HomeMy WebLinkAboutReeve, H.R. & Sons - W/Drawn r-I FFi EI:2K 50UTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. April 28, 1965 D~. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. wickham; The original petition of H. R. Reeve & Sons, Inc., relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District on certain property situated at Mattituck, New York, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, N.Y. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the reco~endation of your Board. Very truly you.r~ Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk WILLIAM WICI<HAM MATT ITUC, K, L~ · '516 MA t-~353' ,: March 29, 1966 :, Town Board .~ To~n of Southold $outhol~, New York' Gent 1 emen: In behalf of Harold R. Reeve &. Sons, Inc., we presented to Your board a petition dated April 2 1965, for a ;change of zone of the following premise:~- BEGINNING at a concrete monument on the westerly side of· Wickham Avenue at the north- easterly, corner of land of Elmer Ruland; run~.~': thence S. ~'?~ 58' W. 256 feet along said 'lane of Ruland to a concrete monument thence S..5'9° 20"' E. 07.52 feet along said land of Ruland; thence along land formerly of Tyler now of S. 45° ~l' 20" E. ~8 feet to other land of appllca~ zoned "B" Business; thence southwesterly along said "B" Busine.ss zone about :280 feet to the easterly 'line of Maiden T..~. e., said point being 180 feet northerly from Middle Road Extension;. running the..-~ce along the easterly line of Maiden Lane ~. ~8~ W. 515 feet more or less to Mattituck Creek; rmuning thence in a northerly thence in an easterly direction along Mattituck Creek to land of Walter Will i. ams; thence runn'rM S. ~-~ ::.!' E. a!or~< :~a~ ..a~ Williams 219.01 feet more or less; thence again running along land of Williams' N. 47° 58' E. lO1.5~ feet to the westerly line of Wickham Avenue; running ~hence S. 59 ~ wT' ~' 20" E. ~9.58 feet along.the westerly side of Wicknam Avenue to the point or place o~ beginr~ing. We now wish to w.ithdraw this application we have contracted to sell the property and have a.~ec in the contract to so with'Craw. CASF NO: ...................... STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FI. R. REEVE & SONS, INC. FOR A CIIANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. ~ We~ H. R. Reeve & Sons~ Inc.~;~;x~$c of Mattituck, New York (insert name of petitioner) are Suffolk County, ~, the undersigned, a~ the own~ ~f certain real property situated at Hattitue~ and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGI~ING at a concrete monument on the westerly side of Wickham Avenue at the northeasterly corner of land of Elmer Ruland; running thence S. ~7~ ~8' W. 2~6 feet along said land of Ruland to a concrete monument thence S. ~9~ 07' 20" E. 67.52 feet along said land of Ruland; thence along land formerly of Tyler now of Zimnoski S. ~3~ ~1' 20" E. a8 feet to other land of applicant zoned "B" Business; thence south- westerly along said "B" Business zone about 280 feet to the easterly line, of ~aiden Lane, said point being 130 feet northerly from ~iddle Road Extension; runnin~tthence along the easterly line of ~aiden Lane N. mS(' 57' ~0" W. ~lS/mo~e or less to ~attituck Creek; rumning thence in a northerly thence in an eas2erly direction along Hattituck Creek to land of Walter Williams; thence runnin~ S. ~4° 11' E. along said land of Williams 219.61 feet mere or less; thence again running alon~ land[ o£ Williams N. 'a?° ~8' E. 101.~ feet to the westerly line of Wickham Avenue; running thence S. 59° D'?' 20" E. ~9.58 feet along the westerly side of Wickham Avenue to the poinZ or place of beginning. The property is show~ on the enclosed print outlined in red. We do 2. :12:qo hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including lhe Buildmg Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: From "A" Agricultural and Residential to "B-2" Business 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: Part of our proper~y £ronting on Pliddle Road is now zoned "B' Business to a depth of 180 feet - 200 feet prior to the taking of 20 feet by the County of Suffolk for h~ghway purposes. On it are located a gas station and launromat. We believe that the property included in this application is a natural extension of this "B" Business district and the business district of I'Iattituck. With its frontage on ~attituck Creek, this ~evelopment can contribute greatly to ~he needs of Southold Tovm. H. R. REEVE ~° SOIfS, lNG. ,.-) (L. S.) .~.~ ...... Laurenoe Y. Reeve STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) Laurence 1:. Reeve , ~ ......... , ........ , ...................................................... BEING D5 LY SWORN. deposes and says that ~ ~ecretar~-Treasurer of H R. Reeve & ohs I ¢.. he is/the petitioner in the within action; that'he has read the ~oregoi~ng {~et]hon and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (~) own kno~vledge, except as to the mat- ~ers therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true_ (L. S.) Laurence 1=. Reeve Sworn to before me this .~.:!~ day of ..... ~5~,.1. ............... , 19.~.. ./ .? ./ / Notary Pi~blic. .... WICKHAM ""-.. _ AVENUE _ '"' '~ , 49,58' T~... $, 390 07' 20'"' E', · ~ ~ 60.00' ~~ ' '.~ ~ ~ '. 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