HomeMy WebLinkAboutPapish, Kenneth - Denied WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Sauthold by ............ Jf~l~[l~..~,~,~ ..................................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ...~...~i~.l]-dl~,~'!..~l~.,k~'l~,tt].C,a~.a~. ....................... District to .~...]~l~;l~O.l~l~ ..................................................................... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ........ 2,,,~t,~.-....day of ...... ~'.Q~IlI~ ..................... 195~.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~.~I~],~. Deoember 10, 19~8. B~ O~d®~ of the Southold To~n Bo&rd. R&lp~ P. Bootb. Toun ~lo~k PUBLIC HEARIMG TOWN BOARD TOWN 07 SOUTHOLD Oreenpor~, W.Y. Wovember 25, s e n t : NOS/'.~A~I E. KLIPP, Chairman HENRY A. CLAPd4, Justice oF tMe Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of' the Peace ~ DE~.~REST, Justice of the Peace LE.STEH ALBERTSON, Councilman ROBERT TASKER, Ee~ ., Town Attorney R~LPti P. BOOTH, Town Clerk APPLICATION 0~ KEiVNETH A. PAPISH 2 APPLICATION 07 KE?~NETH A. PAPISH SUPERVISOR KLIPP: The request is made for the following: Now have non-co~fo~.'~ing business and wish to have full bus/ness. This matter was referre~ to the PLant, lng Board for their reco~endatio~ and I rea.a at tlnls t:.-~e the recom- mendathon of the Southold To~ Planning Board. "This is to certify that t~e Following actio~ was taken by the Southold To~ Plammimg Board at the special meeting, r~ovember 10, 1958. "In the matter o~~ the origi~ai petition of Kenr~eth A. Fapish for a change of zone ~ro~ "~" to "B'' district of his property o~ the south si~e of Sound Avenue~ Mattituck, and fully described in the application; ~t is hereby '~RESOL~JED: That the Planning Board reeo~mnend t~ls change from "A" residential and a2[ricultural ,Iistrict to "B" business dlstrict or~ the parcel describe,~ ir~ the application be granted. ,This p~rce! is the same parcel whic~ the Plannin[ Board nad previousl? reco~ner~de~ be included with application of Rrno!d Sacks ~or "B" district upon the Towr~ Board's own motion. T~is propert~~ ~s now a non-com~%rming bus!r~ess property serving neede,~ services to agriculture i~ tr~e Township, a~nd i~ ~on- junction with t~e Sacks property previously recommendem would provide a needled business aistrict with facilities required by the ~armi~¥] i~dustry or the tow~n." Trois is signed by Jonn Wickham~ Chalrma~n. 3 At this time is there any person presemt who wishes to be hear~ rot the granting of the relief asked for in the petition? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KIJIPP: Hearin~ none, Ls there any person present who wishes to be heard in oppositior~ to the granting? ST.~LEY CORWIN: Gentlemen, I would like to ask that my remarks in connection with the first ~pylication be incorporated in your minutes tonight with respect to this cue. If the first twa applications were ts]<en as one parcel of land, they are a rectangle om the south side of the road and this little piece we are ~alkin[~ about is approximately a square piece in the upper rLght-hamd or north portiom of this particular rectangle, and it is ismnedlately adjasent to [4rs. Pilko's property and the same argu~nents apply except we are ~ea!ing with a non- conforming use. The main business is established. There is no necessity, nor do they ask it in their petition ['or any greater or different business use than the one that is established there now, and which is presently going along without ar~y serious opposition amon[~ the people in the vicinity. We think that there is no necessity for the change. There Ls mo reason why it should be ~ranted and it should be left as ~ men-conforming use and the use that is ~here and that the application be den]ed. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is ~here any person who wishes to ~e 4 heard ir; opposition to? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there an~r perso~ who wishes to be heard in ~'avor of or in opposition to at this tlme? MR. ~RO~E: As a non-confor~in[~ use, if that man wan~s to put up a sign~ ls ne aware that i~e has to ~'~et a permit, a~d if :kn additional sign is to be erected, he has to pay a ['ee everl year to the To~ on that non-confo~Lng use of any add~iona! signs? SUPERVISOR KLIFP: I m~d not kno%~ whether he is aware on it or nou. Is there any other ~erso~ who ~.;ishes 5o be he~.rd? If not, I will close the hear[n, in the Fapish matter at th~_s time for the delibera~lo~ o~ ~he Board. 5 sate~F and welf~re of Southoid Towf~, an~, we respectfully uequest that this petition se ~]ranted. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be h,sa~d in favor (The~e was no response.) SUPERVISOR KbIPP: Is there an~~ other person who wishes to be ~ea~d in opposition to? (There} was no pesponse. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there anf), person v;ho wLshes to be l'~eard in Dpposition to (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: We wi[1 close this hearinj:; at this time ~or the further de!iberatio!'~ o~~ the Board, 0n rustics oF Mr. Clark, seconded by [.Ir. Tut[-.~!k, and unanimously' carried, the applic.:~tio~a o2 David I De~riest was granted. Ail voted "aye." NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSALS TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 26% of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South ~Street, Greenport, New York~ in said Town on November 2%th, 19%8~ at 7:00 o'clock P.M. of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Bui%ding Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York: 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property~ All that certain tract or pracel of land situate at Mattituck in the To, of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York and more particularly bounded and described as followss BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Sound Avenue at the northwesterly corner of land of Papish said point of beginning being about 380 feet westerly ~ ong said southerly line of Sound Avenue from the point where said southerly line would be intersected by the direct extension southerly of the westerly line of Cox Neck Road; from said point of beginning running along the land of Papish south 21 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds west 32% feetS thence north 68 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds east 176.20 feet to land of Sep~oS thence south 19 degrees %2 minutes 20 seconds east 1%25 to land of C. A. Price; thence north %6 degrees 19 minutes 20 second west 882 feet; thence south 66 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds west 13% feet to land of Hallock; thence north 21 degrees $9 minutes 20 seconds west 1309 feet to the southerly line of Sound Avenue; thence south 89 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds east 51+1 feet to the point or place of beginning. 2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or pracel of land situate at Mattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the southerly line of Sound Avenue about 180 feet westdrly along said southerly line from the point where it is intersected by the direct extension southerly of the westerly line of Cox Neck Road~ said point of beginning being the morthwesterly corner of the land of Sepko and the northeasterly cc~ nor of the land herein described; from said point of beginning running along said land of Sepko, south 19 degrees ~2 minutes 20 seconds east 2~8.29 feet; thence south 68 degrees 10 minutes ~0 seconds west 176.20 feet; thence north 21 degrees ~9 minutes 20 seconds west 325 feet to the southerly line of Sound AvenueS then along the southerly lin~ of Sound Avenue south 89 degrees 13 minutes ~0 seconds east 200 feet to the point or place of beginning. 3. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property, Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situate at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of SuffoLk and State of New York more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line of the Main Road with the easterly line of Wickham Avenue; from said point of beginning running northerly along said easterly line of Wlckham Avenue, 19% feet~ more or less; thence easterly along land now or formerly of Duryee and along land now or formerly of Conklin E~tate,~51+ ~eet, more or less; thence northerly along said land now or formerly of Conklin Estate, 60 feet, more or less; thence easterly along lar~ of Dries and along land of Hollenbeck~ 97 feet, more or less; thence southerly along land of Ed.~-d F. Jerome, 26% Feet~ more or less, to said northerly line of the Main Road; thence westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road, 3~3 ~eet, more or less, to the point of beginning. By amending Article I~ Section 100 by adding thereto a new paragraph to be paragraph 9A to read as follows: 9A-FAMILY-0ne ~ more persons occupying ~emlses as a single housekeeping unit. By amending Article VII by adding thereto a new section to be Section 703B to read as follows: SECTION 70~B - CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. (a) It shall Be unlawful to use or premit the use of any building or premises or part thereof, hereafter created, erected, changed, converted or enlarged wholly or partly, in its use or structure until a Certificate of Occupancy shall Ihave been issued by the Building Inspector. Such Certificate shall indicate that such building or premises or part thereof and the proposed use thereof are in conformity with the ~ovisions of this Ordinance. (b) Under such rules and regulations as may be established by the Board of Appeals, a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for a part of any building or ps rmises may be ~ sued by the Building Inspector. I (c) Upon written request from the owner or occupant, ithe Building Inspector shall issue a Certif~ ate of Occupancy for !any existing lawful use and occupancy of a building or premis es. 6. By amending Article X by adding~ereto a new section to be section iO00A to read as follows~ SECTION IO00A - No lot shall be sold, divided, or set off in such a manner that either the portion sold, d ivided~ or set off, or the portion remaining shall have an area and/or open space of less than that prescribed by this Ordinance for the distr~ t in which said lot is located. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated~ November llth, 19%8 By Order of the Southold Town Board Ralph P. Booth Town Clerk (ORIGINAL LFGAL NOTICE I? III THE SACKS FILE.) $outhold Town Planning Board SDUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John ~X~ickh~rn, Ch~[rrn~n Harold R. R~zv¢ Hcnr~ Mois~ Alfred Greb¢ Archibald Young RE?O_~T TO: ~O~O~D ~[ ~0~ 8o~tboi~ ~ ~ew Zo:~ Gentlemenl This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Couthold Town Planning hoard at a special meeting~ November 10~ 19~d. In the matter of the original petition of Kenneth A. Papish for a change of zone from "A" to "B" district of his property on the south si~}e of Sound Ave., Mattituck, and fully described in the application; it is hereby REc0LVED: That the Plannin~ Board recommend this change from "A" residential and agricultural district to "B" business district on the oarcel described in the application be ~ranted. This parcel is the same parcel which the PlanninM 5oard had previously recommended be included with application Of Arnold Sacks for "B" district upon the Towu Board's own motion. This property is now a nonconforming business property serving needed services to agriculture in the Township, and in conjunction with the Yacks property previmusly recommended would provide a needed business district with facilities required by the farming industry of the town. Yours truly John Wickham, Chairman. Southold Town Planning Board -~nUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John ~/ic[~h~rn, Ch~lrman H~rold R. Henry Alfred Grebe Archibald Youn~ ~P~T TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Fouthold ~ New ~ork Gentlemen; This is to certify that the followln~ action was taken by the Planning Board at a special meeting, November lO, 1958. In the matter of the property on the south side of Sound Ave~ Mattituck covered in the application for change of zone from "A" district to "B" district mad~by Arnold Sacks and K.A.Paoish, and refferred to the planning Board ~ the Town Board's ~... ~Mtl~; this propergy, being more accurately desc?ibed in a legal d~scription furnished by Otto Van Tuyl & Son dated November 10, 1998 and attached to the application of Arnold ~acks; it is hereby HE2OLVED: That the Planning board recommend to the Town Board that the change from "A" residential and Agricultural to "B" business district be made on the property included in the legal discription by Otto VanTuyl & Son dated November 10, 19~8 and attached to the Sacks aprlication. The Plannin~ Board is of the same opinion as attached to the original favorable reoort on the Sacks application - namely - that we feel that potato storages are very essential to the agricultural industry~ ~ther they are private o~ned or are built and leased to farmers. The lac~ of proper storage has been a pitfall to the agricultural industry in the past, and we must encourage such construct on in the future. Yours very truly John Wickham~ C ~airma~ SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Nov. 10, 1958. Mr. John Wlckham Chaimman Planning Board Cotchog ne, N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of KENNETH A. PAPISR~ of Mattituck, Eew York, relative to change of zone from "A" Res- idential and Agricultural District to zone "B" Business Dlstrict are in the files in the office of the ~lamning Board at $outhold~ You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of ),our Board. Very truly yours~ Ralph P. Booth RPB/mr Town Clerk CASE NO: ...-~,...~.~.. ........... STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF /\ ~_x~ i-) ~ ~ ~ ' /-. FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1 I,. .....rxz~ ...~ .... ::~., ......... , residing at ...C..~ ....... ; ........................................ (insert nome of petitionlr) Suffolk County, New York~ the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ~.~,.Z.~¢.~,,..-.Z~'(~.~..~-~.,~, .... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: 2. I da hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part.-there°f' as follows: ~ ~/.~.. /',, , / -- A t 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ................................................................................ BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this ..li.~'....do¥ of ....~.'~...f...?...~-.:.~'X~, 19...?~. Notary Public. DD~SCRIPTION '~ (RFVI?ED) · A~nold Sacks to Papish, South aide Sound Ave., Mattltuck, N.Z. Oct. 5, 1958 Be~inning at a monument on the southerly line of Sound avenue, about ldOft westerly along said southerly line from the point where it is intersected by the direct extentlon southerly of the westerly line of Cox Neck Road, said point of beginning being the northwesterly corner of land of Sepko and the northeasterly corner of land of the party of the first parts From said point of beginning running along said land of Sepko~ S.19' 52' 20" E. - 2~.29 frs Thence along said land of the party of the first part 2 c~urs~a, a~ followsl (1) S. 68, lC' 40,, W. - 176.20 ft$ thence N. zl' ~9' 20" W. - 32~.0 ft to said Southerly line of Sound Avenue$ thence along said southerly line of Sound Avenue~ 8. ~9· 13' 40" E. - 200.0 ft to the point of beginning. Containing 1.191 acres. To WM. Wlckham, by Otto W. VanTuyl & Son, Sttrveyors, Greenport~ N.M. .12