HomeMy WebLinkAboutRuch, Valentine IV - Denied WHEREAS, o petition wes heretofore filed with the Town Board of the requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made ~ part thereof by chang- District the property described in soid petition, ond WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...... .~..7.~'1...da; of Fe~:l~U.~.~y 195..9.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is d~llll~o 24, 1959. BY C~tl)~t OF ~ ~O171~OZ.l) ~ itALPH P. BO0'~ PUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Greenport, N. ¥. February 17, 1959. NORMAN E. KLIYF, Supervisor. HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace LOUIS DEMAHEST, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman ROBERT TASEER, ESQ., Tow~ Attorney RALPH P. BOOTH, Tow~ Clerk. "2 SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I will read the notice of hearing on the proposal to ~end the Zoning Ordinance: Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said town on Pebruary l?, 1959 at 2:00 p.m. of said day, on the follow- ing proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: By changing from "A" Residential Agricultural District to "M" M~ltiple Residence District the following des- cribed property: ALL that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land situated at Arshamomaque in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, and State of New York and more particularly bound- ed and described as follows: A tract of about twelve (12) acres beginning at a point on the southerly line of North Road opposite the easterly end of Town Beach at Arshamomaque; running thence easterly along North Road l~O0 feet; thence southerly along land of Gogerty 120 feet; thence easterly along land of ~ogerty 125 feet; thence southerly along land of Teves and then along land of V. Pollwoda 2~0 f-et: '' and then along land of V. Poliwoda 280 feet; thence westerly along other land of Ruch 770 feet (being 400 feet southerly from North Road); thence northwesterly along land of Eisen 50 feet; thence southwesterly along said land of Eisen 175 feet; thence northwesterly along the westerly line of a private road 150 feet; thence southwesterly along land of Hines 295 feet; thence west- erlyalong Arshamomaque Pond 250 feet; thence northwesterly along land of Hass 300 feet to the point of beginning, all dimensions being approximate. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: January 29, 1959. BY ORDER O~ THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I have an affidavit of publication. This matter Was referred to the Planning Board for their recommendation and I read the report: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting of January 6, 1959. In the matter of the petition of Valentine Ruch for a change of zone from "^" Residential and Agricultural District to "~' Multiple Residence District, cert~ 4 real property located and bounded as follows: The tract of about 12 acres beginning at a point on the southerly llne of North Road opposite the easterly end of Town Beach at Arshamomague: running thence easterly along North Road 1400 feet; thence southerly along land of ~ogerty 120 feet; thence easterly along land of Gogerty 125 feet; thence southerly along land of Teves and then along land of V. Poliwoda 280 feet; thence westerly along other land of Ruch 770 feet (being 400 feet southerly from North Road); thence northwesterly along land of Eisen 50 ft.; thence southwesterly along said land of Eisen 175 feet; thence northwesterly along the westerly line of a private road 150 feet; thence southwesterly along land of Hines 225 feet; thence westerly along Arshamomaque Pond 250 feet; thence northwesterly along land of Haas 300 feet to the point of beginning, all dimensions being approximate. it was reported that the Planning Board recommends that the change from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District be made on the property included in the indicated description by Otto Van Tuyl & Son, dated October 27, 1955. Is there any person present who wishes ~ be heard in opposition to the granting of the relief asked for in the peri,on? 5 (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any person who wishes to speak in favor of the ~rantin~ of the petition? (There was no response.) ~PE~VISOR KLIPF: We will close the hearing at this time for the ~urther dellberatlon of the Board. ,,,~.~,:~o~,.~"".. .... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK i ss. t~-.~., ;j STATE OF NEW YORK ~ pu~- Frederick C. Nawkins, being duly sworn, says that old~ he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND ~, TRAVELER - MA~iTUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- t% -~ paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the ~ 1 -. i¢. ' "-~'~;-:;[ (~c~~ the notice of which the cnnexed is a printed copy, has been the ,L~ ~' :f~:'/' '}..'~' afoul' ',*/'~~,.~~:; published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- ~~ '~..t t:'-:f: ~~]t~'" ~le' man once each week for ...... ~ L _ .' .' :2.. ,. ~ ....~,.. ,. .,.,~.. ?..¢..,,,. ......... .. .. , ~ . ............ ;-?:..--¢f ......... - ......... ~::~::i-"~t;~~~,~'''' . ~;~~, successively, commencing on the . ,~-7 .... '~':- ":~-:" ' "*:'~ :"1 ..... z ¢ ,~ / .. ".~? -., ¢ ,r ,. , , day of ...~ .... ;¢J~'~.~:,c~.<, 19,~. ' c ........ / / ./ ~' /. / ' ,. ~':~.,. ,.....: .,,~ i:-:~ ................... '~ ~'. .d.,. .':'~.,;..~ ~ . . ':..: ..),... c:. :.. ~. .-:'~. .: .,. :..~ ......... . . ~ ,-'~1,t, ~ - .- , ' ' ,, ~,. '~ .... ' ~ ~,~;' ~. .,' , .,. .,.,~ , ~. · ........... .~. t ~..~_,,;:.... ~. ~;~-,-,., : -~ .::. ........... -' ~,:.. ,. :~,~ ~i'.L : -, ~ -: ~ ............ ' ............... · . '."!~ · : . ~--' . ' ' · · ~:~... . . .~ R,s ..... .:. ;n ....;?.;.,,,~,. ", ..... ' "_ ,.. t-. '.. '< ~' ~: ' ~' ~: ~;;' . . -'~, .: .... ~ ..... ~ ¢ , ,.., NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMF~ ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 26~ of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ a public hearing will be held by the Southold 16 South Street, Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, Greenport, New ~ork~ in said town on February 17, 1959 at 2:00 P.M. of said day, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zore Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York: By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land situated at Arshamomaque in the Town of Southold, and State of New ~ork and more partic- Suffolk County, ularly bounded and described as follows: A tract of about twelve (12) acres beginning at a point on the southerly line of North Road opposite the easterly end of Town Beach at Arshamomaque; running thence easterly along North Road 1500 feet; thence southerly along land of Gogerty 120 feet; thence easterly along land of Gogerty 125 feet; thence southerly alon~ land of Teves and then along land of V. Poliwoda 280 feet; thence westerly along other land of Ruch 770 feet (being ~00 feet southerly from North Rca d); thence northwesterly along land of Eisen 50 feet; thence southwesterly along said land of Eisen 175 feet; thence northwesterly along the westerly line of a private road 1%0 feet; thence southwesterly along land of Hinez 22% feet; thence westerly along Arshamomaque Pond 2%0 feet; thence northwesterly along land of Hass 300 feet to the point of beginning, all dimensions being approximate. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: January 19%9 BZ ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. BOOTH TOWN CLERK Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wic~han, Ch~irm~n January 8, 1959 Harold R. Reeve Henry Mois~ Alfred Grebe Archibald Young Report to: $outhold Tovrn Board 8oaeho~ ~eu Zo~ Gentlemen: This ~ to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on January 6, 1959. In the matter of the petition of Valentine Ruch IV for a change of zone from "A" Residential & Agricultural to 'fi,l" Multiple Residence district certain real ~operty situated at North Road, Arsha~:omoque and bounded as follows: a tract of about twelve (12) acres begin- ning at a point on the southerly line of North Road opposite the easterly end of Town beach at Arshamomoque; running thence easterly along North Road l~O0 feet; thence southerly along la~ cf Gogerty 120 feet; thence easterly along land of Gogerty 125 feet; thence southerly along land of Teeves and then along la~ cf Poliwoda 20~ feet; thence westerly along other land of Ruch 770 feet (being ~00 feet southerly from North Road); thence northwesterly along land of Eisen gO feet; thence southwesterly along said land of Eisen 17~ feet; thence northwesterl~ along the westerly line of a private road 150 feet; thence southwesterly along land of Hines 2k5 feet; thence westerly along Arshamomoque Pond 250 feet; thence north- westerly alcn§ land of Haas 300 feet to the point of beginning~ all dimensions being approximate; it ~ hereby RESOLVED~ that the Planning Board recommend to the Town board that the change from "A" Residential & A§ricultural to "M" Multiple Res- idence district be made on the property included in the legal descrip- ticn by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated October 27, 1958. Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Rep~ t to: Southold Tow~ Board John /~/ickh~m, Chairing. Southold, New fork Harold R. hz.P/ Mois* Alfred Grebe Archibald ¥ouns The Planning Board has visited this property and found there is a very deep hole in the center and it wi ll need the ~00 foot depth if very much grading ~ to be done. Also: this pro~rty lies between the "B" Business zone of Teves on the east and t~"B" Business zone of Haas on the west. We further think that there is no necessity for widening the established private road because this is all built up and will probably not be extended. Any further development ~rlll probably have its own separate access. Very truly ~ours~ John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT. NEW YORK Dece~nber 2'), 1958 DESCRIPTION: V. RUCI{ A tract of about t,Nelve (12) acres b~gi {nini~ at a point on the southerly line of North ?.os.d opoosite the easterly end of To~n Beach at A~sha{nomaque; running thence easterly along North Road 1400 feet; thence southerly along land of Gogerty 120 feet; thence easterly along land of Gogerty 125 feet; thence southerly along land of Teves and then along ~. ~-~ h~"~t~L-~~lcdjo~ 280 feet; thence '~esterly along other land of Ruch 7?0 fe~t (being 400 fe:t southerly frown North Road); thence north:veste:"ly along lane of Eisen 50 feet; thence south~esterly along s~id land of Risen 175 feet; thence north,~:esterly along the ~'esterly line of a private road 150 feet; thence sout~,,~esterly along land of Hi.es 225 feet; thence -~esterly along Arshamomaque Pond 250 feet; thence north;~esterly along land of Essa 300 feet to the point of beginning, all dimensions Oei~g approximate. For Ap~;iication to To~ Pla~nin~ ~o~,rd. Eecembe~ 22nd 1958 ~ir. Harold R. Reeve Southold Town Plannii~g Board Southold, L. I., N. Y. Dear ~. Reeve: Followin~ my original application of late July, I submitted an amended one late in October, following your request. I note that the last petition did not include the alternate at the bottom of page one in the original- "to . rezone .... parcels lying north Df a li~ ~00' south of the North Road and parallel thereto". l~ay I now request that this alternative be made a part of the amended application? I feel that any descriptive boundary will be readily available from Mr. VanTuyl, as he already knows of my wish to expedite the matter. My reasons for requesting the 400 foot depth are twofold: a deep depress- ion in the farmland originates at the North Rd. and runs back into the farm nearly 300'; and the westerly line would, if 400' deep, reach all of my frontage on Mill Creek. Very truly yours, Oct®bar 29th 195B Mr. Harold R. Reeve Chairman Pro Tam Southold Town Plannin~ Board Southold, L. I., N. Y. Des= Mr. Reeve: T~e enelosei a~nded petition is Lu conformance with your letter request of Beptember 4, 19~8. Very truly yours, CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK/'~ ~) /~/~ ~ L-?~ A~,~ ~-N ~ l~ PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD / IN THE MATTER OF THE'PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: ~. I, ,.~.~?..~..~ ................. , residing ot Southold (insert nome of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, om the owner of certoin reol property situoted et ~?~.-~.~..-~?~ .......... end more p~rticulor[y bounded ond described os follows: about ~0 acres begi~ul~g at a point on the southerly line of ~Nor~h Road opposite the easterly line of T.ow~+Beaoh; ru~ning thence easterly along North Road 1400 feet, thence southerly along land of Gogerty 1~0 feet; thence easterly along land of Gogerty 1~§ feet; thence southerly along land of Teven and land of SledJeski 960 feet; thence westerly alon~ lane of Caesidy 200 feet; thence northwesterly along land of Vanderbeek and land of others 950 feet; thence southwesterly along land of Eisen 175 feet; thence northwesterly along the westerly line of a private road 1~0 feet; thence southwesterly along land of Hi.es ~25 feet; thence westerly along Arshamomoque Pon~ 250 feet; thence northwesterly alon~ ~and of~H~.as ~00 feet to the point of beginning, dimensions and area ze~ng approximate only. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: to rezone ~hl~ property from the present category to '~ district 3. Such request is mode for the following reaso~as: After 40 yea~s of developing the original fjX~l by m~ family and me, it now seems that the probable future area development must include motels and/or multiple residences, and I respectfully request my land to be zoned "M" in line with other such zoning as has been granted along the North Road in my neighborhood. (L. 5.) ...................................................................... ) SS:- COUNTY OF .~F-C---~L-~, ) the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, excep~ as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L. S.) ................................................................... Sworn to before me this ~....,doy of ...... )~C~ ....... 1 9..~'~. -k_~ ..... ?' '~ :±:" ...... ~'~Y .................... ~'~;'O';L,'"~'&[~'l'i~'. A, :DqF.'v;/ JH(OLLiZ.2, NOTARY CASE NO: , STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: Yalentine Ruch 1¥ ~outhold 1. I,. ............................................................. , residing at ........................................................... (insert name of petitioner) Sufl'olk County, New York, the Llndersigned, om the owner of certain real property situated at North Road, Arehamcmoque " . ................................................ and more particularly bounded and described os follows: n (1) Easterly by Teves and laAdS now or formerly Merkel, southerly by ~. Herbert Cassidy, ~sterly by l§nds of others and a priva*.q road, and northerly by the North Road, and (2) a parcel bounded northerly by the North Road, westerly by Haas and the Arshamomoque Pond to lands of Hines, and southerly along Hines' line to private road above mentioned, the easterly boundary. The enclosed map shows the areas, whioh would be contiguous if the private road did not bisect t~em. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N~w York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereoF, as follows: to rezone both parcels from the present oategory to "M" district, or as an alternative, to similarly rezone that po~tiou of both parcels lying north of a llne.~00' south of the North Road and parallel thereto. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: After 40 years of developing the original farm by my family and me, it now seems that the probable futttre area development must include motels and/or multiple residences, and I respectfully request my land to be zoned "M" in line with other such zoning as has been granted along the North Road in my neighborhood. (L. S.) ...................................................................... STATE OF /?~--*d~zv' ) SS:- COUNTY OF S[~=~"F, ) [. _/~'N"FI/~' ~__ k' JC_I~-- ~:__: BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) o~vn knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L. S.) ..................................................................... Sworn to before me this .... ].....doy oF ......~:-~., ............ 19..~.. / /I - ~- / Notarv Public. 7-7 Af / NOR.T H — ROA D .., W 00 L a 125'.0 y! IL �l c2 u d 1 O4 N \ V1 P \ 6 \ \ S J MAP OF PROPERTY ° \� a ti N SURVEYED FOR :'° y VALENTINE RUCH ° �\' Ile N AT 4 T° E 9 ARSHAMOMOQUE TOWN OF SOU'fHGLD , N. Y. �- 5° SCALE ! 100• = 1" 9.82 -�-- ' � �'61}l9 G• g .3 itr 5.6 5.h�2'032o"W. 7 ty yJ. SUP-VEYED .JULY 9, 1966 ^/ Evi F-IERBE4 ft."f . rrA 5514Y 3 OTTO W. VAN TUYL 4 $ON ' � J. G1 = Gaa[KIGTG MQNU MENT - ,vIr-la Q ' `�•S3 . .gtp LICENSED LAW D SU2V¢Y4R5 . .. - 6REENPO[iT, 'N:Y �gddlons Qc1'.$7a.19$$� - ' ,..*z.m.. n.�;.-.+�•.++„�;N<e..�...:..•..�«+.+--+.rural*L+•""-.+.r!!-°-. .mer-......+�.. _ ,�+� i vr(;-mr' xa. i'"" T0"" ,ry iri I y .ut � 1 {7�+ .w k �-..ti '—�--•-•--•.�—. i+r� �' � f� 'w"'I• r{,F� ° VqA. lb � %i e 1 � :' lx, 1 _ -.� i N,76°0730"E. �' -� 563.0 * :.1 W IN , J Fin CID —J T N Go G6 RTY ° IL = 7 p / m m o w ' F n N.76'67'34"E. z .R V BSc H, i4 y P ti y('o II?PP v MAP. OP PROPERTY ° �\� �`' 0. N SURVEYED FOR T� �• �\ ��r� VALENTINE RUCH AT w ARSHAtVIa'MaQuE <1 TOWN OF SouTHOLD , N. Y. °01 / JPtl �O SCALE :, 100'=,1" \ � r �CRKN.Ik`60'W. 16 41 9p r y;�.� - 5.6T' Ih W. T— v SUWVEYEU -.JULY,% 1956 - � �� 61 ~ �� 5.6fr '' . • 4"ASS INY ryw�f +1 ' Y OTTO , W. VANTUYLA— SON 1 r,, .. N_ q n wy�W 9� J Eae ar , , , , .[ �' £ANfrCiTG MQC#U ME•Nt v '. - .TL. . V $ Lrty.5 6 F . ' ..:.. .- ' . 1 e a ri ti �. ENS�� L�Mo ' _Suzv�kb>bs l a son ` �Addi�"' s obt'z�'�, �.x 'wr T3•Q! i7. r ' 1M ,•p 1 ....-....r..n,w+.w isw........n+—�wMnw--..r,.^y.....•.1..++�...-+..+r'—.»t'- ..+y ,,+y.�"• abyW N q'lY ll.