HomeMy WebLinkAboutSacks, Arnold S- Denied WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore flied with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ..... ~.O..--~),-.-..~..t.....~...-O.~.~. ........................................... requesting o change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Mops made o port thereof by chang- lng from ...... ~1.~.~... ~1~ ~i.~ .~1[I..Z'~.~...1~..~..........1~...~.. ~4: ~?. ~: .~...1~.~_ .~., .~ ~. .................. District to .... ~ ~.1~... ~.~ ~1,~,1:~1[I. [~.~ .................................................................... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...... ~..~..~. ........ day of .....~19~. ....................... 195..~.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is dl:l~9~. Deoem~er 10, 19~8. By O~de~ of t]xe Soul.old Town Board. Ralph F. Bo~ Town Ole~k PUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Greenport, N. Y. November 25, 1958. Present : NORMAN E. KLIPP, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace L. DEMAREST, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman ROBERT TASKER, Town attorney RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk APPLICATION OF ARNOLD SACKS SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I will read the complete notice of the hearing: Pursuant to Section ~65 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, N. Y., in said town on November 25, 1958 at 7 o'clock p.m. of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: 1 By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: Ali.that certain tract or parcel of land situate at Mattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Sound Avenue at the northwesterly corner of land of Papish said point of beginning being about 380 ft. westerly along said southerly line of Sound Avenue from the point where said southerly line would be intersected by the direct extension southerly of the westerly line of Cox Neck Road; from said point of beginning running along the land of Papish south 21 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds west 325 ft.; thence north 68 degrees 10 minutes 40 seconds east 176.20 ft. to land of Sepko; thence south 19 degress 5P~ minutes 20 seconds east 1524 feet to land of C. A. Price; thence north 56 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds west 882 feet; thence south 66 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds west 135 feet to land of Hallock; thence north 2i degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds west 1309 feet to the southerly line of Sound Avenue; thence south 89 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds east 541 feet to the point or D~ce of beginning. 2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate at Mattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York and more particular bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the southerly line of Sound Avenue about 180 feet westerly along said southerly line from the point where it is intersected by the direct extension southerly of the westerly line of ~ox Neck Road, said point of beginning being the northwesterly corner of the land of Sepko and the northeasterly corner of the lane herein des- cribed; from said point of beginning running along said land of Sepko, south 19 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds east ~48.~9 feet; thence south 68 degrees l0 minutes 40 seconds west 176.~0 feet; thence north E1 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds west 325 feet to the southerly line of Sound Avenue; then along the southerly line of Sound Avenue south 89 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds minutes east 200 feet to the point or place of beginning. 3. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the i~seOtion of ~he northerly line of the Main Road with the easterly line of Wickham Avenue; from said point of beginning running northerly along said easterly line of Wickham Avenue, 195 feet, more or less; thence easterly along land now or formerly of Duryee and along land now or formerly of Conklin Estate, 254 feet, more or less; thence northerly along said land now or formerly of Conklin Estates, 60 feet, more or less; thence easterly along land of Dries and along land of Hollenbeck, 97 feet, more or less; thence southerly along land of Edward F. Jerome, 265 feet, more or less, to said northerly line of the Main Road; thence westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road, 343 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. 4. By amending Article 1, Section 100 by adding thereto a new paragraph to be paragraph 9A to read as follows: 9A - FAMILY - One or more persons occupying premises as a single housekeeping unit. 5. By amending Article VII by adding thereto a new section to be Section 703B to read as follows: SECTION 703B CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (a) It shall be unlawful to use or permit the use of any building or premises or part thereof, hereafter created, erected, changed, converted or enlarged wholly or partly, in its use or structure until a certificate of Occupancy shall have been. issued by the Build~g Inspector. Such certificate shall indicate that such building or premises or part thereof and the proposed use thereof are in con- formity with the provisions of this ordinance. (b) Under such rules and regulations as may be establish- ed by the Board of Appeals, a temporary Certificate of 0ccup- ancy for a part of any building or premises may be issued by the B~ilding Inspector. (c) Upon written request from the owner or occupant, the Building Inspector shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy for any existing lawful use and occupancy of a building or p remi s e s. 6. By amending Article X by adding thereto a new section to be Section iO00A to read as follows: SECTION 1000A - No lot shall be sold, divided or set off in such a manner that either the portion sold, divided, or set off, or the portion remaining shall have an area and/or open space of less than that prescribed by this Ordinance for the district in which said lot is located. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed ~nend- merit should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: November llth, 1958. By Order of the Southold Town Board RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk. The affidavit of posting and publication is on file. Now, we will take up these matters in the manner in which they were advertised. The first matter we have is the application of Arnold Sacks. The petition is made to change from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District. And the request was made for the following reasons: rent available potato storage building to other farmers. 7 This is signed by the petitioner Arnold Sacks and sworn to before a Notary Public. This matter was brought to the attention of the Town Board and was referred to the Planning Board for their recommendation and I read you the report of the Southold Town Planning Board: Gent 1 emen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on November 7, 1958. In the matter of petition of Arnold S. Sachs for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District property located on South side of Sound Avenue bounded on the North by Sound Avenue; East by lands of Sepko; South by land of C. A. Price; West by land of Hallock: RESOLVE, that the Planning Board is not willing to grant the change of zone on the entire parcel; however, it is the determination of the Planning Board that the parcel as described in the attached map and description of land of Sacks should be changed from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District. It is further resolved and recommended that the Town Board on its own motion include the land of K. A. Papish as described on the attached legal description in this "B" Business District. Attached also is a legal description of the entire parcel recommended for change of zone. The Planning Board wishes to report that a special team of members have gone over this property carefully and have talked with adjacent property owners and feel that this represents the best interests of the Town of Southold. ~e further feel that the erection of potato storages should be encouraged whether under individual ownership or as profit enterprises. We believe that storing our potatoes will substantially enhance the financial business of our farm operations and be reflected in the best interests of the Town. The failure to provide adequate potato storage in the past has resulted in disastrous prices during the growing season in three out of the past five years. The Board feels that this is a most urgent matter and deserves prompt attention. That is signed by John Wickham, Chairman. At this time I have a letter from Mary Presper opposing the change of zone: Dear Mr. Klipp: Recently it has been brought to Mrs. Madeleine Ward's and my attention that there is a move afoot to change the zoning in certain areas near Sound Avenue in Mattituck. I am specifically speaking of the area on which certain structures have already been built since the zoning law went into effect, and which do not, so it seems,comply with the zoning laws of confining the area to structures and use of property for "residential and agricultural use." It seems that there is a desire on the part of an individual to put his property to "commercial" use. I am speaking of the property West of the Sepko's and East of the Hallock farm fronting on Sound Avenue. At this time both Mrs. Ward and I want to express our distinct displeasure of this news. We are definitely against the rezoning of this area, and.as year-round resi- dents with property to protect and improve, we feel we must appeal to you and the board of commissioners to back us up. This is signed by Mary Presper, Laurel Lake, Mattituck, N.' At this time, is there any person who wishes to be heard in favor of the relief as asked for in the petition, that is the change of zone. ARNOLD SACKS: My name is Arnold Sacks and I am the party directly involved. I built this building and before I built it I went to Mr. Terry to get a permit to build the building. At the time, because he said it was Agricultural there wasn't any permit required, and it was perfectly legal 10 to go ahead and build, which I did. I explained to him I had need for storage for myself and other neighboring farmers which I was going to rent to. Now, after the building was erected and three-quarters filled it was brought to his attention and my attention we were running in strict violation to the zoning because was classified as a Business and not Agricultural, and because of this that is why I requested the change in zoning. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in favor of? I want you all to be given, an opportunity. MR.FROHN: I think all the zoning ought to be thrown out. MRS° ANN MONTGOMERY: I agree with Mr. Frohn, and it puts a cramp on our personal rights, and it is very wrong. All of it is very wrong, and I say if we continue to do this our children will have absolutely no rights. STANLEY SLEDJESKI: We expect somebody from our Bureau, the Farm Bureau, and we think it is a very necessary thing for us on the North Fork to have a man come here and spend some money to help some of these farmers in times like this to put up a potato house. There are some people that haven't the money to put up their own buildings, and I think he is helping a number of farmers by putting up a potato house like that, and our Farm Bureau is in favor of his having l'l that building classed commercial. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in favor of? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: If there is no other person who wishes to be heard in favor of, is there any other person who wishes to be heard in opposition to? STANLEY CORWIN, ESQ., (Greenport, N. Y.): I should like to be heard in opposition to. Mr. Supervisor, and Gentlemen of the Town Board, preliminarily I should like to file with you copies of a petition containing well in excess of three hundred names of people mostly residing in the Mattituck-Laurel District who are opposed to this particular application, and I should like to read what the petition says: "The undersigned property owners and residents of the Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of land at Mattituck as described in the notice dated November 11, 1958, of a hearing to be held November 25, 1958, and, wishing to go on record, do petition the Super- visor, Justices of the Peace, and Councilman, constituting the Town Board, not to amend the Building Zone Ordinance so far as the published proposals relate to zone changes. "We feel the interests of the people of the Town, and 12 particularly those of the Village of Mattituck and vicinity, should come before the individual interests of the owners of the property affected, and that there have been no proper changes in the area to warrant down-zoning since the adoption of the ordinance." I just got some of these myself. I have not had an opportunity to check them against the Assessment Maps. But I know Just from looking at the names and running t them down myself as a resident of Greenport, I don't know too many people up in the Mattituck area, there are many people there who are substantial home and property owners, and whose property is on. the assessment rolls of the Town of Southold, and I hope that the Board will peruse these petitions and names and take into consideration that a great number of people are opposed to this particular application. Now, I would just like to say that tonight I represent Mary Pilko, who owns the land immediately on the east of those that are proposed to be rezoned and she has a farm there in excess of 60 acres on which she lives and has her residence there with her family. You can see she has a most direct interest in this matter. Now, we must assume that a majority of the Board are local people and that the public interest is such that at least a hearing should be held on whether a zoning law should be amended to down-zone 13 certain parcels of land, those with which we are concerned tonight. Now, this preliminary determination which has brought up to this point of a public hearing has, it seems to me, placed the Board very squarely on the horns of a dilemma, and if the relief sought by the petition is granted tonight encouragement will be given to all who violate the ordinance first and go ahead and establish a Business Use and brazenly apply to the Board for zoning relief. That is just what happened in this case, as this applicant told you tonight. It is a matter of common knowledge in the community that Mr. Sacks had rented out more than half of the storage space as a business venture before the building was completed. Meanwhile, he indicated to the Building Inspector, or perhaps the Building Inspector indicated to him that this was just a simple accessory building. The facts of the matter are when you talk about a building being accessory we think of one being accessory to something else, and Mr. Sacks did not have anything else on that particular farm which was vacant acreage at the time. So we wonder what both he and the Building Inpsector were thinking about when they treated this as an accessory building. But if you can determine that come to the other horn of the dilemma, if the applicant were to be denied the down- zoning the Town may be faced with a problem which may involve 14 litigation because I understand the Building Inspector served a notice of violation on this building on Mr. Sacks on his present use and the use to which he is putting it. Faced with this situation, let us look at the zoning and the practical law, and see if we can come up with some solution. Now, the Zoning Law of this Town we will all agree is relatively new. It would be most unrealistic to say this Town was not zoned tightly when this Ordinance was adopted. It practically froze, status quo, what was residential and agricultural; what was business and industry. Some people have objected to that. There seems to be two schools of thought about it. One of them feels that by zoning the town tight the Town Board and the Board of Appeals can control the change as it comes along; they can feel their way as the need arises from time to time. Other people feel that it is better to look a little bit ahead at the time you adopt the ordinance, and let the people know at that time where they can progress; where they can expand. Well, as it happened, just the couple of years that we have had the Zoning Ordinance, many people have come before this Board and the Board of Appeals, and amendments have been granted, and variances have been granted time and time again. 15 With respect to the situation that we have here we haven't heard from anybody on the affirmative on the question of why this Ordinance should be adopted on any of the factual situations that are set forth in the pre- amble of the Zoning Ordinance as to why we have zoning, why we have this classification. The first of these is that it is to be for the welfare of the people of the Town. Well, in that connection one or two people here tonight said we need more room for the storage of potatoes, and that is about as far as the town welfare aspect of the thing goes. I think that all of us realize this is one individual piece of property, and what is happening there, regardless of what the effect may be on this man's immediate neighbors, we are going to give him the benefit of this change so he can make a commercial venture out of. Now, is there any need for it as far as the entire community is concerned? Well, I agree there is a need for it in our community for more space for our potatoes, but are we going to do it along the road where we have residences and lawns and these little cottages with the picture windows in them, or are we going to put them back where they should be between the railroad and the main road in Mattituck, farther south from where this particular place is. It seems to me if we are going to down-zone our town and make more room for our business to expand, if you are in 16 the agricultural business, we should do it in an area where the people will be generally the least hurt. Now, certainly the people in the immediate area will be hurt. The values of the property will be jeopardized if this application were to be granted. I think all of us are sufficiently familiar with the situation, and they know exactly what the score is up there. Mrs. Pilko, the property owner immediately to the east has a residence there for several hundred feel along the road which are present farmed. If you were going to take this entire area of a couple of hundred acres or more where we have residences coming together in line with a lot of gas stations and other stores, and maybe make a shopping center, that would be one thing. The application, of course, for that type of thing, would have to come from the many people that are serving the property of that area now. But that is not the situation in that vicinity. If you look at your zoning map, gentlemen, you will see that there is one non-conforming use, that is the Papish property, which is before the Board tonight, that went into effect before the zoning went into effect, and he is not particularly clean, but the fact is he is a non-conforming use there. I think that before this Board grants this appli- cation they should go back and think what zoning is for, and so far as the immediate property owners are concerned, 17 what effect the granting of this application would have upon them and the people of the Town as a whole. And I patti- cularly ask you not to encourage the violation of the ordinance by permitting someone to violate it, and after he has done it to have the stamp of approval placed on it by this Board. I think if you were to do that tonight it would create a most complicated precedent that might very well lead to the end of zoning in this Town. Thank you very much. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person present who wishes to be heard in opposition to? MR. FROHN: I understand that Mr. Corwin has a petition signed by three hundred. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: That is what was offered in evidence here. Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in opposition to? BARBARA JAZOMBAK (Mattituck): I live in a brand new home directly west of the property in question. We live directly west of Annie Hallock who is directly west of the property. In fact, I can see the new building from my picture window. It is a nice building. It is a beautiful building for its purpose. That is the storage of our farmers' potatoes. My husband is a farmer. He stores his potatoes, not in that building, but in a building of his own. I am glad that building is there for its own use. 18 My fears are: what may come next. Thank you. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in opposition to? STANLEY SQPKO: I think that it is only fair that the Board hears, and I am sure our attorney is aware of the fact and other persons present, that Arnold Sacks has caused so much disturbance in this section, not only with what he has done now, but what he has done in the past. But a builder has not gotten a variance. I know for a fact that this man has two violations. Once before the Board has turned him down and told him definitely not to attempt to do it again. He went right ahead. And he was summoned for the violation. He did not say for what reason he was to have the structure there and you can look at it, but I will say there is no excuse for Arnold Sacks. I live with my mother and her name is Mrs. Pilko, and right now the doctor and our attorney has ordered her to stay in bed. She wanted to be at this meeting and we had all we could do to keep her from coming. I have talked with a lot of people in the past couple of weeks and my mother went out and got those names on the petition. She got most of them herself. And we know a lot of people who own homes are not willing to go along if this continues and they are going to sell their homes. I begged my mother to sell. My Dad died clear- lng this property. Now we have a number of them coming in 19 this community and she has turned them down, and I have quarreled with her about it. I have abided with the zoning and Mr. Terry has never had to issue a summons to me. I don't care how big the job I always inform them. I am safe in saying I was the first of ten men that put in an application for a building. I never put a foundation in that area and said I am going to build. I knew that law was coming in, and I was building according to it. If this man can get two violations and be granted the right to go ahead and keep going, then I am going to tell my mother and a lot of people in Mattituck who are supporting our government. There are five houses that tell me they are going to sell, and they are not selling because of me or you; it is because they are in favor of zoning and they are selling out for the same reason, because this Town is so corrupt because that one man, and one man only. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in opposition to? MR. SLEDJESKI: I would like to have the objectors' petition thrown out on the ground that most of the names were obtained illegally, not illegally, but people were told he was going in for a labor camp. The reason I know that was so was when this man came to have this petition signed he said: you want to sign this because Arnold Sacks is build- 2O lng for a labor camp, and you don't want no niggers here, so let us keep them out of here. And that is a point: the amount of names were changed on that petition on account of that misrepresentation. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: We will check the petitions and the names. MRS. BUSCHING: I am sure there was no pressure put on anyone, or there was no white or black. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in opposition to? MRS. MONTGOMERY: Can anybody see the names on those petitions? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Yes. MRS. MONTGOMERY: Are they summer or year-round residents? MRS. BUSCHING: They are taxpayers. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I would assume probably most of them are. I haven't had an opportunity to check them. MRS. BUSCHING: In my area my husband is President of the Captain Kidd Civic Association. They are taxpayers and owners of property. MRS. MONTGOMERY: Do they live here all year round? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Let us not get into a debate. These petitions will be gone over by the Town Board. We are hearing those in favor of or in opposition to. 21 MR. CORWIN: I have tried tonight to examine in the Town Clerk's Office, where I thought it would be a public record, this original application of Mr. Sacks. It wasn't available. I think it must have been before the Town Board meeting. At the time I was there, if I remember correctly from the recommendation you read from the Planning Board, Mr. Sacks' original application was for a substantially larger piece than was eventually decided upon. Is that correct? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: That is correct. MR. CORWIN: It seems to me that one reason given for the request, if I heard correctly, you said the reason for Mr. Sacks' application, he wanted to rent an exist- ing available building for the storage of potatoes. Now, if that was the sole reason for his application in the first instance, it seems to me that he should have con- fined the application to the one-quarter acre approximately upon which the building now sets. And inasmuch as a matter of fact, he could have undoubtedly gotten a variance if there were a necessity for simply using the building as a quasi commercial to store potatoes for other farmers since there is hardly any necessity for changing and down-zoning the area when the thing could be done some other way, which would be considerably less harmful. I hope that the Board will take that into consideration. MRS. MONTGOMERY: Whose fault was it? Was it Mr. Terry's fault that this man got all fouled up, or is it his fault that he is using his building? I don't understand. It isn't very clear whose fault it is. This man is not hurting anybody today. Now, Mr. Terry let him build the building. What is he supposed to do; let that building hold fifty bags of potatoes? I don't mean that literally, what is the answer. Somebody made a mistake. The ordinance says he can build a building to store his own potatoes. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: He can; but the building is not being used for that purpose. When he goes into the matter of renting the space to other farmers, he is .a business propo- sition, and he is not using it as an accessory building to his own enterprise. MRS. MONTGOMERY: Suppose he has this building literally, and does not have any partners, does he have to tear it down? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: It might be the same as a farmer has a barn and does not have anything to put in it, he would have to have it, yes. MRS.BUSCHING: Mr. Sacks says he was never granted per- mission, and I don't know how it was put in the paper. The officials of the Zoning Board had said that this is a building to be an adjunct to his farm, I believe, That is the way it was put. 23 SUPERVISOR KLIPP: This was put in the paper? MRS. BUSCHING: Yes, that was published in the paper. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: This was a news item? MRS. BUSCHING: "Sacks, who both grows and ships potatoes, asserts that he was assured by Zoning Officials before he built this structure that it would be considered an adjunct to his farm operations and that no building per- mit was required under the Town's Zoning Code." SUPERVISOR~KLIPP: That isn't a statement by an official of the Town; that is a statement by the newspaper reporter. Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in opposition to? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: So that you will all have ample opportunity to be heard, I don't want to deprive anybody of that privilege. Anyone who wishes to speak in favor of or in opposition to may do so. (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: If not, I will close the hearing on the Sacks matter at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. The undersigned property owners and r~sidents of the Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of lands at Mattltuck as described in the notice dated Nov ll, 1958 of a hearing to be held ~ov, 25, 1958, and, wishing to go on record, do petition the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zone Ordinance so far ss thc published proposal relates to zone changes. Wc feel the interests o£ the people of the Town, and particularly those of the Village of Mnttit.,ck ~nd vicintty~ should come before the individual interests of the owners of the property affected, and that there have been no proper changes in the area to warrant down-zoning since the adoption of the ordinance. D at e Nam~~'-~ ~-~, Addr es s The undersigned property owners and residents of the Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of lands at Mattituck as described in the notice dated Nov 11, 1958 of a hearing to be held Way. 25, 1958. and, wishing to go on reco~d, do petition the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zone Ordinance so far as the published proposal relates to zone changes. We feel the interests of th~ people of the Town, and particularly those of the Village of Mattituck and vicinity, should come before the individual interests of the owners of the property affected, and that there have been no proper changes in the area to warrant down-zoning since the adoption of the ordinance. 'l~"6Rat eName~~ '1 ~ Addr es s ~ ~ . ,' :_...-.' ,~- . .. h .... / .... ~: .: ,_ .. ,' , .'- ?.... .. y ......... ,',t._:: ": _ __W.... ....... ''~ ..... I .5-:;~ .... ._.. , :. ,.., ~..,. .............. ~_~,_..~Z .... : .... _~ . : / : ~ . ~ ~ ~"~:~ ~:--. :,.', ~ ,~ ....... ...'.. ~ / . .. II I ~ ~. ' ', I,. Tho undersigned property owners and residents of the Town of 8outhold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of lands at Mattituck as described in the notice dated Nov 11, 1958 of a hearing to be held ~ov. 25, 1958, and, wishing to go on reco~d, do petition the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constitutin~ the Town Boa~d not to amend the Bulldin6 Zone Ordinance so far us the published proposal relates to zone changes. We feel the interests of the people of the Town, and particularly those of the Village of ~at~ituck ~d vicinit'y~ should come before the individual interests of the owners of tho property ~fected, and that there have been no proper changes in the area to warrant down-zo~ng since the adoption of the ordinance. Dar e Name Addr es s ~ ~ ,, ." ~.?/, ~ ~ ~c ....... ~ ~ 1 ..... ' ' . ., '. ._ . .... '~ ~..:- ~, -"' ~ ~ ~ . . .... ~ ~ ., ' ,.. , . / /~' d ' ' ' ,~ ~- ' ' -., , . .. . ,: ,..,'~ _..~ ~:~, ~ ' ~/ , '~ ., . ~ .... . .. .... -', -, -.' ...... ,..- ._e. ~_ , -._. ~k,. ~ '" ' t , "~'f /[ · ., . . _~. ., _~ . . ~ .......... f l~:~:~ - ':. z ..... z~ ...... · ..-, ., , , i-' ' ~ "' . ' ,',, :. f: ....... ~ ~.- ' "M ~ -[' . z~/ / ~. , ~: ': .... ~- . '~ - -. ~ . .:j ~'.:' ,. _ ~'- . . -~ -- P ?... '~ ....~. . ~ ........... ~ ~ . .... ~'~ ' , ~ .., ~. ~ ~ ~1. _ . The undersigncd property owners ~nd r~sldonts of the Town of Southold respectfully protest .~alnst the down-zon~n~ of l~ds at ~attltuck as descPl~d ~n the dated Nov 11~ 19~8 of a hea~ to be held ~ov. 2~, 19~8, w~shl~ to ~ on Peco~, do petition the Supe~iso~ Justices of the Peace ~d Councilmen constltut~n~ the Town Boapd not to amend the Bulld~m6 Zone OPd~na~cu so far as tho published proposal relates to zone c~an~os. We feel the interests of t~ people of the Town~ and p~PtlculaPly ~hose of the V~lla~c of Ma~ltuck ~d v~cinity~ should come befo~ th~ indiv~dual interests of the ownems tho property ~fectod~ and that there have been no ppopeP cha~es in ~he a~ea to warrant down-zorn6 ~nce the adoption of the ordinance. Da~e Name Addr~,s ~ ' ~' .. ' ~:~ /- .~... .. .... ~/ / . . . _.~ ..... : ::"x___ " ...... .... _ - _? ........ .'...'?~~~~ , ~,. / .,~ .... , 4.~ ~~~ ..................... The undersigned property o~flo~s and ~stdents of the Town of 3outhold Fespect£ully pFoteat a~alAot the p~poKd dated bv llp 19~8 of · hegirA8 ~o b~ held ~Ov. 2~ 1~8, ~, ~hZ~ to ~ OA Pe~e do potit/on the Supe~Zoo~, J~ttceo o~ the Peace ~d Councilmen constltutXng the To~ Bo~d 'not, to ame~ the Building Zone Ordln~ce 8o Fse ~s the published ~opo8~l relates to ~one cha~es. Wo fao1 tho int e~ests of the people of the Town, and particularly those of the Village of Mattltuck e~d vJ. ctnfty~ should come before the indtvidu~l interests off the ownel, s tho property ~fected~ and t~t there have been ~ p~pe~ cha~es tn the a~ea to warrant d~n-zo~ since t~ of t~ o~dt~nce. Thc underslgnod property owners and ~si~ents of the Town of Southold.respectfully protest against the proposed down-~oning of lands at Mattituck as described in the notice dated Nov 11~ 1958 of a hearing to be held ~ov, 25, 1958, and, wishln~ to go on record, do petition the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zone Ordinance so far as the published proposal relates to zone changes, Wo feel the interests of tho people of the Town, and particularly t~ose of the Village of Mattituck ~nd vicinity~' should como before the individual interests of the owners of the property affected, and that there have b~een no proper changes in the area to warrunt down-zoning ~ince the adoption of the ordinance. The undersigned property owners and ~sidents of the Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of lands at Mattituck as described in the notice dated Nov 11, 1958 of a hearing to be held Wove 25, 1958, and, wishing to go on record, do petition the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zone Ordinance so far as tho published proposal relates to zone changes. We feel the interests of the. people of the Town, and particularly those of the Village of Mattituck and vicinity, should come before the individual interests of the owners of the property affected, and that there have been no proper changes in the area to warrant down-zoning since the adoption of the ordinance. Dst e Name Addr es s The un~signed p~Poperty owners and ~sidents of th~ Town of $outhold ~espectfully protest a~ainst down-zonl~ of l~ds at Mattituck as described In the ~tlcu dated ~v 11~ 1958 of a hearing to be held ~ow~ 25, 1958, ~d, wisbl~ to ~ un reco~ do petition the Supe~iso~, Justices of the Peace ~ Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zone Ordinance so far as the published proposal relates to zone changes. We feel the interests of ~ people of the Town, and psrticularly those of t~e Village of Mattituck ~d vlclnity~ should come before t~e individual interests of tho owners of the property ~fected~ and that there have been no proper chs~es in the area to warrant down-zo~ng since the adoption of the o~dinance. Dar e Name Address The undersigned property owners and ~esidents of the Town of ~outhold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zonir~ of lands at Mattituck as described in the notice dated Nov 11, 1958 of a hearing to be held ~ov. 25. 1958, and, wishing to gu on reco~, do petition the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constituting the Town Bosmd not to amend the Building Zone Ordinance so far as the published propose. 1 relates to zone changes, We fool the interests of the people of the Town, and particularly those of the Village of Mattituck ~d vicinity, should come before thc individual interests of the owners of tho property ~fected, and that there have been no proper changes in the area to warrant down-zo~ng since the adoption of the ordinance. Date Name Addr es s - ~F /~..,,..~, .~?t.,,~._,~..z ~ ·., . ..... ,~ ..~ :. - . ............... _ ~ '~.'~ ~: ~ _'.~ ,..: ,' " .....~ ..... z'~- i~ ..... . ..... ~.~c ~" /Zx~' '"''~'-''. ~ ' : .' . . ~,~' ~ .~ .~ .~ ~ , ~ ~. ,., ~ Z' ' '"'"' ' ,, .,.,.... ,....,,,~~ ~/' ~ ~'~"' .x Z'~.~.- ~ ~ '~"~,'o,'.~ ~ ..... ~_~.~.~., ~ ~.~.- j ?~ ' . ., "'-~. - . -~ , '-' ',' ' ,' (I ( ' - ..... : The undersiEned property owne~~l~sidents of the Town of Southold respectfully prote~%~t the proposed down-eon~ of l~ds at Mattituck as~~d in the notice dated ~1~ 1958 of a he~r~ to be held '~ov. 25, 1958, and, wishl~ to ~ on reco~, do petition the Supe~isor, Justices of t~ Peace ~ Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zeno O~din~ce so far ~s the published proposcl relates to zone cha~es. We feel the interests of t~ people of the Town, and psrticul~rly those of the Village of }~cttituck ~d vicinity~ should come before tho individual interests of the owners of tho property ~fected, and that there have been no proper chcnges in the ~re~ to wcrr~nt down-zo~ng-since the adoption of the ordinance. D~t e Name Address . .~'.'ia ':: · ,_~ t~ .;. ~, '~.fz..~ ::.'- _:.f ~ ._~., . ~. ~.. .:, ,. ~ .' _f~ ...... , .. .~ ~,.: ~ ........ The undersigned property owners and r~sidents of the Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of l~nds at Mattituck as described in the notice dated Nov ll, 1958 of a hearing to be held l~ove 25, 1958, and, wishing to go on record, do petition the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zone Ordinance so far as the published proposal relctes to zone changes. We feel the interests of the people of the Town, and partic,,larly those of the Village of h,.~ttituck ~nd vicinity~ should come before the individual interests of the owners of tho property af£ected, and that there have been no proper chnnges in the area to w~rrcnt down-zoning since the ~doption of the ordinance. The un~rsigned property owners and ~sidents of the Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zonin~ of lands at Mattituuk as deso~d in th~ not~ou ~a~ed Nov wishl~ to ~ on reco~ do petition the Supe~isor~ Justices of the PeaCe ~d Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zon~ Ordinauce so far as the published proposal relates to zone changes. We feul th, interests of th~ people of the Town, and particularly those of the Village of ~attituck ~d vicinity~ should come b~fore th~ individual interests of the owners of tho proper~y ~foct~d, ~nd that there have be~n no proper cha~es in the area to warrant down-zo~ng since the adoption of the ordinance. ~ /g,/~ate Name Address Tho undersigned property owners ~nd ~sidents of the Town of Southold respectfully protest .~gainst the proposed down-zon~n~ of l~ds at Matt~tuok as doso~ib~d in th~ not~cu dated Nov 11~ 19~8 of a ~a~in~ to be held ~ov. wis~in~ to ~ on ~eco~ do 9oration t~e Supu~iso~ Justio~s' of t~e PeaO~ ~ Council~n oonst~tut~n~ the Town Boa~d not to amend t~e Bu~ldin~ Zone O~dinano~ so fa~ as ~he published proposal ~lat~s to zone We f~ol t~u int~mests of t~ people of the Town~ and 9a~ticula~l~ those of the Village of h~at~tuok shoul~ co~e before th~ individual interests of th~ owners of the property ~fectod~ and that there have be~n no proper cha~es in the area to warrant down-zo~ng since the adoption of the ordinance. Dst e Name Address The undersigned property owners and ~stdents of the Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of lands at Mattituck as described in the notice ~!.. dated Nov 11, 1958 of a hearing to be held '~ov. 25, 1958, end, wishing to go on record, do petition the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zone Ordin~nce so far as the published proposal relutes to zone changes. We feel the interests of t~ people of the Town, and p~rticularly those of the Village of ~atCituck ~d vicinity, should come befo~ the individual interests of the owners of tho property ~fected, and that there have be~n no proper chan~es in thc area to w~rrant down-zo~n~ s~nce the adoption of the ordinance. D~t e Name Add~ es s The undersigned property owners and ~sidents of the Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zonin~ of lands at Mattituok as descpibed in the notice dated Nov 11~ 19~8 of a hearing to b~ held ~ov, 2~, 19~8~ and, wishl~ to ~ on Peco~ do petition the Supe~lsor~ Justices of the Peace ~d Councilmen constitutin~ the Town BoaPd not to amend the Bulldln6 Zone Ordinance so lap as th~ published pPopos~.l ~elates to zone We feel the lntcP~sts of thc~ people of the Town, and paPtlculaPly those of the Village of ~iat~ituck ~d vicin1~y~ should come before the individual interests of the ownePs of the p~opu~ty ~fected, and that there have been no changes in ~he a~ea to waPPunt down-zo~ng since the adoption of the o~dinance. Dar e Name AddPes s ~" "~ " ~ I;"3 I~"" .._~ ~ .~/~ ~ ~-~ e'<~ ................... ~ ' z . · ' ~ ' _~:L~.; ............. The undersigned property owners and residents of the Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of lands at Mattituck as described in the notice dated Nov ll, 1958 of a hearing to be held ~ow. 25, 1958, and~ wishing to go on record, do petition the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constituting the Town Board not. to amend the Building Zone Ordinance so far as the published propose, 1 relates to zone changes~ We feel the interests of the, people of the Town, and particularly those of the Village of Mattituck end vicinity~ should come before the individual interests of the owners of the property affected, and that there have been no proper changes in the area to warrant down-zoning since the adoption of the ordinance. D at e Name Addr es s ~.~..~.: ...... ~.~_ ........ : - . ~ - ' ' ' ' Ej ' .... ~' ~,~ ~'-ti~'z' ~ . ~ , '~ ~ .,~ · - ~...-.. ., -... -> ~ ..-.:. -~ ,-..,.. .,., , ,..: The undersigned property owners and residents of t~e Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of lands at Mattituck as described in t~e notice dated Nov ll, 1958 of a hearing to be held ~ov. 25, 1958, and, wishing to go on record, do petition the Supervisor~ Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constituting t~e Town Boa~d not to amend the Building Zone Ordinance so far as thc published proposal relates to zone changes. Wc £~¢1 tho tnt omcst: of th(~ p~ople of the Town, and particularly those of 'the Village of Mattituck and viclnlty~ should come before the individual interests of the owners of tho property affected, and that there have been no proper thanges in the area to warrcnt down-zo~ng since the ~doption of the ordinance. The undersigned property owners ~nd residents of the Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of lands at Mattituck as described in the notice dated Nov 11, 1958 of a hearing to be held ~ov. 25, 1958, and, wishing to go on record, do petition the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zone Ordina~ce so far as the published proposal relates to zone changes. We feel the interests of tho people of the Town, and particularly those of the Village of Nattituck and vicinity, should come before the individual interests of the owners of the property affected, and that there have been no proper changes in the area to warrant down-zoning since the adoption of the ordinance. Name Address . A I The undersigncd property owners and ~esidonts of the Town of 3outhold peSpectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of lands at Mattituck as described in the notice dated Nov 11, 1958 of a hearing to be held Nov, ~ 19~8, and, wishl~ to ~ on Peco~, do petition the Supe~iso~ Justices of the ~ace ~d Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zone Ordin~ce so far as the published proposal relates to zone c~an~es. We feel the l~torests of t~ p~ople of th~ Town, and particularly those of the Village of Mattltuck ~d vicinity~ should come befo~ the individual interests of the owners of the property ~fected, and that therc have been no proper changes in the ere~ to warrunt down-zo~ng since the adoption of the ordinance. , Date Name .- . A~dress /. , ~, ~ .~. ~ . z .~ --.. ~ . ~/ ., :~ . , . . , ..... ~ ..... ~ ...... ;- - . .... .- ~, - . ._ . . ~ . 220 Madison Avenue New York City, 16 November 19,1958 Mr. Norman Klipp Supervisor, Suffolk County Greenport, L.I., New York Dear Mr. Klipp: Recently it has been brought to Mrs. MadeleLue Ward's and m~ attention that there is a move afoot to cha~e the zoning Lu certain areas near S~,n~ Avenue in Mmttituck. I am specifically speaking of the area on which certain structures have already been built since the zoning law went into effect, and which do not, so it seems, compl~ with the zoning laws of confinin~ the area to structures and use of property for "residential and agricultural use". It seems that there is a desire on the part of an individual to put his property to "commercial" use. I am speaking of the property West of the Sepko's and East of the Hallook farm fronting on Sound Avenue. At this time both Mrs. Ward and I ~ant to express our distinct displeasure of this news. We are definitely against the rexoning of this area, and as year-round residents with property to prot$ct and improve, we feel we ~,st appeal to you and the board of commissioners to Back us up. "~'ur~'~nt't°~n'~L~/:'~~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ,,o~_.~__~J~i~.~l~/ .,~ ._!~_ STATE OF NEW YORK/ ss. N' ~' ~'~- ' Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that .~.~ J~ ,~; ~ he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG IS~ND t~ ~ .... .., ,~).. T~VELER MA~ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- -:-~ ,:~ ~ . p~per printed ~t Southold, in Suffolk County~ ond thor ~m ~' ~~ the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been '~~ t~ ':: ~ published in said Long Island Traveler-Matt,tuck Watch- ' .~';r ,~'- ' ~'m m ~ ' e,~Je ~-for .... ~.~'~:~¢~ ..... L./.% .... wee~f '~~ - ~ ~ i~a on the ......... ~...., ....................... ~~ ~, ~:~'-- ~ ~ ~ ...........19.U..~ ~ ~~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~r ................. : ...................................... st~ ~ a c~a~ of ~ ~ ~,:~ ~ ~ ~t-~ ~ ~ fore me this .................. day of · .,: -, .,.,, , ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ ~.' ......... ....  .!, .' :~ eu~ for ~ . ~'~ . ~,~ ~,~ ~ ~- , , ,~. .:.~~ ~ 1~ f~t; ~~1 ' ~ A~ue; ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~ A~u~' ~ of 3. ~ c~ f~ ~A" ~en~ ~ ~t ~e fo~ ~ ~ ~t c~!p ~t or p~l o~ ~ Sm~ of N~ ~or~ mo~ ~-[ ~ ~d~ ~ d~ ~J f~: ~~ at the ~tlon ~f the hazelly ~ ~ ~ ~ Avenue; f~ ~d ~t of ~ ~ ~ no~h~lF ~ ~d ~rly ~e of W~am Argue, B f~t, more or 1~; thence slo~ ~ not of fo~Rl[ Of ~-. ~ ~d ~ l~ no~ or fomerl~ al ~]~ ~, ~ f~t, mo~ or - ~, ~ f~t, more or 1~: ~ ~rty ~o~ ~ of ~ ~d ~re or ~: ~ce ~IF ~o~ ~ ~e ~nt of ~. NOTICE OF REARIND ON PBOPOSAL~ TO A~EKD ZONIND ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town off Southold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing ~il1 be held by ~he Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on November 25th, 19~, at ?tOO o~c[ock P.Mo of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone ~aps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business DiStrict the following described property ~ Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situate at Mattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Sound Avenue at the northwesterly corner of land of Papiah said point of beginning being about 380 feet westerly along said southerly line of Sotmd Avenue from the point where said southerly line would be intersected by the direct extension southerly of the westerly line of Cox Neck Road~ from said point of beginning running along the land of Popish south 21 de,roes ~9 minutes 20 seconds west 325 feet; thence north 68 degrees 10 minutes ~0 seconds east 176.20 feet to land of Sepko~ thence south 19 degrees 52 minu~es 20 seconas east 1525 to land of C. A. Price; thence north 56 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds west 882 feet; thence south 66 degrees O5 minutes 30 seoonds west 115 feet to land of Hallock; thence north 21 degrees ~9 minutes 20 seconds west 1309 feet to the southerly line of Sound Avenue~ thence south 59 degrees 13 minu~es $0 seconds east 5~1 feet to the point or place of beginning. 2. By changing £rom "A" Residential and Agricultural District to 'B" Business District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situate at ~attituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and more particularly ~ounded and described as follows: of ~ ~ ~ ~v or fo~r~ of ~ of 5~a and al~ ~d of HO~~, ~ sold,, ~ ~ich said lc% ia l~a~. ~a~: ~o~m~r ~, 19~ l~vm~r 7, 19~ ~n ~t~n vi~ ~ ~rty ~ the a~th aide of yo~ appl/~tl~ for a l~l~ the ~ ~e~ ~ ~ ~ app., on ~ ~. 2~ a you ~e ~l~ v~eh ~ appliu~ For ~ o~ oF sone. Chairman, Beard of Appeals Sl3UTHI3LD, L.I., N.Y. T~lepho~e SO 5-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Rober+ W. ®i]l]spie, dr., Ghsirman Rabsrt Bergen Herbert Rosenberg Charles Gregcnis, Ser9~ Dc~¥sn, Jr. November 7, 1958 Mr. Norman E. Klipp Sup. Town of Southold 16 ~outh Street Gre~port, N.Y. Dear Norm: We are attaching a copy of our reply to ~r. Arnold Sacks appeal from the decision of the Building Inspector on Notice of Violation posted November 5th, 1958. It is the unanimous opinion of the Board of Appeals that action by the Town Board in this matter should be very prompt. We feel that any delay in reaching a decision in this matter will inevitably defeat or tend to defeat the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance, since this is a matter of very widespread interest to farmers and others. Yours very truly, ..~ Chairman, Board of Appeals RG :b Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS .John Wickh,~m, Chairm~n Harold R. Reeve Henry Mois~ Alfred Grebe Archibald ¥oun9 REPORT TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on November 7~ 19~5. In the matter of petition of Arnold S. Sachs for a change ~ zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District property located on South Side of Sound Ave. bounded on the Norhh by Sound Ave. East by lands of Bepko, South by l~nd of C. A. Price, West by land of Hallock: RESOLVE, That the Planning Board is not willing to grant the change of zone on the enitre oarcel; however, it is the determination of the Planning Board that the parcel as described in the attached map and description of lend of Sacks should be changed from "A" Resi:!ential and Agricultural to "B" Business District. It is f%trther resolved and recommended that the Town Board on its own motion include the land of K.A. Papish as described on the attached legal description in this "B" Busienss District. Attached also is a legal description of the entire parcel recommended for change of zone. The Plsnning Board wishes to report that a special team of members have gone over this property cerefullv and hsve talked with adjacent property owners and feel that this re~resents the best interests of the Town of Southold. We further feel that the erection of potato storages should be encouraged whether under individusl ownership or as profit enterprises. We beli~e that s~ring our potatoes will s~bstantially enhance the financial business of cur farm operations and be reflected in the best interests of the Town. The failure to provide adequate potato storage in the past has resulted in disasterc.us prices during the growin§ season in three bu~ of the past five years. The Bosrd feels that this ~s a most urgent matter and deserves prompt attention. Y~ttrs very tru,ly, ~John Wickhami Chairman The undersigned property owners and r~sidonts of the Town of Southold respectfully protest against the proposed down-zoning of lands at Mattituck as dese~lbed in the notice dated Nov 11, 1958 of a hearing to be held ~ov. 25, 1958, and, wishing to go on record, do petition the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace and Councilmen constituting the Town Board not to amend the Building Zone Ordinance so far as thc published propos0.1 relates to zone changes. We fecl the interests of the people of the Town, and particularly those of the Village of ~!attituck and vicinity, should come before th~ individual interests of thc owners of tho property affected, and that there have been no proper. changes in the arcs to warrant down-zoning since the adoption of the ordinance. Date Name r- Address ..:> ' , '.. ~ - .~ ,~ ' .. , -, - ~ ."~ ~"~ ....... ~,, ,.- , ~-. ~ ~.- ..~."' .. .. .. < ,' ' ~ . ~ .' ~-~;K~ __ . ............................................... SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE-- RALPH P. BOOTH, Cl.;~K oct. 1~, Mr. John Wlckham Chairman Plannin~ Board Cutchogue, N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Arnold Sacks of Mattituck~ N.Y.,, relative to change of zone from ~A"'Ag~icultural and Residential District to "B" Business District and original petition of Edwin H. King of East Marion, N.Y., relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrial District, are in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, N.Y. You are instructed tp pre- pare an official report defining the conditions described in the petitions and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours~ R~lph ~. Booth RPB/mr Town Clerk DDESCRIPTION ~ (REVISED) * Arnold Sacks to Papish, South side Sound Ave., Mattituck, N.Y. Oct. 5, 19%6 Beginning at a monument on the southerly line of Sound avenue, about 18Oft westerly along said southerly line from the point where it is intersected by the direct extention southerly of the westerly line of Cox Neck Road, said point of beginning being the northwesterly corner of land of Sepko and the northeasterly corner of land of the party of the first part: From said point of beginning running along said land of Sepko, S.19· ~2' 20" E. - 258.29 ft; Thence along said land of the party of the first part 2 courses, as follows: (1) S. 68~ 10' $0" W. - 176.20 ft; thence (2) N. 21~ $9' 20" W. - 32~.0 ft to said Southerly line of Sound Avenue; thence along said southerly line of Sound Avenue, S. 89· 13' ~0" E. - 200.0 ft to the point of beginning. Containing 1.191 acres. To WM. Wickham, by Otto W. VanTuyl & Son, Surveyors, Greenport, N.Y. · I _._ f,,~ ,--,. .... -.. . :. ' 3. Such request is mode for the following reasons: STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ................................................................................. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the some is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as fo the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L. S.) ................. .~: .............................. ~ ................... Sworn to before me this ,:.~ .--~..day of ..... .~..:.~.--/,~. ................. , 19_.,~.~... Notary Public. ELOISE BOWD£N I~/ PubLc, Sta~e of ~ Yo~ ~ Comnliss~n Expires March ~, ]9 $ L~ / ti W 0 U { - PA7v✓SH' itpwAir 0 MAP OF 42W NJP ' � SURVi£'YE[Y FOR ' I ARNOLD SACKS A4Ar T/ ruc K,A/.Y ' N b N Y 0 01 Y ' coct,^./"' 4 ' SCALE', ✓04'=/� n rj•y,/A./L/ O . AREA •T6.f2$A- O N 6WANP . n : s yy �e a F 11