HomeMy WebLinkAboutTsigakos, William - Denied WREP~EAS, a petit ion was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by William Tsigakos amd peter Brountzas modification and amendment of the. Building requesting a change, Zone Ordinance, includfng the Building Zone ~aps made a part thereof by changing from "A" Residentfal and A~ricultural District to "B" Light Business District the ·property described in said ~¢~IEREAS, said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for ~ts investigation, recommendation and report, and its report ha.vfng Ueen filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having Been· duly held by the Town Board on the 5th day of November, 1~81, and due deliberation having been had thereon, NOW, THEB_EPORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and £t hereby is DENIED for the fo'llowing reasons as set forth by the Suffolk County Department of Planning and Southold To~n Planning Board, to wit: SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNrNG: 1, It constitutes the unwarranted'further perpetuation of strip business zoning along North Road and '~a~n Street. 2. It would tend to establish a precedent for further downzonings a. long North Road and )!ain Street. 3. There ·appears-to be ample 'ava~iiable business zoned land in the locale. 4. It would tend to impede vehicular circulation patterns at the intersection of the ad.joining roadways adversely affecting the safety and traffi~ carrying capacity of sa·id facilities. 5. Premises· does not comply with ths lot area requirement in the "B" Business District~ 6. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates this area for wetland purposes. SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD: 1. The lot is severely under the required use for the property zoning change. It is less than 205 of the req'uired area. 2. It would be hazardous for the business o~erations in regard to traffi'c flow. 3. The configuration does not comply with good zoning practices becmuse 'it is too small. 4. This Board is very doubtful that the New York Sta~e or Suffolk County wollld give curb cuts for ingress or egress, as it would cause severe traffic hazards at the' inter's-ection.. DATED: November 10, 1981 BY ORDER OE THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITtt T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD NOVEmbER 5, 1981 8:00 P.M. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF WILLIAM TSIGAKOS AND PETER BROUNTZAS FOR A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM "A" RESIDENTIAL AND AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "B" LIGHT BUSINESS DISTRICT ON CERTAIN PROPERTY AT GREENPORT, NEW YORK. SUPERVISOR PELL: We will have the reading of the public notice by Coucnilman Murphy. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be he].d by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 5th day of November, 1981, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) o£ the Town of Southold, Suffolk Co~mty, New York. 8:00 P.M. by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District the property of William Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas situated at Greenport, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of the North Road at a'locust post and running thence along the southerly side of the sa~d North Road North 78© 06T 30" East 73.50 feet to the monument at a point where the North Road intersects Main Street; thence South 57© 57' 20" East 46.27 feet to a granite marker on the westerly side of Main Street; at the northeasterly corner of land of Carl Henckel; thence South 67© 40' 20" West 101.85 feet along the land of Carl Henckel to a concrete marker and land of Herbert Fordham; thence along land of said Herbert Fordham North 19° 23' 30" West 50.99 feet to the point or place of beginning. I have proof o~ publication from the Long Island Traveler-Watch- man, proof of publication from Troy Gustavson of the Suffolk Times, notice of the Town Clerk Judy Terry that it was posted on the Bulletin Board. I have a letter from the Suffolk County Department of Planning. 'Dear Mrs. Terry: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 and 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on October 7, 1981 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove it because of the following: 1. It constitutes the unwarranted further perpetuation of strip business zoning along North Road and Main Street; 2. It would tend to establish a precedent for further down- zonings along North Road and Main Street; 3. There appears to be ample available business zoned land in the locale: 4.~ It would tend to impede vehicular circulation p~tters at ~he imtersection of the adjoining roadways adversely affecting the safet.y and traf£ic carrying e~pacity of said facilities; 5. Premises does not comply with the lot area requirement inI PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEARD?~ APPLICATION OF WILLIA~'~ " - - IGAIOS AND PETER'BROUNTZAS FOR A C~iNGE O.F ZONE the "B" Business District; and 6. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates this area for wetland purposes. Signed, Gerald G. Ne~vman, Chief ·Planner." I have a letter from the Southold To~n Planning Board. "At a regular meeting o£ the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, September 14, 1981 the following action was taken: On motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED to send the recommendations and!inspection reports on the property of William Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas to the Town Board for their consideration. After completiflg a field inspeotion, Sept. 10, 1981.on the property of William Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas, the Southold Town Planning Board recommends denial on the ~hange of zone '!A" Residential and Agricultural District to '~B" Light Business for the following reasons: 1. The lot is severely under the required use for the property zoning change. It is less than 20% of the required area. 2. It would be hazardous for the business operations in regard to traffic flow. 3. The configuration does not comply with good zoning practices because iZ is too small. 4. This board is very doubtful that the New York State or County would give curb cuts for ingress or egress, as it would cause severe traffic hazards at the. intersection." SUPERVISOR PELL: You heard the reading of the public notice. Does anybody wish to speak in favor of the applicant? RUDOLPH H. BRUER, ESQ.: Mr. Supervisor, Councilmen, l~s. Terry. I'm Rudolph Bruer on behalf of the applicant. I would like to, at this point disagree with the County Planning and Town Planning. I think the property, if you will examine the map, is in a perfect location for a business zone. It is across the street of the four corners there, the other four corners are all business zone. .One is owned by The Grand Union Company,according to Mr. Van Tuyl, Stafalous Realty Corporation owns the other one and it's business zoned~ Walter Sledjeski owns the other and it seems to me that this would be an ideal place to have business zone. It's on the County road, it's State road, it's a per£ecf place to have business rather than on a back street. Regarding the size of the property, when you come ~ight down to it, if you look at your zoning ordinance, it is too small for anything. I think that it is best suited, not as a residential house, it's got all the problems that a residential house could have there. The traffic problems, whatever, I think it's more suited for business and would hope that Zhe Boardlwould approve the application. Thank you. SUDERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Counsel. Anybody else wish to speak on behalf of the application? (~o responses) Anybody wish zo speak in opposition to it? (No response.) Anybody wish to speak at all on it? Councilman Murdock. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Do you hive any idea what kind Of business they intend to operate there? ,I MR. B~UER: It was expressed {o me that they would like to put some PAGE 3 - PUBLIC HEARi~ - APPLICATION OF WILLIA~f~'S~GAKOS AND PETER BROUNTZAS FOR A CIt~NGE OF ZONE type of a--really a sun~er type business of selling ice cream and things like that. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anybody else wish to comment or have questions on ih~ application? COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Any idea on the size of the building or lot area for parking? MR. BRUER: Not really. Because of the size I guess I would be restricted to whatever the Board of Appeals and whatever~it~w6&ld give me, because I think the size of the lot, I think my next step would be there. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Anybody else wish to address the application? (No response.) I~ not, I'll declare the hearing closed. Judith T. Terryu Sou~hold To~vn Clerk Pl~,po~,n!~,c~ '~n;ufid.Zunipp ~ ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : .. STATE OF NEW YORK · (h'~!in',n,';' ,~l"~h~'i I'o~t ~,1' Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the York. puGlic bunt[tiS, ~il: I,t' Editor, of THE LONG IS~ND TRAVELER-~ATCH~N, ~'~'hl h) 'h~' 'l',t~;~ Bnm't~ o:' H,t' o public newspoper printed at Southold, in Suffolk C~n~; $~,mi:~,ld '1,~ n Hnlh ~l~in and that the notic~ of ~ich the onnexed is a printed copy, :lin 5~1~, 8n¥ ]nl' N~ ~'mh~'~. hos E~n published in ~id Long Island Traveler-Watch- Zo'~'Ordim:hc~'~ndn'din~ tf.~,, successively, commencing on the ..... ~.~...~ ................... ".. · · '~.' . d~ ....... ~ ............ , 1 ~, ' . · .,. · · . - Sworn tobefore m~ thi~ ............ hm~ndud ~nd d~'sm'il, ud "' ~n~dusi~nmud u~ Lm ~'P' on " .. J'OW ~ Bg .~ I~ L) Legal Notices. entitled, "Map of Shore Acres, situate, Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York", surveyed December, 1913 by Roswell S. ~ .. ~ ...... Baylis, C.E., Huntington, L.L, New York and filed in the,-- ................... ,. · Office of the Clerk of :Ltie i Count.,/ of Suffolk. New York "' , ~ on or aSbout Jaha,~' 3, 1914 ~s ~ _ ~- .~..~ Map No. 41. ...?~.(....~?.~..~, .".~.~- ?~'.' ; iA,ny;person, desiring., [whe ["?- '" ' LEG,%L'NOTI~E )l~ard'~on. the~above groppsed '. NOT[CEOFHE,J~RiNGS hrqend:rnenL~~' ~hudld appeffi'-~t ON'PRt/POS,%LS the tit'he and plhce above so ~:,,, TO ,%MEND spec,[ied Z.ONI'NG OROi~ANCE DATED: Octo0er 2~', t98t Purs~an[ Io Section 265 of BYORDEROFTHE~ the ~m~n Law and requiro- StlLiTHOLDTO~,",NBOARD~ ?.~ S~FFOLR~ vt, eats o[ the BuJ~dfi-,g Zone . JUDITRI. TERRY.~ · l~lgW YOItK, Ordinawe.-ol [he TO~l al ~¥OWNCLERK~2 J Sca~lhold, Sulfolk Calm ty New ..... r~ held by the TO~T, Bom-d nt the ........................... ]~illg duly Sworn, To~,m. 'at Southoid' at _the South- says that ....... he is Printer and Publisher of Lhe SUFFOLK old Town HaH.'Maar{ Rbad, Southold, Near 5.'oi-k on the 51~ W£EKL¥ TII~E..q, a newstmpez published a'~ Gre~npo~, in said day ot November. LqSl, on me .follov:ing ~opc,~la to ~end counlyI =nd ~,~ the noti~ the?B~ng Zone. ,-im~gghpa~ of thethera~nB~ngot Soum-Z°ne COpy, h~a been g~lished in tha a~d Sufi~lk W~ Times o~. Suffolk Co~'. Ne?' yt~k on~ in o~h ~ ~ ' · g;00 P~I 6y ch~Eng from ' "A' Residential and Ao'ic~- suc~ssi~Iy comm~cing tm~l Di~ict, to "B" Light . ' .................. ~ Bu~[n~ss D~trict.thb pro~ d~ Of .0C~Ob.~ ..... Brogans sttu~t~ at Grin- . .... porL N~' York, an~ more' - .............. p~hcula,'ly b~oded and de- S~rn to ~e m~ thi~ . sq~e~as lotlo~'s' Begi~g at a. poi~ton the~ulherly line d~ Ot . .O~.~Ob~'[ l~..~1. J of ~e North Road at a I~usl ....... the ~ih~rly side ~ [he smd .............................. -', - No(th Road NOrth 78' ~' 30" menr at a. p?~t. where t~e North Road intersects Mal~ ~eeL. mence Smth ~' 57 ' 26" East 16,27 feet to a ~a~te, , mark'er 6~t~.weaterlr side 06 M~fi Street; at he udmhms - TelEx-. erin ,corner or land of C~I' ' o,res ~arch 30. 19~ Henckeh thence South 67~ 20" W~t 10t 85t~I a~ng lau6 o[ Carl ~nckel to a concrete m~rker ahd ~d. ot.H~r[ ' ...... Fnrdham. thBnce algng land o[ sa~d Her~ Fordham North lO~ 23' 30" West' 5u.99 leer ro the p~n~ or place, o[ begin~ng · ~ 8:10 P.M, by chaagmgtro~ · 'A" ResideBQal and A~icul- I~ Distrzc~ to "C" L~ghl [edustd~ DistOrt the ~oper- ~' ~AnthonvJ DeMau~ ~d , Dormhy A. De~ula s~mated at M~ffimeL New York. and more_ p~larly bo~ed nod d~crib~ a~ foliowz' Afl' rbat-'cerm~ plak p~ece or parcel of land.' .sho*'n and, 'd~tegas L~ "P" on ~- JUDITH T. TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 KEGIS'rRAa OV V~I~L ST~TtSrtCS Southold, L. I, N. Y. 11971 NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRO~IENT Dated: October- 20, 1981 Pursuant to Article 8 of the Envtronmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, as lend agency for the action described below, has determined that the project, which is unlisted, will not have a s,gni~i¢~nt effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Application of Wi.llzam Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas for a change of zone from *'A" Residential and Agricu]tur'al District to "B" Light Busines~ District on certain property on the south side of County Route 48, Greenport, New York. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated that no significant adverse effects to the environment ~re likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, it is assumed that there is no objection nor comments by that agency. Further in£ormation can be obtained by contacting Mrs. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk~ Town of Southold~ Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Copies to: David DeRidder, DEC, Stony Brook Commissioner Flacke, DEC, Albany Southold Town Building Department Town Clerk Bulletin Board Rudolph H. Bruer, Esq. STATE OF NE~V YORK: ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: JUDITH TL TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town o~ Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 20th day of October 1981 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manne~, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 Notice of hearings on proposals to amend zoning ordinance. November 5, 1981: 8:00 P.M. - William Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas 8:10 P.M. - Anthony J. DeMaul and Dorothy A.. DeMaula ~. Terry Southold Town Clerk Sworn to be beiore me this 20th day of October , 1981 ~ Notary Public LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARINO~ ON .P~OP. OSALS TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANOE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Totem Law and reauirements of The Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold To~m Hail, Main Road~ Southold, New York on the 5th day of November, 1981, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone ~ps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 8:00 P~M. by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District the property of William Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas situated at Greenport, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of the North Road at a locust post and running thence along the southerly side of the said North Road North 78© 06' 30'~ East 73.50 feet to the monument at a point where the North Road intersects Main Street; thence South 57° 57' 20" East 46.27 feet to a granite marker on the westerly side of Main Street; at the northeasterly corner of land of Carl Henckel; thence South 67° 40' 20" West 101.85 feet along !and of Carl Henckel to a concrete marker and land of Herbert ~ordham; thence along laud of said Herber~ Fordham Nbrth 19° 23' 30" West 50.99 feet to the point or place of ~eginning. 8:10 P.M. by changmng from "A" Residential and AKricultural District to "C~ Light Industrial District the property of Anthony J. DeMau~Land Dorothy A. DeMaula situated at Mattituck, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Ail that certain plot, piece or marcel of land, shown and designated as Lot 'P" on map entitled, "!.~ap of Shore Acres, situate, ~,!attituck, Suffolk Count~~, New York", surveyed December, 1913 by Roswell S. Baylis, C.E., Huntington, L.I., New York and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, New York on or about January 3~ 1914 as ~.~ap No_ 41. , Page 2 - Notice of IIearings on Proposals to Amend Zoning Ordinance. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above so specified. DATED: October 20, 1981 BY ORDER OF TIlE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOAED JUDITII T. TER~, TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISII ONCE, OCTOBER 22, 1981, AN]] FOR~ARD TWO (2) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITII T. TEt~RY, TO~.VN CLERK, TO%~N It_il,L, ~,[AIN ROAD, SOUTIIOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Watchman Town Board Members Town Clerk Bulletin Board Rudolph H. Bruer, Esq., a/c Tsigakos & Brountzas DeMaula COUNTY OF SUFFOLK OOT 981 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING October 8, 1981 PL. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk To~ of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Aoplication of 'William Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas" (~247) for a change of zone from "A" Agricultural and Residential to "B" Business, Town of Southold (SD-81-11). Dear Ms. Terry: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Co~n~ission on October 7, 1981 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove it because of the following: 1. It constitutes the unwarranted further perpetuation of strip business zoning along North Road and >~in Street; 2. It would tend to establish a precedent 'for further downzonings along North Road and Main Street; 3. There appears to be ample available business zoned land in the locale; 4. It would tend to impede vehicular circulation patterns at the inter- section of the adjoining roadways adversely affecting the safety and traffic carrying capacity of said facilities; 5. Premises does not comply with the lot area requirement in the "B" Busi- ness District; and 6. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates this area for wetland purposes. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman GGN:jk Chief Planner '~OW~ Off ~QU~HOLD ~GIST~R OF VIRAL STATIS~CS Sou[hold, L. I, N. Y. 11971 Pu~suan~ lo Sections 1323 io 1332 of the Su2folk County Charier Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby refers the following proposed zoning ac%ion to ~e Suffolk County Planning Co~ission: New zoning Ordinance -.. Amendment of zoning ordinance ~ Amendment of zoning map (change of zone) Location of affected land: southwest corner of .N..Y'.'S.~.Rout~ 2~ znd County Route 48. QreenDort, New York Suffolk County Tax ~ap No.: 1000-034-1-8 within 500 feet of: The boundary of any village or The boundary of any existing or proposed county, state or federal park. The right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or state parkway,' thruway, expressway, road_ or highway. The existing or proposed right-of-way or any stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines. The existing or proposed boundary of any other county, state or federally owned land. The Long Island Sound, any~ ba?'.in Suffolk County or estuary of any of the foregoing bodies of wa%er. or within one mile of : Nuclear power plant. Airport CO~NTS: Application of Willlam Tsl~akos ~nd Pefer Brountzes for ~ ch~n~e of zone from "A" Residential ~nd AKricultural District to "B" Light Business District~ Findings of the Southold Town Pl~nnin~ Board ~tteched hereto. Date SeDtember 23, 1981 ~~ ~ Judikh T. ~erry Southold Town Clerk Sepfember 23, 1981 Mr. David DeRidder. Environmental Analysis Unit N.Y.S. Dept. of Environmental Conservation Building 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 1179~ Dear Mr. DeRidder: Enclosed is application of William Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agric- ultural District to "B" Light Business District on certain property on the south side of County Route 48, Greenport, New York. This project is unlisted and our initial determihation of non-significance has been made and we wish to coordinate this action to conform our inmtial determination in our. role as lead agency. May we have your views on this matter. Written comments on this project will be received at This office until October 13, 1981 We shall interpret your lack of response to mean there,. is no objection by your.agency. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Enclosures cc: Con~issioner Flacke Southold Town Building Department TO D Sou~hold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. ~,, Chairm~n TELEPHONE kF~K~i~p~O~ 765- 1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. R. GEORGERITC~ELATHA~.Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. September 21, 1981 William Pell, III, Supervisor Southold Town Hall Southold, New York' 11971 Dear Mr. Pell: At a regular meeting of the So~thold Town Planning Board, Monday September 14, 1981 the following action was taken: On motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED to send the recommendations and inspection reports on the property of William Tsiqakos and Peter Brountzas and Anthony J. and Dorothy A. DeMaula, to the Town Board for their consideration. After completing a field inspection, Sept. 10, 1981 on the property of William Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas, the Southold TQwn Planning Board recommends denial on the change of zone "A" Residential and Agricul- tural District to "B" Light Business for the following reasons: 1. The lot is severly under the required use for the property zoning change. It is less than 20% of the required area. 2. It would be hazardous for the business operations in re- gard to traffic flow. 3.The configuration does not comply with good zoning prac- tices because it is too small. 4. This board is very doubtful that the New York State or County would give curb cuts for ingress or egress, as it would cause severe traffic hazards at the intersection. Regarding the same day inspection of the property of Anthony J. and Dorothy A. DeMaula, we recommend approval on the change of zone "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Light for the following (2) 1. The configuration of the property conforms with the area stupulated under the zoning classifications. 2. reasonable extension of the existing C-1 use to the North of the property. 3. consistant with the development plan for the promotion of agriculture'and commercial fishing. 4. The residential use of the property is inhibited by the terrain, as Lilco has high tension running through the premises. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOkRD By Susan E. Long, Secretary cc: Councilman Henry Drum Councilman Lawrence Murdock Councilman Francis Murphy Councilman John Nickles Town Clerk Judith Terry JUDITH T. TE~Y '~7~' ~LEPHONE TO;~ CLERK ~-~-~.. ~:]. :-~.r','~ (516) 765-1801 Southold, k. I.. N. Y. I!97[ September 9, 1981 To-Whom It May Concern: Attached hereto is Environmental Assessment Form completed by Rudolph H. Bruer on behalf of William Tsigakos'and Peter Brountzas in connection with their application for a change of zone from "A" Res5dengial and Aguicultural Distr5ct to "B'" Lighg Business. District .on certain property on the south side of County "% Route 48, Greenport, New York. 5udtgh T, Terry Soughold Town Clerk Posted on Town Clerk Bulletin Board on 9/9/81 .... ',~.-.L,:TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ......... SHORT ENVIRONtJENTAL ASSESS~,{ENT FOR~ II!STRUCTIONS: (o) in order to enswer the questions in this short EAF it is ssumed that the preparer ~ill use currently available information concerning the pro~ect and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expected that additional stud~es~ research o~ other investigations ~rill be Undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be ~ignificont and a completed Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered No it is l£~¢ely that this project is not signif±cont. (d) Environmenta! Assessment 1. ~',~iZZ p~oject result in.° lo~ge physical change. to ±be project site or physically alte~r more then l0 acres of Zend? ......... - ............... Yes '~No 2. Wi~ the~e be a major change to any unique or -unusual land form found on the site? ...... z... Yes '~No 3 Will project olte~ or have o ~orge effect on existing body of'water? ...... : ................ Y.es ~'1o ~ Will project have o potentially large impact on grou~d~'tote'r quality? .... ~ .................. Yes 5 ~'f~Z project significantly effect drainage f~ow on adjacent sites?..- ...... ' ................ Yes ~No 6 ¥~ill project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal speEies? ........... Yes' ~o 7 .Will project result in o major adverse effect on air quality? ............................... Yes ~,~'o 8 Will pzoject" hove o meier effect on visual character bf the community or scenic views or v£stos known to be important to_ th6 community? Yes ~o 9. ¥;ilZ p~oject adversely impact any site or structure of historic~ prehistoric poleontologicol importance or any site '- designoled os o critical environmental oreo 10. ¥~ill project have o b~jor eFfeci on existing or future ~ecrea¢ionol oppozluni~ies? ......... Yes 11. Will project result in major traffi~ problems ~-- or cause o major effec% ~o exis%inD tronsportolion system's? ....................... Yes .~o 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable o~rs, noi~e, 91ore, vibration, or elec~ricol disLurbonce o5 o resul~ of lhe projecl's operation? .................................... Yes ~o 13. ¥;ill projec~ hove any impocl on public health -' 14. Will project affect the exis~in9 community by direc%ly coosin9 o growth in permonent popol~l'ion of more ~hon 5 percent over o one year period or hove o major negative effect on the character o~ the community or neighborhood? ................................. Yes 15. Is there public con%roversy concerninD projec%? ...................................... Yes PREPARER'S SIGNATURE ~ REPRESENIING_, /~ ,. f DATE ~ August 27, 1981 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is petition o£ William Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas requesting a change o£ zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District tm "B" Light Business District on certain property at Greenport, New York. You are hereby instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in said petition and determine the area so affected with your recommendations. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Totem Clerk '~ Enclosures (5) / cAs . ........ STATE OF NEW YORK .f / PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD iN THE MATTER OF ~ PETITION OF FOR A CliA/qGE, bIOD~ICATION OR A/VIENqD~IENT OF THE BUILD~qG ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF TI-HI TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO TI{E TOWN BOAaRD OF TI~E TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: WILLIAM TSTGAKOS and 1.WE~ .P..E...T...E...R.....B..R.Q~.N..T..Z...A...S. .............................. residing at ...S..qq.n...d.....R.p..a..d..,.....G..r.-e..e..n.P..°...r..t.., N.Y. (insert name of petitioner) are the contract vendees S~ffolk County, New York, the undersigned, ~ of certain real property situatedm~ near the Village of Greenport, in the Towh of Southold, County of Suffolk .a.~.d......S.}..a. ,C.~...,o..~....N._e..~....Y_..o...r.~. ....... and more particularly, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of the North Road at a locust post and running thence along the southerly side of the said North Road North 78© 06~ 30" East 73.50 feet to the monument at a point where the North Road intersects Main Street; thence South 57~ 57' 20" East 46.27 feet to a granite marker on the westerly side of Main Street; at the northeasterly corner of land of Carl Henckel; thence South 67° 40' 20" West 101.85 feet along land of Carl Henckel to a concrete marker and land of Herbert Fordham; thence along/and of said Herbert Fordham North 19© 23' 30" West 50.99 feet to the point or place of BEGIAYNING. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: TO change the zone classification of the above premises from its present Zone "A"-Residential/Agricultural to a zone classification of '"B"-Light Business. 3. Such re~est is made for the following reasons: The premises is such that it does not lend itself to residential use, and is more appropriately suited for business use. It is petitioners' intention to use the premises as a retail store. S.). .......... William Tsigakos ~ Peter Brountza~/ STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) William Tsigakos and ....... .P.?.~.?.r...B,r..o_u..n.~.~._a.s. ................. , BEING DULY SWORN, deposel~ and say~:that they ar.e they have, 1~1~ the petitlone~in the within action; that:X~s reau the foregoing Petition and knowK the ir the contents thereof; that the same is true to >l:lli~) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those mattersthq believe~ it to be true. William Tsigako~~ (L. 5")' 'f~"~' "r~" IU~'~"~'~''~ .......... _ ~- __ Peter Brounfu~s~. Sxvorn to before me ' this /~.... day of .~.'~.'.~.'X~,~ ......... 19.8..]-. Notary Public- TOWN BOARD ToWN OF sOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of : : NOTICE WILLIAM TSIGAKOS & PETER BROUIqTZAS : to the Town Board of the Town of Southold- : TO: YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of Southoid to request a Change of zone classification 2. That the property which is the subiect of the Petition is located adja:ent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: Southwesterly corner of I~orth Road & Main Street, Greenport, ~i l~ew York, as indicated on the attached location map. .1 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: "A" -Re sidential/Aq ricultural 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above-described property be placed in the following zone district classification: "B"-Light Business 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, 5outhold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular off]ce hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the m. atter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of $outhold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. ~F~titioner R~dolph H. Bruer, Attorney for ~ Petitioners Post Office Address; Main Road Southold, New York 11971 -_. P~OOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE _NAME ADDRESS Eugene Mazzaferro & ano, Greenport, Hew York 11944 Carl Henkel Greenport, Hew York 11944 Ma ~,~%~;:~ ~¢~0~ ~ r~d~ng at (No ~) McCann Lane, Gre ~ ~ ~.~e~. '~ ." being dulg sworn, deposes a.d says that on rhe 18th day s de here. ~3 ~ ? ~ ¢~¢ %~ed persons at the addresses set oppos te the,r respecnve names; that the ad~. ~/~ ..~* ~,~ ~ said persons are ~e addresses of sa,d persons as shown on ~he cur- rent assessme~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~dold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office a[ ; that sa~d Not~es were ma~led to each of sa~d persons b~ (certified, Swore this 18th [ ~ot~r~ Public RUDOLP~ H. 8RUE~ '" ~'OWN OF SOUTHOLD -'~'~ ' SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS~ENT FORt~ INSTRUCTIONS: (a) In order to answer the questions in this short EAF it is assumed that the preparer w±i1 use currently available in£ormatian concerning the project and the likely impacts at the action. It is not expected that additional studies, research or o~her investigations will be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be signifiicant and a completed Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. (c) I¢ ail questions have been answered No it i's likely that this project is not significant. (dj Envi¥onmental Assessment 1. Will project result in a large physical change to the project site o~ physical!y alte-r more than 10 acres of land? ........................ Yes 'rNa 2. Will there be a ma)or change to any unique or · .. .unusual land form ~ound on the site? ........... Yes '~o 3. Will project alter or have a large effect on existing body of water? ....................... YDs 4. Will project have a potentially large'impact on groundwater quality? .... { .................. Yes !~o 5. Will project significantly e~fec% drainage £1ow on adjacent sites?..- ...... ; ............... Yes 6. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species? ........... Yes' ~o 7. YJill projec~ re~ul~ in a major ~dverse on ~ir quali~y? ............................... Yes 8. Will.pro)eot' have a major effec~ on visual character bf %he community or scenic views or vis~as known to be important to ~he community? Yes ~. %',~ill project adversely impac{ any si¢e or structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance or ~ny si{e designated as a critical environmental area 10. %Vill projec~ have o bajor ef~ec~ on existing or future recreational oppor{uni~ies? ......... Yes 11. Will project result in major ~roffic problems or cause a major effect ~o existing transpor~a¢ion systems9 ....................... Yes .~o 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable od~rs, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbance as a resul~ of ~he project's operation? .................................... Yes ~o 1'3. Will project have any impac~ on public heal%h ' safety? Yes~o 14. Will project af~ec~ Che existing communit7 by direc¢ly causing a growth in permanen% popula¢ion o~ more ~han 5 percen~ over a one year period or have a major nega¢ive ef~ec~ on the character o~ %he communi%y or neighborhood?. Yes o 15. I5 ~here public con%roversy concerning the projec¢? ...................................... Yes REPRESENTING2~/~ /~[LC ~~ DATE