HomeMy WebLinkAboutTelsey, Benson S. - Denied'"' ~ ' WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by .~..~.:...~.e.~ .............................................. · requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- Di.strict the p~operty described in said petition, and '~! WHERE. AS said petit:ion was duly referred to the P, bnning Board for its '~ investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed ~ with the Town Board, a.nd thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said ][ petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...~,9.~¢,~ ..... day J of ........ ..~..O..?=~ ................... , 19...6.~.., end due deliberation having been ~ had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is c~J.~., :'- : ~ll~.' ~IOYICE '' port; from saki 9oint of beginning. ~ ~' - ;~ ~' ~ u~ along said land o~ the Vil- - ~.Nol~a of H~mn~ i.mge of Gr~peri ~ co~es: (1) On ~ropo~als ~t= Amend no~h 33~ 47' 30" w~, 3~3.04~eet ~h~Zoning ~rdinance ~o a m~m~n~; t~enc~ (2) ~or~ ~0 · ~.,~ . ~-, ~ ~s~.t to .~caor 265 of ~e'~' 20" ~% 15'4k~6 ~t ~ = ~anu~ T~vm ~w ~ .~cle lX ~ ~e ment~ t~ce (3) ~rth 5 46. 10 ~ ~. ] B~'t~c,~,{'~'~ n~tce af *ffn~J~ 114.80 'f~t :(o a monment: ~, ~ ~6~,m .o~,~uutaol~ JS~olk Co~y,~ ~hence along l~nd of H.J~. ~and ~ J New Ym~'pu~nc h~.Lngs ~ ~ha~Deve]~men~ ~rp., t~ee courses: I bei~Vi. ~&-~auf~i, ld Zowa B~:~'(1) ~o~ 85~ 13j~50".a~, 92.1g i~: - ~~... ~ing duly ht t~ O~ceai the Saper,.qsoz,.16 ~en~'~ath 18 51' 20" ea~i, 356.1~ ~c,~dh ~n'e~t, Gl~n2ot~. N~z~ York, ~t ~ence (3) ~uth 3~ 59: 20";~rinter fl~d Publisher oi ~ S~FFOLK ~in ~ald Tow~ .on ~he 29t~ ~y of east, 't6~.B2 feef.~ ~ montini °n~ No-.-~mber, t967;~'~.?:~ o'clo~ }n ~i~ ~erly l~e- of North Road~s~e~ pu~lish~ ~.~ G~am~zl, in ~'~e'evenm~ of ~d~d3v on lhe fol- then~ along ~d northerly ]~e ~o~{ lc, v.~,g: .pr0po~m~.~to am=ad thC coumes. (1) south 51 17 40 ~t,~l~, ,of which ~e ~me~e~ ~s ~ ~ll~g~Z~r~.~l~nauce (mC]u~r I5~.t0 feet; ihenee,(~) south 52~ '~,eT~B~dmg Z~d~ M~ps~ of ~he ~" w~, 5~et ~ ~hepo~ or p ~ the ~ffi ~uffolk Week~ Times To'sh of Southo~~ ,Suz~o'~ ~C,:,md ~ ............ ~e~f,~o~k..~ ~ 'Q ~' · ~ 4. 1. By eh~hg~'om ia the~To~[c:f .S~hold. Cotmty ~'~b~'a40] X~te~ly ~ong sa~O 37 : ~qe fopth?rly 15 fee% ~o,~ kle~Iy ~c~ ~'~rroll .k~ ~mUe: more or 1~, ~o ordinary ~gh wateP. CORNiliA C [~ ~,Sff&~z~;rm~[~.Cnarie~Hub~mrd'erly along sar~.~gk wa~r mar~ ~. -2a:'FSY .~,r' ~ lm', ~*' the,'[e~ato~g ~ bulkhead ~0 fe~t, more [~,~ {-~,'5 b'6~e~¢, toil,:,v.'~ ~ I ~ 8.:'fegl m~re or legs ~9 tk~ corner fl~, 5b' 3J .80 '~.-~u x9 t~n tn~nce said ~kkehd ~h~ee , f t, t~fr%'p ,[~4~r ,JeCh'd~it~ Co:-,2 %he 'Villdge o~ Gr~npo~; lhenke ~?~,L- ~',,~5~.~1 · I~florthe~ly ato~' me said I v~ ~: ~-~k~ tr-n "~" Re~t- l~e oFthe Vfl~ge of Greenport ' c r>ger y' o~ any of ~ pkop~ed' am~ndme~ h ~ m'-¢e~' - t- sh~d'appear at the t~me a~d gouthol~ Cavity D~TED:~O~MB~ 8, ~967, BX New York, -O~R OF T~ SOUT~Q~D bo~u,u~ and ' ~O~N BO~D ~ ~ tt on tT, e ,oath- TO~ d~ ' 1~ I~ ~.po[at il distort ulong !aid land ; said Middie { ~ pb~ be~ing. tkb 'io~ow- oi ~uthold, Court-' '~ -o~ - State of ~ew ~d follow~: [~ ~egin~ff~ ~nment on ~he ' Road, ad- Southold Town Planning Board .~DIITHE3LD, L. I., N.Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS J~hn Wickham, Chai~'man Henry Moisa REPORT TO: Southold ~own Board Alfred Grebe 16 South Street William Unkelbach Greenport, New York October 5,.1967: Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on October 3, 1967: In the matter of the petition of Benson S. Telsey of Greenport~ New York~ relative to a char~3e of zone from"A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certai~roperty situated at Greenport~ in' the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York= and more particularly bounded ad described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the ~ortherly line of North Road, adjoining land of the Village of Greenport; from said point of Deginning running along said land of the Village of Greenport three courses: (1) l~orth 33° 47' 30" west, 373.04 feet to a monument; thence (2) north 4~ 23' 20" east~ 154.46 feet to a monument; thence (3) north 5° 46' 10" east, 114.80 feet to a monument; thence along land of HoJoSo Land & Development Corp., three courses: (1) south 85° 12' 50" east, 92o12 feet; thence south 18° 51' 20" east, 356.15 feet; thence (3) south 37° 59~ 20" east, 167~82 feet to a monument on said northerly line of North Road; thence along said northerly lin~, two courses: (1) south 51° 17' 40" west, 157o10 feet; thencd (2) sol, th 52° 37' 20" west, 5 feet to the point or place of beginning, containing 2~ 03 acres. It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board does not favorably recor~end to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the above described pl:operty: Report to: Southdd Town Board -2- The. Planning Board is of the opinion it would be a mistake to establish a business zene adjoining the property of the Village of Greenport~ and the residentially zone property° This, of course~ would be spot .zoning. The Planning Board also points out that the County Road will probably be subject to widening at some future date in this particular area. Respectfully submitted, /- Jo~n Wlckham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board cc: Town clerk OFFI ERK SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. : September 13, 1967 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.~ N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Benson $. Telsey of Greenport, N.Y. relative to change of zone from "A'~ Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain property situated in Greenport, ~ew York, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, ~.Y. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly your~ Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk September 1 , 1967 Southold Town Board Town HaLl Southold, New York 11971 Re: Application of Benson S. Telsey Enclosed in duplicate is an application for change of zone for premises situate on the North Road, Greenport, together with our check in the amount of $25. CORWIN& GLICKNAN Stanley S. Corw~n tlw Enc. STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOVsrN OF SOUTFIOLD IN THE 3,IATTER OF THE PETITION OF Benson S. Telsey arid Regina Telsey, his wife, FORA CHANGE, 3,IODIF[CAT[ON. OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOL'IC. COUNTY, NEW YOP, K. TO TI-IE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I .... .B,.e.n.s. 9_n..S....T.e~-.s.e.y ................ residing at .O. ?.e..e.nJP. 9..~. ........................ (insert name of petitioner) Suti:olk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated ar .G;c..~¢~p. 9~ ........................... and more particularly hounded and describe(t as follo~vs: Beginning at a monument on the northerly line of Noi~th Road, adjoining land of the Village of Greenport; from said point of beginning running along said land of the Village of Greenport three courses: (1) nor/h 33047'30'' west, 373.04 feet to a monument; thence (2) north 4°23~20" east, 154.46 feet to a monument; thence (3) north 5°46'10'[ east. 114.80 feet to a monument; thence along lazld of II. J. S. Land & Development Corp. ~ three courses: (1) south 85°12'50r' east, 92.12 feet; thence south 18°51'20~r east, 356.15 feet; thence (3) south 37059'20TM east, 167.82 feet to a monument' on said northerly line of North 1Roadj thence'along said north- erly line, two courses: (1) sou[h 51°17'40~ wesl, 157.10 feet; thence (2) south 52037'20" west. 5 feet to the point or pLice of beginning. Containing 2.03 acres. 2. I. do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Sm~olk County, New York, including the Building Zone 5Iap5 heretofere made a part thereof, as follows: by changing premises from "A" Zone to "B" Zoning District. 3, Such request is made for the following reasons: The premises adjoin properly of the Village of Oreenpo~, which, although zoned "A'~. enjoy a use which is essentially industrial in that they are used for no municipal purpose other than as the outfall for a sewage treatment plant. However° the public generally has been tolerated by the VilLage, and lhe premises are used for bathing, surf fishing, picnicking, and similar uses. This use, coupled with nearby premises used as a labor camp, compromise and ~rejudice the premises for use solely for residential purposes, and there are~ therefore, valid and cogent reasons why the property should be down- zoned. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) .................... .B.q.n.s.q~3. ~.-..T.ql.a..eY. ......BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to tho~e matters he believes it to be true. ' ............. / / Sworn to before me this ay of ~..., 1~7. ...... ~ .'-~j" ....... . .-- . tary Pubhc