HomeMy WebLinkAboutTabor, Wendell - Denied WHEREAS, a petition wes heretofore filed with the Town Beard of the Town of Southold by ......... ~,~,~..~.~...][l~;~....~,.~ ....... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Z6ne Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- . lng from ~.~..~.:~'g~.~-..~.~... District to ....~..~;~...l~r~. ~ ........... District th~ property ~lescribed in said peri'lion, and ~ WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the P'[anning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been fi~ed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....~.....day of .......... ~...~..~. .......... ~ ............ , 19.G...~...., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and jt hereby is ~.OP~L TO AlViF-~D ~. ~ zoI~ix~ O~I>,~NANUE, ~ ~OUNTY OF S~FFOLK, 1 ~'t~V' ~ ~ ~x'~ ~e STAT~ OF NEW yO~K, j '~n~ Z~ne .O~nce o~ the, ~'~d~h St~t, ~reer/~, Ne~ Yora, V~EE~LY TI~ES, a newsier pub~sh~ ~ ~n~tt,'~ ~id ~ ~[d tu~-ou ~he 21ad d y ol~ ~.T.k'oclock '~ the eveak~ ~ ~d i;~syL~ th~. /'o~o~'i~ propo~.s ~ ~ e~y, ~S bsen pu.bl[she~ in ~ ~d Suf~lk W~k~ ~mes ~ance ,[~clnd~g the B~m~ Zone ~ce In each w~k~ ~ ......... ~rs~ of t~ To~ ~-~hrhold,; .~ ........ Suffolk CouaU~ New York.4~;f~~· ., S~MsiV~I~ Oo~me~ o~ ~e ... ''' .MI ~at ~[~'traet or pa*cel~ $~rn to ~f~e me this ..-~ffi-'--.: 'ol ~a ilta~t~ St Or,eat. ~ ~e~ 'a~out 600 f~t to a p~mt ~ fe~c {I "tyPiFy--tc~m: ~]..~n{~ ~ad, t~ce :~o~7 ~1~ the l 60 f~t to rh~oo~ of 6f 1~' s~t~d al O~l~t; ~n the ], ~y ~d' ;p~l-' wl~h smd I ~' R~d; a~t- 245 f~t [o Tabor ' ~-~-. Rdad;:~her~ ao~ along Ta- Dbr Ro~l ~Bt. t50 le~. to ,a~' 8/10 a~e.' .* :: . on t~ ~ve. pm,posed ~o~E ~ppe~ at The tlm~d pla~ ~F T~ 50~0~ TO~%rN ' '~' ¥ pROPOSAD TO yL~TD - , ~sUan~ ~ Section ~ of the ~ ~dinance of the To~ of [~g$ ~iI ~ held ~ th%~u~ .. .? ~ ~o~k, ~ ssid ~o~ ~ the m (~f ~'c~ck ~U ~ eve~f .~d~ ~ ~ COUN~ OF SUFFOLK Ns~'zork '- -- ~' "'' k~'~z~b ;] C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, ~ays m~A~cut~m~ b~t~et %0 "~"~p~R. that he is the Editor, of THE LONG IS~ND t~s];~iSt~ t~ 'fo~l~,in~ d~J~b~! · T~V.E~R - ~ITUCK WATCH~N, a public news- ~ :~ ~ ce~sin bic~ or ~)rde] paper printed ~ Southold, in Suffolk Count; and that .~' r~; ~ :'~'Ne~ ~K.'°f ~ou~hol~nd moreS~°]K~ic~T~'~O~nt~" the notice of which the ~nnexed is o printed copy, has been ~ m: f:~b~ed'a~ ~escd~ed as(~o~f published in. said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- ,me of Tabor ~o~d '~bU man o~e each week for ...... ~..'..L.ZZ.. we~ 4..' ~h~'ly ~Io~ e~erly ~o~ other 1~.9~j successively, commencing on the ................ ~ ...... ;. .......... land of ~le~m a~.~d~ do~ o{ .......... !~. ~utherly a~m~ s~d ~. T~-, J~., about_,~ ................................... ed ~t right a~i~ t~ ~ent. Cenir~I ' Cemt~y; '~.~ ~'[~ ' ' ' ' ' .... ~' ' Sworn to ~bef°re me 19~this day of , ~e ~or~herly line of smd ceme~i~ ~ .......... rly[alo~ the easterly E~ of ~r~] fro~ '~" ~esid~ia]; ~ ~; the fonowtug 6es~j ............... ~. ceftin tract or of Southald, S~olk Co~ty~ ADEL[ PAYN[ Yorz, and _more part~arl~,: , ~s._~ollo~.. ~1~ Eesidi~g in SuifoIk Coun~. south~ [Hne Of the ~i~ Co~ssJon Expi~ /~arch the easterly Erie o~'~Ta~ ' ,~ ina ~ar~ ~m Road, ~bo~t 2~ feet ~ to ~ hea~ ~ a~ ~lace above ~,; c~ ....:~ October 2, 1968 Town Board Town of $outhotd Oreeuport, New York ATTENTION: Mr. Lester Albertson Dear Mr. Albertson: I am bitter!y opposed to the application of Mr. Wendell Tabor to change the zoning of his property on Tabor Road, Orients from residential to business. Very truly yours, Charle~ E. Webb 420 Village Lane Oriant, New York .... - ORIENT~ LONG ISLAND NEW YORK ! To.~n~oard~ Tcorn of Sou%hoi'd Greenport. Oc%ober ls%. 1968. For ~he ~t%ention of Mr, Alber~son. I am opposed to %he application of ~r. Wendell Tabor to change the zoning of his property on Tabor Road from residential to business. Yours. faith~ully~ Chester ~. Mayer Birdseye Lane Orient, Long Island; New York September 30, 1988 To~vm Board To~vn of Southold Gr eenpoint Long Island New York Gentlemen: I am opposed to the application of ~Vendell Tabor for a change in the zoning of Tabor Road from Agricultural to ~usiness. l~iy reason is that I do not believe it is in the best interests of Orient to rezone any additional land for ]Business at the present time. Very truly yours. RAM: ko Howard H. Sharman P.O. Box 184 Orient, N.Y. 11957 Tc~ The Town Board $outko!d~ i wish to register my considered opposition to pe[;ition now u~nder the consideration of the Board to dcw~u zo~e to co~erciai use approxLmately nine acres of land on Tabor Road in Orient. Z base my opposition iarg~!y on the testimony of~ feted at the h~arlng by the pet!oner~ ?r Wi!lieu Schrisver. He stated ta~t he ne~ds only about two acres of the land for his business. statement of intent for the possible use of the balance of the If t~e '~card w~re to grant this carte ~lanc down zoning it would have no control over the future land use~ it is concsivabl~ - depsndlug upon the crea~ed in the cengen of Orlento Further3 the denial o~ ~.~:_~ ~ ~Om~_ oy the ~.o~'d would not cohstltute an unreason~ole hardship to tl~e pationsr~ Other property for busLuess use and is for purehase~ Lu~ what i believ~ most sincere!y~ is the best lomg far_ge interest of ry community I urgently request the Boated ts d~ny this down coning petition. ae 15 owa~d Sharman Southold Town Board Suffolk County, New York We, the underst~ned~ favor allowing additional small businesses to be established in Orient. In particular, we support the application presently before the Town Board for a business zone on the Tabor property south af the Main Road and east of Tabor Read mo that the Schriever ConStruction Inc.~ may be 1Dcated in Orient. Name Address ' -' - / ~ .LO / '~-- ~ ,-, ,. ,~u~.'.~ i' Southold Town Bo~rd Suffolk County, New York Gentlemen~ We~ the under$1gned~ fa%DDt allowing additional small businesses to be established in Orient. In particular~ we support ths application presently before the Town Board fo~ a business zone on the Tabor property south of the ~sln Road and east of Tabor Road so that the Scb_riever Construction Co.~ Inc.~ may be located in Orient. Name Address Southold Town Board Suffolk County, New York Gent 1 smen: We, the undersigned~ favor allowing additional small businesses to be establ~[shed iq Orient, in particular, we SUpport the application'p~esently before the Town Board for a business zone on 'the Tabor property south of the ~lain Road and east of' Tabor Road s~ that the Schrie~er Constru6t~on Co~, Inc.~ may be located tn Orient. Name Address Southold Town Board Suffolk County, New York Gentlemen: We, the urLdersig~ed~ favor allowing additional small businesses to be established in Ortent. In partieular~ we support the application presently before the Town Board for a bus,ness zone on the Tabor property south of the Main Road and east of Tabor Road so that the Sehrlever Construction Co.~ I~¢.~ may be located in Orient. Southold To~a Board Suffolk County~ 'Ne~ York Gentlemen: We~ the ~ndersigned~' favor allowing addttlonal small businesses to he establ~s~d in Ortent. In particular, ~;e support the applioatio~ presently before~the To~ Board for a 'b~ness zone on the Tabor property south of the 9~a~n ~oad and e~t of Tabor ~oad so that the So~ewer ConstructiDn Co,~ Inc.~ may be located in Ort~t~ N~e Ad.ess ~...~. / ~ ~ ~ _,, ~. Southold Town Board Suffolk County~ New York Gentlemen~ We~ the undersigned, favor allowtng additional small businesses to be established in Orient. In parttcular~ we support the application presently before the Town Board for a business zone on the Tabor property south of the Maim Road amd east of Tabor Road so that the Schrtever Construction Go.~ In¢.~ may be located in Orient. Name Address /,,'1,- ~ .,_.., ~, '.,,.__.~._.._.~.,,.,...,.__-._ . ~:~_-~.~.-:- ~ .- ~:'~ , '~' ~~~:: ~' "~>,:~ '; ?>~' " Sonthold Town Boa~d Suffolk Cou_nty~. New York Gent 1 emen: We~ the undersigned, favor allowing additional small businesses to be established tn Orient. In particular~ we support the applioation presently before the Town Board for a business the Tabor property the Maln Road and east of Tabor Road so that the Sehriever Comstruction Co.~ Inc., may be located tn Orient. .Name Address ". ,. ,;¢]~B~ ~' .~.~. ' . Southold To~m Board Suffolk County~ New York Gentlemen: We~ the undersigned~ fair allowing additional small businesses to be established iR Orient. In particular~ we support the application presently before the Town Boa~d for a business zone on the Tabor prDperty south of ~he l~atn Road amd east of Tabor Read so that the Sc~iever Construction Co.~ Inc., may be located in 0rient. Name Address . : ~: ,.~ ,.~ · .,~, , , //u~- ~. , Sou~hold Town Board Suffolk County, New York We, the undersigned, favor allowing additional small businesses to be established in Orient~ In particular, wa support the application presently before the Town Board for a business zone on the Tabor property south of the Main Road and east of Tabor Road so that the Schrie~er Construction Co., Inc.~ may be lsuated in Orient. Name Address / /i Southold To~n Board Suffolk Co%~nt~-, New York Gentl e~em: We~ t.~e u~derstgned, favor allowing addittomal small businessea to b~ ~stmbl~sh~d tn O=temt. Im pa=t~ula=~ we sup~=t the application ~p=esently before the To~n Board for a ~iness zone on ~e Tabor property sout~ of the Main Road and east of Tabor Road .s~ that :ithe Schrtever Construction Inu.~ may ~ located ~n Orient. Address Sonthold To~n Board Suffolk County~ New York Gentlemen: We~ the undersio=ned~ favnr allowing additional small businesses to be established in Orient. In.parttcular~ we support the application presently before the Town Board for a business zone on the Tabur property south Df the ~in Road and east of Tabor Ro~d so that the $chriever Construction Ce., In¢.~ may be located in Orient. Southold To~n Board Suffolk County. NeW York Gentlemen~ We~ the underai~ned~ favor allowing additional s~all businesses to be established in Orient. In parti=ular~ ~ support<the application presentl~ before the To~n Board for a business zone on the Tabor property south of the Main Road and east sf Tabor Kaad so that the Schriever Construction Co,, Ine.~ may be located in Orient. Name Address Southold To~n Bo~rd Suffolk County, ~e~ York Gentlemen: We~ the underst~ned~ favor allowing additional small businesses to be establlshed ~n Orient. In partieular~ we support the application presently before the Town Board for a business zone on the Tabor property south of the ~ain Road and east of Tabor Read so that the Sebrlever Construction Co,, Ine.~ may be located in Orient. Name Address ~- ~ ~ / LAWR~'NCE h. REYBINE HARRY W. BENDER Town Board Town of Southold Greenport~N.Y. Att: ~. Alber~son Gentlemen: ! am opposed to the application of Wendell Tabor to cha~ge the zoning of bls property on Tabor Road, O~lent, from res!~tt~! to business. 7truly yo~s, 2~ K~nm Lane, Orie~, Sept 26, Dear ~fr. Alber~se~ This is in refe~e~ee t~ ~r. %~ill~am S~hriever's re~ues~ f~r a z.enim.~ ek~ge on t~-p~er%y on the east si~e ef Taber ~bly cppo~e~ te the ~ow~ grad~ of this pre~e=~ from~ residential te 'busi~es~ an~~ particularly te ~ ~eles~e gr~t~g ~f Such~ three" ~ere~'~. Sehrieve~ weuld be ~.lewe~ to construct dwelli~s' e~ ~ther buildings net e~bject te ~esidenti~ rest~eti~s bm ~hat ~r~icn ef the l~d ~t ~ctumlly required or use~ ~ his o~ bmsinese. Ye~s t~ly very S~i~p~ Lane 0risnt~ Long !s!and~ New York September 16~ 1958 To the To~u~ Board of Southold Town ~o Lester ~. Aibertson.~ Supervisor Greenport~ Long Island~ New York Gentlemen: '~e have learned that an application has bee~ made to your Board a piece of property On the southeast corner of the ~ain Road and Tabor Road,. Orient from fa~ing or residentia~ to business mmd or industrials- As you know this location is in a very beautiful section of our large Victorian residence opposite it.~ ~he Co~regstional Church 5nd its parsonage~ and the two Cemeterys sn~ - host ~portant of all - the new Colonial d~signed 0ysterponds School ~ust re6ently completed. An industrial ar~a opinion~ be a terrible mistake and would be detrimental to our fair villags~ ?;e have been coming to .Orient for the past forty s~ers and have tried to help in main~ain~g ~hs rural character of the Village which visitors often describe ~s ~charming We ~incsrsly hops that the Board will deny the applicat ion~ Very truly yours, E!iza~h E~ Lath~ JOHN R. WHITTIER, M. D. September 15~ 1968 Super¥isor~ Southold Town Southold~ N. Dear Sir: It has como to my attention tha~ consideration is being given %o a proposal for downzoning an area across from the school in Orient: N. Y. For your information and reference, I wish it to be known that my own opinion on this proposal is negative. if there is further information you require or would De helpful to you~ feel free to communicate with me by telephone or letter. Uery truly yours, JRW:ndfr ~n R. ~ff~tier~ Local Address: Browns Hills Orient~ N. Y. September 5, 1968 ~aro L~ster ~. ~g~bertson Dupe~isor, To%.~ of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York Dear ~r. ~ber~son: ~e ~e ~er reside~.~s of Urgent, hav~g b~lt = house on Oyster Ponds L~e ia 19~. ~ ori~ly attracted to'O~t as a s~e~ag pla~e~ we soon c~e to appreciate its ~ique ~acter ~ z y~-~ reside~t~ co~ ~d as of now ~e pl~ to retire he~ ~ ~e foreseeable fu~e. ~at is~. if 0~t doesn't ~dde~y s~= c~ng. ~e zttended ~]e recent hear~g on i~.' Sc~ever~s petition for do-~m-zo~ng of a piece o~ p~perty ~ ~e heartland of Orient. ~e ~plaud i,~. Sc~iever's ~e~rise ~d his e~ressed desire ~ p~de ~plos~8~t ~or ~ ~e~fied but pr~b~ly ~ll 5~r of 0ri~t residents, but we fe~ that oDenLug ~ a l~ge tract of O~t proper~ to ~es~ct~ co~erci~ ~- plOitat!on ~o~d, in short ord~~ ~e ~e entire ch~acter of ~e Mr. S~ever'm p~tssta~ions ~t his business wo~d not erode the eh~acter of Orient are no de~t- s~cere, but never~elsss he is ~r~l, ~d ~y~e ~e p~pe~ ~ questio~ mi~t ~ass to ~e control of others~ ~e conse~css co~d quic~y become catast~phic, ~d at ~e s~e t~e, mrrsversible. This is zhe m~ace: ~t honestly ~_tentioaed ~'progress~ c~, Dy a st~ke of fzte, suddenly get out of ~d. So~, because of vested interests, one may f~d ~hat the po~$ cf ~o retu~ P~s been passed. we believe tD~t Ozleat has 5 vested in~erest in i=s presen~ character, we believe Znat ~is iaterest will pay off every f~ly in the co~ty ~ ~e !oz~ ~. we do ~zo~selves ~ve a l~e, 10ag-r~ge stye in ~e future of urienZ, out ~e ~e a~are t~zt tranquility, ser~i~, ~d privacy - ~l over the world - ~e ~co~ng more ~d ~ so~ter. ~ole co,tries =re adv~rtis~g, "Come here befo~ tou~sts i~ ~d spo~l ever~ir~g." ~ie ~e not ~us~ c~ge per se. Ws a~ve li%ed %-~i~ it ~n ~att~ for years, complan o~y occasio~lly '~nen a l~d~s-~-k is ~hilzt~. The p~e l~ark of u~ent is ~ts reside~zal ~a ~i~t~ ~ac~sr. ~yOe ~n~ 21s~ century, ~ ~ii ~ve to become ~ p~ bi' ureter ~.ew iork, ~ ~-rise apar~en~s, a jetport in ~verhe~, ~d a bridge to ~w ~l~d. ~ute 25 may have to be i~e Queens ~evard ~l ~e ~-~y~ but me~le, Let's prevent bli~t fzom ~or~ng f~m ~%h e~ds of the island ronsard the ~d~e, ~d let's prese~e, as long ~s p~ssible~ some aon-co~erci~ s~c~ar&es l~e ~ent %-here h~ ~i~t c~ flouz~ish in a rela~ivsly q~iet, ~ollu~d zt~e~T~here. ~et~ let the nec~es~ary and inevitable commercial de~elopme~ut o5' So~thold ~o~ be concentrated in the mtu~ities where ~he poi~ut of ne retu~rn h~e ~lready been pa~sed. F~ect fully yours,~u ~ '~illa E. ~o~fre7 · 475 ~ys:er Ponds Lane Orient, ~ew York ROBERT G. HUGHES Mr. Le~er M. llber~s~n Au~us% 23~ 1968 ~pe~isor To~ of $ou~hold 16 Sou~h St~ ~:~ Ie~.~ ~en~tul~ you ~ your ~di~ h~dl~n~: n~t~S~ ~in~ he~n~. Pers~l ~tu~emti~ w~ ~ialy no~ ~ ~ the b~sic subje~. ~e~ testiS, h~ver. ~h~N~ P~ p~rti~arty ~ien~ is peeps mique ~ ~. be~ ~d ~l~ble ho~ ~e~ ~d ~ ~i, both ~ ,the ~i~tS~ ~d ~he To~ of So~hold. I ~ ~ ~nei~ev the ~ no~ ~ta~ea~ ~re au~sasfully ,' ~& ~ ,~IL he ne~ is ~ ac~ does he ~t the ~l~ce F~.~ ~ Sch~e~ve. ~he b~e~olen~ pe~en he ~uld ~ ~d~-zoued,, ~t ~ell~ed ~. Schnever m~t be even ~ ~ ~e~ I h~ a e~t ~tk ~0 Schriever~ askin~ him ~o el~bor~%e on one of hi~ prinoip~! ~r~nnen~s for his bUS,he,so (~ich~ incidentally~ ~as al~o not gene to the subject.) do w~ h~ ~y pe~le he ~l~s. He destFo~d his ei~e ~ ~s e~loyees d~ye ~o ~he s2te for ~he job ~ be done. ~s ~t be ~he~. on the No~h Fo~. ~e loc~ti~ of ~o To =~ t~-~' c~isl deYelop~, be ~ B or ~, where he ~s ~d be ~ns$~usl~ ~ pe~ntly dest~iYe to Orient, 15 ~ n~he~s~ nor desi~ble. Its lo~ti~ opposite the I~6~1Y n~ ,~e~ ned"to ~he- serenity of the cemets~ ~uld a~ .~ ~o~ ~sec~e ~' ~ ~t h~s to offerp .no~ only t~ g~.:~ir~.~a~. ~se o~:New Yo~ ~s ~hey ~me off the CONSOLIDATED UNION FREE DISTRICT No. 2 MAIN ROAD. ORIENT, NEW YORK 11957 August 20, 1968 Hon. LesTer AlberTson, Supervisor Town Board Town of Southoid Village ~all G~eenport, New York Dear P LT. Albertson: -I enclose herewith a copy of The resolution adopted by the Board of EducaTion, Consolidated Union Free School DisTricT #2, To~n of Southold, at their meetinE on August 14, 1968. Please read This resolution at the Public Hearing to be held on Thursday, August 22, 1968. Thank you. Yours very Truly, Joan K~ Ka!in, Clerk CONSOLIDATED UNION FREE DISTRICT NO. 2 MAIN ROAD, OR. IENT, NE~¥ YO~K 11957 CoNSOLIDAT,ED UNION FREE DISTRICT NO. 2 MAIN R'OAD, ORIENT, NEW YORK ~957 august 19,196~ 5~e, the Directors of ~he Ori emt Village Cemetery Assooiati~m do stron~!¥ o~oese ~he~ proposed resonirrg of %tie premise located o~m the sou~h side o£ ~he Mai~ Road~O~iem~ diree~ly'omposite t~a school homse £rom~ agrieul~u._~al ~e The: are~ is mesidemtia! with two. cnu~chss~a £ime mew seaool aad mesidemces o~ historiomi value.~ The Or~le~ Villa~e Cemetery beimg one o£ ~he oldest in the state do .oppose ~he resorting as being 2u~us~ 19,1968 in regard to Article ZX~Ammendmem~s, SectSon ~02, we The ~aersi~ried, ovmers of sr.3nerT~ fitting ~his description, representing more Vha~_ 2D~ db objec~ to ~ezoni~g the lar~d si~us~ed on the sou~h side s£ Main Road eas~ o£ ~aOor ~oad,0~_ent,NY Trom agricultural ~o Ousiness.. ~ugus t 19, 19 68 ~r. Lester Albertson Supervisor of Southold Town Greenpert, N. Y. ~ear ~r. Albertson -- ~hank you very much for having the two dead elm trees, in front of our house, Main Road, Orient~ removed so promptly and cleanly. ~his is the house that is West ef the 01d Congregational Church, on the corner. This weekend, we heard, with much concern, that there is a proposal being considered to have several acres of land opposite ou~ new school given over to a heavy excavation bus ines s. A.s a resident cf the Village of Orient for almost ten years, one of the few remaining unspoiled and quiet residential communities on Long Island, I am surprised that any one would seek to destroy this beauty by planting a noisy industry directly opposite our nice new school aud our historic Congregational ~hurch. ~his s e~ms a thoughtless way to wipe out, in one stroke, everything that attracts people to Orient -- the p~Tmanent residents as well as the summer residents. I am sUre you will be on the side of the overwhelming number of Orient residents who oppose this scheme. Yery truly yours, Jack ~W~milton Orient, L. i. , ', m , Villa&e La_me ~ Orzen%hew York,II~5~ ' Southoid :iown Bosz-d Office of the ~r eer~ort ,kev York De~ S~s~ J~ a residmut %~ p~yer ~d a persor~ interested in ~rfz home Vill~e of ~iept I s~o~d l~<e %o ezpress ~u opinion proposed ~rem~uent ~o the 3nildi~ ~ne Cmdin~_oe concerrJr~ tee Ci~ginL of '~&~ xesident~ ~ud ~ic~t~g %istrict to 'B" B-~i~esa District of the descried prop~-py ~ follows. ~ginrJ~ ~t m point on the e~terly line of Tabor r. oed abou~ en~ h~u~ed fif~ feet southerly slo~ s~ch line fmo~ D~in Road ~d r'~gm~ thence e~terly ~r~ reed of applicant ~d ~op~ l~ds of Fe~iera~Glcri~and ?,errgxowski about foum h~'ed ~d fife-five feet to !a~. of 7in Y.TerryJ~.thence southerly alo~i s~e l~nC of i objeeZ to thio ch..ge beoense of ~e followir~ re~ons. ~e %Ze proxi_~ty to the Oametry~Tco ,we have a !cvely mew ~biic School across from this l~d ~ud one of the Oldeet Ch'~ches in this iz~t of ~he Ia!~d close to the ~-aa. Lls~t we t~s aya~g f~cm %~_ peacef~ s~rroundim~As by brit~ir~ in bu~iness~It'l~ is~55, t~he i~m~ad- late or r_e~ fu~e i ~ thir2~i~ %u% 02 the ys~s %o ~me there '~;i!i be a shor~e or property ~ad o~ Bchoo! cr or Cemetery oo'~d ~ce ~z-c~6a ou%b~ Indus~y '. · 60201 Apr~ 18, ~968 Zoning 6o~ee I ~ ~s~yed ~o Zea~ ~ha~ ~he ~&bor ~ro~he?s ha~e-been approached ~o se~ ~ acreage &d~oini~g my ho~e in O~ien~ ~o~ ~he pu~ose Z ~sh ~o go on ~eeo~d-&s being s~ro~g%~ opposed %o dox~ ~his p2opev~y b~ ~his k~d o~ business ae~i~i~y~ ~d hope ~ha~ are adequate zo~ng Zaps ~ e~ee~ ~o pre~en~ &~s happening. -~e I ~, ~o%i~a~ed ~o pro~es~ because o~ ~he peeson~ in%erea~s ~ysel~ and ~y bro~her¢ ~rm~cis J. Ferreira¢ ren~er o~ ~y proper~y a ~mekend and s~er ho~e~ ~ ~o% G~c~e the proposed des~c~ion ~¢ ~he a~e~ succeeding &he handsome public schoo% p~opee~y¢ · a~so opposed ~d Z ~ be pZe&sed ~o heae %ha~ ~his ~s~a~a~ion propos~ has been denied by.zoning ~;. ~GF: gg L~,~:~, O~r~, L. L, ]%w Yo~P, I195? Mrs, Christian j, Probst ' P, O. Box 114 Orient, New York 11957 Southolcl Town Planning Board  .c;OUTHOLD. L. I., N. Y. 11971 pLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry M01sa Alfred Grebe RepOrt eD'. Southold Town William Unkelbach 16 SOl'th Street Frank Coyle Gree.~port~ New July ~23~ 1968 This is to certify t~at the following action was taken by the S=~hold To~n Plying ~d a~ a reg~ ~eting held ~ J~7 Villa~ ~e~ 0r~ent~ New Yo~k~ for a c~e ~ zone fr~ "A" "S" ~ fr~ "A" to ~-2" ~ cert~ re~ pro~rty sit~t~ at ~ent~ ~n ~ T~ ~ Southold~ ~ty ~ S~folk ~d State New York~ ~d more ~c~ly ~ ~ ~scr~d as foll~s: ~r~i~ ~ ~ from "A" to ~i~ at a ~t ~ ~he easter1F l~e ~ Tabor feet s~rl~ alo~ ~ 1~ fr~ t~ ~n ~ ~d r~ng easteriF alo~ o~r ~ ~ t~ app~t ~ alo~ ~ ~ Y~eira 1~ ~ Gl~ia~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ik~s~ ~ut 455 feet Te~ Jr.~ a~u~ ~0 f~t to a ~nt 50 feet n~h~l~ ~r~ ~ent C~=ral C~te~ ~ur~ at ri~t ~gles to ~ nor~rl~ bo~ ~ s~d ce~e~; ~e west~ly~ ~ralle[ to t~ n~erlE l~ne ce~y~ ~out 650 feet to ~e e~terly llne ~ s~d Ta~ ~rly al~ ~he ~sterly l~e ~ Tabor ~d~ a~ S60 feet to De.fiction ~ p=~rty from "A" ~o ~g~ a~ ~ ~ters~t~on ~ the southerly li~ ~th ~ eas~rly ~e ~ Ta~r ~; r~ t~e ~terly al~g 1~ ~ ~e ~{n ~d a~ut 2~5 feet ~o l~d ~ ~erre~a; t~e s~t~rly ~g s~d ~ ~ Fe~e~ra a~u2 150 feet; th~ ~sterly ~ ~allel ~th s~d ~ ~d~ about ~5 f~t to Ta~r ~oad~ thenc~ n~h~[y al~ Ta~ ~oad~ ~ 150 feet to ~he po~2 ~ ~g~g~ con~=~ about 8/10 I;,'eport to Town It ~s RESOLV~D that the Southold ToP~]~ to the Southo~ T~ ~d the ~ric~t~ Dis~ict to "B" h~ss T~ P~g ~d ~s ou~ a~p~cati~ states: ~e ~so ~rs*~ t~t the r~ ~ feet strip ~ ~d ~ ~e sOUth s~e ~ the pro~ty is ~t~ to b~e a r~ in ~ future. Res~c~ sub~tted~ John Wickham~ ChaJ. rm~n Southold T~m Planning Board ~/bd cc '. Town Clerk ~E3LITH[3LD. L, I., N. Y. July 24, 1968 ~ir. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchgoue, L.I:~ N.Y. 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Russell Tabor & Sons, of Orient, N.Y., relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural D~trict to "B" Business District and "B-2" Business District on certain prop- erty situate in Orient, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk J-~2~y 16~1~58 To%~nBoard: Tow~n of Southold 16 South St Greenport: L.I.: N.Y. Gentlemen$ .We wish to withdraw our original application for change of zone ¢ 171 for change from ~A~ to "B~' on property on east side of Tabor Road~ Orient: N.Y. We submit herewith ~ application ~¢r change of zone ~ 77~ covering property on east side of Tabor Road: Orient~ I .... "A" to :'B~' and-~'~A~' to ~B-2" districts as described in the petition. To,ars truly Russell Tabor & Sons TO%VN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE IIATTER OF THE PETITION OF Wendell B, Tebor and partners FORA CHANGE, ~%ODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, .NEW YORK. TO Ti-IE TOWN BOA_RD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at .. 0.r.i.eD.l:;, .~.e.~..Y..o~'.k .................. and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the southerly side of ~he Main Road amd ~he easterly sld~ of Tabor R~d~ ~en ~ in an e~erly direction along ~he s~herly side of Main Read 225 ~eet ~o la~ of Fe~e[ra~ then al~ la~ of Fe~e[ra in a sou~heriy d[rec~ion 150 fee~ then along la~ of F~e[ra~ Gloria a~ ~n an e~terly dl~c~l~n 210 feet to la~ ~f WtllX~ Y. T~ Jr~ then south easterly along lands of W[ll[~ Y. T~y~ Jr.~ 650 fee~ to Orient Central ~e~e~; ~hen ~t~ in a ~est~ly d[r~ton alo~ lan~ of Orlen~ CeCal Cemet~ 670 f~t to ~e ~ly side of Tabor Roadl ~en tn a ~r~erly on the eagerly mlde of Tabor Road 760 feet =o the ~nt of begt~ uongat~ about 8 3/~ 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building- Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building' Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Change of Zone f~om A ~o B the f~l~tng p~cel: Begt~[~ ~he easterly line of Tabor R~d a~u~ IS0 feet somberly along maid 11~ from the ~[n Road and ~n~ =hence eas=er17 alon~ o~her l~d of ~1o~ l~d of Fe~e[ra~ lard of Gloria. and land of ~ern[~k[~ ahou~ ~o land o~ ~[11[~ Y Te~ Jr.[ thence southerly alo~ ~id land of Y. Te~} Jr.~ abo~ 600 feet to a poln~ 50 fe~t ~rgherly ~mm Orient Central C~e~e~ measured a~ rt~ ~gles to ~ha ~rtherly ho~ of ~ld ~ete~ the~ ~es~ly~ ~rallel to ~e nor~erl~[llne of sa[~a~r no~erIy along ~he ~gerly line of Tabor toad, about 560 f~t ~ begi~ ~nta~nt~ about 7 % Change of Zone fr~ A to B-2 ~he follow%ut.parcel; Begl~ at tntersectlmn of the southerly llne of t~ ~atn Road ~i~ the e~terly line of Tabor ~dl r~t~ thence easterly along said line of the ~in R~d a~ 225 feet to land of Fe~e[ra; ~en~ souTh~ly alo~ ~td land of Fe~e~ra a~ut 150 feet; thence westerly a~ p~allel w[th said Main Road~ abo~ 2A5 f~t to TabOr Roadl thenoe horsefly mlo~ Tabor R~d~ about 1~0 fee~ to ~e pol~ of beg[~t~ u~alnI~ abou= 8/10 acre. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: We ha~ a c~ntrac~ ~ s~11 ~hl~ ~fre ~r~l ~o B~ara ~f~ Sc~e~ to sell at least p~ of t~s p~p~ ~ Sc~te~r Co~ion CO~ I~.~ of wht~ she is ~= o~ f~r ~e as a he~q~ for its b~. We al~ ~e~t~ ~a~ the r~inl~ 50 f~ m~ip al~ ~e ~ side ~f ~e p~perty is e~ected ~ b~mm a ~ad t= ~e f~e. STATE OF NEW YORK, SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, .. ?~..~,~..h.4.~..J.Z..../~.......7'..~..Z,~..¢.,~ ............... BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged ou information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this ./'.~7..Z~.~' day of ....... .~.~.~J..~. .......... 19.~f.~.- FLOYD F. l~qqG, JR, NOIAR¥ PUBLIC, State of New York ~ N~a~ Public. VAN TUYL & SON J'~2Ly 3~ 1968 DESGRiPTIO~ For Application for Change of Zone from A to B-2 at Orient Begi~n_ing at the i~tersection of the southerly line of the Main Road wivh the easterly line of Tabor Road; r~ning t~ence easterly aioug said line of the [.~in Road abont 225 feet to land of Ferreira$ theuce so~theriy a~o~g said land of Ferreira aOo~t 150 £eet$ ~hence westerly a~d parallel with said Main ~oad, about 245 feet to Tabor Road; thence northerly -along Tabor Road~ about 15C feet to the point of bsginr~ir~o Containing about ~/10 of am acre~ TUIL OVT/mg ~.~. To: ~_,l_,~am .~o Schriever VA~ TUYL & SON 1968 DESCRIPTION: ~or Application for Ohange of Zone from A to B, at Orient Begi._u~ming at a point on the easterly line of Tabor Road about i50 feet so~s_tnerly along said line from the Main Road and r,sJo~ing thence easterly along other land of the ~pplicant ~d along land of ~erreira, land of Gloria and land of Wernikowski, about 455 feet to land of William Terry, Jr.; thence southerly along said lane of William Terry~ Jr., a%ou_t 600 feet to a ~olnt 50 fee~ northerly from Orient Oentrs~ Gemetery~ measured a~ right a~g!es to the northerly bouaadary of said eeme%ery; thence westerly, parallel to the northerly line cf said (~emetery, abomt 650 feet to the easterly line of s~id) ~abor Road~ thence northerly along the easterly line of Tabor Road, abov_~ 560 feet to the point of beginnir~. Containing about 7~ acres, VA2~ TL~ & SON OVT/mg To: Wm±~mam W. Schriever