HomeMy WebLinkAboutWasson, James - Denied WFIEREAS, a ~;etition was heretofore filed with the Town Board -~,' ~" ~ ~ ch.~n~e. ~odific~tion of the Town of Southold by James Wusson and amendment of the .... 1 ~ ~ one ~ u~nan~e and Building %oar l'~aps of the Town of SouthOld by changing from '~" ~{esidenti:l zn,t ; gricultural District to "B" Business District. the property describe] in said petition, and WHER~S said pettti~n w,~s ref,ar~od to t~ ~anning Board for its inves~gation, recorna~endaticn and report ~nd thel'eafter, a public hearing WHI~RE~:,S, ;-qtec ~x~:.ina[z(n o¢ satd petition and the f~cts stated therein, and after due deliberation, it was determined t~' ~,~' zah'J petition was not in proper form tn that the ~etiti,:,:er is :..t the sbie o~ner of the rear ()roperty ~ ~tated in strict petition, ...... ~ ~,) it~at ti~,:, relief dem~ded in ~aid petitica be de,Hod. December 19, 1957 Mr. Arthur T. O'Leary 92 Liberty Street New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. O'LearY: In reply to your letter of December 16, 1957, please be advised that no action has been taken, as yet, by the Town Board on the petition for change in zone to which you refer. The typographical errors referred to in your sister's letter will be corrected. Very truly yours, Norman E. Klipp Supervisor NEK:tl ARTHUR T. O'LEARY COUNSELOR AT LAW December ].6, 1957 ~'own Cie rk Dout];~old Town Bo~'d Southold, i;ev: York Dear Sir: On December 5, i957, was a ~ear~.g of the Tovm Doard on ing the zoning ordinance. I ~r~ ~terestsd in Zhe area designaved in Zhe published notice of said hearing. '~fii. t you pi~se let =~ kmow of the dec,ion of yo~ .._~oard on this a ~l. zca~ion, usin~ the enclosed stamped, addressed envelope for that purpose? My sister, )~a:~g~ret 0'Leafy, of Oalt Lake Village, i.[attituck, by .~.etter'~ ~ted Decu~.oe-~'~' r 2, 1957 , wrote ~ the 'fo~ ~o~'d objectin,~ to the ~aid ac~endment. Throu~ a Zypographical error, her letter cauid be taken to inaicaze -th:~,t '~it Lai:e Villa:~ residents had :;~sked for but ~'ot no se~ice from 'viiia~[;e, tovm, county and state". This is not the ~hct and c;~y sister as::s me to i~orm t)~our Board that she i~d no such idea in mind. if, at ~e f~th line of t!~ ~ird paragraph of her s~d letter tl'ie u, ord ~'not' is i~erted after the ~':ord "v~hJie' a~.,m before the word "askina~" sa: ti:at "v~'~ile as~:ing" will read "~.~hiie not as_:i~", ii, at sentc~ce ~,~iii t~n read ~s my sister intended. ~lease e;ucuse this a;;,parent meticulousness, but raj' sister ~_o~vc ~.o imp~ssion that she is unappreciative ::~! the efficiency a~ courtesy of all local :~.uti:orities. Sincerely yot~rs, ~ REAL E.~TATE AND INSURANC:E IV~ATTIT U C K, iq, December 5, 1957 Southold Town Planning Board Southotd, ?7. Y. Gent!emen: I am protesting vigorously the application of James Wasson to change the classification of the property bounded north by Gaffney, east by Bay Avenue, south by Peconic Bay Boulevard and west by District l~ine, Mat~i+~uck, New York. This is strictly a residential section and i c:~n see no re.~son why it should be changed. Establishment of a business here wo~ld certainly reJuce the value of resioential property in this vicinity. Hoping you gentlemen can see your way clear to tu~"n down this application, I am, Very ~ruly yours, LeRo~S Reeve LSR/blb The Honorable :~vTM~,-'~',':.~ ~oard of' Sauthold, Southoid, Suffollc ~'~ew York ~entiemen:- held on , e..ne~:-~ .... ;~t.h. c ........ ic~ nt objection to Sanuary 17th, 1958 The Honorable Norman Klipp Supervisor of Southold Town Greenport, Long Island Dear Mr. Klipp: lit. James ~asson advises me that he has n~de application for a zoning change from Residential A to Business B on a piece of property situated on Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck, Long Island I am co-o~ner of this property with Mr. ~asson, and as such co-owner, I wish to advise the Toxm Board thz~t I am willing to abide by the Board's decision on the application. Yours very truly~ / / ACREAGE ' BUILDING PLOTS · WATER FRONT · INSURANCE MORTGAGES · INVESTMENTS · MANAGEMENT PUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold, N. Y. December 5~ 1957. Present : NORF~N KLiPP, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace RALPH ~JTHILL, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Couneliman R. G. TERRY, Town Attorney HOWARD TERRY, Building Inspector RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk. 2 SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I will open the hearing, Ladies and Gentlemen, by reading the notice of publication: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSALS TO AtvLEND ZONING ORDINANCE. Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law, and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Town Clerk's Office, Main Street, Southold, New York, on December 5, 1957, at 7:00 P.M. on the following proposals to a- ment the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B~' Business District the following described Parcels of property: i. ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Matti~uck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded on the north by land of Gaffney; on the East by Bay Avenue; on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd.; and on the West by the District Line. 2. ALL t~mt tract or parcel of !and situated at Cutchogue Town of Southoid, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and des- cri~ed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of a proposed road known as Grilling Street at the south, westerly corner of the premises herein described (said point being 200.00 feet northerly as measured along the easter~ side of Griffing Street from its intersection with the northerly side of Main Road); running thence in a northerly direction along the east- erly side of Grilling Street 100.0 feet to other land of Arthur Meh!; running thence in an easter y direction along said land of Mehi 130 feet to land of Kollner; running thence in a southerly direction along said land of Kollner 100 feet to other land of Mehl; running thence in a westerly direction 130 feet to the point or place of beginning. 3. ALL that tract or parcel of land situate at Cutchogue Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: PARCEL ONE: North partly by lands of Garrett, and partly by lands of Corde~, a distance of 370 feet; East partly by land of Cordes and partly by land of Kalier; South by Bay Avenue 366.20 feet; and West by land of Vander- beck. PARCEL TWO: North by Bay Avenue 620 feet, more or less; East by land of Town of Southold; South partly by Broadwaters Cove and partly by land of Gerhold; and West by land of Mason. 4. ALL that tract or parcel of !and situate~,~ lying and being at ArsYmmomaque, near Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe set on the northerly line of Middle Road (CR 27) about 200 Feet westerly from Chapel Lane at the southwest corner of land of Eva Bang and the southeast corner of premises herein described; running thence along said northerly line of Middle Road, South 62 degrees West 300.0 feet to an iron pipe; running thence along other land of Levin North 24 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds West about ~0 feet to ordinary highwater m~rk of Long Island Sound; running thence along Long Island Sound about 315 feet to said land of Eva Bang; running thence South 24 degress 33 minutes 30 seconds East about 523 feet to point of beginning, containing 3.2 acres, more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: NoMember 18, 1957. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, RALPH P. BOOTH, TOWN CLERK. SuPe~vlsor Kiipp: The affidavits Of publication and p'Ost- ~ ~.ing are on file. I had to transfer the place of hearing to- night because of the crowd. The Town Clerk's Office would not hold the people with any degree of comfort. I think we will take the ~cases in the order in which they come, the first parcel being in the vicinity of Mattituck and prominently known as the land of James Wasson. The petition is addressed to the Town Board. "I, James Wasson, residing at Mattltuck, Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at Mattituck and more particularly bounded 5 and described as Follows: ALL that tract of parcel of land, situate lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York~ bounded on the North by W. G~ffney, on the South by ?econic Bay Boulevard~ m~ on the East by Bay Avenue, and on the West by District Line. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southoid to change~ modify and amend ~he Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York, ir~cluding the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural Distr~ct to "B" Business District. Such request is made for the following reasons: This parcel is located directly in front of the Mattituck Park and is not suitable for residential purposes. At present it is used for a storage yard for second, hand lumber and second hand steel and other materials and was so used prior to April 25~ 1957. My Intention is to build a few cottages properly placed and beautified which will be season rentals - a plan is herewith submitted." (signed) James Wasson. Now~ t~hmt petition wms referred to the ~lanning Bomrd for study and recommendation, and I read you at this ~ime 6 the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board: REPORT TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK: This is to certify that .the following action was taken by the Planning Board on October 29, 1957: Petition of james Wasson of Mattituck, N. Y., for a change of the Zoning Ordinance from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District all that tract of land, situate lying and being at Mattituck, N. Y., bounded on the North by land of W. Gaffney, on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd., on the East by Bay Avenue and on the West by District Line. It is the determination of the Planning Board that this project be approved but it is the thought of the Planning Board that it would be advisable to have the Town Board issue a special permit. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: This is signed by John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board. Now, at this time, is there anyone that wishes to be heard in opposition to the change in zone, and if you would desire to speak, register your name and address with the Clerk. WILLIAM PETERS (Marlene Lane, Mattituck, N. Y.): I represent the Marlene Lane Civic Association. We have 34 signatures of property owners and families that object to the change of the Zoning Laws. I would like to have read why we are opposing: "We, the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, L. I~, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc. strenuously oppose the petition to change the zoning from C!a'ss "A" to "B" on land bounded by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd. and on the west by.District Line. We further authorize the officers of the aforementi°ned associ- ation to represent us in opposition to this petition." HOWARD H. PETERSON (Mattituck): I wil~ read a letter to the Zoning Board: "I represent the Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc.~ which .~lssociation is ~ade up of forty home owners li~ing on Marlene Lane~ who object strenuously to any changes in the existing zoning regulations in co~ne~tion with the captioned proper ty. "Our objections are based on the following: "When zoning was established, it was the opinion of the Board that Vhe neighborhood under discussion was a residence area, and i~ thus was properly zoned "A" Residential. "Adjoining bay property was acquired by the town and the public park and bathing beach are now being developed. The acquisition of this property and the improvements thereon are costly, and its benefits should accrue only to the residents of Mattituck, and not to outsiders who would be attracted here by small cabins and motels. 8 "The new bathing beach and park are assets to all of Mattltuck, and they- and the immediate vicinity should be maintained in an orderly and dignified manner, in keeping with the neighborhood, and, in all fairness, to the adjoining Iaome owners. "If a change in zoning to business were permitted, it would enhance the value of the property under discussion, but why should any owner be benefitted at the expense of the community of Mmttituck; Further, a change would establish a precedent, and the adjoining owners on the NorTh and the West would, undoubtedly, want the same rights, with the result that the area would be developed for profit and the results would be a "Honkey-Tonk," surrounding home owners who have invested large sums of money for their homes and the proper rearing of their familY. "We, ~hez'efore, pray and beg of you not to permit of ~his change. MR. ?ETER$ON: I would also like to voice my own oppo- sition. I moved down to Mattituck two years ago. I put quite a little bit of money into a~home thinking I was in a Residential Zone, and when the Board approved it as a Resi- dential Zone I was very gratified. Now, if you are going to change it, you will Just simply in my opinion override the rights of the other surrounding property owners, a~d I want to 9 go on record as voicing my objection strenuously. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Anyone else wish to be heard in oppos iT ion ? ~ILLIAM H. WENDEI~{EN (Mattituck): We represent Salt Lake Villsge and while many of our neighbors have sent in many letters, I will read one of them to you: Gent iemen: I oppose the amendment of the Building Zone 0rdinance that woui.~ change to "B" the area "I" of the published notice. Since ~9~;i, I have owned improved property in Salt Lake Village, Mattit'~ck, where during every summer, and at other ~imes, I have resided, large sums have been expended in impressing r~y property, coofldent as I have been, that these outlays~ p~us taxes, would never be frowned upon by any.. discriminatory, damaging exercise of governmental authority, My immediate neighb~ors and those in and about the area des- crlbed in "!" have done likewise in their apparent assu~%ption that no _~awful authority would interfere in what always was an~ now is an unus'ually quiet, residential neighborhood on Peconic Bay. As for Salt Lake Village, I am in£ormed that the loca~ assessor knows of no development on the North Fork comparable to it as a unique residential area. My property / is so near "l" that the amended ordinance would eventually 10' result in destroying Salt i~ke Village, as it is now, by impairing its unique residential advantages, forcing sales of our summer homes and ~.educing their tax valuations. Twenty' years ago, where my house and those of my neighbors stand, was swamp and tide water--worthless and untaxab!e. It was the genius of the Richards' brothers who, from nothing, produced this attractive residential area which has contri- buted materially to the tax collections of village, town, county and state, whike asking for and getting no service from any if them. The area is unusually ~aiuable for tax purposes, located as it adjacent to Peconic Bay. There is not nor ever has been any place of business within the "i" area. ~ithin a mile of said area is Bouts 25, the main road, and the Mattituck Business Blocks, which provide conveniently fo',~ the ordinary needs of I am informed by my attorney that, in these circumstances, the enabling sta~u=e (Town Law, Section 263) gives your Board no authority to change a community so strictly residential in character to a business area. ~ attorney further infor~s me that, in the particular circumstances, to which I have referred, any such change 'would be an arbitrary and unreason- able invasion of properby righ~s ~hat would invalidate such action of the Zoning Board. Furthermore, I am advised that il because such proposed action bears no substantial relation to the health, safety, morals or general ~elfsre of the community, it would be illegal. i regret that the hearing on December 5 is at a season and at an hour when it is impossible for me to be present. Doubtless most of the owners similarly affected are in like situation. Therefore, I respectfully pray that, before proceeding further, your honorable Board adjourn action until next July or August. I respectfully request notice of any action of your Board so t~at i~' i am so advised I can protect my right of appeal and/or application for review to the Supreme Court. I sm sending a copy of this letter to my neighbor, Mr. William H. Wendeiken, asking that he read it to the Board ~t the he,ring. Respectfully, Margaret O'Leary. MRS. FP~NCES MAHONEY (Mattit~ck): We all feel pretty much. the same way about this, and the Board has letters signed 'by most of the residents along Bay Avenue and Peconic Bay Blvd., and they strenuously object to changing it from the R~sidentlal Zone to the Business Zone. WAL~d~ GAFFNEY (Mattituck): I have more or less sponsored the petition here in protest of the change of zone in Mattituck for the purpose of business. It starts at the corner of .Bay Avenue mhd Peconlc Bay Blvd. Mr. Wasson does not ~wn the first !.2 ~wo lots on Bay Blvd. He sold them some seven years ago to Mr. Abitz and he to Mr. Rochell, the present owner. I am informed by Mr. Rochell t,hat at the time he bought ti'~m a restrictive covenant was put into the deed. The r~str!ctions were that the property could not be cut up or subdlv!Sed in any one way, not ~ore than two I00 ft. lo, so These 100 ft. lots would have only one-family residences and a garage and that othere restriction was tYmt thence ~outd be no business use or pro£essiona~ use in any way on the property~ Now~ if Mr. Wasson handed down thes~ restrictions I thin~ he should abide by them~ SUPERVISOR KLIPP: It is your understanding thst there are deed restrictions? M~R. GAFFNEY: I have a copy of ~he restrictions that were handed down from Mr. Wasson to Mr. A~itz in December 1950. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: And that applies to the property in .:~,. ? ,,,~ Question here? . MR. GAFFNEY: As I understand it, the same applies to Mr. Rochell as to Mr. Wasson. i don't have a deed, but they are undoubtedly on record in the County Clerk's Office. But Mr. Roche[~l told me that these things apply back to Mr. Wasson as well as to him. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to Be heard in opposition? WILLIAM F. ABITZ (Mattltuck)~ When we developed this pPoperty do,~n the~e we undarstood it was to be fo~ ~esidentlal zoning. N<~,w, all of M~~. Wasson's ~,~ope~ty is thez. e between RochelZ and tb~t N~. Qaffney mentioned, %hat, and the pieoe that b~xongs to M~. Baum, that is the co~ne~ p~ope~ty on Bay ~ouleva~d. N~;w, he has this ~umbe~ )~a~d In the~ e. That is a fi~ hazard. We should ~r~ake him put a fence a~ound tlmt thing, or else make him get i~ out of the~e because there have been five bad ~ ~r~s in the~e and I wi~h the Town Board would take t~t up with M~. Wasson. EDWA~ SMITHSON (~attituck): Yc~u stated in you~ fo~e~o~d that the P]~annlng B~d had approved of this c~nge f~om "A" f;o "B". Is It custotrmr~- for ~he Planning Board to make these changes or approvals without consulting the residents nearby who ~ou?~d be affected by this change of zoning? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I did not say that the Planning Board had appx~oved of it. 5~. SMtTH~O~: I be[[leve sc. SUPERVISOR K~PP: I said ~.t was the reco~nendatlon. The prooedure t~t is followed ls this: when a petition is n~aae to the Town Board fo~ a c~nge from one olassiflcatlon to ancther, t~t petition !s turned over to the Planning Board fo]~ their study and recommendation only. I read the reco~nendaUlon of the Planning Board. ~at is not th~ approval. Only the Town Board can chm~e it, MR. SMITHSON: But the Planning Board recommended the lB c hangs. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: That's right. MR. SMITHSON: Which in effect is approved by the Planning Board. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: That's right. MR. SMITHSON: Isn't it customery for the Planning Board to consider the property owners in the immediate vicinity of this proposed change? Aren't they interested? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: No. MR. SMITH3ON: They are not interested? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: As I told you before, the petition is simply turned over to them for study. If they think it is to the best interest in their opinion, that does not necessarily make the change from Residential to Business. MR. SMITHSON: That isn't the point I make. Shouldn't they consult with the property owners? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Let us assume they did. I am not a member of the Planning Board. MR. SMITHSON: Let us assume they did not, because if anybody here was consulted by the Planning Board let them say so. Now, how many times has your Board changed to a lower designation from "A" to "B"? Has it been done before? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Oh, yes. MR. SMITHSON: In Residential sections, purely reslden'tial 15 sections ? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Now, I don't have the records with me. I would say a half a dozen times, yes. MR. SMITHSON: People come into a certain section, buy property, and build houses, and put up their good money, assuming that in doing so they are protected by zoning, and then they find an approval by the Planning Board which might result in a change from "A"to "B", thereby endangering the value of their property. And that is the protest on our part, that no change shall be made. (Applause) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any person here that has not sent a letter to the Zoning Board? MR. SMITHSON: I haven't because I am appearing in person to protest. That is the reason. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: You did. speak. MR. SMITHSON: It is less than a year ago that was created into an "A" Zone, is that right? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: That's right. MR. SMITHSON: And all of a sudden this fellow wants to make it "B" in less than a year,s time. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Might I explain something to you: the Town Board isn't taking any sides in this. Might I explain there are some sections, we not only have them in this Town, but in every town, I don't care where, that prior to the time zoning was ado~d in April 1953 there were certain 16 business locations throughout this town that were classified as "A" Residential Zone. These were considered a non-conforming use and they can continue un from now until the end of time as a non-conforming use. And I think in this particular case, if I am wrong you PAy correct me, that there was some sort of a lumber yard or something of that nature at this site at the time the zoning was adopted. I Just throw that out for what it is worth. We Ymve no objection to a lumber yard. We don't want to have it made into "B" Zone. We want it an "A" Zone. ~IR. PETERSON: I don' t think it was a lumber yard. It was Just a place where a lot of old brick and lumber was stored, whenever he had any excess of lumber he would put it there and take it away when he could use it. FLORF~NCE MAHONEY (Mattituck): May I ask how often you publish this in the paper? Is it only in the ~ Island T~aveler? Why don't you put it in the County Review? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: According to the Zoning Ordinance, it provides that it shall be published in two newspapers in the Town of Southold for two consecutive weeks prior to the time of a public hearing. We get criticised from time to time tbmt it is published in two papers. MRS. M.~HONEY: Why couldn't it be put in the County Rev iew ? 17 SUPERVISOR KLI?F: No, it must be in one of our own official papers. ~tRS. MAHONEY: I would suggest any changes in t~e future that the Town Board has that they would notify theproperty owners in a certain area, Just send out sm~ll notices to such property owners, say within a half a mile, and these various property owners will be put on notice, and that is the system being used in New York City. That is a suggestion we would appreciate. SUPERVISOR KLI?P: I have no objection if the Town Law allows us to do what the City law does. The Town Law says you should send to everybody within a certain number of feet. You will find. some live a little Further away feel that they should be notified. MRS. ~AHONEY: I propose that that be amend~ed. MR. PETERSON: If Mr. Wasson is allowed this privilege of putting up little cottages, etc., how about the adjacent property owners~ they would like to have their zoning c[~anged. Would they grant that? Because after all, the Town built a beautiful beach there, and it is going to be public property. If his business is allowed there we are going to lose this beautiful beach and we will have business. I don't think it should be allowed, to.one m~n and not to others. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: You are assuming that the Town Board is going to grant this. We are only hearing those who are in 18 opposition to. MR. PETERSON: Is the fellow who wants the change here tonight? Does he want to say anything? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in opposition? MR, PETERSON: When you read about what Mr. Wasson was going to build there it sounded very nice. On the other hand, I hope you gentlemen won't consider this change, but if it be by the remotest chance that you should, what have you got to bind him? What could he do? Could he sell the property? Or he may pass out. We are all subject to that. Or do we know what he is pulling up? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: We don ' t. MR. PETERSON: We take that chance? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: That' s right. MR. PETERSON: And the Board takes that when we ask them not to take that cbmnce. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: The law provides that we only Prove to change from Residential to Business for any of those purposes that are provided for in the Zoning Law. This Business could be established on there. I wish the law was worded stipulating what business should be conducted there. MR. PE~Iq~RSON: Then it seems you are taking an awful chance. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: You do that with all business. There 19 is no guarantee. MR. PETERSON: I hope you gentlemen don't change it. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Any person in opposition? If not, at this time I would like to file with the Clerk a number of letSers and a list of those in opposition to She change of zone as far as the Wasson property is concerned. (The list and letters were received in evidence and marked Exhibit 1. ) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any person who wishes to be heard in favor of? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Does any person have anything to say in opposition to or in favor of? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Anything further to say on the Wasson property? MR. WASSON: Would you clea~ this up in my mind: there was a petition not too long ago on the property in New Suffolk, Mrs. Roche's property. She wanted to sell it and have it changed ~o Businessf~°mResidentia!. And fro~.,~ what I gathered the Board would allow that to be changed to Business. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: You are asking me what the Board did? MR. WASSON: Well, they left it as residential and would not let it be changed for business. So if they did 2O something for one why can't they do it for another? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: You have been misinformed. The petition for a change of zone made by M~s. Roche was withdrawn by ~rs. Roahe's attorney, Mr. Wiekham. MR. SMITHSON: Sir, I presume that it is evident to you gentlemen, your Honorable Board, as it is to all of us here, t~hat the attempt to make this change from "A" to "B" or the premise is that because of the Mattituck Park District is building t~ls very nice bathlug beach, that this gentleman is now going to cash in on this project. That appears to be the premise; why he ~ants the change made. In other words, there is uo money in keeping a lot of dirty, old second-hand lumber in a lot, but there will be money made presumably by changing that and putting up bungalows, or whatew~r he intends to build the_~e. So the question is brought up and brought up again, should this man be permitted to cash in on the work of the Mattituck Park Commission, on which we have all been taxpayers. We are not cashing in on it. Why is it permitted for this man to do so? (Applause) MR. SMITHSON: Now, do you have any stated time when you will make your decision and how will it be known? Is it by publication, or will you notlf~y us by letter? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: If we change the zone from one 21 classification to another it will be pub lic is ed . MR. S~ITHSON: In the Lgng Island Traveler? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: And the Suffolk Times. MR. SMITHSON: Y~u use both? SUPERVISOR ~ KLIPP ~ That's right. MR. SMITH$ON: We will be on the lookout for it. Any time ? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: No. It has been suggested to do it next in July. 2A MR. SMITN~ON: I would say next September or October. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: It is very diffieult for a Town Board to make public hearings at a time and hour that is suitable for everyone. HET,W.N MacKENZIE (~attituck): They sneak this in when a lot of the summer people are away in the winter time. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I don't like you to use the term "sneak." If you brought a petition before the Town Board we would try to dispose of it, and that's what we are doing now. MR. SMITHSON: Mr. Chairman and members of the Town Board, I want to t~mnk you for the opportunity and the courtesy you have extended to us. MRS. PETERSON: Isn't it better to have eleven beautiful homes on the block than a number of housing units with transients. We don't know what type people are coming down and who will own the motel. SUPERVISOtf :~_LIPP: That' s rlF~ht. I think you will find that in any conm~unity. I think as each and every one of you have traveled around on vacations it is quite convenient when you stop at a mote]., and they are a necemsity. However, that has no bearing on what we do or don't do. If there ere no others we will close the hearing for the further determination of the Board insofar as the Wesson property is concerned. v~nlni th~ ~ ~ eam~rly dir~lon ml~ ~at~ l~ of !~l 1~ lIn~ ~f ~Id~e ~d (~ ST) a~ut ~ fo~t ,~erly f~m ~el ~ ~t Mattltuck, Long Island, N.M. December 5, 1957 Zoning Board Town of Southold ~ County of Suffolk, N. Y. Dear Sirs: In re Parcel of land, Mattituck, bounded on North by Gaffney, East by Bay Avenue, South by Peconic Bay Boulevard, and West by District Line. I represent the Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc., which Association is made up of forty home o~rners living on Ma~lene Lane, who object strenuously to any changes in the existing zoning regu- lations in connection with the captioned property. Our objections are based on the following: When zoning was established, it was the opinion of the Board that the neighborhood ~uder discussion was a residence a~ea, and it thus was properly zoned "A" Residential. Adjoining bay property was acquired by the town and the public park and bathi~ beach are now being developed. The acquisition of this property and the improvements thereon are costly, and its benefits should accrue only to the reaidents of Mattituck, and not to outsiders who would be attracted here by small ambins and motels. The new bathing beach and park are assets to all of Mattituck, and they and the immediate vicinity should be maintained in an order- ly and dignified manner, in keeping with the neighborhood, and, in all fairness, to the adjoining home owners. If a change in zoning to business were permitted, it would enhance the value of the property under discussion, but why should any owner be benefitted at the expense of the community of Matti- tuck? Further, a change would establish a precedent, and the adjoining owners on the North and the West would, undoubtedly, want the same rights, with the result that the area would be developed for profit and the results would be a "Honkey-Tonk", or a little Coney Island, which would be very detrimental to the sunronnding home owners who have invested large sums of money for their homes and the proper rearing of their families. We, therefore, pray and beg of you not to permit of this change. Very truly yours, · ~ ~/ ~ William Peter President, Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc. 35-33 1~3 Street Dece~ber ~, The Honor~L~le Town ~o~rd of Southol~ ~..a in Street ~out~old, ~e~ York Gent I e~e n: t o~osa the a~aen~ae~t of ~ Building Zone Ordinanc~ that would chan~e ~o "~" the area ~1" of the ~u~lished notice. Since 19~1, I have owned improved Froperty in Salt Lake Village, L~.atti- tuck, w~ere during every s~aer, and at other times, I have resided. Large s~s have oeen ~x~ended in improving my property, confident as I have 0een, that these outlays, plus taxes, would never be frowmd upon by any discriminatory, d~naging ~xercise of gov~r~ental authority. i~maedia~e neighbors and those in and about the area d~scriaed in "1" have done likewise in their a~arent ass~Ftion that no lowful author- ity would imverfere in what always was and now is an unususlly quiet, residential neighborhood on Peconic Bay. As for Salt L~ke Villa~se, I am info,ed that t~e local assessor knows of no development on the Mortb Fork compsra~le to it as a unique residential area. ~ ~r~erty is so near ~l" that the amended ordin~nce would eventu~ll~ result in destroy- ing ~]t L~ke Villas'e, as it n~w ~s, by ~a~ring its uni~e residen- tic~l adw~nta~es, ~'orc~n~ s~les ~f o~r su~aer bo~es ~n~ r~S~c~n~ their tax w~ 1~ t ions. ~i~e~tv Fears 8go, where my house and those of aF neighbors strand, was swa~ ~n~ ~l~e water--worthl~ss and untaxa~le. It was the ~eni~s of t~e ~ichards' ~rovhers who, from nothing, produced this attractive res- idential area which has contriouted ma~erislly ~o the tax collections of v~ll~, towa, count~, and s~ate, while asking ~or and ~_~ttin~ no service ~rom any of 'fhe area is unusually valuable for ~ax ~ur~oses, located as t adjacent vo z~ec~nic BAT?. T~er~ is not nor ever has seen any Mlsce of bus,ness ~ithia the "1" area. %Tithin a mil~ of said area is Route 25, the main ro~d, and the Matt~tuck gusiness Blocks, which ~rovid~ conveniently for the ordinarF' ~aeds of "1". I am inf~r~e~ by my attorneF Vhat, in these circ~stances, ~he enabling st tute (Tov~n L~w, ~ection P63) ~ives ~our Boerd no authority to c~an~ a co~m,unity so strictly residential in character to a business area. attorney f~rther infor~s me tha~, in the particular circumstances, to which I h~v~ referre4, an~ such chan~(e wo~l~ be sn arbitrar~ and unrea- sonable invas~n of ~?oa~ert¥ ri~hts that woul~ ]nw~lid~te s~ch sct]on of the ~6oni~g ~oard. ~'~rt~ermore, Z am alv~sed t~at bec~se src~ pro- ~osed action be~s no s~bstantial re]~t~on to the healt~ , s~et~, or ~ner ~] welfare o~~ the c~.~unit~, it wo~]_~ be ~ i re ret that ~he hea~in~ on D~cember 5 is at ~ season ~n~ at a~ hour w~en it is i~%~ossibi[e for m~ to be ~resent. Doubtless ~ost of the owmers si~all~rl~/ ~i~ik~co~d ~re in like situation, i~h~refore, I res~ectf~ll~z ~rav ~ha~, ~el~ore ~roc~edin~. f~rt~er~ your Honorable B~ard a~ourn action ~n- ~il n~0 July or ~ ust. .T_ res ~ect~'mll¥ r~ uesb notice of any action of your Roard so that if Z am so ~dvised Z eau Mrotect z~M ri~t ct a pe:l and/or ,-~pl~cat~on for r~view to the Supreme Court. r~ski~ t~ he r~s'.~ it to ti'~ ~o~r~ at the h~ r~n~. -les, eetf~] 1¥ MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCL~TION, INCo P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK~ L. I., N. Yo We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Lon~ Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Associatton~ Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zonir~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconie Bay Blvd, and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, PERSONS O~OSED TO WASAo]f APPLICAT][0N NAMx LO?AL ADREc= C'Y}!ER ADR~~ Henry Reeve Salt lake village Alexander Martin ? ~ay Ave. Margret O'Learv Salt lake village Fl~shing~ James J. Porter ~alt Iske Village P~ew Rochelle~ Julius ~. Helbing Calt Lake Village aosina Richards Bay Ave~ Mattituck Alex Leighton ealt Lkae Villaqe Peter Dem~trion Ealt Lkke Village George D. Ebinger ~a!t Lkae Village !~!rooklyn~ ~igsby Road Civic Assn.~ ~ary ~ell¥~ ~ecy. Irving Schauf Salt L~ke Village Garden City~ ~Z&!,i!? Arthur Ullerich ~alt Lake Village -~ockvitle Center ~illiam Hueglin Jr. ralt Lake Village Fort Lee~ N.J. UNION .~r~ ct dou. tkoi4 A~ owner of lot ii ~Za:) iglo Jalt ~:~o ,,~ila:,o tn ~.att~tucz I obJe6t to Oro~osod chua?'e of Zone affecti~:? Lay ~ve and feconio .o'f my property II2-~0-72 Drive 2~roes~ Xills MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, P.O. BOX 66~ MATTITUCK, L. ~., N. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Long Islar~ and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Assoctation~ strsnuously oppose the petition to change the zonin~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east~ ~ay Avenue~ and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd, and on the west by the District Line. We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK~ L. I,~ No Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane~ Mattituck~ Long Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Associatton~ Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zoning from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the eas~ Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd, and o~ ~he west by the District Line. We furthe~ authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petitio~, MARLENE LANE CXVIC ASSOCIATION, XNC. P,O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. Io, N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Lon~ Island. and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc~ strenuously oppose the petition to change the zonir~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east~ Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd. and on the west by the District Line. We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. Io, N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Lo~ Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Assoctation~ Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zoni~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconie Bay Blvd. and on the west by the District Line. We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association ~o represent us in opposition to this petition, // ~RLENE LANE CIVIC AS$OCIATION~ ][NC, P,O. BOX 665 MAT~ITUCK, L. I,, N. Y. We the undersiBned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Lon8 Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association~ Inc, s~renuously oppose the petition to change ~he zoning from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peeonie Bay Bird, and on the ~est by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforem~ntioned association ~o represent us in opposition ~o ~his peti~ion, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I., N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Long Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc. strenuously oppose the petition to change the zoni~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd, and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I., N. Y. We the undereisned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Lon~ Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association~ lng. strenuously oppose the petition to chanEe the zonin& from Class A to B On land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd. and on the wear by the Dis:rict Line. We authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represant us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 565 MATTITUCK, L. I., N. Y. We the undersiEned, who are residents of Marlene Lane~ Mattituck~ Lon8 Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association~ Ine, strenuously oppose the petition to chanEe the zontnE from Class A to B On land bound by "Gaffney" on the east~ Bay Avenue, and on the South by Pe¢onio Bay Blvd. and on the west by the District Line. We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned asso~iation to eepresant us in opposition to this petition. , MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCI/, L. I., N. Y. We the understgned~ who are residents of Marlene Lane~ Mattituck~ Lo~ Island~ and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association~ Inc. strenuously oppose the petition to chanse the zont~ fr~ Class A to B on land hound by 'Gaffney" on the east, ~y Avenue, and on the South by Peeonie Bay Blvd. and on the west by the District Line. We further authorize the officers of ~e aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I,, N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Matti:uck) Lon8 Islands and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Asso¢tation~ Ine, s:re~uously oppose the petition to change the zoning from Class A to B on lend bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the Sou~h by Peeonie Bay Bird. and on the west by the Distr~c: Lt~e, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to chis petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I., N. Y. We the undersiEned, who are residents of Marlene Lane~ Mattituck~ Lor~ Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zonin~ from Class A to on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenueg and on the South by Peeonie Bay Blvd. and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition. MARLEN~ LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I.~ N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Larte~ Mattituek,, Lon$ Island, and members of the Marlene Larte Civic ~soc~at{on~ Inc, atrenuously oppose the petition to change the zoni~ from Class A Co B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the eas~, Bay Avenue, and on the by Peconic Bay Bird, and on the west by the District Ltne~ We further authorize =he officers of ~he aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCI(, L. I., No We the undersi~ned, who are residents of Marlene Lane~ Mat~l~ucks Lor~ Island, and members of ~he Marlene Lane Civic Assoctettons strenuously oppose ~he petition ~o chan~e the zont~ from C~ass A to B on lend bound by "Gaf~ney" on ~he eas~ Bay Avenue, and on ~he by Peconic Bay Blvd, and on the wesc by =he District Line, We further authorize ~he officers of the aforemen~ioned association MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, Lo Io, N. Yo We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane~ Mattitueks LonE Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association~ fne, strenuously oppose the petition :o change the zoning from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaf£ney" on the eas:, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Slvd, and on the west by the District Line, We fur:her authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. Io, N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane~ Mattituc[{~ Lon8 Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Assoelation~ Ine, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zonin8 from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffne¥" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peeonic Bay Blvd, and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned aseociation to represent us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I., N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituek, Long Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Assoelation~ In~, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zonin~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd. and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to ~epresent MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INCo P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I., N. Y. We the un~rsisned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Long Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zoning from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the eas~, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd, and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I., N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Long Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Associations Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to c~nge the zont~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, ~y Avenue~ and on the South by Peconic Bey Blvd, and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association =o represent us in opposition to this petition, PLMtLEI~ LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. 5OX 565 ~TTITUCKt L. I., N. Y. We ~he undersisned. ~ho are residents of Marlene Lane, Mat~i~uck, Lo~ Island, and members of ~he Marlene Lane Civic ~sociation~ Inc~ strenuously oppose ~he pe~iKion ~o c~nse ~he zont~ from Class A to on land bound by "Gaffney" on ~he eas~, Bay Avenue, and on ghe South by Peeonic Bay Blvd. and om ~he wes~ by ~he Dls~ric[ Lime. We fur=her authorize ~he officers of ~he aforementioned association ~o represent us in opposition =o =his petiCion~ MARLE~ L~E CHIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 ~TTI~CK, L. I., N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattttuck, Lo~ Island, and mem~rs of the Marlene Lane Civic Associationp Inc,. strenuously oppose the petition to c~nge the zont~ from Class A to B on land bund by "~ffney" on the east~ Bay Avenue, and on the South by Pecontc Bay Blvd. and on the west by the District Line. We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition. MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK~ L. I., N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents o~ Marlene Lane~ Mattituck, Lon~ Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc, strenuously oppose ~he petition to change the zonin~ from C~ass A ~o B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue~ and on the South by Peeonic Bay B~¥d, and on the west by the District Line. We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petitions MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I,, N. Y, We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Lon~ Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to chanse the zoninS from Class A to B on land bound by "C, affney" on the east, Bay Avenue~ and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd~ and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION~ INC. P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. Io~ N. Y. We the undereigned~ who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Lon$ Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to charge the zonin8 from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the ease, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peeonic Bay Blvd. and on the west by the District Line. We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent ua in opposition to this petition, MARLEN~ LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I,, N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane~ Mattituck~ Lon~ Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Assoctatton~ Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zonin~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the eas~ Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd, and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, ~LE~ L~E CHIC ASSerTION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 ~TTITUCK~ L. I.~ No Yo We the un~reigned, who are residents of Harlene Lane, Mattituck, Lo~ Island, and ~mbers of the Marlene Lane Civic Asso¢tation~ Ine, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zont~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffne¥" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on Ehe South by Peoonie Bay Blvd, a~ on the west by the District Line, We further authorize ~he offtoere of the aforementioned asao¢tation to represent us in opposition to ~his petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I., N. Y, We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Long lsland~ and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association~ Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zoning from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd, and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, P,O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. Io, N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane~ Mattituckt Long Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association! Ine. strenuously oppose the petition to change the zonir~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconie Bay Blvd. and on the west by the District Line% We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, ~RLE~ L~E CIVIC ASSOC~TION, INCo P.O. BOX 665 ~ITUCK~ L. I., N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlex Lane, Mattituck~ Low Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association~ Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zoni~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd, and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INCo P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I*~ N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Lon~ Island, and members of the Marlene ~ane Civic Association, Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zoning from Class A to B on land bound by hGaffhey" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay BlYd~ and on the west by the District Line. We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition. MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I. ~ N. Y. We the understgnedt who are residents of Merlene Lane~ Mattituckw Lone Island, and members of the Msrlene Lane Civic Association~ Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zoning from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaf/ney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd. and on the west by the District Line. Wa further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, P.O, BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I., N. Y, We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane, Mattituck, Lon8 Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zontn~ from Class A to B on land bound by 'Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd, and on the west by the District Line, Ne further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK~ L, I,, N, Y. We the undersigned) who are residents of Marlene Lane~ Mattituck~ Lon~ Island~ and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Association, Inc~ strenuously oppose the petition to change the zonin8 from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east, Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd. and on the west by the District Line. We further authorize the officera of the aforementioned association to represent us in opposition to this petition, / ~ ~ ~ .~ MARLENE LANE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 665 MATTITUCK, L. I., N. Y. We the undersigned, who are residents of Marlene Lane~ Mattituck, Lon~ Island, and members of the Marlene Lane Civic Asso¢latton~ Inc, strenuously oppose the petition to change the zonin~ from Class A to B on land bound by "Gaffney" on the east~ Bay Avenue, and on the South by Peconic Bay Blv4. and on the west by the District Line, We further authorize the officers of the aforementioned association to represent us in Opposition to th~s petition, b~e propose' ~onina} chan.e oN ~h~ ~ o~ o~inS {~arcel of land. Al{. that and bean' at [<{~ttiteck, in the t;o}~n of ~outhold, County of SNCfo!k, a~} Ois%lic h Line. WESTEKN Bay Ave, ~atti~uc~ ~Y Please add t,e yeur petitien the follewing names ef preperty ewnera no~ in fever of rezening Pe¢onic Bay Blvd William & Helen L~wa, Lester Weber Bay Ave else Dennis Wewera, Geerge Hei~se Arneld and Ea~rine Lmhra, Riley Ave Hele~ La, re '20 ~J~h, 01,- ~0~*~'~ bhe pPooosed ~ ' ' ~1i t),.~ 9~'acO oP paPoel 9~ llnd, ' ' ~' at ~ aL ~ ~,1. c~, ~ in the ~own _r ~iOLI~!O1G~ Dis hPi¢ t Line. 2o ~outaold £own Board ? attmtu .. orotesb the '>,e the un(~ersigned resmden~ of . proposed change in the zoning i'ro: residential to business of the following parcel of lend. All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lyinC and being at I attituck, ~n the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded on the North by land of :a£'Eney,on the ~ast by ~ay Avenue, on the South bV PeCO~LiC Sa/ Boulevard, and on he west oy the District Line. LETHBRIDGE ~OWENS & PHILLIPS IN S [YRAN CE BEE~AN 3 ~400 NEW YORK 38, N.Y. November 29~ 1957 Southoid Town Board Town Clerk's Office Main Street aouthcld~ New 'York Gent]_e~,~en: Re: Lot ;~4 - ~ap 1510 - Item The writer is the o~mer of property in Salt Lake Vill~e~ Mattit~ck. I em w~iting to vigoro~s!y orotest the proposed efforts to re-zone this property from A to B. AZi of the peogle in our vill~ge have expenmed very Iaree sums of money in imorovin~ our ~ro?erties by investing in sea wa!Is~ etc. Ve cannot help~ but feel that zoning this to business would seriously affect our invest:,~ents. There is surely Mlenty of l~d in your township, which could be z~ed for bus,ness witkout ta]-~ing 0rope~'tf on which homes have been built. Very truly yours, ~F~f mw~v~ HR:id ~' STABL~SHED 1880 dAMES d. PORTER PLUMBING & HEATING Roots and Grease Received from Drains by Electric "Roto-Roote~' and "Electric Eel" 125 MAYFLOWER AVENUE Nov. 3L', 1937 ~ou~hold To'n ol 1 '- ~ en t 1 amen: /'.s owners of property on Salt L~ke Lane, 1.1atti~uck, for ~he thirty three yec~rs, I am shocked to learn of k]~e plan to conver~ the ~own be~ch pzoper~y at ~]~e foot of Bay Ave. ~o bus~n~ss. Ple~se %icl, hhereby preserving %he !?,ea~z{y we Jw. ve ?pereciated for so Very truly ygurs,/l /~ LEONARD C. KETCHUH & SON, INC. INSURANCE NEW YORK 38, N.~ December 3, 1957 Southold Town Board Town Clerk's Office ~lain St, Southold, L.I.N.Y. Re:Change of Zoning Classification Property located ~!attituck, L.I. Bounded on North by land of Gaffney, on East by Bay Ave.~ on South by Peconic Bay Blvd. and on the West by the District Line Gentlemen: Not bein7 able to attend the public hearing on December 5~ 1957 on the captioned proposal~ I ~ writing to protest such a change. Just recently I have made a considerable investment in a private dwelling property in Salt La:we Village, which as yo~ know practically adjoins the property on which a change is under con- sideration and I feel that my investment would be impaired by a chanye in zoning. The Southold Town Board in my opinion is charged with the responsibility to protect investments which are made [hat are a benefit to the community. In closin~ I urge the disallowance of the request for cha~ge Of zoning, F~ry t_'uly yours,, jwh;kl Salt Lake Village ~attituck L.I.~.Y. Nov.25,1957 ~o~m Clerk ~in Road $outhold L.I.N.Y. I wish to protest vigorously against ,any changes in the present zoning laws in ee- spect to that section of land in ~^~ttltuck d~- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Easterly side of Bay Avenue,running YJesterly from the Gaffney dine on Sigsbee Road,on Peconic ~ay BoUlevard. Such a change in zoning will depreciate all Real Estate values on property adjacent thereto, thus lowering tax collections for the Town and t~e only one to profit by the change would be the Appelant wASSON. I shall appreciate your reply. ~ery~ruly yours, GEORGE D. EB~NGER 2290 BEDFORD AYENUE November 29, 1957 Southold Town Board Town Clerks Office Main Street Southold~ New York Pursuant Sec. 26~ Town Law Article IX Bldg. Zone Ordinance Gentlemen: As a resident and taxpayer I strongly oppose the passage of any measure that will change our present residential and agricultural district to a business district~ to do so would result in serious personal loss to all the resi- dents of Salt Lake Village. Salt Lake Village has expended large sums of money for improvements~ expecting that _ the town of Southold would protect their invest ments at all costs. The present proposal would seriously impair the values of our properties~ therefore~ I urge upon you the defeat of this ~easure, Copy to: William H. Wendelken Box 504~ Salt Lake Village Mattituck~ New York IRVING A. SCHAUI~ 158 BROOK STREET GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK November 29, 1957 Town Board Town of Southhold Southhold, Long Island RE: Hearing on rezoning of Bay Avenue from A to B zone, to be held on December 5, 1957 Dear Sirs: I am a property owner in Salt Lake Village in Mattituck, owning lots 6 and 7 on Map #1310, which represents a sizeable investment. I hereby protest to the rezoning of Bay Avenue, as I feel it will greatly impair the value of our property. We, as a part of this community, have spent a lot of money in improvements and upkeep, and look to the Township for protection of our investment. I feel that a change in the zoning will eventually be felt on the tax rolls of the town, as a reduced value will necessitate a re-assessment of our properties on a lower standard. I sincerely hope that you will disallow this change in zoning. Very I~VING SCHAUF IS:AN LOngacra 3-1574 - N, Y, WM. HUEGLIN, Jr. W~ood Products--Lumber 1562 Lemoine Avenue FORT LEE, NEW JERSEY December 2, 1957 Southold Town Board Southold Long Island, New York Gent~lemen~ I note from a newspaper advertisement that a hearing will be held December 5, to amend the zonimg ordinance by changing from #Am residential to "B" business district the land in Mattituck, bounded on the North by land of Oaffney, on the East by Bay Avenue, on the South by Peconic Bay Boulevard, and on the Nest by the District Line. Unfortunately, due to an accident, I will be unable to attend the aforesaid meeting. As a resident of Salt Lake Village, Mattituck, I vigorously oppose any such change. I and my neighbors have spent much time and mc~ey, over m~ny years, to develop the Ideal Oceenunity. We look to the Township to protect our investments, more so since the Township has Just raised our assessed valuations. May I repeat that I protest against this change and ask that it be not allowed. Sincerely, ~HJP: va , ' PLANNINC~ [~OARD MEMBERS October 31, 1957 John Wickham, Cha~rm~n H~rold R, Reeve Eenry Moisa Alfred Grebe T. Paul ,,REPOgT ,TO: THE SOUTHOLD TO?~ BOARD SOUTROLD, NEW YORK This is to certify that the following action was taken by the. Planning Board on October 29, 1957: Petition of James Wasson of Mattituck, N. Y., for a change of the Zoning Ordinance from "A" Residential and Agricultural to Business District all that tract of land, situate lying and being at Nattituck, N. Y., bounded on the North by land of W. Gaffney, on the South by Peconic Bay Blvd, on %he East by B~y Avenue and on the West by District Line. It is the determination of the PlanninM Board that this project be approved but it is the thought of the Planning Board that it would be advisable to have the Town Board issue a special permit. John Wickh~m, Chairman SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JW:gm CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOE', A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, .....?..6:(.~.¢..~...'/~..8.,5.~.0.~ .............................. , residing at ..... L;a.t~t&.t,t~.k.,...;;...~., ................... (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at .... !/.?..~;.~.J:.~u...O.~..~...~;:.%~..: ............................ and more particularly bounded and described as follows: .~:L1 t~st trsct or parcel of' land, situate lying ~n d b~iz~g at ~at+tituck, in~ t~c Town of Southo!d, County o~ S~£9~k, ~nd ta.~e o£ Ne~,? ~ork, bounded on thc '~to~th by ~<~-~¢~ and on the ':/est~b -'~2/--z ~ - / 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: By changing £ro~ "A" Res~der~ti~l ~nd ~gricultur~l DSstr~ct to "3" Business District. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: This parcel is located directly in front of the /,attituck ?~.rk ~md is not ~uitable for residential pur~o~6es. At resent it is used for ~. stor~ge yard for second ~snd lumber and second hand steel and otfler n~steri~ls ~nd vz2~s ~'o ~s, od orior to Aoril 25,1957. l~y intention ir to build a fey: and beautified v/~ich ~ill is aere~'it~a subrsa~tel. (L S.) S'[ATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ...... ~....~...~ .................................. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is t / oetitioner r , h~ peri 'oner in the within action; that he has ead the forego'ng Petit'on and knows the con- tents thereof,: that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except es to the matters therein sta~ed to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be 'true. (L. S.)/~J- .............................. Sworn to before me this ~-2 -'~ da,/of ........... ~ .......... , 19.~i..~ .... .................................... ................ j/m[]T~[_[ [~i[g'~}J and s.s.a. Dated Dec. 22, !~0 J';rK L. ~SS, s.s.~. A~'d ~0 bet res. iD Villa w~ of }{attituck, aha St~e of New York. Liber 3167 Page -t,~- Cons. $ 10. f: o.x.v.c. D~, Stumps .6.60 ED"IAPD q. AwImZ res. in Vi! x! of M~ ttit~lck, Tow-n of So ~ ~ ]~, Co~n2y of S~ 'f ~3k and oran of Ne',: i'o~]~, and C '}~YS:: .LL th~t certxi:: piece or parcel of land sit~at, , lyln;: ~d bei at Mattii;~ck, Town of Sontheld, Coqnty oF Suf('olk and 3tat oJ New York, bounded an6 descP~ ed as follow~': P; CELI. eEGINN!i]O at an irc}} pipe set ai l;} e ;.~[,'rsection e~ th Northe~!y line of Poco ic Cay Bo~levard with the ~e~'~e~ly li~e of Bay Ay ~n-,$ ru. nni,~ thence alonq ~,id No~the ly line of Poco ic Bay Bo~levard S. 18~ 00" Y. 10 .0 ?eot to a st,,ke; thence aton~ land com, ay~d, or~r' ~ to c lnW.yed, hv t ~e ~rtieP oF the first ~,aPt i;o Edw~, ~ 0. N~itz ~d ihitz, (we ~ varccl), N. 1;~° ~8,, 20" i~. 169.~0 fe~t to a st. _~?~ a ,{all, er 0a?ney; thence along aic~ lan~: of g~lter Oaf'ney, N. 7~° 03~ 0}" 100.0 ft. 1e an iron pipe set on said ~es~crly line of Bay aw-n~e; thenc, ~lon~ said res~rly line of Bay Average, S. lk° [8~ 0}" 2. 171.7 f~et point or plan= o~ -2- 31i? ep :~\~'CFL Il. ~' ;O! i! .~0 at a st~d'~e s~t c)n t!~e ] orthe~] r~o-levard, 100.0 feet ,s ~rly alon sai{~ i[orthariy sectien wi%h t ,e /este~l}¢ line of Re? Ave~ne, an~~ erly li ~ o' Peconic Nar Bo~lev~Pd, S. 7~° 1P~ 0" /. 103.6] feet to a st thence- s.l~ ~~ ot~er l~nd of t~e p ~ties of t}e fir~ t p'~%~ N. l!$° 5S' 20" 1.~7.~3 feet to ~e iro- nipe and land of ~alter Ga2¢ney; thenc~ ~lonl ]:~nd of ',]aIt~r Clsffney, N. 7~° 03' 00" E. 103.68 alon-~ l~nd conve?d, om ~out to he co~,w~yed~ hv t~ !~% s o? the 'irst p:rt to Edw,rd S. ,tbitz and 'iilliam P. &b/hz (e~s~t ~>arc:!), S. 1~° lP' 20 1.~9.~9 fe~fi to t~e po'nt of ~ e'~nni~Z. The ,'~eo,,~ descnl',ed pnem:ses ~r sold an¢ are subject ~,{., the provided sane (}o Not prohibit the pre:: Nt Nsc hh~ (b) An'~ stat, of ~ct,,: ~' ~zhioh ax aocuPa s~rve2~ c =~' }~:sonal lnso{ctiox' c,f the n~,eml s s wotlld Sr ow. Peoord~.i .f' an},¢ in, o, aP ~o . sergeearn, now i n ¢', opec an(; e ' 'ec;l ant' pPovi S!i'd~CT fuFther to the Pestriot{ons th,It: (1) The snore cescPiae{ pr,~.,~, she] ~]ot ',e sub-d!v:}de{l extent ~to t, , t},.c !. e? at In,st 10 faei~ in width, ~d only c. ne tne-fa-gly ~,, a~),n'tenane ~ara~le shall ~',e erected on each (2) There shall be no outside privies. 3) 70 chickens, fowl kept c? rna'nB ~led o'~ the within p'nemJ -es. ~b) Then~ snail ha no hnsfness ~he aho ' restrictions hum' ~ed 1 ~hr,~ 'h ~ ~al~ Pema~n i~ ~oPa TPns!: P!n!r C]_a~se Pr cited. 2 0' i J 2 / �- r ,III � z� r C 1/r, I ' I I I I � 1.7 1 R -- 4 rr, - • -� --- - - - — ------ _E 14 t _ � Y � II I 1 i � I LIViiQG D001J� -- -- __ k! 4-CIGM4 n A I J I F- LCi ' "' l- I- I F L1 F- LEVA' P�ki DE- VLFV \� l � uo, ' II � -._ - c_ ter._ �I � � OP1 1 NE uFr ir_ � „ , L G� { LJG � c � AURA. �4 ��, �� p L) AwR` LrY (: Ali y 1 _, F- c� L - , p� �� r 'V'v 2 0' i J 2 / �- r ,III � z� r C 1/r, I ' I I I I � 1.7 1 R -- 4 rr, - • -� --- - - - — ------ _E 14 t _ � Y � II I 1 i � I LIViiQG D001J� -- -- __ k! 4-CIGM4 n A I J I F- LCi ' "' l- I- I F L1 F- LEVA' P�ki DE- VLFV \� l � uo, ' II � -._ - c_ ter._ �I � � OP1 1 NE uFr ir_ � „ , L G� { LJG � c � AURA. �4 ��, �� p L) AwR` LrY (: Ali y 1 _, F- c� L - , p� �� r 'V'v