HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaddington, Robert Jr. -W/drawn RT ~NADDING!TON, JR, ROBE t G?NERAL CONTRACTOR i , ', FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK J , I : J ~.. Telephone 788-7639 f ..... is indicated by the TELEGRAM 12 (-)0 LT =Letter Telegralnternati°nal C,e.!'JO"c': !,,m "It:' r,,vl :',-~I ~ST= n,, .... , 9! '.'.EST tA~,,.:O,,nlRECT~ v ~ ~ ' ~ ~ TO R,~GISTER VY O=JECTlu,: TO I,,I S ~OPOSAL= En'~,,n -,~CAR?E¢]TEi~ I I=I~PlP EST.. ..... TELEGRAM i · ' C Oi,!H APR ~ 9l[~ ~ST= : SO! ~ 'clOL D ~ m'-., . ~ SEUTkOLP f,!Y= ..... OUHER STROHGLY OBJECT Tn ZONE AS FI._,hE~S I SLANP ppnPFRTY C~,A,'.r-,~' ...... , 1,4LI,IR ISLANDS FOR ~.*.o ,,~ ._ . . ['IAVIGATIO~! TO SALTY= THE L~ILLERCO uL,,,TOf'.! GT~LAI~.IE JR: pO~C= ..... is indicated by th, TELEGRAM 1201 (4-60) T_[ ....... ional ~prope~ sym~l, W, ~. MARSHALk. ~n ...... · ~ --Letter Telegram~ RDEZ~ SY P[~.J,~T; P~V~ILL.~I.,GTO~ DEL APR 6 130P EST= ~, ,, ,. o, ~ TOWN · JOltH ,IID,I-IA.~ CklAI,,J,,H SOUTI-'OLD PLAI'MIf!G SOUTVOLD ,~r,_P_oAL FOR TAVERr~ Of.! ...DRT~, :ll,.~PLIhu ISLA~'lP CLcA~,Lh f.!OT ~,:oT 1 *-"*ST° o ~ PROP=BT DI~ICULT PER~t. IAL SAFETY pRaRLFf~ *¢C zz Si~, c S~Oi'!q PAL CU~,,,c,~T~, ..A,~c 'tlG~!T u~nJIQ,,TlO, HAZA~3OUS If'~ AR~Ai-SA,~IY MLL , co ,~ .o,., SITS. LOSS nF LIFE REAL DE ."~ SERIOUS PROE;LE~ AFT=:, o,-,nu-n HOT qF GR~.~,.EFn fiF, .-AT POSSI,3IL1TY LI¢¢u~'c TF. EREFORE ~,,,~,.,~= ......... SIITULP t, nT._ u_nF G,n,.,T~_~=- ,,,,c ' , ,~ 25,~= w s:- RN ~ptope, s,m*L TELEGRAM~. ,..~,,.,~. ,,.,=~, I RP~O~,, ~. -. A.S A T~,,,AYI ,.6. LA~IBO,~utz,, 0~ ,,DnTrl HILL AT FI~,,ERo I~,~, 0,_,_ TIlE USa OF 20RTH ~', :: ~ b!T PRODUCTS= CrlARLEo n 2 '=""~""~ ""' TELEGRAM =o,. ,~o, =_, 1 CPJ101 PD 7 ,,, -FA" ,~c,: ,- RD1a SY "* . c,, -,, CD ,.~,~.t YOR,~ NY APR ~ 111~A EST= JOH~ VJlC,~hA~.t" ~" CHAIRL~A('1= SOUTIIOLn ........ TO?.I[',1 PLANt41NG SOUTHOLP ?.!Y= :AS OVJNER OF o,, on~EFgOt!T PROPERTY Of 4 FISHERS ISLAND .u',ORT" DU['!PLIt'.IG ISLAft~ I oTRO~.~GL1 OPPOSE ,¢,~1 uocu VARIAV ~ = ";Fo- ,. .:E,/ YO~< f,!Y= PETER P [,IITZc 1 ~ot 7° 220P= Thc filing time sh own in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination 1 liit°'~,l~:,,x11,:,~,,, ,° ~l[~il_,.J-.. ~. 7,. p7~=,;~l i ;'17~T0~:'! ~1 APR ~ 1 '3'~.,~ 'q c~ST '~AIR.A!, SOI.]THOL~ TO,,, PLA,?~I JnH~ ,It, IA., C .... :A~ A~'~,,~n nF APpR~'' ~", ~" PanpE~Th' nr.~ Fi~''- ~ ~ ~,._R~ ISLA~m AT 'JEST ,,,~R~OR ' I~ ',.If~ °l ~lF~ ~ ' ' FACli!G D_I.iPLI lo_n,._, I O~JECT STz,'.,IjnilSI Y Tn ~' ,,,:= FOR n!lqPklY,~ 'rhlCH L~OULD P=R:'.:IT ,.,A~.Cc ~.~,~,~In~ ..... ,. ' ~ -- ,CSTAE;LiS!iF;Ei..! ..... 6G.=~..tEfiCIAL ACTIVITY TIDAL CIIRM21~TS. VICI'~. ITY OF DIJi..PLIr~¢n.,~. CR~Ai= =~T:..'z 8AFET ~-I,~ ZAR ~,,z ,,,,:LBS DPOHT= - 1 1 ~ EST TELEGRAM "c', ..... ?,n~THnLn TOV.~b,~ PLA:,.it~If,;G 30ARD= ....... - .... · RES I ....I IAL -xn~.~,: ,- c .~,, A: L I ' RlllTM :~,, ......... - oOIl,,,n OF .I.,,,.F '.;.0~, OUTL'OA~!) ~.~OTORS A~n ,t,~lt.!COU.:, V~lC:q DAY A..In ilt(:',HT .'ILL o:RIO~tALh' ~F~'¢*' n, ~ c, ,,~,~, r .... :8~ '4.'. T is indicated by thc TELEGRAM 1201 (440) LT__I ........ ional R.r_/AO07 SY [.i~Pl ~,,,,, , -,i-,, _.. :Y APR · l-iOi,!dO,,?,u" '"lC,,,,.~: " '"".:... ClIAI~"~',..:,, ,,' °,~OLrTllnl' ..... n TOUN PLAiMit,IG' ' ~O/',,Rn= SOUT I!OL.O ['!Y= ..... bO!_!ln DU.PLI!IG I AIl O, POocP TO Znhl~ln ..... ~ ~ORT,f .gU,. LI~fG:~Aq C~-~''~''- . ._.~3,..~g.: FO~' ':' ~ '" ,~ ~,;,,r.!,~ \'!ILL APVEP.,SELY AFFECT V&I.jtE OF "~Y _2CZ r ~o, ~, 1.~ ,,~,':. ,', _. I~' COIIRTo ,-- :En,.~T ? AIID,:F,._,O,., C,,A, ,._,._R,_, ¢z~.nl Uo ._ OF A, ?c/',LS ,4 ,C- U S COURT HOUSE DOLEY SQU"',P~E :..v - 1= ln2~AES'T is indicated by the TELEGRAM =Letter Telegra I I '~' 05 lA R~nAOla ~ !4VAlr6 ?D--!',tEL! HAVEi,,! CO?.~ A?R 6 1 ~ST= ,._,~ ',,,_r', OF ?F~O ER I ( Oii FI S '"'~'" z~,o I$1 31',I~ OPPOSITE .._ n,FCT o..ro~.,,l OUSLY TO PP, OPQ?',F~ 'btlf:h LI;~G I SLA!!n I __,...~. on_, Ctq.'~,,~,_ ,%,I .......... i,l,q~TPl [~Uf.]PLfM'~-.,~.- 1 12P^EST WESTERN UNICN ~ L=Day n ..... TELEGRAM 1 Tlln~ n LI ' '- :U'iB:IqST3t, ID APPLICATtO;.~ I!AS cE:,) ?,lADE TO RzZO m~[~LIt~t. ..... ISLAiH3 AREA OF FI.-1,F.,.o ISLA?',ID HY FOR !jo~ AS ,!1 AP'iD/O',~ i!IGHT gLUt3 TOP ASo,°",Ofi:= FROHT I IO'J=,= OF TE:.I ~:A~,S B_R.~TIO~,i O~! ,~ORT~ hILL OPPOSITE ¢' ~o: ' ~ VIGOROUS Pr,~,T=oT THIS Ir..~nTfiiICTIO;! ...... nF PRIVACY STOP '"=,,= FEEL THAT IF n, ,,eRS ilOttLr~ ALLO',,? SUCll~OT ZO;,!l;,;¢ AFF~rCTrn PROPERTY TELEGRAM BE AS\/ISE!3 Ii'! P~,OPzRTY VAItIgS ...... FnR ' TAar_S I;: ~,:LATIOt,! TO 3 At:D 1/2 PERCEhlT PERCEi,!T OF TIlE OF THE R~GIoTEIPFn VnTmfi~ STOP Si Ci! A SIIRGFSTFn OPERATIOH CAr',~ ALSO I t~CRFASF TI4E I[',!TEIPE~TATE DR IHK PROBLEfl ~'/aTgfi pnL DOR~ '~' _ ,5~1 ': n' " " - . lslndlcated byth¢ TELEGRAM 1201 (,t-60) RE~15 SY P \';IjA2r)6 bL P~¥~IU.~I?.~GTO~ ~k APR 6 tlZt-5~ FST= PLA~:r~IflG BOAr, O SOUTIIOLD SOUTHOLD Tm'~,-,,,,, ''~ · ~ " "~ ZONE ;HAS CO,.,E TO OURATTE{/TIO~! THATREQUEST ,'~ ','~ ~ ?- ~H=,,~fi con SLA~n .FOR CO,;:,.EP, CIAL ~l'~°cn oP~CIFICALLY FOR OPERATIO~,t OF r.~l,_~l!T CLUb AS Ot¢I,.ERS OFRESInFr~TIAL PROPERTY Of,: CLAY PnlNT FIo,tE,S ISLA..~D FACI(4G DIRECTLY Ta'.IARD r'mRTq r¢l~.:PLIr'~O ,,,CULD OPPOSE REEOb!! ,:G F I ........ PURPOSE AS DO tqOT TIqI~4!( SUCII ACTIO[I WOULD 3E CO!,ISISTENT WITH COh!STRUCTI ~FVELOPr..,~ d 1 ~--C J IIARRIHGTON VI F HARRIHGTO?'~ JR G S I-IARRIt'~GTOt'~=~ TELEGRAM I201 Rb£? SY~',!bZ~4-5 Pn=t~E','j YO,,,., NY APR 6 ~OGP EST= SOUT hlO~ AS PROPERTY O.,,,~Ro FISI!cRo IS_At.~j ~,'.,E ARE U~'.~ALTERAbLY OPPOSEO TO FSIAbLIoI,ING .,IGI-~T 0['.I PJ,.,~l ,~ 55~= This is a f~s-~'~message ~ ~, DL~Oa¥ Letter unle~ ils d~ferred char. I NL~Night Letter .....is indicated b, ,he TELEGRAM ,_,Od I IIOLD :AS PROPERTY O~.'~'IER Of.! ~'iOETil SiiORE OF FIS',"iERS ISLAi',ID DIRECTLY OPPOSITE TO NORTH DLIE.~PLING I SLAI'~D I Af:~ OPPOSITIn',' TO At,Y CF~iIG~ IN ZOi.lli.~O LALrS I" ORnFfi TO ACCOi'.;hIODATE RESTALRAi~.E A~D ~ [IIGI-IT CLUB TO BE L~UILT O[,~ t,IORT',-I DU[~PLIiiG ISLA','.iD IT '.']OULO AF~CT AI'4D II.IVADE TklE RIGI-ITS OF PRIVACY OF ;.'iY t-4OiJE Ai,~D TI',E SAFETY OF [.',Y CHILdREn',! Ai'.!P ~'~OULD Uf,~DOUDTEDLY ~CREASE t~Y PR~ERTY VALUE= ESSIc B TI ~iFPrl~x1= OF'FI ALBERT W. RIBHMOND T~LEPHEINE SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. March 11, 1965 Mr. John wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; At a meeting of the South- old Town Board held at the office of Supervisor Lester M. Albertson on Tuesday, March 9, 1965, the original petition of Robert Waddington, Jr.relative to change of zone of North Dumpling Light was received. This petition is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, N.Y. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report defining the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk Telephone 639 ROBERT WADDINGTON, JR. FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK ~a.~cA ~, 7o~5 CASE NO: ! STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE QRDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, ...!;.?..;.~.~;.....%h"~ :: ~ ~,' ....... ;./..;:..~,...~..~.?' ' ................ , residing at ..,..~,,..~;...,,M....~.~.,..~'r~' ~ ,~ ~ ............................. (insert name oF petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, om the owner of certain real property situated at .................................................................... and more particular bounded and described as follows: ~"' ,', ,,LL ~, .: ~ i, ~ ~c~', Tf ~'~ ,' .... - 2. do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: 3. Such request is made for the roi)owing reasons: (L. S.) ................ S-FATE OF NEW YORK, SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ................ '~Z...: ............................ ~ ........................... , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L. S.) .... .~........~ ............. Sworn to before me this .~..~:..~..doy of ................................ ,19 ............ '~ ~3.~,~ . ,~Mot~ y P bFc.