HomeMy WebLinkAboutPollert, William J-Withdrawn October6, 1970 Nr. Albert Martocchia~ Supervisor The Town Boar~ Southot~Town Greenport~ N.Y. Dear Sir: This refers to the application of William Pollert a~ Adrian B. Va~ Riper for a cha~ge of zoning from A residential an~ B to My om m parcel of 18 acres in Greenport fronting on North Roa~ and Manhanset Ave~ a~ Champlin Place. We ~,,ish to withdraw the application ~t this time an~'will resubmit one at a later ~ate with revisions an~ in greater ~etailo Thank you for your courtesy an~ cooperation. Yours, very trUl~ William Pollert AND June 30~ 1970 Hon. Albert Martocchia end Members of the Sou%hold To~% Board Greenport, New York 119~ Dear Mr. ~upervis6r and Gentlemen: Among the pubic hea~gs you have scheduled for .this evening is %he app~cation of Messrs. Poller% and V~ Riper to rezone the area south of the ~ain Road ~d east of Marmoset% A~enue. Please regard this letter as ~ application for ~ ad joY,eh% on behalf of both the petitioners ~d their atto~eys. ~s no~ possible~ as I in, cared some %~e ago both to I~. Mar~occhia ~d to Mr. Tasker, for either of the p~ncipals or me to a~te~d this hear~g. I ~derst~d the Board in th~ past has acco~odated the properly o~mers concerned %'~th rezoning ~d %hal this c~ be ~one ~thout ~he necessity cf repub~cation. If it shou~ appear to you that there are those present thSs eve~_ng who ~ould like to speak for the record on bhis app~cation but v~ho would be ~able %o appear at ~ adjo~n date~ w~ wo~d have objection ~ yo~ hearing such people ~ our absence. ]/~e have no preference as to an amjournsd da~; any. %~ae convenient to the Board woula be all righ~ with the app~cants. Your cooperation ~d ~eerstanding of o~ situation and acco~odaf~ing us ~ this r~quss% ~ili be gre.a~ly appreciated. I ' ON ~'RO~PO~AL ~'0 '~Qr~uant to See~ :~g5 o~ the COUN~ OF SUFFOLK · the Building Z0~ Or.tahoe ,o~ STATE OF N~V YO~K OffiCe .of; the;~ervisor. ~6 C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, soys South,' street ,~e~hP°z't'. New that he is the Editor, of THE LONG IS~,ND ,'~ay oe ~une'Zg.,0.:a~ ~:J0 o czock TP~VELER - MA~ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- '~hl ~wtn~ pro~s~,to ~mena paper printed ~t Southold, in'Suffolk County; and that (i~I~ff~[ the ~ng Zone the notice cf which the ~nnexed is o printed copy, has been · 'Su~k co~it~:~w ~ork. published in said Long [sland Trave[er-Mattituck Watch- ~i~ct. ~he '~',descri~ed successively, commencin9 on the ............... ~ ...................... ,~ated at S S~-Route 2S, W,'S doe of ............... ~~l" the northerly lJ~8 ~f ~mp- ' ,, - Sworn to before me this ......... d~y snd tuning 'th~ce along said [ ~e~ce ~entinuing along' said ~: ~uihel.ly;,line of ~he North ~' ]' '~d- ~ence along said I s~ufherly l~e. of the North ~'~ ~a~.'two courses, as follow~: ~ ~id soutfi~rI~ Hne of the ~uffolld, and Star~ of:New York, ' .................. / and r~.oi'e pai~/;icuLa~.~ bouilded m the ~oin~ oi ~t~e6~lon of ~ the northerly hn~.~C~mD- ~n P~ce .~h~ ~' weSteri~ l~e~of Ma~hse~ Avenue, n~¢~r~ ime o~: c~am~li~ .~: .................. ~ ....... , 19, alo~ sai~ land ~b¢ ~2'form- ' erly:~f W~ two co~ ~g~'~ ~on~¢: ~go~,,th~~ ¢~, ~0 ....... ~ .......... ~ No'ari PUN:,:, ~lew York ~; erly ' Ye .,the '~ley Estate~ ~!~no~h Co~mission Expires ~larch 30, 19~ Wesq '~,64 ~a~o,~ ~d land of Hugel- :... of :~oeb, ixort~ ~ ~Ime of the No~h as~io~ows: (1) ~ourh -' ~or~ ~66~ 3fi' 40" e~ ~ we~t~rI7 l~ne of :. ~ ~rly 'line of Man- east,, ~69.68 feet to the or '~a~e oi :1~.~{~i ~y ,cbang~g from "B" I~ ~ d~crihe~ property: 1~ ~ac¢. Greenporc. In the ~re ~rC/c~r~ ~n pi~ at the Ln~ec- pi~e; thence ~o~ ' Raa~; thence along · R~siden~e Disi~ict/the fb~O~g · :.= ~ -~ ~TQWN CLERK sit~ed a~ S~S Route ~S, WYS .Ma~nset . Avenue. N / $ C Champ~' Place Greenport. ~ qxe~ T~ of Sou~ld Co~ty o~ S~f0~ ~d state of New York, , and.~more .pa~hcMarly bounded add des~i~d ~ ~Hows: · P~CEL I: ~nMng ~e ~int ofdntersecEon of the - ~fi~ErJ~~ fi~ of ChampHn , ~PI~ ~e~ w~t~ly line ': 'O~:~e~ Avenue; ~d .~ thenc~ ~ong s~d ~ n~r~erly ~e of. Ch~mpHn ~,. Pl~ce, sodkh 5B~35"'20' west ': ~.88~t 't~ ~nd' n~w or ~for~!y ~Y Wofff: thence ' .aloog s~d ~hd n~w or for- ~ly of-Wo~,'two co--es, : ~ ~o~6~: (1)' north 31~" ~'Lwest, i94.54 feet thence · t2) sguth ~: 3~ 20 west -~.~ f~[ ~ ~nd now or ~grly'of the C.G. Barley Esla~;: three 9long said lahd ~ow or formerly of the ~.~1~ ~te, north 44a 49' .~'~est, ~3.~ feet to land - now:, or -formerly ~of H~elmeyer;. thence along ~i6 lam of ~eimeyer and ~!~.~nd~ow ot formerly of L~b, ~rth ~6~ ~6' 40" emt, ~.Ia t~t; thence eont~uing - ~bngsaid l~nd of Loeb, nor th ~.~ .w~,~150 feet to N~t~ JBoad; ~nee along ~ds~therly l~e of theNorth ~d~, ~ 6fl~3~' ~" e~t, ~ ~ tola~ n6w 6r for- medyo~Amott; ~ence along ~d: randC, of Amott, five e~es,~olloWs: (1) south : ~ m~ ~3~ ~'. ea~, 279 ,feel; ' ~st,21 f~t; thence (3) north ~ ~5' ~" ea~, 150 fe~t;- ~en~ (4) north 26° 10' 50" West,. 1~.77 f~t; thence (5) - ~ n~h 2a a 23' 20" west~ 150 feet ~ smd sou~erly ~e of North Road; t~nce along said south~ly line of North R~d, ~o eo~ses, as follows: (1) north 66~ 36' ~" ~st, ~.54 feet'; thence (2) nortl~ 6~o23' ~" east,.~.44 feet t6 land~f the applicant (s~ hereinafter describe'as Parce~ Ii; ~ence along Pm'ce! II two ~urs~, ~ foHows: (~) south ~30' 10" e~t,'.lgl:59 feet; tfi~ce A2) no~h 66° 36' 30" e~st;~: 116.14 ' feet t6 s~d ~est~riy line.of Ma~m~s~ , . A~enue;: ~ence ~ong s~d: ~ ~esterly ~ of Ma~anset ~e~, sou~ 20 ~'~' 30" ehst;,569_~ f~t t0 the ~int or ~ace of ~gi~ing. 1~ bJ By ~a~i~ f~m "B" ~ .BU~ih6ss District to ;'M" ~ M~tip[e R~idenc~ Di~trmt, the ~l fo~o~g ~scr~d pr~rty: '~ ~: that certain trot of land~: m~te~ at S/S ~ute 25, W/S ,? .' '~plin Place, .Greenp6rt, m .?~ ,' ~e~o~ of S~old, ~Coanty o~ :~ ~w ," . S~lg~.m~d S~te. of ~ew York, ~o~ ....... ,,' ~ more ~rtic~l~ bound~ :~g~ ~ORK, , : ,,' 'and~d~i~d ~ follows:' . "~l / ~AR~LlI:~gi~gatan .~J~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , / ~on,[ni~ at the int~seCtion ~ ~ ....... ~ ............. // o~t~ ~u~erly lin~ bf the ~ ~:?- · - ........ '~,, ::~ ~or~ Road (~oute~ ~th~,, ~. ~ ~ ~r~nt~r ~n~ Publisher ~, L~A L N~IC E i~hs~i [l~te: ~nd ~ ~wsp,=per pubIish~ ~ Greenport. in said , ~- ' - ~ng ~o g ~d West~h' ~ .... ~ ' - ~G~N~CE · ~e, of M~an~e rave u~ ~ ~ne ~otl~, ,Of which ~e ~e~d iz ~ ~n~ed :~- No~ofH~g ~u~b 20 s12' 3) e~ , 1~.~ ~ i~t to ar, ~on pipe: thence ~ pu,blished in ~e ~id Suffolk Week~ ~-'~end~ng [~oug land o[ ~he ~pp ]~t for ., ' . O~e _ . ~t~ hereinabove ~scri~d as :~ ................ L ........... ~ ~n~Zo~O~ee'~. . . ~e ~u~, .... ~%~6' ~1" west, ll6. H ~ Townd~thdd,~~ f~t to ~ won pipe; ~ ~ ~ held by the :~uthold T~ , ~ql.59 t~[ ~o ae ~on ~ ~ ~'~'~ice ~ ~ '~d~uma.] me this ..~...l - Supervmor/ lfi :S~th Stree ,~or~ Road; ~ G~nport, ~ Y~k~ m smd,, ~d~ ~u~erty ;~n~ of ~e ~ -~. 1~.~ ~. J ?: -Town~the30th~yoiJ~el~0,..~or~Rb~ northfis~50'' ~ . ~ ~ at 7 30 ocl~ m ~e evem~.~ ~t ,~4 f~ ~he pom~ or . ~ ~ ......... said day o~ the following '~c~ of~l~mg -~ pro.al t~,amend ~e. B~g :~y~rson d~mg tohe hea~' . -- ~--~ '~ .~ne O~ (~c~ng_~e~ o~'ihe above propos~ ~-- B~eMa~)d~eT~n, m~nm, sbouid appear at the t~e ~ ~. of ~uthold, S~ ~ Ne~,, ~ ~[a~ ~ s~cffled. '- York. ~- : DASD: JU~E 9, 1970 ~ ~.Resi~pi}~ ~d A~ie~turai SOU~HO~ ~O ~ BOA~ ~ D~triet to. "M' M~ple "~B~T~W~ ~CHMO~ ~, Seth A. Hubbax~ .... ~'~ ~~ ~~ Chairma~,~ Lee E. ~oppelm~ Director o/ Plom]ng getera~zt g{emodg H~gbwa~ Haap~w~ge, L. I., N. Y. 72~-2~00 yune 4, 1970 lV~z, Albert W~ Richmond, Tow-a Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold: New York 11971 Re: Application of William PoLlert amd Adrian Van Riper for a proposed change of zone from "Atr Residence and Agricultural and "lB" ]3usiness*o "M'~ Multiple Residence, Tovv~n of Southold (SD - 70 - Z) Dear Mr. Richmond: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections Z39-1 and m of the General Municipal Law, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on June 3, 1970 reviewed the a- bove captioned zoning action and, after due study and deliberation, disapproved this change of zone because of the following. 1. It is not consistent with the Town Master Plan which designates this area for surburbau density residential development. Z. It is not consistent with the pattern of zoning in the area. 3. It would establish a precedent and provide the impetus for further do~nzonings along the State road which would limit the safety and carrying capacity of said facility. 4. It would impair the zoning stability of the surrounding area, more particularly along the State road. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman~ Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman Cl-~ ef Planner GGN:eb Planning Bd. ~ 765-2660 TOWN CLERK $ OFFICE Main Road Southo|d, I~. Y. 11971 Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, the ............. ~',~~~O~'~' ' of the town of .......... ~O~'~k~'~ .......... hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (check one) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ............ Amendment to the zoning ordinance .,~.._ Zoning changes ........... Special permits ............ Variances within 500 feet of: (check one or more~ ' ............ Town or village bounde~ line ' ............ State or county park or recreation area ', ............ Stream or drainage channel owned by the count7 or for which the coun~ has established channel lines ............ State or county owned parcel on which a public building is situat~ ', Comments: ~e P!e~_~_~ 2~d ~o~s ~o~ reeo~e~ ~is ~h~e o~ ~one ~ the Date: / TiUe ,, D~le ;eceived by Suffolk County P~nnin9 Commission .................................................................. ~ ..... F~le No ................................. Southold Town Plannin Board SDUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 119"71 PLANNING BOARD ;MEMBERS John Wickhalrn, IChai~man Henry' Moisa Alfr=d 'Grebe Henry Ravnor May 7, 1970 Fraflk Co171e Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport: New York Gentlemen; This is to advise you that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on May 63 1970: In the matter of the original petition of William Pollert and Adrian VanRiper~ Southold~ New ¥orkc relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on PARCEL I and from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence District on PARCEL IIz on -property located at S/S Route 25: W/S Manhanset AVeo~ Champlin Place~ Greenport~ New York: It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board does not recommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on PARCEL I and from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence District on PARCEL II, on the above described property: The Planning Board does not recommend this change of zone as the parcel is larger than any that have been recommend- ed for "M" zoningz it is adjacent to a cemetery and would have no connection to any business area° The land is not suitable for any of the permitted "M" district uses~ and is distant from the Greenport sewer plant and not in a sewer district: and is in the planned area for residential expansion for the Greenpor t area~ Respectfully submitted~ John Wickham~ Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW/bn sTERLING CEMETERY ASSOCIATION Greenpor~, N. Y. February 26, 1970 The Soutl%ol~ T~wn Planning Board has received an ap~licetion Plac~ c~ne~ by ~mo Pollert & others. Before making a ~eterm~nation on ~hie ~atter t~e Planning ~oard ~ould appreciate ~%e feeii~g of the cemetery Aasociation ~urist camps, trailer pa~ks, ~tc. are permitted. Your com~.ent~ will be John Wlckham, ~i~irman Southnld Town Planning Moard c~DUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11~?1 January 16, 1970 Ivl~. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, LoI~ 11935 Dear ~ir. Wick_ham; The original petition of William Pollert and Adrian VanRiper~ $outhold, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District as to Parcel 1 and by chang~'from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence District on Parcel 11, on certain property situate in Greenport, N:Yo, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWI{/~r c ,~_ Town Clerk CASE NO: ~ ~ O STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I,. ........ ,'~.i~],;i¢3,:l~..,]'.,..~.P.],],e,:k'fl;. .................. residing at ..S..9..~.$~..°..1.,d.~....~m...~.. ...... ~..~..9..?,.$. .............. (insert nome of petitioner) with one Adrian VanRiper (as Suffolk County, Flew York, the undersigned, am the owner ~~n,,ml¢~~ ~ tenants ~ common) of certain real property situate at the southwest corner o~.~.~.b. ~q~ .~,d. ~v~....~..~..e..t .......... ~&f~~ ~;/~1¢4f ¢~# #¢,¢¢ ¢&~ Avenue, al~d more particularly bouz~ded and described on the Rider attached hereto and made a part hereof as Parcels I and II~ which said parcels are contiguous and in our joint ownership. 2. i do hbreby petition the Town Board of the Town of Soothold to change, modify ~nd amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of SouthoJd, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: by ehaz~ging the described premises from "A" Residentikl and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District., as to Parcel 1, and by changing from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple District the premises described as Parcel 11 RIDER Petition of WILLI~IV[ J. POIJLERT to amend Building Zone Ordinance PARCEL I--Beginning at the point of intersection of the no~herly line of Champlin Place with the westerly line of Manhanselt Avenue, and run~ing thence along said northerly tine of Champlin Place, south 58°35'20~' west, 691.88 £eel to land now or formerly of ~Volff~ thence along said land nowio~ formerly of Wolff, two courses, as follows: 1) norih 31°24'40" west, 194.54 feet; %hence (2) south 58°35'20" west° 242.41 feet to land now~_or formerly ct the C.G. Bailey Estate; ~henc e along said land now or formerly of the Bailey Estale, north 44°49 land now or formerly of I-Iugelrneyer,~ thence along said land of tIugelmeyer and along land now or formerly of Loebj no~h 66~36'40''' east, 211.13 feet; thence continuing along said land of Loeb, north 23~2~'20" wes,i: 150 fe~t to lhe southerly ~.: of the North Road; thence along s~id southerly line of lhe l~orih Road, ~h 66°36~40''~ east~ 50 feet to land n~%- or formerly of Amott~ thence along said land of ~kmotl~ five. courses, as follows: 1) ~outh 23°23'20" es~St~ 279 feet; thence (2) soutt~_~4,~°49J~" east, 21 feet; thence-'(3) north 58~35-',20'~' eas~ 150 feet; thence ~)-~-~!~'~',~50'!'~%~g~ '127.77 feet~ ~enc~ (5)'~o~lh 2~3'20'' we~, 150 feet to said Sou~erl~ine of No~h Road; ~ence along s~id So~herly l~e of No~h Road~ t~ ~ourses, as follows: 1) no~ 66'36'4D"' east, 444.54 fee~ thence (2) no~k 65~23'5,0"' e~st~ 2'28.44 feet l~ lan~ of t~e applica~(s) hereinaRer describe.as Parcel ~ thence along ~arcel ~ two c~o~ses~ as follows: 22.30 10~ eas{~ 191.59 f~l; t~nce (2) no~h.~6~'30" e~st, lo s~d ~esierly ~e of ~an~l AFenue~ thence along s~id wesgerly line of ~ans~t Av~ne, aoulh 20'12'30" ea~l, 569.68 feel to lke po~t or p~ce of begimn~g. P~:CE~ .~--Beg~ning al an iron pipe at lhe inlerseclion of lhe soulherly line of lhe No~h Road (Route 25) with the weslerly ~e of ~ansel Avenue, and running ~long said westerly l~e of ~a~ansel Avenue, sou~ 20~12'30" east, 194.4'~ fe~t lo an iron pipe; thence along land of lhe app~cani(s) hemeinabove deser~'d as Parcel I, lhe following lwo co~ses and dislances: (1) south 66~36'30'' west, l'i6.14 feel lo an iron pipe; thence (2) no~h an ir~ipe on the said southerly l~e of the North Road; thence along said soulh- e~ty ~ bf the North Road~ no~h 65~3'50" easl, 124 feel to ihe point or p~ce of b~gi~ing. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: The premises are' not suited to subdivision, a not insubstanlial par~ of the area is not weJ2 suited for residenlial purposes because of the topography, proximity to a cemetery, and proximity to a business area. On the other hand, because of these sa.me factors, and the differing ways in which planners can utilize an ~rea £or multiple residence purposes, the premises are quite ideally suited to uses perrailled in an "M" zone. STATE OF NEIV YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) WILLIAM 3'. POLLERT BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows ri~e contents thereof; that the samc is true to his (her) own knowledg'e, excep'~ as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and b'elief, and that as to d~ose matters he believes it to be true. (L. S.) ............ ~- .~-~, ~./ .................... william J. ~ller~ Sworn to before me this 6. t..13.., day of .......... .N. qv..e..m.b..e.r.., 19...6.9 'CORNELIA O. KEOG~ NOTARY pUBLIC, State ~f New York No. 52-20938-90 Quaiified in Suffolk County Term Expires March 30, 19......-- ~ ~_ ZO~ O~D~CE ' STATE OF ~W YORK, ] 'j~s~nt to Sec[ion 2~ of the ~ [~ ~ ~d .~tlcle K{ of ~e ]~ C0~' 0F SUFFOLK, ] Buil~g Zon~ Or~nce of bemg duly ~ held by t.ke ~u~hold T~wn says that ~_._ is ~nter and Publisher of '"' the SUF~ ~ ~ ~he 6ffice of the Supe~- ~'i~or, 16 ~h~5. ~ea~l~ TIMES, a newspaper published at ~ree~po~, in s~id county; ~Ptix ~y of J~y. 19~5, at 7:30 ~ that the notice, of which the a~exed is a p~ed copy, ~o'c]6ck in the -ev~i o~ ~i~day. ~ me 'folloWs_ promo~li w has been published ~ the s~d Suffo~ Times once in e~ch oi succesmvely commenc~g on the ..... ~..~..= ..... eel 'n of Sara ld ............ ~ more Cat~calad~ :uo[mfled' and ............ {' the n~ihafI5- i:de 'of ili~ Road- ~ premisei, d~sci~Bed ladioiuin~, cORNELIA C. KEOGH ~:'l~nd ~f '~l'pDim- [,h Mi~ ~at: tOYARY PUBLIC, State of New ~ t-a~ ~th'${:66 sloss laid P.~i QuaJifiedN°' in~2'zC93890Suffol~ Count~ ~ 93 follow~: ,:1~ S. ~o' 1~ ~' %V.- Term Expires March 30, petl~mfier zoned ' B". ~he~ce~ alSn~ ' Afaffiruck Crc~k lioL%he~ly, the~ nortkeusserly ~ [he ceh[~i' of 8~ba~li~u's ~he center ~f.S~ba~ti~n'~ G~.~er ]~ ~sr~iy d~rection: thence of Krups~; 'in~[ng ~hence ,2} N~.~7- 4E:20' E.~0~7 feet:. to the po~ or plmce of begia- 2. ~ e~mm~ng ~om "A" Rem- d~n~' and Agrf~d~'rat. Dist~ct lowing ~esc~bed prope~y: Ail ghat cerMin tract or itt ~t,e T~wn- d~. Sputhold,- Suffoi~ J COLmty~ ~-~w-~ork and more [~ p~tl~tar[~ "bounded ar,~. de--] "- :r,ue where ~he ~ ' ~d~. airing said - ~ktheri~ 1~ 24' 40v. w~t ~.03-feeL'io'a point ~. ~he 'soda,flyS" ~ o~ ~ej-~Araerly ~e' of North :, eas[~-~P]~24, feet. and 12, no~h merly of.Bede, t~e coui'~es as r fo~o~: fl, south ~2' 30' 10' Eait 191.59 feet. and ,2, no~h .~...~feet to the pohtt oe Any p~rsou des~n:g to ~ heard on the prapoaed p~c~ mbore ~cified. ~' ORD~ OP T~ -~O~O~ ~OWN ~DWK CL~K - l~J18