HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlock, John L & Anna K- Denied TOWN BOARD MiNUT ES PRESENT: SUPERVISOR ALBERT MARTOCCHIA JUSTICE MARTIN SDTER COU~CILM3~ HOWARD VALENTINE COUNCILMAN LOUIS DEMAREST TOWN CLERK ALBERT W. RIOH~OI/D ToWN ATTORNEY ROBERT W. TASKER Plock - Change of zone The Supervisor called the hearing to order Councilman "2. By changing from "C" Industrial District to "A"· Residential · and Agricultural District, the following described property: "All that certain tract of land situated at Bayview, Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of line between land of Plock and land of by the boundary Reydon Shores; from said point of beginning running easterly along said high water mark, ·800 feet, more or less; thence through, said lend of ~ock, two courses: (1) southerly 1200 feet, more or less; thence (2) westerly 800 feet, more or less, to said "Reydon Shores"; · thence northerly along said "Reydon Shores", 1200 feet, more or less to the point of begining. Being and intended to be the sa~e parcel shown as a "C" zone on the zoning _map of the Town of Southold, as adopted April 9, 1957." Counoilman Valentine read the recommendation of the Southold TownPlanning Board as it concerns this hearing. ~ SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this change of zone? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this change of zone? R. G. TERRY, ESQ.: I am an attorney with an office at Southold. I appear on behalf of Jqhn Plock and Anna Plock, o~mers of the property that is proposed to be changed. I wish to make it clear that Mr. Plock is opposed to this change of zone. This is the only classification which would permit him to use the property for the purpose which he had originally purchased it. He uses it for shellfish research, shell£ish culture and promote ~yster researoh. I woi~ld call your attention to the facb that this classification has been in existence since the enactment of the Zoning Ordinance in 19%7. We all agree that Mr. Plock has not abused the property. He has done nothing detrimental tothe neighborhood. The change of classification at this time is Unwarrantied. Mr. Plock has been dedicated to this property and certified he is not going to do anything that will depreciate the value of the property. The zoning classification was adopted in 1957, 12 years ago. Mr. Plock has continued to use this property. This classification should be left as it is. Before, Mr. Plock speaks, I would like to give you for~aal objection petition against change, again call~'~he attention that you will be required to have an affi~'mative vote of five members of the Board to effect this. I would like to have Mr. Plock talk on the use of this property, and after Mr. Plock, Prof. Smith. ~LR. JOH~ PLOCE: I am the owner of this property. We obtained this property in 1947, and contir~d use since that date~. We have spent a minimum of $20,000. Minimum of $20,000. In many years it is more than this amount. We have allowed the Federal GoveEmnent to have use of this area for three years, from 1957- 1960 and they came up with new discoveries. It is ou~ hope to reproduce oysters in this culture sand, We have been unable to do this, but progress in research in other areas show that oyster can be reproduced in laboratories. We w~ut to continue the growth o£ theses, oysters to marketable size~ 90-99% of these oysters can not be ~E~ grown to marketable size. We are hoping to reduce this rate to ~0% and hopefully less than that. We hope to reproduce the se oysters and grow them to marketable size. I don't know why this property was ~ught up for change. We hope to continue this operation . We at the present time live right on this property I have lived in this community for a good many years. We certainly never tried to do anything that .would be detrimental to the cormnunity~ and I don't intend to do it at this time. PROF. SMITH: John Plock has the only two ponds of this type in the United States. There are some inJapan and some in France. ~e have ponds where we attempting to grow oysters to marketable size. Mou know that the oyster business in this area is in terrible shape. These two ponds are outstanding in this area. The use of these ponds has helped the shellfish business on the northeast. We want to bring oysters back into this area. We propose to rebuild the industry. We can't reproduce oysters here, ~ud we Tound out the reason why~ but oysters will grow% in treated ponds. We want to bring the oyster business back to Long Island and use the ponds for further experiment. The only other type of pond like this in the United States is in O~sfor~,Md. , come to look at these ponds. These ponds will give insight in the direction of the shellfish culture in the' northeastern United States. SUPERVISOR MARTO~CHIA: Is there anyone else p~esent who wewkE .wishes to spgak against this propesed change o£ zone? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR MARTOOCHIA: Is the~e anyone p~esent who wishes to be heard one way or the other? (Thez~ was no ~espons~) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Hearing none, I will close the hea~ing at this time Fo~ the further deliberation oS the .Board. ii In the Matter of the Proceeding of the Town Board of the Town of : Southold to Change the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of : Southold, Suffolk County, New York. THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: W~, the undersigned owners of the entire area proposed to be changed from "C" Industrial District to '~" Residential and Agricultural District do hereby object and protest the proposed change as set forth in the Notice of Hearing to be held on July 15, 1969, conc~erning our premises at Bay View, Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York° STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the /~day of July, 1969, before me personally came JOHN L. PLOCK and Ai~NA K. PLOCK, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instru- ment, and they acknowledged to me t~t they e<ecuted the same. SE~SS~A~ ¢. TEa~',-, ~.~ Public. Southold, Town Plann Board SmUTHr-ILD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71 :?~LANNING ,BOARD MEMBERS John ~Wickhalrn, ICh~irrnan Henry' Moisa Alfred Grebe William Unke[bach FrAnk Coyle June 24~ 1969 Southold Town Board 16 South Strest Greenport~'N~w York Gentlemen; Upon the motion of the Town Board to re-zone property of John Plock N/S Bayview - east of Reydon Shores, Southold, N.Y. from "C" District to "A" District the Planning Board recommends waiting until a'"Light Industry C-l" zone is created as reco~nended and putting this parcel in the more restricted "~-l" district rather than making it a "non- conforming" use in the "A" district. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham~ Chairman Southold Town Planning Board 1969 Front & ~4ai~ Street Green~rt, L.I., Ne~ Y~k 11~ Planing C~is~ion (6 CO~s}. A~ Also pl~e sen~ a co~ of ~he ~ey o~ John Plo~'s "C~' zone pro~rty east of ~ey~n Yours truly, Howard Terr,~ / B uil~hng Ins~tor ~K C~OLI'i'HnLD, L, I.. N, Y. 119'71 April 23, 1969 l~. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Yo 11935 Dear F Lt. Wickham; Enclosed herewith is a copy of a resolution passed by the Southold Town Board at a meeting held on April 22, 1969. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report thereon pursuant to the provisions of Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the To%rn of Southold. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk Green~rt, L. !., ~e~ ~ t~944 Be~e~on ~iv~l~ an~:~g fr~ "B" Dis==t to "A" District, ~ohn Wick. ham, Chairman Southol~ T~wn Planning VAN TUYL & SON February 28~ 1968 I DESCRIPTION: Proposed Ghange of Zone "G to A", Bayview, Southold (pa~t of l~nd of Jeho_ Plock) Begi~uir~ at a point on the ordinary b~ghwater mark of Shelter Island Sound, where said high water mark is intersected by the bo'~ndary line between lsm_d of Plockand !and of "Reydon Shores"; from s~id point of beginning r~ning easterly along said high water mark, 800 feet, more or less; thence through said land of Plock, two courses: (1) Southerly ~200 feet~ more or less: thence (2) Westerly 800 feet, more or less, to szid "Reydon Shores"; thence northerly along~id'~eydon Shores", 1200 feet,more or less, to the point of beginning= Being and intended to be the same parcel shown as a "~" Zone on the Zonir~ Map of the To~n of Southold, as adopted April 9, 1957~ V~Y TUTL & SON To: Howard .Terry ' VAN TUYL & SON February ~.~, 1968 DESCRIPTIOn: Proposed qhange of Zone~ South Side Main Road East of "Beixedon% Southold Beginning at a point on the southsr!y line of the ~in Ro~d, 230°97 feet easterly along said southerly line from a private road kno~m as ")~shamomaque Avenue"~ said point of beginning being the northeasterly corner of lot 2, block 2, as shown on "Map of Beixedon Estates"~ filed in the Suffolk qouuty qle~:~s Office ss M~p #~72; fro~ said point of beg~.~o, ing r~uing along said southerly ±ine of the Main Road~ No 57 ~2~ 00" Eo ~ ~00o0 fee~ to l~nd of Lang$ thence along said land of Lang~ So ~4° ~ 40~ E, - 1600 fee%more or less~ to ordinary high water mark of To-,m__Harbor; thence southwesterly ~long said high water mark~ 950 feet more or less~ to the shore of the ~inner basin~ as shown on said "~p of Beixeden Est~tes~; thence northwesterly and then northeasterly and then again northwesterly ~d then northerly along s~id shore about 1600 feet to the ~aster!y oorner of lot 8~ block 2~ as shown on ~aid map~ thence along said lot 8 and along lots 7, 6~ And ~ No 7 ~6~ 40~' E. - 260 feet~more or less; thence alcug said lot 5 ~nd along lots 4 , 3 and said lot 2~ N. 25~ 2? 40~" Wo - 366o2i feet to ~'~ ~n~ point of ~eg~uzng~ Being and intended to be the same parcel sho~-n as a ~:B:~ Zone on the zoning map of the Tovm of $outhold as adopted April 9~ ~957~ VAi~ TO_-YL & S01,Y To: Howard Terry ~ .. ?.,~.., ~ r.: ~.,~. ~ ':~i;' i,"l=** - ..... -; ..... ,~-...~-;-- I~ing ~ ,s.'.~.,,~ ~,~ %.i,i~.~., i".~'.~ .,. .~'."~ ~ .. ~.'., ~'~. ,,,. ~::' .~, ¥. ~'.,. ,~.t..,.~": i~ez' and ~uhUshe~ --.,-t '-..' ,'Lh." :. :~ '~'' ~" ' ':'~ - ~;~t : ~., :.,: .~:,, ,........~PaPez '~" ""'" ' "*' ' ' ~' '"-' ' the ~,~-''e ~ e, (~..,%.~.~ .:,'~t.:..s' ' :,~1~. ;,'~.-~,~'~ *~:~,", ..~, :i-, '.~ w'..,,~ ~ tho ~ Snff~l~ ~ee~ Iimes _.~.~..~,,~ ... ~.~.~ ~.~ ...., ~ ~_r ..... ~ ...... ~ .......... 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York, p~hnc ~ ,' ~ b~ held b~ the ~tho~ ~ ~o~ m,,~he ~ o~ the I T~VELER - ~ITUCK WATCH~N, a public news- ~?~r~, New Yor~ m ~ paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk Count; and that ~,'l~ a~ ~:~ o'clock ~ the e~'e- } ~he notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been ~f a~ ~y ou.~e Io~o~m, publish~ in said Long island Travemer-Mottituck Watch- 't. ~ ~ofl~ '~: ~-'~' man once each week for ..... ~..~,.,.... ~"~successively, commencing on the ................. ~.~.~ff ........ . , ~ ,~'m~. . m~}~t~'~',~em~¢~.. . ~ ~.. ~ ~ . ... day of ...... . ......... , 1~.. Sworn to before me this ......... ~..., ...... day of gBELE pAYNE ~uther~'~;o~ ~:~i~ P~.I ~6~ Public State or ~. ~i ~,~[~ alo~ ~i~,~d[. No. 52-3041000 f'~ ~. ~r'~a~'if' ~'~)OI Corniness,on Ex0ires March 3C. [971 ~hea~er~f ~an~ th~n %~ the eatery, com~' OL~ lo~ ~ :~,eillg arut in~ended ~o be the j 9. ~ fa~o~g de~bed proof: c ~ at Ba~ew. '~at.~ld S~o~, and. 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