HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchriever, William - Denied WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ....... ~,,[,~,.t,a~..&..J~llirJ::la~,..~h~..~(~'~. ............. requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing f r"o~rn"...~ .~. ~ ~r~.ll~ ............ District District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ..... .l~'J',l~.....day of ............... Ax~I~.:L~ .................... , 19.~/'..., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is DE~E~ for '~e following reasor~'. 1. It is inc~laiste~t with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates this area for single family residence developme~t$ 2. It is inconsistent with the pattern of zoning in the ~urroun~g area end there- fore must be ~onmidered as "epot Zoning"~ ~. It would tend to establish a precedent for further industrial downzonings in the area~ end ~. The~e mppears to be ample available ind~strial zone lend througheu¢ the Town of Southol~l. May 10, 1977 BY ~P. DER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN I~OARD CHANGE OF ZONE APl £CATION #231 - WILLIAM SC~ .EVER - APRIL 12, 1977 A public hearing was held on April 12, 1977. Present were: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Justice Martin Suter Justice Louis Demarest Councilman James H. Rich, Jr. Councilman James F. Homart Supervisor Martocchia called the hearing to order at 8:00 p.m. Justice Demarest read the Legal Notice. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE. PURSUANT TO SECTION 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board in the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 12th day of April, 1977, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 8:00 p.m. by changing from "B" Light Business District to "C" Light Industrial District the property of William & Barbara Schriever situated at Orient, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Tabor Road at the southeasterly corner of the cemetery and the northeasterly corner of land of Schriever, said point of beginning being S. 4° 39' 00" E. 115.19 feet from the point of intersection of said westerly line of Tabor Road with the southerly line of Main Road; running thence along said westerly line of Tabor Road S. 0° 38' 00" E. 306.51 feet; thence along other land of Schriever two courses: S. 870 47' 30" W. 232.51 feet; thence N. 3° 40' 20" E. 186.53 feet to land of Tabor & Sons; thence along said land of Tabor & Sons and along land of Ward Tabor N. 0° 22' 30" E. 122.87 feet to the southwesterly corner of the cemetery; thence along said cemetery N. 88° 17' 20" E. 186.16 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Containing 64,622 square feet. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amend- ment should appear at the time and place above so specified. Dated: March 8, 1977 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK I have proof of publication in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman signed by Sherley Katz, proof of publication that it was published in the Suffolk Weekly Times signed by Stuart Dorman and proof that it was on the Bulletin Board at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Main Road, Southold, signed by Judith T. Terry. I have a letter from the Suffolk County Planning Department. Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on November 3, 1976 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove it because of the following: -2- 1. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates this area for single family residence develop- ment; 2. It is inconsistent with the pattern of zoning in the surrounding area and therefore must be considered as "spot zoning"; 3. It would tend to establish a precedent for further industrial downzonings in the area; and 4. There appears to be ample available industrial zoned land throughout the Town of Southold. The action of the Town Planning Board: .... at a regular meeting held October 4, 1976. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board denial of the application of William and Barbara Schriever for a change of zone from "B" Light Business District to "C" Light Industrial District for property located on Tabor Road in Orient, based on the fact that a change would not be compatible with the Development Plan for the Town of Southold. Supervisor: You have heard Judge Demarest read the notice consisting of the following where it indicates that proof of publication has been established in the Suffolk Times and the Traveler of Southold, both papers, that it was posted on the Bulletin Board at the Southold Town Clerk's Office and the comments of the Suffolk County Planning Commission with four different variations of reasons why they recommend disapproval and also the recommendations of the Southold Town Planning Board that they recommend denial, that the change is not compatible to the area. At this time, the floor is open to the applicant or his representative Charles Cuddy, Esq.: My name is Charles Cuddy and I am a member of the firm of Tooker, Tooker & Esseks of Riverhead. We represent Mr. and Mrs. Schriever who are both here tonight. I think that the reading of the notice outlined what the application is but I don't know if everybody has seen the map, this is a small copy of the map of the property. On the west side of Tabor Road just below the cemetery is a parcel with an existing building on it which is used right now by Mr. Schriever for the storage of his construction equipment, that is around the outside of the building. That parcel is owned by Barbara Schriever and it is approximately 22,000 square feet. Immediately to the south of that parcel is a parcel of an additional acre which is 40,000 square feet and that brings the total to 64,000 plus square feet which is the application for "C" Light Industry. The parcels were acquired at different times and that's why the use that is presently made of it, one is vacant, the larger parcel 40,000 square feet. The smaller parcel is where Mr. Schriever's construction company is now housed. I think that everyone is aware that on that side of Tabor Road there is nothing else except vacant land, the cemetery and the existing construction business. On the other side of Tabor Road, there is also vacant -3- property. The half acre which where the construction company now is is a non-conforming use and, of course, what really precipitates this particular application is that the half acre in use is really being used as "C" Light Industry because that's where the construct- ion company now is. The additional acre is now in the B zone and it is approximately two more acres of land which is to the south of the land in the application. The proposed use of the property is for two things, one for the construction company and, second, for a research and development company and both of these require C zoning. It is interesting in the Town of Southold as opposed to other towns, this type of use is not a business use, it's an industrial use, and unfortunately, I think the work industry conjures up some bad images in peoples' minds but Mr. Schriever later on is going to explain to you the exact type of research and development he would like done at this particular facility. The reason for having the 64,000 square foot application is quite simple. The land is in two names, any C zone use requires 40,000 square feet so that we have 40,000 square feet in Mrs. Schriever's name and an additional 24,000 square feet in Mr. Schriever's name. And by having 64,000, there will be several things. First of all, permit proper ingress and egress for the vehicles that are now stored on the small parcel. It will also allow a greater storage area and, perhaps, the storage area can be screened off to some extent for the remainder of the area, thus, I think taking care of one of the problems that these people have and that is that this particular parcel might stand out in the area. Proper screening might take care of that. I would point out to you that Mr. Schriever does have a license from Grumman Aerospace Corporation to practice and use certain patents that Grumman has for air navigation systems and he plans, together with Mr. Roy Latham, to use this particular piece of property and the existing facility, for thatpurpose and that is what really, I think, motivated this particular application. The Zoning Code of the Town of Southold has a section which is known as B Light Business which is what all of this property is now. In the B Light Business area you can do a number of things just by going for a building permit as long as your property meets the requirements, that is the area requirements. One of the things that this property could be used for is probably a McDonald's stand. I don't think anybody would prefer to have that particular type of operation right there. Another thing it can be used for is a restaurant or a laundromat. It probably could be used for a bar and grill. I have copies and, of course, the Board is well aware of the Zoning Ordinance, but I would point out to you that C Light Industrial area is very different from the B because in C it's much more restrictive as to what an applicant can do. A lot of people say, that's just not true, you can do more things, but in order to do any particular thing in the C Industrial area you have got to be able to go to the Town Zoning Board and get special permission to conduct any particular business. So, in fact, by having this rezoned to C, you get more protection than you do with it in B. That may not seem so but as a matter of reading the zoning code, that's actually true. We suggest to you that by having it in the C Light Industry area, the town has more control over what's presently here than they do right now. I'm aware and -4- I think all of you are aware that really what's happening is Mr. Schriever is composing a plan for the hamlet of Orient that some people may not favor and others may favor. I don't know what the sentiment is. I think we are really talking to this Board about a plan for the Village of Orient. When we ask for C Light Industry, we are asking you to permit us to do as I indicated before certain things which would be permitted in most towns in the business district. A research and development operation is not usually in an industrial area. What we are really talking about then is planning and I think everybody heard Mr., Judge Demarest read the results of the Suffolk County Plauning Commission determination and, also, the Southold Town Planning Commission's determination. We take issue with that very strongly. We have employed a planner and I have copies of the plan which I would like to give to members of the Town Board and I certainly will give to everybody I can in the audience. We have passed out copies of this report because the report that we have takes strong issue with the conclusions both of the Southold Town Planning Board which I believe is a one-line conclusion that our plan is incompatible with the development plan of the Town of Southo~ . I would comment on that by simply saying that's a perfunctory way of dealing with this type of plan because that freezes all zoning in the Town of Southold. Any time somebody comes over with an application, whether it is you or me or anybody else and it is not on this plan, this plan is approximately nine years old, that means that automatically, the Town Planning Board turns it down. That, of course, is circular reasoning. The Suffolk County Planning Commission gave reasons for rejecting this proposal. This is a five page report, I am not going to read it to you, you certainly can read it yourselves, but we've gone in to some detail and we had a planner go through the Suffolk County Planning Commission report and give reasons really that are completely at odds to the Suffolk County Planning Commission's conclusions. I think that since this Board is a deliberating body that there will come a time when you will be able to read through the entire report and I invite you to do that. I would like now, if I may, just to quote from two portions of the report. Before doing so, I would like to point out that our planner, Mr. Giedraitis, is here and those that wish to ask questions can do so at the end of our presentation. He happens to be, by the way, a former Suffolk County planner so I think he's a person that can certainly look at what they do and co~uent c~itically on it. He stated that "the pe~tion before the Southold Town Board is insignificant compared to the scope of industrial growth discussed in the Comprehensive Plan. It involves a single existing building which already complies with all the criteria of the Plan. In fact the petition, if granted, will continue the implementation of the Plan's objectives by improving the aesthetic appearance of the building and the site, and will introduce some diversification in the economic base; which is essential to community stability." I would at this time ask the Town Board, Mr. Supervisor, to make notice of and permit us to have in evidence a copy of the Southold Town Development Plan. I don't know if you wish me to actually present but I know the Board has copies of this. I would like to ask that it be part of the evidence before -5- the Board as well as the report that I submitted. I would further ask that the Toga Board consider as evidence before it, the comprehensive plan for development in the Town of Southold which is a two-volume work. We refer to it in our report and I believe it is important that the town take notice of what's in the report because I don't think the Suffolk County Planning Commission does and, in fairness to this applicant, I think the Town should look at its own plan before making a conclusion as to Mr. Schriever's application. I would point out that I believe that it certainly is true that there is no adverse consequences to the community from the type of proposal for this C Light Industry area. There are certainly no noxious fumes or odors or bad discharges created. There is nothing that's contrary, I think, to the environment to have a research and development as well as a construction storage yard where a construction storage yard already is. I would think that the community, quite frankly, would have a long run and long term benefit by having a research and development operation with people from Orient working on it and I think, also, it doesn't happen often, but when you have a change of zone, it's usually by an applicant from outside the area. This applicant lives in the area. He's got property surrounding this property and, so for him there is a great deal at stake, which is unusual, because most times the developer will come in from the outside. This isn't so. I also just add one other comment and that is that Mr. Schriever has related applications that many of you are aware of to do various things on the adjament side to the east of this property on Tabor Road and also to the south of this particular hnsiness zone. These applications, Mr. Supervisor, and the Town Board, are independent of this application though they are certainly related and we would appreciate independent consideration of this application. Mr. Schriever is here and I think he would very much like to comment on the type of business that he proposes to introduce into the research and development line in this particular building. As I said, Mr. Giedraitis, the planner, is also here and they both would be happy to answer any questions that you would have when we are finished. William Schriever: May I ask the Board, did Roy's letter get here? I don't know what's in it but I know the purpose of it. (answer in the affirmative) I think most of you if you live in Orient and I think most of you do, you know the type of business that is on this property at the present time and I won't describe that any further, but I thought maybe ypu might be interested in what we are proposing to do with a portion of this property in the near future. Roy-and I have formed, Roy Latham is Albert Latham's son, you may know Albert or you may know Roy depending on your age bracket. Roy's about almost 30 years old. He grew up in Orient. I guess his family has been in Orient as long as most families and he was educated locally. He went to MIT and got two bachelor's degrees from MIT and he's got a master's degree in applied mathematics and so forth. He worked at Grumman's, started under a Grumman fellowship and it was that fellowship that put him through MIT. He worked summers there and when he got through at MIT, he worked at Grumman full time. During his work at Grumman, he worked in the task flight facility and was asked to come up with a scheme -6- for determining where the planes were flying during the testing operation such as they conducted on the F-14. He started working on a means of doing this using what's called DME. I don't know if you're familiar with commercial navigation but this has been one of the things used to fly the commercial planes around the country. It's called DME or distance measuring equipment. The way it works is it sends out a signal on the radar band and this signal is transponded or rebroadcast back from ground stations maintained by the FAA, some of them are maintained by the military. The machine on board the plane measures the time from the time the pulse is transmitted until the pulse is received and there is a 50 millisecond delay in the transbonders, so subtract that and the remainder travels, figure the velocity of light, how far away this particular transmitter is tranbonding, so, in effect, it has a way of determining how far the plane is from the ground station. There are 750 or more of these ground stations throughout the United States so that at any one point, if you are flying up high, you can see, perhaps, l0 or 20 of these. The scheme that Roy developed and patented was a scheme that involved having a computer control this device from the plane telling which of the many channels to tune to and set it to receive the particular pulse when that pulse returned. Then the machine calculates from all the data received where the plane is, how fast it is flying and all the things that are required. We have been negotiating with Grumman for about a year, even before the patent was actually issued, we have been negotiating to get a license to develop this thing because Grummau made a decision that it didn't fit their line of business and they were not going to invest money in it. We did in fact and the license was signed about 4 o'clock this afternoon. We signed it some weeks ago, so we are licensed by Grumman to produce this equipment and market it and so forth on a royalty basis. There is only one other patent in this field now and that is owned by a firm by the name of Sierra Research in Buffalo. This firm was founded, I think it was in the early 60's by a man by the name of John P. Chisom and some others. He left another company named Dell Aircraft and founded this company. His company now does, I guess, about 10 million dollars a year worth of business. It's a pretty good size company. Mr. Chisom has retired from the company, he still has some stock in it. He was the president of this company for a number of years and he now has a company in Reno, Nevada, called Sierra Nevada Corporation. The reason they are both Sierra is that when he founded the first one, he was determined to move it to the Sierras where he wanted to live, in Squaw Valley where he does now and the rest of them wouldn't go along with it so it stayed Sierra even though it's in Buffalo. When he founded the second Sierra Corporation, it is in Nevada where he wanted it. Roy is now working under contract or partnership to manage two research programs for Sierra Nevada Corp. out in Reno and Roy is there now. We are going to do our tests work and some of our development work out there in this facility. It's t~rough the University of Nevada. There's laboratory space there. The testing is done on the airfield that belongs to the University. To get back to Sierra Research, we have already contacted Sierra Research about the other patent and I believe we will eventually be licensees and own the other patent in this field. -7- We are serious about this business, not only that, but Mr. Chisom is going to be coming into the business with us and he has about 25 years in this general line of business. I think the business will be successful, at least, I believe it will. The instrument that we propose to sell has been, Grumman attempted to market this device and printed some literature and I will pass this around and on the front page of this literature is a picture of the equipment. Supervisor: Mr. Schriever, I think you are addressing the board and anything you would like to present, you should present to us. Mr. Schriever: Excuse, I was going to give it to you. The equipment itself is basically assembled out of parts that are already manufactured. The computer is made by Rome in California. The DME set is made by Dean Radio and the other pieces of equipment Quantax makes the tape recorder. The various pieces of equipment are made elsewhere and our manufacturing operation would consist basically of assembling these things into a box and testing them and delivering them so that the manufacturing operation is going to be neglible. As far as the building is concerned, what we need is the office space in the building. The building is far larger than we would ever antioipate needing but there is an office section along the north side and it is that section, the non-garage section of the building, that we propose to use for this purpose. Are there any questions that I could answer? By anybody, including the Board. Supervisor: No, we want to hear all the presentation and then we will open the meeting up. Dr. Moor-Jankowski attempted to ask a question. Supervisor: I don't want to let questions at this point. I think Mr. Schriever should be allowed to continue with his presentation and others that want to make presentations. Anyone in the audience would like to speak tonight on behalf of this application we have before us to be considered, that you feel that this application should be granted. I would like to hear from anyone that has that feeling now, that the application being considered should be granted. Hearidg none, we will start with people that wish to speak in opposition. William Terry: In regard to the above application, I wish to state that I am categorically opposed to the granting of this application on the following grounds: 1. It is inconsistent with the Development Plan of Southold Tow~ and totally incompatible with the entire area, The Historic District status of the village area, the Historic Corridor status of Route 25, the two cemeteries at either end of Tabor Road, as well as the proximity of the school and two churches, which also carry with them great historic significance. 2. As this is the only area for this type of zoning and is inconsistent with larger area, it must be considered "spot zoning". 3. It would certainly set a precedent for future industrial downzonings. -8- 4. The Development Plan Map indicates approximately 500 acres in Southold Town zoned for Industrial use, clearly there is avail- able space with no need at this time for more. However, I must go further as I feel it is most pertinent to this hearing. The applicants state that they plan to use the existing building for Industrial use i__f they are successful in securing the approval of Grumman to exploit the patent invented by Mr. Roy Latham while employed by Grumman. At the present time, this property has been granted a variance for C use for the existing yet dormant construction business. However, the applicant has in my estimation been in violation as the Board of Appeals granted this with the stipulation that a suitable hedge or fence be erected to screen the area from any visible sign of equipment. See records Board of Appeals, 6/12/69. The granting of an Industrial C use, which will follow with the property - if sold - carries with it no assurance as to its use, ranging £rom fuel storage yard, manufacturing, processing plant, restaurant, truck terminal and so forth. I do not feel that this is in any way a sensible nor proper use for this particular property. Last and possibly the most important point to be made. From all of the information that I have been able to study, this application is one of three to be made by applicants. The second and third are for changes from A-R to business also along Tabor Road, and I presume that the application before the Planning Board for a development will be for the remainder of the entire property held in this area by either or both applicants. I feel that it is imperative for allo£ these applications to be made known to all those people involved, namely the residents of Orient, for the final sum of it all surely could - and probably would - drastically change the character of the entire area. Gertrude Mayer: I live in Orient and have all my life and I have a petition here signed by over 100 people who are opposed to this zoning. Supervisor: Anyone else wish to speak in opposition? Dr. Moor-Jankowski: I am a neighbor of Mr. Schriever on three sides. Unfortunately, the town assessor didn't give me any abate- ment on my taxes for this purpose. I, when I come from the city, by the way I am a voting resident of Orient, however, for the purpose of my work I have to leave the area for the city. When I come to Orient from my home in New York City, if I look out of my window, I see a huge yard of unused rusting earth moving equipment which is being held by Mr. Schriever in an area that is surrounded by residential houses. There is no screen which should have been which means he is in violation, as far as I know, and he was served with a summons and hasn't done anything to correct it. I don't think that we can expect him to do anything else but follow his own designs. Besides, I feel that just by the size of his machinery, my property has been depreciated. When I moved in, there was no nonconforming use, but as it stands now given the present use, it is depreciating my property and I would like the Board to take it into consideration in refusing the application. Thank you. -9- Douglas Robertson: I am not only a resident of the town of Orient but I am attending this hearing tonight because I am also treasurer of the Orient Central Cemetery. I believe the property that is under consideration is adjacent to the cemetery, that is the largest cemetery on the south side on the east portion of the property. I am not speaking in regard to au official action by the cemetery. I am merely expressing my own views. I also in the cemetery have a plot that borders just to the south of the property in question and which is now being used, though it is agricultural residential, is now being used for a storage yard for gravel as well as bankrun. If the Town of Southold has an ordinance, a zoning ordinance, it certainly seems to me that it's for the protection and enhancement of the property owners in the community without denying the improve- ment in the industrial end of the community as well. It doesn't seem to me it's a question of whether we are for or against M~. Schriever's proposed operation. I think it's a matter of one of location and how the Town Board can countenance or consider down- zoning in that particular area, which is surrounded by residential homes, by two churches, two cemeteries and a new school, I can't understand how they can do such a thing when the zoning is there for its protection. I certainly think there is other property available that could be used,I wish Mr. Schriever well in that respect. Supervisor: Anyone else wish to speak in opposition? Dan Latham: I am from Orient. The North Fork Environmental Council urges the application of Mr. and Mrs. Schriever based on the following: 1. It would be inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which shows the general area as being for single family dwellings. In addition, the hamlet of Orient has been designated a historic district and Route 25 as a historic corridor. This application, therefore, would be completely incompatible. 2. This would be spot zoning as the pattern of zoning in this area is AR - agricultural residential. 3. It leads to the possibility of future downzoning in the area. 4. As there are approximately 500 acres of land available for industrial use in Southold Town, there seems to be no need for additional land at this time. Supervisor: Anyone else wish to speak in opposition? Robert Van Nostrand: I am from Orient. I've had a chance to look over this supplement very slightly. Where I stand, it appears that we are on one hand threatened with possible uses of the property such as a McDonalds and other absurdities. Then, we are further told and buttered up by saying the existing property may be cleaned up at some time. Ail this is asked in exchange for a further downzoning and I am opposed to it. Supervisor: Anyone else? -11- that I did not want that this second application to be considered and that is not true. I made the second application deliberately because I wanted its existence to be known and considered at the time this application is decided. However, I believe that based upon the existence of that petition, the decision could be made without waiting until that other decision. In other words, it's not a question. As you know, the remainder of the property was already filed as a subdivision and it would be my intent to pursue that further now that we have resolved the question of the little properties around the edge and other matters. Basically, that is the plan for the area and I believe that I have set forth all of the plans that I have in any respect whatever for the area. There is a lot more which I believe is in your records that has not been before this group tonight, other matters, that the Board is aware of and I hope to make this available in the future. Mr. Cuddy: May I ask, is the letter that Mr. Latham wrote part of the record at this point? Supervisor: Yes, it is. Mr. Cuddy: May I also ask if the items that I had suggested before, the comprehensive development plan map, as well as the report are part of the record? Supervisor: You can submit that to the steno. Mr. Cuddy: That is what I have been asking you. If you want it, I have a development plan map with me, the comprehensive plan is hard to come by, two volumes, I believe the Town has a copy of that. Supervisor: You'll get it back. Mr. Cuddy: If I may, I would just like to address just one or two questions that have come up. The reason that Mr. Schriever went to the length of getting the supplement to his petition was because of some serious questions raised both by the Suffolk County Planning Commission and the Southold Town Planning Board as to planning. What we are really here discussing tonight and I think people are trying to address themselves to is a question of what sort of planning is to be made for Orient, particularly the west side of Tabor Road. Other applications address other areas. I think that a reading of this will demonstrate to most people that there is no spot zoning that's really involved in this application. That's a misnomer. I think that it's really unfair to the applicant, and I said this before but I think it should be reiterated, we talk in the circular talk that we do about the development plan because you will never have any change at any time if you rely upon the development as it was seven, eight, nine years ago. It just won't happen and zoning is a constant fluctuating type of thing. You change, you have variances and you have amendments and talk in terms of freezing the zoning through the development plan is just unfair, not only to the applicant but everybody that comes before the board to have an amendment to the zoning ordinance or whether it's the zoning board to have a variance to the ordinance. -12- I would like, since it hasn't been done at this point, to just go through with the board very briefly as a matter of rebuttal, the conclusions that our planner reached after studying the development plan map, after looking at the property and after examining the comprehensive plan which is the plan that you are talking about. He said there are reasons why this petition should be approved. First, that it conforms with the intents of the Comprehensive Development Plan. He had previously discussed what those purposes were. Secondly, that it would provide some year-round employment opportunities. It would represent a diversification of the tax base. That's something that's in the Comprehensive Plan. It would improve the Route 25 corridor. It is an environmentally acceptable land use. It will not in any way be a nuisance to the community. It doesn't detract from the adjoining property values. It creates an opportunity to phase out the storage of the construction equip- ment. I think, a lot of people have expressed apparently an interest in doing just that. This application would allow that type of thing to occur. Thank you, Mr. Supervisor. Supervisor: Anyone else wish to enter into the discussion on this matter? Mr. Orville: I would like counsel just exactly how this would improve the Route 25 corridor? How it will help to phase out the storage of construction equipment? And exactly what year-round employment opportunities we are talking about? Nobody has mentioned these things. Mr. Cuddy: As far as improving the corridor, I am going to ask Mr. Giedraitis, who is the planner, to explain that to you. Mr. Giedraitis: My name is R. Joseph Giedraitis. I live in Smithtown and I work with the Town of Islip Planning Department. My function is to prepare all the staff reports for the Town Board on all applications for change of zoning in the Town of Islip. One of the serious considerations in preparing all of the reports is to make a detailed analysis, comparison, between the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the proposals before our board. This is a similar type situation. I would like to emphasize that the Comprehensive Plan is a guide. It is not a document that says every parcel has to be used for a specific purpose. It simply spells out the general criteria that every applicant should comply with if that application is to be a benefit to the tovna. If it doesn't comply with those criteria, it should categorically be denied. In this case, the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Southold states that there must be a diversification of the tax base. I don't have the report in front of me, but you can find a quote directly in those pages. It's in the actual Comprehensive Plan. It also says that there must be an encouragemen~ to provide different types of employment other than agricultural and tourist oriented businesses, in order for the community to become a more stable and self-sufficient. I think that a lot of people are not looking to the future too much because a lot of people are a little bit sleepy about the energy crunch that is coming. When that does, I think that every business, every industry is going to be -13- in very serious dif£iculty. I think that future thinking on the part of a tow~ board and residents of Southold should take that into consideration. There£ore, the diversification of the tax base is essential. As for improving the visual corridor, I think that is also very important and it is something that is spelled out in your Comprehensive Plan. One does not improve a visual corridor by not investing money. Doing nothing tends to create decay. Investing money may be able to at least bring a building to an esthetic quality. It may be enough money to put in to provide some landscaping around the building. These are the little things that can make or break a community. Since the building already exists, any investment into that building will, by necessity, improve the appearance of that building. It has to. There is no question about it. Everyone started laughing. for order. Supervisor Martocchia rapped the gavel Supervisor: We should be quiet in respect to the speaker who is trying to make an analysis for us, something to decide up and he should be given the courtesy when he is trying to speak. Mr. Giedraitis: If the building is left and no improvements are installed and the applicant is forced to go elsewhere with the proposed, and I wouldn't say industry, I would say office-type use, Southold Town will not get a taxpayer, will not improve the building, will not increase the assessment on the property and everything will remain as is. I think that this may be a little bit more personal but I don't think that everybody can stay just the way they are all the time. I think one must recognize that change does occur and one must make a choice as to what kind of change. Some changes could be good, some changes could be bad. I think that this change is a good change as far as the visual corridor is concerned. There is one other point that I would like to bring out. It's what a lot o£ people brought up. I think it's a very serious one. Everybody keeps saying that it's a down- zoning and I would like to stress very emphatically that that word is used very liberally by I would say so-called planners and people who do not really understand the term. It was given to mean that it was a change in zoning to a classification that is less restrictive. In other words, you can put in more types of uses in a particular category. The way the Southold Town ordinance is written, this is definitely a more restrictive classification. There is no question about it and it cannot be construed as a downzoning. The reason being that the only permitted use that you can have in that district is agriculture. Everything else must be approved, each particular use must be approved by the Board of Appeals. In addition to that, the site plan of how a building is to be arranged and the parking around that building must also be approved by the Southold Town Planning Board. I submit that that is a much more restrictive classification and it cannot be construed as a downzoning in any respect. Thank you. Mr. Cuddy: I believe there are two other questions that you asked that I'll answer. You asked about the year-round employment opportunity. Where you have a construction industry, you have a seasonal type of employment. If you have research and development -14- type of employment, it would naturally be on a year-round basis. If the type of business in a research and development facility rose, there would be some additional employees, not that it'& going to be a large-scale facility. The other question that I believe that you asked was creating the opportunity to phase out construction. Mr. Schriever had written to the Town Board a number of months ago that if the facility were to expand, that is if we were to get the research and development type of zoning, that we could use it for research and development, he would anticipate at some time that he would phase out the other business. So, that's the reason for saying storage of the construction business could be phased out. Mr. Terry: That would be true if Mr. Schriever chose to do it that way and there is no constraint on him to do it. How do you explain number 7 that it does not detract from adjoining property values? Does anyone anywhere want to live by an industrial district? Mr. Cuddy: I think, if I may, that that unfortunately conjures up the image that I was talking about before. This is where industrial, for some reason, instead of putting together circuits, you are talking about large-scale manufacturing. First of all, Mr. Schriever owns properties near and that has to be considered. Perhaps, he has more than anybody else. Secondly, I don't think that the proposal that he has is going to in any way, going back to what Giedraitis just said, really downzone the type of operation that is there. It is probably going to be more restrictive, it probably is going to be, I think, of some assistance if it grows because I think the building is going to be improved. I think it would probably be an improvement instead of a detraction. Ellen Demaria: Mr. Schriever said he really wanted to use the offices on the north side of the structure and not much of the rest of the building. However, he also describes a successful business operation where he gets various components and puts them together into aeronautic systems and sends them out and packages and so forth so it is quite a large deal operation. I would like to know what kind of scale he envisions, how many people he is planning to employ, you are talking about, perhaps, becoming a successful business with Mr. Chisom making many contacts. What scale do you see this on? Mr. Schriever: The way I picture this operation, at the present time, our market, I think it's fair to say, exclusively government. The only people that can afford this equipment are the government or agencies that contract with the government. For example, the Holleran test center, a commercial navigational test center, in New Mexico, is one possible sale. The Pawt~xet facility of the Navy where they do their testing is another possible sale. Perhaps, Grumman might conceivably want a system if they get a new plan to build, they might want to test it, things of that nature. The number of systems that we would expect to deliver out of this system facility would amount to, well, we would hope that we might deliver five a year or something of that order so that, considering that the whole system could be put in the back of your station wagon, it is not a big facility. The other use that we would make of this facility would be to install a computer, a small, well, they call -15- them mini-computers, but they're not mini any more. They're not the big computers like you find in the government research institutes, but the type of computers that most corporations use now. We would hope to have one of those in our facility there to do development work and various types of contracting work. That would take a room the size of a kitchen or something to install so you are not talking about anything big. Now, clearly, business of this sort is not a very viable thing if it is continued on this basis indefinitely. Clearly, the technology is never stagnant. The only thing that makes this possible at the present time is the recent development in integrated circuits that makes it possible to put a computer on airplanes and still have room for the people and everything else. The computer is about the size the size of that and about this high (referring to lecturn) and that is the equivalent to those old IBM computers that take up the whole room. If you didn't have that, you couldn't build the system. Clearly, there is going to be more changes in technology. The system may become obsolescent. However, we hope to develop some commercial application to this thing and, if we do, we would license those to manufacturers who have operations world-wide to support this because the customers then would probably be the commercial airlines, in which case, we wouldn't be able to serve their needs world-wide. We would need somebody with repair facilities in every major airport. Bendix or some firm like that. I don't see at any time that we would ever get involved in what you call manufacturing in this facility and in terms of employment, the type of people that would be working there would be primarily engineers and, perhaps, some technical support, technician types, probably electronics types and, perhaps, a secretary or something like that, maybe a computer operator or card punch operator or something of that nature, but the number of people that would be involved in this facility, I can't foresee that that number would ever equal ten. I doubt if we're even going to see rive. Our testing, as I say, will be done probably in Eldergado (?) or Reno or some place where there's an airfield so that type of operation will not be here. This would be basically the research part of it. That's all. Dorothy Robertson: What happens if this property is zoned from B to C and then the business does not work out satisfactorily, or Mr. Schriever gets tired of it, then he would be able to sell it, wouldn't he, to some other person, industrial? Supervisor: Yes. I think each case has to be applied for, it has to go through special exceptions. Is that right, Mr. Tasker? Town Clerk: He left. Supervisor: It has to go through special exception. Mr. Schriever: Could I comment on that particular question because I think that is one that's bothering people here. The property now, the building itself, it is just 15 feet from one side and 12 from the other, the property that was originally purchased by my wife from the Tabor family. There was a variance that -16- granted a non-conforming use and that variance provides for the construction and the operation there. That is an attribute of the property. In other words, the property could be sold to somebody else for that purpose. In other words, that isn't something that is granted to the person but it is granted to the property so that, if nothing is done, and the property is abandoned by me, for example, the only person that could make use of it without any further change would be somebody that would continue the type of business that is there now. The building is not really suited for a retail-type business which is the zone that it's in, light business which would be something like a store, a bank or a restaurant or something. So that you have to look at who might purchase the building. Now, it could be used £or potato grading. That would be a type of use that I suppose the building would be suitable for. It could be used for an automobile sales garage or a repair garage or a combination thereof. That's in B-1 zone which is in your terms a higher zone than the C zone. That requires a special exception to use it for that purpose, the same as any use in the C zone. As a matter of fact, if you put it in the C zone you couldn't use it for an automobile garage because that's in the B-1 zone. Every other zone category, besides the C zone, is excluded. That's a peculiar thing in the C category. The only thing that is permitted in the C zone are those items that are listed in the C zone. In the B zone you could put in, for example, you could put some of your multiple zones. You could put a motel there. You could put all sorts of things there the way it is zoned now. If you put it in the C zone, you are limited to research and development, light manufacturing, storage yards for materials like a lumber yard or something like that. Does that answer the question? Supervisor: Anyone else? Dr. Moor-Jankowski: I have to apologize. I am better speaking on other subjects than this one. I am just trying the things together. When Mr. Schriever was standing at this lecturn, he spoke about manufacturing. When Mr. Cuddy, his counsel, was talking, he spoke about research and development. We have two different things. One can have two of them in the same place. Manufacturing has the tendency to expand. My ears perked when Mr. Schriever Holleran (?) Aerospace. Good Heavens, I was there on the Board of Directors for seven years. I do not see the people at Holleran Air Force Base working for an outfit that has a desk and a small computer in the back of a barn. This is just a comical aside. We were also told that this firm would produce local employment. When pressed for details, Mr. Schriever spoke about a few electronic engineers and some other highly specialized professions. I would be astonished if there is a lot of people in Orient with these qualifications. I have to rebut Mr. Cuddy that this industrial zone will not detract from the value of the property around Mr. Schriever's extended land holdings in spite of his extended land holdings, I can very well see and be disturbed by his earth moving machines and I am sure that anybody at my home which, for the time being, I do not intend to sell, would pay less. There obviously wouldn't be this view from that part of the garden where we spend most of the time. I really do hope that this request for a variance will not be approved -17- and, while I was not present when the first variance was granted Mr. Schriever, I was very astonished when I found it was granted because I was told it was granted Mr. Schriever because he said it would create local employment, because he said he would upgrade and finish the barn. Since we have lived there, the barn is not £inished. I have to apologize that I laughed. At that time, he promised he would do what he is promising now. Now, he says he will take this business and he will move to, excuse me, another toy, but we all suffer £or it. Supervisor: Anyone else wishing to speak? opportunity to speak on this application? where along the line? Has everyone had the Any afterthoughts any William Terry: I have a short letter from the Orient Village Cemetery Association. Supervisor: Read it and submit it to the steno. William Terry: Another party was supposed to be here to read it but he didn't make it. Southold Town Board Gentlemen: The Directors of the Orient Village Cemetery Association have reviewed your request to change your property from B Light Business District to C Industrial. We have unanimously resolved to disapprove this request. Inasmuch as Orient has been claimed an Historical Village and our cemetery is an Historical Cemetery, we feel that this application is not compatible to the area. /3/ Edward W. Latham, President /s/ Eula T. Rackett, Secretary /s/ Martha Y. Terry, Treasurer Supervisor: I also have a letter to go into the record from Flightpath Systems, Inc., signed by Roy Latham. Anyone else? Any other further comments from the floor for or against, the ones that are confused? Hearing none, last call if anyone wants to talk. Hearing none, I will call the hearing to a close and the board will announce their determination at the property time when they've had ample time to study this case. Thank you very much for coming and your interest in Southold Town. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Brush~, Secretary PETITION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD I, the undersigned, ama resident of Orient and after having read the application of William and Barbara $chriever to rezone the property along Tabor Road to LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, I would like to express my opposition to any such zoning modification. /7, ADDRESS tl lo [1~¢ Mattc~ of the Petition of William and Barbara Schr~eYer to the Town Board of the Town of Southold. TO: Mr. & ~s. William Rich III &S& Fort Washington Ave. New York, N. Y. 10033 NOTIC£ requesl a change of business zone from "B", Light Business District to "C" Light 2. ~ e~r Fc~, ~}' ~ bd~c~Mhec~0fd~c,edum~sloca[.Jadjaccnt~yourproper~yand~sdes- cdbedash>Hov?~; Property on west s~de of Tabor Road now being used hy Scatterer Construction Co. including one acre south of existtng building, Frontage along 3. That the property which is the subject o; such Petilum is located in the following zoning dis'trier: "B" Llght_B~slness District 4, -fi'~a~ t)y suci~ Petition, the t;ndcrsiglied wili request l.i~at lhe above-described property be placed in thc followil,g zone district classificaiden: ..... 'JC"._ktgh_t_ _!~dU_s_~:_rka_!__pLs~Eigt __ 5, q h,n v,iihi~ five days i~om d',c dale hc;cof, a written Petition requesting the ;elief specified above will be filed h~ d~c 52 .... ,d 'fowl; f.[c k s L.I cc , M;liil Road, Snulhold, New York and you may then and there s,.n~ [, :, ~g ;-cg~da;- of lice Imurs. 6 Th.il bcf;,:c lbo i-elicf so~;gbl may lac g/anlcd, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the 5own Board; It:at a notice of such hearilag faust be published at least ten days prior to thc date of suet1 hearing in :he St~ffolk lqmcs and in the l.Ong Island 'Fr~velec-Matthuck Watchman, newspapers puhllshed in the Town of 5oulhf;ld and design,deal for the publication of such notices; that you ar your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at stich hearing. Barbata S~htievo: . Petitioners WLlltam Schrlever Pt,st Office ^ddress: Main Road, Box 128 Orient, N. Y. 11957 PETITION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD I, the undersigned, am a resident of Orient and after having read the application of William and Barbara Schriever to rezone the property along Tabor Road to LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, I would like to express my opposition to any such zoning modification. NAME ~ ~ ADDRESS PETITION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD I, the undersigned, ama resident of Orient and after having read the application of William and Barbara Schriever to rezone the property along Tabor Road to LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, I would like to express my opposition to any such zoning modification. / ADDRESS In the M,]ltcr of d~c Petition of William and Barbara Schrtever to the Town Board of the Town of $outhold. 10: Mr, & Mrs. William Rich ]III 454 Fort Washington Ave. New York, N. Y. 10033 NOTICE rcques~ a change of business zone from "B"~ Light Business District to "C" Ligh~ Industrial Di~t~{~- ~ ~ ~ ~tS~{~g~ b~iidin~ C~--~ ~-~6~-~6~ ~d~pmen~ 2. ,ual l~e ~ro~.l~, ~d~ch ~s Iht st~bject of tht, eil~u~ ~s Ioca[..d adjacent t~youf~)roperty and ~s des- cribedas~oHows:_ F~gp~y op~w~st sLde ~ ~a~or Road now being used by Scnriever 3. That thc property which is file subject of such Petition is located in tile following zoning district: "B" Ligh~_~siness District 4. That by socil Petition, the ur, clei:$igilcd wili request that the above-described p~operty be placed in the 'f.llowitig zone disicict chlssificalion: ~'_'?'.__L. tgh.e _!~dustrial Dtst:riet 5. ]hal v,i?i~i~ fiv<~ days i,-oin Ibc dale heic.f, a w, iHen Peliiion rcqucsti.g the ~elief specified above will be filed in the S~ml',add '[~;wl~ Cle~ k's G[iicc al Maii~ Road, SoulhoJd, New York and you may ll~en a~ld lhere Town B*).,rd; that a re)lice of such heal'lng latest be published at Jeasl ten days prior to lhe (late of such hearing in :he Suffolk J'imt r, alld in lhe I..ong Island Tr;ive}er-Matti~uck Wntchman, newspapers published in the Town of Soa~hold and designalcd lot the publication of such notices; That you or yotll' representative have the right to ap- pear and be I~card at such hearing. Dated: August 9~ 19~ . Post Office Address: Main Road, Box 128 Orient, N, Y. 11957 NF e c. NORTH FORK ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL, INC. Box 311, Sou~'hold, New York 11971 Southold Town ~o~rd South Street %reenport,New York Gen%lemen: April ~2,~977 Re: Application of William and Bar,ara Schriever for a chan~e o£ Zone from "B" Light Business to "C" Light I~dustrial,Tabor Road,Orient ~ ~J The North Fork Environmental Council,Inc. urges the denial of a bore application based on the following: 1. It would be inconsistent with the To~ua of Southotd Development Plan,which shows the general ares. as being for single family dwellings. In sddition,the Hamlet of Orient has been designated a Historical District and Rt. 25 as a H~ torzc Corrida~,this application therefore would be completely inco~- patm ole. 2. This ,,,,cult1 be " spot zo~in~%" as .:_o s?pr0x, p~(, , cz es of qans a~,~.~.l~d le Industrial use JN Southold 2owil,there seems-to be no need for additional land at t~!is time. Sincerel2~, Paul Stoutenbur??~, V. P. , ~"~'~C' So~th" + ~tree., Greenport,¢¥ Gent_.emen: Town Board J~t tlc e, Orient, iY 11:-"''. ,~ Re: #231,.&pplicati on o*' and Barbara Schriever t'or a ehan:;e of Zone from "/~" LiGht ~usiness "O",Light Industrial,Tabor Road Orl ent, NY In regard to the above application,I w~sh to state that I opposed to the,~.~'ar~t~n~,~. ~_~ of this a~)plication, on the .follo¥ t~: ~¥'o~':.1:~: it~eomt~,t:k'b~e with the entire area~ The }iigtorSc ]~istr4ct star,is of tho village area,the Historic Corridor status of Rt.25,t}~e two cemetaries at either ez~d of Tabor Itoa5 as well. as the proxi~:tity :f tho sc~tool aztd two churches~ which also carry with them great hSstorSc significance. As this is the only area for this type of zoni]~g°and is 5ncons.istant with larger area,it must be considered "spot zoning". It would certainly set a precedent for future industrial downzon~n~.s. The ~)evelopment }~lan I,:ap indicates approx. 500 acres in So=thold Town zone4 for Industrial use,clearly there is available soace with no need at this time for more. However,I must go £urther as I feel it is most pertinent to this hearing. The ap?licants state that they plan to use the e×isting bui3dJn~j fox' ~ [, r~mman Industrial use if they are successful in securing the auproval of ~' ~ to exploit the patent invented by ~dr Roy Latham whi~e employed Dy Grumman~ At the present time this property has been ~ranted a variance for "C" use for the existing~construction business. However,the applicant has in my estimstionain violatJo~ as the Bd. of Appeals zranted this wit}. t?~e stipulation that a suitable hedge or fence De erected to screen the area fro~3 a~y visible sign of (:~guipmen't.(see records ~d of A~peals ~1 The granting of an Industrial C use ,which will follow wSth the property-- if sold'carries ¥z~h it no assurance as to it's use,ranging from,fuel storage yard,manu£actgring,processing plant,restaurant,Truck Terminal I do not feel that this is in any way a sensible nor proper use ~'or this particular property. Zast and possibl~ the most important point to be made.From all of the information that I have been able to study,this application is one of 3 to be made by applicants. The second and third are fox' changes from A-R to business also alon~ Tabor Road, and I presume that the application before the ~lanning ~oard for a development will be for the remainder of the entire property held in this area by e~tber or both applicants. I feel that it is imperative for all of these applications ±o be made known ts all those people involved,namely the residents of Orient,for the final sum of it ail surely could-and probably would~rastically change the character of the entire area. Sincerely, ~illiam Y Terry~Jro Orient Village Cemetery Assn. Lain Hd. Orlent,Eew York 11957 April 11,1977 Application from William and ~arbara Sc~riever Southold Town Board South Street Greenport. New Zork 11944 Gentlemen: The Directors of the Orient Village Cemetery Association have reviewed your request to change your property from B_Light Business District" to "C- Industrial". We have unanimously resolved to disapprove this request. In as much as Orient has been claimed an Historical Village and our Cemetery is an Historical Cemetery we feel that this application is not compatible to the area. Secretary: ~ ~ Mrs. Lyn&l Brandeis ~o~K,~d '9- Box 74 Orient, New York 11957 RECEIVED Mrs. Lyndal Brandeis Box 74 Orient, New York 11957 FLIGHTPATH SYSTEMS, INC. TABOR ROAD, ORIENT, N.Y. 11957 TELEPHONE (516) 323-2456 W~LLIAM W. SCHRIEVER President ROY W. LATHAM Vice President RECEIVED April 7, 1977 The -~outhold Town Board 16 South Street G~eenpo~c, N~ llgq~ Re: Industrial zonin~ of Tabor Ho~d property ~ent leben: Pendin~ the availability of proper zonin6, Flightpath Systems, Inc. intends to perform ~esearoh an([ development work at the site on Tabor Road bein~ oonsider~d for r~-zoning this April 12. In conjunction with your hearl~ on this matter, a dssoriptiou of the ~eneral natur~ of our proposed activities may be useful. Our intention is to perfor~ ~esear~h and development on high p~ecision air, raft navigation systems. The facilities r~qul~ed will include office space for several e~gineers and scientists, space for managerial and support ~rso~l, a s~ll eleetr~ios laboratory, ~ a computer laborato~ with ~ or mo~ small ~igital com- puters. These ~qul~nts a~ the m~im~ ently envisio~d. I can think of no aspect of the planned activ- ities which would adversely affect the surroundin~ a~ea. With ~espeet to noise and other environmental considerations, t believe that our use of the site would have less impact than r~sidsntial use, which is given much higher zonin~ p~efe~enoe. Very tlmly yours, Ro~ W. Lath. am AIRCRAFT POSITIONING SYSTEMS precise airborne positioning A PERSISTENT FLIGHT TEST PROBLEM... AND THE ANSWER IF YOU'VE EVER. · Waited for manual reduction of keel camera or theodolite photos · Felt confined by the limited volume of your instrumented airspace · Waited to get an hour of precious test range time · Wanted to do cross-country navigation testing with continuous reference data · Had your flight test scrubbed because a hazy or cloudy day prevented photography · Felt there must be a better way to test your navigation or weapon system ·..THEN YOU NEED MAPSET* 100 FT (CEP) AND 2 FT/SEC (RMS) PRECISION 1N REAL TIME, ON YOUR AIRCRAFT, VIRTUALLY ANYWHERE lN THE UNITED STATES! · . . A SOURCE OF HIGH PRECISION POSITION AND VELOCITY ANSWERS IN THE FLIGHT ENVIRONMENT · FOR TESTING: Navigation systems Airborne radars and tracking systems Weapon delivery systems ECM and DF systems Intercept control Airspeed calibration Glideslope determination · TO INSPECT AND CALIBRATE GROUND FACILITIES · FOR AERIAL SURVEY AND MAPPING · FOR YOUR NEXT TEST PROJECT · . . AND MAPSET FREES YOU FROM THE LIMITATIONS OF GROUND TRACKING FACILITIES! · GET TEST RANGE PRECISION ANYWHERE YOU CAN SEE THREE OR MORE DME STATIONS · FLY IN ANY WEATHER, DAY OR NIGHT · GET YOUR DATA IN REAL TIME AND ON MAGNETIC TAPE · FLY WHEREVER YOU WANT 1N THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES OR WESTERN EUROPE & · · 15' ~38° 10' 05' & ~ A · · A · A A ~, Fig. 2 MAPSET'~ North American Test Range -- 754 U.S. and Canadian DME Stadons 20' 760 15' 10' W. LONGITUDE Fig. 1 Test Flight Ground Track at Patuxent River, Maryland Navy Theodolite Range. December 1974. & · · A A a31ulti-DME Aircraft Position System L~ctended Technology WHAT IS MAPSET'! MAPSET is Grumman's third generation multi-DME aircraft -position and velocity data reference, designed as a data source for flight testing. It consists of a modified King KDM-7000 DME sensor (ARINC-568 spec), a ROLM 1603 MIL-E-5400 qualified 16-bit minicomputer, special interfaces, a display termi- nal, and optional peripherals such as a magnetic tape drive. WHAI DOES MAPSET DO? MAPSET provides real-time outputs in flight of latitude, longi- tude, north and east velocities, system status messages and the DME stations being received. Data can be recorded for post- flight detailed analysis...all without dedicated ground tracking facilities. HOW ACCURAIE IS THE OUTPUT? In real time, using a polynomial filter in the ROLM computer, position data is accurate to 100 feet CEP or better, and velocity data is accurate to two feet per second RMS. Postflight, using a three-pass Kalman smoother, position accuracy improves to better than 50 feet CEP and velocities to about one foot per second RMS. These accuracies are sufficient to test all types of navigation and guidance systems (such as LORAN, OMEGA, INS) to unprecedented precision and resolution. WILL MAPSET REPLACE IHEODOLITES OR TRACKING RADARS? No. MAPSET will free valuable range facilities for the limited coverage, very high precision work for which they are really suited. HOW DOES IT WORK? Fig. 3 MAPSET System Uses Advanced Technology Components. I OME I BLADE I SIGNAL STRENGTH (AGC) I RANGE 'MEASUREMENT~' l~ RANGE GATE I II CHANNEL I NUMBER KING I KDM 7000 I BARO PRESSURE AND OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE ROLM 16031 TAPE DRIVES HOW MANY DME, STATIONS DO I NEED? Three stations are enough to get an unambiguous position solution. Accuracy will improve as more stations (up to ten) are available. The polynomial or Kalman filters use tile redundant data provided by the added stations to estimate the range bias errors in each DME station, thereby improving the position ac- curacy. WILL I BE ABLE 10 FLY ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES? Generally, yes. There are nearly 800 stations presently operating in CONUS, and nearly all of the country is within 150 n mi of the desired 10 stations when flying at 12,000 feet or higher. HOW ARE STATIONS SELECTED? Tbat depends on the configuration of your system. If you order a cartridge tape drive, we will supply a cartridge containing the essential data for all domestic VORTAC and VOR/DME stations. The operator enters the three-letter code (found on an aero- nautical chart) for thc nearest station, and the computer scans the tape and stores data on the 40 stations nearest to the opera- tot's choice. In flight, the strongest 10 stations are selected from the stored list of 40. If MAPSET is ordered without tape drives. up to 40 stations may be loaded into the computer via the dis- play/control device. Once again, the computer will select and use the strongest signals. HOW IS THE COMPUTER PROGRAMMED? MAPSET makes sequential measurements, at a rate of ten stations per second or more, of slant range between the test aircraft and the standard VORTAC/VOR-DME ground based navigation aids. The computer uses a polynominal f'flter algorithm to com- bine the range data with barometric altitude to estimate impor- tant ground station errors and the aircraft's position and velocity. Detailed information is available from Grumman and has been published in Journal of the Institute of Navigation ("Aircraft Positioning with Multiple DME", by R. Latham, Vol. 21, No. 2). System concepts have been tested on live flight data and in extensive computer simulation. First generation hardware was flown in Grumman's E-2C and A-6 TRAM flight test programs, and has been used to evaluate navigation and weapon systems. Actual data outputs appear in Figures 1, 6 and 7 of this folder. HOW DOES MAPSET CHANGE STATIONS SO FAST? The DME sensor can tune to a new station in well under 30 milli- seconds. At the same time, the computer is able to predict the slant range to the station from its calculation of present position. The DME sensor, modified to accept the range prediction, is told when to expect the ground station's reply to its interrogation, and does not have to go into its search mode. New range data is usually available in less than 10 milliseconds, and MAPSET then repeats the process for the next station. Fig. 4 MAPSET Uses up re 10 FAA DME Stations. CD Fig, 5 U,S. DME Coverage Shows Regions Having lO Statlons within 150 nautical miles. Software will be provided as part of the system as punched paper tape or on a digital tape cartridge. HOW IS DATA RECORDED? You can order a Mapset with single or dual drives using the low- cost 3M DC 300A digital tape cartridge. Each cartridge will hold several hours of flight data. Alternatively, you can order a TTL compatible serial or parallel data interface to connect to your own digital data acquisition system instead of the cartridge tape drives. IS MAPSET DATA COMPATIBLE WITH ANY DATA ACQUISIIION SYSTEM? Generally, yes. Specific interface design depends on the data acquisition system. Grumman will help get your system running in the shortest possible time. CAN MAPSET GROW IF MY NEEDS CHANGE? Yes. The computer can be expanded by adding I/O expansion chassis, and a wide range of peripheral devices and interfaces. For example, we recently designed a research data acquisition system for the FAA which included a Multi-DME position reference, an ATM-13 rugged 9-track tape deck, VOR, DME, TACAN, LORAN and OMEGA sets as data sources, real-time displays and inflight sensor calibration. The center of this system is a ROLM 1602 computer very similar to the MAPSET 1603 com- puter. I MAPSET HAS NO COMPETITION AS A WIDE AREA POSITION DATA REFERENCE Compare MAPSET to any other approach to wide area positioning. In each case, MAPSET either costs LESS to buy and use, or yields substantially better accuracy...with far fewer "gray" areas. PRECISION (FT) COVERAGE MEASURES INITIAL RECURRING DATA DATA OTHER ALTITUDE COST COST (EST) OELAY YIELD DATA none rea-time cont,nuous m~ [~ best HOW ABOUT POSTFLIG( T ANALYSIS? Grumman-designed Kalman smoother software is ready to gen- erate high quality outputs. Presently written for the CDC CYBER, it can be provided for other machines at extra cost. The software has been used to analyze the performance of in- ertial systems, and to merge DME and inertial data to smooth the DME trajectory. The illustrations on this page are from a paper presented to the Institute of Navigation's June 1975 annual meeting titled "A Multi-DME/lnertial System for Aircraft Positioning" by R. W. Latham and P. T. Richards. They describe a test flight made to evaluate Multi-DME performance against the Patuxent River Theodolite range and the resulting analysis of the aircraft's inertial navigation system. HOW EXPENSIVE WILL MAPSET BE? Target price for the equipment illustrated, including optional tape drives and CRT terminal, is under $85K. Substantial savings in acquisition cost can be realized by eliminating the optional equipment. WHAT ELSE WILL I NEED? The antenna will be a standard DME blade which is probably already on your aircraft. OAT and barmnetric altitude trans- ducers are also required. Customizing, interfacing with your data recording system, and custom postflight processing software will be available at additional cost. HOW ABOUT RELIABILITY? MAPSET's sensor is ARINC 568 and environmental category ~ B AAAX. The computer is MIL-E-5400 qualified. Optional Mil Spec control displays and tape drives are available for severe environments. WHEN CAN l GET DELIVERY? We plan to deliver MAPSETS 180 days from receipt of order. Multt-DME/Inerttal Positron '' Comparison ,c~/~ , /NS Erro~ from OM~/Inertial Fil'te~ 4. Theodollte/INS J ~,- TIME (MINUTES) Fig. 7 North and East Velocity Errors of INS During Flight. MAPSET System Components KEYBOARD AND DISPLAY INFORMER D301 POWER SUPPLY AND LOGIC INTERFACE INFORMER D301 KING DME KDM 7000 COMPUTER ROLM 1603 / MAGNETIC TAPE CARTRIDGE 3M DC 300 MAGNETIC TAPE DRIVES QANTEX 2200 CAN YOU AFFORD NEW POSITION REFERENCE TECHNOLOGY? TODAY'S BUDGETS DEMAND EFFICIENT USE OF TEST FLIGHT RESOURCES The challenge is how to do more with less dollars while the air- craft we test grow more sophisticated and difficult to evaluate. TIME IS MONEY A cliche' perhaps, but nowhere more true than in the test busi- ness. Each hour of flight test time can cost many thousands of dollars in fuel, manhours, range time, computer time and risk. Grmnman's Flight Test Department is keenly aware of the costs of flight testing. We pioneered in real-time flight data reduction on the F-14 and Boeing-Grumman UTTAS test programs, and we designed the real-time test facility (ATS) at Edwards AFB, California. CLOSE THE TEST GAP The test gap the time between test plan and test results - is where most of the money is spent. If technology can expedite the process of collecting and analyzing test data, then that techno- logy doesn't cost money - it pays for itself, and then some. MAPSET - A GRUMMAN SOLUTION TO A PERSISTENT PROBLEM The problem: How to obtain precise time histories of an aircraft's position and velocity with the least possible restrictions on where and how it can fly - and at the same time minimize the time and labor required to turn data into answers. The solution: An all-electronic aircraft position reference based on multiple high speed range measurements, using the FAA's network of DME navigation aids. MAPSET CAN SAVE UP TO 90% OF THE FLIGHT HOURS NEEDED TO TEST A SYSTEM. HERE'S HOW: · Continuous data permits rapid identification and trouble- shooting of system problems · Real-time data prevents wasted flight hours with a malfunc- tioning system · Automatic data acquisition on any flight profile reduces the need for dedicated navigation flights. You can fly multi- mission flights more often · No need for expensive range scheduling or for cross-country flights from your base to the test range · Never a need to throw part of your fiight away because of a bad checkpoint. MAPSET YIELDS CONTINUOUS, HIGH RESOLUTION DATA When MAPSET'S data is tape recorded for postflight processing, you can choose the strategic moments when your system under test needs close analysis. You never have to refly a test because there was no reference data at that critical point. ROLM 1603 Minicomputer (with Optional Tape Drives) WHEN YOU I~UY A MAPSET YOU GET THE STATE OF THE ART IN MULTI-DME POSITIONING Grumman's MAPSET offers three features that you won't fiud elsewhere: 10 stations per second switching rate with a single DME sensor, real-time output on the display terminal, and three-pass Kalman filter for postflight data reduction. Further- ~nore, the real-time display is obtained from an error estimating polynomial filter, not just a least squares calculation. MAPSET IS NOI JUST A POSITION REFERENCE MAPSET is built around a general purpose 16-bit minicmnputer. It can be the basis of a complete data acquisition system, by adding data interfaces and appropriate software. The mini- computer can receive, format, check and monitor your test data, while displaying selected data and posting operator alert messages in real time. You don't have to design a new data acquisition system. MAPSEI'S PRECISION WILL YIELD INSIGHIS INTO SYSIEM BEHAVIOR WITH LESS FLIGHT T1ME For proof, look at Figure 6 in this folder. It shows the north and east position error versus time for a state-of-the-art inertial naviga- tion system. Note that within 30 minutes it is possible to es- tablish the drift rate and the shape of the drift curve. Figure 7 shows the north and east velocity errors during the same flight time. The short period errors are the result of high dynamics... the aircraft's ground track is shown in Figure 1. Compare these results from a single flight with what you get from your present methods.., can you afford to run your next program without MAPSET? 1234-76-3 PERFORMANCE CIRCULAR ERROR PROBABLE: The radius of the circle contaiuing half of the error population TIME INFLIGHT POSTFLIGHT At turn-on 250 ft 50 ft After 15 rain 100 fl 50 ft After 30 min 75 ft 50 fl During lnaneuvers 100 ft 75 ft Errur about one to two feet per second io x and y (rms) at 10 station per second rate. · Virtually anywhcre in the U.S. if the aircraft is more than 12.000 feet above ground level (AG/) · Outside of mountain- ous areas typical coverage is good down to about 2000 feet AGL · Many places coverage is good down to ground level. BASIC CONFIGURATION ROLM 1603 with 32 k memory, real-time clock, 20 ma loop/RS-232 C interface, control cards and iategral control panel. Modified KING KDM-7000,.{ARINC 568 spec before mods) with computer interface card installed. ASR - 33 Teletype with paper tape reader and punch, 1603 software on paper tape, DME statiou data on printed listing. OPTIONAL HARDWARE Single or dual drive for the 3M DC300A magnetic tape cartridge. Includes tape drive controller cards installed in the computer, all necessary cables, prerecorded 1603 software and DME station data cartridges. Any 20 ma loop/RS-232 C compatible terminal may be used, such as Informer D-301. Tektronix 4014, or RE4012 (Mil Spec). Note that an alternate method of loading 1603 software (such as an audio cassette) is needed if no paper or magnetic tape equipment is ordered. · TTL data interface · Expanded I/O computer · Custom mounts · Expanded capability flight software · Bare and OAT transducers · Postflight data reduction services · Power couverters · DME blade antenna · lnterfacingMAPSET to your present data acquisition system · Mil Spec tape drives INSTALLATION 115 volts 400 hz 470 watts (Computer and DME) 115 volts 60 hz 500 watts (Teletype) or 50 watts (Informer CRI) SIZE Computer: 21" x 11" x 8" DME: 15"x 5" x 8" Teletype: 33" x 22" x 19" Informer CRT: 8" x 25" x 11" Barometric Altitude }' -10 to +10 volts analog Outside Air Temperature'[ scale set by software WEIGHT MOUNTING PROVISIONS 60 lb 19" RETMA rack or hardmount 19 lb ½ ATR rack mouut 50 lb Table top or pedestal mount 20 lb Table top mount For further information call: Dick Townes, Navigation Flight Test Systems Manager (516) 369-7360 Roy Latham, Technical Specifications and Engineering (516) 369-7037 or write: Grumman Aerospace Corporation Plant 7, Dept 1734, Box 33 Calverton, L.I., New York 11933 I-3 0 0 0 <~ ~F ~ o ~ o ~ ~'o / SUPPLEMENT TO PETITION OF WILLIAM & BARBARA SCHRIEVER TO CHANGE 64,622 SQ.FT. OF LAND FROM "B" LIGHT BUSINESS DISTRICT TO "C" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT LOCATED IN THE HAMLET OF ORIENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK The purposes of this supplement are to explain the rea- sons for the petition, to analyze the previous recom- mendations made for this petition, and to explore the relationship between the Town of Southold Comprehensive Plan and the petition. The wisdom of the Southold Town Board is to be compli- mented for having adopted a Comprehensive Plan to guide the Town's future development. It is also encouraging to see that a strong zoning code has been adopted to implement the recommendations of that Plan. However, the Comprehensive Plan is a general guide, not a detailed blueprint, therefore each decision made by the Town Board must be weighed against the intents of the Plan. And, as the most significant implementing tool, the Zoning Code should be flexible enough to allow the Board to respond to economic conditions, changing attitudes and human needs without compromising its integrity or the effec- tiveness of the Code. William Schriever is a partner in Schriever & Latham, an engineering and computer applications firm. He has also formed a corporation known as Flightpath Systems, Inc. to develop a precision positioning system for air- craft. The petition seeks to perform research and maintain design offices in an existing building, which has 6600 square feet on the ground floor and is situated in a Business District in the Orient hamlet center. The Zoning Code classifies the proposal as a light industrial use and consequently to use the building as intended a change in zoning must be obtained from the Southold Town Board as well as approval from the Board of Appeals. Southold's Comprehensive Plan clearly states that indus- trial development should be provided to increase year- round employment and to diversify the tax base. The Plan's general guidelines for controlling the recommended industrial growth state that industrial development should: 1. Have appropriate visual controls along the major highways; 2. Have adequate vehicular access to Route 25; SUPPLEMENT TO PETITION OF WILLIAM & BARBARA SCHRIEVER PAGE 2 3. Not cause a drain on public services; 4. Avoid mixing industrial and residential traffic; 5. Comply with site plan criteria established by the Town; 6. Be environmentally acceptable. The Plan also selected several large areas for industrial parks which, when developed, should comply with these criteria. The petition before the Southold Town Board is insignif- icant compared to the scope of industrial growth discussed in the Comprehensive Plan. It involves a single existing building which already complies with all the criteria of the Plan. In fact the petition, if granted, will continue the implementation of the Plan's objectives by improving the aesthetic appearance of the building and the site, and will introduce some diversification in the economic base; which is essential to community stability. This petition is the direct result of William Schriever's creativity, and the absence of properly zoned land in the Hamlet of Orient which would enable him to materialize his creativity. In fact, there is no "C" Light Industrial land anywhere east of Greenport except one parcel just east of the Village line. Mr. Schriever's proposed use is more in the nature of a business than an industrial plant and if he were permitted to operate in the present Business District, the petition would not be necessary. The reasons for this petition are as follows: 1. There exists reasonable doubt that the proposed use can be permitted in the Business zone; 2. It is unreasonable to expect the petitioner to acquire property elsewhere in the Town when he presently owns a suitable building in an existing Business District; 3. The existing building is not eas~]f convertible for other permitted uses in a Business District; 4. The petitioner wishes to continue to live and work in Orient and obtain enough revenue to phase out his existing construction business. SUPPLEMENT TO PETITION OF WILLIA/~ & BARBARA SCHRIEVER PAGE 3 The sincerity of the petitioner is emphasized by the fact that the proposed change of zone, if granted, would substantially restrict the use of his property. Ail uses in the "C" District, except agricultural uses, require a special exception from the Board of Appeals. In effect, the petitioner is willing to conform with the provisions of the Zoning Code and to the wishes of the community by surrendering his right to use his land without public scrutiny. Under the present zoning he could open a restaurant, bar, car wash, or a number of other permitted uses, but he chooses to develop his land with greater sensitivity and greater concern for his community. Fur- thermore, it is the petitioners intent to screen the existing construction equipment from street view until the design and research facility is financially stable. At that time the Construction Company would be terminated and the equipment would be removed. The four stated reasons for the petition and the fact that the proposal fully conforms with the Town Comprehen- sive Plan are reasons enough for granting this petition. Unfortunately the Southold Planning Boar{] and the Suffolk County Planning Commission have both recon~ended denial of this petition. But, based on the reasons given for denial, it is clear that the scale of the proposal and the Town's Comprehensive Plan were not thoroughly under- stood. The only reason given by the Planning Board was "incom- patibility with the Development Plan for the Town of Southold". The Suffolk County Planning Commission also sited this as a reason. However neither agency stated how the petition is incompatible. The County referred to an outdated proposed land use plan, said the property should be residential, and analyzed no further. It is widely recognized that a proposed land use plan is only a graphic representation of the Plan's objectives. It is also recognized that the Comprehensive Plan is a guide not the end in the decision making process. Zoning districts need not coincide with proposed land use plans as long as the objectives of the Plan are not violated. In fact, a Plan's objectives may be achieved in a way entirely different from a proposed land use plan. The first step in the implementation of a Plan is made by private enterprise and it is the legislative function of the Town Board to judge whether or not that step is in harmony with the Plan. SUPPLEMENT TO PETITION OF WILLIAM & BARBARA SCHRIEVER TO CHANGE 64,622 SQ.FT. OF LAND FROM "B" LIGHT BUSINESS DISTRICT TO "C" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT LOCATED IN TIlE HAMLET OF ORIENT TOW~N OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK The purposes of this supplement are to explain the rea- sons for the petition, to analyze the previous recom- mendations made for this petition, and to explore the relationship between the Town of Southold Comprehensive Plan and the petition. The wisdom of the Southold Town Board is to be compli- mented for having adopted a Comprehensive Plan to guide the Town's future development. It is also encouraging to see that a strong zoning code has been adopted to implement the recommendations of that Plan. However, the Comprehensive Plan is a general guide, not a detailed blueprint, therefore each decision made by the Town Board must be weighed against the intents of the Plan. And, as the most significant implementing tool, the Zoning Code should be flexible enough to allow the Board to respond to economic conditions, changing attitudes and human needs without compromising its integrity or the effec- tiveness of the Code. William Schriever is a partner in Schriever & Latham, an engineering and computer applications firm. He has also formed a corporation known as Flightpath Systems, Inc. to develop a precision positioning system for air- craft. The petition seeks to perform research and maintain design offices in an existing building, which has 6600 square feet on the ground floor and is situated in a Business District in the Orient hamlet center. The Zoning Code classifies the proposal as a light industrial use and consequently to use the building as intended a change in zoning must be obtained from the Southold Town Board as well as approval from the Board of Appeals. Southold's Comprehensive Plan clearly states that indus- trial development should be provided to increase year- round employment and to diversify the tax base. The Plan's general guidelines for controlling the recommended industrial growth state that industrial development should: 1. Have appropriate visual controls along the major highways; 2. Have adequate vehicular access to Route 25; SUPPLEMENT TO PETITION OF WILLIAM & BARBARA SCHRIEVER PAGE 2 3. Not cause a drain on public services; 4. Avoid mixing industrial and residential traffic; 5. Comply with site plan criteria established by the Town; 6. Be environmentally acceptable. The Plan also selected several large areas for industrial parks which, when developed, should comply with these criteria. The petition before the Southold Town Board is insignif- icant compared to the scope of industrial growth discussed in the Comprehensive Plan. It involves a single existing building which already complies with all the criteria of the Plan. In fact the petition, if granted, will continue the implementation of the Plan's objectives by improving the aesthetic appearance of the building and the site, and will introduce some diversification in the economic base; which is essential to community stability. This petition is the direct result of William Schriever's creativity, and the absence of properly zoned land in the Hamlet of Orient which would enable him to materialize his creativity. In fact, there is no "C" Light Industrial land anywhere east of Greenport except one parcel just east of the Village line. Mr. Schriever's proposed use is more in the nature of a business than an industrial plant and if he were permitted to operate in the present Business District, the petition would not be necessary. The reasons for this petition are as follows: 1. There exists reasonable doubt that the proposed use can be permitted in the Business zone; 2. It is unreasonable to expect the petitioner to acquire property elsewhere in the Town when he presently owns a suitable building in an existing Business District; 3. The existing building is not easm]f convertible for other permitted uses in a Business District; 4. The petitioner wishes to continue to live and work in Orient and obtain enough revenue to phase out his existing construction business. SUPPLEMENT TO PETITION OF WILLIAM & BARBARA SCHRIEVER PAGE 3 The sincerity of the petitioner is emphasized by the fact that the proposed change of zone, if granted, would substantially restrict the use of his property. All uses in the "C" District, except agricultural uses, require a special exception from the Board of Appeals. In effect, the petitioner is willing to conform with the provisions of the Zoning Code and to the wishes of the community by surrendering his right to use his land without public scrutiny. Under the present zoning he could open a restaurant, bar, car wash, or a number of other permitted uses, but he chooses to develop his land with greater sensitivity and greater concern for his cormmunity. Fur- thermore, it is the petitioners intent to screen the existing construction equipment from street view until the design and research facility is financially stable. At that time the Construction Company would be terminated and the equipment would be removed. The four stated reasons for the petition and the fact that the proposal fully conforms with the Town Comprehen- sive Plan are reasons enough for granting this petition. Unfortunately the Southold Planning Board and the Suffolk County Planning Commission have both recommended denial of this petition. But, based on the reasons given for denial, it is clear that the scale of the proposal and the Town's Comprehensive Plan were not thoroughly under- stood. The only reason given by the Planning Board was "incom- patibility with the Development Plan for the Town of Southold". The Suffolk County Planning Con~ission also sited this as a reason. However neither agency stated how the petition is incompatible. The County referred to an outdated proposed land use plan, said the property should be residential, and analyzed no further. It is widely recognized that a proposed land use plan is only a graphic representation of the Plan's objectives. It is also recognized that the Comprehensive Plan is a guide not the end in the decision making process. Zoning districts need not coincide with proposed land use plans as long as the objectives of the Plan are not violated. In fact, a Plan's objectives inay be achieved in a way entirely different from a proposed land use plan. The first step in the implementation of a Plan is made by private enterprise and it is the legislative function of the Town Board to judge whether or not that step is in harmony with the Plan. SUPPLEMENT TO PETITION OF WILLIAM & BARBARA SCHRIEVER PAGE 4 This petition conforms to all the criteria for locating industry and offices, as set forth in the Development Plan, and does not violate any of the Plan's other objec- tives. Therefore, grounds for denial based on the Devel- opment Plan are unfounded. Grounds for approval based on the Plan are founded and are listed at the end of this supplement. "Spot zoning" is the second reason for the County's denial. Both the term and its application in Orient have been mis- understood. Spot zoning occurs when a use is allowed that is substantially different from that of the surrounding area, for the benefit of one owner and to the detriment of another. There is little difference between the pro- posed use and the uses currently permitted in a Business District. And, since the petitioner owns most of the land around the subject parcel it cannot be a detriment to himself. This petition is not spot zoning. The County's third reason for denial states that the pro- posal "would tend to establish a precedent for further industrial downzonings in the area". The County defines downzoning as a change in zoning to a less restrictive classification. The way Southold's "C" District is writ- ten, the change of zone will make it more restrictive, not less. Furthermore a precedent cannot be set because there are no other buildings as large in any business zone in Orient. If there were a possibility for another such change, it cannot be suggested that such a change is wrong. This reason clearly prejudges all such appli- cations without analyzing their merits and must be dis- missed. The final reason for denial given by the County is that there is ample industrially zoned land in Southold. This is true, but it is also true that there is no indus- trial land in Orient. This statement should include the fact that the presently zoned industrial land is properly located, but this fact has not been stated because it has not been analyzed. Ilere thc County st~tes that a building of suitable construction and location for industrial use should be vacated and that the owner of that building should purchase other land outside his community and con- struct a new building. Such a request creates an undue hardship and demonstrates a lack of understanding of the petition, economic conditions, and the Comprehensive Plan. SUPPLEMENT TO PETITION OF WILLIAM & BARBARA SCHRIEVER PAGE 5 None of the reasons given for denying this petition are valid. It is submitted that the petition be approved because it: 1. Conforms with the intents of the Comprehensive Development Plan; 2. Provides year-round employment opportunities; 3. Represents a diversification of the Tax Base; 4. Will improve the Route 25 corridor; 5. Is an environmentally acceptable land use; 6. Will not be a nuisance to the community; 7. Does not detract from adjoining property values; 8. Creates the opportunity to phase out the storage of construction equipment. 12 APR 1977 R.J. Giedraitis Planning Consultant ,~.. ~OSI,Ill (HLI)~..AIIIS EDUCATION University of Connecticut, Steers, Conn. Mechanical Engineering 196I- 1963 Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York Bachelor of Architecture 1968 PROFESSIONAL ~une 1972 - present Principal Planner Town of Islip Department of Planning and Development Responsibilities: review of zoning applications, zoning amendments, subdivision plats, and Town capital projects; land use input into the Town of Islip Comprehensive Plan (HUD-70i Program); research and analysis for Marine Wetlands Study; co-ordination of Comprehensive Plan recommendations with development decisions, both public and private. Designer: land use plan for Central Islip State Hospital snrplus property, various Town pa:ks, several Town build- ings, Turnkey housing project site plans, and site plans for various Town projects. 1968 - 1972 Senior Planner- Suffolk County Department of Planning Responsibilities: review of Suffolk County capital projects and major subdivisions; analysis of land use data and compilation of projections; assistance in preparation of the Nassau-Suffolk Comprehensive Plan (HUD-701 Program) specifically the Utilities Plan, Land Use Inventory, Trans- portation Recommendations, and the Future Land Use Plan; supervision and preparation of a Master Plan for the Town of Shelter Island; drafting a Zoning Ordinance for the Town of East Hampton; preparation of a Land Use Plan for the Village of ~Vestbampton Beach; supervision and preparation of various cartographic elements of the Nassau-Suffolk Comprehensive Plan. Desiqner: development plans for Suffolk County Parks, various cluster subdivisions and planned unit developments, New Town concept for the Central Suffolk area, growth plan of the Westharnpton Beach Business District, and the muItimodai Ronkonkoma Transportation Center. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Long Island Planners CO~MIS$10N Seth A. Hubbard Chairman Lee E. Koppelman Director a] Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway JOHN V.N. KLEIN, COUnty ~cecutive Hauppauge, L. 1., N. Y. 979-2921 March 16, 1977 Mr. WJlliam W. Schriever }~in Road Orient, New York 11957 Re: Application of "William and Barbara Schriever" for a change of zone from "B" Light Business to "C" Light Industrial, Town of Southold (SD-76-16) Dear Mr. Schriever: In response to your letter of March 14, 1977, please be advised that the decision rendered by the Suffolk County PlannSng Commission in letter of November 4, 1976 was consistent with information submitted with tile above captioned zoning action. ~e Suffolk County Planning Conrmission will only reconsider such zoning action upon written request from: (1) any responsible Town official or his designoe when accompanied by specific new information; or (2) the Town Clerk when an amended or new application is filed. In accordance with requlrements of the Suffolk County Charter and policy of the Suffolk County Planning Commission, no comments carl be offered on other contemplated rezonings in the locale until such time as an application has been submitted through the office of the local municipal referrlng agency. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of PlanHing LEK:GGN:jk cc: Supervisor Town Clerk Planning Board Mr. Lee E. Koppleman, Director Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, N. Y. 11787 March 14, 1977 Dear Mr. Koppleman: Abou~ the middle of April the Southold Town Board will hold a public hearing on an application for a change of zone from "B", Light Business, to "C", Light Industrial, on a parcel which.my wife and I own on Tabor Road in Orient. Mr. Gerald G. Newman, in a letter dated November 4, 1976, to the Southold Town Clerk has indicated that your Commission has decided to disapprove our application. I am not sure whether the local law permits me to correspond directly with you or whether there is any posstbllity~of the decision being reviewed, but the issue is so important that I am writing to request such a review and I am enclosing a copy of the letter referred to above. The issue at stake here is much broader than the question of this single applicat~on~ and I feel that the entire proposal needs to be reviewed and then this particular application decided in that context. I have wrttten a latter dated February 22, 1977, to the Southold Town Board which outlines the broad proposal and I am enclosing a copy of that letter for your review. I am also enclosing a copy of a map dated August 31~ i973~ which details the area in question and describes the proposal which I have made. The real question which I want to resolve ts whether Orient is to ever have any business district and, if so~ is our property to be that business district. If it is to be the business district, then I want the area appropriately zoned. If it is not to be the business dlstrtct, then I want to develop the entire area as residential. And I need the matter resolved so that I can design the most efficient plan to accompllsh the ordered result. We cannot'continue to hold this property in its present state. Should the business district be so limited in extent that it detracts from the predominantly restdentlal character~ then I will petition to have the present business area reduced to include only the parcel that ls the subject of the present application. That will stop all future business development in Orient tf that is what is desired. Mr. Lee E. Koppleman (continued) March 14, 1977 The subject of!~the present application ts a half-acre parcel which contalns a butldtng having 6,600 square feet of area on the ground floor and an additional one-acre parcel to the south whlch ts vacant. My wt~e has owned the half-acre parcel and building since 1969 and a variance has been granted on it to use it for the Schrtever Construction Co., Inc., an excavating and road construction buslness with many trucks and p[eces of heavy equipment. The building has been extensively remodeled and improved but the work on it has not been completed because of the economics of the construction business combined with our inability to sell a part of our property. The one acre parcel was~purchased by me tn 1973 so as to provide sufficient space for the storage of equipment next to the building. As a part of that purchase, the balance 6f the vacant land south of the building was acquired and my inability to dispose of at least of part of this land is causing a financial hardship to the business. At the present time I am involved tn a new business with Mr. Roy W. Latham of Orient, a professional engineer. We have formed a partnership, Schrtever and Latham, and a new corporation, Fltghtpath Systems, Inc., both of which we wish to locate in the office area of the building in question. The partnership is an engineering and scientific firm specializing tn the application of computers. The new corporation ts a particular application which involves using a computer together with DME equipment to create a precision positioning system for aircraft. Roy was the lnventor of this system whtle employed at Grumman and we are being licensed by Grumman to exploit the patent. It is because of these businesses that we wish to change the zoning to the appropriate classification. In addition I wish to extend the zoning to include sufficient parking area for the storage of equipment. If the new businesses are successful, it seems likely that the excavating business would be phased out. I would very much like to sell some of the land and reinvest the money in the new business. Mr. Lee E. Koppleman (continued) March 14, 1977 In Mr. Newman's letter of disapproval as previously menttoned~ there were four reasons given for the action and I would like to discuss them one at a time: I. "It is Inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates this area for single family residence development." I believe that someone made an error here since the property in question and several acres to the south were zoned "B", Light Business, when the Development Plan was adopted. The butldtng and the construction company were in existence at the time. Wer~ the argument based on such a fact, then I should have drawn your attention to the fact that the Development Plan and the Zoning Map are essentially identical, If all applications for zoning were to be judged by such a standard, none would ever be granted. Zoning ts not an administrative function. If tt were, it would be handled by the Planhtng Board. 2. "It is inconsistent with the pattern of zoning in the surrounding area and therefore must be considered as "spot zoning"." It is to deal with this objection that I am writing 'to you now, It is a fact that the parcel in question is a part of the only undeveloped business property in Orient and the largest single area zoned business. If this is "spot zoning" then the enttre business area in Orient is "spot zoned", a fact whtqh I happen to believe. And it ts to correct this situation that I have proposed a business district for Orient which can be made as- large as desired, up to 26 acres if you wish. I made this appplication to cover ~y immediate needs, upon the recommendation of several peol~e who felt that a larger area would be less acceptable politically. I have made an offer to correct a~y "spot zoning" which you feel exists, and if' the To~n chooses "spot zoning" then I shouldn't be made to suffer for lt. 3. "It would tend to establish a precedent for further Industrial downzontngs in the area." The only other developed property other than two cemeteries that fronts on Tabor Road has a variance allowtng its use for another excavating business, a competitor of my construction company. Mr. Lee E. Koppleman (continued) March 14, 1977 If two existing "C" zone businesses and the absence of any residential use along Tabor Road are not sufficient precedent to grant my present application, then I fall to see any merit whatever to this argument. This application, if granted, would not add any new use to the area, it would ~nly confirm an existing use. 4. "There appears to be ample available industrial zoned land throughout the Town of Southold." Perhaps, but I don't see that that has any bearing on this particular application. This is not an application to construct a new facility. We already own this building and it ts being used for a "C" zone business. There exists a demonstrated demand for such zoning tn Orient as evidenced by the existence of slx excavating businesses in Orient Including mine. They are Latham Sand and Gravel, Roger Tabor~ Bob Douglass (Orient Trucking and Constructton)~ Roscoe King, and the old yard Of Eastern Excavating. In addition there are two landscaping contractors with similar equipment, Joe Andrade and Gary Tabor. Of these eight businesses operating heavy equipment tn Orient, mine is the only one located on business zoned property. None are conforming since mine is not properly zoned pending this application. And these heavy equipment businesses located in Orient exceed in number all of those throughout the remainder of the Town of Southold. There ts a great deal of industrial property in Orient that doesn't show on the Zoning Map. Around the end of 1968, as I remember tt~ I applied for a change of zone on the ntne acre parcel across the street from the butldtng tn questlon. I wanted to erect a new building to house the excavating business. That application was approved by both the South~ld Town Planning Board and by the Suffolk County Planning Con~nisston. It was denied by the Southold Town Board. Subsequently the Development Plan has designated this present parcel as business and the excavating business has located in this building. In spite of this, the present petition has been disapproved. These decisions are Just not consistent. Mr. Lee E. Koppleman (concluded) ~zrch l&, 1977 As I said at the beginning of this letter, the main question ghat must be resolved is the designation of a business district for Orient, If the parcel in question is to be a part of such a business district, then I feel it should be zoned "C", Light Industry,for all of the reasons given. I~ there is to be no significant business district, then I want the area zoned residential so that I can proceed with development. This building wtlI be used to house these new businesses, either properly zoned or as an extension of the non-conforming use, I feel a moral obligation to provide for a business district for Orient on a least a part of these twenty-six acres. Having made the offer t,) ali appropriate agencies of govern,lent nt3d to the public~ my responsibili- ty is discharged as I see it whether it is a~cepEed or rejected. My intention is to develop into residential lots all property not designated business by appropriate zoning. There will be three zoning applications made of which this is the first. The second will be to zone the nine-acre parcel "B", Light Business. The third will be to zone the area around the Town Sump as "B", Light Business. If all applications are denied, then a fourth application will be made to zone the present business area as "A" residential, that is all except for the parcel of this application. Subseguently~ the residential area will be mapped as house lots. It would be nice if the Suffolk County Planning Commission would either support my plan or offer a plan of its own. So far I have been unable to get any help from the Town of Southhld in developing a plan. That is the reason I have had a resort to the procedure above to resolve this matte~. ,~?erely Y°U~ -. Town Clerk Supervisor Main Road Planning Board Orient, N. Y, ii957 Superintendent of Highways 323-2&56 COMMISSION Seth A. Ilubbard Chaff'man Lee E. Koppelman Direclor of Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning JOHN V.N. KLEIN. County Executive Veteran~ Memorial Highly ~aup~uge, L. L, N. Y. 979-2920 November 4, 1976 Mrs. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Application of "William and Barbara Schriever" for a change of zone from "B" Light Business to "C" Light Indus- trial, Town of Southold (SD-76-16) Dear Mrs. Terry: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on November 3, 1976 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove it because of the following: 1. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates this area for single family residence development; 2. It is inconsistent with the pattern of zoning in the surrounding area and therefore must be considered as "spot zoning"; 3. It would tend to establish a precedent for further industrial downzonings in the area; and 4. There appears to be ample available industrial zoned land throughout the Town of Southold. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner GGN:fp cc: Planning Board LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HtEARINGS ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING oRDII~ANCE PURSUANT, ,TO SECTION 265 of the Town law and requi?e- ments of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town ~[' South- old, Suftblk CountY. N~ York, public hearings wi'lidS held by the Southold Tow~ Bard in the office of the SuPe~i~o~, 16 South Street. Green~t~N~ Yorkl in said Town on the ~2t~h .day,of April. 19771 on':~)~! ~oll6~i/ing proposals to amcn,d the Building Zone Ordinltok:e i nc 6d ng the Building Zo'ne~M'al~s) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York. 7:45 P.M: ~b~'eht~l~ihg from "A" Reside~l~ l~d'Agrieultural District to "B-I" General Busi- ness District the pro~erty:ot John J. Hutter situated at':Southold, New York. and mo~ particularly hounded and descrihe~ as fol- lows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Town Harbor Lane, which point lies South 31 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 252.86 feet from the intersection formed by said westerly side of Town Harb r Lane and the southerly side of Main Road; running thence from said point of begla~ along the land of Mattessich and the land of .Schelin, South 63 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 190.13 feet, to land of Lenn~rtz; ~ng thence along said land of Lennertz, North 24 · '~gre~s 1~ minute~ 30 seconds West, a distance of 101.07 feet, to the land of the applicant; running thence along said land of the applicant, North 84 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 196.15 feet, to the westerly side of Town Harbor Lane; running thence along said westerly side of Town Harbor Lane, South 31 degrees 31 min- utes 10 seconds East, a distance of 30.89 feet, to the point or place of BEGINNING. Containing 12,329 sq. fi, 8:00 P.M. by changing from "B" Light Business District to "C" Light Industrial District the property of William & Barbara Schriever situated at Orient, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as fol- lows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Tabor Road at the southeasterly corner of the cemetery and the northeasterly corner of land of Schriever, said point of beginning being South 4 degrees 39 minutes 0~ seconds East 1 I$. 19 feet from the point of intersection of said westerly line of Tabor Road with the southerly line of Main Road: running thence along said westerly line of Tabor Road South 0 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds East 306.51 feet; thence along other land of Schriever two courses: South 87 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds West 232.51 feet; thence North 3 degrees 40 minutes 20 seconds East 186.53 feet to land of Tabor & Sons: thence along said land of Tabor & Sons and along land of Ward Tabor North 0 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds East 122.87 feet to ihe southwesterly corner of thc cemetery: thence along said ccmmery North 88 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds Easl 186.16 t~_'el m thc point of BEGINNING. Contai~iin (~4.622 square feet. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above so specified. DATED: March 8, 1977 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK 1T-3/24 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK t ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Sherley KarT, being duly sworn, says that she is an Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southo!d, in Suffolk County; 2nd that the notice of which the annexed is o printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ........... / ..........................weeks successively, commencing on the ........... ..'.~..c~ ..................... 19.../..~./7" doy of ..:/'.//.L.~.::'~.d,.~,c: ................. Sworn to before me this '~'~'--"" day at ..~(~.:?:.d~.. , 19....?.Z Notar} Pubhc ETHI~L PALLADINO NOTARY PUBLIC· Slate of New Yod~ N~. 52-4628953 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires Match 30, 1978 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEA~i~GS of the T0/v~% ~W and requirements d .~(l~e~,Sailding Zone O~ ToWn of Southold, ~ty, New York, pu hlt~ ~ will be held by the Soal~i~ll..~ Board in the office of ~ ~l~ervisor, 16 South Street, /freeport New York, in s/td.~m on the 12th day of .~stk~4~'L on the fonowint ProP--S_Is to amend the Building Zone Ordinate (in- elndir~ the Buiidin~ ~ ~ap~) of the Tow~ of~ S/~olk County, New Y~ , "A" P, esidantlal and ~cultural Bus/m.~ ~ the property of John J. Hutter situated at Southold, New, Ye~x,.and more particularly bounded and described as follews: BEGIN- NING at a point on t]~ ~rly side of Town Harbor Lane,"which point lies South 31 degrees minutes 10 seconds East, a distance o/ 252.86 feet from the intersection formed by said westerly side d Town Harbor Lane and the southerly side Main Road; runni~ thence from said point of beginning along the land of Mattesalch and the land of Sobolin, South 6~ de~ses 13 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 190.13 feet, to land of Leunertz;-runnin~ thence along said land of Lonnertz, North 24 degrees 16 minutes ~0 seconds West, a distance d 101.07 feet, to the land of the applicant; nmning thence along said land of the applicant, North 84 de~rees 11 minutes 10 seconds East, a distanct of 1~6.15 feet, to the westerly side of Town Harbor Lane; running thence along said westerly side of Town Harbor Lane, South 31 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 30.89 feet, to the point or place of BEGINNING. Con- taining 12, 329 sq. 8:00 P.M. by changing from "B" Light Business District to "C" Light Industrial District the property of William and Barbara Schriever situated at Orient, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Tabor Road at the southeasterly comer of the cemetery and the nor- theasteriy corner of land of Sohriver~ said point of beginning being South 4 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds East 115.19 feet from the point of intersection of said westerly line of Tabor Hoad with the southerly line of Main Road; running thence along said westerly line of Tabor Road South 0 degrees ~8 minutes 00 seconds East 306.51; thence along other land of Schriever two courses: ,South 87 degrees 47 minutes ~ seconds West 232.51 feet; thence North minutes 20 seconds East 186.53 feet to land of Tabor & Sons; thence along said land of Tabor & Sons and along land of Ward Tabc.' North 0 degrees 22 minutes ~0 seconds East 122.87 feet to the southwesterly corner of the cemetery; thence along said cemetery North 88 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East 186.16 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Conta/nir~ 64,622 square feet. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amend- ments should appear at the time and plare above so specified. DATED: March B, 1977 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK COUI~Ty OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK. ~ ss: Stuart C. .............................. being duly Sworn. s~s that . ~.,. is Printer and Publisher of ~e S~OLK WEEKLY T~MES, a news~per pub~sh~ ~ Gr~nport, in said County~ and ~at ~e noti~, of which ~e ~e~d is u print~ ~PY, ~s ~en published in the ~d Suf~lk W~k~ Times once ~ ~ch w~k, ~ o~e ........................... w~ks suc~ssively commencing on ~e . ~arch ....................... day of ............. ~, 19 77 S~ to ~f~e me this ..~ ..... .... ~OTA STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: JUDITH T. TERRY, Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says 9th age of twenty-one years; that on the 19 77 she affixed a notice is a true copy, most public place York, Town Clerk of the Town of that she is over the day of March notice of which in a proper and subs+tantial manner, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 the annexed printed in a New Notice Hutter 1977. of Hearings on proposal to amend zoning ordinance - John J. 7:45 P.M. & William & Barbara Schriever 8:00 P.M., April 12, Ju ith T. Terry~Town Clerk Sworn to before me this 9th day of March 1977 otary Public ELIZABETH ANN NEVILLE NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 52-8125850, Suffolk Cou,,~y.,,. Term Expires March 30, 19~~' LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARINGS ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board in the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 12th day of April, 1977, on the following proposals to amend the (including the Building Zone Maps) County, New York. 7:45 P.M. by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-l" General Business District the property of John J. Hutter situated at Southold, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Town Harbor Lane, which point lies South 31 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 252.86 feet from the intersection formed by said westerly side of Town Harbor Lane and the southerly side of Main Road; running thence from said point of beginning along the land of Mattessich and the land of Schelin, South 63 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 190.13 feet, to land of Lennertz; running thence along said land of Lennertz, North 24 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 101.07 feet, to the land of the applicant; running thence along said land of the applicant, North 84 degrees ll minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 196.15 feet, to the westerly side of Town Harbor Lane; running thence along said westerly side of Town Harbor Lane, South 31 degrees 31 minutes Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffoli Page 2 Leg~] Notice - Notice of HearinGs 10 seconds East, a distance of 30.89 feet, to the point or place of BEGINNING. Containing 12,329 sq. ft. 8:00 "C" Light Schriever bounded and described as follows: westerly line of Tabor Road at the P.M. by changing from "B" Light Business District to Industrial District the property of William & Barbara situated at Orient, New York, and more particularly BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly corner of the cemetery and the northeasterly corner of land of Schriever, said point of beginning being South 4 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds East 115.19 feet from the point of intersection of said westerly line of Tabor Road with the southerly line of Main Road; running thence along said westerly line of Tabor Road South 0 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds East 306.51 feet; thence along other land of Schriever two courses: South 87 degrees 47 minutes 30 West 232.51 feet; thence North 3 degrees 40 minutes 20 Ea~ 186.53 feet to land of Tabor & Sons; thence along seconds seconds said land of Tabor & Sons and along land of Ward Tabor North 0 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds East 122.87 feet to the southwesterly corner of the cemetery; thence along said cemetery North 88 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East 186.16 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Containing 64,622 square feet. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amend- ments should appear at the time and place above so specified. DATED: March 8, 1977 2opies to: t. Cuddy, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK The Suffolk Times, Long Island Traveler, Inc., Charles Esq. on March 9, 1977. Publication to be March 24, 1977. Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, No Y, 11944 February 22, 1977 Gentlemen: On August 13, 1976, my wife and I filed a petition for a change of zone on a parcel fronting on Tabor Road In Orient. Later, after It became apparent that some matters havtng a significant bearing on our petttlon would remain unresolved at the time of the public hearing, we requested, through our attorney on October 20, 1976, that the public hearing be postponed. At this time I believe that the outcome of most of these matters is sufficiently well determined, if not resolved, so that we should proceed with the public hearing. At ~hls public hearing I expect that I will have ample opportunity to deal with matters directly related to this petition. However, I would like to take this opportunity to discuss with you a fundamental decision which I feel must be made before this petition can be acted upon fairly. And that fundamental decfsion is the location, nature, and extent of the future business district in Orient. As you know, my wife and I have purchased all of the vacant frontage along Tabor Road in Orient. In 1968 we made a decision to locate the Schriever Construction Co., Inc., along Tabor Road and in 1969 an existing building on the west side and a nine acre parcel on the east side of Tabor Road were purchased following approval of a variance to use the building for such purposes. Earlier we had petitioned for a change of zone on the nine acre parcel but that petition was dented. Subsequently, upon the adoption of the Master Plan, the frontage on the west side of Tabor Road was zoned for business. Based upon these facts, I have concluded that Tabor Road was selected by both the Planning Board and the Town Board as affording the best location for a future business district for Orient. I feel that'the decision was the correct one for many reasons. It was and still ts the only street in the village that ts completely free of residential frontage. It is well located in relatton to the highway and to such community facilities as the school~ the fire house, the churches, and Poquatuck -1- Southold Town Board (continued) February 22, 1977 Hall. It can be widened inexpensively and it can be extended to King Street to divert traffic from Village Lane. Assuming that I have drawn the correct conclusion concerning the location of the business district, the parts of that decision that remain are the nature and extent of the business district. My wife and I would like to ~gain approval for an overall plan to develop our property along Tabor Road so that we can begin to dispose of some of the property. And your decision on the nature and extent of the business district is essential to that plan. Your approval of my application for a cluster subdivision together with the approval of a variance to use the lot on the corner of Tabor Road and Orchard Street for residential purposes seems to me to define the western a6d southern bounds of the business district, at least in so far as it affects our properties. Stnce any further residential development west of Tabor Road would require residential frontage on Tabor Road, I plan to apply for a change of zone to light business for the property around the Town Sump on the west side of Tabor Road. Our decision on the development of the nine acre parcel east of Tabor Road has been held up for several years pending a possible sale of a part of that parcel to the Orient Fire District. This winter the Board of Fire Commissioners hawemade their decision to purchase a parcel just east of our nine acre parcel owned by Horace and William Terry. On January 4 the voters defeated the bond issue for that purchase. The same proposition will be voted on again on March 23, 1977. Clearly we have no further obligation to the Orient Fire District and we must make other plans for the development of the nine acre parcel. Thts nine acre parcel Is bounded on the north by the Main Road and fronts across from the school. It is bounded on the south by the cemetery. Its frontage along Tabor Road is opposite business zoned property. And now it appears that it will be bounded on the east by the tournament facilities of the Orient Fire District. Clearly this nine acre parcel is cut off from any residential area other than the -2- Southold Town Board (continued) PYbru~,ry ~, 1977 three extsttng homes along the Main Road that are trapped with it. I can see no logical argument for continuing to plan on the residential development of thts parcel. Since the tournament facility, if not the fire house itself, of the Orient Fire District is obviously of an Industrial nature, the eastern bound of the business district is not yet established. But the eastern and northern bounds of the business district as it affects our property seems to me to be determined. I hope that you gentlemen will concur in my conclusions as to the bounds of the business dtstrl'ct. It is crucial to the future of Orient that the decision be made now so that the necessary property can be set aside. The final part of the decision has to do with the nature of the business development which wtll be required in the future. In drawing conclusions as to the future I believe it ts essential to consider the constraints that will be applied by the energy shortage. For one thing, it seems obvious that even in my lifetime the automobile as we know it will become so expensive to operate that it will become a luxury. The~e is no question in my mind that suburban sprawl will become a thing of the past, notwithstanding the efforts of our local governments to preserve It. We will have plenty of open space, not by government decree but as a result of practical economics. Public transportation will become essential to the worktng class to survive. And shopping facilities will have to become centrally located within the residential communities to survtve. For these reasons we must have a business district tn Orient that our residents can reach without an automobile. And it will have to be sufficient to serve all of their daily needs. Since our present zoning regulations and health code effectively prohtbtt the type of retail shops that have served our country for two hundred years~ a shopping center ts essential to provide space for small retail shops that would otherwise be economically prohibited. In addition we will need separate parcels for a branch bank, a post offtce~ arest~ura~t or two~ and shops for the tradesmen of the community. And we should provide space for professional offices and as many small -3- Southold Town Board (continued) February 22, 1977 industries as we can attract to provide employment and an economic base for our coca, unity. As the energy shortage becomes more severe, our whole standard of living is going to continue to drop and the tourist industry ts certain to decline. And besides, the tourist industry provides only seasonal unskilled jobs for our residents; Jobs that are just one notch above that of a migrant farm worker. We are going to need skilled and professional jobs to butld a viable economic base for our future. It seems unlikely that Ortent can attract many small industries, but the Town of Southold certainly can. Roy W. Latham and I are starting a new industry in Orient that will provide a few Jobs for highly-trained technical people, so it can happen. The zoning that will be required to develop the business district will ultimately be a combination of "B", "B-I", and "C". Practically, the whole area could be zoned "C" without the Town giving up any control over the development of the area stnce every use beyond "B" requires a Special Exception. On the other hand the lot sizes increase from half- acre for "B" to one-acre for "C" so.that downzo~tng beyond what ts required wastes space and causes unnecessary expense. Thus it seems to me that some type of balance tn the zoning ts going to be necessary eventually. For now I would be satisfied if the majority were zoned "B" so that it can be set aside as business property. My wife and I have applied to have the existing shop building and an adjacent one- acre parcel zoned "C" because I feel that that building has no practical use in a "B" zone, which is the present status. It would have use tn the "B-l" zone as an automotive garage or automotive sales facility but I feel that Orient is just not a location which could attract that type of facility. The only uses which I feel are practical in Orient for that butldtng are as a garage for heavy equipment, whieh ts its present use, or as an industrial building for light manufacturing or research and development. These are all tn the "C" zone. I would not object if the "C" zone were extended for an additional acre to the south. -4- Southold Town Board (continued) February 22, 1977 To complete this discussion, I would like to review the public facilities that I have already proposed. My wife and I have offered to donate to the Town an additional 20.5 feet~ on average, bordering Tabor Road throughout its length to provide for wtdentng it to a 70 foot ROW so that it can be paved, ~lttmately, to a width of 50 feet. Originally I had proposed to undertake most of the road construction at my own expense providing the Town would surface the road. After we had apparently resolved our differences on the drainage which I was going to donate, the offer was rejected because of the expense of the surfacing. Finally I offered to donate the property with no strings attached as to the construction of the road. This offer has not been accepted. I feel that the Town should accept the offer while it is still possible. It ts interesting to note that the Planning Board's own code on the Sub- division of Land, Section A106-33, requires an 80 foot ROW for a Secondary or Collector Street, whtch is exactly what Tabor Road will become when it is extended to King Street. And yet your objection has been that a 70 foot ROW is too wide. Aside from the traffic problem, one of my concerns is that the Town may find the narrow street a basis for re- jecting some project along Tabor Road tn the future. Isn't one Village Lane enough. My proposal to build a subdivision street connecting Tabor Road with Village Lane received a great deal of attention. Again quoting from the Planntng Board's own code on the Subdivision of Land, Section A106-32, "The arrangement of streets in the subdivision shall provide ... for proper projection of such streets into adjoining properties in order to make possible necessary fire protection, movement of traffic and construction or extension, presently or when later required, of needed utilities and public services, such as sewers and water drainage facilities." As you know I w~n~ to great expense to provide for the extension of this street to Village Lane for all of the good reasons quoted above only to have my efforts discouraged. -5- Southold Town Board (Continued) February 22, 1977 On the west side of Tabor Road, across from the cemetery, ts a gl;avol-flllod ~tll~lp, half ~n tho Town's proporty and half on mlno. only Is the smnp an eyesore but it is so high tn elevation that it cannot be used to provide drainage for the surrounding property. I have offered to provide other, and better, drainage facilities to substitute for this sump, first as a part of the widening of Tabor Road and later as a part of the drainage of the subdivision. Certainly there ts some substitution that can be made for this sump that is acceptable to the Town. In conjunction with the development of the Orient Fire District property, first as a part of my offer to the Board of Fire Commissioners dated October 6, 1976, and later tn conjunction with the development of the Terry property in a letter dated October 16, 1976, I have offered to donate to the Town of Southold a parcel fronting on Tabor Road and extending to the Terry property sufficient to construct a parking lot for the use of any businesses in the area, the school, and the fire house. The condition was that the parking so provided would count toward any parking required for the businesses. Obviously the nine acre parcel would have to be zoned for business. Also offered to the Town of Southold was a 50 foot ROW along the north side of the cemetery providing the Town would construct a public road to its own specifications. Both of these public facilities would provide a more direct access to the fire house and greatly increase parking where it ts most needed. I assume that you are aware of these proposals. It ts my understanding that William Terry is proposing a 50 foot ROW just east of the fire house and I would hope that these facilities would connect with that through the property of the Ortent Fire Distrfct. after you have dtscufsed this plan among yourselves, I would very much like to meet with you to see if we can reach some conclusions. If there were some way to bring the plan tn Its totality before a public hearing, I would take that action. However, the power to do this lies with the Planning Board in a revision of the Master Plan as nearly as I can figure out; -6- Southold Town Board (concluded) February 22, 1977 If Tabor Road ts the designated business district for Orient, then tt seems to me that our petition for a change of ~one should be approved. As we both know, the extst'ing variance creates a non-conforming use, and Section 100-118 of the Zoning Code provides for the conversion of a non- conforming use to another use of the same or htgher classification, Unless the building is destroyed or the present use is abandoned, the building and the smaller parcel are essentially zoned "C" now. The main purpose of the petition is to extend the existtng use to the one-acre parcel to the south whtch was not included in the variance since I didn't own it at the time. I should also point out that with the addition of the parcel on the south, the property becomes conforming In area to the requirements for the "C" zone. The building does not conform tn setback but the widening of Tabor Road, as proposed, will add 15 feet to the setback which will be very helpful. If Tabor Road is not to be the designated business district for Ortent~ then I certainly need to reassess my plans for the development of our property. That decision needs to be made before I reapply for approval of my subdivision and I hope that that will be soon. Can't we resolve this problem? __ Sincerely ypur~,, William ~hr ~ever Copies To: Town Clerk Superintendent of Highways Planning Board -7- JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ° Southold, 71 January 26, 1977 TELEPHONE 765-3783 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 108 East Main Street P. 0. Box 268 Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Cuddy: On October 20, 1976 you requested the Southold Town Clerk to give your client William W. Schriever a 90 day postponement on a proposed hearing on his application for a change o£ zone £rom "B" Light Business to "C" Light Industrial on property at Orient, New York. Since the 90 days has elapsed, do you wish the Board to now proceed and schedule a hearing? Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk P ,D S JOHN WICKHAM, Chairman FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL Southold, N.Y. 11971 November 17, 1976 TELEPHONE 765-1313 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held October 4, 1976. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board DENIAL of the application of William ~nd Barbara Schriever for a change of zone from "B" Light Business District to "C" Light Industrial District for property located on Tabor Road in Orient, based on the fact that a change would not be compatible with the Development Plan for the Town of Southold. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Chairman Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Suffolk County Depactmcnt of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway November 4, 1976 JOHN V.N. KLEIN, County Executive Hauppauge, L. L, N. Y. 979-2920 Mrs. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, Mew York 11971 Re: Application of "William and Barbara Schriever" for a change of zone from "B" Light Business to "C" Light Indus- trial, Town of Southold (SD-76-16) Dear Mrs. Terry: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Connnission on November 3, 1976 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove it because of the following: 1. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates this area for single family residence development; 2. It is inconsistent with the pattern of zoning in the surrounding area and therefore must be considered as "spot zoning"; 3. It would tend to establish a precedent for further industrial downzonings in the area; and 4. There appears to be ample available industrial zoned land throughout the Town of Southold. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner GGN: fp cc: Planning Board JUDITH T. TERRY TO~ CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL S'IATISTICS Southold, TELEPHONE 765-3783 October 27, 1976 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 108 East Main Street P. O. Box 268 Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Cuddy: In reply to your letter of October 20, 1976 on behalf o£ William W. Schriever who has made an application for a change o£ zone on certain property in Orient £rom "B" to "C", the Southold Town Board is agreeable to postponing notice o£ a public hearing £or 90 days. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk TOOKER, TOOl<ER & ESSEKS RIVERHEAD, N.Y. ilgOI 516 PARK · 3Z77 October 20, 1976 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Gentlemen: On behalf of William W. Schriever, who has made application to amend the zoning ordinance to change the zoning use dis- trict for premises located on the west side of Tabor Road between the Main Road and Orchard Street at Orient, New York from "B" Light Business to "C" Light Industrial, we request that any public hearing or notice of public hearing be post- poned for a period of not less than 90 days. Would you kindly confirm that no further action including a notice of public hearing or public hearing will be taken prior to 90 days from this date. Thank you. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC:rbm cc: William W. Schriever October 15, 1976 Mr. WilXiam Schriever Main Road Orient, New York 11957 Dear Mr. Schriever: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held October 4, 1976. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board DENIAL of the application of William and Barbara Schriever for a change of zone from "B" Light Business District to Light Industrial District for property located on Tabor Road in Orient, based on the fact that a change would not be compatible with the Development Plan for the Town of Southold. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary TOWN CLERK 765-3785 · 765-2660 Board ef Appeals TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 765-1313 TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, the ....~...0..~....'~_O.~.~.....~..0....~.......~1~...~ t~l~ of ........................................ (agency involved) hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (check one) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ............ Amendment to the zoning ordinance · .......~.... Zoning changes ............ Special permits ............ Variances Location of affected land: ..~..~..~.~...~.~..~..~..a'.~.~..(~...~...~..~.~.]r...d..~..~...~...~.~?~......~..~..~.~.. ............ within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ............ Town or village boundary line ....... X.... State or county road, parkway or expressway ............ State or county park or recreotion area ............ Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines ............ State or county owned parcel on which a public buildinfl is situated Comments: '~.O ROU, t~o].d TO'4~. [:r~lZ~ ~}O8.:~]. ;~Ocom~nd8 ~1~!.8]. 0~' this application based on the fact that a change would not be compatible with the Development Plan of the Town of Southold. Title Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission ........................................................................ File No ................................. JUDITH T. TERRY ]'OWN CLERK REGISTRAR O17 VITAL STAIISTI(S Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765-3783 August 26, 1976 Southold Tow~ Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Ga~ tl emen: Transmitted herewith is petition of William & Barbara SchrieYer requesting a change o£ zone £rom "B" Light Business District to "C" Light Industrial District on certain property at Orient, New York. You are hereby instructed to prepare an o££icial report de£ining the conditions described in said petition and determine the area so a££ected with your recommendations. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk 1915 Village Lane Orient, New York 11957 20 August 1976 Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York Dear Sirs: I am opposed to changing the zoning of the property of William and Barbara Schriever from light business to light industrial. It will change the character of Orient and is incompatible with the present nature of the town. Yours~truly, ~ Bernard Cohen, M.D. cc: Dr. and Mrs. J. Moor Jankowski CAS r NO: ......... STATE OF NEW YOE PETITION TOWN OF SOUTI{OLD IN THY- I~IATTEi~ OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CIt.~,NGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- AzNCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. w~, ...~.i. 1..1..i...a?.L.~..j).02;.12~rB...p. ql3r.~:.gv.~~ ......... residing at .l~.i..n....l~q~.d.,...~.r..[e.p~., ................. (insert name of petitioner) are Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, Yarrh the owner of certain real property situated at ....O~...i..9.B.t..~..~.9.~..XPk'..k. ......................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the uesterly line of Tabor Road at the southeasterly corner of the cemetery and the northeasterly corney of land of Schriever, said point of beginning being S. 4° 39' 00" E. - 115.19 feet from the point of intersection of said westerly line of Tabor Road with the southerly line of Main Road; running thence along said westerly line of Tabor Road S. 0° 38' 00" E - 306.51 feet; thence along other land of Schriever two courses: S. 87~ 47' 30" W. - 232.51 feet; thence N. 3° 40' 20" E. - 186.53 feet to land of Tabor & Sons; thence along said land No 88° 20' 40" E. - 30.13 feet' thence along said land of Tabor & Sons and along land of Ward Tabor N. 0~ 22' 30" E. - 122.87 feet to the southwesterly corner of the cemetery; thence along said cemetery N. 88° 17 ' 20" E. - 186.16 feet to the point of BEGINNING~ containing 64,622 square feet. 2. {edo hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including Ihe Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Change the property described in the first paragraph of this application from "B" Light Business District to "C" Light Industrial District. Such request is made for the following reasons: (1) The variance permitting the $chriever Construction Co., Inc., to occupy the existing butlding on this property does not now extend to include the newly acquired property south of this building although this additional space ts essential to store the equipment of the company. The proposed change to "C" Light Industrial District would make the use of this property by the Schriever Construction Co., Inc., a conforming use and provide sufficient lot area to meet the requirements for a minimum of 40,000 square feet provided for such zoning. (2) The existing partnership of Schriever & Latham wishes to occupy office space tn the existing building on this property for research and development work tn connection with its business of engineering and computer applications. Further, it is anticipated that a company may be formed to develop and market aircraft navigation instruments which would be owned, in part, by Schrlever & Latham and which would occupy the same offices. The proposed change to "C" Light Industrial District is required in order to permit such use. And this additional use of the existing building would result in no change whatever in the character of the neighborhood. (L. S.) . ~llliam Schrlever Bar~ara $ch~leYer STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) · .W.i.l. li.aln- .&...B~T.b.q~7.a..S.qh..rl.exe. r. .............. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that ~hex ~hev. have ~xX~[g petitione~ in the within action; that lx~ read the foregoing Petition and knov,~ the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters they :hcre{n stated to be alleged on {nformation and belief, and that as to those matters ~ believes it to be true. Rotary Public. ELIZABETH ANN NEVILLE NOTARY PUBLIC, Sla~e ol New York No. 52-812§850. SuffolkCou urn_. Term Expires March 30, 19 PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICES 1. Orient Cemetery, c/o Martha Terry, Secretary,.Ortent, N. Y. 11957 2. b~. & Mrs. Ward Tabor, Main Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 3. Russel Tabor & Sons, Main Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 4. Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Tabor, Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 5. Mr. Estacto Soito, Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 6. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Magrino, Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 7. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Reeves, Jr., Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 8. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Norklun, Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 9. Dr. & Mrs. J. Moor-Jankowskt, 431E. 85th Street, New York, N. Y. 10028 10. Mrs. Alice Kripinskt, 179 Nicholas Ave, Staten Island, N. Y. 10302 11. Mr. Kenneth Strachan, Jr., Peters Neck Point, Orient, N. Y. 11957 12. Mrs. Martha M. Horton, Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 13. Orient Methodist Church, c/o Donald McNetll, Orient, N. Y. 11957 14. Mrs. Hazel F. King, Orchard Street, Orient, N. Y. 11957 15. Mrs. Edith Barra, Orchard Street, Orient, N. Y. 11957 16. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Woglom, Jr., Box 257, Orient, N. Y. 11957 17. Mrs. Adriana B. Vail, Orchard Street, Orient, N. Y. 11957 18. Mr. & Mrs. William Wysocki, Jr., Orchard Street, Orient, N. Y. 11957 19. Mrs. Shirley B. Carlsson, 325 West Neck Road, Huntington, N. Y. 11743 20. Mr. & Mrs. William Rich III, 454 Fort Washington Ave., New York, N. Y. 10033 STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS,: Wtlliam Schriever, residing at Main Road,~rtent, N. Y. 11957, being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the ~ day of August, 1976, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the copy attached hereto, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Orient, N. Y. ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by Certified Mall, Return Receipt Requested. William Schriever Sworn to me tht s ~l'~-- day of August, 1976. ubltc 3UIIA E FITZ NOTARY PUBLIC, Stale of New York No. 52-1236770 Qualified in Sutfolk County Commission Expires March 30, ~977 No. No. 995788 5790 No. No. 995792 No. '~957o6 No No. 49b~uO No. :%95801 No. 495802 No. '~95803 In tl~e Matter of the Petition of : : William and Barbara Schrtever : to rile Town Board of tbe Town of Soutbold. : TO: NOTICE change of bus[ness zone from "B", Light Bus[ness Dlstrict to "C" Light !.n_dus~rial_District .so part 9f_ exl_stlng building ¢~ , .. or near 2. J nat ,nc iu ~q: =[ t¥ winch ~s tl~e SUbl(C! el tile [ eHtlon is located adlacent t(~/your property and is des- crihed as. Jollow,'.. _.Pr°. perry on west side of Tabor Road now being used by Scnrtever Construction Co. including- ~e~ac~e S~t~ ~f exl~{n~ bU~df~g~ '~f~n~g~ a~ .... 3. That thc properw wbnn is thcsnbjccl o such Pefitmn is located in the following zoning district: .................. ~[B!~ Light_ Bu~!n~s~ 4. q hat by such i'cfition, the undcrsigu~-d ,,viii ¢ + [ .tu~. that thc above-described property be placed in the foiiowing zone district classification: ';_Cf' Light Industrial District 5. Tb,~r ~,,n.n,~ ri'ce cSays ~rom ibc ~l.llc lic;'cuf, a wi-[Itch Petition requesting the ~elief specified above will be filed in file < . ~''~ .... ...... [ ....... : ~wr, ~.ic:}<'s Gliice at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there 6. ]'liar bc;'orc d~a relief ~ought may be grained, a public hearing inust be held on the matter by the Town Board; ihal a n(;tice of sucb hearing nlust be published at least ten days prior to tbe date of such bearing in lhe St~ff~il< Tin::': ,~d in the [.ong Island Trlivcler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers publisbed in the Town of Southold and dcsii;ii: led f~:r the publication of sucb notices; du~t you or your representative have the right to ap- pear anO be I;ea~d at suc'a hearing. Dated: August 9, 1976 Bar bar a~Schr iever /./ .... / . Petitianers William Schrtever Post Office Address: ..... _~a_in Road, Box 1~2~8 Ortent, N. Y. 11957 D. H. BO~-RUM OYSTERPONDS UNION FREE SCHOOL dIStRICT IN ORIENT OHent, N. Y. 11957 (516} 323-2410 December 16, 1977 Mr. Albert Martocchia SuPervisor' Southold, New York Mr. Martocchia: Dun to th~- article regarding the request for a change of zo2..~ ,~x~ Tabor Road, which appeared in ~he Dec- .~m[~Pr ii e<}it~on of the Suffolk Life, the Board of [duc-~t[on of the Oysterponds Union Free school District ~'~ ~3r]~nt w~}uld like to qo on record, aqain, as being an~.c ~sL', oppc~sed to the change of zone from A. , 'cLc~IL~ral nnd Residential. to B, Business (light) u th~ ~ ;h~ acre, perce] directly south of the district :-c~ (~ ; o~ ~, u~_e 25 in Orient. 'i!w. Poard of [ducation wishes to further state that it h~'~ '-~ ?er'.~era! objection to Mr. & Mrs. Schriever, but 't J~ oNp~ , ,' to the business zoning because oi the ,._,~_~r,t ~aL ~ rafr~c pro0l~ms ~nvolved,therefore, the safety h. zlrd [,> ~be cNihiren atten~]ir,g Oysterp. onds Elementary JKK: ams cc: J. wickham~ Cour~t:y ~ Janning Very truly yours, Joan K. Kalin District Clerk WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ...... .W..J:-]:.l...J:....~..~."~+~...c1:~.B...~....~...8~.."~.~"~.~...~..~..~..e.'¥.~. ......... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made o part thereof by chang- "A" Residential ~nd "B" Li~htne$.s.~..~.z ing from ....AgrJ. oL14I.'I;.uz'.D,.L ........... District to ........................................ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ._..~..~..~z. ...... day of .............. ..N..°..~.e...~.b...e.~ .............. , 19..Z..7.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, anditherebyis DENIED for the following reasons: 1. The requested change is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan. 2. It is inconsistent with the residential pattern of zoning and character of the area east of Tabor Road. 3. The resultant increase in traffic generation would be potentially hazardous to children attending Oyster- Ponds Untion Free School on the north side of Main Road. 4. The proposed change would constitute the unwarranted extensive encroachment of business zoning into a residential district and would be considered spot zoning. DATED: December 20, 1977 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOAP~D. JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, N. Y. 11971 November 28, 1977 Gentlemen: I want to thank all of you, and particularly Supervisor Martocchia who chaired the meeting, for the courtesy extended to us at the Public Hearing on our petition to establish a business dtstrict for Orient. I feel that we were g~ven every opportunity to make our presentation in favor of the petition. There are a few observations that I would like to bring to your attention concerning the remarks of those who spoke in opposition. Fore- most among them ts the fact that not a single alternate site was proposed~ either for a busiaass district or for a new firehouse~ Mr. Frank Fagan did address himself to the question of whether Orient needed a business distrtct~ though I don't share his conclusion that Orient will never be able to support any retail businesses. Mr. Robert Douglass suggested that the public would select the site for a new firehouse but made no suggestions as to any possible sites from which to choose. It seems to me that thts reinforces our argument that Tabor Road is the best site available, both for a business district and for a new firehouse. I was so intrigued by Mr. William Y. Terry's remarks that I even read the transcript to confirm what I had remembered. Although he did not exactly offer his property as a possible site for a business district, he certalnly made an effort to defend its selection. While we believe that our property is the best site for a retatl business district, we have no objection to Mr. Terry's property being zoned for business or even light industry. When the Fire Commissioners proposed to purchase his property as a site for a new firehouse, we offered to donate the right-of-way for an access road to the rear of his property, and that offer still stands. Also Mr. Terry's objection that granting our petition would give us a monopoly on business property tn Orient could be removed by extending the business district to include a portion of his property. If he were to make such a petition, I Wotlld be glad to speak in support. Southold Town Board (continued) November 28, 1977 As to the objection by the Orient Central Cemetery Trustees, the only thing we have proposed on our property that might detract from the appearance of the cemetery ts the Orient Fire District tournament facility. I must admit that we selected a site along the eastern boundary of our property for this facility because we felt that otherwise it would detract from the appearance of the business district. So I can understand their objection. However, Mr. Terry has been willing to provide a site for this facility which the Fire Con%missioners have found acceptable and to which the Cemetery Trustees apparently have no objection. Since we have no objection to locating this facility anywhere on Mr. Terry's property and are quite willing to withdraw our offer to provide a site, It seems to me that this problem can be resolved to the satisfaction of all four parties concerned. Mr. Tony Gloria has already spoken to me about obtaining additional property at the rear of his lot, I Indicated to him that we would be happy to provide a strip along the south side of not only his lot but also those of his two neighbors. Maybe this will help resolve some of the objections of Mr. and Mrs. Ferretra. I am confident that some arrangements also can be made by the Fire Commissioners in their plans for the new firehouse to accomodate the Ferretra's as well. When we made our proposal for a business district, we were quite aware of the opposition we could expect and yet we felt that we had a moral obligation to make the offer no matter what the outcome. As it turned out, we had less opposition than we had expected. After all of the publicity we had provided, a petitton with about a hundred names on tt ts hardly overwhelming. As I remember, there w~re several times that many in opposition to our residential subdivision. What we did not expect was the obvious reluctance on the part of the Fire Co~,lsstoners to continue with their plans for a new firehouse. No doubt they find tt hard to accept such strong opposition from the community they are trying to serve. Perhaps, by making thls site available, we can revive their Interest. Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, N. Y. 11971 November 28, 1977 Gentlemen: I want to thank all of you, and particularly Supervisor Marto¢chta who chaired the meeting, for the courtesy extended to us at the Public Hearing on our petttton to establish a business dtstrtct for Orient. I feel that we w~re given every opportunity to make our presentation tn favor of the petition. There are a few observations that I would like to bring to your attention concerning the remarks of those who spoke In opposition. Fore- most among them ts the fact that not a single alternate site was proposed, either for a bus%mm~s dtstrtct or for a new firehouse. Mr. Frank Fagan did address himself to the question of whether Orient needed a business district, though I don't share his conclusion that Ortent will never be able to support any retail businesses. Mr. Robert Douglass suggested that the public would select the site for a new firehouse but made no suggestions as to any possible sites from which to choose. It seems to me that this reinforces our argtrment that Tabor Road is the best site available, both for a business district and for a new firehouse. I was so Intrigued by Mr. William Y. Terry's remarks that I even read th~ transcript to confirm what I had remembered. Although he did not exactly offer his property as a possible site for a business district, he certainly made an effort to defend Its selection. While we believe that our property is the best site for a retail business district, we have no objectlon to Mr. Terry's property being zoned for business or even light industry. When the Fire Commissioners proposed to purchase his property as a s~te for a new firehouse, we offered to donate the right-of-way for an access road to the rear of bls property, and that offer still stands. Also Mr. Terry's objection that granting our petition would give us a monopoly on business property in Orient could be removed by extending thc business district to include a portion of his property. If he were to make such a petition, I would b~ glad to speak in support. Southold Town Board (continued) November 28, 1977 As to the objection by the Orient Central Cemetery Trustees, the only thing we have proposed on our property that might detract from the appearance of the cemetery ts the Orient Fire District tournament factltty. I must admit that we selected a site along the eastern boundary of our property for this facility because we felt that otherwise it would detract from the appearance of the business district. So I can understand their objection. However, Mr. Terry has been wtlltng to provide a site for this factltty which the Fire Commissioners have found acceptable and to which the Cemetary Trustees apparently have no objection. Since we have no objection to locating this facility anywhere on Mr. Terry's property and are quite willing to withdraw our offer to provfde a site, It seems to me that this problem can ba resolved to the satisfaction of all four parties concerned. Mr. Tony Gloria has already spoken to me about obtaining addfttonal property at the rear of his lot. I Indicated to him that we would be happy to provide a strtp along the south side of not only his lot but also those of his two neighbors. Maybe this will help resolve some of the objections of Mr. and Mrs. Ferretra. I am confident that some arrangements also can be made by the Fire Commissioners tn thetr plans for the new firehouse to accomodate tha Ferratra's as well. When we made our proposal for a business district, we were quite aware of the opposition we could expect and yet we felt that we had a moral obligation to make the offer no matter what the outcome. As it turned out, we had less opposition than we had expected. After all of the publicity we had provided, a petition with about a hundred names on tt is hardly overwhelming. As I remember, there were several times that many tn opposition to our residential subdivision. What we did not expect was the obvious reluctance on the part of the Fire Commissioners to continua with their plans for a new firehouse. No doubt they find it hard to accept such strong opposition from the community they are trying to serve. Perhaps, by making this site available, we can revive their ~nterest. Southold Town Board (concluded) November 28, 1977 We really do believe that it ts absolutely essential to the future of Orient that our proposal be adopted. And I believe we have demonstra- ted the courage to fight for what we betteve in even when we are con- fronted with almost no visible public support. In the past, we have supported you when we felt that you were making the right decisions In spite of strong opposition. If you will remember, we supported your plans for a new Town Hall eYen when they were certain to be defeated. We supported your granting of the zontng for the KOA campsite, again tn the face of strong opposition. And we supported your plans to provide for an east-west road along the north shore In Orient when you were being opposed by many of the same people who are opposing us now. So you have demonstrated the courage to make the right decisions even when they may appear to be unpopular. And, tn this case, there ts no possibility that granting our petition could create a partisan issue. So the future of Orient ts now tn your hands. Please take good care of lt. S[nDereIy yours, ~ William W. Schrlever Box 128 Orient, N. Y. 11957 November 15, 1977 CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #234 - WILLIAM AND BARBAR3~ SCHRIEVER Supervisor Martocchia opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Justice Louis M. Demarest Justice Martin Surer Councilman James F. Homan Supervisor: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to call the hearing to order for the purpose of hearing on an application of William Schriever and Barbara for two parcels of land at Orient to request a change of zone from A-R to Light B business. I will have Judge Demarest read the legal notice. Justice Demarest read the legal notice of public hearing. Justice Demarest: I have the affidavit of publication from Stuart Dorman which was published in the Suffolk Times aud also the affidavit signed by Sherley Katz that it was printed in the Long Island Traveler-Watchman. I have the affidavit that it was placed on the bulletin board at the Southold Town Clerk's Office signed by Judith Terry. I have the recommendation of the Suffolk County Department of Planning on the application of William and Barbara Schriever. Dear Mr. Wickham: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on October 5, 1977 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove it because of the following: 1. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates this area for Agricultural-Residence Development; 2. It is inconsistent with the residential pattern of zoning and character of the area east of Tabor Road; 3. It constitutes the unwarranted extensive encroachment of business zoning into a Residence District; 4. It would tend to establish a precedent for further down- zonings along Main Road; and 5. The resultant increase in traffic generation would be potentially hazardous to children attending Oysterponds School on the north side of Main Road. /s/ Gerald G. Newman Chief Plamaer I also have the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board. C/Z - Schriever -2- November 15, 1977 Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held August 22, 1977. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board denial of the application #23~ of William and Barbara Schriever for a change of zone on property situated at Orient, New York, from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District based on the following: 1. Rezoning of this property would constitute spot zoning. 2. Improper use of the property because of potential traffic hazard with reference to 0ysterponds Union Free School District. 3. It is inconsistent with the Southold Town development plan. /s/ Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Supervisor: Ladies and gentlemen, you have heard Judge Demarest read the legal notice, also, the description of the property in question for tonight's hearing, the official publication in two of our local papers, the Suffolk Times and the Traveler, and the proof of it being posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. Also, you have heard the comments of the Suffolk County Planning Depart- ment where they recommend disapproval for several reasons and the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board recommending denial for several reasons. At this time, the floor is open to anyone that would wish to speak in behalf of the applicant, that would be himself or a representative. The floor is open. Identify yourself for the steno, please. William W. Schriever: I am William W. Schriever, one of the applicants. Before I start I would like to, I don't know whether you can see this map. This section, this piece of property from the cemetery here all the way down to where the sump starts across from the other cemetery is now zoned light business which is the same zone that we are applying for. What we are asking for is one small piece there which will surround that sump plus a piece on the other side of the road. I know the Town Board has seen all this but I thought that those that are here that hadn't seen the map would understand the situation better if I showed it. Supervisor Martocchia, Members of the Town Board, Ladies and Gentlemen: My wife and I want to thank all of you here this evening for coming out to participate in this public hearing. We believe that the decisions to be discussed this evening will be among the most important ever made for the future of Orient as a community. Eight months ago on March 22, we petitioned this Board to amend the Building Zone Ordinance in order to establish a business district along Tabor Road in the hamlet of Orient. It is that petition which is the subject of this public hearing. In essence, we have petitioned to extend the existing Light Business Zone from its present 4.2 acres along the west side of Tabor Road to a total of 14.7 acres and including all of the vacant frontage along both C/Z - Schriever -3- November 15, 1977 sides of Tabor Road. After allowing for the inclusion of the Town Sump, the widening of the right-of-way of Tabor Road to 70 feet, the dedication of a 50 foot right-of-way for a road north of Orient Central Cemetery and extending on to the west, and the provision for a 30 foot right-of-way and buffer along the west aud south sides of the business district, the net area would be 12.6 acres. Deducting for our shop property, the area initially available for future business development then becomes ll.1 acres. At the time we presented this petition, we assumed that the Orient Fire District would be able to acquire the Terry property. Now, there appears to be a distinct possibility that a significant portion of this proposed business district may be needed for a new firehouse and parking lot. If so, then the area left for future business development would probably be about 8 acres. This area would be reduced again to about 7 acres if the Town insists that a large open sump be constructed to handle the drainage from the roads in the vicinity. Obviously an area of 7 acres would be inadequate to accommodate even those existing businesses in Orient that are not now located in some business zone. But, then a light business zone, which is the subject of this petition, does not permit the types of businesses that predominate in Orient, namely those of the construction trades. We feel that this area will prove to be adequate to accommodate those strictly retain businesses which would be permitted under the zoning as proposed. These would include such things as a post office, a branch bank, a grocery store, a restaurant, and other businesses of that nature. This is not to suggest that no provision should ever be made for continuing the types of businesses which now exist in Orient. Certainly, it seems reasonable to assume that at some time this Board will make such a provision. But, based upon our recent experience, now is clearly not that time. If this petition is granted, the immediate effect will be to preserve this area for future community use by preventing its subdivision into residential lots. The only plan for this property which is subject to the granting of this petition is the possibility of a sale to the Orient Fire District for a new firehouse. And if this sale is made, then this Board may wish to accept our offer to donate property to the Town for a public parking lot adjacent to the new firehouse. Also, this evening, we wish to make a formal request that this Board act upon our offer to donate to the Town the property necessary to widen the right-of-way of Tabor Road. It is essential that we establish the future bounds of Tabor Road so that we may file the correct maps in the development and sale of our property. We wish to assure this Board that this offer is not contingent upon any condition whatever, not even the granting of the petition which is the subject of this public hearing. Once our property is sold, it will become almost impossible to widen Tabor Road unless this Board accepts our offer now. In order to provide a more effective presentation of our reasons for proposing this business district, we have published in both local newspapers a series of seven letters "To the Residents of Orient". Since these letters have been widely read, not only in Orient but throughout the Town, it seems unnecessary to read them into the record as a part of our presentation. Therefore, we are submitting copies of these letters with the understanding that C/Z - Schriever -4- November 15, 1977 they will be included in the record of this public hearing. In addition, the Suffolk Times has published a letter from the Board of Commissioners of the Orient Fire District and our letter in response, and we have included copies of these two letters for the record. There are really only two fundamental questions before this public hearing tonight: Should this Board provide for a business district in the hamlet of Orient? And if so, then where should this business district be located? If this public hearing should come to a close without an affirmative resolution of these two questions, then the future of Orient as a community is in serious jeopardy. In our opinion, those who speak in opposition to this petition have an obligation to address themselves to these two fundamental questions above all else. (The documents referred to by Mr. Schriever are attached as Exhibit A.) Supervisor: Thank you, Mr. Schriever. I would like to make a comment on the last page where you indicated this public hearing should come to a close without an affirmative resolution of these two questions, then the future of Orient as a community is in serious jeopardy, we cannot give you any. Mr. Schriever: I didn't mean that the board had to respond. I meant that the meeting, there should be a consensus of this meeting before we leave tonight as to whether we want a business district and if we do, then there should be a place, some place at least in mind, at least a suggestion, because at the present time, to the best of my knowledge, we have made the only proposal of a business district in Orient. Supervisor: Thank you, I understand it better. You have heard Mr. Schriever's presentation. Before it is open to anyone, at this time, I would like to establish some ground rules. We'll say to each speaker, the main part of the presentation was Mr. Schriever, you will have three minutes to make your comments if you want to use three minutes. If you want to get up later on again after you've had the three minutes, you can do that later on, but in order to give everybody a chance to be heard, I will limit it to three minutes for the first go-around and when everybody's had a chance to speak and you want to get up again, that's o.k., but initially it will be three minutes. Anyone at this time that would like to speak on behalf of granting this application to Mr. and Mrs. Schriever. Roy Latham: I'm Roy Latham from Orient. I think this is a good idea. I think the issue here is a planning issue and, as far as I know, the plan for Orient is that, basically, everything will stay the way it's always been. There is no plan for a business district except there's an enormous amount of property which is available for residential development. So, if the plan is to keep things as they are with respect to business what you would end up with is a town with many, many people in it. The residential property will inevitably be built up to a large extent. You will end up with a town of several thousand people and no business whatsoever except for the existing post office and one little store. C/Z - Schriever -5- November 15, 1977 This is incredible. This is not going to happen so what will happen is that eventually there will be enough people, the demand will build up and you are going to have to spot business here and there, cut little corners out. I don't think that's the way to do it. I think the proper thing is to anticipate the need before it occurs, before there's a real problem, decide what you're going to do and then you have a plan. So, for that reason I think this is the location. It's the logical place to do it so I favor the proposal. Supervisor: Thank you, Mr. Latham. Anyone else wish to speak in favor of granting this zone change? Anyone else wishes to speak on behalf of granting this application? Hearing none, we will entertain anyone that wishes to speak in opposition. William Y. Terry, Jr.: Gentlemen, in regard to the above application, I wish to state that I am vehemently opposed to the granting of this application for the following reasons: 1. It is inconsistent with the Development Plan of Southold Tow~, and completely incompatible with the entire area. The Historic District~status was granted to the Village of Orient to preserve and protect the rural and historic atmosphere, not with the thought of constructing a business area nor a four lane highway in the immediate vicinity. 2. The proposal of the applicants would be incompatible with the two cemeteries at either end of Tabor Road, the close proximity of the two churches, the Historic Corridor status of Route 25, as well as the location of the Oysterponds School. 3. In the application, it is further stated that the plan of the applicants would be to dedicate a 50 foot strip on the north side of the Central Cemetery for a road to the east. Application states west but I believe that there is an error in application. Where is this road going to? And why? And where is the four lane Tabor Road going to? And why? I find it impossible to respond to this application without making mention of the letters in the local newspapers addressed to the residents of Orient by Mr. s~ad Mrs. Schriever. From the complexities, the trade-offs, the deals contingent upon other deals and the general air of confusion, I tend to look upon the entire operation as a gigantic, economy size Monopoly game. It is almost inconceivable that anyone could make sense out of the chaos and that a logical decision could be made based on the information given. In addition, the references to Platt Road as a negative site for a business district, the new roads that the applicants propose, the dubious connection with their project and that of Truman's Beach, Orient Point, or the Orient State Park boggles the mind. The letters referring to the deals they would like to make with the Orient Fire Department and the subsequent response from the Commissioners speaks for itself. In closing, I can only hope that the Southold Town Board will see that the applicants can benefit only themselves and certainly will do nothing for the preservation and the future of Orient, and, therefore, urge you to deny the applications. C/Z - Schriever -6- November 15, 1977 Douglas Robertson: I am a resident of Orient, my name is Robertson, and also treasurer and a trustee of the Orient Central Cemetery Association. I have a written statement here that represents the position of the Board of Trustees of the cemetery which I would like to present to the Board. In the matter of the petition of William Sihriever to allow for the change of zoning from A to B for that property which is adjacent to the cemetery and stretching along Tabor Road from the cemetery to the Main Road, the Board of Trustees, but not the Association as a whole, has taken the position of being opposed to any such change of zoning. Since the cemetery still has five acres of unsold land, a change of zoning to business would make the area less appealing to prospective cemetery plot owners, as well as to our present plot owners. It does not seem proper to change the character of the adjacent area, if there is any way of avoiding it. To do so, would violate the trust that accompanied the original purchase of a per- manent resting place, and make the cemetery less appealing, to the extent that a cemetery may deteriorate to the point where, by New York State Law, the Town of Southold might be obliged to take over the property. (The statement presented by Mr. Robertson contained the following signatures: D. M. Robertson, Charles E. Ryder, Frederick F. Rackett, Thomas W. Young, Floyd F. King, Jr., Irma Dimbat, Hilda T. McNeill, John B. Tuthill.) Supervisor: Who else would like to speak. Robert Hughes: I have here a petition of over one hundred names signed by people, with their addresses, they all live in Orient, who are opposed to this change and ask the board to refuse the request. (Mr. Hughes presented a petition which is attached.) Supervisor: Anyone else that would like to speak. Mary Ellen Terry: We, the Directors of the Orient Village Cemetery Association do strongly oppose the downzoning of the properties owned by Barbara and William Schriever located on both the ease side and the west side of Tabor Road, fr~m A to B, light business. Parcel I, being 8.962 acres and Parcel II being 1.514 acres. We give the following reasons: 1. It would be inconsistent with the Development Plan of Southold Town and incompatible with the entire area. The Historic District status of the Village area, the Historic Corridor of Route 25, the two cemeteries at either end of Tabor Road, as well as the close proximity of the school and two churches makes this obvious. 2. we feel strongly that granting this application would destroy the conformity of the area and would be completely inconsistent with the rural and historic atmosphere of not only the immediate vicinity but of the entire Hamlet of Orient. We therefore urge you to deny this application. C/Z - Schriever -7- November 15, 1977 (The statement presented by Ms. Terry contained the following names: Edward W. Latham, President; Martha Y. Terry, Director and Treasurer; William Y. Terry, Jr., Director.) Supervisor: Thank you very much. Is there anyone else that would like to speak? Frank Fagan: I am a storekeeper in Greenport living in Orient. Did I understand that there was going to be a retail complex with a grocery store here? Is that correct? Mr. Schriever: Are you asking me, sir? Mr. Fagan: I am. Mr. Schriever: There are no plans for this property. I mean there are no, I don't know if there will be a grocery store there or not, probably not in my lifetime. The question is to set up the district. There are no plans to build any businesses on this property at this time, to the best of my knowledge. Mr. Fagan: I thought, Mr. Schriever, it was going to be a business district. Mr. Schriever: Yes, that's correct. Mr. Fagan: What businesses are going to be there, may I ask. Supervisor: To answer your question, page two of Mr. Schriever's presentation, these would include such things as a post office, a branch bank, a grocery store, a restaurant and other businesses of that nature. Does that answer your question? Mr. Fagan: I think it does. I would just like to, if I may, Mr. Chairman, give you a few things to show that the success of the project that Mr. Schriever has in mind may not be quite as final as he things. For example, in this local area it would take three to four thousand families to support a drug store. For a medium sized supermarket, it would take seven to eight thousand transactions per week to support it. For a good small deli, it would take three to four thousand transactions a week to support it. I am a store- keeper. I submit that there is no possibility that any of the plans for retailing which Mr. Schriever has can conceivably be brought to fruition as successful businesses. Then, if that is so and the buildings are built, what is he going to ask for. Shall we change then the zoning to something else such as light industry which he has wanted for a long time. I do not know what is in his mind but I do know, as a storekeeper, that retailing cannot succeed in this area. It cannot and what will happen? If he put up a $50,000 bond, for example, and said I will build the stores, I will maintain them and another $25,000 to guarantee maintenance for five years, I think that would be conceivable, but I do not think it's conceivable that anybody would rent his stores. I think his idea of retailing is totally incompatible not only to the area but it is incompatible with anybody living there and a storekeep, which I am, unless he's out of his complete mind. One other thing. Shall we change the name of Tabor Road? I believe Mr. Schriever's plan C/Z - Schriever -8- November 15, 1977 calls for making a four mile highway, a four mile lane, I'm sorry. So, do we need four miles. I ride on my bike every day. I see Mr. Schriever's roof on the original building he started many years ago. It's still not finished and I see his machinery broken down and otherwise and I wonder whether with four lanes there running from the north road to Orchard Street, which I ride my bike there every day, with a cemetery on one side on the right and a cemetery on the left and one old Tabor farm left at the corner, is this really what we think Orient ought to have? I do not think so. (applause) Supervisor: Anyone else? Robert Douglass: Mr. Supervisor and the board and fellow people from Orient and other communities, I am Robert Douglass, Orient Fire Commissioner. I am here tonight to make a short statement that we kind of resent the inference on us and the fact that a lot of this hinges on Orient having a firehouse on this property. We as yet have no reason to believe that we need an expressway in the hamlet of Orient to operate our equipment on, either fire or rescue. When it comes time to pick a piece of property for a firehouse, the public will do it. We had it out to vote, the public said no. We are situated where we are. If it comes up again, the public will choose it. No business districts or anything else will be pressuring us into an area of land. We fail to see the need for any of this and I hope that the board will go along with the people and down it rather than change our type of community. Thank you. (applause) Supervisor: Anyone else? Daniel Latham: I reside in Orient and I am a farmer in Orient. I am speaking on behalf of the North Fork Environmental Council. The North Fork Environmental Council is sorry to learn that a third attempt is being made to downzone property along Tabor Road in Orient from residential-agricultural and business zones to industrial. The first attempt was in 1968. At that time, and in a subsequent effort, petitions for downzoning were opposed by neighbors and other residents of the hamlet of Orient, by the trustees of two adjoining cemeteries, and by responsible Southold Town officials. This time, the Town is being asked to approve a proposition to build a shopping center in the midst of historical and residential Orient. The North Fork Environmental Council is opposed to this downzoning. Such downzoning would: 1. Change the character of the community from a peaceful, residential environment to one of a busy, heavily trafficked, suburban type blemish. 2. Defeat the significance of the historical designation which Orient has earned. 3. Create traffic hazards endangering lives of children attending the school across Route 25 from the property in question. 4. Degrade the surroundings of nearby cemeteries and churches. 5. And possibly most important of all, burden the limited water supply and create dangerous sewage disposal problems to the detriment of the entire Orient area. C/Z - Schriever -9- November 15, 1977 Joseph Busso: I am a resident of East Marion and vice-president of the 0ysterponds School District. We have submitted on July 5, I believe, that we are opposed to this dow~zoning for the safety of the children and we would still like to have that sustained. (Copy of letter from the)0ysterponds School District to the Planning Board attached. Supervisor: You're vice-president of the school system? Mr. Busso: The school board. Supervisor: Anyone else? Robert Van Nostrand: I live in Orient. I want to go on the record as being opposed to the proposal. Supervisor: Anyone else? Ruth Oliva: I have a letter here to the Town Board and I will read it and hand in a copy. Dear Sirs: First and foremost, we oppose Schriever's proposal to create a business district for Orient on their basic premise that Orient needs business development. It does not. People have come to Orient, settled in Orient, and remained in Orient for a simple reason. It is a beautiful, historic, rural village. It is a place to get away from, or not move to, the noise, congestion, and hectic life o£ both city and surburbia. Now, it is proposed to put a mini Roosevelt Field or Smithaven Mall in Orient. Ridiculous! Secondly, it is proposed to put this business district and firehouse across from an elementary school. Why must our children have to learn to dodge more traffic than necessary. Housing development in Orient is increasing at a rapid rate. As we know, our water and waste disposal capability is a fragile thing. No one is sure what would happen if we had a few years of drought. Why should we add businesses which consume so much more water and have a much larger waste disposal problem. It is time we all learned that nature is not man's servant, but rather, man is nature's servant. (applause) Supervisor: Thank you. Anyone else? Has everyone had the opportunity to speak into the record that wishes to speak? Schriever, would you like some rebuttal time? Mrt Mr. Schriever: My comment would be that a few of the people did address the issue tonight, at least what I see as the issue, and that is whether Orient should have a business district or not. It appears that the consensus of this meeting is that we should not have a business district judging by the ..... I'm not sure that is a wise decision but I am perfectly willing to accept it if that is the decision of this meeting. (applause) I will be making another application if this is turned down, I will be making C/Z - Schriever -10- November 15, 1977 another application to remove the business district which is there now so that I can get some financial return out of the property that is there. I hope that this board will accept that application, if they reject this one. Mr. Fagan: Would Mr. Schriever please interpret what he said because nobody seems to understand it. Mr. Schriever, you said if this was not granted you would do something else. Supervisor: Mr. Schriever said if this application was denied, that he in turn was going to make another application of some nature. We don't know what it is because we don't see it. Mr. Schriever: Right now, the application that is before this meeting is to make this business and this business so that we had a business district. Now, there is already a whole strip of business of exactly the same distance right along here now which we own and under the present .... the zoning ordinance as amended in 1976 so that you can no longer build a house in a business district. Therefore, using Mr. Fagan's analysis, there is no possibility that I will ever sell this property for any purpose .... Mr. Fagan: I did not say that. Mr. Schriever: That I, then, will ask that this board remove that business district so that I can include that property into the residential subdivision and, therefor, get some return out of the property. My position is simply that you cannot have a business district that is so small that it does not have any interaction. In other words, you have to generate traffic to have a business district and you cannot do it with the little bit of area that we already have. Supervisor: Does anyone else wish to speak into the record? Mr. Latham: I would like to give one more comment. It was interesting to hear the opponents speak and I think it's i~c~edible. I mean, the people here are very interested in their town, that's clear. It's also clear that they want it to be like it is today which isn't going to happen. Not a prayer of that happening. You are going to have, you are talking about the environmental impact, and if there aren't businesses there, there are going to be houses. Houses are going to have a much more seve~ impact than businesses. There's no question about it. It is also clear, I mean this thing, about the traffic issue, I don't, I mean nobody could have thought about that for ten minutes. Every car that would go to this business area would go to Greenport instead. There's no question about it. People don't go to business areas to sight see or anything like that. You put a store somewhere, people go there to buy something, right? I didn't even hear an argument as to why it would generate traffic. I mean, all the people that are going to buy things are going to have to travel to get it and they are going to have to travel further. Nobody is going to come from outside of Orient to shop in this little area. I don't think anybody addressed the planning issue. I mean there are people that argue it isn't needed now. Nothing that is ever planned is needed now if the planning is proper. You plan things before they C/Z Schriever -11- November 15, 1977 are needed. And what people are planning is that they want Orient to be wall-to-wall houses with no services. That's what they're planning and that is what it's going to be. Some of you will probably live to see it. I guarantee it. Supervisor: Thank you. Anyone else wish to speak? Has everyone had the opportunity to speak on this matter tonight? That wishes to speak? There are also some letters that will be given to the steno. We have some here and we have others in the office on file that are all in opposition to this project. I will give them to the steno right after the meeting as part of the file. If there is no one else that wishes to be heard, this is the last call. I thank you all for coming tonight and the board will take this matter up at the proper time and arrive at a decision, hope£ully it will meet with satisfaction and the development of our community as the Town Board would like to see it develop. Thank you very much for coming tonight. The hearing is closed. Respectfully submitted, ? Murie~T-Brush,/~ecretary After the hearing, Mr. Charles Glover approached the secretary and asked that his name be removed from the petition presented in opposition to the change of zone. The secretary informed Mr. Glover that she could not physically remove his name but would make the board aware o£ the fact that he had requested same. TO THE TOWN BOARD TO[fN OF SOUTHOLD I have read the attached notice, dated >larch 21, 1977, by Barbara Schriever and William Schriever, requesting a change of zone "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District to provide for "a business district for the hamlet of Orient." I have examined the accompanying map and understand that the property which is the subject of the Petition is: Parcel I: 8.962 acres with 769.52 feet of frontage along tile east side of Tabor Road; Parcel I1: 1.514 acres with 160.40 feet of frontage along the west side of Tabor Road surrounding the Town Sump. After having read the notice and examining the map I would like to make it known to the Town Board that I am strongly o~osed to any such "change in zone" and urKe tile Town Board to refuse the request. Name Address 15. 16. 17. lg, ]9. 20. In the Matter of the Petition of ~illiam and Barbara fichrtever to thc Yown Board of the Yown of Southold. TO: NOTICE b~r. & Mrs. William Rich III 454 Fort Washington Ave. New York, N. Y. 10033 YOU ARE IIEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the lown Board of tim Town of Soutbold to request a_Xl!!qBg_~ of. zone from "A" Residential and A~ricultural District to "B" ~ Busing. ss Districl: to provide for a business district for the hamlet of Orient. 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition ~s located adjacent to/your property and ~s des- cribed as follows: Pnre~~_~e. JiD~5~gh 7f>_9~52 feet of frontage along the east side mf Tabor Road; Parcel II: 1,514 acres with 160.40 feet of frontage along the west side of Tabor Road surrounding the Town Sump, 3. That the property which is the subiect of soch Petition is located in the following zoning district: "A" Residential and Agricultural District 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above-described property be ptaced in the following zone district classification: "B" Light Business District 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office*t Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Soutbold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: March 21, 1977 Barbara Schrteve~ Petitioners William Schriever Post Office Address: Main Road, Box 1213 Orient, N. Y. 11957 G TO THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I have read the attached notice, datud March 21, 1977, by Barbara Schriever and William Schriever, requesting a change of zone "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District to provide for "a business district for the hamlet of Orient." I have examined the accompanying map and understand that the property which is the subject of the Petition is: Parcel I: 8.962 acres with 769.52 feet of frontage along the east side of Tabor Road; Parcel II: 1.514 acres with 160.40 feet of frontage along the west side of Tabor Road surrounding the Toxm~ Sump. After having read the notice and examining the map I would like to make it known to the Town Board that I am strongly o~osed to any such "change in zoxe' and urge the Town Board to refuse the request. Name ~.~ Address TOWN 13Q_AR~)\VN O__F )IjFIIOLD In tile Matter of thc 4~ctition of William and Barbara Schrtever to the Town Board of tile Town of Southold. TO: NOTICE Nr. & Mrs. William Rich 454 Fort Washington Ave. New York, N. Y. 10033 YOU ARE IIEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is tile bltention of tile undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to request a~b_,qg~e of_ zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light J3m~n~s~ D~str~ct te proyide for a business district for the hamlet of Orient. 2. That tbeproperty which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent or near to/your property and is des- cribed as follows: Parco1 I: 8.962_&gW,~d~_with 769.52 feet of frontage along, the east side nf Tabor Road; Parcel II: 1.514 acres ~ith 160.40 feet of frontage along the ~est side of Tabor Road surrounding the Tox~n Sump. 3. That tile property which is tile subject of such Petition is located in tile following zoning district: "A" Residential and Agricultural District 4. That by such Petitioo, tile undersigned will request that tile above-described property be placed in the following zone district classification: "B" Light Business District 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting tire relief specified above will be filed in tile Soutbold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine tile same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in tile Suffolk Times and in tile Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: March 21 1977 ~"'~ Barbara Sehr iever Post Office Address: Main Road, Box 128 Orient, N. Y. 11957 TO THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTItOLD I have read the attached notice, dated March 21, 1977, by Barbara Schriever and William Schriever, requesting a change of zone "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District to provide for "a business district for the hamlet of Orient." I have examined the accompanying map and understand that the property which is the subject of the Petition Parcel I: 8.962 acres with 769.52 feet of frontage along the east side of Tabor Road; Parcel II: 1.51.4 acres with 160.40 feet of frontage along the west side of Tabor Road surrounding the Town Sump. After having read the notice and examining the map I would like to make it known to the Town Board that I am strongly o~d to any such "change in zone" and urge the Town Board to refuse the request. Address .TOWNI/OARD,_]OWNOF ')U FIIOLD In the Matter of tile Petition of Willlam and Barbara Schrtever to the Town [Board of tile Town of $outhold. TO: NOTICE blr. & Mrs. William Rich III 454 Fort Washington Ave. New York~ N. Y. 10033 YOU ARE IIEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. lhat it is the intention of tile undersigned to petition tile Towo Board of the Town of Southold to request a ~!ange of. zone from "A" Residential arid Agricultural District to "g" Light Buslness District to pro¥ide for a business district for the hamlet of Orient. to/,2our property and is des- 2. That the property which is the subiect of tire ?etition is located ad]acent or near cribed as follows: parcel1 T: 8.962~a.c~~6~5_2 feet of frontage along the east side nf Tabor Road; Parcel II: 1.514 acres with 160.40 feet of frontage along ~:he west side of Tabor Road surrounding the Town Sump. 3. That the property which is tire subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: "A" Residential and Agricultural Distrtct 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above-described property be placed in the following zone district classification: "B" Light Business District 5. That within five clays from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting tile relief specified ahovc will be filed itl the Soutbold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before tire relief 5ougbt may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in tile Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: March 21 1977 Barbara Schr t ever ~[[[[am Scar [ever Petitioners Post Office Address: Main Road, Box 128 Orient, N. Y. 11957 G TO THE TOI~rN BO2M~D TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I have read the attached notice, datod March 21, 1977, by Barbara Schriever and William Schriever, requesting a chang~z of zone "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Basiness District to provide for "a business district for the hamlet of Orient." I have examined the accompanying map and understand that the property which is the subject of the Petition is: Parcel I: 8.962 acres with 769.52 feet of frontage along the east side of Tabor Road; Parcel II: 1.514 acres with 160.40 feet of frontage along the west side of Tabor Road surrounding the Town Sump. After having read the notice and examining the map I would like to make it known to the Town Board that I am strongly o~os~d to any such "change in zone" and urge the Town Bosrd to refuse the request. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. TOWN L1OARD.~ '[OWN OF ~:OU'I-I IOLD In the Matter of the Petition of William and Barbara Schrtever to the Town Bo3rd of the Town of Southo~d. TO: NOTICE Hr. & Mrs. William Rich III 45g Fort Washington Ave. New York~ N. Y. 10033 YOU ARE IIEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is tile intention of tile undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to requesta ~h~nRe of. ~o~e frora "A" Residentigl and Agricultural District to "B" Light ~u~{ness D~at-rict ~ provide for a b~siness dlstrict for the hamlet of Orient. 2. Ti]at tile property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to/9our property and is des- cribedasfoliows:_P_ar~I: 8~gfa2_acre~_3lilJ] 76~2___feet of fronta~te along the cast side nf Tabor Road; Parcel II: 1.514 acres ~tth 160.40 feet of frontage along the west side of Tabor Road surrounding tho Town Sump. 3. Tllat the property which isthe subject of sucl] Petition is located in tile following zoning district: "A" Residential and Agricultural D~strtct 4. ]'hat by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above-described property be placed in tile following zone district classification: "B" Light Business District 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting tile relief specified above will be filed in i-be Soutbold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before tile relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on tile matter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Soutbold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such bearing. Barbara Schr iever ~etitioner$ ~i11~m $¢hrie¥~r Post Office Address: Main Road, Ilox 128 Orient, N. Y. 11957 '1 OWN BOA R D,_~L_OWN.,_QF '-')JJ ¥1 IOLD In the Matter of the Petition of William and Barbara Schrtever to the Town Board of the Town of Southold. TO: NOTICE Mr. & Mrs. William Rich III 454 Fort Washington Ave. New York, N. Y. 10033 YOU ARE IIEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: I. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the ]'own of Southold to request a~h_an~e of~ zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "g" Light Bus~n~ss Distr~ct to provide for a business district ~or the hamlet of Orient. 2. Tllat the property which is the subject of tile Petition ~s located adjacent to/your property and is des- cribed as follows:jp_arc~_A l:~xcres with 769.52. feet of frontage along the east side ..~= Tabor Road; Parcel II: 1.5lb acres x~ith 160.40 feet of frontage along the ~est ~ide of Tabor Road surrounding the Toxin Sump. 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in tile following zoning district: "A" Restdent~al and Agricultural District 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above-described property be placed in the following zone district classification: "B" Light: Business District 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. Tilat before tim relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the n~atter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be publisbed at least ten days prior to the date of sucb hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattltuck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Barbara Schr iever William Schriever Petitioners Post Office Address: Nain Road, Box 128 Orient, N. Y. 11957 Southold Town soar5 Sm:tho] d ,.~Y 11971 Wj].liam Y Terry,Jr. L~naen ~arm Orient,WY 11957 ~ov.15,1977 ~e. ap,o] ~ cati on of and ~i]liam SehrJe~,er for a chan~'e of zone-2 ~arcels,~l e/s Tabor Rd 8~962 ac,and ~2 w/s Tabor kd.,1.514 17 re,-:ard to adore application, ± wis~ to state tLat i a~ veteme:~t]y o~ ~>osec] to the raw, ting of tais application for the following reasons: It is inconsistent with the Development llan. of Southold Town,and com¥~letely incompatible with the entire area. The }l~stor[c District status was [~ranted to the Vi~la~'e of Orient to preserve a~d pro- t,,~ct the rural ai~d historic atmosphere, not with the %'-,ou~':ht of cons~uctin{~ a business: area nor a four lane hi~{t'.way in the i~medi- a-te vi. cimity o The proposal of' the applicants would be .i~compatib]e with the two ce;~ete;~'ies at either end of Tabor Road, the close ]~roxi;ity of the two churches, the _distoric Corridor status of Rt. 25, as we[!] ~a ~he location of the Oysterponf's School. I, t~~ a.~[licat~on it is further stated t)~at the p3_a~ nf the a~pl~cants wou~d be to dedicate a 50 ft strip on the north side of the uentral Cemetery for a road to the west b~t i Oelieve t~at there is a~ error is this ro~d ~oi~g to? And Why? And where ~oad ~ioin~ to? And why? east.(application states in application) Where is the four lane Tabor I ri~d it impossible to respor~d to ~;hi.s application withot~t!~aking ~entior~ o+' the letters in t~e local newspapers ad~;~ress~r~ to the residents of Orient by ~. aud i~]rs ~chr]~er. ~'T'Ot~: t~,~F' cO~qT)]ewitJes, the trade-o£fs, t],!e 4e~ts co~t~n~:er~t ~on other ~ea.ls and t}?e ~enera! air of co~]~'usJon, I ten5 to look upon the entire o~eratJon as a g~.antic, econ~omy size ~ono~ol I~; ~s also, st ir, cor(ieveable that anyone could make se~se out of lhe chaos a,~d %~at a ]ogicsl dec~aion could be made [ased ~ nff'or[r:a~ion ~iven. a~dit!:>~, '.he rFferences to i~latt i~oa5 ~s a ~tej~t~ve s~te for [u~sin~ss d~ str~c+,the new reads t'i~at tee ~??!~cants prolapse, t?~e co,meet'ion with their project ~! teat of Tru~a~'s Beach, roir~,or the Orient Stat~ i~ar.k bo~fte? the ~n~l. The letters ~'~ferr'in? to t e Orient ~'Lre De?t end t~e deals 1~.~ey wou].~ like te the subsequent reHionse £rom ~a;'e wit~~ ty_~ Cov~missioners In closing, I c. sn ~',nly ho~e theft lhe Sout) old Town ]3osrd will see t~at the a?~l~can*s can ber~efit only themse]¥es and certainly will d,'~ nothi~g for the ?reserYation a~ld the £u~ure of Oriert, t~,erei'~re urge ,~-ou to 4e:~y the a~,plications. Sincere]y, Wil]_iar:~ Y Terry,Jr, Southold Town Board So ~tb~ Id,New York 11957 Orien~ 'f~ll_a e %e0m-1:ery Assoc~ OrJe~.t. ,.aw York ~ovo !~1977 ,Ye, T~}z. Directors of the Orient {i]la~,,~,e Ce~r, eterv aaSOCo do :~tlrO!l{l'l2 oh~,ose 1:he c]ownson~D{ of the oro~ertJes o,,ned Lei ~r S.962 se. and Ps~cel Ii ~ein6 !~5~4 ~c. ~'~ ~ive She {oil. ow- it woulO L,e ~censister~t with the ~evelopnent P]an £ So,~t~leld Wowz~ a~C ~ ~compstible with t~e eatire area. TNe iiir~+o~'~ c DJ ?,- tract st&t~s of the ~¢[ilage area, tl'~e ~{stor~c Oorridor o~ Rt. 25, !:lc two cemeteries at either end of Tebor Road, ac xe~l as the close proxinity o£ the school and two churches ~a~es t~s o t}v~ ou s. we fee!. stron~,.ly that grantin{ this application would destroy the con£ormitN of the area ahd would be completely ~ncons~stent with the r~ral and historic at~:osphere of ~o% only {be iP,;~ediate vicinity but of the entire Hamlet o£ Orient. therefore '~:r~le you to deny this application. Presentation of William W. Schrtever at the Public Hearing, November 15, 1977 Supervisor Martocchta, Members of the Town Board, Ladles and Gentlemen: My wife and I want to thank all of you here this evening for coming out to participate In this Public tlearing. We believe that the deotstons to be discussed this evening will be among the most important ever made for the future of Orient as a community. Eight months ago on March 22, we petitioned this Board to amend the Building Zone Ordinance in order to establish a business district along Tabor Road in the hamlet of Orient. It is that petition which is the subject of this Public Hearing. In essence, we have petitioned to extend the existing Ltght Business Zone from Its present 4.2 acres along the west side of Tabor Road to a total of 14.7 acres and including all of the vacant frontage along both sides of Tabor Road. After allowing for the inclusion of the Town Sump, the widening of the right-of-way of Tabor Road to 70 feet, the dedication of a 50 foot right-of-way for a r~ad north of Orient Central Cemetery and extending on to the west, and the provision for a %0 foot right-of-way and buffer along thc west and south sides of the business district, the net area would be 12.6 acres. Deducting for our sh~>p property, the area initially available for future business develo~Ilent then becomes 11.1 acres. At the time we presented this petition, we assumed that the Orient Fire District would be able to acquire the Terry property. Now there appears to be a dtstlnct possibility that a significant portion of this proposed business district may be needed for a new firehouse and parking lot. If so, then the area left for future business development would probably be about 8 acres. This area would be reduced again to about 7 acres tf the Town insists that a large open sump be constructed to handle the drainage from the roads tn the vicinity. Obviously an area of 7 acres would be inadequate to accomodate even those existtng businesses tn Orient that are not now located in some business zone. But then a Light Business Zone, which is the subject of this petition, does not permit the types of businesses that predominate in Orient,namely those of the construction trades. We feel that this -1- Presentation of William W. Schriever at the Public llearing, November 15, 1977 area will prove to be adequate to accomodate those strictly retail businesses which would be permitted under the zoning as proposed. These would include such things as a postoffice, a branch bank, a grocery store, a restaurant, and other businesses of that nature. This is not to suggest that no provision should ever be made for conttnulng the types of businesses which now exist in {)rtent. Certainly it seems reasonable to assume that at some ttme this Board will make such a provision. But based upon our recent experience, now is clearly not that time. If this petition Is granted, the immediate effect will be to preserve this area for future co~nunity use by preventing its subdivision into residential lots. The only plan for this property which is subject to the granting of this petition is the possibility of a sale to the Orient Fire District for a new firehouse. And if this sale is made, then this Board may wish to accept our offer to donate property to the Town for a public parking lot adjacent to the new firehouse. Also this evening we wish to make a formal request that this Board act upon our offer to donate to the Town the property necessary to widen the right-of-way of Tabor Road. It is essential that we establish the future bounds of Tabor Road so that we may file t~e correct maps in the develop, cut and sale of our property. We wish to assure this Board that this offer is not contingent upon any condition whatever, not even the granting of the petition which is the subject of tills Public Hearing. Once our property is sold, it will beconle almost impossible to widen Tabor Road unless this Board accepts our offer now. In order to provide a more effective presentation of our reasons for proposing this business district, we have publlshed in both local news- papers a series of seven letters "To The Residents Of Orient". Since these letters have been widely read, not only in Orient but throughout the Town, it seems unnecessary to read them into the record as a part of our presentation. Therefore, we are submitting copies ~f these letters with the understanding that they will be included in the record of thls -2- Presentation of William W. Schriever at the Public t{earing, November 15, 1977 Public Hearing. In addition, The Suffolk Tlmes has published a letter from the Board of Comm~tsstoners of the Orient Fire District and our letter tn response, and we have Included copies of these two letters for the There are really only two fundamental questions before this Public iIeartng tonight: Should this Board provide for a business d~strtct in the hamlet of Orient? And tf so, then where should thts business dtstrtct be located? If this Public Hearing should come t<> a close without an affirmative resolution of these two questtuns, tht~n the future of Orient as a conm~unity is in serious jeopardy. In our oplnlon, those who speak tn opposition to thts petition have an obligation to address themselves to these two fundamental questions above all else. T O T II R E S I D E N T S O F O~' ~ E N T In about a month the Town Board of the T~>wn of Bo~thold will hold a Public Hearing at our request concerning the establishment of a business district for the future development of Orient. Although we believe that Orient will eventually need a business district and that our property along Tabor Road provides the only suitable location, we are not permitted to set aside this property fromm c~ur residential sub- division without some approved plan for its development. Therefore, we have requested that the Town Board make its final decision on the following two offers which they have had before them for the past four years: (I) We have offered to set aside all of the vacant frontage on both sides of Tabor Road to provide for a future business district free of residential encroachment. To accomplish this we have made formal application to have the existing Light Business Zone extended to encompass all of this vacant frontage. The Planning Board has recon~ended that this offer be rejected. (2) We have offered to donate to the Town of S~outhold property along both sides of Tabor Road sufficient to widen the right-of-way from the present 49.5 feet to 70 feet, thus making possible a total of four lanes of traffic. This offer is not contingent upon any condition whatever. It is our understanding that both the Planning Board and the Superintendent of Highways have recommended that this offer be accepted. In addition, we have made two other offers to the Town of Southold which remain open and which need not be accepted at this time; (3) We have offered to donate to the Town of Southold property fronting on the east side of Tabor Road sufficient to construct a parking lot for approximately 100 cars with the stipulation that it be available for public use without restriction. This offer is contingent upon the establishment of the business district, obviously, since a ppblic parking lot is not compatible with a residential area. (4) We have offered to donate to the Town of Southold a 50 foot wide right-of-way adjoining the north boundary of Orient Central Cemetery. This offer is only contingent upon an agreement to construct a public road when it is needed. The power to make these decisions rests absolutely with the Town Board and therefore we hope that they will schedule their Publlc ltearlng in Orient and that every resident of Orient will plan to attend. If you care, You'll be there. Barbara and Bill Schriever Appeared in both local papers, September 29, 1977 T O T ti !~ R E S I D E N T q !) F ~ 2 I E ~ T In last weet edttlon of thls newspaper we i ~ented a basic outline of our proposal to establish a busl~e~s dt~trlct almg Tabor Road for the future development of Orient. Historically, .~>ur plana for this area have always revolved around a site for a new fi~eh~use f~r the Orient Fire Department, and any discussion of our present propo~;al must necessarily explore this possibility. Even before 1969, when we acquired the property east of Tabor Road, the corner across from the (~sterponds School had become widely accepted within our Departme~t as the best s~te for a new firehouse. In fact, in a private discussion held at that time, we offered to donate that corner property to the Orient Fire District on the condition that the balance of th~ property be zoned for business. That offer was neve~ accepted, and yet shortly afterward the Town Board zoned the property on the opposite side of Tabor Road for business. A few years later, we were approached by the Fire Commissioners to sell the District a larger parcel on the sams corner. Again we asked for their support tn having the balance of the property zoned for business and again we were refused. Ftnally, we decided that the only possU~tlity we had to provide the additional business property we needed was to acquire a parcel south of our shop building, which we did in 1973. In order to acquire this property we had to purchase the entire parcel west of Tabor Road. Even before the closing, we presented plans to the Town ltoard to donate property to widen Tabor Road and thus provide better access for a new firehouse. In later discussions with the Fire Co~aisstoners, we offered to donate property to the Town of Southold to construct a public parking lot adjacent to a new firehouse that would serve not only the firehouse but also the school across the street and any businesses in the area. We felt that this was the best arrangement to serve our local needs and that this would result tn considerable savings to the taxpayers of Orient. For the record, we did offer our property in a letter to the Board of Fire Cormntssioners dated October 6, 1976~ but any discussion of the events of the past twelve months clearly would be inflammatory. Even though the proposal to acquire the Terry property, which adjoins ours, was defeated twice, the question of a site for a new firehouse is far from a dead issue. In the Public Hearing this question is certain to be discussed, for the only way we can set aside property for a new firehouse is to establish this business district. If you care, You'll be there. Barbara and Bill Schrtever Appeared In both local papers, October 6, 1977 T O T H E R E S I D E N T S O F O R i E N T Two weeks ago in this newspaper we presented a basic outline of our proposal to establish a business district along Tabor Road for the future development of Orient. Last week we discussed the question of a site for a n~w firehouse and how this related to our proposal. This week wa will discuss our reasons for proposing this new business district. Historically, (~ient has always had a business district along Village Lane which was formerly called Main Street. With the advent of the auto- mobile, businesses began to concentrate Into larger shopping areas like Greenport at the expense of most small towns including Orient. We believe thls trend will be reversed in Orient tn the near future both because the population ts growing and because the fuel shortage is increasing the cost of operating an automobile. Clearly, Village Lane cannot accomodate even one new business building. There is no vacant land available, there ts no off-street parking, and the street ts too narrow to accomodate additional on-street parking. And Village Lane cannot be widened nor can the existing business district be expanded without destroying the predominately residential character of the neighborhood including many historic homes. It is for these reasons that we have proposed the establis~nent of a new business district for Orient along Tabor Road. This area is unique in that it Is centrally located with direct access to the Main Road~ it is still free of residential development, and Tabor Road Itself can be widened to four lanes to provide for a free flow (}f traffic even with on-street parking on both sides. To Implement our proposal, we have applied to the Town Board to have the frontage along both sides of Tabor Road zoned for business and thus protected from residential encroachment. And we have offered to donate to the Town of Southold the property necessary to widen Tabor Road in the future and to provide for public off-street parking. It is because we feel so strongly that our proposal is essential to the future development of Orlent that we are asking that all of the residents of Orient attend this Public }{earing and participate in this decision. If you care, You'll be there. Barbara and Bill Schrlever Appeared in both local papers, October 13, 1977 T O T E R ~ S I D E N T S () F I C N T In the last three editions of this newspaper we have presented a discussion of our proposal to establish a business district along Tabor Road for the future development of Orlent. This week we will discuss our proposal to widen Tabor Road. Our reply to the article by the Board of Fire Commissioners appears elsewhere in this newspaper. We believe there are three Important reasons to widen Tabor Road in any plan for the future development of Orient: (1) To pr~0vtde on-street parking for the future business district, (2) To provide emergency parktng and better access for a new firehouse, and (3) To provide a collector street by extending Tabor Road south to King Street and thus divert traffic away from Village Lane. In 1973, when we made the offer to the Town Board to donate the property t~ widen Tabor Road, we also were interested in removing the unsightly sump across from the Orient Central Cemetery. Not only does this sump practically destroy the value of our property surrounding it, but half of the sump ts actually on our property. And since the construction of the new road would require new drainage facilities anln0ay, we offered to grade the roadbed and install the drainage facilities for the Town in exchange for that small parcel. We understood that the Town Board had accepted our offer on the condition that the drainage facilities we were providing would handle their design rainfall of two inches per day. On their recon~endatlon we obtained the assistance of the Soil Conservation Service In designing a s~rles of under- ground drainage facilities that more than met this requirement. When the design was presented to the Town Highway Conm~tttee for approval~ it was rejected because they wanted the drainage installed om separate parcels outside the roadway. As we attempted to resolve this problem, they raised the design rainfall to six inches per day and adopted a new policy of open- sump drainage for the Town. Finally, ~hen the Town Board decided that no funds were to be spent on Tabor Road, we withdrew the offer since we couldn't afford to pave the Town road as well. It was at that time that we offered to donate the property with no con~itment from the Town Board to actually spend any money widening Tabor Road. The problem of the s~np remains with no acceptable solution in sight. Maybe we can find a rational solution to these problems at the Public Hearing. If you care, You'll be there. Barbara and Bill Schrlever Appeared in both local papers~ October 20, 1977 TO T E RESIDENTS OF lENT In the last four editions of this newspaper we have presented a discussion of our proposal to establish a business district along Tabor Road for the future development of Orient. This week we will discuss the effect such a bustness district might be expected to have on the traffic tn the trmnedtate area and particularly tn relation to the school. For the purposes of this discussion it seems reasonable to divide the Math Road into three segments. Obviously, traffic on that segment east of Tabor Road would remain completely unaffected by this business district since there are no shopping ar~as east of Tabor Road and no alternate routes out of the area other than by way of Narrow River Road. If we assume that any new business along Tabor Road will attract the majority of its customers from that majority of the residents of Orient who live east of Tabor Road and who would otherwise drive on to Greenport to shop, then tt follows logically that the traffic on the Main Road would be reduced both for that segment between Tabor Road and Village Lane and for that segment west of Village Lane. And any transfer of business activity from Village Lane to Tabor Road would result tn a further reduction In traffic for that segment between Tabor Road and Village Lane. With respect to the school, the only children who have any exposure to the traffic on the Main Road as a result of their attendance at the school are those who live in the Immediate vicinity and particularly those who walk to school along Village Lane. For them the only significant hazard is the traffic along Village Lane and that traffic also would be reduced by transferring the business district to Tabor Road. And a new firehouse on Tabor Road would result tn a s~bstantial reduction in the emergency traffic of firemen along Village Lane with no significant change In such traffic on the Maln Road. In reply to a letter from the Southold Town Planning Board, the Oysterponds School Board has written a letter In opposition to this business district "because of the potential traffic problems involved and, therefore, the safety hazards to the children." We believe their concern ts unfounded. We hope that you will attend the Public Hearing on our proposal which will be held at the Southold Town llall on Tuesday) November 15, at 7:30 p.m. If you care, You'll be'there. Barbara and Bill Schrtever Appeared In both local papers, October 27, 1977 T O T E R E S I D E N T S O F ~ '~ I E N 'r In the last five editions of this newspaper we have presented a discussion of our proposal to establish a business district along Tabor Road for the future development of Orient. This week we will discuss why we have become so concerned about the future of Orient as a community. When we became residents seventeen years ago, Orient had the greatest sense of Identity of any community In the Town. That was what gave Orient its charm and made us the envy of everyone else in the Town. And the person who gave us this great gift of co~nnunity was Mr. Edwin H. King. lie was one of those truly rare politicians for whom party ~llttcs was the servant of his community rather than its master. His death created a tremendous vacuum of leadership throughout our community which remains unfilled. At times our present leaders seem to be working at cross purposes rather than together for our community as a whoIe. On rare occasions we have joined together as a community to defeat the plans of our Town, County and State governments to carve up Orient tn~o a playground for the west end, but otherwise we remain divided and ineffective. When the State threatened to condemn Truman Beach for a S~ate park, we joined together to establish a local park district to preserve that property for our own use. But our leaders never followed through and today we still don't own the park and the threat of a State takeover remains. When the County threatened to purchase the Point for a County park with the encouragement of our Town officials, we Joined together and defeated their plan. But again our leaders never followed through with a plan to develop the Potnt~ possibly with a resort hotel to replace the Orient Point Inn which stands in ruin, and the threat of a State takeover remains. In the meantime, we have lost control of our shoreline~ first to the Town and later to the State~ and the threat of a State park covering most of Orient remains undiminished. If Orient ts to have any future as a con~unity~ we are going to have to start working together to plan for our future. We need to acquire Truman Beach, we need to plan for the future development of the Point, we need to go ahead with our plans for a new firehouse~ and we need to set aside a business district as a focal point for our development as a co~munttyo As a first step, won't you join with us at the Publtc }{earing to be held at the $outhold T~wn Hall on Tuesday, November 15, at 7:30 p.m. If you care, You'll be there. Barbara and Bill Schrlever Appeared in both local papers, November 3, I977 T © E R E S I D E N T S O F R I E N T In the last six editions of this newspaper we have presented a discussion of our proposal to establish a business district along Tabor Road for the futur~ development of Ortant. This week, in this last edition before the Public Hearing next Tuesday~ we will discuss the alternatives to our proposal tn the event it is rejected. If Orient is to have any future as a con,unity, a small business district will certainly have to be created somewhere. And frankly, we can't think of an alternate site with enough merit to recommend it. If Platt Road were selected, the existing homes there would result tn consider- able expense in widening the road and developing a business district. And as a collector street, Platt Road would do nothing toward either relieving the traffic along Village Lane or providing qutck access to a new firehouse. If the standard solution of strip-zoning the main highway were adopted, O~tent would lose some of its charm and the resultlng traffic problems would almost certainly requtre the construction of a four-lane highway In the future. And yet we feel that either of these alternatives is preferable to the expansion of the present site on Village Lane. As far as our plans are concerned, if this proposal is rejected, we will apply t~edtately for a residential subdivision of seven lots fronting on the east side of Tabor Road. And we will seek to remove the existing small business zone on the west side of Tabor Road in the courts if necessary. Ult~mately, a total of ten new residential lots would be added along Tabor Road which, tn itself, ts a reasonably benign prospect. But the tragedy ts that the community will have lost not only the best site for a new firehouse but all of its vacant business property as well. As we have already pointed out, the power to establish this business district rests absolutely with the Town Board. And unlike last time when both the Town and the County Planning Boards recommended in favor of a similar zoning application for this property, this time we are faced with their opposition which means that we need the vote of not just a majority of the Town Board members but a majority plus one. So there should be no question that your support is essential if our proposal is to be accepted. Won't you please attend the Public Hearing at the Southold Town Hall next Tuesday, November 15, at 7:BO p.m. If you can't be there in person, there ts still time to express your support by writing Immediately to the Southold Town Board, Town Hall, Southold, N. Y. 11971. If you care, You'll be there. Barbara and Bill Schriever Appeared tn both local papers, November 10, 1977 TO TIIE RESIDENTS OF THE ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT In reply to the letter appearing tn the October 6th Issue of the Suffolk Times written by Barbara and Bill Schriever. We, the Commissioners of the Orient Fire District, wish to refute some of the statements appearing tn that letter. In our dealings with blr. Schriever, we have been faced with many and various restrictions and conditions tn his proposals for the purchase of his properties. In his letter he states that he has offered to donate the corner property to the Orient Fire District. In his letter to the Con~lsstoners under the date of October 6, 1976, he states that he will sell this property for $60,000. for a little over 2 acres with the stipula- tion that We, the Commissioners, intercede on his behalf to try to get all this property on the East side of Tabor Road rezoned for business plus the widentng of Tabor Road to seventy feet, also many other restrictions were tnvolved tn the purchase of the property, contained In the said letter which we have on file. In reference to the purchase of the "entire parcel" west side of Tabor Road, We, as a board of Co~mnisstoners had no resp<msiblltty or lnterest tn Mr. Schrlever's purchase <of thts property. In view of the stated facts, we do not feel that any future Board ef Fire Con~isstoners and the pcople of Orient sh{~uld be bound by any restric- tions or conditions in the purchase of this said property. goard of Con~isstoners Orient Fire District Appeared in The Suff~>lk Times, October 13, 1977 TO TtiE RESIDENTS OF 'rife ORIEN'I~ FIRE DISTRICT In reply to the article in last week's edition of this newspaper by the Board of Fire Commissioners, we feel that their figure of $60,000 misrepresents the offer which we made in our letter of October 6, 1976. In that letter we offered to donate the property for the park]ag lot, the tournament facility, and the access road providing that the District would purchase the property for Just the firehouse at one of two locations. The site at the corner was offered fox' $200 per front foot along Tabor Road and would have cost between $30,000 and $40,000 depending on the design of the firehouse. The site across from the Orient Central Cemetery was offered for $20,000. Since the parking lot would have been public, either site would have cost the District less overall than the plan that was defeated. So why have we never been able to get together wlth the Commissioners on the sale or donation of this property? Because we feel that the balance of the parcel would have no practical use unless it ts zoned for business and the Commissioners don't have the power to rezone the property. That power rests with the Town Board and the Commissioners are understandably reluctant to get involved. So why hasn't the Town Board rezoned the property so we can go ahead? Apparently because the Oysterponds School Board continues to oppose it. We believe that our present proposal before the Town Board offers the only remaining hope of resolvlng this conflict. But we will need your support. Barbara and Bill Scbrlever Appeared in both local papers, October 20, 1977 u_. u b,ailgram® mestern unian i_,,_ ~-0~HiblE~I~ 11/1./77 [CS IPHHTZZ CSP NYAC ~l~7~.bbb0 MG~ TOHT NIH YORK NY 100 11-1. 0~IbP EST SOUTHOLD TO~N ~OARD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 ~E ARE PROPERTY O~NERS ~EST OF TABOR RD AND VILLAGE LN, PAY T~X[$ ~ND VOTE IN O~IENT, URGENT PROFESSIONAL HATTERS PR[VENT ATTENDING HEARING ON SCHRIVER5 PETITION 15 NOV ~HICH WE UNALTERABLY OPPOSE FOE AIL THE REASONS IT LISTS AS COMMENDABLE, ZONING CHANGE EAST AND WEST OF TABOR RD I5 NOT NEEDED AND WOULD CONFLICT NITH THE EXISTING HISTORICAL DISTRICT AND C~RRIDORt SCHOOL~ CHURCH[$~ C[HETERIES AND ~OULD DISTROY RESIDENTIAL CHARACTER LOHERING VALUE OF OUR ~ROP[RTY RECEIVED November ~ ~ / ' Fourteen ~OUTHOLD TOWN. Mr. Albert Martocchia Town Board Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Martocchia: I am writing to request that the Town Board not grant the petition jointly submitted by Mr. and Mrs. William Schriever, for the purpose of developing a business district and four-lane highway on Tabor Road. In reviewing the proposed project, I feel it would be inconsistent with the master plan for Southold Town and I would think inappropriate for the Village of Orient and the environment that has become precious to most in the Village. I feel that the site is parti- cularly inappropriate considering the fact that there is a cemetery on each end of the proposed development, which is important to the memory of the long time residents of Orient. Further, it would be directly across from our school and certainly would be inconsistent with the historic district designation. I respe~or planningF but question the wisdom of th~6 pr~osal. ~erefore, I hope that the Town Board ~ill~ote aqa~ this pr 3ject. P. O. Box 6 Orient~ New York 11957 p,r~CEIVED JOSEPH F. WOGLOM, JR. Orchard Street Orient, Long Island, N.Y. 11957 ILETTERS t( To the Editor: Southold, N.Y. The North Fork Environmental Council is sorry to learn that a third attempt is being made to down zone property along Tabor Road in Orient from residential-agricultural and business zones to industrial. The first attempt was in 1968. At that time, and in a subsequent effort, petitions for down zoning were ;oppesed by neighbors and other residents of the hamlet of Orient, by the trustees of two adjoining cemeteries, and by responsible Southold Town officials. This time, the Town is being asked to approve a proposition to build a shopping center in the midst of historical and residential Orient. The North Fork En- vironmental Council is opposed to this down zoning. Such down zoning would: 1. Change the character of the community from a peaceful, residential environment to one of a busy, heavily trafficked, suburban type blemish. 2. Defeat the significance of the historical designation which Orient has earned. 3. Create traffic hazards endangering lives of children attending the school across Route 25 from the property in question. 4. Degrade the surroundings of nearby cemeteries and churches. 5. And possibly most important of all, burden the limited water supply and create dangerous sewage disposal problems to the detri'~o,~ ,~ th~ entire Orient area. Sincerely, North Fork Environmental Council, Inc. Merlon Wiggin President Na,rrow River Road ©rient~ New York 11957 ~ovemDer 14, 1977 To: Southold Town Board Dear Sirs: First and foremost~ we oppose Schiever's proposal to create a buFiness district for Orient on their basic premise that Orient needs business development. It does not. People have come to ©rient~ settled in Orient~ and remained in Orient for a simple reason. It is a beautlful~ historic~ rural village. It is a place to ~et a~ay ~r ~ or not move to~ the noise, conget:t~on~ and hectic liJle of both city and ~urb~rDla. ~o~v it is nro[~osed to put a mini Roosevelt Field or 5mithaven ~,,all in Orient. Ridiculo~s ~ Secondly~ it is proposed to ~'~ut this business district and firehouse across from an ele~0entary school. must our children have to te, arn to dod,~e ~:~ore traffic than necessary. Housin~ de~,elor~r~ent in Orient is incre~$inc~ aS capability r~:e. As %~e khow our water is a fracile thing. ~o one i~ sure %.~hst w.ouh! han~en if %,~e had a ?e%,~ ~,ears of dr~-~ught. ~,'hy should we a~d It is time e a].]_ lea::ned that ::: *,:::c ;~ -'!': ? ~,t? ~.~' Sinccr]],, ORIENT CENTRAL IETER ASSOCIATION Founded 1855 ORIENT, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK To: The Southold Town Board. Re: The Downzoning of Property Adjacent to the ~emetery. In the matter of the petition of Wlliam Schriever to allow for the change of zoning from (A) to (B) for that property which is adjacent to the Cemetery and stretching along Tabor Road from the Cemetery to the Main Rd., the Board of Tx'astees, but not the Association as ~ whole, has taken the position of being opposed to any s~ch change of zoning. Since the Cemetery still has five acres of unsold land, a change of Zoning to B~siness would make the area less aopeal- ing to prospective Cemetery Plot Owners, as well as to our present plot owners. It does not seem proper to change the character of the adjacent area, if there is any way of avoiding it. To do so, would violate the trust that accompanied the original purchase of a permanent resting place, and make the Cemetery less appealing, to the extent that a Cemetery may deteriorate to the point where,by New York State Law,the Town of So~thold might be obliged to take over the property. Subscribed to by the following Tr~astees of a total of nine: copies to: Town C rk Supervisor William Y Terry,Jr. ~ain Road Orient,NY 11957 Mr Robert Tasker Greenport,NY Dear Mr Tasker, I wish to file with you my pretest to the application on file at the Town Clerk's office,Southold,NY. It is number 234, William and Barbara Schriever,Main Rd., Orient for the downzoning from A-R to B,two parcels on Tabor Road,Orient,NY. The application carries with it an incorrect map, marked "state" is not in huaee lots shown mas~ of shown. (I might add ~hat Town Goverr~ent agencies been corrected) property this location and in addition the this property are not correctly I have pointed this out to the in the past and yet they have not Secondly,the apl~lication states under #3,line 9 on to the west, a fact that can not be.I believe the applicant means east,how~wer, again that seems to be an error or assu~ption, as I own the property to the ems't and have no intentions for Thirdly,under Parcel I, it states that: and bounded on the east by property being proposed by the Orient Fire District for a new fire house and tournament facility. I own the porperty in question and my m~e ~s not,~r Orient Fire District. I feel that this ie an unfair use by the applican~ to achieve certain clout and a detriment to the Orient Fire District. But more lmportant,I feel that this application ie net legal and should be corrected. I will await your reply as soon as ~CEIVED 10 Euston Road Garden City, New York 11530 November 12, 1977 Superylsor Albert 5~artoq~hl SOUTH~LD TOWN BOARD J South61d, New York Dear Supervisor ~artocchia: I have been reading with great interest for the past six weeks, the unraveling saga of the Bill Schrievers' dream for Orient. I am taking this opportunity to write you because my husband and I will be unable to attend the Public Hearing scheduled for Tuesday, Movember 15th. I was born and raised in Orient and, since my marriage nearly twenty-five years ago, have spent every summer and many weekends in our home in Orient. 5]y husband's family has summered there since 1937. In fact, his sister is married to Edward Latham, an Orient farmer. I am the late Edwin H. King's oldest grandchild. My grandmother, parents, brother, and numerous other relatives still live in Orient. The above paragraph will substantiate my husband's and my interest in Orient as being a very real and concerned one. In my wildest imagination, I cannot believe the Schrievers' truly feel that a shopping district (no matter where) would be in the best interest of Orient either now or in the future. All one has to do is to take a look at our much larger neighboring communities to the west and notice the many boarded-up stores. If these larger communities cannot support a shopping area, what makes any logically thinking person feel that Orient can? I could go on with all kinds of reasons why the Schrievers' plan would be most undesirable for Orient, but my husband and I both have enough faith in our Town Board to know that you will turn the Schrievers' petition down. Their dream is actually Orient's nightmare. Sin~Trely yours, Je~/i~Reeves ~e~an (~s. Kenneth Ne~an) 1830 Greenway Orient, ~. Y. 11957 !~ov. ll, 1977 Southold To~,m Board To~m Hell Southold, U. Y. 11~71 C~ntlemen: I s:' opoosed to the dox~n zoning of property along Ts%or i~z!. in Orient. I feel that this do~m zoninf and the proposition to ~.i].d a shoppin~ center in Orient %mfould spoil the character of this peaceful residential environment, ~ould defeat the si~ifficance of the historical designation ~'!ch Orient has earned, and would create problems of ~mter supply and sewage disposal %~ich would be detrimental to the entire Orient area. I have invested ~ life savings to make ~r home in this area, which ! love for its rural at~nosphere, and to ~faich I c~me in order to get away from such blights as shopping centers and 100 car parking lots. I now drive 200 miles a day ~s my .~ob is in IIessau County, a trip %J~tch I do not particularly enjoy but which I believe is %orth%~ile in order to come home to the peace and trsnquillity of Orient. Please let us keep Orient t!~e lovely co,ramify that it is. Do not a]].o~,; '' t ,~s do~m zonin~ to occur. Yo/~_ s truly,. Vzr~ia A. Gill 1830 Greem,my East Orient, N. Y. 11957 Nov. 11, 1977 Southold To%.m Board To~m Hall Southold, N. Y. 11771 O~ntlemen: I a:~ opposed to the do~m zoning of property along Talor ?g. in Orient. I feel that this do~m zonin~ and the proposition to build ~ shopping center in Orient would spoil the character of this peacefol residential environment, ~mo_ld defeat the si~ificance of the historical designation ~Jch Orient has earned, and would create problems of water supply and sewage disposal ~.&ich woo2d be detrimental to the entire Orient area. I have invested my life savings to make ~ home in this area, which I love for its r~ral atmosphere, and to which I came in order to get a~my from such blights as shopping centers and 1OO car parking lots. I now drive 200 ~_iles a day hs my job is in ~'Iassau Coonty, a trip ~/aich I do not particularly enjoy but v~hich I believe is ~mrth~J~ile in order to come home to the peace and tramquillity of Orient. Please let us keep Orient t!e lovely co~m~mity that it is. Do not al!o~ this do~m zoning to occur. Ye/ur s truly, . Vzr~ia A. Gill 1830 Greenway ~a~t Orient, N. Y. 11957 !~ov. 1!, ]-977 So~thold. To~m ~oard Tram !tail Southold, N. Y. 11971 Gentlemen: I a opposed to the doxm zoning of property along Ta~or in Orient. I feel that this do~m zonin~ and the proposition to ~i].d ~ shopping center in Orient %m~ollld spoil the character of this poacef~l residential environment, ~.ould defeat the significance of the historical designation wh'!ch Orient has earned, and would create problems of water supply m~d sewage disposal ~.~ich wozuld be detrimental to the entire Orient area. I have invested ~ life savings to make ~ home in tills area, which ! love for its r~ral atr~osphere, and to which I came in order to get away from such blights as shopping centers and 1OO car parhing lots. I now drive 200 miles a day ~s n~/ job is in Nassau Cotmty, a trip ~/~ich I do not particularly enjoy but uhich I believe is ~mrth~J~ile in order to come home to the peace and tranq~illity of Orient. P]esse ].et us keep Orient t!e lovely co~m~ty that it is. Do not -~]ow '' ~ ..... t~s do~m zonin~ to occur. Ygurs truly, ~ . Virff~ia . Gill Virginia Bennett Nloore Box 1195, Southold. New York 11971 November 11, 1977 ;Southold Town Board Town Hall l~lain Street Southold, N. Y. 11971 Dear Mr. [Supervisor and ~'~embers of the Board: I like Barbara and Bill ~hhriever and consider them my friends. But I do not think that the hamlet of orient, which is, after all, ~ National Historic Monument, needs a shopping center, and I am dismayed at the thought of what effect this would have on the nature of the place. ii would urge you to deny the rezontng involved. Sincerely, -D- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Purauant to Section ~65 of the Town Law and requirements of the Building Zone Ordinan~ of the Town of Soutbeld, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Soutbold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New 'York, in said Town on the 15th day of November, 1977, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zotte Ordinance (including the Buildtv~g Zone Maps) of the Town of Soutbeld, Suffolk County, New York. 7:30 p.m. by changing from "A' Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business Disffict the property of William and Barbara Schriever situated at Orient, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Parcel I--(Ba.rbara $chriever)--Begtnning at the point of inter., o. tion of the eas~rly line of Tavor Road with -the~ot~tbert~:iine of Main Road, said point being the nor. thwesterly cot of the premises herein describ, running thence along said southerly line of Main Road, N. 80 degrees 10' E.~226.0 feet; thence along land of Ferreira, two courses: (1) S. 9 degrees 50' E.-150 ft. feet; thence (2) N. 80 degrees 10' E.-91.47 feet; thence along land of Gloria, S. 21 degrees 41' E.-5.43 feet; thence along said land of Gloria and larid of Wernikowski, N. 78 degrees 02' 40" E.~120.38 feet; thence' along land of Orient Central Cemetery, two courses: (1) S. 82 degrees 26' 50" W,-164.93 feet; thence (2) S. 8 degrees ~ .~9.~',~ ~W. 5!949 feet, thenee a~'.J~/!/ast~'§ne of Tabur Ro~l, two cauraes: (1) N. 0 degree~' 59' ~0'~-~½:~77 feet; thence (2) N: 5~ 00' 30" W.-ll/L75 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 8.962 acres. Parcel II--(William $chriever)-Begiaulng at a point on the westerly line of Tabor Road, 253.24 feet northerly along said line from the northerly line of Orchard Street, said point of beginningbeing the southeasterly corner of the premises herein descr/bed; running thence along lands of William Sehriever, Rich and Carlsson, S. ~7 degrees 47' 30" W.-331.27 feet; thence along land of William Scbriever, two courses: (1) N. 3 degrees 40' 20" E.-234.41 feet; thence (2) N. 82 degrees 32' 20" E.-284.30 feet; thence along the westerly line of Tabor Road, S. 8 degrees 06' 30" E.-50.0 feet; thence along land of Town of $outhold, three courses: (1) S. 82 degrees 32' 20" W.-100.0 feet; thence (2) S. 3 degrees 06' 30" E. - 100.0 feet; thence (3) N/ 82 degrees 22' 20" E. - 100.0 feet; thence along the westerly line of Tabor Road, two courses: (1) S. 8 degrees 06' 30" E. - 95.27 feet; thence (2) S. 1 degree 47' 30" W. - 15.31 feet to the point of begin- aing. Containing 1.314 acres. Any person desiring to be heerc~ on the above proposed amend- ment should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: October 11, 1977 BY ORDER OF' THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, | STATE OF NEW YORK. ~ ss: Stuart C. Dorman ...................................... being duly Sworn, says that ...h..e.. · is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is ~ printed copy. has been pu,blished in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once In each week, fi~r arm (1) ........................... weeks successively commencing on the ...T~f, rcl ................. N~mber day o! , .~ 77 Sworn to before me this ...~. ...... NOTARY PUBLIC. ~tate ct New ~rsuant ~. ~n 2~ ments d~the Bu~d~ .~e Ordinafice Of ~e York, ~ubl~ h~n& ~ held by ~e XO~d ~e old T~n H~i,~ M~ No~em~ 1977, on ~e eluding the B~g ~S~ ~ lhe T~ ~ ~- old,' Su~ol$ C~, 7:30 p.M. by "A" Res!d~nt~ and rural Dis~i~ lq, ~'B" ~ght BUSineSSr ~ ~e ~y of william ' ~d B~b~a New York ~ '~ ,~c- alar!y ~und~ ~ d~ as follows: i ~ ver)- Beg~n~ at &e ~nt of inters~ion of ~ ~ erly line of M~ ~ ~rn~ of~ p~ i~ d~bed; .~nn~g ~ long ~d. ~u~eg li~e ~n~, N..~O to' ~'- ~6.0~; of F~ra, two ~s: (1~ S. thenc© ~ong land d ~a S. 21° 41' E. - 5.4~ feeti ~n~ ~ong said ~d ~of Gl°~ ~d land Of W~sM; N. 78° O2' ~0" E -ii20.~ ~e~ a0~s ~=i,~ ~, s. 21° 41' 30" ~ ~3.~ f~; th~n~ al~g l!~d 0f ~ent Centra! 'C~, ~o courts: (i) S. 82' 2~ ~" E. - 42' 20" Wi - 51~.'10 f~; thence along ~o~e~t~ly line a~ s. 0° ~ ~0~,'W. - ~1.77 feet; the~ ~) 'N; 5° ~' 30" W. - 116~7~ feet ~{ the ~int of beginning. Con~n~ 8.~2 P~I II - (W~liam ver)- Beginning at a point on ,the westerly line ~ Ta~ ~ong said I~e ~m ~e no~h- erly line of O~h~d said ~int of be~n~g ~g the ~uthe~tefly ~mer of ~e premises here~ des~bed; running then~ ~ong i~ds of William Schfiever, Rich ~d Carlsson, S. 87° 47' 30". W. - 331.27 f~; the~ along land ~ Willi~ Schfiever, ~urses: (I) N. 3~ ~' ~" E. - ~4.41 feet; thence (2y N. 82° 32' 20" 'E. - 2~.30 f~; thence along the westerly line of Ta~r Road, S. 8° ~' E. - 50,0 feet; ~en~ ~ong hnd of Town of Southold, ~ree courses: (1) S. 82° 32' 20" W. - 1~.0 feet; then~ (2) S. 8° ~' ~" E.'- 1~0 the~e (3) N. 82° 32' 20" E. - 1~.0 feet; ~en~ ~ong the westerly line of Ta~r R~d, two ~urses: (1) S. 8° ~' ~" E. - 95.27 fe~; then~ (2) S. 1° 47' 30" W. - 15.31 feet to the point of beginning. Cont~ning 1.514 ac~s. Any p~son des~ng to be heard on the able ~s~ amendm~t should ap~ at ~e time ~d place a~ve ~pecified. DATED: O~ober 11, 1977 BY ORDER OF ~E SO~O~ ~ BOA~ 3UDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK 1T-11/~ (224) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Sherley KarT, being duly sworn, soys that she is an Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ......... J .............................. weeks successively, commencing on the ..~.. ............... day .. .............. , 19...~...?.. Sworn to before me this ...... ~ .............. ck~v at ......... JOSEPH FENTON t~OTAR¥ ~UBLIC, State of New No. 52-1195150 Qualifie~ in Suffolk County Commission Ex~Jres March $0, 1~ STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: JUDITH T. TERRY, Southold, New York, being duly sworn, age of 19_77 notice most public place York, to wit:- Town Clerk of the Town of says that she is over %he twenty-one years; that on the 12th day of October she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed is a true copy, in a proper and subs.tantial manner, in a in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 Notice of Hearing on proposal to amend zoning ordinance by William & Barbara Schriever, 7:30 P.M., November 15, 1977. ~udith T. Terry, Tow~le~k Sworn to before me this 12thday of October 19 77 ELIZABETH ANN NL~VILLE NOTARY PUBLIC. State of New York Term Expires March 30, I9 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AME~ ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said Town on the 15th day of November 1977, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 7:30 P.M. by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District the property of William and Barbara Schriever situated at Orient, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Parcel I - (Barbara Schriever) - Beginning at the point of intersection of the easterly line of Tabor Road with the southerly line of Main Road, said point being the northwesterly corner of the premises herein described; running thence along said southerly line of Main Road, N. 80° 10' E. 226.0 feet; thence along land of Ferreira, two courses: (1) S. 9° 50' E. - 150. feet; thence (2) N. 80° 10' E. 91.47 feet; thence along land of Gloria, S. 21i 41' E. - 5.43 feet; thence along said land of Gloria and land of Wernikowski, N. 78° 02' 40" E. - 120.38 feet; thence along land of Terry, S. 21° 41' 30" E. - 653.99 feet; thence along land of 0rien5 Central Cemetery, two courses: (1) S. 82° 26' 50" W. - 164.93 feett thence (2) S. 82° 42' 20" W. - 519.10 feet; thence along the east-/ erly line of Tabor Road, two courses: (1) N. 0° 59' 30" W. - 652.77 feet; thence (2) N. 5° 00' 30" W. - 116.75 feet to the poin~ of beginning. Containing 8.962 acres. Parcel II (William Schriever) - Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Tabor Road, 253.24 feet northerly along said line from the northerly line of Orchard Street, said point of beginning Page 2 - I ]al Notice - Schriever being the southeasterly corner of the premises herein described; running thence along lands of William Schriever, Rich and Carlsson. S. 87° &7' 30" W. - 331.27 feet; thence along land of William Schriever, two courses: (1) N. 3° 40' 20" E. - 234.41 feet; thenc, (2) N. 82° 32' 20" E. - 284.30 feet; thence along the westerly lin, of Tabor Road, S. 8° 06' 30" E. - 50.0 feet; thence along land of Town of Southold, three courses: (1) S. 82° 32' 20" W. - 100.0 feet; thence (2) S. 8° 06' 30" E. - 100.0 feet; thence (3) N. 82° 32' 20" E. 100.0 feet; thence along the westerly line of Tabor Road, two courses: (1) S. 8° 06' 30" E. - 95.27 feet; thence (2) S. 1° 47' 30" W. - 15.31 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.514 acres. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: October 11, 1977 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERX To- The Suffolk Times & Long Island Traveler -- Please publish once, November 3, 1977, and forward two (2) affidavits of publication to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Main Road, Southol$, New York 11971. Copies to the following on October 12~ 1977: William & Barbara Schriever COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Chairman [me £. Koppelman Dkector of planning Suffolk County Department of Planning Veleruns )demorial llic. hway ltauppa,~gv. L. I., 979-2918 October 6, 1977 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road bouthold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Application of "William & Barbara Sehriever" (#234) for a d~ange of zone on Parcel I* from "A" Agricultural & Residence to "B" Light Business, Town of Southold (SD-77-11). Dear Mr. Wickham: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on October 5, 1977 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation Resolved to dis- approve it because of the following: 1. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which desig- nates this area for Agricultural-Residence Development; 2. It is inconsistent with the residential pattern of zoning and character of · the area east of Tabor Road; 3. It constitutes the unwarranted extensive encroachment of business zoning into a Residence District; 4. It would tend to establish a precedent for further downzonings along Main Road; and 5. The resultant increase in traffic generation would be potentially hazardous to children attending Oyster-Ponds School on the north side of Main Road. Very truly yours, CC: Ms. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Lee E. Koppelman Director' of Planning Gerald G. Newma'n Chief Planner *~e rezoning from "A" Agricultural & Residence to "B" I, ight Business on Parcel II is not within the jurisdiction of the Suffolk County Planning Commission JOHN WICKHAM, Chairman FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E, RAYNOR, Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL Southold, N.Y. 11971 September 1, 1977 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held August 22, 1977. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board denial of the application #234 of William and Barbara Schriever for a change of zone on property situated at Orient, New York, from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District based on the following: 1. Rezoning of this property would constitute spot zoning. 2. Improper use of the property because of potential traffic hazard with reference to Oysterponds Union Free School District. 3. It is inconsistent with the Southold Town development plan. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board D. H. BOERUM OYSTERPONDS UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT IN ORIENT Orlenf, N. Y. 11957 (516) 323-2410 July 13, 1977 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York Dear Mr. Wickham: In reply to your letter of June 30, 1977, this is to inform you that at the regular meeting of the Board of Education of the 0ysterponds Union Free School District In Orient held on July 5, 1977, the Board goes on record as being unanimously opposed to the change of zone from "A" Agricultural and Residential to "B" Business (Light) as applied for by Mr~ William Schriever on the eight acre parcel directly south of the district school on Route 25 in Orient. The Board is opposed because of the potential traffic problems involved and, therefore, the safety hazards to the children. Yours truly, Joan K. Kalin District Clerk Board of Education Oysterponds Union Free School District In Orient JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK ~EGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L~N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765-3783 April 13, 1977 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is petition of William and Barbara Schriever requesting a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District on certain property at Orient, New York. You are hereby instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in said petition and determine the area so affected with your recommenda= tions. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Seth A. Hubbard C'n~/rr~n Lee E. Koppe[man D/rector of PLanning Suft olk County Department of Planning ~/eteror~ Memorial ttighu~y .JOHN V.N. KLEIN, County Executive ftaup~u~e, L. 1., N. Y. 72-1-2500 March 25, 1977 Mr. William W. Schriever Main Road, Box 128 Orient, N.Y. 11957 Dear Mr. Schriever: In response to your letter of MArch 22, 1977, please be advised that in accordance with requirements of the Suffolk County Charter and policy of the Suffolk County Planning Commission, communications and other explanatory in- formation pertaining to pending zoning actions must be submitted through the offices of the local municipal referring agency. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning LEK:GGN:jk cc: Supervisor / Town Clerk~ Planning Board Mr. Lee E. Koppleman, Director Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, N. Yo 11787 March 22, 1977 Dear ~r. Koppleman: Thank you for your letter of March 16, 1977, which defines the legal constraiuts that apply to private communications with the Suffolk County Planning Con~ission. I remember trying to discuss my plans with the Cormnisston a few years ago and being told that they would only be considered after an application was transmitted by the Town Planning Board. In this case that condition was satisfied but I guess it was too late. Today, my wife and I have submitted another zoning application to the Southold Town Clerk to provide for the remaining business zone necessary to create the business district tn the hamlet of Orient which was the main subject of my letter of March 14, 1977. Clearly tt is now to early to discuss this application. But I would like to ask if there will be some time when a new letter would be appropriate or whether my letter of March 14, 1977, could be reconsidered with the new application% I have spent nine years accumulating the property and developing this plan for a business district in Orient. The economics of the situation are such that the time has come when the decision must be made. If my frustrations don't show, I would be surprised. Copies to: Supervisor Town Clerk Planning Board /~//~Sincerely ~ours, --~ ' ~. SC'' e wil£iam w. cnrlev r Main Road, Box 128 Ortent~ N. Y. 11957 STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. PETITION TO ~ TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. ~ ...W~.l.i~m..&..B~r. bara..£chr.i.eveff ......... residing at ...~.a..i..n....R..o..a..~.,....O.r..~..n.~., ............... (insert name of petitioner) are Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, ~ the owner of certain real property situated at ..Q~.i.~.2~;~..~..~w..)[~'.~, ....................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: PARCEL I: 8,962 acres of vacant land with 769.52 feet of frontage along the east stde of Tabor Road~ running from the Main Road south to the main cemetery, and bounded on the east by property being proposed by the Orient Fire Dtstrlct for a new fire house and tournament facility. Owned by Barbara Schriever PAKCEL II: 1.514 acres of vacant land with 160.40 feet of frontage along the w~st std~ of Tabor Road, across from the main c~metery and surrounding the Town Sump. Bounded on th~ north by the existing "B" Light Business District. Owned by William Schriever The descriptions of these two parcels as prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl~ P. C., are attached to and form a part of this petition. 2. W~ do hereby pe~tion the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including lhe Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Change both Parcel I and Parcel II as described in the first paragraph of this petition from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: The'property fronting along both sides of Tabor Road is being offered as a future business district for the hamlet of Orient. A parcel of 4.2 acres fronting along the west side of Tabor Road is now zoned "B" Light Business Dtstrict of which 1.5 acres is the subject of another petition for a change to "C" Light Industrial District. The remaining 2.7 acres is presently the only undeveloped business property tn Orient. After allowing for the acquisi- tion of the Town Sump, the widening of Tabor Road to a 70 foot ROW, the dedi- cation of a 50 foot WOW for a road north of the main cemetery and continuing on to the west, and the provision for a 30 foot ROW and buffer along the west and south sides of the business district, the net area of the business district would be 12.6 acres of which 11.1 acres would be available for future develop- ment. We believe (1) that the size of this business district is appropriate to the future needs of the hamlet of Orient, (2) that the locatton is really the only suitable one available, (3) that proper consideration has been given to providing a buffer between the business district and the surrounding resi- dential area, and (4) that adequate provision has been made for traffic flow within the business district and to eliminate traffic from residential areas. William Schriever Barbara Schrtever STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) · .l~/~l~l.~.~rg..&..B.~l~'l~r..4..S.ehr $.e.v.e.~ ............. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and sa3a$ that .they have 'h~at~ petitioners in the within action; that ~ read the foregoing Petition and know~t the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters he therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those ma~ters ~g ~relieve~ it to be true. Sworn to before me this ..~.?..~ay of ... /~A~/~/(~/-/ 19 77 Notary Public. FLOYD F. KING, JR, Notary Public Stc~te of Nuw York No. 52-7267800 Suffolk County Term Expires M~rch 30, 197~ Wt ~ S- 'lliam ch~eve~ Barbara Sehr i ever OTTO W VAN TUYL Reg P;ofessional Engineer Licensed Land $~rveyor Phone 477 1487 RODERIOK VAN TUYL, P. O. FRONT STREET AT MAIN GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 PHONE 477 0170 March 18, 1977 RODERICK VAN TUYL Licensed Land Surveyor Phone 477 1608 DESCRIPTION: Proposed Change of Zone A~eas East & West of Tabor Road, Orient Parcel I (Barbara Schriever) Beginning at the point of intersection of the easterly line of Tabor Road with the southerly line of M~in Road, said point being the northwesterly corner of the prennLses herein described; running thence along said southerly line of Main Road, N. 80 10t E. - 226.0 feet; thence along land of Ferreira, two courses: (1) S. 9° 50' E. - 150. feet; thence 0(2) N. 80° 10' E. - 91.47 feet; thence along land of Gloria, S. 21 41''E. - 5.43 feet;o thence along said land of Gloria and land of Wernikowski,oN. 78 02' 40" E. - 120.38 feets thence along land of Terry, S. 21 41' 30" E. - 653.99 feet; thence along land of Orient Central Cemetery, two courses: (1) S. 82° 26' 50" (2) S. 82° 42' 20" erly line of Tabor Road, (1) N. 0° 59' 3O" W. (2) N. 5° 00' 30" W. Containing 8.962 acres. W. - 164.93 feet; W. - 519.10 feet; two courses: - 652.77 feet; thence thence along the east- thence - 116.75 feet to the point of beginning. RVT/mg To: Mr. William Schriever OTTO W. VAN TUYL Reg. P~L~iession~l Engineer Phone 477 1487 RDDERIP-K VAN TUYL, FRONT STREET AT MAIN GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 PHONE477-OITO FI. C. RODERICK VAN TUYL Licensed Land Surveyor Phone 477 1608 March 18, 1977 Parcel II (William Schriever) z~Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Tabor Road, 253.~ feet northerly along said line from the northerly line of Orchard Street, said point of beginning being the south- eaeterly corner of the premises herein described; ruzzuingothence along lands of William Schriever, Rich and Carlsson, S. 87 47' 30" W. - 331.27 feet; thence along land of William Schriever, two courses: (1) ~. 3° 40' 20" E. - 234.41 feet; thence (2) N. 82° 32' 20" E. -o284.30 feet; thence along the west- erly line of Tabor Road, S. 8 06~ 30" E. - 50.0 feet; thence along land of Town of Southold, three courses: (1) S. 82° 32' 20" Wo - 100.0 feet; (2) S. 8° 06' 30" E. - 100.0 feet; (3) N. 82° 32' 20" E. - 100.0 feet; line of Tabor Road, two courses: (1) S. 8° 06' 30" E. - 95.27 feet; thence (2) S. 1° 47' 30" W. - 15.31 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.514 acres. thence thence thence along the westerly RODERICK VAN TUYL, P.O. RVT/mg To: Mr. William Schriever FI- ;TR££'F 0'c.¢,/~: ~o'-~/'' PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICES 1o Orient Cemetery, c/o Martha Terry, Secretary, Orient, N. Y. 11957 2. 'Mr. & Mrs. Ward Tabor, Main Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 3o Russel Tabor & Sons, Main Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 4. Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Tabor, Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 5. Mr. Estacto Soito, Village Lane, Orient, N. Yo 11957 6. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Magrino, Jr., Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 7. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Reeves, Jr., Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 8. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Norklun, Village Lane, Orient, No Y. 11957 9. Dr. & Mrs. J. Moor-~ankowskt, 431 E. 85th Street, New York, N. Y. 10028 10. Mrs. Alice Krtptnski, 179 Nicholas Ave., Staten Island, N. Y. 10302 11. Mr. Kenneth Strachan, Jr., Peters Neck Point, Orient, No Y. 11957 12. Mrs. Martha M. Horton, Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 13. Orient Methodist Church, c/o Donald McNeil1, Orient, N. Y. 11957 14. Mrs. Hazel F. King, Orchard Street, Orient, N. Y. 11957 15. Mrs. Edith Barra, Orchard Street, Orient, N. Yo 11957 16. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Woglom, Jr., Box 257, Orlent, N. Y. 11957 17. Mrs. Adriana B. Vail, Orchard Street, Orient, N. Y. 11957 18o Mr. & Mrs. William Wysocki, Jr., Orchard Street, Orient, N. Y. 11957 19. Mrs. Shirley B. Carlsson, 325 West Neck Road, Huntington, N. Y. 11743 20. Mr. & Mrs. William Rich III, 454 Fort Washington Ave., New York, No Y. 10033 21. Mr. Antonto G. Ferretra, Jr., Main Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 22. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gloria, Main Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 23. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Werntkowskt, Maln Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 24. Mr. William Y. Terry, Jr., Box 275, Orient, N. Y. 11957 25. Mr. & Mrs. H. Horace Terry, 125 N. Lakewood Circle, Maitland, Florida 32751 26. Ortent Fire District, c/o Harrison Demarest, Jr., Orlent, N. Y. 11957 27. Orient Central Cemetery, c/o Doug Robertson, Orient, N. Y. 11957 t STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS.: William Schriever, residing at Main Road~.,~Ortent, N. Y. 11957, betng duly sworn, deposes and says that on the ,~/--~ day of March, 1977, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the copy attached hereto, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of satd persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Orient, N. Y.; that said Notices were matled to each of said persons by Certified Mall, Returm Receipt Requested. Wtlltam~chrtever Sworn to me thtsc~/~ day of March, 1977. Notary Public DIANE M. FISHER NOTARY PUBLIC, Stale of New York TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of William and Barbara Schriever to the Town Board of the Town of Southold. TO: NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to request a chan~e of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light g~xstnoss Distrlct to provide for a business district for the hamlet of Orient. 2. That the property which is the subiect of the Petition is located adjacent to/~o~u~t~o~perty and is des- cribedasf011ows: Paved1 T: 8.962 acres with 769.52 feet of frot~ta~e alot~ the east side m~ Tabor Road; Parcel II: 1.514 acres with 160.40 feet of frontage along the west side of Tabor Road surrounding the Town Sump. 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: "A" Residential and Asricultural District 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above-described property be placed in the following zone district classification: "B" Light Business District 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the lown Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island lraveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: March 21. 1977 (,.~, ~____ Barbara Schr t eve~ Petitioners William Schriever Post Office Address: Main Road, Box 128 Orient, N. Y. 11957 NAME PROOFOFMAILING OFNOTICE ADDRESS STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS.: . residing at , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the __ day of ,19 __, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the reverse side hereof, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the cur- rent assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. Sworn to me this day of ,19 Notary Public ' PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICL 1o Orient Cemetery, c/o Martha Terry, Secretary, Orient, N. Y. 11957 2. Mr. & Mrs. Ward Tabor, Main Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 3. Russel Tabor & Sons, Main Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 4. Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Tabor, Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 5. Mr. Estacto Soito, Village Lane, Orient, N. Ye 11957 6. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Magrtno, Jr., Village Lane, Ortent, N. Y. 11957 7. Mr. &Mrs. Robert C. Reeves, Jr., Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 8. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Norklun, Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 9. Dr. & Mrs. J. Moor-~ankowskt, 431E. 85th Street, New York, N. Y. 10028 10. Mrs. Alice Krtptnski, 179 Nicholas Ave., Staten Island, N. Y. 10302 11. Mr. Kenneth Strachan, Jr., Peters Neck Potnt, Orient, N. Y. 11957 12. Mrs. Martha M. Herren, Village Lane, Orient, N. Y. 11957 13. Orient Methodist Church, e/o Donald McNetll, Orient, N. Y. 11957 14. Mrs. Hazel F. King, Orchard Street, Orient, N. Y. 11957 15. Mrs. Edith Barra, Orchard Street, Orient, N. Ye 11957 16. Mro & Mrs. Joseph F. Woglom, Jr., Box 257, Orient, N. Y. 11957 17. Mrs. Adrtana B. Vail, Orchard Street, Orient, N. Y. 11957 18. Mr. &Mrs. William Wysocki, Jr., Orchard Street, Orient, N. Y. 11957 19. Mrs. Shirley B. Carlsson, 325 West Neck Road, Huntington, N. Y. 11743 20. Mr. & Mrs. William Rich III, 454 Fort Washington Ave., New York, No Y. 10033 21. Mr. Antonio G. Ferretra, Jr., Main Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 22. Mr. &Mrs. Anthony Gloria, Main Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 23. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Werntkowskt, Main Road, Orient, N. Y. 11957 24. Mr. William Y. Terry, Jr., Box 275, Orient, N. Y. 11957 25. Mr. &Mrs. H. Horace Terry, 125 N. Lakewood Circle, Maitland, Florida 32751 26. Orient Fire District, c/o Harrison Demarest, Jr., Orient, N. Y. 11957 27. Orient Central Cemetery, c/o Doug Robertson, Orient, N. Y. 11957 STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ss,: William Schriever, residing at Main Road~)rtent, N. Y. 11957, being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the ,~?/~ - day of March, 1977, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the copy attached hereto, directed to each of the abo~e-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Orient, N. Y.; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. William Schr tever Sworn to me thisc~/~ day of March, 1977. Notary Public DIANE M FISHER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No (3~1~14633608, Suffolk [ ~lty Term Expires March 30, 19~ RECEIF'T FOR CERTIF FI) MAIL NO IItSURANCE ~OVEF AGE INIOV O.:D-- ,~ CER] I£1ED FEE - RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED ~AIL N0 INC~flA~DE COVERA6E NOT ~ ~RNA~NAL MAIL (~e Reverse) P O STATE AND ZIP CODE POSTAGE $/3 ~ (J ~.3 S"OWTOWHOMAND ,.,/.4~ <~ ~ST~~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE FOOVIDED-- NOT FOR INTERNA'I~ONAI MAIL Se~ Reverse) ~, POSTAGE CERTIFIED FEE SPECIAL DELIVERY RESTRICTED Ut:LIVERY O -- SHOW TO WHOM AND > > DATEDELIVERED RECEIPT FOR I~ERTIFIED M~.IL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOT FOR INTERNAI~ONAL MAIL,~ .~ (See Reverse) C RT'F'E EE ¢ ~ [ OATEDELIVEHED  ~ SPOWTOWHOM, DATE, No. t 3,5 /5 5 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE C0VERAOE I~OVIDEO-- NOT FOR INTERNAlIONAL MAIL (S~ Reverse) P.O STATE AND ZIP CODE POSTAGE - RESTRICTED DELIVERY 0 ~ SHOWIOWHONANDDAT[ No. RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED- NOT FOR INTERNA'TIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) __ , STREETANDNO (~ No. * ,.~' :} '"' RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE I~OVIDED-- Nor FO4T iNTERNAIK)NAL MAIL (See Reverse) , ~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURAI~ COVERAGE FOOVIDED-- NOT FOR INTERNA'DONAL MAIL (See Reve~rse) P O STATE AND ZIP CODE POSTAGE CERTIFIED FEE SPECIAL DELIVERY O RESTRICTED DELIVERY ¢ ¢ No. :'~ i '~, RECEIPT FOR C~ERTIFIEO MAIL NO INSURANCE ~.OVEOAGE PR(IVI£,ED-- NOT FOR IN-ERNATIONAL MAIL NTT / (S~, Rev_~erse~) No. 757 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAlt NOT FOR INTERNA'nONAL MAIL / (See Reverse) P O STATE AND ZIP CODE POSTAGE $ ~m CERTIFIED FEE ~J SPECIAL DELIVERY 0 RESTRICTED DELIVERY 0 ~.~ SHOW TO WHOM AND ~ ~Z DELIVERY O ~ ADDRESS 0F 0ELIVERY W,~ ¢ No. 1 ?47 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVBED-- NOT FOR INTERNADONAL MAIL (See Reverse) P O STATE AND ZIP CODE RECEII~ i:OR CEiRStFI, El: ffI~UL (See RecerE e) P O STATE ANDZIPCODE No. RECEIPT FO~ CER'nFIED M^~L NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVfOED-- NOT FOR INTERNA'IIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) POSTAGE ~ ~_ ,?, SH0WT0WHOMA"" '~ ~ ~" SHOW ~o w.o.,,~, ~ ~ ~ TOTAL POSTAG~ AND FEES $ RECEIPT FOR GER~'IFIED M'AIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED- riOT R~ mTERNA'TIQNAL MAIL (S~e Reverse) -_ ~TREET AND NO ~ ' P O STATE ANDZIPCODE RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL N0 INSURANCE C~VERA~E PROV~D- NOT ~R IN~RNA~0NAL ~AIL (~e Reverse) No. L RECEIPT FOR CEPTIFIED MAIL / (See Reverse) / , P 0 STATE AND zip CODE POstAGE ~J SPECIAL DELIVERY SHOW TO WHOM, DATE No, RECEIF ~ FOR C~RTIR, ED lilAIL NO II s JRANCE COVERAGE PROVIDE)-- ~ ~ DATeOELIVERID :;~ ~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NOT F~ M~RNA~ONAL MAE (~e Reverse) RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOED- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAS. /* (See Reverse) STREET AND NO P O STATe AND ZIP CODE POSTAGE  ~ ~LtVE~OWITH RESTRICTFD ¢ ~ Z . OELIVERY Z DFLIVERY Z ~ SH0WT0WHOM, OATEAN~ ~ ~ SHOW T0 WHOM, OATE AND O A~RESS ~ DELIVERY WITH O ~ AQORESS 0F ~ELIVERY WITH ¢ 0 ~ESTRJC~D DELIVERY RESTRICTED DELIVERY - No. . 3 :~ ~ 4 ~. No. , '~: NO INSURANCE COVERAGE ~OV~D-- ~ ~RA~ COVERAGE ~T ~ ~E~A~NAL MA~ N~ ~ ~RNA~NAL MA~ / (~e ~everse) ' (SeeRever~) RECEIPT FOR ~,ERTIFJED MAIL ~ ~R ~A~AL MAE~ (~ Re~eme) ST~ET AND NO P O, ~TATE AND ZIP CODE 136751 "' RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED M, AIL NO INSURANC~ COVERAGE PIIOVIO~O'-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) P O ,/~'TATE AND ZIP CO ~ RESTRICTED DELIVERY RESTRICTED DEUVERY ¢ ~ ,~A0W T0 WHOM AND 3 '~¢ ~ N ~ DATE~LIVE~D -~ ~ ~ ~ 0 SHOWTOWHOMAND ~ ~ ~ OMEOELIVEREO ~ ml~RY ~ ~ ~ ANDADDRESSOF ~ ~I~RY ~ ~ ~ OELIVEREDWITHRESTRICT~O RECEIPT FOR CEgTIFIED MAIL NO ~RA~E CDV~AGE (~ Revel) 14. RESTRICTED DEUVERY SNOW T0 WN~M, DATE. TOTAL PO~T~$ i _— r II IN I Y t f fq fgrM r Ed. LdfiHgxr p ',I i, I � _ , I i i _ f 1 i I ........_a Schgo! bid9• JS"C I re MA N.Btl , � / (y - I I Orient• � � P y A � �' 4 -78°pz'AO°E.� ti\ , Carrefier °1 W. Tdbpr >i y N.8C3°IO E. N• �.3� " 91.47 �! E / f SPanS / ' 1 % j u ww' rd,',Y Jr. 8�96Z 04. r r J I I � h I na ZOHe It Hu*r'tws5 . I P . ScarrRe ver Wni, r5chrie'�rer� � i _ 5ciirlevee /' ' t t64.ce 5.82>2� 50N W. e' j 519.10 - 4' 5. N w i ` � - � J?Ai� m . J / LV ci Q O 'gxun 0' Orianf Ccrrirt�t Cer++afer '/ I r 1 / m trek Ince a IooA 13 ' I I i � Wm. 5c.hrrever -- - 38'727 6bvn, � � i6 � S I � -I a� F � P • Meycr F th I _ - 1 ogr/aAZO - I I - ' A•et! r 9 "A`.Cesldertigl Zane,excc�at vs 3/uwra. - ' • i�J Garage I Shed sGpre : too F:ea Z 04AN6E oo= ZONE 104f -1"d,°B"' --------- ' 47' _— yNAQTeopl n ngsa ndn a:,inmrlon XWCA - _ _ '�,I1�./F- 4✓a� l,.�Y In11 frN [� T rLAYIo 1 L <onrs r r ' "q"e nnlNe � � � Yr'(a�f�gd I�G'�.t�rf�"'/G!C l/f1iAJ TG1Y1.• r ' r ci nrnlrrw i - ill.nun uNomio u i in^ In . . . 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