HomeMy WebLinkAboutTabor, Russell & Sons-WithdrawnApril 29, 1968 Mr~ Lester Albertson, Supervisor The Town Board Vil~Ee Hall, Green_port, New ~ork Dear Mr. Albertson: As a resident of the com~_~nity of Orient, the parent of a child attending the Oysterponds Elementary School and. a mercer of the Board of Trustees of the Orieot Congregational Church (the oldest Congregational Church in the State of New York), I am against downzo~Jn§ the piece of property on the south side of Main Eoad, opposite the Oysterponds Elem- entary School. I feel that any thoughts of dowazoning this property would be against the best interests of the community an8 a danger to the health, welfare and safety of the chdldren ~Fao attend our school. I trust that the To~ Boar~ will take all of these facts into con- sideration and w~_il vote a~a±nst_ dow~zo~in~ ~'~s piece of property~ Very truly yours, Lloyd C. Kalin side of the Main Road~ Orie~.~..~rr~=~ Iork~ dzreetly~ spoosite. ~-e. sehooi house~ from a~ri~itur~! to busines~- for the foll~nE reasons: ! ~ The ~er~.Isable~ uses ~n' ~ Bus~ness~ B ~strict m~So~' gas ~t--on~- ~ public car !ot~ }~mber ~ contrac~or~ yard,, fuel storage depot~ t~ck ~e~n~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ clemr and pr~ent dmug~r to the health ~ud s~fe~y of etc~ wcul. d ~o.~t~ ~ the school children° 2 ~ Increased tr~f~mc in th~ ar~a would present the s~me d~nEer~ 3 ~ ~e ~a is residential ~th t~o ~,~rchee~ ~ f~ue ne~ school residences of historic-ml vaius~ A heavy business use i~ e~the~ica!ly incon= ~ ~ ~in~leing out this one eight ac~ paroe± for ~uconsistant use con= stitutes ~pat zoDJng of the most ~r~ous so~t-~ it wo-~ld diminish the value of a~jac~.nt p~re~ls and de~troy the' con~_.r~y~ ~ of the 5 ~ ~e Pi~m~iu~ 5oa~s negative reeom.~.®ndation is eonsis'~ut ~5.th seined ~onin~ and ptaninE~ BUSINESSES IN ORIENT WIx%liam W. Scl~riever Box 128 0rient~ New York The following list of businesses in Orient may well not be complete and, in particular, does not contain such businesses as doctor's offices and artists studios. It is divided into two main categories (A) those businesses involving construction and trucking which relate to the activities proposed for the Tabor property by the Schriever Construction Co.~ Inc. and (B) such other businesses in Orient as come to mind. The several major farms and the several prcdl~ce trucking tsl-minals are not included simply because the present zoning ~cr~r~ance g~ants such businesses exceptional treatment and yet the trucking a~ld machinery involved far exceeds that of the ~ons~rucCion business in Orient° (A) Construction and Trucking Businesses: (1) Excavating (a) Irving Latham (b) Frank Bondarchuk (c) Kogar Tabor (d) Schriever Construction Co. (2) Heavy Trucking (a) Robert Douglass (b) Joe Droskoski (c) Ward Tabor (B) Carpentry (a) Tony Norklun (b) Charles Ryder (C) John Bondarchuk (4) Plumbing (a) Carl King (b) Bryant Tabor (c) Ross Norklun BUSINESSES IN ORIENT (A) Construction and Truckimg Businesses (Continued): (5) Electrical Contracting (a) Ted Rohloff (6)Painting (a) Don McNeill (7) Landscaping (a) Joe An~irade (b) Gary Tabor (8) Fuel Oil (a) I. T. E~wards (9) Service Stations (a) Joe Andrade (b) Che~rron Station (B) Other Businesses (1) Marinas (a) Walter Uhl (b) Edwin King (2) Retail Stores and Eating Places (m) Jiffy Bite (b) The Hut (e) Idle Hour (d) Country Store (e) Dick Keogh (f) Paul Wasilewski (g) Charles Rose (h) Floyd King Real Estate and Insurance (B) BUSINESSES IN ORIENT Other Businesses (Continued): (3) Tourist and Nursing Facilities (a) Floyd King Cottages (b) Glingen Cottages (c) Green Acres (d) Oysterponds IrmAdult Home (4) Fishing Stations (a) Southold Fishing Station (b) Port of Egypt (5) Ferry and Dock (a) Orient Dock (b) New London Ferry Note: Of these 38 businesses, 20 are in category (A). Thus mmre than half of all of the businesses in Orient are related to either construction or trucking and thus similar in nature to the use of the Tabor property proposed by the Schriever Construction Co.~ Note: Of the 20 business in category (A) at least 75% of them are at least as far east as the montnnent corner. Of the 18 businessss in category all but 2 of them are at least as far east as the monument corner. Thus more than 75% of all of the businesses in Orient are reached by traffic passing the monument corner where the Orient School crossing ia maintained. There is no available business property west of this ¢o~ner and thus na possibility of an}' new bus:iness avoiding this crossing. Note: With 38 businesses in a conm~unity of 700 residen~s~ there should be no question as to whether Oriant is primarily a residential con~nunfty and thus business should be excluded. Note: The amount of fuel stored underground should present no more hazard than the oil tank in the yard of ~ost of the homes in O~ient or the fuel tanks used by all farmers and many other business in the area. ',,,~e, the Directors .of the Orient Village Cemetery Associatiom do strongly o~pose %n~ oro~osed _~ezoning of the ~remise located o~the south side of the Maim Road,Orien~ dir'ec~!y opposite the school house, from agricultuzal ~o business for the following reasons: 1..The area is residential with two churches, a fine new school and rei- dences of historical value. A hearst business use is estheica!ly in- consistau~. 2.By sin~lein~ out this one ~aree! of eigh~ acres will lower the value of adjacen~ ~arcels ~d destroy the continuity of the .area,,and c~nstit- u%e's' spo~ sonin~ of the most ~revious sort. ~.The Planning Boards negative rec~ommendation is cqs~stm~t with sotmd zoning ~d ~iannin~. 4.The Orient Village Cemetery being one of the oldest in the s~ate,the directors o~7~ose for the historic aspects in addition ~o ones mentioned / ebove. DIREC'~0R DIRECTOR~ DIRECTOR \ k \ CONSOLIDATED UNION FREE DISTRICT No, 2 MAIN ,ROAD, ORIENT, NEW YORK'11957 April 19, 1968 Mr. Lester Albertson, Town Board Town of Southold, Village Hall, Greenport, New York Supervisor Dear Mr. Albsrtson: I enclose herewith a copy of the resolution adopted by the Board of Education, Consolidated Union Free District #2, Town of Southold, at their meetin~ on April 18, 1968. Please read this resolution at the Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, April 23, 1968. Thank you. ~-z- .. Very truly yours, ~ . Kalin, Clerk Encl. CONSOLIDATED UNION FREE DISTRICT NO, 2 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT, NEW YORK 11957 Whereas, an application has been made to rezone premises located on the south side of Main Road, Orient, New York, directly opposite the school house maintained by this District, from residence to business and whereas, in view of' the existing traffic problems, the location of the school, the safety of the children and the possible disturbance to the operation of the district school house resulting from such rezoning~ Resolved, that the Board of Education, Consolidated Union Free District #2, Town of Southold, is opposed to the granting of any application to rezone from residential to business the premises located on the south side of the Main Road directly opposite the district school house, such opposition based on the health, safety and welfare of the pupils attending the district school, this Board prays that the Town Board of the Town of Southold deny the application. I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution duly adopted at the regular meeting of the Board of Education of Con- ~olidated Union Free School District #2: To,Nm of Southold~ held on April 18th: 1968. Joan K. Kaiin, Clerk CONSOLIDATED UNION FREE DISTRICT No. 2 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT, NEW YORK 11957 April 23, 1968 Town Board Town of Southold 18 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: The Board of Education, Union Free School District #2, Town Southold is writing supplementary to the Resolution of April 1968 with respect to the proposed rezoning of property on the of 18, south side of Main Road, Orient, directly across Route 25 from the District Schoolhouse. The School Board is not concerned with whether this property may properly be rezoned under the master plan, whether such down- zoning would be "spot zoning", that is, singling out a small parcel for rezoning for uses differing substantially from those existin$ in the area5 nor with the Planning Board's negative recommendation. Our sole consideration is the health, safety and welfare of the Orient and East Marion children whom we educate. Downzoning this property to "B" Business would allow the 8 acre parcel to be used for any one of the many uses permissible in the '~B" Business District. The application is too broad. Possible traffic problems and danger to our pupils arising from such per- missible uses as gas stations, public garages, car lots, lumber yards, contractors.yards, fuel storage depots or a truck terminal, as well as permanent aesthetic damage to the area surrounding the fine school building we recently erected and which is in the process of expansion, motivates the School Board% opposition. CONSOLIDATED UNION FREE DISTRICT No. 2 MAiN ROAD. ORIENT, NEW YORK 11957 Town Board - 2 Our Resolution im opposition to this application is in the hands of the Tow~ Board. We feel that the School and its pupils will be adversely affected by the grant of this broad application. We hope that the Town Board will weigh our position in the balance in passing upon this do%rnzoning application. Very truly yours, Board of Education, Union Free School District No.2 Town of Southold ./7 By ~?-~wJ ~ ~~ Clerk G. F¢~i~ Ill oi 60201 April 18, 1968 Mr. Robert W. Gillispie Chair~n Zoning Cemmittee East Marion, Long Island~ New York Dear Mr. Gillispie: I am dismayed to learn that the Tabor brothers have been approached to sell farm acreage adjo~uing my home in Orient, for the purpose of a construction materials Lustallation. I wish to go on record as beLng strongly opposed to down grading this property by this kind of business activity, aud hope tha~ there are adequate zoning laws i~ effect to prevent its happening. While I am motivated to protest because of the persor~l interests of myself and my brother, Frarmis J. Ferreira~ renter of my property as a weekend and summer home, I c~nuot ~$_n¢$_iv~ the proposed destruction of the area surroundinE the handsome public school property~ the two cemete~es and, perhaps more remotely, the Congregational Church property. I am certain too that families Gloria and l~enuikewski are also opposed and appalled. I will be pleased %o hear that this installation proposal has been denied by zoning law. Very sincerely, A. ~. ~erre±ra AGF:Eg NOTECE oF ~ABANO. S , ,Zon~- [~p_of the To~ of ~ho~d ' ZON~Gf ORD~NAN~ . ~t[l~i''~ t6 old S~o~- ~un~' N~ 'Yor~ pub~7~ s~- the north ~d~- ~ b ~To~,n ~ard m ihe Office of the ~u-- *~i ~olk a~ St~te of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK f ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly .sworn, says that he is the Editar, af THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk CounW; and that N~v' York, ~ ~ Tow~ ~ t~ ~ ~r~d agfa]lows' ' the notice of which the annexed is a print~ copy, has been ~h. e~er~u~ ot ~atd da~ on ff, o to~o~ ~ - .... ~ . ~ubiish~ in sam Long Is[and Traveler-Mattituck Watch- "' - ,. .._ . .~m~e or ies*. ~'e~ly , ~ man once ~ach week for ~Z~w/__ ' = ~ ~ ~ . ~ -.< a~art,~o~ ~. ~onner ~ successively, commencing on the // oqc~c~cd~..p~r:.. : ~orme9~ ~o~ l~ua or ~ ~ day of ............ ~~ , 19..~.~ >y'~-,~oa~'a,nd '~o~ Sea D:iv~-~rv ~2 f~ more or ~e~ ~ ~~ )~Ko[~ ~:t~ '~t ot 8~%~, ~he¢ly ~ fe~ m~e ~ ............................................ [& C~t~-m' ~fo~ and ~at~-~e ~t of ~mmn~ B U ~ded aug d~ed ~ follows ~ho~ as a B Zoue OU t ~ BE~G at. ~e in~e~e~ou o[-:,mP oi the Tow~ 9[ 5outhol~ ~ ~-fi ~ng Se~Ddye.~ f~ )u~re at' le~sSJ~: ~.:~ ~ , AOELE ...... . . ~ . ~. , . :;; . .~:~ // ~oi~,y Public, State of New Yor~ ~ ResidNg in Suffolk Cou&~ ~or~ smd ]and o~ Otover ~ ~et mora~eQ ~t the no~hwe~ ~o~'~of'~ ~ ' Nn~.52-3041000~ Or lai~ ~O }~d oi Poi~ tl~uCe Road ~ Younge Aweuue, a~'.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ires March ~ l~t~ora o~ Ds~ to~ ~ ~ ~nd State at Ne ~ zor~ ~ ~ ,-. ~ ~ o~ Ke~y s a~d:t thee uq~h~ ~'~l~b' bo~ded ~ s- ~e,~ ar.. ~,poz~:' ~n the ~Wn 6t ~'~o~y ~;'~ Co~ty,ot Suffolk and ~more or l~,¢~e ~oi~ o~u~g. '~OIN~C- a the ~ ~d mrs ,~rtic~ly ~ ng an~-httenU~ ~ ~ Va~t ni the '~he ~heri,' Lue of the ~ ~of the ~a~e ~e~- sh~ &s a "~ ,~ ch~ w~erlr ~fc~ to "~' M~fi~ie Residence ~ la~d ~[ ~ ~ ~u~. thee ertl: .. ~ . ' . ~ ', nm~herlv t49 f~ more or les: :~1) easb ~. ' -'- =-., :, · le~, to ~tid no~herl~ ~e of the ~', ~thol~. i~ ~he ~o'~'_~ S~thoM. 'Ro~: thence x~esterl t aloz~ ~M_}~ce along ~1~: Cc,~ of Suffo~ ~ S~/e of New .l~orther[v line of the Ma~ R~d 3~2 ~r~k. aa~ mo~e pa~lcur~{~ ~u~fl ~t More or les~. to l~d ni ~vghm¢- and d~s~ib~'a~ fallows: .rrieuce' northerly atari[ said lgad ~ ' BE~-~O, at the tfite~:~ect on ni '~ViJllarr~ land of ~e~ue ~d %~ ea~rly. ~tae.' of ~e~eT~ .~ {of.~h~, 6~I tee~ more or 1~$: the .~ the no~he~7 'l~e ,~.~wood/~h~tet.l. alon~ -ali land' ',, ] ~Me ~'K~e~ '~a~ '4~D l~t mote~ ..... ' ' -~ ' - ' ' - '' ~fid al arr,. I~ fee[ m~rb or ~e~ to "Driver ~": then~ alo~ er~ along ~id l~d 6I'Oit%~, 202 f~ t~ce southerlF alon~ ~ai~ wb~ert; ? ~r~ of ~ '~uthefl~ ~'~M' land al Glarer .~ - · - - - · - m6re ~ l~s t6 s~ uo?rherlv J'ue of ~,. ~ ~ ' "h ? ' ~' " )e~,. tO ~. ~ of. ~8.' - eh~xging ~ "'~2 ' ~fne~ ~ ~ 4. ~7 e~ ~rom ' 1%oad and the e~sterly side of fhei% rul~nin~ in an east- ' d/rection a/ova' the southerly s/de feet to lan~. of Fe~':, Gloria and ~er/xi- a ~ d~ofldn 216 f~et Ter~ Jr ~0 fee~ ~ orient fhen running in, a along lands of Orient 6/0 feet to' the of. Tabor Road; then in a r direcSon oI~ the e~sterly ~de ~ ~60 feeb to the point of ilaae : March ~, 1~8 · : easterl~ ~tong. ~aicl-land oi OtTo, 146 [~, I I' ~ ,,Notice oT ,H~arings.- ieet more cw less to said westerly- ~ SSl ~ On IEro~s~ls go Amend ' lin, e. oJ~ ¥otmgs Ava~lue; thellce ~' ;~ The Zoning Ordinan¢e ~:~r~t to Section 26~ o~ the 6.L..:~t more-::....¢:.~ ;. 'he ~ ~ ~~ ~,To~ ~w and .~:tele ~ of th~ "' u~ 'm,',~. ~em~ .nj ,atend~ ....... ~.,dt.,~ Z,ne Ot,.,.n. to,.. 9I ~¢ ..... ~ .... P~ .. ~nnteI and Pubhshez ~f ~ SUYFOL~ ~h~d by the So~thold Town Bd~ ~ ~r~I 9, 1~7. , a~ the Offic': '- 3 By ~h~g from 'B-2" ~ .... · . . e ~ the Super~or~ 16 ..... ~ . ., . · ~O~i~, ~ which ~e >s0fi~-s~t: Green~ori -New York sme~ Dlitrlct aa "A' R~tial ~.m ~ld To~ on the 23rd ~ay of- ~d ~c~! D~ to ~ ~shed m the smd Su/~lk Weekly T~mes 1Ap~,-~1968~ ,-at~:7~0 o'cl~k ~ M~le ~ide~ Di~'iet the: ' i the: e~n~ of ~id- day 0n .~e~ i0i~ ~qHo~ d~i~ p~c~rtx:. . ~ ......... ~ ............. ~" ~ i "r, io~ -. c , ~ ~tca ~a~ oi t~ sit- ~ ','J,,.; ,..: s'".";;'.; ........ nc.',r~'~"~ ll~:~o ;.:,:~ .k ~{h Sea i~ la~. ot Drag lalmd Ra~'oad,, - .......... ;' $.;d.5,hd. C'r.i, '~. t,,' S , fo~' and to ~ha ~;. ~.;~,g a ~adiuz ~ 2a~2 ~ ...... ~.. .- . ,~a~ 1~ ~ To~, S. ~ 20 50 · .......... ~ ~a~l~ ~ oi~a- ~i~:' ,~. ~ mpg :o~: ~?- .Sliver~ ~ne' aaa in ad~t ~: [ e~;a~ f~, more~l~, ~'~d' ~ .~ . ;~ --~- ~ t --"" ,- [15 21:30 E.-258.0i f~t o t e IC~-~ha~ a~'a:''~ Zone. om ~ ...... ~ . a .... [ ~ng Map' of ~e To~ 0f '~;' ~mt:. O~- ~g~' ~n;am~g ~ : ~ old a~ Xd~ .~p~ -9,' 1967. acr~ ~,~ e~. l~s- j - X ~g-~om 'D ~u- . ...... ' ' t ., sc~ ~pe~; : ~ ~ 'thag:c~aim ~ct ;o~ ~d.sit- ~ that Cerka~ lr~ 0f l&md Sit- ~ j uat~ .a~ the. no~: ~sf; corner o~' uat~ .at easterly along ~said, feet :mo~e ~r a easterly ~irectian 210 feet-to land of Willia~n Ter~'y~[ less,: to ' land -: 01~ Glover; t]ieitce Jr., :tl{en:. ~nnkng, sc~utk e~ty; · ..' ,-- ,., .r .~:.; :.:- ..'.,, . ~."~ '~":; ,, ' .... ~n..,.,., :..... ~.~w~aty~; ,,. ,;,.~..., ,, ,,'.,r. ~.:,'t~ .... ,.- ., ,r, .'.',:v .' "~..~, ,,, ;~.,. .,: ~ ~ ,:,.~ i.,:l ,.. ,,_?:. . -_:. ~:~. a~g ............ ' '.. ~.,' ........... ~e~lis~eo~ .-..., ...,, .~,.,, ,,. ,.,., .....,.... ;...: ... ~,..,,,: . , / .... ,~ Z.,.. ..... . ..:,;",: ~,.~ · ',.~ ': v', ,. .~..',. :,k, ;.,.' '.... ;;:,,~ ,~. :~.,a'l ,t:' ~m? ma~t: ~:.~ ,}~-! ~t ~[.;,,:, :~.,, ,,~ :.,.,, ,..,.,~,..:,, ,,,.,~.,:,, ,.~ ,.. R~Id~;.:D~'~ the follows fl~,-' :~l;rJ ~ :~;~-:.1 ~, ,i~..' '~, :':;I :;'.:.,~ ,,.~ :,--, ,,.,..~:,, :~,... ,... Ir:.,. ;,.- 0X'l ~ ) .... ..... ,.,.:, ,,. ,... ." y . - ....... , ..... ,. , ~ · ~... { n,_,i ~h£t'~y lJJ',e of the'Mml~ RP. ad..4 ~] ' O[e ~-gO m be~i,~q, Bem~ att~ [ t p~'c~t :no,.',a. ~ a *'B' Zone.ct~ ~ oi~ ~ ;(to, tad ~%r,m[ D. 195% ~ . LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearings on Proposals to Amend Zoning Ordinance Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will he held by the Southo!d Town Board in the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said To%~ on the 23rd day of April, 1968, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day on the following proposals to amend ti%e Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps} of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 1 a- By changing from "B" Business District to :'B~2'" Business District, the following described property: Ail that certain tract of land situated at the southeast corner of Kenney's Road and North Sea Drive, Southold, in the To~n of Southold, County of Suffolk , and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNIL, IG at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney's Road %¢ith the southerly line of North Sea Drive; from said point ~ ~eginning running easterly along said southerly line of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less, to land of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glover, 113 feet more or less, to land of Potocki; thence westerly along said land of Potocki, 202 feet, more or less, to said easterly line of Kenney's Road; thence northerly along said easterly line, 115 feet more or less to the point of ~eginning. Being and intended to be part of the Legal Notice Page -2- of the same parael shown as a '~B" Zone on tlhe Zoning Map of the Town of Southo!d as adopted April 9, 1957. 1 b - By changing from ':B'~ Business District to ~'M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: Ail that certain tract of land situated at the nortl% east corner of Kenney's Road and Dogwood Lane, at'Southold, in the To-~rn of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Mew York, and more particul~iy bounded and described as follows: BEGINNI~iG at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney's Road with the northerly line of Dogwood Lane; from said point of beginning running northerly along said easterly line of Kenney's Road, 465 feet more or less to land of Olive:i; thence easterly along said l~nd of Olive:i, 202 feet ~ore or less, to land of Glarer; thence southerly along said land of Glover and through land of Kearns, 437 feet ~ more or less to said northerly line of Dog~zood Lane; thence westerly along said northerly line 285 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on ~e Zoning F~p of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957o 2 a- By changing from "'B" Business District to "M-i" Multiple Residence District the following described propertyF All that certai~ tract of land situated at the north side Main Road, At Orient, in the Town of Southo!d, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point on the northerly line of the Plain Road B6 feet more or less, westerly along said Legal Notice Page -3- northerly line from youngs Avenue; from said point of beginning running westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road 94 feet more or less, to land of the State of New York; thence northerly along ~nd of wasilewsk£, 144 feet more or less; thence along land of E.H. King, two courses: ~1) easterly 92 feet more or less; thence ~2} southerly 149 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be partof the same parcel shown as a ~'B" zone on t~ zoning map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957. 2 b - By changing from ~'B"" Business District to :'A~' Residential and Agricultural District the following described property: All that certain tract of land situated at the north west corner of Main Road and ¥oungs Avenue, at Orient in the Town of Southold~ County of suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly bounde6 and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line of the Main Road with the westerly line of Youngs Avenue; from said point of Deginning running westerly along said north- erly line of the Main ~oad 86 fee t more or less to land of EoHo King; thence along said land of King; three courses: (1) northerly 1~9 feet more or less; thence (21 westerly 92 feet more or less7 thence (3} southerly i34 feet, more or less, to said northerly line of the Main Roady thBmee westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road 322 feet more or less, to land of william; thence northerly along said land of williams,land of ~eybine, and land of Hughes, 8Ai feet more or less; thence northeasterly along said lan~ of Hughes, 125 feet more or less to land of Legal Notic~ Page -4- Orra; thence easterly along said land of Orra~ 146 fe~ more or less to said westerly line of Youngs Avenue~ thence.southerly along said westerly line~ 691 feet more or less~ to the point of beginning. Being'and intended to be part of the s~me parcel shown as a .B Zone on the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9~ i957 3. By changing from "B-2" Business District and Residential and Agricultural District toM" Multiple Residence~istrict the following described property: All that certain tract of land situated at Greenport~ in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of Ne~w York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINN/~G at the intersection of the easterly line of Siovermere Toad with the Southerly line of land of the Long Island Railroad; from said point of beginning running along said land of Long Island Railroad~ Two courses: easterly on a curve to the rights having a radius of 2832 feet~ a distance of 108o06 feet~ thence -(2) N~ 84° 30' 10" Eo- 848°33 feet to land of Toner; thence along said land of Toner~So 6°20~ 50" ~$°-895 feet more or less~ to ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove; thence westerly along said high water mark~ 1220 feet more or less~ ot land od Steinmetz thence along said land of Steinmetz: N. 3° 45~ 00"E~-695 feet more or less~ to the southerly line of a 20 foot private road kno~n as "Silver Lane"; thence along said southerly line of "Silver Lane" and in a direct e~nsion easterly of saif southerly line across said Silvermere Road~ S. 85° 31: 40" E~-249:66 feet to Legal Notice Page -5- said ea!s~erTy line of Silvermere Road; thence along said e~sterly line, N. 15°. 21~ 30" Eo-258.04 feet to the point of beginning, containing 23 acres more or less~ 4o By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to"B" Business District the following described property: All that certain tract of land situated at Orient, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York~ aQd more particularly bounded and ~scribed 'as follows: BEGLNI~NG on the southerly side of the Main Road and the easterly side of Tabor Road, then runningin an easterly direction along southerly side of Main Road 225 feet to land of Ferreira~then along land of Ferreira in a southerly direction 150 feet then along lands of Ferreira= Gloria and Wernikowski in a easterly direction 210 feet to land of William Terry= Jr.~ then running south easterly along lands of William Terry= Jr. 650 feet to Orient Central Cemetery; then running in a westerly firection along lands of Orient Central Cemetery 670 feet to the easterly side of Tabor Road; then in a northerly directuon on the easterly side of Tabor Road 760 feet to the point of beginning° i~ny person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendments should appear at the time and place so specified. DATED: MARCH 27~ 1968, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TO~ BO2LARD ALBERT We RICHMOND TO~NCLERK $outhold Town Planning Board SOUTHnLD. L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grabe William U n kelbach Fra.k Coyle Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York March 25~ 1968 Gentlemen: This is to certify t~t the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on March 19, 1968: In the matter of the petition of Russell Tabor & Sons, Orient, New York~ for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District~ on certain real property situated at Orient, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk~County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southerly side of the Main Road and the easterly side of Tabor Road, then running in an easterly directinn along the southerly side of Main Road 225 feet to land of Ferreira, then along land of Ferreira in a southerly direction 150 feet then along lands of Ferreira, Gloria, and Wernikowski in an easterly direction 210 feet to land of William Terry, Jr., then running southeasterly along lands of William Terry, Jr., 650 feet to Orient= Central Cemetery, then running in a westerly direction along land of Orient~Central Cemetery 690 feet to the easterly side of Tabor Roads then in a northerly direction on the easterly side of Tabor Road~0 feet to the point of beginning. It was RESOLVED tha~£n~he Southo!d Town Planning Board does not favorably recommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the above described property~ Report to: $outhold Town Board March 25, 1968 It is the opinion of the Planning Board that in keeping with their policy there should be a buffer zone between business property and a cemetery. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board J /bd cc: Town Clerk [3f eRk SfIUTHE3LD, L. I., N, Y. March 13, 1968 Mr. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.~N.Yo Dear ~. Wickham; The o~iginal petition of Russell Tabor & Sons, Orient, New York, relative to change of zone f~om Residential and Agricd~ural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Orient, New York, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, N~Y. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report defining the con- ditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected ~ith the recommendation of your Board. AWR/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk STATE OF NE~¥ YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FORA CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF TIlE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TO-WN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.E\V YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD: ~.9 Or ient 1. I .... ~..~.~..L./~..,. ?..,-.o..-ff..,*...~.._o.~..? ....... residing at .................................... (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am tbe owner of certain real property situated at ........ .O.r. '_a..a.n..t. ....................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the southerly side of the Wain Road and the easterly side of Tabor Road, then running in an easterly direction along the southerly side of Main Road 225 ft. to land of Ferreira, then along land of Ferreira in a southerly ~irection 150 ft. then along lands of Ferreira, Gloria and Wernikowski in an easterly direction 210 ft. to land of William Terry Jr. Then runriing south easterly.along lands of William Terry Jr. 650 ft to Orient Central Cemetery. ~en running in a Westerly direction along lands of Orient Central Cemetery 670 ft. to the easterl~ side of Tabor Road. Then in a northerly direction on the easterly side of Tabor Road 760 ft. t~ the point of beginning. 2. I. do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Count),, New York, including the Btiildiug Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: "A" Res. & Agri district to "B" Business Zone 3.. Such request i~ made for the following reasons: STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:-- COUNTX7 OF SUFFOLK; ) ..}.: .......................................... , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters thereto stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes ~t to be true. Feb. 1968. SOUTHOLD T0~N BOARD S0~THOLD TOWN SUFFOLK COU~T¥, t1-E'~=~f YORK. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, request that your consideration be give~ te rezoningupward f~om 'B~ Business to 'A' Residential the property located in 0~NT, and generally described as fol- lows: Starting at the corner of You~gs Avenue s~d ~n Road (Route 25) ru~_uing in a westerly direction to the southwest ~oz~er of the property qwned by E. Geoffrey High (formerly by Pal~m); thence approximately Eorth ~ud north north east alOng his westerly li~e and that of Gregory ~nd Doyle to the northwes$ corner of the property of G~egory ~nd Doyle$ thence in a~ eamterly direotion to a point i~Tou~gs Ave~e betweem the p2operty of Robert Reeves a~d Roscoe King; thence i~ a somtherly direction to the point of beginnS_ug. ~e, the signers of this petition ~e property ow-~ers either: 1. wlt~*- the boundaries of the above described tract, 2. bor- dering thereon, or 3. in the ~wraediate vicinity thereof. _~ne-area within and surrounding the subject property is al- most e~tirely ~onprised of single oecupm~cy residenees,.with the exception of one ~ultiple fs~ily dwelling, ~hich we would n*~ object to having zoned '~' }I~ltiple dwelling. v~e~ e~ly consideration of this request will be greatly apP~$eiated. R~spectfully,