HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance Amendment- Disclosure MINUTES SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD January 9, 1968 PRESENT: SUPERVISOR LESTER M. ALBERTSON JUSTICE HENRY CLARK JUSTICE MARTIN SUTER COUNCILMAN HOWARD VALENTINE TOWN ATTORNEY ROBERT TASKER TOWN~.CLERK ALBERT W. RICHMOND Ordinance amendment -2- SUPERVISOR AT.BERTSON: We will open the hearing by reading the legal notice of hearing: "Notice of Hearing on Proposal to amend zoning Ordinance. "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town LAw and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board in the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 9th day of January, 1968 at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day on the following proposals to amend the Build- ing Zone Ordinance (including the building zone maps), of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Coutny, New York, "1. By amending the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by adding thereto a new Article to be Article XI to read as follows: SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Andthere follows Article "Any person desiring to be heard on the above amendment should appear at the time and place above specifieJ. "DATED: December 12, 1967, By Order of the Southold Town Boar~ Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk." SUPERVISOR A?.mERTSON: We have the affidavits of publieation ti~e fil,~, I will know read the recommendation of the Planning Board. "Report to: Southold Town Board, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, December 26, 1967. "Gentlemen: -3- "This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on December 12, 1967: "In the matter of amending the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, by adding thereto a new article to be Article XI, to read as follows: (There follows the Article XI) "It was RESOLVED: that the Souttuld T~wn Planning Board favorably recommends to the Southold Town Board the amendment to the Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance as set forth above. The ~anning Board is in full agreement with the Town Board as to the reasons why such an act should be passed. "Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: At this time is there anyone present who wishes to be heard in favor of this change? (The~e was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heard in opposition to this change? IRV/_NG L. PRICE, JR.,ESQ.: I live in Greenport. I have been called a McKinley Republican. My basic belief is the least government is the best government. I appear here on behalf of the public whom I am sure has no idea what is going on. I think you should discuss the philosophy of the thing and what you are trying to obtain. I assume it is the result of what has happened in Islip, Huntington, etc. -4- I have read everything I can get my hands on about this, and nothing has been proven. My concept of Planning and Zoning and changing ~f zone, is that it should be granted on the merrit of the application, not who is making the applicmtion. I keep seeing the mame Julius Klein broaden about. I ask you about this particular amendment. What would happen if the owner was Julius Klein and he asked for a perfectly valid request as far as a change of zone? Suppose five members of the Town Board has valid reason to ask for a ch~ge of zone. I don't see any penalty here for the violation as far as the amendment is concerned. Maybe that is covered in the Zoning Ordinance. I call your attention to a particular section of the amendment. Section (c). "The mame and add~ess of every individual, partnership and corporation having any interest direct or indirect in the property described in the application and the nature of such interest. Witb6ut limitation by the enumeration thereof, such interest shall include a contract vendor, contract vendee, lessor, lessee, mortgagor, mortgagee, lienor, lienee, guarantor, assignee, agent, broker or the holder of any beneficial interest in such property" To be legal, anybody that makes an application will have to make a title search of the property. I don't know what a guarantor or an assignee is. Now, Section (d), if any such interest in the property is held by a partnership, the name address and interest of every partner in the partnership for the last two years. If it's an active partnership, i~s possible that some partners would not now who the past partners were. -5- Section (e), If any such interest in the property is held by a corporation~ the name and address of the officers, d~ectors, and stockholders of such corporation for the past two years. The provisions of this paragraph shall not however apply to banking corporations, public corporations, corporations listed on a stock exchange or corporations having more than 1~000 stockholders. That is one of my objections. When you comply that provision about having to list all the stockholders of any corporation, but not having to list the stockholders of more than 1,000. If its a corporation with 999 stock- holders you have to list everyone. Then you have to list under section (f), the relationship, if any, of any person named in said affidavit to any officer or employee of the Town of Southold. I don't know how many people are employed by the Town. Anybody that makes the application might not know if they are related to any person in the corporation. You would end up with two or three thousand names on an application. I am talking on behalf of the ordinary person that doesn't know what is going on, and when they apply for zoning or a change of zone they are g~ing to find that it is some job to get an affidavit together to meet this Ordinance. Each application should stand on its own. The harm that has been disclosed down in Islip is the acts of the people on the board and people invloved in ~ politics and the applicant. How knowledge who the applicant is going to stop that I don~t know. The way to get around that is to put it in the name of somebody else. If you are trying to get at the crooked -6- people involved on the zoning end of it, Section 1101 is enough. I think this is an imposition on innocent people. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else who wishes to speak in opposition to this change? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone wish to be heard one way or the other? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Hearing none, I will close the hearing for the further deliberation of the Board. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON ~PROPO~AL TO AMENO ZONING ,ORDINANCE- cOUNTY O1~' SUFFOLI"[, p~t to S~Uon [65 of ~e; 5TA~ OF NEW YORK. B~ ~ne O~ce of ~e ~ Hew York, public h~rin~ wi~ be ~. is Printer and Publisher ot ~e SUFFOLK held by ~ ~uthold Town ~d S~S that In the ~fice of ~e Superior, 16 ' ~um Strut, Gr~spo~, New ~ork, WEEKLY TIMES, a newsier pubHsh~ ~ Gr~nport, in ~d in sai~ Town on the 9~ ~ of Jan- CO~t~I end ~et the noti~, ot which ~e ,~e~ eyeing of ~d day ~ me fonow-[ ~py, ~s ~en published in the ~d Sut~iR Week~ Times lng p~posals to amend the B~-r wee~ lng Zone O~nce (i~lu~ng ~e] o~ce in e~ch week, t~ .......... ~ ............ Building Zone Maps), of the Townl ~., oi Souihold, S~/~k cowry, New l SUC~SSiVely commencin~ on ~e ,~ -~' Zone Oral. nco of the .Tow~ of~'P .......... ~umo~d, Suilol~ Co~t~, aew S~rn to ~f~e me this ~.9~:-. York, by adding the~ · n~ A~i- :tion to ~ho Tawn B~d, ~ b~ffi~ r ~f appeals and ~e pl~ board~ any law, rule or reg~afion ~n- ~.~ ~g to zoning and p~nning shall be accompani~ by an af~davit uted by the applicant a~d ~11 awn- [ ~ ~nefici~ inter~t ~ ~e prop- erty' de~cri~ ia Such' application [ (a) The ~me and addr~s of the [ applicant (b) The name and a~ of the ~ o~ of the pro~y d~crl~ ~n the appli~tion .- ~ (c) ~e ~me and addr~s eve~ ind~id~, pa~r~ip and . co~ation hawng a~ int~est dS- { r~t or indir~t in_fflo pro~rty sm~ in ~e a~Hca~ and the ~fion by the ~eration ~ere- , of, suc~ ~t shall include a con- lienee, guar~tor, assent, agent,. ~icial ~rest in su~ pro~y. (d) If a~ such ~ter~ in the pro~rty ~ held by a ~ner~p, the name, a~ ~d ~ter~t of (e) If ~y ~ch ~t ~ ~ pmpe~ ~ held by a ~rporati~, ~e n~e and ad~s ut the offi- cers, dir~[o~, and st~kholde~ of such co~oraM~ t~ ~e ~t ~o ye~. The p~visiom of t~ para- ~aph s~E not how~ app~ ~ ba~g cor~tio~, pubhc c~r- a~o~ ~orati~ ~ on a stock exc~ge or c~ hav~ mom ~ 1,000 (f) The re~fiom~p, if ~, of a~ ~y offi~ or empl~ of ~e of ~old. (g) ~ ~e ev~t ~t th~ is ~ cha~e ~ any of ~e f~ts set loaf ~ ~ ~davit sub~ with a~ appii~on p~or to ~e ~ deri- Sion of such appH~on, a ~p- ple~n~l a~davit ~ such e~ shall be fll~ ~ the a~ pmp~te b~rd pri~ to such ~al de~om or ~ ~ app~ ~ have ~ apphcation fH~ wi~ ~ ~ of wMch ~ ~ a ~, such mem~r a~ ~ ~ ~ d~a~on by ~ a~ ex~nt of ~h in~r~t by [~g an affidavit ~ fo~ su~ ~t~t ~d tili~ the same ~ ~son d~ to be heard on ~e ~ove am~t s~d ~ at ~e ~e and p~ce a~e DA'~, D~EMBER 12, 1~7, EGAL NOTICES · NOTICE OF HEA.~INi~B as &dop(ed April 9, 1957. ~OU~ OF SUFFOLK [ ss: ON ~OPOSALS TO ~ ZON~G ORDNANCE 2~By charting from "B'' B~tne~ ~T~T~ Town Board in the Office of ~he Su- ty o[ Suffolk and State of New York. that he is the Editor, of THE LONG IS~ND New York, in ~id Tow~ an the ~ descried as follows: T~VELER - MA~ITUCK WATCHMAN, ~ public news- BEGI~ING a~ a ~int on pQper printed ~t Southo[d, Jn Suffolk Count; end thct ing zone Maps) of the Town of ~u~h- from said ~ln~ of ~lnnlng r~min~ publmh~ in said Long Island Trcve[er-~attituck Wctch- old, S~olk cowry, Ne~ York. westerly along ~id no~herly line of ~ ~ // / week~ follo~ng d~l~ pm~: no~herly along land of W~ilews~,~ successively, commencing on the ~....~...; .......... Zone on the Zo~ng ~p of the Town hue: from said ~ln~ or ~gim~ing run- of ~ew ~k, ~d ~ ~ ~i ~t ~n ~t o~ land ~tu- l~By ~anging from "B" B~iness of the Main ~ad, 86 f~t more or less ~O ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ of ~o~ ~ ~ of - Cove; the~ w~rly ~ ~d ~h ~ne; from mid ~int of ~gim~i~ Hughes, 125 feet more or less. to land ~ ~ 1~ f~t m~ or I~ ~ ~~,~th ~]y3r. ~ ~f~t ~ent0f Map of ~ ~ ~[on I~, to the ~t of ~ng. ~ing 3. By c~nging from "B-2" B~ine~ t~n~ ~lo~ s~d e~ ~e, , a~ A~c~ ~s~l~ ~s ~ct the foHo~ng p~. $outhold Town Planning Board SrlUTHOLO, I. I., N. Y. llg?l PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Report to: Southold Town Board Alfred Gl'ebe 16 Seuth Street William Unkelbach Greenport, New York Frank Coyle December 26, 1967 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on December 12, 1967: In the matter of amending the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, be adding thereto a new article to be Article X~, to read as follows: ARTICLE Xl - SECTION 1100 - Every application to the town board, the board of appeals and the planning board for a change of zone, variance, exception, permission, approval of subdivision plats or other relief under the previsions of this ordinance or any law, rule or regulation pertaining to zoning and planning shall be accompanied by an affidavit aXecuted by the applicant and all owners, contract vendees and holders of any beneficial interest in the property described in such application and setting forth the following: (a) The name and address of the applicant (b) ~he name and address of the owner of the property described in the application (e) The name and address of every individual, partnership and corporation having any interest direct or indirect in thd property described in the application and the nature of such interest. Without limitation by the enumeration thereof, such ~nterest shall include a contract vendor, contract vendee, lessor, lessee, mortgagor, mortgagee, lienor, lienee, guarantor, assignee, agent, broker or the holder of any beneficial interest in such property. Report to: Southold Town Board December 26, 1967 (d) If any such interest in the property is held by a partner- ship, the name, address and interest of every partner in the partner- ship for the last two years. (e) If any such interest in the property is held by a corporation the name and address of the officers, directors and stockholders of such corporation for the past two years. The provisions of this paragraph shall not however apply to banking corporations, public corporations, corporations listed on a stock exchange or corporations haveing more than 1,000 stockholders. (f) The re%~tionship, if any, of any person named in said affidavit to any officer or employee of the Town of So~thold. (g) In the event that there is any change in any of the facts set forth in the affidavit submitted with any application prior to a final determination of such application, a supplemental affidavit containing such changes shall be filed with the appropriate board prior to such ~inal determination. SECTION 1101 - If any member of the Town Board, planning board or board of appeals shall have an interest, direct or indirect, in the property which is the subject of an application filed with the board of which he is a member, such member shall, prior to any determinatiDn by said board with respect to such application, publicly disclose the nature and extent of such interest by executing an affidavit setting forth in detail the nature and extent of such interest and filling the same with ~e Town Clerk. IT WAS RESOLVED: That the Southold Town Planning Board favorably reoommends to the Southold Town Board the amendment to the Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance as set forth above. The Planning Board is in full agreement with the Town Board as to the reasons why such an act should be passed. Respectfully submitted, John ~ickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board CC: Town Clerk c;OUTHOLD, L. I., N. ¥. December 14, 1967 Mr. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.¥. Dear Mr. Wickham; Enclosed herewith is a copy of a resolution passed by the $outhold Town Board at a meeting held on the 12th day of December, 1967. You are instructed to prepare an official report thereon pursuant to the provisions of Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk At a mi'eting of the. Town Board of the l'own ot SL~nlhold h,,Id ~t WHEIiEAS, this board belie~'es that full d~aclnsure of the ,,?' ali [,,,r's~)n9 in t)~'operty which ia {he subject of a~ly applicati(m t,, thc mal~'i ~ ~ in th,: [,u[',lic interest, and WHE[IHAS. this board believes tha~ the BaildinR Z{:ne P.M. ~f said day ~n the matte~ o[ the amendment ~ftlm Southr~ld q'~,w~ }iuildl[lff Zlale ()rdillanco as i(~llowfl: I. Thor t~.~ild~nq Zone Ordinance of the Tawn of ~O,It[If)',l, ~-,ev~ Y,-,ck. i~ her,.by amended by addi~ lher~to a nr..v Article tn fiEC'['I()~; I I00 - Every application to the fawn b~;~r,I, t.:, ,,ml~anic(l b'.' :~n affidavit ~xe,~uted hy tim appli,-'an' and aU (a) -I~e name and addl'osfl of the applicant (bi The name .md .~ddress of the mvn(n' (~1' thl' [ll'~,l:t [?, ,a.~cril.cd ~',, the applicatif~n ship t..,d corporation having any lntet,_~l direct or indirect in the property described in the appllcalton and the nature of such interest. Without limitation by the enumerationthe~gf, such in~eresi shall Include a contract vendor, contract vendee, leaner, leanee, mortgagor, mo~gagee, lienor, lienee, gt]aran~or, assiflnee, agent, broker or thn holder of any beneficial interest in such property. (~ If any such interest in the property ia held by a partnership, the name. address and interest of every partner in the partner~p for the last two years. (e) If any such interest in the property is hetd by a corporation, the name and address of the officers, directors and stockholders of such corpo~tion for the past two years. The pr~vis:ons of this ~ragra0h shall not however apply to bankin~ co:'perations, public corporations, corporations liatecl on a at~n'k ~change or corporations bavin~ more than 1, a tockho ld~ r,~. (f) The relation.hip, if any, nf any person named in said affi,lavit to any of ricer or employee of the Town o~ (q) In the event that there is any chanae in any of the facl.~ net forth in the affidavit submitted with any application prior to a final determination of auch application, a affid'tvit containing such changes shall be filed ':zith the appropriate hoard pri,.r' to such final determination. SiCCTiON 1101 - IF any member of the Town Bear, l. plannmg tmard or b,',;ipd f a;~;eals shall have an interosl, direct of indir~.~.t, in tb*~ p:'opertv '.. inch i~ the s,.d).leci ,,f an apphcation filed wil:h tl~o af which [~*' ts a member, mmh mcmbep shall, prior to an,. delerlnin trion [ly .said hoard with respect t,, ,~.ch applic, ation. publicly d~scl~)~e til,' natllrC ;t~d C~Dt Of allah inter,'ost cxecntinll .tn affida~t setting forth in detail the nature and o[ such interest and i~[n~l the same with the town clerk. OFFIBB OF TOWN OLEI~K TOWN OF -~OUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, L. I., N- Y. Dece~r 14, 1967 ~OTZCE OP PUEILIC thereto a ne~, ~,rtlcle. l,ind~y sl.~ tho dupllcat~ copy of this letter O~flce In ~h~ solf~ad,ireaued en~lo~ enclose,~ fox youT convenience, Yours very tzuly. A lbe~ t R tchr~n,t cc: T~,~n cZe~k o~ Shelta~ To,.m Clerk o~ T~.~n Clerk of South~ston Villag~ Cl~k of Greenport $19nature oZ ~ect~lent