HomeMy WebLinkAboutPetrucci, Angelo - Denied'.,'HEREAS~ a petition was heretofore ~lled with the ~own ~!oerd of Southold by An~eln ,~ O~n~g.tt. P.t~ueet requesting 8 chan~e~ modification gnd amendment of the Buildin~ Zone Ordinance includinE the BuildinE Zone ~,aps made a part thereof by changing from .,a., w.jt~e.~t~ ~ 4Kricultura District to "R" Rllq~n""' District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS, said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation end report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition h~ving been duly held by having been hsd thereon the Town Board on the 5*h 19~_~. end due deliberation NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is denied. APPLIG~TiON Off ANOELO O, PETnUCCI and GEORO~TT~ FETRUCOi ta~e up th~ matter cf the t.,ir~ parcel, ~hlah i2 a petition oF An~eio G. PCt~uccl and Geou~ett¢ P~trucc2 'i'~' 'PH~ TCWN BOARD C}' THE TObN C,~' 3,.'UTi~C'LD: at Ba~ .ivenu~, Cutcho6u~, Su['fc]k C:unty, ;~,zw Y~.k, the un.Je~:a!gn=d, are the owners of certain rea2 property sltuatu~i at ~a~. Avenue, P=conic, New York, snc moge particularly PARCEL CN$: ALL TRAT TRACT '~R PARCEL :~F ~tND sitoate, ]yin~ and being nea~ Nassau Foint, ~t Pecznic, in the Town cf partly by lands zf Garret anc a distance of 37© feet, rr[,z.r~ cz ''uy !anc of Cordes at~d pa~.tly Dy South '' .. ~O Less; or, the East part',,!_. iai,d cf e.a_.ler$ '.'r-~ the ~y land PARCEL ~0: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, and being near Nassau P~int, at Peccnlc, S©uth,alo, S~ffo].k Co~mty, by Bay Avenue a 0istance the East by ian~ .~f Town bi' Brcadwatera Cove ano partly by situate, .~y in~ itl trle Tow~7 I,J~w Y~r~c, ~uunded on the of ri20 fee%, mor~ ur' les~; un uf :5outh~ld; cn ch= South partly lano or Gern~iu; ansi ] nc !u~ Zrig ~nereoi~ as the west by !and of Mason. I d-, nereb.~ p=titi<Ja the Town Board o£ Lite Town of ~out~c i~ ~o cnange~ modi£'~ and amend the ~ui~ding of' the To~n of Sot~ti~o!d, ouffolk C.:.unty, New the Building Zone Haps ner=tof?re ~'~aue a part ~: changing gh~ above descrioem prof~ertj fr.~,m hesiGentlal and Agr]cultura} District t~ "B" B~siness District. This property was br~,uGht L~ the attenti~** ~,t' the Zoning Commissi,_.n before .z~nln~ was ad~pzeu, and was nat included as part of the ,nap. We requestecl ~his change oef,~re adcptian and were t,~ld that "Ali cf these ~hlngs ha~z~ to get straighsen- ed out ." Suca requesc is ~ade for the f~l!~,wing reasons: F~r ~he past ten years the premises nav~ been used fur business purposes; we nave fuur uunga],w ren~a~ units orl Ehe pre~lises, We maintain ~ur ~quipmerlg used in the excsvation, d~edging an~ constrmction business ~n saia~ p~emises; and aisu maintain a boat uasin business ,n ~ne south side of Day Avenue. We fee! t~m~ the Building Zone Ordlnance and Maps be changed 5o correct~'y deslgnate this property as buslness property ra~her than ~esldentlaL. This is signed by Angelo G. Petrucc£ and Georgette Pdtrucc~ SUPERVISOR KLIFP: Board on this matter. of the Planning Boara REPORT TO SOUTHOiJ) TO~N BOARD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORk: the I nave two reports ~f the Planning At this time I teac y,,u the report as of October Ji, This is to certify that the fo!~owing action was taken oy Planning Boarm on Oct~Oer 25', ~7: P~tition of Angei~ G. and Georgette Petrucci for a chef,ge u~ theo~nlnb Ordinance fror.~ '~A'~ ResiGentia~ and Agrlcui~al to "B" ~usiness District, owners of certai~ r~a~ property situated at Bay Avenue, Peconic, N. Y. and described as fo!i~ws: Farce! One: Ali 5nat tract ,~r parcel .~f land situate, iying and being near Nassau Point, at Feconic, ]n the Town of Southo]a, boundeo on the North partly oy !ands of Garret and partly by !and of Cordes, a distance of 370 feet, more or !ess; on the East partly by kand of Cordes an~] partly oy !and of Kaller; on the South by Bay Avenue, 3u,J.~0'; and on the West by ].and of Vanderbeck. Fsrcei Two: Ail that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being nest Nassau Point, at Peconic, in the Town Southold, bounded on the North by Bay Avenue a distance of feet more or less; on the East by lanG of Town of Southold; on the S~,utn partly by Broa~waters Cove and partly b3 ~and of Gerhu!d; and on the West by land of Mason. It ~as the determination of the Planning Board that we recommena to the Town Board that Parcel One be zoned Business and we are willing at this time t:o recommend the change of zone on part of Barce! Tw~ - exact description not yet available. This is signed by John Wlckham, Chairman, Southoid Town P=anning BoarC. The report of November 20th, ~PORT T0 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, SOUTHOLD, ~fW Y0~: Tills is to certify that the following action was taXen by 5he Southoid Town Planning Board on November 19, 1957: Petition of Angei~ G. and Georgette Petrucci for a change of the Zoning Ordinance from "A" R=sidential and Agricultural "B" Business District, owners of certain rea! propert)' situated at [~y Avenue, Peconic, N. Y.j and described as follows: Parcel One: Ail that trace or parcel of land situaUe, lying and being near Nassau Point, a~ Peconlc, in the Town of Suuthola, bounded on the North partly by lands of Garret and partly by land of Cordes, a distance of 310 fee5, mute or less; on the East partly by land of Cordes and partly by land of Kaller; on the South by Bay Avenue, 3~0.20'; and on the West by !aha ~f Vanderbeck. Parcel Two: All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being near Nassau Point, at Peconic, in ~he Town of Southold, bounded on the North by Bay Avenue, a aistance ~f u, 20 feet, more or less; ~.n the East oy land of Town of Southold 32 2E on the South partly by Broadwaters Cove and partly by land of Gerho~d; and on the West by land of Mason. Petitioners no~ want to withdraw Parcel One, covered in our report to you of Ocsober D~, ~57, and in view of the fact t~t they are presently requesting that a~i of Parcel Two be changed to "B" Bus,ness District we are n~ ~il!ing to r~commend it. Our investigating committe~ has vlsitem this property on three separate occasions. This is signed Oy 0ohn P, ickham, Chairman, Southoid Town P±anning Board. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: heard itl opposition to HENRY TASKER, ESQ. Is 5here any perssn who wishes the granting of the petition? (Representing objectors): Mr. area immediately adjacent to the property wLich is the subject of this application. I have Che names sf a~i of them~ and i can read them into the r~cord at ~his time, if you would prefer that I do sc, or if you wish, I can spar~ the Boar~ ~ne time of an~ supply a wrltt~n statemen~ t~e conc~.usion of this nearing, 5o re determineo o? the ~..,ard. That will be satisfactory. listening to it, of al] of the membership at er st a subsequent time SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Supervisor, i represent the Nassau Farm Associa~ion, which is an association comprised of some fifty members, an,a ~F~t association is comprised of ali o~ the peop[.e wh¢, live in 5he 33 MR. TASKER: will be pleased oetermine. If that is satisfactory tc azi of you I to suomlt that list at such time as you the Nassau I,~ar~.~s Associati.~,n is concerned, i think it would be important first to tell the Board what it ls and where it is. Back in 1935 there wa~ filed in the Office of the County Cier~ a Map N~. 1179, and it Nassau Farms. them are ±ors subdlvlslDn map whlch is referred to as takes into the entire subdivision of It was divided into s~me J~O iota. ~ome of of a frontage of 75 feet to 200 feet. Jome of Lhem are considerably larger parce]s, 0ivlsion is shown on the map I hay= net= wf. ich is outlined in green, an~ it is on ~ay Avenue. It entirely surruun~s Farce] but that entire sub- it is the area the nut'th side of One. ~nd i tilin~ that tile research tnat we have done on this particu!ar area indicates that the property owners of Nassau Far;~s are the owners of property which have a total assessed value of $3~7,!~0. i might poi~]t out that the properCy whicn is 5h~ s~lbject of this application un the north side of the road and which has apparentzy been withdrawn by c._~nsent, which I think it i~ important to paint out as a present assessed va±ue of $6,500. The pruperty on the south slme cf tile roa~, the 00~ ft. parcel, w~ich is patti) meadow lana, nas a present assessed value of $400. So that we are concerne~ h~re with SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Planning Board. LaFRENIEP~J: Let us MR. mute. [~. TASteR: Now, we have say this sti!z with respect to I read the reoommenmation of the put it this way: we will stand that entirely clear. Let me Farce± One, w~ have something a ]Itt±e bit better tnan that: we may say ~he assessed va~ue of all the members of Nassau Farms Association is $96,650. We have broken down and shown here on this diagram the area a_ong Bay Avenue having a f~ontage of something i,700 feet on the north slae of the road, inc!uding our parce~ here, and it is the position of the people in t~e Nassau Farms Association that the outlined in red here, area of Nassau Farms, zoning or rez,~nlng of the area which is right in the middle of the entire or in the area of the yeJ~ow portion of Nassau Farms, immediately on the highway is something which would consZitute spot zoning to say rhe leas~. Now,the same situation would exist with the property across the street on the south side of the road, and we have shown that ir] a second map which I would like to offer to the Board, and this map which is the attached map of East Cutchogue School District No. 8 and takes in the area from the ~ong Island RailroaG on the north to nex~ suodivision s~uth and by examining it, the Board will be sole to determine immediately that the red area on and the red area on the south side in the middle of an area which this the north side uf bay Avenue of Bay Avenue are squarely Board determined on April 23, i956 as an area particularly and immediately suited for Out one purpose: residential. Now, t~e important part cf that, so far as our people are concerne.fl, is tnls: ii' the BoarQ determined as area is a there has been nothing shown b5 this petitioner in and we believe that there will be nothing shown by petitiuner at this hearing, if they ch~ase to speak, to reeeitly as six months ago that this residential area, and that it was z~ned resiOential, its petition, the indicate that the character of the or Bay Avenue iota from the or any portion of this area same residentia3 character April when the ordinance was adopted. The fact that might nave called it to the attention of the BoarO in April that the would like to have it zoned and the fact that the request of these petitioners was not answered neighborhood either in Nassau Farms has changed one that it was in they of the petition snouim not be unheeded. N~,w, so far as the character of the neighborhood is is sufficient determination residential, W~ say a/s.~ indication, we Chink,that th~ Doard maae a that it was then residentiai arid s~ouid be and we say now ti~t it shoulu remain so. that th~ prayer of our peop±e for the Oenia~ concerned, I think if the Board can tak~ notice of the fact that the only c~aim that this petitioner has is a claim arising out of a non-c.)nforming use. He does not contend that his pr._.pert[, is proposed t~ ~e used for an~.thing oUher Lhar. the purpose for which ~t is pr=sently i.nt~na~d moment. He has~ as he aaio, his equipment on there. H~ is not coming ?el, re this c_aimitxs ar~y continuing har~]ahip~ mlt%e,J to dc> that in April, his right then to csntlnu~ regardless whether this ordinance is or nex~ year or three years from now. suff~r!ng from nu hard, ship whatever. because if he wer~ p=~- u_ so w13 i changed now This ?etitioner is H~ can c,~,i:tin,~e to use th~ property as he has rl.o~l- c onI ,o ~[~111~ [/sc, ~usiness is Sclnethlng that been d.:ir~6. The chan~e a bungs Iow res idenc e, tc a the circumstances Now, we go next to two maps, with other business areas if 3?u wi'!'! look at the larger map, the re].at]onshlp of in the Town. i think d:~ ~:a:t warrant. the area 3n these £f we p!'~ceed to the south and get out cn Nassau Pci~]t tile Boar~ will ~now immediately that t's th~ south sr t:. the ena ],a~a, Point there is noLnlng :;tic resldenc~s, bo a~ain the ~:,u wi~ se~ ti~ere is mcru than a mile cf dlstan~ fr~m ti,e poi,~[, of Bay avenue t~ the n~..;t business aecti:;n the norUh. ~o tha: fur one :nile ~'ro:n the main i.c.~d bay Avenu~ to this point there Is nothlnc but re~iaences. ~A there is ample proof here of sn =.~amp]e uC spot zoning were ih= chan~e to ~= made. Now, w~ hays s~v'era] ?rot~sts ~ Anna Iq. Garret, owner of~.o~ '" or no, re ¢f ~an,; ' 'yln~ i,nme~iate]~y wi~h ~ne ~uard at this uime. 1 have a fcrmal 9rctest uf ~;i&zabeth H.rton who &s the owner to the east ,of Pazcei ~ ~.. i should ;ike to file nnat. And I ha~e~ not ttle J~,a rd I~ na~ oeen discussed many times, ~f spec z:_'nin~ as far as we are immediately across from Parcel Tw~ and I Should like to a ~ee~,: =ithin ~hich t~ have tha~ completed. A.: I understand it, neither of those two indlvidda ~s are avaiia~.e to. have the protests signed. so far as spot zoning is co[lcert]ed, ~ 5hinx is fairly well aware of what spu5 z~nind and the finest aeflnlti¢n by the C.;nrt cf appeals o~~ this State when spot zoning as the process o~' seekin~ was .hanGed down they defineo use a smalx parcel ~f' !ano for a use classification totally different from that of the surrounding area for the benefit of' che owner of such property ar, d to the detriment of otne~? owners. Now, that definition, this state~ be belie-se is /~ne use classification is as defined by tile .~ignest c~urt parttcuiariy appiicaZ, i~ here. totally, or ~,;ou~d ~e totally ~n different i'rom t~e surrounding al'ca for hundreds oz' feet to the east and west, and at least a mile tv the north, anc~ fur a distance of' the property south to Point. It wc.uid be a wonderful example and the in ~ur opinion, w~uld be cam~±e~ely to point oul to the Board that end of Nassau z~ning, this decision of the Court cf Appeals was followed In another case in Nassau Count.~: }terman against the Incorporated Village of East Wii±iston, in which the Court said: "The test"-- referring to spot the particular zoning zonlng--"is not whether^was accomp!ishe~ for the benefit of individual owners rather Lhan pursuann to a comprehensive plan for the general welfare of the We submit that; in the light of pr~poseo change is neither pursuant community." t~is deposition the to a Comprehensive plan for the genera] we-~fare of the community. As a ma~ter of fact, ~he comprehensive plan which th~ Planning Boar~ gave the Boam~ on April 23, 1956 is to the contrary. .~nd we submit if it is going to be accomp=ished, it would be accomplished to the benefit of two indlvidua/ owners who are the applicants in this ease, and not fur the benefit of anyone else. 0 says that the Town Law, and the Board is fami[iar with it~ zoning regulations shall be made with reasonaO±e among other things, as to purely residential . made with reference to the character of They have so deters.inca. its peculiar suitability, considera Uion, the district, It sha~Z be once within the for residentia ] particular uses. And you have already ~etermined that xast six months ~h~t it is particularly suita~ purposes. It should be made with a view of conserving the value of the buildings use of the land throughout the municipality. continuation of the ordinance cai_s for june for the most appropriate We say a exactly what it requires the Board to do, We nave, and for decisions of various Courts Maryland, the highest Court of that it is an established rule and we ask that you do so. even can go outside the State of New York a~ong the same lines. In the State of Maryland said that where an application is maOe for a reclassification of a tract of ~anm fr~.m ~ne zone to another, there is a presumption that the zones establisheo ~y the original zoning ordinance %~ere well piannea and arrangea and were intended to be more or less permanent, subject to change only when there are genuine Thus, before a zoning board rezones be proof' either there was or that the changes ir] cnnditi,~ns. the property there some mistake in the origlna] shoed zoning character of the neighborhood had changed to such an extent tha~ a reclassification of the property would be made. Where there has been no mistake in the original zoning and the character of the neishborhooa has not changed justify such rezonlng, it is void. We s~bmit rezoning by t:~is Board would be utterly devoid, and we as~ that the petition oe denied. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person wishes tu be heard in opposition to? WILLIAM WICKHAM, ESQ. (Associated with Edgar Hills, !aO Nassau Street, New York City): Unfortunately, due to the driving conoitions, /.ir. Hills was not ab2e to get ou5 this evening. I might say, aisc, I ~on't Know how many calls I nave had yesterday and today ['rom owners of parcels on Nassau Point who wanted aesperat~ to get ,z.~t. but due t._, the storm yesteraay, and the condition cf ~he raads today aha tonight, were n,~t able 5o ~o so. They asked me to request that we be heard a~ a later date, and I will request at the conclusion cn tnls particular I want to maI{e that f'orma I i~ear lng. say that I represent the Nassau P~i~'~t Property Owners' Association, and also ~he Nassau Association and their respective memLers. First of a]~, I would like to attempt, nas done, to c!arlfy the issue in this case, returning Poi~]t Causeway as Mr. Tusker and ~articularly meadow]and south ~f Day Avenue. Ti~ petitz,an 42 ~i~ere!y states in tiiat respect, and also maintain a ba'at basin ousiness on che ~cu~n side of Bay Avenue. i woulu -~lke ~: ~sk the Bosl~d ~JrSt whether auy plans and specificati~,ns i~ave be~n fi3ed for any boat :~asin ousiness or ~therwis=, for th~s prop=try s~,uth of the r,,ad. I acn't know as it m~ke much difference ~en~ra'~y, ~ut w~t~v,~r the business we ar'= ~in~ to oppose lt. f~ut I would ~'.c~ t:: know if plans anu specifications were fl:~d. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: N t with thc T~,wn ~car~J~ P~. WIC~AM: Pr~suma~!y not w~th tlne rlannlng Boara city,er. SUP~RVISOR KLiPP: T,~ the best of my gnowke~ge, iE has Mr. Task~r terr itory. WICKHAM: I just want to point out as far as g=neraJly so[ne of the peopJe ]ocallj a chance to ~e near~, just want to point out generally in 2arrylng on what has said. The ~enerai character of uhe surroundlne I want to brln~ out first that ]4~ssau Poil~t was aeveloped begii~ning in the ?/.~'O's, and I thlnk that you will find on practlca±ly every iot there is a r=striction that it be used for residen5ia! purpuses o~,~. incidentally, there are now ~%0 .!ann uwners on [,[assat] Point hsv~ng a torsi assessem vsluaticn there oY $929,000. The next oevelspment ~nat came along in treat sectlc, a was ~h= ,,ne which I4r. Tasker represe~ts; I~assau Farms. At¥~ as h~ b~ougnt ~ut, ~na~ was ueve]oped in the .'~@te ._?oO's. There wel~e rib, genersi res~ric~ioes in thos~ ~e~ds ~garai~ ~:esiGen~ia~ uses, bu~ it !s aloe /~o sa3 that ~ney were sold and that they were dsem fur resimential purpcaes. The ne;~v ~evcz,~pmen~ in that 2ocality was what w= tax.; E~roauwaters. Evenly one of those /o~s was spelleC out b~z ~Ir. Esy witi~ :,~strictions for keeping the residential, c~arac~er uf the property. If we look a little bit t~ the west we come to the Little Neck Section and they are residentia]i properties. If' we g~ a iitt~e pit west uf tha~ we come ~.~ Fieet's Neck and wiLh 5wo exceptions the~~ az, e al! ~,esidenSiai properties. If we ~,.. east from the Causeway we come ~., Indian Nec~ and that ~s comp!ete±y resiGentia~. I c]on't kn,3~ where you can find such a large sectiun whlcn is almost c,_,mpzeteiy residenti- al, and I must say they are lovely residences. It is q~ite~ weli~ it is more than remarkable, i5 is miracu_ous thaL we should have at this time such a section which nas been built up without the benefl5 of any zoning. Z oon'n ~n~w %hat it could ever happen again, but it is perfectly wonderful, and I hope that you people will ~eep that residential character. The ~;eop~e themselves have done a marvelous ~;,~b, and everyone w}.u is here, and everyone who has written, anti everyone who would like to be heard has on_y one 5boughs, anm tiler is to Le keep the residential character o£ that sectisn. i would like to emphasize too what Mr. Taster has said about the hardship, and particularly the meadow land again south ?f the road. That property was apparently bought in 1950 for a figure of around $~,co0. The carrying charges zn the building ~ year for the taxes only amounted to $22 ~r $23. The assessments, as Mr. Tasker has sala, is oniy $400, compared to $929,000 fo~ Nassau P_lnt, and $~,100 for the Causeway. Much was made in the pet221~n of bhis being a boat basin. As many times as I hav~ g::.ne down there I have never seen any indication of bhe business, arm apparently there is a slip, a flag pole, and a diiapidated iif~ boat, but I have never seen any si~;ns of ~msiness, a~d 1 Qon't want 2o see any, and I don't think anybudy else does. AS fo~ the depreciation in values I am going tu Yet peopYe who are in opposition say what they thln~ the project will do their o~n values. Let me bring out before Z stop. I would like tu point .::it of the history of this Causeway. many of you wii± remember that this and the people of Nassau Point wer~ would get in hands uncomfortable to members bought the strip and then Causeway Association. Bonds wer~ jusu one more mather, g~nt!emen, out ~o you a l~tt£e N~t many years ago Causewa~: was on uhe market quite a±armed that it them. A group ~f the It was turned cvur to the issued in order Lo 45 3B it. Tha association members of the .Causeway Association aave Leen very ~enerous, we think, in a~]cwing the residents ~f Cutchogue and the surroundinh areas tc us~ lt. AnY~ ~e az'e very appreciative. It ~enda~ to show you to what great iengti~ the pea. pie in that area ha~e ~.one t.. /~ainbain the r~sidentia_ cl~arac~er tf t}~e prci;erty, and Croat is right across the ro~d from this p~z~ticuisr area~ ~n~ we nop~ that y c.u w~_.~-~ also consider if, Bt ~n' y~.u? ueiib~ratl~,ns. Thank yOU. (Applause . ) SDPERVISOR KLIPP: is ti~ere any other pers~..n wh~ wish~s LEFFERTS EDoa,N~~o~.~e'5 , (Southo] ~): i ha~ here ~ statement ir;m ~h,~ President cf the ~rcadv~aters propert~ cf the ~road~aters CoTe A~s3ciattoL is this ar~a. It cons!ars cf at..prc~<lmate~y i'D L~tE and · ", roier il t..,~. President appz'cxi,nateJy aC homes ..Ir. Feii:~ ~,, and nc h~-~s asked me tc :'cad t.~is: THE TOM~ ~c ~he ZODiF~ i~ cne id~cl~,ing Cwo parcels of ]and t,.'taJ, ilna; inure tha~: .~] acres, acccrdin~j tc ti~ Caz.. z, ec~ras, ]n the heart ~f zhe broadwa~era Cove, l~assau Farms, I~assau Point area of Jutchcgue. [';-.~:' [:.r~.perty uncer a[_.plic~ti..~r, scraddi~a ~a~- ~'/crls~, 6he s:,ly thrc.ugh r-.ad in the area. I'hus the property for which the cnan~e from Hesioential to muslness use ls sou~;ht As such, tf ~ts cnaracue~ were tc b= chan~sea, necessari]), and immediately be ref'ectea ~..p._.~; properties, to tnelr everlast2na ~e~rYment. are ns ~; in the process of establlshlng per'nanenca, are llot ls i~ a~ubt, Jut rather are well established, concentrated, an extremely valuable planned csmmunities, which have few, if any, equals In our Town. The future :f these cummunl~les was made m~re secure and passage uf the origlna] z~nlng ordinance last April. Tr~e taxpayers ,:,f the a~'ea fe,t Chat they had been wel- representea, and were t!ianKfu] for the security granted their large i[/~estments by this action, ano fur the enjoy~nenZ and peace, quiet, and restfulness, which is c~ be derived from a residenti- a l z,_,ning. Now their by the possible investments ano their enjoyment are in~ruslon of a dr,owing business area in their miasC. The residents and proper~y owners feel tha~ tner= is more appropriate space in men~ of busines~ ~han in ti~e neath threatened OUr TowII fop the oevelop- ,5f a~ estaoJlshed reside~ttla[ c~mmunity, and they therefore respectfuliy request that this Town Board nec]lac t~ ~rant the applicatizn for tn~ rezonlng of each of these tw~ parcels. fhank you v~ry milch for your a~tenti,~n. MR. EDSON: In additlo~ ~, that we nav~ x~x~telegrams i'r,~m property owners in Broadw~ters C~v~. ~'r,_m :,~r. George F. Schnei,~er: I am firmly ~ppose,u tc any a.,terations in !ocai z©l]irlg law which would favor ,qr. proposed p~an. From Mr. Francis Ga,iagher: As a angelu ~etrueci's member of Broadwaters Cove Association please recoro Petrucci's application for a Fr~m Oack anG Ann Brown: of any Kind along Bay Avenue. my protest against Mr. variance. ~'~' are opposed to business From arthur petition f~as bee~ Cove, Cutcho~ue, strongly pr~test any change in present zoning to permit any type ~f business or co~erciai use the area. Frum Mary anO George Deviea: Cove we wish ~o protest any change From George i. Schwab: As a resident Cove I protest vigorously proposed change Schmitz: Have been informem that a to extend a business on Bay Avenue, Cutchogue cr is going to be flleG. As resiaent of Broadwa~ers As resident uf Broadwaters in the Zunlng ~aws. of Broadwaters in resi~entia! 4~ From Alice and Christian Beneke: in zoning laws (At this We protest any change at this time. tinge there was received as part of the record list containing 59 names with letters attached of persons who opposeo of nine names with telegrams attacheO to the granting of the application.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Are there to be heard in opposition to? CARROLL D. NEWELL (Nassau Point): the granting of the application and also a list of persons opposed any other persons who wish haven't sent any the three gentlemen who preceded me made, and I would person- ally be taking the time of this meeting if £ attempted to make a speech, ana I could not do as well. I simple wish to say t~at as an officer of both those associations and a resident of Nassau Point for over twenty-five years, and a resident of this Town over around 45 years, that I protest very strenuously to the granting of any change or variance of the zoning ordinance as applied to Parcezs One and AnG i would like to suggest, if I am in order, air, inasmuch as many of our people could not be here tonight, some you have recognized, and if there is anyone here, would they just get mp and be counted. Would that Oe of any interest to your and Nassau Point Association. There Is not~ing that I could say here tonlght and add to the very able case that letter. I am a director of both the Causeway Association 5o boats £~r hire. ALW. EBT R. SChUESTER (Cutchogue): I am r=presentin~[ my s~a an[~ myself. '~,~ own pr~pert, y on Sterl.kng you w~[] [ look at the map yoa wi ~ fin~ that that ] own ic, Oft. cf property, and I L,u~lt wimt i think down h,~.r~. My son has ZOC ft. Now~ if' ch~ Zonln~; mosr~ has tke extreme en, l of tile ~roper~y ~'ery close t.3 grin Lack Zinc. N:~, if permission is given far a variance, this L~ildin~ a, vez, nez'e ~ind.tcatin~) is a 2. urgt- building +- ' ' with a two-car garage antacned .,n the that we will get the ful± wa'u] ~i ]et it, but I wouid the street. On the basls brunt r,f !t. Th~ entire sr~a becal~se we ~re pracLicaJ[[2 acrs. ss ~f my a~-~vei~,pin~- t, nau pr~Ferty thought that tnls was an "~" carefull} anq say "iA~" t,9 this request ~arlance uf this ~rdinance. ~. l.,e ~eard it] ,~p[)ositisn7 4A [ The names as being in ~pposltlon t~.. tn~ grantin~ app] icaLi ~n. ) Anna M. Garrett, Hazel White, v~a;t.e~, Mi. ;er, Joseph fo~'iowih~ peop±e steppe~] f,-,rwai'd a~:d ~ace their ~.f the Dro~on, R.obert ¥,. Crom, k. G. Mizler, John T. Wha±en, Rsymon~l S!aven, ~. ~. Carpenter, ~uth hcAdams, E~ward J. Sch,~sell], Walter Schi~f~r,a~cker, Henry ~ocei, O. h. Downs, James Teneper, Fran~ Appettiell~,, :.... 5. .,Ia,f, Margaret t~ambo, Pht'ip h. Rambu, Peter deriica, Herman Molke, Edgar 3aumgartner, Ethel G. Prince, Ealter L. Prince~ G,:rtruc, e Lonse, Mrs. George [4atshews, hamson Mueller, John J. Daumgartner, O. hi. Overrun, O~orge Vanaerbeck, Dorothy 3fL. m, Emery Garrett, Curtis H rtun, Jr., Edith Thompson, Mrs. Richard Scnuester, Baraara Appettielio, Dorothy Siavin. EDGAR Ba~GARTNER: (Nassau Point) i would zike to consider Mr. Tasker's ideas to be controlling. Ts chan~e the classification of a spot within an estaolishea resid~ntia~ ar=a, there must he an affirmative showing, th~ burmen is absolutely on the petiti.~ner, t~: ma~e an affirmative showing. The most that the petltiuner can reques5 at this time is his request base~ on his Former non-conforming ~se, and if any right is granted to him uutsid~ of ~o the zoning provisions, it shoul~ De conforming use only. Otherwis~ the strict adherence iimited n~ that non- tu change it t~ a ~ 'B" Zone i%e coula put a bar room in there. with bhe spirit of the Zoning Law opening as that woula be. That . leans e. (App.,aus e ) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: to speak in opposition? (There was no response.) Mr. Supervisor, may There are only two. oon~t Have to worry. manta about zoning. There is nothing consistent that permits such a wide isn't zcn~n~ i~ws; ~hat is is there any other p¢rson who wlsh=s dredging the south portion of this property, and wa have the bi!is here, which we wou,.d like to suOmi~, ~ut I would lika to have them returned. This was for the purpose of creating this proposed boat basin, which, unfortunately, ~hey did not plaster with signs. I oon't think that the people understand the position the~. are in uy protesting this ~ppi~at~on. This man is en&a~ad in the dred~in~ an~ excavatin~ has existed, such as the summer camp down there. They did nut nave to make this application to ~ake _~0 they' spent $~,600 improve the situation. Nuw, SUPERVISOR KLIPP: If not, we wliz hear t~se in favor. EDWARD LaFRENIEF~E, ES(!., (Attorney fur the Applicant): I jus5 speak in behalf uf the petitioners. Nobody is going to inter~upt i;]e so you I take issue with Mr. Tasker's argu- Apparently these p~op~e dc, n'~ £ea±iz= that he is continuin& $ non-conforming use the same as Mr. Rambo, anm the same as everyone else who has a business that situation and create anything they wish in th~ same tl~pe and .She cf zusiness, and here they seek and not only seek, m.~t 6o further than other people w~uiO, the~. w~nt i~ c~fc. re the zonin~ ~ent Into effect, and ins%end cf seinE 6racious and earninn:. %heir respect they 8i'e let OULSi~C t~'.e wall because s~.me~bd~¢ cculd not f~ure out Bny d~mensiuns in th~ ~iannin6 board, then the Planning .moard turns around and changes its if ~ am ther~ having mact~ a mecisio_q. You may coffee5 me First th~)~ branted a p~titi~n f~,r the chana~ they oh the South side and the nurLnern dimeaalsns n.~t figure out. I ~s~me it is b~caus~, .cf th~ that th~3 dig not have th~ proper dlm~nsions. i think they reserv~o SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Paro~~ '£WU. Mb, LaFRENIERE: The~ sa your r=ading the SUPERVISOR KLIPP: 'it ~as Pianni~ boaTd that we ~eocmmend Parcel One be zoned "B" Lustness, this decision on th=y '5~:.rrt aronnd and chan~e part ~::£' ii,, as Z remeube~' ti,Tte tJ l.eco[ll::lerld t:he o}~a:l~,_- o~ 2lc[l~_- ~xaet dimension nat yet available." of I4R. LaFh6NIE~: And al'~aa ~u~lden threu months their mind again, how, to th~ Tzvln Buard that and ~e are will:rig at ,_,n Part of Pat'ce~ later ~lere these p=titic, ner~; I wcu!u ~lth~ira~ ~n~ p=tlti,sn and inauatuIa] site %qiLh a nun-conf~rmin~ use can be. J~,s:ebou~ s_-].a them a bi!! of ~oo~s ~hich they don't understand. I say ~hat this ks not spot zoning. I say that t]kej ar~ a~vlnL the matter should be tabled and let the~a ~cok into it a little f~rthe~' oefore they act so ~l~orcus}2.. fhat is al/ 1 hav.~ t: sa~,. MaS, GEORGETTE PRTRUCCI %Nassau Point): This is t~eal!y quiize an experience tu cerise d~wY~ here and see a~.l the people uspec.tal:]y the Garrets and the Overscns and the Schwartz, ~o~"',(~ 3n that property. ~ ~,~ade ou~ of a mud ho]e, and h~osqultos, and v~ hav~ made scmesLir~g l. eautiful over tr~ere. We have never ha~ a sign on our pr,~perty a~tnougn That was a mud n~]_e there. ~e naqe a~d we had 8 cona]Itiun ...,]_' rats night when I spok, e t> him, he sale y.~u ma.Sc a oeaubift~l [>lace, at-k] i am vet3 ~iad i sold it tu y~u becao, se he loved ~t as we !o~e it. You would have 5,u love a p~ece ~t' property tc have stood %~hat we stood, and d.o what ~e lie. I went out tc clean nous=s so I coula buy ~hat piece ~f meadow. Ange!o worked night and day sc we c~uL.] ouy that meadow. W~ live on tn%s side, and ~f' we ~o ~ything ba~ ~n %hac side you will si6n "For Rent". ~ter!ing, last an~J we rent three nol~seso We have r~ever hafi We have been renting £or eleven years. suffer, a~! you people. ~ wlI~ suffer £i. rst. Th[a 'ks plain norse sense, i aon't know how in th= ~or!d y~/d people, not one of you, with the exception of Mrs. Keller, M~'. Sterling, aha bit. G=rke, ~ad the ,aecency to speak to us. ~m~w us f,~r years. And you Angel~., Nnat d~ y~u propose ~n Sterl[ng, a~l of you over here, ~n Nassa¢ Farms, yo~ d~d. At that tkme I ~ei[eve and I know~ because Sterling said so to us that he had proposed a boat ~here I'or the use of the community for the people who ~o no~ Al ~f yuu could have said: Geor~jette and t~ dc. here? Y u b;.ught property all ~f and yet you people say that place is beautiful, of you have stoppeU and told us what a good jou d,~ne there. It did not come easy L, eca,~,se we came there with no muney and we worked there. N~w, yuu people al± of a suoden follow a leader. Somebody said 5[mt we are going tu a gin raill, going to put a grocery store~ going to OW~ put a restaurant, and we are going to mov~ 3ut dj' ou~ahouse. Nobody had the decency to come and ask us. No~, we ccul(l keep that pruperty there, as this gentleman ~ay~, we could keep 5he nighest classzlicatzon "A" District, and we cculd f~l! it ali in and conform ~[th the Zoning Board her~, and sell houses there. N.¢w, Mr. LeznowsMi t~ld us that he oo~sn't Know what we have water front. %.~hen we bought that property from fir. Sterl~n~ he assured tis that there was not t~, be a bar room propose t~ do on the meadow parcel, is detrimental to the community. This ~s ~s intelligent. He does not know what it out whatever we do it From someOody who is out he is a~ainst Lt. ~e Oon't propose to mo anythLn6 of that sort because we love our sunrise. I mean, when you people pass by our h~use there isn't one uf our windows that doesn't over~ook those meadows. We are ruining ourselves before auy of you. You who l~ve ~n Nassau Point are just coneer~eG with when you are passlnB by but you don't see anythln~ there. No~, M~~. Wickham said that he Uid not want a boat basin there. whether that would be a our community. We have hae requests they could rent boat from Nassau Point and Nassau Farms space and we thought ±stet on very ~ood iGea, cna wou~d be in Meepin~ with We can keep it as it houses. That is perfectly ail right. nelghtors. They nam an offer to buy a land and they said that they did not have any worth. We are is; I'i~2 it up and sell But we consider our piece ef the meadow not want ].t; that it dues that we ask $4,000 and therefore we did not have to pay that. %~'e had to go out and mortgage our house because we were in debt already. thinks of those things. It is tru that there are only the two of us. It is true about the fact that ~here is money in Nassau Farms and Nassau Foint. I a~ree that the[,e is a lot oi' money in Nassau Point, but I just want to ~now is that fair; is that just; we can keep it as it is, that is perfectly 4B in. of th~ as all right, but there is some people that don't want 5o see houses either. All t~ey want to see iL green meadow. %4e have invested much ~ore than a thousand .aollars, as you say. We werenot in the business at the time when we Had that Oreoge Thank God I kept all thosu bills. I am ~n!y ta ~king to this side, and it cost $~,000. I am nut talking about north side. This is v~.}rth a mYliicn do!iars, as far am concerned, to see really what people are. Thank you. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is t~e~e anybody exse who wishes speak in favor of? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Now, is register anything there anyone that wishes to in opposltian to? HR. KRAEMER: If this property anG ii' Petruccl sold it or anything happened ~e business ann they could do as the~ liked? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: That's MR. MOLKE: However, it is is zoned ['.or %usiness [~ still would That is the point. So they worked hard there. just menticned, what happens if tNey se.~.l? Wd don't nave a guarantee. At tNis time MR. MOLKE: That w~uld se a-? right of the territory were changing somewhat, it is improvin6 every day, every year. There are r~ore Rubles 1 am not taking sides. Jf the character out it is not cnangLn~ SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I think we are ail in the Lame position SUPERVISOR KLIPP: given to non-conforming uses that Here MR. NOLKE: Thure is ~,o object/on to what they MR. J] do tnluk so:n~ consld=~'at[.~n shouzc~ there sefo£e. the s~n~!nutn~ of a non-cop.£'o~'min6 usage, but cnan~iin~ the zoning, Lr permit s~:mebooy to Uo some%hin~, anci think they want ~mn5 is somethln~ ~!se. SGHUESTER: If the variunce is ~wante.J It wou!~ set a preceJ~nt. That entire strip alond bay Avenue cou]d be .:c, nveYtec~ ~v~ntua!iy into bu~in~$~ an.J ti~ r~su!t cf it is we ecu'id have a Coney Island arm h.~t do6 stands, etc. we have a:~ wc, rk~d hard on cur pr.apart> in v~assau Farms. cau't sit here and hear that the that ka'.~ wcrkeo hard. - 8hcuLG ~oDd one and we want [etrucct's are the only like to. ~ave anyone We think tn~ community improvements, we all ha,/e JUP£RVIS:)f{ KLIPP: to keep it that way. imDrTffe'J our prot-,cz, ty, jo0 . I thin~ everyb,,dy has, AS lap as an,~ 2 %nink I o..,n ' % I think everybody has. EDhARD THC~PSOlI (Cutchogue): unfairly? have t~ s~t h=re and hear what Petruoci has uune. Is he bain5 treated so Broad~aters Cove has [00 ft. which we use as a ~oat basZn. He is for only 100 ft. MR. BaUMGARTNER: assessed $4(30 aha 't,~e art: assessed wh~r~ ~her~ Ss B non-cunformins use, actual property ¥~hi~;h ~.~as Ln April ~'57. SUPEkVISOR i-[LIE P MR. 6A~IGARTNER: [ar~e Ir~ntage, I und~rstanu s lac ~f ~ay Avenue. SUPERVISQR KLIPP MR. BAU[dGAKTNER: that is confined to the the non-c.~x~f.~rmin~ ~s~ That's right. In this instance, where the~'eis a Ye~. It w~_,uld nov seem witi~in ~ne spirit of zuning area should permit a nun-conforming use to SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I wasn't referring ,~£' the a£ist~ng non-conforming use tha~ existe~ prior t,~ time the ,~rdinance was adopted. I was that a non-conforming us~ ~f a sinai_± part ~f t~a% e×tenm aha expand existed i~efore the ordinance MR. BAUMGARTNi;R: ~here there 'La'. a~~ exte[lsi~n tt~e just rei'errina: to that was adopt, ed. nas been a f~_'ed map ys.u hav~ metes and b~unds; therefore applies. I ,don't know %~hether there south of that. SUPERVISCR KLIPP: Vh~ n~n-c~nf~rmin& use is a fL!cO map for the Any ~erson wish to ~p~oosltion to or in favor of? (There was ~o response.) MR. TASK_ER: Row long a nime are we be heard J[~ g~lng to have in whiorL to ]'i!e our MR. WICY~HAM: before, (here are Nassau P.Jint who wou!C like you ~an estabiJsh a time to opposition in the furm of a be hear,:i, inc.~udin6 tlle Point. ~.h;. K~ii~ and I letters of protest? Mr. Chairman, as I saia wa~u I was up lots of people, owners of property in tc c~me out to be heard. If De heard. You have som~ of the letter, but in orde~, to fiJe a brief In opp:,,=it£on. important. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: 1 tnin~ the Board wiii grant you time to file a brief. As far as postponing this nearing ~o scme partlculardate, I will leave that up tw the Board. They can make tnedetermination. MR. LaF?~ENIERE: May I request Mr. Wicl£ham and Hilms file a copy of the brief with me? TASKER: And we wll± ~a~e an opportunity to file President and Secretary uf Nassau would ±Jke t~ have a reasonaoie time They is highly a brief? MR. copyof to postpone this and BJamd feel on tnls? next July or something Lc sire tlme on that. LaFRENIEP~E: And Mr. LaPreniere is to receive a the filing. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I don't ~now whether the Board wants go through it again? H.w does the Town I oon,t wan5 50 postpone this Lo like that. I am perfectly wliiin6 Might 1 ask the attorneys: wouldn't a letter suffice? MR. TASKER: As far as ~ur pea. pie are cuncerned, it please the BoarU, if wu can have a week wLthin which file our letters or such letters as we require, and another three or four mays to file our Uriefs. MR. WICK~AM: As far as Nassau P~lnt, we want time to fi~e a brief. SUPERVISOR KLIPF: How much time do yuu think would be sufficient to get your letters in andfile your briefs, hu~ many days? MR. TASKER: Ten days for the letters ~m two weeks from touay to file brlefs. MR. LaFRENIER~: Can I have a week after that to serve papers? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Yes. Anybody else here in opposition to or in favor of? {Tnere ~as no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: We will have a determination of the Boara. addit i,ona I K TELEGR~MS O~POSING PET~UCCI RPPLICATION Helen F. Shea James A~ Neumann Myles B. Amend Herbert Busnhmann Wm.H Kelynack Nassau point Nassau Point Nassau Point Dr& Mrs George Snider Walter B. Williams Nassau Poi,-t James Fyfe A. Request New York: N.Y. Hicksville, N.Y. New York, N.f. New York~ N.f. New Ycrk~ ~1.£. Tuckahoe~ N.Y Flushing~ N.Y. Glenwood Landing, Sunuuit~ N.J. N,f IO EY JD~UZ ~ezYor~ ZY II38a ~ec 5t~.'07 TO~n JlerK ~outhold fy protest a~ainSt PetrUcei rewoninm petition Haws j~mt invested thousand dollars in new home on llassau ~oinB an~ suggested buminess establimhment will ~reatly depreciate it~ vaime Helen F Shes. ¥¢ESTERN UNION Hick,ville ~Y I08£am ~ec 5th '57" Town Hull ~own Clerka office ~ou~hold NY nab le Co attend meeting on Angelo Pe~rucci pe~i~lsn for change of zoning Aa a prpperty owner I am opoosed -~ ames A Neumann to hisTequ~st WESTENN UNION DL=Day Letter I£ i~i Jb CD i~e~'fork i:Y II£4a Dec '.~t, h'~7 Southoid To~ Zoning Board Town Clerks 0f~_ e $' outho~4 NY I protest proposed rezo~g of detmCot ;,I~h ~nd for business purposes---This oetition is a blatan~ a~t~t ~t soot zOniu~ aud oonsequently is llle~al---lhe e is nO need:jof ~usiuess in that ..., area---and on the contrary --The proposed i~ezO~in~ would be de~tm:~'t~4 i. Tyles L. Amemd. of residential property values in the aresk--7~ hardship is invo_Iv~,2 to ~etrueci aud all the e~nities in the sitnatt',.u are aCainst his petition Teleg ..... Cable- UNION C~ ~ewYork Nf ~ec ~own Planning Bo~,rd 2own Hull ~outho/d NY aogret cannot be present at m~Teti~g to object to re~oning of the ~arshl~nd sreo approaching Nossau ~oint Believe this would have ~ mo~$ negative effect on long "stablished proper~y values on Herbert Buschmann V(ESTEkN UNION 8 h~ J~ Southold NY NewYork NY lI57sm ~ec 4th Town Planning Bor, rd Town Clerks °ffice ~iegret Inability ~o be preseu~ at ~he Hearing of Petition of angelo PetrucCi to rezone marsh land Near the Causeway in Cuthcugue I am definitely opposed to rezoning this for business Durposes Zm H Kalynack 'vYESTERN- '- TucEahoe = ~,Y d~ 7ISpm .~ec 4th ~N Hall Care fown Bo._,rd Southold NY ';4sh ~o vo~e against rezoning and co~nmezciaiizing b~y ave · ~r And ~ara George Snid~r Plumhin~ ,~y Dec. 4th'57 Town Planning_ 2o~rd Towu Clerks Here[ y request ~ffiee ..-'out ho 1.d aoplicatiou of Au~elo fetrucoi for ehan~s %Onin~ of Z'arsh ~and for ~tisiness ke denied 'alter L .','illiaaie ~ay ~assau ~oint J ¥ of jutcho~uc _.~ .. -tO ].ties t . PAGE 1 PERSONS OPPOSED TO NAME LOCAL ADREgS Robert 0. Walker Nassau Point Asa B Friedmann Nasau Point August Kiso Nassau point Herbert W. Campman Nassau Point Albert J. Robertson Nassau Point Otto E. May Cuthhogue (bay ave) Paula Kiso Cutchogue E.C.Southwick Nassau point Rd. Mrs. Raymond Mort ) MR.&MRS. John Schultz ) Nassau Point Thomas F. Doyle Nassau Point ~R.& FRS.Vincent Callahan Mildred Ooodhouse I~R.&M~c John A. Purpwa Roy L. Brickley Milton Greens~ein Arthur Hu~e Arthur Slattery Henry C. Robertelli Emilie Uellendahl Sigmond F. Sarnowski William Romaine D.M.Romeo -Pres. members) George ~. Case P.F.Carrell Mrs. Wilbur E. Baldwin R.~!. Hahn Mrs. Henry Curry MR&b~? Howard Meinke Mrs. MarCret Bergen Nassau Point Nassau Farms Nassau Point ? Nassau Point Nassau Point Nassau Point ? Nassau Point Nassau Point Nassau Point Nassau Farms Assn. Nassau Farms Nassau Point Nassau Point Nassau Point 1.iassau Farms Nassau Point Nassau Point PMTRUCCI APPLICATION OTHER ADRESS Hartsdale~ N.f. New York~ N.~. Queens Village, N.Y. Washington~ D.C. Cutchogue Hollis~ N.Y. Jamaica~ N.f. Brooklyn, N.f. New York, N.Y. Brooklyn~ ~,~.f. Bronxville~ N.Y. New ~onk~ New York: N.Y. Great Neck~ ~.Y. Brooklyn, N.Y. Garden City~ M.f. Jamaica, N.Y. Manhassat N.Y. (representing over ~0 Ardsley~ N.f. Larch3~ont, Lake ~ucess, Williston Park, N.f. Floral Park, i!.Y. Milan, Ohio Brooklyn, COI~TII'IUI~_D 0,_7 PAGE 2 Page 2 PERSONS Oi'PO~ED TO PETRUCCI ArFEAL Edward L. Barton Nassau Point Estelle E. Darby Nassau Point Mr&~. John Rasweiler ? MR&M~= Geo. Bishoff Frank D. Terry A.S.Pfeil Paul Ooodhouse Chester Garfield Charles ~. Quinn Godfrey Heidenreich Emily B. Washburn John Waters I.!R&MH= L.T.Nubel l~illiam Power Charles J. Rausch MR&~~ H.~.~$~ Rossa ~. Cole Joseph A. Horvath Flsie Auerbacher Cora g Sontag J. Grant harrison Hertha L Frazer k~&MR~ J.M.Sector Catherine Starkie ? Nassau point Nas au point Nassau Point Nassau Point Nassau point Nassau Point ~assau point Nassau Point Nassau Point ~assau Point ~fassau Point Nassau P~oint Nassau Point Nassau point Nas au Point Nassau Point Nassau Point Nassau Point Nassa~ Point Nassau Point MR & MRS. Clifford Cramer James Gallo Regina Dyleski T.K.~qrug (represent Mrs George McKnight Nassau Point Nassau Farms Nassau Point Nassau point Nassau Point Glen Head, N.Y. gcarsdale, I{.i. Garden City, N.f. Great neck, I~.Y. Springfield N.J. New York, N.~. Bronxville, 3~.~. Montclair~ ~ew Zork, N.Y. Great Neck~ No~. N~w York~ !'~.Y. Bright waters, Y. Rutherfcrd, N.J. Valley ~tream, N.Y. Brooklyn~ N.Y. Kew Gardens~ ?~.Y. GardenCitv, New York, N.Z. Bab~on, N.Z. Hicksville, ~.~. Great Neck~ Roosevelt~ N.Y. Brooklyn~ ~.Y. Jamaica, HoHoKus N.J. V-ES.TER3,.. RI'tBERT n. WALKER Town Dentlem~n- I wish to register mY oppositio~ to a petitic~ for r~zoning the land of Mr. Angelo PetraccA fronting ~ Broad~t~rs . The character of the e~tire ccmmh~ity of Nassau Fares ar~ ~assau Point bey~md ~as so far bee~ ~[nt~d. med as a p~rely r~side~Zial m~e,s~d in ~y opi~i~e~ any alt~rati~ in th~ zo~ir~ to per.it the operation of a buainesa of a~y ~w~ upton aay property ia the area would be greatly detri~ntal to the in~ereste ~f the c~,~tu.~y. I m a ~assau Point property owaer. Tbamking y~u for your usual wise consider~ti~, I a~, ASA B. FRIEDMANN r...,,_l ck~,.I,,.e- , DR. ASA B. FRIEDMANN '0 . November 30th 1957. Zonin~ Board, $1ain Road, Southold, L.I., I..Y. Gentlemen:- ~y attention has been called to ~r. Petrucci's request for a re-zoning of the marshland area he has recently acquired on Bay Avenue, Cutchogue. You surely must realize that all of %he owners in the vicin- ity of it deserve credit for the way in which they mmintain and beautify their properties, most of which are private residences or estates, and that their interests should not be jeopardized. Ny home at Nassau Point faces the Petracci property across Broadwater Cove, and you may be sure I would not like it to face industrial or business property, and I am confident other residents would feel the samie. Let busi- ness stay in the business part of town. Trusting that this will help in guiding you in any action you may take I am, Cordially yours, Washington, D.C. November 29, 1957 Tow~ Planning Board Town Hall Southold, Long Island New York Gentlemen: My wife and I have been advised that the Zoning Board has called for a hearing on an application to rezone the area bordering on the road leading to the Causeway to Nassau Point, the hearing to be held on December 5, 1957, at seven o'clock in the evening in the Town Hall, Town Clerk% Office, Southold, New York. Since we, who own property on Nassau Point, shall be unable to be present at the hearing on December 5, please con- sider this letter as a protest against granting the above-mentioned application. To permit an unsightly business along the road leading to the Causeway and to the area of homes on Nassau Point, would not only depreciate the value of residential property in the area, but would also encourage other business enterprises to seek loca- tions in the vicinity. Once such an enterprise is permitted to en- croach on a residential area the less reason there can be to deny the same privilege to the second enterprise making application. If this trend is encouraged, the desire for residential sites and properties slackens. We sincerely trust that the Board will emphatically deny the application so that others will be discouraged from presenting such applications in the future. Very trulv_your s, -~ Albert J~/Robe rtson Box Ill December 1, 1957. Southold Town Zoning Board, Southold, New York. Gentlemen: I understand Angelo Petrucci has applied for a variance to the Town Zoning Regulations which if granted, will have the effect of placlmg certain property on Bay Avenue into the Business Classification. I wish to protest vigorously to the granting of this variance for the following reasons: (1) This is strictly a residential area and there is no need for business of any type here. (2) Establishment of a business here would reduce the value of all residential property in this whole section. (3) The petitioner's stake in the property in- volved is infinitesimal compared to the value of the property of residents who would be adversely affected. (%) The granting of the variance would be oon- trary to the principles involved in Zoning. Very~ truly Fou~s, E. C. So~thwiok Nassau Point Road Cutchogue, L. I. 104-12-196th. Street Hollis 12, New York December Ist., Y957 Town Planning Board Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York Gentlemen: We are unable to be present at the hearing which is to be held on December 5th., 1957 but we want you to know that we object most vigorously to Angelo Petrucci's plan to use the marshland across the road on Bay Avenue, Cutchogue for business purposes. We have a summer home on Broadwaters Drive, Nassau Point, and are members of the Nassau Point Property Owners' Association, Inc. We were attracted to Nassau Point because it was such a beautiful residentis1 community, and it would be a shame if one man were permitted to spoil the nearby property by being allowed to proceed with his selfish plan with no regard for his neighbors. All property owners in the vicinity would suffer greatly as the value of their property would surely depreciate if Mr. Petrucci were permitted to con- duct a business in a strictly residential area. We feel certain that after reviewing the mazy objections presented to them that the Town Planning Board will refuse to grant such a rezoning as it would be most unfair to all if one man were permitted to upset an entire community. Thanking you for your attention to the above, Very truly yours, THOMAS E DOYLE ,~ueDtly ~Pcre~sed t~xes for t~e cer-ider~,le co~co~- ~t~rt benefits that ~cerue. ~or tb~sereasors the npplication of t~-~e }-et_~tforer sbo~ld be de~ied. VINCENT D. CALLAHAN. D.D.S. D. PARKER COOL. D.D.S. GIFFORD M. LLOYD. D.D S December l, 1957. Town Planning Board, Town Hall, Southold, N.Y. Gentlemen: It is with much concern that we learn of Angelo Petruccl's petition to rezone the area of the approach to Nassau Point. To k~ep this area resid~nt- lal an~ recreational, the Nassau Point residents recent- ly bought the causeway and beach property. It does not seem sensible to allow one in41vldual to go again% the wishes of some onehundred and fifty or more other r~s- Id~nts. In our opinion the area in question, if re- zone~ for business, will a~versely affect the property values of the entire Nassau Point Area. A~ Nassau Point property owners, we respect- fully request that this petition be den~ied. Very Truly Yours, 627 Magenta Street New York 67, N. Y. November 29, To~n Plauning Board Town Hall To~m Clerk's Office Main Ro md Southold Long Island ~ ~¢ Desr S irs Duri~3 this p~riod of Thauksgiving I have expressed gratitude for many blesstngs received, not the least of them being finding our sm,~er hokum on Peconic Bay, Nassau Farms, over fifteen years ago aud the privilege of sharing its mnspoi±ed beauty ~ith neighbors intent on maintaining and impro~zing their holdings. I wish to register my complete resistance to anything that would charge the residential character of this area and trust you will do everything possible to prevent one person, Angelo Petrucci, from dislocating an entire community by attempting to develop in our midst something of a foreign nature which would reversely affect property values. Sir~cere ly you~ (Miss) Iiildred M. Goodhouse November 29, 1957 Town Planning Board Town Clark's Office Town Hall Main Road Southold, L.I., N. Y. Gentleman: I have bean given Co understand that a petition is pending before your Board to down-zone for unknown business purposes certain lands near the Causeway. The petitioner is one -- Mr. Amgelo Petrucci. It is my sincere hope the Town Planning Board will reject the petition unequivocally. Its approval, in my opinion, will have a deleterious effect on the entire co~uminity and tend to destroy not only the value of properties in the area, but co defeat the very purpose for which so many of us property owners located in this section of Long Island. Over the years we have witnessed area after area in sections of Long Island materially affected by the establishment of obnoxious business enterprises wholly out of keeping with the character of the cu~uuunity, to the end that all concerned suffered. I strongly urge the Planning Board deny the application of Mr. Petrucci as detrimental to the best interests of the co~lnity. Very truly yours, Roy L. Brickey f RLB:h Town Planning Board Town Hall Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, L.I., New York THE NE ' YOIII ER No :~ 'x~'EST 43RD STREET NE~Y/ YORK, 36, N. Y. ~ November Z9, 1957 Gentlemen: I understand you have scheduled a hearing, for December 5th next, on the petition of Mr. Angelo Petrucci to rezone for business purposes roadside property situated westerly of the Causeway leading to Nassau Point. As a property-owner on Nassau Point I vigorously protest and object to the application for re-zoning, and take the liberty of doing so by this letter because of my inability to attend the hearing. As the members of your Board are aware, Nassau Point is a residential community with homes of considerable value. Much of the charm and attraction of Nassau Point and its immediate vicinity is due to the fact that the property is unspoiled by commercialization. To permit a variance in zoning regulations 2hat would or might change the character of the neighborhood would result in injustice to all present inhabitants. On the fiscal side, a commercial use of the property in question would depress realty values of residential property far in excess of any gain that might result from a commercial improvement. I wish to point out to the Board that it is not dealing with the case cf a residential street in a rural community which, by natural growth, has tended to become a main thoroughfare. The character of the neighborhood has been and ia entirely residential and is far removed from the main traffic artery. I have no doubt that an approval of the petition, in direct opposition to the social and financial interests of the community's inhabitants and its realty values, would be a hazardous and short- sighted determination. Re~ect full~/~bmitt ed' f~'~Miltonfr eenst ein/~ ~:ps ARTHUR H HUENE 70 PINE STREET NEW YORK CITY November 29, 1957. Town Planning Board, Town of Southold, Southold, N. Y. Dear Sirs: I have been informed that the Zoning Board has called for a hearing on December 5 at 7 p.m. relative to a petition presented by Angelo Petrucci to rezone marshland Just before the Causeway to Nassau Point. Both as a long-time resident of Nassau Point and as a voter in the Town of Southold, I hereby register my most sincere protest against this petition. There is absolutely no reason why this area in any way is needed for business purposes. There are many other places that a business of this type could go where it would not be interfering in any way with other people nor would it be the eyesore and the detriment to property values that even the present Petrucci place is. It is beyond my comprehension why a beautiful area for which Southold should be proud, near a beach which the residents of Southold are permitted to use, should be marred and blighted by even the present use of the Petrucci property. Again I appeal to your good judgment to deny the Petrucci petition. Very truly yours, AHH:ae November 29, 1~7. ~I To%ch ?lanning Board To~.m Hall Southold, i~ew York ~ear ~irs: The tundersigned, owner of an i~proved parcel of real estate on ~lassau Point Boulevard, l;assau and representing' t~e owner of appro~ately ten vacant parcels in i:as~au Point, does hereby respectfully object to the approval o~ the application of Angelo Pevrucci for a variance in she zoning of certain lands owned by him on Bay Avenue, the hearing for which matter is scheduled for December ~ti~. I have been the owner of my particular piece of improved property since 19~0 m~d have spent considerable amounts of money in improving t/e same. One of the most attractive features of my property is its view across the cove in the direction of the property owned bZ l-~r. fetrucci which he seeks ~o have re-zoned for business put. poses. Regardless of the natoa~e of the proposed business for which the premises are to be utilized b~ ~.~r. ~etrucci, the same will unquestionabl~ be an eye sore and have a tendency ~o reduce tl~e value of my property as well as the property of all of the owners abutting on Droadwaters ~ove. Hassau Point, .[assau Farms and its st~rrounding area is, in my opinion and in the opinion of many people, one of tae most attractive locations on the i~orth Fork of Long Island. Although Nassau :'oint and i~assau Farms are p~esently predominantly a Smmmer colony, both areas are rapidly ~eveloping into an all- year-~o~d residential co~mzmity. ~-~any of the owners of Nassau l~oint ~'roperty, liko myself, who presently use o~~ dwellings for Summer purposes, co~template eventual re'~irement and perman- ~nv residence in Uassau Point. 'i'he valuesin ~[assau ~oint of real property are high. The a~tractiveness and beauty of .Jassau zoint [:as a cendenc~ to add materially ~o th~ value and beauty of the surrounding areas. To permit ~h6 operation of a business i~ the heart of what is now almost exclusivell resiaential would be inequitable and unfair to all of the people who ~ave invested i~¢ their properties on thc strength of ti~e con¢inuance of the residential aspects of the area. The qradual development of I~assau Polnu, ~a_~]s and other areas i~ediatel? adjacent to the property of ],!r. Petrucci has, in my opinion, added corsiderably economy oi' tee villa,~es surrounding our communities, and the continued maintenance of that area an~ its present attractive con~tzon b~sp~aks well for the future welfare of that area of the ~land. · _ have ~ersonally been a visitor for ~_~o~-' years to the Cutcho?~e, Southold and ~[assau Point section of Lon] Ysland and one of the thin~s that makes ~[assau Point and Nassau farms so attractive is the rural beauvy o~' ~n~ a~,z~oacnes ~o those com- m~mities through ~,~ene Roa~ and r'ay Avenue. Co:,~nercialization of either of these two avenues of approach would be a~,-i p~-~judmcial to vne future expansion of the areas served by these two roads. I therei'ore respectfull~ submit on behalf of myselz' a~d on benam~ ,sf vhe owners whom I represent, that 1:he application of ~fr. Petrucci for a variance should be denied. Lanhasset, l,~ew York Movember 29th 1:~57 Town Planning Board Town Clerk's Office £,~ain Road, Southold, ~ew York. Dear Sirs: I have just received a notice ~he Zoning Boars has called for a hearing on December 5th to disouss the petition presented by .ir. Angelo petrucci to rezone the marehlan~ area adjoining the ~assau Point Causeway for business purposes. ownsr As a property of Nassau Point I bitterly oppose this petition on the grounds it will definitely lower real estate values. The establishmen~ of any business enterprises in. this area would De unsightly and ruined the present unzque apprach to Nassau Point. The preservation of Nassau Poxnt and its approach are the greatest assets we property owners enjoy. 337 Mill Sprzng' Roaa, ~anhasset, New York. Very truly yours, November 25, 1957 Zoning Board Southold Long Island, N.Y. Gentlemen: It has been brought to my attentlon by persons who live permanently at Nassau Farms and Masons Development~ Cutchogue, L.I. that a petition has been presented to you for the Board's consideration to change the zoning of certain parcels of land along Bay Avenue from residential to busi~ss. I am presently President of the Nassau Farms Association with a membership exceeding fifty. I know that this matter is of vital importance to our members~ as well as the property owners who live at Masons Development. The large majority positively do not favor this change. Furthermore, I feel t~.=t our members, who would not otherwise know of this matter, should be notified that such action is pending and thereby be able to protect their interests. However, this carmot be done overnight. Our Secretary is laid up in the hospital with pneumonia. He has the lists - especially the addresses - of all members. We are thankful he is on the mmnd and may be home in about a week, at which time we may be able to send out the necessary information to our members. Pie expect, as of now, to have quite a few of the property owners at the meeting. Should they not be able to enter a protest strong enough to cause this petition to be denied, then in that event, m~v I ask you to defer any action on this matter until such time as our members may b e so notified. VeNj t ~,~urs D. M. RO~D 23 Grand~iew Avenue Ardsley, N.Y. Nassau Point, L. I. November 29, 1957 Planning Board Town of Southhold Southhold, L. I., N. My attention has been called to a petition presented to your board by Angelo Petrucci for the re-zoning to business of the marshland area opposite his residence on the Nassau Point Road. Such a re-zoning in this residential area would seriously deflate property values of surroundinE residences and would add to the hazards of the road due to the resulting increase in traffic. Hardship can not be claimed by Mr. Petrucci as he should have been aware before his purchase of the existing zoning of the premises. As you probably know, Nassau Point has for many years been designated as a Nature Conservancy and the waters and marshland of Broadwaters have been of great benefit to the wild life of the area. It is, therefore, respectfully requested, that said petition of Angelo Petrucci be denied. Emilie Uellendakl 12 ~t~fford Place, Larchmont, ~. Y. Dec. 2, 1957. Southold Town Planning Board, Southold, L. I., New York. Gentlemen: As a s~mmer resident of Nassau Point since 1921, I wish to express my opposition to the application of Mr. Angelo Petrucci for a rezoning of the ma~shland area on the opposite side of the road from his house. As I see it, it was just for such cases a~ this that the Town felt it desireable to establish the new zoning regulations. It seem~ most inappropriate for an in- dividual to mar a delightful residential area by using this land for business purposes -- ~y business p~rposes. Property values in the neighborhood would be certain to suffer if F~. Petrucci's request were granted. Very truly yours, G~'orge o. Cas~. December 2, 1957 SPECI~ DEL IVeY Town Planning Board Town of Southold, L.I., N.Y. Gentle~n: As a resident of Nassau Point, we strongly object to the re-zoning of Bay Avenue, and would appreciate your careful consideration regarding this application. We will all be present at the meeting on December 5 to voice our personal objections. P.F. CAREELL 22 OAKS HUNT RO~D LAKE SUCCESS, L.I., N. Y. Very truly yours /'" ~~J~ ", - -- ! 2 57. Th ~ -' nL you December 2nd, 1957 Town Planning Board Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York Gentlemen: I have just been informe~ of Mr. Angelo Petrucci's request to have the property that he recently ac- quired zoned for business. As a property owner of Nassau Point ( the property has been in my family for more then twenty-five years) I would like to protest this action. Ef Mr. Petrucci's property were zoned for business it would greatly decrease the value of all the property on Nassau Point end psrticularly Nassau Warms. Just think of what one man's action would Bo to the many property owners!~ I strongly protest this action and wouId like my letter to go on record at the hearing as being against the zoning of Mr. Petrucci's property for business purposes. Very truly yours Nrs. Henry J. Curry ~'~ $~~ Box 499 Cutchogue, L. I. or Box 53 Milan, Ohio Nassau Pt. Olub prop lno No 1~6 Amended Map A TO~N PI,ANNY. N~ ~ Town Nail 5outhol~, L. I. Gentlemen, As owners o£ property on Nassau Point we wish to go on recor~ as opposing ar~ resoning of the marshland area for business purposes. We feel that this will lower the value of the property in the surro,~ding area, including Nassau POint. Such lowering of value results in lees not only to the property owners but also to the town. ~ior to the zoning of the town the Nassau Point Property Owners Association purchased the causeway leading to Nassau POint to preserve the Integrity of the Nassau Point residential com~ur~lty, after which this beach w~s opened to the use of the townspeople. This indicates the importance the Nassau Point residents place in the character of their co~,n~ty and should be taken into consideration in an~ such move whioh is now beirAg considered. We therefore oppose the petition which A~gelo potrucci is bringing bei'ore tbs zo~lng board on December ~th. ~ssau point, Peconic. ]~c~mber 3, 1957 Town Plarming Board 9outhold, f'"et.., York Gentlemen:- As a property owner on i~ssau Point, I would l~:e to protest very r tyongly against the petition o£ Angelo Petruzzi to rezone his marsh- land property on Bay Avenue. Imssau Point and I~ssau farms l~ve always been residential areas, and I believe thst business projects would'spell th~ beauty of the creek at that podnt, and defi- nitely hurt the value of other home owners'proper- ties on ~ssau Point and Nassau Farms. These were resi~.ential areas long before [~. Petruzzi built his home nnd business, ~nm I do not feel that he should be allowed to change the c~aracter of the co~miunity. I hope thot his petition will be denied. ;{espectfilly yot~s, Oriole 6 0"/86 3~ ROOS~¥£LT 9TR£~T Noveraber S) 195~. Town Pla~ming Bos_~l, To~ Clerk's Offi ce~ Tc~n Hall, Main Street, S~uthol~ L.I.N.T. Gsntl~m~m: - With reforenee to a hearing to be hel~l at ? P.M. December 5th 1957 regaawling tho proposal to re~n~ the marelzland property c~ A~gelo Pstrucoi for busimo~ purposes, I wish to go om record as opposl~ thio mows. As a property owner azd resident of Nassau Point, ! sincerely believe an aoti~n of this kind will sharply depreciate th~ waluo of ~mr h~,-es and prep~ty. JOHN J. R~$WEILER III, D. D. S. GARDEN CITY, N. Y. December Z, 1957 Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold. Long Island New York Dear Sir s: I umderstand that a petition has been presented to you by Mr. Angelo Petrucci of Cutchogue, seeking to have a certain area of land lying along the south portion of Bay Avenue in Cutchogue, rezoned, in order that it may be used for business purposes. My interest in this matter is great, since I am the owner of property situated on Vanston Road, Nassau Point in Cutchogue. The only overland approach to Nassau Point is via Bay Avenue. As you know, Nassau Point is a residential area and represents a very considerable sum in property values. Because I am convinced that the encroachment of commerclal operations a-long Bay Avenue- not only Mr. Petrucci's, but anywhere along Bay Avenue - would have a serious deteriorating effect on property values, not only along Bay Avenue but right on out through the entire length of Nassau Point. I strongly urge you to deny this petition. Very truly yours, Dc ggett- Pfeil Company /Y~a nufacturing Chemists Springfield Neu~ Jersey December 2nd, 1957 Special Dellvery Sou:hold Zoning Board c/o Town Hall Southold, L.I., N.Y. Gentlemen: Mrs. Pfetl and I read with horror an article in the Mat%ltuck newspaper Indicating a hearing was in order on December 5th to consider re-zoning a piece of pro- perty bordering on Broadwaters Creek and opposite Angelo Petrucclls present place of business in Cut- chogue. As an owner of property on Nassau Point we object to any such re-zoning. This Is a residentta! area and any further deviations in zoning will only devaluate adjoining lands to the detriment of the communtty as a whole. We sincerely hope you will deny any petition for chart§lng the zonln9 status in this area. ASP:jcs Sincere ly, A. S. Pfetl, Sr. 627 Ma~ent~ Street New York ~7, N.Y. T.rv~ pl~nin~.~ Board Tow-n Nall Town Clerk,s Office M~in Southold, N. Y. Dear Sirs I ~ish to register a vigorous mrotest against the netition made by An?els Petrucci for bv~s~ess zoning of Bey Avenue, Nassau Farms. Ibis is a oommletely reside~ti..~3 area ~{ th.-~. ~atews~F to Nasssu Point. To ~ermit business activity here '.~ould destroy ~:hat has been developed by the ~nsny resident:: of the oom_rr~unity end seriously and detri- ment,:l!y affect mro~ert? values. As a rro~erty owner ~ith investments in Nassau Point ~hich cor~munity h~s sa£e~]u~rded the Causeway for' the betterment of the surrour~ding area as well:~s for use of the to~nst~eomle, I trust yo~. will use l?our mowers to maintain wha~ has been develo~ed tlc. rough considerable financial outlay ~nd ~incere .iff crt int~ a beautif~l residential oom~"aunity. Sincerely yours Paul Ooodhouse Smeclal Delivery December 2, 1957. Southold Tow~ Board, Tows ~,l 1 ~ Southold, New York. Dear Sirs: I am an owner of property and a r~sident of the Town of Southold o n Nassau Point~ ( P. O. Box 233, Cutchogue, N. ~. ) I understand that a hearing is to be held on De~b~r 5th on mn application of one Petrucci to mh~nge the zoning of said Petrucci~s property on the road leading to Nassau Point frcaa residential to ~usiness. I am utterly opposed to this change in this good residential Such a ch~uge to b~siuess would b~ ruinous to the character of this area of appro~tely three square mtles. If +.h~ e ch~uge to ~msiness is gr~nted I can envision a~ong many possible business ~le$~- a motel with cabsmas, fishing station, and tavern area, all uslug the beach at the causeway crowding out town residents and creating a general public nuisance. I am unable to appear at the hearing on December 5th. I request, therefore, that I be recorded as strongly opposed to the gr~nting of the application of Mr. p etrucci for s e~nge of zone fo~ this property fr~ma residential zone to a business ~. Very truly yours, Deoember 2nd 1957 Town Planning Board, Town Hail, Southold, New York Gentlemen: As property owners at Nassau Point for many years we are greatly disturbed to learn that Angelo petrucci has requested the re-zoning, for business pur- poses, of the ma~shland (or former marshland) on the right-hand side of the road approaching the causeway connecting Nassau Point. We have thought it very unfortunate that Mr. Pet~ucci's bull-dozers and other heavy equipment are left to mar the otherwise beautiful approach to Nassau Point. We are, and for many years have been, in vet of Town Planning and Zoning, having seen the really wonderful r~sults of good administration right here in Montclair, and the really terrible results of lack of Zoning in what was a very beautiful town in Delaware - Newark. The waterfront in Southold is its greatest asset for the future. We cannot too strongly urge your consideration in preserving these unusual values. We are strongly against any increase in busi- ness property, at the expense of residential, except where the general welfare is unquestionably better served by such change. As you know, Zoning is only effective when wisely and firmly administered. We u~ge your denial of Petrucci's petition. Yours very 3910 December 2, 1957 Town Plannin.~ Board Southold Town Board Southol~, Long Island New York Gentlemen: I recently purchased a lot on Nassau Point and completed a new house and one of my principal reasons for selecting that location was that it was distinctly residential and the approach to it was residential. I, therefore, urEe you to reject the application that has been made to your Board and on which you are holding a Hearing on Becember 5th to re-zone from a residential area to a business area the two parcels on Bay Avenue which appear on your notice as Items 3 and 4. GLM/vf Very truly yours, /__ / /// ,Oodfrey L. Heldenreich o: Nor~ by B~y d.~' , Iii JOHN H. WATERS NEW YORK 13, N. Y. Zecember 2, ~957 The Planning ~oard l~wn nf Sout~ho]d T~wn Clerk's r',ffice Main R~ad S~uthhr.]d, i..I., H. Gentlemen: It has come to my attention that one Angelo Petrucci has presented a pe+ition tn your Board seek- ing te rezone for business purposes certain marsh land ]ccated to the w~st o{ the cause~,ay leading to [.]assau Point at Cutchogue, l.ong Island. I sm the owner of a cottage Tn the east side of ~;Jss~u Feint Rr, ad aJ Nassau Point -nd strongly rbject ~n the proposed rez.'ming, Pneo{ +he principal reasons why I found Nassau Point attractive ~,as the absence of places of business on the road approaches to Nassau Pnin± from the main road route 25A. The erection of stores or other types of Pusiness at the proposed place would in my opinion materially lessen property values, particularly those c,n Hassau Point and I respectfully ask this petition be denied, Yours very truly, John-~.'W~te~s.' Jb~/l: pf Haywaters Road., Nassau Point, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1957. Town Planning Board, Main Road~ Southold, N.Y. Dear Sirs: We wish to go on record ae voting "No" to Mr. Angelo Petrucci's request for the rezoning of a portion of his property located on Bay Avenue, Town of Southold, for business. Nothing personal. We just fear that once you start rezoning for business in that area you will eventually wind up with ,,Hot Dog stands and Coney Island barkers." ~lease put this letter on file as a protest against Mr. Angelo Petruccl's request for rezoning, and/or any similar requests in that area. Very/~truly yours, L. T. Nubel C. R. Nubel 25 Land Lane. Westbury, N.Y. Mr. William J. Baxter WILLIAM M. POWER December 3, 1957 Town ?lannin~ ~oard Fown Hall, Town Clerk's Office ~,:ain Rosd, So,~thold L.T., [I. Gentlemen; ks a residential property owner on "assaLt Point, wish to reqister my objection to the p~ti~ion of ~n~elo Petrucci to re-zone certain property in the vicinity of his residence to business use. It is mM belief that the re-zoni.nq oe this prsoerty would materially depreciate th~ value of the residences in the entire neighborhood and it does not seem equitable to oermit ,one individual to c~.use t[~e down- ~radin~ of the entire co~munlt,¥. I therefore trust that your ~ood reject the petitioners request. ,,I J! ?: rh jl~dqement will Ver~ truly y~, · / MR. CHARLES J. R~USCH BHOAD~.ATER Ruled CUTCHOGUE, L. I. N. Y. December 3, 1957 Town Planning Board Town Clerk's Office Tov.~ Hall, Main Road Southold, L. I. GentLemen: I understand that Mr. Angelo Petrucci of Bay Avenue, Nassau Farms, Cutchogue, has applied for a rezoning of his property on Bay Avenue to business property. I wish to go on record with your Board that I am opposeU to the rezoning of any of this residential area Mr. Petrucci knew when he bought the property that he could not use it for any ot!~er purpose than that, for v~ich it was zoned, and, only last year ~hen the new zoning laws were put into effect he did not voice any opposition. It may be called to your attention nov that I believe he is violating the zoning law by storing his contracting equipment on his residential property which is becoming more of an eye sore as time goes on. I am not one of those people who believes all property should be resi~ential~ but when it has once been zoned as such, and, there is other business property available I feel I must take this view. While I may be classed as a summer resident, I spend week-ends in Cutchogue from March to December~ and of course the entire time fro~ closing of school to re-opening in the .fall and I have a close personal interest in our Community. The balance of the time I am a resiment of Nassau County and I have seen things happen in Nassau County because of variances bezng granted promiscously which I certainly would not like to see occur in the town of Southolm. I respectfully request that you refuse to grant Mr. Petrucci's application. Thanking you, I am, Ve~r~ truly ~yo6r~ December 3, 1'~57 Town Planning Board To%vn Hall Southold, New York Gentlemmn: As or,hers of property on Nassau Point vre wish to go on record as opposing any rezoniug of the marshl~nd area for business purposes. V~e feel that this will lover the value of the property in the surrounding area, including Nassau Point. Such bwering of value results in loss not only to the property owners, but also to the town. Prior to the zoning of the Town the Nassau Point Proper~y Owners Association purchased the causeway leading to Nassau Point to preserve the integrity of the Nassau Point residential community, after which this beach was opened to the use of the townspeople. This indicates the importance the Nassau Point residents place in the character of their community and should be taken into consideration in a~y such move vduich is nov being considored. Le therefore oppose the petition which Angelo Petrucci is bringing before the zoning board on December 5, 1957 Mo rZhw~, s t Loop Nassau Point 89 Bank Street Valley Stream, New York December 2, 1957 Town Planning Board Town Hall Main Road $ou%hhold, New York Dear Sirs: I have just learned that ~r. Angelo Petrucci is petitioning the Zoning Board for rezoning for business ~urposes the marshland which he purchased some time ago. As a property owner on Nassau Point I am directly opposed to any such rezoning. To begin with I think Ntt. Petrucci has taken an unfair advantage of the summer residents by petitioning after they have left the area and therefore are not conveniently able to oppose his petition. To rezone that area for business purposes would greatly reduce the value of the property and defeat the purpose for which the residents have purchased their homes, namely, to be able to enjoy summer holidays and relax in an area where there is no hustle and bustle. And because the section is purely residential, I am of the opinion that Mr. Petrucci should be requested to remove his trucks and tractors and other business equipment from the area. Very truly yours, Joseph A. Horvath ~5 Pinochle Street Brooklyn 1, New York Tew~ Planning Board Tow~ Clerk's Office So~thold, New York Gentlemen: ! am a nroperty owner on Nassau Point and word has Just reached me that A~gelo Petrucci is p]a~=tng to extend hie facilities on Bay Avenue (Nassau Farms) and set ~p a commercial arrangement. I wish to raise my voice in pretest simply because it can add nothing to a~y property in the area. It will not help Nassau Farms and certainly makes a very bad a~prcach to Nassau Point. The Board shoul~ realize that Nassau Point is an area that is being ke~t in excellent condition by all the property owners and brings in a very nice return in ts.xes to the Township. If it meant improving the section I wov.ld agree to it but so far I can't see an~ i~rprovement as a result of anything Petrucci has done. If the venture fails and is allowed to deteriorate it hurts everything around, ancl eventually the Township suffers. I trust the Zoning Board will definitely refuse for the future,as well as at the moment, to grant the petition pre- sented by Mr. Petrucc~. Please don~t let this go through. Yours very truly, ELSIE AUERRA CHER SiPs: it has b-eh eal.'le;] t:~ my atterlbior] that a }m-':riu~ is sei~elu].ed 3}..i]'d {~,'ay p~rt ~ this si'~.a b~ used t'3r any other i,~rj',e~e thaa ~rivqt,e P,,,'m,s aH'] pr['~at~ ancha.,q~es '~ ser;,~ls N~alt.h ~:,,i 'ta;s3I',-] .lll I.e ,"r,eete,l. ~ public anch,~r'aje, fi. sh.ia~ station ,-~? baat liv~r)z ..~ill. },r~,duae L'Je: .,'~s~ ~(:tt'Le smfety }.l~z~['(] trio area has ,~vof kllO;V~l~ [Yl~is~rttlotl q~ ] hr']ilS tt~3ae 'rmtt,~.rs t,:) your att,?.r~tinn because it · :f 'q;,;.,pq'ki. rt~ a "P,).UL of :sgypt" .r.lsnt ;tn k}~e lJ.d]la oJ-' res i,~,,tte], community. alter the cuPrm~t zonlrlS r)£' ~'.~e area in ,!~est.ion. your kind cooperatJ.,m in tL[s ,]ette-. Siac~rely, (!,.,lo.,) " · DWIGHT T. BONHAM. M.D. J. GRANT HARRISON, M.D. December 4, 1957 Town Planning Board Town Hall Town Clerk's Office Main Road, Southold, Long Island, New York Dear Sir, As a property owner at Nassau Point, Cutchogue, Long Island, I would like to be recorded as being in opposition to the petition for changing the zoning law in the marshland west of the Nassau Point Causeway in rezoning this for business purposes. I feel that from a property owner's standpoint the surrounding areas would suffer. Very truly yours, Grant Harrison, M.D. JGH:eaf ROOM 4203 10 EAST FORTIETH STREET NEW YORK 16 December 4, 1957 Tow~ Plsnning Board, Town Hall, ;Tain Road, Southol~, New York. Dear Sirs: Iu regard to the petition of Angelo Petrucci that the marshland property opposite his present place of business on Bay Avenue, Cutchogue~ be re-zoned for businese pum~oses, I would urge you to refuse this petition. I feel sure that tho re-zoning of this property will very deflnit~ly reduce the value not only of the surrounding property but all of the property beyond - such as Nassau Point. Any successful business venture ig bound to mdd very conside~,bly to the traffic hazards which already exist along this road, I ~m sure that all of the property owners in the area will agree that there is no business venture whatever that can be considered a public necessity or convenience in the area in auestion. Yours very truly, Hertha L. Fraser (Mrs. Leland B. ?reset) GALLO'S DRUG SHOPPE 260 Nassau Hoad, Hoosevelf, L. L Phone F~EEPO~T 921 -~, ' '- / t v)ec. 3, lpg7 Town Clerk, To~:~ ~4all, Southold, 1..i., ~T. '. Lear Sir: I h~ve been informed that .~nselo Petrucci has applied for re-zonins from residential ~o business for property he has purc"~ased recently opposite his residence ~.n t~_.e main road to [~assau ?arms and Uassau ?oint~ and that this heari:~r is to ~,e held at the Town Hall in Southold on Dec. ~th at 8 p.m. As a propert.¥ owner in Tiassau Foint for some 25 yes, rs, may I voice my objection to this proposed re-zoninz, on tD~¢ basis tha~ any business venUz~re, of an~- nature, will certainly not add to the vslue of the surrounding propertie~, which are strictly residential. &lso, I feel that any business will brin' to the area additional traffic o~ so~ sort, amd our present roads, while adeq~ate for present usas, 'vonld be sorely inadeouate for any a~ditional burden. Also, may I ad~l t~:_~t ~.Iro etruo..i~s present real estate boldinc, s adi nothin-.' to t~e a?pearar, ce o£ the nei?-.borl~.ood - thc r~r'! :y ?ool ¥~hich h~ ~-as built in front of hi~ prope .t?, t~,e hap-hazard arr~-er~ent of !'.is uil./ings, and th~ as~ort- me~t of trucks, cranes, an.l ot~'.~r 1~e.v~- equi~.~en'~ ~"~!'~ic~ is al?~a[?s to be seen on ~is ~'.re~is~s. .~A1 of t~-.-s ~?kes mc shudder at t'.e ~'.nuZh~ of v~a~ h~ ~i.T'~t do with ~ piec.~ of ~ropsrty zoned for ousinezs; /sry ~uly yo~rs, Ca~he'~,ine .U. ~tarkie. BELL BAKERIESi INC. BREAD Decenbcr ~., lpg7 To~.m ?lannin,~ Board Sot thold i~e%~ York Gentl~en: E ~ a property o~,~ner on I[assau Point and I also re- present~ in this ~st~mce~ 'c+;o other prooerty o~ners: rkv father~ ;~r. Qeor?e iirs. Basil It l~s co~:e to m3' attention that the Zoning Board wi]ii hold a hearing on Decenber 5 on the petition of ~,n~elo Petrucci~ that property which he o~ms on the Nassau Point lid. be rezoned for business purposes. i wish to protest arainst this proposal, as do the above mentioned property ~.mers. it is our fecl~r~ that such a step ~-:ould lead inevitably to deterioration o~ this area and a consol, lent rcduction in land va~es. The approach to Hassau Poi~t ~;o~ld be nade u~.~ishtly by virtue of such equipment and construction as l. Yr. Petrucci ~.~ould ha~e to locate on the roadside in the pursuit o£ hms business activities. I and r~y fellow property o~mers strongly reco~mnd that t.his re-zordm[~ proposal bo refused by the Zoning Board. December 3, 1957 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York c/o Mr. William Wickham, Esq. Gentlemen: We are informed that you will hold a hearing on December ), 1957 to consider the plea of Angelo Petrucci to re-zone as business the area on the south side of Bay Avenue opposite his present residence. We are owners of over eight acres of land on Nassau Point and have had title since 1922. We are also owners of Nassau Point Causeway Associa- tion Bonds, which bonds have made it possible for the citizens of Southold Towu to enjoy at our expense the swimming ~nd boating at Causeway beach. We are glad to be able to msd~e this contribution to the general welfare. We were most happy when the Zoning Ordinance was passed delineating all of the land in and around Nassau Point as Residential. We realized that Mr. Petrucci was exercising a non-conforming use at his residence where he stores cranes, shovels, dozers, etc. but we felt safe in the belief that certainly the Zoning Board would never allow this non-conforming use to be aggravated to the obvious detriment of his neighbors. We are sure that you will not do so. It appears clear to us that were he to be granted re-zoning for business, the spirit of the Zouing Ordinance as passed by the Town would be violated. We believe that it was the intent of the citizens in passing the ordinance that the lands should be upgraded not down-graded. We also believe that to sanction buainess on both sides of the road would be contrary to the health, safety ~nd welfare of the people. The road is narrow, there is a curve and exit and egress for hea~y equipment would be a definite hazard. There can be no question but that such a re-zoning would deteriorate property values not only in Nassau Farms but also on all of Nassau Point. Such a deterioration would seem logically to entitle all property owners to appeal their current assessments with the certain hope of relief in justice. Are there, in fact, any good reasons why this request of Mr. Petrucci's can in conscience be considered; in view of the obvious harm which would be occasionea ~o the several hundred other property ownera? Mrs. George C, McKnight 16 S~ddle Ridge Read He-Ho Kus, New Jersey Very truly yours, Eda L, Mc~ight SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe T. P~ul Montgomery REPORT TO: $OUTHOLD TOWN BOAltD SOUT}tOLD, IIEW YoRK November 20, 1957 Th_is is to certify that the followin~ action was t~ken by the Southold Town Pl~nnln~ Boam'd on November 19, 1957: Petit~on of Angels G. ~ud Georgette Petrucci for a chancre of the Zoning Ordinence from "A" Reeidential a~d Agricultural to "B" Business District, owners of certain real property situated at Bay Avenue, Peconic, ~. Y., and described as follows: Parcel One: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lyin~ and being near Nassau Point, at Peconic, in the Tow~ of $outhold, hounded on the North partly by lands of Garret and pnrtly by land of Cordee, a distance of 770 feet, more or less; on the East partly by land of Cordes and partly by lend of Kaller; on the South by Bay Avenue, 366.20~: an4 on the West by land of Vanderbeck. Parcel Two: All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying ~ud being near Nassan Point, at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, bou~%ded on the North by B~ Avenue, a distance of 620 feet, more or less; on the East by l~nd of Town of Southol~; on the South ~rtly by Broadwaters Cove and ~artly by la~d of Gerhold; and on the West by l~nd of Mason. Petitioners now want to withdraw Parcel One, covered in our report to you of October 31, 1957, and in view of the fact that they are presently requesting theft all of Parcel Two be changed to "B" Business District we are act willin~ to recommend it. Our investigating com~ittee has visited this property on three separat e occasions. ~_~ ~. %J John Wickham, CHAIi~AN, SOUTHOLD TO%TN PI~I ~G BOARD OUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe T. Panl Montgomery October ~1, 1957 REPORT TO: SO~THOLD TOWN BOARD SO~Y£HOLD. NEW YORK This ie to certify that the following~ action was teke~ by the Pla~ing Board on October 29, 1957: Petition of Angelo G. end Georgette Petrucci for a change of the Zoning_ Ordinance from "A" Residential sad Agricultural to Business District. owners of certain real property situated at Bay Avenue. Peco~ic, N. Y. end described as follows: Parcel One: All that tract ar parcel of land eitua.te, lying and bein~ near Nassau Point, at Peconic. in the Town of Southold, bounded on the North pertly by lands of Garret and pmrtly by land of Cordes, a diets~_ce of ~?O feet, more or less; on the E~st partly by 1s_ud of Cordes and oartly by land of Ka$1er; on the South by Bay Avenue, ~66.20~; and on the West by land of Vanderbeck. Parcel Two: All that tract or parcel of land. sit~ste, lying and being near Nas~u Point, at Peconic, in the Town of Southold. bounded on the North by Bay Avenue a distence of 620 feetm ore or lees; on the East by land of Town of Southold; on the South partly by Bro~dwaters Cove e~i partly by 1~ of Gerhold; and on the West by lmnd of Masoa. It wac the determin~tion of the Planning Board tt~t~ommend to the Tow~ Board that Parcel One be zoned "B" Business ~ we ~re ~ willing at this time to recommend the chan~e of zone on ~-~ ~,~ ,lu~il ~= 1~ ~ u~u~ity ~e ~l~ the e~b~ ~f ~i.,, ~uperty John ~ickham. Chairman SOUTHOLD TOUN PL~ING BOARD CASE NO: ....................... STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF $OUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF 50UTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: I~E~ ANGELO G. PETRUC(~Z and 1 ~ ..... C-EORC~E-~..PETI~.UC/:t .............. , residing at ...Bmy...A~mnua~. C.u~.ck~u~. .... (insert nome o[ petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned,~ the owner~f certain real property situated aD ..... B.&~...A¥.~Ir, I,'O, III,.. i~Q~]D~,~...N,.][,.., and more particularly bounded add described as follows: PARCEL ONE: .~,T.T. THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate, lying md being near Nassau Point, at Peconic, In the Town of Southoldw Suf£olk County, New York, bounded on the North partly by lands of Garret and partly l)y land of Cordes, a distance of 370 feet, more or less; on the East ~artly by land of Covdes and partly by land of Kaller; on the South by Bay Avenue 366.20 feet; and on the West by land of Vanderbeck. PARo~.'L TWO: ALL THAT ~HACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate, lying and being near Nassau Point, at Peconic, in the Town of' Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded on the North by Bay Avenue s distance of 620 feet, more or less; on the East by land of Town of Southold; on the South partly by Broadwatere Cbve and partly by land of Gerhold; and on the West by land of 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify ond amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: By changing the above described property fra~ "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District. This property was brought to the attention of the Zoning Commission before Zoning was adopted, and was not included as part of the map. We requested this change before adoption and were told that "Ail of these things have to get s~aightened out". 3. Such request is mode for the following reasons: For the past ten years the premises have been used for business purposes; we have four bungalow rental units on the premises, we maintain cur equipment used in the excavation, dredging and construction business on said premises; a~d also maintain a boat basin business on the south side of Bay Avenue. We feel that the Building Zone Ordinance and Maps should be changed to correctly designate this property as business property rather than residential. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) AI~E~O G. PETHUCCI and severally ...... O~g..R~.~.~..~E.....~.,...C..C...I.~ ................. aach., BEING/OULY SWORN, deposes ond says thor he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to Sworn to before me this.. ~l;~lcloy of ..~[~.~:~.~ .......... l C~ ........ Nota~ Public. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK I, the undersigned, being the owner of twentypercentum or more land iinmediately adjacent extending 100 feet from land included in a proposed change or amendment of the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the Town of Southoid, N.Y. and described as Parcel I in a petition of Angelo G. Petrucci and Georgette Petrucci, verified the 23rd day of September, 1957, do here- by protest against and object to such proposed change or amend~nent. Dated: December 4, 1957 · Anna M. Garr~tt STATE OF NEW YORK) SS. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this da), of December, 1957, before ~e, )ersonally appeared the subscriber, ANNA M. GARRETT 'to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in land who executed the within Instrurrent and she acknowledged to me that she lexecuted thc same. Notary Public TO THE TOWN BOARD OF ~IttE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ NEW YORK I, the undersigned, being the owner of land immediately adjacent to land included in a proposed change or amendment of the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the Town of Southold, N.Y. and described as Parcel II in a petition of Angelo G. Petrucci and Georgette Petrucci, verified the 23rd day of September, 1957, do hereby protest against and object to such proposed change or amendment. Dated: December 5, 1957 ~lizabet6 G. Horton STATE OF NEW YORK) SS. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this · day of December, personally appeared [957, before me, the subscriber, ELIZABETH G. HORTON execuled the same. Nc.iary Public and who executed the within Instrument and sl~e acknowledged to me that she to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in OBJECTr_ON TO RE-ZONI~G. Supervisor Klipp, Hembers of the Town Board: The third application for an amendment to tl~e zoning ordinance on this evening's agenda is one ~nvolving two parcels of land totaling more than six acres ac~ording to the tax records, in the heart of the Broadwaters Cove, Nassau Farms, Nassau Point area of Cutchegae. The property under application straddles Bay Avenue, the only through read in the area. Thus the property for which the change from residential te business use is sought is now and will re~ain a conspicuous end prominent property. As such, if its character were to be changed, as it would be In ~ase of ~ re-ncnlng to business usage, such change would ~ecessarily and immediately be reflected upon neighboring properties, to their everlasting ~etriment. ~e three development areas mentioned above are not new, are not !n the process of establishing permanency, are not speculative pro- jects w?~erein their future value and use is in Ooubt, but rather ore well established, highly concentrated, and extremely valuable planned communities, which have few ~f any equals in out town. The future of these conmunltie~ was made more secure and bright by thc passage of the original zoning ordinance last April. The t~x payers of the area felt t~at they bad been well represented, a~d were thankful for the security granted their large investments by this action, and for the enJo.Vnent in peace, quiet and restfulness which is bo be derived from a residential zoning. Now their investments and their enJo)~nent are threatened by the possible i~trusion of a growing b~slness area in their ~idst. ~e residents and property ewners feel t~at there is more appropriate space in ou~ town for the development of bus,ness than in the heart of an est~blished residential cormmunlty~ and they therefore respectfully reGuest that th~s town board decline to grant the application for the re-zoning of each of t~eso two parcels. Thank you very much for your attention. EFFERT$ PAINE EDSON AT'i'ORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROAD $OUTHOLD. N Y. "'~ite iains I~,~. Dec :- 1'257 De'-r [Y has been call to my attention, that, Pay · v.~,maM be zoned f~r ~usinez:s,aad i vigsursely r.ostest~ny such a chan~e. f ~u6[ht my proprety with the unc~erstancing it ?:~s to stay residentisL~ not another Port of Eey~t. Hoping you will voic~ m~ fee~[ngs. I remain s ncer:.l:, you~'s, GiqIFFING, SI~£ITH, TxsI~ER _~a~n LUNDBERG December 17, 1957 Mr. Norman E. Klipp, Supervisor Greenport, N.Y. Re: Petrucci Zoning Matter Dear Sir: We enclose herewith a protest against the proposed change of zone signed by George K. Van der Beek, a similar protest signed by Grace A. Austin and Raymond J. Austin and a list of the members of the Nassau Farms Association, Inc. Yours very truly, Griffi~asker and Lundberg HT.v enc. NASSAU FARMS ASSOCIATION, INC~ MEMBERS Anna M_ Garrett Raymond J Austin Clara E. Tuthill Rozelle M. Gallo Robert & Dorothy Oram Michael D. Romeo Alonzo H: Howell Matilda Bartlett Edward & Margaret Conrad John J. Bomba and wife B~ Robert Ratajack M~ldred M_ Goodhouse Hazel H~ White Lila T Holmes Carl Rothleder Elizabeth T, Hall Peter Mt Franz Ellen McDonald Alice Quicker Mabelle Dernpewolf Edythe C. Romeo Mathilda Molke Henry Heselschwerdt Edward J. ~ilone and wife John J~ Eller Elizabeth Franz Harold J, Chestnut and wife Beatrice L. Dudeck Olga Cordes Herbert R. Schuster I~ichard H. Schuster Louis Guido and wife Carl Rothleder William P. Bollrnan Louis ~ourguigon Perry De ~'[ott and wife Theodore and Grace Juag George F. Bottzer Raoul Rie~deau Dillaye R~ Davis Robert P. Riendeau Edwina P: Clary Eric Corneth and wife Otto E. May anti wife Peter Senko and wige Olga Cordes Daniel ]VI. Overton Angelo Petrucci and George fi. V.'--,~x der Beek TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK I, the undersigned, being the owner of land immediately adjacent to land included in a proposed change or amendment of the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning M:~p of the Town of Southold, N.Y. and described as Parcel I in a petition of Angelo G. Petrucci and Georgette Petrucci, verified the 23rd day of September, 1957, do hereby protest against and object to such proposed change or amendment. Dated: December/5 1957. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) George K. Vanderbeek On this ':'~Y', day of December, 1957, before me, the subscriber, personally appeared GEORGE K. VANDERBEEK to me personally known and known to me to be the salne person described in and who executed the within Instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Public TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK We, the undersigned, are the owners of land on the northwest corner of Bay Avenue and Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue, New York. known and designated as and by lots 4 and 5 on Map No. 1179 of Nassau Farms filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on March 28, 1935, Our property has a frontage of 200 feet on Pine Tree Road and 200 feet on Bay Avenue. Our property is 200 feet east of land described as Parcel I in a petition of Angelo G. Petrucci and Georgette Petrucci, verified the 23rd day of September. 1957, and directly opposite land described as Parcel Ilin said petition. We do hereby protest against and object to a change or amendment of the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the Town of Southold as proposed in thepetltion of Angelo G. Petrucci and Georgette Petrucci. Dated: December /4 1957 STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF KINGS) On this I~ day of December, 1957, before me, the subscriber, personally appeared ,~~ /; - ~7c~_ to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in ~ t'he ~ and who executed tl~e within Instrument and he~ acknowledged to me that executed the same. Notary Public Southol,:l Town B~',fl December 1957 Southeld. New Y_ Gentlemen: I am an owner )f pr.~perty situate.~ in Nassau Farms, Cutcho~ue Suffolk County. It has been broufht to my attenti.~n that you are presently c.)nsiderinf a petition to change the zoning of certain protions _~f Bay Avenue fr~m Residential to business. This letter is intended t.3 officially serve notice to y~u that I am against any such change an.] wDul~ respectfully request thay my name be added t~ the list already have a votin~ against this petition. %Ve feel that any such change would degrade Bay Avenue and w.~uld certainly affect the values and character of all properties in the neighborh)od. You,rs very tr~[y, ~ . '.~/ (Mabelle Dempewolf~ ~/ /\ 450 East 63rd_~treet, / ~ New Y~ork 21,N.¥. oa~ ~D~ 18 Colgate Road Great Neck, New York December 17,1957 Southold Town Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: I am an owner of property situated in Nassau Farms, Cutchogue, Suffolk County. It has been brought to my attention that you are presently considering a petition to change the zoning of certain portions of Bay Avenue from Residential to business. This letter is intended to officially serve notice to you that I am against any such change and would respectfully request that my name be added to the list you already have on voting against this petition. I feel that any such change v~ould degrade Bay Avenue and would certainly affect the values and character of al~ properties in the neighborhood. Yours v~.ry truly, Flleh ~c ~nald FOOTE, CONE & BELDING December 16, 1957 Mr. Norman Clipp To~n Supervisor Southold, New York Dear Mr. Clipp: It was ve~f good of you to t~ke your time before the Petrucci hearing to permit me to state the point-of-view that I was un- able to deliver in person. Very simply, our feelings are these. As friends of the Petru¢cis, we would support a continuation o£ the various non-conforming uses to which their property is personally subject, and very probably any request for a specific variance representing a log- ical extension of the present uses which did not violate the present character of the area. We can not, unfortunately, support a request for a blanket spot rezoning of their entire property for business uses. Such a change is, we believe, not only a serious violation of the spirit of the zoning ordinance, bnt also a move which might have a disasterous effect on the character of the whole neighborhood, ~nd on our own adjoining property holdings in the event of sub- sequent s~le or transfer of all or part of this land. Therefore, ~e respectfully urge the To~n Board to deny the request as it is presently being made. Paul ~ PEJG:mo ~ ~-¥. 5'7/ RAYMOND J. AUSTIN 35 HOWARD PLACE BROOKLYN 1~, N. Y. eou~. e-l[~;~,. 68.57 Dec. 14, 19~7. $outhold '~.'ow;, ~oard, Sou5hold, :,ew York uent lemen. I a:~t an owner of property situated in ,~assau Farms, Cu2chogue, Suffolk County. It has keen brought to ny attention that you are presently considering a petition to chan~e the zoning of certain portions of Bay ,~venue from N:esidential to ~usinesso This letter, is intended to officially serve notice to you that I am against any such change and would respectfully request that my name be added to the list you al- ready have a voting against this petition. We feel that any such cbs ~ge would degrade Bay Avenue and would certainly affect the values and character of all properties in the neighborhood. that ~y na~e ae ~dd~ to ~ ll~t y~ alretdy have a / 5 Kilburn Road Garden City, New York December 16, 1957 Southold Town Board Ecuthold New York Gen%lemen: It is my understandin5 that the £outhold Tow~ Board has reserved decision on application of An~elo Petrucci tc cb%nMe residential zoning on his property locste~ on Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York. As ~ property e~rner in this area, Mason Drive, Cutcho~ue, New York, I would like to enter a vigorous protest a~ainst this change in zonin~ and sincerely hone that the Town Bo~rd will affor~ protection to my prooerty by ~euyln~ the re,~uest of Mr. Petrucci. My home in Cutcho~ue was ourch~sed about four years ~5o, ~nd our f~mily felt secure that when takin~ title, we were buying in a residential zone and one that would remain that w~y so we may enjoy the privscy we felt we had paid for. Your cooperation will be aporecisted. Very truly yours, Southol.~ Town Boar? December 1957 Southold. New York Gentlemen: I am an owner )f pr.operty situate..q in Nassau Farms, Cutchocue Suffolk County. It has been brouaht to my attention that you are presently c*nsiderinp a petition to change the zoning of certain protions of Bay Avenue from qesi-lential to business. This letter is intended t~ officially serve notice to y~u that I arm aaainst any such change an.i woul,~ respectfully request thay my name be added t~ the list yom already have ~voting against this petition. We feel thttt any such change would degrade Bay Avenue and w~uld certainly affect the values and character :Df all properties in the nei_~hborh~od. Yours very truly, I , :'$oixthol~ T~wn jBoard ~--' ~ SouthoId, New ~fork .... December 1957 of property situated in Nassau Farms, Cutc.hogue ,Suffolkl County., It:ms' been brought to my attention that you are presently considering' . * petition toJchange the zoning of certain protions of Bay Avenue from ~esident~aI . to buslnes~. T ~}~:/letter is intended to officially serve notice tO you that I am against any such chi{~ and would respectfully request they my native be added to the list ~lready~ ~voting against this petition. ~Ne feel t~t any such change would degrade ~y ~venue and would certainly affect the ~lues an~ character of all properti~ ~n ~e neighborhood. .~l~.Your ? very truly, Mr Howard Terr?, Southold Town Board, Town Clerk~s 0fficej Southold,Long Island~N.T~ My dear ~ Te~ry~, I wish to adivse that Er Maller~,my Mother(Mrs James N, MaeErell) and i,are opposed to the request of ~r Petruoci for a c~:age in the zoning regulations, to allow business in t~at zone. ;Ve feel that if this ch~ge is granted=it might well be the ~egirm_ing of business developments that would affect ~uufavorabl~ the residential values not only of this area,but also of the ~assau Point. ~r~ere are times ?£nen it takes very little to start the decline of a nice residential area, and we feel that th~ Board should always be ready to protect. I remain~ Sincerely yours, Mary Eiizabetlm ~a!iery {Mrs Garrick ~) -~'~ted te~er to Southold T~xv: % ~d Southold Town B.~ard Southold, New York -December 1957 Gentles en: I am an owner of property situated in Nassau Farms, Cutcho~e Suffolk County. It has been Brought to my attention that you are presently considering a petition t~ change the zoning of certain protions ~f ]~zy z%_venue from Residential to business. This letter is intended to officially serve not/ce to yo~ that I am against any such change and wouI~ respectfully request thay my name be added to the list you already have a voting, against this petiti.on. ~fe feel tl~at any such change would degrade Bay ~kvenue and would certainly affect' the values and character of all properties in the neighborhood. Yours very truly, Southold To~n Board Southold, New Tork December 1957 Gentleme~ I am an ewner of property situated in Nassau Farms, Cutchogue Suffolk County, It has been brought tc my attention that you are presently considering a petition to change the zoning of certain portions of Bay Avenue from Resider~.ial to business. · This lett.er is intenaed to officially serve notice to you that I am against s~y such change and would respectfully. request %hat my name be added to the list you already have a voting against this petition. We feel that any such chang~ Would degrade Bay Avenue and would certainly affect the-values and character of all properties in the, neighborhood. Tours very truly cITY WRITTEN FROM T. J. F~endres 541 Adams Avenue Wes$ Hempstead, N.Y. D~cember 10~ 195~ Town P!anninE Board Town Hall Southold, L.I., N.Y. Gentlemen: I am a property o~T~er of Nassau Pod_t, Cutchogue~ and a membe~ of the Nassau Po~ut Property O~ners~ Association. It has been brought to ~v attention that Mr. Angeio Petrucci,.who o~s property in the Nassau Farms section, has filed~a petition to the Town Planning Board to re-zone part of his property to be used for business purp~oses. ~ne parcel of property in question is along the approach to the beach cause-way and Nassau Point. To my mind: the const~Gction of business property at this location will present an eye-sore Lu place of what is now a beautiful view of Peconic Bay. i strongly protest &~d urge the Board to disapprove the re-zoning of property in this section in favor of any- on~ not only M~. Petrucci. Respectfully~ /7 December The Town Board Souiho)d~ Long !s)and New VoFk ~ am a property owner and residemf Nassau Po nf. Cu+cho~ue. it has come to my attantiom that ~',ro Petrucci has requested a commercial re-zoning of property of wh~c? he now owns° _e: ,~,~ that any such chan§e wcu!d have a drastic affect on Nassau Point proper%% and t am sfrengiy opposed to Jr. am request~ag ?hat fha Town Board p~ease oppo: 1 ~-~? h i s change. / ~o o'6~r f hast 37 Greenbriar I~ne Port Washington, N. Y. December 12~ 1957 Town PlanninE Board Town Clerk's Office N~in Road . Southold, N. Y. Gentlemen: Mme. Bayles and I o~m t~ valuable pieces of property on Nassau Point. Both were bought on the basis of the residential zoning restrictions th~n in effect. Thus the recent proposal to cS~nEe these residential zoniug restrictions so property near the C~usewayand Nassau Farms Property can be used for motels and other com- mercial ventures concerns us a great deal. Such a move will not only destroy the beauty and charm of the commumitywe are all tryinE to build up, but aiso~he desirability and value of our properties as well as those surroundin~ them. Therefore we should like to register a strong vote against the proposed changes. Very truly yours, S, HeaganBayles/s cc: Mr. '~i~l!iam~ickham December iE, 198~ Southold To~ Boayd Southold, New York Gentlemen: I am:.~ owner of proDermy situated in Nassa~ Farms, Outc hcg~e Suffolk Ooum~y, I~ has been brought to my attention tha~ you are presently considering a petition to change the zoning ef certain portions of Bay Avenue from Residential This letter is intended to officially serve notice to you tha~ I am against a~y such o ha~ge, and would respeot~ully reqmest that my name be added to the list you already have vo~ing against this petition, ~e feel ~hat a~Vm~ch change would degrade Bay Avenue and would certainly aff~c~ the values and character of all properties in the neighborhood, Dec 13, 1957 Southold To~m Board~ Seuthold~ New York. Gentlemen: I am an owner of progerty situated in Nassau Farms~ Cutcho~ae~ Suffolk County.' It hs.s been brought ot my attention that you are presently considering a petitin~ to change the zoning of certain protions of Bay Ave. fr from residential to business, This letter is intended to officially serve notice to you that I am :;.gainst any such change and would respect- fully re~uest that my name he added to the list you all- ready ~ave a voting against this ~etition. We feel that any such change ~outd degrade Bay Avenue and would certainly affect the values and character of the properties in the neighborhood. Very trnly yours, , · ' ~uggez~ed letter to $outho.~.c~. Town Board · Sou:hold To~n~ Bo~d :Southoid, New York Gentlemen: December 1957 I am an ownev ~f p~a.peety situated in Na,~sau Farms, Cutchogue -Suffolk County. It ha's been'b, rSught to my attention t~ yo~ are presently canside~n~ a petition to c~nge t~e zbning of certain proti~s oi ~y Avenue from ~esiden~al Tkis le~er is intended ~ officiatly~erve noti.~e to ,you t~t I am against ~ny such.change and ·would respec~ly ~e$~e~.t.hay my name be added to the list you7 alr~dy have a vot~n~ a~a~nst.t~s peri, an. ~e fee] thRZ an~ ~ch chan~e ~ou~ d%grade ~y Avenue and would ce~y ~ect .the 'v~ues and,c~racter Of·al!'/ properties in the neighborhood. Yours very truly, : Sou~hsld. Town Board Southold, N~Yo~'~' Decernher/J ].957 ' Oentlernen: I am an owner ~f property situated in Nassau Farms, Cutchogue Suffolk County. It has been brought to rn_y attention tbm~t you are presently considering s petition to change the zoning of certain protions of Bay -~venue frmrn ~esider~tial to business. This letter is intended to officially serve notice to you that I am ag~-inst ~ny such change and would respectfully request they rny nan~e be added to the list %fo~ already have a v~ting against t~is petition. %Ve feel that any such change would - degrade Bay Avenue and would certainly affect the values and character of all properties in the neighborhood. Yours very truly, / Deoe~oer 14, i95V Semibold To~.-~_,Board Souths!5., New York i am Mu o~nor of property situated in Nassau_ Farms, Cutchogue~ ~ffo!k Oo~mt~. It has been brought to my attention that yo~ ~re presently considering ~ petition to eka~ge the znni~ of certain port~ons of Bay Ave~e from Residential to Bus,ness. This.letter is intended to officially serve notic~ ts yo~i that I ~m against any ~ch ehsmge ~ud w~ld respectfully request that my name be added ~o the llst you already have as voting sgainst this petition. We feel that ~y ~3.eh chanEs would degrade B~yAve~_e szzd wo~ld certainly affect the val~3.es s~ud character of all properties in the neighborhood. WILLIAM P, BE]LLMAN III 52 Denton Avenue East l{ockaway, New York December 12~ 1957 Southold Town Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: I an% an ov~er of property situated in IXT~ssau Farms, Cutchogue, Suffolk County° Some of the property is adjacent to Bay Avenue: It has been brought to my attention that you are presently considering a petition to change the zoning of certain portions of Bay Avenue fro~ residential to busi/les So The intent of this letter is to officially serve notice to you that I am very st-rongly opposed to any such change. I respectfully request that my nan%e ~nd nmy wife's naxr~e be included in the list of Nassau Farms property o~vners you already have who are voting against this petition. We feel that the zoning change would degrade Bay Avenue and certainly affect the values and character of all properties in the neighborhood~ Very truly yours, , / ,,: I/ ~,'~ "/ / DiIlaye El Davis ..~.quf :sted letter to Southold Southold Town Board December Southold, New York 1957 Gentlemen: I am an owner of property situated in Nassau Farms, Cutchogue Suffolk County. It has been brought to rny attention that you are presently considering a petition to change the zoning of certain protions of ]Bay _P~venue fr2crn _~esiden~ial to business. This letter is intended t3 officially serve notice to you that I am against ~ny such change and would respectfully request thay my name be added t3 the list yo%a already have a voting against t,his petition. We feel that any such change woula degrade Bay Avenue and would certainly affect the values and. character of all properties in the neighborhood. Yours very truly, / 1928 Bergem St Bellmore, Dec. 12, 1~057 Tow~ ~ard of Southold Southold~ N~ T. Gentlem~n: I unders*~d that Mr. petr~cci of Bay Ave. O~tchogue has requested that his property be resorted for business purposes. A~ a member of the Nassa~ ~oi~t p ~rppsrty Owners' ~ss~ciation I object strongly. I see so reason for zoning if one individnal can have it changed for his ow~ g~ins amd devaluate the pr~p~ty of many others. He m~v be planning on one type 9f busin~ ess but what is to prevent ~ from selling to someone who m~ght make i~ more ob~ectionm~le. Others could ask for the same priveledge and a fine ~esi~r~ial sectio~ could be turned ~nto a re~alar buS-ess section. ~uy ef us bought in t~at area because it is the~ type of place we wa~ted to l~ve and n~t in the cAatter of a busimees district. ~incerely yours, Roy C. Biggs CO~N P~ODUETS ~LES EO~dPANY ' : ",TERN ·~ . ~-. :c~ss:o~ s~.,a~. ' ' We.are the a~ers of prop.~y locat_ed and Ia~at er.i. . _ We are, definitely ~a-y. Ave.' B~U~h~ .~ho~t by~.~= a=~ ~-~eio. ~e!~_c~i · -7' .:. ~h.. aud Cm~her~u~ D~ ~. 2~ . . . '- D~ember 1!~ !gSv To~ship Committee~ ZoniusBoard, Southo!d, We wish to go on record as b~ing oppose~ to She ~he ~operty off ~n~lo ~d George Per.cci, ~cz~d on ~y Avenue, Cutchc~e, i~e., ~e~ning ~ 'Bw, ~ch p~pe~y tc be ueed fc~ business p'~ses~ We Feel ths~ ~rantimg ~him va~l~ee wo~!d defeat +..he pu~o~em for which ~he Zoning Laws were mdop~ed, amd set a preeede~ for rezonin~ property leeched Griffin & Greene 299 MADISON AVENUE (At 4ISt Street) NEW YORK 17, N. ¥. Telephone VAnderbilt 6-157~ Dece.mb~r lO, 1957 S outhold To;~n' Board ~Jouthold, L. i., ~. Gent lemon: i ~ the owner ~£ oroperty, L~ts 15 % 16, on Nassau Point,' and have heard'that a ~.,Lr.!~Petrucci has filed ~ petition to change the Zoning !~w ir~ rog ard ~o his property in nearby Nassau Fa~s. i wish to go.on record a~ being strongly opposed to an~ such ch=nge, f~r I feel 6hat the pre~ent residential ~c~racter of our neighborho~ would be ad~erzely =~c~ed by p=~mtt~ng any so~t o~ business use oz the land ~z~ Guest~on~ R~e~se understand that. I tmke~his position~ not from an% ~rsona! feeling againa~ ~ Petrucci whom I do not ~bp~n to know, but because i ~el t~ the znteres~s o~ vhe gre=~ ma3or~t v o~ res&d~ts ~n tnzs area Law. ~ ~ll best oe servea by maintaining the ~resen~ Zoning Very~ruly 'Dele ..... .~0~,-% .3, 957. Boar oo~tno~.~ Lone Island~ own some property on i~assau Point in S'~fo!k 3o-c_nty. urJerstand that the Petruaci family are tryinE to have rezoning take plate on the harsh !and wh-'ch is owned by Z have always ur. derstood that all the properties around us were strictly a residSntial section and would not be used for any commercial enterprises, ~Je ara definitely protest- ing 5~, Petrucci'~ action ar.d hope we will have your full cooperation in keeping ~assau Point the beautiful residential section it has always been, i~e~y truly yours~ Hawthorne Ave. ~oral Park, Village Clerk T~.~nehip of SJ~tno,_d Southeld~ L. Dear Sir: ~ith reference to a petition filed by Er. Angelo Pstrucci for re-zoning ~nd. area ~u the vicL~ity of Eay Ave ~nd SterlLug and Yinetree,Roade at Nassau Farm~ ~e sure.mit herewith our letter of p~otest~ znd si~e the £ollow~_ng reasons for ou~ ~ojeotions to cor~merciali~e the 1 Present ~ners have invested and buil~homes for permanent and summer residences. To com~_ereiai~ the area wo-~ld destroy its value as a sn~er retreat and de~zf_nish its w~lue as a selected S!hM~er e clergy ~ The buS, dj-ag of a dock would or2y be oagronized by people living ontside the T~rnship with no benefit cleric-ed by local home ~mers. it is aooarerfb t;~t the petitioner is now engaged ia %he contrac;0lngbusLn~ss and uses his home pr~mises for the storing of trucks~ tractors end ether equipment to the detriment and appearance of the Local home o~.,~ners. 5 If a premit was Eranted to conduct a public fishing dock, the p~_~fi_ng problem would be a ~jor concern r?quirinE additior~l policinf~ sa~d change the present atmosphere of the entire cm.~mnity~ ,,e t~st the above mentioned o~ae~t .... s will ce caref-~ty consdiered by the Officials responsible to the home o~ners in the c~Lnity. To,~ Boar~ of Zout~o~ Gentlemen: ! w~sh to ~eglster ~ protest against ch~ug~g the z~L~ o~nce ~int fo~ o~r 20 ~ea~s, ~ t~st y~ ~le~n ~11 see fit ~o ~1~ cur ~a to ~is "~et~cci "~tter Is of ~eat conce~ to all of ~s w~o 1~ i~ the area~ es~ctall2 when 2ou not~ce t~s ~ equi~ment ~ed ~1 over, to s~y ~e~fo~, I 2~st ~ ho~ y~ ~l~en will co~sider ~1 the facts ~- ~l~ t~s ~tter. Olosing, .wish to remain, E. B. Plum.~, D. D. S. I I C, A. OALEY December 9~ 1957 Tc~m Board To~m of Southold Southold~ Long Isl~ud Gentlemen: I ~ish to object strenuously to the rezonin~ of !~r. Petr~cci" s prooerty on Bay Avenue from a residene~ classification to a busines~ elassification~ I ~ a ~esident of Nassau Po~nt~ To ~_ta~ a non-co~ercizl atmosphere at Po~t ~d its approaehes~ the Nas~u Point Assooiati~ 0aussway Bsa<~ This prope~y the Association ~int~s and oav~ the taxes on. It allows ~ residents of the v~c~ity to use it without charge. ~en o~ Association is ~ll~ ~intain this property ~% its e~ense tQ_prevent. msrcializ~tion of the ~rea~ it ~o,~d be ~juSt for t~ Board to pe~t ~. Petruecl to c~duct a businesz a~, location. If such pe~ssion is ~auted~ i% ~d o~le~ to ree~ests by others for sL~lar treatment ~nich~ i granted~ wo~d ~ diffic.~t to t~ do~. M~y I ag~ ~Ee that~ you deny Mr. Petr~c~s ap- plication for the rezoniuE of his property fr~ a r~$dence %o a busines~ c~assie~ cation~ Broad%r~ter Nas sa~,~ Point Yours v~-ry truly~ 9Z33 Vandermeer Street Queens Village, New York December 6, 1957 $outhold Towwn Board So~thold, New York A. l~etru=ci- Zon~ Ch~xge As a resident o£ Broadw~ier~ Cove, and a member and for~mer oLficer o£ the Broadw~ters Cove A~sociation, I s~ongly oppose ~he ~ject app~cant's re.est ~o~ a c~nge ~ the zo~g law for ~s properly. Very ~uly yours, December ~ 1957 To~rnBoard of S~btholdj To-~n Hall~ Southold~ L.I.~ N.Y. RE: Angelo Petrucci Gentlemen: Noun_Ge of the December 5th meetim~, regarding the above, dad not reach me.l !n time for me to attend. It is my understanding that the Board ~ll consider letters pertaining to this m~tter up to December 14, The ~onght of Angelo Petrucci using the mar~Jiland oppo- ~e for business purposes is repugnant to me as a Ldent and property owner. Quite sometime ago this it be known in the community t~t he freight build a ~ith cabanas on stilts on his m~rsh land. Peri, ps ~_ess vent~mre he contemplates. site his reside] Nassau ~oint re~ man casually le~ fishing st~t~oni this is the sus~ m~ke the proper~ equipment. He, in his front ya~ et conceive of him spending the money required to available for storage of additional earth moving ow stores a considerable quantity of this equipment ~. Occasionally he digs a little or moves some earth around immhis~, yard as a reason for ~aving the equipment there~ but he never fiL=ishes anything. However~ the amount of equipment he stores seems i~{o keep increasing: %-hich in itself does not beautify the approach to,he Causeway. All the other residents on this road are very meticu~us regarding the appearance of their own property and the communi~ in general. The ~si~ents of Nassau Point and surrounding communities bare strived th~.ougk~ the years to build a community that is neighbcrly~ beautiful i~iting. The Causeway is a good example of this friendly spirit~ Since t~have been mild regulations placed on the CauseWay Beach~ ~veryone has enjoyed it more t~n ever before. People use the beach ami__ keep it clean - refuse is conscientiously placed in the trash ba~ets cad the necessity for Police aid due to misconduct no longer exist~ The permanent residents of the -Fnole area as well a~ the sum~ner r~idents are very happy with existir~ conditions. ~rny ~ should fav~a~l~ cons2i~rat~on be given to the request of one t.~alvidua!~ ~ho~ ~rne inten~ion~ are unknown. ! re~)~ectfully ~equest the Board to reject the petition filed by this i~ ~ividual. 41-42 Elbertsou ~treetj Elmhurst, L. I~ N.Y. Town Pl~r~?~ Board To,~u~ Cler~s, Office Main Road ~ Southold, N~Yo 1809 Fillmore mt. Hollywood, Fla. December. 4,1957 Gentlemen, It has Come to my attention t~ough William B-~xtsr that oneI Angelo Petrucci has purehased ~e m~rshl~nd across the road from his home a~d has ~oetition~ed the To,~ Planning Boar~ t8 r~one t~is marsnland for "business purposes". · I a~~ a~esi~ent of Nassau Point, Long Island and~hOse that p~rticul~r location be- cause of i~s original and natural beauty. We as you ~k~.o~,~. Dought that causeway %o Protect us from ju~ this type of a human. ~ou ~tuo~ mlso that we Americans are accused of being! d$~lar mad and of~havtng "hihdsight", so i'~s~ t~ you be "not Euilty" of these sins by k~p~is ~eio Patruccm ~'rom rum_uing Pers~n~.l~,~y i feel that you should have had foresiEht ~ made a pamk of 'that location still fe~l ~T~_~at you s~ould Eive it some thought. I wo~l~%~ppreciate it if you would give this situation ~o~r serious consideration and let me k?_ow wast' ~t4nd you take on this ~tter,~ Respectfully yours, REAL ESTATE ,,' ~',-" AND IN',~,L1RANCE [VIATTITU CK, N, "1('. December ~outhold'Town ~lamning Board Scutho~ld~ IN. Y. Gent It is my u~Serstanding that Angelo Petrucci has asked for a change in the zoning of his property. Z wish to protest vigorously to this change. This is strictly residential; there is no need for business of shy kind in this vicinity. Zf such a change were granted it would ~res~ly reduce the value of all residential property in this locality. am protes~ing not only as a taxpayer~ of property on Nassau ~'-=r~nu Very truly yours, December 10, 1957 Towri Supsr~isor Town Board Southold, Long Island New York Dear Sir: I would like to register a strong protest against any project such as that of Nr. Petrucci, which will tend to commercialize either Nassau Point or the immediate approaches thereto, all of which will add unnecessary traffic on the single artery which se~ves Nassau Point. As a resident thereof~ I ~m an~iou~ to keep it as quite and z~rat as possible~ Th~-f you, I remain Very truly yours~ O~-W; jo% ~. R. Weidinger WINSTON f. CUTCHOGUE, L. I., N. Y. December 16, 1957 Southold Tovam Board Southotd~ ~e',¢ 'fork -~nclosed is a form letter with which you are probably already well aco~ainted. The senders of these ietter~ and also some of the people ~o appeared at the Decem_berS, meetinga~e now wonderir~ if they did the right thi:ag. &lready +~ey a~mit that.they would not object to a boat.basin bei~ built there~ some even say that it would be a~ asset'~tC the ~ p. ope.~y o~_~ers v~o have :ac place to keep their boat. ~en some of these samepeop!e come to get permissio~ to keep their boat on my beach next season they will certainly agree that they are sorry that *' ~ne~wz~hou~ thou~at, objected to a sensible project. W~_y ~_id they act in such a man_uer? They were aroused by 'a Jo_~-~:ay-Come-Lately. and his stooges who. panicked them with gossio p~-~es suc._a as; Bu~I~ a mo~- Sf~ar~ a _~quo~ store Open a saloon , az~d others: that are just as absurd. He wasted no~tLme telling the +~ ~ i have lived at my present Bay ~_venue address for eib_teen years a~d I have seen several kinds of businesses conducted on Bay Avenue and there is still business being conducted right om Nassau ?oint to-day ar_d to my knowledge there is mo complaint from anyone ~ho is of sound mind, i have faith in my neighbcr~ ~_gelo Petrueci, when one looks back an4reme~oers what his property was like when he bouEht it, and then sees it as the show-place that it is Zo-day~ you wi!! knew that if he builds a boat basin, anyone would be proud to cyme it. So Zetas th~ of the future,give a good man a free hsnd to build somethi:a~ that the community needs. NASSAU FARMS ASSOCIA% ..... , : CUTCHOGE. N.Y. December 9, 1957 Dear Member: Last Thursday, the Southold Town Board held a meeting at which the proposal to change the Bay Avenue residential zoning to business zoning was discussed. Thirteen members of the Nassau Farms ~ssociation. were present to enter a protest and ask a delay in voting until all rnembers of the .3~z Farms Association~could express their views on ~he pr~position. The So~old Town Board auth6rized a poslpon~ent of the vote until Friday, December 20 195' D,1M. Rom~o~ President of the Nassau Farms ASsociation, urgently requests that you fOr~ard 2. protesi~ promptly to maintain the dignity as well as the property values Of the Nassau Farms area. The N~ssau Fattens kssociatio._r~. I%4ason %;/ooo~ts Association as well as all the other property ov~ners in our are~ are all join ,tug together to formslly protest tbis action. Your support will assist in defsating the proposition of the zoning change. SuggeSted letter to Southold T3wn Beard Sincerely y,~ur s, William P. Bellman. Iit Secretary-Treasurer Southold Town Bgard Southold, New York December I957 Gentlemen: I am an owner Df property situated in Nassau Farms, Cutchogue Suffol~ County. It has been brought tB rny attention h~at you are presently considering a petition to change the zoning of certain protions of Bay Avenue fr~m ~esi~/ential to business. This letter is intended to officially serve notice ~o you that I am against such change an~ wo-o2.~ respectfully request they my name be added to the list already have a voting against this petition. We feel that any such change would degrade Bay Avenue and would certainly affect the value s and character of all properties in the neighborhood. Yours very truly, ~i~rel? -7~hn ~.. Lclieben I~. D. 3'ehn J. DelaneY 155G unionport Road B2or~x 62, New Teak De~ember 17, 1957 Broadw~tel~s Cove Association, Cut ohogue ~ New Gentlamen ~ I wish to re~ster ~ protest on ~. petruccis pe~itien to the Southold T~ Board, for o~n ~p ~ c~oess~o~. [ believe if the petition is grated it wo~ lead ~o a deterioration of the ~t~en~ion: Bouthold Town Board Sou f~hold N~Y Fay Ave~ Cu%~Beg~e,L oi. Dec. i$~ 1957 g~min~g Board To=~ of $ou~hold 8oL~tkoldm L. I. ! s~cerely reg~ %~% ~he pre,surfer ~eines~ proven%ed me fr~ ~g ~'e ~r~g om %he prop~ed ~ ch~ge of ~el~ ~o~ ~6. T~s ~e~h~d~ ~sed by %he oppo~i%i~%e ~ ~kimg the ~n~ ~¥. P~cci ~d ~g %e f~rce y~ te ~e ~ ~e~a~e ~lL~g ~n~ h~ ~asmed me vh~ I he~d ef ~h~. I ~ ~e tha~ you ~!1 wei~ ~ y~map ~It shew our prope~y is ~ectly opposite the ~ea in the proposed chugs ~ we have ne objectiom to wha~ Er. Per,cci proposes to do~ Im fact ye hmve be~ p~ng Er. P~cci f~ the p~ two ye~s' for the previ~iEe~ an e_xis~ing facil£ties. ~our s truly: ~ Roger \r. Katler Southold. Z7~¥~ To n,~b_em this may c.o~ce~_~n~ ... . In referemce to you~ recen~ ~etter~referir~ ~o the petition ag~st ?ir. ~etrucci~s ~fe do p~otest aganst any c oramerical building in'~he Broa.dvra~er Cove distrzct. December 20, 1~7 Southold Town Board Southhold, L.I.,N.~. Gentleman : It is my understanding that you are at presen% considering a petition to change the zoning of certain portions of Bay Avenue from a residential zone to a business zone. i am an owner of property situated in Nassau Farms,Cu~chogue, Suffolk County and naturally am very ~Gch concerned with such a zoning change. I feel that this re-zoning will m~st assuredly affect the Values on Bay Avenue and will tend ts degrade the entire neighborhood. I am wriZing this letter to notify you that I am very much against any such change and request that you add my name to the list voting against this petition. Anthony R. and Nancy S. IzEo Pine Tree Road Cutchogue,L.I?N.¥. Very truly yours Anthony~R~.~R. 20 / ?