ 28.25 feet; ~'U~UdO~ the ~lyJ sid:' of i~'dar a~ the ea-lcrlv'Md~{of Ced~-Point Drive and the e~t~ly ~ide of Beach Road north 23 dd~re~s 322.11 feet w ~lie ~orne[lirsr ~y pera,n, dcs}fin~,.lB be h~rd ou thy abuv~ pr?posed meudme~s sho,~ld ;ip~car at ~e time and ~,{a'r =~ve ipecified. < ~ B~ ORD{:I~ OF~ HE SOUT~OLO 'i O'.~'~ BO ARD .Ii D{ H I 'I.;j'ER RY fo~'Clerk ii' a westerly corner of land, now or. formerly of Pariamis, for-' merly of Marsfon, being the ~outbeasterly corner of the premises :herein described :from sa~d point of beginning running dioag s~,id northesly line of the North Road South 53 60 degrees ;~ minu~te~--~0 s~e. ands east 83.0~ feet to a-point; running th.',e~ce along ~the arc · of acurve'bearing.to th~ right having a radfus,of,tS~.20 feet a distance of 121.o9 feet; run- ning thence south 58 degrees 46 miuutes 50 seconds east ~ degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds 181.42 feet t~ a monument; ~ . W~st a distance of 255.56 feet; rnrming thence south '62 de- ! running!heneealonglaudaow g~eea 07 minutes 30 seconds ~ or .formerly of C~-ystaI on ii - east 205 feet to the ordinary · ~ Hue parallel t6 and 25o feet · high water mark of Cedar ~-~ westerly from the westerly Beach Harbor; thence south- ~. - li~e of said land of Parlamis erly and southeasterly along ~ North 24degrees 56 minutes 30 ~ seconds West 'a' distadce OF of Cedar Beach Harbor 426 ~..- i52,2~ feef -to. ordinary ·high feet more or less to the north- · :' '~at.er mark 6~' Long Island erly]ineoflotNo. 39onMapof ' ~; Sound; running thence along Cedar Beact~ Park afornmen- ..~_~,~ ~ - "' ' said high water mark of Long tieaed' running thence ner,~ ~J~~.6¥1CE '~ ' Island Sound North 32 de~re~ ;' ~2 d~eeci~7 mihuths 20 sec- ~NOTICE OF HEARING ON ~.0~ minutes 30 secend~E~st a ~ 0ods west~220 feet to'a point; ~"~'.v PROPOSALTOAMEND ' i distneee of 297.7~ feet·to!said - ZONING .ORDINANCE - land of Parietals: . ~nee ~ minutes 40 seconds east 28.25 td~. Pursuant to Section 265 of along said land of Par. I~.mis ' the To~ r~ Law and req-a~ru- ' Soath 24 degrees 5~ minuf.~s 5O degrees.52 n~nuteg 26Seconds . medi~ of Chapter 100 of the ' seconds East a distanci~ · . Code of.the Towa of Southold ' ,~2.47 feet to the point or -SUffolk CoUnt.K~ New Yerk, ~ of beginning, said publiebea ri6gs w'ill be held b.v ~ ~ontaining 5.,2,0~ acres accord- erly side of Cedar Point Drive ~heTow'nBSardof£he~ownbf . ing tosurve} of OttoW)Wa~ 5outhnid at the Southold Tog'n . Tuvl & Son, dated Octobdr ~' Hall. l~'iliin Road. Southo]d, ' i9~1. New.York on the 6th day of _ .-.8:30 o e.{eek P.I~L By ~ng: May. t980, on-the follo~'ing ~ img from "A" .proposals to amend the But[d- . ~gneultura{ District to "M-1 ingZdoe Ordinance Hneluding Gene~;a{ MulQp{e Resid~nee theBuiiding?.one~,faps]ofthe . , ~)istrict~eproperl~'ofWay'ue ' Tov~l of - Shuthold. Suffolk Asg0clates situated at Soath- - C'ounty,~ew York ' o d. th the Town of Southold, · the time and 8:15o'¢lockPM~Byehan~J. County of SUffnik Stale of, specified.· lng from "A" Residemiai and "N~w York, bounded and d~- DATED A i'flS, 191{0 Agricultural D~stmct to 'M-I scribed as fodews BY ORDER OF General Multiple .Residence ~ ~ · BEGINNING at the corner ' . TH~SOUTHOLD District the property of- ~nid- formed by the latersectlan:of~ TOWNBOARD :s~oue Development. Inc., sim. ated near Greenport, in the Town at' Southold, Suffolk Count~, New York. bounded and described ak fOIIbws': - BEGI~INING at a monu- ment on {he northerly line of the North Road at the south- the souther[y side of Oreberd Lane tprivate{ with the~east- erly side of Cedar Beach Read; runeing rheace'along the southerly side of orchard Lane south ~ degrees 5Z minutes 20 seconds east 451.63 feet to a point: nmning thence JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLEi~K duly Sworn. of t~he SUFFOLK ~t Greenport, in s~id .~,~-tnex~d is ~ Week~ T~ ~Tt~ ............... I DE V§E State 3f ~e,,r. Yor:k Sutfoik Term [,~o~res ,Marc~ 30. i9~./ STATE OF NEW YOP~,: COU[~TY OF SUFFOLK: SS: JUDITH T. TEP3.Y, To%~] Clerk of the To-~ of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 9th day' of A!3ri 1 19.80 , she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and subs,tantial manner, most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, York, to wit:- in a New To%~ Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 Notice of Public Hearing upon application of.Wayne'.As'sociates, Inc. for a change of zone - 8:30 P.M., 3~[ay/6, 1980 ' Sworn to before me this 9th day of April 19 80 ~otary Public/ dith T. Terry, T~.~n Clerk LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO A~ND ~OWT~ ORDINDt~CE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of Chapter 100 of the Code of the mown of Southold, ~uffolk Couhty, New York, public hearings will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southo!d at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Eouthold, t New York on the 6th day of ~ay, 1980, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone }~aps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 8:15 o'clock P.M. 'By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "~-1" General ~ltiple Residence District the proDerty of P~aidstone Development, !nc., situated near Greenport; ~in th.e~Town of Southold,.~SuTf~lk.C0u~ty, ~New York, bounded and 'described as follows: B~G!NNiNG at a monument on the northerly line of the North Road at'the southwesterly'corner of land, now or formerly of Parlamis, formerly of ~¢arston, being the southeasterly corner of the premises herein described; from said point of beginning running along said northerly line of the North Road South 53 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 255.56 feet; running thence along land now or formerly of Crystal on a line parallel to and 250 feet westerly from the westerly ~ne of said land of Parlamis North 24 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 852.29 feet to ordinary high water mark:of Long Island Sound; running.thence along said high water mark of Long Island Sound North 32 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 297.75 feet to said land of Parlamis; thence along said land of Par!amis Fouth 24 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds Fast a distance of 9~2.A7 feet to the point or place of beginning, said premises, containing 5.207 acres according to survey of Otto ~. Van Tuyl ~ ~on, dated October 31, 19~1. Page 2 - Legal Notice 8:30 o'clock P.M. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l" General ~!ultiple Residence District the property of ~ayne Associates situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of ~ew York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNIN~ at the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Orchard Lane (private) with the easterly side' of Cedar Beach Road; running thence along the' southerly side of Orchard Lane south 66 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds east 451.63 feet to a point; running thence 60 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds east 63.02 feet to a point; running thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 156.20 feet a distance of 121.09 feet; running thence south 58 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds east 181.42 feet to a monument; running thence south 62 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds east 205 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Cedar Beach Harbor; thence southerly and southeasterly along the ordinary high ~ater mark of Cedar Beach Harbor 426 feet more or ].ess to the northerly line of lot No. 39 on Map of Cedar Beach Park aforementioned; running thence north 62 de~rees 07 minutes 20 seconds west 220 feet to a point; thence north 22 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds east 28.25 feet; running thence north 66 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds west 754.52 feet to the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive; running thence along the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive and along the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road north 23 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds east 322.11 feet to the corner first above mentioned at the point or ~lace of BEGINNING. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendments should appear al the time and place above so specified. DATED: April 1980 BY ORDER OF THF SOUTHOLD TO, V..'~ BOARD JUDITL' T. TERRY TOWN CLERK l[l Page 3 - Legal Notice PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, APRIL 17, 1%~8D, AND FORB'ARD T".%~O AFFIDAVITS m~w~v TO~?N CLERK, TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD, OF PUBLICATION TO JUDIT~I T. -. ...... , KAIN ROAD, SOU ~HOLD, NE..~ .... K. Copies to the following on ~pr~l .9, 19S0: The Suffolk Times The Long Island T~aveler-~atchman, Inc. Town Clerk Bulletin Board Town Board L~mbers Abigail A. Wickham, a/c ~aidstone Development, John E. ~illies, a/c Wayne Associates RECEIVED APR 4 1980 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Town P,~erk gout~old LEE E. KOPPELMAN DIRECTOR OF PLANNING; April 3, 1980 Ms. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Application of "Wayne Associates" (Case No. 243) for a change of zone from "A" Agricultural and Residential and "M-1'l General Multiple-Residence to "M-i" General Multiple-Residence, Town of Southold (SD-80-3). Dear Ms. Terry: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk Coumty Planning Commission on April 2, 1980 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove it because of the following: 1. It is inconsistent with the predominant single family residence pattern of zoning and character of the surrounding area; 2. It constitutes the unwarranted further encroachment of multifamily zoning into a single family residence district; 3. It would tend to establish a precedent for further downzonings in the locale; and It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which desig- nates the easterly portion of the premises for Suburban single family resi- dence development. Very truly yours, GGN:jk Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regulatory Affairs Unit, Bldg. 40 SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 516-751-7900 T0~'n rJ~rl{ .e, outh01~ Robert F. Flacke Commissioner March 20, 1980 Judith Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Application of Wayne Associates - i4 Unit Townhouse Condominiums @ Cedar Cove TW #1~276-0335 Case #243 Dear Ms Terry: I am writing in reference to the above project and our telephone conversa- tion yesterday concerning designation of lead agency as required by the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). This Department was notified by your letter of December 5, 1979 to Mr. Roy Haje indicating your desire to act as lead agency and request for written com- ments. Mr. Haje responded asking that you delay any decision with regard to de- termination of significance as lead agency, until he recieved the required State TW (Tidal Wetlands) Permit Application. The applicant has filed for the TW permit and our field inspection and re- view to date indicates that the project will meet our regulationstminimum den- sity and setback requirements. Therefore, the project is not anticipated to be objectionable or significant with regard to impacts to tidal wetlands. Your letter (2/28/80) to Mr. Daniel Larkin, Supervisor of this unit, which recommended that NYS Department of Environmental Conservation assume lead agency status has resulted in numerous letters filed in protest of this project. The major objection cited is relative to the change of zone application now pending before the Town. The SEQRA Regulations, Part 617, Section 617.6(d)(1) cites criteria in order of importance which are to be applied in designating a lead agency. Judith Terry, Town Clerk - 2 - March 20, 1980 Town of Southold Therefore, because the project being considered presents possible impacts of local significance and does not contravene State standards the Town should retain the status of lead agency. Accordingly, the Town will make the necessary determination with regard to whether or not an environmental impact statement will be required. Also, I am sending copies of the letter of protest we have received to date for your information. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Sincerely David De Ridder Associate Env. Analyst DDR:ll cc: D. Larkin J. Gilman R. Thurber R. Jewel (SCDHS) N. Y. S. D. E. C. LATORY AFFAIRS, REGION [ mailing address: ~arch 12, 1980 Dear ~r De Ridder As a year-round resident on an inlet of Cedar Beach Harbor, we are to learn of plans for multiple-Dwelling ~r. David DeRidder Assistant Environmental Analyst t ,te Dept of .nwro ental Building #40 Stony Brook NY 11794 concern Condominium on one of the last almost yet un- spoiled marshlands, calling for a zoning change: case #243 Tidal ~etland #15276-0355 In reading over a copy of Wayne Assoc. assessment of environmental impact, it is apparent they do not comprehend the damage they are about to inflict on the area. ~any questions were inaccurately answere~. There certainly does exist controversy, on the question, not only by present residents, but ~ the North Fork Environmental Council is particularly concerned. The Cedar Beach marshl~nds harbor many precious and endangered species, and a number of naturalists have been attempting to defend this environment from encroachment and pollution. I believe the naturalist Paul Stoutenburg could be called on to testify as he has single- handedly been instrumental in studying and defending the Cedar Beach wildlife. RECEIVED' 520 Lakeside Drive Cedar Beach, Southold L.I. ~6- 765-}418 Sophia Adler P. O. Box 1481 Southold, NY 11971 ~lr David De Ridder Asst. Environmental Analyst KY State of Environmental Conservation Building # 4O Stony Brook, NY 11794 March 18 1980 Dear Sir, As a local resident in the Bayview area of Southold, we are not pleased with the idea of a zoning change permitting more than one unit per acre on this location as we feel that questions 1,3,4,8,10,13,14 andl5 were answered incorrectly on the Wayne Associates pe~.ition. Address Seawoo~ Drive R'EC£1VED.; March 9,1980 Case #243/ Tidal Wetland Ur. David DeRidder # 15276-0355 Asst. L~ivironmental Analyst M. Y. State Dept. of E~vironmental Conservation, Bldg. #40 Stony Brook, NY Dear ~r. De Ridder: As a property o%vner immediately adjacent to the present General Wayne Inn on Cedar Beach Road in Southold, NY, I am distressed by the answers given by Wayne Associates in the Short ~vironmental Assessment For~ dated 11/23/79 which has just been brought to ~V attention. It is important, I feel,to comment on the answers made to the questions listed under (d) of the form based on n~y familiarity with the area. ~y wife and I have been homeowners on Cedar Beach Road since 1965. #1. The construction of fourteen units on the property behind the General Wayne Inn will do considerable damage to the very fragile land in the in~nediate waterfront area. It is frequently submerged in storm high tides. #3. The project certainly will have a very definite negative effect on the body of water which drain~ through the creek into Pecor~ic Bay. It is not likely that the residences will be offered without' water rights for boating and the dredging and bulkheading needed will mean serious disruption of the marshes and wetlands. #4. The groundwater situation is already in serious trouble from salt incursion at the locations such as ours near Cedar Beach Road. Further attempts to supply fresh water from behind the General Wayne Iniu will definitely cause difficulty. Test well borings should be required in any environmental assessment. #8. Construction of any housing at the waters edge will destroy the natural beauty arid novel cedar tree groves from which the area derives its Dame. # lC. It had been n%y understanding that the Cedar Beach area and wetlands between the beach and the property in question were to be Maintained in its natural state to provide a uniqu~ area for the Marine Sciences department of the Suffolk Community College as well as a source of recreational crabbing and fishing for all citizens. ~,~,~'%]~%,-~· #13. The major impact on public ~ealth would be due to the disturbance of the fresh water and the pollution of waters by sewage disposal in the,, area. ~'~. f. ''.. ,',,'!,~10~'' #14. In an area of many summer homes as well as a number of year 'round ~esidents the addition of 14 condonimium units as well as a chan~e in zonmng for the :~'Inn property would cause a great disruption'~n the bhar- acter 0£ the commuA~ity . It would be a great disservice to destroy natural beauty and fragile marine biological resources for the construction of housing of the density proposed by Wayne Associates. ~, 1~. Yes. I trust these comments will be useful in assuring that a complete study of the area will be made s_uy zonzng change is permitted. It is particularly '~o~note the vem real problem in the lands gh.tides generated in evere~northeas~storms~whioh flood~much of the property in that pertion of the Cedar Beach area. Sincerely, Sydney~J. Bre es e ,~Jr. Cedar Beach Road Southold, NY llR71 re: Case # 24~/ Tidal Wetland # 15276- 0~55 RECEiVEDi ~ N, ¥, S. D, E. C. REGULATORY AFFAIRS, REGION 1 N.~SO, . ~EGULAToI~¥ /t'F£~,~E. C. MAR l~ I980 N. Y. S. D. E. C. i~,EGUI.~TOR¥ AFFAIRS, R~:~;'ON REC, E~VED~ 1980 N.Y.S.D.E.O. ~ECULAIORYAF~IRS, REGIO~I ( .5-~ 7 ~- RECEIVED N.¥ S. D. E. C, ~Z March 10, 1980 Mro David DeRidder, Ass't. Envirornmental Aualyst N. ¥o State Department of Environmental Conservation Building No. 40 Stony Brook, N. Y.11794 Dear Mr. DeRidder: My wife and I are writing this letter to call your attention to what we consider errors in the answers to the Short Environmental Form filed by the Wayne Associates in their effc~t to effect zoning changes in their six-acre piece of waterfront located behind the General Wayne Inn. In particular, their answers to questions l, 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14, and 15 are, in our opinion wrong. Indeed, if their answers are generally as incorrect as their reply to question NOo 15, the entire assessment is open to grave doubt. I assure you that there is no end of controversy over this matter. We in this area are very uneasy about what is being done t% the quality of life hereabouts, particularly as regards our potable water supply which, owing to chemical intrusion, a plethora ef cesspools, and instances of salt water intrusion is becoming less potable all the time. The concentration of fourteen family units on the above-mentioned six acres of waterfront will certainly add nothing to the potability pf water in that area. All of us who are concerned about thio--and other--plane for development, hope that a very close look will be taken at the proposal submitted by the Wayne Associates. Sam & Beryl Epstein P. O. Box 1042 Southold, NY 11971 Sincerely yours, N. ¥. S. D. E. C. ~)SC~P, M. $CHLOSS, JR. ~.O. BOX 421 $OU~HO~D, NEW YoI~ I1D71 March 3, 1980 I~. David De Ridder Assistant Environ~e~tal Analyst N. Y. State Dept. of Environmental Conservation Building #40 State University of New York Stoney Brook, N.Y. 11794 Dear ~. De Ridder; With reference to petition #243 and tidal wetland file ~TW 15276-0335 on the General Wayne Inn property, directly behind the General Wayne Inn building consisting of approximately six acres of undeveloped property snd request for zoning change of wetland area by the Walme Associates, we feel that wetland assessment form. submitted in the petition by the developers has been erroneously answered. ltith reference to questions #l, 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14 and 15 answered negatively, we are convinced that the only possible answers would be positive. By permitting more than one unit per acre as requested in the petition, the site would be scenically and physically changed. The existing body of water condition could change, the drinking water quality could be destroyed by salt water intrusion es already experienced by some Bay View residents and the scenic vista would be blocked and the marshland~ creek and harbor areas could become polluted through misuse. There is much neighborhood controversy and displeasure about the possibility of development and overcrowding which would spoil this very ecologically useful and scenicly attractive piece of waterfront property. ~e, as ~ocal residents, feel a responsibility to save this property with wetland frontage from needless and careless development both for ourselves and future generations. We ask you as a New York State regulatory agency to protect this peaceful and beautiful land by refusing the request as proposed by the ~ayne Assooietes. Sincerely, ~ ,.~ . -. Oscar ~d Eliz~eth ~'loss, ~ Ra~ond and Geraldine Paradise Point Ro~ l~ ~ ~o~ Orchard Lane Southold, N.Y. 119~+ .~ ~ ' ~ ~ Southold, N.Y. ll~71 RECEIVED 1980 2850 Cedar Beach Road To~ Southold, New York 11971 March 17, 19~0 Southold Town Board Zoning Board Planning Board Southold Trustees Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: It has come to our attention that the Town of Southo!d is considering a re-zoning of the property behind the General Wayne Inn to accommodate fourteen condominiums on six acres for Wayne Associates. ~y wife and I currently llve in our home on two and a half acres ~rontlnE Dryad's Basin approximately one thousand feet east of the General Wayne Inn. Our land originally consisted of five building lots. We could erect additional housin~ units on our land but have declined to do so in an attempt to protect the local environment. !Ye firmly believe that the environment in this area cannot survive even minimal density one-acre zoning, no less one- half acre zoning and fourteen units per six acres could produce disastrous environmental consequences. In addition, allowing housin~ units on less than one acre in this instance would provide incentive for other landowners to attempt to do the same with their land. If some landowners are allowed to maximize Droflts by increased density housing on their land, the other landowners should not be denied the same privilege. It would certainly be unfair to allow housing units on !ess than one-half acre in this case and expect the other property owners in the town to be held to the one-acre zoning. The Wayne Associates re-zoning could not only endanger the environment in this area~ but could set a precedent that may harm the overall environment of Southold Town. In additbn to the above, our ob3ectlons to this re- zonin~ are also based on the following reasons. We believe the re-zoning could deteriorate the quality of the sroundwater rapidly, possibly to the point of causing many wells to be unusable for human consumption. Our well (2) water has been deteriorating since we moved into our house and this well is right up near the road, one hundred and twenty feet from the high-water mark. Last year, we had to install water purification equipment in our house at a cost of $500.00. This equipment worked well until a few months ago, when the water began turning brown and smelled strongly of hydrogen sulfide due to intrusion from the creek. We tried a commercial charcoal filter installation at the pump, but the levels of contamination were too high for it to purify. We spent another $500.00 for another well on our property, again near the road and over one hundred feet from the water, which produced water with very high salt content. Finally, the installation of a potassium permanganate oxi- dation/reduction system at a cost of $700.00 on the original well brought the contamination levels to acceptable standards. However, we are still drinking brown water and remember, we have these problems with one house on two and one-half acres of land. It is obvious that ~ven now our water situation is tenuous and that any disturbance or lowering of this water table would probably ruin our well permanently. Fourteen units on six acres one thousand feet to the west would use sufficient water to lower the water table, especially with lawn maintenance and a proposed swimming pool. It should also be noted that our wells were driven on our land at points that have elevations of ten feet, which are fairly high elevations for the Cedar Beach area. Cedar Beach, in general, is a low-lying area with shallow groundwater. In order to prevent waste disposal problems, a single housing unit is required to have one tank and five pools. This means the condominiums would have to have fourteen tanks and seventy pools, all discharging waste into a six-acre parcel with shallow groundwater, part of which is wetlands fronting on Cedar Beach Creek. If the housing units have to be one hundred feet from the water as well as the cesspools, and the wells have to be one hundred feet from the pools, we don't see how fourteen tanks, seventy pools, fourteen living units, roads, parking lots, a swimming pool and wells could even be put onto six acres, part of which is wetlands, without subsequent perma- nent damage to the environment. Also, the run-off from the roads and parking facilities as well as lawn maintenance products could undoubtedly pollute one of the cleanest productive creeks in the Town. In addition, the only access channel to the bay abuts this property, and is very narrow, which would preclude placing any docks or mooring any boats in front of the property without blocking the channel. This would certainly create (3) additional future problems. We have also reviewed the Short Environmental Assess- ment form submitted by Wayne Associates and take exception to their checking "no" on the following items: #3 Pollution could be caused in Cedar Beach Creek. Groundwater quality could deteriorate. #6 Blue claw crabs in addition to clams, mussels, scallops and turtles. As we mentioned before, Cedar Beach Creek is a very productive marine system. #8 This area is one of the most beautiful in the Town with natural wetlands and Cedar trees, and should be maintained as close to its present state as possible. Right now the resident of Suffolk County who use Cedar Beach Park have a beautiful view to the west of the creek, wetlands and wooded acres. These condominiums would be placed right in the center of this view. #10 The disruption of the views and water quality could negate future recreational opportunities. #11 The project could effect navigation in the creek. Also, 3ayview Road is the main access route to this area and a Business Zone would increase truckin~ and traffic along a residential route which is also a school bus route. #12 We feel re-zoning of this area and the General Wayne Inn area would bring obJectlonal noise to the area. #13 Public Health could be endangered through shell- fish contamination. #14 Condominiums and down-zoning of the property would have a major negative effect on the character of this community. #15 Public controversy does exist. My wife and I used to live in Manorville and feel that one of the smartest things the Town of Brookhaven ever did was to change the area to two-acre zoning to protect the Mroundwater and environment for present and future genera- tions. We strongly hope that the Town of Southold will also at least maintain the one-acre zoning if not increase it to protect our groundwater and local environment and to prevent the demise of one of Lone Island's most beautiful areas. Thank you for your concern. Very tru~,~ yours, JUDITH T. TERRY TOW~ CLERK R~GISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS 'FELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Pursuant to Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to %he Suffolk County Planning Commission: XX New zoning Ordinance Amendment of zoning ordinance Amendment of zoning map (change of zone) Locat'ion of affected land: On Cedar Beach Harbor on the east side of Cedar Beach Road, Bayview, Southold, New York · · Suffolk County Tax Map No.: District 1000, Sec%io~ within 500 feet of: Parcels 1,4,6,9,10,11 089, Block 3, XX XX The boundary of any village or town The boundary of any existing or proposed county, state or 'federal park. The right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or state parkway, thruway, expressway, road or highway. The existing or proposed right-of-way or any stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines. The existing or proposed boundary of any other county, state or federally owned land. The Long Island Sound, any::bay~!i~Suffolk County or estuary of any of the foregoing bodies of water. or within one mile of : Nuclear power plant. Airport COM2KENTS: Enclosed is recommendation of the Southold 'Town Planning Board, and correspondence between the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation and Southold Town Clerk. Date March 14, 1980 Judith T. Terry/~ Southold Town Clerk P] ,D $ HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr.,Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. ~. GEORGE ~TCHIE LATHAM, J~. Southold, N.Y. 11971 March 14, 1980 TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mrs. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held March 10, 1980. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board denial of the apDlication of Wayne Associates for a change of zone from A Residential to M-1 General Multiple-Residence for property located at Southold because it is not in conformity with the development map of the Town of Southold. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary SFIUTHDLD-PEBDNID DIVIIE A.~SDBIATIr-IN, INB, BIRLITHE]LD, L. I., N. Y. March lst,l~ov Supervisor Wm&~ma~ R. Town of Southo~d, Southomd, N. Y. pemm llI Deaz· Supervisor, The fo~&owzng reso~utmon was presented and acted upon at a meeting of the Board of Dmz'ectors he~d on Nonday,February 25~h,1~o~o ,, whereas there appears on the Asenda ~or the Town Board meetmn~ February 26th,l~u unde~ ,~eso~ut~ons-Item 15 ', ~n reference to an application for a Onan~e ~n zoning ~n the cedar Beach area, we w~sh to ~o on record as fozzows- Smnce 1 ~56, thzs assuc~atmon was one of the orzg~na_~ pro- ponents and sponsors of zon~n6 zn the Town of Southold and have heartm~y approved t~e upgrading of z~nzng and have cen- s~stent~ opposed down~rad~ng azzd spot zo~ng. The appea~ whzch w~u~d per~zt the erectzon of Fourteen Condominium Ap- az.tments on S~X Acres pmus, was Thoroughly d~scussed and mt was un~m~u~ agreed that th~s appea~ shouzd be der~ed.~ We trust that 2Gu wm~m znfor~ the members of your Board and the zoning Board uf Appea~s accordmng~y. for your cooperatxon mn thms matter. I "WHAT'S GOOD FOI~ SOUTHOLD-PECONIC IS GOOD FOi~ EACH AND EVERYONE." JUDITH T. TERRY TO~VN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 February 28, 1980 Daniel J. Larkin, P.E. Regional Supervisor of Regulatory Affairs N.Y.S. Dept. of Environmental Conservation Building 40, SUNY, Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Dear Mr. Larkin: The Town Board of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on February 26, 1980 adopted a resolution to rescind their resolution of December 4, 1979 whereby they declared themselves lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Wayne Associates (your Id. ~TW15276-0335 Robald & Norkus) for a change of zone at Southold, New York. The Town Board recommended in their resolution that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation assume lead agency status. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk cc: Mr. Gillies New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regulatory Affairs Unit Bldg. 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 516-751-7900 Robert F. Flacke Commissioner February 19, 1980 Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Terry: Re: Application of Wayne Associates - 14 Unit Townhouse Condominium at Cedar Cove This Department has no objection to the Town being lead agency. We will await your determination of significance before processing the Tidal Wetlands Permit Application that has been filed in this office. As you are aware, a lead agency determination of significance must be made before any action is taken on any request for permit and approvals. Please ad- vise us when you have made this determination. Very truly your~ I~a~iel Jz~L~rktn, P.E. Region~i/~pervi~ or of Regul~dry Affairs DJL:ll cc: Wayne Associates, Attn: John E. Gillies It is our understanding that the Town desires to assume lead agency re- sponsibility in connection with this SEQRA review. Review and approval of this project is subject to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regulatory Affairs Bldg. 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 December 7, 1979 Robert F. Flacke Commissioner Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold, NY 11971 Re: Zone Change by Wayne Associates RECEIVED 0£C 1 ;~ 1979 This parcel is adjacent to tidal waters and wetlands. As we have not received any Tidal Wetland application, we are unable to deten~ine to what extent the proposed change will affect tidal waters as the survey supplied shows no imp~ts. Until additional information and/or application is made, we cannot make a determination of significance and request that the Town delay any decision until we can ~t. Very truly yours, Alternate Lo~al Tidal Wetlands Pel~nit Administrator RLH/cr SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD - FEBRUARY 26, 1980 RESOLUTION ADOPTED TO RESCIND RESOLUTION OF DECEMBER 4, 1979 WHEREBY TOWN BOARD DECLARED THEMSELVES LEAD AGENCY IN REGARD TO THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF WAYNE ASSOCIATES FOR A CHANGE OF ZONE AT SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 December 5, 1979 Mr. Roy Haje Environmental Analysis Unit Building 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Dear Mr. Haje: Enclosed find completed short Environmental Assessment Form,application, and copy of map of proposed change of zone by Wayne Associates. This project is unlisted; other agencies may be involved but the optional coordinated procedures for designating lead agency and determining significance will not be followed. The Southold Town Board wishes lead agency status. (SEQRA). May we have your views on this matter. Written comments on this project will be received at this office until December 26, 1979. We shall interpret lack of response to mean there is no objection by your agency. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Enclosures cc: Southold Town Building Department JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. 1., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 December 5, 1979 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is petition of Wayne Associates requesting a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District on certain property at Bayview, Southold, New York. You are hereby instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in said petition and determine the area so affected with your recommenda- tions. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Enclosures (5) ~K JUDITH T. TERRY TELEPHONE (516) 765-I 801 Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 Nove~bel: 27, 1979 To Whom 1% May Concern: Attached hereto is Environmental Assessment Form completed by Wayne Associates in connection with their application NO. 243 for a change of zone from "A",Residential and Agricultural District to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District on certain property at Bayview, Southold, New York. Judith T. Terry ~/ Town Clerk Posted on Town Clerk Bulletin Board 11/27/79 CASE NO. 2 ¥3 STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PETITION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF WAYNE ASSOCIATES FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. A Residential to M-1 General Multiple-Residence District TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. WAYNE ASSOCIATES, a co-partnership having its office at 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York, by JOHN E. GILLIES, a co-partner, the undersigned, is the contract vendee for certain real property situated at Bayview, So-uthold, New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Bayview in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, shown on a certain map entitled "Subdivision Map of Cedar Beach Park" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office December 20, 1927, as Map No. 90, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Orchard Lane (private) with the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road; running thence along the southerly side of Orchard Lane south 66052'20'' east 451.63 feet to a point; running thence north 60037'40'' east 63.02 feet to a point; running thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 156.20 feet a distance of 121.09 feet; running thence south 58046'50'' east 181.42 feet to a monument; running thence south 62°07'20" east 205 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Cedar Beach Harbor; thence southerly and southeasterly along the ordinary high water mark of Cedar Beach Harbor 426 feet more or less to the northerly line of lot No. 39 on Map of Cedar Beach Park aforementioned; running thence north 62007'20'' west 220 feet to a point; thence north 22007'40'' east 28.25 feet; running thence north 66052'20'' west 754.52 feet to the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive; running thence along the easterly side of Cedar Point Drive and along the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road north 23007'40'' east 322.11 ifeet to the corner first above mentioned at the point or place of BEGINNING. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South- old, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To rezone the above described premises from A Residential-Agriculture to M-1 General Multiple-Residence District, excepting therefrom that portion of the above described premises fronting on Cedar Beach Road currently zoned within an M-1 Multiple-Residence Dis- Trict. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: It is the intention of the petitioner, upon the granting of this application, to seek a spe- cial exception from the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to permi the utilization of the most easterly 6.1 acres more or less of the afore- described premises for the construction and maintenance thereon of fourteE condominium townhouse dwellings, together with such other accessories and improvements to the premises associated with such use. 4. Petitioner verily believes that the utilization of a portion of said premises for the uses set forth above is consistent with sound zoning and planning and constitutes proper use of the premises which are the subject of this proceeding. STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF NASSAU ) JOHN E. GILLIES, BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is a co-partner of WAYNE ASSOCIATES, the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1979 CASE STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF WAYNE ASSOCIATES FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. A Residential to M-1 General Multiple-Residence District TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: The undersigned, constituting the owners in fee of the premises which are the subject of the above captioned application, do herein con- sent to the filing thereof by the contract-vendee, WAYNE ASSOCIATES. ROBALD ~TY ~P'r ~ ALDONA NORKUS TOWN BOARD. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of to the Town Board of the Town of Southo{d. TO: NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to p~etition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: .~/,'; v e,m J~r ~. )c]7~ Petitioner Post Office Address: NAME PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ADDRESS 771 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: PO4 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MA~L RECEIPT FOF~ CERT~IFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ~ (See Reverse) CERTIFIED FEE RESTRICTEO OELIVERY AND ADDRESS OF ~ ~ DELIVE,Y ] ~ ~DELIVEHY DELIVERED WITH REST RIC] ED ~m,~d~/~, ~-~ ?/7~ , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the ~ day of ~ ~ ¢ d ~ & e r ,19 ~, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the reverse side hereof, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the cur- rent asses~ent roil of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at ~ ~ ~ o ] ~. ~ ~ , ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. Sworn to me this ~,~ rd day of/V~ ~em~e~' ', 19.~7 ~ ~ Notary Public EL~,ABETH ANN NEVILII flOTARY PUNLIC. State of New Yo~ll NO. 52-8125850, Suffolk Cou~y Case No. =~ STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of WAYNE ASSOCIATES For a Change of Zone of Premises at Bayview, Southold, New York, from A-Residential-Agricultural to M-1. FULL DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF NASSAU ) ~- D~ WAYNE ASSOCIATES, a co-partnership, by JOHN E. GILLIES, a co-partner, of 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. That this affidavit is made by your deponent and intended to be filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold with respect to the above entitled application made affecting premises located upon the easterly side of Cedar Beach Road, Bayview, Town of Southold, New York, more fully described in application aforementioned. 2. Name and address of applicant: WAYNE ASSOCIATES, 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York. 3. Name and address of all persons having any interest what- soever in the property described in this application, direct or indirect, vested or contingent, are as follows: Contract Vendee WAYNE ASSOCIATES, a co-partnership, composed of: PASQUALE A. GEMMA, 40 East 88th Street, New York, N.Y. 10028 JOHN E. GILLIES, 320 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, New York 11735 KEW REALTY, 108 Allen Boulevard, Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735 RICHARD WALGROVE, 2 Tudor City Place, New York, N. Y. 10017 Owners of Real Estate and Contract Vendors ROBALD REALTY CORP., a domestic corporation, having a place of business at Cedar Beach Drive, Southold, New York. The shareholders, officers and directors thereof are: ROBERT G. NORKUS and ALDONA NORKUS, his wife, both residing at Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York. NORTH FORK BANK & TRUST CO., Mattituck, New York 4. The names and addresses of all persons who will receive any benefit as a result of their work, effort and services in connection with said application are as follows: RODERICK VAN TUYL, P.C., Front Street, Greenport, N.Y. - Professional engineer and surveyor. 5. The name and address of all persons who are officers or employees of the Town of Southold and heretofore listed in paragraphs 4 and 5: NONE. 6. The names and addresses of all persons set forth under paragraphs 4 and 5 who are ~lated to any officer or employee of the Town of Southold are as follows: NONE, to the best of your deponent's information and belief. Sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1979 .~ 30-4643775 s~,on ~P,~es March -2- Q