HomeMy WebLinkAboutPollert, William J- Denied July 14, 1965 F~r. Jo~nWickha~ ~nairm~ Planning Board Cutchoguem Dear ~.r. ~qick~am; ~ne ~m~adl petition of William J. Pollert~ residing at Southold~ _New york, relative to change of zone from "A~'~ Residential Agricultural District ~o "B'2'~us- iness District on certain~property situated at Greenport, ~ew York, is in the files in the office of ~he Planning Board at Somthold~ l~ew York° You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the con- ditions described in ~2ae petition and determine the area so effected ~itb. the recommendation of your Board. Very truly ~ours, /, Albert W. Richmond At/R/mr Town clerk CORWI~ A-ND July 12, 1965 Mr. Howard Terry, Building Inspeclor Town of Souihold Southold, New York 11971 l~e: application of William Polleri lo amend Zoning Ordinance from "A" Residenlial and Agricultural to "B-2" Business Dislrict ceriain described properly at Greenport Dear Howard: We understand ~hal through madvertenance the Village of Greenporl was nol properly nolified of lhe hearing scheduled for July 13. Our clients are most anxious to proceed and to avoid further delay we wish to amend the description of the premises which are lhe subject o£ the proposed change, lhereby eliminaling lhe necessity of the Town giving t o the Village the required statutory notice. To lhal end~ we submil lhe enclosed descriplion and ask lhal you sub- mil the same and consider lhe applicalion as originally filed amended with respect to the parcel' subject lo change. We lrust lhis letter and the enclosed description will be sufficien± for you to proceed July 13. Sincerely yours, Stanley S. Corxvin ck enclosures: amended descriplion and print of VanTuyl's sketch Anended description Application of William l~ollert to change the following described premises from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District: ALL that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Greenport in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Manhanset Avenue where the same is intersected by the northerly line of Charnplin Place, and thence running along said northerly line of Champlin Placej south 58035'20'' west, 449. 90 feet to a point; thence north 70°04'20" west, 64.03 feet to a point; running thence north 31°24'40'' west, 782.03 feet to a point on the southerly line of the North Road; thence along the southerly line of the North Road, two courses, as follows: (1) north 68036'40'' east, 291.24 feet, and (2) north 65°23'50" east, 228.44 feet; thence along land now or formerly of Benze, two courses as follows: (1) south 22°30'10'' east, 191.59 feet, and (2) north 68038'40'' east, 118. 14 feet to the westerly line of Manhanset Avenue; thence running along said line, south 20°12'30TM east, 589.68 feet to the point or place of beginning. - ., ~ .... -_~_._. ~?.. ~ NOTICE OF ~GS: ON ~.~ ~' '~ " Z~ING ~iN~E ~ ' STATE 0P ~W YORK, ] ~wn: ~w .~d .A~ticl~'JX ~ ~ COUNTY OF ~UFFOLK, Bh~ Z~ne Ore.ce ~ the ty,~ ~N~h~d Yo~k,by theP~bIi~'~e~utho]d To~ ~ s~ys that __ ~____ ~s P~nter ~nd ~Blisher of the ~rd ~t the Of~e o[ ~ S~r: ]..~sor~ 16 ~ Str~,~,~en~, TIMES, ~ newspaper pub~shed at Greenpo~, ~ said county; 9~h day.of a~y,.'1965r at .7~0 and that the notice, of wMch the a~exed ~ a p~ied copy, o'clock:~ ~e-eve~ing .oi~aid ~ay, ~n. the fOffo~ p~6po~als' to has been published ~ the said S~fo~ Times once in each ~mend tim B~dMg-.Zone Or- week, for ........................................................... ~ ................... wee[~ ~dinance ~.htcl~in2 BuiJ~ Zone Rial, ~ the Town '~, ~athoI~ ~[fola CoStly. ~ew Y~rk. successively commenc~g on the .............. 1, ~, ~aagmg ~om_=A"'~- day of ....... ~ ........................ 19,._~.~.. ff "B-g",~e~ Dis[rie~ ~he mt- _ .................... ~ t~t ee~ah~ rt'ac~ ~:~r- Swo~ to before me this ....~.~ ....... - cd- ol .land ait~ ~' ~t- M~- ~. tueS. m m~ TS~-~i ~outbo~. day of ........................... ~ 1'9_~_~j Suffol~ 'Co:~-, Ney. York. and mo~ 9~t~ic~arly betmded .and ............................................................................. ~- ............... ~n~-a~.a mormmen~ on ........ 2 ................ ,t~e ~omBerly ~de ~f ~r~ Road preuz~e& d~erib~d _'id[~ffing CORNELIA C. KEOGH land oi ~[ oa.. ~l~e east: NOTARY PUBLIC. State of NewYor~ ni~g [ll~C~ aion~ s~id A~II ~..2-z093890 ~oa'd fiy~ eo~s and t~anc~ Qualified in Suffolk Coun~ ~ ~o~: , D S. ~:--iY 5~" W.- Term Expires March 30, 19~ 3~.~6 fee.t:. ~ S. &a' 31' 10" · _~.~1~.I6 fee~. (~):.~. ~7 5~. W~-.5_.76 feet, i4~ ~, 49 -~ thence aI~z7 smd "B" Z~e ~ ~-.2 ~o=herlv dit'e~tio[ a. Oou~ ~'fee..: the~e westerb, abou~ 300 feeu to ~a~uck Creek'; thence along Mat~ituck C~L- n~t~et'iy. ~n ~o~hea~cerl} to ~e center of Sebastian's Gut-' ter; therme so,khe:t~e'rly Mon~[ the center of Seb~ff~'s ~uttet' e~rly di~ecUon;' ~h~ ~c~r-of sa~d gU[~ff ~-land ~g said l~d~f K~ ~-{2) N ~7~:i~-20'' 'E:4~0.5~ .:~3) S. ~ 0~'.'~07 ~-90~.~ i~t; '.~4) S. ~' ~' 10" E~l.0 ie~ ~.~ ~e point or p~c~ of. ~ -. . _'- .. - .. .- .; 2. ~ ~a~ng-~om. A . R~- m~-~d A~ri~ltural "B-2'! .B~n~ Dist~ the fol- · ~ that ce~a~ t~c~ or.~r- m ~he To~ oi Sou~hold,~Suffolk ~o~ty, Ne~ Y~k ~nd more~ .p~['. b~t~ed a~d de- ~eg~xiUg a~ a poh~b on the ~es~rl~ hne' or'A~r~a~ Ave- ['-- rme wher~ sba $ame ~ ~fer~ee~- oi ~mp~n Place. s6uth 58'[ ~4' 4~" xe~e~Sa2.~ f~ [o al point ou ~ne so~horqy line mi ~~e Nor~lz R0sd, M~enee 'along me soamerb'. ~e. '.oi "ions:' ,~; north ~6= 36' 40" ~. ~q~.:M feet. ~ ~fl, no~h 65 ~' 50" ~a$. 228.~ ~r.: . tA~:~e along l~nd' now-nk- for- ~ . merly ~ B~e, ~n comtes ' follow~: '~1, sauth ~'2: 30' Icj"  .. :~as~ 1~12~ '~<~,(_<fi. (2) .n~h ~ld line. south 20' LY ~0" e~. '5d9'.$8 feet to Lhe po~t o[ [. Any pe~ou dezirine to ~ h~m'd ~$n fl~e ~o~d -amen~A~ ~shcula appear at .the ~ne ~d ~plaee above s~cified. ~ :. :~ ~bA'~b:. J~E q 1965Z ~ . ~DN~fNTC~O D~TEOZ ~N~q O~ o~ ~ez~a~ ~o ~y~em~o~ ~o ~_ou ~'8~[ ~2s~ ,,0~ z~[ oS9 ~ou (~$ pu~ ~a~ ~'Z6U ~s~ ,,0~ ~9~ 099 ~ou :sxoTIo~ s~ p~qyzDzsp pu~ pspunoq -°~ ,,0I ~S0 ogY 'S (£) ~se~ L~o0ig-'S ,,0~ ~I9 oLL 'N (~) [~s~; 0°88-°~ ,,0~ la Tow P1 lng Bo d o n ann az ~ SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. ~ ~_^~N~e ~O^~D MEMBERS John ~ic~hem, Chairm~n Henry Mo;~a REPORT TOff Southold Town Board Al~r~dSreb~ 16 South Street A,chibald Yauna Greenport~ New York ~ilHam Un~elbach June 7, 1965 Gentlemen: ~is is to certify that ~e following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning B~rd at a regular meeting held on June 3, 1965: In the matter of the petition of William J. Pollert for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultu~l District to "B-2" Business ~istrict on certain real property situated at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, an~o~.e particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGI~ING at a point on the westerly line of Manhanset Avenue where the same is intersected by the northerly line of Champlin Place and thence running along said northerly line of Champlin Place, south 58° 35' 20" west, 489.90 feet to a point; running thence north 31© 24' 40" west, 83'2.03 feet to a point on the southerly line of the North Road; thence along, the southerly line of North Road ~o courses as follows: (1) north 66° 36' 40" east, 291.24 feet, and (2) north 65© 23' ~0" east, 228.44 feet; thence along land now or formerly of Benze, two courses, as follows: (1) south 22© 30' 10" east, 191.59 feet, and (2) north 66° 36' -L40" east, 116.14 feet to the westerly line of Manhanset aven~e.L; thence along said line,south 20© 12' 30" east, 569.68 feet to the point or place of beginning. It is hereby RESOLED that the Southold Town Planning Board does not favorably reco~end to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District on the ~roperty of William J. Pollert as described above. Report to: $outhold Town Board -2- It is the opinion of the Planning Board that a bu~ness zone of this size and in this particular vicinity doesn't appear to be needed at this time. Respectfully su30mitted, Southold Town Planning Board OFFII RI< ~nUTHnLD~ L. I., N, Y. Hay 10, 1965 John Wickh~m C~airman, Planning Be~rd Cntchogue, L.I. ~N.¥. Dear ~. Wickham; The original petition of William J. Pollert, Southold, New York, relative to cha~ge of zone from VA" Res- idential and Agricultural District. to '~B-2~ Business District on certain property situated at Greenport, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southo!d, New York~ You are insLructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition an8 determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmend Town clerk STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A Ci-IANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF TI-~ BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF TItE TOWN OF SOUTYIOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF TI-I~ TOWN OF SOUTItOLD: 1. I, ...W. ,I..L....L.~:~M....J.,....?...0. L.~.~.R.....T. ................. residing at ........... gRK0 (inser~ name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ....G...r..e..e...n.p..o...r~.....N...e...w....~...o..{~.: ........... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate, 1)qzag and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded anc~ described as follow s: ]~EGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Manhanset Avenue where the same is intersected by the northerly line of Champlin Place and thence running along sai~ northerly line of Champlin l~lace, south 58°35'20'' west, 489.90 feet to a point; running thence north 31°24'40" west, 832. 03 feet to a point on the southerly line of the North Road; thence along the southerly line of North Road two courses, as follows: (1) north 66°36'40'' east, 291.24 feet, and .(2) north 65°23'50'' east, 228.44 feet; thence along land now or formerly of Benze, two courses, as follows: 1) south 22°30'10'` east, 191.58 feet, and (2) north 66°36'40" east, 116. 14 feet to the westerly line of Manhanset Avenue; thence along said lime, south 20°12'30TM east, 569. 68 feet to the point or p 'lace of beginning. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps h~retofore made a part thereof, as follows: by char~ing said premises from an ~ Residential ~one to a B-2 Business Zone. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: Said premises 'are :adjacent to a B Zone (the premises on the southwesterly corner of Nozth ]Road and Manhanset Avenue). A cemetery ~is opposite the MarLhanset Avenue side of the premises. Applicant owns the premise s im- mediately on the west and on the northerly side of No,th ]Road opposite the premises and p,.roposed to subdivide and develop these premises ks a high class residential area. Ap- plicant also intends to construct a road along the westerly line of the premises and dedicate it to the 'Tdwn s'o that there will be additional facilities for traflic; the area will be except for the Benze prope~y, completely surrounded by public highways. A buffer zone will be created belween the cemetery and adjacent residential areas. Several subdivisions are being developed hereby and there is presently, and will in the future be an increased, need for banking° professional offices and retain .stores. The marina facilities being enlarged nearby will add to the de~and for services that may properly be located in a B-2 district. Dignified services to the people of the..township will be provided in an area where.there is an increasing need for them. The westerl~ llne, along which a road is proposed to be built is directly opposite the easterly line of existing Robinson JRoad (west). The premises are more-suitable for use for business t~n for resid/~al purposes. // (L. S_) ........................... f. ........................................ William $. Pollert STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) WILLL~kM J. I~OLLERT, BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is t~n~e to his (her) o~vn knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information .and beiie£~ and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L. S.) ....................................................................... Sworn to before me this ...~..~/... day of .................. .~p.~C~I ...... 19...6.5. ~' ' ' ' ~ Notary Public_ ~e~i~ ~ Suffo~